A Semi Detailed

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A Semi Deteiled Lesson Plan im Grade 10

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

A. determine how discourse markers are used in a dialogue;

B. share the impotance or advantages of using discourse markers; and

C. create a dialogue based on the given discourse markers.

II. Subject Matter

Title: Identifying Discourse Markers

Skill: Listening


Materials: Recordings

Strips of paper

Visual Aids

III. Learning Experiences

A. Preliminary Activity

 The teacher will start the class with a prayer, checking of attedance and recaptulation.

B. Stimulating Activity

 The teacher will let the students listen to dialogue between two persons.
 The teacher then will ask the students what they have observed from the dialogue.

C. Presentation

 The teacher will tell the students that the dialogue they've listened to has something to do with
the lesson for the day.
 The teacher then will post words on the board.
o So
o Well
o Right
o Anyway
 The teacher will tell students to observe the words.

D. Discussion

 The teacher will engage the students in an interactive discussion about Discourse Markers and
will give examples.
 The teacher then will let the students listen to the dialogue again and will ask the following
o What discourse markers are used in the dialogue?
o Are they used correctly in the dialogue?
o Give one discourse marker used in the dialogue and explain how it is used in the

E. Application

 The teacher will group the class into four and each group will listen to another set of dialogue.
 The teacher will give each group a task to list down all discourse markers and state how it is used
in the dialogue. The teacher then wil ask a question:
o What have you learn from todays lesson and activity?

F. Generalization

 The teacher will ask students a question:

o What is/are the importance or advantages of using discourse markers?

G. Assessment

 The teacher will let the students create a dialogue based on the discourse markers given.
o Anyway
o Well
o Like
o So
 There should only be two characters in a dialogue and each character should have two discourse
markers to be use in the dialogue.

IV. Agreement

 Interview a foreigner and record your conversation. List down all the discourse markers used by
the foreigner and determine how it is used in the conversation.

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