A Study On The Consumer Preference Towards Instant Noodles After The Nestle Maggi Crisis Dr. M. Nagamani, G. Indrani & S. Santhiya

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International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Humanities (IJIRAH)

Impact Factor: 4.675, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 3145

(www.dvpublication.com) Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017
Dr. M. Nagamani*, G. Indrani** & S. Santhiya***
* Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, PSGR Krishnammmal College
for Women, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
** Head & Assistant Professor, Department of B.Com (AM) & (FS), PSGR Krishnammmal College for
Women, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
*** M.Phil Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, PSGR Krishnammmal College for Women,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
Cite This Article: Dr. M. Nagamani, G. Indrani & S. Santhiya, “A Study on the Consumer Preference Towards
Instant Noodles After the Nestle Maggi Crisis”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and
Humanities, Volume 2, Issue 1, Page Number 140-144, 2017
Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or
animal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals.
Historically, people secured food through two methods: hunting, gathering, and agriculture. Today, most of the
food energy consumed by the world population is supplied by the food industry. Indian cooking and lifestyle
have undergone tremendous changes in the last 15 years. There are many major factors that impacts this changes
which includes liberalization policy, dual income, separate living of couples, Innovative kitchen applications,
Media proliferation etc. There are people, who are migrating to cities for job and education and these people
have found the Ready-to-eat products that are comfortable to eat rather than depending on restaurants.
Statement of the Problem:
Maggi, a brand name used interchangeably with noodles in the country, was banned for a few months
due to the excess amount of lead and mono sodium glutamate (MSG), at the same time other brands like the
sunfeast yippee, top ramen, joymee instant noodles, horlicks foodles, knoor soupy noodles have entered the
Indian market and occupied a legitimate shelf space in the stores and super markets of the country. At this
juncture a study was undertaken to analyse the consumer preference towards instant noodles, after the nestle
maggi crisis.
Scope of the Study:
The study is confined to Coimbatore city. The study throws light on the brand preferences and the
factors that determine the consumers to buy those brands. It also enables the researcher to understand the
satisfaction level derived from consuming them.
Objectives of the Study:
 To study the brand preferences of the instant noodles.
 To analyse the factors determining the consumer to buy the instant noodles
 To examine the satisfaction level of the respondents
Research Methodology:
Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. It is also defined as a scientific and
systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. Research methodology is way to systematically
solve the research problem. It is a plan of action for a research project and explains in detail how data are
collected and analysed. This research study is a descriptive research study.
1. Period of the Study:
The period considered for the study is 4 months.
2. Research Design:
The researcher aims at analysing the satisfaction level of respondents regarding the instant noodles in
Coimbatore district. Convenient sampling technique is used to collect the data. The sample size of the study is
150 respondents. The data required for the study has been collected from both the primary data and secondary
data. Primary data have been collected through a structured questionnaire having 26 questions. Secondary data
have been collected from various journals, magazines and websites.
3. Statistical Tools Used for the Study:
The collected data have been categorised and processed manually as well as through computer. The
important statistical tools used for analysis are as follows:
 Simple percentage analysis
 ANOVA & t-test
Analysis and Interpretation:
Table 1: Demographic Profile of the Respondents
Frequency Percent
Below 15 Yrs 7 4.7
15 -25 Yrs 53 35.3

International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Humanities (IJIRAH)
Impact Factor: 4.675, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 3145
(www.dvpublication.com) Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017
25-40 Yrs 50 33.3
Above 40 Yrs 40 26.7
Male 84 56.0
Female 66 44.0
Upto Sslc 14 9.3
Educational Hsc 12 8.0
Qualification Graduation 107 71.3
No Formal Educational 17 11.3
Student 56 37.3
Salaried 23 15.3
Occupation Self-Occupied 40 26.7
Professional 24 16.0
Home-Maker 7 4.7
Single 88 58.7
Marital Status
Married 62 41.3
Nuclear Family 91 60.7
Family Type
Joint Family 59 39.3
1-3 Members 27 18.0
4-6 Members 78 52.0
Size of the Family
7-9 Members 23 15.3
Above 9 Members 22 14.7
One 23 15.3
Two 65 43.3
No. of. Children
More Than 2 29 19.3
None 33 22.0
Below 1 Lakh 19 12.7
1-2 Lakhs 40 26.7
Annual Income
2-3 Lakhs 41 27.3
Above 3 Lakhs 50 33.3
It is inferred that 35.3 Percent of the respondents are in the age group of 15 - 25 years.56 Percent of the
respondents are male. 71.3 Percent of the respondents are graduated. 37.3 Percent of the respondents are
students. 58.7 Percent of the respondents’ marital status is single. 60.7 Percent of the respondents belong to the
nuclear family. 52 Percent of the respondents have a family size of 4-6 members. 43.3 Percent of the
respondents have two children. 33.3 Percent of the respondents have an annual income of more than 3lakhs.
Table 2: Brand Preference of the Respondents
Mostly Less Not
Preferred Neutral Total
Preferred Preferred Preferred
Nestle Maggi No 29 59 26 18 18 150
% 19.3 39.3 17.3 12 12 100
Sunfeast Yippee No 62 42 26 16 4 150
% 41.3 28 17.3 10.7 2.7 100
Top Ramen No 32 44 45 21 8 150
% 21.3 29.3 30 14 5.3 100
Joymee Noodles No 16 23 36 39 36 150
% 10.7 15.3 24 26 24 100
Horlicks Foodles No 15 25 23 39 48 150
% 10 16.7 15.3 26 32 100
Knoor Soupy Noodles No 19 33 29 30 39 150
% 12.7 22 19.3 20 26 100
Home Made Noodles No 38 52 29 15 16 150
% 25.3 34.7 19.3 10 10.7 100
From the above table it is clear that 41.3 Percent of the respondents mostly prefer Sunfeast Yippee,
39.3 Percent of the respondents prefer Nestle Maggi, 34.7 Percent of the respondents prefer Home-Made
Noodles, 30 Percent of the respondents neutrally prefer Top Ramen, 26 Percent of the respondents prefer
Joymee Noodles less, 32 Percent of the respondents does not prefer Horlicks Foodles and 26 Percent of the
respondents does not prefer Knoor Soupy Noodles.

International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Humanities (IJIRAH)
Impact Factor: 4.675, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 3145
(www.dvpublication.com) Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017
Table 3: Factors Influencing the Purchase of Instant Noodles
Highly Less Not
Influenced Neutral Total
Influenced Influenced Influenced
Taste No 84 42 13 7 4 150
% 56 28 8.7 4.7 2.7 100
Convenience No 49 66 26 7 2 150
% 32.7 44 17.3 4.7 1.3 100
Healthy No 41 35 48 20 6 150
% 27.3 23.3 32 13.3 4 100
Variety No 33 52 26 34 5 150
% 22 34.7 17.3 22.7 3.3 100
Quality No 41 46 25 22 16 150
% 27.3 30.7 16.7 14.7 10.7 100
Packaging No 31 49 25 35 10 150
% 20.7 32.7 16.7 23.3 6.7 100
Price No 38 44 44 15 9 150
% 25.3 29.3 29.3 10 6 100
Non-Sticky No 28 56 38 20 8 150
% 18.7 37.3 25.3 13.3 5.3 100
Time No 46 49 30 19 6 150
% 30.7 32.7 20 12.7 4 100
Long Noodle No 28 56 36 21 9 150
% 18.7 37.3 24 14 6 100
Easy To Cook No 63 41 34 7 5 150
% 42 27.3 22.7 4.7 3.3 100
From the above table it is clear that most of the respondents are highly influenced by taste(56 Percent) and the
health factor(27.3 Percent), most of the respondents are influenced by the factors like the convenience(44
Percent), non-sticky(37.3 Percent), long noodle(37.3 Percent), variety(34.7 Percent), packaging(32.7 Percent),
quality(30.7 Percent), price(29.3 Percent), time(32.7 Percent), and easy to cook(27.3 Percent).
Table 4: Satisfaction Level of the Respondents
Highly Less Not
Satisfied Neutral Total
Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
Taste No 78 47 10 9 6 150
% 52 31.3 6.7 6 4 100
Price No 31 76 30 12 1 150
% 20.7 50.7 20 8 0.7 100
Ingredients No 28 50 47 22 3 150
% 18.7 33.3 31.3 14.7 2 100
Quantity No 21 62 32 32 3 150
% 14 41.3 21.3 21.3 2 100
Quality No 23 44 41 24 18 150
% 15.3 29.3 27.3 16 12 100
Convenience No 35 54 30 21 10 150
% 23.3 36 20 14 6.7 100
Packaging No 26 46 44 27 7 150
% 17.3 30.7 29.3 18 4.7 100
Variety No 26 46 44 27 7 150
% 17.3 30.7 29.3 18 4.7 100
Flavors No 27 53 30 30 10 150
% 18 35.3 20 20 6.7 100
Hygiene No 15 57 39 25 14 150
% 10 38 26 16.7 9.3 100
Time No 39 47 27 26 11 150
% 26 31.3 18 17.3 7.3 100
Shape No 31 42 30 22 25 150
% 20.7 28 20 14.7 16.7 100
The above table depicts that the respondents are highly satisfied with taste (52 Percent). and most of
the respondents are satisfied with the price(50.7 Percent), ingredients (33.3 Percent), quantity (41.4Percent),

International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Humanities (IJIRAH)
Impact Factor: 4.675, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 3145
(www.dvpublication.com) Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017
quality (29.3 Percent), convenience (36 Percent), packaging (30.7 Percent), variety (30.7 Percent), flavours
(35.3 Percent), hygiene (38 Percent), time (31.3 Percent) and shape (28 Percent).
Anova & T-Test:
The respondents were classified into low, moderate and high based on the overall satisfaction score
using its mean and standard deviation.
Table 5: Age and Level of Satisfaction towards Instant Noodles
Level Of Satisfaction
High Moderate Low Total
No 2 1 4 7
Below 15 Yrs
% 28.6% 14.3% 57.1% 100.0%
No 21 21 11 53
15 -25 Yrs
% 39.6% 39.6% 20.8% 100.0%
No 12 19 19 50
25-40 Yrs
% 24.0% 38.0% 38.0% 100.0%
No 9 16 15 40
Above 40 Yrs
% 22.5% 40.0% 37.5% 100.0%
Total No 44 57 49 150
% 29.3% 38.0% 32.7% 100.0%
From the above table it is clear that 57.1 percent of the respondents who are in the age group of below 15 years
have low level of satisfaction towards Instant noodles; 39.6 percent of the respondents who are in the age group
of 15 to 25 years have high and moderate level of satisfaction towards Instant noodles; 38.0 percent of the
respondents who are in the age group of 25 to 40 years have moderate and low level of satisfaction towards
Instant noodles; and 40.0 percent of the respondents who are above 40 years have moderate level of satisfaction
towards Instant noodles. ANOVA test has been applied to find out if there is any significant difference in the level of
satisfaction of the respondents classified based on their age
Ho: “There is no significant difference in the mean satisfaction score of the respondents towards Instant noodles
based on their age groups”
Table 6: Anova
Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Value Sig
235.847 3 78.616 2.147 .097 NS
5346.746 146 36.622
Total 5582.593 149
S-Significant, NS-Non Significant
The ANOVA result shows that there is no significant difference in the mean satisfaction scores of the
respondents towards Instant noodles based on their age groups. Hence the hypothesis is accepted.
Table 7: Education and Level of Satisfaction towards Instant Noodles
Level of satisfaction
High Moderate Low Total
No 1 5 8 14
% 7.1% 35.7% 57.1% 100.0%
No 3 6 3 12
% 25.0% 50.0% 25.0% 100.0%
No 39 43 25 107
% 36.4% 40.2% 23.4% 100.0%
No Formal No 1 3 13 17
Education % 5.9% 17.6% 76.5% 100.0%
Total No 44 57 49 150
% 29.3% 38.0% 32.7% 100.0%
From the above table, it is clear that 57.1 percent of the respondents whose education level is up to
SSLC have low level of satisfaction towards instant noodles, 50 percent of them whose education level is up to
HSC have moderate level of satisfaction, 40.2 percent of them who are graduated have moderate level of
satisfaction, 76.5 percent of them who have no formal education have low level of satisfaction towards instant
noodles. ANOVA test has been applied to find out if there is any significant difference in the level of satisfaction
towards Instant noodles among the respondents classified based on education.
Ho: “There is no significant difference in the mean satisfaction score of the respondents classified based on their

International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Humanities (IJIRAH)
Impact Factor: 4.675, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 3145
(www.dvpublication.com) Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017
Table 8: Anova
Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Value Sig
Between Groups 860.284 3 286.761 8.866 .000 NS
Within Groups 4722.309 146 32.345
Total 5582.593 149
S-Significant, NS-Non Significant
The ANOVA result shows that there is no significant difference in the mean satisfaction scores of the
respondents towards Instant noodles based on their education. Hence the hypothesis is accepted.
Simple Percentage Analysis:
 35.3 percent of the respondents are in the age group of 15 - 25 years.
 56 percent of the respondents are male.
 Majority (71.3 percent) of the respondents are graduated.
 37.3 percent of the respondents are students.
 58.7 percent of the respondents marital status is single.
 52 percent of the respondents have a family size of 4-6 members.
 43.3 percent of the respondents have two children at home.
 33.3 percent of the respondents have an annual income of above 3lakhs.
 The respondents are highly influenced towards taste (56 percent) and the healthy factor (27.3 percent).
 Most of the respondents are influenced towards the factors like the convenience (44 percent), variety
(34.7 percent), quality (30.7 percent), packaging (32.7 percent), price (29.3 percent), non-sticky (37.3
percent), time (32.7 percent), long noodle (37.3 percent), and easy to cook (27.3 percent).
 The respondents are neutrally influenced towards the factor like price (29.3 percent).
 The respondents are highly satisfied with taste (52 percent).
 Most of the respondents are satisfied with the price (50.7 percent), ingredients (33.3 percent), quantity
(41.4 percent), quality (29.3percent), convenience (36percent), packaging (30.7percent), variety
(30.7percent), flavours (35.3percent), hygiene (38percent), time (31.3percent) and shape (28 percent).
 There is no significant difference in the mean satisfaction score of the respondents towards Instant
noodles based on their age groups. Hence the hypothesis is accepted.
 There is no significant difference in the mean satisfaction score of the respondents towards Instant
noodles based on their education. Hence the hypothesis is rejected.
In the modern world consumer taste and preferences are changing day-by-day because of rapid
changing technology in food production. Several factors are influencing the customers while they purchase a
particular product. Hence, manufacturers should identify the target group and provide products to satisfy all
types of consumers. The firm has to be constantly innovative and understand the consumers’ needs and desires.
Marketers should focus more on quality and intensive distribution of their branded noodles.
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