Act5 Dna Extraction
Act5 Dna Extraction
Act5 Dna Extraction
Extraction of DNA from Banana
1. Learn the protocol of extracting DNA
2. Be familiar with the principles behind extracting DNA
Banana Distilled water
Blender 91% isopropyl alcohol (chill inside ref or ice bath)
Graduated cylinder NaCl (12%)
(3pcs) Beaker (250 ml) Pipettes
Stirring rod Filter paper or cheesecloth
Water bath Liquid detergent containing EDTA(colorless)
1. Put 100 ml of distilled water and one banana into the blender. Blend for 25 seconds, making
sure the banana is completely pulverized. Pour the mixture into a beaker.
2. Mix 10 ml of liquid detergent with 1ml of salt in a beaker. Add 10 ml of distilled water. Stir
gently to avoid creating foam. Continue for a few minutes until the soap and salt are dissolved.
3. Add 2 tablespoons of the banana mixture to the beaker containing the soap solution. Stir the
mixture GENTLY for at least 10 minutes.
4. Pour the mixture from step 3 into the filter. After 10 minutes, some liquid, called the filtrate,
should have collected in the bottom of the cup. Gently stir the mixture in the filter and let it sit
for another minute. Remove the filter and set it aside.
5. Get a test tube of cold alcohol. Add it to the mixture. Let it sit undisturbed for about four
minutes. Do not shake. A white material will precipitate.
6. Compare your procedure with virtual laboratory. Visit the following website and
Name: _______________________________________ Date: _____________
_______________________________________ Score: ____________
Activity 5
DNA extraction
Answer the following questions
1. Explain the role of detergent or meat tenderizer and NACl.
2. Differentiate HOT SHOT METHOD from the conventional DNA extraction method
3. Give one example of commercially available DNA kit and describe their contents and