R2R Module 1 Intro To Ridge To Reef
R2R Module 1 Intro To Ridge To Reef
R2R Module 1 Intro To Ridge To Reef
Source: http://www.pointshoottravel.com/
Canoy, M.E.S. and Roa-Quiaoit, H.A., ed., 2011. Ridge to Reef in the Philippines: A
showcase of nine emerging and merging initiatives. Xavier University Press,
Cagayan de Oro City.
Olsen, S.B, Tiruponithura, V.P., Richter, B.D., 2006. Managing Freshwater Inflows
to Estuaries: A Methods Guide, US Agency for International Development and The
Nature Conservancy.
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ü Understand the principles of Ridge to Reef management and the basic steps
in developing a Ridge to Reef plan.
ü To understand the ways in which the R2R concept has been implemented in
other locations and the variability that exists between R2R plans.
For example, those sharing resources with each other learn the value of integrating care for natural
resources with cultural, human, and spiritual resources. Traditional Native Hawaiian principles and
practices are being applied by community stewardship alongside contemporary watershed
management efforts throughout Hawai`i. Lessons from these efforts are providing valuable insights for
improved management of Hawaii’s watersheds.” (USGS 2011)
Alterations to the landscapes of remote Pacific islands are a legacy of human arrival over the past
1,500 years. These alterations increased dramatically since substantial European contact in the 19
century. Habitats have been transformed by invasive species, wildfire, agriculture, and the grazing of
animals. These changes swept across the watershed, making lowland, coastal and coral reef
ecosystems more vulnerable to erosion, sediments and pollution (USGS 2011).
It should be noted that, in some cases, the financial and political resources
necessary to develop a formal R2R plan for a watershed or basin may not exist. In
such cases, the processes discussed in this training could be used on a small scale
by MPA managers simply to assess activities occurring in a watershed, identify
voluntary actions that could be taken to address negative impacts from those
activities, and identify potential partners that could help implement those actions.
The result of such a process might simply be an internal list of issues and potential
actions that MPA staff could work to implement. The step-by-step process discussed
in this training could be scaled up or down in order to suit the situation.
Many of the current threats to coral reef ecosystems in the Coral Triangle are
complex in nature; and an integrated approach like Ridge to Reef will be required to
address these threats. Coral reefs by their nature exist at the downstream end of
watersheds. However, their physical position in the watershed means that coral
reefs can experience the cumulative effect of negative impacts that occur upstream
in the watershed. Pollutants from land-based activities such as agriculture, and
urban development – unless they are addressed upstream – can migrate
downstream and eventually impact coral reefs. Frequently, coral reef and marine
protected area managers are unable to address these types of upstream impacts on
their own. For example, an MPA manager has no authority or jurisdiction to make
recommendations on terrestrial farming practices. In addition, the actions an MPA
manager can take, such as implementing a no-take fishing zone or requiring that
snorkeling operations implement Best Management Practices, would not be effective
in addressing an upstream problem such as fertilizer runoff.
The R2R process is designed to bring all natural resource managers in a watershed
together, along with communities, the private sector and a host of partners, to
address natural resource management issues in a watershed that are complex and
cover a wide geographic region.
If initiated with cooperation among national, regional, municipal and local authorities
(Crowder et al. 2006), an R2R plan can help to resolve the issues caused by
fragmented governance of watershed and coastal ecosystems. If implemented
effectively, an R2R plan can improve protection for coral reefs as well as benefit the
communities that rely upon these reefs to sustain their livelihoods.
Precautionary Principle
The “precautionary principle” is a concept that originated in the 1980s in Europe.
Although controversial in some applications, the central idea is that a cautious
approach must be taken in situations that pose serious or irreversible threats to
human health, human societies, or the environment. The probable benefits of action
must be cautiously weighed against the likely costs of inaction, so that a responsible
course of action can be taken in the face of uncertainty (Olsen et al.)
The term ‘interdisciplinary’ means “of or relating to more than one branch of
knowledge”. An R2R plan by nature will require experts in many branches of
knowledge come and work together effectively. In the process of developing an R2R
plan, experts who have a strong understanding of coastal, nearshore and upland
ecosystems (and their geologic, physical, chemical and biological components) will
need to work together and communicate effectively with each other, as well as with
experts in sociology, economics, archeology, cultural anthropology and public policy,.
Integrated Governance
Early and strong support from government is critical to implementing an R2R
approach. In order to develop and implement a successful R2R plan, a multitude of
national, regional and local government agencies will need to work together (i.e.,
integrate). As discussed earlier, management of natural resources is almost always
fragmented. An R2R plan may identify the need for increased riparian buffers but
MPA managers will likely not have the jurisdictional authority to promote a new
riparian buffer policy. The agency responsible for riparian buffers will need to be
involved and open to discussing potential changes to its programs and policies.
One of the first steps in developing an R2R plan is to open lines of communication
with the national government and assess whether national political support exists for
the R2R process. Ideally, a national government will mandate the full cooperation
and coordination between all levels of government in the planning and
implementation of an R2R plan. In turn, those government agencies may need to
resolve jurisdictional issues that inhibit an integrated approach.
Agencies may be wary of an R2R process because of the additional work entailed in
trying to integrate governance of natural resources. It may be useful to point out to
government representatives that many agencies, communities and other partners
that have participated in an R2R process found that an R2R approach allowed them
to pool resources (staff, financial and other) in order to focus their efforts on longer-
term, complex environmental and natural resource problems that they would have
been unable to tackle on their own. (source 10?) Additionally, integrating
governance should optimize policy interventions across the geographic extent of a
watershed (or system of sub-watersheds) to reduce potential conflicts, bridge
potential gaps in authority and streamline potential policy overlaps, all of which are a
source of frequent frustration for natural resource agencies.
Ecosystem-Based Management
A successful R2R plan will rely heavily on the principles of ecosystem-based
management. Ecosystem-based management is “an integrated approach to
management that considers the entire ecosystem, including humans (K.L. McLeod
2005). In particular, ecosystem-based management:
• emphasizes the protection of ecosystem structure, functioning, and key
• is place-based in focusing on a specific ecosystem and the range of activities
affecting it;
• explicitly accounts for the interconnectedness within systems, recognizing the
importance of interactions between many target species or key services and
other non-target species;
• acknowledges interconnectedness among systems, such as between air,
land, and sea; and
• integrates ecological, social, economic, and institutional perspectives,
recognizing their strong interdependencies.
Community Engagement
Community involvement in the development and implementation of an R2R plan is
critical, and strong community leadership is essential to the success of an R2R plan.
Leaders will need to keep their communities motivated as they face the financial,
political and technical challenges of implementing an R2R plan. Community
members should be intimately involved in determining the goals and objectives of the
R2R plan, prioritizing issues to be addressed in the R2R plan, and assessing the
success of the recommended actions in the R2R plan. While it can be challenging to
build community support for and engage community members meaningfully in an
R2R plan, the rewards can be big. Through the R2R process, communities become
more active stewards of the watershed and nearshore ecosystems upon which they
rely. Building and implementing an R2R plan can be a powerfully uplifting
experience and achievement that helps to unify and strengthen communities (Hawai’I
Office of Planning 2010).
R2R planning efforts can be highly complex or quite simple, depending upon how
they are designed. The basic steps in the R2R process are outlined below and they
correspond to the R2R training modules.
1. Engage stakeholders
Engaging stakeholders is perhaps the most important step in the R2R
planning process, which is why it is addressed first in the training. The
process of engaging stakeholders involves first developing the partnerships
and building the teams necessary to lead the R2R process; then developing a
formal, public plan for involving partners, stakeholders and the interested
public; and finally conducting a formal, public scoping process to find out
what R2R issues are most important those partners, stakeholders and
members of the public.
NOAA Marine Protected Area International Capacity Building Program
should be published and a public comment period should be conducted,
along with any required formal consultations with agencies and governments.
When developing an R2R plan for your watershed/region, it can be very helpful to
look at other examples of R2R plans. The R2R process can be carried out in any
number of ways. In some cases, such as in the Solomon Islands, the R2R
philosophy has been used specifically to focus on identifying priorities for land
conservation. Rather than trying to address all issues of watershed management,
they have developed Ridge to Reef Conservation Plans for islands. In West Maui,
the Ridge to Reef philosophy has been implemented in the form of a large Ridge to
Reef Initiative, which has led to the creation of a watershed assessment and
characterization of the Wahikuli-Honokowai watershed, with several other watershed
management plans.
In the case of the Solomon Islands, the R2R Conservation plans are around 40
pages and were developed over the span of a few months to a year. In the case of
West Maui, the Wahikuli-Honokowai Watershed Plan is hundreds of pages and was
developed over several years.
When developing an R2R plan it is important to think about the scale and scope of
the project and how large a project is feasible. If it is not feasible to develop a large,
comprehensive R2R plan for a watershed(s), perhaps it would be feasible to form an
R2R initiative that directs development of smaller plans and projects.
Below are some links to existing R2R plans and initiatives. Electronic copies of
these documents will also be provided with the training materials.
NOAA Marine Protected Area International Capacity Building Program
Ridges to Reefs Conservation Plan, Isabel Province, Solomon Islands
Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development of the Great River Watershed, Jamaica
When developing a large planning document such as a R2R plan, most countries will
require an environmental assessment of the plan be conducted. Environmental
assessments are themselves planning documents that are intended to guide and
inform decision-making, so it is important to initiate the environmental assessment
early on in R2R plan development. Even if not a legal mandate, it is a good idea to
conduct an environmental assessment of any large R2R plan, especially if it is
anticipated that that R2R plan might be publicly controversial.
NOAA Marine Protected Area International Capacity Building Program
Even if an EIS is typically required for management plans, governing authorities may
be accepting of an SEA because the standards for an SEA are as comprehensive, if
not more, than an EIS. Many countries are moving toward requiring SEAs for
management plans so it is important to contact the agency in charge of reviewing
environmental assessments and acquire the most up-to-date regulations.
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