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TAR. WARS Mm pcaf Wa ae FOUR 9 THE BEST OF THE JOURNAL Stranded by Chuck Truett... etre neon e 2 The Gree Enclave by Timothy O'Brien 7 The Kaal Connection by Peter Schweighofer with Timothy Zahn... 30 Relic by George R. Strayton 4l Counterstrike by George R. Strayton 56 Stand at Bhir'khi Pass by Timothy O'Brien B You're in the Army Now! by James Cambias 9 The Pentastar Alignment by Anthony P. Russo 88 Enemies for Life by Stephen Luminati 103 ‘Swoop Gangs by John Beyer and Wayne Humfeet .r.cnnoue 1B The Cure by James Cambias ... a 136 Contributors: John Beyer, James Cambias, Wayne Humfleet, Stephen Luminati, Timothy O'Brien, Anthony P. Russo, Peter Schweighofer, George R. Strayton, Chuck Truett, Timothy Zahn * Editing: Peter Schweighofer Proofreading: Jennifer Seiden + Cover Illustration: Gabor Szikszal and Zoltan Boros Cover Design: Stephen Crane + Interior Illustrations: Matt Busch, David R. Deitrick, Chris Gossett, Scott Neely, Doug Shuler » Graphics: Tim Bobko, Steven Brown, Stephen Crane, Brian Schomburg, Special Thanks To: Allan Kausch, Sue Rostoni, Julia Russo and Lucy Wilson, Lucasfilm Licensing; Danicl Scott Palter and Richard Hawran, West End Games. Publisher: Daniel Seot Pater» Associate Publisher Tieasurer: Dense aller» Asociate Publisher: Richard Hawran » Senos Elton Greg Farahtey«Eltors Petr Schvelghotr, Bl Saith, George Stayton, Pal Sudlow, Ele . Troutmann = At Director Stephen Crane = Graphic Ariat: Tt Bobko, Tom ONel flan Schomburg » Sales Manager: deff Kent Sees Asstt Carl censing anager Bon Selden * ‘Warehouse Manager Ea il + Accounting: Karen Bay, Mary Galant, Wendy Lord Bling: Amy Giscabbe Published by Vives RR 3 Box 2345 ° Honesdale PA 18431 40138 (2.M4and ©1997 Laci (4) ihe Revered. Traemasal Leb West End Gane under xiao, sta =wi STAR, WARS: STRAN DED Ilustrations by Scott Neely Day turns to night quickly on the flat plateaus of Karra. Soon the darkness is broken only by the fire burning between the village huts and your ship as you, Dr. Nardah, and his assistant gather with the natives for your evening meal. Politely — as Dr. Nardah has requested — you force yourself to eat the coarse gruel the villagers have prepared for you, a thick concoction of foultasting tubers served in a smooth clay bowl that cools your hands despite the heat of its contents. As you eat, you watch Tist, one of the largest of the aliens, continue his fascination with your weapons, awkwardly manipulating a blaster rifle with his long-fingered hands. You cringe as he raises the rifle to fire, knowing that, as he has every time before, he will miss his target. Your only hope is that no one is injured. But he does not fire. Instead, he throws the rifle to the ground. “Useless, "he tells you. “We will defeat the Imperials with our own strengths.” Dr. Nardah —who has developed the skill of eating the gruel as ifhe truly enjoys its taste — sniffs loudly, a gesture of comfort that he has taken from the natives. Friend,” he says, “you cannot hope to defeat them without our help.” “But we will,” Tist answers, “as we always have. We have always conquered, and we always will.” The other Karran warriors flick their tongues and hum, signalling their agreement. Dr. Nardah stands and walks to Tist’s side. They are an odd pair, the light, white- haired Human contrasted with the tall, black-furred alien. Dr. Nardah siaps at the Karran with his forearm, another gesture of the natives, this time one of compan- ionship. “We are brothers, it is only proper that we offer you assistance.” “But we will show you, Doctornardah, we will show that we have strength, then we will offer our assistance to you,” Tist answers again. “We will attack. We will destroy the Imperials, as our ancestors destroyed all those that opposed them.” You laugh, quietly, to yourself If only it were that easy. Caassic Adventures, Volume Four 3 E————EEEE—————————— _$_$_ $_ $= Karra nee ee eee) FN eee) Sera ey coer Peaster earn eter eens) Peer eee ity Perec ie nes TS eel ae ee ee Population: 1,000-1,500 imperials. undetermined number of natives eee eer ene recmreranemnrenesntt Teel Level Space (at Inyperal hase). primitive rere nall, dense planet that circles a yellow star inthe largely unexplored rimward region of Rayter sector. With anaveragetemperature of 45 degrees centigradeat the equator and little rainfall, the planet is climatically inhospitable, al- orcs nt eC reread ea eo en eect en eee Sa! Pe ta eer ena Tasos Aa eT Scere oD et en en planet Summary In this adventure, the characters have e: corted Dr. Elth Nardah and his assistant to the planet Karra, Dr. Nardah is attempting ton ateatreaty between thenatives of theplanet and the Rebel Alliance It is an uneventful, almost peaceful a: ‘ment — until an Imperial shuttle crashes nearby. While investigating the crash site, the charac ters capture an Imperial prisoner. A chain of ruction of r starship and earns the characters the e mity of the Karrans who were so recently thei allies. Without their starship, the characters are trapped on the planet unless they can make the longjourney tothe Imperial base and steal aship. Beforebeginningthe adventure, allowthechar- acters toreadthe“Mission Profile” sidebar, which provides them with all available information con- cerning their mission, m Dr. Elth Nardah ‘Type: IdelistieDiplomat DEXTERITY 2043 KNOWLEDGE 3D+2 lien species 7D, bureaucracy 6D, cultures 7D, culture Cr CO MCC Ce arco oa Posner een ee ee cney Mission Objectives: ees LU ead Karra, providing necessary support and protection. Pee eer tem eM ea spective, the physical and intellectual abilities of ener uch ie ess Smead Peed sea ees en eeeny Cea anc} Sen en eee) Peart re ic me CN ct cee ets ON oor en Lae eres tions of varimigio (trace elements of which are nec essary in most hyperdrive cores) were present just Pog ees eecon cae a eseeoe ea later discovered to be incorrect, and the Mineral cere ee mee eC es Cea a ea Pree ee ECL naan med eae Se Ce ty [enna seesCeeSec cn eee ing operation on Karra (presumably acting on the Wee Pe encase sc establishment of the original colony). Like before, POR eo cme aoa ara s quently withdrew the entire staff of the mining op- ee nee etme nel. eno aeRO AUT oe ramen eee na gsc Alliance Intelligence indicate that a sentient race has developed on the planet. Dr. Nardah has hy- Reece ae Teen org eee ee UL Cue ee tec ge Seen est ee of the planet), a pre-sentient race developed into Per ree ere ees ere ee esa nists. I this is true, then, because of their primitive RO eee coe Re een Cera Alliance High Command is prepared to use tary forceto prevent the enslavement of the Kart bui we will not presume to act without their ap: PCa eer ere te Pee eee eee eat ee ee cee eee gts iets STAR tree wo =wal primitive societies 10D, languages 7D, planetary systems bb MECHANICAL 2D PERCEPTION 2D+1 STRENGTH 1D+1 ‘TECHNICAL2D Computer programming/repairinformationretrievaland processing systems 6D+2 Movers -Equipment:Sporting blaster: GalinoloXX, Diplomatic Eai- tion GD) Capsule: Dr. Nardah is a small, wizened Human male, with worn skin and stooped shoulders. His hair, although silver, still grows thick, and he has not jost any of the vitality of his youth. He dresses. well, as befits a diplomat, in the conservative fashion of the Old Republic, and the blaster that he ‘wears, while underpowered, has been constructed of the finest materials. Dr. Nardah’s primary motivation as amember of the Alliance Diplomatic Corps is to prevent primi- tive sentient races from becoming slaves of the Empire. m Karvinna Raen ‘Type: Xenological Researcher DEXTERITY 2D+1 KNOWLEDGE 3042 Alien species 4D, bureaucracy 6D, ‘cultures 4D, languages 6D, plan- lary systems 4D, streetwise 40:2 MECHANICAL 2D Holorecorderoperation:Rebel § AllianceTreaty RecordingSys- 262 tem 5D, repulsorlif operation 40. PERCEPTION 20+1, STRENGTH 1De1 TECHNICAL 20 Computer programming/re- pair information retrieval and Processing systems SD, hrolorecorderropair: Rebel Al ance Treaty Recording System 2 Move: 10 Equipment: Rebel Alliance Treaty Recording System (soe entry) Capsule: Shy and quiet, Karv shareslittle ofr. Nardah's drivefor theliberation of oppressed beings. Instead, she is fascinated by the pure facts of their existence, by how they cope, or do not ope with both the presence ofthe Empireand the Allance. Karvinna grew up under the rule of the Empire, during a time when scholars were disdained, and has had to fend for herself through most of her life. Despite her youth, she has managed to acquire a much wider range of skills than has Dr. Nardah. ‘These skills, in additional to her intelligence, have made her such a valuable assistant to the older diplomat Unlike most otherbeings, Karvinnahas carefully cultivated a very plain appearance. She is of aver- age height and weight, with short, brown hair and Classic Adventures, Volume Four darkeyes. She normally wears along, beigecolored tunic and loose slacks. Besides assisting Dr. Nardah, Karvinna is the official recorder of all treaty negotiations and is never separated from the pouch which holds her holorecording equipment. The holos she records are considered legally binding by all the systems within the Rebel Alliance. m Treaty Recording System Model: Rebel Alliance Treaty Recording System Holorecorder| Holorecorder operation: Rebel Alliance Treaty Re- cording System Cost: None ‘Availability: Only avallabe to Rebel Alliance diplomatic teams Game Notes: The main image lens on the RecSys Nolorecorder has a fixed focus and only one fea length {depth of visual feld, 11 to'3 meters), making it unusoble forlong-range survelance. Capsule: The RecSys consists of an ordinary-look- ingholorecorder which is mounted on a gyroscopi- cally stabilized tripod. tsonly uncommonattribute js that the images it records are processed through a special set of RTZ security filters, then recorded (on a WORM chip so the data cannot be modified. This system, along with special procedures that ‘must be followed by the operator, virtually ensures that the recording cannot be ma- nipulated. The images contained on the ‘WORM chip are guaranteed to be a truthful recording of the events that occurred. Preparations The Rebel Alliance has a stock Ghtroc freighter (see Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, page 121, oruseanyotherstocklightfreighter) which can be used for this mission. Note: It is integral to the plot of the story that the ship in which the charac- ters arrive on Karra is destroyed. If the group normally uses a personal ship for travel, then you should arrange for that ship to be temporarily “decommis- sioned” (undergoing major repairs, held by cus- toms officials, etc.), forcing the characters to use the ship provided by the Rebel Alliance. (Unless, of course, it would be dramatically appropriate for the characters to lose their own ship.) The Journey to Karra ‘The hyperspace journey to Karra lasts three days. During this time, the characters become wellacquainted with Dr. Nardah, anamiable man whose special talent is an ability to make others feel comfortable in his presence. Dr. Nardah spends most of the trip question- ing the characters about the societies in which they grew up and explaining to them how the primitivehistory ofacultureaffectstheadvanced society into which it evolves. Despite the rather dry nature of his conversation, Dr. Nardah is usually able to hold the attention of those who surround him. His assistant, however, while constantly present, is rarely noticed, blending intothe back- ground and retreating from all attempts to ap- roach her. Gamemaster Note: It is important that Dr. Nardah's death comes as a surprise to the characters, in order to amplify the fact that no one understands the actions of the Karrans. While setting up the adventure for the players, emphasize Dr. Nardah's pres- ence, implying that he will play alarge part in the adventure. DeemphasizeKarvinna’s pres ence, referring to her (if at all) only as “Dr. Nardah’s assistant.” Avoid referring to her by name until after Dr. Nardah's death. Episode One: Days Are Peaceful Here The Village The Karran village consists of a cluster of seven huts constructed in a roughly oval area cleared of the thick, two-meter tall grass that evenly covers the plateau (see the map, “The Karran Village”). The huts themselves are con- structed of sun-dried brick made from clay and shredded blades of grass, making them the same a etre ERE Le: $1,200 Ch STAR ——————————————————————————— ARS light brown color as the surrounding plain. ‘At the north end of the oval is a large, open area normally used asa ceremonial site, and this is the area where the characters have landed their ship. The entire village is surrounded by a wall of the dense grasses, broken only by the welltrav- led paths leading south to the fields where the Karrans grow their crops. Negotiations Are Interrupted ‘The adventure begins on the morning of the fourth day on Karra. The characters are playing soli, a catching and tossing game involving three brightly colored balls of differing sizes, with a ‘small group of juvenile Karrans, using their per- formance to judge their physical capabilities. Dr. Nardah and his assistant are in the village chief'shut,deeply involved innegotiations (which ‘seem to be progressing well). The majority of the adults are in the fields to the south, harvesting the tubers that form the basis of their diet. Read aloud or paraphrase: The game, which the Karran children have been enjoying greatly, judging from the volume of their humming, is interrupted by the roar of ion thrusters in the sky above you. You look up to see an Imperial Lambda-class shuttle fall in a staggered arc into the grasslands to the west, leaving behind a trail of thick, black smoke. Panic in the Village ‘The Karran children quickly disappear, run- ‘ning into several of the brick huts, but the characters are not alone long. The Karrans working in the fields to the south appear in the compound almost immediately. They crowd around the characters, begging for protection, certain that the “Dreaded Imperials” (a phrase they have taken from Dr. Nardah) have begun their war on the Karrans, m The Karrans ‘Attibute Dice 12D DEXTERITY 20/50 KNOWLEDGE 1D4D MECHANICAL 0D PERCEPTION 1D3D STRENGTH 20/60 TECHNICAL ODD Special Abilities Technol Ignorance‘ The Karansknow almost nothing sbout technology and have a ‘dificul time grasping new concepts They sulfer a -1D penally whencver they attempt to se any item more advanced than “stone age" (spears, axes, iaives Clams: The Karrans can use their forecaws as ‘weapons doing damage equal to the Karran’s Stk Classic Adventures, Volume Four =wal Story Factors: Alorsm: A Karran’s sense of int- ‘iduality i easily suppressed by its Insectoid sense of community sur vival The group, whether it be wil- lage, tribe, or species, is of much {greater importance than the Indic idual. Asa result itis not uncom. ‘mon fora Karranto sacrificetslt if this sacrifice represents a potential for the group to survive, Move: 5/10 ‘Sige:2-25 meter tall Capsule: The Karransarelarge, lumbering insectivores. Their bodies are roughly cone- shaped, starting with narrow, slender snouts, and steadily in- creasing in mass untilthey end in thick legs and hindquarters. Karransarecovered with thick, darkbrown orblackhair. They ‘wear no clothing, but will decorate their fur with stripes of white clay for special occasions. ‘The Karrans are capable of using tools, but the dexterity of their four-ingered, thumbless hands is, limited by the long, sharp claws that extend from the tip of each finger. They are further limited by the resources available to them on the plateaus: ‘grass, clay, and small stones. The primary craft in ‘which the Karrans participate is pottery (at which they are relatively proficient). The grasses of the plateau, which are the most accessible resource, are primarily used for fuel, although fibers from the ‘grasses are occasionally woven intoacoarsecloth. However, the presence of wooden items (prima- rily simple spears and adze handles) indicates that the Karrans have some method of gathering mate- rials from the valleys. ‘The Karrans speak an oddly accented dialect of Basic, apparently introduced to them by the orig- nal Human settlers, which has been relatively un- changed by time, Investigation On hearing the screams of the villagers, Dr. Nardah (followed by his assistant) and the vil- lage chief and warriors push their way through the crowd of agitated Karrans and demand to know what has just happened. After hearing the explanation, the chief, a ro- tund female, requests that Dr. Nardah and the characters go to the site where the ship landed andinvestigate. Dr. Nardah agrees, insistingthat, not only do all the characters go, but that six of the Karran warriors also accompany them. When the characters have made whatever preparations they think necessary, the group begins to push its way west through the grass, toward the end of the shuttle’s flight arc. The Shuttle The Karrans lead, walking through the grass as if it was not there, using their great strengths and masses to clear a path for the others to follow. teenminutesattertheyleave the village, the party arrives at thesite of the crash. Read aloud: ‘The shattered wreckage of the shuttle rests in a 20- meter wide trough of raw earth, framed by a wall of scorched and burning grass. The bulkoftheshuttle is at the far end of the trough, more than 100 metersaway. Itisso twisted by the impact that it is barely recognizable as the starship it once was. The smaller cockpit sec- tion of the shuttle is much closer, less than 30 meters away. It is almost completely buried in the dirt, but there is still enough exposed that you can see the ragged opening where it was torn from themain section. In that opening, you can see the slowly moving figures of two Impe- rial pilots. ‘And, as the Imperials raise their blasters, you realize they can also see you. 2 Imperial Pilots. All stats are 2D except: blaster 4D. Blaster pistol (4D). The Imperials are at a numerical disadvan- tage, but they are hiding in the remains of the shuttle and are almost completely covered. Add 3D to the base difficulty (determined by the ranges of the characters’ weapons) for the char- acters to hit the Imperials. The pilots in the shuttle are 20 meters away. For the purposes of this encounter, treat the ‘Strength of the shuttle hull that protects the Imperials as 6D, and ignore the applicable scale modifications. Ifthe Imperials are able to hold the characters off for ten rounds, then two of the Karrans act to end the combat. They rush up to the shuttle cockpit, reach into the opening, pull the Imperial pilots from the cockpit, then break their necks and drop them to the ground. The Governor When the characters search inside the cock- pit section, they finda lanky, middle-aged Human ‘wearing a very expensive Imperial suit strapped into one of the flight couches. Shackles (Strength SD) bind his hands together in front of him. His hair is disheveled and his suit wrinkled, as ifhe has been treated roughly by his captors. Read aloud: ‘The Imperial prisoner eyes you nervously. Chuck Truett Classic Adventures, Volume Four SC STAR Sn SS “You are not from this planet,” he says. “You are Rebels, enemies of the Empire.” He is quiet for a moment, then a gleam of recognition appears in his eyes. “I am Darryn. Edalm, Imperial Governor ofKarra. Ihave been. accused of treason and am being sent to certain execution. I surrender to you and request your protection as a prisoner of war.” Edali is extremely polite and gracious during this first encounter. He attempts to make the characters feel he has suffered abuse at the hands of the Empire and is interested in joining the Rebellion. He is, in fact, only interested in saving himself. If ee begins to fear the characters might desert or harm him, he announces that he has information which will be useful to the All- ance, although he does not specify what this information is. = Darryn Edalm ‘Types Imperial Governor DEXTERITY 3D KNOWLEDGESD41 ‘Bureaucracy: Imperial planetary occupation forces 5D. MECHANICAL 2D PERCEPTION 3D12 Command 4D, command: imperial military personnel 5D, con 4D+2, persuasion 3D STRENGTH 20.2 TECHNICAL3D Move: 10 ‘Equipment: expensive gray suit Capsule: Darryn Edalm is a tal, thin Human with pale skin and red hale. He is a low-level bureaucrat — paranoid and compulsively me- ticulous — who is trying to fit the mold of sophisticated Im- “ perial Governor. Edalm is the Imperial re- searcherwhorediscoveredthe results of the original survey of Karra,leadinghimtobelievethat there existed a large mass of valu- able resources on the planet. He Immediately shared thisbeliefwith his superiors, and, as a reward, ‘was granted the Imperial Gover: norship of Karra. Unfortunately, Edalm’s reward soon turned to shame when the miners discovered there was no ‘varmigio on the planet. All civilian personnel were im- mediately recalled. After the military commander determined the natives of the planet were not a threat, the majority of the military forces were withdrawn. Suddenly, Governor Edalm had con- twol, but no power — and no importance. A Prisoner? When the characters and Edalm emerge, Dr. Nardah and the Karrans have gathered in front of the opening, and Dr. Nardah’s assistant has set up her holo ‘equipment to record the event. On seeing Edalm, Dr. Nardah immediately asks the characters to explain what has occurred. ‘When the Karrans hear that Edalm is an Impe- rial, they become agitated, making quiet whis- ting sounds, but they do not act. After the characters complete their explana- tion, Dr. Nardah asks a few questions to clarify the story, then makes his decision: “According to the policies for contact with the enemy developed by our military high com- ‘mand, itis our duty to deliver this prisoner to our commander at the Seven Flames base. We will return to the village and restrain him until treaty negotiations are complete, after which time we will transport him to the proper au- thorities.” Treason ‘The Karrans’ agitation quickly turns to rage, but they still donot actuntil the characters begin to escort Edalm to the village. When this occurs, read aloud: ‘The Karrans begin to howl. Tistscreeches, “Traitor! Youareoneofthem!” ‘The other Karrans join in, chanting, “Traitor!” and the brittle grass shakes with the force of their anger. Tist screams again, “Insects! We will kill you all!” Ina flash, Dr. Nardah is in Tist’s grasp, and the huge Karran is pounding the diplomat's already still body with his fists, screaming, “Traitor!” ‘The other Karrans begin to move towards you. 6 Karran Warriors. All stats are 1D except Dexterity 3D, brawling parry 4D, melee combat: spear 5D, melee pany 5D, Strength 5D, brawling 6D. Move 7. Wooden spear (STR+1D). ‘The Karran warriors fight until dead, because they are not fighting for themselves — they are fighting for their village and their species. Their individual deaths are of no consequence. Karvinna does not move when the combat starts. Instead, she attempts torecordit with her holo equipment and will not stop unless one of the characters drags her to cover. The Karrans will not attack Karvinna unless they have de- feated the other characters. Edalm, however, spends the entire battle try- Ing to stay behind the characters and demands that they concentrate on protecting him. Returning to the Village When the characters start to return to the village, Edalm demands to know where they are going, but when he is told, he balks: ‘Classic Adventures, Volume Four ST ck ert ——— OO =wal “To their village?” he asks, indicating the dead Karrans. “Are you kidding? What do you planto say? ‘Sorry we killed your friends, good- byeand have anice day?’” He shakes hishead. “Trefuse to go along with this.” There are a wide range of responses the char- acters can offer to this announcement. Edalm attempts to persuade the characters to goto the Imperial base, where a confiscated smuggling ship is being stored in the adjacent mining ware- house. Edalm claims the warehouseis unguarded, s0 they will be able to easily slip inside. If the characters agree with Edalm, go to Epi- sode Two; if they decide to return to their own ship, go to The Village Regardless of the decision made, Edalm will- ingly goes with the characters (although hecom- plains loudly if they decide to return to the village Karvinna also follows the characters, becom- Ing, if possible, more quiet and withdrawn than before. She does whatever the characters say — except leave without her holorecorder. The Village Whenthecharacters returntothevillage, they find it is deserted. Nothing has been taken from the village, and there is no sign of violence, but every inhabitant has disappeared. ‘The characters’ ship, however, is still there, and it appears to be unharmed, Characters mal ing Moderate Perception rolls notice a large num- ber of tiny insects crawlingon the hullof the ship. ‘When the characters enter the ship, they realize something horrible has happened. First, they discover that the main entry ramp will not open or close. Then they find that it is dark inside the ship, and there is no power going to the interior lighting systems — even the emer- gency lights are out. As they move through the ship, they learn that every system is without power. The ship is completely dead. Infestation ‘The cause of the breakcown becomes obvious the first time a maintenance panelis opened. The ship is infested with billions of tiny insects. They have penetrated into every part of the sl eating wires, cables, and computer chips, de- stroyingthe very soul oftheship. An Easystarship repairroll determines that this ship will never fly agai Included among the inoperative equipment is thehyperspace transceiver, several integral parts of which have been totally consumed by the insects. Now the characters realize that their only hope for escape lies in the confiscated smuggling ship in storage at the Imperial base. Classic Adventures, Volume Four Onsearchingtheship for supplies, the charac- ters find that nothing of any potential useisintact except for atwo-week supply (for five Humans) of NSFS food blocks. Everything else in the ship has been destroyed by the insects. You can make exceptions to this, if you wish, but limit itto very low technology items. Anything more compli- cated than a spear or a wrench has been de- stroyed. Karvinna is the only one in the party who is familiar with the geography of Karra, She knows the Imperial base is due east, but she is unsure of how far away it is. She does, however, believe it is in one of the valleys. ‘The characters turn away from their ship and. begin to push their way through the grasses. Episode Two: Brains With Which to Think The First Day The first day's journey is uneventful, and all the characters encounters the endlessmonotony ofthe plains. They see nothing except for the sky above them and the brown grass at their sides, When they prepare to rest as night falls, they have no idea how far they have traveled. The Second Day Onthe morning of the second day, have all the characters make Perception rolls. The character with thehighestrollisthefirst toarise, awakened by Karvinna as she gathers her equipment and begins to walk back towards the Karran village. Karvinna cannot believe that Dr. Nardah is, dead and has decided to return to the crash site to provide him with medical attention. Karvinna Karvinna is the only member of the party with a reason to grieve over Dr. Nardah’s death. She has worked with him for several years, and he has been both her mentor and surrogate father. In addition, Karvinna is a scholar, not a sol- dier, and this is her first experience with the violence of war. Itis not surprising she was numb and lifeless during the previous day, but now her emotions have returned. It is obvious from the quiver in her voice and the unnatural expression on her face that she is upset. Karvinna does not begin crying until after the characters have con- vinced her that Dr. Nardah is dead. Karvinna begins this encounter by denying Dr. Nardah's death: “He's not dead. He's unconscious. We just. have to go back and wake him up and he'll be okay.” WhenthecharactershaveconvincedKarvinna that Dr. Nardah is truly dead, her fears for her ‘own safety surface: “We'll all die here, won’t we? There's no escape for us.” Now thecharactershaveto convinceKarvinna that they actually havea chance of sneaking into the Imperial warehouse, stealing the ship, and escaping the planet without losing their lives. Governor Edalm Edalm will not be much help to the characters as they attempt to console Karvinna. His re- sponses (which you can interject whenever the characters seem to be at a loss for words) range from “Let her go, she'll just slow us down” to “If you can't leave her, tie her up and drag her along.” Continuing the Journey (Once Karvinna has been reassured that there Is a chance of escape, the journey can resume. ‘The rest of this day will be like the previous day, seemingly endless journey through the grasses, broken only by the coming of night. The Third Day On the third day of their journey, the charac- ters unexpectedly reach the edge of the plateau. Read aloud: On the third day, you break through the edge of the grasslands and find the sheer drop of a 1,000-meter cliff at your feet. Neither to the north nor the south can you see any sign of a The Alien Settlement STAR stranded v7 cleft orridge that would permit youto descend. The true cruelty, though, is the sight of the Imperial base, sitting in a clear area of the ‘canyon, It cannot be much farther than a day's walk away, yet it could be on another planet, for all your chances of approaching it. ‘You are trapped yet again. Unexpected Discoveries Regardless of whether the characters gonorth or south, after a two hour walk, they stumble across an abandoned settlement: ‘You turn slightly, following the curve of the cliff's edge, and notice an area where the huge are much less dense. Peering through the scattered blades, you discover that this planet has yet another secret to yield —asmall grouping ofprefabricated metal buildings, and, next to them, almost hidden by the grasses, a large starship of unfamiliar design. The Starship ‘The characters may feel brief wave of elation on seeing the starship, but this soon dissipates, because there is very little about the starship that they can understand. The hull of the ship is similar to that of a Mon, Calamari starship, an organic-looking collection of bulges and curves. These curves are periodi- cally broken by flat, hard-edged planes, as if slices had been carved out of the ship. There are only two compartments in the ship. The first, a small compartment at one end, ap- ears to be the cockpit or engineering station, while the second, which takes up the bulk of the ship. is the cargo hold. The Cockpit ‘Therearenoseatsorflightcouches in the cockpit, although there are a number of straps that might have been used as safety harnesses. Most, of the controls are mounted on the ceiling, while visual displays appear tobelocated ontheupper sections of the walls. ‘Thecharacters can attempt touse their space transportsand space trans- ports repair skills to determine the purposes of the controls, but all they can determine is that there is no power flowing to any of the systems. Characters who want to examine the controls more closely must make a Moderate space transports repair roll. If this roll succeeds, the charac- ters find a maintenance panel. On opening this panel, the characters Ban hore Classic Adventures, Volume Four STAR Chick Truett Oe et =wal discover that the internal components of this ship are filled with the dead carcasses of billions. of tiny insects. The Cargo Hold Characters who make an Easy space transports repair roll realize that the hold appears to have been retrofitted to carry a cargo that required an atmosphere. The only hintas to thenature of the cargo is the hundreds of three-by-one meter U- shaped troughs mounted on racks within the hold. ‘The Settlement ‘Thesettlement consists of seven oddly shaped buildings (see the map, “The Alien Settlement”). The buildings themselves are constructed of unfinished metal of some unfamiliar alloy. The walls are not tarnished, but they are marked by scratches and punctures. There are windows along the straight sides of the buildings, and many of these windows have been shattered. Characters who make Very Ditficult metallurgy or crystallography rolls (both are Knowledge skills) realize that it would have taken an incredible amount of force to mar either material. Treasures? Unlike the starship, the technological items contained within the buildings of the settlement didnot suffer an attack by the insects. The major- ity of the items seem to have suffered physical damage, or have suffered the effects of great age. Ifthe characters search through the buildings, then they find the following items which may prove useful: + A large, blocky-looking device. It consists of nothing more than a metal box with a wide open- ing at one end and a small opening at the other. ‘The only control appears to be a single button. (The molecular converter.) + Amuch smaller (less than 50 centimeters long) version of the previously described device. This device is lacking the control button. (The heat generator.) + A small supply of building materials, including several long, straight, rigid bars and flat plates, both made out of a reinforced cellulose aggrega- m. ive plastic containers of supramolecular bind- ing paste, which can be used to join nonmetallic and non-ceramic materials. Inaddition, they find an interiorroomin one of, thebuildings thathasremained sealedand|ocked. The Sealed Room Thereis a simple, mechanical lock sealing the room. Disengaging thelockis aModeratesecurity Classic Adventures, Volume Four task, or the characters can use force to break down or shoot through the door (Strength 3D). When they enter the room, they find that itis a small storage room. Its walls are lined with dusty shelves that are empty except for a sinall computer terminal on one of the upper shelves. The Computer ‘AModerate computer programming/repairroll Is needed to discover how to access the files stored within the computer. (If the characters are not able to succeed at this, Karvinna can.) The internal power cells are still working, ai- though theirefficiency hasbeen greatly decreased by the passage of time, causing the display to be dim and blurry. The Alien Journal ‘The only file contained in the computer is the personal journal — consisting of a flatscreen visual display with an accompanying vocal track —of one of the alien colonists. Surprisingly, the vocal trackiis in Basic (a fact that interests Karvinna immensely), although the dialect and accent are unfamiliar. Ifthe characters choose to examine the jour- nal, read “The Alien Journal” sidebar. If the char- acters are not interested in the journal, Karvinna examines it alone. The Molecular Converter This isthe large, blocky-looking device shown in the journal recording. The characters are not immediately able to determineits purpose. ItwilltakeaHeroic Know! ‘edge roll for a character who has not seen the journal to identify it; the difficulty decreases to Difficult after viewing thejournal recording.) How- ever, if the characters imitate the actions of the aliens in the recording, they should be able to easily determine the purpose of the device. All the characters have to do is feed grass into the chute, and it is converted into three-centimeter diameter rope (Strength 4D). Pressing the single button located on the device changes its mode, and it produces a one-meter wide sheet of cloth. Pressing it again causes the device to revert to the previous mode. The process that the device uses is simple. A mass of material is inserted into the chute on the back of the device. The converter then destabi- lizes the bonds which provide the molecular structure for the source material. This process releases a large amount of energy, which the converter then uses to reconstitute the source material Into something as closely resembling the target material as possible. The optimum target material is a dense, quasi-metallic sub- stance; however, the most readily available source material on Karra— the grass — results ina substance similar to celluloid cloth or rope. ‘The Heat Generator The heat generator is the smaller version of the molecular converter and is operated in a similar manner. When organic material i into the chute at the rear of the unit, itl pletely converted into superheated gases which, areexpelled through a small nozzleat the front of, the unit. The Building Materials The building materi very strong pieces of chemi although their origin is not apparent. are nothing more than einforced wood, The Binding Paste ‘The binding paste can be used to connect the building materials to each other and to the cloth ‘or rope produced by the molecular converter. Getting Down the Cliff There is no single solution that allows the characters to descend to the canyon floor. In- stead the players have a chance to use their imaginations. The available materials can be used to con- struct any number of devices which allow the characters to reach the canyon floor safely, in- cluding parachutes, gliders, a hot.air balloon, or a winch. In this situation, the question is not, (qi Brean Entry 1 Poeun aC menace nipulating several solid polyhedrons of varying sizes ree ae eet ae eae slightly away from the table, studying the Karan. Pree e en eget Pee greets eee eee a ce Coto Rete ere nn ons Pr eas ce eee eae ee Soe eae eater en em aod veer eters ree nnn area Png a ate n an at Rete eee ares on eter RR RR ee ee ee ieee ane ea Eee eas Ned ST icra ey eee eer tn alarge, blocky-looking device. Two of them are feed- ete eer Cees ee enon Peeme nt er en nee ine eect es er eee Conan recuse acts Ree ence aces ome ere Cn en Oe enema an magnitude of the event. Their only response has eee estar es ines Pra are) Visual: A large number of thealiens have gathered Perso Meng eect oem Ce spinning, while others bounce up and down on their eo eee aga nT iets On re cee ety eee SMe Rete Reo ship. The new colonists were greatly pleased with Pee eee een stern and ill-humored and refused to join in the festivities. Instead, the eldest of the natives demanded, er aur ecm mre] Riess ence Ware uate means Pet aos eis PEL a Perce ee ao Pe ec ee eee ies ‘Audio: “One of the children has noticed that the Pe ere a pr ee eee Rea eee ears ste ced Bese Nes ee eee Coe rs elif’s edge and watch for sudden storms.” ed Sie ne Rg ee eC Maer ey eee ee ou ce! Dee eater en Peet eee ene Cee niece There have been sightings of...” (The alien's speech, Pee eee en ater) oe erent) Sree ie Cure mon eg Pn accreting Ones eoten Caren cet e hundreds of millions of them, all sizes and species, ripping and tearing at the bark of the aliens, until the picture turns to static. Classic Adventures, Volume Four eT ck tert a ————— TC “Can they make their skill rolis?” but “Can they ‘come up with an interesting, logical solution to the problem?" Any logical solution should succeed, but the characters might have to make some applicable skill rolls to add some tension to the actual attempt at descending. During the scenes surrounding thedesign and. construction of whatever conveyance the char- acters use to descend the cliff, neither Karvinna nor Edalm will be very helpful Karvinna will fluctuate between an extreme interest in the alien artifacts and a sadness brought on by the fact that Dr. Nardah is not, available to share these discoveries. She will ingly begins any task that the characters ask of her, but itis not likely that she finishes it, before she becomes distracted Edalm, however, attempts to take an active part in the process, but most of his suggestions are on the order of “You can't be serious; that's much too dangerous.” He attempts to veto any plan that involves a risk to his own safety. Episode Three: Watch For Sudden Storms The First Day on the Canyon Floor Itwill not beas easy to travel in the canyon as itwas on the grassy plateau. On the ground, the thick roots of the trees wind around each other, forming an uneven carpet of slick, black wood. Less than three meters above, the limbs inter- twine, forming an intricate roof painted yellow and green with the profusion of swirling leaves. Between these, the twisted, gnarled trunks and limbs of the trees coil and writhe, almost filling the space through which the characters must walk. Very little sunlight makes its way through the dense leaves of the forest canopy, leaving the forest floor dark. The air is thick with heat and moisture, and tiny pools of foul-smelling water fill the crevices among the roots. Walking through this forest is notan easy task, since it involves climbing over and under the coils ofthe tree trunks as well as walking over the slippery root system. For every day the charac- ters are in the forest, have them make a Difficult running or Dexterity roll. Characters who fail this roll suffer a minor injury (such as a sprained ankle) and can only move at half speed for the remainder of the adventure. Successful use of a medpac can ease this pain, but it cannot fully heal an injury of this type, nor can injured char- acters heal naturally unless the party ceases movement completely for three days. Aside from this potential for injury, nothing Classic Adventures, Volume Four ‘occurs during the first day of travel through the forest. The Night While the characters are sleeping during their first night in the canyons, have each make a Perception roll. The character with the highest roll awakens, and you should privately tell that player that the sounds of the insects have stopped. IfKarvinna is awakened from her sleep by the characters, and first learns this information in the middle of the night, her fears of death return, and she becomes upset. However, if the waking character chooses to wait until the morning to share this information with the rest of the party, her fears are almost balanced by her scholarly curiosity. When Edalmhears thisnews (whetheritis day or night), he becomes extremely agitated and loudly demands that he be protected. The Second Day on the Canyon Floor Nothing happens during the morning of the second day, but at noon, the characters hear the roar of ion engines and the thunder of firing blasters in the sky above the trees. Anhourlater, they begin to hear the sounds of battle coming from the east. An hour beyond this, the characters reach the edge of the forest. The Imperial Base ‘The Imperial baseis a hexagonal pyramid that sits in the center of a massive, flat plain of artifi Cial rock. Before placing the base on the planet, the Imperial Engineers leveled a 2,000-meter ra- dius circleofthe canyontloor, strippingaway the vegetation and topsoil all the way down to the bedrock, then replacing it with a thick layer of permerete. It was supposed to be an almost perfect defensive position, but, instead, it has become an almost perfect battlefield. The entire plain is filled with skirmishes, as the Karrans have apparently made good on their promise to attack the Imperials themselves. At their sides fightall the insects of the planet. Read aloud: The permcrete plain between you and the Imperial base has been transformed intoaswir!- ing sea of battle. ‘Hundreds of Imperial troopers kneel on the permcrete, firing at their enemies, their bodies shielded only by the shattered remains of de- stroyed combat vehicles. Landspeeders and airspeeders whirl through the air, circling and firing, cutting swaths through the combatants on the ground with their blasters, while huge flying insects throw themselves in their paths. ‘Two walkers, their metal skins covered with a layer of squirming insectoid life, trudge across the field of battle, bringing their heavy metal feet down on Karrans and insects alike. But, despite the carnage being wrought by the Imperials and their high-tech weaponry, it is obvious that they have suffered many losses. ‘You can see the smoking ruins of three TIE fighters. Before your eyes, one of the walkers falls, lames spewing fromitsneck, asit grapples with a huge Karran mantis that is almost as large as itis. And, suddenly, the Karrans bring you into this war. As thelr enemies. After the characters emerge from the forest, a Karran warrior and three large insects attack them. Karran Warrior. All stats are ID except: Dex- terity 3D, bratoling parry 4D, melee combat: spear 5D, melee parry 5D, Strength SD, brawling 6D. Move 7. Spear (STR#ID). 3 Karran Beetles. All stats are 2D except Strength 4D. Special abilities: mandibles do ‘STR'2D damage; forelegs do STR damage. Move 15, ‘The beetles are two-meter-long black insects, all angles and edges. They move on all six legs, and mustrise One of the walkers uP on their . four rear legs grapples with a in beatae i huge Karran man- —{2ck., {this tis almost as lar action). lek ge Duringthis as it is. and the fol- lowing com- bat encounters, Karvinna and Edalm are not very helpful. Karvinna is more interested in recording the events (holding her holorecorder to her eyes as the party travels). Edalm stays very close to themost powerful character, constantly demand- ing protection. The Mining Warehouse ‘The mining warehouse is half the size of the Imperial base, and Is located about 1.5 kilome- ters away on the far side of the base. It takes the characters about 15 minutes to move from the forest edge to the warehouse, twice that if one of the characters was injured in the forest. How- ever, itis not an easy journey. The Battle This is the one time in their lives that the characters don’t have to worry about having the Imperials fire at them; they are all too busy fighting off the insects and Karrans. The insects, S120 STAR ———————————— /ARS— however, attack any non-Karran being that they encounter. Depending on the strength of the characters and their interest in combat, they can participate in these encounters as combat en- counters, or you can just describe the creatures as being part of the greater conflict that they Pass. Leaper. All stats are 2D except: Sirength 7D. Special abilities: mandibles doSTR damage; crea- ture can leap 60 meters. Move 15. This creature has a small (50 centimeter), almost spherical body surrounded by six, three-meter-long legs. Swarmers. Allstats are 0D. Special abilities: ly in eyes and ears, causing temporary deafness and blindness €2D penalty affects all skills in- volving sight or hearing). Move 15. These almost microscopic flying creatures can do little harm on their own, but they cause interference during the characters’ next encounter. rm. All stats are 2D except: Strength 4D. Special abilities: claws do STR damage; man- dibles do STR+2D damage; creature can attack up to 10 targets per round and suffers massive amounts of damage before dying (treat Strength as 10D for purposes of determining damage sus- tained by thecreature). Move 10. This creature is, a ten-meter long segmented worm, one meter in diameter. Ten of the creature's segments have a pair of two-meter-long legs, while the head seg- ment possesses two large, silvery eyes and a set of sharp, pinching mandibles. Entering The Warehouse The warehouse doors (four-meters tall by 20- meters wide) are sealed by a simple electronic lock. An Easy securityroll opens thelock, then the characters must manually open the doors. Open- ing the doors partially takes a Difficult Strength roll, while opening them fully takes a Very Dilfi- cult Strength roll. Characters can easily combine actions for this task. Karvinna freely agrees to assist, but Edalm must be coerced. Inside the Warehouse The inside of the mining warehouse is one large, empty space, occupied only by the confis- cated smuggling ship (use a stock light freighter for this, or, if the characters lost their personal ship at the beginning of the adventure, this ship can be used as a replacement, and should be of similar, though not identical, capabilities). While the characters are opening the entry ‘way into the ship (an Easy space transports repair or space transports task), the large insect they saw grappling with the walker earlier crashes through the wall of the warehouse and begins to approach the ship. Classic Adventures, Volume Four STAR Ck ret ll =wal Preparing the Ship ‘The characters must make a space transports skill roll to prepare the ship for flight. (Again, the characters can combine actions for this task, but ‘every character involved will be occupied until the ship is ready to fly, and cannot enter in the combat with the giant insect) The result of the skillroll determines how longittakes the charac- ters to prepare the ship. Result of Roll Time Very Easy (1-5) 10 rounds Easy (6-10) 8 rounds Moderate (11-15) 6 rounds Difficult (15 or greater) 4 rounds mi Karran Mantis “Type: Large carnivorous insect DEXTERITY sD PERCEPTION 2D STRENGTH 10D Special Abilities: Foveceas: Do STR+2D damage Move: 20 Size: 15 meters tall, 30 meters long, Scale: Walker Capsule: This is the last surviving specimen of the Karran mantis, and it is the largest insect on the planet. This individual only survives because the Karrans are able to induce it to retreat into a cave at the base of one of the plateaus and hibernate, awaking from its sleep only when the Karrans call, for it, Mantisike in appearance, with ahead much like that of a giant Arconan, it walks on its four rear legs, holding its head and slender thorax upright, while the thick abdomen remains horizontal. It strikes at its prey with the long, spearlike claws of its forelegs. The Attack During the first round following its appear- ance, the mantis moves between theshipand the ‘open doorway, then moves forward during the next round, and begins attacking the ship during the third round, ‘The characters may defend themselves using theirhand weapons and the weapons on the ship (although usingtheship’s weapons drains power, and extends the time needed to prepare the ship by two rounds). Ifthe characters wound the mantis before it reaches the ship, then it stops its forward move- ment for one round. Ifthe characters wound the mantis after ithas begun to attack, then it ceases attacking that round (although it will resume its attack in the next round). Ifthe mantis is incapacitated or killed after it has begun attacking the ship, then it falls for- ward onto the ship, causing 3D damage to the hull, Classic Adventures, Volume Four ‘Thereis enough open spacein the warehouse to allow for substantial amounts of movement, so the characters can retreat from the stalker and maneuver around it in the ship, once the ship is ready to fly. ‘The purpose of this attack is not to allow the mantis to destroy the ship, but to make the characters believe the mantis will destroy the ship. Make all damage rolls for theship in secret, ignoring any results which would cause the ship, to become completely inoperative. Leaving the Warehouse Whether or not the ship can leave the ware- house without suffering additional damage de- pends on two things. If the characters only opened the doorway partially, then the ship suffers 2D damage when it crashes through the door. If the characters fully opened the doorway, then the pilot must make a Moderate space trans- ortsroll. Failure means the ship nicks one side of the doorway and suffers 1D damage. Escape As the ship fies away, the characters get one last look at the surface of the planet: Below you, the battlerages on. The Imperials may last another fewhours, but the Karransand the insects could hold out for days. You consider, briefly, the report you will make. Do you know enough about the Karrans to truly make them allies? And, if not, can you risk the possibility that they might become your ‘The planet shrinks beneath you as you pre- pare for the jump to hyperspace. What will you do with Karra’s secrets? Epilogue: Seven Flames ‘The trip through hyperspace is uneventful (despite the damage suffered by the starship), and, after three days, thecharacters arrive safely at the Seven Flames base. Immediately following their arrival, the mem- bers of the group are separated. Heavily armed agents of Alliance Intelligence surround Gover- nor Edalm and take him to be interrogated, as a crowd of fashionably dressed diplomats whisks Karvinna away without a word. The characters themselves are escorted to a comfortably fur- nished residential suite where they spend the next week alternately resting and undergoing extremely intense debriefing sessions conducted by a starkly black and white protocol droid, ‘Award the characters 5-10 Character Points, adding bonuses for creative thinking and well- executed roleplaying. If the characters lost a Te 0 EEE [ARS tee Or ec nee Snr ecu The Hive Mind of the Karrans: Judging from th Pera cert eee aes result of their years of warring with semi-sentient Freeper oe ene rs ae Teenie meme ee eee een Ts Peet Rene eee ares Pena ee een Pc ee ete ea Erne ey eee Ca reer eno the psychology of the Karrans is evident in the Parente eee oie: rors Rennes tern nore Pee es Ne Se ee es eee ee eet a ec ne ca ee re ee nae tae rot een ta eee ee eet eae Karrans and the larger insects), This paradox can be accounted for by hypet! esizing that the Karrans saw the bein fester eeeeneet eater cane eet personal ship during the adventure, then the Alliance allows them to take possession of the ship in which they escaped from Karra and as- sists in the task of repairing the ship. Darryn Edalm The information that Edaim had (if he indeed had any information at all), apparently was of no use to the Alliance, because the characters soon Jearnthat, shortly after hewas delivered to Seven Flames, he was transferred toa medium-security work camp on Shimmer, destined to spend the aliens, the other being our liplomatic party). Ace eerie earn een eS ‘queen has been destroyed, the ultimat tion of the entire hive will soon follow. ‘This can furt Sate re Pree een ese Cn Rn neers arses a ee Poe ee ee em Le Seca ea torn eae eas et en re al eee eget ns cee ey ee eee} Se cya Nee nese oes species ofthe Rebel Alliance, itwillb sa See ene PO Tee cree ea ety Pee nc eee) Pay cas rere een ema ect task, and suggest that you enlist the aid of thos rn ke een Dany eee ery ion to Lorene etna at Pee Peer eet remainder of the conflict carving blocks of ice from the massive glaciers. Karvinna Raen The characters learn through formal channels that Karvinna was promoted and transferred to the investigative branch of the diplomatic corps, but they learn little else until they receive a data chip containingexcerpts fromher reporton their mission to Karra (allow the players to see the “Report on Karra” sidebar). o 16 Classic Adventures, Volume Four STA =wai The Gree STAR. WARS TouRcerice By Timothy O’Brien IMustrations by Chris Gossett ‘The Gree worlds are an insignificant handful of systems tucked away in an isolated corner of the Outer Rim Terr. tories, the remainder of an ancient and oncehighly advanced civilization. Few are certain how old this alien society is — the secret of Gree origins is lost even in the collective Gree memory. It flourished solong ago that Gree historians refer to the high point of their civilization as the “most ancient and forgotten days.” ‘The Gree themselves are a species of cephalopods, sixtentacled creatures with gray skin, large, sad-looking eyes, and tall foreheads supporting the immense brain sacs which flop oddly behind their head. Gree decorate their large foreheads with hieroglyphic tattoos which indicate rank and caste.No mouth is visible in their faces, although it is thought the multiple fleshy folds beneath the eyes serve the Gres’ vocal communication needs. Since they evolved in the Type Il atmosphere of their homeworld, Gree, these aliens are most comfortable in that atmosphere. They find Type | atmo- spheres unpleasant, and often cover their communication folds with odd spongy devices when insuch environments. Much of their bodies are hidden beneath fanciful robes, although slots allow the head to poke through and provide means for tentacles to emerge. One pair of the Gree tentacles functions as fine manipulators, another as heavier grippers, and the third pair as ambulators, which help the Gree shuffle around like large, shambling mounds of flesh. Gree rarely grow greater than ameter and ahall. Thousands of years ago the Gree developed a technology which is extremely alien from anything known today. Much of the technology has been forgotten, although Gree can still manufacture and operate certain mundane items, and Gree Masters can operate the more mysterious Gree devices. Most Gree technology consists of devices which emit musical notes when used — instruments that must be “played to be used properly. This technology is attuned to the Gree physiology — devices are operated using complex ystems of levers, foot pedals and switches designed for manipulation by Classic Adventures, Volume Four 7 the suckers coating the underside of Gree ten- tacles. Conversely, Gree are extremely inept at usingImperial-standard technology fromtherest of the galaxy. Today the Gree are an apathetic species and their once unimaginably grand civilization has declined tonear ruin. Theyaremostly concerned with maintaining what few technological won- ders they still understand, and keeping their cultural identity pure and their technology safe from the outside galaxy. mGree ‘Attlbute Dice: 120 DEXTERITY: 20/30 KNOWLEDGE: 20/4D ‘MECHANICAL: 3D/5D PERCEPTION: 1D/3D STRENGTH: 1D/3D Mechanical skills: Device Operation: This ski allows Gree to manipulate thelr odd devices. Gree technology is diferent enough from Imperial-standard technology that a different skill, ‘must be used lor Gree devices. Device operation is used {or native Gree technical objects. Humans (and similar species) are unlikely to have this skill and Gree areonly & Ite more likely 1o have developed Imperiatstandard ‘Mechanical skls. Humans using Gree devices and Gree ‘using Imperialstandard devices suller a +5 modifier to dlfiulty numbers. Technical sls: Device Repair: This skill allows Gree to repalr their an- lent devices. However, only masters of a device would ‘have ite corresponding repair sl. Even so, few masters ‘excel at maintaining thelr deteriorating devices. Story Factors: Gree Masters: Gree place great value on individual skills. ‘Those Gree most prolicient at operating thelr ancient technology are known as "masters." These masters are respected, honored and praised for thelr skills, and often, {ake on students who study the ancient devices andlearn tooperate them. ‘Droid Stigma: Gree \gnore and look dovn on droids, and ‘consider droidsand autonomous computers an unimpor- tant technology. To the Gree, devices are to be mastered and manipulated — they shouldn't be rolling around on {thelr own, operating unsupervised. Greedon'thatedrolds, but avoid interacting with them whenever possible. Move: 5/7 Slze: 081.2 meters Gree History Gree history is shrouded in mystery — even the Gree know little of their past, since their civilization’s greatest era ended well before the formation of the Old Republic. Much of Gree history is locked away, perfectly safe and re- corded but inaccessible because the Gree them- ves have lost mastery of their own informa- tion storage technology. ‘Most scholars believe the Gree species orig nated on their homeworld — itself called Gree— hundreds of thousands of years ago. After along period of evolution, itis thought they developed Thre Gree Enh STAR oO eer ‘some form of hyperspace technology and struck out to explore the stars. ‘The Gree found themselves far more advanced than most of the other civilizations of the era they encountered, few of whom had even en- tered an industrial age. The Gree alternately traded on and ruled some of these worlds, but developed a policy of not granting a developing civilization any technology they could not theo- retically develop themselves. The size and reach of the Gree civilization is unknown, and few clues have been discovered to indicate whether their influence was galaxy-spanning or restricted toa few neighboring sectors. ‘Ancient Gree technology surpassed modern Imperial technology millennia ago. At the peak of their civilization the Gree had mastered stellar engineering, quanta-technology, and dimensional engineering Technology made the Gree masters of their empire and became the basis for their society. This was their downfall — the Gree came to value the ability to use the technology they had above the ability to improve it. Improvement of skill replaced creative ability, and the Gree ci lization slowly slid into ruin. Devices were devel- ‘oped that allowed single operators to perform tasks that had previously taken dozens of ex- perts. The creation of new devices became the province of a small section of the operator caste of highly trained experts — the ancient masters — who independently honed their skills and ‘came to pass those skills on only to a small number of students, who served long, arduous apprenticeships for the chance to become a master. ‘Themasters were extremely protective oftheir knowledge. In time, the jealous masters allowed knowledge of the ancient devices to fade as mas- ters died before passing the secrets of their most advanced toolsto their students. The researcher and creator castes declined and vanished in this process. Gradually, the administration caste slowly gave up its power to the few remaining masters, the only ones left capable of operating the great and complex Gree devices. ‘The Gree population declined and special- ized, aided by the development of life-extending devices. Over thousands of years even the fabu- ously engineered Gree devices began to fall, and thoughthemaintenanceofthe artifacts was within their ability, repair was not. The Gree civilization slowly withdrew and pockets of Gree became cut off as the government and key devices failed. In time the Gree actively turned their back on the galaxy, secking only to indulge in the technologi- cal achievements remaining near their homeworld. Classic Adventures, Volume Four EE TR tity onsen Gree Society Formerly, Gree society had four roughly equal castes. Crafters produced devices, and research- ers created new technologies. Operators knew how to “play” the devices, and administrators functioned as the Gree government. Each caste had several subgroups or guilds responsible for individual functions within the caste. As their technology reached its apex, the operator caste ‘came to dominate the other castes, and eventu- allyeclipsed them. Now the researcher and crafter ‘castes are no longer produced in the spawning beds — partially because they are no longer needed in the dying Gree civilization, and partly becauseitis believed the Greehaveforgottenthe proper bioengineering processes tocreate those castes. Each of the few worlds in the Gree Enclave are controlled by agrand council, witha representa tivefromeach ofthelocal guilds attending. Grand councils meet at need, and answer to the grand- master council on the Gree homeworld. Guilds are the local regulating bodies of a caste subgroup; constructors, synthesors, textmasters, and so on. Each master on a planet holds a seat on the council of his guild. There are a limited number of seats on a guild council —if there are no empty seats there can be no new mastersin that guild. Aseat cannot betaken from a living master, but a dead master's seat can be eliminated —a rare practice — preventing his senior assistants from gaining a master's posi- tion. Seats can beadded ifan assistant isnotedas profound expert in his field, but this means the guild council has almost certainly added a per- manent seat. Some guilds always vote a seat to superior assistants, others hold the number of seats rigid. The principal structures of the great Gree Cities are cavernous halls, often operated by a guild and governed by a guildmaster. Gree halls are monolithic blockclike buildings with several built-in habitats. Some Gree halls remain mostly functional and feature advanced food produc- tion and preparation systems, microclimate con- trol, adjustable internal architecture, informa- tion systems, and powerful defensive devices. The most fully functional halls are under the control of the most influential guilds and mas- ters. Lesser halls are governed by less important masters, and the hulks of non-functioning halls shelter the remaining Gree masses. Each hall needs a hallmaster to function. Hallmasters are fairly common. Satikan, a large city on Asation, has about a dozen hallmasters. Gree Hierarchy The masters dominate society. A master has a seat on the local guild of their profession, and Classic Adventures, Volume Four need respect only the local guild council, guildmaster, and grandmasters. A guildmaster is the head of a local guild, while grandmasters are those recognized as the preeminent master of their field on a planet. A master is greatly re- spected by Gree, and expects to have preference over any lesser creature, Gree or not. Masters operate the ancient devices which keep Gree civilization functioning, and are given tribute in return for their services and knowledge. Most of the tribute given to the masters is in bartered ‘goods. Gree masters have little use for credits. Senior assistants are masters-in-waiting.Some havenot yet achieved mastery in their particular field, but most have and are simply waitingfor an ‘empty guild seat. The seniors are professionals in their field, and perform much of the master's petty work or assist the master in operating devices, ‘Students serve and learn, Students are numer- ‘ous, although few advance to senior assistant, spending much of their apprenticeship skulking about a master’s workshop, aiding the senior assistants or performing menial tasks for the masters. ‘The Gree masses are the rabble of society. ‘Most Gree never even try to enter the operator professions and are quite willing to perform the minimal ervices needed to justify amaster keep- ing them fed and clothed. The masses include those Gree with few skills, but who are still attached toamaster by caste and guild. The Gree masses are listless and near mindless, having short attention spans and being prone to brief bursts of energy to acquire food or wealth. Some members of the masses find employment with Gree traders, putting their meager skills and low energy to some use. Gree traders are considered part of the Gree masses, but are on the top level of the rabble. Traders aren't new to Gree society. They chal- lenge the position of the masters in that they trade goods for goods, or goods for services of a lesser sort than the masters provide. Masters look down on this, but need the traders to bring them clients and goods from outside the Gree Enclave. A relatively new and unusual kind of trader has recently developed. These sevarks translate and bargain with masters on behalf of alien cli- ents, and generally assist visitors to the Gree Enclaveas guides. Sevarks are stillrare, although they cluster in those starports open to alien spacefarers. They command large fees for their services, but are often the only way outsiderscan interact with the Gree masters. A sevark's exper- tise can cut the cost of dealing with a master significantly, and can make a visit to the Gree Enclave much safer, profitable and interesting. Gree Economy ‘The Gree economy is different from the economy of many other worlds. Gree do not generally acceptcreditsand prefer totradegoods or services. This applies to most transactions, from the most humble trader to the most lauded master. Gree goods vary widely. Some are indi- vidually made, others are made by crude indus- trial processes, and afeware precision crafted to extremely high standards. ‘The value of something to a Gree depends on a variety of things — how much the Gree needs what's offered ina trade, whether the Gree thinks she's making a profit, whether she likes your species, the time of the day, and how business has been lately. Gree masters trade their services and exper- tise for ahigh price, generally considered tribute to the master for his importance and skill. Sug- gesting that the master is selling his services would be very rude. The Gree consider those ‘who operate the ancient devices the most impor- tant members of their society. A Gree master considers herself a lord, while those seeking a master's services are seen as pleading peons (or “supplicants,” the official term), These Gree mas- ters are to be respected and rewarded well for their services. Most Gree masters can expect to become very rich regardless of profession and ‘without being called on to operate their devices every day. The price of aGreemaster dependson his interest in your traded items or services, his mood and attitude, and his opinion of your spe- cies. ‘Asa rough minimum, a Gree master requires an opening tribute of at least a hundred credits worth of goods, just to meet a supplicant. After ‘complimenting the master on her skillandimpor- tance, a supplicant can broach the idea that the ‘master might be able to granta favor. Themaster usually declares that her time and skill are most valuable and that she should not be disturbed at this time. The supplicant may offer further trib- ute. The master often voices avarianton the “too busyand important” theme until aproper amount of goods or services has been offered. If the supplicant runs out of tribute or patience, he ‘may withdraw to fetch more tribute, or just give up. Note that the tribute is not refundable, and thataskingamastertoreturntributeis extremely rude. Savvy masters do not milk their suppli- ‘cants dry, since poverty stricken supplicants havea harder time coming up with tribute in the future. Masters of the more rare technology or large devices can expect thousands or tens of thou- sands of credits worth of tribute per service. Masters of lesser technologies expect less, only hundreds or thousands of credits worth. The Tn. Gn TAR BE Rs ‘more ordinary the tribute, the lower the value of thetribute;a hundred thousand credits ofbantha hides isn’t impressive, but a thousand credits worth of gems is. Unusual and exotic trade goods —alien art, odd delicacies, unusual devices — can cut the tribute considerably as almost all masters are collectors of one sort or another. Gree Technology ‘The oldest Greetechnologystillinexistenceis the most advanced. It is assumed that the most ancient artifacts are examples of the absolute peak of Gree technology and that more recent technology was less advanced. Thisis difficult to confirm since no known devices from before the “most ancient and forgotten days” of Gree tech- nology exist. This level of technology is as far beyond Imperial standard as Imperial technol- ogy is beyond feudal level, although the technol- ogy was never as widely spread and available to the average Gree as modern Imperial technology is to the average Imperial citizen. What high technology remains is still very advanced. The Gree have been known to synthe- size simple technological devices on almost no notice, to produce large amounts of simple ele- ‘ments with itte difficulty, and to quickly trans- port huge amounts of material across vast dis- tances. Whatadvanced|evels the Greehavefallen from, and what prevents them from controlling a larger area of space given their current technol- ogy, is subject to debate. In the modern era, Gree technology is highly varied and queerly anachronistic. Many of the oldest devices are slowly breaking down and are not repaired or replaced. Gree society is so focused on these elder devices that they con- sider any other technology to be unimpressive. An ancient device capable of impressive feats, apparently violating known physics might be the center of a shanty village where Gree warm th one-room shacks by burning dead plants. AGree city might be lit by primitive electric lights and provide beast-irawn carriages for mass transit, but be defended by a powerful force field. AGree ‘master might operate his material synthesizer by torchlight. Material synthesis is a basic Gree technology, and a comparatively less-exalted mastery than other fields. Material synthesizers don't actually create matter, they reconfigure it. The process requantifies the nuclear structure of matter, al- lowingfor the transformation of commonly avall- able elements (silicon, carbon, or hydrogen, for example) into rare and valuable elements, is0- topes, orchemicals. Thereis some entropy in the process and a small percentage of the original material is lost. Master synthesors are relatively common — perhaps a dozen exist on each Gree Classic Adventures, Volume Four STAR tinct =wal world, Another common mastery is that of the con- structor. A master of a constructor device can assemble any sort of equipment the operator wishes using basic materials and an example of the item to be made. While considered useful by visitors to the Gree Enclave, the ability to pro- duce less advanced, non-Gree technology is not highly valued (Gree cultural biases are often not what Humans might consider practical). Con- structors are about as common as synthesors, with whom they work closely. Master construc- tors produce several nearly identical copies ofan item, but the traditional limit is seven (the Gree number system is based on 14, the number of suckers on two main sucker-pads). More than seven is a separate project, and much more expensive, perhaps twiceasmuch—masters get bored with making the same item over and over. Athird project would be very difficult to arrange and would requirevast tribute, at least four times the value of the original favor. A vast amount of information has piled up over the hundreds of millenniaof Gree history. In previous eras the Gree libraries had dectillions of files on each specialized subject — not only technology, but also philosophy, science, art, history, politics, xenopology, and literature. To- day these files’ exist in nearly indestructible memory rods, but have been stockpiled in stor- age, to allow easier access to the manuals of operation, the main interest of current Gree soci- ety. The nearest Gree equivalent to a sage is a textmaster: a master of the esoteric and arcane information systems and communication devices. ‘There are fairly few textmasters — one in an average Gree city, three or four inamajor city — and their services are mostly requested by other masters searching for scraps of documentation. Te Hasa has the greatest concentration of textmasters — perhaps adozen—workingin the Great Library of Manuals. Lesser technology is available to the Gree through the constructors. Awidevariety oflesser Gree devices (with functions equivalent to Impe- rial standard items) can be produced via a con- structor. Additionally, any technological item of a less-advanced technology — from A-wing to blaster — can be roughly duplicated by a prop- erly operated constructor as long as the master constructor has access to the proper materials and an example to work from. Most often, the item duplicated is a lesser Gree device of some sort — a blastrod or transport pod or other simple and common devices. Gree are duplicat- ing Imperial standard devices more and more in recent years. Droids are a curious exception to this. Gree as a whole regard droids as an unwor- thy technology, since the existence of droids flies Classic Adventures, Volume Four In the face of the Gree exaltation of personal expertise. In theory, the constructors may be able to duplicate the achievements of the ancient Gree, ifthemaster has the proper manual, materialand example, but this thought has never occurred to the Gree due to a cultural block. The elder de- vices are individual works of art, and Gree mas- ters find the concept of duplicating such artwork offensive in the extreme. ‘The hypergates are just one of these lost, artistic technologies the Gree refuse to dupli- cate. Hypergates were a significant development of Gree technology. Hypergates looked like free- standing accessways of some sort, usually a large door, arch, or gateway. When properly activated byagatemaster, they transported any- ‘onecrossing their threshold through hyperspace to its terminus point, another hypergate. The receiving hypergate could be elsewhere on the planet of origin, or on another planet entirely. Although starships were used for many centu- ries after the hypergates were developed, the gates made other forms of personal interplan- etary travel obsolete. Dozens of hypergates once connected theGree worlds. Now only their ruins remain, mostly on Malanose and Licha In, and their existence is kept a closely held secret. Gatemasters are very rareand highly respected, although this mastery is currently strictly theoretical —no master has activated a gate in centuries. Gate mastery Is usually secondary toanothermastery, sincethere is no prestige in studying defunct devices. Gree Space ‘The Gree hold a handful of worlds in their small Outer Rim enclave. Access to these worlds Is strongly discouraged by the Gree, who look down on the “low civilizations” of the galaxy. Members of similarly old species — Bith or Columi, for example —have less trouble gaining access to the Gree worlds. The Gree are slowly losing the ability to use the advanced technology of their ancestors, and are slowly opening their borders to trade. Those visitingthe GreeEnclave land first on Asation, a gateway world to the other Gree systems. It's the only Gree world with reliable astrogation coordinates to nearby sys- tems outside the enclave. Asation also has the largest “alien quarter” and caters to the eco- nomic needs of traders, scholars and other vis- tors. Although the Empire maintains a presence on Asation, it has litle concern with the Gree En- clave. Imperial agents are more interested in exacting taxes from traders visiting Asation than they are in an ancient and dying alien species witha lost and obscure technology. TheImperial The Gree Enclave. ‘Numbers alongside route represent standard consul-general lets the Gree rule their worlds, and does not venture from his embassy on sation. A Carrack-class cruiser orbits Asationto keep order and reinforce the impression of an Imperial presence, however meager and power- less it may be. Transport to other systems in the Gree En- clave is provided aboard the Rokak’k Baran, an immense ship of Gree design which follows a regular schedule of stops at various Gree worlds. Visitors leave their starships on Asation and board the Rokak’k Baran. Independent travel in other starships is strongly discouraged — ships venturing farther into Gree Space havea disturb- ing tendency to vanish. Exact hyperspace routes have never been mapped, nor have navigators or scouts been permitted to ex- plore and map the Gree Enclave. Probe and /ARS— scout droids often disappear withoutatrace. Other sensor sweeps have revealed only a little — the space between the Gree worlds has various astrographical hazards, includ- ing nebulae and asteroid fields. The Gree do not reveal what routes their Baran takes to the other Gree worlds — if visitors knew the routes to jump to whatever worlds they pleased, the Baran would be obsolete and the Gree would have little control over travel in their enclave. At this time, the other Gree worlds do no have extensive starport facili- ties, and can often be dangerous to land on. Each systemhasit’s own port forthe Rokak’'k Baran’s passenger launches. The Rokak’k Baran The Rokak’k Baran is the main method of travelling through the Gree Enclave. The vessel is more like a traveling city than a starship, a disk five kilometers in diameter. Nearly 5,000 Gree, including several mas- ters, operate this vessel and make the Baran their permanent home, The Gree dislike alien ships travelling through their worlds and expect all aliens to use the Baran. This ancient vessel keeps a regular schedule, visiting each world in the Gree circuit in turn. The Baran stops at Asation, Lonatro, Gree, Malanose, and Te Hasa—it stops for two days at each port, and takes two days to reach the next port. The Baran stops at Licha In for one day every year. ‘The tribute for transport on the Baran is fairly small for Gree, and only about 1,500 credits for aliens (round ‘trip). Tribute is paid to Master Rokak’k, who runs this artifact ship with a team oflesser masters, senior assistants and students. Rokak’k's assistants collect the fee as visitors board the small launches used to bring passen- gers to the Baran. The Baran has cargo facilities Classic Adventures, Volume Four IN ty OBEN ee enc — visitors can bring fairly large cargoes with them (up to 100 metric tons), but this requires additional tribute proportional to the size of cargo. The Baran itself has no traditional sensors, weapons or defensive systems, although some of the masters on board have devices which ap- proximate sensors, weapons and shields. The Karkak’k Marek is a sensor-like device, and the Varat'k Snarap is a powerful weapon, both used to aid the Baran community. The Varat'k Snarap is not a blaster weapon. It seems to generate a field that can be manipulated into wind-like en- ergy bolts that rake across attacking ships. Fil- teen years ago, a pirate ship decided to raid the Baran whileitwas approaching Asation. Theship opened fire and inflicted minor damage on the Baran before Master Varat’k reached the Snarap. ‘The pirate ship, afrigate, wasimmediately vapor- ized ina single sweep of energy issued from the Snarap. The patrolling Imperial cruiser that had been maneuvering to assist the Baran quickly halted and returned to its orbit around Asation. mi The Rokak’k Baran Graft Gree Starship Artfact ‘Type: Unique transportation habitat ‘Seale: Capital, ‘Length 5,000 meters ‘Skill: Device operation: Rokak’k Baran Creve: 5,000 (Crew Skil: See Master Rokak Passengers: 10,000 Cargo Capacity: 250,000 metric tons, Consumables: 6 months Hyperdrive Multipler: x3 Shields: 4D Sensors: Passive: 100/20 ‘Scan: 200/20+2 ‘Sear: 400/30 Focus: 10/3042 Weapons: ‘The Varat’k Snarap ire Are: Tasret Crew: 1 ‘hilt Device operation: Varat’k Snarap Fire Control: 4D. Space Range: 3-15/40/75 Damage: 100 mRokak'k Type: Gree Master DEXTERITY 3D Blastrod 4D KNOWLEDGE 2+2 Bureaucracy: Gree SD, intimidation 4D-2, languages 4D, planetary systems: Gree Enclave 9, willpower 7D MECHANICAL SD Device operation: Rokak’k Baran 9D PERCEPTION 2D+1 Bargain SD, command 7D, persuasion 4D ‘STRENGTH 20 TECHNICAL 3D Device repair: Rokak'k Baran 5D+2 Force Points: 2 Character Points: Move: 6 Equipment: Blastrod (40), ceremonial whistle Capsule: Rokak’kis the current master of the Baran —the main transport between Gree worlds — and is perhaps the most influential and respected mas ter alive today. He commands the 5,000 Gree who help operate the immense starship, and personally, oversees many of the ship's vital operations. Rokak’k is more concerned with keeping the Baran’s schedule than fretting about Gree guild politics and prestige. The Baran is the Gree's only means oftravel within their enclave,andthus seems tobe their only way to transfer messages, news and trade goods. Rokak’kbelievesitishis personal duty to maintain the Baran's schedule to keep the Gree Enclave from slipping further into a decrepit and helpless state. Rokak'k bustles everywhere he goes and has litte time for dawdling with aliens. He shuffles around the Baran’s corridors, overseeing lesser masters and students, vocalizing orders and oper- ating the more important starship devices himselt Although his ship is often filled with aliens visiting theother Gree worlds ortrade and tourism, Rokak’k tolerates them as a necessary evil. When guests aboard the Baran approach him, he often rudely hfs and shuffles along on his way. Asation Asation is the main trading post and access system to the Gree Enclave. Asation is governed by a guild council that lightly regulates trade with non-Gree. The Empire maintains a small consulate on Gree, but has no governor or garri- son. The Imperial consukgeneral has a small force under his command — including one Carrack cruiser —and wields uncommon power ‘over Imperial activities in the system. Consul- General Skalus has so far maintained a low pro- file. Trade between Greeand non-Gree flows with little check. The sector Imperial Customs office has repeatedly petitioned Skalus to crack down on this trade and gather uncollected tax rev- enue. Skalus has been deaf to their pleas — he hates his latest assignment and hopes his inac- tion will get hima demotion toamore hospitable world. Asation is a wet, gray, high pressure world with extensive slimy wetlands and jungle, and relatively primitive lifeforms. Its atmosphere Is so thick and humid that most travelers prefer to use breath masks while outdoors. Rumors say that the Gree completely terraformed this for- merly uninhabitable world millennia ago, pop lating it with lifeforms left over from Gree genetic experiments. Native Asation Gree are shorter than other Gree, and wear dark colored robes outside, but brighter robes indoors. Some of the Gree have become shrewd traders in their own right, but are rarely found on other worlds. 2 Classic Adventures, Volume Four 23 ‘The Gree Enclave, Satikan is the largest city on Asation, housing the starport, consulate, guild chambers, several marketplaces, and thousands of alien traders — including Humans, Devaronians, Squibbs, Aggorons, and Nalroni. The starport is managed by a Gree master, and the main passenger port for transfer to the Rokak’k Baran is actually his guild hall. The rest of the city is seething with visitors and Gree engaged in trade. Gree from all over the enclave arefoundhere, pursuing tradein the interests of their guilds and masters, Satikan boasts the greatest concentra- tion of sevarks in the Gree Enclave — most swarm the starport, seeking visitors to guide and merchants to trade with. These sevarks use ‘odd translation devices which hangaround their heads and translate the Grees’ grumbling lan- guage of low moans and gurgles into a tinny Basic voice. Although most sevarks still require bartered goods or services for their assistance as guides or intermediaries to the guilds, more and more are accepting credits to more easily trade with visitors. Most trade in Satikan starport is in ordinary mercantile goods, but some trade with the Gree {sin illegal goods — including contraband weap- (ARS ‘ons and spice. Although the Gree do not keep slaves for apparent cultural reasons, they have not restricted the alien slave market in Satikan. Trade in Gree artifacts is restricted to lower technology items: nothing any more advanced than the Imperial standard may be traded to non-Gree, although certain Greehavebeenknown to illicitly trade higher level devices for other alien artifacts or foreign artwork. Acontingent of Gree from Te Hasa keep an eye on the artifact trade, and are empowered to interfere with the trade of highly advanced devices. Perhaps Asation’s greatest monument of the “most ancient and forgotten days” is the Grand Hypergate located in the ruins of Satikan. The Grand Hypergate appears to be a circle of seven triumphal arches — the obelisk in the circle’s center seemstobethe gates’ control device. The gatemaster of Asation doesn’t know how to a vate the hypergates, although he regularly tries in what seems to be a weekly ceremony. It is unknown how many, if any, of the gates are functional at all, The master knows the termina- tion points for five gates —two to Gree, and one each to Te Hasa, Malanose and Licha In. The termination points for the remaining two gates are unknown. The gatemaster has three senior assistants, each con- vinced they have deduced the se- ret of open- ingthegate, ifthey only had the chance ‘Classic Adventures, Volume Four STAR inortty 281 eso Adventure Idea: Corellia Antilles and the Ancient Khoz’zhak The characters have come to Asation for some trading venture. After concluding their deal-making with a local Gree trader living on the edge of the city, they see a ragged woman stumble out of the forbid- den jungle and collapse at their feet. The woman mumbles about “finding the Khoz'zhak,” then passes out. After the characters nurse her back to health, Corellia explains that she is an archaeologist who uncovered what she claims is an ancient Gree device (gamemasters can choose this device's nature — weapon, information recorder, miracle healer). She and her survey team crept into the jungle to explore the ruins, and found the device among tribe of feral Greeliving deep in thewilderness. As thegroupmade a mad dash back to Satikan, they were attacked b savage jungle beasts and hostile Gree tribes. Corellia hid the device in an abandoned Gree structure two days from the city, then made her way back to the city. She has only just escaped from an expedition of Gree from Te Hasa who were intent on either stealing the device from Corellia or capturing her. Corellia is determined to return to the ruins and retrieve the Kho2'zhak device and smuggle it off of sation. But she has to do this before the Te Hasan Gree find her. These artifact-keepers are obsessed with finding the Khoz'zhak, too, but could be willing to kill Corellia to keep its location safe from foreign- ers. Corellia offers the characters 7,500 credits to help her retrievethe artifact. Tohelp them, she shares her data map with them, and her notes on the device and to try, The gatemaster is the only Gree allowed to operate the control obelisk. It is said that when the Grand Hypergate is functional, the obelisk blasts a sonorous bass melody over the city. The hypergate has not sounded a note in several hundred years. Satikan's starport and alien district sprawls feral tribe of Gree. The characters can hide Corellia ontheir ship while they gather supplies for the jungle expedition. ‘At a dramatically appropriate moment, a contin- gent of Te Hasan Greeshow upatthecharacters' ship (or hideout) searching for the archaeologist. The Te Hasans don't explain themselves, except to mention that the woman stole something valuable. They don't conductavery thorough search. But fthe characters haven't hidden her, these Gree might find Corellia and drag her off to some nameless fate — leaving the characters to find the artifact on their own, with only her notes and map to help them. To retrieve the Khoz’zhak from its hiding place, thecharacters must ventureiinto the forbidden jungle, fighting off voracious carnivores and savage Gree tribes. When they finally find theruins where Corellia hid the device, they see that the artifact’s hiding place has collapsed — to retrieve it, the characters must delve into an underground labyrinth of ancient Gree passages, complete with traps, unstable ceil- ings and dangerous obstacles. Eventually they find the artifact and trek out of the jungle. But just as they emerge from the jungle with the Khoz'zhak, the characters are surrounded by Te Hasan Gree — they want to negotiate to acquire the device, since the characters have proven their right to ownership by retrieving this artifact. The charac- ters can get up to 10,000 credits in trade goods for the device, and possibly alesser Gree deviceas well. Under no circumstances willthe Te Hasansallow the characters to leave with the Khoz'zhak. mAsation “Type: Terrestrial ‘Temperature: Hot Atmosphere: Type Il (breath mask suggested) Hydrosphere: Moist Gravity: Standard ‘Terrain: Wetlands, jungle Length of Day: 18 standard hours ‘Length of Year: 380 local days. alongtheedge of a largeruined city forbidden to non-Gree. The ruins are partially covered by thick jungle growth, and no paths leading into the area can be seen. When asked about this region, most Gree explain thatiitis the remains of a greater city which fell prey to some kind of disaster. Some Gree have been overhead saying that thejungleis filled with bioengineered preda- tors who are somehow confined to the ruins. Others whisper of lost chemical vats and ancient devices which now belch out poisonous gases. Trespassers rarely return. Alien visitors gener- ally stay in Satikan and do not venture far into the jungle ruins. Classic Adventures, Volume Four ‘Sentient Species: Gree (4), Humans, various aliens ‘Starport: Standard Population: | million Gree, 200,000 Humans, 500,000allens Planet Function: Trading post, Gree Enclave entry world Government: Guild count ‘Teeh Level: information [Major Exports: Raw material, lesser Groe artifacts “Major Imports: High technology Lonatro Lonatro supplies the Gree Enclave with food. Today the planet is mostly wilderness, but once the whole world was cultivated to feed the teem- ing Gree masses. Now only 10 percent of the planet is used for food production, with smaller The Gree Enclave, preserves used for botanical gardens and an interplanetary zoo. Lonatro’s original purpose was to provide a secure food production facility in the Gree heartspace against the possibility ofa large-scale disaster. The world has always unfailingly per- formed that function, but demand has steadily declined for centuries and the production facili- ties have been scaled back accordingly. Each Gree world produces its own staple foods, of course, but Lonatro supplies the variety foods — especially meats and fruits. ‘The Lonatran Gardens would be the 778th wonder of the galaxy if known to the botanists of the Empire. The Gree cultivate samples of rare and otherwise extinct plant life to maintain the genetic line. Exotic botanical species like the Alderaanian flame-rose, the Duran feather lily and the silver koanwood are perpetuated here. The Lonatran Zoo covers huge areas of Lonatro, Small colonies of land animals from species across the galaxy have been maintained here for millennia. Many species collected by the Gree have since vanished on their homeworlds, ‘either from normal extinction or from sentient species pressure. Most of the species have evolved slightly through natural selection, but ‘overall the zoo animals are the same as their original ancestors. Lonatro’s “starport” consists of alanding area for Baran passenger launches and a small alien quarter. Most Lonatro Gree are experts in caring for the various lifeforms cultivated in the gar- dens and z00, and are proficient at manipulating. the harvesting devices which slowly shuffle over the few croplands remaining. Lonatro sees little alien traffic, since it has little of value to the average freetrader. Some scholars, however, travel there to study Lonatro's ancient plants and animals. m Lonatro ‘Type: Terrestrial ‘Temperature: Moderate Atmosphere: Type Il (breath mask suggested) Hydrosphere: Moderate Gravity: Standard, ‘Terrain: Mixed terraformed Length of Day: 22 standard hours Length of Year: 240 local days ‘Sentlent Species: Gree (N) ‘Starport: Landing field Population: 3 milion Planet Function: Agriculture Government: Foodmaker guild ‘Teel Level: Atomic ‘Major Exports: Foodstuls, rare plants Major Imports: Rare botanical specimens Gree Gree is the mother world of the Gree. Little is known of it in the Empire, as very few non-Gree /ARS— areallowed ontotheplanet. Even Captain Marrix, who made first contact with the Gree during his, scout expeditions through this sector —and was, apparently highly respected by the Gree — was only allowed to visit Gree once. ‘The Gree homeworld has a special place in Greemythos. Itis the center oftheir culture. Even those Gree who have never visited the system consider it a sacred, revered world. Visitors are allowed on Gree only at the pleasure of the guild council, often when conducting large-scale busi- ness on Asation is not acceptable to the Gree. It is rumored that Consul-General Skalus’ prede- cessor was one of the handful of Imperials al- lowed on Gree when he conducted diplomatic talks regarding the annexation of Asation. Other visitors have been allowed for scholarly. trade, and diplomaticreasons, but ata seemingly capri- cious Gree whim, Those few travelers to Gree report a harsh, barren planet, covered in wasteland and ruins. All visitors agree that they were required to land on the top of ahugeslab of what resembled black grainy metal in the center of asprawlingcity. The city splays out across a vast plain and has hun- dreds of gigantichalls and skyscraping towers of assorted designs and materials. There is no starportas such, and thus no facilities for repair or restocking ships, although supplies and fuel were made available by the hosting Gree when requested. Much of the city seems abandoned, but visitors were not allowed to explore on their own, and were warned that wandering off would be dangerous. The Gree capital city seems to be the only inhabited one, although ruins of other gigantic cities are visible on approach. Evenlessis known about the regions outside the city, although the observed countryside is entirely bleak and ap- pears to be uninhabitable wasteland. Visitors also report that the oddities of Gree technology aremorevisible here. Advanced technology equal or greater than Imperial standard is common, and highly advanced technology is in evidence, although anachronistic technology has been observed here as well. mGree ‘Type: Terrestrial ‘Temperature: Temperate ‘Atmosphere: Type Il (breath mask suggested) Hydrosphere: Moist Terrain: Wasteland ‘Length of Day: 27 standard hours Length of Year: 350 loc Sentient Species: Gree Starport: Landing field Population: 60 millon Planet Function: Homeworld Government: Guild high councit ‘Tech Level: Space 26 Classic Adventures, Volume Four STAR ticity 08 :1e yes. Malanose Malanose was oncea colony for thenowextinet crafterand researcher castes. Inthe “most ancient and forgotten days” the planet was famous for its vast halls of Gree researching and constructing new and fantastic devices. While many new de vices were distributed among other Gree worlds, prototypesandreplicaswerekeptintheresearcher vaults beneath Malanose city. Thousands of years later, alter the last of the Gree researchers and crafters had died out, many common Gree devices, began to run down, malfunction and fall apart. When the other Gree worlds realized how much ancient technology they were losing, Malanose's ancient vaults were emptied and all their portable artifacts were distributed among the handful of Gree worlds lett. However, the larger, immobile artifacts re- mained. The operators and would-be masters of these devices traveled to Malanose to study and run them. Today, Malanose has a larger collec- tion of functional large artifacts than the other Gree worlds. The remaining Malanosian cities are inhabited not because of their comfortable climate or fine buildings, but because they are the homes of the largest Gree artifacts. Much of the Malanosian economy is based on tribute received from Gree masters travelingfrom other worlds to research and use these artifacts. Malanosian Greeareextremely protective oftheir Classic Adventures, Volume Four monolithic devices — a bitter attitude left over from the days when the artifact vaults were emptied. Alien visitors to the Gree Enclave are not permitted to use or study these artifacts, although on extremely rare occasions a presti- gious alien scholar has been allowed to briefly watch a particular artifact in operation. Hypergates were among these immense arti facts. The hypergates on Malanose were main- tained for thousands of years after those on other worlds had collapsed. Although the Malanosian hypergates may still be functional, the operating knowledge has been lost. Part of the planet 'searlier economy wasbasedoncharg- ing tolls on the gate traffic between Gree worlds. This economy disappeared with the collapse of the gatenetwork, but the old fees are still remem- bered — if a working gate were found, the Malanosian Gree would be pleased to start ac- cepting tolls again. Malanose’s most famous artifact device is the Totth’kLotos. This device extends apatient'slife by repairing the stresses and damages inflicted on the body in the course of normal living. Al- though it is reputed to youthen the body, it only maximizes the body's structural integrity — a fragile and ill 80 year-old Gree treated will be- come a healthy 80 year-old. Many Gree masters travel to Malanose to partake of the Lotos’ reju- venating qu: ‘Thee Gree Er he STAR 8 The Lotos is a pool enclosed in a vaulted chamber, deep in the heart of a semi-functioning guild hall. An altardike main control desk domi- nates one end of the chamber, and controls and gauges are irregularly spaced on the walls. The ool is filled with a warm, thick, slowly roiling green gel. The treatment appears to bea commu- nal ritual in which supplicants of the same spe- cies are immersedin the pool whileMasterTotth’k and his assistants hurry from control to control, tensely manipulating them and carefully moni. toring gauges and indicators. Most supplicants require an hour of immersion for the Lotos’ treat- ment to work. While this ancient device is attuned to the Gree physiology, some visitors to the Gree En- clave have been allowed immersion in the Lotos. ‘These privileged aliens pay exorbitant tributeto Master Totth'k, even when the Lotos has unex- pected effects on their alien physiology. Game Notes: Aliens immersed in the Lotos must successfully make a Very Difficult stamina roll to endure the treatment. A successful use cures chronic and acute illness and soothes the pains and stresses of age. A failed roll offers no benefits, and might result in a complication with unexpected side effects. ™ Malanose ‘Type: Terrestrial ‘Temperature: Temperate ‘Atmosphere: Type If (breath mask suggested) Hydrosphere: Moist Gravity: Standard Terraln: Wetlands, jungle, mountains Length of Day: 18 standard hours Length of Year: 329 local days ‘Sentient Species: Gree ‘Starport: Landing ld Population: 150 milion Planet Function: Artifact world Major Exports Artifact information Major Imports: Services, trade goods Te Hasa Te Hasa is the fabled hidden world of the Gree. Itisasecret treasure house of ancient Gree technology and knowledge, housing hundreds ofancient, unique, anduseless devices. Forthou- sands of years the Gree have deposited devices they have forgotten how to use on Te Hasa. They are cataloguedand warehoused herein the vague hope that one day an enterprising Gree will uncover the secrets of their use. Each year doz- ens of hopeful Gree makea pilgrimage to Te Hasa to study these artifacts. Occasionally a Gree stumblesacross thecorrect activation sequences for a device, or decrypts the relevant instruc- tions from the vast Library of Manuals, and is catapulted into the ranks of mastery for a long- (ARS forgotten device. ‘The Te Hasan Gree seem to be the closest the species has to a priesthood. These Gree wear darkcolored robes ornamented andembroidered with hieroglyphs. Student-pilgrims wear their traditional bright robes, and are specially tat- tooed toindicate theystudied on TeHasa. TheTe Hasan Gree area closely knit community —they carefully guard their artifacts, but acknowledge that they need the help of other Gree to unlock the secret to their operation, Gree who figure out how to operate an ancient device are often re- warded with the artifact — the Te Hasan Gree gain knowledge to operate duplicates of the de- vice kept in their vaults. Te Hasa was terraformed to be formidable to any alien species that might stumble across the planet. Thenativecarnivores werebioengineered to be aggressive and deadly, their prey engi- neered tosustain the predators. Thenativedesert ‘was extended over large swaths of the surface by routing some of the planet's water to under- ground cisterns at oasis valleys and transporting the rest of the water to other Gree worlds. ‘The main storehouses of Te Hasa are located in or near the valley oasis. Some of these ware- houses, the older ones, are carved into the rock, ‘whilenewer ones wereconstructedaslonghouses which seem liketemples risingabovetheplanet’s surface. The artifacts judged most valuable or dangerous are transported to a restricted and secret warehouse deep in the planet's largest desert, called Sik’ark’kuck, “the Swallower.” mTe Hasa ‘Type: Terrestrial ‘Temperature: Temperate Atmosphere: Type Il breath mask suggested) Hydrosphere: Dry Gravity: Standard ‘Terrain: Desert, oasis, canyons Length of Day: 29 standard hours Length of Year: 296 local days ‘Sentient Species: Gree Starport Landing Held Population: 10,000 Planet Function: Hidden treasure world Government: Librarian guild ‘Teeh Level: Information Licha In Licha In was one of the first of the Gree home systems to degenerate, In the "most ancient and forgotten days" it was amajor gateworld, anexus for long-range hypergates. Trade moved briskly and several sentient species from across the galaxy set up merchant outposts on the world. ‘The long-range gateways collapsed early in the degeneration of the Gree (thousands of years before the birth of the Old Republic), stranding the alien merchants who had come to Licha In. ‘The few cyclopean hypergates still stan 28 Classic Adventures, Volume Four eT istry ie SEO non-functional. Some Lichan Gree masters be- lieve the gates will activate under specific astro- nomical alignments and under the manipulation of a prophet gatemaster, but this theory has not yet been proven. ‘The native Gree have since become localized into competingcity-states. Lichan Greehavecome to view their technology in a pseudo-mystical fashion, and see their mastersasmagician-priests of sorts. The masters use what few artifacts are left to rule their city-states. Occasionally, mas- ters incite their shamblingarmies of Greemasses to war with other city-states for food, resources of slaves. The Lichan Gree seldom leave’ their homeworld, although they have contact with other Gree during the Rokak’k Baran’s annual ‘one-day visit. Other Gree consider the Lichansto berather backward examples of their culture — they're often mentioned as examples of the de- generation of Gree civilization. Although they are considered lowerthan other Gree, the Lichan Gree believe they are the right- fulrulers of the “lesser” species on Lichaln—the ancestors of the alien traders who came here millennia ago. Roaming aliens are enslaved and usedas primitiveworkforcestobuild Greestrong- hold-cities and harvest crops. Aliens visiting the GreeEnclaveare discouraged from visitingLicha In without a Gree escort. Unauthorized visitors are often mistaken for escaped slaves and are either executed or put back to work. ‘Ahandful of alien city-states exist far from the Gree cities. These primitives included Devaronians, Duros, Humans and near-Humans, They have long since formed and broken alli- ances, become friends and enemies, fought wars, founded a variety of political structures and cycled through technological levels. When any alien city-state advances far enough that the Gree masters consider them athreat, those mas- Adventure Idea; Stranded on Licha In ‘The characters are somehow transported to Licha In. ‘They might arrive through an astrogation or hyperdi error, might have walked through an unknown yet active hypergate onanother Gree world, or might havearrivedon the Baran during one its annual stop there. The only way off Licha in is the Baran, which comes by once every year —and it just left Licha in is barbaric in many ways and the characters, find everyday life here is an adventure. Many of the aliens they encounter are familiar but have developed a little differently, the dialects are hard to understand, the Gree areeven weirder and harderto approach, and their credits are worthless. The characters could even be mistaken for escaped alien slaves and might be captured and hauled off to labor in one of the Gree city-states. The characters could spend their time adventuring through the exotic barbarianscience society, or they could try to find a functioning hypergate off the planet (although where the hypergate actually sends them is a different question). ters use their ancient wardevices andtheirsham- bling armies to conquer the city and enslave the aliens there. mLicha in ‘Type: Terrestrial ‘Temperature: Temperate Atmosphere: Type Hydrosphere: Moderate Gravity: Standard ‘Terrain: Island continents, mountains, plains, forests Length of Day: 2 standard hours Length of Year: 364 local days Sentient Species: Gree, Humans, various aliens Starport: Landing field Poptlation: 500 million Planet Function: Degenerated civilization Government: Local city-states Tech Level: Feudal o Classic Adventures, Volume Four 29 ‘The Kaal Connection THe KAAL CONNECTION By Peter Schweighofer with Timothy Zahn Ilustrations by David R, Deitrck Jeng Droga peered over the bridge of the Emperor's Shadow. The crew worked anxiously as they emerged from hyperspace and made head- way toward a bluish world in the distance. He would await his master’s orders here, until summoned to his side. A horrible pain wrenched Droga’s body, and a scream pierced the air. The entire crew looked to their dark Jedi captain. His robes whipped the air, his body twisted in agony. “No!” he cried. “It cannot be! I must go to him, I must ...” The first mate approached. “My lord, you are not well ...” Droga reached out with the Force and crushed the man’s throat in his rage. Several other crew members stood around, watching Droga cry out. “Let me go to him!” Two crew members approached, intending to restrain their captain. But Droga screamed again how he yeamed to be at his master’s side. His lightsaber flashed, slicing through crew members and control panel alike. In his rage he destroyed the bridge controls and killed the crew, allthe while ‘Screaming in agony for his master and writhing in unimaginable pain. When Jeng Droga next looked up into the viewport, the blue planet loomed ahead. Within seconds his agony was over as the ship crashed into the ocean, vaporizing water as it hit, and stirring up enormous waves .. Halfway across the galaxy, the Rebel Alliance was celebrating its victory at the Battle of Endor ... Since the formation of the New Republic, the Provisional Council has faced many military and diplomatic challenges. Mon Mothma placed Ral- Rai Muvne, the Sullustan Supreme Commander of Ordnance and Supply, in charge of aiding the industrial worlds abandoned by the Empire after the Battle of Endor. Many of these worlds were left in ecological ruin, with few resources, litle contact with the rest of the galaxy, and no means ‘of providing their own food. Many systems have just barely survived the past two years, but if food isn't provided to some worlds soon, starva- tion and rioting could run rampant. Ral-Rai Muvne has been sending negotiating teams all over the galaxy to agricultural worlds freed from the Empire — these teams have been negotiating deals to supply hungry systems with food. He has called the characters together to negotiate onesuch deal on aplanet called Kaal, in the Yushan Sector. Kaal’s current ruler, a crimelord named Tirgee Benyalle, controls that world's aquaculture industry — RalRai thought the characters would be the perfect choice for this delicate diplomatic mission. Ral-Ral asks the characters to travel to Kaal immediately to participate in negotiations. The New Republic can offer Benyalle laborers to help ‘Classic Adventures, Volume Four =wal her harvest food from Kaal’s immense oceans, 50 percent of all profits from any sales, transport of the food to the various systems in need, and five million credits up front (provided to the charac- ters in credit chips filling five large, security locked crates). Ral-Rai will allow characters to 1crease Benyalle's percentage of profits as high as 65 percent during negotiations — this is the only portion of the New Republic's terms of the agreement that can be varied. Ral-Rai warns the characters that others are Participating in the negotiations for Kaal's food products. He knows of at least two — Admiral Kermen, who represents the remaining Imperial forces, and Moff Prentioch, who has carved out his own little empire in the Mid-Rim. Both could be at each other's throats to gain this contract. RalRai believes others will be there as well mKaal ‘Type: Water world ‘Temperature: Tropical Gravity: Standard Terraln: Oceans, archipelagos Length of Day: 36 standard hours Length of Year: 210 local days, Saplent Species: Humans, various aliens Starport: Standard Population: 45 milion Planet Function: Aquaculture, entertainment Government: Criminal organization Tech Level Space Major Exports: Foodstulis Classic Adventures, Volume Four Major Imports: Luxury Items, high technology Capsule: Kaal was an Imperial resort world in the Mid-Rim until Imperlal troops withdrew after their loss at Endor. While here, the Empire did not ex- plolt Kaal's rich ocean life to its full potential, harvesting only what it needed for the planet and allowing the seas to teem with fish, plankton and other possible food sources. ‘When the Empire left, Tirgee Benyalle, the crimelord who ran Kaal’s many casinos and enter- tainment industries, stepped in torun the aquacul- tural industry. Using capital from her casinos, she purchased several Immense repulsorlift harvest- ‘ers, huge floating factories which ply the oceans, ‘scooping up food from thesea, separating, preserv- ing and packaging it for sale. Kaal's only starport is located on a string of islands which form the resort city. Casinos, high class hotels and other entertainment establish- ‘ments abound, attracting the galaxy’s wealthy classes and underworld elements, Episode One: Casinos of Kaal ‘The characters arrive at Kaalin their own ship or one provided by the New Republic. As they descend toward Kaal’s starport, they pass two immense Imperial Star Destroyers in orbit. They don't seem to be orbiting in any formation, but are quite a distance apart, facing one another. ‘The characters are directed to land in a dock- ing bay near the Grand Imperial casino and hotel. Once they have set their ship down, a lone alien figure emerges from the docking bay personnel ADVENTURE entrance. The Duros is Boleb Hiiz, Tirgee Benyalle’s casinoadministrator and major domo. He greets the characters, telling them he has reserved a luxury suite in the Grand Imperial for the duration of their stay, and has extended each character a line of 3,000 credits at the Grand Imperial casinos, all courtesy of Tirgee Benyalle. Boleb says the other representatives have all arrived, and are staying at the Grand Imperial. ‘The negotiations begin tomorrow morning, but until then, the characters have the rest of the afternoon and all evening to explore Kal and the casinos. Boleb offers to lead the characters through the city to their suite at the Grand Impe- rial Boleb Hiiz. All tats are 2D except: Knowledge 3D+1, bureaucracy 4D+1, business 5D+2, streetwise 4D+2, value 5D, Perception 3D, gambling 6D, per- suasion 5D. Move 10. Comlink, datapad, hold-out blaster (3D). If the characters are worried about the five securitylocked crates filled with credit chits, Boleb assures them that they would be sale locked away in the hotel’s vaults. Of course, some characters may stay behind (and miss out on all the action) if they decide the safest place {or the credits is their own ship. But ifthey'd like to keep the crates in the hotel's vault, Boleb can summon asecurity crew to transport thecredits. Characters would be wise to guard the ship until the security crew arrives. Should Boleb leave to escort some of the characters to the Grand Imperial, the characters remaining to guard the ship soon seeacargo skiff pull into the docking bay. The five guards on the skiff are dressed in a variety of rough clothing, including blast vests and helmets, and look more like bounty hunters than security forces. The gruff alien leader says he’s here to pick up the credits .. However, these aliens really are bounty hunt- ers, sent by one of the competitorsin the negotia- tions. They intend to load the crates onto the skiff and disappear into the city. However, careful characters might question them further about where they're taking the crates of credits. They ht even insist on going along with the aliens (hitching a ride to the hotel). If the characters unmask these bounty hunters, the aliens zoom off in the skiff — with or without the credits — after trading a few blaster shots with the remain- ig characters. 5 Alien Bounty Hunters. All stats are 2D except: Dexterity 4D, blaster 6D, dodge 5D, melee combat 5D, Perception 3D, hide 4D, sneak 5D, Strength 3D+2, brawling 5D. Move: 10. Blast vest (1 energy, +1D physical, torso only), heavy blaster pistol (SD), knife (STR+1D). “The Kaa Cort STAR ee On er Afewmomentsafterthe bounty huntersleave, the real security force — dressed in snazzy uni- forms and all — arrives to transport the credits and the remaining characters to the hotel. Welcome to the Grand Imperial As he leads the characters through the starport, Boleb answers most of the characters’ ‘questions about Kaal and its aquacultural indus- try. Benyalle has 10 giant repulsorlift platforms rocessing, pack- aging and storing food supplies. If asked about the Imperials, he knows that they left about two years ago (shortly after the Rebel victory at Endor). JustbeforetheEmpirewithdrewitsforces from Kaal, natives saw a “shooting star” or me- teorflash in the sky. The resulting meteor impact with the ocean caused tidal waves which de- stroyed much of thissection of thecity, as wellas land settlements throughout the hemisphere. Currently Kaal’s resort includes only the islands around the starport, although there used to bea more rural retreat on the Unis Islands to the northwest, until the tidal wave washed most of the resorts from those islands. ‘The characters’ suite at the Grand Imperial is. perhaps the most luxurious dwelling space they've ever seen. The full-length windows over- look Kaal's sparkling blue ocean, the furniture is. comfortable, and servants are on call to cater to most of their whims (for a proper tip, of ‘course).Oncethey haveseitledin, Tirgee Benyalle personally pays them a visit with her Twi'lek bodyguard, Sendir. Her intentions are simple: to welcome the characters, invite them to enjoy the comforts of the resort (including fine dining and gambling), and size them up. Tirgee is graceful and witty, seeming genuinely interested in their involvement in the negotiations. She tries to answer any questions characters have about the deal, although she promises everything will be discussed the next morning. Negotiations are to take place early (0900 hours) aboard her per- sonal sail barge docked in the harbor below. It is in Tirgee’s best interest to see that her guests are cared for properly, in order to culti- vatea good deal on Kaal's aquacultural industry. She leaves them with an invitation to join the other negotiatorsin high-stakes game ofsabacc later this evening. m Tirgee Benyalle ‘Type: Aging Crime Lady DEXTERITY 3D+1 Blaster 7D. brawling parry 5D-2, dodge 60-1, grenade 4D-2,meleecombat 6D. melee parry SD. pick pocket SD+1, thrown weapons 40:2 KNOWLEDGE 3D+1 Bureaucracy 7D, business 70-2, intimidation 4D-2, streetwise 8D, survival 3, value 6D-2 MECHANICAL 2D Classic Adventures, Volume Four Archaiestarshippiloting4D-2, repulsolit operation SD+2, Starship gunnery 4D, starship shields 30-1 PERCEPTION 4D Bargain 8D.?, command 6D+1, con 7D, forgery 5D, gam bling 90, persuasion 6D+2, search SDvi, sneak SD-2 STRENGTH 3D Brawiing6D,climbing) sing 3D TECHNICAL 20+1 Demolition 30-2, security 6D Force Point Dark Side Points: 1 Character Points: 12 Move: 10, Equipment: Comlink, deck of sabacc cards, holdout blaster (2D), blaster pistol (4D), 2 knives (STR+1D) Capsule: Tirgee Benyalle is an aging woman with silvered hair and thin, skeptical eyes. She typically dresses in fancy clothes typical of those visiting resort worlds, and keeps a sea flower tucked above her left ear. ‘Benyalle is the crimelord.turned-administrator of Kaal. She was running the casinos and other IMlegal gambits on Kal before the Empire came. Since the Empire left, she has capitalized on the aquacultural industry the Empire only dabbled in. Now she has 10 immense repulsorlift harvesters which hover over Kaal's endless seas, scooping up the food provided by the waters, Benyalle is getting old, and has a matronly sort of manner and wisdom. She wants to retain control ofKaal, but doesn't have the resources to continue torun both the casinos and aquacultural industry. She hopes an agreement with an outside power to purchase Kaal’s food products will bring more money to support both her endeavors. ‘That evening in the casino, the characters have an opportunity to size up their competition. Thethreenegotiatorsare playingdifferent games for most of the evening (at separate gaming tables). Later, Benyalle gathers all the negotia- tors for a friendly, high-stakes game of sabacc. Untilthen, thecharacters havemost of the evening, for learning more about their competition — as well as trying their hand at some of the many plng6D+2,staminadD: 1, swim: Classic Adventures, Volume Four games of chance offered in the Grand Imperial casino. Admiral Kermen Admiral Kermen is playing sabacc atone of the lower-stakes tables, practicing his skills for the high-stakes game later. He is easily fleecing several fancily- dressed aliens, and would more thanwelcomethechancetofleece the characters. Kermenisahaughty and confi- dentsabace player. Healwaysacts as if his hand Is the best, often inspiring other players to fold be- fore he reveals his cards. The stakes are fairly low at this table, but Kermen has been winning steadily. Two stormtroopers constantly stand behind him as bodyguards. At one point during his game, an Imperial Naval officer steps up to Kermen and whispers something into his ear. Characters at the sabacc table actively engaged in the game might be able to overhear the officer's whispers to Kermen on a Moderate Perception roll. The officer informs Admiral Kermen that “the plan is well under way,” and that "prime candidates are already in place for insertion.” This message seems cryptic to the characters at first. Kermen is here at the behest of the Imperial Advisors currently running the remnants of the crumbling Empire. The New Republic has al- ready taken several key agricultural worlds which supply the Core Worlds and the Peter Schweighofer with Timothy Zahn ‘Thee Kaa Comet) STAR —————————————————— 34 Imperial Army and Navy with food. The Imperial ‘Advisors have their negotiating strategy, but Kermen has formed his own. He is determined to get control ofKaal'saquacultural industry forthe glory of the Empire. His Imperial Star Destroyer, Belligerent, is in orbit around Kaal, seemingly at a standoff with Moff Prentioch’s Star Destroyer, aptly named Prentioch. The crew is on alert, prepared to counterany movePrentioch'sshipmakesaguinst them. Kermen is planning to force the deal with Benyalleat blaster point. His agents havealready infiltrated Benyalle’s luxury sail barge where the negotiations are to take place. During the past month, several sail barge crew members and officers have been affected by a rare strain of food poisoning, developed and spread by Kermen’s agents. When the time comes, Kermen plans totake over thesail bargeandholdBenyalle and the other negotiators hostage (with the help of his spies who have replaced sick crew mem- bers) until given control of the planet. As an added precaution, Kermen has bribed Benyalle's trusted Twi'lek bodyguard, Sendir, to aid him if all else fails. m Admiral Kermen ‘Type: imperial Admiral DEXTERITY 20+2 Blaster 4D.2, dodge sD KNOWLEDGE 3D Bureaucracy 5D, business 3Ds2, Intimidation 6D, plan- tary systems 502, tacties 60, willpower 4D-2 MECHANICAL 3Ds2 aptal ship piloting 60, communications 502, sensors PERCEPTION 3D+1 Bargain 6D+2,command 7D, conSD, gamblingSD-2,inves- {gation 4D-1, persuasion $D, sneak 4D+2 ‘STRENGTH 20+1 Stamina 4D ‘TECHNICAL 3D Computer programming/repalr SD, security SDv2 Force Points: 1 Dark Side Points: 3 (Character Points: 13, Move: 10, Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), comlink Capsule: Admiral Kermen is a tall of ficer with close-cropped black hair and afinely-cut moustache. Heseemsrather serious at all times, even when gloating over his victories. Kermen isin charge of the remnants oftheImperialfleet currently defending, the Core Worlds from the New Republic advance. Although he takes his orders directly irom the few Imperial Advisors left, he makes most of the decisions — thelmperial Advisors, inellectiverulers at best, aretoo busy biekeringoverhowto resurrect the Empire to give sound tacti orders to their fleets. ARS Kermen is devious and sly. His serious facade hides any hint of his true manner, attitudes and Intentions, Kermen can be cordial and polite when he needs to be, but In truth he offers no mercy when the stakes are high, Moff Prentioch Moff Prentioch is playing at one of the Trin sticks tables, and losing rather badly. He has no idea how to play the game, but fancies himself an expert anyway. Anyone can beat him at this game. (He's even more clueless about sabacc, but he won't admit it.) ‘Any characters competing against him at the Trinsticktable become the subject of Prentioch's demoralizing comments. Prentioch cannot be- lieve anyone of such stature would challenge his mastery of the game, and harasses characters to no end about the inadequacy of their gambling skills —at least until he starts losing miserably. ‘A rather inexperienced advisor approaches him halfway through one gamein which Prentioch, Is losing a considerable sum, He announces to the Moff that the bounty hunters have arrived and wish to discuss payment. Prentioch begins batting the man over the head with the few remaining Trin sticks in his hand, upbraiding his, aide for blatantly announcing this to the entire casino. He throws his Trin sticks onto the table and leaves the casino in a huff. Characters discreetly following the Moff find him meeting at the spaceport with a woman in bounty hunter armor and several surly bounty hunter types. If they are discovered, characters, are chased away by the bounty hunters — they'll be back later to finish the job, and possibly finish the characters. The Moff des- perately wants Kaal’s aquac- Classic Adventures, Volume Four STAR Peter scweighofer with Timothy Zahn 8 uNlluN”/@wa a we' ulture industry, both for practical reasons and his own prestige. Prentioch has stretched his available resources in his fight with Moff Eyrgen for control of the Wornal Sector. But he is deter- mined to succeed, and feels that Kaal's food products would help alleviate his current supply problems, ashehas onlya handful ofagricultural worlds under his control. To insure his success, he has brought along his personal Star Destroyer, the Prentioch, toface off against Admiral Kermen’s Star Destroyer if necessary. It is currently in orbit above Kaal, prepared for an imminent strike from Kermen’s ship. He has also hired a band of bounty hunter rogues to assassinate any other small-time com- petition here for the negotiations, including the characters! = Moff Prentioch ‘Type: Former Imperial Mofl DEXTERITY 3D Blaster 4D, dodge SD KNOWLEDGE 4D ‘Bureaucracy D, business 0, cultures 5D+2, Intimidation 50, languages SDs1, planetary systems 6D, value 6D MECHANICAL 3D Communications 4D, sensors 40-2 PERCEPTION 4D Bargain 6D+2, command 50-2, con SD, investigation 50+, persuasion 6D, sneak 4D+2 STRENGTH 2D ‘TECHNICAL 2D Force Points: 1 Dark Side Potnts: 1 Character Polnts:5 Move: 10, Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), comlink Capsule: Moff Prentioch was formerly the ruler of Sombure Sector. When the Empire began to fall after the Battle of Endor, he quickly gained controlofthe military,dominatingtheweak-minded officers of the Imperial Army and Navy serving in his region. He quickly pushed to gain more terri- tory, making advances into neighboring sectors. Prentioch ran into trouble in the Wornal Sector, ‘where he met another former Imperial Moif carving ‘out his own little empire, Moff Eyrgen. Prentioch is ashort-tempered old man. He huts around as if he deserved the glory of the Emperor himself. He can be demanding of his aides and soldiers, and cannot tolerate failure or incompe- tence. Pretioch Is so sure of his own importance that he has forsaken his past uniform in favor of gaudy robes which make him look like a warped version of an Imperial Advisor. In his eyes he is, always right, heis always the best, andhedemands tobe treated so. Syndic Pandis Hart ‘The final negotiator is a rather dapper gentle- man named SyndicPandis Hart, chief purchasing agent for the SifUwana Council. When the char- acters arrive, he’s already challenging several local gamblers to a high-stakes game of sabacc. Classic Adventures, Volume Four Hart seems genuinely cordial and friendly to- ward everyone he meets. He welcomes other players to his table — in the course of conversa- tion duringthe game, hetries tofind out why they. are here on Kaal, and what their offer to Benyalle could be. He's not the best sabace player in the galaxy, but he's good. And if he does lose, he loses gracefully. ‘At one point during the game, Hart excuses himself for a moment. He returns to his suite in the Grand Imperial hotel, where it sounds like he makes a call on a long range comm unit. Hart quickly checks in with someone called Tapper who seemsto be searchingforaship of some sort at a location called the Unis Islands. Tapper believes he’s found it, and gives coordinates to Hart, Hart then returns to the casino to get in on another high-stakes sabacc game. Hart is really smug- gler Talon Karrde, who came to Kaal to negotiate a specific deal with Benyalle to further his own goals. Karrde is on Kaal to find a downed starship which is rumored to have a cloaking device. The ship — possibly the personal yacht of the late Emperor Palpatine himself — supposedly disap- peared from the Imperial palace after his death and crashed on a water world. Karrde has inves- tigated several worlds already, and believes he has found the yacht in the ocean near Kaal’s Unis Islands, to the northwest of Kaal starport. Although the yacht is supposed to be a large ship (as big as a Corellian corvette), Karrde intends toretrieveit intact. To do that insecrecy, he wants to negotiate with Benyalle to run his own aquacultural harvesting operation in the area of the Unis Islands. Karrde’s second in com- mand, Quelev Tapper, is already searching for “Thre Kaa Cor Ct) STAR NO the Emperor's yacht using a submersible craft purchased from a dealer on Kal mi Syndic Pandis Hart (Talon Karrde) “Type: Smuggler DEXTERITY SD+1 Blaster SD+1, brawling parry SD+1, dodge éD-1, melee combat 4De1, melee parry 4D+1, pick pocket 6D:1,run- ning 5D-1 KNOWLEDGE 20-1 Allen specles 7Ds1, bureaucracy 7x2, business 8De1 eultures 1D law enforcement 7Ds1, planetary systems 5D12, stroatwise 8D+1, survival #Dsl, value SD+1, wil power 6Ds1 MECHANICAL 3D+2 Astrogation 7D.2. beast riding 4D+2, communications 60-2, reputsorlit operation 5D+1, sensors TDs2, space transports 80.2 starship gunnery 5D.2, starship shields 6D PERCEPTION 3D Bargain 8D, command 9D, con 7D+1, forgery 8D, gambling ‘60-2, hide 60.2, Investigation 8D, persuasion 7D, sneak 60.2 STRENGTH 3D Bravllng 4D¥2, stamina GD ‘TECHNICAL 20+2 ‘Computer programnming/repair 40.2, first aid D2, seeu- rity 0D-2 Force Points: 2 Dark Side Points: 2 (Character Points: 26 Move: 10 Equipment: Blaster pistol (40), comlink ‘Capsule: Talon Karrde has been moving up in the ‘world of smuggling since Jabba the Hutt's demise Although Karrde’s organization is on top of the smuggling pyramid, he keeps that fact a secret. He [ARS— Is more subtle and unobtrusive in his dealings, and pputs more faith in accurate information than pure brute force. His latest pursults have included track- Ing down a starship with an operational cloaking device. Karrde doesn't necessarily need the ship, but the cloaking device would certainly be a valu: able prize useful to many other parties. Karrde has a strong feeling of obligation to the people within his organization, and does all he can tohelp and protect them. He currently works off of ‘a base on Myrkr which has served as a home to many in his organization, and he has become quite fond of the security and serenity he finds there. Karrde is always investigating new and proilt- able ventures for his organization, especialy with the greater resources available through his suc- cess. He and his lieutenant, Quelev Tapper, often check out business opportunities themselves. Benyalle’s Problem Just before Tirgee Benyalle calls all the nego- tiators together for that high-stakes game of sabace, her Duros major domo Boleb Hiiz ap- proaches her. The two excuse themselves and head over to one unoccupied corner of the ca- sino. Characters won't be able to hear what's going on unless some are disguised or manageto sneak up close. Boleb explains to Tirgee that more crew mem- bers aboard her luxury sail barge — where the negotiations are to take place tomorrow — have become ill, apparently of food poisoning. Tirgee Classic Adventures, Volume Four STAR Peter Schweighofer with Timothy Zahn 7. orders him to replace the sick crew members immediately, and tells him to keep quiet about the apparent food poisoning. ‘The sabace game is entertaining, as the char- acters get a chance to see how each of the nego- tiators and Benyalle fare in the contest, and how each reacts differently to winning and losing. After the game, Benyalle suggests everyone get a good night's rest, as they are meeting carly the next morning at her sail barge to begin the nego- tiations. Interlude: Bounty Hunter Ambush When the characters return to thei they have a surprise w walkin the door, they noticea thermal detonator on the floor of their suite near the entrance, blinking away! The bounty hunters around the corridor corner outside are walting for the char- acter to react by dodging out of their room, and into the bounty hunters’ field of ire. There is one bounty hunter for each character in the group. The thermal detonator is real enough, but the explosive innards have been removed. It contin- ues ticking until the characters — or the bounty hunters — shut it off The bounty hunters aren't too stupid — if they're losing badly, they'll toss a few smoke srenades at the characters and retreat down the hall to escape down a turbolift. Any captured bounty hunters, however, are quick to confess that they were hired by Mot Prentioch to keep the characters from the negotiations. Bounty Hunters. All stats are 2D except: Dex: terity 4D, blaster 6D, dodge 5D, melee combat 5D, Perception 3D, hide 4D, sneak SD, Strength 3D+2, brawling 5D. Move: 10. Blast vest (+1 energy, +1D physical, torso only), heavy blaster pistol (5D), knife (STR+1D), smoke grenade. Episode Two: At Blaster Point Should the characters survive the bounty hunter ambush, they'll be all ready for the nego- tiations the next morning. They meet the other representatives and Benyalle in the Grand Imperial's lobby and travel over the shimmering blue seas of Kaal on Benyalle's luxury sail barge. Alter a half-hour's journey, they reach the Sea Sprite, one of Benyalle’s immense repulsorlift harvester factories floating above the ocean's surface. Benyalle’s quick tour of the factory includes the huge water scoop units, several filtration and separation stations, an automated processing and packaging facility, and a hold large enoughto contain enough food to feed a planet. As she Classic Adventures, Volume Four leads the tour, Benyalle explains she has 10such repulsorlift factories. However, because she has problems finding and distributing to new mar- kets, only three factories are operating now — and those factories are operating at half capac- ity. With the proper distribution network, Benyalle claims such an aquacultural industry could run at full capacity, generating food for several worlds, and still not make a significant impact on Kaal's ocean life for 100 years. Alter the tour, the group boards Benyalle's sail barge again and heads for the meeting room, just aft of the barge's bridge control area. Per sonal security guards, such as Admiral Kermen’s two stormtroopers and any characters serving as security for their negotiator, are also allowed to attend. Benyalle's bodyguard Sendir is also standing stoically behind her. Benyalle outlines the basics of the aquacul- turaloperation onKaal—thereare 10 repulsorlift harvester factories floating over Kaal’s waters, and Benyalle is willing to sell 90 percent of the food to one buyer if the price is right. She favor- ably considers offers to help crew and command these factories, as long as no troops are sta- tioned on Kaal. The buyer must provide trans- port and distribution for the food products. Each group presents their offer, beginning with Moff Prentioch, then Syndic Pandis Hart, then thecharacters, and finally Admiral Kermen. Moff Prentioch offers 10 million credits to seal the deal, and 500 credits per ton of food shipped off the planet (a substandard price — for Kaal’s technology level, 1,800 credits per ton is stan- dard). He also offers to construct 10 more repulsorlift harvester factories and provide crews. Syndic Pandis Hart announces that the Sif- ‘Uwana Council wishes to set up its own indepen- dent harvesting operations based within a 1,000 kilometer radius of the Unis Islands. He doesn’t care who else gains control of Benyalle’s main harvesting operation, as long as he is able to harvest his area with the Council's own equip- ment. He offers one million credits to sign the deal, with 50 percent ofall profits from the opera- tion’ going to Benyalle — 50 percent of 2,000 credits per ton of food shipped from Kaal is a rather generous price. The characters must present their own deal. Perhaps Moff Prentioch puts it down or scruti nizesit. They should know what they'rewillingto offer, and how much the New Republic can actu- ally deliver. When it comes time for Admiral Kermen to present his offer, he begins a boring speech on Imperial power. Read aloud: “Only two years ago,” he says, “The Empire ruled this planet as a luxury world. Tirgee The Kaal Connection, Benyalle here kept the entertainment aspect of, the planet in order. The Empire saw no need to harvest Kaal's vast oceans, at least not on such ascaleasthis. Since the Empire left Kaal, Tirgee has capitalized on Kaal’s rich sea life and the food itprovides. She hasturned aquaculture on. this planet into a large industry. Now the Em- pire is hard-pressed for supplies, and her re- maining worldsare hungry. Soitisonly fair that we take back what my former commanders 50 frivolously gave away.” At that comment, Kermen rises from his seat, blaster pistol raised at the other negotiators —his two stormtroopers also level their blasters at the group. Benyalle immediately calls for the sail barge’s commanding officer, Captain Hvis, to come in with his pistol ready. Several bridge officers enter with the captain, all with blasters at the ready. Benyalle orders the captain to. |" Bridge throw Admiral Kermen and his ‘guards in the brig. Before Cap- tain Huvis responds, one of the bridge officers shoots the cap- tain! Most of the sail barge bridge ‘crew has been replaced by Ad- miralKermen’sagents! They or- der everybody out onto the bridge. ‘This is the moment the char- acters should springintoaction. Iithey don't start afirefight or a brawl, one of the bridge crew, stillloyal toBenyalle, provides ‘stabinzer- ARS diversion by screaming"Traitors!” and shooting several mutinous agents, Intheensuingchaos, Hart, Benyalle and her bodyguard, Sendir, stay with the characters, while Moff Prentioch calls desperately for backup on his comlink. Admiral Kermen makes a dash for the door to help his ac- complices — and possibly to es- cape to torment the characters another day. The characters must protect their allies while holding offthetraitorous crew. Andtheonly way outofthemeetingroomisthrough the bridge. Three traitors take cover in the door from the meeting room to the bridge — each firing a blaster bolt now and then to keep everybody's head down. But ifthe characters rush these thugs, they can break through to the bridge. Of course, there are a few more mutinous crew members out there, Kermen’s Mutinous Agents. All stats are 2D except: Dexterity 3D, blaster SD, dodge 4D, sneak 3D, Strength 3D, brawling 4D. Move: 10. Blaster pistol (4D). Sendir Makes His Move If the battle has been going easy for the char- acters, and they have taken the bridge with few problems, then Sendir —Beyalle’s silent Twi'lek bodyguard — decides to make his move and betray Benyalle for AdmiralKermen. It's possible he’s been debating whether or not to betray her, and thus hasn't acted so far. Perhaps he was ing for a moment when he could be most useful . Benyalles Barge’. Peisonne! Bin 38 Classic Adventures, Volume Four STAR Peter Scineighofer with Timothy Zan =wi Sendirtries tokill Benyalle by knifingherinthe back, then turns on the rest of the group with his blaster. Perceptive characters might noticeSendir acting suspiciously in the moments before this attack, and could avert it if they move Benyalle away from her traitorous bodyguard. Depending onthe situation, Sendir may instead takeBenyalle hostage, hoping to influence the characters to surrender, or perhaps to bargain his way off the sail barge to safety. Sendir. All stats are 2D except: Dexterity 4D, blaster 6D, dodge 5D+1, brawling pany 4D+2, melee combat 5D, hide 3D, sneak 3D42, Strength 3D+2, brawling 5D+2. Move: 10. Blaster pistol GD), blast vest (+1 energy, +1D physical, torso only), knife (STR+1D).. Ifthe characters manage to save Benyalle, she {s grateful to them and offers to work out a deal with them in return. But the characters and the sail barge are still in the grip of danger. Duringthe fighting in the bridge, astray blaster bolt has fried the barge's directional controls. It’s now speeding straight ahead, on a crash course with the immense repulsorlift factory harvester! To repair the damaged controls, a character needs to make a Very Difficult repuisorlift repair. roll. Thesailbargespeedsclosertotherepulsorlift factory, and a character manages to repair the controls just in time to steer clear of a collision. Once the characters regain control of the sail barge, Hart steps forward and instructs them to hold the bridge and set a course for the Unis Islands — he knows a way to escape and get rid of Kermen and the mutinous crew at the same time, but the characters and Benyalle must trust him, Hart reaches for the bridge comm unit and begins hailing someone called Tapper. He in- structs Tapper to “set the ship to blow” and then rendezvous with the sail barge near the Unis Islands. In the mean time, the characters must hold off Kermen’s agents trying to storm the bridge from the outer deck. Fortunately, crew members loyal toBenyalle are hampering their efforts, shooting back at the mutinous crew from hatches, port- holes and other available cover. The characters have a good view of the battle from the bridge, which sits aft on the sail barge and overlooks the ‘main deck. Anyone able to get a view of the two Star Destroyers in orbit notices bright green turbolaser blasts flashingbetween thetwo ships. However, they also see a drop ship tearing through theatmosphere, heading directly for the sail barge! ‘The Unis Islands aren't far, and Hart brings the sail barge to a halt at a certain point several Classic Adventures, Volume Four Adventure Idea After somehow hearing of the Emperor's lost yacht, an Imperial undercover agent ‘working for the Imperial Advisors hires the characters to find theremains of JengDroga, who he believes escaped the crashed yacht tolive on thenow uninhabited Unis islands. During their island search, the characters explore ruined resort buildings, possibly being attacked by predators which have emerged from the islands’ jungles. ‘There are remains of Droga on one of the Unis Islands — an isolated hovel, some robes, and his lightsaber. They also dis- cover cryptic carvings in a nearby cave, possibly made by Droga in his last days. Once they discover signs of Droga, they report back to the undercover Imperial agent, who might try to kill them to keep what they know as his own personal secret. kilometers south of the islands. A submersible craft emerges from the sea and surfaces near the sail barge. Hart, Benyalle and the characters must make their way from the bridge to the outside deck of the barge, then jump into the ‘ocean, where they are picked up by the submers- ible, piloted by Hart’s associate, Quelev Tapper. As those crew members loyal to Benyalle are being soundly beaten, many of them also leap off and head for the submersible. The sea-going craft is large enough (when surfaced) so the characters and the fleeing loyal crew members can ride on its surface. Once everyone's aboard, the submersible speeds away on the ocean's surface, puttingas much distance between itand the now stationary sail barge as possible. If he hasn't already revealed himself, Hart explains his true identity as Talon Karrde. He came to Kaal intending to steal a ship he believes istheEmperor’s yacht which supposedly crashed here several years ago. Karrde wanted his exclu- sive “aquaculture” contract so he could recover the ship without anyone knowing. Unfortunately, with two Imperial factions battling for Kaal, a probable harvesting contract with the New Re- public and Karrde’s inability to secretly remove the craft, he ordered Tapper to destroy it. If Talon Karrde can’t have the ship, he's going to make sure no one gets it. ‘The drop ship bearing Moff Prentioch’s per- sonal insignia soon hovers over the still sail barge. Its disembarking troopers clash with the remaining crew loyal to Admiral Kermen. As Karrde’s submersible craft speeds out of range, the charges Tapper set aboard the Emperor's yacht explode. The entire sail bargeand the drop ‘The Kal Cometh STAR Re EEE ship are engulfed in abrilliant explosion from the submerged yacht, sending bits of metal and va- porized water into the sky. The characters have escaped safely with Karrde, saving Benyalle and her loyal crew, and getting rid of their antago- nists. ‘When the characters return to Kaal starport with Karrdeand Benyalle, the battle between the two Star Destroyers in orbit has reached a stale- mate. Both ships are desperately trying to flee, while taking a few parting shots at the other Star Destroyer. (ARS Karrde graciously bows out of any further negotiations, as his concerns on Kaal have been eliminated and he has no need for a harvesting contract. Since they are the only negotiating team left—and since they helped save her life— Benyalle works out a deal with the characters to sell Kaal’s foodstuffs to the New Republic. As a reward for saving her life, she offers each charac- ter a position in her criminal organization (any- thing from bodyguard to hotel administrator or casino floor manager), As for Talon Karrde, he's off to pursue some new venture he can capitalize on ... ry 40 ‘Classic Adventures, Volume Four By George R. Strayton Iustrated by Doug Shuler With Grand Admiral Thrawn’s recent defeat at the Bilbringi Shipyards, the New Republic has scattered the remnants of the Empire across the galaxy. Hundreds of systems throughout the Core Worlds and Mid-Rim have since thrown their sup- port behind the fledgling government, but an equal ‘umber remain unaligned. Over the past three months, the conflict between the New Republic and the Imperial warlords has Classic Adventures, Volume Four diminished throughout the galaxy and the Provi- sional Council has therefore concentrated its ef forts on bringing these remaining neutral worlds into the New Republic's sphere of influence. But two days ago, New Republic Intelligence received unnerving reports from Corva Sector in the Outer Rim Territories. A relic lost for centuries has resurfaced, becoming fair game for the smug- -lers and pirates throughout the Outer Rim. Several powerful persons have offered enormous sums in exchange for the artifact and Intelligence has de- cided t0 acquire it before it falls into the wrong hands. Any object that brings an asking price in the millions of credits must be dangerous to the contin- ued existence of the New Republic The characters are New Republic operatives waiting in a briefing room aboard the cruiser Nova for their newest assignment. After a few minutes, Corva Sector fleet coordinator Captain Naren Bluuis arrives with his Sullustan assistant. He sets down his datapad and turns on the holo- display. Read aloud: “As you are aware, Intelligence has discov- ered a potential threat to the New Republic, an object over which many have already lost their lives.” Bluuis flicks a control on the holo-dis- play, bringingup anear-perfect representation of Corva Sector. One of the pinpoints of light near the far edge of the sector glows a soft green. “We have just learned that Mahk’khar, a crimelord from the Triitus system, appropri- ated the device approximately 15 hours ago. Intell has provided the coordinates of his pal- ace on the system's second planet, Tuuilab. You must infiltrate Mahk’khar’s fortification and gain access to his computer records. Since he has probably encrypted his files, download every document in the portable computer we're providing you; Cryptology will have to deci- Pher the files when you return. “I must stress that this is a retrieval mission —avoid direct confrontation at all costs. Once you have obtained the information, return to this location to rendezvous with the Nova. “No one outside this room must know about the mission. Those are strict orders from high up in the New Republic. “This operation will commence immediately. Proceed to docking bay eight. You have been supplied with a Trianii RX4 patrol ship, desig- nated the Instigator. Should anyone question your presence, inform them that you are inves- gating the disappearance of a Corporate Sec- tor bulk hauler called the Star Streak.” Naren Bluuis. Allstats are 2D except: Dexterity 3D, blaster 5D, Knowledge 3D, bureaucracy 4D, law enforcement 8D, Perception 4D, command 5D+2, persuasion 5D. Move: 10, Force Points: 3, Character Points: 7. Comlink, datapad, heavy blaster pistol (5D). ‘The Trianit RX4 patrol ship Instigator awaits the characters’ arrival in docking bay eight. ‘Though streaks of carbon scoring stretch across the ship's surface, the vessel is in excellent con- Ri STAR —C————————————————————r dition, According to the nav computer, the Insti- gator will take 14 hours to reach the Triitus system, m Instigator (Craft: Friant RX4 Pate ‘Type: Modified light pat Seale: Starfighter Length: 58 meters (Grew: gurers:, skeleton 1/5 Passengers: 6 ‘Cargo Capacity: 30 metric tons ‘Consumables: 2 years Hyperdrive sfuluplier: x1 Hyperdrive Backups x14 Nav Computer: Yes ‘Maneuverabiity: ID+1 ‘4 ‘Space: ‘Atmosphere: 295; 850 kmh ‘Hull 8 Shields: 20-1 Sensors: Passive: 20/1D ‘Sean: 35/1De1 ‘Search: 80/2D+1 Focus: 28D Weapons: 2 Twin Tarbolasers (may be firetinked) Fire Are Tarrat Grew: (may be locked forward andfiredby pilot, but fire contratis 0) ‘Sell Starship gunnery Fre Control 20. Space Range: 15/15/20 “Anmosphere Range: 100S00/1.5/2 km Damage: 4D (SD when firetnied) 11Jon Cannon* Fire Arc: Rear ‘Sei: Capital ship gunnery ‘Scale: Capital Fire Control: 20 Space Range: 1-10/25/50 ‘Annosphere Range: 2-20/50/100 km Damage: 3D+1 * The fon eannon draws off a special power generator ‘and can only fire once per day Episode One: Mahk’khars Palace Read aloud: After 14.5 hours of lightspeed travel, the mottled sky of hyperspace bursts into starlines thatimmediately collapse into pinpointsof ight against the blackness of space. Dead ahead looms the brown-and-green planet of Tuulab, the system’s second satellite. mTuulab ‘Type: Terrestrial ‘Temperature: Temperate ‘Abmosphere: Type | (breathable) Hydrosphere: Moderate Gravity: Standard ‘Terrain: Pains, hills, mountains ‘Length of Day: 18 standard hours Length of Year: 452 local days ‘Sapient Spectes: Humans ‘Starport: Landing field Classic Adventures, Volume Four eT core 8. strayton Population: 5 000 Planet Funetion: Colony, hidden smugglers’ base Goverament: Anarchy’ ‘Tech Level: Feudal Major Exports: Minerals Major imports: Medical supplies Capsule: Tuulab, the second planet in the Triitus system, has become a haven for those through- ‘out the galaxy who desire a more pastoral life. ‘The relatively docile weather and abundant natu- ral resources provide these colonists with al most everything they need to survive, without forcing them to rely on high technology. During the height of Emperor Palpatine’s reign, Ingas Lek of Corellia led an expedition of 721 Human settlers to Tuulab in the Outer Rim. As news of the freedom offered by the colony reached the Core Worlds over the ensuing months, a few Imperial citizens, who cared litle for the Empire orfor the Rebel Alliance, left their homes for the peaceful lifestyle of Tuulab. Over the years, the population of the planet swelled, at this point having topped 6,000 inhabitants. No government ‘was ever formed, no Imperial nor New Republic ‘outpost was ever constructed. The Tuulabi pre- {er to live out thelr rural existences without the burden of galactic politics, or galactic war. Recently, a crimelord called Mahk’khar settled {in an uninhabited portion of the planet. He has not bothered the populace, and they havenot bathered him — so far a bearable but tense co-existence. According to the coordinates provided by New Republic Intelligence, Mahk’khar's palace sits atopalargehillalongthe western coast ofthe planet's northern continent. Though Intell has the correct location, only 10 of the original 60 guards remain, left here by Mahk'khar to guard the installation in his absence. Tall, pole-like trees — gray trunks with no Jeaves'and no branches — surround the com pound, Between the palace and thetreelinelies a S-meter stretch of short grass, allowing guards atop the structure to immediately notice anyone who approaches the installation. The palace it- self rises three stories into the air and is built of a gray-brown material trimmed in gold. Sharp angles and intricate carvings give the place a harsh appearance. ‘Twinstaircases lead from the ground up tothe set of massive doors that bars entry. Across the top floor of the palace are several shuttered windows, but not a single streak of light escapes from the structure. ‘Two guards, a Devaronian and a Kubaz, stand Justinsidethe doors. fanyoneknocks, the horned Devaronian pulls the door open and asks what the characters want. Should the characters at- tempt to con the guards, they completely fall for the ploy ... at least, that's what the characters think. The guards have specific orders to allow the infiltrators to enter the compound before Classic Adventures, Volume Four Mahikhar’s Palace © = Waiting Room Briefing Room Landing Bay SIyMahke kar Quarters Cargo Bay z wugglers’ 2 I ambushing them. ‘The guards show the characters to a waiting room off of the hallway, then return totheir posts and alert their comrades to prepare for the am- bush. Strips of dim light panels line the ceilings of the palace, providing enough illumination to see about 15 meters away. The doors in the com- pound have security panels, requiring a Moder- ate security roll to disengage. To prepare for the characters’ arrival, Mahk’khar ordered all valu- able equipment and cargo removed from his palace. Read aloud: ‘Three long, cushioned couchescreateasemi- circle in the center of the waiting room. Exotic carpets woven with brilliant reds, oranges, and golds hang along the walls. All have similar symbolic patterns since they have their origin in the same, now-extinct, culture — the Kashi Mer. Characters who make Difficult planetary sys- tems or cultures rolls remember the following: Many years have passed since your school teachers taught of the destruction of the planet Kashi shortly after the formation of the Old Republic. The reason for the star system's sui den supernova remains unexplained to this day. ‘The characters can recall nothing else about the planet Kashi or its civilization. An Easy search roll allows a character to find ‘a computer access terminal behind a concealed panel on the waiting room's back wall. To re- cover information from Mahk’khar's computers, acharacter must makea computer programming/ repair skill roll. On a Heroic result, it takes 3 combat rounds to download the files. For each difficulty rating lower, the download takes an additional round (4 rounds on a Very Difficult roll, 5 rounds on Difficult, etc.) No matter how the characters entered the compound, whether surreptitiously or directly, eight guards open fire once the team begins to download the computer files. Should any charac- ters be standing watch at the walting room door- way, they notice several armed guards striding down the hallway in their direction, 10 Guards. All stats are 2D except: Dexterity 3D, blaster 4D, grenade 4D+2. Move: 10. Blaster rifle GD). The guards burst into the waiting room with blasters blazing. Four charge into the room while four others fire from around the doorway, duck- ing back behind the wall after each shot (2/3 ‘covered, +3D to the difficulty to hit them). The remaining two, Ferran and Opf, take positions near the palace entrance in case the characters manage to blast their way through the eight other guards. Opf, who is now experiencing his first battle, panics soon after the combat begins and triggers the internal security array. Moments later, gray mist begins to shoot from vents throughout the ‘compound. Everyone in the palace must make a Moderate Strength or stamina roll or immediately fall to the floor unconscious. If any characters resist the effects of the gray mist, Mahk’char's guards beat a hasty retreat, firing a few more shots to discourage pursui Unconscious characters can be revived by an Easy first aid roll. Should all of the characters succumb to the sleep-mist, they awaken several hours later just outside their ship. Their weap- ‘ons have disappeared, but otherwise they still havealltheirequipment, including the computer to which they downloaded Mahk’khar’s files. Once the characters have the files, they should return to rendezvous with the Nova. Read aloud: Asthe Instigator’s chronometer clicks down, youprepare to drop out of hyperspace. Three... two ... one — you disengage the hyperdrives and, with a flicker of starlines, the familiar spacescape appears. ‘The Nova rests against the dark background and glimmeringstars of the known galaxy while all around it smaller vessels swoop and turn, some thrusting to lightspeed, others dropping into realspace, then disappearing into the huge docking baysscattered across the cruiser’shull. After receiving docking permission from the carrier's flight control, you set the Instigator (STAR —— SSS down in the center of bay eight amidst several starfighters. ‘As you head down the ramp, a squad of ship techs swarms around your vessel and begins to scan the Instigator’s exterior with various in- struments. ‘You glance aboutthe docking bay and finally see Captain Bluuis standing across the hangar, engaged in conversation with his Sullustan as- sistant. Bluuis hands a datapad to the short woman and she nods her head, then strides across the polished, black floorand out into the nearest corridor. Bluuis looks up and waves you over. His mouth makesa straight, thin line across his face and his eyes seem dark and sunken. “Report.” Captain Bluuis has just learned that several former Imperial ships attacked and destroyed a squadron of X-wings on training maneuvers in the H’ken system's 20 kilometer-wide asteroid belt. He is not in a good mood. Once the characters report on their mission, Bluuis calls over an Intell officer and tells him to rush the portable computer with thedownloaded information to Cryptology. Before dismissing the characters, Bluuis orders them to report to the briefing room in one hour. Episode Two: The Loremaster When the characters report to the briefing room, read the following aloud: Bluuisand hisjowled Sullustan assistant look up from a datapad-covered table as you walk into the briefing room. With a nod, Bluuis dismisses his assistant. She gathers ‘several datapads, then takes a seat in the front row of the terraced slope of chairs. “Please.” Bluuis motions toward the seats. “Pmafraid that grave times have come upon us. A squadron of X-wings was ambushed and de- stroyed in the H’ken system. Two of our best pilots were training recruits there when the surprise attack came. “We do not know what force was behind this assault, but we have logged increased Imperial activity in this sector. The New Republic has given this the highest priority, so I have de- ‘Voted most of my forces to defense and the rest to reconnaissance. “But that still leaves the issue of the relic. I fear that the device may have some role in the recent activity and I have therefore decided to charge your team with its recovery.” Bluuis picks up a datapad and scans the text for a moment. “Here it is. We've located an archaeologist in the ... ” he presses several buttonson the datapad’s face, “... in the Delari Adventures, Volume Four STAI =wai system. Hisnameis Professor Oron and he lives with his daughter on the binary system's first planet. You can download the coordinates.” He walks toward you and hands over the datapad. “Find out everything about the relic you can. ‘The Professor seems the best hope for figuring ‘out the key to this artifact’s value. “Unfortunately, this is the only information about him that we were able to discover before theambush; since then I've had to reallocate all ‘ourresourcesto ournewest problem.” He walks up to the table full of datapads and slowly shakes his head as he stares at the mess. “Report to me, and me only, as soon as you return, I fear that this conflict will escalate in the near future. If this relic can help ... ” His voice fades as he stares above your heads, a mixed look of horror and sorrow upon his face. ‘After a moment, he glances down at you. “Good luck, and may the Force be with us all “Dismissed.” Atthis time Captain Bluuis cannot provide any additional information about the X-wing ambush, or about the relic. Current circumstances have demanded all ofhis time—hecan spareno more to speak with the characters. Bluuis’ assistant jumps up from her seat as soon as he dismisses the characters and the two begin going over the defense plans a fifth the characters’ lift-off from the Nove and sub- sequent hyperspace journey to Delar! are un- eventful. When the characters reach the Delati system, read the following aloud: As your ship drops into realspace, sensors indicate that you have arrived in the Delari system. With a blue-white surge, your sublight engines propel you toward the orange-rust planet in close orbit around the system’s dual suns. Gradually, the planet's features sharpen as you close on it. Jagged, black lines form a ‘complex web that crisscrosses the entire world. At the poles, patches of green and violet si small, irregular circles. According to the infor- mation provided by the New Republic, these ‘two areas are the only locations on the planet that support any manner of vegetation. ‘As you watch, the planet rotates, constantly hiding half of the world in darkness and forcing the rest into the twin suns’ blazing radiation — recordsindicate that DelariPrime hasonly a 10- hour eycle. ‘The coordinates of Professor Oron’s dwell- ing put it near the equator, about halfway into daytime. Ina few more minutes you'll be on the surface. The Instigator’s engines whineas youplunge intothe atmosphere. Violentjetsofairsiam into ‘Classic Adventures, Volume Four the ship, knocking it slightly off course with each impact. Asyou descend through the cloud- less stratosphere, the details of the planet’s surface come into focus. ‘What appeared to be jagged lines from high above the world now widen into intersecting chasms hundreds of kilometers long and at east one kilometer deep. The labyrinthine net- work of pathways must have resulted from severe fluid erosion over many thousands of years. Upahead, adozen metallic polesjut fromone of the rock islands created by the intersection of several chasms. The 10-meter tall rods bend this way, then that as gusts whip across the planet. You'vearrivedat Professor Oron'shome. m Delari Prime “Type: Windswept terrestrial ‘Temperature: Hot Atmosphere: Type | (breathable) Hydrosphere: Arid Gravity: Standard ‘Tervain: Canyons, rocky deserts TO standard hours Starport: Landing fela Population: 2 Planet Function: Former Imperial base Government: None Tech Level: Space Major Exports: Information ‘Major imports: High technology, foodstufls, medical sup- piles Capsule: At one time, Delari Prime was seething with life. Thousands of years ago, an asteroid sev- eral kilometers long crashed into the lush surface, knocking the world toward the system’s twin suns, thereby shortening the planet's orbital distance. Within a few weeks, the oceans of the world began George R. Strayton to evaporate, forming thousands upon thousands of rivers that crisscrossed the planet. This sudden and massive evaporation distorted the normal ‘weather patterns, creating huge discrepancies in pressure between one location and thenext.Flerce winds began to whip across the planet, furthering the cycle of erosion, (Over the next several millennia, the constant battering of the world resulted in deep chasms that account for mostof Delari Prime's surfacearea. The remainder, at the poles, which had been Ice caps before the cataclysm, now spawned new forms of plant life that could withstand such an environ- ‘ment. The Empire set up a secret communications base on the planet. Alter the Battle of Endor, how- fever, the base was abandoned and later sold to an elderly archaeologist. Sitent Welcome Professor Oron has not used the subspace radio antennas since he took possession of this formerImperial outpost two yearsago. He has no desire to converse with any being who wishes to use electron waves to project their voices across vast distances. Oron speaks to others only in person and therefore the characters receive no response if they attempt to hail him. ‘The planet's barren surface gives free reign to the wind storms that constantly rip into the pedestals of rock, eroding them ever farther. Should the ship's ‘pilot decide to navigate the chasms, he must make a Moderate space trans- ports roil or become caught in a gust that slams the /nstigator into an outcropping — causing 3D damage to the hull. When thecharactersattempt tolandon Oron’s island of stone, the Instigator’s pilot must make a Difficult space transports roll. Should the charac- ter fail, the Instigator slams into the antennas, breaking them near the surface and causing 2D damage to the ship. ‘Once the characters exit the ship, they realize that the roar of the wind swallows any attempt at speech. Just a few moments later a cylindrical casing about three meters tall and three meters in diameter rises from the center of the island. A door slides open to reveal the interior of a turbolift. ron waits for the characters to board the turbolift. Then, by remote control, he closes its doorsand bringsit down tothe lowestlevel ofthe outpost, the only portion of the facility with full power. ‘Once the characters reach the bottom of the turbolift shaft, the turbolift jerks to a halt. Light panels in the ceiling flicker and click, then re- sume their stable humas the door slides halfway open. The outpost has fallen into severe disrepair since the Empire left. Oron does not have the RL STAR resources to maintain it; he barely had the cred- its tobuyit from the Empirein he first place. The only remaining equipment in working condition is the Lambda-class Imperial shuttle that the professor and his daughter used to fly to Delari Prime. When the characters step out of the turbolift, read the following aloud: You step into a room lit by several rows of light panels in the ceiling. A few sections of panels flicker constantly, alternately throwing shadows into far corners and then obliterating them with an artificial blue-white glow. Itlooks ikea bantha just came through here. Piles of datapads cover the half-dozen tables ‘scattered about theroomand ancient databooks and devices lay strewn across the floor. Move- ment near the far side of the chamber draws your attention as a balding Human, a scruffy gray beard hanging from his face, pushes him- self up from a metal chair and braces his hands on the desk in front of him. (ma raspy voice) “Lost your way? Well, 've already charted the hyperspace route to the nearest inhabited system. Take itand be gone.” The professor does not want to be bothered by anybody. He has much research to do, and little time left to do it in. He believes he has only afew ‘more months to live, though no physician has agreed with that prognosis — he just senses it Until a few years ago Professor Oron studied the ancient cultures of the galaxy, pouring over millennia-old text written in dead languages, scouring devastated planetsforhidden remnants of their civilizations, and leading expeditions to unexplored worlds. But, since the fall of the Empire, Oron has locked himself away in this stronghold so he can, without interruption, cre- ateamaster database containingtheoverwhelm- ing amount of information he has collected over his lifetime. ‘The characters have several options to ex- tract whatever information Oron knows about the relic. Bribery does not work on the Professor since he believes he will have no time to spend the credits. If the characters intimidate him (a Moderate intimidation roll), he reluctantly di- vulges what he knows about the relic. After scroungingthroughhis computer records forafewmoments, he calls up the scandoc about the relic. He reads the display, muttering to himself every few seconds as he does so. Apparently the artifact — a dark-gray stone roughly in the shape of a prism — was an heir- loom of the Kashi Mer monarchy. Thedevice was stolen by a young student of the Force named Reda Jalooz. Several months after taking the relic, Reda returned to Kashi, saying she had Classic Adventures, Volume Four STAR eee Genre 2. strayton ——————— eet sn uncovered a dark secret locked within the arti fact, and that this was what had forced her to steal it. She had recently conquered the relic after realizing her misdeed and now came to ask the forgiveness of the Kashi Mer people. But shortly after she arrived on the planet's surface, the Kashi system's sun went supernova, destroy- ing in an instant the planet and its thousands- year old culture, Enter the Empire On a Moderate con roll, a character may in- duce Oronto give up this information—anything to get the characters out of his lab. He also tells them about his encounter with the Imperials earlier today. Read aloud: ‘The professor begins to shake, then drops Into his chair with a thud. His quavering voice sounds small and thin as it carries across the room. “I'm sorry,” he says as he presses several buttons on a control board to his right. “The Imperials arrived just a few hours ago. They tookmy daughter Meela and said they'd kill her if I refused to cooperate.” He leans back, look- ing weak and tired asa pulsing red control casts a crimson shadow across his wrinkled face. “They knew you were coming. Hurry, you don’t have much time to escape.” Several hours ago, an Imperial force landed and captured Oron’s daughter, Meela. They or- dered the professor to hand over all the informa- tion he possessed regarding the relicand toalert them ifany others came seeking the same data. If he refused, or they later discovered that he had held backany information, they would kill Meela. ‘The Imperial leader told him that they expected aNewRepublicforcetoarrive withinafewhours. The comm signal Professor Oron just pressed alerts the hidden TIE interceptors that others have come looking for information about the relic. If the characters threatened Oron, he fails to tell them about the Imperial’s impending arrival —to escape, the characters must sprint across the space between the turbolift and their ship, about 20 meters, as the TIE interceptors fire upon the Instigator. Once the characters take off, the four Imperial fighters close and engage. The fighters were left behind to deal with anyone seeking information about the artifact. Unfortunately for the Imperial pilots, the inter- ceptors were not created for operation in such a wind-swept atmosphere — their maneuverabil- ity drops by 2D. Their controls {eel sluggish, their ships’ responses slow. Any character who ob- serves the Imperial vessels immediately realizes Classic Adventures, Volume Four this problem on an Easy starfighter piloting roll. 4 TIE Interceptors. Starfighter, starfighter pi- loting 3D, starship gunnery 3D+2, maneuverability ‘3D+2 (1D+2in Delari Prime's atmosphere), space 11, atmosphere 435: 1,250 kmh, hull 3D. Weap- ‘ons: 4 laser cannons (fire linked; fire control 3D, damage 6D). Ifthe /nstigator's pilot descends into a chasm, he may successfully navigate the pathways by making a Moderate space transports roll during each round of combat. Every few seconds, the chasm abruptly turns in a different direction. ‘On the third round of combat, the Instigator turns down a rock corridor to find a dead end straight ahead. The pilot must succeed at a Very Difficult space transports oll or graze the cliffface while veering upward, causing 5D damage to the ship's hull. Centrifugal force presses the charac- ters into their seats for the few seconds it takes for the acceleration compensators kick in. Ifthe Imperials fail their starfighter piloting rolls, they smash into the sheer wall and explode in green- and-white spheres of sparks, gas and flames. The characters leave the Delari system and return to their rendezvous with the Nova. Episode Three: Imperial Interlude Read aloud: You arrive at the carrier cruiser to see a flurry of ships flittingintoand outof the landing bays. It takes only a few minutes to set down and disembark. Bluuls’ Sullustan assistant, Kiara, walks up to you and hands over a mes. sage from Bluuis telling you to report to the briefing room immediately. You enter the briefing room to find Captain Bluuis already at the holodisplay. Two Intell officers stand on each side of the display point- ing at various locations on the hologram while they jabber streams of lingo you've heard from operatives before, but still haven't been able to decipher. Bluuis looks up and nods toward the tiered rows of seats in front of him as the Intell agents continue their quick, monotone speech. “Thank you, gentlemen, " Bluuis says to the agents, cutting off thelr diatribe. They both nod once and head out of the briefing room. Bluuis turns to you after the door slides shut behind the two Intell officers. “Cryptology has decoded the files. According to this informa- tion, Mahk'khar sold the device to...” he pushes a few buttons on the holo-