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AE 231 Thermodynamics

Recitation 3
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinan Eyi
Problem 1
Question: Assume that the cyclic motion of piston
compresses and expands air in a cylinder. The
volume of air changes from V1 to V1 and then to V1
again. During this cyclic process the heat transfer
between the air inside the cylinder and surrounding
is neglected. Two experiments are performed. In
the first experiment, the piston is moving slowly
and the system is in equilibrium. In the second case
the piston is moving fast and the systems is non-
equilibrium. By using the conservation of energy,
explain how the internal energy of air inside the
cylinder changes in these experiment
Problem 1
Solution: From the first law of thermodynamics for closed systems:
Q - W= ∆U
In an adiabatic process, Q = 0

In a piston/cylinder device: W = Wbound = P( piston face) dV

∆U = − ∫ P( piston face)dV

In a slow moving piston, the pressure on the piston face will be same during the
compression and expansion. Since the boundary work is same during compression and
expansion, the intenal energy change of air is zero after one cycle.

In a fast moving piston, the pressure on the piston face is larger during the
compression and smaller during the expansion. Since the boundary work is larger
during the compression and smaller during the expansion, there is an intenal energy
increses in air after one cycle.

Problem 2
Question: Assume that a rifle, shown in the following figure, uses
both compressed air and a spring together to propel a bullet. The
bullet has a mass of 20g. Before the pin is released, the initial pressure
and volume of the compressed air is 2MPa and 2cm3 , respectively.
After the pin is released the compressed air expands isothermally at a
temperature of 20 oC. Outside of the rifle, air has a pressure of 1 atm.
After the pin is released, the change in the spring length is 2cm. The
spring is linear and has a constant of k= 100kN/m. (for air R=
a) Calculate the final volume of the compressed air
b) Calculate the mass of the compressed air
c) Calculate the work done by the compressed air
d) Calculate the work done on the atmosphere
e) Calculate the work done by spring
f) Calculate the velocity of bullet when it leaves the rifle

Problem 2
Solution: C.V. Air (ideal gas)
a) PV = const = P1V1 = P2V2 ⇒ V2 = V1P1/P2 ,
P1= 2000 kPa, V1 = 2 cm3, T1 = 20 oC, P2 = 101kPa
V2 = 2 x 2000/101
V2 = 39.6 cm3
b) mair = P1V1/RT1 = 2000 x 2 x 10-6/(0.287 x 293) = 4.75x10-5 kg
2 2
PV  V2 
c) W1− 2 ,bound = ∫ PdV = ∫ 1 1
dV =PV
1 1 ln  
1 1
V  V1 
 39.6 
= 2000 x103 x39.6 x10−6 ln  
 2 
= 236.46 J
Problem 2
d) W1-2, ATM = P0(V2 - V1)
= 101 x (39.6-2) x 10-6 kJ = 3.79 J

e) W1-2, spring = 0.5kx2= 0.5 x 1000 x103x2x10-4 = 100 J

f) Wbullet = W1-2,bound - W1-2,ATM + W1-2, spring

= 236.46 -3.79 +100
= 332.67 J
Wbullet = 0.5xmbullet(Vexit)2

Vexit = (2Wbullet/mbullet)1/2 = (2 x 332.67/0.020)1/2 = 182.4 m/s

Problem 3
Question: Assume that a cylinder-piston device contains
Ammonia NH3 at - 10°C, x = 10%. The piston has a cross-
sectional area of 1m2 and it is connected to a spring. At
the rest position of the spring, the piston is located at the
left surface of the cylinder. The initial volume of cylinder
is 0.3 m3. The stop is located at Vstop = 0.5 m3. The system
is heated up to 50°C.
a) Calculate the mass of fluid.
b) Calculate the spring constant.
b) Show the processes on a P–v diagram.
c) Calculate the work and heat transfer.
Problem 3
a) T1= -10oC, V1=0.3 m3/kg, x=0.1
From Saturated Table, at Tsat= -10oC:
vf=0.001534 m3/kg, vg=0.41808 m3/kg, vfg=0.41655 m3/kg,
uf=133.96 kJ/kg, ug=1309.2 kJ/kg, ufg=1175.2 kJ/kg
v = vf + xvfg,
v = 0.001534 + 0.1*0.41655 = 0.0431 m3/kg
m= V/v = 0.3/ 0.0431 = 6.94 kg

b) V=A*L, L = V/A=0.3/1= 0.3m

From Saturated Table, at T= -10oC, P1= Psat= 290.9kPa
Fspring = (P-PATM)*A=(290.9-101)*1=189.9 kN
Fspring = kL, k= Fspring/L=189.9/0.3=633kN/m

Problem 3
c) Pstop-PATM=k*Lstop/A=k*Lstop*A/A2 = k*Vstop/A2
Pstop=633*0.5/1 +101=417.5kPa
Vfinal ≤ Vstop
when V = Vstop ⇒ P ≥ Pstop= 417.5kPa
at P = 417.5kPa, Tsat = -3 oC
Tfinal = 50 oC ⇒ Tfinal > Tsat
Hence at the final state we have superheated vapor.
At the final state V=0.5m3 , m=6.94 kg
vfinal=Vfinal/m=0.5/6.94= 0.072 m3/kg
From the superheated vapor table,
for Tfinal= 50 oC and vfinal= 0.072 m3/kg ⇒Pfinal=1800 kPa

Problem 3
From the superheated vapor table
for Tfinal= 50 oC and Pfinal=1800 kPa ⇒
ufinal= 1340 kJ/kgK, hfinal= 1471 kJ/kgK
U2= Ufinal = m*ufinal =6.94*1340 kJ/kgK =9299.6 kJ
W1− 2 ,bound = ∫ PdV = ( P1 + P2 )* (V2 − V1 )
= ( 290.9 + 1800 )( 0.5 − 0.3)
= 209.09 kJ
Problem 3
u1 = uf + xufg
u1 = 133.96 + 0.1*1175.2 = 251.48 kJ/kg
U1 = mu1 = 6.94*251.48 = 1745.27 kJ
From the first law of thermodynamics for closed
1Q2 - 1W2 = U2 - U1 ⇒ 1Q2 =U2 - U1+ 1W2
1Q2 =9299.6 – 1745.27+ 209.9
1Q2 =7763.33 kJ

Problem 4
Question: A closed cylinder is divided into two sections A and B by a piston that has a
cross-sectional area of 1m2. At each sections, the piston is connected to linear springs
with a spring constants of kA=100KN/m and kB= 200KN/m. Initially both springs are at
the rest positions and they don't exert any force on the piston. Sections A and B
contain different types of gases. The initial volumes of sections A and B are 3m3 and
5m3, respectively. Initially, both sections have the same pressure of 300 kPa. By using
an external force the piston moves to the left with a distance of 1 m. Assuming that
both piston and cylinder are perfect insulators. The movement of the piston causes
polytrophic processes in sections A and B. The processes in sections A and B are
governed by the following relations: PA VA1.1=CA, PB VB1.3= CB. Assuming that both piston
and cylinder are perfect insulators and both springs always touch the piston. Calculate
the amount of work done by external force.

Problem 4
Wspring,A = 0.5*kA(∆x)2 = 0.5* 1000*(1) 2 = -500kJ
Wspring,B = 0.5*kB(∆x)2 = 0.5* 200*(1) 2 = -100kJ
Wspring = Wspring,A + Wspring,B = -600kJ
In a polytropic process, PVn = constant = C
⇒ P=CV-n
n − n +1 n − n +1
− 2 2 − PV
2 2
−n PV V PV
1 1 V1 PV
W1− 2 ,bound = ∫ PdV = ∫ CV dV = 2 2 2
= 1 1

1 1
−n + 1 −n + 1

Problem 4
V2A=3-1=2m3 ⇒ P2A= P1A(V1A/V2A)nA=300(3/2)1.1
P2A=468.6 kPa
V2B=5+1=6m3 ⇒ P2B= P1B(V1B/V2B)nB=300(5/6)1.3
P2B=236.7 kPa

Wbound,A = (P2V2 – P1V1)A/ (-nA+1)

Wbound,A = (468.6*2-300*3)/(-1.1+1)=-372 kJ
Wbound,B = (P2V2 – P1V1)B/ (-nB+1)
Wbound,B = (236.7*6-300*5)/(-1.3+1)=266kJ

Problem 4

Wexternal = Wspring+ Wbound= -600-372+266=-706 kJ

Since we have negative sign, work should be
given from outside.


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