Book of Abstracts ICEEM09 2017

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The document discusses an environmental engineering conference and water quality monitoring around Petroșani, Romania.

The conference is the 9th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management and focuses on circular economy and environmental sustainability.

Several methods were used to measure pollution levels including optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma, ion chromatography, and spectrophotometry in the UV-VIS range.



6 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2017





ECOZONE Publishing House, Iasi

ECOZONE Publishing House
73 Prof. dr. doc. D. Mangeron str., 700050, Iasi, Romania
Phone: 0040 232-271759
E-mail: [email protected]


Conferinţă internaţională (9; 2017; Bologna, Italy)
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Environmental
Engineering and Management: Circular Economy and
Environmental Sustainability:
Conference Abstracts Book: 6 - 9 of September 2017, Bologna,

Iaşi: Ecozone, 2017

ISSN 2457-7049
ISSN-L 2457-7049

Text editing: Dr. Adela Marilena BUBURUZAN

Cover layout: Dr. George BARJOVEANU

Printed at the CROMALINE Printing House, Iasi, Romania

ISSN 2457-7049
ISSN-L 2457-7049


“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of

Iaşi, Romania
Department of Environmental Engineering
and Management

In collaboration with

Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di

Bologna, Italy
DICAM – Department of Civil, Chemical,
Environmental and Materials Engineering

European Federation of Biotechnology

Environmental Biotechnology Section

ICEEM09 is an event under the aegis of:



Academic Organization for Environmental

Engineering and Sustainable Development
(OAIMDD), Iaşi, Romania

InterMEDIU Information, Consultancy and

ODL Department, TUIASI, Romania


ICEEM 09 was kindly supported by:


European Institute for

Innovation and
Technology – Raw Materials


Prof. dr., dr. h. c. Carmen Teodosiu Prof. dr., dr. h. c. Fabio Fava
Technical University of Iasi, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di
Romania Bologna
Prof. dr., dr. h. c. Philippe Xavier Corvini
FHNW & European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB)
– Environmental Biotechnology section


Prof. dr., dr.h.c. Maria Madalena Prof. dr. Ovidiu Gabriel Iancu
dos Santos Alves Al. I. Cuza University Iasi, Romania
University of Minho, Portugal
Prof. dr. Spyros N. Agathos Prof. dr., dr.h.c. Michael Jørgensen
University of Louvain, Belgium Aalborg University, Denmark
Prof. dr., dr.h.c. Adisa Azapagic Prof. dr. Nikolas Kalogerakis
The University of Manchester, UK Technical University of Crete, Greece
Dr. Federico Aulenta Prof. dr. Emmanuel G. Koukios
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, National Technical University of Athens,
Italy Greece
Dr. Catia Bastioli Prof. dr. Gabriel Lazar
Novamont SpA, Novara, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau,
Italy Romania
Prof. dr. Alberto Bertucco Dr. Markus Lenz
University of Padova, University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Italy Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland
Prof. dr. Hans Bressers Prof. dr. Florica Manea
University of Twente, Politehnica University of Timisoara,
The Netherlands Romania
Prof. dr. Han Brezet Prof. dr. Mauro Majone
Delft University of Technology, The Universita degli Studi di Roma La
Netherlands Sapienza, Italy

Prof. dr. Alberto Brucato Prof. dr. Antonio Marzocchella
University of Palermo, Italy University Federico II, Naples, Italy
Prof. dr. Dan Cascaval Prof. dr. Rainer Meckenstock
Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University Universität Duisburg-Essen,
of Iasi, Romania Germany
Prof. dr. Francesc Castells Piqué Prof. dr. Korneliusz Miksch
University of Rovira i Virgili Tarragona, Silesian University of Technology,
Spain Poland
Prof. dr., dr.h.c. Yusuf Chisti Prof. dr. Mircea Nicoara
Massey University, New Zealand Al.I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
Prof. dr. Cristina Costache Prof. dr. Alexandru Ozunu
Politehnica University, Bucharest, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca,
Romania Romania
Prof. dr. Igor Cretescu Prof. dr., dr.h.c. Ákos Rédey
“Gheorghe Asachi”Technical University Pannonia University, Veszprem,
of Iasi, Romania Hungary
Prof. dr. Daniele Daffonchio Prof. dr. Maria Reis
King Abdullah University of Science FCT, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa,
and Technology, Portugal
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Prof. dr. Ludo Diels Prof. dr. Sebastien Royer
University of Antwerp, Universite de Lille,
Belgium France
Prof. dr. Francesco Fatone Prof. dr. Guido Saracco
Universita Degli Studi di Verona, Centre for Sustainable Futures CSF,
Verona, Italy Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Prof. dr. Silvia Fiore Prof. dr., dr.h.c. Wilhelm Schabel
Politecnico di Torino, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Italy Germany
Prof. dr., dr.h.c. Anton Friedl Acad. prof. dr. Bogdan Simionescu
Vienna University of Technology, “Gheorghe Asachi”Technical University of
Austria Iasi,
Romanian Academy, Romania
Prof. dr. Maria Gavrilescu Prof. dr. Fabio Trincardi
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical ISMAR-CNR Headquarters,
University of Iasi, Romania Italy

Prof. dr. Joan Garcia Dr. Magdalena Urbaniak
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, European Regional Centre for
Spain Ecohydrology, Polish Academy of
Sciences, University of Lodz
Prof. dr. Almudena Hospido Prof.dr.,dr.h.c. Angheluta Vadineanu
University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Bucharest,
Spain Romania
Prof. dr. Nicolae Hurduc Prof. dr. Ion Visa
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Transilvania University of Brasov,
University of Iasi, Romania Romania
Prof.dr. Wei Zhang
Flinders University, Australia


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Brindusa Robu Prof.Dr. Alessandra Bonoli
Dr. George Barjoveanu Prof.Dr. Alberto Montanari
Dr. Adela Marilena Buburuzan Prof.Dr. Ezio Mesini
Dr. Daniela Gavrilescu Prof.Dr. Alessandro Paglianti
Dr. Daniela Fighir Prof.Dr. Vittorio Di Federico
Dr. Corina Musteret Assoc.Prof.Dr. Lorenzo Bertin
Dr. Petru Apopei Assoc. Prof.Dr. Maria Bignozzi
Dr. Camelia Smaranda Assoc. Prof.Dr. Alessandro Tugnoli
Dr. Gabriela Soreanu Dr. Dario Frascari
Dr. Raluca Hlihor Dr. Giulio Zanaroli
Dr. Isabela Simion Dr. Cristiana Boi
Drd. Irina Morosanu Dr. Noura Raddadi
Drd. Diana Comanita Dr. Andrea Negroni

Almudena Hospido.................................................................................................... 35
Anca Duta, Ion Visa, Cristina Bogatu, Maria Covei, Dana Perniu...................................... 37
Anton Friedl ............................................................................................................. 39
Thomas Ternes, Arne Wick, Kevin Jewell, Gudrun Nuerenberg, Per Falas, Adriano Joss, Jörg
Oehlmann ............................................................................................................... 41
Adisa Azapagic ......................................................................................................... 43
Francesco Fatone, Christian Loederer, Thomas Wintgens................................................45
Noura Raddadi, Roberta Romano, Lucia Giacomucci, Fabio Fava..................................... 49
Francesca Raganati, Alessandra Procentese, Giuseppe Olivieri, Maria Elena Russo, Antonio
Marzocchella ............................................................................................................ 51
Lucia Giacomucci, Noura Raddadi, Michelina Soccio, Nadia Lotti, Fabio Fava .................... 53

Milva Pepi, Cecilia Balestra, Stella Tamburrino, Mario Sprovieri, Maria Saggiomo, Marco Borra,
Elio Biffali, Raffaella Casotti ....................................................................................... 55
Crăița Maria Roșu, Mihaela Avădanei, Daniela Gherghel, Cosmin Mihai, Marius Mihășan, Gabriela
Vochița ................................................................................................................... 57
Marco Rocca, Andrea Nuzzo, Maria Elena Antinori, Fabio Fava, Giulio Zanaroli ................. 59
Antonella Rosato, Giulio Zanaroli, Laura Sisti, Paola Fabbri, Annamaria Celli, Danny Reible, Fabio
Fava ....................................................................................................................... 61
Ioan Ţenu, Oana Corduneanu, Radu Roşca, Vasile Stoleru, Petru Cârlescu, Gheorghe Şovăială
............................................................................................................................. 63
Isabelle Metaxa, Aida Vasile, Petrea Ștefan Mihai, Alina Mogodan, Săndița Plăcintă........... 65
V. Agostino, V. Margaria, G. Massaglia, M. Gerosa, G. Saracco, M. Quaglio ...................... 67
Otilia Murariu, Alin C. Dîrțu, Dragoș Robu, Liviu Irimia, Florin Murariu, Teodor Robu ......... 69
Gabriela Ungureanu, Sílvia Santos, Irina Volf , Cidália Botelho........................................ 71
Oana-Alexandra Pătrăuţanu, Gabriela Ungureanu, Mihai Brebu, Valentin I. Popa, Irina Volf 73
Giovanna Siracusa, Simone Becarelli, Ilaria Chicca, Salvatore La China, Monica Ruffini
Castiglione, Roberto Lorenzi, Giulio Petroni, Alessandro Gentini, Gualtiero Masini, Simona Di
Gregorio ................................................................................................................. 75

Alexandra Tucaliuc, Alexandra Cristina Blaga , Lenuta Kloetzer, Dan Cascaval, Anca Irina
Galaction ................................................................................................................. 77
Spiros N. Agathos, Borhane Samir Grama, Clayton Jeffryes ............................................ 79
Laura Carmen Apostol, Maria Gavrilescu ...................................................................... 81
Rainer U. Meckenstock .............................................................................................. 83
Kevin Kroll, Alexander Timm, Rafael Peschke, Marius Majewsky, Hans-Peter E. Kohler, Boris A.
Kolvenbach, Philippe F.X. Corvini ................................................................................ 87
Petru Apopei, Carmen Teodosiu, Daniela Fighir, Cezar Catrinescu, Sébastien Royer .......... 89
Sabino De Gisi, Michele Notarnicola ............................................................................ 91
Irina Morosanu, Carmen Teodosiu, Carmen Paduraru, Corina Petronela Musteret ............. 93
Imelda Guerrero-Coronilla, Eliseo Cristiani-Urbina ......................................................... 95
Serkan Kucukunsal, Bulent Icgen ................................................................................ 97
Lidia Favier, Andrei Ionut Simion, Lacramioara Rusu, Cristina-Gabriela Grigoras, Yassine Kadmi,
Raluca Hlihor, Dominique Wolbert .............................................................................. 99

Ciprian Sandu, Marius Popescu, Emilio Rosales, Marta Pazos, Gabriel Lazar, María Angeles
Sanroman ..............................................................................................................101
Damian Hausherr, Boris Alexander Kolvenbach, Patrick Shahgaldian, Philippe F.-X. Corvini103
Giovanna Siracusa, Simone Becarelli, Ilaria Chicca, Salvatore La China, Alessandra Bardi,
Roberto Lorenzi, Qiuyan Youan, Giulio Munz, Alessandro Gentini, Gualtiero Masini, Simona Di
Gregorio ................................................................................................................105
Maurizio Mancini, Carmine Fiorentino .........................................................................107
Gonzalo Martinez, Sarah Notarfrancesco, Salvatore Puccio, Lorenzo Bertin, Davide Pinelli, Dario
Marcos López-Nuñez, Gabriela Pineda-Camacho, Eliseo Cristiani-Urbina .........................111
Mihaela Rosca, Raluca Maria Hlihor, Mariana Diaconu, Teresa Tavares, Maria Gavrilescu ..113
Marta M. Pazos, Emilio Rosales, Mª Asunción Longo, María A. Sanromán........................115
Carmen Zaharia ......................................................................................................117
Cristina Modrogan, Pandele Andreea Madalina, Dancila Madelene, Orbuleț Oanamari Daniela,
Orbeci Cristina, Constantin Bobirica ...........................................................................119
M. Concetta Tomei, Domenica Mosca Angelucci, Valentina Stazi, Andrew J. Daugulis .......121

Corina Boncescu, Adriana Mierloiu, Lacramioara Diana Robescu ................................... 123
Elfrida M. Carstea, Cristina Liana Popa, Simona Dontu, Dan Savastru ............................ 125
Vasile-Mircea Cristea, Melinda Várhelyi, Marius Brehar, Evelina Nemeş, Abhilash Nair, Paul
Şerban Agachi ........................................................................................................ 127
Joan García, Alessandro Solimeno, Raquel Gutiérrez, Fabiana Passos, Enrica Uggetti, Marianna
Garfí, Maria Jesús García-Galán, Ivet Ferrer ............................................................... 129
Mădălina Ghercă, Dumitru Bulgariu, Anca Mihaela Mocanu, Laura Bulgariu .................... 131
Joseph Trujillo García, Paola Chargoy Cruz, Emanuel Mejía Jiménez, Deifilia Ahuatzi Chacón,
Oswaldo Ramos Monroy, Nora Ruiz Ordaz, Juvencio Galíndez Mayer, Cleotilde Juárez Ramírez
............................................................................................................................ 133
Erick Aranda-García, Eliseo Cristiani-Urbina ................................................................ 135
Radu Burlica, Iuliana-Delicia Dirlau, Dragos Astanei .................................................... 137
Corina Boncescu, Lacramioara Diana Robescu ............................................................ 139
Andrei Szollosi-Moţa, Maria Prodan, Constantin Lupu, Angelica Călămar, Irina Nălboc ..... 141
Agnieszka Baran, Marek Tarnawski, Magdalena Urbaniak............................................. 143
Andreea-Florina Gîlcă, George Bârjoveanu, Carmen Teodosiu, Ioana Roman, Silvia Fiore . 145

Francesca Mapelli, Valentina Riva, Ameur Cherif, Redouane Choukr-Allah, Ahmed Rashed, Sara
Borin .....................................................................................................................147
Stefan-Mihai Petrea, Alina Mogodan, Isabelle Metaxa, Săndiţa Plăcintă, Mihaela Aida Vasile149
Alessandra Bonoli, Martina Mastroddi .........................................................................151
Stavros Christofilopoulos, Andreas Kaliakatsos, Konstantina Triantafyllou, Styliani Voutsadaki,
Nikolaos Nikolaidis, Venieri Danae, Nicolas Kalogerakis ................................................153
Monika Čvančarová, Nicolas Kalogerakis, Danae Venieri, Luc Girardin, Philippe F.-X. Corvini155
Tatjana Juzsakova, Noor Al-Jammal, Zsofia Ifju, Domokos Endre, Akos Redey ................157
Andreas Kaliakatsos, Stavros Christophilopoulos, Kassandra Koumaki, Iosifina Gounaki, Nicolas
Kalogerakis, Danae Venieri .......................................................................................159
Nicoleta Lungar, Florica Manea, AnaMaria Baciu, Aniela Pop, Ramona Magurean .............161
Jozsef Nemeth, Endre Domokos, Viktor Sebestyen, Tatjana Juzsakova, Akos Redey.........163
Enza Palma, Matteo Daghio, Andrea Franzetti,
Marco Petrangeli Papini, Federico Aulenta ..................................................................165
Lemna sp.
Jessica Lizeth Reyes-Ledezma, Allan Eduardo Ramírez-Rodríguez, Liliana Morales-Barrera, Eliseo
Cristiani-Urbina .......................................................................................................167

Anna Wyrwicka, Magdalena Urbaniak ........................................................................ 169
Anna Laura Eusebi, Matteo Spinelli, Mattia Pierpaoli, Nicola Frison, Diego Cingolani, Francesco
Fatone .................................................................................................................. 171
Emilio Rosales, Delia Anasie, Marta Pazos, Iuliana Lazar, M. Ángeles Sanromán.............. 173
Lemna sp.
Jessica Lizeth Reyes-Ledezma, Daniel Uribe-Ramírez, Liliana Morales-Barrera, Eliseo Cristiani-
Urbina................................................................................................................... 175
Magdalena Urbaniak ............................................................................................... 177
Jiménez-Silva Vanessa Abigail, Santoyo-Tepole Fortunata, Ruíz-Ordaz Nora, Juvencio Galíndez
Mayer ................................................................................................................... 179
Emilio Rosales, Silvia Diaz, Marta Pazos, M. Angeles Sanromán .................................... 181
Arianna Cherubin, Nicola Frison, Anna Laura Eusebi, Francesco Fatone ......................... 183
Arianna Cherubin, Nicola Frison, Anna Laura Eusebi, Francesco Fatone ......................... 185
Giorgia Rubertelli, Davide Pinelli, Dario Frascari .......................................................... 187

Martin Miltner, Florian Kirchbacher, Antonia Rom, Walter Wukovits, Michael Harasek, Anton
Friedl .....................................................................................................................191
Maria Barbara Banella, Marc von Czapiewski, Annamaria Celli, Michael Meier ..................193
Antonio Serrano, Fernando G. Fermoso, Bernabé Alonso-Fariñas, Guillermo Rodríguez-Gutiérrez,
Juan Fernández-Bolaños, Rafael Borja .......................................................................195
Daniela Cailean (Gavrilescu), Dumitrita Ibanescu, Carmen Teodosiu, Silvia Fiore .............197
Mónika Molnár, Virág Kordisz, Emese Vaszita, Nikolett Uzinger, Márk Rékási, József Kutasi,
Viktória Feigl, Mária Tolner, Katalin Gruiz, Éva Farkas ..................................................199
Joana M. B. Domingos, Gonzalo A. Martinez, Alberto Scoma, Serena Fraraccio, Frederiek-
Maarten Kerckhof, Nico Boon, Maria A. M. Reis, Fabio Fava, Lorenzo Bertin ....................201
Igor Crețescu, Teofil Câmpean, Teodor Constantin Nechita, Adrian Cătălin Puițel, Teodor
Măluțan, Dan-Alexandru Gavrilescu, Camelia Smaranda, Petronela Cozma, Maria Gavrilescu203
Fernanda Andreola, Luisa Barbieri, Teresa Cotes Palomino, Romina D. Farias, Isabella Lancellotti,
Carmen Martínez García ...........................................................................................205
Maura Ferri, Giulio Zanaroli, Annamaria Celli, Laura Sisti, Annalisa Tassoni .....................207
Giorgia Liberati, Mohammadali Mozafarian, Gonzalo A. Martinez, Joana M. Bendada Domingos,
Fabio Fava, Lorenzo Bertin .......................................................................................209

Fernández Rodríguez María José, De La Lama Calvente David, Jiménez Rodríguez Antonia, Borja
Padilla Rafael, Rincón Llorente Bárbara ..................................................................... 211
Stefano Rebecchi, Davide Pinelli, Dario Frascari, Fabio Fava, Giulio Zanaroli ................... 213
Andrea Nuzzo, Marco Rocca, Maria Elena Antinori, Fabio Fava, Giulio Zanaroli ................ 215
Cristina Ghinea, Elena Diana Comanita, Maria Gavrilescu ............................................. 217
Alessandra Procentese, Francesca Raganati, Giuseppe Olivieri, Marco De La Feld, Maria Elena
Russo, Antonio Marzocchella .................................................................................... 219
Mihaela Cosnita, Cristina Cazan, Anca Duta ................................................................ 221
Francesco Maluta, Giuseppina Montante, Alessandro Paglianti ...................................... 223
Salvatore Puccio, Gonzalo Martinez, Davide Pinelli, Dario Frascari, Lorenzo Bertin ........... 225
María Hijosa-Valsero, Ana Isabel Paniagua-García, Rebeca Díez-Antolínez ...................... 227
Francesca Demichelis, Maurizio Onofrio, Silvia Fiore .................................................... 229
Alessandro Ragini, Luca Longanesi, Cecilia Spagni, Heleen DeWever, Dario Frascari, Davide
Pinelli.................................................................................................................... 231
Guido De Guidi, Pietro P. Falciglia, Alfio Catalfo, Federico G.A. Vagliasindi...................... 233

Vladana N. Rajakovic-Ognjanovic, Milica Karanac, Jasna Smolar, Ana Petkovsek, Maja Đolić,
Jovan Despotovic ....................................................................................................235
Krzyżak Jacek, Pogrzeba Marta, Rusinowski Szymon, Hebner Anja.................................237
Hamed Rasouli Sadabad, Gagik Badalians Gholikandi ...................................................239
Viktor Sebestyen, Jozsef Nemeth, Endre Domokos, Tatjana Juzsakova, Miklos Bulla, Akos Redey
Júnia Alves-Ferreira, Maria C. Fernandes, Luís C. Duarte, Alfredo Martínez, Helena Pereira,
Florbela Carvalheiro .................................................................................................243
Suchanya Wongrod, Yoan Pechaud, Piet N. L. Lens, David Huguenot, Gilles Guibaud, Eric D. van
Hullebusch .............................................................................................................245
Simona Cecilia Ghiga, Raluca Maria Hlihor, Isabela Maria Simion, Maria Gavrilescu ..........247
Mónika Molnár, Viktória Feigl, Emese Vaszita, Katalin Gruiz, Éva Farkas .........................249
Men Fei Chok, Igor Creţescu, Carmen Teodosiu, Dorina Nicolina Isopescu, Maria Harja, Brindusa
Mihaela Sluser, Mohamad Amran Mohd Salleh ............................................................251
Éva Farkas, Viktória Feigl, Éva Ujaczki, Ildikó Fekete-Kertész, Mária Tolner, Emese Vaszita,
Katalin Gruiz, Mónika Molnár ....................................................................................253
GLUCOSE USING Clostridium beijerinckii ATCC 55025
Manuel Aguado Ramos, Yolanda Núñez Gutiérrez, Elena Maganto Burgos, Daniel Hernández
Mateo, Daniela Zaharieva Petrova, Jennifer Doblado Ferrón ..........................................255

Francesca Demichelis, Silvia Fiore, Daniel Pleissner, Joachim Venus .............................. 257
Valeria Ancona, Anna Barra Caracciolo, Paola Grenni, Claudia Campanale, Ida Rascio, Martina Di
Lenola, Martina Cardoni, Giuseppe Bagnuolo, Giuseppe Mascolo, Angelo Massacci, Vito Felice
Uricchio................................................................................................................. 259
Guillermo Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Fátima Rubio-Senent, Juan Fernández-Bolaños Guzmán, Maria
Africa Fernandez Prior, Alejandra Bermudez Oria ........................................................ 261
Dulce Arias, Enrica Uggetti, Maria Jesús García-Galán, Joan García ............................... 263
Asli Gumus, Bulent Icgen......................................................................................... 265
Christos Vlachokostas, Georgios Tsegas, Charisios Achillas, Nicolas Moussiopoulos ......... 267
Luisa Barbieri, Isabel Belo, Leonardo Bertani, Elena Bursi, Luca Forti, Isabella Lancellotti,
Felisbela Oliveira, Armando Venâncio ........................................................................ 269
Ciro Vasmara, Rosa Marchetti, Anna Orsi, Lucia Monti, Giovanna Contarini, Riccardo Aleandri 271
Ayşenur Bölükbaş, Görkem Akinci ............................................................................. 273
Patrizia Circelli, Silvia Colella, Nader Akil, Emanuele Festa, Valentina Cinti ...................... 275
Eleonora Carota, Maurizio Petruccioli, Anna M. Gallo, Silvia Crognale, Alessandro D’Annibale277

Ta Yeong Wu, Eng Kein New, Yu-Loong Loow, Cornelius Basil Tien Loong Lee, Nicholas Wei Ren
Cheong, Luther Yang Wei Foo...................................................................................279
Eng Kein New, Ta Yeong Wu, Yu-Loong Loow, Zi Yet Poon, Luther Yang Wei Foo ...........281
Viktória Feigl, Ivett Kerekes, Éva Farkas, Mónika Molnár ..............................................283
Elena Goldan, Iuliana Lazar, Xavier Domene ...............................................................285
Valer Micle, Ioana Monica Sur, Adriana Criste, Marin Şenilă, Erika Levei, Eugenia Gamenţ,
Carmen Cristorean, George Călin Rogozan ..................................................................287
Patricia Moniz, Talita Silva-Fernandes , Ivone Torrado, Júnia Alves-Ferreira , Maria C. Fernandes
Alina Ortan, Irina Fierascu, Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Daniela Ionescu, Milen I. Georgiev .....291
Éva Ujaczki, Yannick S. Zimmermann, Christoph A. Gasser, Mónika Molnár, Viktória Feigl,
Markus Lenz ...........................................................................................................293
Maura Ferri, Micaela Vannini, Paola Marchese, Annamaria Celli, Annalisa Tassoni ............295
Tommy Pepè Sciarria, Giovanni Vacca, Fulvia Tambone, Fabrizio Adani ..........................297
Ludo Diels ..............................................................................................................299
Bianca Colombo, Barbara Scaglia, Francesca Favini, Tommy Pepè Sciarria, Giuliana D’Imporzano,
Fabrizio Adani .........................................................................................................301

Guillermo Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, Juan Fernández-Bolaños Guzmán, Baukje de Roos, Garry G.
Duthie, Antonio Lama Muñoz, María África Fernández Prior, Juan Antonio Espejo Calvo ... 303
Patrizia Circelli, Marco Molica Colella, Andrea Rausa, Valentina Cinti .............................. 305
George Barjoveanu, Carmen Teodosiu, Daniela Fighir, Dan Popovici ............................. 309
Hans Bressers, Nanny Bressers ................................................................................ 311
Daniel Koch, Anton Friedl, Bettina Mihalyi .................................................................. 313
Daniela Cailean (Gavrilescu), George Barjoveanu, Carmen Teodosiu ............................. 315
Brindusa Mihaela Sluser, Mihai Gabriel Balan, Eugen Rusu, Catalin Balan ....................... 317
Alexandra V. Michailidou, Christos Vlachokostas, Nicolas Moussiopoulos ........................ 319
Teofil Câmpean, Raluca-Maria Hlihor, Isabela Maria Simion, Elena-Diana Comăniță, Petronela
Cozma, Camelia Smaranda, Mihaela Roșca, Dan-Alexandru Gavrilescu, Cristina Ghinea, Maria
Gavrilescu ............................................................................................................. 321
Elena-Diana Comăniță, Isabela Maria Simion, Petronela Cozma, Camelia Smaranda, Raluca Maria
Hlihor, Cristina Ghinea, Simona Cecilia Ghiga, Mihaela Roșca, Maria Gavrilescu............... 323

Petronela Cozma, Teofil Câmpean, Ariadna Negruț, Mihaela Roșca, Isabela Maria Simion, Elena-
Diana Comaniță, Simona Cecilia Ghiga, Camelia Smaranda, Raluca Maria Hlihor, Maria
Gavrilescu ..............................................................................................................325
Spina Federica, Spini Giulia, Poli Anna, Romagnolo Alice, Zanellati Andrea, Bentivegna Giuseppe
Nicolò, El-Nazhari Najoi, Regnier Tiffanie, Blieux Anne-Laure, Echairi Abdelwahad, Prigione
Valeria, Puglisi Edoardo, Varese Giovanna Cristina .......................................................327
Emanuela Di Fusco, Giovanni Buroni, Giada Felisa, Ilaria Lauriola, Tonino Liserra, Valentina
Ciriello, Vittorio Di Federico* .....................................................................................329
Vasile N. Popa, Luminița I. Popa , Anca N. Iuga (Butnariu) ...........................................331
Vlad Nicolae Arsenoaia, Petru Marian Cârlescu, Radu Roșca, Ioan Țenu .........................333
Isabela Maria Simion, Elena-Diana Comăniță, Petronela Cozma, Cristina Ghinea, Teofil Câmpean,
Raluca Maria Hlihor, Mihaela Roșca, Simona Cecilia Ghiga, Camelia Smaranda, Maria Gavrilescu335
Sara Zanni, Alessandra Bonoli ...................................................................................337
Pezzolla Daniela , Venanzi Sonia, Sordi Alessio, Cecchini Lucio, Ricci Anna, Torquati Bianca Maria 2,
Gigliotti Giovanni .....................................................................................................339
Laura Roibás, Antonio Cuevas, María Eugenia Vázquez, Marta Vilas, Almudena Hospido ...341
Elena-Diana Comăniță, Isabela Maria Simion, Petronela Cozma, Camelia Smaranda, Raluca Maria
Hlihor, Cristina Ghinea, Simona Cecilia Ghiga, Mihaela Roșca, Maria Gavrilescu ..............343

Carmen M Torres-Costa, Francesc Castells, Maria José Figueras ................................... 345
Camelia Smaranda, Teofil Câmpean, Cristina Ghinea, Petronela Cozma, Teodor Măluțan, Igor
Crețescu, Adrian Cătălin Puițel, Elena-Diana Comăniță, Isabela Maria Simion1, Raluca-Maria
Hlihor, Dan-Alexandru Gavrilescu.............................................................................. 347
Laura Roibás, Eléonore Loiseau, Almudena Hospido .................................................... 349
Jan W. Dobrowolski, Dong Renjie, Małgorzata Koncewicz-Baran, Tomasz Czech, Florian Gambuś,
Jerzy Wieczorek, Justyna Kobylarczyk, Robert Mazur, Aleksandra Wagner ..................... 351
Francesco Baldoni, Valeria Bettini, Luca Pesaresi, Nicola Dalla Torre, Gianpaolo Bonmassari353
Luca La Giglia, Monia Niero, Alessandra Bonoli, Stig I. Olsen ........................................ 355
Semih Oguzcan, Jolita Kruopiene, Jolanta Dvarioniene ................................................ 357
Bogdan Cramariuc, Lucia Rusu, Dan Andrei Sitar-Tăut................................................. 359
Alessandro Dal Pozzo, Daniele Guglielmi, Giacomo Antonioni, Alessandro Tugnoli ........... 361
Madlena Nen, Mihaela Hărmănescu, Ecaterina Stefan, Crina Rădulescu ......................... 363
Semih Oguzcan, Daina Kliaugaite, Alessandro Tugnoli, Jolanta Dvarioniene .................... 365

Ion Visa, Anca Duta .................................................................................................369
Stefano Cianchetta, Stefania Galletti ..........................................................................371
Eleonora Lalli, Nuno M. D. Vitorino, Carla A. M. Portugal, João G. Crespo, Cristiana Boi, Jorge R.
Frade, Andrei V. Kovalevsky .....................................................................................373
Igor Cretescu, Ingrid-Ioana Buciscanu, Tudorel Balau-Mindru, Tudor Lupascu, Gheorghe Duca,
Constantin Luca ......................................................................................................375
Irina Fierascu, Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Raluca Somoghi, Sorin Marius Avramescu, Alina Elena
Olaru, Corina Bradu, Angel Nica ................................................................................377
Ecaterina Matei, Andra Mihaela Predescu, Maria Râpă, Cristian Pantilimon, Claudia Drăgan,
Cristian Predescu ....................................................................................................379
Corina Orha, Florica Manea, Carmen Lazau, Rodica Pode ............................................381
Tatjana Juzsakova, Zsofia Ifju, Noor Al-Jammal, Igor Cretescu, Endre Domokos, Jozsef Nemeth,
Viktor Sebestyen, Akos Redey ...................................................................................383
Consuela Gómez de Castro, Catalina Nuțescu Duduman, Maria Harja, Doina Lutic, Tatjana
Juzsakova, Igor Cretescu .........................................................................................385
Noor Al-Jammal, Tatjána Juzsakova, Ákos Rédey, Domokos Endre ................................387
H. Benlouali, I. Karmal, M. Fallah, M.C. Harrouni, M. Hamdani, R. Choukrallah ................389

Madelene Annette Dancila, Simona Caprarescu, Violeta Purcaru , Eugeniu Vasile, Cristina
Modrogan, Alina Melinescu ...................................................................................... 391
Diana Gilea, Mihaela Vizitiu, Doina Lutic, Gabriela Carja............................................... 393
Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Irina Fierascu, Bogdan Trica, Sorin Marius Avramescu, Corina Bradu,
Alina Elena Olaru, Angel Nica ................................................................................... 395
Noor Al-Jammal, Tatjana Juzsakova, Endre Domokos, Jozsef Nemeth, Viktor Sebestyen, Akos
Redey* .................................................................................................................. 397
I. Ion, R. M. Senin, R. Stoica, S. Doncea, A. C. Ion ..................................................... 399
Maja Đolić, Vladana Rajaković-Ognjanović, Milica Karanac, Ljiljana Janković-Mandić, Antonije
Onjia, Ljubinka Rajaković ........................................................................................ 401
Corneliu S. Stan, Marcel Popa, Petronela Horlescu, Gabriela Soreanu, Igor Cretescu ....... 403
Diana Gilea, Elena Seftel, Gabriela Carja .................................................................... 405
Tatjana Juzsakova, Tamas Frater, Igor Cretescu, Endre Domokos, Akos Redey .............. 407
Salvatore Puccio, Andrea Nuzzo, Claudio Martina, Gonzalo Martinez, Fabio Fava, Lorenzo Bertin,
Giulio Zanaroli ........................................................................................................ 411
Raffaele Pica, Sabino De Gisi, Gianpaolo Sabia, Michele Notarnicola .............................. 413

Marius Gavrilescu ....................................................................................................415
Vasile-Mircea Cristea, Alexandra Csavdari, Horia Hangan, Norbert-Botond Mihály, Paul Şerban
Agachi ...................................................................................................................417
Zsófia Kovács, Éena Jakó, Igor Cretescu, Endre Domokos ............................................419
Gabriel-Alin Iosob, Maria Prisecaru, Florin Prisecaru, Iuliana-Mihaela Lazăr .....................421
Cicatelli Angela, Guarino Francesco, Karina B. Ruiz, Biondi Stefania, Castiglione Stefano...423
Raluca Maria Hlihor, Manuela Olga Pogăcean, Petronela Cozma, Isabela Maria Simion, Vasile
Stoleru, Maria Gavrilescu .........................................................................................425
Gorkem Akinci, Gulden Gok, Melayib Bilgin .................................................................427
Delia Nica-Badea, Iuliana Gabriela Breaban, Igor Cretescu, Catalina Daniela Stan ............429
Roxana Tincu, Maria-Ema Faciu, Iuliana Lazar ............................................................431
Maria A. Kirillova, Elena N. Esimbekova, Valentina A. Kratasyuk ....................................433
Milva Pepi, Hermann J. Heipieper, Cecilia Balestra, Marco Borra, Elio Biffali, Raffaella Casotti435

Iulia Crăciun, Andrei Radovici, Alexandra Kovacs, Alexandru Mereuță, Zoltán Török, Viorel
Arghiuș, Alexandru Ozunu ....................................................................................... 437
Stefan-Adrian Strungaru, Mircea Nicoara, Madalina Andreea Robea, Elena Todirascu-Ciornea,
Gabriel Plavan ........................................................................................................ 439
Alhassan H. Ismail, Diana Robescu, Laura Stanescu .................................................... 441
Alina Maria Coman, Georgiana Lacatusu, Ana Maria Macsim, Gabriel Lazar .................... 443
Raluca Arba, Lucia Rusu, Dan Sitar-Taut, Sergiu Jecan ................................................ 445
Aniela Pop, Florica Manea, Lacrima Ighian, Rodica Pode .............................................. 447
Adela Marilena Buburuzan ....................................................................................... 449
Ana-Maria Şchiopu, Ion Apostol, Adela Marilena Buburuzan ......................................... 451
Oanamari Daniela Orbuleţ, Cristina Modrogan, Pandele Andreea Mădălina, Cristina Orbeci,
Dăncilă Madelene, Constantin Bobirică ...................................................................... 453
Liliana Lazar, Heinz Koeser ...................................................................................... 455
Petronela Cozma, Ioan Mămăligă, Manuela Olga Pogăcean, Raluca-Maria Hlihor, Camelia
Smaranda, Maria Gavrilescu ..................................................................................... 457
Elena Dragoi, Zsófia Kovács, Silvia Curteanu, Ákos Rédey, Igor Creţescu ....................... 459

Raluca Maria Hlihor, Petronela Cozma, Manuela Olga Pogăcean, Isabela Maria Simion, Laura
Carmen Apostol, Maria Gavrilescu .............................................................................461
Mihaela Rosca, Raluca Maria Hlihor, Isabela Maria Simion, Petronela Cozma, Maria Gavrilescu
Oana Acatrinei – Insuratelu, Gabriel Buftia, Iuliana-Mihaela Lazar, Lacramioara Rusu ......465
Emanuela Galli, Valerio G. Muzzini, Antonio Finizio, Pietro Fumagalli, Paola Grenni, Anna Barra
Caracciolo, Jasmin Rauseo, Luisa Patrolecco ...............................................................467
Camelia Smaranda, Petronela Cozma, Ioan Mămăligă, Adrian Catalin Puitel, Teodor Malutan,
Maria Gavrilescu......................................................................................................469
M.S. Secula, A. Vajda, L. Lazar, I. Mamaliga ...............................................................471
Raluca Maria Hlihor, Isabela Maria Simion, Petronela Cozma, Manuela Olga Pogăcean, Mihaela
Roșca, Maria Gavrilescu ...........................................................................................473
Georgiana Lacatusu, Alina-Maria Coman, Ana-Maria Macsim, Iuliana-Mihaela Lazar .........475
Ileana Manciulea, Stefano Girotti, Luca Ferrari, Michele Protti, Laura Mercolini, Lucia Dumitrescu,
Anca Vasilescu, Camelia Draghici...............................................................................477
Manuela Olga Pogăcean, Raluca-Maria Hlihor, Lidia Favier, Maria Gavrilescu ...................479
Cristina Liana Popa, Elfrida M. Carstea, Erika Levei, Cristian I. Ioja, Roxana Savastru.......481

Carmen Cătălina Ioan, Ileana Maria Carcea, Andrei Dumencu, Brindusa Mihaela Sluser ... 483
Cristina Salcă Rotaru, Ileana Manciulea, Camelia Drăghici ............................................ 485
Simona Andrei, Bran-Elena Petronela, Gabriel-Octavian Lazăr....................................... 487
Lorand Toth, Angela Călămar, Marius Kovacs, Sorin Simion, Alexandru Simion ............... 489



Almudena Hospido*
Group of Environmental Engineering and Bioprocesses, Department of Chemical
Engineering, Institute of Technology, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782
Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
*: [email protected].

Introduction and study objectives

Water management has been part of human history since its very
beginning, being wastewater management slightly more recent. The same
happens with treatment, as water treatment also predates wastewater treatment.
At the time the first modern water treatment plant was built (i.e. 1804),
wastewater treatment was considered unnecessary due to the idea of self-
purification. More than a century was need to change human minds and, in 1920,
the first full-scale activated sludge started operating in Sheffield. As population
increases, so the amount of wastewater and the level of pollution on it do, and,
consequently, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been designed and
implemented all over the world in the past two centuries, moving, as does our
relationship with the environment, their raison d'être from pollution removal to
resource recovery. In this present context, several methods are available to
assess the environmental impacts and benefits of WWTPs and, among them, Life
Cycle Assessment (LCA) can be considered the best practice, even when there is
always room from improvement. Having said this, this keynote presentation will
go through the evolution of LCA when applied to WWTPs, since the first studies
from the 1990s to year 2017, with focus on the reasons for its application, on the
main similarities and also the main differences, as well as its combined application
with other environmental and/or economical tools.
The speaker will use her own experience and research done on this topic
in order to go through the evolution of the LCA as a useful tool for supporting the
definition of a sustainable WWTPs. The presentation will be based also on the
collaborative publications done in collaboration with researchers from the
University of Santiago de Compostela as well as from other foreign institutions.

Particular focus will be paid on the analysis done and the conclusions achieved
1) The Working Group (WG) on Life Cycle Assessment of Water and
Wastewater Treatment, which is a WG within the International Water
Association (IWA) Modelling and Integrated Assessment (MIA) specialist
group established in 2013 to facilitate the exchange of ideas and develop
consensus regarding methodologies to promote better use of LCA in the
anthropogenic water cycle. The seed for this discussion group was the
review paper published in 2013
( and nowadays is still
active on Linked-In ( with
322 members.
2) The Task Force (TF) Environmental Assessment within the WG3
Environmental and economic impact (
environmental-and-economic-impact) of the COST action Water2020.
One of the main outputs of this TF has been the publication of a chapter
“Assessing environmental impacts and benefits of wastewater treatment
plants” included in the coming book entitled “Wastewater Treatment &
Resource Recovery Technologies: Impacts on Energy, Economy and
Environment” (ISBN: 9781780407869), which aims at presenting the
basic steps of LCA as described in the ISO standards and at exemplifying,
by means of four cases studies, its application and expected outcomes
and usefulness.
Results and conclusions
The talk will come to an end with the identification of the still existing
challenges that require further development to fully cover all relevant
environmental aspects of the WWTP of the future.
The speaker is grateful to all the researchers that, from different approaches
and with diverse objectives, believe LCA is a useful tool to assess the environmental
performance of individual technologies and complete processes for wastewater
treatment, as well as those that have contributed to the continuous development of the
"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is
progress, and working together is success." – Henry

Anca Duta*, Ion Visa, Cristina Bogatu, Maria Covei,
Dana Perniu*
R&D Centre: Renewable Energy Systems and Recycling, Transilvania University of Brasov,
Romania;29, Eroilor Bvd. 500036 Brasov, Romania,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

According to the Nature report of Jan Eliasson (deputy UN General Secretary),
by 2025 more than 1.8 billion people will experience water scarcity, while two thirds of
the world population will face water shortage; these are related to common and
emergent pollutants discharged in the environment at much higher levels than
regulated, either as lack of proper treatment (or lack of any treatment at all) or due to
the cumulative effect of long term discharge, allowed by the legal frame. While the first
has legal remediation instruments, the latest poses a significant risk, as most of the
pollutants in this situation were evidenced in water only in the past decade(s) as result
of progresses in the analysis equipment, although the contaminants were intensively
used in the 50 years. Not being watched at discharge but also in the water sanitation
steps, these pollutants are actually part of our daily life and are responsible for
significant (and negative) consequences. Therefore, the EU directive 2013/39/EU
extended the list of priority substances along with new/updated environmental quality
standards to be met by 2021 (updated values, e.g. for phenols) or 2027 (for new micro-
pollutants); further on, in 2015 the EU watch list (EC Decision 495/2015) was extended
with 10 new groups of substances, including pesticides, antibiotics and hormones.
Conventional WWTP are not fully prepared to mitigate the emergent organic
contaminants (EOC) down to what we currently consider as acceptable discharge
concentrations; on the other hand, membrane technologies can be efficient in micro-
pollutants removal, but are energy intensive, use rather expensive equipment, and raise
significant concerns on the concentrate that needs special disposal technologies.
Thus, the WWT concept should focus on mineralization to break EOCs in non-
harmful components and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are well suited to fulfill
this task. The main barriers in scaling up heterogeneous photocatalysis impose
sustainability increase and reducing the cost of treated water. This asks for low cost
activation energy and solar radiation is the most obvious candidate; thus photocatalysis
needs Vis-active materials, obtained using low cost and environmental friendly
precursors, through low-energy intensive, up-scalable technologies. An additional
request for real technology transfer asks for simple WWT-AOP (thus films are preferred
to suspensions), able to deal with large amounts of polluted water resulted from the
conventional treatment processes (thus continuous flow processes). Last but not least,
the energy consumed during these processes should be “green”, i.e. obtained from

This presentation touches all these points and presents a rather new concept of
Vis-active 2D thin layers composites integrated in a continuous flow photoreactor,
powered by a PV array.
The Design Prerequisites: Photovoltaics represent the well-known 2D
composite structures activated by solar radiation. Therefore, an aqueous-stable
photovoltaic cell should be a Vis(solar) active photocatalyst; this rules out the silicon-
based n-p junctions but leaves room for the photovoltaics of the 3rd and 4th generation:
2D composites of n-type wide band gap semiconductors (MOx, M: Ti, W, Zn etc.)
interconnected with p-type narrow band gap semiconductors. Considering the PVs
development, the best suited candidates are the sulfides as CuInS2 (to be avoided as In
is a scarce/critical material), or Cu xS (to be avoided due to photo-corrosion) or
Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS).
The MOx/CZTS photocatalyst should be able to function 24/7, thus also during
the night and in cloudy days. Therefore, highly efficient structures are required and
these should be powered by renewables. In a fully circular concept, powering should
come from PVs, (e.g. Si- based, CdTe, etc.).
Novel 2D composite structures were obtained by an easily up-scalable
technique (Spray Pyrolysis Deposition, SPD) and their photocatalytic efficiency proved to
be very good in the phenol and imidacloprid removal. The tests at low Vis-irradiance
values allowed kinetic modelling while tests on the solar-simulator (500 and 1000 W/m2)
allowed estimating the energy input supporting wastewater processing when solar
radiation is not available. Based on, the PV array required for powering the system is
estimated and the initial investment and operational costs can be calculated and
benchmarked (e.g. with RO).
Results and discussions
One key issue governing the novel photocatalytic/photovoltaic structure is the
interfacial control among the n and p-type layers in the FTO/TiO2/CZTS 2D structure.
The roles of crystallinity and morphology are of outmost importance, but there are some
limits that can hardly be overstepped (the size and type of the crystalline cells in TiO2
and CZTS, the significantly different morphology of the pristine layers, etc.). Therefore
optimization results are presented considering CZTS doping and/or the use of a buffer
layer, with the main role in increasing the interfacial compatibility. Imidacloprid (5ppm)
removal reached efficiencies close to 90% after 6 hours of Vis-irradiation (9W/m2), in a
continuous flow thin film photoreactor, while phenol removal (as expected) runs with a
slower TOC decrease. Based on these results, PV array preliminary calculations showed
an average energy consumption of 1.44 Wh/L/m 2. Considering an average flow rate of
330 L/h of wastewater flowing over a 1m 2 of photocatalytic film, each day allows the
treatment of 2,5 m ; the average yearly energy demand can be met by a tracked PV
array with 7 poly-crystalline PV modules. These values are fully up-scalable through
batteries of plate-photoreactors and proportionally larger PV arrays.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Authority for Scientific Research
and Innovation, CNCS/CCDI-UEFISCDI, project no. PN-III-P2-2.1-PED- 2016-0514, under PNCDI


Anton Friedl

TU-Wien, Institute of Chemical, Environmental and Biological Engineering

Getreidemarkt 9/166, 1060 Vienna, Austria
: [email protected]

Due to increasing uncertainties of fossil resources as basis for many

products and energy supply new resources are under investigation. A valuable
bio based resource are various types of biomass and assorted collected and
pre-separated municipal organic waste has been recognized as a valuable
resource for the sustainable production of material, chemicals and energy
carriers. Within the European Community a goal has been defined to increase
the recycling rate from municipal waste from 44% to 70%. Until 2030 the plane
is that only 10% of the waste is needed to be deposited.
The application of a cascaded valorization process for utilizing these
resources in form of biorefinery concepts is considered to be favorable both for
ecologic and economic reasons. Therefore, it is suggested to firstly
extract/produce high-priced material and chemicals followed by the production
of fuels and energy carriers. Electric power and thermal heat can be generated
in a final step. Residuals of this cascade will be converted to fertilizers.
The International Energy Agency (Task 42) defines a biorefinery as
“The sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable
products”. The target of a biorefinery is the conversion of various biomass in a
cascaded use and integrated processing with the aim of using all substrate
components and also valorization of waste and byproducts into competitive
products. This can be a replacement of products which are identical in chemical
composition to existing products, but based on renewable resources or a
substitution of products which have a different chemical composition to existing
products, but a similar functionality.
Already existing biorefineries are sugar and starch factories as well as
bioethanol production with the products bioethanol and the byproduct DDGS
(distiller dried grain and solubles) which is produce in the same amount that the
main product.
For the development of new biorefinery concepts two principal ways are
possible the bioproduct driven direction producing e.g. pulp&paper and lactic

acid or the bioenergy driven way producing bioethanol via fermentation or
Fischer-Tropsch biofuels via a gasification process.
Available treatment and separation processes are of mechanical,
physical, chemical or thermochemical, biochemical as well as combinations
thereof. As substrates can be used sugar, starch, lignocellulosic material
consisting of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, plant oil and protein.
Bioproduct driven biorefineries can provide cellulosic fibers for clothes
or paper, acetic acid, vanillin, lactic acid for the production of PLA and a very
interesting product group can been derived from lignin which is focus af many
research activities.
The US Department of Energy published 2004 the “TOP 10” biobased
chemicals. In 2010 this list has been adapted from Sandén and Pettersson to
following chemicals biohydrocarbons (e.g. isoprene), lactic acid, ethanol,
succinic acid, furans (furfural, HMF, FDCA), hydroxypropionic acid/aldehyde,
levulinic acid, glycerol and derivates, sorbitol and xylitol.
Bioenergy driven biorefineries have a focus on bioethanol produced via
fermentation with sugar, starch or lignocellulosic substrates. Biodiesel can be
produced from plant oil via transesterification with glycerol as byproduct. As an
alternative route, the biological and thermal gasification processes are available
with products like methane, hydrogen, methanol, dimethylether, Fischer-
Tropsch diesel, mixed alcohols, aldehydes and isobutan.
The development of the so-called second-generation biofuels are
intensively studied and large-scale installations are planned or already build.
Details about these plants can be found on the IEA Bioenergy Task 39 webpage
organized from bioenergy 2020.
An interesting route is the CO 2 conversion via algae process. Target
products are higher value products like omega 3 fatty acids or algae oil that can
be converted to biodiesel.
Important for the development of new biorefinery routes is the
evaluation of the material use efficiency, the energy efficiency as well as the
evaluation ecological impacts using life cycle analyses (LCA). Putting these
results together will ensure the development of efficient and sustainable
production of materials, chemicals and energy.

Chalmers University of Technology ISBN 978-91-980973-2-0


Thomas Ternes*, Arne Wick, Kevin Jewell, Gudrun Nuerenberg,

Per Falas, Adriano Joss, Jörg Oehlmann

Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG), Koblenz, Germany

: [email protected]

So called “emerging contaminants” are recently detected in wastewater

and environmental matrices up to several µg/L, although they might already be
present for decades. Innovative analytical instrumentation enables the
identification and quantification of organic contaminants down to the lower
nanogram per litre and nanogram per kg range. Prominent examples of
emerging contaminants are pharmaceuticals, estrogens, ingredients of personal
care products, biocides, flame retardants, benzothiazoles, benzotriazoles or
perfluorinated compounds. In wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), during
soil passage and in surface waters many of these emerging contaminants are
converted to appreciable portions into transformation products (TPs).
Thus, surface water and groundwater contain frequently a very
complex mixture of contaminants and their TPs at the sub-mg/L range
comprising an extreme high variety of different properties such as polarity,
sorption affinity, biodegradability, chemical reactivity or UV-stability. It is even
known that drinking water in some locations contains an appreciable number of
emerging contaminants and TPs. Neither, the ecotoxicological impact nor the
human health impacts of those mixtures are currently well understood.
Currently, it is very challenging to evaluate biological treatment
processes using only a limited number of selected target compounds without
considering the formation of stable transformation products and without
considering the complexity of compounds present. Thus, a concept was
developed combining target and non-target analysis of emerging compounds
their transformation products as well as results of a set of in-vitro bioassays for
evaluating biological processes.
Chemical target analysis of emerging micropollutants as well as newly
developed non-target approaches considering thousands of potential
micropollutants and TPs have been developed. A non-target analysis workflow
enables the evaluation of different wastewater treatment processes. Moreover,

the formation and the removal of TPs can be assessed. Individual TPs have
been identified for more than 15 emerging micropollutants and were quantified
with the target compounds in pilot plants as well as in full-scale WWTPs.
Results indicate that the compound composition in cascaded reactors
change significantly, particularly for treatments at different redox conditions
(i.e. aerobic pre-treatment followed by anoxic and anaerobic post-treatment) or
including biofilm reactors. Thus, further degradation of wastewater-born
compounds by the anaerobic post-treatment occurs and further supported the
results from target analysis that the process combinations covering aerobic and
strictly anaerobic conditions as well as biofilm reactors broaden the range of
micropollutants being removed.
Diclofenac can be removed effectively in a cascaded hybrid moving bed
biofilm reactor (hybrid-MBBR) achieving nitrification and denitrification. The
degradation primarily occurred in the last compartment containing the carrier-
attached biomass. In this study, a fast dissipation was observed but many TPs
were formed which were further degraded. Due to the highly branched nature
of the transformation pathway, these are mostly present at very low
concentrations in the WWTP effluent
The presentation provides an overview about the transformation
pathways of selected emerging compounds, the evaluation of different
biological processes and the potential of biological processes to enable an
overall removal of emerging compounds.


Adisa Azapagic

The University of Manchester, UK

[email protected]

It is now widely accepted that sustainability performance should be

assessed on a life cycle basis, taking into account environmental, economic and
social aspects. With the drive towards the implementation of the circular
economy concept, measuring and managing sustainability is becoming
increasingly more important. However, it is not clear yet how this should be
carried out and what methods and tools may be best suited to guide the
development of a circular economy. In an attempt to stimulate a debate on this
topic, this talk will discuss current practice in sustainability assessment and how
it may need to be developed further in the context of circular economy.


Francesco Fatone1,*, Christian Loederer2, Thomas Wintgens3

Coordinator of the Horizon2020 “SMART-Plant”, Department of Materials, Environmental
and Urban Planning Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Polytechnic
University of Marche, Ancona, Italy
Coordinator of the Horizon2020 “POWERSTEP”, Berlin Competence for Water, Germany;
Coordinator of the Horizon2020 “AquaNES”, University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Northwestern Switzerland
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

According to the UN WATER (2017) “In the face of ever-growing demand,
wastewater is gaining momentum as a reliable alternative source of water, shifting
the paradigm of wastewater management from ‘treatment and disposal’ to ‘reuse,
recycle and resource recovery’. Wastewater can also be a cost-efficient and
sustainable source of energy, nutrients, organic matter and other useful by-products.
The potential benefits of extracting such resources from wastewater go well beyond
human and environmental health, with implications on food and energy security as
well as climate change mitigation”. Several novel key enabling management options,
technologies and potential value chains have been studied to comply with local
frameworks and to maximize the multiple potential benefits
However, the technology readiness level of the investigated eco-innovative
solutions was often not sufficient to demonstrate the economic, financial and
environmental sustainability of new value chains and business models. On the other
hand, for the water sector the transition to a circular economy presents an
opportunity to accelerate and scale-up recent scientific and technological advances
that support greater efficiency in the sector (IWA, 2017).
Within Horizon2020 a number of Innovation Actions (e.g. SMART-Plant
( are scaling-up in real environment eco-innovative solutions and
related value chains, that are studied and assessed considering even the demand,
regulation and policy and social aspects. These are paving three interrelated
pathways, related to water, energy and materials, that can make the water utilities
and industries the engines of the circular economy.
Results and conclusions
As far as the materials pathway is concerned, the Horizon2020 SMART-
Plant proves the feasibility of circular management of urban wastewater and
environmental sustainability of the systems and co-benefits of scaling-up water

solutions through Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing approaches. SMART-
Plant is scaling-up in real environment eco-innovative and energy-efficient solutions to
renovate existing wastewater treatment plants and close the circular value chain by
applying low-carbon techniques to recover materials that are otherwise lost. 7+2
demo systems are being optimized for more than 2 years in real environment in 5
municipal water treatment plants, including also 2 post-processing facilities. The
systems are automated with the aim of optimizing wastewater treatment, resource
recovery, energy-efficiency and reduction of greenhouse emissions. A comprehensive
SMART portfolio comprising biopolymers, cellulose, fertilizers and intermediates will be
recovered and processed up to the final end-products. Therefore, opportunities of
SMART-Plant are: (1) for providing state of the art innovative technology the water
treatment landscape, as SMART-Plant will address needs of water utilities for reducing
overall costs, while improving the quality of treatment and compliance to regulations;
(2) for granting access to new feedstock sources to chemical and its downstream
industry, as SMART-Plant will make available a full portfolio of products by in situ
biochemical conversion of recovered resources.
As far as the energy pathway is concerned, the Horizon2020 POWERSTEP
is proving the feasibility of energy positive municipal wastewater treatment plant.
Thanks to 6 full-scale case studies located in 4 European countries POWERSTEP
will merge treatment scheme modelling and design, global energy and heat
management, carbon foot-printing, integrated design options. Beyond the definition
and demonstration of new concepts, POWERSTEP is demonstrating the replicability of
the approach in order to accelerate the market uptake.
As far as the water pathway is concerned, the Horizon2020 AquaNES is
catalyzing innovations in water and wastewater treatment processes and
management through improved combinations of natural and engineered components.
The project focuses on 13 demonstration sites in Europe, India and Israel covering a
representative range of regional, climatic, and hydro geological conditions. Among the
demonstrated solutions are natural treatment processes such as bank filtration
(BF), managed aquifer recharge (MAR) and constructed wetlands (CW) plus
engineered pre- and post-treatment options.
The keynote presentation will critically review the advances of these relevant
Horizon2020 innovation actions as state-of-the-art of the European R&D&I ready-to-
market eco-innovative solutions. In addition, solutions to overcome the barriers to
overcome the barriers to circular economy in the water sector will be presented with
major focus to the Innovation Deal on water reuse.
SMART-Plant, POWERSTEP and AquaNES have received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No
690323, No. 641661 and No. 689450 respectively.





Noura Raddadi*, Roberta Romano, Lucia Giacomucci,

Fabio Fava

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM),

University of Bologna, Italy
via Terracini 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy.
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Marine environment constitutes one of the most promising resources for
the discovery of new microbial species with the ability to produce compounds that
could be of interest for industrial biotechnology. It has been reported that both
microbial diversity as well as metabolic capabilities of marine-dwelling
microorganis are still underexplored. Hence studies directed to unravelling the
microbial diversity and discover new metabolic capabilities are very encouraged
for a sustainable blue growth. Specifically, marine microbes and their products
including enzymes, antimicrobial compounds as well as pigments and long-chain
polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) are getting increasing interest in the
frame of the marie biotechnology sector.
LC-PUFAs are essential nutrients that have to be supplied by the diet and
there is an increasing interest in their application in food and pharmaceutical
industries as well as aquaculture feeds. Hence, the demand for LC-PUFAs
continues to grow. Currently, fish oil is the main source of LC-PUFAs and it has
been reported that more than 75 % of fish oil is used for aquaculture.
Consequently, the sustainability of the aquaculture system necessitates of further
available sources for the LC-PUFAs supply. Bacterial production of LC-PUFAs could
be a promising alternative to fish oil. Currently, LC-PUFAs production by bacteria
has frequently been reported from deep ocean habitats and cold marine
environments by relatively low number of bacterial genera. To the best of our
knowledge, investigation of LC-PUFAs production from Mediterranean sea has not
performed yet. The aim of this study was to test the ability of 114 isolates
obtained from marine sediments to produce LC-PUFAs.

Isolation of the marine bacteria was performed from sediment samples
collected from three sites located in the south of Italy by spreading serial dilutions
of grinded sediment samples in sterile 3 % saline solution on agar plates of
modified mineral salt medium (mMSM) containing 1 % (w/v) of glucose as the
major carbon source. The plates were incubated at 20 °C or 30 °C and the
bacterial isolates were purified after three successive streakings on the same
A primary screening for LC-PUFAs production was performed on bacterial
cells after growth in liquid modified mineral salt medium (mMSM). After 72 h of
growth, 0.1 % (w/v) of the dye 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) was
added to the growth broth and the samples were incubated at room temperature
for 20 to 30 min. The formation of pink colour was scored as a positive result.
Furthermore, several bacterial isolates among the collection were grown in
seawater supplemented with glucose and yeast extract and their ability to reduce
TTC was evaluated as described before.
Results and conclusions
A total of 114 bacterial isolates were obtained from marine sediments
collected in three harbors in the Med sea, after several successive streaking on
mMSM agar medium. The isolates were shown to grow in liquid medium and
were screened for the LC-PUFAs production. Among these, 56 isolates including
26 grown at 20 °C and 30 at 30 °C are potentially LC-PUFAs producers based on
their ability to produce the pink colour in the colorimetric assay. Further screening
for LC-PUFAs production performed on 25 out of the 56 isolates resulted in the
selection of fourteen of them able to grow in seawater and reduce the TCC.
Additional studies aiming to confirm LC-PUFAs production and to characterize the
produced fatty acids are in progress.
With regard to the isolates identity, partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing
performed on most of the isolates revealed the bacteria to be mainly from the
genera Marinobacter, Thalassospira, and Halomonas. Although there are reports
on the production of LC-PUFAs from marine bacteria, to the best of our
knowledge, there have been no reports on the investigation of these interesting
biotechnological traits from the genera reported in this study.

Francesca Raganati1, Alessandra Procentese2,
Giuseppe Olivieri1, Maria Elena Russo2, Antonio Marzocchella1
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, dei Materiali e della Produzione Industriale -
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, P.le V. Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy
Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione– Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, P.le V.
Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) fermentation was a consolidate process to
produce butanol during the first half of the last century but its modern industrial success
is hindered by several issues. The selection of a technology for recovering low-
concentration butanol from fermentation broth that is characterized by high
recovery/selectivity performance and low energy request is a key issue for a successful
bio-butanol production process. Several recovery processes were analysed in the
literature and the adsorption was found to be very promising. This contribution reports
on the butanol recovery by means of adsorption. The focus was on the selection of the
adsorbent to maximize the butanol recovery. Three materials were characterized in
terms of solvent adsorption capacity: Amberlite XAD7, Amberlite XAD4 and Zeolite Y.
Batch liquid phase adsorption equilibrium tests were carried out in closed 50 mL
vials.. The vials contained pre-set mass of butanol, acetone, ethanol, water and
adsorbent. Typically, 0.5 g adsorbent were dispersed in 25 mL solution. The suspension
was agitated by a shaker with agitation at 120 rpm under controlled temperature
conditions. The tests were carried out at 25, 30, 37, and 45 °C to assess the effects of
the temperature on the adsorption. The initial concentration of the adsorbed species
ranged in a wide interval. The adsorption tests were carried out until equilibrium
conditions was approached: typically within 24/48 h. The concentration q of a sorbate
(i) for unit of mass of adsorbent (a) was calculated by means of the mass balance
referred to the sorbate Eq. (1).
(ci,0 - ci,e ) ×V0
qe,i =
ma,0 (1)
where qe,i is the mass of adsorbate per unit mass of adsorbent at the equilibrium, ci,0
the initial concentration of sorbate in the solution, ci,e the concentration of the
adsorbate in the solution at the equilibrium, V0 the volume of solution in contact with
adsorbent, and ma,0 the mass of the adsorbent.
Results and conclusions

Figure 1 reports the adsorption isotherms of butanol, acetone and ethanol
assessed for binary solvent/water solutions for the three investigated adsorbent
materials. The isotherms were measured at the investigated temperature: 25, 30, 37,
and 45 °C. The investigated material adsorbed all the solvents. The butanol was
characterized by the highest affinity among the investigated solvents for all the tested
materials. Acetone and then ethanol were characterized by lower affinity than the
butanol. The observed scale of affinity was expected and it may be rationalized in terms
of the relative hydrophobicity of the adsorbates and the hydrophobic character of the

Figure 1: Amberlite XAD7, XAD4 and Zeolite Y adsorption isotherms.

The analysis of Figure 1 points out that the adsorption capacity of Amberlite
XAD-4, Amberlite XAD-7 and Zeolite Y increased with the temperature for butanol and
decreased with the temperature for acetone and ethanol. The observed phenomenon
may be interpreted taking into account that the temperature affect not only the
adsorption process but also the solubility of the adsorbate in the liquid solution. On one
hand, the solubility of solvents as acetone and ethanol have positive temperature
coefficients and the adsorption is progressively less promoted with the temperature. On
the other hand, the solubility of butanol decreases with the temperature (negative
ptemperature coefficient) and the adsorption capacity is progressivley more promoted
with the temperature.
The grant from Waste2Fuels project (Sustainable production of next generation
biofuels from waste streams - GA - 654623) is acknowledged.


Lucia Giacomucci, Noura Raddadi*, Michelina Soccio,

Nadia Lotti, Fabio Fava
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM),
University of Bologna, Italy.
via Terracini 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy.
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

In 2015, global and European plastic productions were 322 and 58 million
tons, respectively. About 64% of the total European plastic demand is mainly for
polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polystyrene
(PS). Over one-third of plastics is used to produce disposable products, such as
packaging, disposable bags, etc., with a lifespan of 3 years. The high amounts of
plastics produced yearly resulted in their accumulation in the environment leading
to esthetic and environmental concerns. In specific, plastics have been reported
to be among the main components of marine litter, leading to further
environmental and health issues following the fragmentation of macroplastics to
microplastics that can exert toxic effect on marine biota and even enter the food
chain. To date, little is known about microbial degradability of the petroleum-
deriving polymers/plastics and most available literature reports are dealing with
biodegradable plastics.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of five culture collection
bacterial strains to degrade PE, PP, PS and PVC films under aerobic conditions.
Five culture strains, i.e. Pseudomonas chlororaphis, Pseudomonas
citronellolis, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus flexus and Chelatococcus daeguensis, were
purchased from culture collection and screened for their ability to degrade PE, PP,
PS and PVC films. In a primary screening, plastic films were cut into 3 cm x 3 cm
pieces, sterilized by immersion in 70% ethanol for 30 min, dried and added as
unique carbon source at a final concentration of 2 g/L. The experiments were
performed in 100 mL shake flasks containing 30 mL of mineral salt medium and
the bacterial incubation was performed on an orbital shaker (150 rpm) at 30°C
for 3 months. A set of abiotic controls were also setup. Based on the results of
the primary screening, PVC biodegradation process was scaled up to a final
volume of 1 L using neat PVC with the two strains showing biodegradation

abilities. Finally, further experiments were set up in order to evaluate the ability
of the most active strain to grow and degrade sterilized as well as non-sterile
waste PVC films recovered from fruits or vegetable packaging. Bacterial growth
and adhesion on films surfaces were estimated by plate counting and by
determining adhered protein concentration (Crystal violet or Lowry method).
Chemical analyses including gravimetric weight loss; Fourier-transform infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and gel permeation
chromatography (GPC) were performed to detect physical/chemical changes in
the plastic films.
Results and conclusions
In the first experiment, planktonic bacterial cell count, monitored for the
whole duration of the experiment (3 months), showed a progressive decrease of
the CFU/mL for all strains, suggesting bacterial adhesion on film surfaces. Biofilm
formation was confirmed for two strains grown with PE and one with each of PP,
PS and PVC according to crystal violet and Lowry assays. After 90 days of
incubation, plastic films were subjected to washing for the removal of adhered
bacterial cells followed by chemical analysis. The results showed that no microbial
attack has occurred for PE, PP and PS. However, partial PVC films degradation
was detected after incubation with P. citronellolis and B. flexus strains.
Specifically, gravimetric weight losses of 8.17±1.00 % and 6.41±0.72 % were
recorded for the films incubated with P. citronellolis and B. flexus, respectively;
compared to 3.20±0.27 % in the case of abiotic control. Based on these results,
the strain P. citronellolis was selected for biodegradation assays of PVC film at the
end of its work life using PVC wastes subjected to two sterilization methods and
without the sterilization step. The results showed that when incubated in the
presence of PVC waste films, P. citronellolis exhibited even higher activity
compared to that observed against neat PVC. Specifically, waste PVC films
showed a gravimetric weight loss of up to 18.58±0.01% compared to neat PVC
films which exhibited up to 13.90±6.84 %. TGA curves of PVC samples incubated
with the bacterium move towards higher temperatures compared to that of non-
incubated films, suggesting strain ability to reduce the additives amount in waste
In conclusion, this work presented the biodegradative abilities of P.
citronellolis and B. flexus towards PVC film. Both strains were shown to
apparently act against PVC additives.
The support of the FP7 EU project BIOCLEAN (GA-312100) is acknowledged.

Milva Pepi1,*, Cecilia Balestra1, Stella Tamburrino2,
Mario Sprovieri2, Maria Saggiomo1, Marco Borra1, Elio Biffali1,
Raffaella Casotti1
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Napoli, Italy;
Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC)-CNR, Napoli-Campobello di Mazara,
Trapani, Italy
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Lead (Pb) is one of the most diffused pollutants in the environment
originating from industrial activities as production of ceramics and batteries. Lead can
induce changes in the conformation of nucleic acids and proteins, inhibit enzyme
activity, originate disorder in membrane functions and alter oxidative phosphorylation.
Despite the high toxicity of lead, many microorganisms have evolved
mechanisms of lead-resistance including metal biosorption by extracellular
polysaccharides, precipitation, cell exclusion, sequestration as insoluble phosphates,
intracellular lead bioaccumulation, improved siderophore production and metal ion
efflux out of the cells. Microbial extracellular polymeric substances, including biofilm,
are very versatile structures enclosed within extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)
secreted by microorganisms, and constitute central elements in heavy metal
biosorption and bioremediation.
The Sarno River receives wastes from industrial areas it crosses, and buries
high loads of heavy metals in sediments near its mouth, in the Gulf of Naples, Italy.
This study was finalized to the isolation of an autochthonous lead-resistant
bacterial strain from polluted sediments at the mouth of the Sarno River, Campan ia,
Italy, and its characterization, for possible bioremediation processes of native
Sediment samples were collected in April 2014 by a VanVeen grab.
Enrichment cultures were arranged for lead-resistant bacteria isolation. Resistance of
the isolated bacterial strain to the presence of different heavy metals was evaluated
by the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) tests.
Genomic DNA of isolate was extracted and 16S rRNA gene sequenced using
the primers 27f and 1495r. The whole 16S rDNA gene was sequenced and compared

with those retrieved from databases (GenBank and RDPII). Sequences were aligned
with ClustalW included in the MEGA 6.1 software package.
Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray
Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) was performed using a JEOL JSM 6500-F (JEOL, Tokyo,
Japan). The lead removal rate Re was obtained by the following equation: Re = (Cf-c
- Cf-e)/ Ci × 100% where Ci = initial concentration, C f-c = final concentration from
control group, and C f-e = final concentration from experimental group.
Results and conclusions
A Pb-resistant bacterial strain was isolated from enrichment cultures from
sediments polluted by Pb, and named Pb15. Sequencing of 16S rRNA gene assigned
the isolate to the genus Bacillus with nearest type strain B. pumilus SAFR-032
(NR_074977), an UV and H 2O2 resistant strain, isolated from a sterility box. Spore-
forming Bacillus species are commonly found in extreme environments, such as also
the Sarno River mouth sediments, as responses to adaptive strategies to survive in
these environments.
Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) in the presence of Pb(II) was 4.82
mmol l-1 a much higher value than reported in the literature (from 1.4 mmol l -1 to 2.5
mmol l-1), suggesting that this strain could experience frequent exposure to Pb in
nature. Strain Pb15 also showed resistance to other toxic elements present in the
same sampling site such as Ar, suggesting that autochthonous isolates are to be
preferred for bioremediation purposes, being less exposed to other environmental
toxicants than exogenous strains.
Pb biosorption was detected by ICP-AES, and removal rates (Re) of 31.02%
in the presence of 100 µg ml -1 of Pb(II) and of 28.21% with Pb(II) 250 µg ml -1 were
calculated. Controls, consisting in medium culture without bacteria added, in the
presence the two concentrations of Pb(II) showed an almost full recovery of the
inoculated Pb(II), with a removal rate (Re) of 3.45% and 0.6% in the presence of
additions of 100 µg ml-1 and 250 µg ml-1, respectively.
Elemental analysis by SEM-EDS showed presence of Pb in the precipitate of
the cultures of Pb15, suggesting that this strain is able to take and accumulate the
metal once added to the culture medium. A percentage of about 14% of original
inoculated Pb was measured in the bacterial biofilm of Pb15 strain grown in the
presence of 100 µg ml-1 Pb(II).
Bacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) contain high molecular
weight compounds with charged functional groups and possess both adsorptive and
adhesive properties. Due to the presence of charged moieties, EPS preferably serve as
natural ligand bases, providing binding sites for other charged particles/molecules
including metals.
This study provides evidence that the isolated strain Bacillus sp. Pb15 is
resistant to Pb(II), and to a lesser extent to other heavy metals, and shows potentials
for being used for Pb removal from contaminated sediments from the Sarno River,
based on its biofilm properties and growth and Pb removal rates. For the first time a
bacterial strain resistant to heavy metals was isolated from this polluted area. Further
studies are in progress to explore the potential of the isolate.


Crăița Maria Roșu1,*, Mihaela Avădanei2, Daniela Gherghel1,

Cosmin Mihai1,3, Marius Mihășan4, Gabriela Vochița1
Department of Experimental and Applied Biology, Institute of Biological Research Iasi,
700107, Romania
Department of Physics of Polymers and Polymeric Materials, “P. Poni” Institute of
Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, 700487, Romania
Interdisciplinary Research Department – Field Science, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi,
700506, Romania
Department of Biology, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi, 700506, Romania
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Dye containing effluents from textile, paper, cosmetics and food industries
constitute a relevant problem of environmental pollution related to the high level of
toxicity of textile dyes and their biodegradation products. Azo dyes are the most
common group of synthetic dyes and represent 60 – 70% of 10,000 dyes and
pigments used in textile industry. The major concern related to their presence in
aqueous ecosystems is coming from their colour, which affects water transparency
and gas solubility, diminishing photosynthetic activity and finally causing toxic effects
on aquatic flora and fauna. Also, due to the presence of azo bond (N=N) bearing
aromatic rings and of sulfonate groups (some of them) they are highly recalcitrant to
biodegradative processes. Many azo dyes and/or their degradation metabolites have
been proven to be mutagens or carcinogens to humans. In the last decades, efforts in
efficient removing of textile dyes from aqueous effluents have been made. One of the
most promising bioremediation technologies, environmental friendly, involves
biotreatment of wastewater with yeast cells. The purpose of the research was to
characterize the efficiency of biodegradation and detoxification of textile azo dye Basic
Blue 41 by ascomycetous yeast Pichia kudriavzevii CR-Y103.
The ascomycete yeast was isolated from a local textile dyeing wastewater
treatment plant (Iasi, Romania) and identified according with 26S rDNA partial gene
sequence, using colony – PCR technique. The cationic azo textile dye C.I. Basic Blue
41 (Sigma Aldrich; dye content ca. 40%) at 1 g L stock solution, filter sterilized, was
used. The effects of different parameters on dye decolorization were studied in semi –
synthetic medium, in the presence of various concentration of glucose, yeast extract,
(NH4)2SO4, pH value and initial dye concentration. The decolorization experiments
were performed under shaking conditions at 30°C and 120 rpm.

Analytical procedures: The decolorization of dye was determined by
measuring the absorbance of culture supernatant at λ max = 600 nm, using a UV–vis
spectrophotometer (Beckman Coulter DU 730) and the percentage of decolorization at
different time intervals was calculated. Also, the dye biodegradation was evaluated by
UV–vis analysis (200 – 800 nm) of the cell free supernatants once complete
decolorization was achieved. The ethyl acetate extracted metabolites produced after
complete decolorization of BB41 were characterized by UV–vis spectral analysis, high
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR).
Ecotoxicological evaluation: phytotoxicity tests of dye and degradation
products thereof were monitored by seed germination and plant growth bioassay
(Monocots and Dicots species). In vitro cytotoxicity studies were performed using
Vero cells isolated from the kidney of African Chlorocebus monkey, by MTT assay.
Results and conclusions
The new yeast strain, identified as Pichia kudriavzevii CR – Y 103, was able to
decolorize 99.75% of BB41 dye (50 ppm) at pH 6 - 8, in the presence of 10 g L-1
glucose, 1 g L-1 (NH4)2SO4 and 0.2 g L-1 yeast extract, within 6 hours of incubation at
30°C and under shaken conditions (120 rpm). Ammonium sulphate (6 g L ) or yeast
extract (1 g L ), as sole nitrogen sources, increased decolorization efficiency to 99%
in the first 4 h of incubation. Increasing or decreasing glucose concentration lowered
the decolorization efficiency. The same observation was made when decreasing pH
value. The maximal decolorization efficiency (%) with respect to the highest initial
concentrations of the dye was obtained after 12 h (more than 99% at 100 ppm BB41)
and 48 h (maximum 90% at 200 ppm BB41). The biodegradation product analysis
revealed that the major peak of BB41 in the visible region at 600 nm and also, in UV
spectra at 300 nm, disappeared completely at the end of the process. The HPLC
analysis confirmed the complete degradation of the dye by the new yeast strain.
Disappearance or reduction of the main vibrations of the dye BB41 in FTIR spectrum
of the resulting metabolites, indicates that BB41 undergone some major chemical
changes. The bands of frequency of vibration observed at 1598, 1484 and 1404 cm -1,
characteristic of aromatic rings, noticeably decreased to a large extent; also, the
signals specific to thiazole ring at 1536, 1483 cm -1 and 860 cm-1 and also azo-
aromatic, at 1520 cm-1 and 1426 cm-1 almost disappeared. The phytotoxicity study,
using Triticum aestivum and Trifolium pratense plant test, revealed the non toxic
nature of the biodegradation products of BB 41 (500 ppm), seed germination, root
and shoot length being relatively similar to control (distilled water). Also, the MTT test
confirmed the detoxification of the BB41; the established IC 50 of the resulted
metabolites in Vero cells being (315 ppm), compared with IC50 of the BB41 (16 ppm).
Based on the experiment, we can conclude that our strain is a good
candidate for effective decolorization and detoxification of azo dye Basic Blue 41.
This work was supported by Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation, project
number PN - 16190301 – BIODIVERS (Core Programs).


Marco Rocca, Andrea Nuzzo, Maria Elena Antinori,

Fabio Fava, Giulio Zanaroli

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM),

University of Bologna, via Terracini 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy

Introduction and study objectives

Organohalide-respiring bacteria (OHRB) are the main responsible for the
bioremediation of halogenated pollutants in anaerobic layers: they can remove
halogen atoms from organic pollutants through reductive dehalogenation. Reductive
dehalogenase enzyme (RDase) are central to this process. Most of the knowledge on
OHRB, RDase genes and enzyme characterized so far comes from freshwater
environments, whereas less is known about marine OHRB. The aim of this study was
to determine the susbtrate specificity of known PCB-dechlorinating marine OHRB
enriched from the Venice Lagoon towards different organochlorides and to identify
their RDase genes. The organohalides tested were hexachlorobenzene (HCBe),
1,2,3,5-tetrachlorobenzene (TeCBe), pentachlorophenol (PCP), 2,3,5-trichlorophenol
(TCP) trichloroethene (TCE), Aroclor 1254 PCBs and 1,2,3,4-tetrachloro-p-dioxin
A PCB-dechlorinating sediment culture, enriched in OHRB VLD-1 and VLD-2,
belonging to the non-Dehalococcoides Dehalococcoidia subclass, was transferred at
5% v/v in slurries of autoclave-sterilized sediment and filter-sterilized water of the
Venice lagoon, under anaerobic conditions. HCBe, TeCBe, PCP, TCP and TCE were
spiked at final concentration of 20 mg/l of slurry, PCBs at a total 500 mg/kgdw and
TeCDD at 50 mg/kgdw. TCE-spiked cultures were then subcultured at 5% v/v in
sterile synthetic marine water with no sediment, amended with vitamin solution and
different electron donors (formate, acetate, lactate or pyruvate) at 20 mM, and spiked
further with TCE. Chlorobenzenes and PCBs were analyzed via batch extraction with 3
volumes of hexane:acetone mixture (9:1) and analyzed via GC-ECD; chlorophenols
were analyzed via preliminary separation of water and sediment phase, extraction
from sediment with 2 volumes of ethanol and injection of both aqueous phases in
HPLC-UV/DAD; chloroethenes were monitored by headspace analysis in GC-ECD and
GC-FID using Henry’s constant to infer concentrations in the liquid phase; TeCDD
were monitored via extraction with 5 volumes of toluene:acetone 1:1 and GC-ECD
analysis. OHRB were monitored via PCR-DGGE of the 16S rRNA gene of Chloroflexi
bacteria. RDase genes were PCR-amplified from the sediment-free cultures using a
set of degenerate primers designed on the Dehalococcoidia-class known
dehalogenases; PCR products were cloned using PCR-TOPO™ vectors and sequenced.

Results and conclusions
No dechlorination was detected in any of the sterile controls (data not
shown). On the other hand, all organohalides were effectively dehalogenated, often to
non-chlorinated products, with no lag phase. Chlorobenzene dehalogenation was
directed preferentially against double-flanked ortho and para positions, leading to the
accumulation of mainly 1,3,5-TCBe both from HCBe and TeCBe, then further
dehalogenated to 1,3-DCBe; benzene was not monitored but molar balances suggest
that the dehalogenation activities removed all halides from spiked chlorobenzens. The
two spiked chlorophenols were dehalogenated differently: PCP was dehalogenated
preferentially in meta position, with the conversion of more than 90% of the spiked
molecule into 2,4,6-TCP, not further dechlorinated, while remaining quantities of
2,3,5,6-TeCP were further dehalogenated to 3,5-DCP and then to phenol at the end of
incubation. On the other hand, TCP was dehalogenated mainly in ortho positions, but
the accumulated 3,5-DCP was not further dehalogenated to phenol. Multiple TCE
spikes showed that dehalogenation activities were very fast (2-4 weeks) and lead to
equimolar accumulation of cis- and trans-DCE. PCB dechlorination activities led to the
accumulation of di- to tri-chlorinated-CBs and the decrease of the average chlorine
substitution per byphenil molecule from 5.1 to 3.8 in 24 weeks; these data were
coherent to the activities detected in the original Venice lagoon sediment culture used
as inoculum for the whole set. Notably, also TeCDD was dehalogenated in peri
position, leading to the accumulation of 1,2,4-TCDD, which was not further
The Chloroflexi community showed that both OHRB inoculated, VLD-1 and
VLD-2, were present in all the dechlorinating cultures except PCP-dechlorinating
cultures, which enriched only VLD-1, and TCE-dechlorinating cultures, which enriched
only VLD-2. Overall, the data confirm that the two OHRB enriched from Venice lagoon
sediment cultures might dehalogenate several compounds and this is a relevant
information to design further bioaugmentation/bioremediation approaches in the area.
Provided that TCE dechlorination activities were fast and that apparently TCE
allowed the selection for VLD-2 phylotype over VLD-1, TCE-dechlorinating cultures
were subcultured in synthetic sterile marine water (sediment-free) amended with
electron donors to favor the growth of VLD-2. Lactate-amended subcultures exhibited
the fastest activities and shorter lag phase, and were thus selected for RDase gene
investigation. At least 5 different RDases were detected with degenerated primers
B1R/RRF2, targeting the RdhA/RdhB complex in Dehalococcoides. The sequences
obtained had 50% to 70% amino-acid identity with known D. mccartyi RDases. The
presence of RDases orthologous to the cluster of known Dehalococcoidia RDases is
currently being investigated. Further experiments will investigate the expression of
selected RDase genes in relation to the spiking of differet organohalides to obtain
indications on the substrate specificity of the different RDases.
This work was financially supported by the EU, project INMARE (G.A. 634486)

Antonella Rosato1,*, Giulio Zanaroli1, Laura Sisti1,
Paola Fabbri1, Annamaria Celli1, Danny Reible2, Fabio Fava1
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Material Engineering (DICAM),
University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX,
United States
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Marine sediments are the final sink for weathered petroleum hydrocarbons:
they tend to adsorb strongly onto the organic matter of the sediment, thus their
biodegradation rate is very limited due to their low bioavailability. Previous studies
revealed that sophorolipids and hydroxypropyl-β- cyclodextrin (HPB-CD) were able to
enhance remarkably the anaerobic microbial biodegradation of n-alkanes in an oil-
contaminated marine sediment. Moreover, investigations of surfactant releasing
formulations for the deployment of these agents to the sediments showed that HPB-CD
could be efficiently encapsulated in agar hydrogels, while sophorolipids in polybutylene
succinate (PBS) microspheres. The release rate in oil-contaminated slurry microcosms
were similar for both encapsulation formulations (approximately 86% release in 65
days). The aim of this work was to assess the effectiveness of polymer-encapsulated
sophorolipids and cyclodextrins in enhancing the bioavailability and anaerobic
biodegradation of crude oil hydrocarbons in marine sediments.
Two sets of sterile slurry microcosms of crude oil-contaminated sand (5
g/kgsand) suspended in synthetic marine water (20% w/v) were set up to investigate the
effect of encapsulated surfactants on hydrocarbons bioavailability: a “freshly spiked” set,
used immediately after contamination, and “weathered” set, used 40 days after
contamination in order to allow the adsorption of the oil contaminants to the sand. For
each set, PBS-encapsulated sophorolipids and agar-encapsulated HPB-CD were added
at the final concentration of 0.2 and 1 g/L, respectively; un-amended controls and
microcosms supplemented with the same concentration of not encapsulated
sophorolipids and cyclodextrins were also set up. The evaluation of hydrocarbons
bioavailability was investigated via the measurement of n-alkanes concentration in the
porewater through passive sampling with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) fibers. The
microcosms were incubated at 20 °C, 150 rpm and the fibers replaced every 20 days to
sample water-dissolved hydrocarbons. An additional, identical set of weathered slurry

microcosms was set up and inoculated (10% v/v) with an hydrocarbon-degrading
marine microbial community previously enriched from Gela harbor (Italy), in order to
investigate the effect of encapsulated biosurfactants on hydrocarbons biodegradation
under anaerobic conditions (N2:CO2 70:30 headspace gas). These slurries were
incubated statically at 20 °C for 32 weeks and periodically sampled. The hydrocarbons
concentration was monitored via GC-FID analysis of n-alkanes.
Results and conclusions
After 20 days of incubation, porewater concentration of n-alkanes in “freshly
spiked” slurries was comparable in all conditions (ranging from 320 to 470 ng/L). After
60 days, it decreased in the un-amended control (80 ng/L), indicating that adsorption of
spiked hydrocarbons to the sand had taken place. A comparable increase of n-alkanes
porewater concentration was observed after 60 days in the presence of free and
encapsulated HPB-CD (1600 n/g L). The increase of porewater concentration in the
presence of PBS-encapsulated sophorolipids (500 ng/L) was instead about 50% of that
observed with free sophorolipids. Both encapsulated surfactants were thus able to
reduce remarkably hydrocarbons adsorption to sand thus increasing their bioavailability.
In “weathered spiked” slurries, the porewater concentration of n-alkanes in unamended
control was constant over time, confirming that hydrocarbons adsorption to sand was
completed during the 40-day weathering period. Porewater concentrations higher than
the unamended control were observed in the presence of free sophorolipids (about
1000 ng/L) and of both free and encapsulated cyclodextrins (about 1500 ng/L), while no
significant effect was observed with encapsulated sophorolipids. In case of weathered
contaminated sands, therefore, only encapsulated HPB-CD are able to desorb n-alkanes
and increase their bioavailability.
During 32 weeks of incubation, n-alkanes biodegradation was absent in un-
amended sterile and biotic controls, and approximately 63% and 40% in the presence
of not-encapsulated sophorolipids and HPB-CD, respectively. The encapsulation of
sophorolipids in PBS reduced the n-alkanes anaerobic biodegradation to approximately
14%, which is consistent with its low/negligible effect on hydrocarbons bioavailability
observed on weathered contaminated sand. Conversely, n-alkanes removal in the
presence of agar-encapsulated HPB-CD was comparable than that of the free
cyclodextrins, in line with their ability to increase the hydrocarbons porewater
concentration. Redox potential was positive in both un-amended sterile and biotic
controls, whereas it decreased to -100/-250 mV after 6 weeks in the cultures amended
with all surfactants, suggesting that the addition of biodegradable surfactants and
polymers stimulated the activity of indigenous anaerobic microorganisms. Sulfate
reduction was absent in un-amended sterile and biotic controls, and it was stimulated by
the supplementation of sophorolipids (either encapsulated or not) and encapsulated
HPB-CD. Therefore, the extent of sulfate reduction was apparently not correlated to the
hydrocarbons biodegradation. Agar-encapsulated HPB-CD are a promising solution for
the enhancement of both hydrocarbons (bio)availability and anaerobic biodegradation in
contaminated marine sediments.
This work was supported by the EU through the “KILL SPILL” project (G.A. n. 312139).


Ioan Ţenu*, Oana Corduneanu, Radu Roşca, Vasile Stoleru,

Petru Cârlescu, Gheorghe Şovăială

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" in

Iaşi, Sadoveanu 3, Iasi, 700490, Romania;
: [email protected]

Introduction and objectives of the study

Worldwide studies show that 60% of the soils have very low or low fertility,
29% are moderately fertile and only 11% are highly fertile. In order to increase the
agricultural potential, the present plant growing technologies are based on modern
agro-technical methods, which are synonym with the progress and development, such
as: mechanization, irrigation, chemical fertilization etc. Because of these interventions
the agricultural ecosystems are continuously modified at a much faster rate than
natural ecosystems. For example, there is a complex impact when applying mineral
fertilizers: the environment is acidified or alkalinized; the agro-chemical and physical
properties of the soil are improved or deteriorated; there is metabolic absorption or
desorption of ions in/from the soil solution; the chemical absorption of cations is
slowed down; soil humus is either mineralized or synthesized; the nutritional elements
in soil are either mobilized or immobilized.
The present paper investigates the improvement of the operating process of
a drip irrigation and fertilization system for vegetable crops grown in protected
spaces. The aim of the research was to evaluate the effect of the fertilization method
for different types of fertilizers:
 chemical fertilizers, spread on the terrain surface;
 micro-organisms based fertilizers, spread on the terrain surface;
 hydro-soluble fertilizers, applied using a drip irrigation and fertilization
These variants were compared with an unfertilized control variant.
The use of a drip irrigation and fertilization system has a potentially
conservative effect because of the following: reduction of water consumption;
increased water storage capacity of the root system; significant reduction of soil
erosion; reduced pollution through the leakage of chemical substances into the water
reserve; reduced multiplication of pests and diseases, leading to a lower number of
chemical treatments. Moreover, the nutrients can be applied at a specific moment, in
the desired quantity and with lower costs.

The experimental tests presented in this paper were performed in a
semicircular type greenhouse, with an area of 270 m2, located at the “V. Adamachi”
farm of USAMV Iasi.
Pepper plants belonging to the cultivar Brillant F1 and Minaret F1 tomatoes
were studied; the plants were grouped in four experimental variants. The plants were
grown in strips - 80 cm between strips, 60 cm between the rows of each strip, 45 cm
between plants; this resulted in a density of 31740 plants/ha. A dripping line was
used in order to irrigate the plants (16 mm diameter; 10 cm between emitters). The
irrigation was performed every second day, between 8 and 10 a.m. or between 7 and
9 a.m., depending on the ambient temperature.
A dripping and fertilizing system was built; the system consisted of: water
tank (capacity: 20 tons); tank for the preparation of the fertilizer solution; filter;
automated irrigation timing system.
In variant V1 the plants were fertilized in the same time with the drip
irrigation, twice a week, in the morning. For variant V2 chemical fertilizers were
spread over the area surrounding each plant; microorganisms based fertilizers were
used for variant V3. Only drip irrigation was applied (no fertilization) to the plants in
variant V4.
Biometrical measurements were performed at specified moments, in order to
evaluate the growth dynamics: plant height, the number of flowers and
inflorescences, the number of leaves and the number of fruits were evaluated. The
mass, length, width and diameter of the fruits were also measured.
Results and conclusions
During one fertilization cycle 2 grams of fertilizer per plant were administered
(200 g for 100 plants). The classic chemical fertilization was performed using 11g of
substance per plant (1100 g for 100 plants); in the microorganisms fertilization variant
an amount of 3.25 g/plant was used (325 g for 100 plants). Over the entire
vegetation cycle, for the 270 m 2 area an overall amount of water of 5600 m 3 was
used for the irrigation (20.7 m3 per 1 m2).
The tomatoes production was comprised between 69651 kg/ha for the
control sample and 92076 kg/ha for variant V 1; the 22425 kg/ha difference was
considered to be very significant. The pepper production was comprised between
55.870 kg/ha for the witness variant and 85.850 kg/ha for variant V 1.
The experimental results led to the conclusion that the best spatial and time
distribution of the fertilizer was achieved when fertilization was applied in the same
time with the irrigation; water and fertilizer consumption were reduced due to the use
of localized irrigation (plant root area). Soil erosion, pests and diseases were
significantly reduced, while the chemical treatments were kept at minimum.
The research presented in this paper was performed within the frame of the
National Research Program (2007-2013), project PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4.


Isabelle Metaxa*, Aida Vasile, Petrea Ștefan Mihai,

Alina Mogodan, Săndița Plăcintă

”Dunărea de Jos”University of Galați, Domnească, 47, Galați – 800008, Romania,

: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

In fish ponds the bacterioplankton includes the pelagic microbial population
such as: photoautotrophs, chemoautotrophs and heterotrophs with little or no ability to
control their horizontal location. The benthic microbial community is numerical higher
and activity much higher than in the plankton. The structure of microbial communities is
sensitive to changes of environmental parameters, particularly to changes connected
with the introduction of nutrients. The organic matter accumulation on the bottom of
the aquatic ecosystem determines the increase of bacterial activity and the lowering of
oxygen levels, producing anaerobic conditions. The bacterial degradation in the
sedimented organic particles is responsible for oxygen depletion resulting in mortality
among large fish.
We studied the distribution of some microbial indicators both in water column
and sediment, in relation to physical, chemical and biological parameters to evaluate the
bacterial response to the disturbance induced by fish pond bio-deposition in different
areas of a Romanian cyprinid fish farm located in the NE Moldavian region of the
The surface water and the sediment samples were collected from the two
ponds of a fish farm located in Iaşi district, Romania, with an area of 0.45 ha each and
an average water depth of 1.5 m. The water source of the farm is represented by Jijia
River. The water inlet and outlet from the ponds were made gravitationally, by using
„monk” type hydraulic constructions.
The water samplings were collected monthly during the end of summer season
of year 2016 from nine stations divided as: one common station ponds inlet, five
stations in pond P1 and three stations in pond P2. The pond P1 was divided from
technological point of view in two sections: one for carp monoculture and the other for
other cyprinid polyculture (bighead carp, silver carp, grass carp).
Heterotrophic bacteria count was performed by the pour-plate method on agar
using successive dilutions, method provided by the Romanian Standard STAS 3001-91.
Bacteria density was expressed as Colony Forming Units (CFU) per grams of dry weight
for sediment and CFU per millilitre for water samples.

Measurements of the physical and chemical parameters, such as pH,
temperature, oxygen were also performed by the probe.
Results were statistically analysed by Pearson correlation coefficient and ANOVA
by Office XP software per Windows.
Results and conclusions
In the water column as in the sediment, we checked if there were variations
between the different sampling points. Results of water and sediment analysis showed a
different distribution of heterotrophic bacteria. A distinct increase in the number of
heterotrophic bacteria was observed in the sediment compared with the column of
water as it is mentioned in Figure 1 and Figure 2.

Figure 1: Heterotrophic bacteria spatio- Figure 2: Heterotrophic bacteria spatio-

temporal variations in water column, temporal variations in ponds sediment,
expressed in CFU/ml of water expressed in CFU/ml of sediment
In August, the number of heterotrophic bacteria from the water sampling
points of the both ponds (P1 and P2) ranged between 4.10 log CFU / mL and 5.45 log
CFU / mL. The maximum value of CFU was registered into the water supply of the both
ponds, which was encoded (A) in both figures.
According to figures, in September there were recorded values between 4.03
log CFU / mL and 4.59 log CFU / mL in the sampling points of ponds. Bacterial number
in the analysed water from P1 and P2 ponds were in the range of 4 log CFU mL-1. These
results were lower than the values recorded by Ntengwe & Edema (2008) in the order
of 6 log CFU mL from fish culture pond water, but higher than those observed by
Ahmed & Naim (2003) in the tilapia pond culture (3 and 4 log CFU mL -1).
The heterotrophic bacteria in the sediment were collected from the same
sampling points as in the water column. The number of heterotrophic bacteria in the
sediment ranged between 6.05 and 6.89 log CFU / g (dry weight) of sediment in
August. Also, it ranged between 6.02 and 7.17 log CFU / g (dry weight) of sediment in
After identification of variation in number of heterotrophic bacteria in August
and September, it can be concluded that in the pond (P1), where it is practiced
integrated multitrophic aquaculture, there is an evident variation of heterotrophs, both
in water and in sediment, comparing with the variation identified in the pond (P2) where
it is practiced a traditional fishculture. The impact of fish farming and the physical and
chemical changes of the environment determined changes in abundance of
heterotrophic bacteria and consequently modified the benthic food chain.

V. Agostino1,2,*, V. Margaria1, G. Massaglia 1,2, M. Gerosa 1,2,
G. Saracco1, M. Quaglio1
Center For Sustainable Future Technologies @Polito, Istituto Italiano Di Tecnologia,
Corso Trento 21, 10129 Torino, Italy
Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Torino,
Corso Duca Degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy
[email protected];

Introduction and study objectives

The Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) represent a promising biotechnological
approach able to convert directly the chemical energy stored in organic matters into
electricity, through reactions catalysed by electroactive microorganisms. Wastewater
treatment with simultaneous energy recovery was the first application of this
technology. More recently, increasing attention has been paid to the potential use
of MFCs as sensors for in-situ water quality monitoring. The current generated by
MFC directly reflects the metabolic activity of the anodophilic electroactive bacteria.
Thus, the presence of a toxicant in the electrolyte can affect the microbial
metabolism with consequent changes in the current production. In particular, in
MFC-based biosensor the sensing element does not need a physical transducer to
obtain a readable signal. Moreover, MFC-based biosensor is a fast response early
detector, it is simple in operation and can be highly cost effective. These unique
characteristics perfectly meet the requirement for long-term in-situ sensing
The majority of studies about MFC-based biosensors for water quality
monitoring made use of pure culture bacteria ( Geobacter sulfurreducens and
Shewanella oneidensis ) or mixed consortia taken from long-term operated MFCs,
not considering the importance of the origin of the inoculum source. Moreover,
simulated toxic events were usually tested in controlled laboratory conditions,
without taking into consideration the environmental variation of such important
parameters (i.e temperature) that affect the microbial activity and thus the current
Focusing on the development of a freshwater quality monitoring system,
the aim of this study is to investigate the biosensing capability of a mixed
community biofilm directly coming from river sediment, in not controlled
temperature conditions.

A river sediment sample from Valle d’Aosta was used as inoculum source.
Anodic biofilm acclimation was performed with a low external resistance (47Ω ),
resulted in a positive anode potential polarization. The consortia sensitivity towards
a general toxic compound, glutaraldehyde (0.0005 to 0.1%), and towards different
types of heavy metals, nickel(II) and chromium(III) (2, 20, 60 mg/L), was tested in
a squared small membrane-less single-chamber MFC. 1 kΩ external load was
chosen as control mechanism for the MFC-based biosensor toxicity tests. The toxic
events were performed in a semi-continuous mode: the MFCs were fed 4 hours per
day, with an hydraulic retention time of 1 hour. This operation modality was chosen
mimicking a sensor networks where each single MFC represents a sensor node
which works at defined interval time during the day. The biosensors performance
was evaluated in terms of inhibition ratio, linearity of the response and recovery.
Experiments were conducted in duplicate.
Results and conclusions
Before starting the toxicants tests, the MFCs were trained with several
cycles carried out with non-toxic influent at a fixed concentration of acetate (1 g/L).
The different non-toxic cycles showed a high level of reproducibility (99%
comparing the cycle of the same MFC in term of current profile, current density
production after 4 hours of feeding and total coulombic yield). Even the smallest
percentage of glutaraldehyde (0.0005%) affected the normal trend curve observed
in non-toxic condition. In particular, a linear response of the MFC-based biosensor
was detected after the end of feeding period (4 hours). Moreover, in contrast with
several studies, the anodic microbial activity was recovered even after the highest
concentration of glutaraldehyde.
The anodic consortium shown to be tolerant to the lowest concentration of
nickel(II) while demonstrated a linear sensitivity towards higher concentrations, if
considering the current time point after 4 hours or the total coulombic yield.
The trivalent chromium was selected as a model for heavy metal with a low
degree of toxicity. No response was shown with 2 mg/L of chromium(III). When the
concentration was increased to 20 mg/L a peculiar current density profile was
observed: in contrast with the data obtained for glutaraldehyde and nickel(II), a
very small current density change occurred after 4 hours of feeding but a steep
decrease was visible after few hours of batch condition. This particular response
underlined a different modality of chromium (III) bioaccumulation and toxic action
towards the anodic consortium, compared to nickel. Looking at these results, it is
clear that, even if non-specific, the MFC-based biosensor could reveal some
information about the modality of action of the single toxic substance used.
This study provide preliminary information about the application of
environmental electroactive consortia in MFC-based biosensors. In particular for the
first time the biosensing capability of a mixed-community consortium originated
from a river sediment sample was demonstrated in not controlled temperature
conditions. A bioanode in equilibrium with the natural microbial composition of the
environment to monitor is necessary for real application of MFC biosensor as
freshwater quality monitoring device.


Otilia Murariu1, Alin C. Dîrțu4, Dragoș Robu2,*, Liviu Irimia3,

Florin Murariu2, Teodor Robu1
Department of Plant Science, Faculty of Agriculture, “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of
Agriculture Science and Veterinary Medicine, 3 M. Sadoveanu Alley, Iași
Department of Agroeconomy, Faculty of Agriculture, USAMV, 3 M. Sadoveanu Alley, Iași
Department of Horticulture Technologies, Faculty of Horticulture, USAMV, Iași
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

This study aims on characterizing the presence of some biologically active
compounds contained by berry fruits, including pH and non-nutritive compounds
such us acids, as well as nutritive compounds such as vitamin C and soluble dry
matter. The main criteria underlying this research consist in assessing the influence
of the principal storage technologies on the content of some bioactive compounds
contained by berry fruits.
To balance fluctuations in product supply and market demand, fresh berry
fruits often require short- or long-term storage in order to extend the supply of the
berry fruits beyond the end of the harvest season. Understanding the interaction
between the fruits and the environment is crucial for obtaining the most suitable
conditions for extending shelf life.
Berry fruits consumption play an important role in balancing the human
diet, mainly because the composition of fruit differs markedly from other food items
of plant and animal origin. This type of fruit is particularly rich in antioxidants such
as ascorbic acid and anthocyans.
Previous literature in this field have shown that ascorbic acid of natural
origin is superior when compared to the synthetic product, due to the presence of
certain flavonoid compounds in those fruits which influence the blood circulation,
increasing the permeability and the elasticity of the capillary vessels. Portions of 250
g of strawberries, cranberries, gooseberries, blackberries or raspberries contain
considerably more than the minimum daily requirement of vitamin C, while most of
the other fruit can provide more than half the daily requirement of 60 -100 mg for
romanian adult people and 35-65 mg for children. In order to freeze the berries
fruits, generally no pretreatments are applied and therefore no changes in nutritive
values occur during storage if proper packaging are used. During thawing, however,
losses may occur.

To characterize the influence of some preservation technologies applied
and the potential health benefit of the berries, quality and physico-chemical
parameters along with the vitamin C content, were evaluated for three fixed time
points of refrigerated storage condition at 2 0C, and also after different freezing
condition (-18 C).
The biological material studied was represented by 4 types of berries, as
follows: cranberries (Vaccinium myrtillius ), gooseberry ( Ribes rubrum), blackberries
(Rubus fructicosus) and raspberry ( Rubus idaeus) which were assessed in terms of
quality in fresh condition (T0 – moment), after 3, respectively 7 days of refrigerate
storage condition as well as after 6 month of freezing (in bulk and packaged in
polyethylene bags).The vitamin C content was determined using the extraction
method with oxalic acid and titration with 2,6 – dichlorophenol – indophenols. The
pH values were determined by direct potentiometric method using Hanna
Instruments. The soluble dry matter was read using the portable refractometer
Results and conclusions
The soluble dry matter substances content was noticed to decrease in
refrigerated storage condition between T 1 and T2 time points (p<0.001) for all
analyzed parameters. Instead storage on freezing condition highlights a decrease
only for cranberries and raspberries (p<0.001), the gooseberries barely decrease
and blueberries content highlight a slight increase (0.1 – 0.2 U.N. p<0.05).
As concerning the differences in vitamin C content between fruits storage in
bulk and packaged with polyethylene film were revealed significantly higher values
(p<0.001 ) for all analyzed species that were packaged also in refrigerated and
freezing storage conditions. When compared to the other fruits tested, the red
gooseberries (43,5 mg/100 g), followed by raspberries (35,6 mg/100g) were
evidenced by their high vitamin C content.
Although independently of the preservation technique applied (refrigeration
or freezing) the Vitamin C content of the tested fruits was noticed to significantly
decrease, it could be evidenced that it’s concentrations were measured at still high
values: 27.8 mg/100 g for gooseberries and 24.3 mg/100 g for raspberries even
after 7 days of storage at 2 C. Regarding the type of packaging used, it is noted
that all products purchased from retail packaged in closed polyethylene recorded
higher values of the bioactive compounds analyzed in all time points considered (T0,
T1, T2 and after freezing).
Our research suggest that preservation technique as well as packaging
materials used for such fruits storage is of a high importance when addressing the
minimal degradation of bioactive compounds responsible for a series of high
benefits to human health. However, future research should properly test for other
conditions to be applied for such fruits preservation including controlled atmosphere
or refrigerated storage as well as freezing in vacuum conditions.

Gabriela Ungureanu1, Sílvia Santos 1, Irina Volf 2,*
Cidália Botelho 1
LSRE-Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering, Associate Laboratory LSRE/LCM,
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, 73 Prof.dr.docent D.Mangeron Street, 700050 Iasi, Romania,
:[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The removal of contaminants from mining-influenced water has becoming more
demanding, with stricter discharge limits imposed on various contaminants, like arsenic,
antimony and selenium. Mining activity is one of the greatest pollution causes by these
metalloids, generating contaminated waters in many countries around the world. As and
Sb have chemical and toxicological similarities, and pollution from both commonly co-
occurs. Se is quite different, its toxicity being related to its chemical similarity to sulphur.
Different species, with different charges and oxidation states, can be present in aqueous
solution, depending on the pH and redox potential, which makes the chemistry of these
metalloids to be complex. There are several methods to remove As, Sb and Se from
contaminated waters, but biosorption has been viewed as a valuable technology for toxic
metals and metalloids removal from wastewater, because of low requirements in chemicals
and energy, efficiency and the low cost of the adsorbents. The purpose of the present
work is to expose an alternative methodology for As, Sb and Se removal from aqueous
solutions, using dead marine seaweeds as biosorbents.
The brown macroalgae tested in this study, Ascophyllum nodosum and Sargassum
muticum, were collected at Viana do Castelo beaches (Portugal) and the green algae,
Cladophora sericea and Ulva rigida, were harvested on Romanian coast of Black Sea. The
seaweeds were used after washing, milling and drying. In order to characterize the surface
functional groups of the algae, infrared spectra and potentiometric titrations were
performed; scanning electron microscope (SEM) images were obtained. The experiments
were performed in batch-mode to sequester As(III), As(V), Sb(III), Sb(V), Se(IV) and
Se(VI) from synthetic solutions. The effect of pH (range 2-8) and competing ions was
evaluated using initial oxyanions concentrations of 25 mg L-1 and adsorbent dosage of 10 g
L-1. Biosorption kinetics (at the most favorable pH value after preliminary pH tests,
different initial adsorbate concentrations and algae dosages) and equilibrium isotherms
were determined. Metalloid concentrations in liquid phase were analyzed by flame or
graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy. To clarify if any redox reaction involving
Sb occurs during assays, certain solutions were analyzed by DPASV (Differential Pulse
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry). In order to improve the sorption capacity of the algae
surface, different chemical pre-treatments were tested (iron pre-treatment, protonation,

treatment with HDTMA and ammonium pre-treatment). These simple chemical
modifications were evaluated in order to have, as much as possible, an economically
feasible process. Additionally, continuous-mode experiments were carried out in fixed-bed
adsorbers of S. muticum using different Sb(III) inlet concentrations (1 mg L-1 and 25 mg L-
) and flowrates (4 and 10 mL min-1). Breakthrough curves were obtained and
mathematically modeled. Tests with real mine effluent from Rosia Montana mine
(Romania) and also from Penedono gold mine (Portugal) were performed to study the
performance of algae adsorption capacity in a real matrix water.
Results and conclusions
Infrared spectra of studied algae evidenced the presence of amine, carboxyl and
hydroxyl groups. A continuous model based on Langmuir isotherm and Sips distribution
was fitted to potentiometric titration data and acid groups (assigned to carboxyl) and basic
groups (hydroxyl) were quantified in both algae. Based on the results of screening tests, S.
muticum and C. sericea were selected for further experiments. pH influence on the amount
of adsorbed metalloid is revealed in fig.1

2.00 Sb(V)-CV
q (mg g-1)

1.20 Sb(V)-MV
0.80 Se(IV)-CV
0.40 Se(VI)-CV
pH 2 pH 3 pH 4 pH 5 pH 6 pH 7 pH 8

Figure: 1. Effect of pH on the biosorption of Sb(III), Sb(V), Se(IV) and Se(VI) by virgin Cladophora
sericea (CV) or virgin Sargassum muticum (MV) (initial adsorbate concentration 25 mg L-1, 10 g L-1 of
algae, temperature of 23±1°C).
Voltammetric measurements results evidenced no significant oxidation/reduction
reaction. Sb and Se removal is not or moderately affected by the presence of possible
coexisting competing ions. Adsorption kinetics were fast (equilibrium reached in approx. 2
h). The main adsorption capacities obtained in batch-mode are 4±1 mg g-1 for Sb(III)
removal on S. muticum, 3.1±0.4 mg g-1 and 2.1±0.3 mg g-1 for Sb(III) and Sb(V)
adsorption on C. sericea and 0.5±0.06 mg g-1 of adsorbed Se(IV) on C. sericea. Moreover,
the maximum biosorbed amount determined experimentally in packed-bed flow operation
of 3.8 mg g-1 for Sb(III) removal on S. muticum is very close to the capacity obtained in
batch mode which is a very good indicator for a possible use in real operating conditions.
In conclusion, brown and green seaweeds, in natural form, showed good
perspectives to be applied for Sb uptake from aqueous solution. In contrast, a limited
capacity was found for Se, and a completely null efficiency was observed to As removal
from aqueous solutions. Also, considering the environmental and economic aspects related
to the adsorbent pre-treatments and the limited improvement experienced, it was
determined that brown and green seaweeds in raw form offer better perspectives to be
used as adsorbents on the uptake of antimony and selenium from aqueous solutions.


Oana-Alexandra Pătrăuţanu1, Gabriela Ungureanu2,

Mihai Brebu3, Valentin I. Popa1, Irina Volf 1,*
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, 73 Prof. dr. docent D. Mangeron Street, 700050, Iasi, Romania
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 3,
Mihail Sadoveanu Alley, 700490, Iasi, Romania
"Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, 41A Grigore Ghica Voda Alley, 700487
Iasi, Romania
:[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Biorefining aims at a complete valorisation of biomass by performing
processes with a minimum mass and energy consumption and a maximal value of the
production chain. It consist of an efficient fractionation of biomass into various value-
added products and energy using physical separation processes in combination with
bio-chemical and thermo-chemical conversion steps. The bark from forest species,
resulted as a solid waste in wood processing, represents an important biomass
feedstock that is currently considered as an under valorised resource. This abundant
biomass is commonly used to produce heat and electrical energy, biofuels (12 million
m3 of biofuel in Europe) but in recent decades, there has been a growing interest in
converting it into value added products.
The bark from forest species are rich in fine chemicals that could be used in a
variety of fields, from pharmaceutical and bioactive compounds to green polymers
and bio-based materials. It is clear that a valorisation of bark will lead to a more
efficient use of resources with environmental and economic benefits.
The paper addresses green alternatives for valorise the spruce bark in a two
steps biorefining process. The first phase consists pretreatment in chemical
characterization of the feedstock and a green extraction and separation of extractives
(especially polyphenols). In this primary biorefining step an ultrasonic assisted
extraction (UAE) was performed. The secondary biorefinery continue with the
conversion of biomass. In this stage two also green processes were applied: an
enzymatic hydrolysis processes and also pyrolysis in order to obtain a solid charcoal-
like material (biochar) and bio-oil, (biocrude or pyrolysis oil).
All the methods applied for chemical characterization of biomass were
performed after NREL Laboratory Analytical Procedures for standard biomass analysis.

The ultrasound assisted extraction followed the protocol described by Lazar et al.,
2016. The pyrolysis was conducted according to Tao et al., 2016.
Results and conclusions
The characterization of biomass (table 1 and table 2) reveals a valuable
composition suitable for a biorefinery approach.
Table 1: Characterization of biomass
Humidity Ash Extractives Extractives Hemicellu Cellulose Lignin
content (ethyl (alcohol- lose
alcohol ) toluen 1:2)
Percentage 8.84 1.84 8.70 7.06 39.29 29.30 42.45

Table 2: The pseudo-total concentration of several metals

Metal Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Selenium Zinc
Concentration ND 0.125 ND 0.120 1.735 ND ND ND

A biorefinery flow sheet was elaborated (fig.1) in order to present the

sequence of operations needed for an integral and complex processing of spruce
bark. The technology implies two distinct stages: extraction/separation (extraction of
the specific compounds, extraction of the secondary compounds) and conversion
(with biochemical and thermochemical processes).

Figure 1: Flow sheet of integrated and complex processing of spruce bark biomass
All the obtained bioproducts (crude polyphenols extract, sugars, lignin,
biochar and bio-oil) were characterized and innovative applications are proposed for

Giovanna Siracusa1, *, Simone Becarelli1,2, Ilaria Chicca1,
Salvatore La China1, Monica Ruffini Castiglione1,
Roberto Lorenzi1, Giulio Petroni1, Alessandro Gentini3, Gualtiero
Masini3, Simona Di Gregorio1
Department of Biology, University of Pisa; Via Luca Ghini 13, 56124 Pisa (PI), Italy,
BD, Biodigressioni srl, Pisa
Teseco Spa, Pisa
: [email protected].

Introduction and study objectives

The mycoremediation is a biotechnological approaches in which fungi
(ascomycetes and/or basidiomycetes) are applied in combination to chemico-physical
treatments to remove salinity and metal contamination from solid matrices. A new
fungal strain was isolated from contaminated dredged sediments, massively grown
and re-inoculated in the original matrix to remove Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon
contamination (TPH). TPH, the main contaminant present in sediments affected by
hydrocarbon contamination, are partially soluble, volatile and toxic compounds and
are one of the main pollutants that cause a serious risk for the public/human health
(Andreoni and Gianfreda, 2007). TPHs contain an “unresolved complex mixture”
(UCM). The term UCM describes hump-shaped chromatograms that are often
observed in gas chromatograms of extracts from environmental matrices
contaminated by crude oil and petroleum derivates (Gough et al., 1990; Booth et al.,
2008). The interest in environmental samples containing hydrocarbons is often
motivated by the potentially toxic nature of these UCM contaminants (Golon, 2012).
Vicia faba, a higher plant, was exploited as indicator of the quality of the treated
sediments and used for the evaluation of the eco-safety of the final product.
In this study, the ability to deplete the contamination associated to UCM was
studied in a meso-scale experimentation. The experimentation was conducted to
evaluate the capacity of an ascomycetes strain isolated from the dredged sediment to
deplete the UCM associated to the profile contamination of the polluted sediments.
The goal of this work was the removal of TPHs contamination from sediments, being
mainly focused on the reduction of the UCM toxicity, in order to restore the safe
status of the matrix.
Depletion of TPHs
Each sample was analysed in triplicate by GC-MS following the protocol of
Klein et al. (2012).

Mesocosm experimentation set up
The mesocosm scale trial was set up according the following steps: mixing
sediments with lignocellulosic matrix (30% w/w) used as bulking agent (BA); sand
(30% w/w); macronutrients content adjustment. The experimentation has provided
the preparation of 6 mesocosms in triplicate, to test different thesis.
Monitoring the fungal biomass
The ergosterol was used as molecular marker of the fungal activity, as
described by Giubilei et al. (2008).
Vicia faba bioassay
The test was conducted on sediment sample and elutriates. Petri capsules
with seeds were prepared according to ISTISAN protocol.
Results and conclusions
Results obtained show that the ascomycetes microF is able to deplete more
than 86% of TPH present in the dredged sediments, on meso-scale experimentation
(Figure 1).

Figure 1: Percentage of TPH depletion during the one-year experimentation. P<0.001

Despite a high TPH removal, a detoxification of the treated matrix was not
recorded. Vicia faba system model showed any germination of the seeds for each
time of analysis, probably related to the high TPH residual concentration. The
ergosterol data indicates that microF survived for 60 days in the meso-scale test and,
to improve the TPH removal, a second bioaugmentation was necessary.
In conclusion:
 The bioaugmentation processes using microF, isolated from the dredged
sediment, represent a good instrument to decrease contamination by TPH
and the UCM fraction, in a period of time compatible with a real scale pilot
 The high decontamination of the matrices in meso-scale experiment, doesn’t
match with the detoxification of the matrix, which still displayed high toxicity
after 1 year of incubation.
The Bioresnova project has been financed by the Department of Biology, University
of Pisa and Fondazione Pisa.


Alexandra Tucaliuc 1, Alexandra Cristina Blaga 1,

Lenuta Kloetzer 1, Dan Cascaval1,*, Anca Irina Galaction2,*
Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Organic, Biochemical and Food Engineering, Iasi,
Biomedical Science Department, Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, 9-13 M. Kogalniceanu Street, 700454 Iasi, Romania
: [email protected]; [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The increase in fossil fuel prices and global energy consumption, cumulated
with the environmental effects of greenhouse gas emissions have led to an
overwhelming interest among researchers to develop economically viable processes
for the production of alternative fuels.
The algal biomass offers great potential as a sustainable feedstock which can
be processed for bioethanol and biodiesel production, due to its many advantages:
rapid growth rate, the ability to accumulate important amounts of carbohydrates, all
the materials produced are nontoxic and biodegradable. However, in order to produce
high concentrations of ethanol, it is necessary to convert all specific carbohydrate
components of microalgae: glucan, sulfated polysaccharides, mannitol, alginate, agar,
and carrageenan.
The algal biomass production worldwide is about 12 million tonnes for
macroalgae and 9200 tonnes for microalgae (dry weight), mostly grown in open
ponds, but also in enclosed photo-bioreactor. Since 1950s photobioreactor technology
has evolved, different designs being developed and investigated to improve control
strategies for long-term stability and reliability of operations. In order to choose the
most appropriate, one must consider not only the yield, the increase in photosynthetic
efficiency and enhancement of gas exchange rate, but also the capital investment and
operating costs, to prove that it can be commercially feasible. Many challenges are
still to be overcome in developing models for radiative transfer mechanism,
hydrodynamics, but also for photosynthetic and growth kinetics. Microalgae are
prokaryotic or eukaryotic photosynthetic microorganisms that are incredibly diverse in
natural environment (typically in fresh water and marine systems). Microalgae strain
selected, as the first and important step of algae-based biodiesel industry, determine
the corresponding nutrients and cultivation unit available for their growth.

The experimental equipment that can be used for algae cultivation consisted
in two types of photo-bioreactors (PBR): bubble column (a) and flat (b) (Fig.1.),
where algae are cultivated in suspension in a closed system, and offers advantages in
terms of yield and control: high productivity, low contamination, continuous operation
and controlled growth conditions, but with some limitations regarding low light
penetration and sophisticated construction.

(a) (b)

Figure 1: Photo-bioreactors
PBR system is a controllable environment in which the algae can be
cultivated, and where the supply of light, nutrients, carbon dioxide, air, and
temperature can be controlled and regulated.
Results and conclusions
Microalgae are able to grow and develop in very different conditions, but in
order to obtain high productivity and the consistency of the structure and composition
of the bioactive compounds, it is important to have a very good control of the
process. Microalgae cultivation is extremely important for the production of lipids
(used for biodiesel) or carbohydrates (used for bioethanol), due to an extremely
important effect on productivity of the environmental conditions. The main
parameters that need to be investigated for achieving high growth are: medium
composition (e.g. Modified Zarrouks medium, artificial sea water, BG 11 medium, SOT
medium), temperature, intensity and quality of light, pH, CO2 availability, and
residence time. Nutrient limitation (nitrogen, sulphate, calcium or phosphorous
starvation) can be used to accumulate large amounts of bioactive compounds, but
this determine a negative effect on cell growth and since for most of these products,
synthesis occurs along with growth phase: during all growth phases, or just
exponential or stationary, research needs to be focused on maximizing different
conditions of the culture medium such as: irradiance, carbon dioxide supply, pH and
temperature to increase productivity.
This research was supported by ENERED, POSCCE-A2-O2.2.1-2009-4, ID no. 911.


Spiros N. Agathos1,2, Borhane Samir Grama3,

Clayton Jeffryes4
Université Catholique de Louvain, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Yachay Tech University, 100119 San Miguel de Urcuquí, Ecuador
Université Larbi Ben M'hidi, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
Lamar University, Beaumont, TX 77710, USA

Phototrophs such as algae and cyanobacteria are generating a

significant portion of the Earth's primary biomass by utilising solar energy and
carbon dioxide. In this way they can contribute to the bioeconomy for the
sustainable production of biofuels and value-added chemicals, while at the
same time being a major environmental cleanup agent. Our current work with
novel extremophilic microalgal strains seeks to exploit their metabolic features
and to devise innovative bioprocessing through the rational design of scalable
and energy-efficient photobioreactor systems. Photoheterotrophy conditions
with the addition of glycerol, a side product of biodiesel manufacture, to the
new microalgal strain Dactylococcus dissociatus MT1 can simultaneously
increase biomass production and reduce or eliminate the need for gas sparging.
This behaviour is modelled mechanistically by linking the oxygen exchange
between the cells and the culture medium as a function of glycerol
concentration, cellular chlorophyll content, and photosynthetic efficiency to
biomass productivity. The latter is greatest when the photosynthetic and
respiratory pathways are nearly balanced. This implies that an intracellular
recycling of O2 and CO2 increases biomass production efficiency and that a
process set-point can be reached which eliminates the need to provide
supplementary O2 or CO2. In the same strain, environmental stressors can
induce the production of the valuable carotenoids canthaxanthin, adonixanthin
and astaxanthin. Light intensity has a positive influence on the accumulation of
the major carotenoid, canthaxanthin, similarly to salinity stress, while nitrate
deprivation has more of an effect on lipid production, an additional product
stream. Nitrate depletion and salinity stress in combination increase both lipid
and carotenoid accumulation. The growth and carotenogenesis phases can be
initiated, reversed and repeated at regular intervals, thus opening the way to a
scalable and sustainable bioprocess that is fully compatible with a circular


Laura Carmen Apostol1,2,*, Maria Gavrilescu2,3

”Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Faculty of Food Engineering,
13 Universitatii Street, 720229 Suceava, Romania
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, 73
Prof.dr.docent D. Mangeron Street, 700050 Iasi, Romania
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest,
: [email protected]

Pollution of environmental compartments such us water and soil with

organic contaminants has generated a need for remediation. A lot of organic
species are biodegradable, and in this case bioremediation is often a viable
approach for active and passive decontamination.
The present investigation focuses on remediation with particular interest
on the interactions between plant and the associated microorganisms to restore
organic contaminated sites. The plant microbiome is a key determinant of plant
health and productivity and has received substantial attention in recent years.
The use of plant microbiome has the potential to increase agricultural
production, reduce the incidence of plant disease, the chemical inputs and
emissions of greenhouse gases, resulting in more sustainable agricultural
The cooperation between plant-associated microorganisms allows
greater plant survivability and treatment outcomes in contaminated sites. In
water or soil impacted by organic contamination, microbial bioremediation
generally relies on the addition of high-energy electron acceptors (e.g., oxygen)
and fertilization to supply limiting nutrients (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorous,
potassium) in the face of excess carbon source. Plant-associated
microorganisms improve plant growth by reducing soil toxicity through
contaminant removal, producing plant growth promoting metabolites, liberating
sequestered plant nutrients from soil, fixing nitrogen, and more generally
establishing the foundations of soil nutrient cycling. On the other site the ability
to evaluate the role of plant-associated microorganisms in the fate of the
pollutants in the ecosystems is a major challenge for ecotoxicological point of
view. In study, evidence from traditional and modern technologies are

discussed to provide a framework for plant–microbe interactions during organic
pollutants remediation sites.
The work is supported by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-IDPCE-2016-0683.


Rainer U. Meckenstock*

University of Duisburg-Essen
Biofilm Centre, Universitätsstr. 5, 45414 Essen, Germany,
: [email protected]

The European Research Council funds three different categories of
grants: Starting grants (up to 6 years after PhD), Consolidator grants (up to 12
years after PhD), and Advanced grants (after 12 years). All grants have a
duration of 5 years and are funded with 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 Mill € respectively.
The ERC grant is an award to an individual person and considers both the
personal achievements and the scientific proposal with 50% each. Besides
providing excellent funding, ERC grants are the most prestigious funding tool in
Europe today and universities or research institutions respect their laureates as
a performance parameter.
In the presentation, I will point out the most important requirements
and aspects of an ERC proposal and give recommendations how to write a
proposal. Special respect will be given to environmental microbiology and how
ERC proposals could look like in this field. A short summery on the ecology of
life in oil will be presented as an example.





Kevin Kroll1,*, Alexander Timm2, Rafael Peschke2,

Marius Majewsky2, 3, Hans-Peter E. Kohler4,
Boris A. Kolvenbach1, Philippe F.X. Corvini1
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland, Gruendenstrasse
40, 4132 Muttenz, Basel,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Eawag, Switzerland
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The application of sulfonamide antibiotics is common in the treatment
of various kinds of infection. Due to constant prescription and an insufficient
removal in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) a concentration of up to 1 µg
per liter in surface and groundwaters can be detected. Hence, sulfonamide
antibiotics are be categorized as micropollutants. Although the environmental
concentrations are too low to be bacteriostatic they can have an immense
effect on the environment and there human population. Even at these low
concentrations they were shown to foster the propagation of resistance genes
in different environmental compartments, potentially culminating in the
evolution of multiresistant pathogens. In Microbacterium sp. strain BR1, which
had been isolated from activated sludge, the ability to biodegrade sulfonamides
and use them sources of carbon and energy was discovered. This strain was
further investigated to understand the biochemical and molecular biological
mechanisms of this process. The degradation of sulfonamides was found to
occur via a typical ipso-substitution degradation pathway. Several genes were
found to be involved in the biodegradation homologues of which could also be
identified by DNA sequence analyses in other degrading strains. We applied this
knowledge on the specific pathway, genes and metabolites to expand our view
from the Microbacterium sp. BR1 to the system of biological WWTP. There we
scrutinized sulfonamide degradation by means of a multifactorial investigation
encompassing chemical, biochemical and molecular biological analyses.

The main focus of our research is the investigation of sulfonamide
degradation in five different WWTP, two in Germany and three in Switzerland.
These WWTP were sampled over the course of one year on a biweekly time
interval. In the influent and effluent samples, we quantified 21 compounds,
both sulfonamide antibiotic and potential metabolites by HPLC-MS to assess
removal performances. We also looked into the ability of the different activated
sludges to degrade sulfonamides by an assay in lab scale format using
radiolabelled sulfamethoxazole. In addition, the abundance of the known
resistance genes sul1 and sul2 were determined by real-time PCR. Further
analysis carried out an NGS-based community analysis for sludge samples to
complement the research.
Results and conclusions
Analysis of the parent compounds and respective metabolites indicates
that the sulfonamide degradation pathway elucidated for Microbacterium sp.
BR1 is contributing to sulfonamide degradation in the WWTP. Throughout the
campaign, the sulfonamide removal efficiencies of the WWTPs showed a
characteristic pattern for each WWTP. This pattern deviates from the generally
accepted conception that the removal of micropollutants correlates with
nitrogen removal processes implemented in WWTP. Interestingly, the removal
performances in the WWTP deviated from results obtained for samples of the
respective sludges in benchmark degradation assays. The apparent significance
of the ipso-pathway could be deduced from detecting the specific metabolite 3-
amino-5-methylisoxazole. Additionally, preliminary data from principal
component analyses of the microbial communities (based on 16S rDNA) showed
clusters similar those obtained after performing the mineralization benchmark
assays for the different sludges. Applying a multifactorial approach consisting of
chemical analyses, biochemical assays with radiolabeled substrates, quantitative
PCR and Next Generation Sequencing, we could contribute to a better
understanding of the removal of sulfonamide traces during the wastewater
treatment process.

Petru Apopei1,*, Carmen Teodosiu1, Daniela Fighir1,
Cezar Catrinescu1,Sébastien Royer2
Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, Faculty of Chemical
Engineering and Environmental Protection, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi,
73 Prof.dr.docent Dimitrie Mangeron Street, 700050 Iasi , Romania,
Univ. Lille, CNRS, ENSCL, Centrale Lille, Univ. Artois, UMR 8181 - UCCS - Unité de
Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide, F-59000 Lille, France,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Among the advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), heterogeneous
photocatalysis was proved to be a viable method for the degradation of priority
organic pollutants from wastewaters, with the ability to transform them into harmless
products, such as CO2 and H2O.
Photocatalytic processes take place in the presence of photocatalysts (usually
semiconductors), sources of light irradiation (the UV and/or visible) and oxidizing
agents. Among many candidates for photocatalysts, TiO2 (present in three crystalline
forms: anatase, rutile and brookite) is the most used semiconductor, because of its
high oxidative potential, chemical stability and lack of toxicity.
A particular group of priority organic pollutants is represented by phenols and
their halogenated derivatives, which are characterized by high toxicity, persistence
and resistance to biodegradation. In this study, the research focused on 4-
chlorophenol, considered as model-pollutant, due to its carcinogenic and toxic effects.
Starting from information reported in literature, according to which anatase is
the most active form of TiO2 and considering that brookite is the least studied form of
TiO2, the main objective of this study was to obtain these two TiO2 polymorph forms
and to compare their photocatalytic activity in 4-chlorophenol oxidation from
synthetic wastewater.
The two TiO2 photocatalyst were obtained by hydrothermal methods. All
phases were characterized by physico-chemical techniques such as: DR UV-VIS
spectroscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Nitrogen adsorption-
desorption isotherms and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM-HRTEM). To
evaluate the photocatalytic performance of the studied photocatalysts, there have
been performed photocatalytic tests for 4-chlorophenol removal from synthetic
wastewater. The concentration of 4-chlorophenol was analyzed by the 4-
aminoantypirine standard method.

Results and conclusions
The nature of the crystalline phases was identified by X-ray diffraction. The
XRD patterns registered for TiO2 powders are according to the specific Joint
Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards (JCPDS) reference, indicating that
anatase and brookite TiO2 phases were successfully synthesized. These results are
confirmed by Raman spectroscopy that clearly describes the presence of frequency
bands specific for each TiO2 phase. The band gap energy for each photocatalyst was
calculated on the basis of Tauc graphs and 1 st order derivates of the DR UV-VIS
spectra, registered in the reflectance mode. The values of band gap energy calculated
for the TiO2 nanoparticles are in the same range as the ones reported in the
literature: 3,23-3,59 eV for anatase and 3.40-3.45 eV for brookite.
Textural properties of TiO2 nanoparticles were described by using nitrogen
physisorption. The adsorption/desorption isotherms registered are specific to
mesoporous materials, type IV. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM-HRTEM) is
used to describe the morphological properties of each synthesized TiO 2 nano-powder.
The anatase samples are characterized by the presence of round shaped, uniform
particles, a very well-defined crystalline structure, with average size of around 10 nm.
The Brookite sample present 40-60 nm sized aggregates, formed of 5-7 nm round
shape particles. The results are consistent with the ones reported in the literature.
90 Br
4-CP Removal efficiencies, %

80 An

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
Time, min

Figure 1: 4-chlorophenol removal efficiencies for anatase and brookite TiO2 nanoparticles,
conditions: T = 25 ºC, V = 0.5 L, 500 rpm, pH=5, C4CP = 20 mg L-1; CTiO2 = 200 mg L-
The photocatalytic activity, expressed as the removal efficiency of 4-
chlorophenol, for anatase and brookite samples is presented in Figure 1. Our data
show that anatase performs better (70% efficiency in 4-chlorophenol removal) than
brookite (60% efficiency in 4-chlorophenol removal), which confirms the information
reported in the literature, that the most active form of TiO 2 is anatase.
This work was supported by the CNCSIS – UEFISCDI, project number PNII – IDEI
code 368/2008, financed by Romanian Government, and EURODOC Project “Doctoral
Scholarships for research performance at European level”(ID59410) financed by the
European Social Found and Romanian Government.

Sabino De Gisi*, Michele Notarnicola
Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry
(DICATECh),Technical University of Bari, Via E. Orabona n. 4, 70125 Bari (ITALY),
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The number of scientific articles concerning production and testing of low-cost
adsorbents for water and wastewater treatment has increased significantly in recent years.
However, the number of studies related to the comparison of the performance of low-cost
adsorbents both in terms of pollutants removal both in terms of sustainability of their
production cycle is limited. In this regard, Gautam et al. (2014), highlight the need to
compare such performance in a systematic way in order to obtain results useful for directing
future research. The intent is to avoid the production of new adsorbents that although highly
performing in terms of pollutants removal, are then unsustainable in terms of production.
With the intent to fill this gap, the aim of the study was to define and apply a novel
methodology that, based on the use of a composite indicator, was able to assess the
sustainability of the production supply chain of low-cost adsorbents. For the purpose,
agriculture and household low-cost adsorbents tested in literature for the removal of heavy
metals from wastewater were considered.
Since there are no direct references in literature, a novel homemade methodology
has been defined according to the following two main phases: (1) Study of literature and
identification of the main production supply chains; (2) Assessment of the sustainability of
each production supply chain (Output 2). The latter included the construction of a composite
indicator whose main steps were the following: (i) Identification of the goal; (ii) Definition of
appropriate evaluation criteria; (iii) Determination of criteria weighs; (iv) Construction of the
composite indicator (indicated as IP) by means of the linear aggregation method.
Furthermore, the following criteria priorities have been considered: I2 > I1 > I3. Further
information on the indicator construction is given in Table 1.
Results and conclusions
Low-cost adsorbents such as pomelo peel, grape fruit peel, banana peel,
pomegranate peel, potato peel, peel ponkan, are the most “sustainable” (1.0 <IP <0.7) since
they need only few production processes, generally simple and of mechanical type (See Fig.
1). Instead the adsorbents subject to chemical treatments fall for the most part in the
category “average sustainable” (0.7 <IP <0.4) because they need few chemical treatments
and/or small quantities of reagents. Finally, the “not sustainable” sorbents (0.4 <IP <0.0) are
the following: citric acid modified orange peel, chemically modified orange peel, Chemically
modified orange peel and sulfured orange peel. In fact, these sorbents are characterized by a
high number of chemical treatments, an increase in the reagents consumption as well as a
large number of unit production processes.

Table 1: Evalutation criteria and main rules for the composite indicator contruction
N. Evaluation Unit Description and response classes
I1 Unit processes in Positive
The criterion measures the number of processes that make
the production integer
up the production cycle of the low-cost adsorbent so as
cycle reported in the investigated literature. The lower the number
of unit processes, the greater the value attributed to the I 1
criterion. To MINIMIZE in respect of IP (MIN).
I2 Degree of Class 1 = 0.9 The criterion measures the degree of complexity of the low-
complexity of the (best cost adsorbent production cycle. Starting from the surveying
production cycle condition); of the production chains, the following classes were defined:
Class 2 =  Class 1: The implemented supply chain is
0.7; Class 3 represented by the basic configuration;
= 0.5; Class  Class 2: The implemented supply chain provides at
4 = 0.3; least one chemical treatment (for example, with
Class 5 = 0.1 citric acid or sodium hydroxide);
(worst  Class 3: The implemented supply chain provides at
condition) least two chemical treatments.
 Class 4: The implemented supply chain provides at
least three chemical treatments.
 Class 5: The implemented supply chain provides a
number of more than 4 chemical treatments.
To each class, a score is assigned as following reported:
 Class 1 = 0.9 (best condition);
 Class 2 = 0.7;
 Class 3 = 0.5;
 Class 4 = 0.3;
 Class 5 = 0.1 (worst condition).
The lower the degree of complexity of the production cycle,
the greater the value to be attributed to the criterion I 2. To
MAXIMIXE in respect of IP (MAX).
I3 Consumption of mL/g of The criterion measures the consumption of liquid reagents used
liquid reagents obtained in the production cycle low-cost adsorbent. For example, the
adsorbent required millilitres of Na (OH) for the chemical treatment of a
gram of raw adsorbent. In case of use of more reactive, the
criterion is the sum of the quantities consumed.
The lower the consumption of liquid reagents, the higher the
value attributed to the I3 criterion. To MINIMIZE in respect of IP
Construction of the composite indicator (IP) adopted in our investigation
Method: Linear aggregation
IP i= (w1 · ai,1 + w2 · ai,1 + w3 · ai,3) where: i = i-th alternative to be compared (in our case, the alternative =
low-cost adsorbent); aij = performance of the i-th alternative in respect of the j-th criterion (j = 1, 2, 3); (w1,
w2, w3) = weight vector of the 3 comparison criteria evaluated by means of the PCT method.

14 21 25
15 24
Preference Index (IP)

17 19
0,8 11

12 22
0,6 1 20
4 23
7 8 9 13
2 10


Low-cost adsorbents

(a) (b)
Figure 1: Results related to the application of the „sustainability methodology” developed to quantify the
sustainability of the lw-cost production chain: (a) Performance comparison in terms of IP; (b) Effert to
divide the low-cost adsorbents investigated in class on the basis of the value of IP

Irina Morosanu, Carmen Teodosiu*, Carmen Paduraru,
Corina Petronela Musteret
Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, Faculty of Chemical
Engineering and Environmental Protection,“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi,
73 Prof. Dr. D. Mangeron Street, 700050, Iasi, Romania,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Water is a finite and shared natural resource, which underpins the societal and
economic progress. In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, an integrated
approach of the water resources management is essential for maintaining good water
quality status under the pressures of urban, industrial and agricultural pollution, climate
change events or reduced water availability for users. Recycling/reusing of the reclaimed
water is a prerequisite for closing the loop in the water-systems. In this sense, the tertiary
(advanced) treatment of the wastewater must ensure a high quality effluent by targeting
the priority micropollutants that could not be removed in the conventional wastewater
treatment stages. Heavy metals and dyes are recurrent micropollutants of industrial
effluents, with significant impact upon the environment.
Many industries, including textile, rubber, plastics, paper and cosmetics, use dyes
in the manufacturing process and consume large volumes of water. The major concern
about dye-containing effluents is related to the color and turbidity of the wastewater. Dye
molecules are refractory to biological aerobic treatment and present high stability in the
presence of conventional oxidizing agents, some dyes having mutagenic and carcinogenic
effects. Pollution caused by toxic metals is a major global concern because they can be
found in the wastewater discharges of industries, such as electrochemical, leather and
tanning, metallurgical, textile, steel and aluminum, mining etc. Many toxic metals, like
cadmium, lead, zinc, chromium, copper etc., are considered priority pollutants, due to
significant effects of toxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity on human health and
Biological, membrane separation, chemical, electrochemical and sorption
processes have been used in order to remove toxic metals and dyes from wastewaters.
These techniques all have advantages and disadvantages. Among them, sorption
processes have proved to be an efficient wastewater treatment process, targeting various
categories of pollutants, although entailing some high costs because of activated carbon
acquisition and regeneration. In recent years, utilization of different types of biomaterials
(microorganisms, algae, vegetal materials) as sorbents in the biosorption processes has
gained a particular attention. The valorization of wastes through biosorption process using
lignocellulosic wastes for wastewater treatment, constitutes an opportunity that considers
also the circular economy principles. However, the work regarding the removal of toxic

metals and dyes in binary systems is ongoing. This study presents the sequential
biosorption of lead ions, Pb(II), and Reactive Blue 19 (RB19) dye from aqueous solutions
by using rapeseed waste (RS).
The rapeseed waste was obtained after the oil extraction in biodiesel production
and was used in the biosorption process after washing, drying and grounding (0.1-0.2
mm). Sequencing batch experiments were conducted by first equilibrating the biosorbent
with one of the pollutants (C0: 100 mg Pb(II)/L or 100 mg RB19/L), separating the solid by
centrifugation and drying at room temperature overnight. The enriched biosorbent was
then used to investigate the removal of the other pollutant left by varying the initial
concentration and contact time. The general experimental conditions were those already
optimised from the single component biosorption studies, namely biosorbent dose: 10 g/L,
pH: 5-5.6, T: 20°C. After sequential biosorption, batch desorption tests of the used
biosorbent (containing both lead and RB19 dye) were performed by varying the pH of the
eluent (ultrapure water), in the same conditions as the sequencing biosorption tests. The
Central Composite Design (CCD) in the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) by Design-
Expert@ Ver. 10.0.1 (Stat Ease, USA) was used to analyze and optimize: (i) the sequencing
biosorption process by varying three factors: pH, initial concentration and biosorbent dose,
and (ii) the desorption process by varying two factors: pH and biosorbent dose.
Results and conclusions
In the case of the sequencing batch biosorption of lead on the sytem rapeseed-
RB19 (RS-RB19), the Langmuir isotherm model and the pseudo-second order kinetic model
were found to be the best fitted models for the process under study. The optimum
conditions for maximum Pb(II) biosorption capacity given by the RSM model were: pH
4.67, C0 75 mg/L and RS-RB19 dose 5 g/L. RSM analysis revealed that pH, used biosorbent
dose and their interaction are significant to the desorption of Pb(II) ions and RB19 dye
(Fig. 1). The experimental data in the case of the sequencing batch biosorption of RB19
dye on the system rapeseed-lead (RS-Pb) was well correlated with both Langmuir and
Freundlich isotherm models. The kinetics of the sequential biosorption followed the
pseudo-second order model. RSM analysis indicated the significant effect of dye initial
concentration and RS-Pb dose on the biosorption process. Insignificant desorption
efficiencies for RB19 and small desorption efficiencies for Pb(II) ions were obtained due to
the chemisorption mechanism involved.

a. b.
Figure 1: Response surface contour plot of interactive effect of pH and used
biosorbent dose in the case of Pb(II) desorption(a) and RB19 dye desorption (b)


Imelda Guerrero-Coronilla, Eliseo Cristiani-Urbina*

Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Departamento de
Ingeniería Bioquímica. Avenida Wilfrido Massieu s/n. Unidad Profesional Adolfo López
Mateos. Ciudad de México, 07738, México.
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objective

Azo dyes are one of the main sources of water pollution because they are
used widely in industry for coloring foods, drinks, drugs, cosmetics, textiles, leather,
paper, wood, plastics, etc. The rise in the number of industries worldwide has led to
increased pollution of natural water resources and soil by azo dyes and their
biodegradation intermediates. This is of great concern because of potential health
hazards associated with their toxic, allergenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and genotoxic
Metanil yellow dye (Acid Yellow 36) is a sulfonated monoazo compound,
which is used mainly in developing countries for coloring foodstuffs. However, metanil
yellow causes serious health hazards, such as insufficient oxygen supply to skin and
mucous membranes, degenerative changes to the stomach, liver, kidney, abdomen
and testes, as well as cyanosis, methaemoglobinaemia, reproductive effects,
neurotoxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity.
The removal of azo dye compounds from water and wastewater by
conventional physicochemical and biological methods is extremely problematic
because they are highly soluble in water, stable to light, heat and oxidizing agents
and recalcitrant to biodegradation due to their complex chemical structures and
xenobiotic nature. Biosorption is among the biotechnological processes that have
proven effective and cost-effective for the treatment of dye-contaminated water and
industrial wastewater.
The water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is a free-floating aquatic plant with
worldwide distribution that can reproduce both sexually and asexually under different
environmental conditions and has an accelerated growth rate. Its presence in water
bodies inhibits navigation, causes nutrient depletion, and reduces light penetration
and oxygen transfer within water bodies. However, its ability to remove different
pollutants from wastewater has been demonstrated.
In the present work, we studied the kinetics of metanil yellow biosorption
onto the vegetative organs (root, stem, and leaf) and the entire E. crassipes plant.

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was also employed to identify the key
functional groups involved in metanil yellow biosorption.
Water hyacinth plants were collected from the water channels in Xochimilco,
Mexico City and washed thoroughly with distilled water. The roots, stems and leaves
were cut off from some plants; while others were kept intact. All vegetative organs
and the entire plants were oven-dried, milled and sieved. Batch kinetic biosorption
experiments were performed under the following conditions: pH of solution = 2; initial
metanil yellow dye concentration = 50 mg L-1; initial biosorbent concentration = 1 g
L-1; particle size = 0.15-0.3 mm; temperature = 25 °C; and agitation speed = 120
rpm. Metanil yellow dye concentrations were determined spectrophotometrically at
434 nm. The kinetics of metanil yellow biosorption were analyzed using the pseudo-
first-order, pseudo-second-order, Elovich, and fractional power models. Finally, to
identify the functional groups involved in the metanil yellow biosorption process, the
chemical composition of the surface of each biosorbent was characterized by FTIR,
before and after saturation with the dye.
Results and conclusions
The biosorption kinetics of metanil yellow dye indicated that the leaves,
stems and roots, as well as the whole water hyacinth plant are capable of removing
the azo dye from aqueous solution. Regardless of the biosorbent tested, rapid metanil
yellow biosorption was observed initially, with the rate gradually diminishing until the
metanil yellow capacity reached maximum constant values corresponding to the
equilibrium biosorption capacity. The biosorption capacities at equilibrium were as
follows: 42.87, 34.29, 29.66, and 25.5 mg g-1 for the leaves, whole plant, roots and
stems, respectively.
Kinetic modeling of metanil yellow biosorption by all the vegetative organs
and the entire water hyacinth plant showed that experimental data concurred well
with the pseudo-second-order model, suggesting that the rate-limiting step in the
metanil yellow biosorption process may be chemical in nature.
FTIR results indicate that chemical interactions between the biosorbents
amide I and amide II functional groups and the metanil yellow dye molecules were
involved in dye biosorption. These functional groups are constituents of the proteins
present in the biosorbents.
Based on the above results, it can be concluded that water hyacinth leaves
manifested optimum performance for biosorbing metanil yellow dye from aqueous
solutions, that the kinetic mechanism followed a pseudo-second order model and that
proteins play a key and relevant role in the dye biosorption process. Thus, water
hyacinth leaves exhibit remarkable potential for application in detoxification of metanil
yellow-contaminated aqueous solutions.


Serkan Kucukunsal, Bulent Icgen*

Department of Environmental Engineering,

Middle East Technical University 06800, Ankara, Turkey,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) have been detected in groundwater,
wetlands, sediments and surface waters. High concentration of multi-drug resistant
bacteria has also been detected in hospital wastewater, drainage from livestock
feeding operations and domestic sewage. Therefore, wastewater treatment plants
(WWTPs) play a crucial role in minimizing or even complete removal of many water
pollutants, including pathogens and antibiotics. On the other hand, WWTPs also act
both as collection points for resistant microorganisms, antimicrobials and potential
point sources for of ARGs. The biological treatment units of WWTPs not only promote
bacterial growth but also provide genetic exchange of ARGs which might lead to
further ARG proliferation. Although there are various studies about the role of WWTPs
on the dissemination of antibiotic resistance bacteria, the studies about the
dissemination of ARGs are scarce. Therefore, in this study, dissemination of ARGs
including β-lactams, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, macrolides,
lincosamides, quinolones, fluoroquinolones and vancomycins was investigated in
biological nutrient removal (BNR) type WWTP.
Samples from influent and effluent water were collected from BNR type
WWTP throughout four seasons. The WWTP serves 160,000 people and it receives an
average daily flow of 42,000 m made up by domestic wastewater. Sampling locations
and processes of the WWTP can be seen in figure 1.

Figure 1. Sampling locations and processes of the WWTP

After collection, samples were immediately transported to laboratory within 2
hours. 50 mL of each sample was centrifuged at 13000 rpm for 20 min to collect the
pellets. The pellets were then fixed in 50% ethanol-water solution. All samples were
preserved in 20ºC before DNA extraction. DNA extractions were done manually by
50% phenol-chloroform solution for purification and 70% ethanol-water solution for
precipitation. Purity of extractions then checked with both microvolume uv-vis
spectrophotometer and gel electrophoresis to minimize PCR inhibition. Real time PCR
amplifications were performed with specific primers targeting; blaCTX-M, sul1, tetA,
aadA, ermB, qnrS, vanA and 16s rRNA genes. For real time PCR standards, purified
PCR products of bacterial genes that have resistant to β-lactams, sulfonamides,
tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, macrolides, lincosamides, quinolones, fluoroquinolones
and vancomycins were used. Calibration standard curves for positive controls were
generated by performing serial dilutions. Negative controls contained all PCR mixture
components without DNA template. Finally, resulting data of real time PCR were
Results and conclusions
Water samples for the seasons summer, autumn, winter have been collected
so far. After being fixed, DNA extractions were done. DNA was visualized with gel
electrophoresis (Figure 2) and quantifications were done with microvolume uv-vis
spectrophotometer (Figure 3). Real time PCR analyses of the antibiotic specific genes
are under progress.

Figure 2: DNA extractions from BNR Figure 3: Nucleic acid concentrations of water
WWTPs’: influents and effluents for samples collected in 2016 - 2017
summer (lane 1-2), autumn (lane 3-4),
winter (lane 5-6), respectively. Marker (M).

Lidia Favier1,*, Andrei Ionut Simion2*, Lacramioara Rusu2,
Cristina-Gabriela Grigoras2, Yassine Kadmi3, Raluca Hlihor4,5,
Dominique Wolbert1
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes, CNRS, UMR 6226,
11 Allée de Beaulieu, CS 50837, 35708 Rennes Cedex 7, France
“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Food
Engineering, 157 Calea Marasesti, 600115 Bacau, Romania
Université d'Artois, Institut Régional en Agroalimentaire et Biotechnologie Charles Viollette, Equipe
Qualité et Sécurité des Aliments (QSA), Arras, France
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, 73 Prof.
Dr. Docent D. Mangeron Str., 700050 Iasi, Romania
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of
Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies, 3 Mihail Sadoveanu Alley, 700490 Iasi,
: [email protected]; [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

In the past decade pharmaceutically active compounds and their metabolites
have been reported as one of the diverse chemical classes of aquatic contaminants.
Among them, clofibric acid (CA) is one of the most frequently detected in surface water
and even more in drinking water. The biological effects of this lipid regulator drug are
not completely elucidated but it has been associated with endocrine disruption through
interference with cholesterol synthesis.
The major concern related to this molecule arises from its environmental
persistence, stability (more than 20 years) and it is amplified by its resistance to water
treatment technologies. Several studies demonstrated that this substance is not
completely removed by the current techniques used for the wastewater treatment.
Hence, the wastewater treatment plants and hospital effluents are the main sources of
dispersion of this molecule to the aquatic environment. Thus, nowadays research efforts
are focused on the development of efficient techniques for achieving their total
In recent years, various techniques were assessed with regard to their removing
potential of pharmaceuticals. Among them, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs)
received an increasing attention. Indeed, such techniques mainly generate highly
reactive, unselective and short-lived hydroxyl radicals and further promote the organic
compounds oxidation. Some works demonstrated that ozonation and Fenton oxidation
improve total organic carbon removal but leads to the production of toxic reaction by-
products that require special treatments. Adsorption with activated carbon was reported

as effective for the removal of some pharmaceuticals, but in the case of clofibric acid
the process was rather difficult. Other studies have reported the effectiveness of
heterogeneous photocatalysis, one example of AOPs, for the complete oxidation of
inorganic or organic pollutants.
This work explores the potential of photocatalysis on the removal of clofibric
acid in aqueous titanium dioxide (TiO2) suspensions. The influence of some critical
operating parameters were investigated and optimized by central composite design
(CCD) based of response surface methodology (RSM) to determine the optimal
degradation and mineralization conditions. In addition, the general photocatalytic
mechanism of CA was discussed based on the identified intermediates determined by
Degradation studies were conducted at laboratory scale in a cylindrical batch
reactor (working volume of 2L), mechanically stirred equipped with two UV lamps under
aerobic conditions. The lamp position is adjustable in order to vary the incident light flux
intensity. All experiments were carried out in aqueous solution at natural pH = 4.2
(given by dissolved clofibric acid), at room temperature (22 ± 0.5°C) and with TiO2 PC
500 as photocatalyst. In order to determine the CA degradation kinetics, samples were
collected according to the experimental algorithm and the concentration of the target
compound was monitored by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a
WATERS® system equipped with a C18 packed column (Symmetry WATERS®; 250
mm x 4.6 mm, 5 μm) and a diode array detector (DAD). Total organic content (TOC)
was measured with a Shimadzu system operated in NPOC mode and equipped with an
ASI-V autosampler.
Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was employed to evaluate the effects
and the interactions between the key operating parameters over degradation process
and to determine the optimal conditions of CA elimination. Considered input data were:
for initial pollutant concentration between 0.5 and 15 mg.L-1, for catalyst load between
0.1 to 2 g.L-1 and 0 to 190 min for exposure time at 95.22, 20.92 and 7.9 W.m-2 UV
light intensity. As response functions the residual CA concentration and mineralization
yield were examined.
Results and conclusions
The results indicated that the removal rate of the target pollutant is strongly
influenced by its initial concentration. The effect of the TiO2 concentration on the
degradation kinetics was significant. This is due to the positive influence of the
increased number of TiO2 active sites on the process kinetics. After exploring the
interaction effects by (CCD) experiments the optimal amount of catalyst for the
degradation of CA was determined to be 1.2 g.L-1. Complete removal of the target
compound was achieved at low concentrations in pollutant. The photocatalytic process
shows high elimination efficiency even at higher pollutant concentrations after
employing RSM optimized amounts of catalyst in reduced irradiation time and UV
In conclusion, we note that the results obtained in this work for the
photocatalytic elimination of clofibric acid are very promising, given the refractory nature
of this compound. Moreover, they can provide basic information to understand the
oxidative degradation of this pollutant and process design.

Ciprian Sandu1,2, Marius Popescu1,2, Emilio Rosales1,
Marta Pazos1, Gabriel Lazar2, María Angeles Sanroman1,*
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Vigo, Isaac Newton Building, Campus
As Lagoas, Marcosende 36310, Vigo, Spain
Faculty of Engineering, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Calea Marasesti 157
600115, Bacau, Romania
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Parabens are man-made chemicals often used in many personal care
products that contain a significant proportion of water, such as shampoos, commercial
moisturizers, conditioners, lotions, topical/parenteral pharmaceuticals, spray tanning
solution, makeup, and toothpaste. Since these chemicals may cause severe damages
to health, the development of highly effective removal methods is receiving a great
deal of attention in the last years.
Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) appear as an attractive alternative to
treat this kind of pollutants. Among them, electro-Fenton which is able to produce a
strong oxidant as hydroxyl radicals is considered a promising technology. In the
literature is reported that the generation of H 2O2 is one of the key parameters of this
technology and several studies concluded that the selection of cathodic material is
vital to increase its concentration in the bulk media. In addition, to treat a high
volume of wastewater is necessary the operation in continuous flow system by use of
heterogeneous system in which the iron is fixed on a solid matrix. One alternative
option is the iron fixation on the cathode surface to permit the treatment by electro-
Fenton process in continuous flow.
Therefore, the main goal of this study is to evaluate the ability of electro-
Fenton technology to degrade a model paraben such as methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate
and to enhance the process to operate in flow systems by fixation of iron on the
surface of the cathode, permitting the self-regulation of iron and facilitating the
operation in continuous mode.
Experimental procedure: Anodic oxidation and electro-Fenton experiments
were performed in an undivided and cylindrical reactor with working volume of 150
mL of methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate (100 mg/L). An external direct-current power supply
was connected to two electrodes. Boron-Doped Diamond (BDD) electrode was used
as anode and different modified carbon felt electrodes were tested as cathode. The
assays were performed applying a constant current of 100 mA.
Iron cathode: Carbon felt was previously cleaned with absolute ethanol to
remove the impurities from their surface for 1 hour and dried at room temperature for

24 h. The fixation of iron on carbon felt was performed by two different methods. CF-
M1: Cleaned carbon felt was immersed in an ethanol solution of FeCl3·6H2O at a
concentration of Fe/C 30% (w/w). After a contact time of 24 h, the electrode was
removed and air dried at room temperature for 48 hours. Afterwards, it was washed
with distilled water several times and treated with ethanol in an ultrasonic bath in
order to remove the weakly adsorbed iron. Finally, the electrode was air dried for 48 h
and it was ready for further use. CF-M2: Cleaned carbon felt was immersed in 400 mL
solution of FeCl3·6H2O (28mM) and FeSO4·7H2O (14 mM) with vigorous stirring at
70ºC. Then, NaOH solution (5 M) was added dropwise to precipitate the iron oxides
and the suspension was mixed on a magnetic stirrer at 80ºC for 1h. Modified carbon
felt was then dried in an oven at 100 ºC for 3 h. Finally, the obtained material was
washed with distilled water (5 times) and then air dried for further use.
Analytical procedure: The degradation of methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate was
monitored by HPLC with an XDB-C8 reverse-phase column. Identification and
quantification of degradation intermediates was performed using HPLC and GC-MS.
Results and conclusions
The physical characterization of both prepared cathodes by scanning electron
microscopy equipped with an energy dispersive spectrometric confirmed the fixation
and homogeneous distribution of iron on the cathodes surface. Cyclic voltamperimetry
was performed confirming the generation of H2O2 and reduction reactions related to
Fe presence in the prepared electrodes.
The initial results revealed that the methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate degradation
followed pseudo-first order kinetics, also showing a clear advantage of electro-Fenton
using CF-M1 or CF-M2 over anodic oxidation. There were no differences between the
degradation levels achieved operating with both cathodes (nearly complete after 45
min). However, the reduction of total organic content was lower when CF-M1 was
used. In addition, was confirmed that CF-M2 kept the iron fixed on the carbon felt in
successive treatment cycles, which is indicative of the potential to apply this cathode
to operate in flow systems. These results also confirmed that CF-M2 cathode could be
a good alternative to the current cathodes permitting the electrogeneration of high
concentration of hydrogen peroxide and the iron fixation, favouring the rapid reaction
between both of reagents that increases the degradation rate of the organic
pollutants present into solution. The degradation and mineralisation of the pollutant
was verified by identification of several intermediate products (carboxylic acids and
phenolic compounds) by GC-MS that permitted to propose a plausible degradation
pathway for the methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate.
This research has been financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy
and Competitiveness (MINECO), WaterWorks2015 and ERDF Funds (Projects CTM2014-
52471-R and REWATER). The authors would like to thank to the European Union for the
financial support of Ciprian Sandu and Marius Popescu under the Erasmus+ program.


Damian Hausherr*, Boris Alexander Kolvenbach,

Patrick Shahgaldian, Philippe F.-X. Corvini

FHNW, Institute of Ecopreneurship

Hard 35, 8408 Winterthur, CH,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Since the first observation of nitrogen gas accumulation in a wastewater
treatment plant (WWTP) in the 1990s and the subsequent enrichment of the
first anammox bacteria, considerable effort has been devoted to elucidate the
anammox process. It provides both a positive energy balance, compared to
energy consumption of the typical nitrification-denitrification treatment and a
reduction of added carbon sources by 100%. This process relies on the
anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox), using nitrite (NO 2-) as an electron
acceptor and ammonium (NH4+) to generate N2.
Since most wastewater amenable to anammox is very high in NH 4+ but
not NO2- the process is coupled to partial nitritation, which converts
approximately half of NH4+ into NO2-, albeit in the presence of oxygen. These
two interconnected processes lead to a complex biofilm formation involving the
species responsible for each reaction. Most often the anaerobic anammox
bacteria occupy deeper strata of a biofilm, whereas the AOB and AOA
(ammonium oxidizing bacteria and ammonium oxidizing archaea, respectively)
reside in the medium and oxygen exposed layer. This approach works well,
demonstrated by over 200 full-scale facilities around the world, if certain
conditions are met. The temperature is optimally between 28-35°C, oxygen
concentration very low (0.5-1.5 mg) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) and
biological oxygen demand (BOD) low (1-3 times N load). Problems may arise
from competing bacteria, especially nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB), and if the
biofilm is formed in a granular manner, the granules can break apart, exposing
the anammox bacteria to oxygen and thus reducing process efficiency. One
further constraint is the slow doubling rate of anammox bacteria ranging
between 3-10 days, making them susceptible to be washed out of the reactor.
To alleviate these complications, we propose encapsulating the involved
bacteria and construct a 3D scaffold to precisely position the bacteria containing
beads. As has been previously shown, encapsulation confers tolerance to pH

and COD stress and impedes washout of anammox bacteria. But so far, no
studies have encapsulated AOB and anammox together nor subsequently
designed biofilm formation on a scaffold. This work will advance our
understanding of the anammox process and its interactions with other bacteria
and further its applicability to diverse types of wastewater. So far initial studies
on the encapsulation process have been completed and viability assays
The anammox bacteria are obtained from a WWTP in Zürich with a
PNAA (partial nitritation annamox) reactor or the Swiss federal aquatic research
centre EAWAG. The bacteria are mixed with an alginate solution to be added
dropwise to a hardening solution, resulting alginate beads may be further
coated with a chitosan layer before liquefying the alginate core to allow
bacterial growth. Alternatively, alginate beads may also be applied directly to
the bioprinting process. These beads are then placed within a scaffold that
provides structural stability while only posing a minor obstacle to mass transfer.
The loaded scaffolds will be tested into 1L reactors, fed by synthetic
wastewater and the growth and composition of the biofilms as well as nitrogen
removal is monitored.
Results and conclusions
Initial results show good viability of encapsulated cells (E. coli) after
performing liquification of the core. Additionally, incubating these cells in
appropriate medium leads to growing cells to fill the cavity. Initial attempts to
crosslink chitosan beads with glutaraldehyde drastically reduced viability while
failing to lead to a stable construct of beads. Yet embedding the alginate-
chitosan beads into a colloidal silicon dioxide with activated TEOS showed
promising results.
Building on these results we envision to further develop this new
approach, promising a more stable and reproducible anammox process (as
biofilms are produced as opposed to waiting for natural growth) and widening
the scope of possible parameters for a streamlined WWTP process. This
technique will allow us to control biofilm composition and structure to enhance
the role of anammox process in nitrogen removal in wastewater. These artificial
biofilms may also be applied to a plethora of other suitable tasks where precise
architecture is needed.

Giovanna Siracusa1,*, Simone Becarelli1,2, Ilaria Chicca1,
Salvatore La China1, Alessandra Bardi1, Roberto Lorenzi1,
Qiuyan Youan3, Giulio Munz4, Alessandro Gentini5,
Gualtiero Masini4, Simona Di Gregorio1
Department of Biology, University of Pisa; Via Luca Ghini 13, 56124 Pisa (PI), Italy
BD, Biodigressioni srl, Pisa
Dep. Of Environmental And Civil Engineering, University Of Manitoba, Gillson Street 15,
Manitoba, Canada
Dep. Of Environmental And Civil Engineering, University Of Florence, Via Santa Marta 3, 50139
Firenze, Italy
Teseco Spa, Pisa
: [email protected].

Introduction and study objectives

Soils and sediments are often contaminated by heavy hydrocarbons pollutants due
to human activities, such as spills and industrial processes related to petroleum refining.
Among them, the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) are composed of structures with
different biodegradability. The volume of dredged sediments in Europe, to be disposed off,
is around 200 millions cubic meters per year and the 60% of the total is contaminated
mainly by Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) [1]. TPH contains tens of different
polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and hundreds of different hydrocarbon compounds [2].
Today, the management of dredged sediments contaminated by TPH, is associated
exclusively to landfilling. However, the long-term disposal strategy such as natural
attenuation, can be associated to significant risks for the community, because of possible
contaminant leakages and the consequent deterioration of the surrounding environment.
The vehicle for contaminant leakage are mainly leachates, strongly polluted wastewaters
[3]. The acceleration of the decontamination and the fast and safe reallocation of
decontaminated sediments are actually a priority for the protection of the environment and
for the reduction of the volume of contaminated leachates, that has to be treated as
industrial wastewaters.
The fungal strain microF, isolated from marine dredged sediment, was tested as an
allochthonous specimen for the treatment of two different leachates: one deriving from an
urban landfill in Winnipeg (Canada), with a TPH contamination (1850 ppm) and a chloride
concentration of 2240 mg/l; the second one, synthetic, containing tannic acid (1g/l), a
chemical additive in tannery. The goal of this work is the treatment of TPH and tannic acid
contaminated leachates for a real scale bioreactor set up.
Leachate: The leachate was collected at Brady Road landfill, Winnipeg, Canada.
The synthetic leachate was prepared according to the UK Environmental Agency 2009.
Immobilization of fungal biomass: The fungal biomass was grown in 2L
Erlenmeyer flask with 50 sterile PUFs and 1.2 L of MEB. 40 ml of fungal biomass

homogenate were added. The culture was maintained at 100 rpm, at room temperature
for 7 days.
COD Removal: The COD was measured following the laboratory methods
according to the Standard Methods [4].
Enzymatic assays: The enzymatic assays are: Manganese peroxidase (MnP)
[5], laccase (Lac) [6;7], lignin peroxidases (LiP) [8] and tannase (Tan) assays [9].
The trend of COD depletion in the row leachate experiment is showed in Figure 1.
A progressive depletion of the COD was observed during the 14 days of incubation with a
reduction of the COD of the 71% at the end of the incubation. No COD removal was
observed in the control. Any enzymatic activity was recorded.

Figure 1: Row leachate COD depletion on flask scale experiment with microF
(suspended). The control is without any addition of fungal biomass
A second flask scale experiment with the synthetic leachate and the fungal
biomass inoculated as plug from maintenance MEA Petri dish, was conducted. The 40% of
the COD depletion was recorded after 12 days of incubation. In the synthetic leachate
(tannic acid) batch experiment, the microF is able to produce tannase during all the
treatment. The peak of 157U/l of enzyme was recorded after 14 days of incubation. Any
enzymatic tannase activity was recorded in the control.
Discussion and conclusion
The biological treatment of wastewater and landfill leachates was mostly
investigated by the use of white-rot fungi [10; 11; 12]. The use of ascomyteces in
biological treatment for the deletion of COD in landfill leachates is widely not investigated.
In this study, the microF, isolated from a TPH polluted dredged sediment demonstrated to
be able to reduce more than 70% of COD of landfill leachate without any addition of
carbon source. This result is extremely promising for the scale-up of batch scale reactor for
the treatment of raw leachate. The microF was also able to reduce the COD related to a
different polluted matrix. In particular, the microF depleted the 40% of COD related to a
synthetic leachate with tannic acid as chemical target. In this context, the capability to
reduce the COD matched with the possibility to record the presence of enzymes involved in
the pathway of degradation of tannic acid.
In conclusion: the fungal candidate was able to deplete the 73% of COD of
landfill leachate after 14 days of batch scale experimentation and the 40% of COD related
to tannic acid after 14 days of incubation. The presence of enzymatic battery putatively
involved in the pattern of depletion of the chemical targets was tested. The microF,
demonstrated to be able to deplete the COD related to tannic acid and to have an
enzymatic battery related to tannases, during the flask scale experimentation.
The Bioresnova project has been financed by the Department of Biology, University of
Pisa and Fondazione Pisa and by the EU Marie Curie Irses Program with the Carbala Project IRSES-

Maurizio Mancini*, Carmine Fiorentino*
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering–DICAM-
University of Bologna, Via Risorgimento,2-Bologna
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Wastewater collection in drainage system and secondary treatment for all Italian
residential built-up areas are provided by Dlgs.152/2006 which defines parameter limits for
discharges. During rainy conditions, in the existing combined city drainage system, a few
Italian regional laws have recently classed each one in categories with reference to the
flowrate which can cross the section before the start of discharge by the constrained
mouths. In wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), receiving both sewage and rain water,
the respect of law limits requires an accurate management of catching work and primary
treatment phases are forced to receive in rainy weather conditions a large amount of water
volumes. Mathematic description and numerical simulations about active sludge WWTP
performances in function of incoming and bypass fluxes (Bragadin & Mancini, 2008)
indicate that, in a flow scheme based on the mixing of all plant bypasses flows with the
final effluent, it must be received by primary settling a peak flow included between 4 to 5
times the mean dry weather hourly flowrate together with a 2 times permitted to the
secondary. The two flow bypass exceeding limits are regularized by mixing with final
effluent from secondary biological phases which require for this purpose the maintenance
of an high level of purification also during the arrival of sewage diluted by rain. Three years
experimental data available from Bologna WWTP made possible to verify behavior of BOD
removal and nitrification efficiency in aeration and secondary settling phases during full
scale functioning in different rainy conditions. Assumed as indicators the registered values
of ammonium (Mancini et al., 2014) data permits to investigate plant performances under
stress dilution due to flowrate variations varying between 1 and 3 times the mean daily
flowrate in dry conditions.
Efficiency calculation scheme - In order to provide treatment for the entire
discharge arriving by the terminal sewer pipe, it has been adopted the flow distribution
scheme proposed by Bragadin 2008, where is fixed in 2·Q24 the greater flowrate
admissible to secondary treatment, and it’s defined the input flow ratio deriving to primary
and consequently the discharge fraction from the first bypass.
In rainy conditions incoming flowrate could be much bigger than medium daily
discharge (Q24) in dry weather conditions. The flow rate scheme provides mixing of the
entire water flux outgoing from tertiary phase with the head plant bypassed fluxes before
discharge to the receiver.

WWTP monitoring - Our study is based on daily data collected during a
measurement campaign carried out for three years in the WWTP of Bologna (IDAR) in
Italy. The influent is raw sewage from a combined sewer system serving about 500,000 PE
from the city of Bologna and hinterland. The process is a traditional A.S. treatment without
denitrification. The data come from four sections of the plant were measured in
accordance with APAT-IRSA methods (IRSA CNR, 2003)
Plant section Section Measured parameters
Q, BOD, COD, pH, SSS, TSS, N-NH4+,
Influent sewage lifted to WWTP 1 TKN,
N-NO2-, TP , Surfactant
Input primary settling tanks after grid and 2 BOD, COD, pH, SS, TSS, N-NH4+, TKN,
sand removal TP, Surfactants
Input aeration tanks 3 BOD, COD, pH, SS, TSS, N-NH4+, TKN,
TP, Surfactants
Output from secondary settling tanks 4
N-NO3-, N-NO2-, TP, Surfactants
Results and conclusions
The following graph represents the final concentration of BOD in outfall as the
result of the proposed scheme. Calculations carried out in accordance with measured
efficiencies (primary = 26.5 % secondary= 82.1 %) permit to verify the performance of
the scheme during N=1 to N=3 wet conditions.

It’s interesting to note that NI=4 and NI=5 design choice obtains more or less the
same result in term of respect of law limits. Right now similar conclusions cannot be drown
within N = 3 – N = 4 because of registered efficiency decreases and scarcity of data
representing the upper limit of dilution range.


Gonzalo Martinez, Sarah Notarfrancesco, Salvatore Puccio,

Lorenzo Bertin, Davide Pinelli, Dario Frascari*

Department of Civil, Environmental and Materials engineering (DICAM),

University of Bologna
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Olive mill wastewater (OMW) is generated during the olive oil
production, at a rate of 5-8 LOMW kgOil-1 (3-phases extraction process). 3.3 MtOMW
year-1 are generated in Italy. OMW is considered an environmental harmful
waste because of its typical acidity (pH 3–6), high organic content (40–200
gCOD L−1), occurrence of polyphenolic compounds (1–20 g L−1), and
seasonality. The development of integrated OMW valorisation schemes allow
combining OMW treatment to the obtainment of added value products, namely:
polyphenols, volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and biogas. Polyphenols are natural
antioxidants and exert antimicrobial activity: both properties can be exploited in
several industrial fields. VFAs can be employed in the carboxylate platform, i.e.
in the production of ketones, aldehydes, esters, alcohols and alkanes. Biogas
production would be useful for the proposed biorefinery energy requirements.
The main goal of the present work was to study the production of carboxylates
and biogas from the solid fraction of OMW. The specific aims were to study the
kinetic of OMW solid anaerobic digestion and to determine possible matrix
and/or substrate inhibitions.
The OMW was kindly supplied by the “Société Huilerie Mnihla” Tunisian
olive mill. Experiments were carried out using the OMW solid fraction (OMW Solid)
obtained by centrifugation (8000 rpm, 6 ºC, 25 min); it contained 27 ± 1 % of
total solids (TS) and a 86.8 ± 0.4% ratio of volatile solids (VS) to TS. The
inoculum provided from a commercial biogas production plant (Emilia Romagna,
Italy) was exhausted in terms of actual substrates before using it and finally
characterized (4.60 ± 0.03 % TS and 63 ± 3 % VS/TS). Acidogenic and
methanogenic experiments were carried out in 100 mL Pyrex bottle microcosms

(53 mL of working volume) tightly closed with a modified Pyrex-cap that
allowed gas and liquid sampling.
For the anaerobic fermentation (carboxylates production) the OMWSolid
tested concentration rage was 12-127 gVS L-1 and the inoculum to substrate
ratio (ISR) range was 0.1-1.7. The incubation conditions were pH 7, 50 °C and
150 rpm. In the biogas production tests lower OMW solid concentrations were
tested (0.47-36 gVS L-1) and the ISR range was 3-0.7. The incubation conditions
were the same indicated above, except for pH (7.5). Both experiments were
carried out in triplicate and blank control groups were set up by filling
microcosms with water and inoculum, in order to determine the effective
acids/biogas production. Microcosms were monitored every 1–3 days for biogas
and carboxylates production. pH control was performed by adding drops of
NaOH or H2SO4 (10M).
Results and discussion
The results for VFAs and biogas production experiments are shown in
Figure 1. Maximal specific production rates (r max) were calculated for each
OMWSolid concentration condition, in both experiments. VFA production follows a
Monod type kinetic (Fig. 1-I), whereas the biogas rate production presents a
more complex trend (Figure 1-II). More studies are being conducted to identify
a kinetic model that includes inhibition from intermediates metabolites such as

Figure 1: Carboxylates (I) and biomethane (II) production at different OMW Solid
concentrations. Black arrows indicate the increasing concentration conditions, from
B onwards.

This project has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and
innovation program under grant agreement No. 688320 (MADFORWATER project,


Marcos López-Nuñez, Gabriela Pineda-Camacho,

Eliseo Cristiani-Urbina*

Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Departamento de

Ingeniería Bioquímica. Avenida Wilfrido Massieu s/n. Unidad Profesional Adolfo López
Mateos. Ciudad de México, 07738, México.
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objective

Heavy metal contamination of the environment is a major worldwide
concern because of the potential threat to human health, caused by high
toxicity, non-biodegradable nature, and the increasing discharge, persistence
and ubiquitous occurrence of these metals. Divalent nickel [Ni(II)] and zinc
[Zn(II)] are heavy metals usually found in industrial effluents, discharged from
mineral processing, non-ferrous metal production, paint formulation,
galvanization, and battery manufacture. High Ni(II) and Zn(II) concentrations
cause serious acute and chronic health disorders.
Due to the deleterious effects of these heavy metals on human and
environmental health, it has become essential to remove them from industrial
wastewater and from surface and ground water streams. Conventional waste
management strategies for heavy metal removal pose several technical and
economic constraints. Biosorption provides an efficacious alternative for the
detoxification of Ni(II) and Zn(II)-polluted water and wastewater and offers
potential advantages over conventional heavy metal-removing technologies.
As single toxic metallic species rarely exist in natural and industrial
wastewaters, any approach that attempts to remove heavy metals from
multicomponent systems using biosorbents would be more realistic. However,
although much information related to single-metal biosorption is available in the
specialized literature, much less focuses on the biosorption of multi-metal ion
systems. Two-metal biosorption studies are thus crucial for assessing and
understanding the interference and competition between metal ions for
biosorption sites.
The main aim of this work was to assess the performance of eucalyptus
(Eucalyptus camaldulensis ) bark for the biosorption of Ni(II) and Zn(II) ions

from single and binary metal solutions, as well as for modeling the single and
binary equilibrium of biosorption of Ni(II) and Zn(II) onto E. camaldulensis
E. camaldulensis bark samples were washed exhaustively and then
oven-dried at 60º C until they reached constant dry weight. Dried samples were
milled, and the resulting particles were screened using ASTM standard sieves.
Particles ranging in size between 0.3 and 0.5 mm were used in the biosorption
experiments conducted in this work.
Monometal and bimetal biosorption experiments were conducted at a
pH of solution of 6.0, temperature of 28 °C, bark concentration of 1 g L -1, and
agitation rate of 180 rpm. We varied the initial metal ion concentrations of
Ni(II) and Zn(II) within a range of 0.2-10 mM for equilibrium studies of a
single-metal system. Then we conducted a series of tests at a constant
concentration of the first metal within the range of 0.2-10 mM, and a varying
concentration of the second one (within the same range) for the two-metal
systems. Ni(II) and Zn(II) concentrations were determined
spectrophotometrically by the dimethylglyoxime and zincon methods,
Results and conclusions
E. camaldulensis bark exhibited great capacity for removing Ni(II) and
Zn(II) ions from single and binary metal solutions. In single metal solutions, the
highest E. camaldulensis bark biosorption capacity of Ni(II) and Zn(II) was 0.96
mmol g-1 and 1.06 mmol g-1, respectively. Among the eleven isotherm models
tested, the Langmuir, Sips and Redlich-Peterson isotherm models fitted best to
the experimental equilibrium biosorption data of Ni(II) and Zn(II).
Biosorption data in binary systems showed that the biosorbed amount
of one metal decreased as the concentration of the other competitive metal
simultaneously present in the solution increased. This effect was substantial for
Ni(II) biosorption that was strongly inhibited by increasing Zn(II) concentration
in solution. The competitive Langmuir model gave the optimum prediction for
competitive biosorption of Zn(II) and Ni(II) ions, among the eight
multicomponent isotherm models tested.
It is an interesting study of monometal and bimetal biosorption
experiments. E. camaldulensis bark samples are used in their natural state,
and results indicate that eucalyptus bark may represent a potential low-cost

Mihaela Rosca1,2*, Raluca Maria Hlihor1,3*, Mariana Diaconu1,
Teresa Tavares2, Maria Gavrilescu1,4
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, 73 Prof.
Dr. Docent D. Mangeron Str., 700050 Iasi, Romania
University of Minho, CEB – Centre of Biological Engineering, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga,
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of
Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies, 3 Mihail Sadoveanu Alley, 700490 Iasi,
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest, Romania
: [email protected], [email protected]

Heavy metals presence in the environment represents a high risk for human
health due to their persistence and bioaccumulation potential in the food chain. In
certain concentrations, some heavy metals are carcinogenic or potential carcinogenic for
humans and animals. The removal of these pollutants from environmental media is
usually performed by applying physico-chemical processes like precipitation, ion
exchange, membrane filtration, or electrochemical methods, which are regarded as
expensive processes and economically feasible only for concentrations higher than 100
mg/L. On the other hand, eco-friendly and low-cost biotechnological processes such as
biosorption and bioaccumulation can be applied with good results for the removal of
different heavy metals from aqueous effluents, even for concentration lower than 100
mg/L. Cadmium is a heavy metal classified as carcinogenic for humans by the
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), being included in Group 1 of
pollutants that proved “sufficient evidence in humans or sufficient evidence in animals
and strong mechanistic data in humans”, together with arsenic, benzene, chromium,
formaldehyde etc. Therefore, cadmium must be removed from any environmental
compartment. The main goal of this paper was to examine the capacity of living Bacillus
magaterium bacterium applied as biosorbent for Cd(II) removal from aqueous solutions
and to establish the optimal set of parameters (e.g. pH, contact time, initial
concentration of heavy metal in solution) for future applications in bioreactors at
laboratory, pilot and, on the long term, at industrial scale.
At this stage, the ability of living biomass of B. megaterium for Cd(II) removal
from aqueous solutions was studied in batch system. The reagents used in experiments
were: Cd(NO3)2·4H2O for the preparation of cadmium stock solution of 10 g/L; H2SO4
1M or NaOH 1M for pH adjustments; HNO3 69% for samples acidification (2%) before
the determination of Cd(II) concentrations. Bacteria were grown in a medium containing
10 g of tryptone, 5 g NaCl and 5 g yeast extract (per 1 L of growth medium) at 30±2oC,
for 24 hours and 150 rpm (inoculum preparation). All experiments were carried out in
duplicate in 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks with 95 mL sterile growth medium, 5 mL of
inoculum containing 4·10 cfu/mL B. megaterium and 0.25-1mL solution of 10 g/L

Cd(II) (for initial concentrations between 25 mg/L and 100 mg/L). The flasks were
shaken using Shel-Lab SSI3 Shaking Incubator at 130 rpm and 30 0C during 72 hours,
for the experiments addressing pH influence, and 80 hours for studies concerning the
influence of contact time, respectively on cadmium removal efficiency. The
concentration of Cd(II) in solution was analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma
Spectrometer (Optima 8000 ICP-OES model).
During the experiments, pH values varied between 4 and 7. We found that,
when working with an initial concentration of 50 mg/L Cd(II), the maximum efficiency
was achieved at pH 6 (42.13%) after 72 hours of contact time (Fig. 1a). As shown in
Fig. 1b, Cd(II) removal by living biomass exhibits a maximum efficiency - between
50.76% (for 25 mg/L Cd(II) in solution) and 20.43% (for 100mg/L Cd(II) in solution), at
a contact time of 75 hours. To understand the mechanisms involved in Cd(II) ions
removal from aqueous solutions by living biomass, samples taken before and after the
start of the removal process were further examined using SEM-EDX (Fig. 2) and FTIR
techniques. The data collected during this set of experiments demonstrated the ability
of B. megaterium both to cope with Cd(II) toxicity and retain the ion by biosorption and
bioaccumulation. Based on these results, the living biomass of B. megaterium selected
for Cd(II) ions removal from aqueous solutions will be further used in experiments
developed in different contacting devices, such as in fixed bed, stirred tank and airlift in
order to gain the bases for process modelling, scaling up and design.
50 60


Removal efficiency (%)

Removal efficiency (%)

20 17.73

25 mg/L
10 10 50 mg/L
75 mg/L
100 mg/L
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
4 5 6 7
Time (h)

Figure 1: a) Influence of pH and b) contact time on Cd(II) bioaccumulation by B. megaterium

Figure 2: SEM- EDX analysis of B. megaterium after Cd(II) removal

This work has been elaborated based on the collaboration between “Gheorghe Asachi”
Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection,
Romania and University of Minho, Center of Biological Engineering, Braga, Portugal. The
Portuguese team input was performed under the scope of the strategic funding of
UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and BioTecNorte
operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund
under the scope of Norte2020 Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.

Marta M. Pazos, Emilio Rosales, Mª Asunción Longo,
María A. Sanromán*
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Vigo, Isaac Newton Building, Campus
As Lagoas, Marcosende 36310, Vigo, Spain
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

In the last decades, Fenton’s reagent has demonstrated to be a suitable
oxidant agent for a wide variety of organic compounds. By Fenton’s reaction (Eq.1) a
strong oxidant as hydroxyl radical is produced by reaction of H2O2 and ferrous ion,
which are highly reactive radical species that are known for their ability to mineralize a
wide range of organic compounds (Eq.2). Among the multiple benefits of this
technology, it is highlighted that the main reagents (iron and hydrogen peroxide) are
relatively cheap and the process is technologically simple. However, several studies
have demonstrated that some of the most important drawbacks of Fenton ’s
treatment relies on the instability of H 2O2 when it gets in touch with chemical species
that are naturally in the environment and iron ions precipitation at pH higher than 4,
reducing the degradation efficiency as well as difficulty post-treatment of iron sludge
after the reaction. To overcome these problems, some research groups have reported
that by combination with electrochemical technology is possible a stable generation of
H2O2 and the continuous regeneration of ferrous ions into the bulk medium avoiding
the iron precipitation. This hybrid technology is called as electro-Fenton process, when
it is applied to aquatic environment. In electro-Fenton process, the electrical current
induces the reduction on the cathode of ferric ions to form ferrous ions (Eq.3) and
H2O2 is continuously electrogenerated on the cathode via two electrons O 2 reduction
reaction (Eq.4).
Fe2+ + H2O2 →Fe(OH)2+ + •OH (Eq.1)
R + •OH → CO2 + H2O (Eq.2)
Fe3+ + e-→ Fe2+ (Eq.3)
O2 + 2H+ + 2 e- → H2O2 (Eq.4)
Although this technology was mainly focused on the removal of pollutants in
wastewaters, the use of Fenton’s reagents in the remediation of soils contaminated by
organic compounds has gained prominence. Iron or iron complexes naturally exist in
most soils; therefore, the injection of H 2O2 in the soil is enough to produce the
hydroxyl radicals without artificial iron addition. For the homogeneous distribution of
the reagents through soil of low permeability the combination with electrokinetic
treatment could be a good alternative. By application of electrokinetic-Fenton

technology to soils the reagents are transported along the soils and the degradation
of the organic pollutants takes place in situ.
This study describes the removal of emerging organic compounds, in
wastewater and soil, by Fenton-based technologies. For this purpose, the effect of key
variables of each methodology on its efficiency has been evaluated. In addition,
several of these variables such as iron concentration, intensity, pH, were optimized.
Electro-Fenton: Experiments were performed in an undivided and cylindrical
reactor with working volume of 150 mL of polluted solution. An external direct-current
power supply was connected to two electrodes: Boron-Doped Diamond (BDD) and
Carbon felt used as anode and cathode, respectively. Continuous saturation of air was
ensured by bubbling compressed air near the cathode at about 1 L/min.
Electrokinetic-Fenton: Experiments were carried out at laboratory scale in
electrokinetic cells with a central tube (100 mm in length and 32 mm internal
diameter) and two electrode chambers (0.3 L) were placed at each end of the sample
compartment. The electrode chambers were filled with the desired H2O2 solution and
Na2SO4 (0.1 M) as electrolyte. In enhanced experiments complexing agents were
added to improve the process. A constant potential difference (3 V/cm) was applied
by two graphite electrodes with a power supply.
Results and conclusions
The presence of emerging pollutants in the environment is a new global
water quality challenge with potentially-serious threats to human health and
ecosystems. In this study, the feasibility of the electro-Fenton process was evaluated
for different new and emerging pollutants. In all cases, it has been pointed out that
the iron concentration, pH and applied current intensity are key parameters affecting
the performance of the electro-Fenton process. The degradation rate is higher
operating in an acidic medium and the generation rate of radical •OH depends on the
availability of iron in the system and the applied current intensity for H2O2
On the other hand, the results, obtained when soil was treated using
electrokinetic-Fenton, revealed that highest degradation rate was reached when a
solution of H2O2 at around 10% was used, and slight influence of iron soil
concentration was detected at the range of concentrations used in these experiments.
In all cases, citric acid was added in order to solubilize the iron as Fe-citrate complex
and to keep the pH in acid environment favouring that the Fenton’s reactions take
place into the soil.
This study has clearly demonstrated the success and efficacy of the
combination of electrochemical process and Fenton’s reagents for removal of
emerging pollutants.
This research has been financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy
and Competitiveness (MINECO), and ERDF Funds (Projects CTM2014-52471-R).


Carmen Zaharia
‘Gheorghe Asachi’ Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management,
73 Prof.Dr.docent D.Mangeron, 700050-Iasi, Romania;
: [email protected] or [email protected]

Different types of particulate contaminants are presented in wastewaters or

formed during a few sewage treatment processes (e.g. chemical precipitation,
coagulation flocculation, biological processes, etc.). The first step in wastewater
treatment is always associated with solids separation from wastewater (S/WW
separation) under the prevailing hydraulic conditions, a mechanical treatment stage
being indispensible in the preliminary/primary, or even secondary WW treatment for
both municipal and industrial applications. The main goal of a preliminary or primary
treatment stage is usually to completely separate floating, settling and suspended solids,
and remove the particulate matter from flow into a container or special tank in order to
increase the capacity of biological or advanced treatment stage. Operating reliability,
efficiency and hygienic operations are important factors for an optimal S/WW separation
by mechanical treatment steps, combining screening, washing, transport, compaction
and dewatering in a single or multiple separation units sometimes associated with
additional complex chemical and biological transformations.
Depending on size of particulate contaminants from different types of
wastewaters (industrial, domestic or agro-zoo-technical ones), there were selected the
bar spacing (>0.5 mm) or perforation (> 3 mm), screen size (up to 700 mm screen
basket diameter) in a way which allows the individual adjustment to specific size
requirements, together with continuous sludge/sediment thickening by mechanical-
physical and chemical treatments. In actual times, there were adopted advanced S/WW
separation techniques by using micro-screeners that can be installed either directly in
the channel or in a separate tank for screening of flow rates from 15 to 300 m3/h, and
also multilayers-based filters or special designed centrifugation systems, settlement
tanks or lagoons. For economy, operating reliability and maintenance of high
performance S/WW separation equipment, there were designed different installations or
specific equipments for assuring full and comprehensive services for long times at low
operating costs which results in low whole life costs.
The wastewater services are now able to offer a full range of products and
equipments for the complete wastewater treatment sector and worldwide market: ( i)
very fine screens for separation of finer particles; (ii) sedimentation (clarifiers), filtration
(sand-based or multilayers-based filtration); (iii) new type of membrane bioreactors
within the market with improved performance in order to separate of fibrous material to

allow the membrane process to function effectively and to reduce the COD/BOD
concentrations of the wastewater discharged into the receiving watercourse; (iv) grit
separation of digestible organic materials and other mineral materials (aprox. 60 L/1000
m of WW); (v) sludge treatment (screening-thickening-dewatering-drying from one
source), etc. For further improvement of the efficiency of screens, settlers or filters,
precipitation and coagulation agents are also added, all having a solids’ agglomeration
effect. Thus, dissolved and very fine particles from wastewater are converted into ease
separable agglomerates to enable the filtreable solids to be reduced by up to 95%,
COD/BOD by 65% and phosphorus by 60%.
In many regions within the world with no wastewater treatment plants, or
insufficient wastewater treatment plants, fine screening can be a first and quick step in
this right direction of S/WW separation. Quantification of solids and organic content
derived from applied membrane separation methods for wastewaters permits to exam
the particulate contaminants in WW in terms of size distributions and biological
treatability. Usually, no more than 70-75% of the COD/TOD was found to be insoluble,
and also the soluble organic matter smaller than 1 µm could be biochemically degraded
at a much more rapid rate than organic particles larger than 1 µm.
The utility of particle size information (interest range in size from less than
0.001 µm to well over 100 µm, or more) for treatment design and process evaluation is
discussed particularly for municipal and industrial WW treatment and reuse. Often the
effluents from food-processing industries contain 40-70% of the total COD associated
with the suspended solids, and also other contaminants such as metals, bacteria and
viruses (size range of 0.01-10 µm), organic micropollutants (PCBs, PAH) are associated
with particulate matter or particles. Therefore, one important goal of this work is to
demonstrate that a very significant part of contaminants in wastewaters is associated
with particles, and consequently that significant reductions of polluting species may be
expected as results of direct simple and/or advanced S/WW separation in optimized
conditions. Incorporation of treatment processes prior to biological treatment such as
microscreening, primary direct filtration, sedimentation, or chemical
coagulation/flocculation, flotation, activated carbon adsorption or membrane processes
(microfiltration, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis) and ion exchange has resulted in
increased capacity of biological treatment units and improved WW treatment
performance. Consequently, presentation of the most used S/WW separation
equipments, processes and operations in different treatment systems and also different
disposal methods is of high importance in this work.
An other important goal of this work is to present the techniques used to
characterize the separated particles in wastewater, especially analysis of suspended
solids by using advanced tech-niques for measurement of particle sizes and distribution
of organic matter in wastewater.
The impact of particulated matter (existing/new formed) on treatability of
different wastewaters, associated more or less with percentage of reduction of
treatment performance for some species is also presented, considering mainly the
technological criteria and removals, but it is not neglected a few economical,
environmental and social aspects exposed in an integrative manner.
All separation processes may be used in any stage of a sewage treatment
system, but nature of raw sewage limits each S/WW separation associated with cleaning
regime adopted in treatment plant.


Cristina Modrogan1, Pandele Andreea Madalina 1,*,

Dancila Madelene1, Orbuleț Oanamari Daniela 1,
Orbeci Cristina1, Constantin Bobirica1
Analitycal Chemistry and Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Applied
Chemistry and Materials Science, University Politehnica of Bucharest,
str. Polizu, no.1-7, Bucharest Romania,
[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Along with the rapid progress in industry such as metal plating facilities,
mining operations, fertilizer industries, tanneries, batteries, paper industries and
pesticides etc., developed countries are daily fighting with an increase in the indirect
or direct discharge of heavy metals in wastewater, which further leads to a significant
increase in environmental pollution. The toxic heavy metals of particular concern in
the treatment of industrial wastewaters are: zinc, copper, nickel, mercury, cadmium,
lead and chromium.
Zinc is an essential element for human health especially for the physiological
functions of living tissue and regulates many biochemical processes. However, an
increase in the zinc concentration in the body can cause serious health problems
including stomach cramps, skin irritations, vomiting, nausea and anemia.
Recently, various methods for heavy metal removal from wastewater have
been extensively studied. Of these, ion-exchange, adsorption and membrane filtration
are the most frequently applied.
The objective of this study is to develop novel nanocomposite beads based
on gellan-gum and graphene oxide (GG/GO) for the successful removal of zinc ions
from aqueous solution. Different pH solutions, zinc ions concentrations and contact
times were investigated using equilibrium and kinetic studies. The equilibrium
adsorption data were fitted to Langmuir isotherms and the maximum adsorption
capacities of the GG/GO beads were found to be 40.7 mg·g -1 and 58.2 mg·g-1,
Preparation of gellan-gum/graphene oxide (GG/GO) beads 1 g of phytagel
was dissolved in 50 ml of distilled water at 80 °Cunder magnetic stirring in order to
form 2 wt.% GG solution. After cooling at 50 °C, different concentrations of GO (0, 1
and 2 wt.% GO) were added to the solution and ultrasonicated for 1h at room

temperature (RT) to obtain a homogenous solution. Briefly, the mixture was added
dropwise into 1 wt.% CaCl2 solution, previously prepared, under constant and gentle
stirring using a syringe of 0.85 µm inner diameter to form the beads. The obtained
gelled beads were stirred for another 30 min at RT into CaCl 2 solution. The beads
were further filtered, washed several times with distilled water to remove the CaCl 2
excess anddried at RT for 48 h before being used.

Figure 1: Preparation of gellan-gum/graphene oxide (GG/GO) beads

All experiments were accomplished with simulating wastewaters solutions,

prepared from zinc cloride ZnCl2 (Sigma-Aldrich), sulphuric acid (98%, Merck) (molar
ratio 1:1) and deionized water to produce different solutions containing 1mg/L and
5mg/L, respectively.
The kinetic study was performed in aqueous solutions at various
concentrations 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mg/L. For that, 100 mL of solution were contacted
with 1 ± 2·10-4 g of nanocomposite beads, under batch conditions, for 30, 40, 60, 80,
100, 150, 200, and 300 minutes respectively. Also, the influence of pH, at different pH
values including 2 ± 0.05, 3 ± 0.05, 4 ± 0.05 and 6 ± 0.2 was studied. The atomic
absorption spectrometer Zeenit 700 Analytik Jena was employed to determinate the
zinc concentration in aqueous solution.
Results and conclusions
The study was done in three steps:
- In the first step the GG/GO beads were prepared
- In the second step, the equilibrium adsorption data were fitted to Langmuir isotherms
and the maximum adsorption capacities of the GG/GO beads were found to be 40.7
mg·g-1 and 58.2 mg·g-1, respectively.
- In the thirdstep, the GG/GO beads were immersed for 30 to 300 minutes into the
aqueous solutions. The absorption rate for each individual integral kinetic curveswere
calculated by using a pseudo-2 order model.
- The data obtained in the thirdstep were employed to establish the dependence of
adsorption rate on zinc concentrations in aqueous phase and GG/GO by using the
Langmuir – Hinshelwood model.

M. Concetta Tomei1,*, Domenica Mosca Angelucci1,
Valentina Stazi1, Andrew J. Daugulis2
Water Research Institute, C.N.R., Via Salaria km 29.3, CP 10, 00015 Monterotondo Stazione
(Rome) Italy
Department of Chemical Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston Ontario Canada K7L 3N6
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Solid-liquid two-phase partitioning bioreactors (TPPBs) have been successfully
applied for the treatment of aqueous contaminants and for soil bioremediation.
Thermoplastic granular polymers as the partitioning phase added to a bioreactor have
been employed to enhance the biodegradation of a large number of recalcitrant
contaminants due to their capability to sequester, and thereby reduce substrate toxicity.
A novel continuous TPPB (C-TPPB), in which the polymer beads are replaced by
polymeric tubing, has been recently proposed. In the C-TPPB, the wastewater flows
inside the tubing and the organic molecules can diffuse through the tubing walls
towards the bioreactor side, containing the biomass, where the biodegradation can take
place under controlled conditions. The mass transfer process occurs via diffusion and
the polymer exhibits a barrier for ionic components such as metals, which are retained
in the stream flowing inside the tubing. In this way, the biological reaction environment
is not affected by the characteristics of the original wastewater (i.e. extremes of pH,
ionic strength, salts, metals), which can negatively affect the biological process
performance. This modified bioreactor configuration combines the advantages of
conventional TPPB systems, in terms of toxicity reduction, with the separation of the
biomass from the polluted wastewater. In addition, given the high affinity of the
polymeric material for organic substrates, the separation of the organic and inorganic
fraction can be achieved, and this is the first step for resource recovery. These features
are of relevance for the treatment of industrial wastewater containing various pollutants
including organic (potentially biodegradable) and inorganic components (e.g. metals),
which, in many cases, after separation, can be usefully recovered and re-utilized. The
objective of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of the C-TPPB system for treating
industrial wastewater in order to obtain effective biodegradation of the organic
contaminants and the separation of the inorganic one (in the proposed case study
represented by chromium (VI)).
A schematic representation of the C-TPPB bioreactor (working volume: 3.3 L) is
shown in Fig. 1. The polymeric tubing (length: 3.5-5.5 m; external and internal
diameters: 6 and 5 mm), is made of Hytrel 8206 and it was kindly supplied by DuPont
(Canada). In the first series of tests, the tubing was fed with synthetic wastewater

containing 4-chlorophenol (4CP) (500-2000 mg/L), while in second series potassium
dichromate as a source of Cr(VI) (Cr) (100 mg/L) was added to the 4CP. The bioreactor
was inoculated with a microbial consortium previously adapted to 4CP. During each test,
4CP and Cr concentrations were monitored in the bioreactor and in the tubing, and the
build-up of chlorides in the bioreactor due to 4CP biodegradation was measured to
evaluate the biodegradation efficiency and the removal rate.

Figure1: C-TPPB schematic representation

Results and conclusions
Preliminary abiotic mass transfer tests were performed with the C-TPPB system
to verify that 4CP transfer across the tubing walls occurred under the operating
conditions chosen for the biological tests. In the second series of tests mass tranfer
tests demonstrated the that Hytrel 8206 tubing does not absorb this metal in that there
was no variation in Cr concentration in the tubing effluent during the experiments. As an
example of the C-TPPB performace, Fig. 2a shows 4CP concentration profiles in the
bioreactor and the tubing during the first series of tests performed with an influent
concentration of 2085.1 mg/L, while Fig. 2b shows the 4CP and Cr concentration
profiles in the tubing (t) and the bioreactor (b) detected in the second series of tests for
tubing influent concentration of 1572.7 and 103.4 mg/L for 4CP and Cr respectively. The
results in Fig. 2a show practically complete removal of 4CP from the wastewater: an
efficiency of 99% is reached after 24 h from the beginning of the test. Similar results
have been obtained in the second series with 4CP removal efficiencies ≥ 98% for
influent concentrations up to 2500 mg 4CP/L, and, at the same time, complete
separation of the Cr was achieved.
tu… a)
1500 4CP_t 150 b)
effluent (mg/L)

4CP bioreactor

bi… Cr_t
4CP tubing

Tubing effluent (mg/L)

and removal rate (mg/h)

(mg/L) …

1000 100 4CP_b

4CP bioreactor (mg/L)

50 1000 Cr_b 100

4CP removal rate
0 0
0 time
20 40 60 (h)
80 100
500 50

0 0
0 10 20
time (h)

Figure 2: First series of tests (a): 4CP concentration profiles in the tubing effluent and in
the bioreactor and removal rate. Second series of tests (b): 4CP and Cr concentration
profiles in the tubing effluent (t) and in the bioreactor (b) and removal rate.
In conclusion, the results demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed C-TPPB
for achieving effective removal of the organic load and separation of the inorganic
components such as metals for possible resource recovery from the treated wastewater.

Corina Boncescu1,*, Adriana Mierloiu2,
Lacramioara Diana Robescu3
Power Engineering Faculty, Department of Hydraulics, Hydraulic Machinery and
Environmental Engineering, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania ,
Power Engineering Faculty, Department of Hydraulics, Hydraulic Machinery and
Environmental Engineering, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania ,
Power Engineering Faculty, Department of Hydraulics, Hydraulic Machinery and
Environmental Engineering, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania,
: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Aerobic granular sludge (AGS) technology has become very attractive for
wastewater treatment because a lower footprint of bioreactor and important
energy savings comparing with conventional biological treatment of wastewater.
This technology is applied at full-scale only in sequential batch reactor (SBR)
configuration. Using continuous flow bioreactor for AGS technology seems to be
more convenient for upgrading existing wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) with
conventional biological treatment.
The experimental installation for study of the AGS technology in
continuous flow configuration was made at National Institute for Research and
Development in Industrial Ecology - ECOIND, Bucharest, Romania. The
installation consists of a rectangular shape bioreactor, 7, an area for settling and
recycling of granules, 4, followed by a settling tank, 5, fig.1. Wastewater is
supplied with a peristaltic pump through a hose, 1, at 1.1 L/h. A perforated hose,
8, is used for air supplying at 10 L/min. The inlet and outlet area for granules
recycling is provided with blades, 2 and 6. Treated wastewater is discharged into
the area 3.

Figure 1: AGS experimental installation sketch

Following experimental research has been identified the main problem: in
the recirculation zone the granules are maintain in suspension. The aim of this
research is to identify the optimal geometry of the installation to achieve the
recirculation of granular sludge.
Operation of the installation shown a poor mixing that led to the
formation of deposits of granular biomass in areas with low turbulence, inefficient
granules separation in the recycling area and surface modification and grain
Because the hydraulic and operational conditions are essential for aerobic
granule formation the bioreactor has to be re-design both in terms of shape and
of aeration systems. The theoretical simulation study was conducted using CFD
technique for the simulation domain consisting of the bioreactor and area for
recycling of granules. The model was meshed using an unstructured mesh and
the solver used was a segregated solver as the flow is incompressible. Turbulent
k-epsilon and 3D mixture model in FLUENT are considered. The flow in the
domain of study was simulated in two situations: water and air-water mixture.
Various simulations were conducted for different wastewater flow rates at the
bioreactor entrance and different air velocities.
Results and conclusions
For the design of current bioreactors, simulations have shown that the
velocities are very small in the recirculation area, v = 0.0026 m / s, and the
aeration systems could not mix the entire mixture into the bioreactor. This has
led to deposits in the lower corners of the bioreactor. To improve movement in
the bioreactor a new aeration system and a new bioreactor form have been
proposed. The air intake system was mounted in a circular form. It has been
changed with several linear aeration systems mounted in parallel. To prevent the
deposition of active sludge in the corners of the aeration tank, a wall was
mounted at 30 degrees. These changes have led to a better functioning of the
AGS installation. In the center of the basin, whirlpools have occurred which have
led to an increase in the degree of turbulence resulting in the recirculation of
sludge granules.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for
Scientific Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCDI – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-
PED-2016-1766, within PNCDI III and MEN-UEFISCDI within the framework of National Plan
for Research, Development and Innovation 2007-2014, Partnerships in Priority Domains
Program, PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1649, project no. 274/2014.


Elfrida M. Carstea*s, Cristina Liana Popa, Simona Dontu,

Dan Savastru
National Institute of Research and Development for Optoelectronics, INOE 2000,
Magurele, Atomistilor 409, 077125, Romania;
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Climate change, population growth, urbanisation and pollution all mean
that society faces an urgent need to adapt to reductions in natural resource
availability and reductions in energy consumption. The water industry has a
significant role to play in achieving this goal, as wastewater treatment is an
energy-intensive operation. The largest energy usage in wastewater treatment is
found in the vigorous aeration of settled sewage in the activated sludge process
(ASP), which alone contributes to over 55% of the energy costs associated with
wastewater treatment. Energy consumption has increased significantly in the last
two decades, and further increases of 60% are forecast in the next 10-15 years.
These increases have been brought about primarily in response to tightened
legislation and regulation surrounding the discharge of final effluent from
wastewater treatment plants (WwTPs) to watercourses. The quality of
wastewater is generally assessed using physical, chemical and microbiological
tests. Among these techniques, reliance is often placed on biological oxygen
demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total organic carbon (TOC).
However, these global parameters depend on expensive or time-consuming
methods, offering only snapshots of moments in time. Consequently, water
utilities often over-aerate in order to ensure compliance with final effluent
standards. This means that there is a significant opportunity to save energy by
optimizing aeration control in the ASP in order to minimize energy consumption
whilst maintaining final effluent compliance. It is estimated that 40 % of the
energy consumption in wastewater treatment works could be reduced if an
effective method is used for effluent quality monitoring. Fluorescence has been
shown to be a valuable technique in characterizing dissolved organic matter
(DOM) and tracking sources of pollution in surface water. Fluorescence is the
release of energy in the form of light when molecules or moieties, named
fluorophores, are excited with a high-energy light source. The technique has been
suggested for its multiple advantages: it is fast, inexpensive, reagentless, requires
little sample preparation, is highly sensitive and non-invasive. According to

several researchers, fluorescence monitoring could provide rapid feedback,
allowing dynamic, high spatial and temporal resolution studies.
Fluorescence spectroscopy has been used successfully to characterize
organic matter in seawater, freshwater or estuarine water. Also, it has been used
to monitor riverine organic matter and diesel pollution, evaluate drinking water
treatment processes or detect pesticides. Fluorescence spectroscopy has been
used to assess the quality of raw sewage and effluents, industrial, or discharges
into natural systems. Therefore, this study aimed to use fluorescence
spectroscopy as an innovative and robust method to monitor and control the
chemical and microbiological quality of wastewater in ASPs. The removal
efficiency of DOM in five wastewater treatment plants, at different processing
stages, was investigated. Moreover, the potential of using portable fluorimeters
was explored in comparison to two different laboratory-based instruments.
Samples were collected from 5 WwTWs serving different areas in the
West Midlands, UK, and with different population equivalents (PE): Kidderminster
(PE-95637), Worcester (PE-93789), Spernal (serving Redditch area, PE-72509),
Finham (serving Coventry area, PE- 380888) and Minworth (Birmingham area,
PE-1446426). Wastewater was sampled at three different times of the day (9 AM,
12 PM and 3 PM) to ensure variability of the organic matter present in the
sample. Samples of crude, settled and secondary treated wastewater (activated
sludge), and final effluent were collected. Analyses were made for fluorescence
(using 2 steady state spectrofluorimeters and 2 portable fluorimeters),
absorbance, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand
(COD), total organic carbon (TOC) and pH. Fluorescence was measured for
unfiltered and filtered (0.45 and 0.20 μm) samples.
Results and conclusions
Good correlations were observed for filtered and unfiltered wastewater
samples between fluorescence intensity, especially peak T (indicates microbial
activity) and BOD (r = 0.78), COD (r = 0.90) and TOC (r = 0.79). BOD displayed
a higher correlation at the 0.20 μm filtered samples compared to COD and TOC.
Slightly better relation was seen between fluorescence and conventional
parameters at the portable fluorimeters compared to laboratory-based
instruments. Results showed that fluorescence intensity of organic matter was
capable of detecting minor changes in influent OM quantity and issues with
treatment process. Consequently, the results indicated that fluorescence
spectroscopy could be used for continuous, real-time assessment of DOM
removal efficiency in wastewater treatment works.
This work was funded by Core Program, under the support of ANCS, project
OPTRONICA IV, PN 16.40 and the European Commission Framework Programme 7, Marie
Curie IEF (PIEF-GA-2012-329962).


Vasile-Mircea Cristea1,*, Melinda Várhelyi1, Marius Brehar1,

Evelina Nemeş1, Abhilash Nair1, Paul Şerban Agachi1,2
Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, CAPE
Research Center, 11 Arany Janos Street, 400028, Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Palapye, Botswana
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Awareness of the need for the human society sustainable development has
become an intrinsic objective for all of the contemporary activities. Water
management is a major component of this responsible approach, as water is a
requisite for any forms of life.
The wastewater treatment technology relying on biological cleaning processes
has become the most widespread way of restoring the water quality, against
contamination with carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous based pollutants. Improving
efficiency of the biological Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) is an ever-present
objective, demanding continuous increase of the plant performance in order to
conform to the severe water quality regulations.
Operating efficiently the WWTP is depending today on the computer based
systems for monitoring and control. Both at the WWTP design and the operating level
there is an obvious need for accurate representation of the plant, which usually takes
the form of deterministic mathematical models. Optimization and advanced control
are leaning on and taking benefit of the models. The state of the art in modelling
WWTPs are the Activated Sludge Models ASM1, ASM2(d) and ASM3. Although the last
developed activated sludge models are striving to overcome some of its limitations,
the ASM1 remains the most widespread and used ASMs.
Most of the benefit emerging from the use of the ASM models is founded on
their conceptual and theoretical improvements for the description of the complex
physical, chemical and biological processes. Nevertheless, their straightforward
application in practice is relying on the capability of calibrating the models by the use
of data measurements from the plant. The present work is addressing this challenging
calibration objective for the ASM1, considering the calibration of the municipal WWTP
of Cluj-Napoca as case study.
There is not yet a general well-structured and overall accepted calibration
methodology. This study combines a set of representative calibration procedures,
coupled with different optimization techniques, for the ASM1 calibration of the WWTP
presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1: WWTP anoxix-aerated reactors and settler representation.

Calibration of the ASM1 uses the measurements from the municipal WWTP and
aims two sub-objectives. The first one consists in the calibration of the WWTP influent
wastewater variables while the second one addressed the calibration of model
parameters. The calibration methodology used different optimization instruments for
fitting the model simulation results with the municipal WWTP measured data. The
following influent wastewater variables were calibrated: Soluble inert organic matter,
Readily biodegradable substrate, Particulate inert organic matter, Slowly biodegradable
substrate for the organic matter components, and Soluble biodegradable organic
nitrogen, Particulate biodegradable organic nitrogen, Soluble biodegradable organic
nitrogen, NH4+ &NH3 nitrogen for the nitrogen components. Kinetic, stoichiometric and
settling parameters for the anoxic and aeration reactors, but also for the secondary
settler have been also calibrated. Such parameters are: heterotrophic yield,
heterotrophic decay rate, saturation constants, autotrophic maximum growth rate,
hindered or flocculent zone settling parameters.
Two major objective functions have been used in the optimization algorithms.
They accounted for the square or absolute value of the difference between the
simulated model variables and the measured ones, in terms of the Chemical Oxygen
Demand and nitrogen fractions.
For the minimization of the single or multiobjective optimization indices several
optimization algorithms have been used, such as: nonlinear constrained optimization
(Newton based methods), genetic algorithms, hybrid and and Pareto optimization
(multiobjective approach).
For the considered case study the calibration work was performed using the
ASM1 model implementation and optimization in Matlab&Simulink software
Results and conclusions
The model calibration results show the match between the process values
simulated by the model and the WWTP measurements, assessed by the considered
optimization indices and comparatively presented for the different applied optimization
approaches. Focusing on the efficiency evaluation of the optimization methods, the
results of this work reveal their incentives and limitations for building a trustful
calibrated model aimed to be further used for WWTP advanced control and operation

Joan García1, Alessandro Solimeno1, Raquel Gutiérrez1, Fabiana
Passos2, Enrica Uggetti1, Marianna Garfí1,
Maria Jesús García-Galán, Ivet Ferrer1
GEMMA – Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology, Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya·BarcelonaTech, c/ Jordi
Girona 1-3, Building D1, E-08034, Barcelona, Spain
Environmental and Chemical Technology Group, Department of Chemistry, Universidade
Federal de Ouro Preto, 35400-000 Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The aim of this study is to assess the energy balance of a hypothetical
microalgae-based municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) designed for 10,000
inhabitants (flow of 1500 m3/d) in the Mediterranean region (Barcelona, Spain). A
year-round energy assessment was undertaken based on experimental data gathered
over one year in pilot high rate algal ponds (HRAPs, fed with municipal wastewater)
followed by anaerobic digesters, as well as from advanced mathematical simulations.
These data and results were used to evaluate the energy balance.
The hypothetical plant was dimensioned and designed according to our
experimental results in previous works. It is assumed that the plant treats standard
wastewater and consists of physical pretreament, two primary settlers, four high rate
algal ponds (HRAPs), two secondary settlers, a thickener and an anaerobic digester.
Prior to the anaerobic digestion, the thickened biomass and primary sludge are
conveyed together to a thermal pretreatment (75 °C). Energy from the system is
generated by means of a combined heat and power unit, that uses the biogas
released during the co-digestion of both primary sludge and harvested biomass.
Initially, and according to previous experience, only two of the four HRAPs would
operate during warm months (this means 4-days HRT, from March to October),
whereas all of them (4) would be operative during cold months (8-days HRT, from
November to February). However, this operation strategy was optimized through
mathematical simulations by means of a model named BIO_ALGAE, which can also
predict the biomass production from the HRAPs depending on different environmental
conditions. The model was implemented in the COMSOL MultiphysicsTM software,
which solves the problem equations using the finite elements method. In order to do
the simulations, and for the sake of simplicity, constant influent properties were used:
pH= 7.68; alcalinity= 400 mg CaCO3/L; COD= 265 mg O2/L; NH4+= 49 mg N/L; and
PO43-= 7.5 mg P/L.

Energy consumption calculations include the electricity for the HRAPs paddle-
wheel and electricity and heat for both the anaerobic digester and the thermal
pretreatment. The energy input for wastewater pretreatment, primary and secondary
settlers is assumed to be a 50% of the total energy consumed by the plant, which has
to be considered as a very conservative value. Energy is produced from methane
(CH4) derived from the codigestion. Experimental studies on microalgae biomass
codigestion have given CH4 yield values up to 0.46 m3 CH4/kg VS, but with great
variation depending on the biomass/sludge ratio. For this reason a conservative value
of to 0.25 m3 CH4/kg VS is assumed to calculate CH4 production. The electricity
conversion efficiency of the CHP unit is supposed to be of 35%. Heat is assumed to
be produced with a percentage of conversion of 55%.
The energy balance was conducted over a monthly basis in order to consider
mean changes in environmental conditions (mostly solar radiation and temperature).
Net energy ratio (NER) of electricity (NERelectricity) and heat (NERheat) are
calculated as the energy output (energy produced by the system) over the energy
input (energy consumed by the system).
Results and conclusions
Simulation results allowed to optimizing the performance of the HRAPS.
Hydraulic retention time (HRT) had to be changed from 8 to 4 days in May, and from
4 to 8 days in September (note that according to our previous experience these
changes had to be done in different months, as stated in methods Section). This was
due to the fact that with previous HRT conditions effluent NH4+ concentrations were
higher than 10 mg N/L in May as well in September. This new operation strategy gave
as a result effluent NH4+ concentrations lower than 10 mg N/L all year round. NH4+
was selected as performance indicator because it is very sensitive to changes in water
quality in HRAPs. According to simulations, biomass production had clearly seasonal
trends, with lower values in winter (5-10 g/ and higher in summer (20-25
g/ Yearly average biomass production was approximately 15 g/
These trends observed in simulations were confirmed with available experimental
Seasonal changes observed in biomass production had a clear impact in NER,
in particular for electricity. NERelectricity values during the winter were near to 1,
while in summer were greater than 3. All in all, these results indicate that the
treatment plant would be self-sustainable for electricity all year round. A different
result is obtained for the NERheat, although seasonal trends were also observed. In
this case, most of winter months values were slightly higher than 1 and therefore, the
treatment plant is in the limit of neutrality in terms of energy for heating.
The results of this study indicate that a microalgae-based WWTP of 10,000
PE could be energetically self-sustainable in environmental conditions similar to those
of Barcelona. However, a more in depth analysis of the data taking into account
changes in key parameters is necessary since small deviations on the assumptions
considered for calculations could give place to a no neutral system.

Mădălina Ghercă1, Dumitru Bulgariu2,4,
Anca Mihaela Mocanu3, Laura Bulgariu1
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management,
Iaşi, Romania
”Al.I.Cuza” University of Iaşi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Department of Geology,
Iaşi, Romania
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Organic, Biochemical and Food Engineering, Iaşi,
Romanian Academy, Filial of Iaşi, Branch of Geography, Iaşi, Romania
: [email protected] (M. Ghercă); [email protected] (L. Bulgariu)

Introduction and study objectives

Gold ions are usually removed from cyanide solutions by activated carbon
adsorption, ion exchange and solvent extraction. Even if the adsorption on activated
carbon and the ion exchange are considered environmental friendly methods, the
solvent extraction is preferred for practical removal of gold ions at large scale, due to its
higher efficiency and ease of operating.
It is well known that conventional solvent extraction is a widely used method
for recovery of various metal ions, including gold, by adding organic solvents.
Unfortunately, this method is considered as aggressive to the environment and harmful
for human health because: (i) most of organic solvents are toxic, flammable and volatile,
(ii) some times large volumes of organic solvents are required, and (iii) the cost
becomes considerable, when a high selective extractant is used. Most of these
disadvantages can be significantly reduced by using the aqueous two-phase systems in
the extraction processes. The aqueous two-phase systems are spontaneously formed by
mixing an aqueous solution of water-soluble organic polymer (such as polyethylene
glycol, PEG) with inorganic salt aqueous solution, in specific concentration. Such
aqueous two-phase extraction systems have several unique advantages over traditional
extraction system because are efficient, have a low cost (the phase-forming components
are commercially available and no so expensive) and do not required organic solvents.
Because the formation of aqueous two-phase systems does not involve the use of any
organic solvents, these extraction systems can be considered virtually non-toxic, and
from these reasons they are strategically compatible with the principles of green
In this study, an aqueous two-phase system, composed by PEG and (NH 4)2SO4
as phase forming components, was used for the removal of gold from cyanide
wastewaters. The influence of various experimental parameters (such as: molecular
mass of PEG, ratio of the two phases, pH of initial salt solution, initial gold ions

concentration) on the extraction efficiency of gold ions was examined, in order to found
the optimal experimental conditions. This method was evaluated for recovery of gold
ions from cyanide wastewater, obtained from a local company.
All extraction experiments were performed in batch system, by mixing various
volumes (1 – 8 mL) of PEG (M = 2000; 4000 and 10 000 g/mol) stock solution (40 %
w/w) and (NH4)2SO4 stock solution (40 % w/w) in a centrifuge tube. After adding gold
ions solution (0.1 – 0.5 mL) and H2SO4 (pH = 1 – 8), the systems were centrifuged for
10 min at 2000 rpm, and before analysis the phases were separated. Around 1.0 mL
from each phase was measured for the spectrophotometrically analysis of gold ions. For
the validation of extraction method, 50 mL of cyanide wastewater was filtered, in order
to remove solid impurities, and used both for the determination of initial gold ions
concentration, and for extraction according with the procedure described above.
Results and conclusions
The experiments performed in batch systems have shown that the higher
extraction efficiency is obtained in the following conditions: molecular mass of PEG –
2000 g/mol, volume ratio – 5:5, pH of initial solution – 1.05, at room temperature (20 
2 C). Under these conditions, the extraction percents are higher than 98 %, on entire
interval of initial gold ions concentration between 5 and 100 mg/L. Therefore these
conditions were considered as optimum for gold ions removal.
In order to highlight the applicability of this extraction method, the removal of
gold ions from cyanide wastewaters was carried out. The initial concentration of gold
ions in the wastewater used in this study was adjusted at 150 mg/L. Different volumes
of wastewater (0.5 – 4 mL) were used for gold extraction in an aqueous two-phase
system obtained by mixing equal volumes of PEG(2000) and (NH4)2SO4 solutions (40 %
w/w), at an initial solution pH of 1.05. The obtained values of extraction percents (E,
%), illustrated in Fig. 1, indicate that in mentioned experimental conditions, the removal
of gold from cyanide wastewater is quantitative, on entire studied gold ions
concentration range.
E, %

initial gold concentration
extraction percent

Figure 1:. Extraction efficiency of gold from cyanide wastewater, in optimum experimental
The obtained results indicate that the aqueous PEG-based two-phase system has
potential for practical applicability in the removal of gold ions from cyanide wastewaters,
both due to its extraction performances, and “green chemistry” characteristics.
This paper is part of the research contract nr. 114P/02.02.2015 supported by SC PCB-
ELECTRA SRL Iaşi (Romania).

Joseph Trujillo García1, Paola Chargoy Cruz1,
Emanuel Mejía Jiménez1, Deifilia Ahuatzi Chacón2,
Oswaldo Ramos Monroy, Nora Ruiz Ordaz2,
Juvencio Galíndez Mayer2, Cleotilde Juárez Ramírez2,*
Becario BEIFI,
Laboratorio de Bioingeniería Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas Instituto Politécnico
Nacional, Avenida Wilfrido Massie S/N Ciudad de México
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Tebuconazole is a fungicide widely used to protect various crops social and
economically interesting such as wheat, barley, grapes, tomatoes, chrysanthemums,
etc. It is due to its intensive use that this fungicide has been detected in superficial
waters, and has also been found before and after the treatment of municipal effluents
causing severe problems of water contamination, tebuconazole is reported as a very
toxic fungicide for aquatic organisms with long lasting harmful effects. Because of
that is necessary to develop biological processes to remove it from the environment,
however, due to the refractory to bodegradation of the molecule, has been reported
a partial degradation of the fungicide which is used only as a source of nitrogen and it
is necessary to add glucose as carbon source. The bibliography indicates that it is
necessary the presence of a co-substrate for the efficient biodegradation of
tebuconazole, the objective of the present work is to evaluate if the herbicide
pendimethalin and/or some adjuvants present in the commercial mixture Prowl®400,
would improve the degradation of the fungicide tebuconazole by a previously isolated
microbial community.
The evaluation of fungicide degradation was performed in a packed bed
reactor with a microbial community previously isolated from agricultural soils and
capable of degrading the herbicide pendimethalin. The commercial mixture
Prowl®400 (active ingredient pendimethalin 37.4%) and Folicur®25 (active ingredient
25% tebecunazole) were used. The reactor was a glass column (70 cm height and 5
cm diameter) packed with the microbial community immobilized in fragments of
volcanic rock (pomex stone), the packed bed reactor was operated at room
temperature with an air flow of 0.03 VVM. The capability of the microbial community
to degrade the tebuconazole fungicide was evaluated by feeding a minimal mineral
medium with the fungicide at 25 mgL to the reactor, the degradation of the

herbicide pentimenthalin was evaluated at the same concentration, and finally the
mixture of the two pesticides adding 25 mgL of each pesticide. The volumetric loads
-1 -1
of the contaminants (Bv, mgL h ) were modified varying the flow of supply and once
was reached the steady state the residual concentration of each pesticide was
determined the efficiency by spectrophotometry and high performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) (wavelength of 194 nm for tebuconazole and 240 nm for
pendimethalin). In addition, the chemical oxygen demand was determined as an
alternative way of evaluate the degradation. Finally, was identified the most abundant
cultivable bacteria in the microbial community by the 16S rDNA sequencing analysis.
Results and conclusions
The microbial community composed of six different bacteria of different
morphology was able to degrade 15% of the fungicide tebuconazole only when the
volumetric loads were low, probably due to the toxicity and refractory to
biodegradation of the molecule. The herbicide pendimenthalin was found to be less
toxic due to removal efficiencies were higher than 80% to volumetric loading rates of
10.5 mgL-1h-1, at higher volumetric loads the removal efficiency decreases due
probably to the toxic effect of the herbicide. Finally, when the ability of the microbial
community to degrade the mixture of pesticides was evaluated, it was possible to
observe how the degradation of the two toxic compounds increased, obtaining
removal efficiencies of about 90% to volumetric loading rates of 20 mgL -1h-1 (Figure
1). The chromatographic profiles obtained by HPLC showed that the microbial
community was able to degrade the two pesticides and almost all of the aromatic
adjuvants present in the two commercial blends resulting in removal efficiencies of
the chemical oxygen demand above 80%. It can be concluded that the presence of
the fungicide tebuconazole did not affect the biodegradation of the herbicide
pendimethalin, but the presence of this or of a co-subtrate in the commercial mixture
significantly improved the biodegradation of the fungicide tebuconazole obtaining
average removal efficiencies higher than 90%.

Figure 1. Volumetric removal rates of the two pesticides (▲fungicide; ■ herbicide) in packed bed
reactor. The line continuous indicates theoretically removal efficiencies of 100%.
The bacterial genera that integrate the microbial community were:
Sphingobium sp. (NZ JH992904.1), Pseudomonas sp. (NC020829.1), Delftia sp.
(NC010002.1), Kocuria sp. (NC010617.1), Variovorax sp. (KX665557.1) and
Caulobacter sp. (NC011916.1). All these genera have been reported in the literature
as degraders of xenobiotic compounds.

Erick Aranda-García, Eliseo Cristiani-Urbina
Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Departamento de
Ingeniería Bioquímica. Avenida Wilfrido Massieu s/n, Unidad Profesional Adolfo López
Mateos. Ciudad de México, México.
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] is a heavy metal, whose high toxicity,
mutagenicity, teratogenicity and carcinogenicity make it a serious health concern. In
recent years, the search for efficient, environmentally friendly and cost-effective
processes for detoxifying Cr(VI)-contaminated wastewaters has prompted the
development of alternative and promising technologies that include biosorption.
Biosorption is a process that uses low-cost biomaterials (biosorbents) to bind
and concentrate metal ions from aqueous solutions. Biosorption studies are usually
performed in batch systems; nevertheless, the most economic and efficient practical
application of biosorption is carried out in continuous packed-bed column systems.
Furthermore, the analysis of the effect of operating parameters on biosorption
performance based on lab-scale packed-bed column experiments provides reliable and
helpful information that will enable scaling-up the biosorption process to pilot and
industrial levels.
Current research aims to examine Cr(VI) and total chromium removal by
acorn shell for varying process design parameters, such as solution pH, biosorbent
dosage (bed height), flow rate, and inlet Cr(VI) concentration in a lab-scale
continuous up-flow packed-bed column. Subsequently, breakthrough curves were
analysed using Adam-Bohart, Thomas, Yoon-Nelson and Dose-Response models and
the characteristic parameters were obtained.
Cr(VI) and total chromium removal by oak (Quercus crassipes Humb. &
Bonpl.) acorn shell was assessed in a continuous up-flow glass-column packed with
0.15-0.5 mm acorn shell particles. Cr(VI) and total chromium removal performance in
a continuous system was evaluated as a function of pH (1.0-3.0), biosorbent dosage
(1-4 g), flow rate (0.25-1.0 mL min-1) and influent Cr(VI) concentration (50-400 mg
L-1). Effluent samples were collected at specific time-intervals in order to evaluate the
shape of the breakthrough curves. Cr(VI) and total chromium concentrations were
measured by the 1,5-diphenylcarbohydrazide and the alkaline hypobromite oxidation
methods, respectively.

Ultimately, theoretical dynamic models for column biosorption studies were
applied to describe breakthrough curves.
Results and conclusions
Evidently a decrease in the pH of feed Cr(VI) solution, caused breakthrough
curves to shift from left to right, indicating that more Cr(VI) ions had been removed.
Cr(VI) ions were not detected in the effluent during the first hours of the experiment
(t < 4 h) when pH of inlet Cr(VI) solution was 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0. Contrastingly, at pH
values of feed solution of 2.5 and 3.0, higher levels of Cr(VI) were found in the
effluent. Lowest total chromium concentrations in the effluent solution were obtained
at pH 2.0, whereas there was a higher total chromium concentration at lower and
higher solution pH values. The highest bed capacity for total chromium biosorption
was obtained at pH 2.0, with a value of 105 mg g-1.
Solution pH appears to be the most important parameter influencing
biosorptive processes. Optimum pH for biosorptive removal of most adsorptive
pollutants has usually been selected from batch biosorption results. In the present
work, a solution pH of 2.0 was selected for the total chromium biosorption by Q.
crassipes acorn shells, based on the findings in the continuous packed-bed column.
The removal of Cr(VI) and total chromium in the packed-bed column was
largely dependent on the quantity of biosorbent present inside the column, so that as
the bed mass increased from 1 to 4 g, there was a corresponding increase in the
amount of Cr(VI) and total chromium removed, possibly due to the higher bed heights
which permitted longer contact time between metal ions and biosorbent.
Breakthrough curves became less steep as the influent flow rate decreased, which
may relate to the fact that at lower rates Cr(VI) ions had enough time to contact with
the biosorbent, resulting in greater removal of Cr(VI) and total chromium in the
column. As the inlet Cr(VI) concentration increased, the saturation of the column was
reached earlier, thereby reducing the operation time; this behavior may be the result
of a higher concentration gradient, providing a higher driving force for the biosorption
At all operation times and design parameters assayed, total chromium
concentration in the effluents was higher than Cr(VI) concentration, possibly resulting
from the biotransformation of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) by reducing organic compounds
present in the acorn shell.
The Dose-Response model showed good agreement of the experimental
breakthrough curves with model predictions.
This study reveals that acorn shell from Quercus crassipes Humb. & Bonpl.
exhibits remarkable potential for detoxifying Cr(VI)-contaminated aqueous solutions.
Experimental data revealed that Cr(VI) and total chromium removal capacity of acorn
shell was dependent on operating variables such as solution pH, biosorbent dosage,
flow rate and influent Cr(VI) concentration. Total chromium biosorption data
conformed best to the Dose-Response model.

Radu Burlica*, Iuliana-Delicia Dirlau, Dragos Astanei
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi,
Bd.Profesor Dimitrie Mangeron, nr.21-23, 700050 Iasi, Romania,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Non–thermal plasma (NTP) is generated by an electrical discharge developed
between two electrodes, in a gas flow, in order to maintain the low temperature of the
gas. The low temperature plasma, considered to be an advanced oxidation technology,
leads to the formation of positive and negative ions, electrons and other highly chemically
active species such as ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and hydroxyl radicals. The non-thermal
plasma has been proved to be an alternative technology for gas and liquid phase
depollutant treatment. The goal of this paper is to emphasize the effect of the NTP mini-
reactors with different electrodes in order to remove the soluble organic compounds;
therefore, a soluble organic dye (Reactive Blue 19 dye) solution has been treated in a NTP
mini-reactor. Also, the NTP effects on reactive species production in pure water, as
hydrogen peroxide and nitrates have been studied. The efficiency of the NTP treatment
was enhanced by spraying the solution into the plasma zone through a two-way nozzle.
The organic dye removal from the solution and also the hydrogen peroxide and nitrates
formed in water sprayed in the plasma has been measured using colorimetric methods. In
order to optimize (from electrical and physical-chemical parameters point of view) the NTP
treatment of the organic compounds dissolved in water, the energy efficiency (g/kWh) of
the dye destruction have been calculated for different shapes of the electrodes.
The water/solution spraying for treatment using NTP technology is applied
through a two-port nozzle, one for air and another for solution, directly into the reactor.
The NTP reactor is equipped with two planar (point to point) electrodes, placed in a narrow
chamber, aimed to confine the plasma and force the water droplets to get into contact
with the discharge. The electrochemical processes in plasma depend on the shape of the
electrodes. For example, in Fig. 1 is presented an alternative high voltage (9kV), low
power, electrical discharge, between the electrodes perpendicularly on the gas flow. The
NTP plasma can be also generated in parallel with the gas flow direction in a longitudinal
configuration of the reactor. The effect of the organic dye removal from water for four
different shapes of the electrodes has been studied. The use of low power discharge does
not thermally vaporize the water droplets in the reactor, and enhances the energy yield for
NO3 and H2O2 due to suppression of quenching reactions of radicals with other molecular
species. Initially, pure water has been sprayed into the reactor and H 2O2 and NO3 (when
air is used as carrier gas) have been measured. Experiments presented used Ar and air as
carrier gas with a flow rate Q g of 1.5 mL/min, constant, and water/solution flow rates
between Qs 5-15 mL/min. Four different shapes of electrodes connected to an AC high-
voltage transformer (Tr, 9 kV) have been studied. The discharge current was
approximately 4 mA. When a 50 mg/L Reactive Blue 19 solution has been treated in NTP

reactor, the decreasing of color intensity has been measured using a UV-VIS
spectrophotometer (Shimadzu).

Figure 1: Experimental set-up

Results and conclusions
The results for H2O2 generated in water are presented in Fig.2. The decreasing of
the dye concentration (calculated as the difference between the initial concentration of the
solution C0 and the concentration after one pass through the NTP reactor C f), Δ[Blue19] =
C0 - Cf,, is presented in Fig.3.

Figure 2: The evolution of H2O Figure 3: Dye removal in NTP reactor

In order to determine the optimal working point of the NTP reactor, as well as the
best solution of the electrodes geometry, the energy efficiency (g/kWh) of the H2O2
generation also for the dye removal from the solution, for different electrical (u, i, P) and
physical/chemical (Qw, C0, Qg) parameters, have been calculated.
The main advantages of the NTP technology, comparing to the other classical
physical/chemical procedures, are a higher active power and high specific energy efficiency
of the discharge, which provide a higher reactive potential. Also, its technological simplicity
and normal operating conditions (atmospheric pressure at industrial frequency), make it
suitable for industrial application.
For the solution treated in NTP reactor, the efficiency of chemical compound
destruction and hydrogen peroxide formation in liquid phase, for different solution/gas flow
rates and electrodes geometry has been investigated by measurements regarding the
processes specific energy. The results provide an optimal set of physical, geometrical and
electrical parameters concerning the organic compound destruction efficiency. For practical
applications, it is necessary to increase the volume of the solution treated, in our case, to
develop and design a larger NTP reactor unit that uses a large number of mini-reactors
working in parallel.

Corina Boncescu1,*, Lacramioara Diana Robescu2
Power Engineering Faculty, Department of Hydraulics, Hydraulic Machinery and
Environmental Engineering, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania,
Power Engineering Faculty, Department of Hydraulics, Hydraulic Machinery and
Environmental Engineering, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania,
: [email protected]; [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Individual gas bubbles that enter and flow into an aeration system of
wastewater determine an extra turbulence in the mixture. This process results in
increasing dissolved oxygen concentration in the water. In the biological
treatment systems, the most important phenomenon is oxygen mass transfer
that influences decomposition of organic matter. Furthermore, oxygen supply has
an important impact on the degree of homogeneity of water-air-activated sludge
mixture. In this paper was used the volume of fluid (VOF) mathematical model to
determine the velocity generated into an air-water mixture in a column of water
and from the ascending air bubbles movement it was identified vertexes center.
The obtained results were compared to experimental and theoretical available
data from the literature.
The aim of this research is to study the impact of gas velocity on air-
water mixture turbulent degree. It has also been determined the air volume
fraction for the calculation oxygen mass transfer coefficient from air into water.
The mathematical model used to determine generated and induced
velocity in the air-water mixture by upward movement of air bubble was VOF
model. Integrating math was done in 2D unsteady state with time step 0.0001 s.
The equations used in this model were continuity equation and moment equation.
The pressure was calculated with "body force weighted" model and for the
relationship between pressure and velocity was used PISO method (Pressure
Implicit with Split Operator).
In order to analyze the dynamics of air bubbles in the water body, the
study field is a cross section of a column of water which has width 0.1 [m] and
height of 0.2 [m]. It has considered three values of the air velocity: 0.17 m/s,
0.25 m/s, 0.4 m/s respectively, through an orifice diameter of 0.5 mm.
In this model the following hypothesis were considered: water velocity
vl=0 m/s, unsteady regime, flow was achieved at low Reynolds numbers;

constant surface tension coefficient, σ=0.072 N/m; gravitational acceleration was
negative due to air upward movement, g(0,-9.81).
Results and conclusions
Mathematical and simulation modeling was conducted for 3 cases of air
velocity. It was obtained generated and induced velocity values by air bubbles
movement and swirl centers emerged. Figure 1 presents contour of air volume
fraction and generated and induced velocity values into the water for air velocity
vg = 0.17 m/s. In this case was obtained mixture velocity value v am=0.35 m/s.
For air velocity vg=0.25 and vg = 0.4 m/s was determinate mixture velocity
vam=0.43 m/s, vam=0.63 m/s, respectively. The results of this research showed
that if air velocity increase, the mixture velocity increase, too. Moreover, was
observed that the number of vertexes center was increasing. In hydraulic terms,
for the aeration tank from wastewater treatment plant, means that high
turbulence degree ensures homogenization of air-water-activated sludge mixture.

Figure 1: Contour of air volume fraction and generated and induced velocity in air-
water mixture for air velocity vg = 0.17 m/s after t=1 s
The final objective of the research is to determine the theoretical oxygen
mass transfer coefficient from air to water for different velocity values of air
velocity and for different orifice diameters of air dispersion. Also, theoretical
results will be compared with experimental research.
This work is supported by MEN-UEFISCDI within the framework of National Plan for
Research, Development and Innovation 2007-2014, Partnerships in Priority Domains
Program, PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1649, project no. 274/2014 and by a grant of the Romanian
National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCDI – UEFISCDI, project
number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1766, within PNCDI III.


Andrei Szollosi-Moţa, Maria Prodan, Constantin Lupu, Angelica

Călămar, Irina Nălboc
National Institute for Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion INCD INSEMEX Petrosani;
G-ral Vasile Milea Street no.32-34, Petroşani, Hunedoara County,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Industry and especially the mining industry uses significant amounts of
water in technological processes of raw materials and ores. The technological water
used in processing ores, contains large amounts of dissolved salts, heavy metals,
acid pH. Often the purity of the process water cannot be controlled sufficiently.
Waste dumps and tailings dams are significant factors of pollution of the
environment, exerting constant pressure on the environment by pollution for
decades, after ending the operations for minerals exploitation. Because of this, into
the natural receptors reaches a significant number of contaminants such as salt and
heavy metals (Zn, Mn, Cd, Ni, etc.). These pollutants disturb the natural balance of
the aquatic fauna and flora, resulting in strong acidification of mine and surface
waters. Historical mining has affected significantly the environment through
pollution processes manifested on the air, water, soil environmental factors.
Polluted mine water waters from mining units discharges get into the surface
waters, affecting their properties and attributes. The aim of this work is to develop
methods of mine water and surface water remediation from mining activities
affected by historic mining. In order to determine the degree of pollution of the
surface waters was necessary the sampling and the analysis by optical emission
spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma.
After monitoring the water quality of Certej mining area, which is an area
heavily affected by mining history, there were significant overruns in the case of
heavy metals especially zinc and magnesium. Research has focused on reducing the
concentration of heavy metals in surface waters fed and the runoff from waste
dumps and tailing ponds in the mining area and the adjacent area studied.
The determinations were performed with an experimental set-up in which
in the columns arranged in steps have been introduced in various proportions
microporous sorbents. Among microporous sorbents were chosen zeolite volcanic

tuff and activated carbon. Also in the experiments were used other materials with
ion exchange properties, namely clays. The activated charcoal sorbent is a
microporous adsorption material with a high adsorption surface that can reach even
1500 m2/g, which is produced in organic materials which have a high carbon
content. Water samples were taken from surface waters of the river Certej and
using the method of analysis by optical emission spectrometry with inductively
coupled plasma were determined the concentrations of heavy metals.
Water pollution is a particularly important factor for all the surface waters
that are collected in the catchment area in question. Surface water pollution is an
important factor, endangering the health of animals and people manifested through
the food chain and consumption water. For determine the effectiveness of
treatment an experimental stand was built up, described elsewhere, with tank and
water purification columns, based on adsorption and ion exchange process.

Figure 1: Mine water treatment scheme

Results and conclusions

After analyzing samples taken during the monitoring were obtained
exceeding of ten times the maximum permissible concentration of heavy metals eg.
for zinc (over 30 times) and for manganese (over10 times).
For the treatment of the water samples were conducted experiments in
static regime, by keeping the sample in the columns for a specified time. After the
static regime, it was experimented the dynamic mode. In another study, it was
demonstrated the efficiency of the experimental module for the wastewater
treatment using three columns of treatment arranged in steps, filled with zeolite
originating from volcanic tufa. The zeolite experimented showed excellent selectivity
for the cations investigated. Combining the zeolite with the activated charcoal
proved to be an improvement for the treatment of the heavy metal pollution of the
investigated samples.


Agnieszka Baran1, Marek Tarnawski2, Magdalena Urbaniak3

Department of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry,
University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland,
Department of Water Engineering and Geotechnics, University of Agriculture in Krakow,
European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lodz, Poland;
: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Bottom sediment is a very important part of water system. Evaluation of
sediments properties is important not only for assessment of water reservoir
degradation but also for determining potential applications of dredged sediment.
Dredging of the sediments accumulated in the reservoir has been proposed to
remediate the problem silting. If the dredged sediement from the reservoirs does
not pose a risk for the environment, reasonable method of such sediment
management is their use one agriculture purpose. The reuse of sediment in soil
restoration improving their physicochemical properties and therefore increases
the productivity of soils. The aims of study were: 1) to determine of effect of
bottom sediement to improve soil properties, 2) to assess the effect of bottom
sediments on the concentration of macronutrients and trace elements in the
plants test.
The bottom sediment originated from the Rzeszów Reservoir situated on
the Wisłok river in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland. The reservoir’s initial
capacity was 1.8M m3; the impoundment area is 68.2 ha. Measurements
conducted after 14 years of reservoir operation revealed that its capacity had
diminished by approx. 66%, with a loss of 18.5 ha of impoundment area,
constituting permanently or periodically overgrown islands and shallows. It has
been estimated that currently the spontaneously forming islands and shallows
cover over 30 ha of the reservoir area. The bottom sediment was sampled within
the three zones of the reservoir: inlet, middle and outlet. The sediment was
sampled using a Ekman sampler from the 0-15 cm layer.
The sediment was classified as a group of clay deposits with alkaline
reaction, low content of heavy metals. The pot experiment was conducted on
light soil, acid pH. The bottom sediments were added to the soil in the amount of

5, 10, 30 and 50% of air-dried sediment in relation to dry soil mass. The test
plant was maize and field beans. The test plant was harvested after 86 (maize)
and 60 (filed beans) days of vegetation. The soil samples after of the pot
experiment were analyzed for parameters such as: pH, organic matter, cation
exchange capacity, nitrogen and content of trace elements. The element
concentrations in the solutions were assessed using ICP-OAS apparatus. The
results were verified statistically using the one-way ANOVA at significance level
α=0.05, by means of Statistica 11 programme.
Results and conclusions
In the studies was shown a positive effect of sediment to the soil on the
maize and filed beans yield. Significantly highest shoots yield were demonstrated
for the treatment with a 30% (maize) and 10% (filed beans) admixture of bottom
sediment. Sediment supplements to soil caused a significant increase in N,
decrease in K, P (all doses of sediement) and Ca, Mg (5, 10% of bottom
sediment) in maize shoot in relation to the control. A bottom sediment addition
significantly decreased all macronutritions concentration in shoot of filed beans.
Sediment supplements to soil caused a significant decrease all trace elements
concentrations in shoot biomass both plants in relation to the control. After a
period of experiments the soil pH, depending on the experimental treatment, was
between 5.70 (control treatment) to 7.10 (treatment with a 50% bottom
sediment supplement). The sediment supplement to the soil caused a significant
decrease value of hydrolytic acidity Hh and significant increase C – organic
content. Doses of bottom sediment added to the soil significantly increased the
content of copper, nickel and decreased of content of zinc, lead, cadmium in
relation to the treatment without sediment.
In summary, if the dredged bottom sediments not constitute
environmental risks, inorganic and organic pollution concentration in the
sediments are below toxic thresholds, reasonable method of such sediment
management is their agriculture purpose. However bottom sediments can not
replace fertilizer, but they can by used as soil improving agents. We found that
using bottom sediment form Rzeszów reservoir for plant cultivation should apply
supplementary mineral fertilization.
The work was financed by: grant no. N N305 295037 "Assessment of the
possibility of agricultural use reservoir bottom sediments" provided by the National
Science Centre, and from the subsidy for science granted by the Polish Ministry of
Science and Higher Education.

Andreea-Florina Gîlcă1, George Bârjoveanu1,
Carmen Teodosiu1*, Ioana Roman2, Silvia Fiore3*
„Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Department of Environmental Engineering
and Management, 73 Prof. Dr. Doc. Dimitrie Mangeron Street, 700050 Iasi, Romania
SC Apavital SA Iasi, 10 M. Costachescu Street, 700495, Iasi, Romania
Politecnico di Torino, Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructures Engineering
(DIATI), Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy
: [email protected] (C.Teodosiu); [email protected] (S. Fiore).

Introduction and study objectives

Water resources are essential for humans and ecosystems, but due to
problems such as climate change, industrialization, inadequate storage or insufficient
wastewater treatment before discharge, qualitative improvements and integrated
management of water resources are required. The main goal of water treatment is to
avoid human health risks and to provide sufficient and good quality water for drinking,
industrial purposes, and other economic activities by removing chemical and biological
contaminants. However, these processes require increasing efforts in terms of
technology, chemicals and energy inputs, which translates to increased secondary
environmental impacts and added water production costs.
The objective of the study is to evaluate the drinking water treatment (DWT)
system in Iasi City (Romania), by means of life cycle assessment and to identify and
characterize its environmental impacts, to determine the weak points of drinking
water production processes.
Iasi City is the most developed urban centre in Moldova Region (North
Eastern region of Romania) and has a DWT facility providing water in accordance with
European standards. The DWT system process comprises the following stages:
coagulation/flocculation with ferric chloride (or polyacrylamide and powdered
activated carbon) coupled with pre-oxidation (with chlorine dioxide), followed by
sedimentation, pH correction with calcium hydroxide, rapid sand filtration, slow
filtration on granular activated carbon (GAC) and final disinfection with chlorine gas.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach implemented on drinking water
production represents an adequate instrument to support environmental decision by
identifying possible environmental impacts generated in the operational phase of the
considered DWT system. Environmental evaluation is performed according to the ISO
14040 standardized LCA procedure with the SimaPro software developed by
Pré Consultants, 2016.

Results and conclusions
In this study LCA has been applied to assess the environmental performance of
Iasi DWTP for 1 m of potable water produced, considering the impact generated by
energy consumption, technologies and reagents used. The electricity required by the
different treatment stages has been accounted for the entire DWT plant, each
equipment and water treatment parameters being monitored and controlled through a
SCADA software.
In order to investigate the environmental impact of water production, the
ReCiPe 2012 mid-point method was used, and the environmental profile for the
characterization step is presented in Figure 1. The main contributors to impact in most
of the categories are the electricity consumption and the iron chloride production used
in coagulation/flocculation.

Figure 1: Environmental profile of Drinking water production system in Iași

Figure 2: Environmental profile of the drinking water production system in Iași –

normalized results
The normalized results presented in Figure 2 show that the most important
impact categories are freshwater eutrophication and freshwater and marine
ecotoxicity, and the most important contributors remain electricity and iron chloride.
The level of detail obtained for the inventory and the impact assessment
steps may be considered as reference for future LCA studies, analysing other water
treatment plants since the climate, technological, cultural and socio-economical
differences clearly define the particularities of a DWT in a specific territorial context.

Francesca Mapelli1, Valentina Riva1, Ameur Cherif2,
Redouane Choukr-Allah3, Ahmed Rashed 4, Sara Borin1,*
University of Milan, DeFENS (Italy), Via Celoria 2, 20133 Milan, Italy;
Institut Supérieur de Biotechnologie Sidi Thabet,, Manouba University (Tunisia);
Hassan II Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire (Morocco);
Drainage Research Institute (Egypt)
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Water scarcity and the ongoing increase of arid lands solicit the setup of
innovative strategies in agriculture to increase safe food production, with particular
efforts in minimizing the water footprint. Desert farming, combined with an improved
wastewater recycling, might represent a smart solution to guarantee food access in arid
countries to an increasing population. In this perspective, Mediterranean African
Countries (MACs) provide interesting case studies to develop and test new sustainable
practices. Plants live in association with complex microbial communities – the plant
microbiome – tuned by the beneficial interactions occurring between them. Plant
Growth Promoting (PGP) microorganisms exert direct and indirect mechanisms to
improve the growth and health status of plants and once provided to crops can
constitute sustainable tools to improve production yields.
Several mechanisms have been described in PGP bacteria able to specifically
alleviate drought stress in plants and increase water use efficiency, having the potential
to increase crop productivity in arid lands. The most suitable environment to isolate
these PGP bacteria is the root system of drought-tolerant plant species, which
microbiome is specifically adapted to the abiotic stresses typical of arid regions.
PGP bacteria have also the potential to be exploited for the improvement of
growth and services provided by plants used in phytodepuration and phytoremediation.
Here PGP bacteria can play a key role, both sustaining plant growth and cooperating
with the plant in the remediation processes. The support to phytodepuration is of direct
interest in arid lands in the water footprint context, potentially improving water recycling
and thus decreasing the blue water demand of agricultural lands.
Aim of our research is the study of PGP bacteria associated to different plants
growing in MACs, of interest in desert farming and phytodepuration, adapted to arid
and/or saline soils. Considering the natural adaptation of extremophilic plants to adverse
environmental conditions, we aimed in particular at their exploitation for the isolation of
novel microbial resources for sustainable practices in arid land agriculture and the
phytodepuration sector.

We collected roots and rhizosphere - the soil layer surrounding roots - in MACs
from several plant species, including Sorghum sp., Argania spinosa and Salicornia sp.,
naturally adapted to water scarcity and/or high salinity conditions of MACs’ soils.
Moreover, root and rhizosphere were sampled in constructed wetland (CWs) facilities in
Morocco and Egypt. A large collection of rhizospheric and endophytic bacteria was
established on different rich and selective cultivation media. All bacterial isolates have
been genotyped at species-subspecies level by applying ITS-PCR fingerprinting and then
identified according to the 16S rRNA sequence analysis. After discharge of all potential
human and plant pathogens, a selection of isolates have been characterized in vitro for
phenotypic traits related to PGP activity, antibiotic resistance and the ability to grow in
presence of emerging organic pollutants. The PGP potential of the most promising
isolates have been assessed in vivo, using tomato as a model plant, under limited
irrigation simulating water stress conditions.
Results and conclusions
Endophytic and rhizospheric bacteria were isolated from common read
specimens grown in CW and the drought tolerant plants Sorghum sp., A. Spinosa and
Salicornia sp. The results of ITS-PCR fingerprinting showed that the bacteria collection
was characterized by a high phylogenetic diversity. Overall, the adopted isolation
procedure and downstream molecular analyses allowed to identify a rich and highly
diverse cultivable fraction of bacteria associated to root and rhizosphere of MACs’
extremophile plants.
The phenotypic characterization of the bacterial strains isolated from different
extremophilic plants led to the selection of different strains for the in vivo assessment of
PGP activity. These strains were i) classifiable as GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe)
organisms, basing on the literature screening about their species, ii) resistant to osmotic
and saline stresses, typical of arid lands and iii) sensitive to different classes of
antibiotics. In the frame of the global spread of antibiotic resistance, the absence of
antibiotic resistance represents an important trait, generally neglected by the literature,
for the choice of the best candidates for the setup of fertilizing bacteria inoculants.
The in vivo PGP tests were performed on tomato plants growing under
controlled greenhouse conditions, artificially inducing water stress. Plant growth
parameters, such as length and dry weight of root apparatus and aerial part, were
measured at the end of the experiment. Accordingly, four bacterial strains belonging to
the genera Bacillus, Pseudomonas and Rhizobium, demonstrated to significantly
increase plant growth under drought conditions compared to the non-inoculated tomato
Besides corroborating previous findings on the potential of extremophilic plant
as source of PGP bacterial strains exploitable under adverse condition, in this study we
identified promising candidates for the future development of biofertilizers tailored on
the need of MACs, thus useful to increase the success of desert farming and
phytodepuration technologies.
The authors acknowledge the EU H2020 project MADFORWATER (Grant
Agreement n. 688320).


Stefan-Mihai Petrea1,*, Alina Mogodan1, Isabelle Metaxa1,

Săndiţa Plăcintă1, Mihaela Aida Vasile2
Department of Aquaculture, Environmental Science and Cadastre, „Dunărea de Jos”
University of Galati, Galati, Romania;
Department of Food Science, Food Engineering and Applied Biotechnology,
„Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, Galati, Romania;
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

In order to offer a proper solution to the continuous growing demands
of world population for food, aquaculture comes with the idea of integrating
different production technologies. Thus, better growth performance, the safety
and security of consumers and the little to none negative effects to the
environment are the main desiderata of integrated multi-trophic systems. Since
aquaculture sector registered a fast development in the last decade,
implementing the integrated techniques in order to create different integrated
multi-trophic aquaculture systems (IMTA) proves its efficiency. Searching for
better solutions, from both technological and technical point of view, is the
major objective in most of IMTA researches.
Phosphorus is one of the basic elements found in fish expanded feed,
fact that makes notable its presence in aquaculture production systems.
However, little it is known regarding the dynamics of phosphorus in IMTA
systems based on ponds aquaculture.
This presents study is made by using IMTA ponds aquaculture systems
and various cyprinids species, typical conditions that are encountered in
Romanian aquaculture.
The objective of this research is to determine the relations between
phosphorus levels and dynamics recorded in cyprinids meat, technological
water and sediments in two IMTA systems, where different technical solutions
and technologies were applied.
For the present research, two ponds with an area of 0.45 ha each and
an average water depth of 1.5 m, were used. The first pond (PCP) was used
for rearing polyculture 2500 individuals of common carp (Cyprinus carpio),

100 individuals of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), 40 individuals of
bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis ) and 40 individuals of silver carp
(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). The second pond was divided by using a net as
follows: first part with an area of 0.15 ha CP (carp pond) and the second part
with an area of 0.30 ha PP (polyculture pond). The CP pond was stocked with
2000 individuals of common carp specimens, while the PP with 500 individuals
of common carp ( Cyprinus carpio), 100 individuals of grass carp
(Ctenopharyngodon idella), 40 individuals of bighead carp
(Hypophthalmichthys nobilis ) and 40 individuals of silver carp
(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). The experiments lasted two and a half months.
A 28% crude protein fish fodder was used, represented by a mix wheat
lees, dry maize dregs, sunflower groats and flour protein, in equal amounts.
Fish fodder was administered only in PCP and CP by using two daily feeding
ratio (3% of biomass weight (BW) and 1.5% BW).
For determining the phosphorus concentration in fish meat, water and
sediments, the atomic absorption spectroscopy was used. The determinations
were made at an Analytik Jena ContrAA 700 spectrometer.
Results and conclusions
Significant statistically differences (p<0.05) were recorded between
each of the tested species of cyprinids and also between both IMTA systems in
terms of phosphorus concentration in fish meat. Also, the concentration of
phosphorus in sediments registered significant statistically differences (p<0.05)
between the tested production systems. A direct positive correlation between
the amount of phosphorus administrated via fodder and the concentration of
this element in fish meat and sediments was found. The phosphorus dynamics
manifests an upward tendency throughout the experimental period, in both PCP
and PC. The highest concentration of phosphorus in sediments and meat was
recorded in case of PC, while the lowest was found at PP. However, the
phosphorus concentrations in meat do not exceed the safety limits mentioned
by EU regulations.
It can be concluded that by using the PCP IMTA production system, the
concentration of phosphorus is distributed more uniform in the pond and
among the fish individuals, compare with CP-PP IMTA production system. Also,
both PCP and CP-PP are suitable for obtaining fish production with phosphorus
concentration within the safety limits for human consumption.
The water exchange flow and the phytoplankton size and structure
must also be taken into consideration for future similar studies, conducted in
ponds aquaculture production systems.


Alessandra Bonoli*, Martina Mastroddi

DICAM - Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering;
Terracini Street 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The paper would show the results of a project for the development and
application of life cycle analysis (LCA) to domestic water consumption, with the
aim of highlighting the importance of saving water resources and the
convenience, in terms of reduction of environmental impacts, in the use of
specific technologies for rainwater harvesting and gray water recycling, such as
tanks. This will enable the recovery, treatment and reintegration of the resource
for some specific uses only (like toilet and water intended for outside uses), in
compliance with health and hygienic standards laid down in legislation,
evaluating the impacts and the environmental, social and economic
sustainability linked to the performance of this specific technology. The LCA
analysis quantifies, therefore, the sustainability of the use of water resources,
contributing to the improvement of the production chain, distribution and use of
water and affecting the training phase of the consumption, so as to promote
water saving and the reduction of withdrawals from the environment. In detail,
the software used will enable to compare the sustainability of the current user’s
consumption conditions with respect to solutions allowing for the reuse of gray
water and rainwater with resulting benefits in terms of wastewater’s volume
reduction to be purified and drained. Sustainability assessments will also take
into account the global pressure factors, human activities, such as those
resulting from climate change and population’s increase. Results refer to the
functional unit of 1 liter of water per person per day, consumed or saved, and
are organized into four damage’s categories, quantified by a score, allowing
direct comparison between them. For a more reliable and comprehensive
analysis, only inputs imposed to the system by the analyzed scenarios were
considered, including water and energy consumption.
For the waste water’s assessment, with the same assumptions above,
reference was made to the Municipal treatment plant of a small town in Emilia

Romagna Region. Analysis boundaries extends from the water’s collection,
purification and distribution to the user, up to the leakage of the consumed
water in the sewage and its treatment, including in the input any chemical
substances needed for their treatment, during both deployment and disposal
phases. All input are considered as a function of a mass balance, that has
allowed to highlight the savings, both in terms of water resources and the
environmental impacts.
Analysis’ methodology and evaluation of impacts
The LCA sustainability analysis allows to collect, monitor and analyze
the environmental performance of products and services, considering even
complex lifecycles, according to ISO 14040 series recommendations. It contains
several databases with different categories needed to the description of a
“lifetime”; you can find in fact, classified and described in detail within each
database, materials, processes, energy and transport systems, methods of
waste disposal and treatment. The impacts’ assessment method used for the
water saving analysis is "IMPACT 2002+"; it is the result of the combination of
the methodologies based on both the midpoint (with reference to the 14 impact
categories) and the endpoint approach (based on four categories of damage).
The structure of the methods is similar to that proposed by the ISO 14042 and
includes classification, characterization, normalization and weighting. In the
general structure of the IMPACT 2002+, all the results of the inventory analysis
are connected through 14 midpoint impact categories to 4 categories of
damage: Human health, Ecosystem quality, Climate change and Resources.
Results and conclusion
The results highlight the importance and convenience of rainfall water
storage and use and gray water recycling , in order to protect natural resources
and consciously regulate the usage habits for each individual user; in fact, the
inclusion in the system boundaries of the treatment plant of the tested town
allowed to evaluate the environmental impacts avoided thanks to the recovery
and processing of the same in the tank, in addition to the impact avoided by
withdrawing fewer liters of water, thanks to the recycling. This will encourage
the increasing usage of these technologies in urban areas that today, more
than ever, need a determined and strong sustainable initiative, designed to
safeguard the environment and human health and the redevelopment of the
entire urban context.
This work was supported by the Emilia Romagna Grant, POR FESR 2014-2020, for
industrial research and development, inside a project named “Green Smart Technology for
water” (GST4Water)


Stavros Christofilopoulos*, Andreas Kaliakatsos,

Konstantina Triantafyllou, Styliani Voutsadaki,
Nikolaos Nikolaidis, Venieri Danae, Nicolas Kalogerakis *
School of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The presence of emerging organic contaminants (EOCs) in wastewater
has attracted intense interest in the environmental engineering community, due
to the high frequency of their detection, the adverse effects on human health
and the environment, as well as their inefficient removal in wastewater
treatment plants. Among EOCs, antibiotics are of great concern for public
health as their presence in wastewater leads to the spread of antibiotic resistant
bacteria (ARB) which gain high rates of resistance throughout the conventional
treatments. Taking into consideration that nowadays wastewater discharges still
constitute one of the major sources of EOCs and ARBs in the environment,
addressing this threat has become a top-priority task. Among alternative
treatment technologies, constructed wetlands (CWs) are proposed as a low
cost, ecologically oriented technology that takes advantage of the synergistic
effects of plants and their associated microorganisms. The objectives of this
study were, firstly to investigate wetland’s efficiency on the removal of
bisphenol A (BPA), ciprofloxacin (CIP) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX), secondly to
describe the abundance and elimination of antibiotic resistant fecal bacteria and
lastly to examine changes in the antibiotic resistant profile through the CW
treatment. For this reason, a horizontal flow pilot scale CW of 0.5 m 3, planted
with Juncus acutus helophytes, was fed with spiked secondary treated
wastewater from the municipal wastewater treatment plant of the city of Chania
(Crete, Greece) and tested under different operating conditions.
Five experimental runs each fourteen days long were monitored.
Different treatments corresponded to different influent concentrations of the

organic compounds and hydraulic residence time. A single run with primary
treated wastewater in the influent and control runs without plantation or with
no spiked contaminants in the influent stream, were also tested. Wastewater
samples were taken from the influent and the effluent of the wetland.
Separation and quantification of the organic compounds was conducted using a
high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system, using direct elution or,
in the case of BPA, the vortex-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction protocol.
Antibiotic resistance was studied using broth microdilution method and
estimating the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of the selected
antibiotics, CIP and SMX. MIC is defined as the lowest concentration of an
antimicrobial that will inhibit the visible growth of a microorganism after
overnight incubation. Water quality parameters; total suspended solids, BOD5,
total organic carbon and total nitrogen (TN) were conducted according to Apha
standard methods. Total carbon, inorganic carbon and TN were measured in
Analytik Jena's "multi N/C 2100S". TOC was determined as the numerical
difference between TC and IC. Electrical conductivity and pH were measured by
a Hach HQ40d multi parameter meter.
Results and conclusions
Results indicated the strong contribution of J. acutus in terms of BPA
concentration removal. The planted CW was able to remove ΒΡΑ concentration
in the range 48-93%, depending on the treatment examined (influent
concentrations: 2–131 μg L-1), whereas in control treatment (without
plantation) BPA concentration removal was less than 30%. Performance of the
system was depressed in the case of inflow with primary treated wastewater.
Regarding ciprofloxacin, even concentration removal was kept above 70%
(influent concentrations in the order of mg L -1) in the presence of plants,
significant removal was also measured in the control treatment. Regarding SMX
concentration removal, the unit did not perform similarly well. Results on water
quality characteristics and nutrients removal were, generally, in conformity with
other studies. Antibiotic resistance profiles were investigated in inlet and and
outlet of the CW for the residual cells of E.coli and Enterococci for possible
changes in the resistance profile. Our expirements showed variant bacterial
responces in relation to bacterial indicator tested each time and antibiotis.
Generally, ARB either proliferated or decreased depending on the operational
condition in each case.
Financial support by the European Union FP-7 project WATER4CROPS (grant
agreement No. 311933) and H2020 project MADFORWATER (grant agreement
No.688320), is highly appreciated.

Monika Čvančarová 1,*, Nicolas Kalogerakis2, Danae Venieri3, Luc
Girardin1, Philippe F.-X. Corvini1,3
Institute for Ecopreneurship, School of Life Sciences, University of Applied Sciences and
Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Gründenstrasse 40, Muttenz CH-4132, Switzerland
School of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Polytechneioupolis,
Chania, Crete, Greece
State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment,
Nanjing University Xianlin Campus, Xianlin Avenue 163, Nanjing 210023, China
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Different fungicides are used in citrus fruit production for pre and post-harvest
protection. Fungicides are commonly found in the industrial processing wastewater and
they are recalcitrant to biological treatment. Integration of different techniques during
wastewater treatment usually cause a more effective removal of persistent
The aim of this study was to investigate enzymatic degradation of fungicides in
wastewater samples. Different laccases were selected for this purpose because these
enzymes have a high technological importance. Laccases act on both phenolic and non-
phenolic lignin-related compounds as well as highly recalcitrant environmental pollutants
and can be efficiently used for xenobiotic degradation and bioremediation. Direct
application of dissolved enzymes into wastewater is not sustainable for a long time.
Half-life of the enzymes can be significantly increased by their immobilization onto nano-
and resin particles. Immobilization has previously shown to stabilize the enzymatic
activity and immobilized enzymes can be applied and recycled in different bioreactors.
In this study, the second investigated technique is photocatalysis. This method
was used prior to the enzymatic treatment to increase efficiency of the fungicide
removal. The main phototransformation products are usually hydroxy derivatives which
are more amenable substrate for laccase degradation. It has been previously reported
that photodegradation of fungicides by TiO2 is relatively rapid in distilled water.
However, in real wastewater samples the degradation efficiency significantly decreases.
Release of TiO2 particles into the environment might cause an additional concern, hence
a glass reactor containing immobilized TiO2 was prepared and tested. The aim of this
study was to evaluate the combination of photo- and biocatalytic treatment of
wastewater samples contaminated by fungicides.
The wastewater samples were obtained from fruit and vegetable packaging
plant located in Marroco. This company applies fungicides (imazalil, thiabendazol,
orthophenylphenol and pyrimethanil) for fruit protection.

Residual concentration of the fungicides after photo- and biocatalytic treatment
was determined by HPLC-UV. Fungicides were separated on a column Zorbax SB C18
(3.0 x 150 mm, particle size 3.5 µm) with a gradient of 0.05% phosphoric acid and
acetonitrile. DAD detector collected data at 200, 245, 270 and 300nm.
Atlas Suntest XLS+ equipped with sunlight filter and operation up to 765W/m 2
was used to irradiate the samples. TiO2 was immobilized onto surface of a glass plate.
Laccase activity was determined using a kinetic colorimetric assay with ABTS as
a substrate. Protein content of enzyme solutions was determined by means of a Pierce
assay kit manufactured by Thermo Scientific.
Enzymes were immobilized onto different types of nanoparticles. The method
consists in the sorption of the enzyme to amino-modified nanoparticles and the
subsequent covalent cross-linking using glutaraldehyde. Enzymes were also immobilized
onto polymethylmethacrylate spherical resin microparticles with amino-epoxide
functional groups. Amino group is able to promote the physical adsorption of proteins
and epoxy group is responsible for a covalent binding of the enzyme.
LC-MS analysis was performed to monitor the main transformation products.
An Agilent 1200 Series LC system and an Agilent 6320 Ion Trap Mass spectrometer with
electrospray ionization was used. The samples were separated on a column Zorbax SB
C18 (3.0 x 150 mm, particle size 3.5 µm) with a gradient of 0.1% formic acid and
Results and conclusions
Thiabendazole, imazalil, and pyrimethanil were found in the wastewater
samples in concentration range of 1-20 mgL-1. Orthophenylphenol was not detected.
To evaluate the potential of the immobilized laccases for the degradation of
selected fungicides, the first experiments were carried out in controlled buffer
conditions. No degradation was detected after 7 days of incubation either without or
with selected redox mediators. However, significant degradation was observed in the
real wastewater samples where 5-20% of the fungicides were removed. This can be
caused by various compounds presented in the real samples which can be involved in
the enzymatic reaction.
Biocatalytic treatment alone was not very successful and therefore an
additional photo-oxidation step with TiO2 was carried out. The first experiments were
performed with suspended TiO2 in distilled water. The results showed a rapid
photodegradation of the selected fungicides which was completed in 60-90 min. LC-MS
analysis revealed that the fungicides were mainly transformed to hydroxy derivatives
which confirmed our presumption. Further experiments were carried out in the real
wastewater samples. Degradation efficiency of the fungicides was strongly influenced by
suspended solids and wastewater matrix. Mechanical stability and photocatalytic activity
of the immobilized TiO2 is currently tested and the whole photo- and biocatalytic process
is optimized.
We acknowledge the support of European Commission for the project Mad4Water
in the frame of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under Grant Agreement
n° 688320.


Tatjana Juzsakova*, Noor Al-Jammal*, Zsofia Ifju,

Domokos Endre, Akos Redey

Institute of Environmental Engineering, University of Pannonia, Veszprem, 10 Egyetem St.,

Veszprem, 8200 Hungary
: [email protected]; [email protected]

Introduction and study objective

From the point of view of the environmental concerns, oil spill accidents have
great importance and requires immediate attention. This is because the hydrocarbon
compounds often result in both instant and long-term environmental damage, which
not only results in global marine oil pollution but life threatening and residents are
forced to breathe in dangerous emissions.
Hydrocarbon compounds in oil spills presents a great challenge. Carbon
nanotubes (CNTs) are considered one of the high efficient adsorbents. CNTs and
multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have generated a lot of attention as a new
type of adsorbent due to their exceptionally high adsorption capacity for oil–water
separation. The high hydrophobicity of CNTs makes them good candidates to enhance
the de-oiling process from waters. This research aims at to find a novel approach to
the potential oil removal technique to acceptable levels by using adsorption process at
room temperature using modified micro-emulsified MWCNTs (µE-CNT).
Commercial MWCNT was purchased from the Chengdu Organic Chemicals Co
Ltd. (China). The MWCNTs have a particle length of 5-20 µm and 20–20 nm diameter
ranges with purity of > 95%. Microemulsion technique was used on the commercial
MWCNTs in accordance to the process described by De Castro Dantas et al., (2001).
It was implemented by mixing of 10 %wt. surfactant (saponified coconut oil; mostly
lauric acid, CH3(CH2)10COOH, with some myristic acid, CH3(CH2)12COOH and 25 %wt.
aqueous phase (deionized water). Coconut oil was saponified by standard procedure
ASTM D-5558/1995 to form CH3(CH2)10COO- Na+. The mixture was then mixed with
40 %wt. co-surfactant (isoamyl alcohol, 99% P.A.) and 25 %wt oil phase (heavy
distillate). Due to the spontaneous formation of microemulsions, they can be prepared
in one step by simply mixing the constituents. The order of the addition of the
constituents is not considered a critical factor for the preparation of the
Unmodified and modified CWNTs have been used as adsorbent in this work
and have been investigated by liquid N2 adsorption (BET method), Fourier transform

spectroscopy (FTIR), Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) to obtain information about the structural, chemical and physical characteristics
of the synthesized adsorbent. Oil removal efficiency was investigated by TOC (TOC
Vario elementar, detection range of 4 mg/l to 40,000 mg/l) analyzer for the
determination of organically carbon of treated water.
Results and conclusions
Surface area, pore size, pore size distribution and pore volume of studied
MWCNT were determined by nitrogen adsorption / desorption isotherms
measurements using BET method and the results are summarized in Table 1. S BET
and SBJH surface areas of commercial MWCNT pretreated at 30 °C under vacuum
are 155 and 159 m2/g respectively indicating that material has pores close to
cylindrical shape as expected. Average diameters (Dav) of pores is around 13 nm and
it is in agreement with specification provided by company. The MWCNTs have
mainly mesopore size ( 2-50 nm) and about 10 % of it surface area formed by
micropores ( 2nm). The pore volume (V1.7-300nm) is 0.7781 cm3/g. Treatment at
higher temperature, at 160°C, leads to very slight modification in morphology of the
raw CWNTs. This indicates the stability of material up 160°C (at least in non-
oxidative atmosphere). Weight loss of sample during 160°C pretreatment under
vacuum was less than 0.5 wt % indicating the surface purity free from adsorbed
gases/components. Carbon based adsorbent are unable to adsorb polar molecules
like water/water vapor due to its hydrophobic properties. Therefore this type of
adsorbents is widely used in water/wastewater treatment.
The purpose of non-ionic microemulsion modification is to enhance
adsorption of hydrocarbon on MWCNT surface. In this work, one of our aims is to
devise and demonstrate the general procedure and preparation method of non-ionic
microemulsions that can be applied as enhancement of CNT hydrophobicity for oil
spills removal.
Primary TOC results show the adsorption capacity of untreated MWCNT is
25.9 and removal efficiency of 100 ml of 1% n-C8H18 -water solution reached 97%
using only 0.003g of unmodified MWCNT, at room temperature and 1 hr adsorption
time. The adsorption capacity and removal efficiency of modified -MWCNT are
expected to be higher with shorter time, less amount of adsorbent and high
concentration of hydrocarbon mixture (kerosene, jet fuel and diesel) in water
samples. The adsorptive capacity and selectivity of the studied adsorbents for
hydrocarbon compounds is examined and compared on the basis of the isotherm,
kinetic and breakthrough curves. The adsorption mechanism will also be studied and
correlated with their adsorptive performance. For comparison another
functionalization techniques are to be studied like polymerization of MWCNT surface.
This work was supported by GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00016 project: Excellence of
strategic R+D workshops: Development of modular, mobile water treatment systems and
waste water treatment technologies based on University of Pannonia to enhance growing
dynamic export of Hungary.

Andreas Kaliakatsos, Stavros Christophilopoulos,
Kassandra Koumaki, Iosifina Gounaki, Nicolas Kalogerakis,
Danae Venieri*
School of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete,
73100 Chania, Greece
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Pathogenic microorganisms contained in wastewater entail a potenital risk to
public health, as they are considered virulent carriers of waterborne diseases. Their
presence in high concentrations, resistant nature and rapid transmission illustrate the
importance of their inactivation by means of effective sewage treatment. The list of
pathogens includes various groups and species, such as bacteria and viruses, which
may exhibit considerable resistance to environmental stressed conditions, like those
imposed during wastewater treatment. Among them, enteric viruses, i.e. enteroviruses
(EV) and adenoviruses (HAdV) are of great concern, as their destruction through
wastewater treatment system is extremely variable and the numbers of surviving
infectious virus particles depend highly on the number of viruses entering the treatment
system as well as the type of treatment used in each case.
Apart from the essential pathogens elimination, researchers also focus on the
antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and their respective antibiotic resistance genes
(ARGs), which may occur in high numbers in wastewater. During the last decades the
excessive use of antibiotics has led to the proliferation of ARB, which comprises health
risk to humans and animals. Whether resistance may develop during wastewater
treatment is currently under discussion. Links are not yet well established between the
presence of antibiotics in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and the favoring of
resistant bacteria as well as the transfer of resistance at concentrations as low as those
found for antibiotics in the environment. However, reports state that wastewater, or
even treated wastewater, contain higher proportions of various resistant bacterial
populations in relation to the respective proportions contained in surface water.
Therefore, the conditions in WWTPs seem to be favorable for the proliferation of ARB,
which in turn may transfer resistance genes to non-resistant bacteria.
Constructed wetlands (CW) have been investigated as alternative low-cost
systems for wastewater treatment, which could also meet the overall socio-economical
and environmental requirements of small communities.
In this perspective and within the framework of the present study, a pilot scale
CW was developed as a tertiary wastewater treatment system with the view a) to
evaluate its potential to remove fecal bacterial indicators (E.coli and Enterococci),

bacteriophages and enteric viruses (HAdV and EV) from municipal wastewater, b) to
assess the elimination of ARB, c) to study possible changes in bacterial antibiotic
resistance profile through treatment and d) to detect target ARGs prior to and post
A Subsurface flow CW planted with Juncus acutus was used throughout the
study. The CW treated secondary domestic wastewater received from the WWTP of
Chania, Greece. Bacterial indicators of fecal pollution, namely Escherichia coli and
Enterococci, F-RNA coliphages (MS2 bacteriophages) and enteric viruses (HAdV and EV)
were monitored to measure the treatment efficiency of the CW system. Antibiotic
resistance was studied using broth microdilution method and estimating the Minimum
Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of selected antibiotics (Amoxicillin and Tetracycline). MIC
is defined as the lowest concentration of an antimicrobial that will inhibit the visible
growth of a microorganism after overnight incubation. Real-Time PCR method was
applied for detection of specific ARGs in the bacterial populations prior to and post
Results and conclusions
Results showed that CW can be an efficient tertiary system for the removal of
bacterial indicators from wastewater. A 2 log reduction rate regarding E. coli and
Enterococci from inlet to outlet of the system was achieved, while the same trend was
observed for MS2 bacteriophages (Figure 1). On the contrary, both enteric viruses
tested in this study (HAdV and EV) were detected at all sampling points across the
system and they remained abundant in the effluent.

Figure 2: Bacterial indicators and Bacteriophages removal from the CW

Regarding ARB, although their elimination was satisfactory, the resistance
levels and profiles of residual bacteria after treatment were diverse. The MIC
measurement showed variant bacterial responses in relation to the type of bacterial
indicator and the antimicrobial compound. The antibiotic resistance profile was affected
to a certain extent, while the notable presence of target ARGs in surviving cells raises
concerns about the potential of wastewater treatment to lower their abundance in
In conclusion, bacterial removal was achieved in satisfactory levels under the
current operational conditions. However, concerns still remain about viruses’ elimination
and the dispersion of antibiotic resistance into the aquatic environment.

Nicoleta Lungar1,2, Florica Manea3,*, AnaMaria Baciu3,
Aniela Pop3, Ramona Magurean3
SC Aquatim SA Timisoara, Str. Gheorghe Lazăr nr. 11/A, 300081Timişoara, Romania
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, 73, Prof. Dr. D. Mangeron Street, Iasi,
Politehnica University of Timisoara, Department of Applied Chemistry and Engineering of
Inorganic Compounds and Environment, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental
Engineering, V. Parvan 6, 300223 Timisoara, Romania,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Continous increasing the amounts of pharmaceuticals in water requires their
removal and monitoring in wastewater/water. Pharmaceuticals represent emerging
pollutants in water, and antibiotics are one of the largest class of pharmaceuticals widely
used in human and veterinary therapy. Electrochemical oxidation as advanced oxidation
processes has been reported for the degradation of pharmaceuticals from water. Also,
several types of carbon based electrodes allowed their detection in aqueous solution
using different electrochemical technique. This study aims to investigate the dual role
of boron-doped diamond electrode and electrochemical process to determine
quantitatively and to degrade tetracycline (TC) as model for antibiotics from water.
Two different geometries for boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrode were
used. BDD disc electrode was used as working/detector electrode within a system of
three-cell electrode besides the platinum counter electrode and saturated calomel
electrode using an Autolab Pontentiostat/Galvanostat PGStat 302 (EcoChimie, The
Netherlands) and cyclic voltammetry technique. BDD plates were used as anode in an
undivided cell and stainless steel plates as cathodes in vertical arrangement for batch
oxidation experiments. The electrochemical process performance was determined in
according to the specific energy consuming and residual TC concentration. The
concentration of TC was expressed in terms of absorbance recorded at 275 nm (A 275)
and absorbance recorded at 358 nm (A 358). The biodegradability test of TC was
determined based on chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD) parameters. Also, total organic carbon (TOC) parameter was used to assess the
mineralization degree of TC by electrooxidation using BDD electrode. Cyclic voltammetry
technique and BDD electrode were used also for the quantitative determination of TC
before and after electrooxidation.
Results and conclusions
Cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique was used to characterize the electrochemical
behavior of TC on BDD electrode in order to select the operational parameter for both

degradation/mineralization of TC and its electrochemical detection. The operation
conditions related to the current density, pH, TC concentration range were determined
to assess the degradation degree of TC correlated with the specific energy consuming.
For example, the effect of the current density on electrooxidation and mineralization
degrees is shown in Figure 1a and b. Based on the technical-economic point of view,
the current density of 50 A/m is considered optimum for this TC concentration range.
The evolution of UV-VIS spectra corresponding to TC concentrations during EO operated
at 50 A/m2 are presented in Figure 2a. Initial and final concentration of TC after EO
applying was determined by electrochemical detection using CV and BDD electrode
(Figure 2b), confirming this detection method for EO process control of TC and thus, the
dual role of BDD electrode in TC detection and degradation. The aspects regarding the
EO mechanism and kinetics are discussed. The biodegradability test determined for
initial and residual TC containing water informed about the place of EO integration
within advanced wastewater treatment technology.




i=25 A/m2
40 i=50 A/m2 i=25A/m2
i=75 A/m2 i=50A/m2
i=100 A/m2 20 i=75A/m2
20 i=100A/m2

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time/min Time/min

a) b)
Figure 1: The effect of the current density on EO degree for TC expressed by A275 (a) and
TOC (b)
7 4
3_EO_30min 6
1.0 5_EO_60min 5

7_EO_90min 4
I / A

0.5 3


0.0 0

200 300 400 500 600 700 800

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
E / V vs. SCE

c) d)
Figure 2: Evolution of TC concentration during EO process operated at 50 A/m2,
expressed by UV-VIS spectra (c) and cyclic voltammograms (d)
Funding for this study was provided by the Romanian National Research Programs PN-II-
TE-123/2015 and PED69/2017.


Jozsef Nemeth, Endre Domokos, Viktor Sebestyen,

Tatjana Juzsakova, Akos Redey*

Institute of Environmental Engineering, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, 10 Egyetem St.

Veszprém, 8200 Hungary
:[email protected] , [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

There are several new challenges in the field of waste water treatment,
which have been demanding ongoing innovation from the specialists. The UV
filters, the disinfection of the waste waters or the microwave treatment of the
waste waters are to be given among these as examples. The reuse of the water
is an outstanding target and goal all over the world. The existing waste water
treatment facilities should be prepared for the challenges of the 21 st century.
The decision making systems, the multi criteria decision making (MCDM) can be
expediently used for the selection of the appropriate waste water treatment
technology to be used. For the removal of the micro-pollutants several decision
making criteria must be taken into consideration to provide appropriate
technological alternative to comply with the requirements.
The objective of the research was to devise a new MCDM technique
which is demonstrated on a case study.
The MCDM techniques are expediently used to evaluate several
alternatives characterized by large number of criteria. The alternative should be
selected on the basis of several decision making options. These methods are
dynamic and can be used by several ways to reach a decision in light of the
engineering, environmental, strategic and management issues. These can be
summarized in a matrix form.
C1 C2 … Cn
A1 x11 x12 … x1n
A2 x21 x22 … x2n
… … … … …
Am xm1 xm2 … xmn
Where, Am is the different Alternative, C n is the different Criteria.

The decision making model consists of three major steps. The first one
is the collection of the technological processes which theoretically can be taken
into consideration and the setting up of the ranking system according to the
criteria defined. The second step is the weighting based on pair-wised
comparison. The third step is the evaluation process on the basis of the criteria
and the identification of the selected technology.
Results and conclusions
The model elaborated is suitable for supporting the decison making
process. The main advantage of the new model that several decison making
ways are taken into consideration. The ranking of the technologies is a common
decison making system element, however, it is not guaranted that the correct
decision could be made in this way. The model devised evaluates the
alternatives in multiple decision routes regarding the planning reqirements as
well. Some of the alternative technologis: UV, hidrogen-peroxide treatment,
fenton process, heterogeneous photocatalytic process, microfiltration,
ultrafiltration, reverse osmotic process, microwaves process.

A target figure is to be generated on the basis of ranking figures of the

technologies. A performance interval can be defined in which the selected
technologies fully meet or overperform the requirement systems, or which
technologies fail to comply with those, or the appropriate technologies which
slighly meet the expectations. The figure shows the ranking of the listed
technologies. On the basis of the decison making process the best technologies
can be identified from the points of view of economic, engineering and
environmental aspects as well.
This work was supported by GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00016 project: Excellence of
strategic R+D workshops: Development of modular, mobile water treatment systems and
waste water treatment technologies based on University of Pannonia to enhance growing
dynamic export of Hungary.


Enza Palma1,2, Matteo Daghio3, Andrea Franzetti3,

Marco Petrangeli Papini1, Federico Aulenta2,*
Department of Chemistry – Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome,
Water Research Institute (IRSA) – National Research Council (CNR), Via Salaria km 29,300,
00015 Monterotondo (RM), Italy
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences – University of Milano-Bicocca, Piazza
della Scienza 1, 20126 Milan, Italy
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Soil, sediment, and groundwater contamination by accidentally spilled
petroleum hydrocarbons (PHs) is a widespread problem worldwide, which poses serious
environmental and health concerns. Different physico-chemical and biological
techniques can be applied to remediate sites contaminated by this class of compounds,
with the latter typically receiving greater consideration being more environmentally and
economically sustainable. Bioremediation exploits the vast metabolic diversity of
microorganisms that use contaminants as carbon and energy sources in their
metabolism. The majority of PHs are biodegradable under aerobic conditions, with PHs
activation (i.e., a critical step to initiate microbial degradation) commonly triggered by
oxygen-dependent mono- or di-oxygenases. Accordingly, common bioremediation
strategies involve oxygen delivery into the contaminated matrix to enhance the
metabolism of naturally occurring aerobic hydrocarbon-degrading microbial populations.
Although widely applied, this strategy suffers of a number of limitations such as: (i.) the
high energy requirements; (ii.) the low efficiency of oxygen utilization due to the poor
solubility in water and the scavenging by reduced mineral substances such as Fe(II) and
HS ; (iii.) the unwanted stripping of volatile contaminants; and (iv.) the high growth
yield of aerobic biomass which may cause clogging and obstruction problems near
air/oxygen injection points.
In recent years, microbial electrochemical technologies (MET) have attracted
considerable attention for remediation applications. MET are anaerobic systems in which
microorganisms catalyse oxidation or reduction reactions using solid-state electrodes,
suitably deployed in the contaminated matrix, as virtually inexhaustible electron
acceptors or donors, respectively. Previous lab-scale studies have shown that MET can
be employed to stimulate the anaerobic oxidation of a variety of reduced contaminants
in soil and groundwater, including lower chlorinated compounds and PHs. In principle
MET have several potential advantages compared to conventional aerobic

bioremediation strategies, such as: (i.) the possibility to promote the oxidation of
contaminants with no need for adding oxygen or other electron acceptors [such as
nitrate or soluble Fe(III) species]; (ii.) the possibility to co-localize the microorganisms
and the electron acceptor (i.e., the electrode), as well as (iii.) the possibility to drive,
control, and monitor the biodegradation reaction (in the subsurface) with simple
electrochemical means. In spite of their promise, however, field scale applications of
MET for subsurface remediation are still limited by the poor understanding of the
biochemistry, microbial ecology, and extracellular electron transfer mechanisms of
involved microbial communities. Furthermore, scalable bioelectrochemical reactor
configurations that are amenable for in situ applications are still lacking.
In this framework, the aim of the present study was to describe a novel
bioelectrochemical reactor configuration which can be installed directly within a
groundwater well and that can be applied for in situ treatment of organic contaminants,
such as PHs.
A laboratory-scale prototype of this bio-electrochemical reactor has been set up
and operated in a continuous-flow regime, with phenol (25 mg/L) as a model
groundwater contaminant. The reactor consisted of a glass column (total volume 500
mL) filled with graphite granules, serving as the bio-anode, and housing a concentric
stainless-steel mesh, serving as the cathode. The graphite anode was kept physically
separated by the stainless-steel cathode by means of a plastic mesh. An Ag/AgCl
reference electrode was place on top of the column to control, by means of a
potentiostat, the potential of the bioanode at the desired value. The liquid phase of the
reactor was continuously recirculated at a flow rate of 75 mL/min. The performance of
the bioelectrochemical reactor was analysed in terms of degradation rate and yield.
Electrochemical techniques were used to characterize the catalytic behaviour of the
reactor, while Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) was applied to shed light on the
composition and dynamics of involved electro-active microbial communities.
Results and conclusions
The bio-electrochemical reactor was operated continuously for a period of 56
days, corresponding to 146 hydraulic retention times. The best performance was
obtained when the reactor was inoculated with refinery sludge and the anode
potentiostatically controlled at +0.2 V vs. SHE. Under this condition, the influent phenol
(25 mg/L) was nearly completely (99.5±0.4 %) removed, with an average volumetric
degradation rate of 77±4 mg/L d. Phenol removal was linearly correlated with electric
current generation (5.3±0.2 mA), which accounted for 104±4 % of electrons deriving
from the complete oxidation of the contaminant to carbon dioxide. NGS analysis
revealed a remarkable enrichment of Geobacter species on the surface of the graphite
granules, clearly pointing to direct involvement of this known electro-active bacterium in
the current-generating and phenol-oxidizing process.
This study was financially supported by Fondazione Cariplo in the framework of the
project BEvERAGE - BioElEctrochemical RemediAtion of Groundwater plumes (2015-0195).

Jessica Lizeth Reyes-Ledezma,
Allan Eduardo Ramírez-Rodríguez, Liliana Morales-Barrera,
Eliseo Cristiani-Urbina*
Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Departamento de
Ingeniería Bioquímica. Avenida Wilfrido Massieu s/n, Unidad Profesional Adolfo López Mateos,
Mexico City, 07738, Mexico.
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Cobalt is a heavy metal that in trace amounts is required for metabolism. It is
an essential constituent of vitamin B12, possessing a regulating role in blood pressure,
and is necessary for appropriate function of thyroid. Nevertheless, exposure to high
cobalt concentrations causes diverse adverse health problems such as asthma,
dermatitis, allergy, nausea, neurotoxicological disorders, damage to the heart, thyroid
and liver, as well as genotoxicity and cancer in human beings.
Industrial discharges from mining, metallurgical, electroplating, petrochemical,
electronic and nuclear power plants usually contain high amounts of cobalt ions, which
are toxic to living beings. It is therefore crucial to remove cobalt ions from contaminated
water and wastewater. The conventional physical-chemical methods for removing heavy
metals from industrial wastewaters pose several technical and economic constraints.
Biosorption has great potential to replace conventional methods for the removal of
heavy metals owing to its low operating cost, feasibility of recovering the heavy metals,
ability of reusing biosorbents, and no generation of toxic chemical sludge. In order to
improve the biosorption capacity of biosorbents, physical and chemical pretreatments
methods can be applied.
The aims of the present investigation were to enhance the divalent cobalt
[Co(II)] biosorption capacity of Lemna sp. by various physico-chemical treatments and
to elucidate the functional groups involved in the removal of Co(II). The possible
mechanisms involved in the biosorption of Co(II) ions were investigated on the basis of
proximate chemical composition, FTIR, SEM and EDX analysis.
Lemna sp. was collected from the Xochimilco channels in Mexico City, and
thoroughly washed with distilled water. It was then oven dried at 60 ºC, milled and
sieved. Particles ranging in size between 0.3 and 0.5 mm were used in the biosorption
experiments conducted in this work.
To investigate the influence of Lemna sp. pretreatment on Co(II) biosorption,
the native aquatic plants (5 g L-1) were pretreated as follows: soaking in water (18 and
60ºC) for 30 min, soaking in acids at 0.1 M, 18°C for 4 h, soaking in alkalis and neutral
salts at 0.1 M, 18°C for 30 min, as well as in organic solvent (1% v/v) solutions for 30
min at 18ºC. Once treated, the Lemna sp. biomass was washed and dried. Co(II)

biosorption experiments using unpretreated and pretreated Lemna sp. were conducted
with a 100 mg L-1 Co(II) solution, pH 7.0, and 18 ºC. After choosing the best chemical
agent for enhancing Lemna sp. Co(II) biosorption, experiments were performed to
determine its optimal concentration.
The unpretreated and pretreated Lemna sp. were characterized in terms of
proximate chemical composition, zeta potential, FTIR and SEM-EDX. Co(II)
concentration was determined spectrophotometrically by dimethylglioxime method at
400 nm.
Results and conclusions
The experimental data of equilibrium biosorption capacity revealed that, in
general, acid pretreatments of Lemna sp. affected the biosorption of Co(II) ions
adversely, in comparison with unpretreated biosorbent (Fig. 1). The highest equilibrium
Co(II) biosorption capacity (30.67 mg g-1) was obtained when Lemna sp. was
pretreated with 0.1 M K2HPO4.
With increasing K2HPO4 pretreating concentration from 0.01 to 0.3 M, Co(II)
biosorption capacity at equilibrium increased significantly (Fig. 2). No further increase in
equilibrium Co(II) biosorption capacity was observed when the concentration of K2HPO4
was 0.4 M. Hence, 0.3 M is the optimal concentration of K 2HPO4 for Lemna sp.
pretreatment. The pseudo-second-order model fitted biosorption kinetics of Co(II) ions
on K2HPO4-pretreated Lemna sp. better than other assayed kinetic models.
35 45
Equilibrium biosorption capacity (mg g-1)

40 0 M (unpretreated)
Biosorption capacity (mg g-1)

0.01 M
25 0.05 M
30 0.1 M
20 0.2 M
0.3 M
15 20 0.4 M

10 15



Water 18 ºC
Water 60ºC




0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.0
Time (h)

Figure 1: Effect of different physico-chemical Figure 2: Effect of K2HPO4 pretreating

pretreatments on Co(II) biosorption in concentrations on Co(II) biosorption by
comparison with the native Lemna sp Lemna sp.
The proximate chemical composition analysis clearly revealed important
differences in ash and raw fiber content of the unpretreated and K2HPO4-pretreated
Lemna sp. Zeta potential analysis showed that the K2HPO4 pretreatment increased the
negative surface charge (from -26 to -35 mV) of Lemna sp., thus improving the removal
of Co(II). The main changes in the FTIR absorption spectra of unpretreated and
K2HPO4-pretreated biosorbents occurred in the –OH, and –CH bands, which may
suggest that carbohydrates are involved in the biosorption of Co(II) ions. From the SEM
micrographs of the unpretreated and K2HPO4-pretreated Lemna sp., there is no
evidence of alteration in the surface morphology of the biosorbent due to the
pretreatment, but EDX analysis revealed a decrease of Na+ and Cl- ions after
pretreatment, which agrees with the decrease in the ash content shown by the
proximate chemical composition analysis. Results indicate that K2HPO4-pretreated
Lemna sp. is a promising biosorbent with high biosorption capacity to remove Co(II)
ions from aqueous solutions.


Anna Wyrwicka1,*, Magdalena Urbaniak2,3

Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology and Environmental
Protection, University of Lodz, Banacha 12/16, 90-237 Lodz, Poland
European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Lodz,
Department of Applied Ecology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University
of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
: [email protected]; [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The increasing the amount of sewage sludge produced in recent times is
accompanied by the problem of their responsible utilization and disposal. Likewise,
sediments deposited at the bottom of urban reservoirs and sedimentation ponds
undergo periodical dredging and need to be utilized. However, while these deposits
often contain nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus that are useful for
agriculture, they also contain a variety of toxic compounds including heavy metals,
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs),
pathogens and other microbial pollutants, which pose a hazard to human health. One
way to cope with increasing amounts of sewage sludge and urban lake sediments
may be the use of phytoremediation techniques. Plants can be used to metabolize or
concentrate these pollutants for easier disposal. Some species of Cucurbitaceae are
known to accumulate higher levels of POPs, such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins
(PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) and PCB, in their tissues than other
plant species. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of sewage
sludge and urban reservoir sediment application on soil toxicity, measured as PCB
concentration, lipid oxidative damages and changes in selected elements of the
antioxidative system of Cucumis sativus L. (cucumber) grown on these soils.
Sewage sludge from the resources of the Lodz Municipal Wastewater
Treatment Plant and sediments from the Sokołówka Sequential Biofiltration System
were collected. The sewage sludge and sediment samples were used as fertilizer for
the cucumbers planted in the soil samples. Four treatments were used: a control C, in
which no sludge or sediment was added, and three levels of sludge addition, 1.8 g,
5.4 g and 10.8 g per flower pot. The first corresponds to a dose of 3 tonnes ha , the
allowed dosage per year by the Regulation of the Minister of Environment of 6

February 2015 on municipal sewage sludge (Dz.U. Nr 2015 r., poz. 257); the second
represents the permitted dose of 9 tonnes ha applied on one occasion every three
years; and the third, 18 tonnes ha , is above the permitted level. PCB concentrations
were determined in the control and amended soils before cucumber planting and after
five weeks of cucumber growth.
The leaves of five-week old cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.) cv ‘‘Cezar’’
were ground and crude homogenate obtained after filtration was assayed for
chlorophyll content. The filtrates of homogenized cucumber leaves were then
centrifuged, and the supernatant collected. The activities of ascorbate peroxidase
(APx) and catalase (CAT) were measured as indicators of plant antioxidative
response, as were protein concentration and degree of lipid peroxidation in terms of
thiobarbituric-acid-reactive substances (TBARS).
Results and conclusions
The addition of both sewage sludge and sediments led to an increase in the
PCB concentration in the soil samples. The smallest PCB concentration was noted in
the control soil and the highest in soil amended with the highest sewage sludge and
the greatest sediment dose. The analysis conducted after five weeks of cucumber
growth showed reductions of PCB concentration in control soil, as well as in soil
amended with sewage sludge and sediments; in addition, this effect was more visible
in the case of the use of sewage sludge.
Soil supplementation with sewage sludge as well as with sediments caused a
gradual increase in chlorophyll content in cucumber leaves in a dose-dependent
manner. However, this trend was more evident in the leaves of plants growing in
sewage sludge amended soil. The low and medium doses of sewage sludge were
associated with an increase in the degree of lipid oxidative damage, measured as a
thiobarbituric-acid-reactive substances (TBARS). In contrast, sediment application did
not cause significant changes in TBARS content. After sewage sludge and sediment
application, APx activity in cucumber leaves showed a downward trend. The presence
of sewage sludge in soil caused a significant decrease in leaf APx activity in a dose-
dependent manner. Unlike APx, CAT activity tended to increase, but only in leaves of
cucumber plants grown in sewage sludge amended soil.
The cultivation of cucumber plants on soil amended with sewage sludge or
sediment reduces PCB concentration; however this effect is more evident in the case
of sewage sludge. Sewage sludge application caused also more intensive changes in
oxidative stress markers in plant tissues than sediment application. It cannot be
excluded that the content of toxic compounds included in sewage sludge triggered
more severe oxidative stress in cucumber plants.
The project was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education program
under the name "Iuventus Plus" for the years 2015-2017 granted on the basis of decision
number 0492/ IP1/2015/73 (

Anna Laura Eusebi1,*, Matteo Spinelli1, Mattia Pierpaoli1, Nicola
Frison2, Diego Cingolani1, Francesco Fatone1
Department SIMAU, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, 12, Ancona
60100, Italy
. 2) Department of Biotechnology, University of Verona, Strada Le Grazie 15, Verona, Italy
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

In the European countries the produced municipal wastes for capita was in
2010 equal to 500 kg/person/y, almost similar to the registered data in 2001 (520
kg/person/y). Moreover, for many types of wastes the main final destination remains
the sanitary landfill method due to its economic advantages and simplified technological
plant configuration. Therefore, the treatment of the leachate, produced from the
degradation of the organic fraction and from the wet periods, has to be considered an
important topic in the environmental scenario. The composition of the landfill leachates
presents variations depending on the constituents of the landfill solid wastes, the type of
the microbial flora, characteristics of the soil, and the pattern of the rainfall and the age
of the landfill. Integration of physical, chemical and biological methods is realized for the
efficient treatment of landfill leachate. Biological treatment methods are widely used for
the removal of biodegradable compounds including ammonia nitrogen which is usually
present in high concentrations in mid to old age landfills. However, the elevated
nitrogen streams of leachate in the biological activated sludge processes enhance the
production of gaseous nitrogen oxides. In this scenario, this paper deals with the results
of monitoring and experimental tests for N2O, NO and NO2 quantification in full scale
plant for leachate treatment.
The full scale platform for the treatment of industrial liquid wastes has
maximum capacity of 350 m3/d, composed by landfill leachate (87%) and liquid wastes
from urban origin (10%). The wastes, after the discharge, are screened, de-gritted and
submitted to chemical coagulation and flocculation. The effluent is equalized, fed to
activated sludge process (500 m 3) and after the secondary clarifier coupled with
ultrafiltration membranes. The reactor worked in two different configurations: A-total
oxidation process and; B-intermittent aeration process. The final effluent is discharged
in sewage system and sent to main urban wastewater treatment plant (80,000 PE). The
chemical and physical characterization of the main flows is measured twice a week
according to Standard Methods. Continuous measurement (MIR9000CLD
Environnement Ltd) of main gaseous forms (N2O CO2, CH4, NO and NO2) were realized
both in the biological reactor and in the membrane unit. The gaseous NH3 was
measured with online air probe (PCE Xgard-1-NH3). The respirometric rates of AUR and

NUR were carried out and the main operative parameters (DO, T, SRT, pH, MLSS,
MLVSS) were considered to determine the link between the liquid and the gaseous
forms. The dissolved N2O in the liquid phase was measured to study the mechanism of
dinitrogen oxides formation.
Results and conclusions
The influent flow rate to the biological reactor was of 220±2 m3/d with 8.2±0.1
of pH favourable to stripping mechanisms in aerobic conditions. High total nitrogen
concentrations were detected of 648±226 mgTN/L mainly constituted by ammonia
(508±136 mgNH4-N/L). Moreover, variable concentrations of COD were founded
(2100±407 mg/L) by determining COD/TN of 3.2. High salinity (1320±180 mgCl/l) and
elevated SRT characterized the biological reactor by reducing the nitritation activity. The
biological transformations were via nitrite (kn rates of 0.143±0.03 kgNOx-N/kgMLVSS/d
with percentages of nitrites of 65%-100%) without use of external reagents for the
elevated concentration of Free Ammonia in the influent leachates (about 3 mgFA/l). The
configuration A with total oxidation process caused elevated level of NO2-N in the liquid
phase (408±68 mg/l) although the consumption of alkalinity decremented the pH in the
reactor up to 7.6 and reduced the percentages of produced nitrites.
Differently, during the configuration B with intermittent aeration process (2
hours of aeration and 4 hours of anoxic phase per cycle) the nitrites concentrations in
the liquid phase were reduced up to 222±37 mg/l. The incomplete denitritation was
related to the limiting COD/TN ratio for anoxic transformation of NOx-N in nitrogen gas.
The effects for the main gaseous pollutants concentrations were reported in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Gaseous pollutants concentrations and loads

The emission factors were for configuration A of 7.5 kgN2O-N/kgTN and 5.1
gNOx-N/kgTN and for configuration B of 6.9 kgN2O-N/kgTN and 1.4 gNOx-N/kgTN. Net
decrement of the NOx-N was evaluated but only partial reduction of N2O was founded.
The global nitrogen mass balance and emission factors specific for MLVSS were
calculated. The analysis of the N2O in the liquid recognized the main role of the anoxic
phase in the gases production. The impact of the emissions in the membrane unit was
almost null. The CO2 and CH4 concentrations and mass loads were evaluated during the
two periods with strict increment of the methane production related to the dissolved
oxygen level.


Emilio Rosales1,*, Delia Anasie1,2, Marta Pazos1,

Iuliana Lazar2, M. Ángeles Sanromán1
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Vigo, Campus As Lagoas-Marcosende
36310, Vigo, Spain
Faculty of Engineering, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Calea Marasesti 157
600115, Bacau, Romania
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Dyes are used in several industrial processes including paper, textile or
pharmaceutical processes. The release of uncomplete spent dyes becomes a problem
to wastewater sources. It is well-known that some of these compounds have
carcinogenic and mutagenic and their release to the environment has a potential
effect in aquatic and human life. Removal of these compounds from effluents is often
expensive but a legal requirement for these industries.
Several physical-chemical techniques have been proposed and used in the
treatment of the wastewater. Among them, adsorption has been considered as an
alternative due to the simplicity of design and the equipment easy going. This
treatment reduces the concentration of pollutant in the water generating a solid waste
that need a further treatment or disposal process. At the present time there are few
researches focus on organic pollutant elimination and consequent adsorbents
regeneration. Most of the spent adsorbents are regenerated at a high temperature
with the expensive cost associated to this treatment. Therefore, new regeneration
processes are required.
The aim of the work is the evaluation of different alternatives in the
regeneration of spent adsorbent and the development of a novel and effective
adsorption-regeneration system which facilitate the treatment of coloured
wastewater. Initially, kaolinite, common clay, was selected as adsorbent and the
adsorption process was studied for the selected organic pollutant, Rhodamine B.
Then, two different alternatives for the pollutant degradation and recovery of the
spent adsorbent were tested. The operational parameters associated to best process
were optimised. Finally, the feasibility of the selected process in several adsorption-
degradation cycles was evaluated.
Adsorption assays were carried out in Erlenmeyer flasks (250 mL) with a
working volume of 100 mL. A widely used dye Rhodamine B (RhB) was selected as
pollutant. Dye solutions were mixed with different amounts of kaolinite (1-5 g) at

natural pH 6.61. The flasks were shaken in an incubator (Thermo Scientific MaxQ800)
at 120 rpm and 25ºC.
Regeneration experiments were performed using Fenton and electro-Fenton
techniques. Fenton assays were done in glass tubes containing 1 g of polluted
kaolinite and different ratios H 2O2:Fe (10:1 and 100:1). Electro-Fenton regeneration
slurry assays were performed in a cylindrical reactor of 250 mL with an operation
volume of 150 mL and 7.5 g of spent adsorbent. Carbon felt and boron doped
diamond electrodes were selected as anode and cathode, respectively and current
intensity of 300 mA was applied using a power supply. Na 2SO4 0.01 M was used as
electrolyte and pH was fixed to 3.
Adsorption-regeneration process was performed using cycles of adsorption
(60 min) and regeneration by Fenton treatment (30 min) consecutively. For these
assays, kaolinite (1 g) was put in contact with the dye solution (2 ml) for the
adsorption, after total adsorption supernatant was eliminated by centrifugation and
later on 2 mL of Fenton solution was added for the regeneration. This procedure was
repeated during 6 cycles.
Results and conclusions
Firstly, the adsorption of the dye in the selected clay was investigated. The
adsorption process was effective at the natural pH of the solution which means a
significant advantage for the treatment and reduces the economic cost of the
procedure. Then, different parameters such as contact time, adsorbent dosage or dye
concentration were studied and optimised. Operating at these optimal conditions, the
performance of kaolinite as adsorbent was studied by adsorption isotherms. A
maximum uptake capacity of 51.5 mg RhB/g adsorbent was obtained. The adsorption
data were analysed using the most usual isotherm models resulting on the best fitting
when Langmuir model was considered.
Secondly, the dye degradation on the adsorbent surface and consequent
adsorbent regeneration were carried out. Fenton and electro-Fenton were proposed
for this task and the obtained results showed similar results for both treatments.
However, the easy operational way of Fenton conducted to the selection of this
technique for further investigation. The optimisation of different operational
parameters such as reaction time and H 2O2:Fe+2 ratio was carried out resulting in the
use of 100:1 H2O2:Fe+2 ratio and the reaction time of 30 minutes.
Finally, the performance of the developed system was evaluated operating in
six adsorption-regeneration cycles. High levels of adsorption and dye removal were
reached in each cycle proving the feasibility of the combined process. Based on the
obtained results the viability of the proposed techniques, as efficient alternatives in
the simultaneous regeneration-pollutant degradation, was verified and a complete
adsorption-regeneration system was proposed achieving high efficiency.
This research has been funded by the Xunta de Galicia and ERDF Funds (GRC
2013/003).The authors are grateful to MINECO for the financial support of Emilio Rosales under
Juan de la Cierva program and to the European Union for the financial support of Delia Anasie
under the Erasmus+ program.


Jessica Lizeth Reyes-Ledezma, Daniel Uribe-Ramírez,

Liliana Morales-Barrera, Eliseo Cristiani-Urbina*
Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Departamento de
Ingeniería Bioquímica. Avenida Wilfrido Massieu s/n. Unidad Profesional Adolfo López
Mateos. Mexico City, 07738, Mexico.
[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Metal complex azo acid dyes are widely used in the textile industry because
of their light and wet fastness properties. However, their mutagenic and carcinogenic
effects are of serious health concern. Chromium complex dyes are the most important
class of metal complex dyes.
Acid orange 74 (AO74) is a chromium complex monoazo acid dye. It is an
industrial dye used for dyeing wool, silk, nylon, and leather. It contains a chromium
ion bound to the azo group that confers stability to the dye structure. AO74 is
considered as a non-biodegradable dye and must be removed from AO74-polluted
water to protect public health and the environment.
Conventional treatment technologies for removing dyes from aqueous
solutions have several technical and economical drawbacks. Biosorption has gained
recognition as a way of treating dye-contaminated aqueous effluents, as it is effective,
cheap and eco-friendly.
In the present work, we studied the biosorption and desorption of AO74
using HCl-pretreated Lemna sp. as a biosorbent. FTIR and SEM-EDX techniques were
used to confirm the biosorption of AO74 dye on the biosorbent. Likewise, several
biosorption and desorption cycles were implemented, indicating the possibility of
recycling the biosorbent.
Lemna sp. was collected from canals of Xochimilco in Mexico City and washed
thoroughly with distilled water. It was then oven-dried, milled and sieved. The fraction
with particle sizes of 0.3-0.5 mm was used. Subsequently, particles were soaked in
0.05 M HCl at room temperature for 4 h. Afterwards, we studied the effect of solution
pH, initial AO74 concentration, temperature, and contact time on AO74 biosorption by
HCl-pretreated Lemna sp. (HPL). Similarly, several eluent solutions were assayed for
their ability to desorb AO74 from AO74-loaded HPL. We assessed the feasibility of
regenerating HPL by applying three successive biosorption-desorption cycles.

AO74 dye concentration was quantified spectrophotometrically at 478 nm.
FTIR analysis was used to detect possible changes in HPL functional groups after each
biosorption and desorption step, throughout the cycles. SEM-EDX analysis was
performed to detect possible changes on HPL surface and to confirm the presence
and absence of the dye on AO74-loaded and AO74-desorbed HPL, respectively.
Results and conclusions
Apparently, the optimum solution pH for AO74 biosorption by HPL was 2.0.
The high levels of AO74 biosorption observed at lower pH values can be attributed to
the protonation of the active sites, resulting in electrostatic attraction between the
positive charges of the ligands present on the HPL surface and the anionic AO74 dye.
Likewise, the greater initial concentration of AO74, the greater biosorption of dye on
the HPL surface. A maximum AO74 biosorption capacity of 64.24 ± 0.204 mg g -1 was
obtained after 4 h. Increasing solution temperature caused an increase in AO74
biosorption capacity but decreased biosorption rate.
Modeling of AO74 biosorption kinetics showed that experimental data
concurred well with the pseudo-second-order kinetics model at all the assayed
solution pH levels, initial AO74 concentrations and temperatures.
Experimental equilibrium data for AO74 biosorption were evaluated for
compliance with a variety of two-parameter, three-parameter and four-parameter
isotherm models. The Toth isotherm model best described the AO74 biosorption
equilibrium data. According to this isotherm model, the maximum AO74 biosorption
capacity of HPL is 64.23 mg g-1, which is very close to the experimental value (64.24
mg g-1).
Of the ten different assayed desorption solutions (alkaline, acid and neutral),
0.01 M NaOH was the best eluent for AO74 desorption from AO74-loaded HPL,
achieving a 100% AO74 desorption efficiency; hence, subsequent desorption
experiments were conducted using 0.01 M NaOH solution.
The AO74 biosorption and desorption capacity in the first cycle was 64.24 mg
g-1. In two subsequent cycles, both the AO74 biosorption and desorption capacity
decreased 25% (48.18 mg g-1).
FTIR analysis showed that although carbohydrates have an important
function in dye biosorption, proteins play a crucial role in the biosorption of AO74 by
SEM micrographs revealed little variation in the biosorbent surface for the
three assayed cycles of AO74 biosorption and desorption. The EDX analysis confirmed
the presence and absence of the chromium ion of the AO74 dye in the AO74-loaded
and AO74-desorbed HPL, respectively, during the three cycles.
The above results clearly show that HPL exhibit a high capacity to biosorb
AO74 dye from aqueous solutions and that can be used effectively for at least three
succesive AO74 biosorption-desorption cycles. Therefore, HPL may have considerable
application potential for the removal of AO74 dye from contaminated wastewaters.


Magdalena Urbaniak1,2,*
European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lodz, Poland;
University of Lodz, Department of Applied Ecology, Lodz, Poland;
: [email protected];

Introduction and study objectives

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) establishing a framework for European
Union community action in the field of water policy and to achieve and maintenance
good ecological status for aquatic ecosystems. One of the conditions of achieving
good water status is the elimination or reduction of emissions of the most dangerous
substances. The WFD and the Environmental Quality Standards Directive (EQS)
regarding priority substances in the field of water policy contain a list of 45
substances that constitute a serious threat to the aquatic environment. This list
includes a group of priority hazardous substances, including polychlorinated dibenzo-
p-dioxin (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and dioxin-like
polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs), which should be completely eliminated from the
environment because of their highly toxic nature, persistence and susceptibility to
The river ecosystem is particularly prone to these compounds. Its location at
the lowest points in the landscape allows pollutants from various sources to
accumulate through such processes as atmospheric deposition, runoff from urban and
agricultural areas or inflow through point sources. The main factor determining
accumulation of PCDDs/Fs and dl-PCBs high in aquatic systems is their extremely low
water solubility that allows these substances to be associated with the particles
present in water, and hence to be transported along the river, where they undergo
gradual deposition and accumulation in sediments. These serve as long-term sources
of PCDDs/Fs and dl-PCBs. Therefore, it is crucial to reduce the amount of these
compounds in the environment as such reduction will contribute to securing the
quality of the environment, and the health of the population, and will contribute
toward achieving the goals of the European Union strategy.
In response to the above, the present study aims not only 1) to assess the
concentration and toxicity of PCDDs/Fs and dl-PCBs in the river environment, but
more importantly, 2) to define the roles played by the factors and processes
determining their concentrations, 3) and to propose opportunities for their safe
removal from the environment using ecohydrology approach.
The 10 years long study has been performed in the area of the Pilica River
catchment. Plica River is the longest left-hand tributary of the Vistula River, with a

total length of 342 km and a total catchment area of 9 258 km 2, is one of the most
significant rivers in Poland.
With regard to assess the concentration and toxicity of PCDDs/Fs and dl-PCBs
in the Pilica River the water and bottom sediment were collected at different
hydrological conditions, eg. flood, serene and low river flow. This enables us to define
the roles played by the hydrological processes on the noted PCDDs/Fs and dl-PCBs
values. To define the role of anthropogenic sources of pollution, including point
sources, the treated wastewater from the outlets of 17 wastewater treatment plants
(WTPs) divided into three size categories (small, medium and large) that discharge
their wastewater into the Pilica River and its tributaries, have been collected.
The last aim of the study was achieved through analysis of the possibilities to
use bio- and phytotechnologies for removal of PCDDs/Fs and PCBs from the
environment. The research within this area is based on the concept of ecohydrology.
One of the key elements of ecohydrology is the improvement of the environment by
the use of ecosystem biotechnologies derived using specialized knowledge about
naturally-occurring processes. Two of these approaches are microbial bioremediation
and phytoremediation, or rather, the use of microbes or plants to remove pollutants
or convert them into forms that are less toxic to the environment.
Results and conclusions
The obtained results indicate that hydrological conditions prevailing in the
Pilica River play a determining role on the quoted PCDD/F and dl-PCB concentrations.
The valus recorded during the flood season were around 23% higher than observed
during the period of stable flow. Also the loads of PCDDsFs transported during the
flood increased from 3- to 27-fold in the case of the total concentration and from 11-
to 55-fold in the case of Toxic Equivalency (TEQ). The primary cause of such
significant differences is the form of the hydrological conditions prevailing in the river
itself and its catchemnt.
The results of wastewater analysis indicate that small WTPs had higher
concentrations of the studied compounds than the larger ones. However, a completely
different situation was observed when the obtained values were calculated into loads
discharged to the Pilica River and its tributaries. In this case, the highest load was
generated by large WTPs, while small WTPs despite high concentration discharged
the smallest load of studied compounds into the recipients.
With regard to WTPs, in addition to discharging PCDDs/Fs and dl-PCBs into the
aquatic environment, they also produce sewage sludge as the end product of the
treatment process. There is also a need to utilize river and reservoir sediments
contaminated with PCDDs/Fs and dl-PCBs as an effect of their discharge via WTPs
outlets. The obtained results raveled that these pollutants may be removed by using
the contaminated sewage sludge and sediments as plants fertilizer. Application of
plants from the Cucurbiatceae family, for example, resulted in a decrease in PCB
concentrations by an average of 39% for soil fertilized with sludge and 27% for soil
fertilized with sediments. More positive results were observed when willow ( Salix sp.)
plants have been applied, with the average decrease of PCDDs/Fs and PCBs content
of 74%.


Jiménez-Silva Vanessa Abigail, Santoyo-Tepole Fortunata*,

Ruíz-Ordaz Nora, Juvencio Galíndez Mayer
Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Laboratorio de
Bioingeniería. Unidad Profesional Adolfo López Mateos, Avenida Wilfrido Massieu esquina
cerrada Miguel Stampa S/N, CP 07338, Delegación Gustavo A Madero, Ciudad de México
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

In recent years, more attention has been paid to unregulated pollutants
(emerging pollutants), which may be candidates for future regulation at the light of
their potential effects on the environment and human health. Most of them are
household organic substances, including pharmaceuticals, personal care products,
detergents, and disinfectants. Ibuprofen (IBP) is one of the most widely consumed
free drugs worldwide. It belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of non -steroidal
anti-inflammatory compounds, and therefore it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and
antipyretic properties.
Currently, it has been reported in several countries as a frequent contaminant in
wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), usually with concentrations alike or higher
than other pollutants. As for its toxicity in aquatic species, chronic effects of
enzymatic, hematic, biochemical, endocrine, oxidative and bio-accumulative stress
have been reported.
Since the elimination of drugs in the WWTPs by conventional methods
(activated sludge) is generally inefficient, the effect of wastewater sludge (WS) bio-
enrichment with selected microorganisms able to degrade the IBP was evaluated.
The objective was the WS improvement in the drug removal efficiency, reducing the
negative impact of IBP on the operation of conventional WWTPs, which constitute
just over 55% of the total of the functional plants in Mexico
The selection of IBP degrading microorganisms was carried out using
samples (CH, TX, CE) of wastewater sludge from the “Cerro de la Estrella” WWTP,
Mexico City, and from agricultural soils (HX, TL, JC, XC). Using a minimal mineral
medium (MMM) containing 10 mg/L of the drug in its commercial presentation
"Advil liquid gels," the bio-enrichment of microorganisms able to degrade IBP were
reached by successive transfers in batch culture. The COD and IPB removal
efficiencies were used as criteria to select the most efficient microbial culture. The
isolation and identification of microbial isolates were done by microbiological and

molecular techniques. Also, the IBP removal of isolates was evaluated in axenic
batch cultures.
The prototype reactor used had an operational volume of 4.5 L. The wastewater
sludge WWTP was placed and stabilized, it was fed from the top with synthetic
wastewater (SWW) at a flow rate of 0.085 L/h to keep a dilution rate value of 0.018
h-1. After reactor’s stabilization, it was fed with IBP concentration of 5 and 10 mg/L
for each batch of sludge. The toxic effect of the IBP was determined by means of
COD, TOC, sedimentary solids, turbidity and IBP concentration. To evaluate the
bioaugmentation effect on IPB biodegradation, the inoculum was previously
adjusted with 80% of SWW with a concentration of IBP of 10mg/L; then it was
supplied to a new batch of stabilized sludge. In all experiments, the IBP was
quantified by HPLC.
Results and conclusions
With the preselected CH, CE and TL cultures, the removal efficiency (%
R) of commercial IBP were 99.63, 81.54 and 12.65% respectively. Then, a POOL of
these microbial cultures was prepared, and its kinetic behavior in batch culture was
assessed. With near 100% efficiencies, the CH and POOL cultures were selected to
determine the removal rate (R V) of IBP without excipients. Standard IBP was used
to discard the possibility that the excipients were responsible for cometabolic
degradation of the IBP. The removal efficiencies obtained with the standard were
similar that those obtained with the commercial presentation.
As part of the pre bioenrichment evaluation, the ability to degrade to the
commercial IBP was determined in axenic cultures, where no microbial removal was
observed under the test conditions.
The toxic effect of the commercial IBP on biological sludge from the "Cerro de la
Estrella" WWTP was evaluated, the results showed that IBP collapsed the activity
and composition of the sludge, affecting the quality of the treated water directly.
COD and TOC increases were observed according to drug accumulation into the
reactor. Also, loss of suspended solids (SS) and turbidity increase were observed,
resulting in a total collapse of the system at a final concentration of 10 mg/L.
When an IPB concentration of 5 mg/L was used, a recovery of the system was
observed after 20 days of continuous operation. Finally, as a central part of the
study, the effect of the proposed bio-enrichment on the quality of the treated was
evaluated. When the selected community was inoculated into the reactor,
simultaneously to the drug feed, the accumulation of IBP in the sludge was
avoided; however, SS losses and fluctuation in turbidity values were observed. It is
important to emphasize that the toxic response was slower and less exacerbated
than when evaluating the feed of the drug without bio-enrichment. The results
indicated that bioaugmentation improved the quality and activity of the sludge. So,
this strategy was considered successful for the efficient removal of IBP, avoiding, in
great extent the collapse of the system.

Emilio Rosales1,*, Silvia Diaz1,2, Marta Pazos1,
M. Angeles Sanromán1
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Vigo, Campus As Lagoas-Marcosende
36310, Vigo, Spain
Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Av., Instituto Politecnico Nacional S/N, Gustavo A. Madero,
Lindavista, 07738 Ciudad de México, D.F., México
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Pharmaceutical and personal care products (drugs, perfume, sunscreens,
etc.) are widely used by several segments of the population. Those compounds end in
water sources when they get washed off or they are incompletely metabolised in the
case of the prescription drugs. Several studies are reporting the adverse effects of
these compounds in the aquatic life and becoming them in chemicals of emerging
concern. For this reason, their environmental fate and arrival to water sources need to
be tackled.
Classical sewage treatment plants are not able to completely remove these
products from wastewater and their removal degree is too dependent on the
technology implemented. Therefore, new technologies more efficient are required in
order to treat these pollutants. Sonochemical, electrochemical and electro-Fenton
technologies have arisen interest in the last years due to their ability to produce
radical species in water with powerful oxidant properties and high efficiency.
The aim of this work is the development of new technologies for the removal
of emerging pharmaceutical pollutants in wastewaters using diclofenac as model
pollutant. Initially, a screening of different treatment technologies was performed
(sonochemical, electrochemical and electro-Fenton) and their viability in the
degradation of the pollutant at low concentrations was evaluated. The more efficient
techniques were studied at high concentrations. After that, the degradation process
was followed by the enhancement of the electro-Fenton process with the
development of new heterogeneous catalysts. The working conditions including
intensity, catalyst dosage, system reutilization… were optimised in order to establish
the basis of a future continuous treatment system. Finally, a degradation pathway
was proposed and several degradation intermediates were identified.
The degradation assays were performed in a 250 mL cylindrical vessel with a
working volume of 150 mL. The selected diclofenac concentration was from 10 to 150
mg/L. The ultrasound experiments were done fixing a power of 500 W and working at
120 KHz. In anodic oxidation and electro-Fenton experiments a current intensity of
300 mA was applied with a power supply using carbon felt and boron-doped diamond

electrode as cathode and anode, respectively. Na 2SO4 (0.01M) was added as
electrolyte and the pH was adjusted to 6 with a phosphate-NaOH buffer. In the
electro-Fenton experiments, different amounts of the prepared iron modified
hydrogels beads were added as catalyst. Five different catalysts based in modified
chitosan beads were obtained using iron impregnation (CBI), coprecipitation (CBP)
and entrapment (CBE) processes. Another two catalysts based in modified alginate
beads by coprecipitation (ABP) and entrapment (ABE) were manufactured. Iron
sulphate was used for the impregnation and coprecipitation and iron (III) oxide was
used to entrapment process.
Results and conclusions
Initially the selected treatments (sonochemical, electrochemical and electro-
Fenton) were probed. A significant difference was detected in the degradation at low
diclofenac concentrations (10 mg/L). Sonolysis studies reached almost total
degradation after 90 min. However, electrochemical and electro-Fenton treatments
achieved a complete degradation of the pollutant before 10 minutes showing a better
performance in the treatment. Afterwards, these techniques were evaluated at high
pollutant concentration (150 mg/L). The performance of the electrochemical
treatment for the removal of diclofenac was evaluated reaching a degradation of
62.37% after 120 min. These values are substantially lower than those achieved
when the electro-Fenton was carried out, approximately 100% in 60 minutes.
Then, the enhancement of the electro-Fenton was performed. For this
purpose, five new catalysts were prepared by the iron immobilisation into chitosan
and alginate. These catalysts were characterized by FTIR and homogeneous iron
distribution in the surface of the catalyst was determined by scanning electron
microscopy with X-ray microanalysis. Working with these catalysts a similar
degradation profile was obtained in each case. All of them also demonstrated a high
efficiency in the removal of diclofenac between 85-95% after 120 min, however the
highest removal was obtained using CBE. The operational conditions with this catalyst
(CBE dosage and intensity) were optimized resulting in a catalyst dosage of 3g and an
intensity of 300 mA achieving 100 % of removal after 120 minutes and almost total
TOC reduction after 180 min. This fact was also confirmed by the identification of
degradation intermediates by HPLC. The catalyst presented good properties for its use
in continuous process, and therefore, successive batches were performed to confirm
the reusability without operational problems.
The heterogeneous electro-Fenton treatment has demonstrated to be
effective for the removal of the selected pollutant and consequent mineralization. The
use of the prepared modified hydrogels beads opens promising perspectives for fast
and economical treatment of polluted wastewater.
This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and
Competitiveness (MINECO) and ERDF Funds (Projects CTM2014-52471-R). The authors are
grateful to MINECO for the financial support of Emilio Rosales under Juan de la Cierva

Arianna Cherubin1, Nicola Frison1, Anna Laura Eusebi2,
Francesco Fatone2
Department of Biotechnology, University of Verona, Strada le Grazie 15, 37134
Verona (Italy)
Department SIMAU, Università Politecnica delle Marche, via Brecce Bianche, 60131,
Ancona (Italy)
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Activated sludge from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is a well-known
source of PHA-storing organisms that store these polymers as carbon and energy reserve.
Despite the process is well known, the integration of nutrient removal in wastewater
treatment systems with the PHA production cycle is currently a challenge because of the
aerobic and energy intensive selection process. In this work, the PHA storing biomass
selection was integrated with the biological nitrogen removal via nitrite process for the
treatment of anaerobic supernatant by the use of sieved cellulosic sludge from the
wastewater. It is based on the selection of PHA storing biomass in a Sequencing Batch
Reactor (SBR) by the alternation of aerobic feast conditions (ammonia conversion to
nitrite) followed by anoxic famine conditions (denitritation driven by internally stored PHA).
The selection degree of PHA storing biomass was evaluated in terms of VFAs uptake rate
and yield of PHA production at 5 and 10 days of sludge retention time (SRT). Moreover,
FISH analyses were carried out in order to link the operating conditions of the selection
SBR with the presence of Thaurea, which are involved in the nitrogen removal via-nitrite
The Short-Cut Enhanced PHA Recovery (SCEPHAR)process can be summarized
into five main steps: i) sieving of wastewater to recover cellulosic primary sludge; ii) VFAs
production from cellulosic primary sludge (acidogenic fermentation); iii) oxidation of
ammonia to nitrite in a nitritation reactor via the short-cut pathway; iv) selection of PHA-
storing; v) PHAs accumulation up to the maximum production capacity.
The Selection SBR had a working volume of 28 L and was inoculated with
activated sludge taken from the WWTP of Carbonera (Treviso, North of Italy). The SBR
operated according with the operating conditions reported in the following table.
Period 1 (0- Period 2.1 (40- Period 2.2 (107- Previous study
Parameter 39 days) 106 days) 145 days) Frison et al.,
Type of Carbon VFAs from VFAs from VFAs from cellulosic VFAs from real
source synthetic acetic synthetic acetic primary sludge cellulosic
and propionic and propionic acid primary sludge
Electron acceptor
Nitrite Nitrite Nitrite Nitrite
for famine phase

vNLR (kgN/m3) 0,61 0,48 ± 0,19 0,56 ± 0,02 0.50 ± 0.11

tOLR(gCOD/m3d) 1.32±0.12 1.32±0.12 1.18 ± 0,32 1.39 ± 0.11

F/M (gCOD- 1,16 ± 0,25 0,67 ± 0,19 0,63 ± 0,09 0,37 ±0,07
SRT (d) 5 7-10 7-10 12 ± 3

Results and conclusions

In period 1 (0-40), losses of floating biomass were frequently observed during the
discharge phases: indeed, the biomass raised due to the uncontrolled denitrification and
abundant N2 gas production during the settling phase. These conditions favoured the
denitrifying organisms, which affected the degree of PHA biomass selection. In period 2
(46-107), the higher SRT (7-10 days) led to an increase of biomass concentration in the
reactor up to around 2.5 gMLVSS/L (data not shown), which boosted the nitrite removal
(up to around 92%) and the PHA degradation efficiencies during the famine conditions.
From days 40, the YPHA/VFA increased gradually during Period 2, specifically from 0.22 to

The presence of Thauera was analysed through FISH analyses and then linked with the
operating performances of the selection SBR. Its presence increased when the system
showed the higher stability at SRT of 7-10 days (Period 2.1 and 2.2). Moreover, it seems
that the presence of Thauera is stable for SRT in the range between 7-15 days. On the
other hand, the increase of the YPHA/VFA from 0.42 to 0.64 gCOD/gCOD could be
attributed by the presence of other types of organisms such Paracoccus and Azoarcus.

The SRT between 7-10 days seems the optimal to achieve high yield of PHA storage (up to
0.65 gCODPHA/gCODVFA) as well as to perform high efficiencies of nitrogen removal via-
nitrite (up to around 92%) in the selection SBR. The microbial community profile showed
that the high presence of Thauera at SRT between 7-10 days was comparable with
previous findings conducted at SRT of 15 days.


Arianna Cherubin1, Nicola Frison1, Anna Laura Eusebi2,

Francesco Fatone2
Department of Biotechnology, University of Verona, Strada le Grazie 15, 37134
Verona (Italy)
Department SIMAU, Università Politecnica delle Marche, via Brecce Bianche, 60131,
Ancona (Italy)
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Anaerobic sewage sludge digestion results in the release of soluble organic
nitrogen-containing compounds, ammonium and orthophosphate from the sludge
mass into the bulk liquid, so that the reject water generated by the dewatering of the
digested sludge has elevated nutrients concentrations. Recycling it to the headwork of
the WWTPs, it increases nutrient loadings, causing an increase in air supply, energy
demand and chemicals requirements for biological nutrients removal (BRN). To
minimize these negative impacts and the high operating costs, the reject water from
anaerobic digester should be treated separately before it is recycled to the headwork
of the WWTPs. Thus, short-cut nitrogen removal (SCNR) through the ammonium
oxidation to nitrite and its subsequent reduction to gaseous nitrogen has gained
increasing attention. Thanks to its autotrophic characteristics and its economic
advantages, this process can be coupled with suitable bioprocesses for phosphorus
removal and for the production of high added value products, overcoming the
problems of operational and environmental sensitivity, and low yields, it is subjected
to. The process deals with the accumulation of phosphorus in Phosphorus
Accumulating Organisms (PAO) under aerobic and anoxic conditions and to achieve
an effective nitrogen and phosphorus removal via-nitrite. Readily biodegradable COD
should be provided; thus cellulosic primary sludge from sieved municipal wastewater
should represent a valuable substrate to produce Volatile Fatty Acids (VFAs) by
acidogenic fermentation.
Production of VFAs from cellulosic primary sludge
The fermentation of cellulosic primary sludge (CPS) was carried out at mesophilic
conditions in a Sequencing Batch Fermentation Reactor (SBFR) with a stable hydraulic
retention time (3 days). The resulted fermentation liquid was used as carbon source
for the SBR. VFAs composition of cellulosic sludge fermentation liquid was examined
and data are reported as follows: HAc 58%, HPr 27%, HBut 14%, others <1%.
The short-cut Sequencing Batch Reactor

The lab-scale SBR (scSBR) had a working volume of 28 liters and it was inoculated
with thickened WAS of Carbonera WWTP. The oxygen concentration during the
aerobic phase was kept at a concentration range of 1.5-2.5 mgO2 L-1. The whole
experimental periods (around 100 days) involved two main periods: 1) PAOs
enrichments, where the SBR alternated anaerobic and aerobic phases; 2) Short-Cut
EBPR, where the SBR accomplished anaerobic, aerobic and anoxic phases.
The operating conditions were set as follows:
Period 1 Period 2
Total vNLR applied (kgN m-3d-1) - 0.55 (0.42-0.64)
vPLR applied (gP m-3d-1) 32.9 (28.35-38.7) 41 (31.9-51.7)
vOLR applied (kgCOD m-3d-1) 0.52 1.77 (1.64-1.89)
SRT 8 12
Results and conclusions
PAOs enrichment using fermented cellulosic primary sludge
Figure 1.1(a) shows the typical profiles obtained during the period 1 dedicated to the
enrichment of PAOs. During the anaerobic phase, the VFAs from the cellulosic sludge
were uptaken by the biomass according with 30-40 mgCOD gVSS-1h-1.

As a consequence of the VFA uptake, around 35 mgP/L were released during the first
60 minutes of anaerobic phase and then stabilized at around 40 mgP L -1. During the
aerobic phase, the uptake of PO4-P was observed with a maximal rate of 10.9 mgCOD
gVSS-1h-1, which is considered a good P bioremoval activity by Janssen et al., 2002.
The VFAs produced by the cellulosic primary sludge were suitable to establish a stable
and effective enhanced bio-P removal process. In period 2, although the bio-P
removal capacity was maintained, the sPRR and the sPUR decreased to 3.7 and 4.7
mgCOD gVSS-1h-1 respectively.
The Short-Cut EBPR was validated at lab scale SBR using VFAs derived from the
fermentation of cellulosic primary sludge for the treatment of anaerobic supernatant.
The results of the experiments pointed out that phosphorus could be uptaken at high
rate in the biomass cell under aerobic and anoxic conditions. The phosphorus
concentration in the biomass cell achieved 57 mgP gTS , where around 14% was
phosphorus precipitated and thus chemically-bounded. The presence of high level of
nitrite might partially inhibit the activity of PAOs bacteria if not acclimatized. On the
other hands, the ratio sPRR/VFAs was an effective indicator of the competition
between PAOs/GAOs, which was then confirmed by the FISH analyses. The latter
showed that the presence of PAOs decreased from around 50% to 20% when the
short-cut EBPR was established, probably due to the increase of presence of GAOs.


Giorgia Rubertelli, Davide Pinelli, Dario Frascari

With their high content in phenolic compounds (PCs, 0.5-18 g/L) and COD
(20-200 g/L), Olive Mill Wastewaters (OMWs) can be valorized as a source of
chemicals and energy. The goal of this work is to develop an OMW valorization
process through polyphenol separation by adsorption and anaerobic digestion of the
dephenolized OMW, with the co-objective to produce a treated wastewater suitable
for irrigation according to the ISO 16075 standard.
A pilot scale plant was utilized, composed of: i) microfiltration unit (cut- off
diameter 60 nm), ii) 2-m modular adsorption column loaded with vacuum distillation
unit for the recovery of the desorption solvent (ethanol + HCl 5∙10-4 M) and iv) 30-L
continuous-flow anaerobic digester. The plant was fed with an actual OMW
(polyphenols 1.7 g/L, COD 78 g/L, suspended solids 3.3 g/L). As shown in Figure 1
the AMBERLITE XAD16 resin has been characterized by means of a polyphenol
adsorption isotherm at 21 °C. The best model to fit the experimental data resulted to
be the Langmuir model (R = 91%) and the XAD16 adsorption capacity resulted equal
to 154 mgpolyphenols/gdry resin.
Step disturbance tests were conducted on the pilot scale plant to assess the
packed bed effective porosity (0.74) and longitudinal dispersivity (0.015 m).
Microfiltration determined a 99% suspended solid removal. Adsorption breakthrough
tests aimed at optimizing the superficial velocity (1-4 m/h) and bed length (0.5-2.0 m)
are in progress. On the basis of preliminary results, an adsorption test conducted at
3.05 m/h and 24°C with a 2 m bed length was performed. Figure 2 shows the total
PCs and COD dimensionless concentrations monitored at the column exit. The
average PCs and COD levels at the inlet were used to normalize the corresponding
outlet values. The experimental tests were continued up to 20 hydraulic residence
times (HRT), calculated as (column length)/(OMW interstitial velocity). The adsorption
performance will be quantified by means of the following indexes, referred to a 0.2
dimensionless concentration as breakpoint value: i) adsorption yield (Yads,i,), evaluated
as mi,adsorbed / mi,fed; ii) PCs/COD adsorption selectivity, expressed as the corresponding
adsorption yield ratios; iii) resin utilization efficiency (ηresin), defined as (PCs mass
sorbed at the breakthrough point) / (total PCs mass that could be adsorbed if all the
resin was saturated); iv) PCs/COD enrichment factor, defined as the ratio between the
PCs content in the total COD of the adsorbed matter (gPCs/gCOD) over that in fresh
OMW. As PCs adsorption on polymeric resin is typically a non-equilibrium process
where mass transfer and dispersion are key controlling phenomena, the experimental
normalized PCs and COD breakthrough curves will be interpreted by means of a 1-D
convection-dispersion model with solid-liquid mass-transfer, in order to evaluate the
process performance and to set up the basis for a model-based process scale-up:

Figure 1 – PCs adsorption isotherm Figure 2 – PCs and COD breakthrough test for
at 21°C for Amberlite XAD 16 Amberlite XAD 16 (24°C, vsup 3.05 m/h, column
length 2 m)

where: CL,i is the PCs or COD liquid phase concentration, CS,i the solid-phase
concentration, kLa the mass- transfer coefficient referred to liquid volume, ρb the resin
bulk density, ε the resin porosity, Keq,i the PCs or COD equilibrium adsorption constant
and Deq the equivalent diffusion coefficient (calculated as αL·vint, with the longitudinal
dispersivity αL estimated by means of fluid-dynamic tests). Keq,PC, Keq,COD and kLa are
estimated by best-fit on the experimental PCs and COD concentrations following the
Gauss-Newton method. Figure 2 shows that the COD breakthrough is significantly
faster than that of PCs, indicating a good resin selectivity for PCs. Nevertheless, even
though a complete data elaboration has not been performed yet, a deeper
investigation is necessary to improve the purity of the desorbed mixture, which is
characterized by a relevant presence of non-phenolic compounds. The low PC purity
of the final product is a result of the very low (PCs / total COD) ratio of OMWs.
Different strategies will be tested to increase the PCs purity of the final desorbed
product, such as i) re-suspension in water of the desorbed material (after ethanol
evaporation) and execution of a second adsorption step, or ii) multi-solvent
Anaerobic digestion tests conducted with the dephenolized OMW resulted in
a high methane production yield (310 Nm CH4/tVS), in an acceptable methane
3 3
production rate (0.13 Nm CH4/m /d) and in a 99% COD removal.
This study represents the first attempt to develop an integrated OMW
treatment process that includes high-added value product recovery and anaerobic
digestion, with the final aim to produce an effluent reusable in agriculture.
This project has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation
program under grant agreement No. 688320 (MADFORWATER project,





Martin Miltner*, Florian Kirchbacher, Antonia Rom,

Walter Wukovits, Michael Harasek, Anton Friedl
Institute of Chemical Engineering, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Martin Miltner, Getreidemarkt 9/166, A-1060 Vienna, Austria.
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Promoted by the increase of industrialization and population the global
demand for energy and material products is steadily rising. Since the primary sources
for energy and chemicals are mainly based on fossil resources, this growth provokes
significant issues in terms of environment, economy and society. Thus, the supply of
renewable energy and sustainable chemicals became one of the major societal targets
of the current century. Energy and chemicals from biogeneous resources are accepted
amongst the most promising pathways for covering the growing demands both in a
sustainable and economic way. Biobutanol can be treated as a possible key substance
in these regards as it acts as an energy carrier or fuel (supplement for gasoline, diesel
and kerosene superior to ethanol) and as a commodity chemical (base chemical for
organic synthesis, solvent in chemical industry).
While Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol(ABE)-fermentation as the main production
route of biobutanol is a well-established technology, experts agree that still
remarkable optimization potential is given. Significant efforts in contemporary
research are undertaken towards the selection of fermentation feedstock,
development and optimisation of biomass-pretreatment and hydrolysis as well as
metabolic engineering of the involved microorganism strains (clostridia) to enhance
butanol yield and substrate utilisation. Persistent challenge is the limitation of ABE
fermentation by high product toxicity of butanol resulting in reasonably dilute product
concentrations (up to 20 g/l). Consequently, constant in-situ separation of butanol
from the fermentation broth is mandatory to sustain stable production. Furthermore,
butanol has to be concentrated from fermentation levels up to 99.9 wt% for further
utilisation (downstream processing). Distillation is no option as the energy demand for
separations at these low product concentratios would exceed the thermal energy
content of the product by more than 200%. Thus, alternative technologies for
purification or pre-enrichment like gas stripping, adsorption, extraction or membrane
separation have to be developed and applied [1].
The scope of current work is the analysis and development of membrane-
based pervaporation process [2] for in-situ butanol recovery from ABE fermentation.
Results from extensive lab-scale experiments shall be used for development of

mathematical models for improved process description targeting for optimisation and
upscaling of the pervaporation process.
Experimental analysis is performed using a laboratory pervaporation setup
with a feed flowrate in the range of 100 to 200 l/h in a closed loop. Feed temperature
is maintained by a thermostat and heat exchanger. Feed depletion from the feed tank
is monitored with a balance. The setup can be equipped with flat-sheet membranes
with an active area of 144 cm² or with commercial hollow-fiber membrane modules of
appropriate size. Vacuum in the range of 10 to 20 mbar(a) is applied on the permeate
side with a rotary vane vacuum pump providing the driving force for the process.
Transmembrane or permeate flux is totally condensed in cold traps cooled with liquid
nitrogen and weighted out at given timestamps. Compositions of feed and permeate
are analyzed by GC.
This setup is used to analyze the pervaporation performance of different
membrane materials and membrane modules under fermentation conditions in terms
of specific transmembrane fluxes, butanol enrichment in the permeate as well as
permeance and selectivities for ABE solvents and water. The influence of feed solvent
concentration, residual glucose concentration, presence of salts and organic acids,
feed temperature and pH value is studied. Regarding membrane materials, both
commercially available as well as experimental materials like PDMS and POMS are
Results and conclusions
Results indicate that the butanol enrichment factor in the permeate reaches
values of around 20 in a single separation step (1 wt% BuOH in the feed, 20 wt%
BuOH in the permeate) depending on the membrane material. This remarkable
enrichment is mainly contributed to the activity coefficients, vapor pressures and
membrane selectivity which prefers solvent over water transport due to its
hydrophobic nature. Furthermore, the influence of additional components in synthetic
fermentation broth is of minor importance in the investigated ranges. No interference
on pervaporation performance has been detected for glucose contents of up to 50 g/l,
ammonium chloride contents of up to 3 g/l, and organic acids contents of up to 4 g/l
(acetic acid and propionic acid). Above all, no flux decline after experiments with
synthetic fermentation broth has been detected from which follows that fouling
phenomena did not occur. Experiments with real fermentation broth applying effective
cell retention underlined this conclusion also for the real process. In conclusion,
current work shows that membrane-based pervaporation represents a highly effective
technique for in-situ recovery and pre-concentration of butanol produced in ABE
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support received from Horizon2020
R&I programme for project WASTE2FUELS (grant No 654623) as well as from the Austrian
Research Promotion Agency for project KASAV (grant No 838708).


Maria Barbara Banella 1, Marc von Czapiewski2,

Annamaria Celli1, Michael Meier2
DICAM – Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, Alma
Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Via U. Terracini 28, 40131 Bologna (Italy).
Institute of Organic Chemistry (IOC), Materialwissenschaftliches Zentrum (MZE), Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The field of polymers derived from non‐petrochemical feedstocks is gaining a
great deal of momentum from both a commercial and academic sense, as several
issues are in fact associated to petrol. A big environmental damage takes place when
extraction, transportation and processing of oil take place: water bodies located next
to the extraction sites or to the processing plants are very frequently polluted.
Furthermore, in the end of the lifecycle of petrochemical products a significant release
of carbon dioxide (stored during the fossilization process) occurs. It leads to an
evident greenhouse effect that causes, in turn, global warming. Moreover it is
provided that the cost of oil is likely to increase in the future, since in current years
the maximum exploitation of the world's crude oil reserves has been reached. Global
stocks will consequentially run out, given its very long period of renewal. In view of all
these considerations, current industrial and academic studies are increasingly oriented
towards the preparation of chemicals and materials starting from renewable
At present, fats and oils are the most widely used renewable raw materials in
the chemical industry, since they offer widespread possibilities for different
applications. The glycerol backbone is found in all lipids belonging to the category of
triglycerides. Glycerol is also a by-product of the biodiesel production.
Dihydroxyacetone (DHA), the simplest of all ketoses, can be prepared from glycerol
by following different routes. The first one consists of a mild oxidation of glycerine, for
example with hydrogen peroxide and a ferrous salt as catalyst. DHA can also be
prepared in high yield and selectivity at room temperature from glycerol using cationic
palladium-based catalysts with oxygen, air or benzoquinone acting as co-oxidants. A
third strategy provides for the fermentation of glycerine.
The availability of DHA from renewable resources in addition to its functional
groups, make this triose an attractive potential building block for a range of new
polymeric biomaterials such as polycarbonates and polyesters. Furthermore, the
chemistry of DHA is surprisingly versatile since it is available in the dimer form (Figure

1a), but it is converted into the monomer (Figure 1b) in acetone; both of these forms
possess OH groups which are available for polycondensation reactions leading to
polymers bearing different structures.

(a) (b)
Figure 1: dihydroxyacetone (DHA) in the dimer (a) and monomer form (b).

The objectives of this work consist in exploiting DHA both in the monomer
and in the dimer forms to get new totally biobased polycarbonates and polyesters by
reacting it respectively with carbonates and diesters from natural resources. The
diesters could be extracted from natural oils, more precisely from fatty acids, whose
worldwide availability and relatively low price make them attractive and feasible.
DHA (monomer and dimer) was subjected to polymerization studies together
with dimethyl carbonate (a molecule obtainable from natural resources, for instance
through the oxidative carbonylation of bio-methanol) in order to find the optimal
reaction conditions. The thus obtained polycarbonates were characterized. The same
was done by exploiting diesters coming from natural resources such as plant oils to
get polyesters exhibiting polar units alternating with long aliphatic chains. These
polyesters were also characterized.
Results and conclusions
To prepare the above mentioned polymers the effect of different parameters
was studied. One of these was the influence of the catalyst type and amount. Both
metal based catalysts and organic coupling agents were employed in different
amounts. It was possible to find out that coupling agents were the most suitable
catalysts to get polycarbonates while the metal based ones were more indicated to
prepare polyesters. The first ones were used in higher mole percentages. Furthermore
the polymerizations were subjected to several temperature and pressure scans. Also
the influence of solvents was taken into account. Homogenizing high-boiling solvents
can promote polycondensations reactions to get polycarbonates; they can in fact help
to overcome the issue connected to the low miscibility of the highly polar
dihydroxyacetone and the long aliphatic chains diesters.
The polymers obtained with the optimized procedures were subjected to
different analysis in order to determine their properties. A correlation between the
polymers properties and their chemical structure has been found.
As a conclusion, the platform of glycerol derivatives has been enlarged by
developing new routes of valorization of the dihydroxyacetone to produce new
families of bio-based polymers.

Antonio Serrano1, Fernando G. Fermoso1,
Bernabé Alonso-Fariñas2, Guillermo Rodríguez-Gutiérrez1, Juan
Fernández-Bolaños1, Rafael Borja.1,*
Instituto de Grasa, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Campus Universitario Pablo
de Olavide – Ed. 46, Ctra. de Utrera, km. 1, 41013-Seville, Spain
University of Seville, Higher Technical School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and
Environmental Engineering, Camino de los Descubrimientos, s/n, Seville, Spain
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Two-phase Olive Mill Solid Waste (OMSW) is an olive oil by-product
composed by the olive husk, olive pulp, and olive vegetation water. OMSW must be
correctly managed to avoid severe environmental impacts such as negative effects on
agricultural soil quality, pollution of aquatic ecosystems and release of phenols and
sulfur dioxide to the air. OMSW is a lignocellulosic biomass with a significant
concentration of phenolic compounds, which could be recovered due to its high
economic interest. Among the different phenolic compounds present in OMSW,
hydroxytyrosol is one of the most important because it has excellent properties as a
pharmacological and antioxidant agent. Steam-explosion is one of the most
effective methods for the pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass. Steam-explosion
has been proposed to allow the extraction of phenolic compounds from OMSW by
their displacement to a liquid phase generated during the pre-treatment. In the
steam-explosion pre-treatment, the OMSW is heated with high-pressure steam for a
certain period of time, and then the pressure is reduced to atmospheric pressure as
quickly as possible. The solubilization of fibers during the steam-explosion entails an
increase of the phenolic compounds to be extracted, as well as an enhancement in
the biodegradability of the substrate.
Due to the energy requirements of the steam-explosion process and the need
of managing the resulted pre-treated substrate after the phenol recovery, the
anaerobic digestion has been proposed as a subsequent step. Anaerobic digestion
allows to stabilize the susbtrate and obtain biogas at the same time, that can be used
as energy source. However, phenolic compounds have been widely described as
inhibitory of the biomethanization process, being necessary to evaluate the feasibility
of the process.
The aim of this research was firstly to evaluate the effect of a steam-
explosion pre-treatment on OMSW characteristics. A phenols recovery process and its
effects on the subsequent anaerobic digestion process were also evaluated.

Steam-explosion pre-treatment was carried out in a 2-L pilot-scale reactor,
with a maximal operating pressure of 42 kg/cm2, equipped with a ball valve opening.
The samples were steamed for 5 minutes at 200 ºC, prior to a rapid decompression
(explosion). Then, the pre-treated material was centrifuged and separated into a solid
phase (SP) and a liquid phase (LP), in a ratio of 69:31, in VS, respectively. Phenols
were recovered from LP using an industrial chromatographic system under patent
(WO 2013/007850A1), resulting in a dephenolized liquid phase (DLP).
The anaerobic digestibility of untreated OMSW and the different pre-treated
phases was evaluated by biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests. Additionally, the
mixtures SP:LP and SP:DLP, in a ratio of 69:31, in VS, were also assayed. BMP tests
were carried out in 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks at mesophilic temperature (35ºC), using
a working volume of 220 mL.
Results and conclusions
Steam-explosion increased the sCOD (soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand) up
to 10.7% in the sum of LP and SP, in comparison with the untreated OMSW, although
0.7% of sCOD was released to the air during the steam-explosion process. Soluble
compounds were mainly displaced to the LP, which retained around 86% of sCOD.
Hydroxytyrosol was the main individual phenol in the LP, allowing the obtaining of
2098 mg per kg of OMSW. However, steam-explosion led to the formation of
recalcitrant compounds and/or inhibitors such as hydroxymethylfurfural or vanillin.
These compounds were indeed generated in LP, up to concentrations of 77 ± 9 mg/L
and 42 ± 3 mg/L of hydroxymethylfurfural and vanillin, respectively. Nevertheless, the
subsequent extraction by an industrial chromatographic system presented an
efficiency of 47.9% for total phenols. Hydroxymethylfurfural and vanillin were partially
removed in DLP with efficiencies of 87.0% and 57.1%, respectively.
BMP tests were performed to evaluate the anaerobic digestibility of the
different phases and mixtures. Table 1 shows the kinetic parameters obtained from
the modified-Gompertz equation applied to the experimental accumulated methane
productions. LP and DLP reached an improvement in Gmax of 23.5% and 26.8%,
respectively respect to the untreated OMSW. However, Rmax values showed that
inhibitory compounds generated during steam-explosion affected to LP, i.e. a Rmax
26.4% lower than untreated OMSW. Extraction of phenols resulted in a marked
improvement of Rmax in DLP, i.e. 26.4% and 71.8% higher than untreated OMSW and
LP, respectively. SP and co-digestion of SP:LP and SP:DLP presented slightly lower
values of Gmax and Rmax than untreated OMSW, probably due to the formation of
recalcitrant compounds during the steam-explosion in SP, which rule the degradation
kinetics even with the decreased inhibitory compounds present in DLP (Table 1).
Table 1. Kinetic parameters obtained from the modified-Gompertz equation applied to
the different BMP tests.
Gmax (mL/g VS) 280 ± 3 261 ± 1 346 ± 7 355 ± 4 294 ± 2 261 ± 3
Rmax (mL/(g VS·d)) 106 ± 8 90 ± 3 78 ± 9 134 ± 1 91 ± 5 108 ± 9
λ (d) 0 0.17 ± 0.05 0 0 0 0
r2 0.9871 0.9957 0.9814 0.9897 0.9882 0.9828


Daniela Cailean (Gavrilescu)1, Dumitrita Ibanescu1,

Carmen Teodosiu1,*, Silvia Fiore2,*
Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, Faculty of Chemical
Engineering and Environmental Protection, Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of
Iasi,73 Prof. Dr. D. Mangeron Street, 700050 Iasi, Romania
Department of Engineering for Environment, Land and Infrastructures (DIATI),
Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy
*: [email protected] (C. Teodosiu);, [email protected] (S. Fiore)

Introduction and study objectives

The accelerated development of technology, the attractiveness of electric and
electronic equipment (EEE) due to smart functions, as well as the pleasant design and
human necessities to improve the living standards are the main causes of increasing rates
of waste electrical and electronic equipment (e-waste or WEEE). In the European Union,
generated WEEE represents a fast growing category that is expected to increase up to 12
million tons by 2020, and subsequently stringent necessities for a sustainable approach in
the collection and treatment of WEEE is required.
The main focus of this paper is to compare the sustainability of the waste
electrical and electronic equipment management systems in two countries, Italy and
Romania, in terms of environmental impacts, expressed as greenhouse gas emissions
(GHG), calculated for each treatment option (recycling, incineration and landfilling). The
selected countries have different economic situations: Italy is classified as major developed
economy while Romania as a developing country by the International Monetary Fund, but
they have the same situation in the solid waste management efficiency, namely performing
under average, based on a European Report released in 2012.
According to the European legislation, Directive 2012/19/EU, the WEEE stream is
very diverse and is classified into 10 categories, such as: large household appliances; small
household appliances; IT and telecommunications equipment; consumer equipment and
photovoltaic panels; lighting equipment; electrical and electronic tools (with the exception
of large-scale stationary industrial tools); toys, leisure and sports equipment; medical
devices (with the exception of all implanted and infected products); monitoring and control
instruments; automatic dispensers. An average composition of WEEE and associated
treatment options considered in the calculations of the carbon footprint (GHG emissions)
are summarized as follows: ferrous metals, aluminum, glass, plastics and wood, accounting
for 74.85% of the total material are undergoing recycling with the scope of material
valorization; oil, refrigerants, printed circuit boards and capacitors are undergoing thermal
treatment, considered for the calculation as incineration (2.42%) and non-recyclable and
other components accounting for 22.71%, which are being landfilled.

To be able to make the comparison, a life cycle approach based on the material
flows, in the WEEE management systems, was considered for both Italy and Romania,
over a selected period of 7 years, 2007-2013. The evaluation is based on the greenhouse
gas emissions calculated as the carbon footprint (CF) of WEEE systems (expressed as CO 2e
t/year), according to equation 1:
CF=Σ Qmi,j x EFi,j (eq. 1), where:
Qmi,j – material flow i, which undergoes the treatment method j (tone of waste
EFi,j – emission factor of each material i, in each treatment j (kgCO 2e/tone waste material).
The calculations give results according to 5 aggregated models proposed by
Smith at el. (2001), EPA (2006), Chen and Lin (2009), Christensen et al. (2009) (with
minimum and maximum values). Furthermore, carbon footprints of each treatment stage,
specifically CF recycling, CF incineration and CF landfilling were obtained. The Greenhouse
Gas Emissions Efficiency indicator, expressed as total carbon footprint (TCF) of treated
WEEE/tone of treated WEEE was also analyzed.
Results and conclusions
Irrespective of the model used in calculations and the year, the total carbon
footprints of the WEEE management system were found to be negative, showing that this
waste stream is treated in a sustainable manner, both in Romania and Italy. Overall, the
total carbon footprints register decreasing values over the analyzed period in both
countries, due to factors such as increasing recycling rates of WEEE components and
imposed collection and management targets. However, over the 2007-2013 period, the
TCF values of Romanian WEEE management system are one or two orders of magnitude
higher than the corresponding values of the Italian WEEE management system, this
meaning that the Italian system is more efficient in dealing with this type of waste. It is
worth mentioning that Romania implemented its legislative framework on waste (and
specifically on WEEE) starting with 2007, while Italy implemented it since 2002.

Figure 1:(a) TCF of WEEE in Romania Figure 1:(b) TCF of WEEE in Italy
Figure 1 shows that if the TCF of treated WEEE is divided per capita, then each
Romanian inhabitant has a lower contribution to the GHG emissions compared to an Italian
inhabitant. Irrespective of the model, in 2007, the calculated GHG Efficiency Indicator of
Italy was lower than the corresponding Romanian value. In 2013, the values are reversed,
reflecting the improvements in the Romanian WEEE management system, but results have
to be discussed in the context in which Italy treats 20-30 times larger quantities of WEEE
as compared to Romania.

Mónika Molnár, Virág Kordisz, Emese Vaszita,
Nikolett Uzinger, Márk Rékási, József Kutasi, Viktória Feigl,
Mária Tolner, Katalin Gruiz, Éva Farkas
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology
and Food Science, 1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rakpart 3,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Biochar is the solid product of biomass pyrolisis. Its application to agricultural soils
might promote crop yield and biological activity, resulting in improved water and nutrient
dynamics. Biochar could be used with organic amendments to increase their stability and
reduce organic matter solubility having positive effects on soil fertility, crop yield, nutrient
retention, meanwhile mitigating erosion of degraded acidic sandy soils. The incorporation
of biochar into agricultural soils enables simultaneous application of plant growth-
promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) by using the biochar as an inoculum carrier, facilitating
handling and mixing of the inoculant into the soil.
The objective of this study was to monitor in two 60 days pot experiment series
the effect of grain husk and paper sludge biochar, PGPR inoculated biochar, PGPR and
compost on the physical, chemical biological and ecotoxicological properties of an acidic
sandy soil. The biochar, PGPR and compost were applied to the soil in various
combinations and at various rates.The experimental set up allowed statistical evaluation of
the results both in a linear, single variable system and in a Box–Wilson statistical design
aiding selection of the ecologically most optimum treatment prior to field application.
Biochar-inoculant (PGPR)-compost treatment combinations were applied to an
acidic sandy soil in two pot experiment series (a linear experimental set up and a Box
Wilson experimental design) to determine changes induced in the physical, chemical,
biological, and ecotoxicological properties of an acidic sandy soil. The two pot experiment
series rely on each other.
We used grain husk and paper sludge biochar (pyrolysis temperature 500 Co,
residence time 20 minutes), acidic sandy soil from Eastern Hungary (Nyírlugos) and plant
growth promotion rhizobacteria (PGPR) adapted to sandy soil.
The aim of the “linear”, single variable 60 days pot experiment series was to
monitor the effect of each treatment individually. The treatments (in triplicate) at various
rates were the following: control (untreated acidic sandy soil), soil+biochar (15, 30 and 45
kg/ha) soil+PGPR (5, 10 and 15 kg/ha); soil+PGPR inoculated biochar;
soil+biochar+PGPR; soil+compost (5, 10 and 15 t/ha).
The multivariable 60 days pot experiment series had the aim to study the pair
wise interaction of various treatment combinations to determine the optimum. The Box-
Wilson experimental matrix included 54 treatments comprising biochar, PGPR, compost, at
various rates and combinations and the untreated acidic sandy soil as control.

The treatments were monitored by an integrated methodology including physical,
chemical, biological methods and ecotoxicity tests (Sinapis alba root and shoot elongation
test, Tricitum aestivum root and shoot elongation test, Folsomia candida mortality test).
The following physical, chemical and biological parameters were determined: pH,
EC, WHC, dry matter content, NPK and ignition loss, Biolog® microbial substrate utilization
(AWCD), Biolog® substrate number (S), concentration of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria
and fungi (CFU-Colony Forming Unit).
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to determine the significant
changes compared to the control. Fisher’s LSD (least significant difference) was used to
compare the treatment combinations (p <0,05).
Results and conclusions
The single variable pot experiment shows that biochar and PGPR inoculated
biochar had advantageous effects on the monitored physical-chemical properties of the
treated soil compared to the control. According to the AWCD the microbial activity
intensified in case of biochar+PGPR and compost treatments. The treatments improved the
microbial activity of soil compared to the control the most favorable treatments were the
PGPR inoculated biochars (1%, 1.5%). Biochar treatment had no ecotoxic effect on the soil
ecosystem, compared to the control, but the PGPR inoculated biochar and the
biochar+PGPR treatment had no favorable effects on the test organisms. According to the
multivariable pot experiment series (Table 1), biochar, biochar+PGPR, biochar+compost
treatment improved the physical, chemical and biological properties of the treated soils in
many cases, but the improvement was not always proportional with the treatment rate.
Table 1: Statistical evaluation summary of the experiment series results
Linear direct effects Pair-wise effects Secondary direct effects
biochar biochar compost
control biochar PGPR compost + + + biochar PGPR compost
PGPR compost PGPR
pH *** *** N N N N N N N N
EC *** *** N N * N N N N N
WHC *** N N N *** N *** N N N
AWCD *** *** N N N N N ** N *
Biolog S *** ** N * N ** N * N *
CFU *** N N ** ** ** N ** N N
CFU Fungi *** *** * ** N N * N N N
Sinapis alba
shoot *** * N N ** N N * ** N
Sinapis alba *** N *** N N *** N N N N
root length
T. aestivum
shoot *** N * N *** N N N N N
T. aestivum *** N N N ** N N N N N
root length
***: significant effect at 99 P % confidence level, **: significant effect at 95 P % confidence level,
*: significant effect at 90 P % confidence level, N: no effect
The work was carried out in the frame of the “Terra Preta” project, registration number HU09-
0029-A1-2013 supported by the EEA Grants and the Norway Grants within the “Green Industry
Innovation Programme” of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.

Joana M. B. Domingos1,*, Gonzalo A. Martinez1,
Alberto Scoma2, Serena Fraraccio1,
Frederiek-Maarten Kerckhof2, Nico Boon2, Maria A. M. Reis3,
Fabio Fava1, Lorenzo Bertin1
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM),
University of Bologna, via Terracini, 28, I-40131 Bologna, Italy
Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology − Faculty of Bioscience Engineering,
Gent University, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Gent, Belgium
Department of Chemistry, UCBIO-Requimte, Faculty of Science & Technology,
New University of Lisbon, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) are short chain aliphatic carboxylic acids, which
represent the final product of anaerobic acidogenic fermentation of organic matter.
Cheese whey (CW) is a by-product produced in large amounts from dairy industry. It
has an important lactose content (44-52 g.L-1), which is responsible for a high chemical
oxygen demand (COD), and it can cause severe pollution problems if discharged in the
environment. Since lactose can be bioconverted into VFAs under anaerobic acidogenic
conditions, VFAs production from CW can represent a valuable alternative to the waste
disposal in agreement with the biorefinery concept. One of the most promising
perspectives for VFAs employment is their use as the substrate for
polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production.
VFAs mixture obtained during the acidogenic process affects the type of
obtained PHA. Because of that, it is important to control the process conditions during
the acidogenic fermentation such as pH and hydraulic retention time (HRT).
Alternatively to the conventional continuous process, cell immobilization strategies can
be explored. The packed-bed bioreactors (PBBRs) present some advantages such as the
achievement of a higher cell density as well microbial robustness. This allows working at
lower HRT by avoiding washout problems and conserving the microbial consortium.
In the present study, the valorisation of CW by producing VFAs by employing
an anaerobic acidogenic packed bed bioreactor was proposed.
All tests were carried out using a liquid stream composed of water and cheese
whey powder (CWP), courtesy of Lactogal (Porto, Portugal), with a final lactose
concentration of 15 and 25 g.L . No other supplements were added. The inoculum was

an anaerobic acidogenic consortium obtained from a membrane bioreactor fed with the
same CWP solution.
Small-scale batch experiments were carried out in quadruplicate in 100 mL
Pyrex bottles with immobilized material. Three preliminary sequential batches were
carried out in order to allow biofilm formation. Afterward, liquid suspensions were
centrifuged and pellets re-suspended in fresh CWP solution. The packing material was
not washed nor new inoculum added between runs. The final experimental batch run
was started by replacing the liquid with fresh CWP solution. Incubation conditions were
37 °C, pH 6 and 150 rpm.
VK samples were withdrawn from microcosms at 0, 5 and 12 days of the last
incubation for microbial community characterization, and PCR-DGGE analysis.
A PBBR was set up for continuous process tests with immobilized cells. The PBBR
consisted of a 1 L glass column filled with VK (PBBR-VK). The temperature was
maintained at 37°C and a recycle line guaranteed the mixing of the liquid phase. The
bioreactor outlet and gas were collected in a bottle hydraulically connected to a
“Mariotte system”. It was operated initially under batch conditions for biofilm
development. Thereafter, the PBBR operated under continuous mode at a HRT of 6
days. After 49 days, a third pump was added to continuously supply a NaOH solution
(10 M), which sensibly reduced pH variations (HRT6_15). HRT was then decreased to 4
days (HRT4_15). Finally, CWP concentration and HRT were increased to 25 glactose·L
and 6 days (HRT6_25).
Liquid samples from PBBRs were withdrawn to analyze the metabolites
concentrations. Lactic and lactose concentrations were determined with a HPLC-IR and
VFAs with GC-FID. Biogas volume production in small scale batch experiments was
measured using a graduated glass syringe, while a “Mariotte” system was connected to
the PBBRs. Biogas composition was measured with a μGC, model 3000 A.
Results and conclusions
Small scale batch tests showed that the whole VFAs production process
occurred in 9 days via two sequential phases: (a) conversion of lactose into lactic acid
and (b) conversion of lactic acid into a mixture of VFAs. The VFAs mixture was mainly
composed by acetic, butyric and propionic acids.
The effect of the hydraulic retention time (HRT) and organic loading rate (OLR)
were then studied in a benchtop bioreactor (PBBR), which operated continuously. All
HRT conditions (4 and 6 days) and lactose feed concentrations (15 and 25 g·L-1)
allowed yields higher than 75% (CmolVFAs·Cmollactose-1 ). As for the VFAs mixture
composition, the accumulation of propionic acid was mainly affected by the pH, being it
more produced when pH was continuously controlled.
Higher VFAs productions were observed when the PBBR was operated with a HRT of 6
days, ORL of 4.2 g·L-1·d-1, and pH 5.8−6, this resulting in 16 g·L-1 of total VFAs
produced, with a yield higher than 75% (CmolVFAs·Cmollactose-1 ). Characterization with
Illumina-based sequencing suggested that high VFAs productivities were obtained when
microbial community structures developed in the biofilm reactor were highly enriched in
few genera.


Igor Crețescu1, *, Teofil Câmpean1,2,

Teodor Constantin Nechita 1, Adrian Cătălin Puițel3,
Teodor Măluțan3, Dan-Alexandru Gavrilescu3,
Camelia Smaranda1, Petronela Cozma1, Maria Gavrilescu1,4,*
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, 73 Prof.
Dr. Docent D. Mangeron Str., 700050 Iasi, Romania
Rondocarton SRL, Cluj-Napoca, 2 Aviatorilor Street, 407042 Apahida, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Natural and Synthetic Polymers, 73 Prof. Dr. Docent D.
Mangeron Str., 700050 Iasi, Romania
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest, Romania
: [email protected], [email protected]

The ambitious Circular Economy Package adopted by European Commission

in 2015 proposes actions for product lifecycle safeguarding by "closing the loop" in the
production process and bringing benefits for both the environment and the economy
through a myriad of recycling/reuse practices. However, there are industrial areas
where the circular economy model is based on much more than just recycling. One
example is the sector of corrugated board and cardboard packaging manufacturing,
where the principles of circular economy can handle all stages of a product’s and
process’ lifecycle: design, production, distribution and use, but also life cycle
extending. The present study is developed on this basis, addressing the revaluation of
production waste resulted during corrugated board production (A) and carboard box
manufacturing (B) (Fig. 1). In the first step (A - production of corrugated board), after
conditioning, the paper is corrugated and then non-corrugated, layers are glued over
the corrugated paper to form a continuous sheet of cardboard. This is dried and cut
into the required dimensions of the packaging plate to be manufactured. In the
second step (B - manufacturing of corrugated cardboard boxes), the packaging boxes
are made by cutting sheets, folding flaps and gluing the edges. These wastes are in
the form of cardboard strips, edges or other similar formats.
A Romanian manufacturer (RM) was selected for dimensional analysis of
cardboard waste, because RM established a program to produce other pieces and
subassemblies manufactured from corrugated board sheets, perfectly designed,
ensuring their optimum operation and thus reducing required storage space and
transport costs, compared to similar subassemblies made from wood. We identified
the potential of RM to close the production cycle through the efficient reuse of

recyclable materials represented by production waste resulted as described above, in
the two stages of the technological process, to produce these pieces and
subassemblies in the context of existing modern technologies.

Figure 1: Sources of production waste in corrugated board and packaging boxes

In this way, the manufacturers will be able to ensure a longer life cycle of
production and products and advanced integrated environmental strategies in
activities and decisions regarding production process optimization and development
leading towards the zero emissions target in line with the principles of circular
economy. This involves the application of strategies and technological solutions based
on eco-innovation and eco-design to close the production cycle in an eco-efficient way
so as to achieve an ecologic product, potentially marketable and having a great
constructive and functional flexibility, in accordance with the requirements of the
beneficiaries. Therefore, the eco-innovation principles will be applied for
subassemblies so as to be manufactured from production wastes, and then eco-
designed according to their final function and eco-efficiency goals.
In order to accomplish this objective, the production wastes will be
characterized and estimated in terms of their quantity and production rate, as well as
in terms of their dimensions based on a statistical analysis of suitable samples. The
applied methodologies will enable waste analyses to achieve results at or above a
minimum statistical accuracy in a cost effective way. At least four stages will be
covered in the view of waste characterization: (i) pre-investigation; (ii) analysis design
and planning; (iii) implementation of waste analysis; (iv) evaluation of waste analysis
and interpretation of results.
The versatility of corrugated board production waste will allow their
exploitation as valuable materials with enormous potential design capabilities and
instant product recognition, reflecting technical and economic realities. In the
following phases of the study, the sustainability and ecological footprint of this
approach and new product will be assessed based on life cycle methodology.
This work was supported by two grants of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI: (i) project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0130, Contract
64BG/2016; (ii) project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0016, Contract 1BG/2016.

Fernanda Andreola1, Luisa Barbieri1, Teresa Cotes Palomino2,
Romina D. Farias2, Isabella Lancellotti1,
Carmen Martínez García 2
Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari”, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Via
P. Vivarelli 10, 41125 Modena, Italy
Department of Chemical, Environmental and Material Engineering, High Polytechnic
School of Linares, University of Jaen, Linares Scientific and Technological Campus,
Cinturon Sur, s/n, 23700 Linares, Spain
: [email protected] (L. Barbieri)

Introduction and study objectives

Up to now, the agro-industrial sector is an important resource for the global
economy, with very different production realities (milk and derivatives industry,
slaughtering of animals and production of cold cuts, manufacturing and processing of
fruits and cereal, etc.). In view of this great variety and quantity of waste and by-
products becomes strategic their management, within the circular economy point of
view. Each type of agro-residue often contains a lot of high value-added substances
that constitute a new raw material for possible applications of commercial interest. A
sustainable management of such materials may allow, on one side, to reduce the
environmental impact of agro-chains, to the other to lower the production costs of
new goods.
In this work we report some case studies related to the possibility to exploit
the technical characteristics (in particular chemical and mineralogical composition) of
some agro-wastes and by-products (rice husk ash, sawdust, grape seeds, cherries
seeds, sugar cane ash, sludge from beer wastewater treatment plant, animal bone
flour or flour ash and corn cob) in silicate materials (sintered and vitrified) useful for
both building and agronomic sector.
Agro-residues were firstly characterized mainly by chemical, thermal,
mineralogical and microstructural analyses, particle size distribution, carbonate
content, etc.. Agro-residues were ground and sieved in order to obtain grain size
suitable for the use as raw materials in ceramic batches.
Ceramic bricks were obtained by introducing rice husk ash, RHA, (up to 20
wt%) as silica source or sawdust, grape and cherries seeds (up to 10 wt%) as
pouring agents in clays mixtures. The dried and fired brick specimens were
characterized following the technical rules. In particular, linear shrinkage, water
absorption (24-h immersion), weight loss, rupture modulus, apparent density, CIELab
colorimetry, efflorescence were determined on the laboratory fired samples in order to
make a comparison with the standard ones.

Spherical pellets of lightweight aggregates were prepared by mixing different
percentages (up to 15 wt%) of sludge from beer wastewater treatment plant, animal
bone flour and corn cob in two different clay-based mixtures and thermal treated at
900 and 1000°C for 1 hour. Technological parameters such as bulk and absolute
density, total porosity, water absorption, pH and electrical specific conductivity were
determined in order to test their potential use in agriculture. The characterization was
completed by XRD and SEM analyses.
Animal bone flour ash was also used to formulate glass and glass-ceramic
fertilizers, with a low and controlled solubility in water of macro nutrient elements
useful for plants as P and K.
Results and conclusions
Rietveld-RIR analysis showed that RHA used is mainly constituted by
amorphous silica and together with low amount of tridymite and cristobalite phases.
The introduction of RHA into brick bodies influences the sintering behavior, in fact
higher amounts of RHA avoids the densification due to the presence of residual
carbon (8 wt%). This phenomenon did not affect the linear shrinkage% values
achieved that remained almost constant and similar to the standard brick (≈0%). On
the contrary water absorption% values showed an increase as RHA content increases,
addition up to 10 wt% of the residue revealed satisfactory data according to industrial
tolerance (WA%=22%). From the mechanical point of view, samples with up to 5
wt% resulted satisfactory (12 MPa) comparing to the industrial limit (10 MPa).
Sawdust, grapes and cherries seeds, due to their organic substances content,
during their combustion, bring an energetic support in the bricks firing phase and act
as pore forming agent. In particular, grapes and cherries seeds, added in a
percentage of 5 wt% to a brick formulation, have better influence with respect to the
sawdust, maintaining the mechanical properties of the fired brick (950°C), showing
modulus of rupture around 21–23 MPa with a weight reduction of 3–10% with respect
to the standard one.
From the preliminary results of sludge from beer wastewater treatment plant
and corn cob, it is possible to hypothesize their poring effect in the realization of
lightweight aggregates for different application fields. As lightweight substrate/soil for
agricultural use: mixtures of 10 and 15 wt% of sludge which presents pH between 7-
8. As pH corrector for acid soils, because the mixture of 15 wt% of corn cob showed
pH between 8-9. On the other hand further tests were conducted by adding to these
mixes (clay-poring agent) 10 wt% of animal bone flour ash or a fertilizer glass-
ceramic (P2O5+K2O > 12wt%) obtained from glass cullet, potassium carbonate and
animal bone flour. In order to verify the nutrients release of the functionalized
lightweight aggregates, tests following European and Italian rules using citric acid
solution (2%vol) and distilled water were performed. The results highlighted that mix
containing the bone ash releases more amount of nutrient in a short time (30 min) on
the contrary the compositions containing the fertilizer glass showed a high release at
longer time (21 days). This aspect is important from the environmental point of view
because the slow release can avoid the leaching by rain of nutrient elements and their
concentration in groundwaters.


Maura Ferri1,2,*, Giulio Zanaroli2, Annamaria Celli2,

Laura Sisti2, Annalisa Tassoni1
University of Bologna, Dept. of Biological Geological and Environmental Sciences
University of Bologna, Dept. of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Material Engineering
[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Cereals are the most widely cultivated crops worldwide. Cereal grains are
consumed universally and are considered to be one of the most important sources
of dietary proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fibres for people all over
the world. Wheat, together with maize and rice, accounts for about 90% of the
world’s cereal production, and for about half of the total cereal production within
the EU. Based on previous data wheat has a great importance on EU economy and
wheat-derived by-products can be considered as a feedstock for biorefinery
development. Current worldwide wheat global production is more than 700 Mt/year
and about one-fifth of the cultivated wheat total weight is converted into bran (90
to 150 Mt/year). Currently, it is mainly used as a feed supplement, while the
application in the food sector plays only a minor role. However, there is great
interest toward innovative strategies for valorising wheat bran through its
transformation into added-value biomolecules.
Wheat bran is multi-layered (pericarp, testa, hyaline, aleurone layers and
residual starchy endosperm) and consists of different cell types with different
chemical compositions. Generally, it comprises approximately 12% water, 13 -18%
proteins, 57% carbohydrates, 4% fats and 1% phenolic acids. Wheat cell wall
contains high amounts of oligosaccharides (such as arabinoxylan dietary fibres) and
phenolic acids, mainly ferulic acid that acts as a cross-linker binding to sugar
residues. The general composition of wheat bran offers the potential to be used as
a substrate in a biorefinery process in order to obtain valuable compounds. To this
purpose, different routes of wheat bran valorisation have been recently carried out
aiming at the extraction of carbohydrate and/or non-carbohydrate-based products.
Target substances in the non-carbohydrate fraction are phenolic acids, vanillin,
proteins, amino acids and wheat bran oil. The most abundant phenolic acid in
wheat bran is ferulic acid which is mostly linked to cell wall polysaccharides or to
lignin via ester and ether bonds. This compound shows several beneficial activities
for human health (such as antioxidant, anti-cancer, improving vascular function),
and thus has a high potential of application in the food, health and cosmetic

industry, but also could be used as key intermediate in the manufacture of polymers
such as polyesters.
Within the project AGRIMAX (Agri & food waste valorisation co-ops based
on flexible multi-feedstocks biorefinery processing technologies for new high added
value applications) financed and under the Bio-Based Industries Public-Private
Partnership scheme (grant agreement n. 720719), total wheat bran and different
bran fractions were collected from Barilla’s (Parma, Italy) production site.
The wheat total bran was subject to alkali hydrolysis and enzymatic
hydrolysis. Total polyphenol, total hydroxycinnamic acid, protein and reducing sugar
releases were quantified by spectrophotometric assays. Ferulic acid yield was
evaluated by means of HPLD-DAD analysis.
Results and conclusions
Preliminary results indicated that total polyphenol and total
hydroxycinnamic acid yields from alkali hydrolysis may be largely increased (up to
80% for polyphenols) by pre-treatments with protease and/or α-amylase enzymes.
Maximum achieved polyphenol level was 32 gGA/kg (g of gallic acid equivalent per
kg of bran) and, in the same extract, 237 g protein/kg and 415 g glucose
equivalent/kg were also present.
When wheat bran was enzymatically hydrolysed, total polyphenol and total
hydroxycinnamic acid yields were slightly lower with respect to sodium hydroxide
treatments. Each process leads to two extracts with different composition: the first,
obtained after protease/α-amylase pre-treatment, is rich in sugars, amino acids and
peptides, the second, obtained at the end of the cell wall enzymatic hydrolysis by
xylanase and feruloyl-esterase, is enriched in ferulic acid and shows small amounts
of proteins and reducing sugars. Maximum polyphenol level was in total 18 gGA/kg
(sum of the two extracts).
HPLC-DAD preliminary quantification of ferulic acid content in the extracts,
demonstrated that highest yield was obtained after sodium hydroxide process (up
to 2.5-3 g/kg). Xylanase and feruloyl-esterase enzymatic digestion yielded a lower
amount of ferulic acid (up to 0.9 g/kg). In both cases, at the end of the process,
ferulic acid was recovered with an average purity of 85% (based on HPLC-DAD
The results seem to confirm the valorisation of wheat bran by enzymatic
processes in order to obtain valuable compounds with several potential industrial
exploitations. In the frame of the BBI AGRIMAX project, possible exploitations of the
recovered phytochemicals are going to be tested. In particular, ferulic acid will be
polymerised for bioplastics, the aqueous residue will be tested as fungi growth
medium or for biogas production, and the solid fibrous residue will be tested for
nanofiber and biocomposite materials production.

Giorgia Liberati, Mohammadali Mozafarian,
Gonzalo A. Martinez, Joana M. Bendada Domingos,
Fabio Fava, Lorenzo Bertin*
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM),
University of Bologna
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Anaerobic digestion is a biological process used industrially to produce biogas from
organic matrices. The simultaneous co-digestion of more substrates can improve the stability
of the process through the balancing of nutrients, this leading to a higher biogas yield, and
the dilution of toxic and inhibitory effects related to a pure substrate. Moreover, this strategy
allows the integrated waste management in a predetermined geographic area. However, the
substrate features and their relative proportion affect the process. Hence, preliminary tests
are necessary to determine the best feedstock mixture. Conventionally, numerous
biomethane potential (BMP) tests are carried out on different substrate compositions, this
representing a significant commitment in terms of time and resources.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of experimental designs
and statistical methods in order to minimize the number of tests, to identify the optimal
substrate composition and to be able to predict the biogas production. In particular, the
mixture experimental design has been used to evaluate the synergistic and antagonistic
interactions due to the combination of corn stover (CS), grape pomace (GP) and solid residue
of olive mill wastewater (OMW). Indeed, the response surface methodology has been used to
select the optimal mixture to maximize the co-digestion process in terms of methane yield
(mlCH4/gVS) and productivity (mlCH4/d/ml). A further objective was therefore to verify the
possibility to step forward to anaerobic co-digestion continuous processes, using the
proposed statistical approach for optimized-productivity.
The selected experimental design was the augmented three factors simplex lattice
mixture design. The mixture space is a triangle, whose vertices correspond to pure mixtures
(Fig. 1). The second and third edge points correspond to binary mixtures of components,
while the internal points correspond to mixtures with different ratios of components.
Substrate ratios were fixed as independent variables, while methane yield and productivity
were the response variables. Micro-batch reactors were fed with different substrate ratios
according to the 22 points of the experimental design. BMP tests were performed in triplicate
under thermophilic conditions (50 ± 5°C), using a methanogenic inoculum obtained from an
anaerobic co-digestion plant. The micro-reactors consisted of Pyrex bottles with a total
volume of 110 ml, fed with a total mass of substrate of about 13 g, an inoculum volume of
36.4 ml and the amount of distilled water needed to reach the operative volume of 50 ml.
Therefore, a blank assay with water and inoculum was carried out in triplicate. The total solid
content ranged from 10 to 20% while the inoculum substrate ratio ranged from 0.30 to 0.45.

Figure 3: Experimental design mixture space
The experiment lasted 76 days and was monitored three times per week. Each
monitoring consisted of the evaluation of the produced biogas, in terms of volume,
composition, and pH adjustment (at 7.5).
Results and conclusions
The highest yield of biomethane was obtained from a mixture of the three
substrates, and in particular by the assay with the higher proportion of CS and the lower
proportion of OMW. The collected experimental data were then fitted to the best polynomial
order, and evaluated through the analysis of variance. The quartic and cubic models were
chosen for methane yield and productivity, respectively. After having eliminated the
insignificant terms, the fitted model for the methane yield was expressed by the equation
below, where ŶCH4 represents the predicted response:
ŶCH4 = 1000.01 X3GP XCS + 1000.01 X3CS XGP – 2000.02 X2GP X2CS + 328.01 X2GP XOMW – 420.03 X2GP
XCS + 408.73 X2CS XOMW + 420.03 X2CS XGP – 328 X2OMW XGP – 408.73 X2OMW XCS + 172.58 XGP XOMW +
254.93 XOMW XCS + a90.11 XGP + 0.87 XOMW + 90.71 XCS

Figure 4: Methane yield fitted model surface

Quadratic and quartic terms allowed the model to predict synergistic and
antagonistic interactions. The equation represents the modeled blending surface, graphically
visualized by contour and 3D plots. Equivalent equation and plots were obtained for
productivity. Employing a response surface method to maximize both responses variables
simultaneously, the optimal combination of substrate mixture resulted to be 73% CS, 23%
GP and 0% OMW. The predicted response variables values were 183.90 mlCH4/gVS and
0.68mlCH4/d/ml. The desirability of the mixture was found to be 97.3%. The BMP conducted
with the optimum compositions obtained validated the model and the values were found to
be comparable with the predictions.
In this study, it was possible to correlate biological behavior and statistical results.
Specific evaluations to test the applicability of the predicted values in continuous process are
underway. Hence, statistical analysis resulted to be a valuable tool to evaluate the best
mixture to use in anaerobic co-digestion processes.

Fernández Rodríguez María José 1,2,
De La Lama Calvente David 1; Jiménez Rodríguez Antonia2; Borja
Padilla Rafael1; Rincón Llorente Bárbara1,*
Instituto de la Grasa (CSIC), Campus Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Edificio 46. Ctra. de
Utrera Km. 1, 41013 Sevilla, Spain.
Departamento de Sistemas Físicos y Naturales, Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Ctra. de
Utrera, km 1, 41013 Sevilla, Spain
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

A total of 1,275.700 tons of olive oil is being produced worldwide every year,
generating tons of olive mill solid wastes. Olive mill solid waste (OMSW) is the main waste
of the olive oil two-phase elaboration system. Due to the high content in organic matter of
the OMSW and the high amounts of OMSW produced (800 kg/200 kg of olive oil
produced), it is necessary to seek a sustainable treatment for OMSW. Anaerobic digestion
has been shown as an effective treatment for organic material reduction and energy
production. Because of the composition of the OMSW, with a high content in lignin and
celluloses, substrate pretreatments could be a feasible option to increase the methane
production during the anaerobic digestion. Pretreatments, in most of the cases, allow the
breakage of the complex structures and the solubilization of the organic matter favoring
the microorganisms attack and the digestion. This study was focused on how a
hydrothermal pretreatment under different conditions affected the OMSW and the
subsequent production of methane during anaerobic digestion.
Two-phase olive mill solid waste was collected from an Experimental Olive Oil Mill
Factory located in the ‘Instituto de la Grasa (CSIC)’, Seville (Spain). The OMSW was sifted
through a 2 mm mesh to remove olive stone pieces before the hydrothermal
pretreatments. Two different hydrothermal pretreatments were tested on OMSW in an
autoclave (Raypa RFG). Pretreatment A (pA) carried out at 121ºC and a pressure of 1.1bar
for 15, 20 and 30 minutes (A1, A2 and A3, respectively) and pretreatment B (pB) carried
out at 133ºC and 2.1bar for 15, 20 and 30 minutes (B1, B2 and B3, respectively). The
OMSW was analyzed before and after each pretreatment. All substrates were characterized
by the measurement of total and soluble chemical oxygen demand (COD and SCOD), total
(TS) and volatile solids (VS), total alkalinity (TA), total nitrogen (TN) and pH. Total phenols
were also measured. The anaerobic sludge was obtained from an industrial UASB reactor
treating brewery wastewater located in Sevilla (Spain). Its main characteristics were: pH:
6.77, TS: 28.7±2.7 g/kg and VS: 22.8±2.3 g/kg. The biochemical methane potential (BMP)
test was carried out in a multi-batch reactor system continuously agitated (450 rpm) and
thermostated at 35±2 ºC. The ratio inoculum: substrate was 2 (VS basis). Three reactors
with inoculum without substrate addition were used as controls.

Results and conclusions
Fig. 1 shows the total methane production obtained for the untreated OMSW
(341±20 mL CH4/g VS) and after pA and pB over a period of 29 days. For both
pretreatments, A and B, the methane production increased when the time of the
pretreatment increased from 15 to 30 min. For pA the methane obtained was higher than
the methane obtained for untreated OMSW for an exposure time of 20 and 30 minutes (A1
and A2) but lower for 15 min exposure (A3) (383±2, 352±8 and 315±10 mL CH 4/g VS for
A1, A2 and A3, respectively). For pB the methane production was lower than the obtained
for the untreated OMSW in all the cases (308±39, 290±16 and 274±6 mL CH 4/g VS for B1,
B2 and B3, respectively).

pA pB
Figure 1: pA) Biochemical methane potential (mL CH4/g VS added) of untreated OMSW (●),
treatment A1 (■), treatment A2 (□) and treatment A3 (▲). pB) Biochemical methane potential
(mL CH4/g VS added) of treatment B1 (○), treatment B2 (■) and treatment B3 ( ).
SCOD increased from 52,149±555 mg O 2/L to values from 57,121 to 70,925 mg
O2/L in all the cases. Total phenols concentration increased from 2.49±0.1 mg galic acid/g in
the untreated OMSW to values from 3.00 to 3.44 mg galic acid/ g for pA and to 3.21-3.51 mg
galic acid/g for pB. As a consequence of both pretreatments certain phenols such a as 3,4
dihydroxytyrosol and vanillin (31.8 mg/L and 170,4 mg/L, respectively in the untreated
OMSW) were released increasing their concentration over the untreated OMSW. The increase
of these phenol concentrations was not inhibitory, it was beneficial. For pA1, the
pretreatment which gave the highest methane production, the 3,4 dihydroxytyrosol and
vanillin concentrations achieved (563 mg/L and 24.9 mg/L, respectively) were one of the
highest obtained. Tyrosol also increased with the pretreatments, nevertheless concentrations
of this phenol higher than 290 mg/L, obtained for pB (B1, B2 and B3), gave methane
productions lower than the obtained for the untreated OMSW. In this way, this concentration
could be considered inhibitory for the process.
The kinetics for methane production was composed for an initial exponential stage,
followed for a lag phase and a final sigmoidal stage in all the cases. For pB, the most drastic,
the kinetic of the anaerobic process changed slightly. The lag phase was shortened and the
sigmoidal part of the curve was smoothed. Despite the shortening of the lag phase during B
pretreatment, the final methane production was lower than the methane production obtained
for the untreated OMSW. This situation could be produced because during pretreatment B,
the most drastic, inhibitory substances for the anaerobic digestion process were solubilized.
The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Junta de Andalucía (project RNM-
1970) for providing financial support.


Stefano Rebecchi*, Davide Pinelli, Dario Frascari, Fabio Fava,

Giulio Zanaroli

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM),

University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
DICAM, Via Terracini 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

2,3-butanediol (2,3-BD) is a platform chemical that is used in pharmaceutical,
cosmetics and food industries applications. 2,3-BD can be produced biotechnologically
by fermentation of sugars, agricultural residues, glycerol and biomass hydrolizates.
Among 2,3-BD producing microorganisms, those of the genus Bacillus are non-
pathogenic and thus more suitable for industrial application. In particular, Bacillus
licheniformis is a facultative anaerobe in which 2,3-BD production occurs under
microaerobic conditions, being several by-products produced depending on oxygen
availability. As the process selectivity is strongly influenced by the dissolved oxygen
concentration, a fine tuning of the oxygen mass transfer is necessary in order to
maintain proper microaerobic conditions required to obtain a high yield in 2,3-BD.
Furthermore, the optimization of the aeration conditions is mandatory in order to scale-
up the process. The Design of Experiments (DoE) can be a useful tool to address the
optimization of the process, since it allows predicting the impact of variables on one or
more responses. Its application to the agitation, namely the rotational speed in a
mechanically agitated vessel, and aeration, namely the gas phase volumetric flow rate,
as the input variables, can be useful in order to optimize the process and provide a
sophisticated tool to control dissolved oxygen concentration in the fermentation
The main aim of the present work was to maximize the fermentation
performance (2,3-BD yield and process productivity) and minimize the production of by-
products (acetoin and glycerol), by acting a fine tuning of oxygen mass transfer. Specific
objects were: i) to apply the DoE to identify the best microaerobic conditions, ii) to
estimate an optimal range of oxygen mass transfer rate.
Bacillus licheniformis ATCC 9789 was obtained from American Type Culture
Collection. The growth medium contained 10 g/L beef extract, 10 g/L peptone from
soybean and 5 g/L sodium chloride, whereas a glucose concentration between 20 and
40 g/L was added in the 2,3-BD production phase. The bioproduction tests were carried
out in microaerobic conditions in a 1L BIOSTAT B-Twin bioreactor (Sartorius AG,

Germany) equipped with pH, temperature, foam and dissolved oxygen probes. The
fermentation was carried out at 30 °C and pH 6. Impeller rotational speed (agitation)
and gas (air) flow rate (aeration) were set according to the Central Composite
Circumscripted Design in the range 250-500 rpm and 0.1-0.5 vvm, respectively, and
maintained constant during each test. 2,3-BD yield, productivity and selectivity (ratio
between masses of 2,3-BD and all products) were chosen as responses. Experimental
design and ANOVA were performed with the software MODDE 10.1 (Umetrics, Umeå,
Sweden). Moreover, the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa) values were
estimated for all the conditions studied in the bioproduction experiments applying a
conventional dynamic method. Finally, the actual oxygen transfer rate was estimated
measuring the composition of the gas in the bioreactor headspace during the
Results and conclusions
According to the ANOVA, the best fitting models for the chosen responses are
quadratic equations: yield = 0.458 -0.017*A + 0.001*B - 0.011*A2 - 0.034*B2 -
0.010*AB, productivity = 0.896 + 0.019*A + 0.131*B -0.010*A2 - 0.077*B2 - 0.048*AB,
selectivity = 0.752 + 0.009*A + 0.109*B + 0.007*A2 + 0.015*B2 - 0.017*AB (where
A=agitation, B=aeration; coded factors). High R (>0.9) and adjusted determination
coefficient (R Adj.) for each of the responses indicated the goodness of the models,
i.e., that models are capable of fitting the experimental data. Furthermore, the p-value
and F-value of the models were all <0.05 and the p-value of the lack of fit >0.05,
indicating the models could be considered significant. Within the range of aeration and
agitation considered, the most significant parameters towards BDO yield are aeration
and its quadratic term, whereas agitation and its quadratic term are the most significant
towards productivity and the process selectivity, being in particular acetoin production
favoured at high rpm and glycerol at low rpm. Models validation was assessed
performing fermentations at agitation and aeration values chosen randomly within the
range considered (data not shown), as well as at values predicted to maximize the 2,3-
BD yield, productivity and selectivity (460 rpm and 0.1 vvm). Observed 2,3-BD yield
(0.44±0.05 gBD/gGL), productivity (0.86±0.12 g/L/h) and selectivity (88±6 %), were
consistent with the models prediction (0.45±0.01 gBD/gGL, 0.95±0.04 g/L/h and 84±3
%, respectively).
The process performance was correlated to the kLa values. A very narrow range
of oxygen mass transfer values was determined in which the performance is maximised.
These conditions correspond to 915 mmol of oxygen transferred per hour per litre of
fermentation medium. Using the same microorganism and glucose as substrate, other
researches obtained comparable BD yields (0.420.47 gBD/gGL) with lower or similar
productivities (0.120.86 g/L/h). This comparison shows the effectiveness of the DoE
approach that allowed a significant improvement in performance. A further significant
enhancement in productivity is expected optimising the growth phase.
This work was financed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research through
the project ALBE of the Italian Cluster SPRING-GREEN CHEMISTRY.

Andrea Nuzzo*, Marco Rocca, Maria Elena Antinori,
Fabio Fava, Giulio Zanaroli
Dept. Civil Chemical Environmental and Material Engineering (DICAM) University of
Bologna, via Terracini 28, 40131, Bologna (Italy)
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Several areas of the Adriatic coast (Italy) are impacted by human activities.
Pollutants affecting the area include highly hydrophobic toxic compounds, such as
organohalides, which tend to persist into the environment and accumulate in the anoxic
layers of sediments. Organohalide-respiring bacteria which grow anaerobically in these layers
are able to remove chlorine atoms from such compounds, converting them into less toxic and
more biodegradable products. Such activity is known to be carried out by Dehalococcoidia
microorganisms in freshwater sediments, whereas less is known about its occurrence in
marine conditions and the responsible microorganisms.
The aim of this study is to test the dehalogenation capabilities against different
organohalides of native microbial communities from sediments of the Venice Lagoon (VL) and
the Ravenna harbor (RH) under in-situ-like biogeochemical conditions and to identify the
main organohalide respiring phylotypes. The organohalides tested were hexachlorobenzene
(HCBe), 1,2,3,5-tetrachlorobenzene (TeCBe), pentachlorophenol (PCP), 2,3,5-trichlorophenol
(TCP) and trichloroethene (TCE).
Slurry microcosms were set up with marine sediment collected from either Venice
Lagoon or Ravenna Harbor at 20% dry w/v sediment suspension in their own site water, in
120 ml serum bottles with N2: CO2 70:30 headspace, under strict anaerobic conditions. HCBe,
TeCBe, PCP, TCP and TCE were spiked at final concentration of 20 mg/l of slurry.
Chlorobenzenes were analyzed via batch extraction with 3 volumes of hexane:acetone
mixture (9:1) and analyzed via GC-ECD; chlorophenols were analyzed via preliminary
separation of water and sediment phase, extraction from sediment with 2 volumes of ethanol
and injection of both aqueous phases in HPLC-UV/DAD; chloroethenes were monitored by
headspace analysis in GC-ECD and GC-FID using Henry’s constant to infer concentrations in
the liquid phase. Microbial population was monitored via PCR-DGGE of the 16S rRNA gene of
total bacteria and Chloroflexi bacteria.
Results and conclusions
No dehalogenation occurred in any of the sterile controls. Spiked chlorobenzenes
were completely depleted in both VL sediment cultures. In particular, HCBe was converted in
9 weeks into 1,3,5-DCBe, and then into 1,3-DCBe; TeCBe followed the same dechlorination
pattern (Tab.1). On the other hand, complete depletion of both HCBe and TeCBe occurred in
RH sediment cultures accompanied by the accumulation of 1,3,5-TCBe only (Tab.1). No
significant dechlorination of PCP occurred in any of the sediment cultures examined, while

TCP was dechlorinated to 3,5-DCP and 3-CP in VL sediment cultures, and to 3,5-CP only in
RH sediment cultures (Tab.1). Dechlorination activities were extensive also on TCE on both
VL sediment cultures, which accumulated equimolar quantities of cis- and trans-DCE, and RH
sediment cultures, only accumulating cis-DCE (Tab.1).
Table 1: Concentrations of chlorinated compounds in sediment cultures during incubation
Venice Lagoon Ravenna Harbor
Week 0 Week 13 Week 0 Week 13
HCBe (µmol/l slurry) 91.92 ± 10.81 0.92 ± 0.20 85.73 ± 1.22 0.93 ± 0.25
1,3,5- (µmol/l slurry) 0.03 ± 0.01 5.91 ± 0.22 - 65.28 ± 0.70
1,3-DCBe (µmol/l slurry) 0.35 ± 0.05 41.32 ± 3.47 0.03 ± 0.08 0.81 ± 0.05
TeCBe (µmol/l slurry) 22.73 ± 6.23 1.68 ± 0.28 86.47 ± 2.46 1.16 ± 0.03
1,3,5- (µmol/l slurry) 0.02 ± 0.00 14.70 ± 5.74 - 96.54 ± 5.66
1,3-DCBe (µmol/l slurry) 0.30 ± 0.02 9.14 ± 0.19 - 1.31 ± 0.21
Week 0 Week 24 Week 0 Week 24
PCP (µmol/l slurry) 66.53 ± 0.07 55.85 ± 4.27 82.71 ± 70.74 ± 16.45
- (µmol/l slurry) - - - -
2,3,5-TCP (µmol/l slurry) 101.18 ± 0.39 24.81 ± 32.70 138.22 ± 30.44 ± 50.70
3,5-DCP (µmol/l slurry) 0.03 ± 0.01 20.57 ± 27.57 0.38 ± 0.01 88.77 ± 82.80
3-CP (µmol/l slurry) - 53.91 ± 5.83 0.36 ± 0.06 1.73 ± 0.64
Week 15 Week 17 Week 15 Week 17
TCE (µmol/l total 245.23 ± 88.35 ± 196.36 ± 8.36 ± 10.92
vol) 18.53 59.65 9.64
cis-DCE (µmol/l total 2.06 ± 0.20 32.49 ± 2.35 55.42 ± 235.60 ±
vol) 83.07 75.57
trans-DCE (µmol/l total 1.18 ± 0.30 54.77 ± 0.20 ± 0.05 1.01 ± 0.52
vol) 40.72
Microbial community composition evidenced the development of peculiar species in
correspondence to dehalogenating activities. In particular, different Chloroflexi could be
detected at the end of the dechlorination phase in VL and RH sediment cultures, having 88%
to 100% sequence similarities to known organohalide respirers of the non-Dehalococcoides
Dehalococcoidia subclass. Moreover, two of those phylotypes (VLD-1 and VLD-2) were
previously associated with PCB dehalogenation activities in the Venice Lagoon and were
detected in all VL dehalogenating cultures, while VLD-1 was the main Chloroflexi enriched in
dehalogenating RH sediment cultures.
Microbial reductive dehalogenation activities were already known in VL sediment
cultures against PCBs. These findings show that dehalogenating activities of both VL and RH
sediment microbial communities are instead efficient over several harmful compounds. The
presence of the same dehalogenating phylotypes in different sites suggests a more
widespread presence of organohalide respires in the Adriatic Sea and the differences in terms
of dehalogenation efficiencies and specificity might depend from peculiar conditions such as
the availability of substrates. The isolation and characterization of these phylotypes could be
useful to design effective bioremediation approaches for the several polluted portions of the
Adriatic coast.
This work was supported by the EU through the “INMARE” project (G.A. n° 634486).


Cristina Ghinea1,2, Elena Diana Comanita2,

Maria Gavrilescu2,3,*
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Faculty of Food Engineering, 13 Universitatii Street,
720229 Suceava, Romania
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, 73
Prof. dr. doc. Dimitrie Mangeron Street, 700050 Iasi, Romania
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest,
[email protected]

Large amounts of food are wasted each year: only in Europe almost 88 million
tonnes of food waste were generated in 2012, which means that, of 865 kg food produced
per person, an amount of 173 kg per person were wasted. In other words, 20% of the
total food produced is practically wasted by EU population. The sectors with relevant
contribution to food waste are: households (53%), processing industry (19%), production
sector (11%), food service (12%), wholesale and retail (5%). There are different reasons
for food waste generation like: limitations of agricultural techniques, transportation and
storage infrastructure, production surpluses, deterioration of products and packaging,
excess purchases, excess portions prepared and errors in food storage etc. It can be
observed (Fig. 1) that the main waste categories generated in the EU28 by households are
mixed wastes (64%), recyclable waste (17.5%) animal and vegetable waste (13%), while
in Romania mixed waste represents 80%, recyclables 18% and animal and vegetables
waste only 0.62%. The alternatives applied for solid waste management differ in EU
countries. In Romania landfilling is the main elimination method, while composting and
recycling is applied in a lower degree (Fig. 2).
Mineral wastes Municipal waste generation and treatment, by type of
treatment method
100% Sludges
80% Mixed wastes
400 Generated
Equipment Total waste treatment

40% Landfilling
Chemical and medical 200 Total incineration
20% Material recycling
Animal and vegetable waste 100
EU 28 Romania 0
Recyclable waste EU28 Romania

Figure 1: Waste categories generated by Figure 2: Municipal waste generation and treatment
households in 2012 by type of treatment method in 2012
The solid waste management, in general and food waste management, in
particular is closely linked with environmental, economic and social impacts. In the last
years, a food waste hierarchy has been developed, which includes options for preventing
food to become waste (preventable food waste and redistribution to humans and animals)

and waste management alternatives as recycling through anaerobic digestion and
composting, recovery of valuable fractions, while disposal in landfills continues to be an
unfavorable option.
The European Commission considers measures for tackling food waste as a
central section of EC new Circular Economy Package entailing the reinforcement of Europe
transition towards a circular economy “which will boost global competitiveness, foster
sustainable growth and generate new jobs”. Circular economy should involve: durability,
substitution, standardization, eco-innovation, eco-design, waste prevention and reduction,
high‐quality waste separation by consumers, actions to minimise the costs of recycling and
reuse, industrial symbiosis, new business models etc. The main incentives of the concept
of circular economy are based on the current situation: natural resources are limited,
resources are consumed too fast or used inefficiently, and large amounts of waste are
produced. Moreover, only a small portion of waste produced is returned back to the
economic cycle. Therefore, the link between food waste and circular economy (Fig. 3)
implies first the reduction of waste amount generated, followed by food reutilization,
avoidance of food waste, changes in consumers behavior etc.

Figure 3: Food and circular economy

The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the food circular system in the context of
circular economy, based on a life cycle approach. The following aspects are discussed:
food production, consumption and waste generation with the environmental, economic and
social aspects related at European and country levels. The research questions were: What
is the connection between circular economy and food sector? Could the circular economy
be implemented in Romania and how? Which are the main issues and opportunities
related with food waste management? What is the degree of knowledge of the population
on food waste issues? How diet and habits can influence the amount of food waste
generated? Which are the policies and solutions for food waste prevention and
management? May the following key actions of interventions be considered for waste
prevention: education and training, communication and awareness campaigns, procedures
for data collection, research and legislation, voluntary agreements etc. and how can be
Our analysis could offer the scientific support for decision making, planning and
actions at national level, so as Romania to reach the targets imposed by EC policy and
strategy on food waste management according to circular economy concept and package.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0130, Contract 64BG/2016.

Alessandra Procentese1,2,*, Francesca Raganati3,
Giuseppe Olivieri3, Marco De La Feld2, Maria Elena Russo1,
Antonio Marzocchella 3
Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.
P.le V. Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy
ENCO S.r.l. Engineering & Consulting – Via Michelangelo Schipa 115, 80122 Napoli, Italy
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, dei Materiali e della Produzione Industriale, Università
degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

In the last years, first generation biofuels (FGBs) have been overtaken by
second generation biofuels (SGBs). Among the difference between FGBs and SGBs,
the severity of biomass pretreatment step has been addressed in order to design
environmental friendly and energy saving processes aimed at the recovery of sugar
fractions from the lignocellulosic feedstock. Moreover, the issue related to the biomass
availability in European countries has been addressed by several reviews in the
literature even though, to our knowledge, no studies related to the amount of organic
waste coming from the food industrial sector have been published so far. Among the
novel green processes proposed for biomass pretreatment, lignin extraction with Deep
Eutectic Solvents (DESs) seems to be a promising alternative for biomass dissolution
and fermentable sugars recovery thanks to their physicochemical properties similar to
that of ionic liquids (IL). In addition, use of DESs is less energy consuming and they
are more environmental friendly and inexpensive than ILs.
This paper reports a survey of several industrial Agro-Food Wastes (AFWs)
available in Europe for the production of butanol as SGB. Data on biomass availability
and composition were retrieved for each AFW and combined with experimental results
reported in the literature on the butanol yield obtained after AFW pretreatment with
DES and ABE fermentation of the sugar fraction. The results provided the potential
butanol production rate for the whole set of AFW considered and were compared to
the European biofuel demand.
Eight industrial AFWs, potentially available for butanol production by
biotechnological route, were taken into account: soft drink, grape marc, brewers’
spent grains, coffee silverskin, wastes from the “fresh-cut” sector, apple residues,
potato peel, sugar beet pulp. The listed industrial AFW were analyzed in terms of the
following parameters: i) availability by country, ii) organic composition (hemicellulose,

cellulose, lignin content), iii) seasonal availability, iv) storage requirements, v)
operational cost (transport and storage), vi) market price. The maximum butanol
productivity (WBUTANOL) for each feedstock was assessed as follows:
where WRESOURCE is the annual availability of each waste, ΣFERM SUGARS is the
amount of fermentable sugars in each feedstock, and Y B/Sugars is the butanol yield
obtained during fermentation of DES pretreated biomass
Results and conclusions
Table 1 reports an approximate estimation of the maximum butanol
productivity assessed with reference to the investigated AFW and butanol yield after
DES pretreatment.
Table 1. Maximum expected butanol productivity from European AFWs treated
with DES before fermentation process.
Feedstock availability Sugars composition expected butanol
(Mt y-1)
(Mt y-1)
Soft drink 0.07 (mixture of glucose, 0.006
fructose, saccarose, )
Grape marc 2 34% cellulose 0.236
35% hemicellulose
Brewers’ spent 8 12% cellulose 0.415
grains 18% hemicellulose
10% cellulose
Coffee silverskin 0.1 9% hemicellulose 0.003
21% cellulose
Apple residues 0.1 15% hemicellulose 0.006
8% cellulose
Potato peels 0.6 0.016
7% hemicellulose
Sugar beet pulp 7 23% cellulose 0.702
36% hemicellulose
Fresh cut 1.34 22% cellulose 0.116
vegetable 28% hemicellulose
The assessed total butanol productivity was about 1.5 Mt yr which
correspond to 5.5·1010MJ year−1 (based on butanol heating value 36.6 MJ kg−1). This
value was compared to the European demand for transportation biofuels. Overall
European fuel demand is about 1.4·1013MJ year−1. Assuming that the need for
renewable transportation fuels in the EU will account for 20% of current total fuels
demand, 2.8·1012MJ year−1 of renewable fuels are expected in Europe. The reported
analysis suggests that about 2% of the European biofuels demand for transportation
may be replaced by bio-butanol produced using AFWs as feedstock in biorefinery
processes including pretreatment with DES and ABE fermentation.
The present work has been performed as part of the H2020-LCE-2015 Waste2Fuels
project (Sustainable production of next generation biofuels from waste streams -
Waste2Fuels. GA - 654623), funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and
Innovation Program.


Mihaela Cosnita, Cristina Cazan, Anca Duta

Transilvania University of Brasov, RTD Dep. Renewable Energy Systems and Recycling,
Eroilor 29, 500036 Brasov, Romania
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The paper investigates the increase of interfacial bonding in composite
materials fully based on wastes of rubber, polyethylene terephtalate (PET), high
density polyethylene (HDPE) and wood sawdust. The interfacial adhesion
increase was controlled by sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS 1%) functionalization
of composite components and the composites water stability of was assessed
by long term water immersion of composites.
In the actual context of natural resources shortage and sustainable
development, the waste-to-products paradigm, has to become a viable strategy
of waste management and product development. Globally, an important
environmental issue is represented by the waste disposal of tire rubber and
plastic. Every year, 1.5 billion tires are manufactured and millions of these are
thrown away (500 million of tires are discarded to landfills, yearly) or buried,
thus raising serious environmental threats. Additionally, PET and HDPE
extensively used as packaging materials, leading thus to impressive annual
waste amounts. Thus researches focus on the use of these wastes with addition
of natural fibers, as lignocellulosic, in polymeric composite system; often they
focus on replacing the synthetic reinforcing agents (eg. glass, carbon fiber, etc)
with cellulose based reinforcement. This interest is increasing due to the
advantages of natural fiber use: high mechanical performance, processing
advantage, no abrasiveness to the manufacturing tools, low cost and density,
low energy consumption and last but not least, being a renewable resource.
The incompatibility of hydrophobic polymers and hydrophilic wood raises poor
interfacial adhesion between fibre-matrix, decreasing the mechanical
In this study, SDS interface functionalization was approached for
interface strengthening and to develop novel composites for outdoor products

The rubber-PET-HDPE-wood composites with functionalized
components were obtained via compression molding method using a thermostat
oven (type ECv 200-300). The processing duration was one hour at 150  5 oC
(samples 1), 160  5 oC (samples 2), 190  5 oC (samples 3). The anionic
surfactant SDS with CH3(CH2)11OSO3Na formula, mainly being used in the
cleaning and hygiene products, was used in a solution of 1 % for components
The FTIR data indicate that SDS did not significantly modify the ketone
functional groups, but influences hydrocarbon groups, confirming the insertion
and interaction between C12 hydrocarbon surfactant structure and composite
components. Total absence of C-O-C peak of functionalized HDPE composite
(corresponding to 1245 cm-1 wave number) may lead to the conclusion of a
preferential adsorption of SDS on this type of functional group.
The SEM images, shown in Fig. 1, prove that the higher value of the
curing temperature of composites, the higher mechanical and/or chemical
adhesion between components; therefore 1% SDS functionalized HDPE
composites obtained at 190oC (H - 3) exhibits the best interfacial adhesion, by
comparing with those of lower obtaining temperatures 150 and 160 oC (H - 1 or
H - 2), having a more homogeneous surface aspect.

Figure 1: SEM images of HDPE functionalized composites: A) H – 1 ; B) H - 2 ; C) H – 3

These results are in good agreement with the mechanical test results,
which recorded for H – 3 composite, the highest tensile strength and high
Young's modulus value. The results showed that the composites processed at
190 0C with functionalized HDPE and wood exhibited the highest tensile
strength (1.97 and respectively 1.95 MPa). Further water stability tests
confirmed the best interfacial strength for SDS functionalized HDPE composite
obtained at 190 0C, (2.05 MPa).

Francesco Maluta1, Giuseppina Montante2,
Alessandro Paglianti1
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, University of
Bologna, via Terracini 34, 40131 Bologna, Italy
Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari”, University of Bologna, via Terracini
34, 40131 Bologna, Italy

Introduction and study objectives

The dark fermentation of waste organics to hydrogen is a sustainable and
environmental friendly process. It offers great potential and recognized advantages with
respect to conventional methods for the production of hydrogen. Besides the
biochemical and microbiological factors, the importance of fluid mixing and mass
transfer for enhancing biohydrogen production is increasingly recognized. For moving
from the laboratory to the production scale, the relationship between design, operating
variables and performances of bioreactors should be predictable, since hydrogen
productivity and energy efficiency might exhibit important variations depending on the
process scale.
This work deals with the modelling of a stirred bioreactor for biohydrogen
production from organic wastes. The attached-growth dark fermentation in a dual
impeller vortex-ingesting batch stirred bioreactor is considered. The final goal of the
vortex-ingesting configuration is to drive the stripping gas towards a membrane
separation unit for pure H2 recovery without adding any external device. The
hydrodynamics and H2 production features of this specific bioreactor were already
investigated experimentally. It was proven that with the selected configuration, the
process hydrodynamics requirements, such as effective fluid mixing and gas
recirculation to strip the dissolved gaseous fermentation products, are fulfilled.
The objective of this work is to present a comprehensive modelling strategy for
the prediction of fluid flow features, H 2 production and mass transfer in the bioreactor to
be confidently adopted for scale-up. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been
recently identified as a viable approach for the design and the optimization of
biohydrogen fermenters. It is adopted here as the modelling development framework.
The modelling challenges for the reliable scale-up of the bioreactors are addressed. The
issues which may arise from the adoption of standard CFD tools without proper
verification and validation are highlighted.
The model is based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS)
for each phase. The continuity and momentum equations in the RANS Eulerian
formulation for a generic phase q, as implemented in the CFD software Fluent 6, are:


 q      q u q   0
 
    
q quq     q ququq   qp    q  Rpq   q q Fg  Flift ,q  Fvm,q
q is the volumetric fraction of the phase q, u is the velocity vector, p is the
ynolds stress tensor, Fg, Flift and Fvm are the gravitational, lift and
virtual mass forces, respectively. The inter-phase momentum transfer term, Rpq, is
modelled via the drag coefficient, CD, that is calculated by assuming the bubbles as rigid
spheres of fixed diameter. The effect of the bubble size and of the Reynolds stress
tensor modelling are evaluated by comparing the outcome of different alternatives. The
model equations are solved in a computational domain that duplicates the bioreactor
already adopted for the experimental characterization. The fluid dynamic equations are
coupled with a kinetic model from literature and a mass transfer model to predict the
complete bioreactor operative features and its production performances.
Results and conclusions
The effect of bubble size on the gas phase flow field predictions close to the
lower impeller are shown in Fig. 1, as an example of the outcome of different modelling
choices on the results.

(a) (b)
Figure 1: Gas velocity field close to the bottom impeller (a) db1=0.25 mm, (b) db2=1.10 mm.
Overall, the fluid dynamic and operating features of the bioreactor are
correctly predicted. The results show that the CFD strategy already developed for
simpler gas-liquid stirred vessels can be usefully applied to the design of bioreactors
for hydrogen fermentation production, provided that reliable fermentation kinetics and
mass transfer models are included. Due to the sensitivity of the results to a number of
numerical and modelling parameters, extensive verification and validation are required
and particular care is needed in the adoption of CFD for the bioreactors optimization
and scale up.

Salvatore Puccio, Gonzalo Martinez*, Davide Pinelli,
Dario Frascari, Lorenzo Bertin
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM), University
of Bologna, via Terracini 28, I-40131 Bologna, Italy
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are microbial polyesters with potential
capabilities for substituting the petrochemical-based plastomers, elastomers, latexes or
even high-performance polymers. In order to decrease PHAs production costs, several
attempts to replace expensive carbon sources with biowaste-deriving ones have been
carried out. Particularly, volatile fatty acids (VFAs), which can be produced by
processing organic residues under anaerobic acidogenic conditions, were demonstrated
to be feasible PHAs precursors. However, the relative low VFAs concentration in
anaerobic effluents do not allow feeding such streams into fed-batch culture systems
without causing cell dilution. Therefore, an integrated biorefinery scheme was proposed
for the valorisation of organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) through: i)
their anaerobic fermentation for the obtainment of a VFAs-rich stream (OFMSWAcid); ii)
the recovery of the produced VFAs by solid phase extraction (SPE); iii) the production of
PHAs by employing a pure culture of a halophile strain. This integrated strategy would
potentially allow producing PHAs at high concentration using a cheap alternative carbon
source and unsterilized conditions. All this considered, the aims of the present work
were to study the feasibility of recovering the VFAs from OFMSWAcid using an ionic resin,
and to utilize the recovered VFAs for PHAs production by employing a pure culture of a
halophile strain.
Preliminary SPE batch adsorption and desorption tests were carried out with
VFA solutions in 2 mL-microplate-weld loaded with 1 mL of liquid and 0.04 g of dried-
weak ionic exchange resin Amberlist 21 (Sigma Aldrich) at room temperature (21±1°C).
Afterwards, a final batch process was carried out at a larger bench scale (2 L-becker,
100 g of dried resin and 2 L of OFMSWAcid including about 8 g L-1 of VFAs) to recover the
target carboxylates for PHAs production. An alkaline ethanol solution (0.2 M NaOH, 2 L)
was employed for the desorption tests. The powder obtained after ethanol evaporation
was employed for the culture medium preparation.
Halomonas boliviensis (DSMZ 15516) was used as the PHAs producer strain.
Pre-culture was started from agar plates and pre-grown within 24 h in 500 mL
Erlenmeyer flask containing 150 mL of rich medium without any extra carbon source;

incubation conditions were 30 ºC, pH 7.5 and 200 rpm. The experiment was also
performed in 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask (150 mL culture media), according to a dual-
phase strategy: i) balanced growth using glucose (4 g L ) as the carbon source, and ii)
PHAs accumulation using the recovered VFAs mixture (about 7 g L ). In particular, the
culture medium consisted on (g L-1): NaCl (45), NH4Cl (1.5), MgSO4*7H2O (1.9),
K2HPO4 (2) and yeast extract (2). The culture conditions were those mentioned above.
An experimental control group was carried out in parallel to identify potential matrix
inhibition from the recovered powder. To this aim, the actual powder was substituted
with a VFAs solution prepared in the lab simulating the composition of the OFMSWAcid
in terms of VFAs concentrations, also containing the corresponding amounts of inorganic
ions such as PO4-2, SO4-2, Cl- and NH4+.
Results and conclusions
SPE results using a laboratory prepared-VFAs solution allowed confirming the
adsorption isotherm to be of Langmuir type (Fig. 1), with a high VFAs adsorption yield
(100 % of the available specific sites). However, the yield diminished when the
simulating solution also contained the actual OFMSWAcid inorganic ions (e.g.: PO4-2, SO4-
, Cl- and NH4+), which interfered with the carboxylates recovery. Besides, in both
previous experiments a physic-sorption was observed since the adsorbed VFAs mixture
was much more rich in the VFAs with higher molecular weight. Regarding desorption
tests, the process yields depended on the NaOH concentration in the ethanol solution. A
complete desorption was observed by the occurrence of a stoichiometric ratio between
the carboxylic groups attached to the resin and the OH- ones. A yellowish powder was
obtained when recovering VFAs from OFMSWAcid. It contained only 0.12 gVFAs gDM-1 due
to the presence of inorganic ions and other organic compounds original contained in the
PHAs were produced using the recovered VFAs-containing powder. Final cell
concentration and PHAs content were 3 g L -1 and 42%, respectively. VFAs yielded 0.35
gPHAs gVFAs-1, in agreement with the literature. No matrix inhibition was detected when
using the actual OFMSWAcid.
In conclusion, preliminary experiences demonstrated the overall strategy

Figure 1: VFAs adsorption isotherm using Amberlist 21

This project has received funding from the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities
and Research (MIUR), under the project PRIN-WISE.

María Hijosa-Valsero*, Ana Isabel Paniagua-García,
Rebeca Díez-Antolínez
Centro de Biocombustibles y Bioproductos, Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y
León (ITACyL); Polígono Agroindustrial del Órbigo, Parcelas 2-6, E-24358, Villarejo de
Órbigo, León, Spain
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The concept of biorefinery appeared during the 1990s as a result of the
scarcity of fossil fuels and the growing trend in the use of biomass as a raw material.
The purpose of biorefineries is the generation of biofuels, energy, biomolecules and
non-food products from (preferably residual) biomass without competing with other
sectors. Among these bioproducts, 1-butanol has awakened interest, due to its
numerous industrial applications as solvent, extractant, base-product or biofuel.
Nowadays, butanol is mainly produced via petrochemical processes, because the
traditional industrial ABE fermentation employed expensive raw materials, like cereals,
potatoes or corn. However, the use of residual lignocellulosic biomass could make the
industrial biobutanol fermentation profitable again, provided that adequate
pretreatments exist to release simple sugars from the complex lignocellulosic
In the present work, potato peels coming from a snack industry were studied
as a possible raw material for biobutanol production. Five different soft
physicochemical pretreatments (autohydrolysis, acids, alkalis, organic solvents or
surfactants) were applied to potato peel. The pretreated biomass was subsequently
subjected to a conventional enzymatic treatment to complete the hydrolysis. The main
objective of the pretreatment step was to maximize the amount of simple sugars
released and to minimize the generation of fermentation inhibitors. Finally, the
fermentability of the obtained hydrolysates was assessed with the butanol-producing
bacterium, Clostridium beijerinckii.
Potato peel was dried, ground and sieved to a particle size of 0.5-1 mm
before being subjected to each pretreatment. In a preliminary step, different acids,
alkalis, organic solvents and surfactants were compared in order to choose the most
suitable for potato peel hydrolysis. Finally, water (autohydrolysis), HNO3 (acid),
NH4OH (alkali), acetone (organic solvent) and PEG 6000 (surfactant) were selected as
reagents. Then, the physicochemical pretreatment process was optimised via
response surface methodology (RSM) to determine the most appropriate values for
operational parameters (temperature, time and amount of reagent) in a high pressure
reactor; with a biomass-to-water ratio of 10 % (w/w). The next step consisted of an
enzymatic hydrolysis to break down cellulose and hemicellulose with the aim of

releasing simple fermentable sugars. The enzymatic hydrolysis was performed directly
on the pretreatment slurry coming from the reactor (i.e. without separating the solid
biomass and the liquid pre-hydrolysate), and it was carried out at pH 5.0 (50 mM
citrate buffer), 50 °C and 180 rpm, during 72 h. The enzymes used were Cellic CTec2
(Novozymes, Tianjin, China) and Spirizyme Fuel (Novozymes, Bagsvaerd, Denmark).
Once the experiments were finished, the RSM equations were calculated and values
for temperature, time and reagent amount in the reactor were estimated and
experimentally validated in order to maximise total sugar concentration and to
minimise inhibitor concentrations in the final hydrolysates.
For fermentability tests, hydrolysates were supplemented with nutrients
(NH4Cl, K2HPO4, KH2PO4, FeSO4, MgSO4, yeast extract and cysteine), the initial pH was
adjusted to 6.00 and the strain C. beijerinckii CECT 508 was inoculated. The
fermentation was performed at 35 ºC and 100 rpm under anaerobic conditions. The
pH was controlled by adding CaCO3 to the fermentation media.
Sugars (glucose, xylose, cellobiose, maltose, rhamnose, arabinose) and some
inhibitors (acetic, formic and levulinic acids, furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural)
were analysed by HPLC-RID. Other inhibitors (total phenolic compounds) were
analysed by Folin-Denis’ assay. Fermentation metabolites (acetone, butanol, ethanol)
were analysed by GC-FID.
Results and conclusions
Optimal pretreatment conditions were 140 ºC and 56 min for autohydrolysis;
110 ºC and 83 min for 1.81% HNO3; 112 ºC and 29 min for 2.0% NH4OH; 128 ºC
and 85 min for 10% acetone; and 146 ºC and 5 min for 1.92% PEG 6000. Nitric acid
hydrolysis released the highest amount of total sugars (44 g/L), but also the greatest
concentration of inhibitors (0.6 g/L formic acid, 1 g/L acetic acid, 0.02 g/L furfural,
0.06 g/L 5-HMF and 0.4 g/L phenolic compounds). For all the other pretreatments,
the amount of released sugars ranged 35-39 g/L, with inhibitor concentrations about
0.1-0.3 g/L formic acid, 0.5-1.1 g/L acetic acid, <0.02 g/L furfural and 5-HMF and 0.4-
0.5 g/L phenolic compounds. All the hydrolysates were tested for fermentability,
obtaining the following butanol concentrations after 96 h: 3.7 g/L for autohydrolysis,
0.2 g/L for HNO3, 0.1 g/L for NH4OH, 0.1 g/L for acetone and 2.8 g/L for PEG 6000.
Control fermentations attained 8.4 g/L butanol for HNO3 and 5.0 g/L for the other
pretreatments. Currently, new experiments are being performed to improve butanol
production by optimising nutrient addition, pH control and other operational
In conclusion, autohydrolysis followed by enzymatic hydrolysis could be a
suitable pretreatment for potato peel, since it produces a fermentable broth which can
be used for butanol production.
The present work has been performed as part of the H2020-LCE-2015 Waste2Fuels
project (Sustainable production of next generation biofuels from waste streams - Waste2Fuels. GA
- 654623), funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.
MH-V is supported by a postdoctoral contract (DOC-INIA, grant number DOC 2013-010) funded by
the Spanish Agricultural and Agrifood Research Institute (INIA) and the European Social Fund. The
authors are thankful to Novozymes for kindly providing the enzymes. We thank R. Antón del Río,
N. del Castillo Ferreras and G. Sarmiento Martínez for their technical help.


Francesca Demichelis, Maurizio Onofrio, Silvia Fiore*

DIATI, Department of Engineering for Environmental, Land and Infrastructures,

Politecnico di Torino,corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Turin, Italy
: [email protected] (S. Fiore)

Introduction and study objectives

The extensive consumption of fossil fuels, the inflation of crude petroleum
price and the environmental-political pressure drive industrial world towards green-
resources, such as biomass and waste, and imply noteworthy environmental and
social advantages.
This study is focused on anaerobic digestion (AD) of the waste (300 t/y in
2015) generated by a L’Oréal plant located in Turin area. Four residues, combined
in a mixture according to their relative abundance, were considered: sludge from
wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), residues of shampoo and conditioner, sludge
from mascara production and food waste from the canteen. All waste is
characterized by a low biodegradability and 44%-wt is classified as hazardous
because of the high organic content (CODtot 624÷1436 mg/g), and therefore it is
now incinerated. The aim of the research is the evaluation of the technical
feasibility of AD of unaltered and pre-treated (to enhance methane yield) waste
mixture. The novelty of the approach is the implementation of AD in a usual
industrial context (personal care and make-up production) as a key-practice to
improve the sustainability of the overall productive process.
The four wastes were characterised considering Total Solids (TS), Volatile
Solids (VS), pH through GTM24 (pH340 WTM pH-meter), chemical oxygen demand
(total and soluble COD) and elemental analysis (CHNSO Thermo Scientific Flash
2000). AD laboratory tests were carried out in
0.5 L Pyrex glass bottles (Duran, Germany) connected by 6 mm Teflon tubes (PTFE,
Germany) to 2.5 L Tedlar gas bags with a push-lock valve. Biogas and methane
measurement was performed through water displacement. Methane was measured
inserting a 2L bottle (Duran, Germany) filled up with 1.8 L of water and
phenolphthalein between the digester and the gas bag to remove carbon dioxide .
AD tests were performed in batch mode feeding 5% TS and 1:1 inoculum to
substrate ratio. Incubation was carried out in a water bath (Julabo Corio-C) at 35°C.
AD batch reactors were manually shaken every 2h during daytime. 8 reactors were
prepared for each trial: 3 replicates for biogas measurement and 3 for methane,
plus 2 replicates for the inoculum alone (blank). AD tests were arrested when the

marginal biogas production was below 1%. The investigated pre-treatment was a
thermo-alkaline- sonication process carried out with 0.8%-wt NaOH at 80°C for 15
min at 45 KHz (WWR Ultrasonic cleaner USC 300 ). Pre-treatment’s performance
was evaluated through disintegration rate (DR, the ratio between total and soluble
COD after and before pre-treatment). Finally, first order kinetic disintegration
constant (kd) values were calculated.
Results and conclusions
Waste mixture was designed according to relative abundance of the
single residues: 53%-wt sludge from WWTP, 31%-wt residues of shampoo and
conditioner, 13%-wt sludge from mascara production and 2%-wt food waste.
Before AD tests, the unaltered and pre-treated mixtures were compared about
soluble COD (CODs) content and DR was calculated. CODs values were equal to
264.37 mg/gSV and 497 mg/gSV respectively for the unaltered and pre-treated
mixture. Thus, the thermo-alkaline-sonication pre-treatment achieved a DR
equal to 66.1%. AD tests accomplished net yields (Fig.1) equal to 0.10
3 3
Nm /kgVS biogas and 0.06 Nm /kgVS CH4 from the unaltered mixture and to
3 3
0.20 Nm /kgVS and 0.14 Nm /kgVS CH4 from pre-treated mixture, witnessing
the efficiency of the proposed pre-treatment.

Figure 1: Biogas production gathered from unaltered (continue line, squares) and
pre-treated mixture (dotted line, squares) and methane gathered from unaltered
(continue line, triangles) and pre-treated mixture (dotted line, triangles).
kd values equal to 0.11 d-1 for the unaltered mixture and 0.16 d-1 for the
pre-treated mixture supported the improvement of hydrolysis, which represents
the limiting-rate step of the overall process. Therefore, the achieved results assured
undeniable evidence to the technical feasibility of the investigated chain (pre-
treatment and AD) for the valorization of the considered industrial waste materials.
Pre-treatment provided important and subsequent benefits: significant
improvement of hydrolysis rate (45%) and thus of biodegradability, therefore
biogas (50%) and methane (57%) yields were considerably enhanced.
The authors gratefully acknowledge L’Orèal Saipo Industriale SpA for the
financial support to the research

Alessandro Ragini1, Luca Longanesi1, Cecilia Spagni1,
Heleen DeWever2, Dario Frascari1, Davide Pinelli1,*
University of Bologna, Dept. of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering,
Flemish Institute For Technology – Mol, Belgium
[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Succinic acid (SA), an intermediate of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, was recently
recognized as one of the top 10 building blocks according to the U.S. Department of
Energy. It has a large number of industrial applications in the cosmetic, chemical,
agriculture and food sectors. SA is traditionally manufactured from oil, but it can be easily
produced by anaerobic fermentation. The SA biochemical production process fixes 1 mole
of CO2 for each mole of produced SA, thus providing a clear advantage in terms of carbon
footprint of the process. Different microorganisms were recognized as natural high-yield SA
producers. While most studies focused on SA production in suspended cell bioreactors,
only few works report an effective biofilm–based SA production process, exclusively with A.
succinogenes. The goals of this study were: i) to carry out a screening between 5
commercial carriers for A. succinogenes biofilm immobilization; ii) to scale–up the process
to a 1 L packed-bed column bioreactor; and iii) to evaluate the feasibility of the process in
repeated batch mode.
Actinobacillus succinogenes (ATCC 55618) was obtained from the DSMZ
collection. Five commercial biomass carriers with high surface area (250-900 m2/m3) were
investigated: three are ceramic/glass carriers (Poraver®, Biomax®, Glaxstone®) and two
are high density polyethylene carriers (Kaldnes K1® and Bio–Flo 9 Sinker®). The initial
batch tests to select the optimal carrier were carried out in 116 mL glass anaerobic
bioreactors, containing 60 mL of carriers. The bioreactors were incubated in an orbital
shaker (at 37°C, 100 rpm). The headspace was flushed with either N 2 or CO2. Two
subsequent fermentation steps were designed and optimized to establish a reliable
procedure for (i) microorganism growth and immobilization, in the absence of CO 2 (growth
phase), and (ii) SA production in the presence of CO 2 (production phase). Glucose and
lactose (LAC), the main component of cheese whey, were used as substrates. A packed
bed bioreactor (PBBR) was used to study the feasibility of a repeated batch process. The
main part of the plant was a 1.04 L glass column packed with 840 grams of Glaxstone®.
The bottom of the column was connected through a peristaltic pump to a 2 L bottle used
as a medium reservoir. The liquid, fed to the bottom of the column, was then recirculated
into the bottle. The medium in the bottle was agitated with a magnetic stirrer at 500 rpm,
to maintain a suitable gas–liquid mass transfer. Both the reservoir headspace and the top
of the column were connected to a pure CO2 bag. All the plant was kept at 37° and at
constant pH=6.5.

Results and conclusions
Five triplicate tests were monitored for 30 hours using the same LAC
concentration (7 g/L), under the same conditions, but using attached biomass grown on
the five studied carriers. Poraver® and Glaxstone® showed the highest SA formation rates
(0.4-0.5 g h-1 L-1) and the highest final SA concentrations (4.7-5.9 g/L). Attached and
suspended cell concentrations were measured at the end of the tests. Glaxstone® and
Poraver® led to a similar biomass composition: 67% attached cells, 33% suspended cells.
The specific rates were calculated by dividing the observed rates (initial slopes) by the total
(suspended + attached) biomass concentrations. The specific rates observed with
Glaxstone® were always higher than those obtained with Poraver ®. Glaxstone® was thus
chosen as the carrier for the following packed bed bioreactor tests.
The batch SA production tests by attached cells of A. succinogenes were carried
out in a 1 L PBBR packed with Glaxstone® as biofilm carrier. Five tests were carried out at
increasing initial lactose concentrations, to evaluate biofilm stability during SA production in
a repeated batch mode. A first 48-hour growth phase was initially performed to establish
the biofilm in the packed bed. Then two SA production tests were run at 8 and 12 g/L
initial lactose concentrations. Finally, after another 48-hour growth step, three repeated
bioproduction phases with 16 g/L of lactose were performed. The results are shown in Fig.
1. Low and similar SA final concentrations were detected in the first two tests at 8 and 12
g/L of initial lactose concentration suggesting that a thin biofilm had developed in the
PBBR. Another 48h biofilm growth phase was carried out before the last three consecutive
tests, conducted with 16 g/L of lactose. These tests showed a stable bioactivity. The final
performance was comparable to that observed in the microcosm tests: final SA
concentration = 8.0-8.7 g/L, SA production rate = 0.7-1.0 g h-1 L-1, SA/LAC yield = 60-
64%. At the end of the 16 g/L tests, some carriers were sampled from the inlet, middle
and outlet sections of the packed bed and analysed for biomass concentration: the
attached biomass resulted homogeneous (1.9 g protein/kgcarrier), but lower than that
measured in the small-scale batch bioreactor tests (2.6 g protein/kgcarrier).

Figure 1: Succinic acid concentration profiles in the PBBR tests.

An innovative, efficient, reliable and effective method for A. succinogenes
immobilization was developed on the selected Glaxstone® carrier. Satisfactory SA
production performances were measured both in the small-scale batch bioreactors and in
the 1 L packed bed bioreactor. The results indicate that a stable biofilm can be obtained
also under flow conditions, with a homogeneous biomass concentration along the packed


Guido De Guidi1,2,*, Pietro P. Falciglia3, Alfio Catalfo1,

Federico G.A. Vagliasindi3
Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Università di Catania, Catania, Italy
Centro di ricerca per l'analisi, il monitoraggio e le metodologie di minimizzazione del
rischio ambientale (CRAM3RA), Università di Catania, Italy
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Catania, Catania, Italy
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Due to ecotoxicity and carcinogenicity effects of polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), their presence in the environment is a major concern
worldwide. PAHs are a group of organic compounds with two or more fused aromatic
rings of carbons and hydrogen atoms, mainly generated by the incomplete
combustion or pyrolysis of fossil organic matter. PAH high hydrophobicity and strong
interaction with minerals and organic matter, make soils their ultimate sink. European
Environment Agency (EEA) reported that more than 30,000 sites in Europe are affcted
by PAH soil contamination phenomena.
Therefore, Remediation of PAH - contaminated soils is of great importance for
the society, however, based on recent literature findings, it remains a great challenge
for scientific and technical communities, due to PAH persistence, low solubility and
Microwave heating (MWH) remediation has recently been proposed as a high
– performance treatment for the removal of several organic (i.e.: petrol hydrocarbons,
diesel, PCB) contaminants from soils. The main driving force of MWH is their higher
ability to heat the contaminated matrix very uniformly and rapidly than conventional
thermal remediation. In situ MWH treatment mainly includes the irradiation of the
contaminated soil by means of specific antennas, which results in a heat generation
and, thus, in a vaporization of the contaminants (Figure 1).
The main goal of this study was the assessment of the potential of the MWH
in situ application for PAH – contaminated soil remediation. Specific objectives were
made investigating the effects of various operating conditions on contaminant
removal kinetics and mechanisms.
A model sandy soil was artificially contaminated with a solution containing 9
selected PAHs, namely Bph, Flu, Phe, Ant, Flt, Pyr, BaA, Chr and Per in
dichloromethane. The solution - soil mixture was mixed for 1 hour. Afterward, the

solvent was entirely removed from soil by means of a rotavapor system. After spiking
procedure, soil samples were stored for six months before extraction and HPLC
analysis for contaminant content and MW irradiation tests. Analysis showed an
average initial total PAH concentration of 227 mg kg-1.

5 6

Soil surface

4 4


Figure 1: Schematic of in situ microwave plant for polluted soil remediation. 1) Power
supply; 2) MW generator (magnetron); 3) antenna; 4) VOC extraction well; 5) water/vapour
phase separation system; 6) water/vapour-treatment plant.
MW remediation application was simulated at the bench scale using a
dedicated setup, able to generate a maximum MW irradiation power of 1.0 kW at the
frequency of 2.45 GHz. The irradiation cavity was connected to an exhaust gas line for
volatile organic compound (VOC) capture – treatment system. For each test, 20 g of
PAH - contaminated soil were placed in the setup cavity and irradiated for a maximum
time of 60 min, applying powers up to 1 kW. During the irradiation, the soil sample
temperature (T) was measured with a type - k thermocouple system. At the end of
the tests, PAH residual concentration in soil samples, as well as in the VOC capture
line with generated byproducts were assessed.
Results and conclusions
Main results showed that the investigated treatment was very effective for
the remediation of PAH – contaminated soils. In general, data showed that
contaminant chemical – physical features, especially polarity, significantly influence
the final temperature achievable and PAH contaminant removal kinetics. Specifically, a
70 – 100% removal range was observed within 10 min of MW irradiation, when a
power of 1 kW was applied. Depending on the single PAH specific feature, different
PAH removal kinetics were observed. Overall, four different PAH removal mechanisms
were observed: (i) thermal desorption vaporization; (ii) molecular bond breaking; (iii)
selective heating vaporization; (iv) contaminant stripping due to steam distillation
processes. Obtained kinetics are useful for predicting the response of future
remediation activities, as well as for guiding the design and the scaling-up of MW
treatment systems. PAH removal mechanism results will also provide basic
information and could be helpful in developing novel MW remediation technologies for
soils contaminated with PAHs.

Vladana N. Rajakovic-Ognjanovic1,*, Milica Karanac2,
Jasna Smolar3, Ana Petkovsek3, Maja Đolić4,
Jovan Despotovic1
Institute of Hydrotechnics and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University
of Belgrade, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11 000 Belgrade
Innovation Center of Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy ltd. In Belgrade, University of
Belgrade, Karnegijeva 4, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Chair for Soil Mechanics with Laboratory, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic
Engineering, Jamova 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Thermal Power Plants (TPP) in Republic of Serbia produce annually app. 7
millions of tons of fly ash which has not been utilized yet as alternative material in civil
engineering, hydrotechnics, agronomy, etc. Use of fly ash is has many benefits among
which the most important are: saving natural resources from further exploitation,
reduction of disposal areas and costs and sustainable management within the
philosophy of circular economy.
The environmental acceptability of fly ash as alternative material can be
controlled by different types of leaching tests. In this paper the results of up-flow
percolation tests, performed on raw fly ash and lime and cement treated fly ash from
the thermal power plant Morava are presented. The decision for using the up-flow
percolation test was made on the basis of the previous research results, which proved
that the up-flow percolation test correspond well to the results of field lysimeter test.
Within the scope of environmental characterization of fly ash, the list of
physico-chemical parameters which must be analyzed are given in procedures defined
by European Commission. As the raw Morava fly ash exhibit excessive leachates of Sb,
As and Se (Table 1), the lime and cement were used to study the possibility of reducing
the environmental impact of fly ash.
Laboratory mixtures were prepared by using the 5% of hydrated lime
(Ca(OH)2) and the 5% of cement (the composition is a mixture of CaO (stable) 62-
67%, SiO2 19-25%, Al2O3 2-8%, Fe2O3 1-5%, SO3 3-4,5%, CaO (free) 2%, MgO 5%,
Na2O and K2O 0,5-1,3%). Mixtures were statically compacted and aged in controlled
conditions for 28 days. Aged samples were installed into the apparatus, presented in
Figure 1, for up-flow percolation test according to CEN/TS 14405:2004. Eluates were
taken in 7 sampling campaigns until the liquid to solid ratio (L/S) 10 was achieved. The
eluates from each sampling campaign was analyzed and the decisive parameters are
given for L/S = 10. Chemical analysis of eluates was made by using induced-coupled

plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and graphite-furnace atomic absorption
spectrometry (GF-AAS) instruments.

Figure 1: Equipment for up-flow percolation test.

Results and conclusions
The obtained results are presented in Table 1, along with the limiting values for
inert wastes according to European regulations. Results show, that the release of heavy
metals from the fly ash can be significantly reduced by the use of lime and/or cement.
The optimal amount of stabilizing agents needs additional investigations. Future
investigations have to include optimization of the amount of stabilizing agent in order to
obtain all values of heavy metals below limiting values. Perhaps even extensive use of
different agents has to be included in investigation. One of the options is to try to use
gypsum (CaSO4), as a modifying and stabilizing agent, since it is one of the side-
products of desulphurization process (operation performed within thermal power plants
in Republic of Serbia).
Table 1: Up-flow tests result for heavy metals in raw and treated Morava fly ash (FAM)
Sample Limiting
The parameter Unit FAM FAM + 5% lime FAM + 5% cement values,
Measured values, mg/L mg/L
Sb 0.32 0.10 0.53 0.06
As 2.16 0.30 0.23 0.50
Cu 1.05 0.10 0.11 2
Ba 0.36 1.10 1.05 20
Cd 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.04
Ni mg/L 0.11 0.20 0.11 0.40
Pb 0.11 0.20 0.21 0.50
Se 0.32 0.10 1.18 0.10
Cr 0.12 0.50 0.19 0.50
Zn 0.74 0.50 0.53 4.00
SO42- 3212.54 293.30 354.64 1000 (6000)
F- 5.88 0.10 4.56 10

Krzyżak Jacek1*, Pogrzeba Marta1, Rusinowski Szymon1,
Hebner Anja2
Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas, Katowice, Poland; 6 Kossutha St., 40-844
Katowice, Poland
Vita34 AG, Business Unit BioPlanta, Leipzig, Germany
: [email protected],

Introduction and study objectives

Currently, the majority of biofuels originate from food crops grown on agricultural
land, whereas most of the wooden biomass used for energy production are of forestry
origin. In order to avoid tension between food and fuel production, energy crops should be
grown on low quality agricultural land wherever possible. It makes marginal and degraded
land a favourable place for cultivating energy crops. The cultivation of energy crops on
heavy metals contaminated (HMC) areas offer opportunities, which combine site
remediation with energy recovery. The aim of the study was to investigate the
phytoremediation potential of two perennial energy grass species, Miscanthus x giganteus
and Spartina pectinata, cultivated under different fertilisation on arable land (Bytom,
Poland) and former sewage sludge deposit site (Leipzig, Germany) contaminated with lead,
cadmium and zinc.
Experimental trials were established in May 2014. At both of areas plots 16m2
each were established. Three representative soil samples were taken from each of the
plots at 0-20 cm depth, to determine the basic parameters as well as heavy metal total
and bioavailable fraction content. On each 16m2 plots, 49 seedlings were planted (3 plants
per 1 m2). Both sites were treated as follows:
 K – Control, no treatment;
 NPK- NPK standard fertilization, applied to the soil before the experiment;
 INC - Commercial microbial inoculum Emfarma Plus®, ProBiotics Poland; 8L of
10% water solution was used to soak the roots of the seedlings and sprayed on
the soil surface. Plant leaves were treated monthly during the growing season
with 10% water solution of inoculum by aerosol treatment (8L per plot).
After the growing season plant material was sampled to determine heavy metal uptake
and total biomass yield for each of the species and experimental options. Presented data
were collected after third growing season. Amount of metals extracted per ha was
calculated according to the following equation:
HM extraction= Biomass yield (kg ha-1) x metal concentration (mg kg-1)
Results and conclusions
Total soil lead, cadmium and zinc concentration for Polish test site was 637 ±7.1,
26 ±0.38 and 2413 ±12 mg kg-1 d.w. respectively and exceed Polish limits for arable soil.

The pH value was almost neutral, followed by moderate content of organic matter (about
6%) and low electric conductivity. The level of bioavailable forms of cadmium and zinc was
high (about 5% and 2.5% respectively). In case of German site, total lead, cadmium and
zinc concentration in soil was 615 ±9, 34 ±1.45 and 3900 ±17 mg kg-1 d.w. respectively.
The pH value was neutral, followed by high (35 %) level of organic matter and electric
conductivity. The bioavailability of metals in the soil was very low, mainly due to high level
of organic matter (Pb below detection limit, Cd 0.25 mg kg-1 d.w. and Zn 16 mg kg-1
d.w.). Differences in biomass production as well as heavy metal uptake between the sites
were observed (Tab 1).
Table 1. Heavy metal accumulation and biomass production of M. x giganteus and S. pectinata
Bytom (Poland) Leipzig (Germany)
Pb Cd Zn Biomass Pb Cd Zn Biomass
mg kg-1 kg m-2 mg kg-1 kg m-2
Control 18.05 0.57 87.1 1.43 0.11 0.37 147.8 0.45
±3.72 ±0.10 ±7.5 ±0.12 ±0.12 ±19.8
Miscanthus NPK 16.89 0.50 109.8 1.38 0.02 0.22 187.6 0.43
x giganteus ±2.22 ±0.17 ±38.8 ±0.03 ±0.20 ±60.2
Inoculum 17.92 0.75 131.9 1.49 0.01 0.35 171.9 0.52
±4.13 ±0.22 ±26.9 ±0.02 ±0.26 ±30.6
Control 13.22 0.05 107.8 1.26 0.04 0.11 173.9 0.37
±1.61 ±0.01 ±20.3 ±0.07 ±0.12 ±51.1
Spartina NPK 15.55 0.09 103.2 1.37 0.07 0.11 159.6 0.40
pectinata ±2.46 ±0.04 ±27.7 ±0.07 ±0.06 ±29.6
Inoculum 15.46 0.07 99.7 1.12 0.03 0.11 178.8 0.39
±2.75 ±0.04 ±14.6 ±0.05 ±0.11 ±27.4
values are mean ± SD
About 3-fold higher biomass production was observed at contaminated arable
land, regardless experimental option. Lead and cadmium uptake by plants was also higher
for Polish site, while zinc plant uptake was higher for S. pectinata and M. x giganteus
cultivated at sewage sludge deposit site. Based on the results of heavy metal uptake and
biomass production, removal of contaminants per hectare was calculated (Figure 1). Used
fertilization stimulate the zinc removal by M. x giganteus at both sites.

Figure 1: Calculated M. x giganteus and S. pectinata heavy metal removal.

Presented results showed potential of zinc phytoremediation by M. x giganteus
and S. pectinata, especially at arable land, where higher biomass production could be
reached. Based on the metal accumulation in plant aboveground parts those species could
be used both for soil phytoremediation with the use of the biomass for energy production.
This work was supported by the EU 7FP project Phyto2Energy (grant number
610797) and Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Institute for Ecology of
Industrial Areas statutory funds).

Hamed Rasouli Sadabad, Gagik Badalians Gholikandi*
Faculty of civil, water and environmental engineering, Shahid Beheshti University,
A.C., Tehran, Iran
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

In the last few years the circular economy has been received an increasing
attention globally, as a solution to overcome the current production and consumption
model based on continuous growth and increasing resource throughput. In this
regard, various studies have been carried out to benefit the potential energy of waste
materials such as sewage sludge into desired forms during management operations
like disposal or digestion processes. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs), as tools for conversion
of biochemical energy to electricity directly, are one of the relatively novel
technologies that have attracted attentions noticeably in the waste management and
the circular economy related criteria. Considering the unique properties of MFCs and
circular economy concepts, we have focused on this technology to attain a novel
package which would be able to generate electricity directly from sewage sludge in
this study. Despite the great advantages, MFCs have various limitations that confine
their utilization as a complete waste stabilization system. Also, their output contains
noticeable amounts of pathogens and/or oxygen demanding content, which makes it
impossible to safely dispose the effluents of these systems directly to the
environment. In order to eliminate these limitations, we have integrated a two-
chambered MFC with an electrochemical advanced oxidations process (EAOP) reactor
(which has been taken into consideration in wastewater treatment, recently). The
performance of EAOPs is closely related to the existence of very oxidizing and
unstable species like hydroxyl radicals whose mean lifetime is estimated as only a few
nanoseconds in water. In this study, we aimed to reach the suitable quality of sewage
sludge for safe disposal into the environment and harvesting direct electricity from
sludge simultaneously. In order to approach this purpose, we have designed a
package which benefits a two-chambered MFC and an EAOP reactor integrated with
each other.
All of the investigations including experiments, pilot studies, and data
collection were performed on the laboratory scale. The performance of the package
has been investigated in various pH values, [Fe2+]/[H2O2] ratios, retention times and
temperatures as operational conditions. The sludge samples have been provided from
Tehran southern municipal wastewater treatment plant which treats about 400000 m 3

wastewater daily (Tehran province, Iran). Prior to the test, the feed sludge mixed by a
low-speed mixer, in order to be uniform enough before being charged into the
package parts (two-chamber MFC and EAOP reactor). Among the EAOPs, we have
benefited the Fered-Fenton process in the package considering our previous studies
as well as two-chamber MFC individually. According to the nature of the processes
and the related reactions, the package has been designed in a way that the effluent
of the MFC to be charged into the Fered-Fenton reactor. The effects of the mentioned
operational conditions have been assessed on the VSS removal efficiency, pathogen
removal ability and the generated electrical power density of the package. The
reactors positions in the package structure were determined in a way that the influent
of the package entered to the MFC chambers first, in order to generate electricity
biologically and then the treated sludge inside of the MFC transferred to the EAOP
reactor in order to be chemically stabilized. The MFC reactor contained three graphite
electrodes in each chamber and a proton exchange membrane (PEM) which
separated the chambers. Also, the EAOP reactor contained six graphite electrodes (as
anodes and cathodes). The net volume of the MFC reactor was selected 5 times
greater than EAOP, according to the difference of their retention times. Table 1 shows
the operational parameters and their ranges.
Table 1: The evaluated operational parameters and their ranges in the current study
Temperature, °C pH PS/TS, % [Fe2+]/[H2O2] Retention time, h
range 15-65 15-65 4-9 3-5 0-100 0-100 0.1-1 5-25 1-5
Results and conclusions
The results of the experiments showed that the best conditions of the novel
package for the VSS removal efficiency, pathogen removal ability and the generated
electrical power density are different from each other considering the nature of the
processes which occur in each part of the package. The peak value of the generated
electrical power density has been observed when the temperature and pH values
were about 40 °C and 7 at the MFC reactor. In these conditions, the package
generated about 8296.35 mW/m 3. On the other hand the VSS removal efficiency of
the reactor and its ability to remove the pathogens have been observed when the pH
value, temperature and [Fe ]/[H2O2] of the EAOP reactor were about 4.5, 45 °C and
0.51, respectively, when the retention time was about 4 hours in the Fered-Fenton
reactor. In this conditions, the package was able to remove more than 62% of the
initial VSS content of the sewage sludge and >99% of the pathogens in the sewage
sludge. Because the effluent of the MFC is entered into the Fered-Fenton reactor
directly, to achieve the best results of the package, the pH value of the MFC effluent
should be adjusted to the values near to 4.5. The results demonstrated that the
package is capable of being utilized for sewage sludge stabilization and modified its
quality to be disposed without any damage to the environment (after adjusting final
pH value in the neutral conditions). Also, in this case, a part of the electricity which is
demanded EAOP process can be harvested from the sewage sludge. Considering the
negligible content of the pathogens and remarkable amounts of the Fe-containing
complexes, the treated sludge is capable of being utilized as fertilizer in the
agricultural lands.

Viktor Sebestyen1,*, Jozsef Nemeth1, Endre Domokos1,
Tatjana Juzsakova1, Miklos Bulla2, Akos Redey1,*
Institute of Environmental Engineering, University of Pannonia, 10 Egyetem St. Veszprém,
8200 Hungary
National Environmental Council, Budapest, Hungary
[email protected], [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The complex knowledge space model (Fig.1.) is an expert system, that provides
evaluation of relationships of environmental utilizations, changes of natural resource kits
and evolution of the environmental state. For the analysis of environmental-, social- and
economic relationships the system (environmental analysis) should have information on
the actual state of the system, which is defined by the database of the different

Figure 1: The Complex Knowledge Space Model (according to Bulla et. al; 2012)
The processes, which influence the environmental state, are executed in the
economical-, social and environmental dimensions. The Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) is the tool for evaluating the impacts of the different projects and
investments. The tool for sorting the information for the national or regional
environmental policies and controls the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). is a
distinguished tool.

The complex knowledge space model uses the basic data that describe the
environment, the general and professional policies and controls and the social and
economic processes are taken into account. The environmental system gives responses
depending on the changes of the mentioned processes, therefore such indicators should
be chosen, which explain the economic and social interactions and also the pollution of
the environment.
Some important criteria are the indicators and the measured environmental,
social, economic, etc. figures should be available for defining the actual state, since the
system undergoes a transformation from the basic state. The excessive numbers of
indicators make it harder to overview the operation of the system (Complex
Environmental Model), therefore special focus has to be put on the key indicators rather
than the whole basic database.
Further criteria, that historical data should be available about the indicators,
because the actual values of the indicators are not able to provide information about the
direction and velocity of the changes (the derivates of the indicator values depend on
time). The indicators were selected based on the national database of the Central
Statistical Office, Hungary. The mentioned indicators fit in the CEM model’s conception,
at least data of 15 years must be available and should be able to be divided to basic
data, for example the water production should be classified as surface water-,
groundwater-, deep groundwater- and karstic water productions.
Results and conclusions
Altogether 70 indicators had been selected, like the energy production (primer
and electricity), the unit prices of resources (drinking water, gas, electricity), the
industrial production, the production of raw materials (coal, natural gas), the areas of
the forests and agriculture, the emissions of air pollutants (transport, industrial,
residential), the water production, the wastewater treatment, the amount of waste
(landfilled, recycled, waste for incineration), the ratio of renewables, the environmental
industry and investments, the available resources (oil, natural gas, coal, lignite), the
R&D investments, the births and deaths (population), the GDP, etc. Correlation analysis
and chi-squared test have been accomplished for independence to explore the different
relationships of the system between the indicators. In case of 70 indicators, it is carried
out with paired comparison, altogether 2415 relationships have been considered. In
case of 100 indicators 4950 and in case 200 indicators 19900 calculations had to be
made. The goal of the correlation analysis is the identification of the driving forces. If
the paired correlation indices are cumulated, it results in the following: the main driving
forces are the GDP, the landfilled waste, the gross average earning, the population and
the poverty line. The least-related indicators are the biomass production, the irrigation
water uses and the residential carbon-monoxide emissions. This approach of the
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) allows the logical describing of the
environmental and socio-economical links.
This work was supported by GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00016 project: Excellence of
strategic R+D workshops: Development of modular, mobile water treatment systems and
waste water treatment technologies based on University of Pannonia to enhance growing
dynamic export of Hungary.


Júnia Alves-Ferreira1,2,3, Maria C. Fernandes1,4,*,

Luís C. Duarte2, Alfredo Martínez5, Helena Pereira3,
Florbela Carvalheiro2
Centro de Biotecnologia Agrícola e Agro-Alimentar do Alentejo (CEBAL), Apartado 6158,
7801-908 Beja, Portugal,
LNEG- Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Unidade de Bioenergia, Estrada do Paço
do Lumiar, 22, 1649-038 Lisboa, Portugal;
Centro de Estudos Florestais (CEF), Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de
Lisboa, Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, Portugal;
Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânicas (ICAAM), Universidade de Évora,
Pólo da Mitra, Ap. 94, 7006-554 Évora, Portugal
Departamento de Ingeniería Celular y Biocatálisis, Instituto de Biotecnología, Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México, Apdo. Postal 510-3, Cuernavaca, Morelos 62250, México;
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Cistus ladanifer (rockrose) is a widespread shrub in the Portuguese territory
and in other Mediterranean countries. This specie produces a sticky resin known as
labdanum and is an important source of essential oils. Both products have been used in
the cosmetics and perfume industry. The lignocellulosic residues obtained after the
distillation process, the C. ladanifer distillery residues (CLR) are currently only used as
solid biofuel for heating, although they present a favorable chemical composition for the
production of biofuels and bioproducts, that is yet underexplored.
This work aims to develop an integrated process for the fractionation of CLR,
which include the sequential separation of extractives, hemicellulosic sugars (as
oligosaccharides) and lignin to yield added-value products. The cellulose enriched-solids
obtained thereafter, will be used for the production of D-lactic acid using an E. coli
transformed strain.
Cistus ladanifer residues used in this work consist of 2 to 4-year-old plants
previously extracted to obtain commercial essential oils. The biomass was milled and
extracted successively in Soxhlet with ethanol and water. For the selective hydrolysis of
hemicellulose, the raw material was treated with water (autohydrolysis process) in a
temperature range of 130 to 230ºC. The effects of the operational conditions on the
composition of the liquid and solid phases were evaluated using the severity factor (log
Ro). The remaining solids obtained in the previously optimized conditions were
subjected to delignification treatments. These were carried out through mild organosolv
processes using aqueous mixtures with ethanol or NaOH solutions. For ethanol/water

delignification a temperature range of 170 to 220 ºC was tested. Alkaline delignification
(2 and 4% NaOH) was carried out at 130 °C (1- 2 h). CLR and solid residues obtained
after each fractionation process were chemically characterized after quantitative acid
hydrolysis followed by HPLC analysis. Sugars, acids and degradation products were
analysed using an Aminex HPX-87H column (Bio-Rad).
The enzymatic digestibility of cellulose-rich solids was also evaluated. The best
condition was used for D-lactic acid production by E. coli JU15, through a sequential
saccharification and fermentation process. A Doehlert experimental design was used to
evaluate the effect of relevant variables (solid loading and enzymes loading) on D-lactic
acid production. The fermentation was performed in mini-fermentors (200 ml total
volume) at 37°C and pH 7.
Results and conclusions
Cistus ladanifer residues (CLR) contain an important amount of extractives,
about 40 %, being polar extractives dominant over nonpolar extractives. Extractive free
CLR are characterized to contain up to 32% lignin and 50% polysaccharides.
The upgrade strategy starts with extractives removal followed by hemicellulose
fractionation using autohydrolysis. The hydrothermal process enables the production of
oligosaccharides, mainly xylooligosaccharides that can reach a maximum concentration
of 16 g/L. Under these conditions, the solids obtained contain 34.7% glucan. There was
no apparent lignin solubilisation in any of the conditions, which is an advantage of this
hydrolytic pretreatment
The results obtained for delignification indicate that aqueous alkaline
treatments lead to both higher delignification and subsequent cellulose enzymatic
saccharification yields, 87% and 89%, respectively, whereas organosolv delignification
was much less effective.
Solid and enzyme loading has a marked effect in saccharification and
fermentation. The higher saccharification yields occurred when solid loading was low
and high enzyme loading. However, higher D-lactic acid concentrations were found with
both elevated solid and enzyme loading, and, as expected, the highest concentration of
glucose obtained, generated the highest concentration of lactic acid.
The results obtained in this work show that fractionation of Cistus ladanifer
distillery residues using extraction, autohydrolysis and alkaline treatment is suitable for
the selective separation of extractives, hemicelluloses, lignin and cellulose. Besides the
production of oligosaccharides, hydrophilic and lipophilic extractives, as well as lignin-
derivatives, can also be obtained and the glucan-rich solids can be efficiently used as a
feedstock for the production of D-lactic acid by E. coli strain JU15.
Júnia Alves-Ferreira is grateful to CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil,
Brasília – DF 700 40-020, Brazil (doctoral scholarship – Process 9109/13-7). Maria C.
Fernandes thanks the grant received from Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, del Gobierno
de México,. CEF and ICAAM are research units funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a
Tecnologia with references UID/AGR/00239/2013 and UID/AGR/00115/2013, respectively.

Suchanya Wongrod 1,2,3, Yoan Pechaud1, Piet N. L. Lens2, David
Huguenot1, Gilles Guibaud3, Eric D. van Hullebusch1,2,*
Université Paris-Est, Laboratoire Géomatériaux et Environnement (EA 4508),
UPEM, 77454 Marne-la-Vallée, France
UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, P.O. Box 3015, 2601 DA Delft, The Netherlands
Université de Limoges, Groupement de Recherche Eau Sol Environnement (EA 4330), Faculté des
Sciences et Techniques, 123 Avenue A. Thomas, 87060 Limoges Cedex, France
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Metal elements are known as toxic and persistent in the environment.
Elevated concentrations of metals in the nature are the result of anthropogenic
activities, e.g. discharges of wastewater from battery, mining, manufacturing processes
and automobile industries into the rivers (Inyang et al., 2012). The exposure of metals
to the ecosystem can lead to several adverse effects to the public human health. Lead
is known as a carcinogenic metal, which can damage kidney and increase blood
pressure in a long-term (World Health Organization, 2016). Thus, the development of
strict environmental regulations is raising concerns by policy makers to increase
environmental safety by reducing metal mobility and toxicity in surface water and
groundwater. Generally, conventional water treatment technologies such as chemical
precipitation, coagulation, ion exchange and packed bed filtration have been reported
to effectively remove metal pollutants from wastewater (Inyang et al., 2015). However,
these processes show less eco-environmental sustainability due to high costs for
operation and post- treatment of the sludge. Thus, alternative environmental-friendly
and cost-effective approaches are necessary to be sought.
The use of biochar as a filtration media is suggested for metal laden
wastewater treatment (Mohan et al., 2014). It has been reported that biochar was
effectively used as a low-cost adsorbent for contaminants removal in packed bed
column since it generally requires less energy to manufacture compared to granular
activated carbon (GAC) (Huggins et al., 2016). Biochar produced from by- product
digested sludge generated after anaerobic digestion promotes the environmental
sustainability for waste management to recycle back organic waste sludge, add more
valuable to end-products (i.e. bioenergy), reduce waste quantity and costs for sludge
disposal. Biochar is a black solid material derived from a thermal decomposition ( i.e.
pyrolysis) of bio-waste materials in a limiting oxygen environment (Inyang et al.,
2015). Valorisation of the organic biomass through pyrolysis can eliminate pathogenic
agents from the sludge, avoiding widespread of infectious diseases to the ecosystem
(Seadi & Lukehurst, 2012). Recent studies show the potential application of biochar in
metal-polluted water treatment (Mohan et al., 2014) due to its high specific surface
area and surface properties (surface charge, hydrophobicity, etc.) (Liu & Zhang, 2009;

Zielińska et al., 2015).
The potential use of biochar converted from organic digested sludge has been
reported to remove metals, including As(V), Cd(II), Cr(III), Cu(II) and Ni(II) from
water (Inyang et al., 2012; Jin et al., 2014). However, low sorption capacities have
been found in certain conventional biochar and thus activation of biochars have been
recently studied to enhance metals sorption capacity (Rajapaksha et al., 2016).
Treatment of biochar with KOH has been affirmed to increase surface hydroxyl groups
and basicity on biochar surface (Fan et al., 2016; Li et al., 2014) as well as dissolve ash
and condense organic matter (e.g. lignin and celluloses) in the biochar (Lin et al.,
2012; Liou & Wu, 2009; Liu et al., 2012). In addition, modification of biochar with
H2O2 helps to increase O-containing functional groups particularly carboxyl groups on
biochar surfaces (Rajapaksha et al., 2016). This research work aimed to investigate the
enhanced Pb(II) sorption capacity in aqueous solution with the application of biochars
produced from different solid digestate, i.e. sewage sludge (SS) and organic fraction of
municipal solid waste (MSW) digestates with different chemical modification (KOH and
Biochars were produced from SS and MSW digestates under slow pyrolysis
at lab scale. Pyrolysis temperatures were optimized at 350°C for SS and 400°C for
MSW with a residence time of 1 h and at 1 atm. Modified biochars were prepared
separately by mixing biochar with 10% H 2O2 solution (2 g :20 mL) (modified from Xue
et al., 2012) and with 2M KOH (2 g : 100 mL) (modified from Jin et al., 2014).
Important characteristics of biochar, including pH in water, metal and ash content, X-
ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were
analysed. Batch sorption tests were performed to observe the interaction of Pb(II) with
raw and modified biochars. The sorption experiments were operated at initial pH 5,
initial Pb(II) concentration of 100 mg/L, and biochar dosage of 4 g/L ( i.e. 250 mL of
working solution per g of biochar) at 20 ± 2°C and at 180 rpm for 24 h.
Results and conclusions
The FTIR and XRD analyses of biochar showed O-contained functional groups
(e.g. -OH, -COOH, C=O) and mineral phases (mainly SiO2 and CaCO3), respectively on
its surface. This can influence the sorption mechanisms via ion-exchange or precipitation
of metal on carbonate surface of biochar (Al-Degs et al., 2006). Significant
enhancement of Pb(II) from 3.74 mg/g to 13.96 mg/g was observed on KOH-modified
SS biochar (MSS350-KOH) compared to raw SS biochar (RSS350) and was 2 times
higher in H2O2-modified SS biochar (MSS350-H2O2) than in RSS350. On the other hand,
slight effect or no effect was found with H2O2-modified MSW biochar (MMSW400- H2O2)
compared to its raw biochar (RMSW400). High correlation coefficients (> 0.99)
indicated well-fitted of the pseudo-second-order kinetic model to Pb(II) sorption
experiment. From the results, the biochar treated with KOH showed better Pb(II)
sorption enhancement than biochar modified with H2O2 for both sewage sludge and
organic fraction of municipal solid waste digestate –derived biochars. In addition,
maximum Pb(II) sorption capacities of raw and modified biochars were observed at
Pb(II) equilibrium concentration of 500 mg/L except RSS350 where the maximum
sorption capacity occurred at 300 mg/L.


Simona Cecilia Ghiga1, Raluca Maria Hlihor1,3*,

Isabela Maria Simion1,3, Maria Gavrilescu1,4*
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, 73
Prof. Dr. Docent D. Mangeron Str., 700050 Iasi, Romania
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of
Iasi, Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies, 3 Mihail Sadoveanu
Alley, 700490 Iasi, Romania
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest,
: [email protected], [email protected]

Nowadays, the rate of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is

growing at an alarming rate, especially in countries where markets are saturated with
huge quantities of new electronic goods. The large quantities of WEEE and the wide
variety of materials they often contain - many of them with a potential harmful effect
on humans and the environment - has focused the attention on how WEEE is
handled, generated and on preventive actions. The complex structure of materials
contained by WEEE, whether not properly managed could cause major environmental
and health problems due to their hazardous content. On the other hand, even if in
one way WEEE are characterized as hazardous materials at the same time these type
of wastes are considered valuable, due to the content of precious and strategic
The production of modern electronics requires the use of scarce and expensive
resources (e.g. around 10% of total gold worldwide is used for electronics
production). To improve the environmental management of WEEE and enhance
resource efficiency according to circular economy concept, the improvement of
collection, treatment and recycling of electronics at the end of their life is essential.
Understanding the mechanisms and operational principles of WEEE management
systems can only be possible after a careful identification and analysis of life cycle of
EEE from production phase until final disposal phase of waste, considering sustainable
preventive and control alternatives so as to close the loop (Fig. 1). In this framework,
the present study is centered on the current situation regarding WEEE in Romania
with a special focus on Iasi City. The analysis of WEEE management in Iasi City is
carried out in the context of harmonizing national environmental laws with European
Directives. According to the results of a collecting campaign carried during October
2015 in Iasi City, a total of 29,691 kg of WEEE of different composition were collected
as indicated in Fig. 2. Considering the results in Fig. 2, this paper analyses the
perspective of developing a sustainable management system for WEEE in the context
of national environmental strategy and European Directives, entailing the

improvement of environmental management of WEEE so as to enhance resource
efficiency and contribute to a circular economy by closing one or multiple loops.

Figure 1: WEEE life cycle

Figure 2: Percentage of different WEEE collected in Iasi City in October 2015

Our strategy is proposing three scenarios to be evaluated in the context of Life
Cycle Assessment (LCA). The first scenario SW1 - is based on the most simple way of
WEEE managing (collection-screening-temporary storage-transport-recycling), the
second scenario SW2 - proposes a new step referring to population informing
(population informing-collection-screening-temporary storage-transport-recycling)
while scenario SW3 – proposes skipping the stage of screening and temporary
storage with the scope of reducing environmental impacts, costs and time (population
informing-collection-transport with screening-recycling). The evaluation of
environmental impacts according to LCA methodology revealed that the transition to a
circular system needs the improvement of collection, treatment and recycling of WEEE
to the end of their life, which is essential. Our analysis indicated that scenario SW2 is
the most suitable from the environmental and social points of view. This result is
influenced by the population informing stage which improves automatically the
collection step, overcoming with 70% the total quantity collected in the first scenario
SW1. Scenario SW3 could work if the recycler receives and processes all WEEE
transported. For the moment the recycler receives only sorted WEEE by category.
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National
Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-
2016-0130, Contract 64BG/2016.


Mónika Molnár*, Viktória Feigl, Emese Vaszita, Katalin Gruiz,

Éva Farkas
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology
and Food Science , 1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rakpart 3,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Soil as the “biological engine of the Earth” is one of the most diverse habitats
and contains the most diverse collections of living organisms. However soil
management strongly influences soil biodiversity; different human activities or
environmental factors cause shifts in habitat quality and in substrate availability,
resulting in changes in abundance of individual species. The proper soil functioning is
a key life support function, so there is a growing interest in the assessment of the
quality and performance of soils that are or may be influenced and degraded by
anthropogenic activities.
Biochar is produced from a wide range of organic materials by pyrolysis,
specifically for improvement of poor quality soils. When biochars are applied to soil, it
is aimed to have positive effects on soil properties and crop yields and carbon could
be sequestered. Due to its many potentially advantageous properties biochar has
been extensively investigated and the number as well as the quality of researches
connected to biochar application have grown exponentially nowadays. It was
demonstrated that both the pyrolysis technique and the feedstock affects the biochar
properties with agronomic implications, such as pH, surface area, cation exchange
capacity, the H/C ratio etc. However the fundamental mechanism of the direct
biochar-based ecological effects is unexplored and poorly understood, particularly
those on soil biota. There are only few studies describing the possible connections
between biochar properties and the soil biota, and their implications for soil
The principal aim of this research was to get a better understanding of
biochar-mediated effects on soil chemical, physical and biological properties as well as
to assess and analyse the direct and indirect interactions between biochar surface
chemistry, physical properties and microbial colonization.
In the first phase of our multistage research various biochar products were
screened for their physico-chemical properties, biological activity and ecotoxicity with
a test-battery developed by our research group to evaluate the possible applicability
of the tested biochars to soil.

Ten biochars produced from various feedstocks such as grain husks, paper
fibre sludge, wood screenings, manure, miscanthus, spelt mixed with paper, vine and
natural biomass were investigated prior to a soil improvement study. The biochars
were produced in PYREG® type pyrolysis reactors at different pyrolysis temperature
(450 °C / 500 °C / 600−700 °C / 650−750 °C) and residence time (with 15 or 20
minutes). A complex methodology for the assessment and screening of biochars was
developed and applied. In this screening study the biochars were tested both in their
native form and mixed into sandy soil (from Hungary) at 10 weight%.
The physico-chemical methodology included measurements of BET surface
area, porosity, particle size distribution, SEM analysis for surface morphology, surface
chemical composition, pH, water holding capacity, electrical conductivity (EC), cation
exchange capacity (CEC), NPK supply and toxic element content.
In the frame of the biological and ecotoxicological methodology the aerobic
heterotrophic colony forming units of bacteria and fungi and bacteria/fungi rate was
determined. Bacterial colonization studies were also carried out by plant growth-
promoting rhizobacteria. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was applied for the
investigation of microbial colonization. Aliivibrio fisheri bioluminescence test, plant
growth tests (mustard, wheat), and mortality test with animals (Folsomia candida,
Panagrellus redivivus) were used for testing the potential toxic effects of biochars.
Results and conclusions
We developed a screening and ranking methodology applied to biochars
aimed at soil improvement to assess the possible applicability of biochars to soil and
to select the main influencing properties of the tested biochars as soil additive. The
focus was on improving soil functions as habitat for soil biota.
For ranking of the biochar products and to select the best biochar(s) for soil
improvement a complex multi-criteria evaluation system was developed based on
scores (from -10 as the least appropriate to 10 as the most appropriate). The system
took into consideration the suitable properties and effects of a soil amendment for
improvement of various degraded soils. The greatest potential benefits and risks of
biochars were evaluated. Biochar Quality Indices (BQI) were created by choosing
appropriate indicators, indicator scores were determined; the indicator scores were
weighted, combined and integrated into the Biochar Quality Index.
Our results suggest that a selected number of carefully chosen biochar quality
indicators can adequately provide the information needed for selection of biochars
prior to soil improvement and the developed screening and ranking system can be a
practical tool for potential biochar users.
In the next phase of the multistage research we will assess in microcosms the
biochar-mediated short- and long-term effects on soil chemical, physical and biological
properties targeting improvement of soils.
The research was funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation
Office in the frame of the OTKA K_16 120464 project 2016–2019.


Men Fei Chok1, Igor Creţescu2,*, Carmen Teodosiu2,

Dorina Nicolina Isopescu3,*, Maria Harja2,*,
Brindusa Mihaela Sluser2, Mohamad Amran Mohd Salleh4
Institute of Advanced Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia
2) “
Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, 73 Blvd. D. Mangeron, 700050, Iasi, Romania
3) “
Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building
Services, 65 Blvd. D. Mangeron, 700050, Iasi, Romania
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Universiti Putra, Malaysia, 43300 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Introduction and objectives

Thermal power plant using coal combustion produce substantial amount of fly
ash during energy production process. Due to the mentioned aspect, the major
environmental issued appear if the fly ash is not treated properly. Therefore a number
of useful applications are found to cope with this industry waste stream, included
construction industry. Fly-ash has been recognized as one of the potential precursors
for geopolymers production. It can be used to produce new cementitious product with
good workability and strength.
Synthesis of geopolymer uses alkali solution to dissolve the starting materials
(precursors) by hydrolysis, followed by gel formation and polycondensation process.
Generally, geopolymer refers to inorganic polymer which synthesized through a series
of alkali-activation process using industrial waste that are rich in silica and alumina,
forming three-dimensional amorphous alumino-silicate network with comparable
properties to ordinary portland cement product. Fly ash is not a standard by-product
world-wide, the chemical and physical properties varies according to source of
collection. Thus, increasing researches are being carried out to understand the
reaction mechanism of fly ash-based geopolymer material.
This experimental study aims to determine the effect of some important
parameters on geopolymerization of low calcium fly ash in an effort towards achieving
valorization of this locally available waste in Iași city, Romania.
The fly-ash used in this study is collected from the nearest thermal power
plant in Iași city and undergone chemical characterizations before usage. Some
preliminary experiment is underway to determine the ideal mixing proportion while

also familiarize with the mixing procedure. Basically, the fly ash will be mixing with
prior prepared alkali solutions consist of NaOH and water, producing a mixture, which
will be filtered and dried to produce GP cement. Poly (sialate-siloxo) which defines
polymer with 2:1 ratio for Si/Al content is expected, based on the prior
characterization result of the fly-ash chemical compositions. As such, the Si/Al ratio
before and after geopolymerisation is to be observed, to ensure its suitability as
potential cement product. The experiment is done according to standard procedure
stated in ASTM to ensure quality of testing and result credibility.
Different geopolymers were fabricated according to experimental design
matrix, which includes the alkali activation conditions (concentration of NaOH), solid
to liquid ratio (aluminosilicate to alkaline solution) and curing temperature. For the
geopolymerisation process, a polynomial model was obtained taking into
consideration all three mentioned parameters. After the validation of mathematical
model, the optimum parameters were determined tacking into consideration the
above stated important ratio Si/Al.
The geopolymer cement produced are investigated using microstructural
analysis (XRD, SEM, EDX, TGA and etc.), in order to understand the chemical
composition of the raw material and chemical properties and microstructural changes
before and after geopolymerization. The analysis is complemented with necessary
mechanical testing such as compressive strength measurement. Mechanical testing is
carried out after mixing the GP cement produced with water to form GP cement
paste. The aforementioned testing is conducted on cube specimen using universal
testing machine. Both chemical and physical characterization of the production
provides more in-depth understanding of the inorganic polymer to support future
study and commercialization.
Results and conclusions
Research studies shows that it is possible to produce geopolymer at ambient
or slightly higher temperature. Knowledge of optimal alkali activation condition is
important in producing environmental friendly products to set as the good alternatives
to traditional cement materials.
The most interest in this research study was the geopolymerisation process
which will determine the strength and durability of the produced material. Works are
to be done to ensure completeness of the geopolymerisation in order to ensure it fits
to the definition as polymer. Previous study has used metakaolin as one of the useful
materials to act as the networking element that will interact with the N-A structure to
form strong geopolymer, which is more environmental friendly and exhibit better
carbonation result.
This experiment set as the important study towards realizing the application
of fly-ash as alternatives construction material at industry scale in the city. Low
calcium fly-ash geopolymer will soon provides the construction industry a second
choice of materials for ensuring long-term sustainability of the resource usage during
infrastructure development. It will also help to reduce the abundant waste produced
by the neighboring thermal plant which continues to supply electric energy to the

Éva Farkas*, Viktória Feigl, Éva Ujaczki,
Ildikó Fekete-Kertész, Mária Tolner, Emese Vaszita,
Katalin Gruiz, Mónika Molnár
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied
Biotechnology and Food Science, Faculty of Chemical Technology and
Biotechnology, Budapest, HUNGARY
1111 Műegyetem Rkp. 3, Budapest, Hungary,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Biochar is charcoal produced from a wide range of organic materials by pyrolysis
specifically produced in most cases for soil application with the aim of increasing C
sequestration and improving soil fertility and crop yields. However, it is uncertain whether
the same positive effects can be obtained in all soil types. According to the numerous
references, the biochars and their technological and environmental performance need to
be investigated on a “char by char” basis, to gain a detailed picture on the given biochar
and its associated effects.
The objective of this study is to evaluate and compare the mid-term effects (11
months) of biochars from different feedstocks on the soil physico-chemical, biological and
ecotoxicological properties. As part of a complete scale-up technology experiment aiming
improvement of an acidic sandy soil, the biochars were pre-screened and a microcosm
experiment was conducted with combined application of biochar types and amounts,
compost and fertilizer. 13 biochars from different feedstocks were pre-screened to assess
their applicability as soil amendment. Three biochars with the best technological and
environmental potential were selected for the microcosm experiment.
In the screening study the biochar products were tested both in their native form
and mixed with sandy soil at 10w/w% concentration. Based on the comparative evaluation
of the results, a priority list of biochars was created. The best-ranking three biochars were
mixed into the acidic sandy soil (originated from Nyírlugos, Hungary) at 0 w/w % (control),
0.1 w/w %, 0.5 w/w % and 1 w/w % rate combined with fertiliser and compost in
microcosms. The feedstock of the selected biochars was: grain husk combined with paper
fibre sludge (A1, A2) and wood screenings (B1). For the monitoring of both the screening
study and the microcosm experiment an integrated methodology was used. To assess the
effects of biochars on the soil physico-chemical properties the pH, electrical conductivity,
water holding capacity and ignition loss were measured. To determine the biological
properties, the bacteria concentration and fungi number (CFU) were determined. For
testing the potential toxicity of the amendments Sinapis alba, Triticum aestivum plant
growth and Folsomia candida mortality test was applied.

All treatments were performed in three replicates. Soil samples were taken at the
start, at the 6th and 11th month. To determine if the treatment had a significant effect,
analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed using StatSoft® Statistica 12.
Results and conclusions
According to the measured water holding capacity (WHC), electrical conductivity
as well as the ignition loss A1 and B1 application had beneficial effect, while amendment
with A2 biochar had no significant effect on these parameters. As expected, the biochars
raised the pH of the acidic sandy soil (Fig 1). The highest pH was measured at the end of
the experiment. Both the A1 and B1 biochars raised the pH by 1 unit, so we can predict
that their effect on the soil pH will be maintained on the long term (1 year).
The results of bacterial and fungal cell concentrations presented different
responses to the biochars, but clearly demonstrated that biochar treatment did not
influence negatively the soil microbes. At 11th month the 0.5% A1 and 0.5 and 1% B1 had
the most beneficial effect on the soil bacteria (10 times more than in the control) (Fig 2).

Figure 1: Changes in soil pH Figure 2: Changes in concentration of soil

The white mustard’s shoot length could be a good indicator both of the presence
of toxic substances and the habitat function of soil (Fig 3). At the beginning the biochars
had no significant effect on this parameter, but after 11 months we found that 1% A1
biochar was the most effective treatment (30% elongation), but all the other A1 and B1
concentrations enhanced the growth with at least 20%.

Figure 3: Changes in mustard shoot elongation

As a conclusion, although the B1 biochar (wood screenings) has had promising
long-term effects, the 1% A1 biochar (grain husks and paper fiber sludge) was the most
favourable treatment according to the comparative evaluation of the physico-chemical,
biological and ecotoxicological results.
The work was supported by the EEA Grants and the Norway Grants within the “Green Industry
Innovation Programme” (Terra Preta project, registration number HU09-0029-A1-2013).

beijerinckii ATCC 55025
Manuel Aguado Ramos, Yolanda Núñez Gutiérrez,
Elena Maganto Burgos, Daniel Hernández Mateo,
Daniela Zaharieva Petrova, Jennifer Doblado Ferrón
Tomsa Destil, S.L. Bahía de Pollensa nº 21; 28042 Madrid, Spain
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

During the ABE fermentatio a laboratory scale adjusting to a mathematical
model to describe the process, some variables have been studied: pH, temperature,
oxygen concentration. The essays have been carried out using a 5L bioreactor in
batch working; the reaction volume was 2L. The bioreactor was inoculated 20%
(v/v) with Clostridium beijerinckii ATCC 55025 strain and it was fed using 41 g/L of
glucose. In order to describe the ABE fermentation, a mathematical model was set
through process phenomenology analysis and using the experimental data.
One of the most relevant results is the adjustment of the fermentation
model, which present hardness to consider the interaction between intermediary
and final metabolites, but it confers a suitable prediction of all variables considered.
Kinetic process. There are important troubles that avoid the scale change
of the process to industrial level. Basically, the disadvantages are focused on the
model proposed to the kinetic simulation of substrate conversion, cellular growth
and butanol production. The knowledge about the enzymatic kinetic of the process
(specially the metabolic route of C. beijerinckii for butanol production), is the key of
the scale change. When the concentration profiles were experimentally obtained
(substrate, biomass and metabolites), were obtained experimentally, the kinetic
equations were chosen which better described their behavior. Several models were
preselected for his capacity to express the phenomenology process. It was the
starting point for the adjustment procedure. Figure 1 shows the statistical criteria of
the kinetic equations corresponding to each base model. It also shows the inhibition
terms about the cellular growth that includes to each one of them.
According to the information presented in the literature about the kinetic of
the studied process, possible modifications were established on the base models.
These changes were made in order to obtain systems with greater sturdiness, from
the phenomenological point of view. The adjustment of each model to the
experimental data and the estimation of the parameters were done through the

iterative process of the Nelder-Mead algorithm for optimization of nonlinear systems,
(using mathematical processing software MATLAB 7.0). In order to obtain a good
estimation, estimated parameters are created close to the real ones. For this
determination the linear least squaresmethod was used. The adjustment capacity of
each model was evaluated according to the following criteria: Correlation Coefficient
(r2), Variance (2) and Mean Square Error (MSE). The analysis of these three statistical
indicators allowed to select an adequate model from the mathematical and
phenomenological point of view to describe the fermentative process.
Results and conclusions
The statistical criteria were checked for the five considered models. Figure 1
shows the behaviour (experimental and predicted) of pH, the productivity of butanol,
glucose and biomass through the time. In the graphics can be observed the reached
level of correspondence with the model which was chosen and adjusted. During the
simulation the same initial conditions of the experimental tests were used; the values
were: glucose, 242.12 mmol / L; Biomass, 1.5236 mmol / L; pH, 5.20.

Figure 1: ABE fermentation variables

The present work has been performed as part of the H2020-LCE-2015 Waste2Fuels
project (Sustainable production of next generation biofuels from waste streams - Waste2Fuels.
GA - 654623), funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation

Francesca Demichelis1, Silvia Fiore1,*, Daniel Pleissner2,
Joachim Venus3
DIATI, Department of Engineering for Environmental, Land and infrastructures, Politecnico
di Torino,Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129,Turin,Italy
Sustainable Chemistry (Resource Efficiency), Institute of Sustainable and Environmental
Chemistry, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, C13, 21335 Lüneburg, Germany
Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy Potsdam, Max-Eyth-Allee
100, 14469 Potsdam, Germany
: [email protected] (S. Fiore)

Introduction and study objectives

Nowadays, the concept of sustainable production and consumption is a key
lever towards bio- based economy, which has biomass conversion into bio-products
and bio-energy production as essential elements. In this study, a two-step bio-refinery
process fed with kitchen waste was investigated for the sequential fermentative
production of two added-value products: lactic acid (LA) and biogas. Organic waste,
representing a massive social, economic and environmental problem, could be
employed in bio-refinery processes with three important benefits: production of added
value products (LA and biogas), decrease of bio-refinery process costs and reduction of
waste amount. LA and biogas production through biological pathways is based on
mature technologies, already implemented on pilot and full scale.
The aim of this research is the evaluation of technical, economic and
environmental feasibility and sustainability of the proposed bio-refinery system, which
is coherent with EU strategy on Circular Economy. The novelty of the approach consists
of taking into account the conversion of kitchen waste into LA and biogas through two
biological fermentative processes performed in sequence and combined into a value
chain. The consistency of this study is verified by the implementation of the proposed
value chain in areas with 2000 to 1 million inhabitants.
Technical analysis defined LA production through simultaneous
saccharification and fermentation (SSF) from kitchen waste and biogas generation from
fermentative residues at 35°C. A bio-refinery plant made of the following components
was hypothesized: blender tank, LA fermenter, downstream processing to obtain
purified LA, anaerobic reactor, gasometer and CHP unit.
Economic analysis was performed considering three elements: investment
costs (purchase and installation of equipment), operational costs (raw materials,
reagents, utilities, maintenance service and operating labours) and profitability
considering the current market values. The cost of land was not considered since the
analysis was not geo-referred. A 5-years amortization with an interest of 3% is

assumed for the investment cost. Environmental analysis is based on CO2 equivalent
emissions calculated with a conversion factor equal to 0.44 tons emitted per MWh
produced and tons of petroleum equivalent (TEP) defined as 0.187 for each MWh
Results and conclusions
Technical analysis estimated the feasibility of the two-step bio-refinery chain:
LA production through SSF was investigated at laboratory (2 L) and technical (72 L)
scales and scale effect was not detected. Whereas, anaerobic digestion of fermentative
residues was carried out at laboratory scale (2L) and a 0.7 corrective factor was
adopted for scale-up evaluation. Process yield reached 0.29 g LA/g dry organic waste
with an optical purity of 97.9 % and 0.50 Nm3 CH4/kg organic dry matter.
Table 1: Economic and environmental analysis carried out for catchment
areas of different sizes. Values are round off to the unit.
2000 5000 10000 20000 50000 100000 200000 1000000
28 6 71 5 1431 2862 7155 14310 28620 143400
Organic waste [t/y]
1335335 1374167 1479908 1609349 1997672 2670587 3964997 14403740
Investment costs [€]
283302 291541 313974 341436 423822 566587 841207 3055874
Amortization [€]
105495 122569 200171 264565 457744 825144 1469075 6634435
Operational costs [€]
32915 82289 164578 329157 822893 1645787 3291574 16492374
Profitability [€]
-355882 -331821 -349568 -276844 -58673 254054 981291 6802064
Net incomes [€]
-72580 -40279 -35593 64592 365149 820642 1822498 9857939
Net incomes after 5 yrs [€]

CO2 equivalent [t] 59 14 9 29 8 59 5 1489 2978 5956 29845

6966 16800 33601 67203 1680079 336015 672031 3367202

CO2 produced [t]
TEP 14 35 69 13 9 34 7 69 3 1386 6948

Economic analysis revealed the feasibility and sustainability of the proposed

bio-refinery chain. Tab.1 shows the profitability of the investigated process for any
catchment area. We found economic loss below 10000 inhabitants, cost-effectiveness
after 5 years of amortization for catching areas between 20000 and 50000 inhabitants,
and immediate profitability for catching areas up to 100000 inhabitants. Above 100000
inhabitants generated added value products became competitive on the market and
the net income ranged between 17.75 and 47.43 €/t of organic waste.
Environmental analysis revealed CO2 equivalent emissions equal to 208.13 kg
CO2/t waste for all catching areas, which may be compared to 420.88 kg CO2/t waste
ascribable to conventional organic waste disposal options (e.g. composting).
In conclusion, the proposed two-step bio-refinery value chain proved to be an
immediately sustainable and profitable perspective, from technical, economic and
environmental standpoints, for the valorization of kitchen waste for catching areas
over 100000 inhabitants.


Valeria Ancona1,*, Anna Barra Caracciolo2, Paola Grenni2,

Claudia Campanale1, Ida Rascio1, Martina Di Lenola2,
Martina Cardoni2, Giuseppe Bagnuolo1, Giuseppe Mascolo1,
Angelo Massacci3, Vito Felice Uricchio1
Affiliation: IRSA-CNR of Bari
Affiliation: IRSA-CNR of Rome
Affiliation: IBAF-CNR of Rome
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Plant-assisted bioremediation, the use of plants to promote the extraction,
the sequester or detoxification of pollutants through biological processes is a green,
effective, in situ, non intrusive, low cost, aesthetically pleasing and, socially accepted
technology to remediate contaminated soil. Potential for plant-assisted bioremediation
depends upon the interactions among, soil, contaminants, microorganisms (bacteria
and microfungi) and plants occurring in the rhizosphere where, the release of root
exudates and oxygen with circadian rhythm can stimulate the biodegradation activity
of natural soil microorganisms. This technology has been applying for three years to a
multi-contaminated (PCBs and heavy metals) area in Southern Italy using as plant a
selected poplar clone (Monviso).
At fixed times (0, 420, 900 days) the concentrations of 18 polychlorinated-
biphenyls (PCBs) congeners and heavy metals (HMs: V, Cr, Sn, Pb, Zn, Ni, Sn) were
evaluated on soil samples collected at different depths (0-20, 20-40 cm) and distance
(0.25 m, 1m) from tree trunks inside some contaminated plots selected in the poplar
treated area. The main soil properties (pH, moisture, organic carbon and available
phosphorous content, etc.) were also investigated in order to assess the quality state
of soil. At the same time, microbial analyses were performed in order to assess total
microbial abundance, cell viability, dehydrogenase activity and the phylogenetic
composition of the autochthonous microbial community. Finally, roots, trunk,
branches and leaves were collected and chemically analysed in order to evaluate the
possible contaminant bioaccumulation in plant tissues.
Chemical and microbial investigations were also carried out on soil “control”
samples collected outside the poplar planting area in the survey site.
Results and conclusions
Three years after the poplar planting a significant decrease in overall PCB
congeners and in most of HMs concentrations was observed. Currently, the values of
all PCBs detected are under the Italian legislation limits (60 ng/g) in soils of all the

planted plots investigated. Concentrations of both HMs and some PCB congeners
were detected in the poplar tissues, with values generally higher in roots than in aerial
plant tissues. In the soil samples collected from the non-planted area (control) at days
420 and 900 no significant decrease in pollutant (PCB and HM) concentrations was

Analyses of the autochthonous microbial community at day 420 and 900

showed a gradual improvement in the soil quality in terms of both cell viability and
abundance; in particular, microbial abundance and cell viability were always higher in
the rhizosphere. Moreover, a soil quality improvement was observed also in terms of
an increase in the organic carbon content, with the highest values in the rhizosphere
at day 900 (11.36 g/Kg in the rhizosphere vs 6.21 g/Kg in bulk soil). The
phylogenetical analysis of the microbial community performed on the same samples
at day 900 showed a higher percentage of microbial taxa (e.g. Actinobacteria,
Firmicutes, Alpha- Gamma-Proteobacteria) known for their ability to degrade PCB in
the rhizosphere than in the bulk soil. Delta-Proteobacteria were found in a high
percentage in soil samples far from the trunk. Finally, in the rhizosphere a higher
evenness in taxa distribution (evenness index: 0.87) than in the bulk soil (evenness
index: 0.30) was also observed. The plant-microbial interactions promoted PCB
degradation and bacterial diversity.
Overall results show that the poplar-assisted bioremediation strategy using
the Monviso clone was able to increase the soil quality; at the same time the poplar-
microbial interactions occurred especially in rhizosphere soil were useful to promote
both the PCB degradation and the phytostabilization of the heavy metals.
The authors thank Ruggiero Ciannarella (IRSA-CNR) for his precious help in
performing pollutant chemical analyses. Moreover, authors thank Dr. Carmine Massarelli and
Vito Nicola Palmisano (IRSA-CNR) for technical support provided during sampling activities.


Guillermo Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Fátima Rubio-Senent,

Juan Fernández-Bolaños Guzmán,
Maria Africa Fernandez Prior, Alejandra Bermudez Oria

Instituto de la Grasa, (CSIC), ctra de Utrera Km 1, Campus Pablo de Olavide,

Edif. 46. CP 41013, Seville, Spain.
: [email protected]).

Introduction and study objectives

New techniques for total utilization of olive oil wastes are required to solve the
environmental problems of this industry. Olive oil wastes, like alperujo, are rich
sources in bioactive compounds and they are appropriate substrates for conversion
into useful products. The nature of alperujo make necessary to apply specific
treatment to process it successfully. It is the case of a novel thermal pre-treatment
(hydrothermal reactor) that hydrolyzes bioactive compounds to liquid phase getting
a final solid rich in cellulose, oil and proteins in which the calorific value has been
increased. The new technology is based on a novel design that allows to operate
under pressure and temperatures commonly used in the industry (up to 10 Kg/cm 2
and 190ºC). The application at the first time and combination of this technology
with energy valorization methods to alperujo could solve olive oil waste problems.
The alperujo is partially autohydrolysed in the hydrothermal reactor and phases are
easily separated by decantation, filtration or centrifugation. Alperujo has been
studied as a semisolid with high humidity (70%), but never before it has been
treated using its phases liquid and solid, separately.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the valorization of the olive oil waste, like
alperujo, through the utilization of its phases, the liquid and the solid. The thermal
pre-treatment allows the separation of both phases. The solid is concentrated in oil
that could be extracted or use together or not with the rest of the solid for energy
production. The concentration of organic compounds like sugars have been
decreased by the thermal treatment, getting a final solid with lower problems for
energy production (volatiles compounds formation or caramelization, beside others).
New compounds are both formed or increased significantly in the aqueous and oil
fraction after the thermal process application. Three fractions could be obtained
after treatment, a liquid phase rich in phenols and new compounds, a new pomace
olive oil rich in minor components and a final solid more suitable for energy

The hydrothermal treatment used has been patented (PCT/ES2011/070583)).
It was performed using a prototype designed by our research group at the Instituto
de la Grasa (Seville, Spain). The reactor has a stainless steel reservoir (100 L
capacity) that can operate at temperatures between 50 and 190 ºC and at a
maximum pressure of 1.2 MPa.
The phenolic extracts were fractionated by both organic solvents and
chromatofraphic systems. Analyses were carried out by HPLC–DAD and MS. The
antioxidant properties were determined by different methods, the antiradical activity
using DPPH and ABTS radicals, reducing power, inhibition of primary oxidation and
the inhibition of secondary oxidation.
Results and conclusions
The effects of time (15-90 min) on the composition of the phenolic
compounds isolated at 160ºC were evaluated. Phenols were extracted with ethyl
acetate. The HPLC analyses of the extracts showed variation of the concentrations
of phenolic compounds with time and the apparition of new phenols. The
antioxidant activities of phenolic extracts was measured by various assays
conducted in vitro : antiradical capacity, ferric reducing power, the inhibition of
primary and secondary oxidation in lipid systems. The results show that the
phenolic extracts inhibited oxidation in aqueous and lipid systems to a significantly
greater extent than the untreated control, and they performed as well as or better
than vitamin E in this capacity.
The results of the present work showed liquors obtained from a new
hydrothermal process of alperujo and extracted with ethyl acetate that have higher
phenolic content and stronger antioxidant/free-radical scavenging than the control
obtained with conventional extraction method. In addition, the great diversity and
complexity of the natural mixtures of phenolic compound in the extracts was
indicated. This thermal treatment promotes the solubilization and/or formation of
new compounds not present in untreated alperujo, such as 1-acetoxypinoresinol,
pinoresinol and 1-phenyl-6,7-dihydroxyisochroman, that contribute significantly to
the health benefits associated with the consumption of virgin olive oils. Of all
treatments and compounds determined hydroxytyrosol was found in the highest
concentration and it was the main responsible of in vitro antioxidant activity of the
extracts. However, antagonist or synergistic interaction between phenolic
components of extracts should be considered. In addition, the positive results prove
this low-cost procedure could be an alternative to conventional extraction method
for obtaining antioxidant phenolic extracts from alperujo. These antioxidants could
use as food additives or for applications in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic
industries, revaluing the by-products of virgin olive oil processing.


Dulce Arias*, Enrica Uggetti, Maria Jesús García-Galán,

Joan García

GEMMA – Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology, Department of Civil and

Environmental Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya·BarcelonaTech, c/ Jordi
Girona 1-3, Building D1, E-08034, Barcelona, Spain
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Nowadays, increasing attention is focused on the use of sustainable methods
to produce bioplastics and biofuels to replace petroleum-based products.
Polyhydroxybutyrates (PHB) and carbohydrates are compounds with high potential for
bioplastics and biodiesel production, respectively. While PHBs can be generated by
some bacteria and carbohydrates are produced by certain green algae, cyanobacteria
are able to accumulate both compounds as intracellular carbon storage.
However, PHBs and carbohydrates accumulation yields in cyanobacteria
depend on cultural conditions such as nutrients concentration or light intensity. Thus,
in this paper, we explore different strategies for PHBs and glycogen production from
cyanobacteria, using wastewater as feedstock.
A mixed culture mainly dominated by cyanobacteria Oscillatoria sp.,
Aphanocapsa sp. and Chroococcus sp. obtained from a 30L closed photobioreactor
(PBR) treating secondary wastewater and digestate was used for a batch experiment.
The culture was subjected to a 24h light incubation during a period of 2 weeks testing
two different nutritional regimes: a) N-limitation b) P-limitation.
Cultures were carried out in two closed polymethacrylate cylindrical PBRs with
an inner diameter of 11 cm and a working volume of 1 L. Both reactors were agitated
with a magnetic stirrer (Selecta, Spain) set at 250 rpm. Temperature was kept
constant at 27 (±2) °C with a water jacket around the reactor. Light intensity was set
−2 −1
at 220 μmol m s and was provided continuously through two external halogen
lamps (60 W) placed on the two sides of each PBR. One reactor was inoculated with
biomass submitted to N-free growth medium while the other one was submitted to P-
free growth medium. In both reactors, NaHCO 3 was used as the inorganic carbon
source continuously added to the culture in order to provide enough carbon to be
transformed into PHB/carbohydrate.

Results and conclusions
Initial biomass concentration of 0.42 g volatile suspended solids (VSS) L -1
-1 -1 -1
reached values up to 2.5 gVSS L and a production of 0.17 gVSS L d for N-limited
culture, while the P-limited culture achieved a concentration of 4.5 gVSS L and a
production of 0.30 gVSS L-1 d-1. Thus, in spite of the nutrients limitation, initial
biomass concentrations were incremented by 5-10 times, as a consequence of the
permanent light condition.
Figure 1 shows PHB, carbohydrates and volatile suspended solids (VSS)
contents of both cultures. N-limited culture obtained a constant PHB content of 5% of
dry cell weight (dcw) during most of the experimental time and reached a
concentration up to 137mgL-1, while P-limited culture reached a PHB content of 7%
dcw and a maximum concentration of 217 mgL -1. Such content, achieved with a
wastewater-borne culture, are similar and even higher than the 6% dcw found in
pure cyanobacterial cultures submitted to nutrients limited conditions with inorganic
carbon as the carbon source (De Phillips, 1992 and Meixner et al., 2016). Concerning
carbohydrates, N-limited culture accumulated 40-63% from day 6 to 15 with a
maximum concentration of 1gL-1, while P-limited culture reached contents of 40% and
a concentration of 1.5 gL . Results are comparable to the studies of Markou et al.
(2012) and Markou et al. (2013) that reached values of 50-60%.

Figure 1: Volatile suspended solids (VSS), PHB, and Carbohydrates concentrations of a) N-

limitation culture and b) P-limitation culture.
This study investigated the effect of starvation condition with permanent light on
PHB and carbohydrates production from wastewater-borne cyanobacteria. In spite of
nutrients limitation, results showed a high increase in biomass concentration.
Regarding bioplastics and biofuel generation, this paper brings to the fore and
demonstrates that the application of nutrients limitation could be a good approach to
produce PHB and carbohydrates in wastewater-borne cyanobacteria.
The authors would like to thank the European Commission (INCOVER, GA
689242) for their financial support. M.J. García and E. Uggetti would like to thank the
Spanish Ministry of Industry and Economy for their research grants (IJCI-2014-22767 and
IJCI-2014-21594, respectively).

Asli Gumus, Bulent Icgen*
Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University,
06800 Ankara, Turkey,
*: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Sludge treatment is commonly performed by anaerobic digestion process which
leads to sludge stabilization by decomposition of its organic matter into biogas in a
heated reactor and reduction of inorganic matter. Because of the emphasis on energy
conservation and the desire to obtain self-sustainability in wastewater treatment plants,
anaerobic digestion continues to be a dominant process for sludge stabilization.
Therefore, significant effort has been focused on improvement of the performance of
anaerobic digestion process such as use of chemical pre-treatments (i.e. ozonation). On
the other hand, some reliable molecular methods such as fluorescent in situ
hybridization (FISH) have gained interest for monitoring the bacterial population
variation in the reactors during the performance improvement process.
In FISH experiment, rRNA molecule, which exists in multiple copies in the cell,
is an excellent target for fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probes which are directed
against regions on the rRNA molecule specific for a bacterial group, genus or species.
The small probes (16-20 nucleotides) cross the bacterial cell wall and hybridize with
their complementary target sequence. In authors’ previous work, the main step of FISH
experiments included optimization of signal to noise ratios, performed by varying the in
situ hybridization parameters for each targeted bacteria strain. Based on these
systematic optimizations, direct quantification of specific groups of bacteria in fixed
samples of anaerobic sludge reactors effluent was made possible, and information about
microbial activities were obtained.
A partial ozone oxidation pre-treatment will be sufficient to render specific
compounds more amenable to subsequent biological treatment. Ozone, as one of the
strongest oxidizing agents, can be generated conveniently at treatment plants that use
the high purity oxygen activated sludge process. The effect of ozonation on anaerobic
digesters depends largely on the applied ozone doses. The aim of this study is
determining optimum ozone dose by comparing the operational parameters of reactors
and monitoring population shifts in FISH experiment during the anaerobic digestion
Four semi-continuous feeding and completely mixed anaerobic reactors are set
up with solid retention time/hydraulic retention time of 25 days. One of the reactors will
be considered as the control reactor with no pre-treatment of its fed sludge. The rest of
the reactors will be fed by different doses ozone pre-treated sludge (0.03 gO3 gTSS _

0.09 gO3 gTSS−1). Experiments are in mesosphere condition (35.5 °C) and pH will stay
in appropriate range (6.5_7.5) using chemicals (NaOH, H 2SO4). Anaerobic sludge culture
of the reactors will be collected from Return Activated Sludge line of the Tatlar
Wastewater Treatment Plant anaerobic digester located in Ankara, Turkey. Waste water
used to feed the reactors will be obtained from a VRM wastewater treatment plant
located in the Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
Results and conclusions
The reactors are currently in operating mode. Organic loading rate (i.e. COD) in
kg COD/day, organic loading (i.e. VS) in kg VS/day, volatile suspended solid loading (i.e.
VSS) in kg VSS/day, solids loading (i.e. TS) in kg TS/day, total suspended solid loading
(i.e. TSS) in kg TSS/day, nitrogen loading (i.e. TN) in kg N/day, phosphorous loading
(i.e. TP) in kg P/day and pH of the feed sludge are measured before feeding to reactor.
The schematics of the experimental setup and preparing samples for FISH experiment
can be seen in figure 1.

Figure 1: The schematic flow diagram of experiment

Corresponding operational data like total gas production (TGP) and its methane
content, COD, TS, TSS, VS, VSS and alkalinity in effluent samples are measured three
times per week. In the meantime, the dynamics of microbial consortiums in samples
from control and pre-treated reactors are monitored and analyzed through FISH
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by The Scientific and Technological Research
Council of Turkey (TUBITAK – 1001 Projects) under grant number of 116Y181.

Christos Vlachokostas*, Georgios Tsegas, Charisios Achillas,
Nicolas Moussiopoulos
Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering, Aristotle University
Thessaloniki, Box 483, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Changing behavioral patterns and consuming habits of communities is the main
reason that Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is a very important pressure on the
environment, especially in urban areas and megacities. Sustainable MSW management
has become an issue of critical concern for public authorities/citizens over the past
decades. This is also the case for Greece, where MSW is one of the most pressing issues
facing responsible authorities in the midst of the financial crisis. A large number of
unlawful landfills continue to blight Greece’s beautiful countryside in breach of the
Waste Framework Directive, for which Greece has been condemned by the European
Court of Justice since 2005. Thus, the development of an optimal waste management
strategy is not only more than urgent in the area, but will also create significant
economic opportunities for businesses on a sustainable basis.
Greater Thessaloniki Area (GTA), is the second largest urban conurbation in
Greece with a population of more than 1 million. Up to now, landfilling is exclusively
adopted for waste management in the country. Waste-to-energy (WtE) is considered to
be the only “competitor” to disposal in landfills. Public health and safety issues represent
the main concerns of local communities against the development of WtE facilities. The
study’s main objective is to assess health impacts attributed to air pollution from the
operation of a MSW WtE plant, as a future perspective in the outskirts of Thessaloniki.
Three different alternative locations for three different emission scenarios are
considered (Table 1). The corresponding externalities are also estimated to better
demonstrate their significance to the local community. Air Quality Modeling is adopted
to estimate concentrations of chemical stressors i.e. PM10, NOx, SO2, CO, heavy metals
(Cd+Ti) and dioxins-furans.
Table 1: Scenarios under study
Sindos Scenario 1 (S1) Scenario 2 (S2) Scenario 3 (S3)

Ag.Antonios Scenario 4 (S4) Scenario 5 (S5) Scenario 6 (S6)


Mavrorachi Scenario 7 (S7) Scenario 8 (S8) Scenario 9 (S9)

The methodological scheme follows a sequence of discrete steps. Firstly, the
scenarios taken under consideration in the analysis (Table 1) and their corresponding
assumptions are clearly defined and described. Secondly, the emissions from the WtE

facility are quantified for each defined scenario (min, med, max). The emissions are the
input to the Eulerian, three-dimensional chemical dispersion model MARS-aero, which is
driven by the non-hydrostatic mesoscale meteorological model MEMO in a doubly
nested configuration. The output is the concentration field of every examined pollutant
in pre-defined zones in the area. The next step is the realization of Health Impact
Assessment (HIA), using Concentration-Response Functions (CRFs) that correlate
concentrations of the chemical stressors with specific health outcomes, i.e Years of Life
Lost (YOLL) due to Chronic Mortality, Chronic Bronchitis (CB), Respiratory Hospital
Admissions (RHA), Cardiovascular Hospital Admissions (CHA), Restricted Activity Days
(RADs) and cases of cancers. This is followed by the monetary estimation of
externalities that can be attributed to the operation of the WtE facility for each scenario.
Results and conclusions
The study presents the estimated external costs that can be attributed to the
corresponding health impacts for nine (9) alternative operation scenarios in the GTA.
The results clearly depict that even when taking into account the worst case scenario
(maximum emission rates/worst meteorological conditions), the impact of such a facility
to the public health is almost negligible, when compared to the impacts attributed to
other sources of pollution. The worst case scenario for our case is approximately 3 YOLL
when the total external cost of deteriorated air quality in the region is approximately
11,000 YOLL attributed to industrial activities, urban transportation and space heating.
The environmental impact in the case that the WtE facility is located in Sindos
(S3) seems to be greater. However, this scenario can be considered as the optimal one.
This is mainly due to the fact that Sindos is more densely populated compared to the
other available locations, while also it is located close to the GTA’s industrial zone. Thus,
the logistics costs for the transportation of the MSW will be minimized, while also the
thermal heat that will be produced from the operation of the WtE facility will be
exploited making the investment economically viable. It should be stressed out that
Sindos is also grounded on the fact that the external costs attributed to the emission of
air pollutants from the facility are negligible compared to the overall environmental load
in the GTA.
As a final remark, comparison of the results with the overall environmental
externalities assessed for the GTA allows to better understand and evaluate the order of
magnitude and the severity of the environmental impacts attributed to the operation of
a WtE facility in the area. Social acceptance is of vital importance in Greece in order to
realistically and efficiently implement a MSW management strategy, considering that
many MSW management plans were abandoned, mainly due to local community
opposition and the “Not In My Back Yard” (NIMBY) syndrome. The low level of social
acceptance becomes even lower when such facilities are located close to densely
populated areas. Nevertheless, this study depicts that the severity of the environmental
impacts of the operation of such a facility is very low, thus it could be located in a
relatively short distance from domestic or industrial consumers so as to exploit also the
co-generated heat from the thermal treatment. On this basis, this study hopes to
contribute to better informed citizens and the maximization of public consensus in
Greece, when these kind of projects are under consideration.


Luisa Barbieri1, Isabel Belo3, Leonardo Bertani1,

Elena Bursi1,*, Luca Forti2, Isabella Lancellotti1,
Felisbela Oliveira3, Armando Venâncio3
Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari”, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Via
Vivarelli 10, 41125 Modena, Italy
Department of Life Science, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Via Campi 103, 41125
Modena, Italy
CEB - Centre of Biological Engineering, University of Minho, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Lipases (triacylglycerol ester hydrolases, EC are a family of enzymes
with great industrial potential, although they often involve high costs of production. A
technique which allows to obtain low-cost lipases is the Solid-State Fermentation
(SSF) of agro-food products in presence of appropriate microorganisms, such as
fungi, bacteria and yeasts. The enzyme produced becomes more environmentally
sustainable if it is immobilized on a solid support, in order to obtain a heterogeneous
biocatalyst, easily recoverable at the end of the reaction and potentially reusable,
since it retains its high catalytic power.
In this work we studied the activity of a lipase produced by SSF of olive
pomace (OP) and wheat bran (WB) by Aspergillus ibericus and immobilized by
adsorption on Pb-containing cullets from different chains as support for the catalyst.
In particular, we used packaging glass from urban collection (PbO≈5 wt%) and funnel
glass from cathode ray tubes (CRTs) with a high lead-content (from 12 to 25 wt% of
PbO), that belongs to the Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
chain. Our goal is therefore to replace both the components of heterogeneous
biocatalysis (enzyme and solid carrier) with materials of recovery, in a complete optics
of circular/green economy.
Waste glasses were firstly ground and sieved in order to obtain 180-300 µm
and 300-500 µm particle sizes. Subsequently, they underwent a series of chemical
treatments, which can be distinguished into surface cleaning by means of acidic and
basic solutions (Treatment A and B) and silanization (C), performed in 0.3%
Cl2(CH3)2Si in toluene at room temperature for 20 min under stirring with solid/liquid
ratio of 1/10.

Lipase produced by SSF (whose activity is 20 U/mL) was diluted into
phosphate buffer solution (pH=7), then absorption on glassy supports was carried out
at 30 °C for 22 h.
The lipase activity was tested by UV-Vis spectrophotometric procedure using
a typical lipase catalytic reaction, the hydrolysis of the p-nitrophenyl acetate in organic
solvent. Results were compared with those obtained from semiquantitative and
microstructural analysis performed by scanning electron microscopy equipped with
energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). The reuse of the immobilized lipase
was also evaluated, testing the conversion efficiency of the abovementioned
hydrolysis reaction up to four consecutive cycles.
Results and conclusions
The UV-Vis spectrophotometric analysis showed that the enzyme adsorption
was successful on all the glass samples employed as supports. The particle size of the
glass supports seems to have a key role in the effectiveness of the heterogeneous
biocatalysis. In particular, higher conversion values (10-15%) were obtained for glass
with 180-300 µm particle size, if compared to those obtained for 300-500 µm glass
(4-8%). For the smaller particle size, the Pb content does not significantly affect the
conversion. A more pronounced difference was instead obtained for the coarser
particle size. A hypothesis could be that, while CRT glass is a Pb glass and almost
glass beads contain Pb, glass deriving from urban collection contains both leaded and
unleaded cullet. In the coarse grain size the presence of unleaded glass may have a
greater influence.
The adsorption was confirmed by SEM images (Fig. 1). Dark-colored spots
can be clearly observed on both types of glass. They are attributable to the adsorbed
enzyme and can be identified as “lipase island”. Indeed, in these areas EDS analysis
detected the presence of phosphorus (deriving from the buffer in which the enzyme
solution was diluted) and carbon (element due to the enzyme itself). Conversion data
showed that the biocatalysts made with glass from urban collection can be reused for
4 cycles, while those made with CRT glass only for 3 cycles, gradually reducing their
respective conversions efficiency, until exhaustion.
We are currently testing the same lipase adsorbed on waste glasses also to
produce biodiesel by transesterification of waste vegetable oils. Contextually, we are
testing silanizing agents with longer alkyl chains in order to investigate if it might
produce an improvement in the adsorption step.

Figure 1: SEM images of glass beads from CRT (on the left) and from
urban collection (on the right) with the adsorbed enzyme


Ciro Vasmara1, Rosa Marchetti1,*, Anna Orsi1, Lucia Monti2,

Giovanna Contarini2, Riccardo Aleandri 3
Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA), Research
centre for animal production and aquaculture (ZA), Modena;
CREA-ZA, Lodi;
CREA Research centre for agricultural policies and bioeconomy, Rome
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Cheese whey (CW), that is, the milk whey resulting from cheese production,
is still rich in lactose and proteins, and usually recovered for food and feed production.
As lactose is a highly fermentable carbohydrate, CW is also more and more frequently
considered as a substrate for hydrogen (H 2) and organic acid production in dark
fermentation (DF). Scotta (SC) is what remains after protein recovery following
cheese whey acidification for the production of ricotta, a typical Mediterranean dairy
product. Scotta maintains the same amount of lactose as CW, with a much lower
residual protein content. In recent years, the interest of the dairy industry has grown
in the recovery of this residual amount of proteins. Proteins are removed from SC by
ultrafiltration, leaving a lactose-rich, protein-free permeate (PE). As SC and PE are still
rich in lactose, they could be suitable for H 2 production as well as CW. The aim of this
work was to compare H 2 production by CW, SC and PE in in-batch laboratory
conditions. As preliminary tests had shown that restoring the initial pH after
acidification+centrifugation (AC) had a positive effect on H 2 production from cheese
waste, an AC treatment was included in the comparison (Exp. I). A second
experiment (Exp. II) was then carried out to identify the factors responsible for the
results obtained in Exp. I.
Cheese whey and SC where supplied by a large Italian dairy industry.
Permeate was produced from scotta and supplied by the Bioproducts and
Bioprocesses Laboratory of ENEA, Casaccia Research Center. Their average lactose
content was 50 g L-1. Exp. I: CW, SC and PE were used as they are, or after AC pre-
treatment, which included: lowering the pH of the substrate at 3.2; leaving the
substrate at this pH value for 3 h; centrifugation at 4000 rpm for 15 min. The AC
treatment involved the formation of 3 physically separable phases: a supernatant
(SU), a pellet (PL), and a floating white “cap” (FL). Separation phase was far less
evident after centrifugation of CW as it is. Exp. I: Only the supernatant was used in
DF. Compared treatments were: CW, CW+AC, SC, SC+AC, PE, PE+AC. Exp. II: H 2

production from SU, SU+PL, and SU+FL of CW was measured, in comparison with an
untreated CW (Ctrl). Three replications were carried out for each treatment in both
Dark Fermentation was carried out at 35 °C, in 100-mL reactors, in strictly
anaerobic conditions, at the pH starting value of 8.7. This pH has been demonstrated
to be optimal for H 2 production from lactose containing substrates. In both
experiments, each reactor was filled with 50 mL non-sterile substrate and 5 mL
inoculum. The reactors were incubated in static conditions with occasional stirring.
Hydrogen volume was measured at 9 time intervals, during a 96-h incubation
period. Hydrogen concentration in the reactor headspace was determined by means
of a TCD-equipped gas chromatograph (GC). Total solids (TS), ashes, volatile solids
(VS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total N, fats, protein composition, and pH were
determined in all substrates before and after pre-treatment. Residual lactose, pH,
ethanol, volatile fatty acid and lactic acid concentrations were measured at the end of
the incubation period. Volatile fatty acids were determined by means of a GC
equipped with a capillary column and a FID. Lactose, ethanol and lactic acid
concentrations were determined enzymatically. Total protein content was determined
by the Kjeldahl method. Protein composition was determined by HPLC. Fat content
was determined gravimetrically.
Results and conclusions
Exp. I: When waste as a whole was used, H 2 was produced in all treatments.
The maximum H2 production was 4 L L-1 substrate for SC and PE, with a production
rate of 0.08 L H 2 h-1 L-1 substrate, whereas only 0.1 mL H 2 L-1 substrate were
accumulated in CW at the end of the incubation period. After AC treatment, the
maximum amount of 4 L H 2 L-1 substrate was obtained for all treatments, including
CW. Exp. II: In SU+PL, SU+FL, and SU the H 2 production was similar in all these
reactors and it was very higher than the Ctrl.
Even though the total protein content was much higher in CW (0.8%) than in
SC (0.23%) and PE (0.1%), it was however not affected by the AC treatment. Soluble
CW proteins were 10% lower in CW+AC than in CW, whereas they were completely
lacking either in treated or not treated SC and PE.
In conclusion, SC and PE are more sustainable substrates in DF than CW,
either because they allow higher H 2 production, and because the H 2 production phase
sums up to a protein recovery phase, following a biorefinery approach. A H 2-
production recovery is however possible from CW by an acidification + centrifugation
treatment. The recovery effect in H 2 production seems due to changes in some CW
physico-chemical factors, more than to protein removal. In fact the acidification
treatment, while not modifying the total protein content of CW, induced changes in its
physico-chemical state, as shown by phase separation in centrifugation following
This work was supported by the Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della
Ricerca (MIUR; Grant number: CTN01_00230_450760).


Ayşenur Bölükbaş*, Görkem Akinci

Dokuz Eylül University Environmental Engineering Department Tınaztepe Campus 35390
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Municipal solid waste (MSW) production has been a significant problem for
metropolitan cities because of the economic development, industrialization, and public
practices. Global MSW generation rate is about 1.2 kg/capital/day with regard to the
World Bank. This rate is averagely 1.3 billion tonnes per year and it is expected to be
2.1 billion tonnes/year in the near future. The changes in waste amount and
composition are caused by the modern civilization, changes of consumption behavior
and population increase.
As a developing country, Turkey, especially metropolitan cities of it, is face to
MSW management problems. Improving industrialization and increasing living
standards result in increase of waste amount and change in composition and
properties of solid waste. The current solid waste management tools are inadequate
and inefficient. There is a need to find new methods to treat municipal solid waste by
meeting the requirements of the public.
While finding new disposal methods for biodegradable solid wastes, another
aim is to produce eco-friendly energy as heat and electricity. The waste-to-energy
conversion can be applied via combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion
etc. Another promising method is producing solid recovered fuel (SRF). The
household, industrial, commerce, forestry and agricultural solid wastes have a certain
calorific value. Therefore, these wastes can be used in the Waste to Energy plants as
waste fuel or solid recovered fuel (SRF). In basic, SRF can be explained as solid fuel
prepared from sorted or mixed solid wastes such as municipality waste, commercial
waste and production wastes. The properties of fuel such as moisture, heating value,
particle size, chlorine and Hg content have important roles in the production of SRF.
There are a few researches about the calorific capacity of biodegradable solid
waste in Turkey. The main aim of the study was to evaluate the thermal capacity of
the biodegradable part of municipal solid waste in Izmir. Another aim is determining
the composition and characterization of the municipal solid waste of Izmir in order to
lead the thermal capacity evaluation. Finally the assessment of applicability of SRF
production from biodegradable solid waste was aimed and with respect to results
determining the most suitable pretreatment and production methods were planned.

At the beginning of the project, solid wastes have been taken from three
districts of each country; Mavisehir, Alaybey and Ornekkoy from Karsiyaka, Kizilay,
Erzene and Naldoken from Bornova and Alsancak, Guzelyali and Basmane from
Konak. After separation of recyclables, the remaining part (mostly biodegradables) of
solid wastes was sieved from six different mesh size (10, 30, 50, 80, 100 and 120
mm). As a result, from 9 districts and 7 fractions 63 solid waste samples have been
obtained. Various analyzes have been carried out to each of the particle size fractions.
The parameters performed within the project are moisture (%w), calorific value
(kcal/kg dw), organic matter (%dw), ash content (%),water soluble chlorine (%),
total organic carbon (%w) and total carbon (%w).
Results and conclusions
The average biodegradable part of the solid wastes sampled from the regions
was 60.9 % and the average moisture (in bulk and in fractions) was 62.6 %. The
average organic matter was also found as 61.8 % dw. Moreover, the average ash
content was 30.7 % dw. The water content should be less than 35 % with regard to
Statement about SRF of Turkey. Furthermore, the calorific value has to be more than
2500 kcal/kg and the chlorine content should be less than 1 %. According to the
water content limit, the wastes samples in the study should be dried in order to
decrease the water content less than 35 %. Bio-drying can be used to dry the waste
samples in a cheap and efficient way.
The maximum total carbon value is observed in Guzelyali-2 as 47.277 %,
while the minimum total carbon value is seen in Kizilay-fine as 12.198 %. The biggest
total organic carbon value can be observed in Naldoken-3 as 43.744 %. The smallest
total organic carbon value is in Kizilay-fine as 9.27 %. The maximum total inorganic
carbon value can be observed in Ornekkoy-1 as 20.832, as the minimum total
inorganic carbon value is seen in Basmane-6 as 0.621 %. The maximum calorific
value can be seen in Naldoken-3 as 4169.625 kcal/kg, while the minimum calorific
value is observed in Ornekkoy-1 as 1393.739 kcal/kg. Exceptionally a few samples’
chlorine contents are more than 1 % as defined in the statement; however, the
general of the samples are proper with regard to chlorine content because the
average chlorine content has been found as 0.86 %.
The calorific values of solid wastes in Izmir are sufficient and other
parameters are appropriate with respect to the literature and Statement about SRF of
Turkey, however; the water content has an important role and the moisture values
are very high. Hence the water content should be handled properly to obtain efficient
performance from the SRF. Therefore, according to the initial findings, if necessary
sorting and drying experiments are conducted, the biodegradable part of the solid
waste in Izmir is suitable for SRF production. SRF produced in the study can be used
as fuel in the pre-calciner of clinker process in the cement industry or in the fluidized
bed incinerator.
This study is formed on support on Master Thesis of Environmental Engineering of
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Dokuz Eylul University.

Patrizia Circelli, Silvia Colella, Nader Akil, Emanuele Festa,
Valentina Cinti
CiaoTech PNO Group; Via Colajanni 4, 00191 Rome (Italy),
: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
[email protected] , [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The REE4EU project, funded in the frame of Horizon 2020 TOPIC SPIRE-07-
2015 under Grant Agreement n° 680507, will realize a breakthrough innovation in the
field of recovery technologies for metals and other minerals. It will make available Rare
Earth Elements (REEs) and Rare Earth Alloys (REA) for magnet production by
developing, for the first time at industrial scale, an efficient and cost effective method of
extraction and a direct production route for REA which will be achieved /through in-
process and End-of-Life (EoL) permanent magnets as well as Ni metal hydride battery
waste. It started on October 2015 and it will last 4 years involving in its consortium 14
partners from 7 European Countries representing the full value chain and coordinated
REEs are considered “key-enablers” of green technologies, as they are crucial
in hybrid electric vehicles, wind mills and highly efficient electric motors. Additionally,
they are necessary for many widely used hi-tech products such as computer memory,
DVDs, rechargeable batteries, cell phones, fluorescent lighting to name a few.
The dependence on Chinese exports makes Europe, and western countries in
general, extremely dependent to Chinese market control and REE are considered to be
materials with the highest supply-risk. A recent study estimates the global trade in RE-
containing products in 2010 at around €1.5 trillion, equivalent to 13% of the global
trade but only 1% of RE waste is being recovered as no adequate process is currently
available. To mitigate the supply risk, recently there have been a number of publically
and privately funded initiatives in Europe investigating the recovery of REE. In order to
have an overview on the European innovation landscape in this domain as well as the
most relevant industrial actors who are active in the recovery of REE, value chains
stakeholders analysis has been performed by PNO, as partner of the REE4EU project.
In this framework, the most relevant stakeholders (mainly European) have
been assessed in a Value Chains Stakeholders Analysis Report. The aim of this report is,
on the one hand, to help the consortium partners in setting up targeted dissemination
and communications actions towards the relevant group of stakeholders from a specific
value chain, and on the other hand, to provide information to the public at large on the
relevant industrial and academic stakeholders that are connected to the topic of the

recovery of REE. Furthermore a selected group of identified stakeholders are being
interviewed to elaborate a market analysis on the most relevant EoL products containing
REE. The market study and the reports will be available to the public by October 2017
and will be downloadable from the Innovation Place website of PNO
The results presented in the REE4EU project have been acquired, based on a
methodology elaborated by PNO, to determine the value chain needs analysis for the
recovery of REE and the most relevant stakeholders that could benefit from the
technologies developed in the project. The methodology is based on the following
approach: a) Screening of the CORDIS database to identify the Innovators in Europe
around the topic of recovery of REE; b) Screening of several patent databases such as
WIPO or Espacenet to identify the Potential Investors in the topic of REE recovery; c)
Desktop research, through associations and main reports to identify relevant
stakeholders as Potential Business Drivers for the concept and technologies used in
the REE4EU project.
The stakeholder analysis provides, therefore, relevant information on the most
important industrial companies and research centers that are performing international
innovation, research, and business activities within or around the value chain of the
REE4EU project. In the report, the geographical characterization and the position of
each industrial stakeholder in the value chains related to the recovery of REE are
identified, websites and concise information about their activities, potential interests,
and how they can be connected to the REE4EU project is also provided. Moreover, the
analysis identifies and describes the stakeholders, representative of potential end users
of the REE produced, connected to the 9 products/applications presented in the report
of the “European Rare Earths Competency Network” (ERECON): hard disk drives, DVD
and CD players, automotive applications, motors in industrial applications (e.g. servo
motors from robotics), loudspeakers, air conditioning compressors, magnetic separators,
mixed electronics, electric bicycles and wind turbines.
Results and conclusions
To summarize the main results, the Value Chains Stakeholders Analysis Report
provides a helicopter view on the most relevant stakeholders who are connected to the
to the REE4EU value chains.
Although the list of stakeholders provided in the document is by no means
exhaustive, the study provides relevant information on more than 300 important
stakeholders identified. Additionally, a market analysis is been developed by PNO and
key partners of the REE4EU project, by exploiting the results of the stakeholders’
In particular, the market analyses will be carried out to develop a three-fold
business plan strategy, 1) for the economic recovery and re-use of in-process
permanent magnets, 2) related to the economic feasibility of collection, dismantling and
recovery of EoL REE containing products and 3) for the investment in a new European
RE-Alloy production plant, using multiple feedstock.
In parallel CiaoTech PNO is implementing also a communication and
dissemination plan to underpin adequate involvement of all relevant stakeholders.

Eleonora Carota*, Maurizio Petruccioli, Anna M. Gallo,
Silvia Crognale, Alessandro D’Annibale
Department of Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems (DIBAF), Tuscia
University, Via San Camillo De Lellis – Viterbo (Italy)
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Zygomycotes are filamentous fungi able to convert a wide range of carbon
sources into interesting industrial metabolites. Some species belonging to this class,
have also been classified as oleaginous, being able to accumulate significant
quantities of storage intracellular lipids, above the 20% of their dry weight. Among
the lipids produced, ω-6 (linoleic acid) and ω-3 (eicosapentanoic and docosahexaenoic
acids) could be valuable additive in the food industy, while others including palmitic,
palmitolec, oleic and stearic acids could be used as renewable and sustainable
feedstock for biodiesel production. Although the production of lipids from
zygomycetes has been studied by several research groups, it still represents a
challenge for different reasons. First of all, the fermentation must be performed on
low-cost substrates, in order to reduce the costs and make the process economically
feasible. Furthermore, the filamentous structure of these fungi might lead to the
formation of large cell aggregates, which allow an easy biomass recovery by filtration,
but represent a technical constraint for submerged fermentations, limiting mass
transfer and negatively affecting sampling.
Orange peels is a solid waste widely produced in the Mediterranean area. Due
to its low cost and scant valorization, it might constitute a cost-effective substrate for
microbial bioconversions. For this reason, 6 oleaginous fungal strains, belonging to
the genera Cunninghamella, Mortierella and Mucor, were evaluated in shaken flask for
their abilities to grow on orange peel aqueous extract (OPE) accumulating lipids.
Then, the lipid production process on OPE as the growth medium was transferred to
the bioreactor level by using the most promising strain in order to assess preliminarily
its upscaling.
Microbial strains and inoculum production: Cunninghamella echinulata NRRL
3655, Mortierella isabellina NRRL 1757, Mucor circinelloides NRRL 3631, Mucor miehei
NRRL 3169 and Mucor racemosus UCD 71-20 were obtained from the ARS and UCD
Culture Collections (NRRL, Peoria and Davis, California), while Mucor moelleri was an
environmental isolate. Pre-inoculum was prepared by growing 106 spores/ml in 250-
ml flasks containing 50 ml of PDB medium, at 30 °C for 3 days in shaken culture (185
Growth medium and culture conditions: Air-dried orange peels where crushed
using a blender and then subjected to extraction at 100 °C in distilled water for 1 hour

and then filtered through Whatman n. 41. The aqueous extract thus obtained, had a
total sugar of 20 g/l and a very low nitrogen content (16 mg/l). For this reason, it was
supplemented with (NH 4)2SO4 to reach a C/N ratio of 55 and adjusted to pH 5.5 prior
to sterilization.
All experiments in shaken culture were performed in 250-mL Erlenmeyer
flasks containing 49 mL of growth medium inoculated with 1 ml of pre-inoculum.
Cultures were incubated in an orbital shaker (185 rpm) at 30 °C for 5 d. Samples
were collected on a daily basis.
Batch fermentations were carried out in a jacketed 3-L stirred tank reactor
(STR), with a working volume of 2 L, equipped with DO and pH probes. The agitation
rate was set at 500 rpm, aeration at 1.5 vvm and temperature was maintained at 30
°C. Samples were collected every 12 hours.
Analytical methods: Biomass was determined gravimetrically after
lyophilisation for 72 hours. Total sugars content was measured using the phenol
sulphuric acid method. A sulfo-phospho-vanillin reaction was used for quantitation of
lipid content. Nitrogen was determined by a modified Kjeldahl method. Fatty acid
profiles were analyzed by gas chromatography after a direct transesterification on
liophilised cells, followed by extraction with hexane.
Results and conclusions
Table 1 reports values of biomass and maximal lipid content with respect to
dry biomass.
Table 1. Biomass, lipid productions and time of maximal lipid accumulation obtained for
the strains tested
Strains Biomass (g/l) Lipid content (%, w/w) Time (h)
C. echinulata 4.08±0.03 19.14±0.71 48
M. isabellina 11.21±0.35 27.63±2.28 72
M. circinelloides 8.63±0.14 21.02±1.79 72
M. miehei 11.05±0.11 20.15±0.23 72
M. moelleri 5.45±0.14 18.31±0.49 72
M. racemosus 2.59±0.23 20.86±1.84 96
Among the strains tested, M. isabellina and M. miehei showed a remarkable
growth, demonstrating their capability of efficiently metabolizing sugars present in
orange peels, including mainly glucose, saccarose and fructose. The first strain was also
able to accumulate the highest lipid percentage, amounting to 28% of dry weight. GC
analysis showed a predominance of oleic, linoleic acid and palmitic acid, amounting
respectively to 36%, 27% and 20% with respect to total FAME. Among them, linoleic
acid is of interest as a food additive in both enfants and adult formulations.
Transfer to bioreactor scale of M. isabellina, thanks probably to the high
agitation rate, was not so problematic as expected, even if the lower biomass obtained
(9.9 g/l) was probably due to the stress caused by mechanical agitation, as already
observed in other studies. On the other hand, the reduced biomass was offset by a
higher lipid content, amounting to the 37.5%, showing that the transfer to a bioreactor
scale, albeit needing some improvements, it is certainly feasible.
We thank the ARS Culture Collection (IL) for providing some of the strains under

Ta Yeong Wu1,*, Eng Kein New1, Yu-Loong Loow1,
Cornelius Basil Tien Loong Lee1, Nicholas Wei Ren Cheong1,
Luther Yang Wei Foo1
Chemical Engineering Discipline, School of Engineering, Monash University, Jalan Lagoon
Selatan, 47500 Bandar Sunway, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

In recent years, intense development in the industry sector has resulted in an
increasing demand for global energy which includes fossil fuels. This, in turn, causes
excessive amounts of non-renewable fossil fuels being utilized at an alarming rate.
With the aim of creating a more sustainable global environment for the present as
well as the future generations, the depletion of crude oil and rise of carbon footprint
resulted from the usage of fossil fuels serves as a major hindrance to achieving the
goal. Due to rising concerns over the stagnant sustainable growth, researches have
been conducted on alternative biochemical methods to substitute the long established
petrochemical processes in the field of fuel and chemical productions. One of the
promising methods is biorefinery which involves the utilization of biomass or other
forms of renewable resources to produce high-value products. Global production of
lignocellulosic biomass is extremely high which makes it the most abundant feedstock
on earth. Most common method of removing excessive biomass is incineration as fuel
which in turn causes the release of greenhouse gasses to the environment. Instead of
waste disposal, it can be transformed into useful materials. The sophisticated
structure within lignocellulosic biomass has caused problems in the process of
digestibility and component extraction. Therefore a pretreatment stage is mandatory.
Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) have been proven to be relatively effective in lignin
removal as lignin serves as a protective barrier from chemical or solvent attacks. The
study objective was to further enhance the functionality of DESs by incorporating
energy irradiation namely ultrasound (US).
Oil Palm Frond (OPF) was used as a lignocellulosic biomass in this study.
Chemical based materials, namely choline chloride and urea, were used to synthesize
Type III DES. In this study, only Type III DES was considered. It can be formed by
mixing choline chloride and urea in a molar ratio of 1:2. The mixture was then heated
to an elevated temperature of 90 oC and stirred at a rate of 200 rpm using a magnetic
stirrer in an hour until a homogeneous colorless mixture was formed. OPF was treated
using DES with a solid to liquid ratio of 1:10. 3.0 g of OPF and 30 ml of DES were
mixed in a 50 ml Schott bottle. Two different concentrations of DES were prepared,

namely 100% DES and 50% DES. 100% DES was pure DES whereas 50% DES was
prepared via dilution using distilled water with 50% of its volume made up of distilled
water. Ultrasound-assisted OPF and DES pretreatment was carried out indirectly in an
ultrasound bath using a cup horn at 80% amplitude (20 kHz) with a pulsation of 3 s
on and 1 s off for 40 minutes. The mixture was then heated in an oil bath to an
elevated temperature of 120 C for 4 h at 1 atm. The treated OPF was undergone
qualitative lignin content analysis by utilizing Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
(FTIR). The spectra obtained via FTIR was studied to conclude the initial findings of
this experiment.
Results and conclusions

Green : Raw OPF

Light Blue : 100% DES
Light Purple : 100% DES + US
Purple : 50% DES
Red : 50% DES + US

Figure 1: Effect of ultrasound-assisted DES pretreatment on different DES

concentrations at 80% amplitude (20kHz) for 40 minutes
The ultrasound-assisted DES pre-treated OPF were analyzed, and the
contents of lignin after treatment was determined based on the peaks obtained via
FTIR. Specific wavenumbers on the spectra represent different functional groups
which in turn provide information regarding the amount of lignin exist within the
structure of OPF after pre-treatment. In this case, two different concentrations of
DESs were applied, namely 100% DES and 50% DES, both undergone with and
without ultrasound incorporation. Based on the results obtained (Figure 1), the effect
of ultrasound impregnation was seen to be improving the overall effectiveness of DES
pre-treatment. The peak at 1508 cm-1 was reduced from raw OPF (Green) to 50%
DES with US (Red), implying that the aromatic skeletal C=C vibration from the lignin
aromatic ring structure has been reduced. Another evidence that can further justify
the claim is the reduction of intensity at peak 1235 cm -1 which represent the
disintegration of C-O-C aryl-alkyl ether that presents within the structure of lignin.
Ultrasound-assisted pretreatment portrayed a more prominent effect on lignin
removal when 100% DES (Light blue) and 100% DES with US (Light purple) were
compared whereby peaks were seen to be less steep as compared to the pre-
treatment without ultrasound. The identical phenomenon could be observed at 50%
DES with and without US. In conclusion, ultrasound-assisted DES pre-treatment was
proven to be more effective in delignification of OPF.


Eng Kein New1, Ta Yeong Wu1,*, Yu-Loong Loow1,

Zi Yet Poon1, Luther Yang Wei Foo1
Chemical Engineering Discipline, School of Engineering, Monash University, Jalan Lagoon
Selatan, 47500 Bandar Sunway, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

One of the most prominent challenges facing humanity in contemporary
society is to enable and envision a transition from the non-sustainable present to a
more sustainable future. The main hindrance towards a more sustainable
development is the depletion of remaining reserves of fossil fuel as well as emissions
resulted from the combustion of fossil fuels. Recently, the focus of the study is
shifting towards the utilization of plant biomass as it is regarded as the central and
intermediate in a world substantiated by natural resources. Unfortunately, the
complex chemical structure within lignocellulosic biomass, namely lignin has caused
the extraction or transformation of biomass to be sophisticated. The existence of deep
eutectic solvents (DESs) has improved the process of biomass valorization due to its
ability on breaking down the recalcitrant structure in biomass which in turn producing
higher value products. DES is considered to be sustainable as its production is simple
and inexpensive, low environmental impact as well as minimal toxicity towards human
health. The objective of this study was to provide information regarding the
effectiveness of Type III DES on the reduction of lignin content. To further scrutinize
its functionality, different concentrations of DESs were applied and the results were
provided in this paper.
Oil Palm Frond (OPF) was used as a lignocellulosic biomass in this study.
Choline chloride and urea were used to synthesize Type III DES. In this study, only
Type III DES was considered. It can be formed by mixing choline chloride and urea in
a molar ratio of 1:2. The mixture was then heated to an elevated temperature of 90 oC
and stirred at 200 rpm using a magnetic stirrer for an hour until a homogeneous
colorless mixture was formed. OPF was treated using DES with a solid to liquid ratio
of 1:10. 3.0 g of OPF and 30 ml of DES were mixed in a 50 ml Schott bottle. Dilution
was carried out by adding distilled water into DES, whereby 50% DES was a mixture
of water to DES in a volume ratio of 1:1. The mixture was then heated in an oil bath
to an elevated temperature of 120 oC for 4 h at 1 atm. The treated OPF was
undergone quantitative lignin content analysis via acid hydrolysis adapted from NREL

and qualitative lignin analysis via Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). 3
ml of 72% of H2SO4 was added into 0.3 g of OPF. The mixture was then incubated at
30 C and 150 rpm for 1 hour. 84 ml of distilled water was then introduced into the
mixture and sent for autoclave at 121 oC for 1 hour. The filtrate obtained via vacuum
filtration was used for acid soluble and insoluble lignin test. Acid soluble lignin was
determined by using the liquid hydrolysate after acid hydrolysis and examined using
UV-Vis at 320 nm. As for acid insoluble lignin, it could be calculated by referring to the
difference in terms of weight of the filter paper before and after vacuum filtration.
Results and conclusions
Table 1 Performance of each DES concentration
Raw OPF 100 % DES 90 % DES 70 % DES 50 % DES
Weight before hydrolysis (g) 0.3016 0.3022 0.3034 0.3030 0.3020
Weight of Filter Paper (g) 0.1122 0.1184 0.1166 0.1144 0.1180
Weight of AIL and Filter Paper (g) 0.1783 0.1817 0.1807 0.1783 0.1755
Acid Insoluble Lignin (g) 0.0661 0.0633 0.0641 0.0639 0.0575
Acid Insoluble Lignin (%) 21.92 20.95 21.13 21.09 19.04
Acid Soluble Lignin (%) 0.790 1.11 0.851 0.812 0.937
Total Lignin Content (%) 22.710 22.06 21.98 21.90 19.977
Figure 1: Performance of different concentrations of DES on OPF pre-treatment via FTIR

Red : Raw OPF

Light Blue : 100% DES
Light Green : 90% DES
Purple : 70% DES
Dark Blue : 50% DES

In this study, different concentrations of DESs were investigated. It was

evident that diluted DES performed better in terms of delignification (Table 1) due to
better mass transfer resulted from a reduction in viscosity of DES. The total lignin
content of OPF after pre-treatment using 100% DES was 22.06% whereas the later
resulting in only 19.977 % of lignin. The FTIR spectra shown in Figure 1 includes both
raw and pre-treated OPF. The peak at 1508 cm -1 decreased from raw OPF (Red) to
50% DES (Dark blue), implying that the aromatic skeletal C=C vibration from the
lignin aromatic ring structure was reduced. The result indicated that partial amounts
of lignin were removed upon an addition of DES in different concentrations. The
reduction of intensity at peak 1235 cm also represented the destruction of C-O-C
aryl-alkyl ether that existed within the structure of lignin. The preliminary finding
showed that 50% DES was the most efficient concentration during the pre-treatment
of OPF.


Viktória Feigl*, Ivett Kerekes, Éva Farkas, Mónika Molnár

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Technology and

Biotechnology, Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science; 1111 Műegyetem
Rkp. 3, Budapest, Hungary,
: [email protected],

Introduction and study objectives

Red mud is the alkaline by-product of the alumina production from bauxite
by the Bayer process. An estimated 2.7 billion tonnes of red mud is produced
worldwide every year and this amount will be increasing probably by approximately
120 million tonnes per annum. Red mud can be re-used in construction, chemical,
environmental, agronomic and metallurgical applications. In particular, sandy soils,
with little or no nutrient or water holding capacity could benefit from the application
of bauxite residues, as red mud could improve water and nutrient holding capacities
by improving soil structure. Studies investigating the effects of red mud as soil
ameliorant for acidic and/or sandy soils were only focusing on the changes in the
soil physical and chemical characteristics and on the effect of red mud on the crop
yields, but not on the soil’s microbiological activity. There are also limited number of
studies on the effects of red mud on soil’s flora and fauna. The objectives of our
work was to study the effects of red mud in low amounts (up to 10 w/w%) on the
microbial activity and community structure of an acidic and a carbonated sandy soil,
and to assess the effects of red mud on the soil as habitat for plants and animals.
Red mud (RM) from Ajka, Hungary (from the red mud deposit, pH=8.9,
water content=36%) was mixed into an acidic sandy soil (ASS, pH=4.9,
sand=85%) and a carbonated sandy soil (CSS, pH=8.2, sand=81%) in 3 kg
microcosms at 0, 1, 2,5, 5, 7,5 and 10 w/w% in three replicates. The microcosms
were incubated at room temperature (22±2 °C) and irrigated to 60% water holding
capacity every 2 weeks.
The microcosms were sampled at the beginning of the experiment and after
2 months. The short term effects of red mud was measured by an integrated
methodology combining physical, chemical, biological and ecotoxicological methods.
Water holding capacity (WHC), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total (aqua regia
extract) and water soluble (distilled water extract) metal content, plant available P
and K content, NO3-, NO2-, NH4+, PO43- and SO42- content was measured as
background parameters. The study was focusing on the microbiological effects:

living cell numbers (bacteria, fungi, Actinomycetes, phosphorous mobilizing
bacteria, nitrogen-fixing bacteria; kopiotrophic and oligotrophic cell number),
enzyme activities (dehydrogenase, invertase, β-glucosidase,
phosphomonoeasterase, urease), substrate induced respiration and community-
level physiological profile (BIOLOG EcoPlate). To ensure that red mud does not pose
any risks to the environment by mixing it into soil ecotoxicity was assessed by
Aliivibrio fischeri bioluminescnece inhibition test, plant elongation inhibition tests
(Sinapis alba and Triticum aestivum) and earthworm (Dendrobena veneta ) and
Collembola (Folsomia candida ) avoidance tests.
Results and conclusions
Red mud addition increased the pH and EC of both soils. For example in the
case of the ASS (pH=4.9) 1% RM addition resulted in pH=7.3, 5% in pH=8.6 and
10% in pH=9.5. In the same soil EC increased from 63 µS/cm to 106 µS/cm, 245
µS/cm and 277 µS/cm, respectively. The WHC of the soils did not change
significantly at these low RM doses. The bacteria living cell number measured by
plate count method increased 3 times at 1%, 6 times at 5% and 15 times at 10%
RM addition in ASS. The highest influence by RM addition was observed for
Actinomycetes cell number in ASS: ~20 times increase was measured at 1–5% RM
doses and ~60 times increase at 7.5–10% RM doses. Anaerobic cell numbers
increased after the addition of 7.5–10% RM by 3–4 order of magnitude in both
soils. Dehydrogenase enzyme activity increased 2 times at 2.5–10% RM dose in ASS
and 1.2 times in CSS. Substrate induced respiration increased 3 times at 5–10% RM
dose is ASS. Sinapis alba plant elongation was not influenced in the ASS soil at up
to 5% RM dose, but decreased by 27–38% at 7.5–10% RM dose. The plant
elongation was not affected significantly in the CSS soil at up to 10% RM. For the
Tetrahymena pyriformis protozoon only 1% RM addition in ASS was favourable
resulting in a 20% increase in cell numbers, but higher RM amounts caused 50–
80% inhibition in reproduction. Based on the above presented selected results it can
be concluded that red mud addition influenced the chemical composition of the
sandy soils by increasing soil pH and mobile ion content. Red mud increased both
aerobic and anaerobic cell numbers and overall microbial activity in both soils and
the highest increase was observed at the highest red mud doses: 7.5% and 10%.
However, the higher amounts caused inhibition for both plants and animals, so one
should be careful when applying higher than 5% red mud in soils.
The research was funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation
Office in the frame of the OTKA PD 115871 and 121172 projects.

Elena Goldan1,*, Iuliana Lazar1, Xavier Domene2,3
“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, 600115, Romania
CREAF, Cerdanyola del Vallès 08193, Spain
Universitat Autònoma Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Vallès 08193, Spain
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Application of biochar can have a wide range of physical, chemical and
biological effects on soil. These effects depend on the properties of biochar, which are
determined by the method of production, type of feedstock and the pyrolysis
temperature. Potential functions of biochar are: increase of the organic matter, carbon
isolation, increased water retention, change of the pH of the soil, provision of nutrients
available to plants. The positive effects on plant growth and nutrient content are usually
observed using biochar in combination with other types of fertilizers. Mranita (traditional
Romanian compost) is an organic fertilizer resulting from the decomposition of manure
after a period of 1-3 years and is a product rich in organic matter and minerals. The
manure is important not only as the amount of nutrients inserted into the soil, but also
for improving the conditions for growth and development of plants. The sewage sludge
biochar and traditional Romanian compost (mranita) were used in different proportions
at two application rates of 5 t/ha and 30 t/ha on the yield barley plant. This study
evaluated the effects of the mixture between sewage sludge biochar and traditional
Romanian compost (mranita) on pH, conductivity and soil respiration.
A greenhouse experiment was conducted in period August-November 2016 in
Bacau, Romania, using barley like study plant. In this study two application rates were
used, each with a control version and 11 different concentrations, each achieved in 6
repetitions. The application rates were of 5 t/ha with notations: 5/C, 5/M0-B100, 5/M10-
B90, 5/M20-B80, 5/M30-B70, 5/M40-B60, 5/M50-B50, 5/M60-B40, 5/M70-B30, 5/M80-
B20, 5/M90-B10, 5/M100-B0 and 30 t/ha with notations: 30/C, 30/M0-B100, 30/M10-
B90, 30/M20-B80, 30/M30-B70, 30/M40-B60, 30/M50-B50, 30/M60-B40, 30/M70-B30,
30/M80-B20, 30/M90-B10, 30/M100-B0.
Materials used in this study are biochar obtained from sewage sludge at 500 °C
produced by NovoCarbo Company from Germany and traditional compost (mranita)
obtained from cattle manure. The manure was sitting in the stacks on the soil surface
and covered with a thick layer of soil about 15-20 cm and left in natural conditions for 2
years. The soil used in the study was collected from the Bacau County, Romania in July
2016 from an area uncultivated for at least 5 years. After achieving the desired

concentrations, in each pot were planted 25 seeds of barley and the number of
germinated plants was daily monitored. After completion of germination period, the
number of plants of barley has been reduced at two per pot. Monitoring of plant height
and number of branches was done in the middle period and the end of the experiment.
The duration of the experiment was 90 days, the days 40-44 were considered the
middle period, and the end was days with number 85-90. At the end of the experiment,
plants were collected and dried at 70 °C for 12 h. Soil samples were collected in three
different stages of the experiment, namely the beginning of the experiment, middle and
the end of the experiment period. The pH and conductivity were determined in aqueous
suspension in the ratio of 1:5 soil:water. For measuring soil respiration the titration
method with HCl was used.
Results and conclusions
The period of germination of the plants was carried out over a period of 7 days
The daily number of germinated plants was higher in the first 2 days and in the next
days, the number of germinated plants has decreased until in day 7. From the results of
the study, is obvious that plant height and number of branches registered during the
middle and end period of the experiment has achieved the highest values particularly in
mixture biochar with mranita at application rate of 30 t/ha, especially in pots containing
a higher concentration of mranita, between 50% and 100%. Plant dry weight obtained
at two different application rates increased depending on increasing the concentration
of mranita and with obvious differences between results obtained at 5 t/ha and 30 t/ha
application rates. As a comparison between results obtained in pots with a big
concentration of sewage sludge biochar and pots with a big concentration of mranita,
the maximum value was obtained in pots where was applied a high concentration of
mranita. From measurements was observed that pH and soil conductivity increased with
increasing concentration of mranita in the case of the application rate of 5 t/ha and 30
t/ha, but a significant impact occurred in the case of application rate of 30 t/ha, where
mranita has been used in high concentrations. Soil respiration is a process that releases
carbon into the soil in the form of CO2. Thus, from measurements recorded in soil
samples collected in different stages of the experiment results that CO2 recorded
decreasing values according to the different periods of collecting soil samples. CO 2
values were higher in the initial samples in comparison with values from final samples.
Between the two application rates, CO2 recorded high values at 30 t/ha application rate
in comparison with 5 t/ha application rate. Like a comparison between sewage sludge
biochar and mranita, the lower value of CO2 was obtained in samples where the
concentration of sewage sludge biochar was very big, and in samples with a big
concentration of mranita the value of CO2 was higher. A strategy for promoting the
biochar as sustainable waste management solution can be opportune for improving
some of soil properties. The results will be useful for further research that may validate
optimum application rates to modify characteristics of the soil as required.
The authors would like to thank NovoCarbo campany from Germany for providing
sewage sludge biochar used in the study.


Valer Micle1,*, Ioana Monica Sur1, Adriana Criste2,

Marin Şenilă3, Erika Levei3, Eugenia Gamenţ4,
Carmen Cristorean1, George Călin Rogozan1
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Materials and Environmental Engineering,
Department of Environment Engineering and Entrepreneurship of Sustainable Development,
28 Memorandumului street, 400114, Cluj–Napoca, Romania
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
INCDO-INOE 2000, Research Institute for Analytical Instrumentation,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
National Research and Development Institute for Soil Science Agro-Chemistry and
Environment (ICPA) Bucureşti, Romania
*: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Soil pollution by petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) is one of the most obvious
and important environmental issues faced by Romania. Pollution with PHCs occurs
mainly as a result of extraction, processing, transport and storage activities.
Rehabilitation of the sites polluted by PHCs is mandatory, considering the adverse
environmental impacts and the large areas affected by this type of pollution.
Ex-situ bioremediation is a complex treatment process of contaminated soil that
involves the use of microorganisms to biodegrade PHCs. The bioremediation process is
influenced by several factors such as: soil moisture, pH, oxygen, mineral nutrient and
microorganism’s content. Biodegradation was found to be suitable for organic
compounds or xenobiotics such as PHCs (gasoline, diesel, crude oil), polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorinated solvents and other compounds (alcohols, glycols,
ketones, phenols, cyanides, polychlorobiphenyls (PCB), polychlorophenols, pesticides).
Despite its applicability to a broad range of pollutants, the yield of bioremediation
process may be limited by the selection and adaptation of suitable microorganisms to
the contaminated environment, the existence of optimal conditions for the survival and
growth of microorganisms and process parameters (oxygen concentration, soil
temperature, soil moisture, pH, mineral nutrient and microorganism’s content).
The objective of the study was determination of optimal parameters of the ex-
situ bioremediation process for PHCs contaminated soils using an experimental set-up
that controls the oxygen concentration, soil moisture and microorganisms content.

An experimental set-up consisting of eight bioremediation tanks and aeration
system provided with a compressor (Fig. 1) was used for the bioremediation of PHCs
contaminated soils. Soil samples were taken from a former oil depot on the outskirts of
Saint Gheorghe, Covasna County.

Figure 1: Experimental set-up

The soil texture, pH (1/5 soil to water extract), moisture, content of Kjeldahl
nitrogen, organic carbon, available potassium, available phosphorus, micronutrients,
metals and PHCs were determined. The consortium of the microorganisms was selected
from indigenous species that proved to degrade the PHCs and was grown in the
laboratory on culture media.
Each bioremediation tank was initially filed with 16 kg of PHCs contaminated
soils. The initial content of PHCs determined by Fourier transformed infrared
spectroscopy after extraction in tetrachloroethylene was 7600±760 mg/kg.
Experiments were conducted over 18 weeks at constant pH, temperature,
nutrient contents and variable soil aeration time (1 hour/day and 2 hours/day), moisture
(44% and 60%) and amount of added microorganisms concentrate (20 ml/kg and 40
ml/kg soil). From each bioremediation tank, samples were taken at 2 weeks interval for
the monitoring of the PHCs and the microorganisms content.
Results and conclusions
In all cases a linear decrease of the PHCs content was found during the first 6
weeks of bioremediation, the most notable decrease appearing after 2 weeks of
treatment. The PHCs decrease was higher in case of aeration for 2 h/day than in cases
1 h/day aeration. The amount of the used microorganism consortia also influenced the
yield of bioremediation, more significant reduction of PHCs being observed in case of
using microorganism amounts of 40 ml/kg soil. Moreover, important PHCs decrease was
found at 44% moisture.
After 18 weeks of treatment, the obtained results show a bioremediation yield
ranging between 20 and 70%. The highest yield was obtained at 2 h/day aeration, 44%
moisture and microorganism concentrate of 40 ml/kg soil.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for
Scientific Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PNII-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1717.

Patricia Moniz1,2, Talita Silva-Fernandes 1,2,
Ivone Torrado1,3,4, Júnia Alves-Ferreira 1,3,4,
Maria C. Fernandes 1,2,*
Centro de Biotecnologia Agrícola e Agro-Alimentar do Alentejo (CEBAL),
Apartado 6158, 7801-908 Beja, Portugal,
Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânicas (ICAAM),
Universidade de Évora, Pólo da Mitra, Ap. 94, 7006-554 Évora, Portugal
LNEG– Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Unidade de Bioenergia,
Estrada do Paço do Lumiar, 22, 1649-038 Lisboa, Portugal.
Centro de Estudos Florestais, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, Tapada
da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, Portugal
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The biochemical platform of the biorefinery concept is mainly being developed
aiming the use of cellulose and hemicellulose for the production of biofuels, e.g.
bioethanol. Although this may be an advantageous strategy for providing environmental
sound biofuels, it falls behind at economic terms when compared to the production of
other, more valuable, bioproducts, e.g. precursors/or products for the chemical, food,
feed or pharma industries.
Unfortunately, if bioethanol production using both cellulose and hemicellulose
derived sugars is still a process under intensive development, the production of other
added value products is presenting further difficulties, as typically, only a few
organisms are available to be used industrially, due to many reasons, related from
techno-economic to legal/safety constrains.
As such, many efforts have been implemented in the past years to develop
robust microbial cell factories. Among these, E. coli is one of the most relevant and
useful bacterial biocatalysts.
In this work, the role of E. coli in the upgrade of hemicellulose and cellulose
derived streams to added-value products is reviewed and the future genetic engineering
requirements for its further use is discussed, and put into perspective based on its
utilization in relevant industrial media, namely (hemi)cellulosic hydrolysates, taking the
D-lactic acid production by transformed E.coli as a model case-study.
An extent bibliographic review was carried out in order to unfold studies using
E. coli as bacterial biocatalysts. These studies were than interpreted and compared
aiming the genetic transformation of E. coli to improve its role in the upgrade of
lignocellulosic biomass.
Results and conclusions
The selection of a microbial host for the production of (added-value)
bioproducts is typically based on either of two approaches: i) selecting based on a

product-oriented strategy, which investigates the organism’s ability to produce a specific
product and further uses genetic engineering to make the organism utilize the required
substrate(s); or ii) using a substrate-oriented strategy focusing on the capacity of an
organism to utilize a wide range of substrates and then change the required metabolic
steps by genetic engineering. E. coli is among the best hosts for the second strategy,
and has been used in the past years for the production of several bioproducts in the
biorefinery framework, among the most relevant, are second generation ethanol, D-
Lactic acid, succinic acid, 1,4-Butanediol, etc.. In this work, special attention will be
given to the discussion of the genetic transformations carried out to achieve the efficient
production of several of these compounds, taking special attention on the production of
D-lactic acid, as it is a commodity with a significant high market volume and relatively
high market value.
The use of E. coli is typically justified by its high growth rate and productivities
and particularly by its wide substrate range that includes both hexoses and pentoses
that can be derived from lignocellulosic biomass. In E. coli, it was previously reported
that the ability to metabolize pentoses is strain dependent and subjected to a complex
sequential uptake chain that is initiated only at low glucose levels in the cultivation
medium. For instances, the three most abundant sugars in straws are taken up by E.
coli, in the order of glucose > arabinose > xylose. This is due to a combination of
carbon catabolite repression, inducer exclusion and pentose uptake regulation. Previous
studies have been carried out so that a simultaneous metabolism of glucose, xylose and
arabinose under aerobic conditions without leaving any residual sugar in the cultivation
medium could be accomplished. This was achieved by deletion of the ptsG gene
(EIICBGlc), the preferred inner membrane transporter for glucose.
Unfortunately, the production of lignocellulosic derived sugars, will not only
release fermentable sugars, but also substances with inhibitory effects. These toxic
substances can be categorized into three major groups: furan derivatives, phenolic
compounds, and weak organic acids. As compared to the studies on the genetic
transformation for novel/improved bioproduct formation pathways or substrate uptake,
the tolerance to these compouds is yet poorly understood.
As an example, the Cistus ladanifer residues were pretreated by autohydrolysis
to produce glucose rich biomass that was used to produce lactic acid under SSF
conditions. The maximum D-Lactic acid titer obtained was 370 mM and the highest
productivity was 2.17 g L-1 h-l. Although these results clearly indicate that this feedstock
and process may be a future alternative for a bulk product route in the biorefinery
framework, the impact of inhibitors must be clarified in order to reach better
fermentative performance, by using also the liquid stream resulted in the pretreatment.
Clearly, this points out to the need of further studies aiming the genetic transformation
of E. coli in order to increase its inhibitor tolerance.
SelecTEcoli project (Ref. ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000034) from Alentejo2020, Portugal20
20, FEDER supported this work. Júnia Alves-Ferreira thanks CAPES Foundation, Ministry of
Education of Brazil, for doctoral scholarship (Process 9109/13-7). ICAAM is a research unit funded
by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal (Ref. UID/AGR/00115/2013). Ivone
Torrado thanks FCT for the doctoral grant PD/BD/114175/2016.

Alina Ortan1,*, Irina Fierascu1, Radu Claudiu Fierascu1,
Daniela Ionescu1,2, Milen I. Georgiev1,3
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 59 Marasti Blvd, 011464
Bucharest, Romania
S.C. HOFIGAL EXPORT IMPORT S.A., 2 Intrarea Serelor, 042124, sector 4,
Bucharest, Romania
Group of Plant Cell Biotechnology and Metabolomics, The Stephan Angeloff Institute of
Microbiology, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
[email protected]

Introduction and objectives

Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP) play a valuable and important role in
economic, social, cultural and ecological aspects of local communities all over the world,
as in excess of 80% of the population of developing countries relies on traditional plant
based medicines for their health requirements. Moreover, in the present eco and bio
rush, materials such as essential oils, pharmaceuticals, colorants, dyes, cosmetics and
biocides are obtained from plants. All over the world, especially in countries with
traditions in the cultivation of such plants (Romania being a country with a very strong
tradition regarding the medicinal plants), production of bio-products based on natural
compounds leads to the transformation of plants in large quantities of waste, mostly
unexploited. Due to the exponential increase in the amount of collected waste, financial
and environmental implications incurred by the economy and business units are
significant. In this context, the project SuSMAPWaste is designed in order to close value
chains in bio-economy, considering the principles of sustainable development and bio-
economy. Plant waste constitutes strongly organic - enriched materials that can be
further processed for environment reintegration in safe conditions. Research conducted
in this direction will make significant contributions in areas like technology, methods of
regeneration of natural resources, as well as storage, recovery and waste disposal
The main objective of the project is the development of an absolutely
innovative technology for the sustainable valorization of by-products from medicinal,
aromatic and oleaginous plants industry, with future market applications in obtaining
value-added products. The project is developed in two main directions, namely: (a) The
development of green technologies for obtaining a fibrous support material from
oleaginous plants waste, enriched with a penta-component formula with multi-target
effect (antioxidant, probiotic and detoxifying) from MAP waste, for human consumption
(process a); (b) Providing innovative solutions for the complete exploitation of
medicinal, aromatic and oleaginous waste resulted after process a, by converting them

into animal feed (process b). The specific objectives are: 1. Development of a
technology for obtaining a penta-component formula with multi-target effect
(antioxidant, probiotic and detoxifying) from MAP waste; 2. Development of a
technology for obtaining a fibrous support material from the edible oleaginous plants
waste; 3. Development of an appropriate formulation of a fibrous support material
enriched with a penta-component formula with multi-target effect (antioxidant, probiotic
and detoxifying); 4. Providing innovative solutions for the complete exploitation of
medicinal, aromatic and oleaginous wastes resulted from the experiments, by
converting them into animal feed.
Results and conclusions
The SuSMAPWaste project is going to develop tools, methodologies and
processes for the valorization of wastes through an integrated bio approach, using
advanced biotechnological methods. Research and innovation actions are focused on
the valorization of natural compounds with multi-target effect, which are essential for
the development of a circular bio - economy and for the smart and efficient use of
green resources.
From this perspective, the project proposes an absolutely innovative and
original approach for valorization of MAP and oleaginous plants (OP) wastes obtaining
technologies for enriching an fibrous support material from oleaginous plants, with
natural compounds having triple action (antioxidant, probiotic and detoxification
effects), produced from medicinal and aromatic plants waste, for the first time in the
world, up to our knowledge.
The overall expectations of SuSMAPWaste are to support the transition towards
a more efficient way of economic growth and employment, by developing sustainable
and competitive bio-based industries, based on advanced biotechnological methods with
sustainable use of biomass resource.
The project will increase the share of biomaterials produced in Europe by
increasing the market share of bio-based materials, will allow improved management of
renewable biological resources and the opening of new and diversified markets for bio –
food and products, will contribute to the reduction of imports of feed.
The direct beneficiaries of the project are the companies - manufacturers of
natural products based on medicinal, aromatic or oleaginous plants that are producing
plants waste. For example, just one of the MAP Industry company in Romania produces
annually about 30 tons of medicinal and aromatic plants waste, only by aqueous
extractions and about 23 tons of oleaginous plants waste (in the form of pomace), that
are no longer processed and thus become useless waste.
In conclusion, the SuSMAPWaste project shall offer a useful basis for a bio-
economy approach, as it converts waste streams into value added products such as
food, feed, bio-based products.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support obtained through the project
SusMAPWaste, SMIS 104323, Contract No. 89/09.09.2016, from the Operational Program
Competitiveness 2014-2020, project co-financed from the European Regional Development


Éva Ujaczki1,2, Yannick S. Zimmermann1,3,

Christoph A. Gasser1,3, Mónika Molnár2, Viktória Feigl2,
Markus Lenz1,4,*
Institute for Ecopreneurship, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern
Switzerland, School of Life Sciences, Gründenstrasse 40, 4132 Muttenz, Switzerland
Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Faculty of Chemical Technology
and Biotechnology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem rkp. 3,
1111 Budapest, Hungary
Institute for Environmental Research (Biology V), RWTH Aachen University,
52074 Aachen, Germany
Sub-Department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen University,
6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The world economy is confronted with an increasing supply risk of critical
raw materials (CRMs). These are defined as materials with high supply risk and
above average economic importance compared to other raw materials. Rare earth
elements (REEs) have received considerable attention in the past years, partly as a
result of the dramatic REE price surge when China – producing more than 95% of
the annual world supply of REEs – had introduced tight export quota for REEs,
because of the domestic demands. Though in 2011 the quotas and the export tariffs
were eliminated, prices are still above pre-2011 values. The supply risk can be
reduced, if so far untapped sources (primary, secondary) can be exploited in the
future. One such untapped secondary source for CRMs is so called red mud. Red
muds are the residues generated from alumina production where bauxite is
digested in hot sodium hydroxide solution by the Bayer process. Currently, an
estimated 2.7 billion tons worldwide is produced every year, and is expected to
increase by approximately 120 million tons per annum. Alternative uses for red mud
have so far not found an industrial application besides use in cement and ceramic
production. Red mud can contain considerate amounts of CRMs and further raw
materials with high relative economic importance. Extraction of such metals from
red mud can be economically feasible. However, a detailed inventory of economic
value in red muds of different origin does not exist so far. This research, therefore,
discusses the possibilities to recover economically interesting elements from
Hungarian red mud.

Here, for the first time exhaustive inventory of valuable elements (CRMs
including REEs) in Hungarian red muds was created using both X-ray fluorescence
spectroscopy (XRF) as well as microwave assisted aqua regia digestion with
subsequent Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis. Next,
a number of conventional extracting agents (H2SO4, HCl, HNO3) were evaluated for
their REE recovery potential. Small molecular weight organic acids (citric acid, oxalic
acid) were benchmarked to evaluate the potential of heterotrophic bioleaching as
green alternative to chemical leaching. Also, the optimal extraction conditions
maximizing the overall economic potential of minor metals (and not mere metal
concentrations of a limited number of elements) were determined using a design of
experiment approach. Finally, a 2 step downstream purification (precipitation + LLE)
of CRM (in particular REEs) from red mud hydrochloric acid leachates was
developed. After initial evaluation of LLE efficiencies using four explanatory
variables (i.e. LLE organic/aqueous ratio; D2EHPA concentration, stripping
organic/aqueous ratio, HCl concentration) the optimal extraction conditions
maximizing the economic potential of CRMs were determined using a design of
experiment approach. The accuracy of design of experiment predictions was verified
by laboratory tests.
Results and conclusions
Comparing different acids, hydrochloric acid (HCl) yielded the highest REEs
efficiency. Increasing HCl concentrations from 0.5 to 6 M led to considerably
increased extraction efficiencies of REEs. The best results regarding contact time
were achieved at 3 hours. Significant (p<0.05) differences in the extraction
efficiencies were observed between 22 °C, 50 °C and 60 °C for REEs. A slight but
significant (p<0.05) decrease was detectable at increasing slurry concentration from
10 to 100 g L-1 for REEs. Regarding downstream processing, we could show
efficient separation of Fe by pH induced precipitation and removal of Al with the
raffinate during subsequent LLE. Ultimately, more than > 40% of the overall REEs
(> 62% of the leachable REEs) in red mud could be purified using LLE, whereas Al
+ Fe were successfully rejected from the concentrate (~5% of the overall Al and
7% of the overall Fe present). Though less efficient for other CRM, oxalic acid
yielded high (44%) Ga extraction efficiency with at the same time little extraction of
Fe and Al, which may be explored for selective recovery of the latter.
The support of the Scientific Exchange Programme between Switzerland and the
New Member States of the EU (Sciex-NMSch 11.044), TÁMOP 4.2.1/B-09/1/KMR-2010-0002
BME R+D+I and the EC (SCALE, grant No. 730105) is acknowledged.


Maura Ferri1,2, Micaela Vannini2, Paola Marchese2,

Annamaria Celli2, Annalisa Tassoni1, *
University of Bologna, Dept. of Biological Geological and Environmental Sciences, Via
Irnerio 42, 40126 Bologna, Italy
University of Bologna, Dept. of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Material Engineering
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Nowadays only about 5% of chemicals and polymers are bio-based, while
there is a strong demand to substitute petro-derived chemicals and building blocks by
competitive sustainable equivalents in order to replace increasing scarce mineral oil as
raw material and to develop more eco-friendly materials. In this context agro-waste
represents a huge amount of biomass resources that could be converted into
sustainable bio-products, according to the basic principles of the circular economy
that aims to move towards a “near zero-waste society”. However, energy
consumption, degradation processes, complexity and variability in chemical
composition of the waste feedstock, presence of contaminants, low quality and poor
performance often characterize waste recovery and conversion products and make
difficult the effective exploitation of waste.
NoAW project focuses a specific attention to winery waste and aims to
develop an advanced chemical and biotechnological platform to convert waste into
high value products. Through a multidisciplinary and multi-criteria strategy, including
LCA methodology and territorial metabolism, which analyses environmental impacts of
materials and energy flows in a geographic region, NoAW wants to develop some
specific cross-chains of valorisation of winery waste.
In particular, one of the activities that will be developed at the University of
Bologna will consists in the extraction of polyphenols and phenolic acids by chemical
and enzymatic treatments from pomaces. These biomolecules will be exploited as
building blocks for the production of new aromatic polyesters and copolyesters and as
fillers for commercial biopolymers to provide them antioxidant and antibacterial
properties. Moreover, starting from the solid residues of the extraction procedures,
polymeric bio-composites will be prepared. Therefore, new fully bio-based materials,
specifically addressed to packaging applications, will be developed starting from
winery waste, contributing to implement the agro-waste conversion and valorization

Within the NoAW project (“Innovative approaches to turn agricultural waste
into ecological and economic assets”), financed by Horizon 2020, Waste work
program 2014-2015 (WASTE-7-2015: Ensuring sustainable use of agricultural waste,
co-products and by-products) (Grant Agreement n. 688338), wine pomaces were
delivered (frozen at -20°C) by INNOVEN. Two kinds of pomaces have been analysed:
white pomace, Garganega cultivar, that was pressed; red pomace, Merlot cultivar,
analysed after pressing and wine fermentation.
The pomaces were subject to solvent extractions: 25% 50% 75% aqueous-
ethanol, -methanol, -acetone and -acetonitrile were tested and compared to 100%
water. Two different solid/liquid ratios (1:5 and 1:10) were assayed. Temperature
(30°, 50°C, 70°C) and time (1h, 2h, 4h) of the process were optimised.
Total polyphenol, total flavonoid, total flavanol, total hydroxycinnamic acid,
anthocyanin and tannin releases and total antioxidant activity were quantified by
spectrophotometric assays. Specific compound presence and amounts were assessed
by HPLC-DAD analyses.
Results and conclusions
Preliminary results indicated that best parameters for solvent extraction of
polyphenols and phenolic acids from both white (cv. Garganega) and red (cv. Merlot)
grape pomaces were 1:5 solid/liquid ratio, 2 hours incubation at 50°C. In these
conditions, highest yield were obtained by 75% acetone processes, with increases of
4.7-times and 3.7-times in total polyphenol recoveries for white and red pomace,
respectively. Other useful solvents were found to be 50% acetonitrile and 50%
methanol for Garganega and 50% acetonitrile and 50% ethanol for Merlot. Extract
antioxidant activities were in agreement with total polyphenol results.
Each selected solvent seemed to be more specific for different polyphenol
families. Flavonoids and flavanols were more concentrated in 75% acetone extracts,
both in red and white samples. Hydroxycinnamic acids were mainly extracted by 75%
acetone from white pomace and by 50% ethanol from red ones.
Garganega and Merlot extracts had different composition, due both to the
diverse phytochemical composition of the original grapes and to the different
winemaking processes (pressing for Gaganega, pressing and fermentation for Merlot).
In general, anthocyanins were specifically recovered in red pomace samples, while
flavanols and tannins were mainly in white extracts.
In conclusion, 75% acetone seems to be the more useful solvent for high
value biomolecules from winery waste. White and red pomaces are source of different
ranges of polyphenols and phenolic acids. Moreover, the same pomaces will be
further treated by enzymes (cellulase, xylanase, pectinase, etc; single or commercial
mixtures) with the aim to recover specific compounds (such as vanillic acid),
particularly suitable for exploitation as building blocks for the production of new
aromatic polyesters and copolyesters.


Tommy Pepè Sciarria1,*, Giovanni Vacca1, Fulvia Tambone1,

Fabrizio Adani1
Università degli Studi di Milano-Disaa, Gruppo Ricicla Lab, Gruppo Ricicla,
Via Celoria 2, 20131 Milan, Italy.
*: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

A key point to improve the sustainability of agriculture practices is the development of
new technologies for nutrient recovery from biomass and agricultural wastes. Actually,
the recovery of phosphorous from wastes, is considered crucial because the reserves
of phosphate are mainly localized in few worldwide areas and the depletion of these
reserves (expected before the 2100) could lead to geo-political crisis. In this scenario,
it is clear the need to invest in innovative technologies for the recovery of
phosphorous; within these, Microbial Electrochemical Technologies (METs) can
provide a viable strategy in the near future. METs shares the principle of microbial
catalyzed anodic substrate oxidation and can be addressed to different application:
electricity production (microbial fuel cells, MFCs), hydrogen production (microbial
electrolysis cells, MEC), bioremediation (nitrate removal either in MFC or in MEC
mode) or Bio-electro synthesis (reduction of CO2 in high value products). Moreover
previous studies reported how to recover phosphorous and nitrogen from
wastewaters through struvite crystallization/precipitation mediated by MET. Struvite
(MgNH4PO4 * 6H2O) is a crystal mainly composed by phosphorous and nitrogen
commonly used as fertilizer.
The aim of this work has been conducted to evaluate the production of
electric current, bio-hydrogen and the recovery of nutrients (PO43- and NH4 +) from a
digestate coming from an anaerobic digestion biogas plant. These results were
achieved using a hybrid system composed by METSs bioreactors and chemical struvite
precipitation process.
Part of the study has been also performed in order to reduce the costs of
MET systems. For this reason, low cost cathode (stainless steel mesh) has been
tested in comparison with standard carbon cloth cathodes with platinum as catalyst.
Four single-chamber air-cathode MFCs were assembled; each reactor
consisted of a liquid chamber 4 cm long by 5 cm in diameter, with a volume of 28 mL.

The anode was made of graphite fiber brush with titanium wire as core (Panex 33 160
K, Zoltek), 2.5 cm in both outer diameter and length. Two cell were equipped with
carbon cloth platinum cathode (diameter 3.8 cm) while the other two with a stainless
steel mesh cathode (diameter 3.8 cm). For the MFCs test, anode and cathode were
connected with copper wire, and the voltage, across an external resistor of 1KΩ, was
monitored every 900 seconds using a multimeter connected to a personal computer.
For the MECs test, anode and cathode were connected with copper wire, and the
voltage, across an external resistor of 10Ω, was monitored every 900 seconds using a
multimeter (2700, Keithley, United States) connected to a personal computer. A
power supply was used to add a little amount of voltage to the MECs bioreactors to
produce H2.
Results and conclusions
The first experimental phase, has been performed using synthetic medium,
testing respectively microbial fuel cell (MFC) reactors and microbial electrolysis cell
(MEC) reactors; moreover the MEC systems have also been tested applying different
voltages to the reactors (0.75V, 0.9V, 1.07V). The knowledge acquired during the first
phase have allowed the definition of the experimental design of the second phase, in
which the bioreactors were fed with the digestate. The experiments carried out using
the digestate as feeding, for both kinds of bioreactors (MFC and MEC), have shown a
phosphate (PO43-) removal between 21% and 30%, and an organic load (COD) break
down between 27% and 44%. During the second step, the subsequent addition of
solutions with a high amount of Mg 2+ (MgCl2 6H2O and seawater bittern) in the molar
ratio of 1.6: 1 and 1.5: 1 (Mg: P), led to a further reduction of phosphate (PO 43-)
between 66% and 87%. The performance of the MEC systems have been similar for
-1 -1
each voltage applied, with an average hydrogen production of 1.90 ± 0:04 LH 2 l d
with a hydrogen concentration of 85 ± 1.8% H 2 on the biogas produced. At the same
time, the experiment conducted usingdetected Coulombic efficiency of MFC bioreactor
has been 35 %, with a normalized power on the total volume of the bioreactor of
14.19 ± 0.15 W m . These results shown how the MEC and MFC systems could be
used both for the treatment (organic load reduction) and the valorization (H 2 and
electricity production) of digestate. Moreover, the data obtained, have shown that,
the MET systems, are able to promote the reduction and the recovery of phosphorus.
One of the limitations of this technology is the high cost of materials; the tests
conducted by comparing the low-cost cathode SSM with respect to the standard Pt
cathode, have shown similar performance, which would allow a reduction in costs
thanks to the hydrogen recovery and the electricity produced. In conclusion, the
results showed that the MET systems can be integrated to the common anaerobic
digestion and other wastewater technologies, to obtain a new kind of wastewater
treatment system similar to a bio refinery process, to valorize biomass and livestock
wastes not only producing energy but also recovering nutrients.


Ludo Diels1,2,*
VITO, Flemisch Institute for Technological Research, Mol, Belgium,
Antwerp University, Belgium

Introduction and study objectives

The Shared Research Center, Biorizon, an initiative of TNO, ECN, VITO and
the Green Chemistry Campus, develops technologies to produce aromatics derived
from plant-based (waste) streams. Biorizon brings together global leaders (large
industry and SMEs) in the fields of feedstock, conversion, equipment, building blocks,
materials and end-products. Biorizon aims to be a world leader in the development of
biobased aromatics to provide the chemical megacluster around the Netherlands,
Flanders (Belgium) and Nordrhein Westfalia (Germany) with innovative, sustainable
building blocks leading to many different applications in the products marketed by
brand owners and small companies. The objective is to make commercial production
feasible for industrial partners by 2025 at the latest.
Aromatics are among the most important resources for the chemical industry.
Currently virtually all aromatic building blocks are made from fossil oil. Biorizon is
anticipating the expected growing shortage of aromatics from the petrochemical
industry and the widely shared ambition to green the chemical industry. On top of
that one of the main drivers is to develop innovative molecules that are safer and
more performing.
Biorizon utilizes plant-based streams such as wood or its fractions lignin and
sugars to develop functionalized biobased aromatics for performance materials,
chemicals & coatings. This diminishes the dependence on fossil fuel, it lowers CO2-
emissions and it provides the chemical industry a profitable and sustainable
Biorizon is operated as a Shared Research Center, based on the open
innovation methodology, bringing together collective intelligence of various industries,
companies and knowledge organizations. The multi-disciplined technological need, as
well as the long term roadmaps based on thermochemical conversion, sugar
chemistry for furanes and lignin depolymerization-based chemicals for functionalized
aromatics lead to a large network of applied research projects with more than 40
industrial partners, sharing research, intelligence, investments, risks and workload in
different projects.
The presentation with give an overview of the Biorizon initiative and its
projects. Special attention will be paid to the value chain approach including a strong
downstream processing (use of membrane technology) in view of final industrial
For partners and companies that are interested in the Shared Research
Center, please join at:

The shared research center and its partners evaluate and develop several
routes. 1) Thermochemical treatment via gasification or pyrolysis (all or not supported
by catalysts) leading to pyrolysis oil containing still functionalized phenols or leading
to benzene, toluene and xylene after hydrogenation. 2) Direct biomass solvolysis and
catalytic stabilisation (Lignin First Process) followed by membrane-based fractionation
of monomers, oligomers etc. 3) Biorefinery approach to separate C5-/C6-sugars
polysaccharides and lignin followed by 3a) Sugar conversion into furans (acid
catalysed dehydration) and further conversion into functionalized aromatic molecules
(via Diels-Alder chemistry); 3b) lignin catalyst-based depolymerization followed by
membrane-based fractionation; 4) Further studies are ongoing to make either new
aromatic building blocks (e.g. for new polymers and materials) to support an
innovative chemistry or to use the oligomers in coatings, emulsifiers, adhesives, glues,
resins etc.
Results and conclusions
An overview will be presented on the different approaches to treat biomass in
general and biowastes particularly to transform the sugars and lignins into new
innovative chemicals being biobased aromatics with high functionality outcompeting
existing molecules by performance and/or safety issues. It will generate new materials
of the future leading to environmental more friendly materials with impact on the
production process (e.g. no use of bisphenolA) and the use of the final materials (e.g.
no formaldehyde emissions).
The pro’s and con’s of the different approaches will be presented as well as
the challenges and opportunities for making an economic viable business from
agriculture and forest rest streams as well as from the pulp & paper industry toward a
new chemistry.
Up to recently most of the lignin application trials were based on the use of
lignin as a polymer. As ligin is extracted it reacts during its extraction by forming no
ether or ester bonds (as it is in nature) but by forming very stable carbon-carbon
bonds. Breaking these bonds is very difficult. This makes the lignin relative unreactive
allowing a use as filler or additive but in a limited way for integration into the new
material matrix.
Several appraoches will be presented allowing to keep the reactivity high
either by catalytic stabilisation, either by fractionation follwed by dealkylation and
refunctionalisation. And indeed the lignin fractions (low and high molecular weight
oligomers) are more reactive. This lead to a full new series of applications and new
molecules. Key in this appraoch is the fractionation into monomers (even separation
of monomers) and into low and high molecular weight oligomers. This will be shown
by less energy consuming (e.g. compared to destillation) technologies like membrane
separation. Special attention will be paid to these technologies allowing the use of
more reactive lignini derivatives.s
Finally some ideas on integrated biorefineries, new material development and
European initiatives will be presented.


Bianca Colombo, Barbara Scaglia, Francesca Favini,

Tommy Pepè Sciarria, Giuliana D’Imporzano, Fabrizio Adani*
Università degli Studi d Milano, DiSAA, Gruppo Ricicla labs,
Via Celoria 2, 20133 Milano, Italy
[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Traditional plastics production is linked with high environmental
pollution due to the dependence on fossil fuels and to the low biodegradability
of this material. In recent years new kind of plastics have been produced in
order to substitute common polymers, as they reduce the accumulation of non-
biodegradable pollutants in the environment and can be produced from
renewable sources.
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are bio-polyesters produced by different
bacterial species from various carbon sources; these bio-polymers are
accumulated in bacterial cells under the form of granules as carbon and energy
storage. Among the common bio-polymers PHA are of particular interest
because they are made from renewable sources and they are completely
biodegradable, for these reasons they are considered as a class of eco-efficient
bioplastics; moreover, with respect to common bioplastics they have thermo-
mechanical properties similar to those of traditional plastics, that make them
potential alternatives to plastics in the future.
Nowadays, PHA production is limited by high production costs due to
the use of pure cultures and standard substrates. To reduce these costs liquid
agro-industrial wastes (i.e. cheese whey, molasses, olive oil mill effluent) had
started to be used as substrate to feed mixed microbial cultures (MMC). In this
work the possibility to use more complex and solid wastes instead of liquid
wastes using MMC was evaluated. The organic fraction of municipal solid waste
(OFMSW), being largely (5.7*106 tons in 2014 in Italy), continuously produced
and easily available, could be an interesting substrate for PHA production to
sustain the high demand of plastics of the market.
This work took part of the bio-refinery OFMSW-PHA, performing: 1) the
optimization of the OFMSW percolate through treatments (35% of COD removal

and 57% of NH4 removal) to obtain a suitable substrate for PHAs production
and 2) PHAs production. The enrichment of PHAs-producing bacteria was
performed by using as inoculum an activated sludge. The enrichment was
carried out in a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) with a working volume of 800
mL, applying an aerobic dynamic feeding (ADF) strategy. In brief the SBR cycle
length was of 12 h, with 1 day of Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) and 5 days of
Sludge Retention Time (SRT), keeping the temperature at 25 °C and the pH at
8.8. Aeration and agitation were provided by supplying air at 6 L min -1 and
stirring set at 110 rpm. The selection process lasted three months.
The ability of the selected MMC to accumulate PHA was assessed by
fed-batch assays carried out in a 300 mL working volume glass reactor, with
continuous aeration and stirring. These assays consisted in feeding the
substrate to the enriched culture adopting a pulse wise feeding method. For the
accumulation tests, the operating conditions adopted were those adopted in the
selection reactor.
Results and conclusions
In this work good results were obtained in both selection and
accumulation phases. During the selection, in terms of average values, PHA
content in dry cells was of 320 g kg-1 and the storage yield on COD was of 0.48
mg CODPHA mg COD-1. During accumulation process, in terms of average values,
PHA content in dry cells was equal to 449 g kg-1, PHA storage yield on COD was
of 0.49 mg CODPHA mg COD-1 and PHAs storage yield on organic acids was equal
to 0.84 mg CODPHA mg COD-1. In terms of composition, the polymer produced
during accumulation tests was a copolymer made of 56 % of HB and 44 % of
HV, with a wide thermo-mechanical processability window. Moreover the total
PHA production yield on OFMSW total solids was about 10 %; these results
were well comparable with those obtained in literature using conventional agro-
industrial wastes, making OFMSW a good candidate for a more sustainable and
economical PHA production.


Guillermo Rodríguez-Gutiérrez1,*,
Juan Fernández-Bolaños Guzmán1, Baukje de Roos2,
Garry G. Duthie2, Antonio Lama Muñoz1,
María África Fernández Prior3, Juan Antonio Espejo Calvo3
Instituto de la Grasa, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain.
University of Aberdeen, Rowett Institute of Nutrition & Health, Aberdeen, UK.
Tecnofood I+D Solution, Spain.
: [email protected]

The olive oil industry produces different types of highly polluted wastes
(OMW) depending on the olive oil extraction system. Nowadays, two main
milling processes are applied to obtain olive oil: the three-phase system is used
widely in most Mediterranean countries, while the two-phase system is mainly
used in Spain. The production of any of these waste effluents constitutes a
serious problem because they cannot be disposed to municipal sewage due to
the recalcitrant character of its high organic content. The small producers have
become especially economically vulnerable because of the stringent
environmental regulations and sewage works enforcements. Hence, producers
have to manage the waste and forward the environmental problem to the
management companies, whose main solution today is usually the storage in
atmospheric evaporation ponds, which is NOT an environmental good solution.
But at the same time, OMW are rich in bioactive compounds with
proven excellent properties for pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmetics
application. In particular, the polyphenols of the olive have extraordinary
antioxidant capacity, with positive effects on the cardiovascular apparatus, as
well as anti-cancer properties. The most important simple phenols that can be
isolated and purified from the olive oil by-products, in terms of quantity and
bio-activity, are hydroxytyrosol (HT) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol (DHPG). HT
is the most studied phenols in the olive, because its remarkable biological
activities. The potential for hydroxytyrosol as a novel and bioactive ingredient in
a functional food is high, because of its high anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory
and anti-platelet potency in humans. But the DHPG has still not been studied in

deep. DHPG is a new phenol with high antioxidant activity, which is even higher
than the one of hydroxytyrosol is known. The first studies about DHPG show
interesting biological activities. Recentely this antioxidant has been obtained
and purified by the first time, in spite of low concentration in the original
source. DHPG is found in certain medicinal plants used in traditional Chinese,
Japanese, and Korean medicine, and it could be interest in the fields of nutrition
and pharmacology due to its powerful antioxidant properties. It is the main
metabolite produced by deamination of the human neurotransmitter
noradrenaline (norepinefrine). Therein, we demonstrated for the first time that
DHPG possesses higher antiradical activity and reducing power than
hydroxytyrosol (the main antioxidant present in the Virgin Olive Oil). It also
displays similar activity to that of vitamin E in the inhibition of lipid oxidation,
despite its high polarity.
Biological tests were carried out to assess the synergism between both
phenols. An antioxidant test showed that HT and DHPG had high antioxidant
activities, including lipid peroxidation, with DHPG having a higher antiradical
activity than the potent HT and vitamin E. The cardiovascular benefits were
assessed by measuring the anti-platelet activity of HT, DHPG, a mixture of the
two and an extract rich in olive oil phenols. The results showed that HT and
DHPG are for a large part responsible for the anti-platelet aggregation effects of
olive oil, and possibly of table olives. Antioxidant assays to prevent the lipid
oxidation in edible oils also showed the synergistic effect of these phenols in
the proportion found in olive fruit. In addition the effect of both phenols as
phyto-regulator was carried out showing the remarkable activity of DHPG to be
used in organic and/or conventional crops.

Patrizia Circelli, Marco Molica Colella, Andrea Rausa,
Valentina Cinti*
CiaoTech PNO Group, Via Pacini 11, 20131 Milan (Italy
[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

As Innovation and Technology transfer organisation, CiaoTech PNO Group is
leading dissemination and exploitation activities in three EU SPIRE projects, ensuring the
project impact among relevant stakeholders. CiaoTech PNO Group is partner of
Ree4eu, Indus3Es, MEMERE.
The “REE4EU project: Integrated high temperature
electrolysis and Ion liquid extraction for a strong and
independent European rare earth elements supply chain”,
funded in the frame of Horizon 2020 TOPIC SPIRE-07-2015 under
Grant Agreement n° 680507, will realize a breakthrough innovation in
the field of Recovery Technologies for Metals and other Minerals. It will
make available Rare Earth elements and Rare Earth alloys for magnet
production by developing, for the first time at industrial scale, an efficient and cost
effective method of extraction and a direct production route for Rare Earth Alloys which
will be achieved through in-process and End-of-Life permanent magnets as well as Ni
metal hydride battery waste.
The “Indus3Es project New technologies for utilization of heat recovery in
large industrial systems” funded in the frame of Horizon 2020
TOPIC EE-18-2015 under Grant Agreement n° 680738 , will develop an
innovative Absorption Heat Transformer (AHT) focused on low
temperature waste heat recovery (below 130ºC, referred to a
recovered waste heat source temperature), since large quantities of
waste heat are continuously rejected from industries. Most of this waste
energy, however, is of low-quality and is not practical or economical to
recover it with current technologies.
“MEthane activation via integrated MEmbrane REactors
(MEMERE)” responds to the EU Horizon 2020 call SPIRE-05-
2015 and is a research and innovation project aiming at methane
activation towards C2+, funded under the Grant Agreement n°
636820. It aims at the design, scale-up and validation of a novel
membrane reactor for the direct conversion of methane into
ethylene with integrated air separation. The focus of the project is based on the air
separation through novel MIEC membranes integrated within a reactor operated at high
temperature for OCM allowing integration of different process steps in a single
multifunctional unit.

REE4EU will open-up a fully new route bringing recovery of in-process wastes from
PM manufacturing within reach. The REE4EU project will develop, validate and
demonstrate in 2 industrially relevant Pilots an innovative Rare Earth Alloys (REA)
production route from permanent magnets PM and Ni metal hydride (NiMH) Battery
waste. The targeted integrated solution is based on recently developed lab-proven
technologies for direct high temperature electrolysis of REA production. It will be
combined in the pilots with an innovative and proven Ionic Liquid Extraction or tailored
hydrometallurgical pre-treatment to demonstrate dramatic improvements in cost and
environmental performance compared to state of the art technologies.
Indus3Es system will have a relevant impact making possible an energy efficiency
increase and reduction of primary energy consumption of most energetic intensive
industries in Europe. The embodied energy, the environmental footprint of the products
and the manufacturing costs of energy intensive industries will be reduced, increasing
the competitiveness of European products. Moreover, it will allow a sustainable
economic activity for local “auxiliary” companies, usually SMEs, in high added value
services related to the energy efficiency measures for industry.
MEMERE will develop new O2 selective (supported) membranes for high
temperature air separation and integrate these membranes in a novel membrane
reactor for direct conversion of methane to C2. This new concept will thus combine the
advantages of both high temperature membranes and membrane reactors resulting in a
breakthrough technology in the field of methane activation to ethylene.
Results and conclusions
REE4EU will prove technical and economic viability on in-process permanent
magnet waste, as well as end-of-life permanent magnets and NiMH battery waste. The
targeted integrated solution will demonstrate dramatic improvements in cost and
environmental performance compared to state of the art technologies. This includes
avoidance of process steps, 50% energy savings, and 100% recycling of reagents as
opposed to disposal of strong acid leaching agents in state of the art pre-treatment
steps. REE4EU will also develop urgently required market data on EoL RE availability
and a triple value-chain business case for a new European secondary rare earth alloys
production sector.
For the Indus3Es project, different sectors were analyzed in depth to assess the
applicability of the, focusing principally on temperature levels, capacities and possible
heat sources and heat sinks, which can suit AHT requirements. Results showed that
many industrial processes are suitable for integration of AHT technology. Sectors which
are especially promising are the petrochemical, pulp&paper, and ceramics sector;
followed by water and non-ferrous sectors, where it can be integrated in special
applications. Cement and steel sectors showed too high temperatures for AHT
This high temperature membrane reactor module developed by MEMERE will have
an immediate result on the significantly increased C2 yields because of the distributive
oxygen feeding and improved temperature control of the reactor, combined with
improved overall plant efficiency and costs. MEMERE technology will deliver direct
conversion of methane to C2+ with a reduced energy penalty in a much more effective
way (target C2 yields >30%) as compared to currently available techniques.



George Barjoveanu1, Carmen Teodosiu1,*, Daniela Fighir1,
Dan Popovici2
Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, Faculty of Chemical
Engineering and Environmental Protection, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi,
73 Prof.dr. D. Mangeron Street, 700050 Iasi, Romania
SC APAVITAL SA Iasi, 10 M. Costachescu Street, Iasi 700495, Romania
: [email protected];

Introduction and study objectives

Relatively recently, the concept of the circular economy has been
developed as a new paradigm for resources management, at European level.
Thus, new legislation is currently developed and implemented with the scope of
closing the life cycle of products by enhancing recycling and reuse to minimize
resources use intensity and pollution. This paradigm applies also for water
resources which face even higher risks, given the increasing pressures due to
climate change and continuous quality deterioration. As a consequence, water
professionals and service providers are constantly looking to develop and
optimize wastewater treatment technologies that enable wastewater reuse. In
general, additional wastewater treatment needed to increase wastewater
quality to allow reuse is done by causing secondary environmental impacts
mainly due to energy and chemicals consumption. In this context, developing
and implementing efficient evaluation instruments is very helpful in finding the
delicate balance between the needed pollutant removal for wastewater reuse
and the impacts associated to these efforts.
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the performance of a pilot
scale ultrafiltration system installed in a municipal wastewater treatment plant
which was used as an advanced treatment stage to enable water reuse. The
evaluation was performed by means of the life cycle assessment (LCA) and life
cycle costing (LCC) methodologies. LCA is a standardized material and energy
flow to identify and quantify environmental impacts throughout the life cycles of
products and processes, while LCC evaluates the costs associated to processes.
This study concerns the performance of a pilot scale ultrafiltration
system (180 L/h, 1 m 2, 100 kDa polysufone membranes) used to polish the
effluent of the Iasi wastewater treatment plant. The Iasi (MWWTP) consists of
a conventional mechanical-biological wastewater treatment, and a newer

second line which features a two-stage activated sludge process (first stage
with very high organic load, second stage normal organic and sludge load).
Recently, nitrogen and phosphorous removal was also implemented.
The technical and environmental performance of the UF system was
evaluated by developing a life cycle assessment case study. The functional unit
was 1 m3 treated water which has enabled the comparison with the
conventional wastewater treatment. The life cycle inventory included the
electricity consumption and the operations and chemicals used for membranes
cleaning. The life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) was carried out by using the
Ecological scarcity at end-point, which is a modern LCIA method that enables
the analysis of impacts related to resources consumption. The technical
performance of the UF pilot system has considered the membrane system
productivity defined as the ratio between the cleaning water volume and the
permeate volume, as well as water quality indicators like: pH, conductivity,
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), nitrates,
Total Phosphorous (TP), Total Fe, Total Cr, Cu 2+, Ni2+, Zn2+. The UF pilot
system was also evaluated for biological contaminant removal. Additionally an
LCC analysis was performed in order to identify the cost structure of the
additional wastewater treatment and to enable comparison with prices for
potable/industrial water.
Results and conclusions
The UF system was used in UF tests, but also for membrane cleaning
tests. The water quality results have demonstrated that this system may be
successfully used for the advanced wastewater treatment for recycling, as it is
possible to eliminate: up to 100% suspended solids, up to 75% organic
compounds (expressed as COD) and up to 50% phosphorous compounds. More
importantly for reusing purposes, the system is able to eliminate completely all
the micro-organisms.
The life cycle impact analysis reveals that the results for environmental
impacts are in general similar with other reports, and are especially due to
additional electricity consumption. The study demonstrates that the LCA is
useful in pinpointing the avoided impacts due to water reuse, but however,
further investigation is needed to take into consideration aspects related to
recycle water quality requirements (treatment requirements) and optimization
of the UF pilot system.
This work was supported by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research,
CNDI—UEFISCDI, Project No. 60/2012 (PNII Parteneriate), “Integrated System for
Reducing Environmental and Human-related Impacts and Risks in the Water Use Cycle”


Hans Bressers1, Nanny Bressers2

Environmental Policy Studies, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Vindsubsidies, Water Board of Vechtstromen, 7500AE Enschede, The Netherlands
: [email protected]; [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Sustainability assessments are often concentrating on the technical aspects of
eco-innovations, relating those to the economic, social and environmental perspectives
of sustainable development. However, increasingly also the institutional aspects are
included in the assessment. One may discuss whether these are part of the
sustainability itself or a prerequisite for sustainable development. But even when one
takes the second stance, it is implied that innovations that potentially contribute to
sustainable development will not realize this potential unless nested in an appropriate
institutional context. In this study, we concentrate on the interactive assessment of this
context, enlarging it from institutions to the wider concept of governance. The
"governance" of a certain part of society is the multiplicity of relevant private and public
responsibilities and resources, instrumental strategies, problem perspectives and goals,
actor-networks and scale levels that forms a context that enables and to some degree
restricts actions and interactions in that part of society, for instance related to an eco-
The eco-innovation this study concentrates on is a long-term multifunctional
and multi-stakeholder river restoration program. It concerns the River Vecht, often
labelled the smallest of the Dutch main rivers and the largest of its small rivers. From its
source in Germany at an elevation of 165 meters, River Vecht runs from source to
mouth for 167 kilometers, of which some 60 kilometers in the Netherlands. At the
beginning of the twentieth century this was still 85 kilometers, but during the first
decades of that century many meanders were cut off. Since it’s a rain fed river, this
caused extreme low water levels in summer and as a result it was decided to build
weirs, initially seven of them. This blocked most of the shipping that had taken place
before. Natural meandering was blocked by reinforcing the riversides with stone. In the
sixties, also at the German side such measures have been taken. All in all, the river was
turned into a “heavily modified water body”, geared towards efficiency for agriculture
under stable hydrological conditions. At the beginning of the 21st century this dominant
purpose has to share its position with many others from various stakeholder groups and
climate change makes the hydrological conditions increasingly unstable. Already in 1996
a multi-stakeholder “area perspective note” called for a transformation towards a “living
river”, to serve better flood safety, spatial quality and biodiversity. In 2007 the initiative
was taken to start a large scale multi-stakeholder program “Space for River Vecht”,

including more SD goals, with social aspects like community identity and economic
aspects like recreation. The program is envisaged to run until 2050. Its governance
conditions are however far from stable and need to be guarded as they change, in order
to prevent them turning into a negative context. This is the purpose of the project
reported here.
As the study deliberately interacts with the field under study it can be labeled
“action research”. This by no means implies that it isn’t theoretically and
methodologically well-founded. The assessment methodology used is the Governance
Assessment Tool (GAT), that in turn is rooted in Contextual Interaction Theory (CIT). In
this methodology, four theoretically important qualities of the governance context are
applied on fives dimensions of governance, in order to get a clear picture of the
supportive and restrictive nature of the aspects of the governance context for the
realization of a given program or project and its SD goals. The results are described in
text, but can also be presented in overview tables with red, orange and green colors
indicating the degree of supportiveness of the 4 x 5 different cells and the positive or
negative dynamics observed in them.
The difference with previous applications of the tool is that in this project there
is a very regular feedback of the analyses into the ongoing process, thereby involving
the multi-stakeholder practitioners in the analysis and the researchers in the design of
evolving governance arrangements. The interactive approach to the assessment leads
to mutual awareness raising and creative solutions to weaknesses and threats.
Results and conclusions
The project runs from August 2016 to August 2018. The start-up analysis has
been based on an internal evaluation study of the first phase (until 2015) for with 19
public and private stakeholders had been interviewed. This starting document revealed
both a fairly supportive context for this phase, but also a number of alarming dynamics
that could deteriorate this supportiveness in the near future. After an explanation of the
Governance Assessment Tool to the program steering group, these initial results were
presented. From there onwards the researchers were included in a task force to discuss
the future of the program. There is an alternation between additional interviews with
stakeholders that produce new insights on the SD challenges and opportunities for the
program and its governance requirements and the meetings in the task force and
sometimes the steering group where these options are assessed and elaborated. A main
provisional result is that even though a substantial decrease of financial means for the
program it to be expected, it is the continuity of the consensus oriented network
relationships between the various public and private stakeholders that is most essential
for future success of this long-term and thus complex and dynamic program. Revisiting
and reformulating the blend of ecological, social and economic SD goals that is pursued
by the program and the framing of this blend into new inspirational catchwords and
narratives, seems most important for this purpose. The reformulation of the program’s
SD goals can also involve new actors that have hitherto remained somewhat in the
back, like the general public and the recreation industry’s entrepreneurs.


Daniel Koch, Anton Friedl, Bettina Mihalyi

TU Wien, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Getreidemarkt 9/166, 1060 Vienna, Austria,

: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Process simulation tools in chemical engineering are used to develop and
optimize processes in regard to technical and economic aspects. The usual procedure
is to investigate the process or single process units and their parameters by recording
data through systematic experiments, which are used to create a mathematical
process model that covers the whole working area. The mathematical process model
mainly consists of mass and energy balances that are solved by the process
simulation tools. The developed process model can then be used to optimize the
process parameters or the layout of the process in order to yield the highest
efficiencies or the highest profits. However to meet the rising awareness of the need
for sustainability, conventional simulation tools are quickly reaching their limits.
While small, concentrated frameworks are often sufficient in process design
and optimization, it is imperative to expand the scope and to take the entire process
life time chain, from cradle to grave, into account to analyse the influence on the
environment. Therefore a new methodology, the ISO standardized life cycle
assessment (LCA), with its own calculation tools was developed and has proven as a
powerful tool to make a highly systematic and rational approach to entirely analyse
the environmental impact of processes, services or product systems.
Until recent years LCA was focused on established systems but for the
application of the precautionary principle it should already be implemented in an early
stage process design phase, in addition to classic process simulation tools. It is
essential for a sustainable development to include life cycle thinking in process design.
In trying to increase independence from fossil resources, biomass based
refineries are the centre of interest for many research groups. This innovative
technology also is intended to reach a sustainable development and to reduce the
environmental burdens. There are already different concepts for biomass based
refineries and even within one concept there is a selection of process paths to obtain
the botanical ingredients in a certain quality.
This study investigates how LCA can help to find the most ecological
respectively the sustainable process paths in an early stage of process design using a
case study on the issue “lignocellulosic biorefinery”. To yield the different products in
this biorefinery the lignocellulosic biomass has to be pretreated to provide the

different fractions, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, for downstream upgrading
(further refining procedures). Also two common research questions should be
answered: “Is it possible to make profound decisions from an LCA documentation in
the literature without conducting one exclusively with the specific application and
frameworks?” and “How far are LCA results from different assessments about the
same process principle comparable?”
To find answers for the research questions LCA results from the current
literature were studied, and the recently most assessed lignocellulosic biomass
pretreatment method was selected. That is the dilute acid process, commonly used
for second generation bioethanol biorefineries. Important aspects of the methodology
were precisely investigated to have a good basis of comparison, including: goal and
scope definition, functional unit, land use change, biogenic carbon sequestration,
allocation of products and feedstock. All recognised obstacles and shortcomings were
identified and documented.
Results and conclusions
Process development includes choosing one of many different paths to reach
the desired outcome. The environmental impacts need to be included for a
sustainable development.
Analysing the environmental implications for a specific process from different
LCAs in literature comes with a large number of uncertainties and a high variation
range. Comparing two different process path possibilities by merely literature LCA is
hardly helpful. It is also unlikely to find life cycle calculations which investigate exactly
the same two process paths, with the same goal and scope and the same data
quality. Each process development has unique goals which cannot be ignored when
trying to transfer a life cycle calculation result with different unique aspects onto it.
Taking a selection of more life cycle calculation results from the literature into
account, comes with a lot of detail work for each process. The variation in all steps,
setting goal and scope, choosing the methodologies, data quality of the life cycle
inventory (LCI), timeframe and more of the LCAs, leads to incomparability of the
results. Trying to understand the variations and looking into the calculations in detail
to take deviations in each level into account is a very high effort, even if it is done
with ISO compliance there are certain presumptions, boundary conditions and
calculations which are not exposed.
While it is already challenging to compare the environmental impact of
different commercial processes by consulting the literature, it is even more
increasingly unfeasible for processes in the design phase where even more
uncertainties, flexible parameters and a larger number of assumptions are present.
Therefore it is imperative to apply an exclusive LCA as decision support along with
each process development. Ideally it is done together with the engineers developing
the process.

Daniela Cailean (Gavrilescu)*, George Barjoveanu,
Carmen Teodosiu*
Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical
University of Iasi, 73 Prof.dr.doc. Dimitrie Mangeron Street, 700050, Iasi, Romania,
: [email protected]; [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Packaging waste (PW) is a waste stream that has been given special
consideration at the European level, the generated PW in European Union accounting
for approximately 80 million tons each year, with some variations in 2008-2009 due to
the economic crisis. The PW legislation has been introduced since 1985, but over the
decades, several amendments and revisions of Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and
packaging waste have been implemented, to answer the societal, economic and
environmental challenges of the member states and the extension of European Union.
The main domestic packaging waste streams currently monitored in each European
Union member states are: paper and cardboard; plastics; wood; glass; metals, with
steel and aluminum as the most important fractions.
The main objective of this study is to assess the Packaging Waste (PW)
management system profile and sustainability, in four European Union (EU) countries,
which historically have been underperforming in the waste management sector due to
various contextual factors: Bulgaria (BG), Hungary (HU), Poland (PL) and Romania
(RO), in the period 2007-2014. In the interpretation of results, it must be mentioned
that Hungary and Poland are member states of EU starting with 2004 and Bulgaria and
Romania since 2007, a fact that influenced their performance in terms of PW and solid
waste management in general.
The evaluation was performed in a coherent and unitary manner, following the
life cycle stages of the PW: generation, collection, recycling for material recovery and
thermal treatment for energy recovery (R1 type) and final disposal, based on national
domestic PW indicators. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that
assesses the sustainability of the domestic PW management system, based on the
carbon footprint of PW, by using aggregated models and comparing the greenhouse gas
(GHG) emission dynamics over the 2007-2014 period. Also, it provides results for the
expected greenhouse gas emissions deriving from PW treatment options: recycling,
thermal treatment and landfilling. Furthermore, by considering the concept of circular
economy which strongly emphasizes the idea of material recycling, the study
investigates the potential and dynamics of the secondary material markets, through the
Secondary Material Price Indicator (SMPI).

The selected data were collected from the Eurostat data base and National
Environmental Status Reports and used in the framework presented in Table 1. The
Carbon Footprint methodology applied to PW streams comprises calculations according
to material flows and emission factors corresponding to waste treatment such as:
recycling, composting, incineration and landfilling. The Carbon footprint analysis is
based on 5 aggregated models found in the literature (Cifrian et al., 2013). In general,
the carbon footprint (CF) of the PW systems is calculated (expressed as CO2e t/year),
according to equation 1:
CF=Σ Qmi,j x EFi,j (eq. 1), where:
Qmi,j – material flow i, which undergoes the treatment method j (tone of waste
EFi,j – emission factor of each material i, in each treatment j (kgCO2e/tone waste
Table 1: Sustainability indicators used in the characterization of domestic PW
Aspect Indicator Measurement unit
PW system profile Generation, recovery, material Kg/capita
(paper and cardboard; recycling and incineration rates of PW
plastics; wood; glass; per: year, country, treatment option,
metals) efficiency
PW environmental GHG emissions (Carbon Footprint CO2e tones/year
performance Indicator, CF) per: year, country,
treatment option, efficiency
PW economic value Secondary Material Price Indicator EUR/ton of recycled PW
Results and conclusions
The average composition (by weight) of PW, estimated in 2013, in European
Union (EU 27) is: paper and cardboard (41%); glass (20%); plastic (19%); wood (15%)
and metal (6%). The recovery shares in the domestic packaging waste stream are, in all
studied countries, less than the EU27 average. A maximum of 20% increase is
registered in the case of Bulgaria in 2011, and respectively Romania in 2014 (Table 2).
Table 2: Packaging waste recovery percentage of PW, 2007-2014
Country 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Bulgaria 54.85 50.43 45.86 61.98 65.58 67.56 65.96 62.21
EU27 72.56 72.77 74.57 76.54 77.56 78.72 79.24 78.75
Hungary 54.58 56.53 55.00 62.30 62.93 60.12 60.29 59.73
Poland 60.04 50.60 50.26 53.68 55.85 57.09 50.35 60.01
Romania 36.62 40.74 46.75 48.31 54.41 57.46 54.46 56.42
The increasing recycling PW rates follow closely the corresponding recovery
rates, which demonstrates that recycling is the most important waste valorization option
that contributes to a diminished environmental impact. Also, this trend is linked to a
market development for secondary material trade.
The CF indicator which considers the contributions of the CF for each PW
category shows negative values for 4 out of the 5 models, irrespective of the year or
country. The results present a decreasing CF trend which is correlated to increasing
recycling rates (and not necessarily to improvements in PW management technologies)
and indicate savings in the national GHG emissions.

Brindusa Mihaela Sluser1,*, Mihai Gabriel Balan2,
Eugen Rusu2, Catalin Balan1
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Chemical
Engineering and Environmnetal Protection, Blvd. Prof.dr.doc. Dimitrie Mangeron 73, 700050
Iasi, Romania,
Al.I.Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Geography and Geology
: [email protected]

This study aims to assess the impact of anthropogenic activities over a

period of more than two centuries from Humor catchment (vegetation and fauna
existing in forests, grasslands, meadows, and crops), deadwood, litter, soil and
anthropized lands. The largest impact are recorded in the biomass and in the
ecosystems forests soil. At the same geographic area, the impact varies in time and
its evolution is determined by climatic fluctuations at different time scale, natural
hazards (wind, fire, insect attacks, climatic excesses), but also to human
interventions. The most visible changes in the Humor basin ecosystems were
determined by large-scale changes in how the land was used. Deforestations and
passing from lands with forestry use into agricultural use, or residential space, led to
massive impact. Although the plantings, a sustainable management, and the forest
rehabilitation could have a positive impact, but the deforestation of the large areas
and the change of the purpose of land use, they led irretrievably to a negative impact.
In period considered study to quantify the impact from 1778 to 1856, in case of
change of land use from forest to grassland, loss of OCD are 60% (about 185 t/ha of
300 t/ha) and in case of change of forest in the urban area, are 79% (235 t/ha 300
t/ha). From 1856 until 1944, have doubled the areas cultivated, have decreased to
third the surfaces occupied with shrubs and in their place reappeared the forests
The oldest map that was used in the calculation of areas under different
categories of uses dates from year 1778, before the colonization of Poles on Humor
Valley (Fig.2). The territory was forested in the proportion of 9/10 and the pastures
were limited around the locality Humor Monastery. A radical change in land use
appears beginning with 1832 when it was colonized the poles of Pleșa village, and in
year 1842, when the poles are brought to the Poiana Micului village. These
colonization were accompanied by massive deforestation of more than 3000 ha, the
purpose of obtaining areas for grazing and intended for the agricultural cultivation.
From 1856 until 1944 have doubled the areas cultivated, have decreased to third the
surfaces occupied with shrubs and in their place reappeared the forests. Between

1944 and 1982, have emerged some significant changes in land use through
substantial diminution of the meadows covered surfaces and increasing the area
covered by forests to their detriment. They have considerably increased the areas
occupied with crops and it was extended well the urban area. From 1982 until 2012,
except urban area that has stalled the other categories of use the other categories of
use they met different developments: the forests have expanded slightly, meadows
and crops has decreased significantly (Fig. 1). Diminishing of cultivated areas and
pastures is explained by decreased interest of local people for agriculture, especially
for zoo technical activity.

Figure 1: Humor catchment – land use evolution

(a) (b)
Figure 2: Evolution of landscape use in a) 1778 and b) 2015
The objectives of this work addressed to the following issues:
quantification of the main recent changes regarding the land use and urbanization;
analysis of the evolution of carbon stock after land use change; the current general
trend of carbon sequestration stock and its environmental impact. The results of this
study revealed the fact that anthropic activities considerably changed the land use
and forest area lost more than 40% over 2 centuries, the associated impact is major
negative reflected in landscapes views, less agricultural area and less forest. Due to
high and rapid urbanization over the last 2 centuries in Humor catchment, Romania,
the negative geomorphological processes were developed, such as: floods, landslides,
soil de-structuring, soil erosion.

Alexandra V. Michailidou, Christos Vlachokostas,
Nicolas Moussiopoulos
Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering, Aristotle University
Thessaloniki, Box 483, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The tourism sector is a key driving force for socio-economic progress on the
globe; an enormous economic industry worldwide. Nevertheless, tourism is
increasingly recognized as a significant resources’ consumer at every scale of its
activity i.e. local, regional, and global scale. This significant rate of resources use and
consumption is mainly related to energy, water consumption, and waste generation
via lodging and recreation activities. Undoubtedly, the rational use of resources is
nowadays considered a main challenge for the decision makers in order to face
environmental deterioration that can be attributed to tourism development and
activity, face climate change impacts and future risks, and eventually put forward
managerial approaches to promote sustainable tourism. Toward this direction, the
paper presents the basic structure and components of a methodological scheme in
order to combine environmental pressures that can be attributed to tourism areas and
holistically characterize environmental sustainability in a Defined Area of Concentrated
Tourism (DACT). The methodology is demonstrated for one of the prevalent Balkan
tourism destinations Chalkidiki, located in the Region of Central Macedonia, Northern
The generic methodological scheme is driven by the DPSIR framework and
combines four discrete management and assessment tools in a toolbox: (i) Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) to estimate the environmental burned in DACTs (the “s” in the
acronym is relative to areas), (ii) Environmental Indicators (EIs) via the use of
Tourism Environmental Composite Indicator (TECI), which characterizes
environmental sustainability, with the weighted average of key performance
normalized sub-indices that express the relative weight of the levels of status of
environmental pressures of tourism activity compared to a reference level, (iii) Carbon
Footprint Analysis (CFA) embedded in the implementation of TECI and (iv) Multi-
Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). On this basis the scheme is used to identify “hot
spots”, assess impacts of tourism activity and generate response for sustainability.

In brief, the main pillar of the methodological scheme is LCA which is
essentially the “core” in order to combine efficiently all the other tools in the
approach. In this light, LCA is adopted in order to (i) estimate the environmental load
that can be attributed to tourism activity (i.e. hotels and other accommodation
facilities, transport activities etc.) (ii) focus on accommodation “hot spots” in a DACT,
(iii) take into account multiple impacts (impact-oriented approach), (iv) easily
calculate and embed to TECI all direct and indirect GHGs' emissions as CO2-eq
through CML 2001, by avoiding complex equations for each GHG, (v) identify the
carbon intensive processes/services due to hotels' operation and thus introduce more
effective practices for lower emissions and (iv) generate feedback to promote the
implementation of realistic and effective mitigation measures that can be
implemented on hotel premises and local transport sector.
Results and conclusions
An analytical “network of detailed activities” for each hotel under
consideration was created to assess the overall environmental load via LCA. In brief,
and according to the Eco-Indicator 99 impact assessment method, the operational use
is for the most part responsible for the total environmental damage for all hotels
under study, provided that the operation of hotels and road transport is taken into
account (excluding air transport). The use of diesel and electricity for heating and the
production of hot water is an important factor that contributes to the overall
environmental load. In general, regarding the operation of the accommodation
facilities, HVAC systems are the most energy intensive agents of environmental
burden, followed by kitchen and production of hot water. However, when air transport
is included in the LCA, it is prevalently responsible for the total environmental damage
for medium to large-sized hotels of the case under study in comparison to the road
transport, accommodation services and the hotels operational use and energy
intensity. Based on the implementation of TECI and CFA a characterization of
environmental sustainability of the DACT under study is realized. Last but not least,
and based on MCDA, policy making should primarily put forward incentives in order to
maximize the penetration of: (i) Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in hotels in the
area, (ii) vehicles with biofuels in the hotels' fleet and (ii) local products in dining
This work adds up to the considerably low number of respective LCA
implementations found in the scientific literature and extents the scope of LCA
application to a new tourism destination. Furthermore, the holistic approach adds
scientific added value, since it provides a robust basis for the identification of
environmental “hot spots” in order to highlight processes with considerable
environmental impacts and promote the implementation of effective mitigation
measures by hoteliers and public authorities. The work clearly depicts the fact that
LCA can play a crucial role in decreasing the complexity in the strategic planning of
tourism, especially in local-to-regional areas of concentrated tourism activities. The
holistic approach presented provides a basis for policy insights that can lead to robust
policy modeling and reliable national strategic governance since it provides a little
stepping stone in characterizing environmental sustainability in areas of considerable
tourism activity.

Teofil Câmpean1,2, Raluca-Maria Hlihor1,3,
Isabela Maria Simion1,3, Elena-Diana Comăniță1,
Petronela Cozma1, Camelia Smaranda1, Mihaela Roșca1,
Dan-Alexandru Gavrilescu4, Cristina Ghinea1,5,
Maria Gavrilescu1,6, *
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management,
73 Prof. Dr. Docent D. Mangeron Str., 700050 Iasi, Romania
Rondocarton SRL, Cluj-Napoca, 2 Aviatorilor Street, 407042 Apahida, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of
Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies, Iasi, Romania
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Natural and Synthetic Polymers, Iasi, Romania
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Faculty of Food Engineering, Suceava, Romania
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest, Romania
: [email protected]

The promotion of resource productivity along the whole life-cycle by waste

minimization, pollution prevention together with resource conservation found their
best place in the frame of circular economy, vital to convey the resource efficiency
agenda according to Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive
growth. Circular economy is able to move the linear “take, make-consume, dispose”
industrial processes toward closed-loop systems, by preserving the added value in
products for an extended life - cycle and eliminating any waste, therefore facilitating
the decoupling of economic development from resource use and its impacts.
This paper explores the opportunities to relate the principles and concepts of
eco-innovation and eco-design in a logical succesion, applied in the revaluation of
waste production resulted from corrugated board production and packaging
manufacturing as solutions for extending their life cycle, in an industrial survey.
Starting form the consideration that both production and recycling processes of paper
and cardboard have their life-cycles, we will develop an analysis and workplan by
following eco-design concept and principles in order to create environmentally friendly
and sustainable product life-cycles, by applying an eco-innovative approach. The new
ecological ideas and technology developed by eco-innovation and eco-design will
promote significant directions towards the implementation of manufacturing with
fewer wasted resources, by closing the loop in the production system according to the
circular economy concept.
The experimental sequence of our work will include activities devoted to: the
identification of a manufacturer which produces corrugated board and cardboard
boxes for packaging purposes; the current situation and technological flowsheet (the

linear process); identification of other possible goals of the manufacturer; the
potential of the existing technology to close the production loop by an efficient
revaluation of recyclable materials represented by waste production. Also, the
technological strategies and solutions which adhere to the principles of eco-innovation
and eco-design will be inventoried.

Figure 1: Changing linear production process to closed-loop by design for recycling, design for
reuse and production waste revaluation by product eco-innovation and eco-design (the red
Therefore, the waste production will be revaluated and re-engineered in a
new product, required by the market, so as to solve the questions addressing natural
resource protection and diminishing the greenhouse gas effects through the
preservation of trees, currently used as wooden raw material. Moreover, the study will
deliver knowledge transfer to the manufacturer for the assimilation of strategies and
solutions for eco-innovation and eco-design in order to ensure the scientific support
for technology and product design and development as well as to gain quantifying
technical-economic and environmental performance for process and product. The
paper will respond to the need to acknowledge and integrate economic and
environmental performance in the manufacturing of a product by reusing waste
production by applying strategies and solutions for eco-innovation and eco-design to
exploit the technological potential and socio-enhancing economic and eco-efficiency in
the context of circular economy.
This work was supported by two grants of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research,
CNCS – UEFISCDI: (i) project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0130, Contract 64BG/2016; (ii)
project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0016, Contract 1BG/2016.

Elena-Diana Comăniță1, *, Isabela Maria Simion1,2,
Petronela Cozma1, Camelia Smaranda1,
Raluca Maria Hlihor1,2, Cristina Ghinea1,3,
Simona Cecilia Ghiga1,4, Mihaela Roșca1, Maria Gavrilescu1,5
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management,
73 Prof.Dr.Docent D. Mangeron Street, 700050 Iasi, Romania
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of
Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies, Iasi, Romania
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Faculty of Food Engineering, Suceava, Romania
Romanian Association for Recycling, RoRec, Bucharest, Romania
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest, Romania
: [email protected]

In order to become sustainable, the industry should achieve in the long run a
balance between economy, ecology and community. Nowadays we witness a widespread
recognition and integrative approach of economic and environmental aspects for
production processes, products, services, business. This reality is more evident when new
processes and products are created/innovated, designed and applied. It is largely
recognized that ensuring economic efficiency simultaneously with reducing environmental
impacts is promising in the early phases of any process/product synthesis and design.
Therefore, it is unanimously accepted that eco-innovation and eco-design are tightly
connected with process/product/service eco-efficiency. Eco-innovation is related to all
forms of innovations (technologies, products, services) which are able to bring new and
robust business oportunities and benefits for the environment in terms of resources and
impacts. Eco-design (sometimes denoted as environmental redesign) is a fully integrated
design activity in which the environmental impact is checked against targets for
improvement. Both eco-innovation and eco-design contribute to sustainable manufacturing
since new ideas are integrated into the manufacturing process by design so as to generate
added value with less environmental impact, being therefore eco-efficient. This makes it
possible to abandon the linear, cradle-to-grave production systems in favor of cyclical,
cradle-to-cradle industrial metabolisms that support materials to preserve their status as
resources and accumulate intelligence over time. This approach essentially causes a
synergistic relationship between ecological and economic systems, leading to a
constructive relationship between economy and ecology in an eco-efficient way. A more
integrative and pro-active approach assumed as an important contribution to industrial
eco-efficiency addresses the recycling of waste into new products based on eco-innovation
and eco-design, entailing environmental concerns, but also the preservation of natural
resources, industrial efficiency and economic development.

In this paper, we applied multicriteria decision analysis to develop an eco-
efficiency evaluation for a redesigned product using waste production resulted in
corrugated board and carboard box manufacturing as raw material, compared to the
original which is made from corrugated board sheets. This analysis is useful in the decision
making process in terms of the optimal allocation of resources to maximise the anticipated
output for the given input. Two approaches will be considered: (i) the classical one, which
assumes that accurate judgements exist on function values of certain attributes and their
weighs (e.g. AHP method); (ii) the outranking approach, which considers weak preferences
and incomparable criteria, assumes that the preferences for a certain solution are not
obvious to the decision maker, so that the decision support aims at giving insights into the
consequences of different weights (e.g. ELECTRE, PROMETHEE methods).
The results of our analyses based on various optimization algorithms will allow us
to rank options, select a single optimal alternative or to differentiate between acceptable
and unacceptable alternatives in product eco-innovation and eco-design, in order to make
the best decision in the context of multiple assessment criteria. Here, Multicriteria Decision
Analysis (MCDA) was proposed as a complete and complex methodological framework for
conducting a sustainability-oriented design. The analysis will involve some basic steps,
irrespective of the method applied (Fig. 1): (i) identification of objectives; (ii)
documentation on the possible options for achieving the objectives; (iii) identification of
the criteria used to compare the options; (iv) option analysis; (v) option ranking and
selection; (vi) sensitivity analysis and validation of alternatives resulted from decision
process; (vii) decision making and application; (viii) feedback from manufacturer. The
study will provide basic information useful in recommending the application of eco-
innovation and eco-design principles and practices to a Romanian manufacturer specialized
in carboard packaging production, for the revaluation of waste production according to the
circular economy concept, so as to increase production and product eco-efficiencies.
Moreover, we will be able to perform experienced knowledge transfer based on well-
documented scientific support, able to ensure a balance in economic, social and
environmental trade-offs for the manufacturer by taking into account multiple goals related
to the allocation of resources and investments, eco-efficiency, to avoid contradictory
opinions among diverse stakeholders.

Figure 1: Steps in application of MCDA methodology for assessing eco-efficiency and adaptability of eco-
innovated and ecodesigned process/products
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research,
CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0130, Contract 64BG/2016

Petronela Cozma1,*, Teofil Câmpean1,2, Ariadna Negruț1,
Mihaela Roșca1, Isabela Maria Simion1, Elena-Diana Comaniță1,
Simona Cecilia Ghiga1,3, Camelia Smaranda1,
Raluca Maria Hlihor1,4, Maria Gavrilescu1,5*
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, 73 Prof.
Dr. Docent D. Mangeron Str., 700050 Iasi, Romania
Rondocarton SRL, Cluj-Napoca, 2 Aviatorilor Street, 407042 Apahida, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Romanian Association for Recycling, RoRec, 24 Sevastopol Street, 010 992, Bucharest, Romania
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of
Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies, 3 Mihail Sadoveanu Alley, 700490 Iasi,
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest, Romania
: [email protected], [email protected]

Knowledge transfer from research institutions - in particular from higher

education bodies - to economic sectors is of growing worldwide importance, based on
systematic policies, and monitored by means of suitable indicators, for the benefit of
society as a whole. Three categories of activities are usually considered as involved in
knowledge transfer, namely: research, knowledge transfer and economic activities
(Fig. 1). Different categories of actors from both the academia and the industry, with
different skills, goals, responsibilities, and inclinations, along with a host of other
factors, contribute together to the transfer of research outputs as new knowledge,
tailored to the needs of economic actors. Collaborative and contract research play a
significant role in defining the research agenda since knowledge transfer goes hand in
hand with knowledge production. Aside from research, licensing of the university
intellectual property to the industry, teaching and continued professional
development, consultancy and networking are components of knowledge transfer.
The present paper addresses the cooperation between university and
industry in producing new knowledge, as well as in making recognized knowledge
abide on problems and opportunities for exploitation, within a research and
development cooperation based on both contract research and collaborative research.
All these are obviously focused on the generation of economic benefits, environmental
protection and social caution (Fig. 1). The knowledge transfer will focus on strategies
and solutions for process and product eco-design and eco-innovation based on
recyclable materials in the context of circular economy, by interconnecting the
knowledge and expertise within a contract signed between the “Gheorghe Asachi”

Technical University of Iasi, Romania, as coordinator, and a Romanian corrugated
board and cardboard packaging manufacturer (RM).

Figure 1: Model of knowledge transfer within the innovation ecosystem

The requisite for expertise and knowledge transfer to the economic agent
arises from the necessity to close the production loop in the existing technology for
corrugated cardboard and packaging manufacturing and to extend the life cycles by
eco-innovation and eco-design for process and product according to circular economy
principles so as to generate benefits for the economic agent by increasing its technical-
economic and environmental performance. The knowledge transfer to RM will address
process and product eco-innovation and eco-design, as well as the tools and methods
for economic and environmental performance evaluation (Life Cycle Assessment, Cost-
Benefit Analysis, Multicriteria Decision Analysis). Knowledge transfer will also include the
dissemination of research and cooperation results for, and together with, the specialists
of the industrial company RM (training, guides, patents etc.), as well as for other
stakeholders (papers, conferences etc.).
In order to monitor and measure the performance of knowledge transfer, our
study will consider the recommendations of the European Commission, Directorate
General for Research and Innovation - Economic Analysis and Indicators Unit, in the
sense that we will measure the results of knowledge transfer by means of three groups
of indicators: (i) indicators for knowledge transfer through people (based on education
and training); (ii) indicators for knowledge transfer through institutional cooperation in
research, development and other phases of innovation; (iii) indicators for knowledge
transfer through the exploitation of research results. Based on this analysis which
involves multi-disciplinary and practical aspects, the links between university and
industry in a national network for knowledge transfer will be strengthened.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0130, Contract

Spina Federica1,*, Spini Giulia2, Poli Anna1, Romagnolo Alice1,
Zanellati Andrea1, Bentivegna Giuseppe Nicolò1,
El-Nazhari Najoi3, Regnier Tiffanie3, Blieux Anne-Laure3,
Echairi Abdelwahad3, Prigione Valeria1, Puglisi Edoardo2,
Varese Giovanna Cristina 1
Mycotheca Univeristatis Taurinensis, Department of Life Sciences and Systems
Biology, University of Tuirn, Viale P.A. Mattioli 25 Torino Turin, Italy
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, Italy
Satt Grand-EST, Dijon, France
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Soil degradation is a serious problem all around Europe. It is usually driven
or exacerbated by human activities such as inadequate agricultural or forest
practices, industrial activities, waste disposal, oil spills, urban and industrial
proliferation, and construction works. The main negative impacts of soil degradation
are loss of fertility and biodiversity, reduced water holding capacities, impairments
of biogeochemical cycles and a reduced resilience and buffer capacities. Soil
pollution is one of the main causes of soil degradation and loss of terrestrial
ecosystem services. In EU there are 42 potentially contaminated and 5.7
contaminated sites every 10,000 inhabitants, with approximately 340,000 sites that
require remediation intervention. The most frequent contaminants are heavy
metals, followed by mineral oils, polycyclic aromatic hydroca rbons (PAHs) and
mixtures of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX).
Recently, there is growing interest in developing techniques to reduce levels
of organopollutants from contaminated soils by means of selected microorganisms.
Bioremediation is an alternative approach that has recently received much attention
due to its potential as a cost effective solution and has been successfully applied in
full-scale for the treatment of contaminated sites. Bacteria and fungi are the main
protagonists of bioremediation. LIFE BIOREST (LIFE15 ENV/IT/000396, aims to optimize a biomerediation method where the
transformation made by consortia of fungi and bacteria is finalized by the final step
of re-vegetation. The first phase of the project is focused on the characterization of
the microbial community that naturally populate this extreme environment and on
the isolation of microbes capable of growing in the presence of pollutants as sole C
source. The best performing strains will be used to set up consortia working in
microcosms and mesocosms before up-scaling the process.

The aim of the first phase of the action is the characterization of the
microbial community of the contaminated site. The soil was collected at three
different depths from -1 to -3 m. Different methodologies have been set up and
carried out simultaneously in order to meet the objectives: i) total count for the
quantification of the bacterial and fungal load of the contaminated area; ii) solid
screening for the identification of the fungal and bacterial strains capable of growing
in presence of target contaminants as sole carbon source; iii) enrichment in liquid
cultures to favor the development of microbial communities adapted and capable of
degrading specific target analytes.
The following contaminants were chosen because they represent the soil of
interest has some predominant pollutants of the site: benzene as BTEX,
naphthalene, phenanthrene and pyrene as PHAs, paraffin oil and heptadecane as
Results and conclusions
Almost 300 fungal and 140 bacterial strains were isolated from the solid and
liquid cultures. Fungi mostly belong to Ascomycetes even though few
Basidiomycetes were found (i.e. Phlebia tremellosa and Trametes gibbosa). The
main genera were Cladosporium, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Scedosporium,
Trichoderma and Epicoccum. The bacterial isolates mostly belonged to the Gram
negative genera Pseudomonas, Sohingobacterium, Pseudoxanthomonas , Rhizobium
and Acinetobacter. A number of Gram positive Bacillus and Paenibacillus strains
were also found. Phenanthrene and pyrene were the best substrates, easily used as
sole carbon source, whereas few fungi were able to grow on the crude oil provided
by Fidenza Municipality. Considering the very high content of hydrocarbons and the
intrinsic toxicity of this oil that strongly limit the growth capability of microorganisms
particular attention will be given to those isolates able instead to grow on it,
indicating interesting adaptation features and great metabolic pattern.
Dereplication of fungal isolates was performed microsatellite area using M13
marker and, when necessary (GTG)5, while dereplication of bacteria was performed
using both (GTG)5 and RPAD2 as single primers. Results indicate a great fungal and
bacterial biodiversity with high intraspecific variability according to the soil depth (-
1, -2, -3 m).
All the bacteria and fungi were then tested against all the pollutants of
interest in an innovative miniaturized approach in 96 multiwell plates. Several
strains were capable of growing on the pollutants (at 200 ppm and 1% v/v) as
much as positive controls with glucose, highlighting their capability to exploit
complex source of nourishment as far as simple and bioavailable ones.
The most performing fungi and bacteria are going to be used in microcosms
singly and in consortia in order to evaluate their actual capability to transform the
pollutants and survive in the extreme conditions of the contaminated soil.


Emanuela Di Fusco, Giovanni Buroni, Giada Felisa,

Ilaria Lauriola, Tonino Liserra, Valentina Ciriello,
Vittorio Di Federico*

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali (DICAM),

Università di Bologna, Viale Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Innovative solutions are needed to support a sustainable use of water
resources in urban areas. Climate change and population growth may
determine increasing scenarios of quantitative/qualitative impoverishment of
water bodies and a contemporary difficulty associated with meeting urban
water demand. In this context, technical solutions to increase water reuse and
improve environmental awareness within the society are equally important.
Within a common framework of analysis, we assess the potentiality of
both “green” solutions and ICT technologies to support the transition towards a
smart use of water from the building to the urban scale. Analyses presented in
this study are part of the GST4water project (Green-Smart Technology for
Water) which aims at providing a set of hardware and software solutions to
assess domestic water consumptions and suggest proper measures for grey
water and rainwater reuse. In this context, the goal of our study is to provide to
various stakeholders useful information to analyse domestic water
consumptions at diverse scales and identify water reuse technologies to
improve performances in terms of environmental sustainability.
Real-time monitoring of domestic water consumption (including
information associated with the different type of end user) and data transfer to
cloud platforms are the basis to detect the behaviour of domestic users and to
calibrate models to interpret this behaviour and return profitable information to
stakeholders at different levels. Our approach aims at developing a suite of
software tools working at multiple scales of analysis. Starting from the building
scale and based on real time data and algorithms to mimic residential water
demand, we reconstruct the behaviour of domestic users and return them back

these information through a suite of indicators accounting for consumption
performances and sustainability. Contemporary, suitable “green” solutions are
suggested to increase water reuse, together with their potential environmental
implications. At the district and urban scales, an evaluation of the impact of
measures applied at local level is performed by analysing different scenarios
within the context of an urban metabolic model. This accounts for water,
energy and economic flows and returns indicators at the macroscale useful for
policy makers and for the management of the integrated water system.
Results and conclusions
Our study provides analysis and modelling tools that are flexible enough
to be applied in different contexts for the interpretation of the residential water
demand and the analysis of urban water use under a general perspective
provided by the metabolic approach. The employment of solutions for water
reuse are compared, from a sustainability perspective, to current scenarios
without reuse strategies, while accounting for economic and environmental
implications. Results of our analysis may be used as a benchmark and support
the employment of strategies to increase water saving and the environmental
awareness within the society.
The authors acknowledge funding from POR-FESR Program 2014-2020, Emilia-Romagna
Region (Italy); project title: GST4Water (Green-Smart Technology for the sustainable use of
Water in buildings and urban areas) 2016-2018.

Vasile N. Popa 1, Luminița I. Popa 2, Anca N. Iuga (Butnariu) 3

Regional Department for Defense Resources Management Studies, Mihai Viteazul 130,
Braşov, Romania
Transilvania University of Braşov, Department of Automation and Information
Technologies, Mihai Viteazul 5, Braşov, Romania
Transilvania University of Braşov, Department of Engineering and Industrial
Management, Mihai Viteazul 5, Braşov, Romania
: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

For Romanian industrial companies, it is useful to use ISO standards to creating
a risk procedure, which establishes the goals, links and components functioning for
integrated environmental management systems. This procedure does not exist now in
our country. The Integrated Environmental Management System is a set of
interconnected processes that use the same resources - human, material, financial,
informational - to meet a set of objectives related to the satisfaction of stakeholders.
For the procedure realization, we must organize an Integrated Management Committee
composed of the heads of departments in the organization. The head of this committee
is Quality Risk Department Manager. For each department we shall appoint an
employee who is responsible for establishing the links and functioning of the integrated
management system components of industrial company. Taking in consideration the
standards, the risks and the quality of the products and processes as subjects of the
procedure achieved, a theoretical and applicative research was carried out within a
comparative study between Romanian /European Union industrial companies regarding
the circular economy principles applied in environmental management.
Our first goal is achieving integrated environmental management model
structure following a collaborative study with specialists. The integration of all
management systems mentioned in the procedure with current systems of organization,
in an operational management system has a great significance for industrial company
managers. The effectiveness of this management system is measured by the
achievement of objectives. The goal of achievied management system is to define
integrated management methodology to establish the following elements: policy and
the own objectives of the system; risks affecting the objectives to be achieved;
processes and appropriate resources to fulfill the requirements of stakeholders. The
second goal was to analyze and conclude the results of comparative study between

Romanian /European Union industrial companies, regarding the circular economy
principles applied in environmental management. Our working hypotheses of the
comparative study were as follows:
Hypothesis 1: Taking in consideration the standards, the risks and the quality of the
products and processes used within a circular economy , the knowledge level of the
Romanian enterprises is lower than the level of EU enterprises.
Hypothesis 2: Taking in consideration the standards, the risks and the quality of the
products and processes used within a circular economy, Romanian companies have not
to much interest in applying these, unlike the EU enterprises.
Regarding with our research methods, the questionnaire-based investigation method
was chosen. Subjects were provided with questionnaires in order to direct research to
the objectives pursued. The methodological tool used to gather information was the
opinion questionnaire. It has the advantage of providing complex information and the
objective possibility of correlating the indicators, thus making it possible to obtain
credible and easy-to-interpret results.The following data shall were used:
1. The data provided by the European Commission „Published Results circular-
after the public consultations starting with 04.06.2015;
2. The data provided by the questionnaire drawn up by the authors of the research and
applied to a number of 25 industrial companies in Romania.
Results and conclusions
Using the standards listed above, the management of industrial company uses
a unique methodology to increase the industrial processes effectiveness by balancing
and interacting the three quality management system (ISO 31000 "Risk Management",
ISO 9004 "The leadership of an organization to lasting success. An approach based on
quality management "and ISO 26000 “Social Responsibility "). These three systems of
management cooperate within industrial company, realizing an environmental
integrated system. The quality and reliability standards need not only for goods but also
for the management system itself.
The integrated environmental management model establishes the unique and
balanced effectiveness of component management systems as a integrated whole,
using standards for sustainable success, social responsibility and economic results of the
industrial company.
This model was created as an open system in which industrial company specific
performances and objectives could be included optionally.
The verification of the two hypotheses of the study
Hypothesis 1- it was not verified during the comparative study Romania / EU;
Hypothesis 2- it was verified during the comparative study Romania / EU.
Enterprises in Romania have positive concerns about the "development of standards for
voluntary use" as a measure to promote the principles of circular economy in eco-
product design.
Enterprises in Romania are aware of the importance of "ensuring access to
finance for high-risk projects. EU Enterprises are not sufficiently concerned about the
"development of standards for voluntary use" as a measure to promote the principles of
circular economy in eco-product design.


Vlad Nicolae Arsenoaia*, Petru Marian Cârlescu, Radu Roșca,

Ioan Țenu
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, Romania
Mihail Sadoveanu Alley 3, Iași, Iași County, Romania,
:[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Sustainable development is a long term strategy which involves among
others, lower energy consumptions and the discovery of renewable energies.
Currently, for drying of agricultural seeds, convective dryers are used worldwide,
vertical and horizontal with continuous and discontinuous function, all with high
energy demands, because they do not solve the problem of the distribution and the
uniformity of both temperature and velocity in the drying seed layer.
Agricultural plant seeds are subjected to the drying process to extend the
conservation and to maintain the quality and the nutritive value during the storage.
The seeds of agricultural plants, which are subjected to the technological drying
operation, behave differently depending on the physicochemical characteristics, and
some of them do not support aggressive drying conditions, characterized by high
temperatures and velocities of the air when passing through the product layer.
A cylinder drying unit was designed and built, provided at the interior with
deflectors, to equalize the velocity and temperature gradients throughout the surface
of the product. This unit not only reduces the energy demand but also increases the
seed quality according to the obtained results.
The experiments were conducted in the Department of Agricultural
Mechanization of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “Ion
Ionescu de la Brad”, Iaşi, Romania, using a laboratory drying unit for agricultural
products. It allows control and monitoring of the drying process parameters that can
be chosen by the user before or during the drying process. The dryer was equipped
successive with a conventional rectangular box and the innovative cylindrical baffled
box, both with 150 mm layer thickness.
Mathematical modelling was used in design, in the operational and
optimization work for both drying boxes. The mathematical model of the convective
drying process is based on the theory of fluid dynamics, mass balance and energy.

The experiments were conducted under the same conditions for the
conventional variant with a rectangular drying box and the proposed cylindrical box by
varying and monitoring the operating parameters of velocity and temperature of the
warm air (1-2.5 m/s, respectively 40-80°C) and using corn seeds with three initial
moisture contents 25, 22 and 19%.
Results and conclusions
The influence of heat can be favorable only if applied wisely regarding the
correlation of the following three factors: the temperature of the drying agent, its
speed and temperature of the grain seed. During the drying process, humidity vary
continuously downwards after complex laws. In order to maintain a high proportion of
the qualities as the initial seed, it is required a close correlation between the
temperature and humidity of the drying agent. The air flow was numerical simulated
in both the rectangular and the cylindrical drying boxes. Because the velocity profile
doesn’t cover corners, in the middle section of the air flow, for the rectangular box,
turbulences occur both for low and high air velocities.
The air field lines obtained in the cylindrical case have a laminar flow at the
entrance of the box and along the cylindrical sieve can be seen a uniform distribution
of hot air throughout the surface layers of seeds subjected to drying.
Analyzing the results of the physical parameters obtained throughout the
experiments, one can conclude that the best results concerning the drying time, the
energy consumption and the protein content of corn seeds have been recorded for
the variants in which the drying process was done by using the cylindrical box. The
variant in which the recorded energy consumption was the maximum value was
obtained at the drying of the corn seeds having an initial humidity of 25% in the
rectangular box, at the air velocity of 1 m/s and at a temperature of 40ºC, and the
minimum energy consumption was obtained at the drying of the corn seeds having an
initial humidity of 19% in the cylindrical box, at the air velocity of 2 m/s and at a
temperature of 80ºC.
After the drying process mathematical modeling, Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) simulations have been made in two variants for the cylindrical box
with 150 mm corn seed layer.
By means of the Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation was optimized the
construction of the cylindrical box and of the deflectors so that one could obtain a
uniform distribution of the air currents and of the temperature fields in the seed layer.
This leads to reaching a uniform drying and to reducing the energy consumptions.
Based on the drying experiments, it was obtained for the cylindrical unit
compared to the conventional one, a reduction of protein loss of up to 1.81% and a
decrease of the energy consumption of up to 15%.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for
Scientific Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI -UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-
PED-2016-1357 within PNCDI III, contract number 18PED/2017.


Isabela Maria Simion1,2, *, Elena-Diana Comăniță1,

Petronela Cozma1, Cristina Ghinea1,3, Teofil Câmpean1,4,
Raluca Maria Hlihor1,2, Mihaela Roșca1, Simona Cecilia Ghiga1,5,
Camelia Smaranda1, Maria Gavrilescu1,6
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, 73
Prof. Dr. Docent D. Mangeron Str., 700050 Iasi, Romania
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine,
Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies, 3 Mihail Sadoveanu Alley,
700490 Iasi, Romania
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Faculty of Food Engineering, 13 Universitatii Street,
720229 Suceava, Romania
Rondocarton SRL, Cluj-Napoca, 2 Aviatorilor Street, 407042 Apahida, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Romanian Association for Recycling, RoRec, 24 Sevastopol Street, 010 992, Bucharest,
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest,
: [email protected]

The current production and consumption models continue to generate

significant impacts on the environment, which must be reduced to secure the
future. The main challenge addressing the pathway and development towards
sustainable industrial production is thus to reduce environmental impacts,
maintaining in the same time a viable economic life cycle and social well -being.
In the production of goods, for example, we need to take a look at the
reduction of waste production impact. To answer the need of a Romanian
manufacturer (RM) to close the loop by the revaluation of production waste, we
found eco-innovation and eco-design principles among the most relevant answers to
this challenge. RM has modern facilities and technologies to produce corrugated
board and packaging. Corrugated packaging is environmentally friendly because it is
manufactured from waste paper using starch as an adhesive, a natural
biodegradable product. The entire manufacturing process is computer-aided,
starting with the box design, ordering, manufacturing and packaging boxes.
Aside from cardboard boxes, RM manufactures various other related
products for the construction and transportation industries, designed and produced
using corrugated board sheets as raw material. The manufacturing process
generates waste in the form of cardboard strips, edges andtubes from paper rolls.

We found that RM has a great potential to close the production cycle through the
efficient reuse of recyclable materials resulted as waste in the two stages of th e
technological process (corrugated board and cardboard boxes manufacturing) to
produce various subassemblies, in the context of existing modern technology. This
way, RM can ensure a longer life cycle of production and products and can integrate
advanced environmental strategies in its activities and decisions regarding
production optimization and process development, leading towards the zero
emissions target, in line with the principles of circular economy. This approach is
facilitated by the fact that RM is open to progress, assigns great importance to the
application of specific practices for reaching sustainable industrial production based
on resource conservation, mitigating impacts in the environment.
In order to facilitate RM decision making process, we applied Life Cycle
Analysis (LCA) to assess the environmental impacts generated by the current
production pathway for subassemblies manufactured using corrugated board
sheets, compared to environmental impacts potentially induced by the use of waste
production as raw materials for these subassemblies, which are redesigned based
on eco-innovation and eco-design concepts (innovation of design ). Both incorporate
new concepts, such as: new vision of a product -industrial system linkage, the
concept of extended life cycle and integration of involved players (university,
manufacturer, stakeholders). Also, we evaluated the environmental impacts
potentially generated by recycling waste production for paper used in the
manufacturing of corrugated board so as to demonstrate the environmental benefits
of eco-innovation and eco-design. We performed a complete LCA analysis consistent
with the ISO 14000 group of standards entailing four interrelated phases: (i) goal
definition and scope; (ii) inventory analysis; (iii) impact assessment with four sub-
phases: classification, characterization, normalization, weighting; (iv) improvement
assessment. The system boundaries and the functional unit were selected. The
evaluation was assisted by a dedicated software. We considere d in our evaluation
relevant impact categories (IC) such as: climate change ecosystems (CCE); climate
change human health (CCHh); particulate matter formation (PMF) for the ReCiPe
method and acidification potential (AP); global warming potential (GWP),
photochemical ozone formation (POF).
The appraised eco-innovations interconnected with eco-design resulted in
noteworthy progresses of the environmental performance of the analyzed process
and components. Our results also highlighted the role of knowledge transfer from
university to industry in promoting process eco-innovations and ecodesign and the
increasing relevance of LCA as a tool to support decision making in manufacturing.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0130, Contract


Sara Zanni*, Alessandra Bonoli

DICAM - Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, Terracini
Street 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

When approaching the remediation of a contaminated industrial site, several
aspects ought to be taken into consideration. Since the primary aims of a remediation
are the safety of human health and the protection of the environment, sustainability,
defined by the Brundtland Commission (Our Common Future ) as development
meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs, should be the driving concept for the
remediation planning. For this reason, sustainability assessment tools and indicators
must be applied, starting from the planning phase, in order to compare the different
technologies and techniques available and choose among them the most suitable one
for the specific application.
Two different tools have been applied to the case study of a former quarry
site, where soil and groundwater contamination has been historically detected:
1. Risk Assessment, aimed to simulate exposure of possible human targets to
pollutants and threads posed to their health in the short, medium and long term;
2. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), applied to quantify environmental impacts and
benefits deriving from different remediation options.
In this sense, Life Cycle Assessment represents a powerful decision
supporting tool. Developed in compliance with UNI EN ISO 14040(44):2006, it is
generally applied for the assessment of eco-efficiency and environmental impact of
product and processes, allowing the quantification of environmental impacts
generated throughout the whole life cycle already during the design phase. In the
eco-design perspective, the implementation of LCA tool enables to tackle the 80% of
the overall environmental impact of a product/process.
A dismissed quarry site has been identified as case study for sustainability
assessment tools application.
Following an extensive characterization phase on the case study site, i.e.
repetitive monitoring of both soil and groundwater performed over 15 years on the
area, Risk Assessment procedure has been implemented, as required by regulations
(for Italy: D.Lgs. 152/06), in presence of chemicals exceeding the limit values. The

conceptual model of the site has been elaborated and exposure pathways defined
with the application of Risk-net software.
LCA has been only recently used to evaluate innovative remediation solutions
proposed, due to difficulties, on one hand, in adaptation of software tools developed
to evaluate product, rather than process, and, on the other hand, in quantification of
environmental benefit granted by the clean-up intervention. Timing to meet the
remediation goals and lifespan of the technique applied are other critical elements,
strongly affecting the tuning of the model. Local framework should be considered,
both for the sensitivity of the specific environment and depletion of resources, related
to land transformation and energy consumption.
Results and conclusions
Results of the characterization phase showed the historical presence and
evolution of heavy metals and chlorinated compounds in the site.
Chlorinated compounds (among which the most abundant proved to be
Tetrachloroethylene, PCE), as dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs), are
xenobiotic compound, widely present in groundwater due to industrial solvents spill.
Most of them may have carcinogenic effect on humans and are treated accordingly,
into Risk Assessment procedure, resulting in specific prescription for site use. Where a
microbial reductive dechlorination of TCE is naturally active, it proceeds via formation
of cis-dichloroethene (cis-DCE), vinyl chloride (VC), and ultimately ethene and ethane.
Only a combination of anoxic and aerobic conditions, together with proper bacteria
consortium available locally would trigger a natural degradation. The lack of
degradation products (i.e. low concentrations of cis-DCE and VC) proves that
chlorinated compounds are moving with the groundwater flow, rather than being
Groundwater remediation technologies which could be implemented, may be
differentiated into two main classes, depending on their “active”, i.e. with energy
application, or “passive” nature. For the first class, the most impacting inventory item
category is normally identified in energy consumption, while for the second one,
waste generated, for example, with the excavation of permeable reactive barriers (i.e.
soil potentially contaminated and exhaust filling material to be properly disposed), can
significantly increase the environmental impact of the clean-up intervention.
Heavy metals contamination is a typical drawback of mining activities, as well
as agriculture, waste disposal, industrial emission and deposition. When released into
soil matrix, heavy metals are likely becoming persistent into the environment and,
therefore, accumulate into food chain. Serious health problems are associated to
heavy metals uptake, generally accumulated in fatty tissue, with potential effects on
nervous or circulatory system and consequences on internal organs functions.
Phytoremediation is usually regarded as the best demonstrated available technologies
(BDATs) for heavy metals remediation, due to excellent results obtained on the
uptake of those substances from both soil and wastewater, but it appeared to be
inappropriate for the specific application, due to contaminants distribution and
planned use for the site.


Pezzolla Daniela1, Venanzi Sonia2, Sordi Alessio1,

Cecchini Lucio2, Ricci Anna1, Torquati Bianca Maria2,
Gigliotti Giovanni1,*
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia, Via G. Duranti
93, 06125, Perugia, Italy
Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Perugia, Italy
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The anaerobic digestion (AD) is a process that is widely used in a large
number of countries to produce renewable energy (biogas), but also for the waste
stabilization and pathogen reduction. The residual organic matrix of the AD process
(digestate) results in a more stabilized organic matter, which has become available
for application to land as nutrient fertilizers or organic amendment.
Quality and quantity of biogas production is strictly affected by feedstock
characteristics used for the AD as well as by the digester operating conditions. The
silage maize is the energy crop mostly used in the AD plants for its high bio-
methane production. However, the use of silage maize should be limited for its high
costs and for its edibility.
The objectives of the present work are: i. to evaluate the anaerobic process
using some agricultural and livestock by-products, in total or partial substitution of
the silage maize, ii. to analyze the environmental and economical sustainability
using these new mixtures, in order to define a possible agro-energy "virtuous"
In the agro-energy chain, the evaluation process of the use of by-products
was divided from the methodological point of view into three interdependent and
consequential stages. Firstly, alaboratory experiment was carried out to test the
anaerobic bio-methane potential (ABP) of two homogenous mixtures prepared with
by-products in total or partial substitution of silage maize: silage maize (24%),
slurry (42%), manure (11%), poultry manure (8%), olive husk (15%) (MIX. A);
slurry (32%), manure (21%), poultry manure (18%), olive husk (11%), grape
pomace (9%), serum (9%) (MIX. B).Moreover, a mixture with 33% of silage maize
was used as reference mixture (REFMIX.). All the initial mixtures and the digestates
were analyzed for their main chemical characteristics. Secondly, to evaluate the

environmental sustainability of the biogas production, in term of CO 2-eq per one
kWh equivalent produced by the mixtures, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis
was developed. The system boundary included feedstock production and supply to
both biogas energy production and utilization to digestate processing, composting
and their use as fertilizer. Finally, the analysis of economic sustainability through
the Life Cycle Costing (LCC) tool was carried outto evaluate the different scenarios
of the agro-energy chain according to the tested mixtures. The LCC was
simultaneously developedwith LCA, considering all fixed and variables costs
associated to the processes included in the system boundaries.
Results and conclusions
The ABP results showed that the addition of by-products in the starting
mixture, in total or by partial substitution of silage maize, did not lead to a negative
effect on bio-methane productions. Indeed, boththe tested mixtures showed a
higher ABP compared to the reference mixture; in particular, the MIX. B depleted its
bio-methane production within 20 days. The correct behavior of the AD in the two
tested mixtures, was supported by the chemical analysis carried out on the final
digestates, as the decrease of volatile solids content and the decrease of C/N ratio.
The LCA results highlighted that the production of biogas and electricity
registered a slight decrease comparing the three tested mixtures. On the contrary,
the impacts of kgCO2eq showed a drastic reduction both for MIX. A and MIX. B,
compared to the REFMIX. Mixture B seems to be more efficient both maintaining a
satisfactory level of biogas production and determining a robust reduction of CO 2
emissions. The production of silage maize was the responsible for the most of the
CO2 emissions in the atmosphere, both in the REFMIX. and in the MIX.A. Regarding
the MIX. B, the major impacts depended on the by-products supply and the
cogeneration unit.
Concerning the production costs (euro/kWh), while transitioning from the
reference diet to the MIX.A, no significant economic benefits were measured. In
fact, despite a decrease in the costs due to the introduction of by -products, such
effect is deleted by an equal reduction in the electrical energy production.The
adoption of MIX. B, i.e. without silage maize, seemed significantly advantageous,
resulting in a cost decreased per kWh and compared to REFMIX.
In conclusion, although MIX.A showed advantages regarding environmental
impact compared to REFMIX. and MIX. B, from an economic point of view they were
not significant. Whereas, the alternative use of by-products, as tested in the MIX. B,
might allow achieving both environmental and economic sustainability targets.

Laura Roibás1,*, Antonio Cuevas2, María Eugenia Vázquez2,
Marta Vilas2, Almudena Hospido1,*
Group of Environmental Engineering and Bioprocesses, Department of Chemical
Engineering, Institute of Technology, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Luis Calvo Sanz S.A., Carretera Coruña – Finisterre km. 34,5. 15106 Carballo, A Coruña,
:[email protected] (Laura Roibás)

Introduction and study objectives

Global warming, a phenomena caused by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,
is one of the most pressing environmental issues that humankind faces today.
Numerous studies are thus aimed at the measurement, reduction and compensation
of the GHG emissions of products and processes, often overlooking other
environmental impacts. The carbon footprint (CF), an indicator which measures the
amount of GHG emitted by a certain product throughout its life cycle expressed in
CO2equivalents, is frequently used for measuring this impact, and to help identifying
possible reduction measures. Compensation actions can also be applied to neutralize
GHG emissions, usually throughout (re)forestation projects, since trees absorb
considerable amounts of CO2.
This study starts from the determination of the CF of the flagship product of
a Spanish company: a pack of 3 cans of tuna. This company is located in the Galician
region, but some of its manufacturing processes take place in La Unión (El Salvador).
Basically, tuna loins are pre-processed at La Unión and then taken to Galicia, where
the final product is packed. This paper evaluates how compensating the GHG
emissions of the company through forestation would affect a different environmental
issue, water depletion, through the determination of the volumetric water footprint
(WF). The WF of a product measures the use of freshwater associated with its
production, and includes three components: blue water (taken from aquifers), green
water (soil moisture taken by crops) and grey water (the amount of water needed to
dilute pollutants discharged to water). The latter will be excluded of the assessment,
as done by several authors, since it does not reflect actual water consumption and its
definition is not consistent with the Life Cycle Assessment framework. The WF is used
here to find the most suitable location for the compensation project, Galicia or El
The CF of a pack of tuna cans had been determined on a previous study:
1.32 kgCO2e/pack. Given the yearly production of the company, its annual CF reaches
136 MtCO2e/y. It should be noted that, unlike the usual compensation projects, this

study would compensate the entire life cycle emissions of the final product, and not
only the direct emissions from the company facilities.
The data contained in the Spanish regulation on CO2 compensation
(absorption rates of the different species, required forest lifetime) has been used to
determine the required size of the forest. The species chosen for both locations is
eucalyptus globulus, for several reasons: it has been widely used for reforestation in
both countries, all required data are easily available, and it is the species with the
highest CO2 absorption. This choice, however, does not take into account other
controversies linked to the use of eucalyptus for forestation (soil degradation, spread
of forest fires).
The planting density chosen is 1,200 plants/ha, and the forest lifetime is set
to 30 years. Under these conditions, 56 ha of forest are required to compensate the
annual emissions of the company. The foreseen plantation is assumed to be rain fed,
and its green WF (WF green) is determined as follows:
WFgreen(m3/ha/y)=ETgreen(mm)·10; where ETgreen(mm)= min (ETc, Peff)
ETc=P(1+w·E0/P)/ (1+w·E0/P+ P/E0); where E0=0.488T2+27.5T+412
P is the annual precipitation and Peff is the effective precipitation, both
expressed in mm, T is the average temperature (°C) and w is an dimensionless
constant (2 for forests). All values are calculated for both possible locations using
climatic data from NewLocclim and the Cropwat software. The best location will be
chosen based on the lower green water, in absolute terms but also considering the
water stress both areas, using the Green Water Stress Index (GWSI).
GWSI= WFgreen/Peff; 0≤GWSI≤1
Lower values of the GWSI indicate lower stress upon soil water.
Results and conclusions
In Galicia, the results of the yearly WFgreen would be 7,553 m3/ha/y, while
in El Salvador this figure would raise up to 9,757 m3/ha/y. Moreover, the Galician
GWSI is 0.8, while the Salvadorian one is 1, thus indicating that the establishment of
the Salvadorian forest would cause significant water stress. The comparison clearly
indicates that locating the forest in Galicia is the best option available.
The volumetric WF of producing one pack of tuna cans has also been
calculated, and thus the next table compares the current situation and a prospective
one where the CF of the pack has been compensated. While reducing its CF to 0, the
WF of the product increases by 21%.
Current scenario Compensated scenario
CF (kg CO2e/pack) 1.32 0
WFblue (lH2O/pack) 86 86
WFgreen (lH2O/pack) 657 815
WFtotal (lH2O/pack) 743 901

This study uses the WF to decide the optimal location for a CO2 sink, and
evaluates the implications of the compensation of a certain amount of GHG emissions.
The study could be improved by using more refined equations for the WFgreen
calculation, although the authors believe that it would not affect the current
recommendation. This study could be replicated to assess similar compensation
projects for those companies having different location options.

Elena-Diana Comăniță1, *, Isabela Maria Simion1,2,
Petronela Cozma1, Camelia Smaranda1, Raluca Maria Hlihor1,2,
Cristina Ghinea1,3, Simona Cecilia Ghiga1,4, Mihaela Roșca1,
Maria Gavrilescu1,5
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management,
73 Prof.Dr.Docent D. Mangeron Street, 700050 Iasi, Romania
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine,
Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies,
3 Mihail Sadoveanu Alley, 700490 Iasi, Romania
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Faculty of Food Engineering,
13 Universitatii Street, 720229 Suceava, Romania
Romanian Association for Recycling, RoRec, 24 Sevastopol Street, 010 992, Bucharest,
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest,
: [email protected]

An evidence-based and effective manufacturing strategy involves making

investment decisions based on unbiased and supportable approaches. Life Cycle Cost
Analysis (LCCA) has been developed to support managers in deciding on the most
cost-effective manufacturing option among different competing alternatives. Similarly,
Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is applied as a proficient process for calculating and
comparing the benefits and costs of a decision, to provide a basis for comparing
manufacturing alternatives by attesting to what extent the benefits balance the costs.
Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) was applied as a tool for the evaluation of the
total cost performance of some alternatives possible to be implemented in corrugated
board and packaging manufacturing, entailing the valorization of production waste so
as to close the loop and extend the life cycle of cardboard. The analysis addresses a
series of scenarios built to compare the advantages of extending the life cycle of
waste production in the form of eco-innovated and eco-designed subassemblies made
from corrugated cardboard versus waste recycling for paper manufacturing as
recovered cardboard. Our study provides an economic appraisal of alternative
sustainability options exhibiting different capital, operating costs or resource usage. It
also offers information on the costs and benefits of incorporating sustainable options
in the production process of a Romanian manufacturer and indicates the directions to
follow so as to ensure viable management insight on the costs and resources, both
near- and long-term, required to accomplish the objective of our project addressing
the application of circular economy principles in resource usage. They provide a more

comprehensive estimate of the true costs of a project or program than an estimate
that only captures the project execution phases.
The following life cycle phases were analyzed in terms of LCCA (Fig. 1):

Figure 1: LCCA phases and cost appointment

(i) the need of the manufacturer to close the loop considering an extended life-cycle
of corrugated board (in the form of production waste );
(ii) alternative basic scenarios: (a) manufacturing of some subassemblies in an eco-
efficient manner, from production waste based on eco-innovation and eco-design
concept vs. (b) recycling production waste to the paper mill as recovered paper;
(iii-a) selection of eco-innovation and eco-design alternative;
(iv-a) quantitative and dimensional analysis of production waste;
(v-a) development of eco-innovation and eco-design activities, based on existing
(vi-a) execution and packaging;
(vii-a) marketing;
(viii-a) surveillance and long-term maintenance;
(ix-a) recycling at subassemby end of life to the paper mill;
(iii-b) waste collection;
(iv-b) waste transport.
We selected the boundaries for the two series of alternatives. Some financial
indicators were also estimated for the valuation of eco-innovation and eco-design
such as: costs and benefits related to the implementation of eco-innovation and eco-
design actions, net present value, payback time, internal rate of return and return on
investment, used for the cost-benefit analysis.
Since there are only a limited number of studies on the economic return of
an eco-innovation and eco-design integrated approach, our work will encourage the
actions of the industry to implement a successful eco-innovation/eco-design approach
that would enable them to make relevant incomes and eco-efficient decisions.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0130, Contract

Carmen M Torres-Costa1,*, Francesc Castells1,
Maria José Figueras2
Departament d’Enginyeria Química, Universitat Rovira i Virgili; Països Catalans 26,
43007, Tarragona, Spain
Departament de Ciencies Mèdiques Bàsiques, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) can be applied to a wide range of case studies
considering that it can be seen as a philosophy for undertaking the countable procedure
of all pollutant and resources consumption exchanges between the system analyzed and
the environment. This system can take the form of a variety of activities, services and
products, from an entire industrial sector of a country to any particular action that a
person can perform. The LCA practitioner must face the challenges posed by the
peculiarities of each system, adapting the assessment to the demands on data
availability, uncertainty of the input data, resolution of the model, necessary
assumptions, sensitivity to unsettled parameters, etc.
In the presented study, we analyze the consequences of adopting decisions on
the mentioned features in the design of the LCA models used. The systems to be
evaluated are the novel platforms developed under the project AQUAVALENS for the
detection of pathogens in drinking water. The aim of the project is to enable the water
system managers, food growers and manufacturers to better control the safety of their
water supplies by using newfangled technologies that integrate sample preparation and
detection into a single platform. The Carbon Footprint calculation of these platforms will
be used to determine their sustainability as part of final objectives of the project, which
include the protection of human health, improving the effectiveness of Water Safety
Plans, adaptation to climate change and control of outbreaks of infectious diseases.
The Climate Change impact of these platforms is determined by means of the
Carbon Footprint (CFP). Each of the novel platforms developed under the project, as
well as the conventional protocols of field applications for their comparison, where
modeled based on the information retrieved from the partners. As Functional Unit (FU)
we have considered the processing (preparation and detection of specific microorganism
i.e. virus, E. coli etc.) of one water sample. The selection of this FU allow us to compute
both the platforms (i.e., analytical kit/tool) manufacturing and use, as well as the
comparison between kits developed under the project and conventional techniques
worldwide recognized.

The sources of primary data are the project partners that are at same time part
of the LCA non-expert audience to whom the results are addressed. Therefore data
collection and feedback strategies must be tailored to overcome the communication
barriers and ensure the understanding of the findings. Three types of detection
platforms designed and manufactured by the producer partners are tested
experimentally in nine European locations by different partners. Two campaigns of data
collection were conducted, first addressed to the platforms developer and/or
manufacturer partners, and secondly, addressed to end users, i.e. partners in charge of
field application of these new platforms. Specific questionnaires were designed to obtain
flows of materials, energy and wastes, with special attention to packaging in platform
production and transport and waste managing in platform use.
Results and conclusions
Regarding platform production, the impacts decrease with the number of
allowed detection analyses per platform, and those platforms with higher level of
dosage present higher impacts due to packaging. However, in the whole life cycle of the
product, the use phase is by far the major contributor. Figure 1a) shows the
contribution to the total CFP of the different stages considered in for the analysis of one
sample of water, while the distribution by the nature of the inputs is shown in Figure
1b). As it can be seen in the figures, the filtration that includes the sampling stages, is
the major contributor to the CFP. On the other hand, in Figure 1b) the negligible
contribution of the detection kit manufacturing compared to the rest of inputs is
This fact demonstrates how LCA is an excellent tool to reduce the impact of the
overall process, promoting in the preliminary design phase an impact reduction in the
future use phase. Therefore, the interpretation phase is mostly focused on the
platforms’ use, or in other words, the behavior of the user during the lab work. The
communication of the results aims to illustrate the consequences in the CFP results of
the different decisions, analytical choices and laboratory management during the
collection and analysis of the samples by different users represented by the testing
partners. Besides, the conclusions are based on uncertainty analysis using Monte Carlo
simulations, thus the variability of input data and the parametric uncertainty of the
model are quantified and the results are expressed as expected values in confidence

Figure 1:. Impact contribution to the total CFP of one water sample analysis: a) by
stage of procedure, and b) by different types of inputs.

Camelia Smaranda1,*, Teofil Câmpean1,2, Cristina Ghinea1,3,
Petronela Cozma1, Teodor Măluțan4, Igor Crețescu1,
Adrian Cătălin Puițel4, Elena-Diana Comăniță1,
Isabela Maria Simion1, Raluca-Maria Hlihor1,5,
Dan-Alexandru Gavrilescu4
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, 73
Prof.Dr.Docent D. Mangeron Street,700050 Iasi, Romania;
Rondocarton SRL, Cluj-Napoca, 2 Aviatorilor Street, 407042 Apahida, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Faculty of Food Engineering, Suceava, Romania
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Natural and Synthetic Polymers, Iasi, Romania
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine,
Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies, Iasi, Romania
[email protected]

Sustainable industrial production entails the accomplishment of multiple features

which ensure that the production process as a whole and its components and phases work
within economic, environmental and social boundaries according to the sustainable
development concept. Usually, the progress in sustainable industrial production is
associated with the circular economy, which stimulates superior resource usage by
minimizing waste generation rates and avoiding environmental threats. There are various
indicators which help in assessing sustainability in production systems, also enabling the
comparison of industrial systems, subsystems or production alternatives.
According to the European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers, the
corrugated industry is perfectly positioned in the context of circular economy, assuming
that it works towards minimising losses and reducing environmental impact. A Global
Protocol on Packaging Sustainability established the framework to discuss and assess the
sustainability of packaging as well as a measurement system for sustainability. Research
and development based on eco-innovation, eco-design and increased eco-efficiency can
offer solutions for increasing sustainability in these systems through knowledge transfer
and other means. In this context, we performed an analysis in the frame of national
projects addressing knowledge transfer from University to Industry. Our analysis entailed
the sustainable development challenges in the corrugated board and packaging
manufacturing so as to close the loop and extend the product life cycle according to the
circular economy concept. Also, our approach on sustainability measurement has
considered that the evaluations should include economic, environmental, and societal
aspects. According to recommendations provided by specialists, we covered some steps in
our analyses as shown in Fig. 1.

First we addressed the dual perspective of resource consumption and added-
value by considering waste valorization in eco-innovated and eco-designed products, in an
approach able to extend the life cycle. Our preliminary analysis revealed several relevant
results: (i) the existing technologies for corrugated board manufacturing generates
production waste of about 0.2-0.3%, although the manufacturer owns a modern
technology; (ii) about 1.5-2% waste is generated during board packaging manufacturing.
Waste valorization in the form of subassemblies currently manufactured from corrugated
board sheets would determine the extension of corrugated board life cycle, instead of
simple recycling to the paper mill as recovered cardboard. This would be possible by
exploiting the existing experience and equipment, without significant investment, in a
simple technological sequence developed as a result of eco-innovation and eco-design.
This approach would save about 5100t wood / year, equivalent to almost 3200 spruce
trees. A mature tree can absorb approx. 22kg CO 2 / year, acting as a natural filter; so it
can be expected to save trees that can absorb approx. 70.5t CO 2 / year, decreasing
environmental impacts associated with climate change, along with other positive
environmental impacts.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was applied as a tool able to make known, in a
quantitative way, the environmental impacts considered as environmental indicators, over
the corrugated board life cycle, so as to find the best alternatives to reduce the
environmental impacts and resource consumption. Aside from this impact indicator, the
LCA methodology represented the support for the minimization of other impact categories
taken as indicators for environmental sustainability (abiotic depletion potential, acidification
potential, eutrophication potential, global warming potential, human toxicity potential,
photochemical ozone creation potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential,
global warming potential, nutrient enrichment potential, photochemical oxidant potential,
terrestrial eutrophication, carcinogenic substances, heavy metals, winter smog, ecosystem
quality, ecotoxicity, human health climate change).

Figure 1: Steps in the assessment of sustainability performance

In another phase of the study we developed a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBI) since it
is able to approach complex problems of comparison alternative scenarios, and provide a
detailed and useful perspective to help the manufacturer in making choices over available
production alternatives. The effects can be compared using a common monetary unit.
In this context we identified and assigned monetary values to all possible impacts
of the selected alternatives proposed for evaluation. The results demonstrated that
extending the life cycle based on eco-innovation and eco-design lead to sustainable
production in economic terms, quantified by a benefit/cost ratio, which is considered as the
main sustainability indicator.
Acknowledgement: This work was supported by two grants of the Romanian National Authority for
Scientific Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI: (i) project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0130, Contract
64BG/2016; (ii) project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0016, Contract 1BG/2016.

Laura Roibás1,*, Eléonore Loiseau2, Almudena Hospido1
Group of Environmental Engineering and Bioprocesses, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Institute of Technology, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de
Compostela, Spain.
Irstea, UMR ITAP, ELSA Research Group for Environmental Lifecycle and Sustainability
Assessment, 361 rue Jean-François Breton, BP5095, 34196 Montpellier cedex 5, France.
:[email protected]. ( L. Roibás)

Introduction and study objectives

Global warming is one of the most pressing environmental issues that humankind
must address nowadays, as demonstrated by the recent Paris Agreement, in which numerous
countries committed to the temperature rise control. This phenomenon is mainly caused by
the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), and thus the implemented
measures should be aimed at their reduction.
However, prior to any reduction measures, it is required to compute robust national
and regional GHG inventories. Due to globalization, GHG emissions are embodied in traded
products, and their responsibility assignment is not straightforward. Usually, the producer
principle is applied, where a certain country or region is responsible for the emissions that
take directly place within its borders. The opposite approach is the consumer principle, where
a certain region is only responsible for the emissions of the goods it consumes, regardless of
their country of origin. Both approaches present disadvantages and thus a few authors have
proposed intermediate principles. In this study, the GHG emissions of Galicia (a region
located in northwest Spain) are determined and evaluated under the improved shared
producer and consumer responsibility approach proposed by Lenzen et al (2006), which
assigns emissions along supply chains between upstream and downstream activities.. In this
study, only the emissions happening within the Galician borders have been quantified and
This study starts from the direct emissions of the Galician economy, determined
from the environmental input-output (EIO) model, and following the usual producer principle
Cprod=B·x+ Cd = B·(Ax+y+e) + Cd (1)
Where Cprod represents the total GHG emissions of the Galician productive sectors,
B is the matrix of environmental interventions (i.e. the amount of GHGs emitted to produce
one unit monetary output of each industry), x is the vector of gross output for each
productive sector, y is a vector of Galician final demand of domestic products, e is the vector
of exports, and A is the intermediate demand matrix, defined such that each column of A
shows the domestic intermediate industry input required to produce one unit of output. Last,
Cd represents the direct emissions from households.
Lenzen’s methodology has been used here to redistribute the emissions of the
Galician economy among producers and consumers. It modifies equation (1) using sharing
parameters based on the value added of the sectors, taken from the Galician IO matrix. This

matrix (A) has been used combined with Spanish environmental data (B). All GHG emissions
have been converted into CO2equivalents, through global warming potentials (GWP).
Results and conclusions
When evaluated with equation (1), the total GHG emissions of the Galician economy
reach 22.10 MtCO2e/y, divided into the total direct emissions of the Galician resident
industries (B·x=18.02 MtCO2e/y, 82%) -whose major contributors are electricity production
(4.80 MtCO2e/y, 27%) and agriculture (3.22 MtCO 2e/y, 18%) - plus the direct emissions of
the Galician households (Cd=4.08 MtCO2e/y, 18%). These emissions have been redistributed
here (Table 1), again split into sectors and into the six responsibility subgroups defined by
Lenzen, which are further detailed below.
Table 1: Carbon emissions of the Galician economy, expressed in MtCO2e/year.
metallic Electricity Other
livestock & Terrestrial
TOTAL mineral & gas Building activitie
related transport
product supply s
Domestic final
2.68 0.27 0.02 0.44 0.25 0.26 1.44
Foreign final
Consumer 5.08 0.43 0.66 0.66 0.00 0.18 2.45
Direct emissions 4.08
Subtotal 11.83 0.70 0.69 1.10 0.25 0.45 3.89
Internal demand 2.51 0.32 0.01 0.40 0.32 0.18 1.27
Exports 2.58 0.50 0.29 0.61 0.00 0.13 0.92
Producer Intermediate
5.17 1.09 0.37 1.68 0.30 0.53 1.17
Subtotal 10.26 1.91 0.67 2.70 0.62 0.84 3.36
TOTAL 22.10
The total GHG emissions have been allocated to consumers (54%) and producers
(46%) of the Galician goods. All the Galician consumers are responsible for 6.76 MtCO 2e/y, of
which 60% are direct emissions from their households. The remaining 5.08 MtCO 2e/y
correspond to foreign consumers (either households or industries) which buy imported
Galician products.
Regarding the producer responsibility, the GHG emissions of the exports represent
25%, reflecting the share of the impacts of the exported products that corresponds to their
Galician producing industries. The GHG emissions of the internal demand reach 24%,
reflecting the share of the impacts of the final products produced and consumed in Galicia
that corresponds to its producers. Last, the intermediate demand (50%) includes the impacts
caused by the production in Galicia of the intermediate products required to fulfil the total
demand of Galician products.
When focusing on the new distribution among sectors, the major contributors are
still electricity production and agriculture. Both sectors, however, have now a lower share of
the total emissions of the economy (21% and 14%, respectively), which is in turn split
among Galician producers and consumers (either Galician or foreign). More significant
variations between the producer and the shared approach appear when comparing other,
less impacting sectors.
A more intuitive redistribution of the GHG emissions of the Galician economy has
been presented, which can be a starting point for reduction measures: lowering the GHG
emissions of electricity production and agriculture, either by lowering their domestic
consumption or by using alternative production methods, would significantly reduce the
Galician emissions. This case study proves the usefulness of Lenzen’s method, applicable to
any region where EIO data are available.

Jan W. Dobrowolski1, Dong Renjie2,
Małgorzata Koncewicz-Baran3, Tomasz Czech3,
Florian Gambuś3, Jerzy Wieczorek3, Justyna Kobylarczyk4,
Robert Mazur5,, Aleksandra Wagner5
Interuniversity Team of Sustainable Development and Ecoinnovation,
National University of Agriculture, Beijing, China,
Dept. of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, UR-
University of Agriculture in Krakow, Al. A. Mickiewicz 21, 31-120 Krakow, Poland,
PK-Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Dept. of Sustainable Design,
Krakow, Warszawska 24,
AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
: [email protected]; [email protected] , [email protected]; [email protected],
[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The concept of urban agriculture is becoming increasingly important in the
context of rapidly increasing urbanization. Agriculture in urban areas is often a large part
of the area of cities, for example agricultural grounds in London cover approximately
9% of the area, in Oslo it is 14% and in Krakow 44%. It is estimated that currently
close to 1/5 of the world's food is produced in urban agriculture. Taking into account the
systematic reduction of agricultural land, there are recommended study on innovation
enhancing the crop yield, improve their quality and increase resistance to adverse
environmental conditions. New concept of urban agriculture could be a big challenge for
urban population in the 21st century. According to FAO there is a need to increase food
production with 60% between 2005/2007 to 2050 to feed constantly increasing global
population. Innovative trans-disciplinary concepts integrate application of environmental
biotechnology for waste water treatment and organic wastes management with
renewable production of bioenergy and improvement of the conditions
needed for sustainable development of food production for big cities.
The authors followed system approach to improve environmental quality.
The methods applied were: case studies focussed on selected areas and research
developing studies in the laboratory and in the field, with the application in model
regions in Poland and China. A part of the study included creating innovative theoretical
concepts for the improvement of environmental quality and production of pollutant-
free food. We would like to recommend underground localization of highly
efficient waste water treatment plants and centres of utilization of municipal
wastes for biogas and synthetic gas production for greenhouses, also located
underground. Laser biotechnology is recommended both for photostimulation of

selected species of algae for bio-treatment of sewages, consortia of microorganisms for
waste biodegradation as well as to enhance the growth of selected species of plants in
underground greenhouses, supported by on-line low energy LED lighting network.
Results and conclusions
Expertise from complementary fields should make scientific-technological base
for sustainable design of new generation of eco-buildings (e.g. eco-hotels with
restaurants) and habitats, including underground gardens. Another concept of urban
agriculture is based on big centres for cultivation of plants and breeding animals,
surrounding new towns (especially in developing countries).
Municipal waste, wastes from restaurants in particular, food industry and
biomass from hydro-botanic wastewater treatment plants will supplement rural wastes
to enhance food production by the improvement of the quality of soil and as gas for
vehicles, agriculture machines and for application in local buildings. Good practice
connected with trans-disciplinary “case studies” and pilot research-developing projects
in model areas should be accompanied with problem-solving graduate and
postgraduate training of staff as well as life-long education of knowledge-based society
for common action focused on improvement of the human environment and
health including distance education and open for all University, cooperation with mass
media etc. The authors intend to follow long-term good practice in integration of
research-developing studies with international education for the promotion of
sustainable development, better quality of life based on innovative
biotechnology as contribution to the creation of green jobs and bioeconomy (both in
developed and developing countries). Model Eco-houses with underground gardens may
be especially useful for southern semi-desert countries (including adaptation to climate
change) as well as to northern countries due to climatic conditions. Innovative projects
on greening of selected habitats based on biotechnology in environmental engineering
and sustainable design were subjects of international conferences for students (from
developed and developing countries) followed by Project Workshops “Arch-Eco” for
environmental NGOs of the Cracow University of Technology and AGH University of
Science and Technology in Cracow city, as well as field case study in the region of the
Pieniny Mts. border park and Szczawnica health resort. Review of different problems of
sustainable development and new biotechnology for better cleaning sewage and wastes
management from living houses was starting point for a new concept facing the
expectations of the inhabitants of cities (according to socio-psychological study) in
different places focused on modification of spatial planning for better quality of the
outdoor and indoor environment, as well as to enlarge green areas in cities and
suburbs, including allotments and agro-touristic centres (for the production of
vegetables and fruits good for consumers’ health). The output of the series of
interdisciplinary Workshops at the Faculty of Architecture of CUT is a scientific book
“Architecture of the place”, including new projects of the most creative students. An
important field of greening cities is eco-innovation of environmental engineering for the
improvement of the quality of aquatic ecosystems in rivers and lakes connected with
aquaculture, angling and development of ecotourism connected with education
towards common action of experts and knowledge-based society for the protection
of the total environment and human health.


Francesco Baldoni*, Valeria Bettini*, Luca Pesaresi*,

Nicola Dalla Torre, Gianpaolo Bonmassari
Esalex srl* and ASIA (special agency for the environmental hygiene)
Esalex srl: via Cavour, n.24 – 61032 Fano (PU) Italy
: [email protected] –

Introduction and study objectives

ASIA is an Italian agency, whose owner are 26 local municipalities in the
Province of Trento, and works their area for urban waste collection and trasport.
ASIA has a deep environmental committment and this is the reason why it
has started a continuos improvement path to reach high percentage of recycled
waste, to look for right strategies to eliminate impurities in collected wastes, to
involve and raise public awareness in these activities and to reach the ambitious
environmental UE certification EMAS (UE Rule n.1221/2009).

Anyway, it is always necessary to improve awareness in people and each

stakeholder to public waste management, including purchasers, both for environment
itself and economic/social aspects (i.e.: choosing best technology and plant
By this project, ASIA wants to integrate own procurement tender for the
organic waste by inserting environmental purchasing criteria, inspired by circular
economy, instead focus on the lowest price . The organic waste totally collected is
more than 8.000 ton/year and cost is over 1 milion euro. Moreover, ASIA has to apply
GPP (= Green Public Procurement), an instrument for EU policy that aims to
encourage market for green products and services, starting from the public
administration. It is important to note that the GPP is no longer a voluntary

instrument in Italy and that the cost of procurement of goods and services in Italy,
operated by different Public Authorities (PA), each year is around 50 billion euro
(ISTAT data): PA can push towards a more green economy and a more sustainable
To propose an invitation to tender for the first time characterized by green
criteria for organic waste, we have performed an environmental assessment
evaluating different time of waste's life: 1) storage after collection, 2) transport to
plant, 3) treatment by aerobic/anaerobic plant, 4) use of end-product. Basically, we
have performed a LCA study at screening level, because LCA has scientific and legal
bases, focusing on different phase of waste treatment. The impact assessment is
going to be performed by IPCC method to evaluate the carbon-footprint impact (CFP).
The aim is to determine a methodology and criteria, on the basis of carbon-
footprint study, that may characterize the best approach to organic waste fate and
reward purchasers that are closer to the principle of cyrcular economy.
We give great attention to UE raccomandation about use of waste to produce
energy (Com.UE 26/01/2017: “The role of waste-to-energy in the circular economy” ).
Results and conclusions
The whole work is divided in a qualitative phase (described in this work) and
a quantitative one (not yet done and it will involve economic decision directly by Asia
For the qualitative work, LCA study was useful to identify each phase of
organic waste's life: 1) storage, 2) transport, 3) treatment plant and 4) use of end-
product. Furthermore, the CFP assessment supported individuation of macro-criteria
for LCA-phase n.2-3-4.
n.2) For transport, less distance and best car-efficiency guarantee less GWP and so
better to environment
n.3) in an LCA perspective, it is better an anaerobic plant treatment technology than
aerobic plant.
n.4) best high quality and quantity compost production are good to decrease GWP.
Anyway, this study has showed some problem in italian law: even if GPP is a
need for italian law, we checked that public law prescriptions that force to burn biogas
in torch and do not allow energy rescue from anaerobic production. So doing, it
obliges higher GWP and increases environmental impact.
At the moment we cannot argue any quantitative evaluation (from technical
and economic point of view), because time of study and tender is not yet public to
suppliers: it will be written with new requirements, defined by this study, in the end of
2017 (total value: more or less 1.500.000 euro).
At present ASIA has not considered how much these new criteria will be important in
the technical bid "means", but it might be 40-60% of the contract notice (in this case,
ASIA will give to environmental criteria more importance than to economic criteria

Luca La Giglia1,2, Monia Niero1,*, Alessandra Bonoli2,
Stig I. Olsen1
Division for Quantitative Sustainability Assessment (QSA), Department of Management
Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Bygningstorvet 115, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby (DK),
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM)
University of Bologna
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns is one of the 17
Global Goals set in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The
shift towards sustainable production and consumption patterns requires decoupling
economic growth from resource constraints, i.e. a circular economy. The circular
economy provides an alternative to the linear take-make-waste economic system, being
an industrial system that is restorative or regenerative by intention and design.
Packaging represents a large share of the material flows for many materials, therefore
in a circular economy high priority is given to the packaging sector and to packaging
waste management.
Glass is one of the most effectively recycled materials in Europe. In 2014 the
average glass recycling rate in the EU28 zone was equal to 74%. The majority of such
glass goes back into making new packaging: glass stands alone as the most closed loop
recycled food and drink packaging in the EU and in the world. However, recycling is not
the only circularity strategy that applies to beverage glass, since also reuse can be an
option, depending on the packaging waste collection system.
Two different glass packaging systems are considered in the present study: the
city of Bologna (IT) and the city of Copenhagen (DK). The main differences between
the two systems are the options to recover glass bottle and the waste collection system.
In Bologna, only one-way glass packaging is used and the glass packaging waste
fraction is collected as part of the glass-metals fraction and sent to recycling. In
Denmark, including Copenhagen, both refillable glass bottles and one-way bottles are
sold. There is a deposit-return system (named DRS, Dansk Retursystem) that manages
the collection of one-way and refillable packaging using a refundable deposit.
We performed an environmental Life Cycle Costing (eLCC) of the production,
purchasing and waste management of glass beer bottles in the two cities. Three main
perspectives were considered: producers, consumers and waste management
operators, with the aim to compare the economic performances of the two systems and
to identify potential cost reductions.

The Code of Practice for Environmental Life Cycle Costing developed by the
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry has been followed. The product
considered is a 33 cl glass beer bottle, whose function is to contain and carry beer.
Therefore, the functional unit (FU) has been defined as the delivery of 1 hl of beer in
the two cities (Copenhagen and Bologna), corresponding to a reference flow of 303
units of glass beer bottle (33 cl).
The life cycle stages considered in the system boundaries definition are
reported in Figure 1: manufacturing of glass beer bottle, beer filling, distribution,
purchasing and consumption, and collection and disposal. The costs categories
considered for the eLCC calculations are raw materials, logistic and transport costs,
manufacturing costs, use costs and collection and disposal costs.

Figure 1: System boundaries for the city of Bologna (on the left) and Copenhagen (right)
Results and conclusions
The overall environmental LCC of the production, use and recovery of beer
glass bottle is higher in the case of Copenhagen (167.02 €/FU) than in the case of
Bologna (156.03 €/FU). The distribution between the three perspectives, i.e. producers,
consumers and waste management operators, reported in Figure 2 shows that the main
difference is in the waste management cost. This is mainly due to the high operating
costs of the DRS.

Figure 2: Environmental LCC for the city of Bologna (on the left) and Copenhagen (right)
The results show that a system that accommodates not only the recycling of
glass bottle but also reuse, i.e. the case of Copenhagen, presents higher environmental
costs in a life cycle perspective compared to a system that can only accommodate
recycling (i.e. Bologna), thus suggesting that a higher degree of circularity can imply
higher economic burdens.
M.N. would like to thank the Carlsberg Foundation for funding the project Absolute Circular
Economy” (ACE) toolkit to support companies in the implementation of Circular Economy strategies
from an Absolute environmental sustainability perspective.


Semih Oguzcan1,*, Jolita Kruopiene2, Jolanta Dvarioniene3

Institute of Environmental Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU),
Environmental Engineering, Gedimino str. 50-311, Kaunas, Lithuania.
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The EU REACH regulation, which encourages the substitution of substances
of very high concern, is in force since 2007 and obviously triggers the need to
evaluate different aspects of the substitution. Although not legally required,
foresighted company decision making would include consideration of the
environmental impact of the substitution. To comprehensively assess the success of
substitution, it is necessary to know the environmental impacts of both the baseline
situation and the situation with the use of alternatives.
The environmental impacts of producing a product, or supplying a service is
not solely local. Hence, life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology should be
incorporated as a tool to the decision making, assuring that the total impacts have
been reduced by the substitution. Hence, the shifting of burdens among impact
categories and among life cycle stages of a product can be prevented. LCA studies are
not designed to inform us if the risk to an entity in the areas of protection (AoP) is
acceptable or not. For this, risk assessment (RA) is necessary to assess the absolute
risk to the AoP (e.g. consumers, workers, freshwater organisms, etc.).
This study proposes a framework on how these assessments (LCA and RA)
and other entities (emission estimates and substituted amounts) can be used in the
environmental impact assessment with the derivation of appropriate environmental
impact indicators.
As a causal chain for the environmental impact indicator derivation, DPSIR
(drivers, pressure, state, impact and response) framework has been adopted.
In the pressure category, the indicator suggested in the methodology is the
yearly emission amounts of target substances (i.e. the substances to be substituted)
from the company and from the use phase as well. Specific Environmental Release
Categories (spERCs) will be used to estimate the emissions from the company.

In the state and impact category, the risk characterization ratio (RCR) and
the environmental impact categories in the LCA methodology (ReCiPe methodology
has been adopted) have been suggested as indicators.
For LCA, ISO 14044:2006 framework has been adopted, which is formed of 4
main sections; scope definition, inventory formation, life cycle impact assessment and
interpretation. The scope will be defined case specific for each situation. Inventory is
comprised of the input-output information gathered from the companies, and the life
cycle inventory databases such as Ecoinvent database. Life cycle environmental
impacts will be calculated by using the Recipe midpoint methodology for Europe.
Midpoint methodology has been preferred due to its relatively low uncertainty in
comparison to the endpoint methodology.
RCRs will be calculated by the guidance of established methodologies for risk
assessment in Europe (i.e. under REACH regulation) with the help of established tools
in this area. The scope of emissions for the formation of RCRs have been limited to
the production in the company and the use phase. For RCRs of air emissions from
industrial installations, the approach of the Estonian regulation has been adopted.
Workers, users and the environment have been considered in the RCR derivation. For
humans, long-term and short-term dermal, oral and inhalation routes are considered
(for consumers, only long-term). For the environment, water, air and soil emissions
are considered. In case of the missing data on emissions to air and water from the
company, the use of spERCs have been employed. The toxicity data will be obtained
mostly from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) database.
In the response category, the yearly amount of the substituted hazardous
substances is suggested as an indicator.
Precautionary principle has been adopted as a policy in the formation of all
the indicators.
The cooperation of the company’s technical staff and their knowledge about
their processes will be expected to be critical in the application of the methodology.
Results and conclusions
The methodology has been designed to cover, for all cases, many important
grounds in the environmental impact assessment, such as climate change,
eutrophication, biodiversity loss, worker and consumer exposure, etc. Missing data will
be noted and conclusions will be drawn on the availability of such information. The
methodology will be applied to various industries and is planned to target SMEs, and
the results will be examined in terms of the potential importance of the incorporation
of life cycle thinking into the environmental impact assessment studies.
This paper is a by-product of research during our work in the LIFE Fit for REACH
project (LIFE Fit for REACH LIFE14 ENV/LV/000174


Bogdan Cramariuc1, Lucia Rusu2, *, Dan Andrei Sitar-Tăut2

IT Centre for Science and Technology 25 no., Av. Radu Beller str., 1 sector ,
Bucharest, 011702,
Babes Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,
1 no, M. Kogalniceanu str. 400591Cluj Napoca,
: [email protected]; [email protected]

This prototype has a central role in the proposed platform designed by

PAV3M Intelligent management, monitoring and maintenance of pavements and
roads. These techniques are used in modern imaging. Its aims are to create a system
with minimal cost, non-specialized vehicle, enabling image acquisition of any kind of
fields. We have developed a new image processing, analysis methods and enhance
(more robust, efficient, dedicated) better than existing ones for solving the specific
problems related to pavement analysis. System architecture for processing and
acquisition of an image is represented in Figure 1., version consists of a system of
digital camera, mobile workstation (laptop or robust embedded system) and GPS
receiver mounted on the vehicle image processing and analysis modules (IPA)
contains: image acquisition, image preprocessing, detection of pavement distress, and
image post processing, together with image database in HPC (High Performance
Computer). HPC provides high-performance computing facilities used for developing
and running scalable methods of analysis (parallelized). In image processing
algorithms, both in the pre-processing and post-processing, ensuring high speed
image processing.

Figure 1. Image Processing and Analyzing Prototype –PAV3M

The main problems can be grouped according to the following categories:
• Image preprocessing: restoration (removal of artifacts introduced by
the acquisition process), supper resolution, identification and removal of non-
pavement details (shadows, stones, papers, oil spots, etc.), image correction due to
variations in illumination.
• Detection of pavement defects : filtering (e.g. directional filters),
texture analysis, image segmentation, post segmentation processing.
• Image post-processing: characterization of defects, clustering and
classification, data fusion, defect statistics for whole road segments, etc.
GPS receiver offers road coordinates like GPS parameters (longitudes and
latitudes) to provide accurate position of detected pavement defects. Differential GPS
(DGPS) offers increasing resolution and this choice depends on additional information:
ground-based reference stations or satellite based augmentation systems. The
prototype offers an application integral for flagship in road maintenance and
monitoring solution, using GPS and GPRS devices and geo-coding and reverse coding
features of MultiMap Database. In the prototype performance specifications we are
mentioning a few:
1. The speed of the vehicle is 120 km / h. This constraint leads to the
necessity of using speed cameras, devices that raise the price of the equipment end,
or the need to develop methods of analysis of images powerful enough so as to allow
retrieval features in / defects, paving images even if these images have a lower
quality possible.
2. Positioning inspection system is based on the GPS independent navigation
information available internally of a carrier vehicle.
3. Data transmission protocols, including data compression in real time, were
studied based on a collaboration with the University of Nantes / Ircynn.
4. Integrating images / video with positioning information (GIS) requires
specialized expertise in the field of GIS (Geographical Information Systems). It studied
this problem by working with GIS experts from Romania (Transelectrica SA). Image
aquisition module offers image file as jpeg, gif or other image format.
For the risk identification and classification, based on the type of pavement
distress, we followed Pavement Condition Index (PCI), used by the American Society
for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards and the Long-Term Pavement
Performance Program (LTPP). After we processed image in Detection of pavement
distress we obtain a classification according to type of defects: cracking, potholes,
raveling, patching, rutting, edge failure. Based on defects parameters (width, height,
deep) we classified road conditions using risk analysis by type of distress (RD) and
give a PCI taking into account all kinds of images of any road.
This paper was supported by Grant Project Partnerships PCCA 2013 "Intelligent
management, monitoring and maintenance of pavements and roads using modern imaging
techniques - PAV3M" PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1762, no. 3/2014.

Alessandro Dal Pozzo*, Daniele Guglielmi, Giacomo Antonioni,
Alessandro Tugnoli
LISES – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali, Alma Mater
Studiorum – Università di Bologna, via Terracini n. 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Acid compounds like HCl and SO2 are typical contaminants in flue gases
generated in the incineration of waste and their abatement below the emission limit
values set by the Industrial Emissions Directive in Europe (Directive 2010/75/EU) is a
key step of flue gas cleaning in Waste-to-Energy plants. Acid gas removal is
frequently performed by neutralisation with alkaline sorbents: a widespread
configuration is the single stage (SS) system based on the injection of sodium
bicarbonate, NaHCO3, and the capture of reaction residues by fabric filter. Recently, a
novel solution adopted in several Italian WtE plants is the introduction of an additional
„Ca-based” stage of injection of calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH) 2, and capture of the
related residues by fabric filter before the injection of bicarbonate, actually creating a
two-stage (TS) acid gas treatment system.
While both systems safely allow emission limit compliance, in a holistic
perspective of sustainability the identification of the best process alternative requires
the evaluation of both the economic performance and the overall environmental
footprint. The present study aimed at performing such comparative assessment
between the SS and TS approaches, following a methodology which included the
quantification of the indirect environmental burdens, related to the production of
reactants and the generation of residues, and the evaluation of the economic
performance in terms of operating and capital costs.
The comparative assessment of the two process alternatives under given
process constraints (composition of the incoming waste, concentration of acid gases
at stack) was carried out on both the economic and the environmental viewpoints, by
estimating a cost index I CST and an environmental index IENV. The starting point of the
methodology was the quantification of the reactant feed rate needed to obtain the
required acid gas removal efficiency and the associated generation rate of solid
residues, by means of an empirical conversion model calibrated on actual plant data.
Subsequently, inventory data on energy consumption and emissions related to the
supply chain of reactants and the disposal route of residues, along with estimates of

the fixed and variable costs associated with the operation of the treatment systems,
were used to calculate IENV and ICST. In particular, IENV resulted from the weight
summation of the environmental impacts on selected impact categories. A Monte
Carlo sensitivity analysis was adopted to take into account the effect of the
propagation of uncertainties in the data on the robustness of the results.
Results and conclusions
Different operating points of the two-stage acid gas removal system were
simulated with the conversion model by varying the feed rate of Ca(OH) 2 in order to
modify the degree of utilisation of the two stages. No utilisation of the Ca-based stage
corresponded to the simulation of the single stage system. As shown in Figure 1a, I ENV
and ICST varied as a function of Ca-based stage utilisation, given the different costs
and environmental impacts associated with the use of Ca(OH) 2 and NaHCO3. Two
optimal operating configurations were found for the two-stage system: a point at
which IENV is minimised (lower overall environmental impact) and a point at which I CST
is minimised (better economic performance), respectively at 33% and 60% HCl
conversion in the Ca-based stage. A properly operated TS system appears to
guarantee relevant savings compared to the SS, while retaining a similar
environmental footprint. Focusing on the economic optimum of the TS system, a
sensitivity analysis was performed to test the stability of the result. Whereas the I ENV
of TS and SS is confirmed to be comparable and the actual ranking is affected by
variability in the input data (Figure 1b), on the economic point of view (Figure 1c) the
TS invariably outperforms the SS alternative.
The analysis evidenced the overall higher performance of the TS approach,
which is more cost-effective than the SS system without introducing additional
environmental burdens.
5 40 1


4 35 0.4
IENV  108

ICST  108

-5E-08 0 5E-08
3 30
TSENV,optimum TSCST,optimum 1

2 SS 25
IENV 0.6
1 20 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 -1E-07 0 0.0000001
HCl conversion in the Ca-based stage (%) ICST (TS) - ICST (SS)

Figure 1: IENV and ICST for the TS system as a function of Ca-based stage utilisation (panel
a). HCl conversion in the Ca-based stage = 0 corresponds to the SS system. Cumulative
probability of the difference in IENV (panel b) and ICST (panel c) between the TS system at its
economic optimum and the SS system when data uncertainties are taken into account.


Madlena Nen1,*, Mihaela Hărmănescu2, Ecaterina Stefan3,

Crina Rădulescu4
Military Technical Academy of Bucharest, Bulevardul George Coşbuc nr. 39-49,
Sector 5, BUCURESTI,
“Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, str. Academiei nr. 18-20, 010014,
Bucharest, Romania,
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 59, Mărăști Blvd.,
011464, Bucharest, Romania
National School of Political and Administrative Sciences, Expozitiei 30A,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The Heritage Values Network is part of JPI-JHEP: JHEP is the
Coordination action in support to the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) on
“Cultural Heritage and Global Change: a new challenge for Europe“. JHEP
intended to structure and support this JPI to implement the Action Programme
for the area of research on cultural heritage in a changing world, through an
improved coordination of the various stakeholders dealing with cultural
heritage, including SMEs, heritage owners, public administrations, research
partners, and local communities. One of the objectives of the projects was to
design a network to start a European cross-disciplinary discussion highly topical
issue that is mentioned in the recent EU ‘Conclusions on cultural heritage as a
strategic resource for a sustainable Europe’ (20/05/2014). The actual study
intended to examine how values are understood and used between disciplines
and countries within Europe, between heritage practitioners, researchers and
policy-makers on “heritage values”, sustainability and circular economy in
education. The term ‘heritage values’ refers to the meanings and values that
individuals or groups of people assign to heritage and during the projects there
were working groups on different topics to build a better understanding of the
influence of cultural contexts on understanding heritage values.
The second workshop, where “Assessing, measuring and prioritizing
heritage values”, was designed to generate insightful critique of how heritage
values are measured and assessed by heritage professionals, agencies and
practicing academics across Europe.
Case study. Romanian Facts

What are the study’s key questions?
How are heritage values understood by policy makers, heritage
professionals (e.g. conservators, archaeologists, architects, historians) and
heritage theorists across Europe?
How can European Programmes as Life Programme, Erasmus+
Programme and SEE Programme can contribute to the sustainability
assessments and eco-innovation process.
The study intend to present some research projects on the theme
mentioned before and will try to try to analyse the impact and sustainability of
There will be exemples of mobilities and interinstitutional cooperation
projects in the fieed of sustainability assessments and eco-innovation process
One of the problems in current public administration is lack of
competence in electronic service delivery. Since this is a new field, and since
public sector turnover is low, it is necessary to update employees on the new
opportunities of digitalization.
This is why the cooperation project will consists in strengthening the
institutional cooperation in higher education between partners and thus,
establishing structured, intensive and long-term cooperation, especially
regarding research projects in the fields of interest . The project’s outcomes: a.
for students: personal fulfillment, international competence, academic
fulfillment in terms of progression, employment, international alumni, language
competence; b. for staff: career advancement, language competence,
collaborative research, curriculum development; c. for the universities involved:
international profile, quality enhancement.
The cooperation will generate new and improved content of
courses/case studies, and will facilitate the transfer of knowledge and expertise
between partners.
In the same time, the role of the partner is to cooperate and support
the beneficiaries and the activities agreed and to respect the principles and
conditions of the EEA Grants guidelines.
Results and conclusions
We can consider that the collaboration between different practitioner
from different countries and expertise, characterized existing approaches and
tensions in assessing heritage values, as well as identify new issues and
tensions, could find common and divergent issues in methods and identify new
knowledge gaps, but also future direction in order to provide a sustainable
approach and communication on the ‘heritage value’, sustainability and circular


Semih Oguzcan1,*, Daina Kliaugaite2, Alessandro Tugnoli3,

Jolanta Dvarioniene4
Institute of Environmental Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU),
Gedimino str. 50-311, Kaunas, Lithuania
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering, University of
Bologna, Via Umberto Terracini, 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy
[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Ignoring life cycle assessment (LCA) in decision making is a major factor in recent
environmental degradation. The recent regulatory system lacks incentivizing the sharing of
the information, among industries and to consumers, necessary for optimization of
technosphere in terms of environmental impacts. As an example, the proximity principle for
transport, although is defined in Europe for waste management (DIRECTIVE 2008/98/EC), it
is not applied to other areas that are equally responsible for the environmental impact. While
the application of LCA to such transport systems other than waste transport will further
inform the decision makers about what is environmentally preferable, one might stress the
consequences of such a wide application of LCA on free-trade. Another example is the
application of ecolabels: although there are established ecolabels such as the EU Ecolabel,
the application of it is frequently voluntary and insufficient (e.g. in Lithuania there are only
101 products/services that have the EU Ecolabel). Nevertheless, the necessity to incorporate
life cycle environmental impacts in decision making is clearly identified. Well informed
consumers and an adequate eco-labelling of life cycle impacts are necessary, especially while
today we are at the historical peak of environmental degradation caused by humans.
Recently, the application of LCA is done by LCA experts, and requires resources that not
every company can pay, or is willing to pay. This is particularly true in case of SMEs. Also,
those LCA studies use industry average data for a major part of their inventory, which adds
up to the uncertainty in LCA results. By taking notice that each company already have their
input-output and product information, this article proposes a harmonized alternative system
for the application of LCA (shortly named as HIS-LCA) to the industry as a whole, by using
‘expert systems’ approach.
In the study, current state in the application of LCA and related practical problems
have been reviewed. An ‘expert systems’ approach was adopted in the application of the LCA
to vastly eliminate the need for LCA experts by using automation and freely available user
friendly internet based system. The application is devoted to companies, targeting consumers
and companies themselves.
Results and conclusions
In the resulting methodology, the production chain is divided into and grouped as
three stages (intermediate-producer, end-producer and distributor). Each group has different
predefined scope and responsibilities under different conditions defined by this study. The

information (e.g. inventory, location) flow from one company to another is established by the
proposed internet based system. The system is designed to guide the user in scope and
inventory definition. The proposed internet based system also incorporates a map similar to
‘google maps’, where users can indicate their location and transport routes and mode(s).
Those local (company specific) inventories, for a specific product/service and distribution
branch, are then used to evaluate the life cycle impacts for a given product. A simplified
flowchart diagram for the proposed system can be seen in Fig. 1.
Expected advantages of the proposed methodology are (1) wider application of LCA
for environmental impact optimization, (2) companies might be able to assess where their
impacts come from (transport, energy, etc.) and focus on these areas, (3) each company will
be given a code, and company specific data can be followed, (4) improvement in the use of
case specific information instead of industry average, (5) end-product/service labelling by Life
Cycle Impact Scores per functional unit, (6) LCA results, with uncertainty analysis
incorporated, can be used in alternatives assessment, (7) does not need to define functional
unit for every company (only the end-producers will be responsible for functional unit
definition), (8) changes simultaneously affecting multiple end products/services can be
evaluated based on the efficiency of the product/service system in fulfilling the total demand
for those relevant functions, (9) localization can be improved by mapping the industry on real
geographical map, (10) product composition do not need to be disclosed by the company to
be used for LCA purposes, (11) opportunity to improve allocation, (12) encouraging
companies by consumer pressure to decrease their emissions. Also, the expected challenges
are: (1) all the other problems with LCA still present (e.g. single products with multiple
functionality, allocation, recycling, worker exposure, metals, nanoparticles, missing data,
weighting, etc.), (2) some training might be needed (on understanding the functional unit,
allocation, HIS-LCA basics, etc.), (3) expert support might be needed (just once for each
product/service type) for functional unit definition, (4) regulatory pressures need to be in
place; regulation changes, (5) recycling should be encouraged by regulation, (6) at the
present time, for alternatives assessment, infrastructure cannot be incorporated into the
methodology due to the lack of databases for the baseline infrastructure (not a problem for
future applications), (7) terminology harmonization needed when passing information (e.g.
product names, process names, etc.).

Figure 1: Simplified main flowchart of the internet based system





Ion Visa*, Anca Duta

R&D Centre: Renewable Energy Systems and Rcycling, Transilvania University of Brasov,
29, Eroilor Bvd. 500036 Brasov, Romania,
: [email protected]

The EU strategy developed by the European Renewable Heating and Cooling
Technology Platform outlines that by 2030 renewables could supply over half of the
heat used in Europe (regardless the geographical location, thus meeting the demand
for domestic hot water, heating and cooling in various ratios). The specific focus was
set on the built environment, which accounts for about 40% of the thermal energy
demand. Consequently, the EU Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan outlines the
need to increase the solar fraction of systems per building, preferentially by installing
solar-thermal systems. Thus, new, efficient, and affordable solutions are urgently
needed, to extend the implementation of solar-thermal systems in the built
One potential bottle neck is the limited available implementation area;
suitably positioned solar-thermal arrays should be south-oriented, with an accepted
abatement of ±20o, not affected by shadowing; thus each south-facing part of any
building should be used for mounting solar-thermal arrays (and associated
technology), including the solar-thermal facades. By definition, these are highly visible
places, therefore equally important prerequisites are related to functionality and
Obviously, the key issue is the market competitiveness of these solutions that
is further mirrored by the need for: (1) high solar to thermal conversion efficiencies,
obtained using (2) commercial materials and mature manufacturing technologies for
the components and assembly. Built environment integration additionally requires (3)
architectural and social acceptance, thus ST collectors with non-traditional colors and
shapes, (4) easy mounting, easy maintenance and dismounting (plug and play).
The quest for feasible, affordable and efficient solutions for ST facades (STF)
represents thus a current topic of worldwide research groups and significant results
were recently reported.
The presentation will focus on the results obtained in developing sustainable
solar-thermal facades, using as building blocks novel flat plate solar-thermal collectors
with trapeze and/or triangle shape. The facades well match the eco-products typical
features the development of low cost, environmentally friendly key components: the
absorber plate and the glazing.

The Design Concept
The solar thermal facades should follow at least the following specifications:
(a) High coverage degree of the suitably positioned vertical areas of the building;
considering the broad diversity of the facades aspect, this condition can only be
met if lego-type arrays can be developed; a comprehensive study showed that the
isosceles trapeze and the equilateral triangle shapes best support this aim.
(b) High conversion efficiency in the implementation conditions; the vertical mounting
on facades reduces the maximum amount of input solar radiation, thus efficiency
is an important feature that should not be compromised.
(c) Avoiding monotony by giving identity to the buildings/district that chooses the
sustainability path and implements STF. This is insured by colored flat plate solar
thermal collectors. Avoiding the traditional colors (dark blue or black) that,
although efficient are rejected by the large majority of inhabitants.
(d) Using environmentally friendly materials: commercial materials are used for most
of the components (e.g. replacing aluminum with plastics); however, the colored
absorber plates should be developed following the green chemistry routes (e.g.
sol-gel synthesis). Supporting functionality, self-cleaning glazing should be used as
clogging poses a significant risk, particularly in the urban areas (where particulate
and organics atmospheric pollution is a common fact).
Results and Discussions
Isosceles trapeze (A=0.67m 2) and equilateral triangle collectors (A=0.22m2)
were developed as demonstrators and considered building blocks for developing
various solar-thermal arrays. The absorber plates could get various colors and were
obtained by infiltrating an Al/Al 2O3 matrix with sol-gel prepared red (Fe2O3), green
(CuS) and orange (VOx) pigments. The sol-gel synthesis used inorganic precursors,
with significantly lower toxicity as compared to the organo-metallic ones. Sol-gel anti-
reflective coatings with self-cleaning properties (SiO2/TiO2) can be deposited to
match the design concept. Considering the spectral selectivity of the absorber plate
and the overall conversion efficiency, STF with various geometrical surfaces are
modelled and the thermal output is calculated. The results show that combinations of
trapeze/triangle collectors can reach very high coverage degrees (80%), with a
thermal output significantly higher as compared to the reference case, when
traditional (rectangular) collector are used, even when these have a nominal efficiency
higher than the new demonstrators.
These results outline that sustainability can be successfully implemented,
based on a combination of eco-design and eco-materials and STF represent one eco-
product that is likely to penetrate the market.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Authority for Scientific
Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCDI-UEFISCDI, project no. PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0338,
under PNCDI III.

Stefano Cianchetta*, Stefania Galletti
Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Research Center for Agriculture and
Environment; via di Corticella 133, 40128 Bologna, Italy,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The exploitation of lignocellulosic substrates to produce single cell oil (SCO) to
obtain second generation biodiesel is an interesting possibility, not yet deeply
investigated. The fermentation of the enzymatic hydrolisate with oleaginous
microrganisms (OM) must be preceded by a pre-treatment step to disrupt cell wall
structures and to expose the holocellulose to hydrolytic enzymes. An optimized pre-
treatment should minimize chemical inputs and generate few inhibitors. Moreover the
hydrolysis step should be performed at the lowest enzymatic load, to reduce costs and
final N content. In fact a high C/N ratio is desirable in order to favour lipid accumulation
by OM. Arundo donax displays an impressive biomass production in warm-temperate
environment. If harvested in winter, after N traslocation to rhyzome is completed, a
high C/N ratio is easily obtainable. Alkali pre-treatments produce less furfural and
hydroxymethyl-furfural as inhibitors than acid pre-treatments and it is less investigated.
This work presents the preliminary results obtained with NaOH pre-treatment on winter
harvested A. donax, followed by enzymatic hydrolysis with commercial enzymes in
comparison with enzymes from a selected wild-type Trichoderma sp. strain.
A sample of A. donax plants from a 2nd year harvest (January 2017) was oven
dried at 50 °C, milled and sieved at < 0.25 mm. The C/N ratios of the milled biomass
and of the dried cellulolytic enzyme C2730 (Sigma) were determined by an elemental
analyzer (Leco, CHN Truspec). The fiber composition was determined according to Van
Soest methodology.
One gram samples were treated with NaOH solutions to obtain NaOH/biomass
ratios of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 % (w/w) in a final volume of 10 ml, at 120 °C,
20 min. Samples were centrifuged and opportunely diluted supernatants were
spectrophotometrically analyzed in microplates (280-1000 nm). Pellets, three-fold
washed in water, and the supernatants were dried at 70 °C to perform a mass balance,
calculating the insoluble fraction and the water and alkali extractives.
A preliminary saccharification experiment was carried out on the samples
treated at 0 and 10 % NaOH with a cellulase load of 6 FPU g-1 d.w of substrate, using
commercial cellulase (C2730) or crude enzymes produced in laboratory from the
xylanolitic Trichoderma sp. IK4. The experiment was performed in 96-deep-well
microplates (in duplicate) containing citrate buffer 50 mM, pH 4.8 and the pre-treated
slurries (0.5 % w/w), opportunely neutralized. Microplates were continuously mixed by
rotary inversion (40 °C, 2 days). Samples of 20 μL were withdrawn at convenient time

points after enzyme addition (0, 2, 4, 8, 24, 48 h), kept in ice during manipulation and
stored at -20 °C before analysis in duplicate for reducing sugar equivalent concentration
by a microplate-based DNS assay.
Total reducing sugar yields were calculated as % of the maximum theoretical
yield on the basis of cellulose and holocellulose content of the feedstock.
Results and conclusions
The composition analysis by Van Soest methodology revealed that the
untreated samples contained 41.4% cellulose, 28.6 % hemicellulose, 8.2 % acid
detergent lignin, calculated on total solids. C/N ratio was 105 based on CHN elemental
analysis (C = 46.1%, N = 0.44%). The high C/N ratio was due to the N translocation
towards rhizomes which gradually occurs from the end of the vegetative cycle until the
new growth. A high C/N is important since it is expected to promote SCO production by
OM, according to the literature.
The supernatants of the alkali pre-treated samples, analyzed by
spectrophotometer in the visible range, gave absorbance values increasing with the
NaOH concentrations. A sigmoid increase in absorbance was observed up to a plateau
corresponding to 14 % NaOH, while the half of the maximum was observed around 4-6
% NaOH. Near UV spectra showed two overlapped peaks at 300 and 330 nm, which
can be related to the presence of aromatic compounds or compounds with double
bonds, like alkali solubilized lignin. The absorbance increased along with the NaOH
concentration. In particular a sigmoid increase in absorbance was observed up to a
plateau corresponding to 16 % NaOH, with half of the maximum between 8 and 10 %
NaOH. Thus the 10 % NaOH pre-treatment was chosen to carry on with the hydrolysis,
considering its substantial delignifying efficacy.
The mass balance of the pre-treated samples (netted of added chemicals)
showed 15 % of hot water extractives (120°C). The alkali extractives increased along
with the NaOH concentration up to 29 %, leaving a solid insoluble fraction of 56 %. For
10 % NaOH pre-treated material, we calculated 15 % of hot water extractives, 17 % of
alkali extractives and 68 % of insoluble fraction.
The pre-treatment with 10 % NaOH, followed by an enzymatic hydrolysis with
6 FPU g-1 on diluted slurry (0.5 % w/w) gave a final 2.5-fold increase of the
saccharification of A.donax compared to 0 % NaOH pre-treatment, reaching a
maximum of 75 % bioconversion of the holocellulose. The difference observed among
the IK4 enzymes and the commercial mix was pronounced. In particular, IK4 enzymes
at 8 h of bioconversion increased total sugar yields by 30 % with respect to the
commercial mix. The greater effectiveness of IK4 enzymes could be due to the high
xylanase content, able to remove hemicellulose and xylo-oligomers, acting
synergistically with cellulase.
Further investigation are in progress in order to maximize sugar yields, assaying
higher slurry and NaOH concentrations and optimizing the enzyme addition, in order to
obtain an hydrolysate with the lowest N content, as required for SCO production.
This work was supported by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies
(MiPAAF) under the AGROENER project (D.D. n. 26329, 1st April 2016) -


Eleonora Lalli1,2,*, Nuno M. D. Vitorino2, Carla A. M. Portugal3,

João G. Crespo3, Cristiana Boi1, Jorge R. Frade2,
Andrei V. Kovalevsky2
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali, DICAM, Università
di Bologna, viaTerracini 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy
CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials, Department of Materials and Ceramic
Engineering, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
LAQV, REQUIMTE, Departamento de Química, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Aluminium titanate (Al2TiO5) ceramics, thanks to its particular properties, is
an attractive material for different applications. It can be used as a thermal insulating
material due to high melting point, excellent thermal shock resistance, low thermal
conductivity, low thermal expansions and low Young's modulus. This ceramic material
possesses poor wettability and good erosion resistance in contact with molten metals,
making it appropriate for use in metallurgic melting. Finally, aluminium titanate,
thanks to its high refractoriness, shock and corrosion resistance, finds important
applications in the environmental field, such as filtration and separation applications
including soot traps for diesel engines, filters for hot gas clean-up systems and water
purification. These applications require flexible and rational design of highly porous
materials: in order to give them the desired functionalities, the process conditions
have to be optimized and the porous structure has to be tuned.
In this work we would like to present the results of a recently developed processing
method for preparation of porous cellular ceramic monoliths through emulsification of
ceramic suspensions. Taguchi experimental design was used to assess the effects of
two-step firing procedure on phase composition and to obtain guidelines for the
microstructural evolution in Al2TiO5 and Al2TiO5-Al2O3 composite ceramic monoliths.
Cellular Al2TiO5 and Al2TiO5-Al2O3 composite monoliths were prepared
through suspension emulsification and reactive ceramic consolidation. The precursor
powders titanium oxide (TiO2) and aluminium oxide (Al2O3), mixed in different
titania:alumina molar ratios, were used to prepare aqueous suspensions. Liquid
paraffin was then used as an organic phase for oil in water emulsification of the
powder suspension: various paraffin:suspension volume ratios were considered. The

consolidated and dried monoliths were subjected to the preliminary heat treatment to
eliminate the organic phase under delicate conditions. After that, the ceramics were
subjected to non-conventional two-step firing procedures: these were designed with
relatively fast heating to a peak temperature, to
trigger the reactivity, and then immediately dropping the temperature to a lower
temperature plateau to attain ceramic bonding while retaining the cellular
microstructures. In order to assess the impact of this thermal treatment on phase
composition, porosity and other microstructural features, a Taguchi plan was
implemented, involving three variable parameters (peak temperature, isothermal
treatment temperature and time) with three levels for each variable.
Phase composition of fired monoliths was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD)
after crushing the samples to powder; porosity volume fraction was assessed by the
Archimedes method, while fractured fired samples where characterized by scanning
electron microscopy (SEM).
Results and conclusions
As observed from SEM images, stable cellular porous microstructures were
obtained mainly in the case of Al 2TiO5-Al2O3 composite materials. In fact, Al2O3 excess
has the ability to: 1) retain highly porous cellular ceramic microstructures; 2) toughen
Al2TiO5-Al2O3 ceramics; 3) complete the conversion of residual fraction of TiO2, which
may cause undue microstructural changes. This behavior was confirmed by XRD
results and density measurements: porosity and residual fraction of titania in
composite samples with lower titania:alumina ratio showed lower changes on varying
the firing conditions. This resulted in the greater ability to process composite materials
with porosity and phase compositions within narrow deviations from the designed
Multivariate linear regression was also performed in order to evaluate
relevant coefficients for the effects of firing parameters on residual fraction of titania
and porosity: the results provided further evidence for combined effects of reactants
ratio, paraffin contents and firing conditions. Using this approach it was still possible
to demonstrate that the strongest effects of firing conditions were exerted on samples
with titania:alumina ratio equal to 1:1, in line with the previous results. The effects of
firing conditions depend also on the paraffin content, probably because it has a
prevailing effect on porosity, with impact on rigidity of cellular materials.
It was possible to conclude that the flexible processing and design of Al2TiO5-
Al2O3 rely on the ability to take advantage of the key role of titania, in order to
minimize undue microstructural changes during reactive firing and to retain
reproducible characteristics of the resulting cellular ceramics.
The author Eleonora Lalli is thankful to the University of Bologna (DICAM and the Marco
Polo Scholarship) and to Professor João G. Crespo for financial support.

Igor Cretescu1,*, Ingrid-Ioana Buciscanu2,*,
Tudorel Balau-Mindru2, Tudor Lupascu3, Gheorghe Duca3,
Constantin Luca1
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, 73 Prof. dr. Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd, Iaşi 700050, Romania,
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Faculty of Textile, Leather and Industrial
Management, 71A Prof. dr. Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd, Iaşi 700050, Romania,
Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Science of Moldova, 3 Academiei Street,
MD-2028, Chişinău, Moldova
: [email protected], [email protected],

Nowadays, chromium is a priority pollutant, generated in great amounts by

different industries in both trivalent and hexavalent state. While Cr(III) is insoluble
and considered an essential nutrient element, Cr(VI) is highly soluble and exhibits
toxicity, carcinogenity and mutagenicity. It is compulsory for industries to treat their
wastewater and reduce the Cr(VI) content below the enforced limit values. Amongst
different methods currently used to treat Cr(VI)-contaminated water, adsorption has
gained a particular attention, due to well-known advantages. Lately, research has
been focused on low-cost adorbents with satisfactory sorption capacity, derived
from locally available renewable resources like vegetable wastes, biomass, etc. The
last decades, wool has lost ground in the favor of synthetic fibers and great
quantities of raw wool are regarded as wastes that raise serious management
problems. Keratin, the main protein constituent of wool, behaves like an amphoteric
polyelectrolyte with considerable affinity for heavy metal cations and anions. Little
research has been dedicated to investigating the potential utilization of wool for the
removal of heavy metal anions from water.
It is the aim of this paper to study the adsorptive interaction between
Cr(VI), and native and modified wool. Nature of wool treatment, solution pH,
contact time, sorbent dosage were considered as influence factors upon the wool
adsorptive capacity. A synthetic anion-exchange resin – Purolite A400- was used as
reference sorbent.
Coarse fiber snippets were collected from a cross-breed sheep fleece and
subjected to different treatments: (1) washing with water, (2) soda ash-detergent
scouring and (3) scouring followed by non-solubilizing alkaline activation. The
samples were dried at 40°C, cut into 5 mm pieces and used as sorbent material. A
stock solution of 1000mg/L Cr(VI) was prepared from potassium dichromate in
deionized water. The batch sorption studies were conducted on solutions with initial
Cr(VI) concentration in the range of 10 to 160 mg/L, pH between 2 and 6, magnetic
stirring at 200 rpm, adsorbent dosage 2 – 6 g/L, at room temperature. Under these

conditions, equilibrium was reached in about 200 min contact time. The
concentrations of Cr(VI) were determined by the 1,5-diphenylcarbazide
complexation method, on a HACH DR/2010 spectrophotometer at λ max = 542 nm.
Reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) on wool is a long-term process, so for the given
equilibration times, Cr(VI) is considered the only species in solution.
Preliminary assessment of the sorbents efficacy (see Fig. 1) shows
significant differences between the values of Cr(VI) percent removal, and maximum
uptake at acidic pH. The scoured wool efficacy is about four times higher as
compared with the washed wool; the activated wool almost doubled its Cr(VI)
removal ability as compared with the scoured wool, and preserved some sorptive
capacity at pH 6. The synthetic resin exhibited the highest efficacy and lower pH

Figure 1: Percent removal of Cr(VI) on Figure 2: Sorption isotherms of wool

wool sorbents sorbents at pH 2
The experimental adsorption isotherms (see Fig. 2), show an S-shape
isotherm and very low Cr(VI) uptake for washed wool, which proves fiber inability to
expose its active sites, due to its hydrophobicity. Scoured and activated wool exhibit
Langmuir-type isotherms, which prove similar interaction with the adsorbate -
strong binding at the active sites and saturation by monomolecular layer - but great
difference between the Cr(VI) uptake. Scouring increases hydrophilicity and fiber
porosity, which favors the acces of the HCrO4-, which is the predominat species at
the working pH, to the active sites. The alkaline treatment enhances the density of
the amino –NH2 groups, which are the active sites, on the fiber surface and
improves the Cr(VI) uptake up to a maximum of 32,6 mg/g. The main factor
affecting the sorption of Cr(VI) anion is the solution pH; pH decrease below the
keratin isoelectric point increases the number of charged amino groups, –NH3+
able to establish electrostatic interactions with the metal anions . The ability of
activated wool to adsorb Cr(VI) anions at pH 6 shows the shift of the isoelectric
point due to the alkaline treatment.
This paper investigated the adsorption of hazardous Cr(VI) on raw wool
waste and demonstrated a potential application of an inexpensive renewable
resource of animal provenience for the treatment of heavy metal pollution.
Straightforward chemical treatment raises the adsorption capacity up to effective
values, as compared with other natural-derived adsorbents reported in literature.
Further investigation can be extended to post-consumer waste, like wool clothing


Irina Fierascu1, Radu Claudiu Fierascu1, Raluca Somoghi1,

Sorin Marius Avramescu2,*, Alina Elena Olaru2, Corina Bradu2,
Angel Nica2
The National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry-
ICECHIM, 202 Spl. Independentei, 060021 Bucharest, Romania
University of Bucharest-PROTMED Research center, 36-46 M. Kogalniceanu Blvd.,
050107 Bucharest, Romania
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Today, adsorption plays an important role in the industrial processes.
Adsorption processes represents an important part of the water treatment
technology since a large range of pollutants can be removed from water and is
more versatile and inexpensive than other solutions. However the need for new
adsorbent is stringent due some drawback associated with this approach like
hindered access of pollutants to adsorption sites and difficult regeneration. Higher
efficiency and insensitivity to toxic substances compared to the other
conventional methods of water purification has made it much more popular. The
current state of the art at international level refers to the use in water purification
technologies of adsorbents starting from basic structures as activated carbon,
silica gel, zeolites or clay minerals, to more complex and expensive structures,
like carbon-based three-dimensional architectures or three-dimensional
macrostructures. In this context, the use of cheap and relatively easy to obtain
synthetic materials is a premise of using unconventional eco-technologies in
environmental decontamination applications and particularly water treatment.
The adsorbents based on nanoparticles with different type of adsorption sites
grafted on them can solve the majority of problems encountered in case of use of
classical adsorbents. The morphology for the new adsorbents was selected for
this study with a view to exploit the benefits of slurry type adsorber and high
specific surface of the nanoadsorbents. The main objective of this study consists
in the development of a novel "environment-friendly” technology for water
remediation and wastewater detoxification exploiting nanostructured adsorbents
systems designed for advanced elimination of organic compounds from polluted
effluents. The proposed adsorbents consist of a nanoparticle core (such as ferrite
or silica) and a cyclodextrin shell.

Results and conclusions
Considering the cumbersome step of separation, the ferrite core allows a
rapid removal of nanoparticles from the aqueous solution after applying a
magnetic field. Another important aspect is that the modified cyclodextrin will
permit to extend the range of pollutant classes which can be eliminated from
contaminated effluents. Moreover, the materials selected for preparing the
nanoadsorbents comply with sustainable development principles and green
chemistry approaches. The spent adsorbent does not represent an
environmental threat since cyclodextrin is biodegradable and the cores (ferrite,
silica) are non-toxic materials.
The novel materials proposed in this project present a new morphology
which allows an easier diffusion of pollutants to adsorption sites and high
absorption capacity due to cyclodextrin moieties grafted on ferrite nanoparticles
surface. Also the adsorbent are easily removed from aqueous effluents. The
synthesized materials were characterized using several analytical techniques
(using X-Ray Diffraction, X-Ray Fluorescence, (Scanning) Transmission Electron
Microscopy, FTIR and RAMAN spectroscopy). The adsorbtion process was
monitored using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The dependency of
the adsorption process to some parameters such as contact time, adsorbent
dose, pH, and phenol concentration are also presented and discussed as well as
the discussion of the kinetic data, equilibrium and thermodynamics aspects.


qe, mg/g

4 nitrophenol adsorbtion
Langmuir fitting
Freundlich fitting

0 20 40 60 80 100

Ce, mg/l
Figure 1: Typical adsorption of 4 nitrophenol on cyclodextrin based adsorbent
(black stars) and Langmuir and Freundlich fitting
The results obtained demonstrate that the prepared materials have a
significant potential for the removal of organic pollutants from wastewater.
This work was supported by grants of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number PNIII-P2-2.1-PTE-2016-
0063 and project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0251, within PNCDI III.

Ecaterina Matei1, Andra Mihaela Predescu1,*, Maria Râpă2,
Cristian Pantilimon1, Claudia Drăgan1, Cristian Predescu1
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest – Faculty of Materials Sciences and Engineering,
Splaiul Independentei 313, 060042, Bucharest, Romania
ICPAO SA Medias, Romania
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

This study follows the development of a new class of nano-sized magnetic
materials that display controlled selectivity, manufactured at low costs and that can
be integrated to improve classical water treatment steps and protect natural waters,
soil and subsoil. Thus, iron oxide nanostructures (ION) were synthesized through a
green synthesis method and used to create magnetic eco-friendly systems by
combining the nanoparticles with a natural polymeric substrate (chitosan), resulting in
the ION-chitosan composite (ION-CS). The purpose of this study is to determine the
suitability of these two magnetic eco-systems as ION and ION-CS in terms of Cr (VI)
adsorption and efficiency. The main phenomena that magnetic eco-systems exhibit in
comparison with classical pollutant removal systems are: (i) adsorption and/or ionic
exchange and (ii) reduction processes.
Important features of eco-systems include high activity specific surface which
can be obtained by controlling the particle size of the magnetic component and the
dispersion of the powder inside polymer-type-stabilizers which are environmentally
friendly. The polymers can be of different types. The focus is on the use of a natural
polymer, such as polysaccharides or their derivatives (starch or chitosan) instead of
the alternative synthetic polymers. The choose of polymers is sustained by the
previous use in classical treatment processes as flocculating agents, for the
destabilization process of double electric layers, resulting in the attachment of fine
sediments on their surface which leads to an increase in sedimentation speed.
The magnetite nanoparticles (ION) were synthesized through a chemical
synthesis process that involved the use of a plant extract from spent rose leaves as
the reducing agent. The nanostructured material that was obtained is then mixed with
the chitosan while stirring continuously and then dried for 48h in order to develop a
film of the composite ION-CS. Separately a chitosan film (CS) was also produced in
which there are no magnetic nanoparticles for the purpose of comparing the
morphology. All of the materials have been characterized by using AFM (atomic force
microscopy), SEM (scanning electron microscopy) and XRD (X-ray diffraction) in order
to observe details regarding morphology, crystallinity and particle sizes. The

characterization of the materials follows strict protocols in order to avoid
contamination and to obtain accurate results from analysis. The affinity of the hybrid
nanocomposite for Cr(VI) adsorption was studied by using K2Cr2O7 (potassium
dichromate) solution. The adsorption tests involved using chitosan and magnetic
particles individually for obtaining a standard value and after that two different hybrid
materials in terms of ION to CS proportions were analyzed. The adsorption time was
also varied in order to observe the influence that contact time between the adsorbent
and the solution has over the removal efficiency.
Results and conclusions
The amount of Cr (VI) adsorbed by the chitosan strip and the chitosan–
magnetite nanocomposite strip from the synthesized aqueous solution was evaluated
by using UV–visible and IR spectroscopy. The results confirm that the Cr (VI) removal
efficiency of the chitosan–magnetite nanocomposite strip is 80 %, which is higher
when compared to that of the chitosan strip, which is 72 %. The high performance of
the magnetic eco-systems is the result of the controlled morphology in terms of size
distribution and particle uniformity which results in high specific areas and increased
adsorbent properties. These characteristics are observed by SEM and XRD analysis
and they can be confirmed by AFM imaging. Through embedding in a polymer matrix
it is possible to ensure a good dispersion and an increase in removal efficiency, good
results being obtained in the removal of heavy metals, especially Cr (VI). In figure 1
are presented atomic force microscope images of the 3 materials (ION, ION-CS, CS)
and it is observable that the particle size of the magnetic material is between 10 and
30 nm with spherical shape. We can also observe that the nano-hybrid displays a
better dispersion of the magnetic material than the simple iron oxide powder.



Figure 1: AFM images of materials synthesized through the chemical

process: a) magnetite; b) magnetite and chitosan composite


Corina Orha1,*, Florica Manea2,*, Carmen Lazau1, Rodica Pode2

National Institute for Research and Development in Electrochemistry and Condensed
Matter, Timisoara, Condensed Matter Department, 1 P. Andronescu Street, 300254,
Timisoara, Romania
Politehnica” University of Timisoara, P-ta Victoriei no.2, 300006 Timisoara, Romania
: [email protected], [email protected]; [email protected],
[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The multiple environmental and human health problems caused by the
presence of humic acid in water require its removal. Sorption and photocatalysis
processes are very promising for advanced water treatment and the
sorbent/photocatalyst represent the key of their performance. The aim of this
study is to investigate the performances of granular and powder activated
carbon functionalized with TiO 2 (G-TiO2 and P-TiO2) in comparison with granular
and powder activated carbon (GAC and PAC) as reference, for humic acid
removal from water by sorption and photocatalytic processes.
The granular and powder activated carbon was functionalized with TiO2
using of titanium tetraisopropoxide (TTIP) as TiO2 precursors by sol-gel
X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were
used to characterize the particle size and morphology.
Batch sorption and photocatalytic experiments were carried out under
magnetic stirring at 20°C into a RS-1 photocatalytic reactor (Heraeus,
Germany), under dark and UV irradiation.
Results and conclusions
XRD results presented in Fig 1 showed that the anatase form of TiO2 is
predominant phase.
Both SEM images of G-TiO2 and P-TiO2 indicated the non-homogeneity
immobilization of TiO2 agglomerates onto the surface of activated carbon. The
TiO2 dispersion depended on the activated carbon morphology and size, the
lower size of activated carbon the better dispersion of TiO2 (Fig. 2).

Figure 1: XRD pattern for a) G-TiO2 and b) P-TiO2

Figure 2a) SEM image for composite Figure 2b) SEM image for composite
material G-TiO2 material P-TiO2

Functionalization of activated carbon with TiO2 lowered sorption

capacity for powder form that exhibited the best sorption capacity, while for
granular form the sorption capacity is slight increased by TiO2 presence (Fig.
3). The photocatalytic activity of TiO2 is manifested by improving HA removal
efficiency especial for granular form and also in longer lifetime of activated
carbon until regeneration stage.

Figure 3: Evolution of process efficiency versus time for the removal of 25 mgL -1 HA from
water using PAC, GAC, P-TiO2 and G-TiO2 catalysts by application of the sorption and
photocatalysis processes
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Romanian National Research
Programs PN 16 14 02 02 and PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016, PED 69/2017.


Tatjana Juzsakova1,*, Zsofia Ifju1, Noor Al-Jammal1,

Igor Cretescu2, Endre Domokos1, Jozsef Nemeth1,
Viktor Sebestyen1, Akos Redey1
Institute of Environmental Engineering, University of Pannonia, 10 Egyetem St., Veszprem,
8200 Hungary
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi, No.73, Blvd. Mangeron, 700050, Iaşi,
[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Implementation of cleaner technologies is foreseen as one of the solutions for
the existing environmental problems including the reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx :
NO and NO2) and N2O emissions. Improvements in reduction of the nitrogen oxides
emissions can be accomplished by development of efficient catalysts for the
decompotion of NOx in the technological processes. During recent years strict
national and international regulations (e.g. Kyoto Protocol) had been introduced
regarding the greenhouse gas emissions involving N 2O gas reduction as well. The
primary sources of NOx (NO and NO2) are fossil fuels, transportation and main source
of N2O are nitrogen industy and agriculature. High NOx concentration in ambient air
results in serious problems such as photochemical smog or ground-level ozone
formation, heatlh impacts and NOx made seroius impact on global warming and
climate change as well.
In this work classical type of vanadium oxide-titania (V2O5/TiO2) and new
type iron-zeolite (Fe-ZSM-5) catalysts were studied and their acitivities were
compared in the decomposiotion reaction of NOx during Selective Catalytic Reduction
(SCR) where ammonia (NH3) was used as reduction agent in the chemical process.
The aim of the work was to study the physical-chemical, morphological
properties of commercial available V 2O5/TiO2 and Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts by BET, XRD
methods as well as SCR of NOx reaction conditions (such as reaction temperature
range, NH3/NOx feed, reactant amount) towards catalytic activity enhancement. The
reaction temperature range was 200-450 °C, NH3/NOx feed ratio was 0.9, 1.2, 1.6
and 2.2; the reactant concentrations were C NOx avarage = 4800 ppm, CNH3 = 4484 (5970,
7451 and 10400) ppm. SCR of NOx process was carried out in flow reactor with
loading of 80 cm3 catalyst. The main SCR reactions are the followings:
Compressed air of constant amount of 1066 Ndm /h was used as source of
oxygen for each catalytic run. The NO and NO2 gases were bubbled through

phosphoric acid scrubber and the concentrations were determined in the cooled outlet
gas flow by non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) method using (Maihak UNOR
6N/convector HI 50 N) NO/NOx analyzer.
Results and conclusions
The V2O5/TiO2 catalyst of spheric form having 3 mm diameter containes 10
wt % vanadia on titania (anatase) having surface area of 39 m2/g and has avarage
pore diameter of 21nm. The Fe- ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst with a rod shape of 3-10 mm
containes 0.67 wt.% Fe and has Si/Al=31.3 ratio. Its surface area is 311m 2/g with
average pore diameter of 2.5nm.
The studied SCR of NOx catalysts showed different and relatively broad
optimum of operation temperature between 70 and 90°C. Note that both catalysts
are not recommended to be used below 230°C. At low temperature the ammonia
reacts with NO2 gas producing explosive ammonium nitrate NH4NO3 and ammonia
nitrite NH4NO2. Those components are deposited in inlet/outlet space of the reactor
leading to clogging problems. V 2O5/TiO2 catalyst has high activity in temperature
range of 250-320°C. The maximum 80-82 % NOx conversion was reached at
NH3/NOx 1.2 feed.
Fig.1. shows the effect of the temperature on NOx conversion and NH 3/ NOx
feed for Fe-ZSM-5 SCR catalysts.

Figure 1: Effect of the temperature on NOx conversion and different NH3/NOx feeds for Fe-
ZSM-5 SCR catalysts
Zeolite based catalysts have been developed to function at higher
temperature and it is supported by the outcome of our work as well. The Fe-ZSM-5
has higher NOx conversion of 97-98 % at 290-320°C at NH3 /NOx 1.6 feed. At the
highest NH3 /NOx = 2.2 feed the conversion was constantly near to 98% in the studie
temperature range. It is advisable to avoidfeed ratios much greater than 1 since it
results in significant NH3 slip (unconverted NH 3).
Fe-ZSM-5 is used also for the removal of N2O gases e.g. during treatment tail
gases from nitric acid plants.
This work was supported by GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00016 project: Excellence of
strategic R+D workshops: Development of modular, mobile water treatment systems and
waste water treatment technologies based on University of Pannonia to enhance growing
dynamic export of Hungary.

Consuela Gómez de Castro1, Catalina Nuțescu Duduman2,
Maria Harja2,*, Doina Lutic3, Tatjana Juzsakova4,
Igor Cretescu2,*
Complutense University of Madrid, Faculty of Chemical, Department of Materials Science
and Metallurgical Engineering, Av. Séneca, 2, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi, No.73, Blvd. Mangeron, 700050, Iaşi,
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iasi, Blvd. Carol I No 11, 700506 Iaşi, Romania
University of Pannonia, 10 Egyetem St. Veszprém, 8200 Hungary
*: [email protected]; [email protected],

Introduction and objectives

In the latest years, nanomaterials were largely approached in research, due
their specific, interesting properties. They are widely used as adsorbents,
catalysts/photocatalysts, as magnetic materials, ceramic materials, semiconductors,
biomaterials etc. These nanomaterials are intensively investigated due to their
advanced photocatalytic performances, easy availability, stability in time, low toxicity
etc. The TiO2-assisted photocatalysis is used in a wide variety of applications and
products from different fields. On another part, silver is a noble metal with exceptional
antibacterial performance and its nanoparticles exhibit numerous applications as a
disinfection agent in biomedicine, various therapies, as catalyst, photovoltaic
applications and chemical sensing. Silver nanoparticles are usually prepared by the
chemical reduction of a silver salt. TiO2 nanoparticles with controlled properties are
obtained by the simple and effective sol-gel method. The TiO2-Ag nanocatalysts are
cost-effective, efficient and environmentally friendly, being solids with highly efficient
catalytic activity in the oxidation of organic compounds.
The main objective of this work was to prepare TiO 2-Ag nanocomposites and
test their efficiency in the photocatalytic oxidation of stable organic compounds from
wastewaters. The sol-gel method and chemical reduction were used as preparative
The TiO2 nanoparticles were obtained using titanium isopropoxide
(C12H28O4Ti) as a precursor, while the Ag source was silver nitrate (AgNO 3). The
activation of the sample was made by calcination at 650 ºC for 2 hours. The
morphology and composition of the sample was performed by SEM, TEM, EDAX, XRD
and DLS. The investigation of the porous structure was performed by BET nitrogen
adsorption at 77K. The photocatalytic degradation was performed in a 500 mL glass
reactor, equipped with a central quartz tube hosting an Osram UV-A lamp of 9W. The
solutions were prepared using deionized water. The pH value was measured by a

Hanna HI 991003 pH-meter and settled to the desired value by adding sulfuric acid
0.1 M or sodium hydroxide 0.1 M. Prior to the photocatalytic run, the photocatalyst
powder dispersed in the dye solution (Rhodamin 6G and Methylene Blue) was stirred
for 30 minutes in dark, to reach the adsorption/desorption equilibrium, then the UV
lamp was turned on. Samples of approximately 5mL were taken at defined time
durations, filtered through 0.45 μm syringe filter and analyzed by spectrophotometry
to measure dye concentration.
Results and conclusions
The structure type of TiO2–Ag nanoparticles was investigated by powder XRD
(Fig.1). The as-synthesized sample contains mostly anatase and quite an important
amount of amorphous phase. The presence of Ag was confirmed by EDAX analysis
and some small peaks in XRD pattern suggests the effective reduction of Ag metal at
TiO2 surfaces. After calcination at 650 °C, the solid contains both anatase and rutile
phases and the metallic silver shows up as a distinctive phase, possible to identify in
the XRD. The average particle size of calcined powder at 650°C was about 20 nm
(calculated from Scherer equation). The TEM analysis allowed highlighting the
presence of silver grains on the TiO2 particles.

Figure 1. XRD and TEM analysis for TiO 2-Ag calcinated

The photocatalytic performances of the synthesized TiO2-Ag nanocomposite
were evaluated by photodegradation of two model organic dyes: rhodamine 6G (R6G)
and methylene blue (MB) under UV irradiation (Fig. 2). MB was strongly adsorbed on
the solid, then almost totally decoloriyed in less than an hour, while the R6G
decomposition degree was of 42% in 120 minutes.
1.6 3
Decolorization, %

20 2.5 0
1.2 10
2 30

0 -30 0 30 60 90 120 60
Time, minutes 90
0.8 30 1.5
90 1
0.4 120

0 0
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Wavelenght, nm Wavelenght, nm

Figure 2: Evolution in time of UV-VIS spectra of Rhodamin 6G and Methylene Blue by

adsorption and photocatalytic decomposition


Noor Al-Jammal*, Tatjána Juzsakova, Ákos Rédey,

Domokos Endre

Institute of Environmental Engineering, University of Pannonia, Veszprem, Hungary

: [email protected]

Introduction and study objective

Spillage of crude oil in lands and in seas has triggered an interest in devising
environment friendly and economic methods to clean up these pollutions and
contaminations since the treatment of an oil spill remains a challenge to
environmental scientists due to several hydrocarbon components which are toxic and
exhibit a danger on the marine life, ecology and on the human beings. Adsorption is a
popular technique, using sorbents such as activated carbon, polymeric resins and
In this study, the possibility of using natural and modified Jordanian zeolitic
tuff for removal of hydrocarbon as a model component of oil spills has been
considered. A lot of attention is given to zeolite due to its exceptionally high
adsorption capacity for oil–water separation and to their high hydrophobic properties
as well as to the molecular sieve properties. Zeolitic tuff sieving properties, their ability
to operate at the molecular level, and their excellent chemical, thermal and
hydrothermal stability suggest that these materials may have technological potential
as adsorbents in separation and purification processes in aqueous or wet media. The
hydrophobic/organophilic character of high-silica zeolites has been long recognized by
several researches. The hydrophobicity of Jordanian zeolitic tuff was enhanced by
acidic treatment to dealumniate it, since the degree of hydrophobicity of zeolites is
directly dependent on their aluminum content. This study aims at to examine the
ability of natural and modified Jordanian zeolitic tuff to treat the oil-contaminated
water by testing the adsorption capacity and removal efficiency. The effects of
adsorbent dosage, adsorption time, initial oil concentration and kinetic modelling for
the synthesized adsorbent were examined.
Zeolitic tuff was obtained from the deposits of Tall Hassasn, Jabal-Arityan,
south of Jordan and used as raw zeolitic tuff (RZT) with a SiO 2/Al2O3 ratio of 2.5. The
method used in this work for treating RZT allows the separation of approximately 100
wt.% (mass fraction) 25 to 30 of other volcanic constituents (mainly iron, aluminum,
magnesium, calcium and sodium oxides). Treated zeolitic tuff (TZT) has been used as

adsorbent in this work and has been investigated by liquid N2 adsorption (BET
method), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) to obtain information about the structural, chemical and
physical characteristics of the synthesized adsorbent. Oil removal efficiency was
investigated by TOC (TOC Vario elementar, detection range of 4 mg/l to 40,000 mg/l)
Results and conclusions
The purpose of acidic treatment is to increase the hydrophobicity of zeolite
by removing aluminum and increasing the surface area of RZT by 71 % increment
(from 77 to 270 m2/g). As the degree of hydrophobicity of zeolites is directly
dependent on their aluminum content. In simple terms, if the aluminum content
decreased in zeolite the ionic charge of zeolite lattice will decrease. Less ionic charge
means less polarity and so less hydrophilicity/more hydrophobicity. Structural changes
and SiO2/Al2O3 ratio were observed after HCl treatment of RZT and were proved by
XRD and SEM analysis as illustrated in Fig. (1).

(A) (B)
Figure 1: Scanning electron micrographs of (A) RZT shows the associated
materials covering RZT surface (B) SEM image for TZT
EDX was used in conjunction with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). EDX
results give a further evidence for removal of aluminum and oxygen from the
framework. Compared to raw zeolitic tuff (Z), the silicon to aluminum ratio increased
to reach 15.1. Dealuminated modified Jordanian zeolitic tuff exhibits a strong
hydrophobic/organophilic character (expected) since the adsorption data shows that
the materials prepared were effective in sorbing petroleum compounds. The
experimental data also revealed that the TZT achieved high oil removal efficiency to
reach 98.98 % at room temperature.
This work was supported by GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00016 project: Excellence of
strategic R+D workshops: Development of modular, mobile water treatment systems and
waste water treatment technologies based on University of Pannonia to enhance growing
dynamic export of Hungary


H. Benlouali1,*, I. Karmal2, M. Fallah3, M.C. Harrouni4,

M. Hamdani2, R. Choukrallah1,5
Salinity & Plant Nutrition Laboratory, Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary
Medicine, Agadir, Morocco
Laboratory of Electrochemistry, Catalysis and Environmental Science, Ibn Zohr
University, Faculty of Science, Agadir, Morocco
Laboratory of Biotechnology and Valuation of Natural Resources, Ibn Zohr University,
Faculty of Science, Agadir, Morocco
Department of Landscape Architecture and Environment, Hassan II Institute of
Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, Agadir, Morocco
International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture, Dubai, UAE, on leave from the Salinity
and Plant Nutrition Laboratory, Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary
Medicine, Agadir, Morocco
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The reuse of wastewater for irrigation has been widely considered as a
major water resource within an integrated water management. In this
framework, treated wastewater has been used for the irrigation of a golf course
in Agadir, Morocco. However, because of its high content in soluble salts, the
golf course is facing scale deposition (CaCO3) that caused clogging of sprinklers
and results in the non-uniformity of irrigation.
Continuous acid injection to prevent calcium carbonate precipitation is a
classical approach but still complex and expensive. In the last decades, several
new scale inhibitors have been reported to be efficient when injected
continuously in quantities lower than 2 mg/L. As an example, phosphate based
fertilizers are a good alternative, as they represent an additional source of
fertilization while sequestering calcium and thus decreasing scaling tendency.
One of the methods to evaluate scaling tendency is the Fast-Controlled
Precipitation (FCP). This method consists of CO 2 degassing from water using
agitation and enabling to compare the scaling capacity using pH measurements
in function of time. Thus, it shows the retarding effect of inhibitors on scale

The objectives of this work were to: (1) study optimized experimental
conditions for the FCP (temperature, agitation speed and water samples
quantities); (b) compare scaling tendency and define the effect of different
concentrations of two phosphate based fertilizers, namely MAP (Mono-
Ammonium Phosphate) and DAP (Di-Ammonium Phosphate), on the reclaimed
wastewater quality, using FCP method.
A Fast-Controlled Precipitation experiment for a sample of reclaimed
wastewater was set using different temperatures, agitation speeds and water
samples quantities. The optimal values for each parameter was determined and
used when studying the effect of MAP and DAP fertilizers on the reclaimed
wastewater scaling tendency, using FCP method.
The fertilizers were tested at different concentrations based on their
phosphate content. The MAP was tested at concentrations of 0 - 0.5 - 1 - 1.5 -
2 mg/L, while the DAP was tested at 0 - 2 - 5 - 8 - 10 mg/L.
The FCP method was performed as follows: on a heating plate, each
fertilizer concentration was added separately, to the reference water that was
put in a beaker and connected to a pH-meter, a thermometer and a magnetic
stirrer. The pH was recorded in the course of time.
Results and conclusions
Application of phosphorus based fertilizers permitted to extend the time
necessary for the precipitation of calcium carbonate (germination time) in the
reclaimed wastewater. The germination time increased in correlation with the
amount of MAP and DAP added to reclaimed water. The addition of 2 mg/L of
MAP or 10 mg/L of DAP permitted the total inhibition of calcium carbonate
precipitation for more than 2 hours under experimental conditions.
The inhibition of scale precipitation by phosphorous based fertilizers
seems to be an interesting technique. It allows phosphorus supply to the crops
and at the same time it avoids or at least retardates the clogging of the
irrigation system. The estimated cost for phosphorus application is 0.0024
USD/m3 when using MAP, and 0.003 USD/m 3 for the DAP.
This study is supported by the AGROTECH Souss-Massa Association.


Madelene Annette Dancila 1, Simona Caprarescu1,

Violeta Purcaru 2, Eugeniu Vasile3, Cristina Modrogan1,*,
Alina Melinescu1
„Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science,
Ghe. Polizu Street # 1-7, 011061, Bucharest, Romania
National Research and Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry —
ICECHIM, Splaiul Independentei, no. 202, 060021, Bucharest, Romania
Institute of Research and Development”METAV” SA, C.A.Rosetti Street # 31, 020011,
Bucharest, Romania
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The work integrates with actual concerns regarding the prevention of the
atmosphere pollution with sulphur compounds, as they are the most important
atmosferic pollutants agents. A current concern regarding the atmosphere’s pollution
with sulfur compounds is the desulphurization of the raw materials or intermediate
gasses when the predominant form of sulfur compounds is the hydrogen sulphide. An
efficient desulphurisation system must achieve a high desulfurization yield, which
implies, on the one hand, an advanced purification of industrial gases, and on the
other hand, a high capacity for sulfur capture. Therefore, ZnO-based sorbents can be
The introduction of TiO2 in the Zn mass has the advantage that ZnO is not
reduced anymore by other gases. The main sources of sulfur compounds are coals or
petroleum products used in order to obtain energy. The research aims to establish the
optimum conditions for the calcination of zinc titanate sorbents getting Zn 2TiO4 form,
which is stable and has a very good reactivity in order to achieve the desulfurization
process of waste gases.
Depending on the mixing molar ratio of ZnO: TiO 2 and the preparation &
calcinations conditions you can get different zinc titanates type ZnTiO 3, Zn2TiO4,
Zn2Ti3O8. Previous studies on the molar ratio ZnO:TiO2 showed that for a ratio of 2:1
the predominant titanite form was Zn 2TiO4. Therefore we chose the molar ratio
between ZnO:TiO2 to be 2:1 and we changed the calcination conditions.
The desulphurisation sorbent was prepared through a semi-wet mixing
method between zinc oxide (type wurtzite) and titanium oxide (type anatase).

o o
The paste obtained was dried at 105 C, precalcinated at 300 C and then
calcined at different temperatures: 500, 600, 700, 800 oC.
After preparation the samples were analyzed from a structural,
morphological, and textural point of view through X-ray diffraction, scanning electron
microscopy (SEM), FT-IR spectroscopy, adsorption isotherm.
Results and conclusions
The heat treatment undergone by the desulfurization sorbent of ZnO-TiO2
induces compositional, structural and textural changes.
Increasing the calcination temperature was performed in order to obtain a
certain type of zinc titanate with increased stability that can be used in the
desulfurization processes of waste gases with containing H 2S. This zinc titanate is
Zn2TiO4 type.
The structural sorbent characterization was made from X-ray diffraction and
was evidential that at 300oC and 500oC temperatures only ZnO (würtzit form) and
TiO2 (majority anatase form) were identified.
Starting with 600oC calcination temperature, in the spectrum appear ZnTiO3
and Zn2TiO4, and zinc titanate forms. The percentage of obtained titanates is small at
this temperature, up to 8% with the specification that Zn 2TiO4 forms is a priority.
At 700oC calcination temperature most zinc oxide and titane oxide quantities
were transformed into zinc titanate but only Zn2TiO4 is identified, a fact which
confirms that from the cristalization form of TiO2- anatase Zn 2TiO4 will be obtained.

4000 3-Zn2TiO4


2000 3

1000 1 3
1 3 12 3
2 2 3
3 2 1 2 1 3 32
2 2 1 3 3
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Figure 1: XRD spectrum of ZT-700

Subjecting the sample of sorbent at a temperature of 800 oC calcination
reinforces the idea that in order to obtain zinc titanate the calcination temperature
should be above 700 C for Zn2TiO4 formation. All these analyses have revealed that
the sample calcinated at 700oC leads to the synthesis of zinc titanate to Zn 2TiO4 form.
This form has the qualities necessary to be used as sorbent in coal advanced
desulphurisation processes.


Diana Gilea, Mihaela Vizitiu1, Doina Lutic2, Gabriela Carja1,*

Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental
Protection, Technical University “Gh. Asachi” of lasi,
Bd. Mangeron no.71, Iasi 700554, Romania;
Faculty of Chemistry, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

In recent years increasing attention is given on designing complex
nanocomposites systems engineered to act as efficient photocatalysts for
degrading dangerous pollutants. For nanostructured catalysts the unique nano-
dependent transport properties related to photons are able to establish specific
photoresponsive functions that cannot be achieved by their bulk counterparts. In
this regard, manipulation of the photocatalytic properties by selective control of
the catalyst nanoarchitectonics and by utilizing the collective properties of
nanoassembly systems is a continuous challenge. Design of photocatalysts
nanoarchitectonics refers not only to their simple construction as nanomaterials
but also to ensemble different nanoscaled structural building units in designed
and defined ways for creating complex formulations owning collective and
synergic properties. Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) are a class of anionic
clays. An important property of LDHs is their structural “memory effect”; it refers
to the structural reconstruction of the layered clay matrix when the metal mixed
oxides, evolved after the calcination around 550°C, are exposed to the aqueous
solutions containing anions.
In this work we present the photocatalytic effiecency of AgNPS/MgLDH
and AgNPs/ZnLDH self-assembled nanocomposites for degrading phenol pollutant
from the aqueous solutions. Phenol is a dangerous pollutant known as human
carcinogen and is of considerable health concern, even at low concentration, thus
the efficient removal from aqueous solutions is of high interest.
Using the manifestation of the LDHs structural “memory effect” we have
recently reported a simple fabrication procedure of nanoparticles (NPs) of metal
or metal oxides/LDHs as self-enssembled nanocomposites. According to this

procedure the LDH matrix is able to rebuild its structure by using the anions of
the solution as interlayer anions and also to adsorb the metal cations of the
aqueous solution and organizing them as nanoparticles (NPs) of metals or metals
oxides on its surface-denoted as MeNPs/LDHs. Nanocomposites with a large
compositional diversity can be designed by modifying either the nature of the
metal cations of the LDHs layers and/or the nature of the NPs from the surface.
Nanoparticles of silver has attracted a great deal of attention in the last years.
Hence, the joined functionalities of NPs of Ag and the specific ZnLDH and MgLDH
composition might give rise to unique photoresponsive characteristics.
AgNPs/MgLDH and AgNPS/ZnLDH tested catalysts were thoroughly
investigated by XRD, TG/DTG, XPS and UV-vis spectroscopic techniques in order
to obtain information on their crystalline structure and identity, their Au content
and photoresponsive properties. The morphology charcateristics of the samples
were observed by TEM analysis.
Results and conclusions
Results show that AgNPs/MgLDH and AgNPS/ZnLDH nanoarchitecture
consists of nanoparticles of Ag, with an average diameter of 7 nm, deposited on
the larger nanoparticles (~100 nm) of the LDHs. The size of AgNPs increased for
the catalysts calcined at 550°C. UV-Vis analysis and the calculated optical direct
band gap (Eg) values indicate the high absorbance capability of the samples
under UV and solar light and the formation of Ag-LDHs heterojunctions.
After 7 hours, over the entire range of wavelength, AgNPs/ZnLDH,
obtained by photoirradiation, shows the highest degradation efficiency of phenol
with almost 90% degradation under solar irradiation while AgNPS/ZnLDH calcined
at 550°C shows the maximum activity, degrading almost 57% of phenol. This
reveals that the uncalcined samples are the most effective catalysts , under the
UV irradiation, pointing out that the surface OH groups are an advantage for the
photocatalytic process. Comparing the photocatalytic systems described in this
study, the best efficiency for the phenol photodegradation from the aqueous
solutins was observed for the AgNPs/ZnLDH and AgNPs/MgLDH where the
resulting degradation slurry contains no traces of p-benzoquinone, the
mineralization products being CO2 and water. Moreover, it is noteworthy that the
presence of highly hydroxylated brucite-type sheets in the LDHs structure is an
advantage for the photodegradation process of phenol.
The catalysts architecture clarified here for AgNPs/MgLDH and
AgNPs/ZnLDHand the derived mixed oxides obtained by LDHs calcination may
contribute to open new perspectives in designing complex nanoarchitectonics
based on LDHs for obtaining efficient solar responsive photocatalysts.


Radu Claudiu Fierascu1, Irina Fierascu1, Bogdan Trica1,

Sorin Marius Avramescu2,*, Corina Bradu2, Alina Elena Olaru2,
Angel Nica2
The National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry-
ICECHIM, 202 Spl. Independentei, 060021 Bucharest, Romania
University of Bucharest-PROTMED Research center, 36-46 M. Kogalniceanu Blvd.,
050107 Bucharest, Romania
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

In the hydrologic cycle, water is the basis for food production, trade,
human needs and a healthy aquatic ecosystem. According to the Water
Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60/EC of the European Council and Parliament,
which sets the framework for Community policy on field of water, “Water is not a
commercial product like any but a heritage which must be protected, defended
and treated as such”. Due to the diversity of industrial and agricultural activities
anything can come across in the polluted aqueous effluents like: heavy metals,
dyes (since the invention of synthetic dyes 8000 of these compounds have been
discovered and used in the industry), endocrine disruptor compounds, phenols,
detergents, pesticides, etc.
The largest user of freshwater resources is agriculture, and also,
agriculture is both cause and victim of water pollution. Oxidation processes
cannot be effective in the purification of a large part of industrial effluents and,
even were applicable; the energy consumption could be prohibitive from the
economic point of view. A significant part of pollutants escape to the current
treatment methods and reach surface and ground waters. Therefore, in spite of
great success in treatment of water and wastewater the existing bottlenecks
(high costs to obtain adsorbents, diffusion limitation which hinder the process,
large amount of solid waste after use) limits the application of adsorption
processes. In order to improve the process performance a new approach is
required. In this context many researchers shows that nanotechnologies can be
harnessed to solve critical development problems, including wastewater pollution.
The objective of the study is to demonstrate the effect of ozonation and
decorated hydroxyapatite (at nanoscale) on loaded water with organic pollutants
(endocrine disruptor compounds – EDC).

Results and conclusions
The use of hydroxyapatite and substituted hydroxyapatite as potential
adsorbents for the removal of organic pollutants was already presented by our
research group. However, the use of hydroxyapatite and metal-decorated
hydroxyapatite for the catalytic ozonation of organic pollutants represents an
approach far less studied.
In the present study, hydroxyapatite was synthesized and metal-
decorated, using two different approaches: a salt-approach (decoration with
metallic ions from their respective salts solution) and a nano-approach (in-situ
decoration of metallic nanoparticles). The obtained materials were analytical
characterized (using X-Ray Diffraction, X-Ray Fluorescence, (Scanning)
Transmission Electron Microscopy, BET), confirming the synthesis and metal-

Figure 1: Representative STEM image of metal-decorated hydroxyapatite

The effect of the catalytic ozonation was determined using High
Performance Liquid Chromatography, focusing on endocrine disruptors (especially
Ibuprofen). Some of the main operating parameters like temperature, catalyst
and ozone doses exerted a positive influence in the ozonation rate. Also, leaching
tests were performed, in other to study the stability of the proposed materials.
The results obtained demonstrate that the prepared apatitic materials
have a significant potential for the catalytic ozonation of organic pollutants.
This work was supported by grants of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number PNIII-P2-2.1-PTE-2016-
0063 and project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0198, within PNCDI III.


Noor Al-Jammal*, Tatjana Juzsakova, Endre Domokos,

Jozsef Nemeth, Viktor Sebestyen, Akos Redey *
Institute of Environmental Engineering, University of Pannonia, 10 Egyetem St., Veszprem,
8200 Hungary
[email protected]; [email protected]

Introduction and study objective

Cleaner production is an efficient way to prevent and avoid the
industrial pollution caused by the chemical and other industrial activities. The
basic objective of all technology developments is to reduce, mitigate the
pollution emissions into air, water or soil. The most important goal is to
contribute to the improvement of the quality of life and to provide healthy
environment for the people. The clean or cleaner technology means any
process, procedure, product or public service, which supports the realization of
the sustainable development by eliminating the emissions into the
environmental elements and systems.
The scope of the cleaner technologies is very wide. Some available tools
can be mentioned, e.g.: LCA, eco-balancing, environmental impact assessment,
environmental performance evaluation, environmental management systems,
The paper deals with two major topics in the field of chemical industrial
technologies. The first discusses the developments in ammonia synthesis, the
second topic deals with the production of biodiesel fuel with using agricultural
wastes to produce potential high quality of diesel fuel component.
Results and conclusions
The steam reforming is the first step in the ammonia synthesis since it
is indispensable to procedure hydrogen for the ammonia synthesis which is a
vital step to produce fertilizers. The heterogeneous catalytic process is complex
chemical conversion including several chemical reactions which are to be taken
into consideration. The mathematical modelling of the chemical reaction and
the optimization of the reaction parameters are necessary to increase the
capacity of the ammonia plant. The conversion of the synthesis gases to

ammonia, the recycling of the unconverted hydrogen and nitrogen after the
cooling and separation are important to provide high yields and capacity for the
next reaction steps to produce fertilizers for the agriculture.
The agricultural wastes exhibit significant environmental problems all
over the world and the utilization of the agricultural waste into potential raw
materials is an important target.
In this study biodiesel production using waste vegetable oil (WVO) over
naturalmzeolitic tuff from Jordan as heterogenous catalyst was studied. The
results showed that Jordanian zeolitic tuff is an attractive and promising solid
catalyst for the preparation of biodiesel from WVO. Moreover, the physical and
chemical properties of the produced biodiesel were determined. The results
showed that most of the produced biodiesel properties meet the specifications
of the EN and ASTM standards for biodiesel.
The highest yield of biodiesel was achieved with a MeOH/ waste
vegetable oil ratio of 0.5 v/v (11.5 M ratio), catalyst concentration was 6.4
wt./wt. and 50˚C reaction temperature was used. A yield of approximately
96.7% was achieved at reaction time of 2 hours. The cetane number of the
bodiesel produced was 70.30. This value is higher than that of diesel fuel with
CN of 52, thus the fuel cut with good ignition characteristic had been
produced. It is to be mentioned that the catalyst used is a promising catalysts
due to its reasonably high activity, ease of preparation, simple separation and
low cost. This way the biodiesel production from waste vegetable oil is
economically feasible.
This work was supported by GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00016 project:
Excellence of strategic R+D workshops: Development of modular, mobile water
treatment systems and waste water treatment technologies based on University of
Pannonia to enhance growing dynamic export of Hungary

I.Ion1, R. M. Senin1,2, R. Stoica2, S. Doncea2, A. C. Ion1*
University Politehnica of Bucharest, 313 SplaiulIndependentei, 060042, Romania
National Research & Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry ICECHIM,
202 SplaiulIndependentei Str., 060021, Bucharest, Romania
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Carbon nanomaterials (CNM) present interesting properties which offer them
potential for environmental applications. Carbon nanomaterials, especially nanotubes and
fullerene can be detected in environmental matrices as a result of several production
processes. Taking into account their hydrophobic surface, there appears strong
interactions between organic pollutants and carbon nanomaterials. The adsorption of
organic compounds by CNM sorbents depends on conditions such as: contact time, amount
of adsorbent, initial concentration of adsorbate, temperature and pH.
In the literature there are presented examples of nanotubes (CNTs) and
fullerenes used for the removal of one of the several environmental organic pollutants from
water by adsorption. Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disruptor which was intensively
studied in the last years.
This paper describes preparation procedures for stable dispersions of fullerene
C60 and MWCNTs further used as sorbents for bisphenol A, an important endocrine
disruptor. Several influences over the sorption process are studied and sorption models are
discussed. Future applications of the studied CNM as environmental sorbents for certain
organic pollutants are envisaged.
Pristine fullerene C60 and MWCNTs were purchased from Aldrich (USA). Bisphenol
A (> 99 %) and all the organic solvents used in these experiments were of
chromatographic grade and there were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (USA). The C60
samples were dispersed before sorption studies by using a solvent exchange method and a
physical mixing method. The suspensions obtained by all the methods mentioned above
were then filtered with 0.45 µm cellulose acetate membrane filters to remove large C60
aggregates. The samples were kept in the dark at 4 oC and were stable for more than six
months. In the sorption studies 50 mL of C60 suspensions were prepared with different
concentrations of BPA and several influences such as: the initial concentration of BPA, the
amount of CNM used as sorbent, the influence of the contact time, the temperature, the
pH, the sample matrix were studied.
Results and conclusions
Physicochemical properties of the C60 adsorbents were studied, the results
indicating that BPA is distributed on the surface of C60 as a monolayer. Fourier

Transformed Infrared optical spectra and thermogravimetric analysis are presented in Fig.
1 and Fig. 2.
526 527
Proba 3 - t2 Proba 7










600 900 1200 1500 3400 3600 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 3500 4000
Wavenumbers (cm-1) Wavenumbers (cm )

Figure 1: FTIR spectra of C60 before and after BPA adsorption

DTG 111 pts SG smooth of "Derivative Y1" DTG 111 pts SG smooth of "Derivative Y1"
TG 0

0.0 -20





-60 -0.5
-0.8 -1.0

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

-1.0 -100
Temperature (oC)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature (oC)
Temperature (oC)

TG DTG=111 pts SG smooth of "Derivative Y1"

DTG=111 pts SG smooth of "Derivative Y1"
0 0
0.0 0.0

-20 -20

-40 -40



-0.6 -60 -60

-80 -80 -1.0

-100 -100
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Temperature (oC)
Temperature (oC) Temperature (oC)

Figure 2: TGA curves of C60 before and after BPA adsorption

The adsorption isotherms of BPA to the studied CNM, kinetics and thermodynamics of the
sorption process will be presented in the manuscript. Adsorption data were fitted with the
Freundlich model q=KFxCn, where q (mmol/kg) and C (mmol/L) are the equilibrium
concentrations of BPA on C60 and MWCNTs and in solution, respectively; KF (mmolL-1/kg)
is the Freundlich affinity coefficient and n is the Freundlich linearity index. The Freundlich
model fits the adsorption data reasonably well, the fitting parameters being presented in
the manuscript. These results further demonstrate the complex mechanism controlling the
interactions between the studied CNM and the organic contaminant BPA, having significant
effects for the environmental assessment of the risk analysis.
Acknowledgments: This research was performed in the frame of ERA-NET SIINN, funded
by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme and supported by the
Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education and RDI Funding (Unitatea Executiva
pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior, Cercetarii, DezvoltariisiInovarii: UEFISCDI).


Maja Đolić1,*, Vladana Rajaković-Ognjanović2,

Milica Karanac3, Ljiljana Janković-Mandić1, Antonije Onjia1,
Ljubinka Rajaković4
Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Innovation Center of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy ltd. In Belgrade,
University of Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
: [email protected]; [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Minerals are widely spread substances in the environment and their
physical and chemical properties strongly depend on geological formations. The
prevalence of minerals has a significant impact on ion exchange and adsorption
capacity when present in soil and/or sediment, as well as on the acidity and
porosity of the matrix. The large internal and external surface area of such
covalent bound materials enables various pollutants to be adsorbed, whether
originating from a solid or aquatic medium. Therein, the abundance of mineral
materials improves the quality of water and soil which may indirectly impact
human health. A variety of heavy metals may be present in natural form of a
number of minerals; therefore, prior to their use as a sorbent, they must be
purified. The aim of this study has been to investigate the ability of natural
minerals previously purified by different extraction solutions to inactive
microbial cells and remove silicon ions when combined in a mixture. The
material’s purification allows for the mineral sample to be utilized for the
simultaneous removal of disparate originating pollutants. Therefore, the
potential of minerals may prove to be promising in biochemical applications in
environmental remediation technologies when used as sorbents and
antimicrobial carriers.
A natural mineral sample, a mixture of quartz, clinoptilolite and calcite,
was the subject of purification in order to decrease the content of heavy metals
in the tested material. The sequential extraction procedure (SEP) in 5
consecutive iterations was performed by different 0.1 M solutions: HOAc, EDTA,

and EDTA/NaOAc-HOAc. The sorption and desorption experiment were carried
out in singular batch mode, under slightly acidic conditions, as well as
stimulated by ultrasonic and magnetic stirring, respectively. Mineralogical and
radiochemical performances of the native and purified samples were
determined by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and gamma spectrometry
techniques. A concentration of adsorbed and realized ions was detected by
inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES).
Antimicrobial tests of HOAc, EDTA and EDTA/NaOAc-HOAc purified samples
were performed by using the standard dilution method against Gram- negative
bacteria Escherichia coli, Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, and
fungi Candida albicans .
Results and Conclusions
The purification process of the natural mineral manifested in different
aspects: i) decreased heavy metals content of the native sample; ii) improved
sorption capacity; iii) adsorption of silicon ions; and iv) microbial cell removal
from the aquatic medium. The highest decrease of heavy metal content was
obtained using 0.1 M HOAc. The average decrease of the initial content of heavy
metals (K, Ca, Sr, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, and As) in the raw sample was: 31.92
% using HOAc, 26.88 % using EDTA, and 25.95 % using EDTA/ NaOAc-HOAc.
Conversely, the sorption capacity for the selected ions (Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb)
had the following rate: EDTA/NaOAc-HOAc>EDTA> HOAc. The silicon-ions
removal was the most effective using EDTA/NaOAc-HOAc treated sample. The
results of the antimicrobial activity are presented in Table 1. The best
antimicrobial activity was found in the EDTA/ NaOAc-HOAc purified sample
against E. coli for a 24h exposure period.
Table 1. The Antimicrobial Activity of the Sample Purified by HOAc, EDTA, and
Sample E. coli S. aureus C. albicans

CFU/mL R (%) CFU/mL R (%) CFU/mL R (%)

Control sample 4,10 × 105 5,50 × 105 1,40 ×105
HOAc 4,60 × 104 88,78 ± 0,1 3,00 × 105 45,45 ± 0,2 7,20 × 104 48,57 ± 0,2
EDTA 7,70 × 103 98,12 ± 0,1 2,70 × 105 50,91 ± 0,1 6,00 × 104 57,14 ± 0,2
EDTA/NaoAC-HOAc 4,20 × 103 98,98 ± 0,1 2,40 × 105 56,36 ± 0,2 1,00 × 104 92,86 ± 0,3

The biochemical application of the natural minerals in this study

depends on the surface properties of the tested materials. The modification of
the selected sample treated by different chemical agents and the appearance of
new functional groups improved its sorption and antimicrobial characteristics.


Corneliu S. Stan, Marcel Popa, Petronela Horlescu,

Gabriela Soreanu*, Igor Cretescu*

Technical University ‘‘Gheorghe Asachi’’ of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and

Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management,
73 D. Mangeron Blvd, Iasi 700050, Romania
: [email protected]; [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Aerogels are versatile materials that can be tailored for various applications,
such as thermal insulation, energy storage, flame retardancy, adsorption of
undesirable compounds from different environmental compartments etc. On the other
hands, one of the common barriers in aerogels application refers to the high
manufacturing costs, which in turn can explain, for example, the lack in studies
concerning the application of aerogels in environmental protection. These aspects
suggest the research need for developing new preparation methods for obtaining
cost-effective aerogels with assessed potential in practice.
This work presents a new approach for developing a cost-effective polymer
aerogel dedicated to high-performance environmental application such as required in
gas safety context. A model organic gaseous pollutant will be used to simulate a
contamined environment for which a gas mask equipped with a specific material such
as the actual developped aerogel would be required. Pointing out the particularities of
the synthesis method and the influence of the material characteristics (e.g. pore-size)
on the gas retention performance will be presented.
The polymer aerogels were prepared using 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate and
N,N’-methylene bisacrylamide as crosslinker. In the first step, the monomer and the
crosslinker are dissolved in water followed by the addition of the photoinitiator (2-
Hydroxy-1-[4-(2-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl]-2-methyl-1-propanone). The preparation
path requires an intermediary stage for obtaining a polymer cryogel which undergoes
at 250K in the presence of 320 nm UV radiation as excitation source for the
photoinitiated polymerization. The final aerogel is obtained by freeze drying the
resulted cryogel.
The resulted polymer aerogel (Figure 1) is highly porous with an
interconnected pore structure with pore size in the hundreds nanometer – micrometer

range. As could be noted from Figure 2 a,b as the amount of solvent used for cryogel
preparation is raised, the pores dimensional characteristics are subsequently higher.

Figure 1: Prepared cylindrical shaped polymer aerogels with different porosities

The described method allows the tuning of the porosity degree of the aerogel
by changing the amount of the solvent (water). The described method allows the
preparation of aerogels with a density as low as 0,005 g/cm 3 which are among the
lightest and porous materials prepared so far. Also, the prepared aerogels could be
shaped according to the application requirements, by simply using a mould with the
desired geometry in the intermediary stage of cryogel formation.

Figure 2: SEM micrographs of the prepared aerogels

(a) density 0,09 g/cm3, (b) density 0,03 g/cm3
Structural investigation of the prepared aerogels was performed using FTIR
while the morphology of the resulted polymer aerogels was investigated using SEM
and BET analysis. Thermal behavior was evaluated through thermal analysis.
Results and conclusions
The performance of the obtained aerogel (e.g. Figure 1) in the retention of a
specific gaseous pollutant is depicted, along with the characteristics of the obtained
material by the new approached method. Results of isobutylene retention from air on
aerogels are comparable with those obtained on activated carbon (purification degree
is  95%) at small gas flowrates (e.g. 0.25 L/min), but are more sensitive to the gas
flowrate increase. However, the results are promising and suggest the aerogel
potential for a new interesting application. Recommandations for future application in
the frame of gas safety context are provided.


Diana Gilea1, Elena Seftel2, Gabriela Carja1,*

Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental

Protection, Technical University “Gh. Asachi” of lasi, Bd. Mangeron no.71, Iasi 700554,
:[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The increase in CO2 pollution and the deficiency in sustainable energy
sources have driven the need for research aimed at obtaining energy-rich
chemicals using light energy, H 2O and CO2. A key technological target to reach
efficient photo-conversion of CO2 to fuels (i.e. artificial photosynthesis) is to
develop a performant and robust photocatalyst. Extensive research has been
devoted on obtaining cost-effective materials able to efficiently and selectively
drive the photoreduction of CO 2 by H2O, under mild conditions. Among the
various semiconductor photocatalysts tailored compositions of layered double
hydroxides are promising photo-responsive catalytic formulations. Layered
double hydroxides (Me2+Me3+LDHs) are layered porous matrices belonging to
the class of anionic clays with many actual and potential applications in
catalysis. Defined by a versatile chemical composition Me 2+Me3+LDHs have basic
properties while their thermal treatment around 600˚C gives rise to porous
mixtures of mixed oxides. An important factor limiting the conversion efficiency
of almost every active photocatalyst is the high rate of charge-carrier
recombination. Recently, it was demonstrated that the recombination problem
is significantly alleviated by combining nanoparticles (NPs) of plasmonic metals
(Au, Ag) and semiconductor supports. In NPs/support co-catalytic systems the
manipulation of MexOy photo-responsive effects gives rise to specific electron
transfers at the interface that reduce the charge-carrier recombination rate and
facilitate the overall photocatalytic activities in which electrons are involved.
With an aim at exploring how the efficiency of CO 2 photoreduction
might be enhanced by combining metal oxides nanoparticles (MexOy) and
semiconductor supports we successfully prepared the self-assemblies of
nanoparticles of Au/layered double hydroxides (denoted as AuNPs/LDHs) as

novel photocatalysts for CO 2 reduction by H2O, at room temperature. In this
work we report, for the first time, the photocatalytic effiecency for CO2
reduction to CO of AuNPs/ZnAlLDH and AuNPs/MgCeAlLDH.
Experimental details
ZnAlLDH and MgAlLDH (molar ratio 2/1) was obtained by coprecipitation
method. Calcination at 600˚C gives rise to secific mixtures of mixed oxides.
AuNPs/ZnAlLDHs and AuNPs/MgCeAlLDH. as photocatalytic systems, were
obtain by exploiting the structural „memory effect” of ZnAlLDH and MgCeAlLDH
in specific Au salts (e.g. AuCl3) aqueous solutions of defined concentrotions and
specific pH values within the range [4-5]. The morphology and structural
characteistics of the obtained photocatalytic systems were studied using a
Perkin Elmer diffractometer with filtered CuKα radiation (XRD), a field-emission
scanning microscope (Jasco FESEM) and a transmission electron microscope
(HRTEM Hitachi H900 operating at an accelerating voltage of 200 kV). UV-Vis
absorption spectra were recorded on a Jasco V550 UV-Vis spectrophotometer
equipped with an integration sphere for solids. For photocatalytic tests a closed
circulating system equipped with a photoreaction quartz cell that had a flat
bottom (32.1 cm2) was employed. 170 mg of the LDH catalyst was uniformly
spread in the photoreaction cell and was evacuated b at 294 K for 2 h until the
desorbed gas was detected by an online gas chromatograph (GC).
Results and Conclusion
Results point that under irradiation with visible light of AuNPs/LDHS
precursors conversion of CO 2 was lower than 21% though for the derived
mixed oxides obtained after calcination at 550°C were enough active under UV
irradiation. Furthermore, when solar light was irradiated onto AuNPs/ZnAlLDH
and AuNPs/MgCeAlLDH the conversion of CO 2 to CO was 11 % and 17 %,
respectively. Consequently, when UV light irradiated onto AuNPs/LDHs
electron-hole pairs are generated, hence, CO 2 is reduced to CO by two
photogenerated electrons. Considering that the process of CO 2 photoreduction
to CO is induced by two photogenerated electrons in concluded that the
assemblies of AuNPs with the anionic matrices of ZnAlLDHs and MgCeAlLDHs,
respectively, might initiate a reduction in electron-hole recombination thus can
contribute to the reduction of CO2 to CO.
This work demonstrates, for the first time, how the joining contribution
of nanoparticles of AuNPs and the specific compositions of ZnAlLDH and
MgCeAlLDH might contribute to establish the conversion efficiency of CO 2
photoreduction to CO, by water, at room temperature.


Tatjana Juzsakova1, Tamas Frater2, Igor Cretescu3,

Endre Domokos1, Akos Redey1,*
Institute of Environmental Engineering, University of Pannonia, 10 Egyetem St.
Veszprém, 8200 Hungary
PureAqua Kft.,6 Lőszergyári St., Veszprém, Hungary
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Iaşi, Romania,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones provide a new, highly
efficient, economic alternative to the aerial environmental monitoring, e.g.
photogrammetry, sensor based surveying or sampling. In photogrammetry, aerial
photos taken from vertical axis are useful in geoinformation systems by transforming
them into orthographic projection and use as map layers. These airborne photographs
could be high-resolution conventional photos or lower-resolution photos but from a
special, well-defined spectral range (multi/hyperspectal imaging, IR/UV imaging).
Both of them can be used in environmental protection: the first one e.g. in natural
disasters, forest fires or in the monitoring of natural reserve areas etc., the latter one
is in the measurement and mapping of pollutants such as an oil spill on a lake or sea.
In our survey, three UAVs were used, a so-called multicopter (a helicopter
with several rotors), and two fixed wing aircrafts (Figure 1.) The aircraft types were
the following: a MULTIPLEX Easy Star (a), a STYROMAN Smile (b) and a TAROT 690S
hexacopter (c). The most important technology data of these UAVs could be found in
Table 1.

Figure 1: The three UAVs used in the experiments

These UAVs were equipped with electric motors (TURNIGY and BLUE RAY
types) and were controlled by a 2.4 GHz RC remote control system (FUTABA). A
lightweight full-HD (1280×720) camera was used for imaging.

Table 1. The most important data of the UAVs used in the experiments
MULTIPLEX Easy Star STYROMAN Smile TAROT 690S Hexacopter
Wingspan (m) 1,4 2,7 1,3 (total width)
Payload (g) 200 2500 3500
Flying weight (g) 800 4000…4500 >5000
Material Plastic foam (Elapor) Plastic foam (EPP) Carbon composite
Price (EUR, 2016) 300 650 2 000
Results and conclusions
The flights were carried out in the area of Bakony Mountains, in Hungary.
Several aerial photographs were taken on forests, agricultural fields and on ecological
important territories, like wetlands. One of the investigated wetlands (a lake near to
Csehbánya village) was found rather interesting, since a significant part of the lake
exhibited the signs of eutrophication. The growth of algae is hardly detectable from
the shore of the lake (ground view), however, it is clearly visible from the air (Figure
2). Since this algae growth has only been detected very recently, further
investigations are necessary in different seasons to study the ecology of the lakes and
to devise a solution for this problem, if necessary.

Figure 2: Image made by the authors on a lake in Bakony Mountains

It was found that UAVs are feasible for monitoring of natural reserve areas
such as small lakes since they are very silent and - contrary to big aircrafts and
helicopters - do not disturb the ecology even in natural reserve areas. Comparing the
fixed wing aircrafts to multicopters it was concluded that multicopters possess the
ability of hoovering providing more opportunities in aerial photographing (better
accuracy), and need less clear area (e.g. a glade) for take off and landing.
This work was supported by GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00016 project: Excellence of
strategic R+D workshops: Development of modular, mobile water treatment systems and
waste water treatment technologies based on University of Pannonia to enhance growing
dynamic export of Hungary.




Salvatore Puccio*, Andrea Nuzzo, Claudio Martina,
Gonzalo Martinez, Fabio Fava, Lorenzo Bertin, Giulio Zanaroli
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM),
University of Bologna, via Terracini 28, I-40131 Bologna, Italy
: salvatore.puccio2

Introduction and study objectives

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) represent one of the most interesting biopolymers
for replacing the petrochemicals-based plastics in various applications since it can be
obtained from renewable resources by fermentation. Large-scale production-
fermentations frequently use genetically modified microorganisms (GMMO) and
generates big amounts of liquid waste, which must be treated to limit environmental
(COD) and biological risks associated with the release of GMMO or their genetic material.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to verify the fate of the genetic trait associated to a
target mutant strain in terms of persistence and thus its possible release into the
environment in case of delivery of mutant culture waste effluent to a conventional
wastewater treatment plant.
The GMMO used in this work ( Pseudomonas putida KTOY06) was kindly
provided by Prof. George Chen; obtained from the wild-type P. putida KT2440 after
deletion of the genes fadB and fadA involved in the β-oxidation pathway. The growth of
the GMMO was carried out in a 3 L bench-scale bioreactor (Sartorius Biostat B) using a
mineral medium. Two different carbon sources were used: glucose during balanced
growth of cells and octanoic acid for the accumulation of PHAs.
A scale-down of a typical plant was set up to simulate the wastewater
treatment. The process consisted of 3 units, namely: the anoxic and aerobic reactors,
and the settler. The system worked in continuous mode, with two recycle lines (Fig 1).
The plant was fed with a synthetic solution that simulated the inlet of a municipal plant.
After reaching the stationary state, the GMMO biomass obtained by fermentation was
inoculated in the anoxic reactor. The mass ratio between the sludge and the GMMO was
2.5 grams of sludge per gram of GMMO biomass; potentially to occur at full scales.
All compartments of the simulating plant and the effluent were sampled at
various time intervals to monitor the main chemical parameters and the GMMO
persistence. An optimized protocol for the detection and quantification of ΔfadBfadA
gene trait of the selected GMMO was developed based on selective amplification by
qPCR (with SYBR green chemistry).
Results and conclusions
The simulating wastewater treatment plant achieved the stationary state after
26 h and showed good performances in terms of total nitrogen, total P and COD
abatement. The addition of the fermentation broth containing the GMMO did not affect

the waste treatment process. Only a slight alteration of the chemical parameters was
detected after the inoculation, and the system was reestablished in the following 7
The molecular analysis allowed to detect the GMMO genetic trait at the
inoculation time only in the anoxic reactor. The target genetic trait was detected in the
other units after 20 minutes from inoculation. The total number of copies detected in the
system was approximately constant for the first 7 hours (Fig. 2, orange line). During this
time, the cumulative number of copies (Fig. 2, gray line) in the effluent achieved 5x10 ,
corresponding to 7% of the inoculated amount. This implies a limited but significant
release of the genetic material of the GMMO. Then, the total number of copies present
in the plant (Fig. 2, blue line) decreased by several orders of magnitude, while the
cumulative number in the effluent did not increase. The possible causes were: i) about
93% of the GMMO material was degraded during the treatment, or ii) the cumulative
amount exiting in the effluent after 7 hours was diluted as a consequence of the
sampling procedure and thus below the detection limit of the molecular assay. This last
hypothesis is being studied by repeating the experiment with slightly modification on the
effluent sampling. Finally, in order to better assess the risk of GMMO release, further
studies are requested to associate the presence of detected gene copies with the
occurrence of living GMMO cells which could be released through the effluent.

Figure 1: Experimental approach a) PHAs production and b) wastewater treatment plant

at laboratory scale

Figure 2: Trend of the total number of copies of the target gene

Raffaele Pica1, Sabino De Gisi2,*, Gianpaolo Sabia1,
Michele Notarnicola2
ENEA, Department for Sustainability of Production and Territorial Systems, “Water, waste
and raw materials integrated management technologies” Lab., Via Martiri di Monte Sole n. 4,
40129 Bologna (BO), ITALY
Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry (DICATECh),
Technical University of Bari, Via E. Orabona n. 4, 70125 Bari (ITALY),
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Centralized wastewater treatment systems provide for the collection of
wastewater into the sewer and transportation in a wastewater treatment plant
(WWTP), usually located on the urban area boundary. In line with the activities of the
IWA Specialist Group on Large WWTP, the study of proper functioning as well as
failures can provide useful information especially in the planning stage of such
wastewater systems. With reference to the context of the Regi Lagni in Campania
District (Southern Italy), the paper aims to identify the main weaknesses of five
LWWTPs capable of treating a total of 2.2 million population equivalents (PE). The
basin of Regi Lagni covers an area of approximately 1000 km 2 and includes a total of
99 municipalities (See Fig. 1). Still, it is considered a critical area from the
environmental point of view because of the many critical environmental issues present
in the area (i.e., waste management).
The experimental plan has provided the following phases: (i) Characterization
of the socio-economic activities that fall in the basin; (ii) Characterization of the
quality of water bodies; (iii) Assessment of performance of the LWWTPs investigated;
(iv) Identification of weaknesses as well as proposal of appropriate upgrading
measures. The assessment phase involved the use of several performance indicators
as reported in Table 1. Finally, the five LWWTPs investigated are as follows: Acerra;
Foce Regi Lagni; Napoli Nord; Area Nolana; Area Casertana.
Results and conclusions
Table 1 shows the main results of the assessment phase. Overall, on 30
points highlighted by ENEA in 2001 for the investigated LWWTPs, there were 16
missed interventions, 10 worsening and 4 improvements. The improvements relate to
the Area Nolana WWTP that has undergone a series of upgrading actions such as the
realization of new oxidation basins, the implementation of the Ludzack-Ettinger
process configuration, sand filtration and disinfection with peracetic acid (See Fig. 2).

The obtained results show the key role of the size: the smaller the size and greater
the capacity to intervene effectively. Finally, the following weaknesses were identified:
(i) Generalized inadequacy of the treatment scheme to comply with the new discharge
limit values set by the Italian and European Law; (ii) Absence of efficient control
systems both on the sewage system both inside the WWTPs.

Figure 1: The study area: The Regi Lagni catchment area in the Campania District (Southern
Table 1. Synthesis of the treatment capacity of the WWTPs under investigation (initial phase).
WWTP Indicator
Size Water line efficiency Waste to Electricit Biogas Personnel
disposal y product
Flow-rate PEdes PEeff PE eff /P %BO %TSS %N- Sludg Sand consum ion No. 103 m3
[Mm3/mo Eds D5 NH4+ e [kg/m ption [m3/mo pers
nth] [%] (a) [kg/m 3
] [kWh/m nth] day
] ]
Acerra 1.49 828,000 252,000 30.4 89.0 88.0 81.0 0.32 ~0 n.a. ~0 47 1.05
- - - - - - - -
Foce Regi 3.21 632,000 500,000 80.0 84.0 72.0 20.0 0.00 0.04 0.16 ~0 69 1.54
- - - - - - - -
Napoli Nord 1.97 886,000 227,400 26.0 84.0 81.0 16.0 0.56 ~0 0.56 ~0 68 0.96
- - - - - - - -
Area Nolana 2.56 311,000 406,000 130.0 93.0 88.0 80.0 0.16 0.125 0.48 ~0 48 1.03
- - - - - - - -
Area 4.58 800,000 850,000 106.0 85.0 78.0 47.9 0.30 0.015 0.22 26,000 84 1.08
- - - - - - - -
Total - 3.5·106 2.2·106 65.0 86.0 80.0 48.0 0.20 0.03 0.29 26,000 316 1.19
: PE = Population equivalent; PEdes = design data; PEeff = effective data;
: WWTPs quality status, legend: Insufficient = ; Just sufficient = ; Sufficient =
; Good = ; Excellent = .

8,000 Tot
Final configuration
Inlet flow-rate [m3/h]

Biological basins
Initial configuration Denitrification/Nitrification/Oxidation units By-pass biologial basins
Activation of general by-pass
1 WWTP upgrading
sedimentations units Secondary
sedimentations units 5,000
1 2
2 3 3,000
Oxidation units

Inlet Flow-rate = 2,585 m3/h 1,000

Inlet Flow-rate = 2,320 m3/h
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Time schedule [year]
a b
Figure 2: Example of upgrading actions realized in the study area. Considering the Area Nolana
WWTP, the Figure shows: (a) New biological basins with denitrification/nitrifications tanks,
secondary sedimentation and sand filtration before the difinfection; (b) Trend of the inlet flow-
rate with particular attention to the by-pass flow-rate related to the biological section (in red).

Marius Gavrilescu*
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași, Faculty of Computer Engineering and
Automatic Control, Department of Computer Engineering, 27 Mangeron Blvd., 700050
Iasi, Romania,
: [email protected]

The prevalence and frequency of extreme climate phenomena has increased

substantially in recent decades, which warrants the need for modern tools and methods
for the prediction and analysis of unexpected and abnormal weather and climate-related
events. Specifically, the frequency of hurricanes has increased substantially and
correlates with an increase in the effects of global warming. Certain regions with
particular weather and oceanic current flow patterns have seen a steady increase in the
frequency and destructive effects of hurricane winds – for example, the American lower-
east coast and multiple regions of Central America. As a consequence, there are on-
going efforts to develop tools for the analysis of data acquired via meteorological radar
in regions affected by on-going hurricanes, extreme phenomena associated with
pollutant transport and dispersion. In this regard, we propose a visualization tool to
represent complex hurricane scans in a comprehensive and intuitive manner. This
approach also has significant potential in the evaluation of persistent pollutant dynamics
in the atmosphere, especially where long distance transport is concerned. The input
data consists of a discretized region of space where the data points are arranged in a
regular grid of 500x500x100 resolution, spanning a volume of approximately 85.73
million km3. Each data point is assigned multiple values representing parameters such
as the concentration of water vapor, local temperature, pressure, wind speed and
direction etc., which constitute factors with significant influence on the fate, transport
and dispersion of persistent pollutants. The data is also available over multiple phases,
each phase representing an instant of the scanned phenomenon at a point in time.
Traditional means of analysing such data involve an inspection on a „slice-by-slice”
basis, where a slice is a collection of data points from the same altitude and time phase.
The visual or automated inspection of multiple such slices, over multiple time phases
and incorporating multiple parameters values, can be a daunting and time consuming
task. We therefore propose an approach where most of the information required for a
thorough analysis is incorporated into the same image, thereby facilitating a rapid visual
analysis of the data. We represent the data using a volume raycaster, a method which
has seen common usage for medical imaging, but which can be easily adapted to
meteorological scans.
Volume raycasting is a strongly-parallelizable image-ordered rendering method
which allows leveraging the computational power of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

in order to achieve real-time rendering performance. We first reconstruct a continuous
volume from the discrete data using linear interpolation via hardware-supported texture
filtering. Then, the resulting volume is sampled along rays emitted from each pixel, and
the corresponding data values are retrieved from the sampled position. Depending on
the nature and purpose of the retrieved parameter values, a manually-adjusted transfer
function maps the data values to visual properties (color and opacity). Subsequently,
the color and opacity values of the sampled points are composited along each ray,
resulting in a color value for the corresponding pixel. This approach allows for the
representation of a large amount of data for different parameters and along multiple
time phases in the same image without generating visual overload. The displayed
information depends to a large extent on the type of analysis being carried out. For
instance, the vector field depicting wind speed and direction is used to determine the
center of rotation (the “eye” of the hurricane). Given this data, the local rotational force
of the hurricane can be determined. A correlation between angular speed, temperature
and pressure is useful in assessing the destructive potential of the hurricane for all data
points and across all phases (Fig. 1). Furthermore, similar correlations are used to
deduce the local dispersion potential of each interpolated spatial position, which is an
indicator of the localized pollutant transport capacity of the hurricane. The result is
represented via color coding, where brighter, warmer colors are used to indicate greater
levels of danger, while cooler colors point out regions of reduced risk. A 3D-based
approach can make effective use of varying opacity levels to display this information at
multiple altitudes simultaneously.

Figure 1: Rendered images of the hurricane dataset. (a) shows the color-coded result of
correlating temperature, pressure and local rotational velocity for all slices, averaged across the available
time phases. (b) shows a discretized version of the same information for one slice only.
Our software prototype allows for the intuitive tuning of the various parameters
involved, using commonly-encountered interface elements, as well as the interactive
specification of color and opacity via transfer function editors. The presented techniques
are meant to assist in the analysis and assessment of the risk factors associated with
such weather phenomena, in an effort to reduce the related negative health, economic
and environmental impacts.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research
and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1662, within

Vasile-Mircea Cristea1, Alexandra Csavdari1,*, Horia Hangan1,
Norbert-Botond Mihály1, Paul Şerban Agachi1,2
Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, CAPE Research
Center, 11 Arany Janos Street, 400028, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Palapye, Botswana
: [email protected] (A. Csavdari)

Introduction and study objectives

Red mud, the main waste product of the Bayer process in alumina industry,
can be a major environmental threat due to its high alkalinity: the pH of untreated
aqueous slurry lies between 9.2 and 12.8. Moreover it also raises economic concerns
since 77 million tones, which have to safely stock-pilled, are produced yearly.
Cassettes often fail and undesired leakage causes radical pH increase in aqueous eco-
Aqueous phytoremediation by pond-weeds, such as Salvinia natans and
Eichhornia crassipes, is an environmentally-friendly and potentially efficient approach
to lower the pH of contaminated sites to values compatible with various life forms.
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are inspired by the w human brain
processes information. They rely on simple computing elements called neurons which
are organized in input, hidden and output layers. The ANN versatile structure of
weights and biases may be calibrated (trained) such as to respond to the input signals
with the desired outputs, and be further used for predicting the outputs
corresponding to new inputs. They represent much appreciated model alternatives for
systems that have complex input-output relationships. This is also the case of the
aqueous phytoremediation of red mud pollution where the effect of different factors
on efficiency of the remediation process is difficult to formalize under the form of
explicit mathematical expressions.
The objective of the present work was to design and train ANN based models
using the data obtained by experiments performed during 3 weeks for the
phytoremediation of a laboratory scale red mud contaminated aqueous solution. The
ANNs are further employed in modeling and simulation of the pH evolution of an
aqueous ecosystem during phytoremediation caused by accidental red mud pollution.
They can be used for prognosis purposes as well as to find the optimal conditions for
the remediation of a contaminated site. The novelty consists in describing the
dynamics of phytoremediation as well as in the use of employing ANNs to do so.
The ANNs were designed to predict the pH change of red mud contaminated
aqueous solutions, as response to the changing input factors consisting in the mass of

red mud, plant biomass, air humidity, temperature of air and water, light intensity and
time. The feedforward type of ANN associated to the backpropagation Levenberg-
Marquardt algorithm was considered for training the weights and biases. One hidden
layer was found to provide good training results.
Available experimental data were divided in training and testing sets. The
latter was used to check the quality of the training procedure. Furthermore, the
training set was split into the validation and actual-training sets. The former of these
sets was used for preventing the ANN overfitting during the training process. Training
was performed with scaled data in order to avoid improper calculations due to
different order of magnitudes of the input factors and the output. Applications for
training and testing the ANNs have been developed using Neural Network Toolbox of
Matlab software environment.
Results and conclusions
The trained ANNs showed good fit between simulated and experimental pH
values, as their correlation coefficients exceed R=0.99. The same is true for the
testing data sets. The reduced relative errors have values less than 2.5% and
therefore prove the appropriate ANN architecture as well as the quality of both
training procedure and predicting capability.
Simulation results with data unknown for the ANNs but verified
experimentally revealed very good prognosis aptitudes and the capability of describing
complex intrinsic input - output relationships (e.g. for quantitative assessment of the
mass of red mud and biomass influence on pH change).
Designed ANNs were employed to calculate the sensitivity of the pH change
to different input factors. A phytoremediation performance index was defined by the
authors as the maximum achieved pH difference by a given amount of biomass.
Plotted against the red mud quantity, it can be used to find the best conditions of
effective phytoremediation in case of an accidental pollution. An example is illustrated
in Figure 1 for Eichhornia crassipes . Good agreement between computed and
experimental results is to be observed.

Figure 1: ANN computed (blue dots) against exerimentally obtianed (red dots)
phytoremediation performance index for Eichhornia crassipes.
Acknowledgements to Project PN-II- II-PT-PCCA-2011-3-3.2-0344 for funding.


Zsófia Kovács1,*, Éena Jakó2, Igor Cretescu3,*,

Endre Domokos1
University of Pannonia, Institute of Environmental Engineering, 10 Egyetem St.,
Veszprém, 8200 Hungary
Eötvös University, Budapest, Dept. of Plant Systematics, Ecology and Theoretical
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, 73 Prof. dr. Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd, Iaşi 700050, Romania,
: [email protected], [email protected],

Introduction and study objectives

The aim of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) [2000/60/EC], as
long-term water policy of the European Union (EU), is to assure the good
quality of surface waters. In light of the objectives of the integrated water
management it was aimed at to devise water quality assessment methods on
the basis of the data bases established.
There is growing demand for the use of modern discrete mathematical
tools for various chemical and biological applications. Boolean algebras can play
a very important role in mathematical modelling. The BOOL-AN program
package was based on a novel discrete mathematical approach: the Iterative
Canonical Form (ICF). ICF is suitable for the minimization and the classification
of binary strings as well as sequences. Graph-theoretical representations of the
ICF promote understanding the new method and visualizing its structure.
The surface water analysis (physical-chemical parameters), data
visualization and evaluation method based on the ICF algorithm are the main
issues of the research. For the evaluation of the surface water quality a new
Water Quality Module (WQM) have been developed for the BOOL-AN software
and it was applied onto the Hungarian-Romanian cross-border rivers.
After grouping we have coded and arranged the main 13 physical-
chemical parameters (to the ICF 4-cube graph system, where the number of
vertices in each rank represent rows in Pascal’s triangles, being 1:4:6:4:1. Then
we have calculated the distances (etc: Euclidean, Hamming, ICF rank and code)

between data on the basis of well-known metrics. Dendrograms and point maps
show the classifications of the water bodies. According to the obtained results,
the trees generated by the WQM distinguished the water bodies associated with
critical water quality parameters reliably.

Figure 1: Main elements of the new Water Quality ICF method

Results and conclusions

The ICF graph is a unique fingerprint of watercourses which helps to assess the
quality of water bodies. The ICF underlines problematic cases, so these can
operatively be checked based on raw data. Our goal in the future is to expand
the ICF method elements which are necessary for the evaluation of ecological
status (i.e. biological elements, other specific pollutants, hydro- morphological
GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00016 – Water resources protection, development of
modular, mobile water treatment systems and wastewater treatment technologies at the
University of Pannonia to promote the dynamic growth of Hungary's export performance


Gabriel-Alin Iosob1, Maria Prisecaru2, Florin Prisecaru3,

Iuliana-Mihaela Lazăr4
”Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Doctoral School, Calea Marasesti 157,
600115, Bacau, Romania,
“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Faculty of Science, Department of
Biology, Ecology and Environmental Protection, Bacau, Romania,
National Administration "Romanian Waters" Water Basin Administration
SIRET, str. Cuza Voda Nr. 1, 600 274, Bacău, Romȃnia
“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Faculty of Engineering, Calea
Marasesti 157, 600115, Bacau, Romania,
: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

The hydrographic basin of Trotuș River is a region of scientific importance

because of the geographic variety and important construction on watercourses with
important ecological impact. The uncontrolled anthropic intervention is present and
continues to affect the natural water ecosystem. Each action involved in changing the
environment have many consequences. Therefore, is required to realize detailed
studies looking for the impact of toxic pollutants, like heavy metals on river basins by
monitoring the quality of the hydrographic network. Studies published so far have not
focused on monitoring the water quality in terms of heavy metal pollution on Trotuș
River effluents.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the natural remediation related to
heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Hg and Ni) pollution of the main tributaries of the Trotuș River
from Bacău County in 2010-2015. The variation of the annual average value of heavy
metals from water is represented in Figure 1.

Figure 1:. Natural remediation on main tributaries of the Trotuș River from
Bacău County

From year 2010 to 2015 the presence of heavy metals: cadmium (Cd) and its
compounds, lead (Pb) and its compounds, mercury (Hg) and its compounds, nickel
(Ni) and its compounds was monitored from Trotuş River and its main tributaries:
Ciobănuş River, Asău River, Izvorul Alb River, Plopu creek, Slănic River, Tazlău River,
Tazlăul Sărat River and Uz River. For monitoring purposes, the hydrologic basin was
divided into nine sections: sTrotuş River; Asău River; Ciobănuş River; Izvorul Alb
River; Plopu creek; Slănic River; Tazlău River; Tazlăul Sărat River; Uz River.
The data from each year was collected and following an internal procedure,
an annual average for Cd, Ni, Pb, and Hg was calculated. To establish the working
parameters, the analysis of samples was performed for Cd, Ni, Pb and Hg with an
atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) Zenit 700, with flame and automatic
graphite oven, computerized with transversal heating, deuterium lamp for background
correction and hollow cathode lamps. For fixing the samples at pH < 2 super-pure
HNO3 was used to keep the low pH and for preventing the precipitation of metal ions
at high pH value. The readings were made directly on the machine to a calibration
curve. For determination of Cd, Pb and Ni the SR EN ISO 15586:2004 method was
used and for Hg determination, SR EN ISO 17852:2008, with modifications for
suitability to the matrix type analyzed. Each determination was performed in three
repetitions. The detection limits for Cd was 0.05 µg/l, for Pb was 0.3 µg /l, for Hg was
0,005 µg /l and for Ni was 0,6 µg/l.
Table 1: Heavy metal concentration is the studied section for 2010-2012 period
exceeding the annual average of 0.08 µg/l for Cd and 7.2 µg/l for Pb
River Ciobănuş Izvorul Alb River Plopu creek Slănic Uz River Poiana
River River Uzului
Year Cd (µg/l) Cd Pb Cd Pb Cd Cd Pb Cd
(µg/l) (µg/l) (µg/l) (µg/l) (µg/l) (µg/l) (µg/l) (µg/l)
2010 0.378 0.85 15.5 0.496 12.75 0.455 0.922 16.21 0.45
2011 0.36 0.262 10.5 0.32 11.21 0.28 0.558 8.88 0.23
2012 0.251 7.95 7.75
In the coming years, 2013, 2014 and 2015, in all sections of the river were
not exceeded the yearly average values of heavy metals, all concentrations detected
being within the permissible limits according to the Water Framework Directive
2000/60/CEE or under detection limits.
In conclusion, there were some exceedances of acceptable concentrations of
Cd and Pb during the monitoring period 2010-2012, as a result of the existence of
pollution sources upstream sections of study, it appears that the trend is decreasing in
2012. In the next years, 2013 to 2015, in all monitoring sections, the concentrations
of these metals were within the permissible limits or below the detection limit of the
analysis device. Throughout the study period were not exceeding of the concentration
of Hg and Ni in any monitoring section. This decrease of heavy metal pollution is
primarily due to basic management measures applied on these watercourses.

Cicatelli Angela1,*, Guarino Francesco1, Karina B. Ruiz2,
Biondi Stefania2, Castiglione Stefano1
Università degli Studi diSalerno, Dipartimento di Chimica e Biologia
“A. Zambelli”, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132- 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy;
Università di Bologna
[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Soil metal pollution and salinity represent a constant and heavy legacy of
modern human activities. An intensive use of non-renewable mineral resources,
industrial and agricultural activities, as well as an irrigation with saline water,
seawater intrusion in coastal areas, are some of the specific causes of metal
contamination and salinization of natural and agricultural soils. Despite a
considerable improvement in knowledge, progress in management and control of
soil metal pollution and salinization, they persist and represent threats to the
environment and sustainable agriculture, jeopardizing the well-being of many
people over a wide geographic areas. Among soil remediation approaches,
phytoremediation of metal- or salt-affected soils using halophyte plants has been
studied and can be recommended as an efficient and inexpensive strategy,
protective of environment and human health. The purpose of this research was to
assess whether quinoa plants are useful to reclaim soils affected by chromium (Cr)
and/or salt (NaCl) using a phytoremediation approach. Chromium enviroment
contamination, though partly natural (volcanic eruptions, bedrock erosion, etc.), is
mainly due to industrial processes, such as textile and leather tanning processes; it
is classified among the 'Priority hazardous substances' and its use is severely
restricted under the European legislation. At the same time, quinoa ( Chenopodium
quinoa Willd.), an ancient Andean crop largely cultivated for its edible and highly
nutritious seeds, is a facultative halophyte plant species, able to cope with many
types of abiotic stresses, including high salinity levels and metals. Although
many mechanisms involved in soil salinity tolerance have been investigated, only
few information are available regarding growth, uptake and translocation capacity
of quinoa, whenever it is exposed to high Cr and/or salt concentrations. Therefore,
the aims of the present study are to: i) evaluate the effects of high doses of Cr(III)
and/or NaCl on growth and biomass production of quinoa; ii) investigate the
potential of Cr and/or Na phytoremediation capacity of seedlings; iii) assess Cr and
Na plant uptake and organ distribution, as well as the effect of both elements on P
and Fe metabolism (both potentially alterated by Cr and/or NaCl soil content).
Quinoa seeds were sown in plastic pots and, when the plants reached a
height of 15 cm, Cr and/or Na were added to pots in three consecutive weekly
doses, up to the final concentrations of 500 mg kg -1 soil dry weight of Cr (as

Chromium nitrate nonahydrate) and of 150 mM NaCl. The experimental
design included 4 experimental theses, with three pots for each treatment. At the
end of the experiment (approximately 3 months after seed sowing), plants were
harvested, separated into roots, stems and leaves, and then weighted. Metal (Cr,
Na, Fe) and nutrient content (P) were evaluated using an emission
spectrophotometer techniques, after digestion with acid mixture. Pot filling soils
were characterized for total or available metal content, at three different time
points during the trial. The Translocation (TF) and Bioaccumulation (BAF) factors
were calculated to estimate the ability of plant to transfer elements from root to
shoot (TF), or from soil to plant biomass (BAF).
Results and conclusions
At the end of the experiment, quinoa plants did not show any symptoms of
toxicity or stress on spiked soils. In fact, the Cr and/or Na addition had no impact
on plant biomass, furthermore an increased leaf biomass was detected in plants
grown on Cr-spiked soil, probably due to the addition of metal as nitrate salt. In
order to evaluate the effects of Cr and/or Na addition on quinoa phytoremediation
capacity, the amounts of Cr, Na, P and Fe were determined in roots, stems and
leaves at the end of the experimentation. Roots of quinoa, grown on Cr-spiked
soils, accumulated higher amounts of Cr than the aerial organs; furthermore, when
both Cr and Na were added together to the soils, Cr root concentration significantly
increased. On Na-spiked soils, the quinoa plants accumulated Na in all organs, even
if it was mainly translocated in leaves. Sodium was highly accumulated when the
salt was singularly added to the soils. Quinoa plants accumulated Fe in roots; in
particular Fe content was significantly improved when the salt was singularly added
to soils. On the contrary, P was mainly translocated in the leaves, but a significant
decrease was observed in the leaves caused by Cr and/or Na additions. The
response of quinoa to Cr and/or Na treatments was also evaluated in terms of TF
and BAF. The TF values for Cr were extremely low (close to 0) showing that quinoa
did not translocate this metal from root to shoot. On the contrary, the TF values for
Na were high (>1) in all treated plants, mainly when Cr or Na were singularly
added to the soils. The BAF values for Cr and Na were high (>1) for quinoa plants
grown on Cr or Na- spiked soils. The soil background concentrations of total Cr and
Na, at the beginning of experimentation, were those of a common agricultural soil.
At the second sampling, the concentrations of the two elements increased as a
consequence of the artificial soil pollution, while, at the plant harvesting, Cr and Na
soil contents was decreased in all analysed pots, revealing the capacity of quinoa
plants to absorb and accumulate Cr and Na. The available Cr and Na contents were
always low in all soils during the experimental trial.
In conclusion, our study revealed that quinoa plants were able to tolerate
high Cr or Na amounts, even when they were added together to soil. In particular,
quinoa plants could be efficiently used for Cr phytostabilization and Na
phytoextraction. In fact, plants were able to accumulate Cr in the roots and Na the
leaves, to a greater extent when Cr and Na were singularly added to the soils
respect when they were added together. The combined soil addition of Cr and Na
negatively influenced nutrient (P) absorption and accumulation in quinoa; while Fe
uptake increased only in the presence of high salt concentrations.


Raluca Maria Hlihor1,2,*, Manuela Olga Pogăcean1,3,

Petronela Cozma1, Isabela Maria Simion1,2, Vasile Stoleru2,
Maria Gavrilescu1,4,*
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management,
73 Prof. Dr. Docent D. Mangeron Str.,
700050 Iasi, Romania
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of
Iasi, Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies, 3 Aleea Mihail
Sadoveanu, 700490 Iasi, Romania
Phytosanitary Office Mureş, Regional Laboratory for Quality Control of Pesticides,
Târgu Mureş, Romania
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest,
: [email protected], [email protected]

Pests and diseases are considered among the restrictive factors for
farmers in their efforts to obtain good crops, with higher yields. The largest part
of pest management strategies are still dependent on the usage of synthetic
pesticides, which can unfortunately bioaccumulate in plants, vegetables, fruits
and enter the food chain. An important side effect of pesticides use is the
potential threat they can pose to human health and environmental quality.
World Health Organization (WHO) established that over 30% of consumers’ diet
in Europe consist of fruit and vegetables since they provide vitamins, fibers,
minerals, antioxidants. However, they can be a source of pesticide residues as
well, with toxic effects for human health, particularly when children are fruits
consumers, since they are mostly vulnerable to pesticides exposures and risks.
In the last years, the concern for diminishing the risk of pesticide residues
found in fruit and vegetables grew continuously due to a stricter policy of the
European Union, while the interest of scientists in human health monitoring and
risk analysis for children, adults and the general population continues to be
highly topical.
Human exposure to pesticides can result from dietary intake of plant
products containing pesticide residues accumulated during crop treatment or by
inhalation, dermal contact and ingestion of direct emissions from the fraction
that is “lost” in the environment during pesticides application. This work is

focused on the assessment of human health risk induced by the presence of
pesticide residues in sour cherries. The experimental procedure considers the
application of four treatments with eight fungicides (chlorothalonil,
myclobutanil, folpet, captan, boscalid, pyraclostrobin, cyprodinil, tebuconazole)
and five insecticides (chlorpyrifos ethyl, deltamethrin, alpha-cypermethrin,
lambda-cyhalothrin and acetamiprid) on field, in single and double doses on
sour cherries, according to their phenological growth stages.
The pesticide residues in samples of sour cherries were analyzed at
certain time intervals and at harvesting time by gas chromatography coupled
with mass spectrometry with flight time (GC-TOF-MS). The results allowed the
assessment of future potential risks to human health associated with the
consumption of sour cherries containing pesticide residues at harvest, based on
fruits consumption estimates released in 2015 for 2013, of 188.60 g/capita/day
in EU-28.
The risk assessment of pesticides residues showed that the hazard
indices values for adults, adolescents and children do not exceed the safety
limit values for human health. These results recommend the need of continuous
programs of study and monitoring of pesticide in all food products, in order to
protect the end user - the consumer - to pesticide exposure.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for
Scientific Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-
2.1-PED-2016-1662, within PNCDI III.


Gorkem Akinci1, Gulden Gok2, Melayib Bilgin2

Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Engineering, Environmental Engineering Department,
Tinaztepe Campus, 35160 Buca, Izmir, Turkey
Aksaray University, Faculty of Engineering, Environmental Engineering Department
[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Heavy metals (HMs) are one of the most important environmental concerns
(Alloway, 1994). HM uptakes from soils and their translocation from plant roots to aerial
parts have an important impact on HM bioaccumulation in food chain. However, in
many parts of the world agricultural activities are realized in areas close to HM emitting
sources such as fossil fuel power plants, mining sites, and industries. The influence of
HM emitting sources on bioaccumulation and translocation of HMs in plants are poorly
reported in the literature. Here, bioconcentration and translocation of HMs in plants
growing in an agricultural area surrounded by a coal mine, a thermal power plant with
an annual capacity of 8.1 billion kWh and a coal ash landfill site are studied for well
understanding of bioaccumulation and translocation of HMs in plants under extensive
The soils and plants (sunflower, sugar beet, eggplant and apricot) were
sampled from nine different fields in the area. The sampling point distances from the
HM emitting sources were between 200 m and 10150 m. Soils were collected from the
surface (core sampler: 5 cm in diameter, 15 cm in length), the plants were uprooted
from the soil and the fruits were picked by hand. The samples were stored in plastic
bags at 4°C until the analysis. Soil samples were dried at 60°C, sieved from 2 mm
screen and homogenized. Plants were divided as root, leaves, seeds and/or fruits, the
parts were washed with running tap water and rinsed with distilled water before they
were dried at 60°C. Dried samples were powdered, multi acid digestion procedures
applied, the extracts were analyzed by ICP-OES for As, Cd, Co Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, V
and Zn levels. All tests were triplicated. Bioconcentration factors were determined by
dividing the plant parts’ HM concentration to soil, while translocation factors were
calculated by taking HM concentration ratio of plant aerial parts to roots.
Results and conclusions
It’s found that only Mn and V levels in soils are decreasing with increasing
distance from the sources. High correlations between the soil concentrations of As-Ni
(r:0.92, p<0.01), As-Pb (r:0.872, p<0.01), Cd-Zn (r:0.892, p<0.01), Co-Mn (r:0.927,
p<0.01) and Ni-Pb (r:0.941, p<0.01) were found. Statistically significant relations

between As-Co (r:0.755, p<0.05), Co-Ni (r:0.845, p<0.05), Co-Pb (r:0.846, p<0.05),
Cr-V (r:0.775, p<0.05), and Mo-V (r:0.828, p<0.05) in soil were also detected.
Table 1. Soil and plant concentrations and plant bioconcentration factors (BCF) of
studied heavy metals with reference values (*Pais and Jones, 1997)
Soil *Total Plant *Normal BC *Soil- Plant
Concentrations Concentration Concentrations Range Factors Transfer
(this study) Min.- in Soils, (this study) Min.- in Plants (this study) Coeff.
Max. Min.-Max. Max. Min.- Max. Min.- Max. Min.- Max.
As 4.0-13.8 0.1-48 0.1– 5.1 0.009-1.7 0.02-0.75 0.01-0.1
Cd 0.3-0.5 0.01-3 0.08-0.4 0.1-1.0 0.03-0.99 1-10
Co 13.0-22.8 1-40 0.06-12.15 0.03-0.57 0.00-0.63 0.01-0.1
Cr 55.8-122.4 5-1000 1.9-81.2 0.02-0.2 0.03-1.16 0.01-0.1
Cu 23.6-37.2 2-100 2.76-34.49 1-10 0.12-1.10 0.1-10
Mn 494-765 200-3000 8.0-538 10-500 0.02-0.66 n.a.
Mo 0.4-2.5 0.5-40 0.08-8.64 0.1-3.0 0.17-5.25 n.a.
Ni 79.4-205.4 1-200 1.6-73.8 0.3-3.5 0.01-0.73 0.1-1.0
Pb 9.4-19.2 3-189 0.17-7.79 1.0 0.01-0.61 0.01-0.1
V 47-104.5 3-230 2.0-52 0.27-4.2 0.03-0.75 n.a.
Zn 53.3-95.3 10-300 5.0-59.4 10-100 0.08-1.11 1-10
Table 2. Average translocation factors (TF) of studied heavy metals in plants (SF:
Sunflower, SB: Sugar Beet, EP: Eggplant, L: Leaves, S: Seeds, F:Fruits, R: Roots)
TF As Cd Co Cr Cu Mn Mo Ni Pb V Zn

L/R 1.61 1.31 1.02 1.12 2.06 1.58 2.66 1.18 1.34 1.40 1.34
SF (n=4)
S/R 0.95 1.13 0.65 0.65 1.92 0.72 0.80 0.87 0.76 0.78 1.40
SB (n=3) L/R 2.00 3.26 2.50 2.50 2.48 3.25 7.27 2.74 3.21 2.70 1.69
L/R 2.75 1.33 1.61 1.46 1.46 2.54 4.36 1.88 2.54 1.45 0.95
EP (n=1)
F/R 0.38 0.78 0.14 0.68 0.93 0.51 2.52 0.16 0.25 0.18 0.69
Plant HM levels above the normal range (except Cd and Zn) were detected.
BCFs of HMs, except Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, were generally higher than reference upper
value. The lowest BCFs were found for apricot and eggplant fruits, and sugarbeet roots,
where the highest BCFs were calculated for sunflower roots and leaves and eggplant
leaves. TF>1 were found for all plants and HMs, mostly for the leaves; the highest TFs
were calculated for sugar beet and eggplant leaves having large surface areas, where
the lowests were determined for eggplant fruits and sunflower seeds. TFs are generally
higher than previously reported.
The HMs sources in plants may be originated from soil, irrigation water,
fertilizers and fumigation agents, and from industrial and traffic emissions. Here,
although the soil HM concentrations are in the world range (except Ni and Zn),
unusually high BCFs and TFs found for the studied plants. Sugar beet is known as a
high accumulator of Cu, Ni and Zn (Pais and Jones, 1997), however the concentrations
and BCFs of these metals in sugarbeet are found lower than sunflower, whose BCFs are
much lower than the reported values in the literature (Niu et al., 2007).
As a result, it is understood that emissions from surrounding mining site,
thermal power plant and ash landfilling activities and the agricultural chemicals used in
the area significantly contribute to the aerial plant parts HM levels.

Delia Nica-Badea1, Iuliana Gabriela Breaban2,*,
Igor Cretescu3,*, Catalina Daniela Stan4
Faculty of Medicinal and Behavioural Sciences, Department of Sport and Health,
"Constantin Brancusi" University, Eroilor Street No.30, Târgu-Jiu, Romania
Faculty of Geography and Geology, Department of Geography, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
University of Iasi 20A Carol I 20A Blvd., 700505, Iasi, Romania
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection, Department of
Environmental Engineering and Management, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of
Iasi, Blvd. D. Mangeron No.73, 700050 Iasi, Romania,
Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Science II, ”Grigore T. Popa”
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 16 Universităţii Street, 700115, Iasi, România
: [email protected]

Coal is still an important source of energy in Europe, covering about a

quarter of electricity production. Burning coal is one of the main source of mercury
emitted into the environment, burning fossil fuels produces 45% of the total mercury
emitted from human activity worldwide. Among the 20 largest coal-fired facilities
located in Europe two power plants are from Romania (Turceni and Rovinari). The
mercury content of coal, reported worldwide ranging between 0.01 to 1.0 mg·Kg-1,
being present in the form of sulfide and organic matter associated with pyrite in some
cases. The incomplete combustion of coal in the thermal power plants generates fly
ash (instead of carbon dioxide and mercury which is associated with it). The thermal
power plants, based on coal burning, dominate non-uniform spatial mercury
distribution. A number of studies have reported that presence and accumulation of
mercury in both soils and vegetation around power plants: local (2 to10 km) to
regional scale (20 to 50 km). Mercury is one of the most hazardous contaminants
emitted to the atmosphere due to its toxic effects on the environment and human
health including damage to the central nervous system (neurotoxicity), kidney,
developing fetus(organic mercury, methylmercury), can cause birth defects and
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Due to these considerations the admisible
limits have been established for food and medicines by health authorities
(Commission Regulation No 1881/2006).
Based on literature data, to predict the local impact of mercury
accumulations, the present study deals with the analysis of local mercury discharge
from coal power plants, by examining samples of ash, slag, soil, spontaneous
vegetation and crop plants, using as analytical techniques the cold vapor atomic
absorption spectroscopy (CVAAS).
The environmental monitoring is aimed to determine different harmful
pollutants from environmental components such as: air, water, soil, vegetation in

urban and in rural areas. The methodology of sampling, preparation and extraction of
heavy metals (Hg) from soil and plants are in accordance with the requirements of
instrumental analysis of multicomponent environmental samples. Soil and plant
sampling was conducted on the Jiu river corridor, in the NW-SE direction, considering
the relief of the area and the predominant directions of the atmospheric circulation
adjacent to the pollution sources (the power station and cinder deposit). The
determination of total mercury concentration was carried out by CVAAS according to
international standards with using a Thermo Electron Model S Series AA SOLAAR
spectrometer equipped with software platform.
The performance of analytical method applied in this study, permit the
mercury detection in all the analyzed samples from local environmental components
with values ranging between 0.004 to 0.12 mg·Kg -1. Analyzing mercury content as
total forms, it is confirmed the presence of both mercury and its compounds in the
distribution chain and accumulation: lignite, ash and slag, soil and spontaneous or
cultivated vegetation in the power plantarea of influence, slag and ash deposit on the
flanks of Jiiu river corridor, between Brănești – Ceplea and Turceni- Iliești, located in
NW-SE direction (Figure 1). Mercury determined in samples of lignite (0.020 mg·Kg )
was found in fly ash samples retained by filters (0.037 mg·Kg ), bottom ash
transported in deposit (0.022 mg·Kg-1), adjacent soils landfill and the power plant
(0.12 mg·Kg-1 and 0.049 mg·Kg-1, respectively). The mercury content in vegetation
presents different values depending on the bioavailability of plants, location of the
monitoring area in respect of the emission source, etc. The mercury content
presented values ranging between 0.014 and 0.005 mg·Kg in the wild flora and
-1 -1
respectively 0.022 mg·Kg to 0.006 mg·Kg in the plants crop.

Figure 1: Distribution of the samling points in the Turceni power plant region
The production of electricity in coal-fired power plants is an additional source
of mercury released from the coal matrix in space, with the tendency to accumulate
and concentrate in soil, plants and animals, resulting in harmful effects on the human


Roxana Tincu1,*, Maria-Ema Faciu2, Iuliana Lazar1

“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, 157Marasesti Str, Bacau 600115 Romania,
”Al. Vlahuta” Technological School Podu Turcului, 95 Tudor Vladimirescu Street 607450-
Bacau, Romania
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Assessment of the flood risk represents one of the themes which are focusing
the attention of many researchers, not only because of the frequency of occurrence but
also because of the multilevel impact of floods. Vulnerability assessment, often
neglected in traditional approaches, can be considered one of the most important
characteristics of risk assessment. It defines the ability of an element (be it here
represented by people) or activity to resist when it is exposed to hazard. The
vulnerability helps us to explain why the same hazardous event has different effects on
exposed elements of hazard, i.e. the people and infrastructure.
This research is focused on social vulnerability nested in the environmental
sphere and deeply intertwined with the economic sphere.
The main objective was to assess the vulnerability of the elements exposed to
floods hazard from two villages, Ghimes and Faget, in order to quantify the risks. It can
be mentioned that the current study represents a new stage after achieving the hazard
map and identification of the elements exposed to flood hazard of a more
comprehensive study which aimed flood risk assessment in a rural area.
This research represents a new stage of a more comprehensive study regarding
flood risk assessment in this area. Firstly we realized the hazard map according with the
Swiss method of hazard assessment, based on a matrix diagram which defines three
levels of risk (i.e., low, medium and high). Secondly, using this hazard map we identified
the elements exposed to flood hazard. A new stage in the risk assessment takes place
by calculating the vulnerability of exposed elements on hazard maps.
The hazard maps completed with correspondent recommendations according to
classification may be used in the process of urban planning, during the preliminary
proposals for flood protection measures, but more data is necessary in order to assess
the risk of the flood on population and local economy and to design an efficient flood
risk management plan.
Thus, an application form was designed structured into five sections: building
characteristics, social and economic characteristics, the experience of flooding and
support; totalizing 36 items addressing the three components of vulnerability: exposure,

sensitivity, and ability to cope. The form was used to achieve a micro-census, people
from 80 households, living in Ghimes – Faget area and exposed to flood hazard, being
interviewed. In order to assess the vulnerability and to calculate the vulnerability index,
data analysis was run using SPSS statistical software, while mapping of indexes and
spatial correlation analysis were conducted using ArcGIS10.
Results and conclusions
Hazard maps were designed considering categories like demographic
classifications, social and economic situation, health, transport; in order to assess
individual and collective propensity for risk exposure and reaction capability to a
dangerous event.
Land use maps were transformed into “acceptable risk maps” according to
acceptable risk classification: Low – for residential, agricultural, transport, and industrial
areas; Medium – for sport and recreation areas; and High – for water areas and
pasture. Hazard maps were overlaid with transformed land use maps and processed by
GIS analytical tools. The existing and anticipated areas with exceeded acceptable risk
were highlighted.
From the analysis of vulnerability highlighted areas, it was observed that the
older buildings are more exposed than the newer ones (from the last 20 years).
Considering the correlation with the age of the inhabitants, with the state of health and
with the number of family members, it can be concluded that the Flood risk
management plan needs to include an intervention procedure addressed especially to
the elderly, which have also a low ability to cope.

a b c
Figure 1: Percentages of damaged areas function of number of flood events at 2005
(a), 2007 (b) and 2010 (c)
From the correlation analysis applied on data regarding flooding events from
2005 and 2007, it was observed a strong correlation (p=0.695, Sig. 0.000) between
percentages of damaged areas, which raises possible faults in the urban plans. Also,
percentages of damaged areas were significantly influenced by a number of flood
events mainly at 2005 and 2007 and less in 2010 (Figure 1). So, the Flood risk
management plan proposed by this study may be used to improve the current urban


Maria A. Kirillova1,*, Elena N. Esimbekova1,2,

Valentina A. Kratasyuk1,2
Laboratory of Bioluminescent Biotechnologies, Department of Biophysics, Institute of
Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Institute of Biophysics SB RAS, Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB
RAS”, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Nowadays biosensors based on enzymes of bioluminescent organisms are
widely used to analyze biological contaminations as well as chemical pollution in
food industry, clinics and environmental monitoring. For example, biosensor
contained enzymatic system of luminous bacteria NADH:FMN-oxidoreductase (Red)
and luciferase (Luc) is used to determine toxic properties of testing probe (1, 2).
The main principle of the bioluminescent toxicity enzymatic assays is inhibition of
Red and/or Luc activities by the toxic compounds. The coupled enzyme system Red
and Luc is successfully used for toxicity analysis of wastewater, air, soil etc. The use
of enzymes as a test-object allows to increase the sensitivity and to simplify the
assay comparing with those involving living organisms.

FMN + NADH + H+ NADH:FMN-oxidoreductase→ FMNH2 + NAD+ (1)

FMNH2 + RCHO + O2 Luciferase→ FMN + RCOOH + H2O + Light (2)

Firefly luciferase is commonly used for detection of bacterial contamination

and the analysis is based on detection of adenosine-5’-triphosphate (ATP) that is
linearly correlated with amount of cells. There is a possibility to employ the coupled
enzyme system Red and Luc for quantitative analysis of bacteria in the sample
instead of firefly bioluminescent system. In the case of Red and Luc system
quantitative control of microorganisms is based on determination of flavin
mononucleotide (FMN) or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) content in
analyzed sample. Indeed, FMN and NADH are coenzymes of many metabolic
pathways of bacterial cells, and simultaneously they are substrates of coupled
enzyme system of luminous bacteria Red and Luc.
In the present research we try to design a new technique for quantification
of bacterial cells in a sample based on the bioluminescent enzyme system of
luminous bacteria Red and Luc.

The optimal assay conditions were chosen to achieve the highest sensitivity
of the coupled enzyme system Red and Luc to key substrates FMN and NADH. The
concentrations of enzymes (NADH:FMN-oxidoreductase and luciferase) and
substrates (tetradecanal, FMN, NADH) that allow to achieve the lowest limit of
detection were found. The assay was performed as follow: compounds of reaction
mixture contained 300 μl 0.05 M phosphate buffer pH 6.8, 10 μl solutions of
luciferase and NADH:FMN-oxidoreductase, 50 μl 0.0025% tetradecanal, 10 μl FMN
and 50 μl NADH, were placed into the tube and mixed quickly. The tube was placed
into luminometer Lumat LB 9507 («Berthold Technologies», Germany) and the
maximum of luminescence was detected. Before the addition of the last component
of the reaction (FMN or NADH) the background light emission was measured. The
limit of detection was found when the luminescence signal was three times higher
than background light emission.
We used Escherichia coli cells as a model of bacterial contamination. Cells
were destroyed by sonication, diluted and added into reaction mixture instead of
Results and discussions
The correlation between light intensity of bioluminescent enzyme reaction
and concentration of substrates FMN and NADH was observed. The coupled enzyme
system Red and Luc was more sensitive to NADH than that for FMN. The lowest
limits of detection were 1.2 nM FMN and 0.1 pM NADH. The ranges in linearity were
from 0.1 pМ to 1 nМ and from 1.2 nМ to 10 М with added NADH and FMN
The light intensity was proportional to amount of bacterial cells in the
reaction mixture. The sensitivity of bioluminescent system Red and Luc was 3.9
million cells/ml and 800 thousand cells/ml in cases of detection based on FMN and
NADH respectively. According to literature the sensitivity of mutated firefly
luciferase to bacterial cells can come up to 1 cell/ml, that is about 6 times higher
than sensitivity of bioluminescent system Red and Luc demonstrated in the study.
In conclusion, the coupled enzyme system of luminous bacteria Red and
Luc can be used for quantification of bacterial cells in highly contaminated
environmental samples, such as water etc., where amount of cells is more than 800
thousand cells/ml; otherwise the use of firefly luciferase is more preferable.
The research was partially supported by Government of Krasnoyarsk
Territory, Krasnoyarsk Region Science and Technology Support Fund to the research project
and Russian Foundation for Basic Research [project No 16-44-242126].

Milva Pepi1, Hermann J. Heipieper2, Cecilia Balestra1,
Marco Borra1, Elio Biffali1, Raffaella Casotti1,*
Integrative Marine Ecology , Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Napoli, Italy;
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig,
: [email protected] (R. Casotti)

Introduction and study objectives

In the marine world, as in any ecosystem, bacteria contribute to key
ecological processes and elemental cycles. In the plankton, they permeate the water
medium and strictly interact with nearby microbes by using the organic compounds
excreted by them or decomposing their dead matter. Diatoms are ubiquitous
photosynthetic eukaryotic microbes, able to carry out about 20% of primary
production on Earth, and are at the base of the marine food web. Diatoms and
bacteria strictly interact and this interaction is mediated by specific metabolites acting
as infochemicals, allelochemicals or pheromones.
Under senescence or nutrient limitation, diatoms produce and release
significant amounts of bioactive metabolites involved in activated chemical defense in
response to grazing by copepods. Among these, PolyUnsaturated Aldehydes (PUAs)
are produced from fatty acids degradation, strongly impacting copepod reproduction
as teratogens. PUAs are also toxic to surrounding phytoplankton and bacteria,
reducing their metabolism and growth at low concentration and determining their
community composition and structure. Resistance to PUAs may therefore confer a
competitive advantage, allowing a better exploitation of the rich organic matter
represented by diatoms. As a consequence, diatom-associated bacteria may have
evolved tolerance to toxic PUAs released by diatoms. In general, contact of living cells
with toxicants (below a specific threshold), induces changes in cell membrane fluidity,
which bacteria counteract by modifying their membrane fatty acid composition so to
maintain fluidity at a constant level. Another mechanism of regulating membrane
fluidity against membrane-active substances consists in a modification of the degree
of fatty acids saturation.
Based on these observations, we aimed at elucidating and quantifying the
reactions of six bacterial strains isolated during a diatom bloom in the Northern
Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea) to different concentrations of PUAs, in terms of
adaptive modifications of the degree of saturation of their fatty acids as an indicator
of membrane rigidity.
Water samples were collected from the Northern Adriatic Sea (Italy) during a
diatom bloom (dominant diatom species were Skeletonema marinoi, Chaetoceros

socialis and unidentified pennates) in April 2014. Enrichment cultures were prepared
in mineral medium, in the presence of different concentrations of 2E,4E/Z-heptadienal
(HEPTA), 2E,4E/Z-octadienal (OCTA), and 2E,4E/Z-decadienal (DECA). PUAs-resistant
bacterial strains were and stored at -80°C with 30% sterile glycerol (v/v) added until
further use. Amplification of 16S rRNA gene was performed using the primers 27f (5’-
Consensus sequences of the polyunsaturated aldehydes-tolerant isolates were
compared with those deposited in GenBank by using the BLAST program. For
phylogenetic analysis, 16S rDNA sequences of the isolates, and related sequences
retrieved from databases (GenBank and RDPII), were conducted using MEGA version
6.1. The phylogenetic trees were drawn using the neighbour-joining method.
The bacterial lipids were extracted from wet pellets from 20 ml cell
suspensions (about 1.5 × 1010 cells) centrifuged 3 h after addition of PUAs and
washed with phosphate buffer (50 mM; pH 7). Analysis of fatty acid composition was
performed using a quadruple GC System (HP5890, Hewlett & Packard, Palo Alto CA,
USA) equipped with a split/splitless injector. A CP-Sil 88 capillary column (Chrompack,
Middelburg, NL; length, 50 m; inner diameter, 0.25 mm; 0.25 lm film) was used for
the separation of the FAME.
Results and Conclusions
According to 16S rRNA sequencing, the six strains were assigned to the
genera Pseudomonas, Sufflavibacter, Halomonas, Vibrio, Idiomarina, and Labrenzia.
Growth of these strains was reduced by 50% (EC50) at PUA concentrations ranging
from 600 to 1700 μM HEPTA, 400 to 800 μM of OCTA, and 70 to 400 μM of DECA.
Membrane reactions to PUAs were investigated in two of these strains, Vibrio sp. and
Halomonas, sp., testing membrane fatty acid composition in terms of adaptive
modifications of their degree of saturation (ratio between saturated and unsaturated
fatty acids) by GC-FID. As a result, a direct correlation between bacterial membrane
hydrophobicity and PUA toxicity was observed, and these bacteria were also found to
react to PUAs by increasing the degree of saturation of their membranes fatty acids.
Tested PUAs act as very toxic and effective poison, probably accumulating in
cytoplasmic membranes because of their high hydrophobicity.
Our data suggest that diatom PUAs act as contact poison, due to their high
hydrophobicity, allowing to directly accumulate in the bacterial and animal
membranes, causing toxic effects and also protecting diatoms from grazing. Hereby,
PUAs cause an about four-times higher toxic effect on bacteria than corresponding n-
alkanols which are known to be among the most toxic organic compounds. This is
probably due to the PUA’s ability to disrupt proteins by the formation of Schiff’s bases,
different than most known toxins known in the marine phytoplankton and involved in
biotic interactions. Our study, thereby, brings novel information about the mode of
action of these ecologically relevant compounds having such a strong impact on
recruitment of copepods and therefore transfers of matter within the aquatic food
webs. This also implies that bacterial growth inhibition and membrane adaptive
reaction, and the direct relationship between PUAs hydrophobicity, bacterial toxicity
and membrane adaptation, can be used as good bioindicators for the detection of
PUA-induced stress in nature.


Iulia Crăciun, Andrei Radovici, Alexandra Kovacs,

Alexandru Mereuță, Zoltán Török, Viorel Arghiuș,
Alexandru Ozunu*

Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, 30 Fântânele

Street, 400294, Cluj-Napoca, România
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Floods are one of the most frequent natural hazards that produce
significant socioeconomic losses every year, affecting population worldwide.
Floods can also affect industrial plants and facilities located in flood prone
areas, causing the release of hazardous substances, which can result in Na-
Tech accidents (NAtural hazard triggering TECHnological disasters).
Even though the frequency of Na-Tech accidents is considered to be
low, the analysis of such events is important giving the potential major
consequences on population, infrastructure, economy and the environment.
The process of Na-Tech risk analysis may prove more complex than the
conventional approaches, mostly because of the different characteristics of the
processes and methodology used along with the complexity of the possible
outcomes that may occur. A database analysis of Na-Tech accidents shows that
mostly atmospheric and pressurized storage tanks were damaged and the most
frequent consequences registered were water and ground contamination.
In the case of Na-Tech events triggered by floods the consequences
can be magnified by the fact that the prevention and mitigation measures and
the utilities may be affected by the natural hazard and therefore not working
properly. Some of the assets or systems that can be affected as a result of a
Na-Tech event can be essential for the maintenance of vital societal functions at
the local, regional or national level. The disruption or destruction of these
critical infrastructures will have a significant impact on health, safety, security,
economy, environment and also on other dependent infrastructures.
Furthermore the natural hazard can increase the likelihood of multiple failures,
triggering DOMINO effects. The importance of taking into account the natural
hazard when analyzing the technological risks is revealed also by the SEVESO
III Directive, by stating that external events must be considered and analyzed.

In Romania floods are the most frequent natural hazards with high
damage potential. At the end of year 2015 a number of 300 Seveso-type
industrial site were registered by the authorities, from which a number of 15
were identified in this study to be situated in flood prone areas. In this study
two sites containing hazardous substances were selected for further analysis in
order to determine and compare the risk of possible Na-Tech scenarios.
The frequency of the two possible Na-Tech scenarios was determined
by combining the frequency of the flood with a certain severity and the
probability of failure of the process or storage equipment hit by the flood. This
failure probability can be determined from fragility curves related to different
Damage States (DS). On the other hand, the consequences of the Na-Tech
event are determined by mathematical modeling and simulation of possible
post-release scenarios. Usually, the flood event is characterized by the return
period and severity parameters (maximum water depth and maximum water
velocity). In this study the return period was obtained from historical data and
the severity parameters were simulated using the HEC RAS hydraulic model.
Results and conclusions
In this study a procedure for Na-Tech risk assessment involving floods
was developed. It has been highlighted that the technological accidents caused
by floods can produce greater consequences compared to the hazards occurring
separately, due to the interaction between flood characteristics and the
technological equipment.
Preliminary results show an increase in the expected frequency of single
accident scenarios as well as the overall impact registered on site. Furthermore,
a significant increase of the values for individual and societal risk is expected
when considering a technological accident scenario triggered by a severe
flooding event.
The results reveal the importance of taking into consideration external
events, such as natural hazards when analyzing the risk associated with
technological accidents. In this way more complex procedures and
methodologies for Na-Tech risk assessment can be developed. These types of
analyses play a significant role in increasing the awareness of the population,
authorities and stakeholders regarding Na-Tech risks.

Stefan-Adrian Strungaru1, Mircea Nicoara2,*,
Madalina Andreea Robea 2, Elena Todirascu-Ciornea2,
Gabriel Plavan2
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Department of Research, Faculty of Biology, Bd.
Carol I, 20A, 700505, Iasi, Romania
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Department of Biology, Faculty of Biology, Bd.
Carol I, 20A, 700505, Iasi, Romania
[email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Mercury is an aggressive and potent neurotoxin that significantly increased
within environment, leading to concern for human and wildlife health in many regions of
the world. The most well-known case recorded in the history of mercury mass
poisoning in human population is the Minamata disaster from the Japanese island of
Kyushu, in 1956. The UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) took a decision
regarding reduction of the mercury emissions within environment based on its toxicity
upon the life forms; it was named Minamata Convention on Mercury and signed by 128
countries and 35 parties. Romania signed it on 10.10.2013 as a member of the
European Union. The convention contains a series of recommendations and tasks about
the global mercury problem and its toxicological effects. The use of fishes as
experimental animals has largely expanded over the past decade for a number of
reasons, including the great request in aquaculture, which led to a variety of supporting
basic studies in areas such as nutrition, disease, physiology, genetics, ecotoxicology and
other toxicological research, as well as fundamental studies in genetics and immunology
relevant for higher vertebrate groups, including mammals. The main objective of the
study was the assessment of the toxicity upon zebrafish model species of the
Methylmercury (II) chloride (CH3HgCl) released within freshwater environment from
anthropogenic activities on the one side, and the development of new ecotoxicological
monitoring techniques through interdisciplinary approach, on the other side. The study
used methods of behavioral analysis (memory, social interaction, swimming
performance, anxiety and learning capacity) in order to gather information about
zebrafishes ecology and their response to mercury toxicity.
The quantification of behavior changes caused by CH3HgCl toxicity was based
on the software EthoVision XT ver.11.5, developed by NOLDUS. It is used in a wide
range of fields, mostly related to neurosciences, such as toxicology, safety

pharmacology, psychopharmacology, drug discovery, molecular biology, genetics,
behavioral neurosciences, but also in applied ethology and animal welfare studies. This
video tracking software is the core of the multiple purpose maze system that is
recording with an infrared camera the organisms moving within the arena illuminated by
an infrared light source. This type of maze is used in a series of tests for: swimming
performance and muscle contraction, memory, learning skills, decision and social
interaction. The software was calibrated according to the objectives of the study. The
experiments were conducted on 3 fish groups consisting each of 3 males and 3 females
of zebrafish adults. The groups were: Group I (1 µg L-1 CH3HgCl), Group II (5 µg L-1
CH3HgCl) and Control group (0 µg L CH3HgCl). The performance of each fish specimen
was studied before and after the administration of mercury. Firstly, each fish specimen
learned to decide in the water maze in order to avoid the negative stimulus and protect
himself. This process needed one week for each group before the treatment. Three
tests were used in this study, each one with 120 variables (e.g.: rotation, distance
covered, velocity, acceleration) and these were: swimming performance and spatial
memory, aggressiveness level and social skills, response to visual negative stimulus
from environment. The measurements of the behavior changes were done at 2 h, 6 h,
12 h, 24 h and 32 h after the administration of the treatment and used the tests
described above. The required time for each test trail was 4 minutes per subject. In the
case of the control group same tests were run, but no treatment was added in the
Results and conclusions
The experiment successfully simulated the effects of acute contamination with
Methylmercury (II) chloride - a compound that may result from anthropogenic activities
- upon zebrafish model. Though no mortality in the specimens under the treatment was
recorded, their neuronal functions were damaged. The concentration of 1 µg L-1
CH3HgCl is 14.28 times higher than the maximum concentration allowed: 0.07 µg L -1
(Directive 2013/39/EU, mercury compounds). This can be similar to a shock wave that
may result from a pollution source. Very quick changes in the swimming performance
and spatial memory of the groups were observed (see the figure below!) caused by the
toxicity of the mercury compound. Observations were correlated with the biochemical
analyses of the enzymes.

Control group Group I Group II

(0 µg L-1 CH3HgCl) (1 µg L-1 CH3HgCl) (5 µg L-1 CH3HgCl)
Trial at 32 h Trial at 32 h Trial at 32 h
The study was funded by the project Resources pilot center for cross-border preservation of
the aquatic biodiversity of Prut River MIS-ETC 1150


Alhassan H. Ismail1,*, Diana Robescu1, Laura Stanescu1

Faculty of Power Engineering Department of Hydraulics and Environmental
Engineering, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
∗ : [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

One of the conventional ways of water quality assessment is based on the
comparison of a measured value of a parameter, in a water sample, with an existing
desirable limit of that parameter. In order to assess the quality of river water, a lot of
parameters are required to be determined. The tabulation and interpretation
processes of these parameters are sometimes difficult even for the specialists in the
water field. Besides, it does not always give a comprehensive vision and integrated
concept on the water quality status. Consequently, various tools have been used to
overcome this issue such as water quality indices (WQIs).
The water quality index (WQI) can be defined as the aggregation of observed
values of water quality parameters to obtain a single number that represents the
overall description of the quality of water. Usually, the WQI has a scale from 0 to 100,
the highest value representing better water quality and lowest value indicates poorest
water quality. Moreover, it can be used to express the quality of water for different
uses such as drinking, irrigation and industrial.
In this study, data sets of 13 water quality parameters obtained during 1
year (2008) in four sampling stations were subjected to six different WQIs. The paper
aimed at exploring the usefulness of these indices in assessing the water quality of
Danube River, to identify the effectiveness of the selected water quality index models
through a comprehensive comparison and to get information on the spatial variations
of water quality in a simple and easy way. The selected WQIs are Canadian Council of
Ministers of the Environment Water Quality Index (CCME-WQI), Oregon Water Quality
Index (OWQI), Aquatic Toxicity Index (ATI), Universal Water Quality Index (UWQI),
Overall Index of Pollution (OIP) and Bascaron Water Quality Index (BWQI).
Danube River was chosen as a case study for water quality assessment, as it
is the second longest river in Europe. The calculation of the final value in all selected
WQIs in this study was determined to produce a value between 0 and 100. This
usually done by transforming the measurement of water quality parameters into a
dimensionless number using sub-indices and represent them on a common scale. For

the CCME-WQI, all the 13 water quality parameters were considered for the
evaluation process. It has a totally different approach among others in which it
comprised three factors (scope, frequency and amplitude) for calculating the final
index, while other indices, OWQI, ATI, UWQI, OIP and BWQI uses different
aggregation methods such as unweighted Harmonic Square mean function,
unweighted additive aggregation function, weighted sum function, unweighted
arithmetic mean function and weighted sum function, respectively. The number of
water quality parameters included in the WQI calculations of OWQI, ATI, UWQI, OIP
and BWQI were 6.0, 7.0, 6.0, 4.0 and 8.0 respectively.
Results and conclusions
The results of CCME-WQI showed that the water quality classification scheme
for sampling stations was found to be “fair” in station 1, station 3 and station 4,
whereas “marginal” in station 2. For OWQI, the water quality categorization for all
sampling sites was found as “very poor” and the major parameters that affect the
water quality are nitrate (NO3) and total phosphorous. ATI was used to assess the
health of aquatic life, especially fish, in the river. The classification scale of the water
quality for all sampling sites suggests that the river is of “suitable quality for all fish
life” and NH4 was the major important parameter in this index. The results of UWQI
revealed that the water quality categorization for all sampling sites was found as
“good”. Total phosphorous was the prominent parameter in this index. OIP has a
scale ranged from 0 to 16; this scale has been converted to a scale ranged from 0 to
100 for comparison purposes. The categorization of water quality in all stations was
found as “acceptable”. In BWQI, the categorization of water quality in all stations was
found as “good”. The most important parameters that affect adversely on water
quality are NH4 and the water temperature.
The selected water quality index models have different approaches in the
implementation process. It was observed that CCME-WQI has a totally different
approach and distinct characteristics among others. CCME-WQI has the ability to take
into account all the water quality variables, in addition to its flexibility of selecting the
water quality standards and comparatively tolerant in case of missing data. However,
this index is not free of flaws, such as considering all the water quality variables have
the same degree of importance, and it can be applied only when there are available
guidelines on water quality parameters. The other WQIs models rely on sub-indices
values in the calculation process with different aggregation methods. The CCME-WQI
has provided realistic results in comparison to the raw data of the Danube River. The
results of the other WQIs (OWQI, ATI, UWQI, OIP, and BWQI) did not introduce
representative outcomes of the raw data of the river. Furthermore, it was observed
that some of these indices were biased and others have an eclipsing problem.
Therefore, CCME-WQI can be applied to assess the water quality in the Danube River
as it can express the results more closely. However, other selected index models may
be applicable to another water bodies.

Alina Maria Coman, Georgiana Lacatusu, Ana Maria Macsim,
Gabriel Lazar*
Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Calea Marasesti, 157, Bacau – 600115, Romania
: [email protected] (G. Lazar)

Introduction and study objectives

Landscape degradation through different processes has intensified and
extended spatially to all geographical regions around the world. According to recent
assessments, over 70% of the world’s agricultural land suffers from erosion, inducing
loss of productivity. The erosion by water affects soil productivity and quality by a
decrease of infiltration rates, water holding capacity, nutrients, organic matter and soil
depth. Soil erosion risk is different from region to region depending on the
configuration of the watershed (topography), soil characteristics, local climatic
conditions, land use and implemented management practices. Rainfall and land cover
are important factors influencing soil erosion. Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is
an empirical equation widely used to estimate soil erosion, providing a clear
perspective from which to understand the interaction of erosion and its influencing
In this context, it seems necessary to develop a soil erosion model for the
study area based on factors influencing erosion. The objective of the study is to
determine USLE’s parameters and to estimate the erosion, due to rainfall drops
impact in a representative area using spatial database GIS techniques. Until now this
issue wasn’t studied before although it affects vast areas.
Racaciuni watershed is located in the north-eastern part of Romania, in the
north part of the administrative border of the Bacau county. It is bordered by
Carpathian hills and right bank of the Siret River, being left tributary. The area of the
basin is 78.83 km2; the total length of the river is 17.35 km. The elevation of the
study area ranges from 137 to 720 m above sea level. The annual average rainfall of
544 mm and exhibits a wet climatic condition with a minimum mean and maximum
temperature of 4.6 ⁰C and 20.6 ⁰C, respectively. The soil erosion in the vicinity of the
hydrographic network and its main tributaries intensify soil degradation as well as
agricultural management practices. The clayey soil in the north-eastern part of the
area is most susceptible to erosion.
The USLE model (Universal Soil Loss Equation) groups variables that
influence the erosion process into five categories including climate, soil profile, relief,
vegetation-land use, and land management practices. This empirical assessment has
been widely used for both agricultural and forest watersheds to predict the average

annual soil loss by introducing improved means of computing the soil erosion factors.
The model includes the following factors: rainfall erosivity factor (R), soil erodibility
factor (K), topographic factor (Ls), cover and management factor (C), support
practice factor (P).
The rainfall factor is a measure of the erosive force of a specific rainfall. This
is determined as a function of the volume, intensity, and duration of rainfall and can
be computed from a single storm, or a series of storms to include cumulative erosivity
from any time period. Rainfall data of 30 years, between 1962 and 2007, collected
from Romanian Meteorological Department were used to calculate R-factor. Because
the watershed has no record of daily rainfall intensity, for estimating the pluvial
aggressiveness on the soils in the study area, Modified Fournier index was determined
based on monthly and annual average value, data recorded at the stations which are
representative for the basin. Differentiated altitudinal positions of the stations allow
the correlation of these indices with altitude, and the position in space allows the
analysis of spatial distribution of rainfall aggressiveness index. Soil erodibility factor
was obtained from the soil map, taking into account the texture of every soil type,
classified with values from national studies, five classes of erodibility being
established. The effect of topography results from the combination of two
parameters, slopes length and slopes inclination degree, using a digital elevation
model, which was created by digitizing contour from the topographic map on 1:5,000
scale. C factor was determined from Corine Land Cover data set (2012), after
reclassification, resulted in a number of five classes of vegetation: built area (0),
forest (0.1), pastures (0.30), vineyards (0.20) and arable land (0.4). All factors have
been measured and integrated into a geographic information system. The USLE
equation was implemented in ArcGIS 10.2 software supposing the multiplication of
the five involved factors, at the level of each grid cell with 10 m spatial resolution,
using Raster calculator tool.
Results and conclusions
The entire database was converted to a raster format, using the Raster
Calculator function from the Spatial Analyst extension, the value of potential soil
erosion being computed for every pixel. After the combination of all these five factors,
the soil loss in t/ha/year was obtained. In this approach, the combination of annual
rainfalls, elevation, monthly and mean annual rainfall, and Fournier index was used.
-1 -1 -
Rainfall erosivity factor map showed values ranging from 47 to 108 MJ·mm·ha ·h ·yr
. Hence, the value for the annual soil erosion in the Racaciuni basin lies between 0
-1 -1
and 50 t·ha ·yr , but are also small areas higher than that.
The lower value has a significant predominance (36.6 %) in the area with a
high degree of forestation, resistance to high erosion and a lower degree of anthropic
influence. High erosion values area associated with areas characterized by high
degree slope and deforested piedmont areas in the neighborhood of settlements. The
surfaces affected by high erosion are 22.3 % of the watershed and 41.1 % of the
surface have a medium erosivity factor. In this study, the importance of USLE
equation is well recognized, in which R factor plays the most important role.

Raluca Arba*, Lucia Rusu, Dan Sitar-Taut, Sergiu Jecan
Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania
58-60 Theodor Mihaly Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Road pavement construction and maintenance are responsible for a
considerable amount of resources and energy consumption. Resource management is in
this case a complex case with limited options to forecast due to the fact that projects
have different sizes, are taking place in regions with various types of soil, landforms or
types of distress. Risk and uncertainty are in this case variables that need to be
considered and can influence the development of any road pavement project.
The objective of this paper is to offer a solution for risk management using
Monte Carlo simulation and by taking into consideration three key aspects for any
project management: costs, time and quality. For each one of these factors we will be
using a scale of prioritization based on the impact a certain risk may have on them.
Besides the above mentioned risk scales in pavement management projects, during the
maintenance process it is also important to detect and analyze the types of road
distress. This paper uses Monte Carlo simulation procedures with evaluation of risk
scales and type of road distress and specifications of correlations between the simulated
We compare then the above method with the results of other projects that use
Monte Carlo simulation for road pavement risk management in order to emphasize on
its efficiency when taking into account more than one factor that influences a budget.
While some of the analysed authors and projects are focusing on conducting a
simulation on costs, others use Monte Carlo method to determine the amount of
distress a project may involve or the roughness of road pavement. One of the most
notable projects is LCCA (Life-Cycle Cost Analysis) in Pavement Design conducted by
The Federal Highway Administration in 10 states of US. It uses a model that includes all
possible inputs, like real costs for initial construction, rehabilitation and maintenance into
the analysis and weighs the probability of occurrence of each in order to determine
future costs for risk pavement management. The advantage of the proposed method
resides in using a model that involves more than one factor that influences risk
Road pavement projects are characterized by the diversity of situations,
dimensions of projects and budgets. Risk scale prioritization is used in decision-making
analytical techniques or prospect theory and will be used to determine how resources
should be managed in order for a budget to be adapted as to cover the potential risks
and for the project to achieve its goals. Any potential risk that is overlooked may lead to

an exceeded budget or a failure in complying with performance and quality of road
pavement. The present study uses a scale from 1 (very low impact on a considered
factor) to 5 (very high impact on a factor) to calculate the levels of risk impact on three
major factors – costs, time schedule and quality. A vector of risk prioritizations results
and it is used to calculate the global impact (Ig) as a function of maximum from risk
prioritization computed for the impact on costs (Rc), prioritization of risks depending on
the project time span level (Rt) and quality risk (Rq) -
Ig = Max {Rc, Rt, Rq}
We use the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and the Long-Term Pavement
Performance Program (LTPP) in order to identify and classify risk based on the type of
road distress. PCI is used to measure the pavement surface condition using a scale from
1 (very poor) and 5 (very good) and LPTT offers descriptions and measuring methods
for all types of distresses (cracks, potholes, rutting, and spalling) in pavement.
Results and conclusions
Taking into consideration the scales presented in the previous section, we have
created 50 scenarios of risk analysis by type of distress, level of risk and scales for risk
prioritization computed for the impact on costs (Rc), prioritization of risks depending on
the project time span level (Rt) and quality risk (Rq). The result is a matrix of scenarios.
We have used this matrix in a Monte Carlo simulation procedure that
determines a random number from 1 to 50 and associate this number with a certain
road project scenario. The table below show the first three results out of 5000
simulations experiments.
Random no -
Experiment Scenario Type of Risk PCI Rc Rt Rq Ig
no distress
1 2 Edge
Failure low 3 2 1 2 2
2 6 Failure high 1 5 2 4 5
3 21 Potholes moderate 2 3 4 2 4

Considering that a project is considered to be successful and delivered on time

when Ig is below or equal to 2 and a project may be finished with reasonable budget
and time adjustments when Ig is equal to 3, we have determined with a 95% of
certainty that the probability for a project to be successful is 17,78% and 44,72% to be
finished with reasonable adjustments. When taking into consideration the type of
distress we have determined that there is a probability of 14,32% for a project to
experience cracking and out of this percentage there is a probability of 43,72% for the
project to be delivered successfully.
This paper presents an efficient method for risk prioritization and resource
management involving the examination of a series of simulation experiments. Important
factors such as costs, time, quality and the impact of risks on them are used to
determine degrees on which a project should efficiently adjust its budget.
This paper was supported by Grant Project Partnerships PCCA 2013 "Intelligent
Management, Monitoring and Maintenance of Pavements and Roads using Modern Imaging
Techniques - PAV3M" PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1762, no. 3/2014

Aniela Pop, Florica Manea *, Lacrima Ighian, Rodica Pode
Politehnica University of Timisoara, Department of Applied Chemistry and Engineering of
Inorganic Compounds and Environment, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental
Engineering, V. Parvan 6, 300223 Timisoara, Romania,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

The Priority List of Hazardous Substances is revised and published by
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry once at two years, in order of
prioritizing the chemical compounds that exert a significant potential threat to the
people health. The list is released based on a combination between frequency,
toxicity and potential exposure of humans to chemical compounds released into
environment. The 2015 Substance Priority List (SPL) include a wide range of
pesticides. Among them, paraquat dichloride, reffered as paraquat (PQ), is a toxic
herbicide even in traces, with a long resistance time into environment. Carbaryl
(CR), known as the first succesfull carbamate pesticide with insecticidal action over
100 species is a hazardous compound listed also on SPL. Due to its indiscriminate
use, the bioaccumulation of CR in water sourses could occur. The European
Commission established a maximum residue limit of 0.1 µg·L-1 for any single
pesticide in drinking waters, and less than 0.5 µg·L for the sum of all present
In general, pesticides are usualy quantitatively analysed through
chromatographic techniques by different detection systems, known as laborious
procedures. The electrochemical techniques could be a viable alternative, having in
view the fast and easy operation, high sensitivity and reproducibility, but specific
electrode material and/or advanced electrochemical techniques are required.
In this paper, simultaneous and selectively detection of PQ and CR
pesticides from water samples using amperometric and voltametric techniques on
boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrode was successfuly achieved.
The electrochemical experiments were performed using an Autolab
Pontentiostat/Galvanostat PGStat 302 (EcoChimie, The Netherlands), with a
conventional three-electrode cell with saturated calomel electrode as reference,
platinum electrode as counter-electrode and BDD electrode as working electrode.
Cyclic voltammetry (CV), square-wave voltammetry (SWV) and chronoamperometry
(CA) techniques were applied in order to find elaborate the detection protocol for

simultaneous and selective determination of both pesticides. PQ and CR were
purchased as analytical standards from Sigma-Aldrich (PESTANAL) and freshly
Results and conclusions
The electrochemical behavior of BDD electrode of each PQ and CR
characterized by CV in acetate buffer supporting electrolyte showed that CR is
oxidized at the potential value of +1.356 V/SCE and PQ is reduced at the potential
value of -0.662 V/SCE.
The mechanism aspects elucidated for each oxidation and reduction process
exhibited a great potential for simultaneous/selective detection of these pesticides .
The detection protocols are proposed in relation to the potential range that is
determining parameter in simultaneous detection of CR and PQ. In Figure 1 are
exemplified the recorded chronoamperograms for the simultaneous and selective
detection of PQ and CR, with a recorded lowest detection limit (LOD) of 2.7·10 -3 µM
for PQ and 0.5 µM for CR. Very good electroanalytical performance was achieved
also for SWV technique, envisaging direct detection in water sample without
supporting electrolyte, which informed about valuable potential practical


2 0.5

R =0.991



E1=-0.622 V

0.0 13
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
I / A

Paraquat concentration / M

0 E3=+1.356 V/SCE 1
1 E2=1.089 V/SCE
0.3 y=-0.001+0.00554x;
R =0.9997

-1 13 0.2
I / A

E1=-0.622 V/SCE 0.1


-2 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
CR concentration / M

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Time /s
Figure 1: Chronoamperograms recorded on BDD sensor in acetate buffer supporting
electrolyte (1) on BDD electrode and in the presence of different CR and PQ
concentrations: 2-0.2 µM PQ; 3-0.4 µM PQ; 4-0.6 µM PQ; 5-0.8 µM PQ; 6-1.0 µM PQ; 7-
1.2 µM PQ; 8-1.2 µM PQ+10 µM CR; 9-1.2 µM PQ+20 µM CR; 10-1.2 µM PQ+30 µM CR;
11-1.2 µM PQ+40 µM CR; 12-1.2 µM PQ+50 µM CR; 13-1.2 µM PQ+60 µM CR.
Funding for this study was provided by the Romanian National Research Program PN-II-TE-

Adela Marilena Buburuzan*
Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, Faculty of Chemical
Engineering and Environmental Protection, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi,
73 Prof. dr. docent Dimitrie Mangeron Street, 700050, Iasi, Romania,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are known as one of the major
contributors to the formation of photochemical ozone and secondary organic aerosol
(SOA), which are also considered one of the major air pollutants. Many countries have
formulated relevant laws to reduce pollutant emissions and developed corresponding
reduction targets. The choice of VOCs control technology depends on the actual
operating conditions and the physical and chemical properties of organic compounds.
Adsorption is a reliable alternative to eliminate organic compounds from industrial
waste gases because of the flexibility of the system, low energy and cheap operation
costs, which is favored by the majority of researchers. Activated carbons are generally
used in many adsorption processes because of their higher adsorption capacity and
low cost. However, their efficiency is limited by their sensibility at high temperatures,
the self-firing of the adsorbent in the bed, pore blocking and the difficulty in the
regeneration of the spent adsorbents. Therefore, the most research is focused to
select the adsorbent with a good stability and regeneration performance recently. For
this purpose, in ours previously work, the potential of two non-functionalized
hypercrosslinked polymers type Macronet, MN 202 and MN 250, in the adsorption of
n-hexane vapors was studied. The experiments were performed comparative with
adsorption of n-hexane vapors on granular activated carbon, AC 20 and the results
indicated that these polymeric adsorbents record good efficiency for n-hexane vapors
removal, greater than GAC - AC 20.
The purpose of this work is to study the efficiency of two non-functionalized
hypercrosslinked polymers resins, type Macronet, MN 202 and MN 250 on toluene
vapors removal, in dynamic conditions, compared to adsorption onto granular
activated carbon AC 20. The principle objective is to find the percent adsorption and
breakthrough curve of toluene vapors on the MN 202, MN 250 and AC 20 adsorbents.
The dynamic experiments of toluene vapors adsorption were carried out in a
column of quartz with 1.0 cm diameter using different bed heights of adsorbents (MN
250, MN 202 and AC 20), concentrations of toluene–air mixture, and temperature at a
constant flow rates. The temperature of the adsorbent bed was controlled and

measured by a thermocouple placed as close to adsorber column as possible. The
concentration of toluene vapor in the air stream, before and after the adsorption
column, was measured by a gas chromatograph (Carlo Erba 4200 Series) equipped
with a six-way valve. The GC is equipped also with a column with 10% DC-200
Chromosorb PNAW, a flame ionization detector (FID) and an integrator. The injector,
oven and detector temperature were maintained at 170, 110 and 170C, respectively.
The hydrogen gas was used as the fuel and nitrogen was used as the carrier gas. The
calibration curve was prepared by injecting know amounts of the VOC into a sealed
bottle equipped with a Teflon septum according to the standard procedure.
Results and conclusions
Performance of adsorption process was quantified by efficiency of toluene
vapors removal from gaseous stream, the adsorption capacity and by analyzing the
breakthrough profile curves, for each adsorbent studied, in the same experimental
conditions. Also, the influence of some operational parameters, like VOCs
concentration, the bed depth of adsorbent and temperature of adsorption process,
onto breakthrough curves was studied.
To study the effect of concentration on the breakthrough time and
adsorption capacity the concentration of toluene vapors in the gaseous stream was
varied at 3, 3.5 and 4.5 mg/L at the flow rate of 130mL/min, a temperature of 30C
and at 1 cm bed length of adsorbents in the column, for all three adsorbents studied.
It was observed that the adsorption capacity at equilibrium for toluene, qe (mg/g) was
recorded in order MN 250 > AC 20 > MN 202. In the same time, the values of
characteristics parameters of the breakthrough, time when breakpoint appear, tb
(considered when the outlet concentration is 20% of the inlet concentration) and the
quantity of the adsorbent pollutant at breakpoint, qb show that the efficiency of
toluene removal from gaseous stream is achieved in order MN 250 > MN 202 > AC
To find out the effect of bed length on the breakthrough and adsorption
capacity of toluene vapors, the experiments were carried out in 6 mg/L of toluene
passed at the flow rate of 130 mL/min at different bed lengths i.e. 1, 1.5 and 2 cm of
MN 202, MN 250 and AC 20 respectively. It was observed that increase in length of
the bed provides a better adsorption percentage and higher breakpoint time.
To examine the effect of the temperature on the toluene vapor adsorption
process, the temperature of the adsorption process was varied from 30, 40 and 50C,
at 3 mg/L of toluene in gaseous stream, the flow rate of 130 mL/min and 1 cm bed
length for all three adsorbents. With increasing temperature decreases the adsorption
capacity of MN 202, MN 250 and AC 20 for toluene vapors indicating exothermic
nature of adsorption process. Also, with increasing the temperature the breakpoint
time was reached earlier.
In conclusion, this study showed that hypercrosslinked polymeric resins MN
202 and MN 250 are very suitable for toluene vapors adsorption from gaseous
streams, MN 250 also performing the removal of toluene vapors greater than GAC –
AC 20.


Ana-Maria Şchiopu1,2,*, Ion Apostol2,

Adela Marilena Buburuzan1,*
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, 73
Prof. dr.doc. D. Mangeron Str., 700050 Iaşi, Romania,
Soc. Salubris S.A. Iasi, 43 National Road, Romania
: [email protected] (A.M. Schiopu); [email protected] (A.M. Buburuzan)

This study intend to evaluate the air quality in Iasi and to evaluate the
consequences of Suspended particulates passing through a size selection port as
defined by the PM (10) reference sampling method and SR EN (Romanian Standard –
English version) 12341 with a 50% separation efficiency for a 10 μm aerodynamic
diameter (PM10) pollutant emissions for the purpose of completing the air quality plan
for the City and its substantiation specific measures to reduce emissions of PM10.
According to Order no. 1206/2015 for the approval of lists of
administrative units drawn from regimes of employment in areas of zones and
agglomerations provided in Annex. 2 of the law no. 104/2011 on ambient air quality,
Iasi is engaged in the evaluation scheme I for particulate suspended matter (PM10).
Iaşi fall into Annex I for the I – st management regime – in the List of
administrative units in the classification drawn up following I-st management regime
for particulate suspended matter (PM10).
Emissions of particulate suspended matter (PM10) in the territory of the
city are released into the atmosphere especially in urban areas (residential areas) and
industrial platforms. Once released into air pollutants due to the leakage can be
transported to different areas depending on weather conditions present. The
combination of unfortunate weather conditions, the topology of the region and the
concentrations of pollutants can lead to concentrations above target levels / limits
with effects on human health.
Air quality monitoring in Iasi agglomeration is achieved by monitoring four
automated stations that are part of the National Network for Monitoring Air Quality.
In order to monitor air quality, sanitation operator conducts biannual
physico-chemical analyzes regarding PM10 pollutant in 8 big junctions in the city, in
two factions:
- In periods when do sanitation (sweeping, spraying and washing
- In periods where there is no sanitation (sweeping, spraying and washing

The physico - chemical analyses from the sanitation operator are
performed in conjunction with instant indicator values registered in the network of air
quality monitoring stations, is continually analyzed, taking steps to minimize them.
Table 1: The evolution of air quality to the suspended matter PM10 (µg/m3) from
the automatic network monitoring station in Iasi city, into 2008-2015
PM10 Medium anual concentration
No Indicator Limit
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013* 2014* 2015
1 PM10 aut. 50 48,07 39,06 27,40 26,32 26,68 37,13 26,89 27,58**
2 PM10 grv. 50 41,59 48,85 28,42 29,86 33,69 30,79 29,93 30,78***
PM10 aut. - Automatic measurement
PM10 grv. - Measurements using gravitational methods
There were also implemented a series of measures to minimize increases
indicator values for PM 10 in the city:
- Invasive real-time skid material used to treat the road in winter.
- Use priority means of mechanized cleaning.
- Sprinkling streets in Regulation hygiene on the health of the population.
In every semester were taken air samples, both during sanitation
mechanized and no sanitation, and were analyzed (by a accredited laboratory) and
the results indicated that sanitation does not influences the amount of particulate
matter. This is due to the height of sampling air taller than that to which the
effectiveness watering / street washing which confirms once again that the main
cause of overtaking indicator PM10 in the area is not because of missing of the
sanitation actions in the area but the traffic that generates particulate suspended
Table 2: The evolution of air quality to the suspended matter PM10 (µg/m3) from
the sanitation company made in Iasi city, in 2016 - in 8 big cross-roads
Concentraction of polluant 2016
No Indicator
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Int 4 Int 5 Int 6 Int 7 Int 8
a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b
1 PM10 29 32 37 38 46 47 25 37 35 41 32 36 29 31 31 34
PM10 aut. - Automatic measurement
Int – intersection (cross-roads)
a) With sanitation; b) without sanitation
Thus, although analyzes revealed that the activity of splashing / washing
area does not have a significant impact on the indicator PM10, sanitation company
has not stepped up sanitation mechanized in adjacent stations monitoring air quality
in Iasi and will continue this work with all available technical resources.


Oanamari Daniela Orbuleţ1, Cristina Modrogan1,*,

Pandele Andreea Mădălina 1, Cristina Orbeci1,
Dăncilă Madelene1, Constantin Bobirică1
Analitycal Chemistry and Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Applied
Chemistry and Materials Science, University Politehnica of Bucharest, str. Polizu, no.1-7,
Bucharest Romania,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

One of the main challenges in the power and chemical industries is to
remove generated toxic or environmentally harmful gases generated. To comply with
stringent environmental and pollutant emissions control regulations, coal-fired power
plants must be equipped with new technologies that are efficient and less energy-
intensive than status quo technologies for fuel gas cleanup.
In this research, the adsorption equilibrium of sulfur dioxide on various sorts
sorbents was studied. Thus, the authors studied the performance of the following
sorbents: macroporous resins and highly cross-linked styrene–divinylbenzene (DVB)
resins (MN-macronets), which are used as ion exchangers. In order to assess the
effects of advanced cross-linking on the various sort of sorbent properties of styrene–
divinylbenzene copolymers, two sorts of resins were used as references: an inert
macroporous resin, PC 150, with a cross-linking degree of 7% (which represents the
equivalent of the highly cross-linked resin MN 200), and the resin C 150, which is
obtained by adding sulfonic (HSO3-) functional groups (which represents the
equivalent of the highly cross-linked resin MN 500).
The experiments were conducted in a laboratory plant shown in Figure 1.
The operation mode of the plant is as following: the storage tank (B) is fed with sulfur
dioxide gas through the opening of the gas tank (A) and of valves 0, 1 and 2, while
valves 3 and 4 remain closed. The initial pressure difference is established through
vacuuming the plant using the vacuum pump (F) by opening valves 6 and 7 (while all
other valves remain closed), and an amount of sulfur dioxide gas equal with the
established initial pressure difference is inserted (the pressure difference varies from
40 mmHg to 400 mmHg). Then valves 6 and 7 must to be closed and valve 4 opened.
After the insertion of sulfur dioxide in the vessel (D) valve 4 must be
closed and valve 7 opened. Thus, the sulfur dioxide mixed with the adsorbent (that is
in the vessel G). It is waiting for the required adsorption time (time set to one hour).

During the adsorption process an increase in the hihgt of the mercury column of the
manometer 2 is observed.
After the equilibrium is reached, the valve 7 must be closed and the
sample analyzed. Analysis is carried out by adding excess 0.1 N iodine in in the
adsorption vessel, and then keep the mixture in contact for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, the content of the vessel is filtered and the vessel is
washed with distilled water. An amount of starch is added to the liquid sample
obtained and then titrated with sodium thiosulfate until no blue coloration is observed

- Gas tank with SO2 used to feed the plant

- Storage tank for SO2 (B);
- Laboratory stand (H);
- Manometer 1: the pressure of sulfur
dioxide in the storage tank B (C);
- Reactor: composed of a vessel (D) and a
laboratory balloon with sample (G);
- Manometer 2: the initial pressure
difference (E);
- Vacuum pump (F);
- Laboratory balloon with sample (G);
- Valves (0 ÷ 7)

Figure 1: The physical model used for the gas adsorption process
The difference in volumes of iodine and thiosulphate represents the
volume of iodine used in the reaction. The amount of sulfur dioxide adsorbed on the
adsorbent mass is calculated based on the amount of iodine consumed in the
Results and conclusions
Because of the insertion of functional sulfonic groups (HSO 3-), the sorption
capacity of the MN 500 resin is strongly decreasing, due to the decrease of its pore
volume and of its specific area. Experimental results establish the equilibrium
diagrams in order to determine the adsorption degree of sulfur dioxide on the above
mentioned sorbents, by using Langmuir and Freundlich models, at a temperature of
25°C  2°C and a partial pressure of SO2 in the range 40 mmHg  400 mmHg.
In the above mentioned range of partial pressures of SO 2 it can be observed
that MN 200 resin has an adsorption capacity which is very close to the adsorption
capacity of PAC, reaching a value of 290 mg SO2/g of sorbent at a partial pressure of
300 mmHg. The high sorption capacity of MN 200 resin is due to the cross-linking
process, which leads to a 3D molecular network with a high specific area (about 1000
m /g). The resins C 150 (inert) and PC 150 (sulfonic cation exchanger) have small
adsorption capacities, compared with MN resins and activated carbons, because of
their low specific area.

Liliana Lazar1,*, Heinz Koeser2
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, 73 Prof. dr. docent Dimitrie Mangeron Street, 700050, Iasi,
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, FVST / IAUT Environmental Engineering,
Universitatplatz 2, Magdeburg 39106, Germany
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are responsible for atmosphere pollution
due to their contribution to ozone and photochemical smog. As a result of specific
properties (high volatility, specific odour, toxicity, carcinogenic character), VOCs
represent a potential risk for human health as well. Emissions of gases containing
VOCs result from different anthropogenic sources. Alongside major pollutants of
municipal waste thermal incinerators (NOx, SO2, HCl, HF, CO, heavy metals, mineral
pollutants) gas emissions contain different VOCs consisting in hydrocarbons,
derivatives containing oxygen, halogenated derivatives, dioxins and furans. Several
traditional technologies have been employed to control VOCs emission with many
advantages and limitations. Catalytic oxidation has been evidenced to be one of the
most reliable and suitable technology for the post-treatment emissions at low VOC
concentration. It usually requires lower temperatures that thermal oxidation, due to
the use of catalysts. Low-temperature catalysts involving noble metal and metal
oxides provide the possibility of fast and selective production of the targeted chemical
products (CO2 and H2O) under relatively mild conditions. Vanadia-based catalysts
have been applied industrially, such as V2O5-WO3/TiO2 and V2O5-MoO3/TiO2, which are
commercially employed for the reduction of NOx known as SCR-DeNOx catalysts.
In this study, experimental data concerning kinetic investigations of catalytic
oxidation of aromatic VOCs over industrial V 2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst with low content of
active component (0.53 %wt. V 2O5), is presented. This industrial SCR-DeNOx catalyst
(by IHI-Japan) is specific for processes concerning removal of NOx in high-dust
system. For kinetic study, benzene and its mono-halogenated derivatives
(chlorobenzene and bromobenzene) were chosen as model molecules of the aromatic
VOCs. Preliminary tests were performed to determine any limitations by mass transfer
and thermal effects, and to evaluate the apparent activation energy of the reaction.
The kinetic experiments were performed in a continuous-flow fixed-bed
microreactor. The catalytic reactor consists in two concentric quartz tubes, in an
electrically heated oven. The incoming gas was heated in the outer ring cylinder to
the required reaction temperature before its flow was reversed and returned in the
inner cylinder of the reactor were the honeycomb shaped catalysts test element was

placed. The catalyst was used in a monolith form, with straight channels. Inside the
monolith catalyst a thermo-element was inserted, which was connected to a
computer, the reaction temperature being thus monitored on-line. Each catalytic
oxidation test conducted in this study was under isothermal operation. Benzene (or its
mono-halogenated derivatives) was supplied by a liquid-injection system called
controlled evaporation and mixing. Here the liquid aromatic hydrocarbon, controlled
by a liquid flow controller, is transported by a carrier inert gas, into the evaporator-
mixer and flows as vapour into the system. Catalytic oxidation reaction was conducted
in air stream, in the presence and absence, respectively, of water vapour (5 %vol.
H2O) and for low concentrations aromatic VOC in the initial gas-phase (< 100 ppm).
The tests were performed at atmospheric pressure and reaction temperature in the
range of 150 – 350 C. The total gas flow rates through the reactor were controlled
for establishing the area velocity of 11.5 m/h. The catalytic activity was evaluated in
terms of aromatic VOC conversion by gas chromatography equipped with FID and
ECD (ParkinElmer, USA). A continues non dispersive Binos 1001 infrared analyser
(Rosemount, Germany) was used to determine the CO and an Infralyt 4 (VEB
Junkalor, Germany) for the CO2 concentration of the gases.
Results and conclusions
The studies regarding oxidative destruction of aromatic VOCs on commercial
V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst with low content of active component (0.53 %wt. V 2O5) may
constitute an alternative for treatment of gas emissions with a low content of VOC,
taking into account the fact that gases resulted from municipal waste incinerations
which undergo a SCR-DeNOx process. The value of conversion increases with
temperature, and is influenced by water vapours. The reactivity of aromatic VOCs
decreases in order: bromobenzene > chlorobenzene > benzene. Independent of VOC
nature and concentration, initial gas phase composition, all the studied aromatic
hydrocarbons participate in catalytic oxidation reaction starting with temperature of
150 C. The catalytic conversion in oxidation reaction in non-humid air stream
exceeds the value of 85 % at temperature of 350 C.
The aromatic VOC catalytic oxidation reaction rate in the presence of oxygen
can be described as power law model was chosen as a first approximation. This model
is the simplest kinetic equation that describes the rate of aromatic VOC as a function
of the concentration or pressures of VOC. Moreover, catalytic oxidation was previously
reported to be following the first order reaction. The apparent rate constant ( k)
follows the Arrhenius equation and thus connect the reaction temperature with the
reaction rate. The plot of ln k vs. 1/T calculated from the experimental data for
different aromatic VOCs. Thus, according to the Arrhenius law both the dimensionless
apparent activation energy (Ea/R) and pre-exponential factor (k0) related to the
parameter k have been calculated from these data. The correlation coefficient R2,
obtained for the Arrhenius equation is 0.95 – 0.98 and shows a good fit to the
experimental data. The activation energy for the benzene and its derivatives catalytic
oxidation has values ranged between 25 – 30 kJ/mol. This values were under the
value equal to 42 kJ/mol considered in literature as being the limit at which mass
transformation is the limiting rate step for a chemical process. The relative small
values of activation energy suggest that the catalytic process rate is influenced by
elementary processes of reactants mass transfer through catalyst pores (intern
diffusion) and by chemical transformation.


Petronela Cozma1, Ioan Mămăligă2,

Manuela Olga Pogăcean1,3*, Raluca-Maria Hlihor1,4,
Camelia Smaranda1, Maria Gavrilescu1,5*
Department of Environmental Engineering and Management,
Department of Chemical Engineering,
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, 73 Prof.dr.docent D. Mangeron Street,
700050 Iasi, Romania
Phytosanitary Office Mureş, 80 Dezrobirii Street, Târgu Mureş, Romania
Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine,
Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies, 3 Aleea Mihail
Sadoveanu, 700490 Iasi, Romania
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest,
*: [email protected]; [email protected]

Although a main component of the carbon cycle, CO 2 is also a major

cause of global warming being one of the most important greenhouse gases
(GHCs) since it represents 72% of the totally emitted GHCs. CO 2 toxicity
generates a variety of syndromes and effects on human health, depending on
the initial concentration in air. Anthropogenic CO 2 is emitted from the
combustion of fossil fuels (e.g. oil, natural gas, diesel, organic-diesel, petrol,
organic-petrol, ethanol). The emissions of CO2 have sharply increased during
the last 50 years and still expects a rise in its amount since it increases by 3%
each year. Earth global warming is emerging as a risk all over the world
generating public concern mainly due to the appearance of some dangerous
meteorological phenomenon like hurricanes, tornados, higher and unexpected
floods etc. CO2 is a component of biogas resulting from anaerobic digestion of
organic waste, which reduce the heat capacity of biogas. It is therefore a
priority to enhance the energy efficiency of processes and to remove CO2 from
flue gases as essential measures to reduce CO2 emissions and the Earth global
warming issue.
This research focuses on the application of environmentally-friendly
technologies for the decontamination of CO2 gas streams (in particular, biogas).
As a consequence of biogas purification the carbon intensity can be reduced by
use of renewable energy. In this sense, the potential application of airlift
reactors for the removal of CO2 from polluted gas streams by physical

absorption in water was investigated. A complex experimental program was
elaborated and accomplished, which allowed the evaluation of various operating
and design parameters that can affect the efficiency of the process. These
parameters are as follows: gas distributor geometry, pneumatic contactor type,
the downcomer to riser cross sectional area (Ad/Ar) ratio, bottom and top
clearances internal baffle height and superficial gas velocity. Both absorption
and desorption studies were addressed. From our knowledge, this is the first
study in literature on the removal of CO2 from biogas using physical
absorption with water in airlift reactors.
The reactor performance is expressed in terms of maximum CO2
concentration achievement in water after a specific period of time and overall
CO2 volumetric mass transfer coefficient in the liquid phase. Both absorption
and desorption studies were employed. It was observed that small downcomer
to cross sectional area and large riser (low Ad/Ar ratio) improved the mass
transfer of CO2 from the gas phase to liquid phase.
Finally, the best conditions for effective CO2 removal from gas stream
and baseline data on absorption of carbon dioxide from gas mixture are
obtained. Our results demonstrated that airlift reactor is a promising gas liquid
contactor showing a high potential for CO 2 mass transfer from a gaseous
mixture to water.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-
2016-1662, within PNCDI III.


Elena Dragoi1, Zsófia Kovács2,*, Silvia Curteanu1,

Ákos Rédey2, Igor Creţescu1,*
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, 73 Prof. dr. Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd, Iaşi 700050, Romania,
University of Pannonia, Institute of Environmental Engineering, 10 Egyetem St.,
Veszprém, 8200 Hungary
: [email protected],

Introduction and study objectives

The quality of surface waters has a high impact on a multitude of social
and economic aspects. Consequently, many policies were adopted in order to
ensure a good quality of surface waters such as 2000/60/EC Water Framework
Directive and 2008/105/EC on environmental quality standard in the field of
water policy.
In this context, a series of quality indicators can be used to measure (in
a general and transparent manner) the quality of surface water: pH, electrical
conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), oxygen saturation (OS), chlorophyll-a
(Chl-a), turbidity (NTU), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen
demand (COD), ammonium-N (NH4-N), nitrate-N (NO3-N), total nitrogen (TN),
orthophosphate-P (PO4-P), total phosphorus (TP).
Using the measurements of these indicators in set of 350 water bodies
and lake (chosen based criteria like position relative to typology (hydrogeology,
catchment area) and different pollution, gathered over a period of time, a local
indicator is determined for each point. Based on these local indicators, a
general indicator describing the quality of the body of water is determined.
In order to model the variation of water quality over time and to
generate predictions that can provide a general picture for this aspect (when
the ideal situation is considered: no pollutants or other disruptive effects occur),
a neuro-evolutive approach combining a modified version of Differential
Evolution algorithm (DE) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) is applied.
DE is a bio-inspired optimizer that mimics the Darwinian principle of
evolution and in this context, was used to determine the optimal characteristics
(topology and internal parameters) of the ANN (which acts as a model for the

considered system). This combination is applied based on the considerations
that: i) ANN topology is difficult to determine; ii) good predictions can be
generated by the ANN once its optimal characteristics are identified; iii) DE is a
powerful optimizer that can provide good solutions in a multitude of cases.
The methodology applied in this work include: i) determination of local
indicator based on the measurements taken at specific moments of time on
specific locations; ii) determination of the general quality indicator at specific
moments on time based on the local indicators; iii) generation of a model that
correlates the measures taken with the local and general indicators (Figure 1).
Quality indicators Quality indicator
Data collection Data analysis


Body of
Performance indexes

Known parameters that ANN

influence the quality of the water model
optimization Differential


Figure 1: General methodology for quality indicators determination and modelling

Results and conclusions

By employing the proposed methodology, it is possible to perform the
water quality assessment and to identify the water bodies which not exhibit a
good quality of water. Therefore, this evaluation could predict the future
evolution of the water quality status of the water body.
We acknowledge the financial support of Széchenyi 2020 under the GINOP-


Raluca Maria Hlihor1,2, Petronela Cozma1,*,

Manuela Olga Pogăcean3, Isabela Maria Simion1,2,
Laura Carmen Apostol4, Maria Gavrilescu1,5,*
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management,
73 Prof. Dr. Docent D. Mangeron Str., 700050 Iasi, Romania
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine,
Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies, 3 Aleea Mihail
Sadoveanu, 700490 Iasi, Romania
Phytosanitary Office Mureş, Regional Laboratory for Quality Control of Pesticides,
Târgu Mureş, Romania
”Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Faculty of Food Engineering, 13 Universitatii
Str., 720229 Suceava, Romania
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest,
: [email protected], [email protected]

Determination of pesticides in fruit and vegetables is a priority to assess

the quality of food and to avoid possible risks to human health. These
compounds are widely used to control pests affecting crops before and after
harvest and can easily reach the human population. After applying treatments
with pesticides, is considered that they suffer degradation in all compartments:
environmental compartments (atmosphere above soil, the soil layer, root-soil
layerzone) and vegetation compartments (deposit on the surface of leaves and
fruits, leaves, fruit, the thickness of stem and root). Photochemical oxidation,
photolysis, hydrolysis and metabolism could contribute to the general
degradation of pesticides. Degradation refers to various biological processes,
chemical and photochemical decomposition for all considered compartments,
leading to reduction of a chemical, and is assumed to follow first order kinetics.
The objectives of this work were to study the kinetic behavior of 12 pesticides
applied in single and double doses in apples and to assess 6 mathematical
models which determine the statistical parameters that describe pesticide
behavior. Modeling was performed considering different treatments with
pesticides for BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt and CHemical
industry) scale 76-79 (2/3 of normal size) and given the concentration of
pesticides in time from 2 days to 2 months after harvest. In order to evaluate
the degradation of pesticides in time and to determine the statistical

parameters that describe these processes we used the following kinetic models:
first-order, 1.5th – order, second-order, RF-first-order, RF-1.5th – order, RF-
second-order. Fig. 1 shows the first-order kinetic model applied for pesticides
degradation in apples considering single dose treatments. For most pesticides,
the degradation didn’t follow the first-order kinetic model as is otherwise often
emphasized in literature. Taking this into account, the models described above
were applied with good values of correlation coefficients, R2.


0.8 Alpha-cypermethrin
0.4 Chlorpyrifos methyl
0.0 Myclobutanil

log C


log C

-1.6 Folpet
-2.0 Triadimenole

0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (days) 0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (days)

Figure. 1: First-order kinetic model applied for pesticides degradation in apples (single
dose treatments)
The half-lives, t1/2 resulted from the regression equations considering
single dose treatments are between 0.01 (for lambdacyhalothrin) and 74.90 (for
myclobutanil) days. Regarding double dose treatments, the half-lives of
pesticides have values between 1.51-17.91 days.
Understanding the degradation of pesticides in relation to other factors
and evaluation of pesticide residues is very important not only for a correct
estimation of food risks, but also to optimize pesticide application techniques in
order to improve pesticides monitoring programs. Estimating the degradation of
these substances is important for estimating the risk to human health and to
optimize pesticide application.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-
2016-1662, within PNCDI III.

Mihaela Rosca1,2,*, Raluca Maria Hlihor1,3,*,
Isabela Maria Simion1,3, Petronela Cozma1, Maria Gavrilescu1,4
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management,
73 Prof. Dr. Docent D. Mangeron Str., 700050 Iasi, Romania
University of Minho, CEB – Centre of Biological Engineering, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-
057 Braga, Portugal
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine,
Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies, 3 Mihail Sadoveanu
Alley, 700490 Iasi, Romania
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest,
: [email protected], [email protected]

Different types of pesticides are regularly used to maintain a positive

balance between supplies and demand for food plants consumption and a high
quality of fruits, vegetables and cereals. Commonly, pesticides are classified by
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as carcinogenic or
probably/possibly carcinogenic to humans. In this context, consumption of food
plants treated with pesticides represents a high potential risk for human health. Our
paper examines the situation of pesticides occurrence in plant products in Europe
and Romania and actions to mitigate their environmental and human health impacts
and risks.
For the reduction of negative effects induced by pesticide residues, different
organizations or authorities such as Pesticide Action Network for worldwide, U.S.
Department of Agriculture’s (USDA), European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and
others, elaborated and implemented several monitoring and control programmes.
Based on the information provided by EFSA in 2014 in the annual report about the
pesticide occurrence in food plants, in approximately 97.1% of the analyzed
samples (82,649 samples totally) were not found pesticide residues or the
concentrations were below the maximum residue levels (MRLs). At the European
Union level, through the control programme of pesticides residues in fruits,
vegetables and cereals, the member countries reported that in the analyzed
samples from food plants were identified, a total of 778 different pesticides. Th e
origin of the samples was: 69.4% from food plants produced in EU and EEA
countries, 25.7% from third countries, while for 4.9% of the samples the origin was
unknown. The highest MRLs were found in spinach, beans, mandarins, carrots, rice,
pears, oranges and cucumbers.
In Romania, the control programme of pesticides residues in fruits,
vegetables and cereals is implemented and elaborated by National Sanitary

Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (NSVFSA), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Development (MARD) and Ministry of Health (MH). According to data compiled by
the National Multiannual Control Programme of pesticides residues, the samples
were taken from food plants with origin from domestic market, EU Member States
and third countries. The samples were analyzed to identify the presence of 247
possible active substances. Comparing the results reported by NSVFSA in 2013,
2014 and 2015 it can be observed that the number of samples with residues below
MRL decreased (from 30% in 2013 and 33% in 2014, to 26% in 2015), while the
number of samples with concentrations above the MRLs increased (from 0.2% in
2013 and 0.9% in 2014, to 1.9 in 2015) (Fig. 1). The origin of all food plants from
which samples were taken in 2013 (4528 samples - 1828 vegetables, 1859 fruits
and nuts, 224 cereals), 2014 (1711 samples - 491 fruits, 1055 vegetables and 165
cereals) and in 2015 (1737 samples - 581 fruits, 935 vegetables and 221 cereals)
was from domestic market, EU, third countries or the origin of the country was
unknown (Fig. 2). In Romania, the highest concentrations concerning different
pesticide residues in samples were 7.830 mg/kg chlorothalonil in lettuce (in 2013),
3.080 mg/kg for thiophanate-methyl in strawberries (in 2014) and respectively
16.851 mg/kg thiophanate‐methyl in parsley (in 2015), which are much higher than
the MRLs and could pose high risks for human health.

2 72% 26%1.90%
66% 0.30%
33%0.90% 55% 11% 33% 0.70%
2 2015
2 70% 30%0.20%
Without residues (%) 62% 10% 27% 0.19%

50% 9.70% 40% 0.28%


Domestic market UE Third countries Unknown

Figure 1: Results concerning pesticides Figure 2: Origin of the food plant samples
residues in samples taken in Romania taken for identification of the pesticides in
between 2013 – 2015 years Romania between 2013 – 2015 years

Therefore, based on the information provided by IARC about pesticides and

the data reported by EFSA and national authorities, a careful monitoring and an
assessment of the potential risk on human health due to the consumption of food
plants containing various types and concentrations of pesticides is required.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-
2016-1662, within PNCDI III.


Oana Acatrinei – Insuratelu1, Gabriel Buftia1,

Iuliana-Mihaela Lazar2, Lacramioara Rusu2,*
“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Doctoral School, 157 Marasesti Str, Bacau
600115 Romania
“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Department of Chemical and Food Engineering,
Marasesti Str. 157, Bacau 600115, Romania
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Waste management is important in practice in terms of reduced pollution. For
the organic waste management, different techniques are used: incineration, pyrolysis
and gasification, waste disposal in landfills, composting and anaerobic digestion.
According to the directive of the European Union, organic waste will have to be
reduced to a certain extent; it implies a choice of one of the several methods for their
treatment. Among the organic waste treatment processes, the cheapest and most
effective is considered to be the composting process.
Generally, the composting process is defined as a biological decomposition
process of the heterogeneous organic waste in controlled conditions of moisture,
temperature, and aeration. By composting, the organic waste can be converted into
compost and can be used to improve the soil quality, for agricultural purposes; also, it
can be used in bioremediation of contaminated soils.
Monitoring method was generally used for simulation and optimization of the
process in order to develop an efficient composting process. The modeling is an
efficient tool for the understanding of the dynamic interaction between the
composting mechanisms, to modify the composting process, in order to predict the
stability of compost products, and then assuring the obtaining a good quality compost
for agriculture use.
The present study aimed to evaluate the behavior during composting of
materials such as sewage sludge and green waste and their compatibility in mixtures
and the quality of the end product. Also, this study highlights the technical and
operational characteristics of a composting system on a laboratory scale.
EcoZone system was used in the experimental procedure. It consists of
three rooms, where compostable organic matter (green waste, anaerobically stabilized
sludge) was introduced in different ratio. Before the composting process, the material
within each chamber was homogenized and analyzed in triplicates in order to
determine the following parameters: the moisture content, the organic matter

content, pH, electrical conductivity, dried matter content and the volatile substance
content. Each room is equipped with perforated rubber stoppers to allow the insertion
of sensors used for measuring the temperature, the oxygen and carbon dioxide
concentration during the composting process. To ensure the conditions of carrying out
of the process is required every two days mixing and aerating every day. The use of
this type of experimental stand allows both observation and monitoring in detail of all
phases of composting and correction of the parameters when is necessary (the
quantity of water, the temperature, the degree of aeration). Three variants of
compost were obtained as follows: Variant 1 (the material was made up of sludge
that has been subjected to a heat pretreatment at a temperature of 120°C for 20
minutes and untreated green waste); Variant 2 (sludge and green waste subjected to
the same treatment); Variant 3 (sludge and green waste without treatment,
considered version control).
The variables used for investigated the model at laboratory scale were: the
oxygen and carbon dioxide content, the temperature of the mixture and the time.
These parameters were monitored for a period of 21 days.
Results and conclusions
The main characteristics of the final compost obtained for each experimental
variant are presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Relationship between composting variant and the characteristics of final
Parameters/ Characteristics Variant 1 Variant V2 Variant V3
C/N 19 18 18
pH 8.2 8.6 8.7
Moisture content (%) 25.3 35.7 30.5
Dry matter (%) 74.6 64.2 69.4

The use of compost in agriculture requires a C/N ratio between 12 and 18;
taking into account this fact, can be concluded that the end products obtained in the
three variants comply with this requirement.
The temperature variation during composting process followed a typical
pattern exhibited by many composting systems thus; it is found that after 15 days,
the temperature was relatively constant, 37 – 42 °C. The highest concentration of
carbon dioxide (10.7%- 25.5%) was recorded in the days 2 - 6, after that, the
concentration remained relatively constant for all 3 variants until the end of the
composting. The maximum value for the oxygen concentration was obtained on the
14th day (23%) in the case of variant 1.
The main advantage of this laboratory scale experiment is the reduced
processing time and the fact that it can be fast adapted to different experimental
conditions. This concept at pilot scale experiment permits us to investigate the
dynamics of main parameters during the composting process and to provide the basis
for an efficient design process.

Emanuela Galli1,*, Valerio G. Muzzini1, Antonio Finizio2,
Pietro Fumagalli2, Paola Grenni3, Anna Barra Caracciolo3,
Jasmin Rauseo3, Luisa Patrolecco3
IBAF-CNR, Area della Ricerca di Roma 1, Via Salaria Km 29,300;
00015 Monterotondo (Roma) Italia;
Università di Milano Bicocca;
: [email protected] (E.Galli)

Introduction and study objectives

Commercial foaming products are used as lubricants to facilitate the
excavation process in mechanized tunnelling by means of tunnel boring machines
(TBMs). These foaming mixtures contain anionic surfactants (AS) as the main
component and other additives, generally polymers, not always of a known chemical
composition. Sodium lauryl ether sulphate (SLES) is one of the most used AS in
foaming agents, in a concentration ranging from 10 to 50% of the overall commercial
product. The possible re-use of the huge amount of soil debris produced during the
excavation process as by-products (e.g. land covering) or its discharge as a waste
depends on the residual concentration of AS in the soil. The first option has the
undoubted advantage to lower the costs of disposal. However, concerns are present
about the potential environmental risk related to the re-use of conditioned soil. In
fact, even if anionic surfactants are generally considered biodegradable and not toxic,
information on their biodegradation rates in soil as well as on the ecotoxicological
effects of the commercial formulations of foaming products are quite scarce. Recently,
some authors tested both foaming agents containing SLES on some plant species and
conditioned standard soils on the earthworm Eisenia foetida; they did not find any
ecotoxicological effect at the dose used in the tunnelling excavation. However,
environmental and ecotoxicological data on foaming agents conditioned soil from the
construction site are not available so far and an improvement in knowledge of these
aspects would be very relevant for the decision making processes of stakeholders.
In the present work, we report some results regarding the biodegradation
and ecotoxicological effects of some foaming agents. In particular, we performed two
ecotoxicological tests using terrestrial organisms such as the plant Lepidium sativum
and the earthworm Eisenia foetida. The tests were conducted following the traditional
OECD protocols, but using two soils conditioned with foaming agents collected from
the tunnel excavation area.
Two soils with different geopedological characteristics (Soil 1: gravel 56.7%
sand 23.1%, silt 14.1%, clay 6.1%; Soil 2: gravel 88.3%, sand 9.1%, silt 2.0%, clay
0.6%), collected (50 m depth) from the tunnel excavation area, were conditioned

using three common commercial foaming agents (P1, P2, P3), at concentrations used
for mechanized drills. The final concentration of the surfactant SLES in the two soils
ranged from 100 to 250 mg/kg. The conditioned soils were put into 1 m 3 mesocosms
used to simulate the temporary storage of soil debris produced during the tunnel
excavation in the construction site. For each foaming agent (P1, P2, P3) two replicate
mesocosms were set up using the Soil 1 and the Soil 2. Moreover, some mesocosms
containing Soil 1 were conditioned with a Polymer (PR) in addition to the foaming
agent P2, and finally lime was added to Soil 1 conditioned with P1. All the three
foaming products (P1, P2, P3) and the Polymer (PR) contained SLES, as the main
chemical component of the commercial product (ranging from 10 to 50%), water and
minor unknown substances. Soil sub-samples were collected from mesocosms at
different times (0, 7, 14, 28 days) and used to perform both the ecotoxicological tests
and chemical analysis.
Cress (Lepidium sativum) was grown in a greenhouse under controlled
conditions, in pots (10x10x22 cm with 20 seeds) filled with treated soils from the
mesocosms. At day 21, the growth index (plant dry weight) was measured,
comparing it with the control soil.
The earthworm (Eisenia foetida) tests were performed in glass boxes filled
with 700 g of soil using a double control (artificial soil prepared according to OECD
guideline n. 207 and untreated Soil 1 or Soil 2 from mesocosms). At the start of the
tests, 20 worms were added in each box then incubated at 20°C. The growth and
survival in the soils were tested after 28 days; the effect on reproduction was
determined at day 56.
At the same times, aliquots of soil from the mesocosms were used for
obtaining elutriates (ratio 1:10 w:v, UNI 14735.2005) to perform the germination test
on cress seeds and the acute toxicity test on earthworms. SLES residual
concentrations in soil and elutriate were also measured by using the methylene blue
active substances (MBAS) method (Standard Methods 5540C, 2012).
Results and conclusions
The overall results showed that both Soil 1 and Soil 2 were not suitable
neither for plant growth nor for earthworm reproduction. This negative effect covered
the effect of the foaming products. On the contrary, the cress tests performed on
elutriates obtained from the conditioned soils did not show any toxic effect on seed
germination seven days after the treatment with the foaming agents. In general, the
earthworm test performed using the conditioned Soil 1 and Soil 2 elutriates did not
cause any toxic effect on these organisms. As expected, a high level of mortality was
evident only in soils added with lime due to the high pH value of the samples. The
initial SLES content ranging from 78 to 368 mg/kg soil (depending on the product
used) corresponded to the environmental concentrations used for tunnelling. Chemical
analyses showed that SLES concentration at day 7 was slightly decreased compared
to its initial values; a reduction of 30 - 60% was detected, with differences due to the
different soils and different foaming products. However, since both the Soil 1 and Soil
2 were excavated from a depth of about 50 m, they were not suitable for plant and
earthworm growth and this aspect has to be taken into consideration for their possible
re-use as by-products.

Camelia Smaranda1,*, Petronela Cozma1, Ioan Mămăligă2,
Adrian Catalin Puitel3, Teodor Malutan3, Maria Gavrilescu1,4
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, 73
Prof. dr.doc. D. Mangeron Str., 700050 Iaşi, Romania,
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Chemical Engineering, Iaşi, Romania
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Natural and Synthetic Polymers, Iasi, Romania
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest,
: [email protected]

The present work was undertaken to explore the mechanism of Congo red
(CR) acid dye sorption on three Romanian soils collected from the central and NE
regions of Romania. Generally, the sorption process has a complex nature and can be
described by the following consecutive steps: transport in the bulk of solution,
diffusion across the liquid film surrounding the sorbent particle, and particle diffusion
in the liquid contained in the pores and in sorbate along the pore walls. In order to
study the mechanism of sorption process and identify the rate controlling factor
various diffusion models as intraparticle diffusion, film diffusion and pore diffusion
model was applied in the investigated system.
Based on the intraparticle diffusion analysis of pollutant sorption onto soils,
the depicted two phases plot suggests that the process occurs by surface sorption and
intraparticle diffusion in macro, meso and micropores. The linearity of the plots
suggests that intra particle diffusion might have an important role in the sorption of
the organic dye on soil particles. The sorption of the dye on the three soils could not
be described by simple mechanism of surface only, and it is likely that the sorption on
the external surface was followed by diffusion into the pores as well as to the large
number of steps on the surface. The first stage takes place during 2 to 20 min and
may be considered as the effect of intraparticle diffusion. The second portion of the
slope refers to the final equilibrium stage in which the intra-particle diffusion starts to
slow down and level out as the extremely low dye concentration remains in solution
or maximum sorption was attained. Also, the linear portion of the curves did not pass
through the origin, indicating that the intraparticle diffusion is involved in the sorption
process, but is not the single rate controlling step of CR sorption on studied soils. It
was observed that the values of intraparticle diffusion coefficient kid generally
increased with the increase of the initial pollutant concentration from 10 to 100 mg L

, which shows that the sorption rate is governed by the diffusion of the dye within
the pores of the adsorbent. Our results show an increase of kid values in the following
order: Soil-1> Soil-2> Soil-3.
The values of intercept I give information on the boundary layer thickness,
and the results shows an increasing of I in the range of 0.318 to 1.116 mg g for Soil-
-1 -1
1, 0.330 to 0.558 mg g for Soil-2 and 0.192 to 3.498 mg g for Soil-3. In
concordance with these results it can be concluded that boundary layer effect is
better at higher initial dye concentration. As the double nature of the intraparticle
diffusion plot confirms the presence of film and pore diffusion, the kinetic data for
sorption CR on soils Soil-1, Soil-2 and Soil-3 were further analyzed applying Boyd film
model. This model was applied to identify whether external transport or intraparticle
transport control the rate of sorption.
In order to find out the nature of process responsible for sorption of azo dye
Congo red in soil were calculated the diffusion coefficient of the process. The values
of pore diffusion coefficient (Dp) and film diffusion coefficient (Df) and the time for half
change (t1/2) were calculated under the given set of operating condition and the
results are presented in the Table 1. The values of Dp and Df are ranged from 10-9 to
-11 2 -1
10 cm s indicating that pore diffusion has some influence in the sorption rate
limiting step.
Table 1. Pore diffusion (Dp) and film diffusion (Df ) coefficients for CR sorption on soils
Soil CR (mg L-1) t ½ (s) Dp (cm2 s-1) Df (cm2 s-1)
Soil-1 10 987.858 0.7592 x 10 0.3282 x 10-11
20 632.049 0.1186 x 10-10 0.5522 x 10-11
50 679.556 0.1103 x 10 0.4424 x 10-11
100 461.073 0.1626 x 10 0.1002 x 10-10
Soil-2 10 2376.504 0.1136 x 10 0.1565 x 10-9
20 1026.884 0.2629 x 10-9 0.1164 x 10-9
50 531.147 0.5083 x 10 0.3521 x 10-9
100 365.776 0.7381 x 10 0.7752 x 10-9
Soil-3 10 529.794 0.1415 x 10 0.3532 x10-9
20 1103.152 0.6798 x 10-11 0.1044 x10-10
50 852.230 0.8800 x 10-11 0.3688 x10-10
100 1311.950 0.5716 x 10 0.3522 x10-10
We concluded that the sorption mechanism of Congo red on the three
studied soils is very complex; intraparticle diffusion is not the only rate controlling step
for the sorption of organic pollutant onto the investigated soils. Also, liquid film and
pore diffusion are involved in the sorption of CR onto soil matrices, but the results
suggest that pore diffusion is the rate limiting step.
This work was supported by grants of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI: (i) project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0130, Contract
64BG/2016; (ii) project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0016, Contract 1BG/2016; (iii)
Project PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1662.


M.S. Secula*, A. Vajda, L. Lazar*, I. Mamaliga

Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, 73 Prof. dr. docent Dimitrie Mangeron Street, 700050, Iasi,
: [email protected]; [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

One of the most important classes of pollutants is represented by dyes. The
synthetic character and complex molecular structure make them more stable and
difficult to be biodegraded. At present, there are more than 1.105 commercial dyes
. 5 . 6
with an estimated production of 7 10 – 1 10 tons per year. Also, it was reported that
about 10 to 40 % of used dyes are evacuated in wastewaters, and 10 to 15 % of
dyes reach the environment. The treatment of wastewaters containing dyes in order
to separate/degrade dyes is of major importance. The aim of the present work is to
investigate the efficiency of a cheap Iron-impregnated activated carbon (AC) Fenton
like catalyst towards the photo-Fenton degradation of organic compounds in aqueous
solutions. As model pollutant, Indigo Carmine anionic dye is considered.
Using the wet impregnation procedure, 5 g of L27 AC material were
contacted with Fe(II) solutions of FeSO4 precursor at a theoretical iron content in the
resulted composite of 1 %. The L27 AC was impregnated for 3 h at 45 C, then
filtered, washed several times with water and ethanol and dried at 55 C for 24 h. The
obtained composite is noted further herein as Fe-L27. Thermogravimetric analysis
(TG/DTG), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) were used to investigate the structural, textural, and
micromorphology of the catalyst. Total iron content in the obtained composites and
iron leakage were determined by spectrophotometric method using phenantroline.
Photocatalytic tests were carried in batch mode. In each run, 1 L of 100 mg L -1 Indigo
Carmine solution was placed in the photoreactor (UV – Consulting Peschl Laboratory
Reactor System). The mixture was stirred in dark until the adsorption – desorption
equilibrium between the pollutant model and the catalyst surface was established.
Then UV irradiation was performed for 2h using a Pen-Ray-Power Supply lamp. 4 mL
of reaction mixture were systematically sampled, separated by centrifugation and
then 1mL was diluted and analyzed by means of UV–Vis Hitachi spectrophotometer
following the absorbance at 261 nm. After the analysis, the undiluted solution was

added back into the photocatalytic reactor to minimize the loss in total volume and
maintain the solid/liquid ratio.
Results and conclusions
Different Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) such as simple UV, UV/O 3 and
heterogeneous photo-Fenton processes are evaluated for the degradation of Indigo
Carmine (Fig.1). The Iron(II)-embedded AC composite enhances significantly the
degradation process and the complete removal of Indigo Carmine molecule is reached
after 10 min of irradiation.
Thermogravimetric analysis, Fourier transform infrared, X-ray diffraction,
transmission electron microscopy and BET analysis were employed to investigate the
structural, textural, and micromorphology of the catalyst .


YIC, %



20 UV+O₃
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
time, min

Figure 1: Degradation of Indigo Figure 2: Pseudo-first order kinetics of

Carmine by different AOPs Indigo Carmine photo-Fenton degradation
at different values of initial concentration
(0.1 g L-1 Fe-L27, 100 mg L-1 H2O2, pH = 3).
Photocatalytic tests were performed using an UV – Consulting Peschl
Laboratory Reactor System. UV light irradiation tests were carried out to determine
the performance of the prepared Iron-impregnated composite towards the
degradation of Indigo Carmine in aqueous solution using different conditions (17
watts UV lamps, simple or provided with in-situ generation of O3; different values of
H2O2 concentration, different values of Indigo Carmine initial concentration, different
values of pH, different doses of NH 4-OH enhancer). These tests were conducted after
the adsorption equilibrium has been established. Fig. 2 shows the pseudo-first order
kinetics of photo-Fenton degradation at different values of initial concentration. The
obtained results emphasize an enhancement of Indigo Carmine degradation in case of
the heterogeneous photo-Fenton process conducted with an O3 generating UV lamp in
the presence of hydrogen peroxide.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research and Innovation, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0405.


Raluca Maria Hlihor1,2, Isabela Maria Simion1,2,*,

Petronela Cozma1, Manuela Olga Pogăcean3, Mihaela Roșca1,
Maria Gavrilescu1,4,*
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, 73
Prof. Dr. Docent D. Mangeron Str., 700050 Iasi, Romania
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine,
Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies, 3 Aleea Mihail
Sadoveanu, 700490 Iasi, Romania
Phytosanitary Office Mureş, Regional Laboratory for Quality Control of Pesticides, Târgu
Mureş, Romania
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest,
[email protected], [email protected]

Pesticide residues started to be a serious concern to consumers since they

are known to have harmful effects not only for pests or diseases aimed by their
application, but also for human health. Therefore, the problem of human health risks
posed by pesticides is gaining worldwide attention. Major concerns address the
presence of pesticides in fruit and vegetables and their toxic effects, since they act as
endocrine disruptors, interfere with reproductive systems and development of the
fetus, and generate serious diseases like cancer and asthma. Although several studies
can be found in literature concerning pesticides in different vegetable products
samples from markets, very few are focusing on the pesticide behavior during their
application according to vegetables phenological growth phases.
In this context, the present study aims to develop an analysis of current
information about pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables and associated human
health risks comparative to our results on this subject. The fundamental objective of
this work is closely linked with national and international social policies aiming at
improving the quality of life. The paper addresses two specific objectives: 1) problem
formulation and analysis of data on pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables; and 2)
evaluation of human health risks induced by the action of pesticides present in
vegetable crops. The objectives are developed according with today’s approach which
addresses both the long-term moderate exposure to pesticides and towards adopting
methodologies for analyzing and monitoring pesticide residues so as to diminish the
human health risks.

The line adopted for the study of pesticides fate and behavior in fruits and
vegetables considers the fact that, for the estimation of pesticide residues belonging
to different classes of compounds, researchers apply different methods of extraction
and quantification. The main criterion we used in choosing any methodology is that
the analysis method applied to various matrices is quick, easy, cheap, efficient, robust
and secure. Materials and methods selected and applied in this work were essential
tools for the accomplishment of experimental research program, entailing: the
evaluation of the situation of plants exposure to the action of pesticides on a
predetermined area given the latest treatments used and applied; investigation of
selected pesticides effect on plants when applied both in the recommended normal
dose and overdose (double dose); assessment of pesticides effects and their degree
of accumulation in the various stages of plant and fruit developments; risk
assessment induced by the presence of pesticides in fruits and vegetables for human
The risk for human health was characterized as the probability of potentially
adverse health effects as a result from human exposures to environmental hazards
and included four steps: (i) hazard identification (likelihood to generate damage to
humans), (ii) dose-response assessment (analysis of quantitative correlation between
exposure and effects), (iii) exposure assessment (frequency, duration, intensities of
contact with pesticides) and (iv) risk characterization (analysis of the nature and
magnitude of the risk resulted from exposure to pesticides, based on data collected
during the development of previous steps). During the analysis, data from literature
are related with our data on pesticides hazards and risks acquired based on the study
developed in a Romanian site, where diverse pesticides (fungicides, insecticides,
acaricides) were applied on plants at various time intervals, in simple and double
Although pesticides use has numerous beneficial effects (e.g. crop protection,
preservation of food and materials and prevention of vector-borne diseases), our work
highlighted major potential threats of human exposure to pesticides residues in
different plant products. Moreover, our study advocated on the prerequisite for
surveillance and monitoring programs for pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables
so as to protect the final consumers from exposure to this category of persistent
organic pollutants.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-
2016-1662, within PNCDI III.


Georgiana Lacatusu1, Alina-Maria Coman1,

Ana-Maria Macsim1, Iuliana-Mihaela Lazar1,*
Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Calea Marasesti, 157, Bacau – 600115, Romania
: [email protected] (I. M. Lazar)

Introduction and study objectives

Since ancient time, the importance of water for people led to interest for its
use and improvement. Nowadays, the modern technologies and the overgrowth
population contribute to the climate change. The future effects of climate change will
be reflected also in water domain. Therefore, the changing type of rainfall, long dry
periods, higher evaporation, dry soils - because of the dry climate, all will lead to a
low piezometric level, to a low quantity of infiltrated water in rivers and soil.
Therefore, in worldwide, were established rules for hydrosphere protection and
conservation. Groundwater levels show all the modifications that occur in an aquifer
system. The groundwater quantity can be influenced by meteorological parameters
like rainfall (it can rise or decrease the piezometric level), temperature (when the
temperature is higher, the piezometric level is lower), atmospheric pressure. Rainfall
has an important role in the infiltration process and presents two significant steps: the
first one is the penetration of the precipitation water into the soil (infiltration), and the
second step is percolation (it begins an influx into the groundwater aquifer when the
soil is saturated with water). The study focuses on the relationship between
precipitation, air temperature, and groundwater level, in period 1973-2014.
The study area is located in the east part of Romania, in the south of Bacau
city, near the industrial zone. Hydrogeological, the area has two surface water:
Bistrita River (the lower water) and Siret River (middle water). From a geological point
of view, the wells are placed in an area which belongs to coarse silt, sandy dust,
sandy clay, clayey sands, formed in lower and higher Holocene and they are used for
drinking water and agricultural activities. Geomorphological, the study area has a
fluvial relief (Pliocene-Quaternary) terraces by 1-2 m and terraced slope by 5-7 m
(Pliocene-Quaternary). From a meteorological point of view, Bacau city has a
temperate- continental climate, with cold winters and hot summers. In the south of
Bacau city, where the groundwater was collected, a micro-climate is formed because
of natural factors (general circulation of the atmosphere, solar radiation, relief) and

anthropic factors (industry, traffic, green spaces, etc.). Meteorological information
about monthly temperature and quantity of precipitation from the study area were
obtained from the Meteorological National Administration and the hydrogeological
data are from the National Institute of Hydrology. The monitored wells are named
„FH1”, „FH2”, „FH3”, „FH4”, with depth 12 m, 8 m, 8 m, respectively 24 m.
Using mathematical statistics and graphic-analytic methods it is concluded
that autumn and winter precipitation have the dominant impact on groundwater level
fluctuations, whereas summer season fluctuations are more dependent on the air
temperature. Using various climate models it has been proven that with the increase
of the air temperature in the future, the levels of groundwater could increase also
during the winter.
Results and conclusions
In general, on the study wells, the groundwater level presents the same
tendency in spring and autumn: is bigger than in the summer. This happens because
in spring and autumn rains, even the rains are small quantitative (approx. 52.18 l/m2,
respectively 46.32 l/m2) they are long and quiet, and it is easy to infiltrate. In
summer, the quantity of precipitation is bigger (79.85 l/m2), but they are fast and
strong, and enters in soil only a part of them; also the air and the soil have a high
temperature, a good part of water is evaporating; for this, the water enters only in
the surface. During the end of the winter season (February), when a thaw and
positive air temperatures occur, the level of groundwater tends to increase, for this
the medium of groundwater level measured at monitored wells have the great values
compared to the other seasons (Table 1).
Table 1: The average of monthly groundwater levels (cm) for monitored wells
in every season and the average of monthly quantity of precipitation (l/m 2)
FH1 (cm) FH2 (cm) FH3 (cm) FH4 (cm) Precipitation (l/m2)
winter 292.484 235.817 185.421 1269.033 34.354
spring 279.762 227.904 169.699 1266.099 52.184
summer 270.238 223.889 172.432 1266.455 79.859
autumn 279.239 227.349 183.639 183.639 46.328

The well FH1 has the highest values of groundwater levels, compared to FH2
and FH3, because it is located very close to Bistrita River and for this, the recharge is
also from the river. We discuss separately about FH4 because it is the deepest well -
24 m.
The results highlight the predominant impact of seasonal precipitation on the
groundwater level fluctuations.


Ileana Manciulea1, Stefano Girotti2, Luca Ferrari3,

Michele Protti2, Laura Mercolini2, Lucia Dumitrescu1,
Anca Vasilescu4, Camelia Draghici1,*
Department of Product Design, Mechatronics and Environment, Transilvania University
of Brasov, 29 Eroilor Blv, 500036 Brasov, Romania,
Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology FaBiT, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università
di Bologna, Italy
Dipartimento di Scienze dell' Educazione 'G.M. Bertin', Alma Mater Studiorum –
Università di Bologna, Italy
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Transilvania University of Brasov,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Due to the lack of European Massive Open On-line Courses (MOOCs) in
the field of the Toxicology and major differences in the teaching and learning of
this important subject within various European biologically oriented faculties,
we proposed and designed the European Erasmus+ project “Learning
Toxicology through Open Educational Resources (TOX-OER)”. Considering the
complexity and heterogeneity of toxicology field, TOX-OER aims to develop and
share toxicology-related knowledge and skills among 7 countries, which
promote the internationalization of Higher Education Institutions in Europe but
also in countries from other continents. The project is coordinated by
Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), and the partners are: Space Research and
Technology Institute (Bulgaria), Univerzita Karlova V Praze (Czech Republic),
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Università di
Bologna (Italy), Universidade do Porto (Portugal) and Universitatea Transilvania
din Brasov (Romania).
The aim of this study is to present part of the TOX-OER outcomes
developed by the project partnership, especially the modules related to the
drugs and persistent organic pollutants, as principal groups of xenobiotics.

The TOX-OER European project develops a scientific and pedagogical
joint between research in the field of toxicology and MOOC pedagogical design.
This will consist in guidelines to support partners for: a) the creation of
accessible Open Educational Resources (OER); b) course & modules
management; c) the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of individual
and social learning activities. This procedure will contribute to the promotion of
the learning outcomes in the design and delivery of educational programs and
activities in favor of pupils, students, young people, trainees, adult learners,
represented by professionals in the field and interested general audience.
The project consortium developed 7 modules: Module 1: General
Concepts; Module 2: Pharmaco-Toxicokinetics; Module 3: Principal Groups of
Xenobiotics – Prescription Drugs and Drugs of Abuse; Module 4: Environmental
Pollutants; Module 5: Target Organ Toxicity and Biomarkers; Module 6:
Environmental Toxicology; Module 7: Patents and Patent Application.
Module 3, Principal Groups of Xenobiotics, describes the main
toxicological features of prescription and drugs of abuse, and their differences
from legal and scientific points of view. Analytical methods for their qualitative
and quantitative determination in different biological and non-biological
matrices will be described and discussed. The most important aspects of
regulations in the pharmaceutical sector will be provided and explained.
Module 4, Environmental Pollutants describes the impact of some
pollutants (gaseous pollutants, heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants and
pesticides) on human health, as well as on the environment, with focus on the
persistent organic pollutants.
Results and conclusions
The TOX-OER project creates the conditions for the recognition and
certification (ECTS) of learning achievements, at least between partners.
Finally, throughout the duration of the project, 01.09.2015 – 31.08.2017, the
partners involved in the educational tasks will manage a virtual space (server)
within which the MOOC platform will be installed, and where all the Open
Educational Resources will be available.
Acknowledgements to the Project Learning Toxicology through Open
Educational Resources (TOX-OER), with financial support from the European Erasmus+
Programme, key action KA2, Strategic Partnership, project code 2015-1-ES01-KA203-


Manuela Olga Pogăcean1,2,*, Raluca-Maria Hlihor1,3,*,

Lidia Favier1,4, Maria Gavrilescu1,5
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, 73
Prof. Dr. Docent D. Mangeron Str., 700050 Iasi, Romania
Phytosanitary Office Mureş, 80 Dezrobirii Street, Târgu Mureş, Romania
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi,
Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Horticultural Technologies, 3 Mihail Sadoveanu Alley,
700490 Iasi, Romania
Superior National School of Chemistry in Rennes, UMR CNRS 6226, Institute of Chemical
Sciences Rennes,
Department of Chemistry and Process Engineering, 11 Beaulieu Str., CS 50837, 35708
Rennes Cedex 7, France
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 54 Splaiul Independentei, RO-050094 Bucharest,
: [email protected], [email protected]

The application of multiresidue analysis has been a common procedure for

many laboratories for simultaneous pesticide residues identification and
The present work reported on the evaluation and validation of a new
analytical procedure for pesticides residues quantification in apples samples using
gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry with flight time (GC-TOF-MS).
A modified mini-Luke method was developed and successfully applied for the
analyte extraction followed by GC-TOF-MS for separation and quantification
purposes. According to the procedure, the pesticides were extracted from the
vegetable matrix with a mixture of acetone, dichloromethane and petroleum ether.
After evaporation, the extracts were redissolved in isooctane/toluene and further
analyzed by GC-TOF-MS using an Agilent 7890 gas chromatograph with a TOF MS
Pegasus 4.34 mass spectrometer with two columns of different polarities. The
analysis method on GC-TOF-MS developed in the laboratory was validated for a
representative matrix (apple blank sample) according to SANCO/825/00. Further,
the proposed methodology was validated according to SANCO/10684/2009 in terms
of: linearity, matrix effect, limit of quantification, specificity, repeatability,
reproducibility, and accuracy. According to the guidelines, an analytical method for
pesticides analysis is validated if it meets the following criteria : has recovery values
in the range of 70-120%; the relative standard deviation (RSD) does not exceed

20% and the limit of quantification (LOQ), which is the lowest level at which an
analyte can be quantified, is smaller or equal to the maximum residue leve ls
(MRLs). Exceptionally, where regressions do not fall within the range of 70-120%,
deviations between 60-140% may be accepted, provided that the standard
deviation does not exceed 20%. It should be noticed that for method validation,
blank samples without pesticide residues, selected from untreated trees were used.
The calculated recoveries, repeatability standard deviation (RSD) and limit
of quantification (LOQ) for each analyte obtained under optimized analytical
conditions are shown in Table 1. In general, recoveries of all considered molecules
were higher than 80.1 %, and the relative standard deviations are less than 20%
except one (deltamethrin, 31%). In addition, the correlation coefficients (R 2) of the
calibration curves of all targeted pesticides were higher than 0.98. Alpha-
cypermethrin did not meet the validation criteria, so it could not be validated for the
apple matrix.
Table 1: The performance of the proposed method for the determination of
pesticides in apples
Pesticides Recovery RSD* LOQ MRL R2**
(%) (%) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Bifenthrin 114.3 18.4 0.01 0.3 0.997
Captan 116.7 19.7 0.02 3 0.984
Chlorothalonil 109.5 14.35 0.02 1 0.993
Chlorpyrifos 100.3 17.3 0.01 0.5 0.997
Deltamethrin 101.3 31 0.05 0.2 0.985
Folpet 81.5 11.8 0.02 3 0.990
Lambda- 91.8 7.4 0.01 0.1 0.997
Myclobutanil 101.3 14.5 0.02 0.5 0.994
Propargite: 2 112.6 8.4 0.01 3 0.991
Tebuconazole 90.9 8.5 0.05 1 0.996
Triadimenole 107.4 8.9 0.01 0.2 0.995
Alpha- 134 19.6 0.02 1 0.983
*RSD < 20%
**R2 > 0.98
These results demonstrated that the analytical strategy prosed in this work
can be a promising alternative in the field of the food safety for the assessment of
toxic organic compounds.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for
sScientific Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-
PED-2016-1662, within PNCDI III.


Cristina Liana Popa 1, Elfrida M. Carstea1,*, Erika Levei2,

Cristian I. Ioja3, Roxana Savastru1
National Institute of Research and Development for Optoelectronics, INOE 2000,
Magurele, Atomistilor 409, 077125, Romania;
National Institute of R&D for Optoelectronics, Research Institute for Analytical
Instrumentation Subsidiary, Donath 67, 400293, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Center for Environmental Research and
Impact Studies, Bd. Nicolae Balcescu 1, 010041, Sector 1, Bucharest
*: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

Urban environments can contribute greatly to the contamination of lakes and
rivers by sewage discharges, industrial effluents or nutrients runoff. Urban lakes are
especially under high risk because large quantities of pollutants lead to increased
eutrophication, which affects wildlife habitat and population quality of life. Lakes are
“ecological barometers of the health of a city”. Therefore, complex spatial and
temporal evaluation of lake water quality is needed.
Fluorescence spectroscopy has been frequently applied to study the quality of
water from different sources and was related to the bacterial composition of water
samples. The intensive application of the technique emerged from its multiple
advantages: no reagents or sample preparation needed, high sensitivity, small
quantities of sample, short measuring time. In the past two decades, research has
proven that fluorescence spectroscopy is a valuable technique in evaluating organic
matter, off- and on-line. So far, characterization of temporal variation of lake organic
matter fluorescence has been intensely studied. Little research has been done on the
spatial distribution of lake organic matter.
The aim of this study was to determine the spatial variability of lake organic
matter and to assess the contribution of particular water quality parameters in
establishing the monitoring plan of urban lakes. Samples from several lakes, located
in Bucharest, were measured using conventional methods and fluorescence
spectroscopy to determine the characteristics of organic matter. Principal component
analysis and Pearson correlation were used to assess the relationship between
individual parameters.
Lake water samples were collected in July and October 2016 from 19 lakes,
located within Bucharest: Grivita, Baneasa, Herastrau, Floreasca, Tei, Plumbuita,
Fundeni, Pantelimon, Circului, Tineretului, Carol, Cismigiu, Titan, National, Morarilor,
Vacaresti, Morii and Drumul Taberei lakes. In total, 43 samples were measured for
total organic carbon, inorganic carbon, dissolved organic carbon, total inorganic

carbon, dissolved inorganic carbon, total carbon, dissolved carbon, nitrogen, nitrate,
sulfate, phosphate, pH, electrical conductivity, fluoride, chlorine, fluorescence
components and pesticides.
The anions were analysed by ion chromatography (IC) with conductivity
detection and chemical suppression using a 761 Compact IC (Methrom), equipped
with a Metrosep A Supp 5-100/4 mm (polyvinyl alcohol with quaternary ammonium
groups, 5μm particle size) column and a Metrosep A Supp 4/5 mm guard column,
operating at a flow rate of 0.7 mL/min. The ICP-MS measurement were carried out
using an ELAN DRC II (Perkin Elmer) spectrometer equipped with dynamic reaction
cell. Total organic carbon (TOC) was determined by catalytic combustion and non-
dispersive infrared detection using a 2100S Multi N/C Analyser (Analytic Jena).
Fluorescence measurements were undertaken using a FLS920
spectrofluorimeter (Edinburgh Instruments). Emission spectra were recorded at two
excitation wavelengths, 260 nm and 340 nm, in the wavelength emission ranges of
300 – 500 nm and 360 – 500 nm, respectively, with step of 1 nm and dwell time 0.2
Correlation and factor analysis were performed with IBM SPSS software.
Factors were extracted using Principal Component Analysis with Varimax rotation and
Kaiser normalization. A four-factor solution was chosen and the components with little
variability in the data were removed.
Results and conclusions
The protein-like and humic-like fractions of organic matter were detected in the
fluorescence spectra of urban lake samples. Peaks T and B, representing the protein -
like fraction, were detected within the regions: peak T – excitation wavelength 260
nm, emission wavelength range 325 – 345 nm; peak B – excitation wavelength
domain 260 nm, emission wavelength range 300 – 310 nm. Peaks A and C,
designating the humic substances, were observed in the regions: peak A – excitation
wavelength 260 nm, emission wavelength range 405 – 430 nm; peak C – excitation
wavelength 340 nm, emission wavelength range 410 – 435 nm. The samples collected
from Tineretului lake presented the highest values for protein-like fluorescence,
nitrate, sulfate, conductivity and nitrogen. The highest humic-like fluorescence
intensity was observed at Vacaresti lake samples, which also contained high quantity
of total organic carbon. Circului lake sample showed high intensity at the fluorescence
peak associated with recent production of organic matter. The same sample contained
the highest quantities of total and dissolved inorganic carbon.
These results indicated a different spatial distribution of organic matter
components between the lakes and even between samples from the same lake. This
study proved that particular lake areas, with high accumulation of organic matter,
from both allochthonous and autochthonous sources, required extensive water quality
management to improve and preserve the ecological state.
This work was funded by Core Program, under the support of ANCS, project
OPTRONICA IV, PN 16.40 and Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI–
UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1300 (EMERSA).


Carmen Cătălina Ioan1,*, Ileana Maria Carcea 2,

Andrei Dumencu3, Brindusa Mihaela Sluser1,*
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Department of Environmental
Engineering and Management, 73 Prof. Dr. Doc. Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd., 700050, Iaşi,
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Department of Teaching Staff Training,
73 Prof. Dr. Doc. Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd., 700050, Iaşi, Romania
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Department of Mechanical and
Automotive Engineering, 43, Prof.dr.doc. Dimitrie Mangeron Boulevard, 700050 Iasi,
: [email protected]; [email protected]

This study approaches the vocational interests of students as a determinant

factor of performance in academic work and also essential premise of personal career
strategy, of professional insertion and integration upon graduation. In line with the
literature, the vocational interests are defined as manifestations of personality (Holland)
as educable dimensions, expressions of the individual's preferences against certain types
of activities, for example innovative / conventional, theoretical / practical, individual /
team, and certain media of professional work, such as industrial / laboratory, and
natural / built in space, institutional space / employee option etc. The integration of
these two variables, the type of working environment preferred by the person, outlines
ten general professional themes (Jackson). On previous investigations the problem of
vocational interests of students in terms of scientific interests and general occupational
themes evaluated according to the Jackson Vocational Interest Survey (JVIS) have been
studied. The results were interpreted using the theoretical models of the Vocational
Requirements of various occupations (TMVR) built on the basis of deductive reasoning.
In this paper the requirements of vocational nature of various occupations in the field of
environmental engineering through the views of the practitioners, professionals working
in those fields to determine the Practical Patterns of Vocational Requirements (PPVR)
were approached. The opportunity of this investigation comes from the finding that the
interpretation of results through the TMVR indicates that 34% of the evaluated students
have non-crystallized profiles of vocational interests, being considered as risk factors
both in the personal development during academic studies and for a debut in their
career. For this purpose we submit to the evaluation of professionals in the
Environmental Engineering Field the ten occupational themes defined by Jackson and
tested through the validated tool for the population of Romania, with the possibility of
estimating the importance on basis in the practical occupation on five levels - essential,
very important, important, desirable, welcomed - or labeling as irrelevant. The general

occupational themes under evaluation are: expressive, logical, curious, practical,
assertive, conventional, entrepreneur, communicative.
Similarities between the TMVR and PPVR are further analyzed as well as some
differences that they induce in interpreting the profile of the vocational interests of
undergraduates in the first and third year and of a group of MS students specialized in
environmental engineering obtained by JVIS scale; the identified dominant themes
based on responses from professionals, the logical approach and effective
communication are common for engineering as a profession and are sufficient to guide
high school graduates towards technical faculties. In what concerns the themes that
provide information to the specifics of specializations and especially the occupations in
the field of environmental engineering there are differences between the two models;
TMVR considers curiosity as a defining preference for occupations such as researcher
and counselor in environmental issues, which appears only in 40% of respondents
according to the professionals' opinion; also the preference for activities involving
assertiveness is considered essential in the job of environmental commissioner, but
perceived so by only just over 40% of active professionals. One can appreciate that the
quantitative analysis at the time of data collection is not relevant, and will be deepened
through a qualitative analysis, by broadening the samples investigated.
The conclusions and proposals of this paper show the way in which the
knowledge of the extended structure of the profile of vocational interests is useful to
guide students towards certain occupations in the field of environmental engineering for
their counseling in terms of personal development during their studies and comments
upon the content of curricula which can contribute to the crystallization of vocational
interests on the cognitive dimension of professional competencies - cultivating logical
and creative approaches - on the attitude dimension, of cross skills - the cultivation of
efficient professional communication, of responsible and constructive socialization, of an
assertiveness specific to the management functions of guidance, management and
control. Among the quantitative processing performed so far we have identified the
following occupational themes that over 50% of respondents considered essential or
very important; communication defined as "clear and detailed development of their own
ideas, exposing complex reasoning, evidence and exhaustive argumentation" indicated
by over 70%, logical approach to work problems by ' abstract rational thinking, oriented
towards testable generalizations, deductive reasoning and precision " rated as critical
and very important by over 69% of respondents and conventional attitude " attention to
detail, strict compliance to procedures and algorithms" indicated by over 55% of
respondents. Further on, we analyze the similarities between MCTV and PPVR and some
differences that they induce in interpreting the profile of vocational interests in
undergraduate students in the first or third year or a group of MA students specialized in
environmental engineering obtained by JVIS scale; the dominant themes are common
to engineering as a profession and are sufficient to guide high school graduates towards
technical faculties. In what concerns the themes that provide information to specifics of
specializations and especially in the field of environmental engineering occupations such
as environmental consultant, environmental commissioner, researcher and others, there
are differences between the two models, differences analyzed in the paper. Knowing
this extensive structure of vocational interests profile, is necessary to guide students
towards certain occupations in the field of environmental engineering, for their
counseling in terms of personal development while learning.


Cristina Salcă Rotaru1, Ileana Manciulea2, Camelia Drăghici2

Department of Law, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Department of Product Design, Mechatronics and Environment, Transilvania University
of Brasov, 29 Eroilor Blv, 500036 Brasov, Romania,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

For specialist coming from various fields of environmental protection, the
specific legislation can’t be easily understood because there is a conjunction between
many related regulatory actions, legislative acts issued by the national legislation, as
well as from both European Union institutions and legal bodies. For law specialists,
understanding the environmental legislation is more than a juridical interpretation,
due to the particular technical approach of legal standards, but also due to its
connection with other law areas.
Regarding the environmental protection field, where the superior interest of the
state and the supranational bodies are involved, a more accurate surveillance of the
judicial regulation is required, through monitoring and assessment of the necessary
amendments, as well as their deployment. This mechanism, generally exceeds the
legislative force, especially because it needs to be more flexible but also recognized by
law and by those who apply and assess the law enforcement. A brief approach into
the juridical field, presented as a whole from both points of view, issuer and legal
power, assigned to any law area or to any field of interest, leads to the development
of generally aplicable legislative scheme. According to the environmentalists’ opinion,
the specific monitoring elements can be added to the existing legislative scheme
combined with the requirements for a final recognition by the legislation in force. In
this respect, we observed that specific parts of the monitoring system flow elements
determine the need of legislative scheme transformation.
The aim of his study is to emphasize a need and to turn the environmental
legislative scheme into a legislative flow. This flow is useful to specialist from both
legal and environmental field to undestand the interactions between both
mechanisms, finally they could reach the ultimate goal regarding the environmental
protection and the legislation compliance. An extention of this aim is an application of
the use of environmental related legislation on Open Educational Resources for
toxicology courses.
The development of the legislative scheme is specific for each state, based on
the internal regulatory mechanism, as well as on the type of documents drawn up by
lawmaking powers.

In order to develop the environmental legislative scheme, we have taken into
consideration: (i) the Romanian Constitution, establishing the legislative powers and
the normative documents recognized at national level; (ii) provisions that regulate the
effect of the international treaties on the national legislation; (iii) provisions of the
constitutive EU treaties and mandatory regulations and the influence on the EU
legislation on the national legal system. According to these provisions, we developed a
generally available scheme for any regulatory field.
To design the new proposed environmental legislative flow, we have taken into
account: (i) atypical elements from environmental legislation; (ii) the high importance
of the standards of environmental monitoring and assesment, imposed by institution
with no regulatory competence; (iii) developing the majority of the environmental
legal norms that introduce technical terms.
Checking the implementation, the correct application and the real effect (not
the expected one) of the legislation, is part of the mechanism stipulated by standards.
Collecting data and information obtained by these standards is the basis of feedback
mechanism which change the legislative scheme into a legislative flow. Checking the
compliance with the normative documents occurs, but if non-compliance is registered,
the feedback is applying civil, administrative or criminal legal sanctions.
We observed that even if the normative document is respected, there is no
established feedback for the assessment of the achieved targets, as it is in the
environmental protection legislation. No other regulation field has such a mechanism,
identified as a result of an engineering interpretation of the law.
Results and conclusions
The actual study developed and checked the legislative scheme and the related
new flow, emphasizing that the legislative scheme has general applicability, while the
legislative flow is less applicable, limited to domains with emergency situations, as the
environment protection is.
It came out that where applying the specific legislation is not enough for the
environment protection, monitoring mechanisms are useful to streamline the
legislation system. The use of the environmental monitoring mechanism, on a larger
scale, at the environmental legislation development, is not only welcome, but also
needed. This occurs without complicating the legislative process, but used to verify
both its real effect and its efficient intervention on the regulations.
Both the legislative scheme and flow, were considered important inputs for
educational purpose, therefore were used these to design one module as part of a
Toxicology course as Massive Open Online Course, develop within Learning Toxicology
through Open Educational Resources – TOX-OER project.
Acknowledgements to the Project Learning Toxicology through Open Educational
Resources (TOX-OER), with financial support from the European Erasmus+ Programme, key
action KA2, Strategic Partnership, project code 2015-1-ES01-KA203-015957.


Simona Andrei1, *, Bran-Elena Petronela1,

Gabriel-Octavian Lazăr2
Doctoral School in Environmental Engineering, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau,
157 Marasesti Str., 600115- Bacau Romania
Faculty of Engineering, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, 157 Marasesti Str.,
Bacau- 600115 Romania
: [email protected] (S. Andrei)

Introduction and study objectives

Bark beetle infestation (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) is a relevant
issue for forestry sector at global scale. In Europe, the average wood lost because
infestations was approximately 2.9 million m3/year in the last half of the twentieth
century. In present, at a global scale, insects affects 30 million hectares of forest
annually. The intensity of the bark beetle attack increases in temperate forests
worldwide, in Europe, Asia, in southern parts of North America as Mexic, Florida,
California and in the north of the continent. In Colorado, from 2009 to 2014, the area
affected by bark beetle increased rapidly, from 46,000 ha to 196,000 ha of damaged
forest. In Alaska, during the period 1990-2000, spruce mortality was spread over an
area of 1,19 million hectares. From 1990 to 2000, in Tatra Mountains, in Poland and
Slovak Republic (Central Europe), more than 118,000 m3 of trees were damaged by
Ips typographus infestation.
Although it is the most important agent of tree mortality, bark beetle is
considered a secondary pest because it has favorable conditions for development only
in damaged trees. Climate warming and drought conditions have led to an
unprecedented intensity of infestation. The spatial and temporal dynamics of bark
beetle population outbreaks varies according to host species and insect
In Romania, the largest infested areas with bark beetles, primarily including
Ips typographus, are located in the Oriental Carpathians (70%), in Meridional
Carpathians where these attacks represent 20% of the affected area and in
Occidental Carpathians (10%).
The Vanatori-Neamt Natural Park, located in northeastern Romania, is a
protected area which corresponds to category IUCN V. It covers an area of 30,818 ha,
including 26,322 ha of forest (85%). In recent years, in terms of unfavorable weather
conditions which involves decreasing the amount of rainfall (starting in 2011) and the
rise in temperatures, the spruce forest in Targu Neamt area was strongly affected.
This coniferous were planted outside of their natural area, for cellulose production,
but with lower requirements, in this sector were not done the necessary

deforestation. Trees, aged 60-70 years, showed signs of redness needles due to bark
beetle attack. It was imposed the works to remove infested trees or even complete
deforestation in areas that were affected almost all coniferous.
The aim of this paper is to identify the level of bark beetle infestation and to
determine which factors (natural and/or human) favors infestation in Vanatori-Neamt
Natural Park.
Methodology, results and conclusions
The study started with the identification of the affected areas. In this sense
were made field inspections to assess the health of the ecosystem and infestation of
bark beetles. Information on administrative-territorial boundaries was processed using
ArcMap application (Figure 1). In Baile Oglinzi area measurements of soil
physicochemical properties (pH, conductivity, volatile substances) were made. PH
values are in the range 5-6, which is normal for spruce forests.
Following the inspection field, it was observed that Pomete was the most
affected area (imposing deforestation). A high degree of drying coniferous was
observed in Targu Neamt, also in Oglinzi village (Baile Oglinzi and border areas with
Brusturi village). A lower level of damage was observed in villages Agapia, Cracaoani
and Vanatori. Near the village Pipirig is the area with the lowest percentage of drying
coniferous (in this area predominates pine and fir).
Initial results indicate that the spread of infestation is not directly affected by
human activity but only indirectly, because of climate change.
In conclusion, it can be said that the cause of drying coniferous in Vanatori-
Neamt Natural Park is not anthropic (the area is not industrial developed) but is based
on climate change that started with decreased precipitations from 2011 to present
and increasing temperature averages, especially in summer.

Figure 1: Limits of administrative-territorial and urban units in Vanatori-Neamt Park


Lorand Toth, Angela Călămar, Marius Kovacs, Sorin Simion,

Alexandru Simion


Str. G-ral. V. Milea nr. 32-34, 332047, Petroşani, jud. Hunedoara,
: [email protected]

Introduction and study objectives

One of the most important environmental issues in Romania is aquatic
pollution, which is an extremely complex phenomenon. Fast industrial development
and increased standards of living led to a corresponding increase in water supply
capacity, but along with this increase, the amounts of discharged contaminated
waters also grew significantly. Many rivers and particularly those crossing inhabited
areas are subject to pollutants discharge. Therefore, decision makers managing
aquatic environmental need the support of reliable tools for assessing water quality
and for predicting consequences of their decisions. This issue can be addressed
through the use of computational tools for predicting the concentration of pollutants.
This paper is a dissemination of a project achieved through Nucleu program,
implemented with the support of National Authority for Scientific Research and
Innovation (NASR), project no. PN 16 43 01 15, with the following objectives:
introduction to tributary streams of Jiu river, water sampling methodology, methods
of studying the concentrations of water pollutants, water quality analysis on aquatic
pollution, correlation of pollution phenomenon with household activities generating
water pollutants and not least computer modelling of pollutant dispersion.
To investigate the quality of surface waters we chose watercourses sited
around Petroșani, thus achieving a comprehensive view of the status of natural
receptors of Jiu river tributaries, according to household activities that may cause
water pollution.
Monitoring points were chosen both upstream and downstream of household
settlements on Slătinioara and Maleia watercourses (tributaries of Jiu river) to perform
the analysis of water quality in terms of its pollution. We have chosen comparative
sampling which required the identification of sampling locations by fixed points and
GPS coordinates. The sampling frequency and timing were set according to water
quality, distribution system and not least the source flow.

Before starting the sampling process a number of parameters considered to
be of interest, the sampling technique, the types of bottles and conservation methods
used were listed. Markers targeted for measurements were: pH, BOD, Sulphates
(SO42-), Chlorides (Cl-), Magnesium (Mg2+), Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+), Ammonium
+ 2- 3-
(NH4 ), Nitrite (NO ), Nitrate (NO ), Iron (Fe), Phenols (C 6H5OH). The sampling was
carried out so that contamination of samples was avoided. Conservation of the
samples was carried out by storing them in the refrigerator at a temperature of at
least 4 ° C until performing their analysis.
To gather preliminary information necessary for computer modelling of water
pollutant dispersion, sampling points positioned upstream and downstream of
household settlements and discharge areas were chosen, thus demonstrating the
desideratum regarding the discharge of pollutant - effluent into the environment, at a
given angle, by producing a jet whose confluence mainly it depends on the specific
weight ratio of the effluent and emissary.
Results and conclusions
Several methods have been used to measure the level of pollution, namely:
optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma, ion chromatography
method as well as the spectrophotometric method in the UV-VIS range, with the help
of which were obtained representative results for the monitoring program used.
Measurements performed during September-December 2016
showed/revealed that in some sampling points pollutant concentrations are higher
than the reference values (background pollution), coincident with the discharge area.
Measurements performed at sampling points downstream of household settlements
revealed the presence of certain quantities of pollutants, characteristic to household
activities as follows: ammonium indicator (27,1 mg / l), nitrite indicator (15,6 mg / l),
nitrate indicator (75,2 mg / l), phenol indicator (0,53 mg / l), CBO5 indicator (32 mg /
l) and pH indicator (6,1) on one hand and iron (0,009 mg / l), sulphate (57,6 mg / l)
and magnesium (0,03 mg / l) indicators on the other hand, confirmed the background
pollution and geological features of the area crossed by the stream.
Values of indicators analyzed upstream of household settlements accounted
for input data for assessing the watercourse background pollution.
In the case of this paper, the Surface Water Solution (SMS) software was
used to monitor the dynamics and properties of pollutants as well as to analyze their
In order to achieve the mathematical model of water movement, we used the
Reynolds form of Navier-Stokes equations system, in x and y Cartesian coordinates,
along with the continuity equation for incompressible fluids in free-flowing turbulent
motion by running the RMA2 subprogram within the SMS software. The numerical
simulation of advection-diffusion processes at an average depth in the studied aquatic
system was performed using the RMA4 subprogram.
Measurements performed as well as the use of specialized software for
simulation of pollutants dispersion in the aquatic environment revealed the anthropic
impact on the environment.


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