Chapter-01:: Fashion LTD" Is Submitted An Partial Prerequisite of The Bachelor of Business Administration

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1.1 Introduction
The Term Paper titled “Employee Benefits, Service and Compensation Procedure in Ha-Meem
Fashion Ltd” is submitted an partial prerequisite of the Bachelor of Business Administration
program of A.K. M. Rahmatullah College, Badda, Dhaka The purpose of this Term Paper is to
learn how to conduct a professional research by exploring practically in banking sector. The
topic was assigned by my Term paper supervisor Shahanaj Parvin Songita, Lecturer,
Department of Management, A.K. M. Rahmatullah College, Badda, Dhaka. In essence it
comprises the relationship analyst that lies on private sector banks of Bangladesh in the
compensation & employee satisfaction.

To complete this study, I have used structured questionnaire & each of the respondents has been
interviewed through it. I have used tables & graphs while analysis. My work proceedings- from
data collection to report writing was carried out on the basis of my preliminary work Schedule.
Although this research paper was carried out within short spell of time, but I have tried my best
to impart the accurate & huge information concerning the comparative study on Compensation
practice and Employee satisfaction in Banking Industry. I hope tills paper will facilitates Ha-
Meem Fashion Ltd. with the concept of Compensation & employee satisfaction (HR practice in

In conclusion & Recommendation the overall picture of this research is compressed in brief & in
recommendation part I highlight all the suggestions that I have made as a researcher, to improve
the performance of HR department of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd. Gulshan Branch & I have also
presented my work report of my internee program.

1.2 Background of the Study

Term paper program is a pre-requisite for acquiring Bachelor of Business Administration degree
in the A.K. M. Rahmatullah College, Badda, Dhaka. entire Bachelor program is divided into

twelve semesters. The Term paper program is generally executed in the last semester & it has got
the same weight as other courses in the evaluation process. As the classroom discussion alone
cannot give proper picture of real business situation, therefore it is as opportunity for the students
to know about real life situation through this program. The program consists of at least three
 Orientation with the organization: To acquaint the internee with the structure functions &
performance of the organization.
 Completing the project work
 Writing the report
My Term paper supervisor Shahanaj Parvin Songita, Lecturer, Department of Management, A.K.
M. Rahmatullah University College, Badda, Dhaka. has selected the topic for my Term Paper
“Employee Benefits, Service and Compensation Procedure in Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd”

1.3 Objective of the Study

Broad objective:
To know about the employee compensation and benefits package of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd.

Specific objectives:
 To know about the employee benefits plan of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd.
 To illustrate various types of allowances and other compensation related facilities
provided by Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd.
 To identify the problems of employee compensation & benefits package of Ha-Meem
Fashion Ltd.
 To suggest some possible recommendations to overcome the problems.

1.4 Limitations
The term paper is not free from some practical limitations. Following limitations have faced
during the report and the time of working & data collection:

 In many cases the relevant authorities are not helpful to provide information.
 Up to date information were not available.
 Lack of instrumental facilities to get proper information.
 Lack of Records, Sufficient books, unavailable information in website. These constraints
narrowed the scope of accurate analysis.
 The employees of the company were so much busy with their jobs, which lead a little
time to consult with me.

Literature Review

Compensation is the most important part for an employee as well as the organization because it
is one most important tool that motivates the employees to perform for the company. Actually
compensation refers to a particular remuneration that employees are paid based on the job they
have done. In fact what the employees are paid due to their employment and job done is called
compensation. Compensation refers other forms of remuneration as well that could be either
monetary or non monetary. Compensation refers to all forms of pay going to employees and
arising from their employment (Dessler, 2012). Moreover we can say that compensation is sort
of rewards that can be fundamental as well as more than the basic that employee receives in
terms of their service to the company or organization where all sort of incentives may be
monetary or non monetary are offered as a reward to the employees. Compensation represents
both the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards employees receive for performing their jobs (Guirgis,

The main purpose of compensation is to retain and uphold as well as attract the potential
employees to set a standard of compensation. Compensation needs to be lucrative such ways that
without an intensive compensation package it is impossible to hire best expertise for the
accomplishment of the job.

The level of compensation differs based on some criteria’s for which employees of same level
consumes different types of compensation. First of all, due to education and experience the
salary and other compensation benefits differ person to person. It means the more educated and
experienced employee enjoy better compensation benefits comparing with the less educated and
experienced employees of the same post with the similar job description and status. Secondly, it
is the skills that have a huge effect on the compensation. The more skilled staffs enjoy a better
compensation package comparing to others of the similar job recognition. Lastly in accordance
with the time with the employer the employees get additional benefits that other personnel may
not have.

It is naive ... to talk of the "competitive wage," the "equilibrium wage," or the "wage that clears
the market." Richard A. Lester (1952)

The majority of the chapters in this book speak primarily to the effects of pay on people's
attitudes and behaviors. However, information about people's reactions to pay have little
practical importance to employers unless employers have discretion in setting pay and
developing pay policies. As indicated elsewhere in this volume (see Chapters Five, Six, and
Seven), employers not only have such discretion but have been exercising it in increasingly
diverse ways over the past decade. The increasing diversity of pay strategies and practices makes
the study of pay determination processes an important and potentially exciting venture.

In this chapter, we summarize the extent to which I/O psychologists have investigated issues
related to pay determination over the past decade. In particular, we focus on relevant research
that has appeared in the top I/O psychology journals-Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel
Psychology, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes-for the period 1986-
1998. We focus on these journals because of their high quality ratings and because of the
association between rankings of journal quality and journal citation rates (see Johnson &
Podsakoff, 1994; Salancik, 1986). Because the vast majority of academic research builds in small
increments on previously published research (Campbell, Daft, & Hulin, 1982; Sackett & Larson,
1990; Webb, 1968), future research is likely to proceed in much the same fashion as past
research unless explicit attempts are made to change research priorities. It is therefore helpful to
assess the extent to which the current state of the literature serves as an adequate basis for future
research. The remainder of the chapter is divided into three sections: a review of the literature, an
evaluation of that literature, and suggestions for future research.


3.1 Management of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd.

This term paper is a descriptive type of research in nature and it administered by collecting both
primary and secondary data. It has tried to use both the primary and secondary sources of
collecting information and some are to make the report presentable with as less abstraction as

Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the work of
organization members and of using all available organizational resources to reach stated
organizational goals. The strength of a bank depends of the strength of its management team. Ha-
Meem Fashion Ltd. is proud to have a team of highly motivated, well-educated and experienced
executives who have been contributing substantially to the continued progress of the bank.

Managerial effectiveness has been measured in Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd. in terms of come
selected criteria such deposit mobilization, loans and advances made, loan recovery, profitability
and productivity. It has been found that Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd. is effective in respect of branch
expansion, loan disbursement, loan recovery etc.

With a short span of time, Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd. has become one of the leading and most
successful bank not only among the third generation banks but also it superseded many other
banks and financial institutions belonging to second and even first generation banks fro the point
of view of its excellent business performance, extraordinary corporate culture and strong team
work under the dynamic leadership of its management. Management is trying to support and
assist well-motivated and experienced affairs to run the day to day affairs of the bank smoothly.
For maintains quality management, it is required to train-up more official at head office and
branch level in respect of sanctioning, disbursement and recovery of credit, project appraisals,
customer services etc.

3.2 Data Collection
Methodology is the systematic and logical study of the principles guiding scientific investigation.
In simple, a method is a way of doing something. The following methodology has been followed
in the study.

The study will be based on primary and secondary data.

Primary data Sources:

1. Face to face discussion with the employees of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd. Discussion
with Officers of HRD

Secondary Data Sources:

1. Annual Report of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd.

2. Various books, articles
3. Various manuals

3.3 Data Analysis

Both qualitative and quantitative analysis has been followed in this research. To analyze the data different
types of computer software’s were used such as: Microsoft word, Microsoft excel and Microsoft Power

3.4 Sampling Method:

The non-probability convenience procedure is used in the survey to collect the information and make this
report accurately.

Questionnaire Design:
Questionnaire was prepared with both open ended and closed operations. The average time of questioning
is 15/20 minutes. The nature of the questions used in the questionnaire id dichotomy with determinant
choice questions and one open ended questions and Likert scale questions.

Findings of the Study

4.1 Compensation and benefits package of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd:

Compensation is really very important matter for any business organization. For any business
organization, the employees who make up the workforce are very important. It is also very
important to make an attractive compensation package for these employees. The compensation
package must be very attractive to increase the image of the organization as well as to retain the
employees with the organization.
Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd is also following a compensation package that helps them to retain the
full time employees and the casuals. Though they are on a track to compensate the employees in
a competitive manner, but they try to give a bit higher salaries and wages to the employees to
remain as a competitive organization in the market.
They judge the job positions first and then they go for the study of the same categorized job
position in the other organizations, and see the pay level of these positions. Then, Ha-Meem
Fashion Ltd decides that how much will be paid to the positions that they are defining or
examining. In this case Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd tries to be very fair about the pay levels. They try
to fix the pay level in such a manner that is fair and effective for them and to the employees too.

4.2 Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd compensation & benefit packages are:

Allowances Incentives/ Benefits
Office Field Staff Office Field Staff
Management staff Management staff

 House Rent  House Rent allowance  Provident  Quarterly/

allowance (100% of basic) fund. Yearly:
(100% of  Medical allowance  Gratuity. o Yearly Leave
basic) (100% of basic)  Group Fare Assistance.
 Medical  Transport allowance Insurance (50% of basic)
allowance (50% of basic) Policy. o Yearly two
(50% of  Utility allowance (50%  Medical festival
basic) of basic) Benefits. bonuses. (100%
 Transport  Quarterly/Yearly: of basic)
allowance o Yearly Leave o Yearly workers
(50% of Fare Assistance. participation
basic) (60% of basic) Fund. (50% of

 Lunch o Yearly two basic)
allowance festival bonuses. o Quarterly sales
(Tk.1100 to (100% of basic) incentive. (Not
Tk. 1500) o Yearly fixed)
 Utility performance o Long Term:
allowance Bonus. (50% of  Provident
(50% of basic) Fund.
basic) o Yearly workers  Gratuity.
participation  Group
Fund. (50% of Insurance
basic) Policy.
o Long Term:  Medical

Table: 4.1 HA-MEEM FASHION LTD compensation & benefit packages

4.3 Employee benefits Plan of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd:

Employee benefits plan is the most important part of an organization. It is motivated to
employee. Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd continually evaluates and reviews its employee benefits plan
to ensure that benefits are competitive. Employee benefits plan are:
I. To establish wage & salary plan of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd employees:
 Wage & salary plan comprises the following components:
 HA-MEEM FASHION LTD has a competitive monthly total base salary.
 The company follows an annual performance based salary increment.
 Performance bonus is available in HA-MEEM FASHION LTD.
 Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd also provides night shift premium, incentive, festive advance,
transport reimbursement etc.
II. To implement employee incentive plan of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd:
 Quality of work output. ( How many units produced)
 Quality of work output ( What was the quality of the product or service being produced
or served)
 Monthly sales. ( How much sales was generated)
 Work safety record. ( How many hazard or errors are being reduced)
 Work attendance ( If the absent is reduced or attendance is good)

III. To ensure health & medical allowance plan of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd employees:
All employees of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd will receive a monthly medical allowance as per
respective grade of the employee. The allowance will be paid together with the
employee’s monthly salary and for this no receipt needs to be submitted.
IV. To make sure effective Provident fund plan of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd employees:
Permanent employees of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd are eligible to become members of the
provident fund. Employees contribute 10% of their basic to the provident fund and the
company makes equal contribution to the fund.
V. To make situation demanding profit sharing plan of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd
There are some employees who prefer to feel a sense of ownership; this also gives them
direct reason to want to see the company succeed because they are financially invested.
As a means to invigorate many companies offer profit sharing as a reward for strong
motivation in a job well done.
VI. To provide flexible-time benefits plan for employees in order to ensure their right:
Many employee want Alternative work schedules. Sometimes employees flourish on
different kinds of work schedules as opposed to the traditional (and often monotonous)
9to 5 schedules.
VII. To set up leave for marriage, maternity leave, sickness leave and vacation leave
plan of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd employees:
Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd also has paid leave for marriage, maternity, sickness and
vacation plan.
VIII. To make sure short term & long term benefit plan of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd
 Short term benefits plan:
o Yearly Leave Fare Assistance.
o Yearly two festival bonuses.
o Yearly workers participation Fund.
o Quarterly sales incentive.

 Long Term benefits plan:
o Provident Fund.
o Gratuity.
o Group Insurance Policy.
o Medical Benefits.

IX. To establish gratuity plan of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd employees:

 Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd has gratuity plan. Gratuity is considered as long-term financial
benefit for employees. Payable at the time of leaving the company upon completion of at
least 8 years of continuous service. The employee will receive an allowance equal to
his/her last drawn basic for each completed year of service.
X. To cover all employees under the group life insurance plan:
Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd provides insurance coverage for partial or permanent disability
and death under group life insurance.
XI. To concentrate on the Leave benefits plan of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd employees:
o Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd all management staff will have the following leave
entitlement in a calendar year.
o Privilege leave: 24 days
o Sick leave: 14 days.
Various allowances of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd:
Different types of allowances given on the basis of salary in Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd:
Employee Designation
Salary & Benefits Office Management staff Field Staff
Basic Salary 5500-57000 3000-8500
House Rent allowance 100% of basic 100% of basic
Medical allowances 50% of basic 100% of basic
Transport allowances 50% of basic 50% of basic
Lunch allowance Tk.1100 to Tk.1500 ——-
Utility allowance 50% of basic 50% of basic
Table: 4.2 various allowances of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd

4.4 Compensation related facilities/ Benefits of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd:
Employee salary:
Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd is committed about maintaining salaries and benefits that are fair to all
employees and competitive in the local market place. The management monitors changes in the
economy and salary market to ensure that ht overall compensation package is sufficient to
attract, recruit and retain high quality staff within the financial capabilities of Ha-Meem Fashion
Ltd. At all times the management considers long term financial implications of changes in
employee compensation as well as fairness to employees currently serving the company.

Principles of salary:
The compensation structure is framed with the objective to attract and retain high quality people.
The guiding principles of the compensation policies are:
1. Individual’s background and Experience.
2. External pay market levels and trends ( determined through compensation survey)
3. Particular skills requirements of the company.
4. Company’s affordability.
5. Company’s statutory obligations.

Payment of salary:
1. Mode of payment:
Payment shall only be made in Bangladeshi take. Every employee should have a salary account
in company nominated commercial bank. The salary will be transferred to the respective salary
accounts from the confidential department within the last day of each month.
2. Pro rate payment:
If any employee is hired in the middle of a month the salary will be paid on pro rate basis and the
salary can be paid in cash if the salary account is yet to be opened.
3. Advance salary payment:
No advance salary or advance from already earned salary can be disbursed to any employee
without written approval of the managing director.

Loan against salary:
Generally such loan is discouraged. Only en extreme cases, depending on the merit, loan may be
considered and approval for loan will require managing director’s approval.
Compensation fluctuates according to:
 A pre-established formula.
 Individual or group goals because group goals are different from individual goals.
 Company earnings
An incentive adds to base pay:
 It controls costs because the employee is being paid for his/ her extra effort and for the
benefits brought to the organization.
 Motivates employees.
Incentive pay categories:
Individual incentive:
 Quality of work output. ( How many units produced)
 Quality of work output ( What was the quality of the product or service being produced
or served)
 Monthly sales. ( How much sales was generated)
 Work safety record. ( How many hazard or errors are being reduced)
 Work attendance ( If the absent is reduced or attendance is good)
Group Incentives:
 Customer satisfaction.
 Labor cost savings.
 Materials cost savings.
 Reduction in accidents.
 Services cost savings.

Company- Wide:
 Company profits.
 Market share.
 Sales revenue.

Sales Incentive:
1. Instead of performance bonus, field sales staff will the rewarded with quarterly sales
incentive for their contribution to the company.
2. Incentive schemes for each business will be proposed by respective business head during
budget preparation for the coming year. This scheme will require approval from the
managing director and should be communicated to field force before beginning of the
3. Based of requirement of the business, head of business may propose and implement any
change of the scheme subject to the approval of the managing director.

Provident fund:
The company has instituted provident fund for management staff.
1. All Management employees will join the provident fund scheme after confirmation.
2. Along with the confirmation latter Human Resource Department will send a provident
fund joining and nomination form to the employee.
3. The provident fund will run on contributory basis, i.e. 10% of basic salary from the
employee and equal amount from the company.
4. If any employee leaves the company, he/she will be entitled to the company’s
contribution only after 5 years from the date of confirmation, else, the employee will only
be entitled to his/her own contribution.
5. Company has formed a trusty committee to maintain the provident fund.
6. Conditions with regard to provident fund shall be regulated as per the rules of the fund.

An employee shall be eligible for gratuity on leaving the company after continuous and
confirmed service of at least 8 years to the following terms and conditions:

I. Separation on account of superannuation, ill-health, physical or mental incapacity,
redundancy or termination:
Year Amount
On completion of 8 years of Half month’s basic salary for each completed
service & having not completed year of service
12 years service
On completion of 12 years of 1 month’s basic salary for each completed year of
service service
On completion of 16 years of 2 month’s basic salary for each completed year of
service service
Table: 4.3 Gratuities

II. Voluntary Resignation:

Year Amount
Before completion of 8 years of service No gratuity is payable
On completion of 8 years of service & having not Half month’s basic salary for
completed 12 years service each completed year of
On completion of 12 years of service 1 month’s basic salary for
each completed year of
On completion of 16 years of service 2 month’s basic salary for
each completed year of
Table: 4.4 Gratuities
1. In the event of death or total disablement; gratuity will be paid at the rate of two month’s
basic salary for each completed year of service. In case of death, the gratuity shall be paid
to the legal heir/ heirs.
2. The term basis salary, as used, means basic salary last drawn by the employee at the time
of separation from the company’s employment.

The company has instituted a fund for management staff which provides payment of death
during service by any cause, except in the first twelve months of insurance.
a. Group life insurance is payable under any kind of death during service except in case of
b. Staff should advise HR Department the particulars of their nominees including name
and relationship.
c. If the nominee is a minor, the name of the minor’s guardian should also be advised.
d. The payable insurance amount according to the management grades are given below:

Management Grade Amount

JB- MIII Tk.100,000/-
MIV- MVII Tk.200,000/-
MVIII & above Tk.400,000/-
Table: 4.5 Insurance
e. Respective business/ department will pay equivalent to the payable insurance amount to
the nominee/ guardian (in case of nominee is a minor).

4.5 Medical benefits:

All employees of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd will receive a monthly medical allowance as per
respective grade of the employee. The allowance will be paid together with the employee’s
monthly salary and for this no receipt needs to be submitted. For special case of treatment,
following are the additional support extended to the employee’s.
Level of employees Types of medical benefits Amount
Hospitalization 50%
Office Management staff Surgery 75%
Hospitalization 50%
Field staff Surgery 75%
Table: 4.6 Medical benefits

1. In case of hospitalization of the staff, spouse or two dependant child, in any recognized
hospital or clinic, the company will reimburse 50% of the hospitalization charges, which
will include bed/cabin rent, doctor’s fees and laboratory tests & medicine required during
the period of hospitalization. All other charges will be borne by the staff.
2. In case of surgery, the company will reimburse 75% of the total operation charges
comprising of surgeons fee, anesthetist’s fee & O.T. charges and cost of medicine related
to the surgery.
3. Prior approval from the head of business is necessary before hospitalization or surgery.
The name of the patient and the name of the hospital/ clinic need to be stated while taking
the approval.
4. Department heads will approve advance against surgery for staff on a case- to-case basis.
5. Expenses for delivery under caesarean section will be reimbursed as per clauses 2.
Reimbursement of more than two children will not be allowed.
6. These rules will be subject to modification from time to time at the discretion of the
7. Normally, Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd does not allow treatment abroad, In case where
treatment/ surgery are not sagely/ reliably available in Bangladesh, the Ha-Meem
Fashion Ltd may consider allowing the individual to proceed abroad for such treatment/
surgery. In such cases, the company shall be totally satisfied as to the merits of the case
on the basis of the best medical option available. All such treatment abroad should be
approved by the managing director before initiating the formalities.
8. The Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd will not be liable to pay medical charges for any facial or skin
beautification such as Rhinoplasty, Liposuction, Otoplasty, Blepharoplasty or laser/ lasik
Surgery, Facelift, Cosmetics dentistry/ tooth restoration, etc.
9. In case of treatment in the hospitals/ clinics which are not enlisted; the bills will be settled
at the rate of enlisted similar hospital/ clinic.

All management staff will have the following leave entitlement in a calendar year:
Level of Employees Types of leave Days of leave
Privilege Leave 24
Office Management staff Sick Leave 14
Privilege Leave 24
Field staff Sick Leave 14
Table: 4.7 Leave

Entitlement credit:
1. Full entitlement is credited from the succeeding years on the basis of leave earned in the
previous calendar year.
2. Privilege Leave is (PL) is credited after completion of one year service. However, there
will be proportionate entitlement from the date of joining to the end of that calendar year.
3. For staff leaving the company’s service, proportionate PL is credited.
4. Sick Leave (SL) entitlement begins from the time of joining proportionate to the
remaining period of the calendar year. Full entitlement is credited from the beginning of
the following calendar years.
5. PL is not normally granted before completion of one year of service. However, in special
circumstances managers my recommend leave for his subordinate and forward the
application form to the head of the department for consideration, if approved, such leave
will be adjusted from future entitlement when due.
6. It is not the policy of the company to grant leave without pay. Under extreme
circumstances such as study leave, staff may make representation to their department
heads. Sanction of such leave should be made in consultation of the HR Department.
7. Leave records for all management staff will be maintained by the HR department at the
Head office. In January every year leave balance will be sent to the respective
management staff for confirmation. On receipt of confirmation the leave application of
the previous year will be destroyed.

8. Leave roster will be prepared by each department for every year and department Heads
should ensure that management staff under him are given leave as per roster.
9. Absence on account of “Hartal” will be adjusted from privilege Leave.
Leave Accumulation:
1. Leave may be accumulated up to maximum of 4 years entitlement for both office
management & field staff. Unutilized leave in excess of 4 years entitlement on 1stJanuary
shall stand lapse.
2. Leave lapsing on account of company’s business and therefore for no fault of the
individual may be allowed to be carried forward in addition to the maximum entitlement.
Such accumulation shall be allowed by the HR on recommendation by the respective
department Head.
4.5 Data analysis:
1. Does human resource department properly contribute in your job?
Particular Respondents percentage
Agree 11 55%
Strongly agree 7 35%
Neutral 2 10%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Table: 4.8
From the above graph, it is seen that 55% employees are agree, 35% employees are strongly
agree, they said that human resource department properly contributes in their job and 10%
employees are neutral.
Most of the employees are said HR department properly contribute in their job.

Does human resource department properly

contribute in your job

50% 27%
Strongly agree
0% 0% 5%

2. Are you satisfied with the levels of support that you normally get from HR
department when you face problems?
Particular Respondents percentage
Satisfied 9 45%
Strongly satisfied 5 25%
Neutral 4 20%
Dissatisfied 2 10%
Strongly dissatisfied 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Table: 4.9
Graph: 4.2 support to HR department

From the above graph, it is seen that 45% employees are satisfied, 25% employees are strongly
satisfied, and 20% employees are neutral and 10% employees are dissatisfied.

Most of the employees are satisfied with the levels of support that normally get from HR
department when they face problems.

3. Are there any short term/ long term disabilities/facilities available in your
Particular Respondents percentage
Agree 11 55%
Strongly agree 9 45%
Neutral 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Table: 4.10

From the above graph, it is seen that 55% employees ate agree & 45% employees are strongly
agree they said short term/ long term disabilities available in organization.
Most of the employee said short term/ long term disabilities are available in organization.

4. How do you rate your company’s incentive systems?

Particular Respondents percentage
Excellent 0 0%
Very good 2 10%
Good 4 20%
Average 14 70%
Poor 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Table: 4.11
From the above graph, it is seen that 70% employees said that organization incentive systems are
average, 20% employees said it is good, 10% employees are said it is very good.
Most of the employees said that organization incentive systems are average.
5. Are you satisfied with the compensation benefits and plans provided to you?
Particular Respondents percentage
Satisfied 6 30%
Strongly satisfied 2 10%
Neutral 3 15%
Dissatisfied 9 45%
Strongly dissatisfied 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Table: 4.12

From the above graph, it is seen that 45% employees are dissatisfied with the compensation
benefits and plans provided to their, 30% employees are satisfied, 15% employees are neutral,
10% employees are strongly satisfied.

Most of the employees are dissatisfied with the compensation benefits and plans provided to
them selves.
6. Does your organization provide the TA/DA?
Particular Respondents percentage
Agree 16 80%
Strongly agree 4 20%
Neutral 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Table: 4.13
Graph: 4.6 TA/DA

From the above graph, it is seen that 80% employees are agree, 20% employees are strongly
Most of the employees said that organization provide the TA/DA.

7. Are you satisfied with the TA/DA offered to you by your company?
Particular Respondents percentage
Satisfied 6 30%
Strongly satisfied 1 5%
Neutral 0 0%
Dissatisfied 13 65%
Strongly dissatisfied 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Table: 4.14
From the above graph, it is seen that 65% employees are dissatisfied, 30% employees are
satisfied with their TA/DA, and 5% employees are strongly satisfied with their TA/DA.

Most of the employees are dissatisfied with the TA/DA offered to their organization.

8. Are you satisfied with the insurance coverage’s offered to you?

Particular Respondents percentage
Satisfied 5 25%
Strongly satisfied 2 10%
Neutral 0 0%
Dissatisfied 13 65%
Strongly dissatisfied 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Table: 4.15
From the above graph, it is seen that 65% employees are dissatisfied, 25% employees are
satisfied with the insurance coverage offered to them, and 10% employees are strongly satisfied.
Most of the employee dissatisfied with insurance coverage offered to them.

9. Do your organizations provide the life insurance facility?
Particular Respondents percentage
Agree 15 75%
Strongly agree 5 25%
Neutral 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Table: 4.16
From the above graph, it is seen that 75% employees are agree & 25% employees are strongly
agree, they are said that organization provide the life insurance facility.
Most of the employees are agree about the organization provide the life insurance facility.

10. What types of insurance facilities offered to you by your company?

Particular Respondents percentage
Individual insurance 2 10%
Group insurance 18 90%
Any other 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Table: 4.17
From the above graph, it is seen that 90% employees said that organization provide group
insurance facilities to the employee, 10% employees said that organization also provide
individual insurance facilities offered to their employee.
Most of the employees said that organization provide the group insurance.

11. Do your organizations provide the medical facilities?
Particular Respondents percentage
Agree 13 65%
Strongly agree 7 35%
Neutral 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Table: 4.18

From the above graph, it is seen that 65% employees are agree, they said organization provide
the medical facilities, 35% employees are strongly agree with the scenario.
Most of the employees said that organization provide the medical facilities.

12. How would you rate the type of pension/retirement plan provided to you?
Particular Respondents percentage
Excellent 0 0%
Very good 0 0%
Good 5 25%
Average 11 55%
Poor 4 20%
Total 20 100%
Table: 4.19
From the above graph, it is seen that 55% employees said A Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd pension/
retirement plan is average, 25% employees said that ACI pension/retirement plan is good, 20%
employees said that Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd pension/retirement plan is poor.

Most of the employee said that Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd pension/ retirement plan is average.
13. Are you satisfied with your current salaries?
Particular Respondents percentage
Satisfied 2 10%
Strongly satisfied 0 0%
Neutral 1 5%
Dissatisfied 17 85%
Strongly dissatisfied 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Table: 4.20
From the above graph, it is seen that 85% employees are dissatisfied with their current salaries,
10% employees are satisfied with their current salaries, and 5% employee are neutral position.
Most of the employees said that they are dissatisfied with their current salaries.
14. Are you satisfied with your work environments?
Particular Respondents percentage
Satisfied 12 60%
Strongly satisfied 3 15%
Neutral 0 0%
Dissatisfied 5 25%
Strongly dissatisfied 0 0%
Total 20 100%
Table: 4.21
From the above graph, it is seen that 60 % employees are satisfied with their work environments,
15% employees are strongly satisfied with their work environments, and 25% employee are
dissatisfied with their work environments.
Most of the employees are satisfied with their work environments.

4.6 Major findings:

 From the analysis it has seen that employees are not satisfied with the organization‘s
incentive systems.
 Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd compensation related benefits and packages are not sufficient.
 Most of the employees are dissatisfied with the TA/DA offered by their organization.
 In the analysis it has seen that most of the employees are dissatisfied with the insurance
coverage offered to them.
 Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd only provides the group insurance facility but does not provide
any individual insurance facility.
 From the analysis I found that Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd pension/ retirement plan is
 With the organization’s current salary structure, maximum amount of the employees are

Recommendation & Conclusion

5.1 Recommendation

 The organization should ensure standard incentive policy to their employees for their
high level of satisfaction.
 The organization should increase its compensation related benefits which are provided to
the employees.
 The organization should put more concentration on TA/DA which offered to their
 The organization should provide effective/acceptable insurance coverage to their
 Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd should also provide individual insurance benefit along with
group insurance.
 The organization’s pension/ retirement plan should be modified in favor of their
 The organization may increase current salary structure of their employees.

5.2 Conclusion

Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd is one of the leading conglomerates in Bangladesh, with a multinational
heritage. In BD Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd has been doing corporate business and soundly
maintaining social responsibilities. The agenda of this company earning profit, creating job
opportunity, though trade and commerce. Achievement of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd is beyond
description. Maintaining Government rules and regulations Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd always try
to contribute on national G.D.P and G.N.P. not only local business but also internationally. Ha-
Meem Fashion Ltd follows most of the compensation practices and policy. They always try to
contribute to employee satisfaction and given to employees all types of compensation benefits. It
has always been a dream to be able to work for a highly reputed company and my dream was
fulfilled for three months as I was conducting my internship in Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd. It has
been an amazing experience for me as I completed my internship as well as my first job from
such an incredible organization. In this company, interns are not treated as guests for three
months. We are actually involved in real time projects where our inputs and contributions are
highly appreciated and necessary. During my internship or my first job, I was exposed to many
works which I never thought of even doing. As I have Human Resource Management as my
major so working under the department of HRM was really great to me. Therefore I must
acknowledge the fact that there are countless number of things that I learnt during my internship
about how the company operates, its day to day activities, problems that occur every day and
how to resolve them effectively and efficiently. No matter where I work, I’m confident that I will
be able to apply my learning and knowledge in any organization.

 “Compensation management in a knowledge- Based world”, Henderson I. Richard, 10th edition,
Jun24, 2005.
 “Strategic compensation- A human resource management”, Martocchio J. Joseph, 6th edition,
Jan21, 2010.
 Brochures of Products & Services of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd.
 Human Resource Management Manuals
 Annual Reports of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd.
 Data of Different Departments
 Everyday Working experience in Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd. with the executive of different
 News papers publishing news of Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd.
 Different Department’s Circulars.
 Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd. Website (
 Website (


 Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd annual report 2014.

 Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd annual report 2015.
 Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd annual report 2016
 Ha-Meem Fashion Ltd Statistical report 2017.


 www.Ha-Meem Fashion



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