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[G.R. No. 106804. August 12, 2004.]


APPEALS and ANTONINO POBRE, respondents.

The Solicitor General for petitioner.

Oliver O. Olaybal for respondents.


Pobre initially had a total area of 141,300 square meters. Pobre converted the
property into a resort-subdivision and sold lots to the public. In 1977, NPC filed an
expropriation case to acquire 8,311.60 square meters of Pobre's property and
successfully expropriated and fully paid for the same. In 1979, NPC filed a second
expropriation case to acquire an additional 5,554 square meters of the property. Pobre
filed a motion to dismiss the second complaint for expropriation and claimed that
NPC damaged his property. In 1984, Pobre prayed for just compensation of all the
lots totaling 68,969 square meters affected by NPC's actions and for the payment of
damages. In 1985, NPC filed a motion to dismiss the second expropriation case on the
ground that it (NPC) had already abandoned its project within the property due to
Pobre's opposition. The trial court granted NPC's motion to dismiss but allowed Pobre
to adduce evidence on his claim for damages. NPC failed to appear to present its
evidence. Thereafter, the trial court rendered judgment ordering NPC to pay for
Pobre's 68,969 square-meter property. The CA upheld the trial court's decision, but
deleted the award of attorney's fees.

On appeal, NPC claimed that the dismissal of the expropriation case should
have carried with it the dismissal of the entire case including Pobre's counterclaim.
NPC also claimed that the trial court gravely erred in holding that NPC had "taken"
the entire property, and in not excluding therefrom the 8,311.60 square-meter portion
it had previously expropriated and paid for.

In denying the petition, the Supreme Court held that the dismissal of an
Copyright 1994-2017 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2017 Third Release 1
expropriation case does not carry with it the dismissal of Pobre's claim for damages
which may be made either in a separate or in the same action, for all the damages
occasioned by the institution of the expropriation case; that there was no reason to
deviate from the trial and appellate courts' finding that the pollution generated by
NPC's construction and operation of geothermal plants drastically changed the
topography of the property, making it no longer viable as a resort-subdivision; and
that NPC must pay just compensation for the entire property it has damaged since it is
no longer possible and practical to restore possession of the property to Pobre which
has become worthless to Pobre and is now useful only to NPC.



CASE AT BAR. — Ordinarily, the dismissal of the expropriation case restores
possession of the expropriated land to the landowner. However, when possession of
the land cannot be turned over to the landowner because it is neither convenient nor
feasible anymore to do so, the only remedy available to the aggrieved landowner is to
demand payment of just compensation. In this case, we agree with the trial and
appellate courts that it is no longer possible and practical to restore possession of the
Property to Pobre. The Property is no longer habitable as a resort-subdivision. The
Property is worthless to Pobre and is now useful only to NPC. Pobre has completely
lost the Property as if NPC had physically taken over the entire 68,969 square-meter


NPC appropriated Pobre's Property without resort to expropriation proceedings. NPC
dismissed its own complaint for the second expropriation. At no point did NPC
institute expropriation proceedings for the lots outside the 5,554 square-meter portion
subject of the second expropriation. The only issues that the trial court had to settle
were the amount of just compensation and damages that NPC had to pay Pobre. This
case ceased to be an action for expropriation when NPC dismissed its complaint for
expropriation. Since this case has been reduced to a simple case of recovery of
damages, the provisions of the Rules of Court on the ascertainment of the just
compensation to be paid were no longer applicable. A trial before commissioners, for
Copyright 1994-2017 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2017 Third Release 2
instance, was dispensable. We have held that the usual procedure in the determination
of just compensation is waived when the government itself initially violates
procedural requirements. NPC's taking of Pobre's property without filing the
appropriate expropriation proceedings and paying him just compensation is a
transgression of procedural due process.


— Just compensation is the fair and full equivalent of the loss. The trial and appellate
courts endeavored to meet this standard. The P50 per square meter valuation of the
68,969 square-meter Property is reasonable considering that the Property was already
an established resort-subdivision. NPC has itself to blame for not contesting the
valuation before the trial court. Based on the P50 per square meter valuation, the total
amount of just compensation that NPC must pay Pobre is P3,448,450. The landowner
is entitled to legal interest on the price of the land from the time of the taking up to
the time of full payment by the government. In accord with jurisprudence, we fix the
legal interest at six per cent (6%) per annum. The legal interest should accrue from 6
September 1979, the date when the trial court issued the writ of possession to NPC,
up to the time that NPC fully pays Pobre. CAcDTI


AT BAR. — We find it proper to award P50,000 in temperate damages to Pobre. The
court may award temperate or moderate damages, which are more than nominal but
less than compensatory damages, if the court finds that a party has suffered some
pecuniary loss but its amount cannot be proved with certainty from the nature of the
case. As the trial and appellate courts noted, Pobre's resort-subdivision was no longer
just a dream because Pobre had already established the resort-subdivision and the
prospect for it was initially encouraging. That is, until NPC permanently damaged
Pobre's Property. NPC did not just destroy the property. NPC dashed Pobre's hope of
seeing his Property achieve its full potential as a resort-subdivision.


The lesson in this case must not be lost on entities with eminent domain authority.
Such entities cannot trifle with a citizen's property rights. The power of eminent
domain is an extraordinary power they must wield with circumspection and utmost
regard for procedural requirements. Thus, we hold NPC liable for exemplary damages
of P100,000. Exemplary damages or corrective damages are imposed, by way of
Copyright 1994-2017 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2017 Third Release 3
example or correction for the public good, in addition to the moral, temperate,
liquidated or compensatory damages.



The Case

Before us is a petition for review 1 of the 30 March 1992 Decision 2 and 14

August 1992 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 16930. The
Court of Appeals affirmed the Decision 3 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 17,
Tabaco, Albay in Civil Case No. T-552.

The Antecedents

Petitioner National Power Corporation ("NPC") is a public corporation created

to generate geothermal, hydroelectric, nuclear and other power and to transmit
electric power nationwide. 4 NPC is authorized by law to acquire property and
exercise the right of eminent domain.

Private respondent Antonino Pobre ("Pobre") is the owner of a 68,969

square-meter land ("Property") located in Barangay Bano, Municipality of Tiwi,
Albay. The Property is covered by TCT No. 4067 and Subdivision Plan 11-9709. SATDEI

In 1963, Pobre began developing the Property as a resort-subdivision, which

he named as "Tiwi Hot Springs Resort Subdivision." On 12 January 1966, the then
Court of First Instance of Albay approved the subdivision plan of the Property. The
Register of Deeds thus cancelled TCT No. 4067 and issued independent titles for the
approved lots. In 1969, Pobre started advertising and selling the lots.

On 4 August 1965, the Commission on Volcanology certified that thermal

mineral water and steam were present beneath the Property. The Commission on
Volcanology found the thermal mineral water and steam suitable for domestic use and
potentially for commercial or industrial use.

NPC then became involved with Pobre’s Property in three instances.

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First was on 18 February 1972 when Pobre leased to NPC for one year eleven
lots from the approved subdivision plan.

Second was sometime in 1977, the first time that NPC filed its expropriation
case against Pobre to acquire an 8,311.60 square-meter portion of the Property. 5 On
23 October 1979, the trial court ordered the expropriation of the lots upon NPC’s
payment of P25 per square meter or a total amount of P207,790. NPC began drilling
operations and construction of steam wells. While this first expropriation case was
pending, NPC dumped waste materials beyond the site agreed upon by NPC with
Pobre. The dumping of waste materials altered the topography of some portions of the
Property. NPC did not act on Pobre’s complaints and NPC continued with its
dumping. IAEcCa

Third was on 1 September 1979, when NPC filed its second expropriation case
against Pobre to acquire an additional 5,554 square meters of the Property. This is the
subject of this petition. NPC needed the lot for the construction and maintenance of
Naglagbong Well Site F-20, pursuant to Proclamation No. 739 6 and Republic Act
No. 5092. 7 NPC immediately deposited P5,546.36 with the Philippine National
Bank. The deposit represented 10% of the total market value of the lots covered by
the second expropriation. On 6 September 1979, NPC entered the 5,554 square-meter
lot upon the trial court’s issuance of a writ of possession to NPC.

On 10 December 1984, Pobre filed a motion to dismiss the second complaint

for expropriation. Pobre claimed that NPC damaged his Property. Pobre prayed for
just compensation of all the lots affected by NPC’s actions and for the payment of

On 2 January 1985, NPC filed a motion to dismiss the second expropriation

case on the ground that NPC had found an alternative site and that NPC had already
abandoned in 1981 the project within the Property due to Pobre’s opposition.

On 8 January 1985, the trial court granted NPC’s motion to dismiss but the
trial court allowed Pobre to adduce evidence on his claim for damages. The trial court
admitted Pobre’s exhibits on the damages because NPC failed to object. HCacTI

On 30 August 1985, the trial court ordered the case submitted for decision
since NPC failed to appear to present its evidence. The trial court denied NPC’s
motion to reconsider the submission of the case for decision.

NPC filed a petition for certiorari 8 with the then Intermediate Appellate
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Court, questioning the 30 August 1985 Order of the trial court. On 12 February 1987,
the Intermediate Appellate Court dismissed NPC’s petition but directed the lower
court to rule on NPC’s objections to Pobre’s documentary exhibits.

On 27 March 1987, the trial court admitted all of Pobre’s exhibits and upheld
its Order dated 30 August 1985. The trial court considered the case submitted for

On 29 April 1987, the trial court issued its Decision in favor of Pobre. The
dispositive portion of the decision reads: EDIHSC

WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered in

favor of the defendant and against the plaintiff, ordering the plaintiff to pay unto
the defendant:


(P3,448,450.00) PESOS which is the fair market value of the
subdivision of defendant with an area of sixty eight thousand
nine hundred sixty nine (68,969) square meters, plus legal rate of
interest per annum from September 6, 1979 until the whole
amount is paid, and upon payment thereof by the plaintiff the
defendant is hereby ordered to execute the necessary Deed of
Conveyance or Absolute Sale of the property in favor of the


(P150,000.00) PESOS for and as attorney’s fees.

Costs against the plaintiff.


On 13 July 1987, NPC filed its motion for reconsideration of the decision. On
30 October 1987, the trial court issued its Order denying NPC’s motion for
reconsideration. EHIcaT

NPC appealed to the Court of Appeals. On 30 March 1992, the Court of

Appeals upheld the decision of the trial court but deleted the award of attorney’s fees.
The dispositive portion of the decision reads:

WHEREFORE, by reason of the foregoing, the Decision appealed from

is AFFIRMED with the modification that the award of attorney’s fees is
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deleted. No pronouncement as to costs.


The Court of Appeals denied NPC’s motion for reconsideration in a Resolution

dated 14 August 1992.

The Ruling of the Trial Court

In its 69-page decision, the trial court recounted in great detail the scale and
scope of the damage NPC inflicted on the Property that Pobre had developed into a
resort-subdivision. Pobre’s Property suffered "permanent injury" because of the noise,
water, air and land pollution generated by NPC’s geothermal plants. The construction
and operation of the geothermal plants drastically changed the topography of the
Property making it no longer viable as a resort-subdivision. The chemicals emitted by
the geothermal plants damaged the natural resources in the Property and endangered
the lives of the residents. TCaEAD

NPC did not only take the 8,311.60 square-meter portion of the Property, but
also the remaining area of the 68,969 square-meter Property. NPC had rendered
Pobre’s entire Property useless as a resort-subdivision. The Property has become
useful only to NPC. NPC must therefore take Pobre’s entire Property and pay for it.

The trial court found the following badges of NPC’s bad faith: (1) NPC
allowed five years to pass before it moved for the dismissal of the second
expropriation case; (2) NPC did not act on Pobre’s plea for NPC to eliminate or at
least reduce the damage to the Property; and (3) NPC singled out Pobre’s Property for
piecemeal expropriation when NPC could have expropriated other properties which
were not affected in their entirety by NPC’s operation.

The trial court found the just compensation to be P50 per square meter or a
total of P3,448,450 for Pobre’s 68,969 square-meter Property. NPC failed to contest
this valuation. Since NPC was in bad faith and it employed dilatory tactics to prolong
this case, the trial court imposed legal interest on the P3,448,450 from 6 September
1979 until full payment. The trial court awarded Pobre attorney’s fees of P150,000.

The Ruling of the Court of Appeals

The Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the trial court. However, the
appellate court deleted the award of attorney’s fees because Pobre did not properly
plead for it. AEIHCS

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The Issues

NPC claims that the Court of Appeals committed the following errors that
warrant reversal of the appellate court’s decision:

1. In not annulling the appealed Decision for having been rendered by the
trial court with grave abuse of discretion and without jurisdiction;

2. In holding that NPC had "taken" the entire Property of Pobre;

3. Assuming arguendo that there was "taking" of the entire Property, in not
excluding from the Property the 8,311.60 square-meter portion NPC had
previously expropriated and paid for;

4. In holding that the amount of just compensation fixed by the trial court
at P3,448,450.00 with interest from September 6, 1979 until fully paid,
is just and fair;

5. In not holding that the just compensation should be fixed at P25.00 per
square meter only as what NPC and Pobre had previously mutually
agreed upon; and

6. In not totally setting aside the appealed Decision of the trial court. 11

Procedural Issues

NPC, represented by the Office of the Solicitor General, insists that at the time
that it moved for the dismissal of its complaint, Pobre had yet to serve an answer or a
motion for summary judgment on NPC. Thus, NPC as plaintiff had the right to move
for the automatic dismissal of its complaint. NPC relies on Section 1, Rule 17 of the
1964 Rules of Court, the Rules then in effect. NPC argues that the dismissal of the
complaint should have carried with it the dismissal of the entire case including
Pobre’s counterclaim. TcIAHS

NPC’s belated attack on Pobre’s claim for damages must fail. The trial court’s
reservation of Pobre’s right to recover damages in the same case is already beyond
review. The 8 January 1985 Order of the trial court attained finality when NPC failed
to move for its reconsideration within the 15-day reglementary period. NPC opposed
the order only on 27 May 1985 or more than four months from the issuance of the

We cannot fault the Court of Appeals for not considering NPC’s objections
against the subsistence of Pobre’s claim for damages. NPC neither included this issue
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in its assignment of errors nor discussed it in its appellant’s brief. NPC also failed to
question the trial court’s 8 January 1985 Order in the petition for certiorari 12 it had
earlier filed with the Court of Appeals. It is only before this Court that NPC now
vigorously assails the preservation of Pobre’s claim for damages. Clearly, NPC’s
opposition to the existence of Pobre’s claim for damages is a mere afterthought. Rules
of fair play, justice and due process dictate that parties cannot raise an issue for the
first time on appeal. 13

We must correct NPC’s claim that it filed the notice of dismissal just "shortly"
after it had filed the complaint for expropriation. While NPC had intimated several
times to the trial court its desire to dismiss the expropriation case it filed on 5
September 1979, 14 it was only on 2 January 1985 that NPC filed its notice of
dismissal. 15 It took NPC more than five years to actually file the notice of dismissal.
Five years is definitely not a short period of time. NPC obviously dilly-dallied in
filing its notice of dismissal while NPC meanwhile burdened Pobre’s property rights.

Even a timely opposition against Pobre’s claim for damages would not yield a
favorable ruling for NPC. It is not Section 1, Rule 17 of the 1964 Rules of Court that
is applicable to this case but Rule 67 of the same Rules, as well as jurisprudence on
expropriation cases. Rule 17 referred to dismissal of civil actions in general while
Rule 67 specifically governed eminent domain cases.

Eminent domain is the authority and right of the state, as sovereign, to take
private property for public use upon observance of due process of law and payment of
just compensation. 16 The power of eminent domain may be validly delegated to the
local governments, other public entities and public utilities 17 such as NPC.
Expropriation is the procedure for enforcing the right of eminent domain. 18
"Eminent Domain" was the former title of Rule 67 of the 1964 Rules of Court. In the
1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, which took effect on 1 July 1997, the prescribed
method of expropriation is still found in Rule 67, but its title is now "Expropriation."

Section 1, Rule 17 of the 1964 Rules of Court provided the exception to the
general rule that the dismissal of the complaint is addressed to the sound discretion of
the court. 19 For as long as all of the elements of Section 1, Rule 17 were present the
dismissal of the complaint rested exclusively on the plaintiff’s will. 20 The defending
party and even the courts were powerless to prevent the dismissal. 21 The courts
could only accept and record the dismissal. 22

Copyright 1994-2017 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2017 Third Release 9
A plain reading of Section 1, Rule 17 of the 1964 Rules of Court makes it
obvious that this rule was not intended to supplement Rule 67 of the same Rules.
Section 1, Rule 17 of the 1964 Rules of Court, provided that:

SECTION 1. Dismissal by the plaintiff. — An action may be

dismissed by the plaintiff without order of court by filing a notice of dismissal
at any time before service of the answer or of a motion for summary judgment.
Unless otherwise stated in the notice, the dismissal is without prejudice, except
that a notice operates as an adjudication upon the merits when filed by a
plaintiff who has once dismissed in a competent court an action based on or
including the same claim. A class suit shall not be dismissed or compromised
without approval of the court.

While Section 1, Rule 17 spoke of the "service of answer or summary

judgment," the Rules then did not require the filing of an answer or summary
judgment in eminent domain cases. 23 In lieu of an answer, Section 3 of Rule 67
required the defendant to file a single motion to dismiss where he should present all
of his objections and defenses to the taking of his property for the purpose specified
in the complaint. 24 In short, in expropriation cases under Section 3 of Rule 67, the
motion to dismiss took the place of the answer.

The records show that Pobre had already filed and served on NPC his "motion
to dismiss/answer" 25 even before NPC filed its own motion to dismiss. NPC filed its
notice of dismissal of the complaint on 2 January 1985. However, as early as 10
December 1984, Pobre had already filed with the trial court and served on NPC his
"motion to dismiss/answer." A certain Divina Cerela received Pobre’s pleading on
behalf of NPC. 26 Unfortunately for NPC, even Section 1, Rule 17 of the 1964 Rules
of Court could not save its cause. SCHIcT

NPC is in no position to invoke Section 1, Rule 17 of the 1964 Rules of Court.

A plaintiff loses his right under this rule to move for the immediate dismissal of the
complaint once the defendant had served on the plaintiff the answer or a motion for
summary judgment before the plaintiff could file his notice of dismissal of the
complaint. 27 Pobre’s "motion to dismiss/answer," filed and served way ahead of
NPC’s motion to dismiss, takes the case out of Section 1, Rule 17 assuming the same

In expropriation cases, there is no such thing as the plaintiff’s matter of right to

dismiss the complaint precisely because the landowner may have already suffered
damages at the start of the taking. The plaintiff’s right in expropriation cases to
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dismiss the complaint has always been subject to court approval and to certain
conditions. 28 The exceptional right that Section 1, Rule 17 of the 1964 Rules of
Court conferred on the plaintiff must be understood to have applied only to other civil
actions. The 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure abrogated this exceptional right. 29

The power of eminent domain is subject to limitations. A landowner cannot be

deprived of his right over his land until expropriation proceedings are instituted in
court. 30 The court must then see to it that the taking is for public use, there is
payment of just compensation and there is due process of law. 31

If the propriety of the taking of private property through eminent domain is

subject to judicial scrutiny, the dismissal of the complaint must also pass judicial
inquiry because private rights may have suffered in the meantime. The dismissal,
withdrawal or abandonment of the expropriation case cannot be made arbitrarily. If it
appears to the court that the expropriation is not for some public use, 32 then it
becomes the duty of the court to dismiss the action. 33 However, when the defendant
claims that his land suffered damage because of the expropriation, the dismissal of the
action should not foreclose the defendant’s right to have his damages ascertained
either in the same case or in a separate action. 34

Thus, NPC’s theory that the dismissal of its complaint carried with it the
dismissal of Pobre’s claim for damages is baseless. There is nothing in Rule 67 of the
1964 Rules of Court that provided for the dismissal of the defendant’s claim for
damages, upon the dismissal of the expropriation case. Case law holds that in the
event of dismissal of the expropriation case, the claim for damages may be made
either in a separate or in the same action, for all damages occasioned by the institution
of the expropriation case. 35 The dismissal of the complaint can be made under
certain conditions, such as the reservation of the defendant’s right to recover damages
either in the same or in another action. 36 The trial court in this case reserved Pobre’s
right to prove his claim in the same case, a reservation that has become final due to
NPC’s own fault.

Factual Findings of the Trial and Appellate Courts Bind the Court

The trial and appellate courts held that even before the first expropriation case,
Pobre had already established his Property as a resort-subdivision. NPC had wrought
so much damage to the Property that NPC had made the Property uninhabitable as a
resort-subdivision. NPC’s facilities such as steam wells, nag wells, power plants,
power lines, and canals had hemmed in Pobre’s Property. NPC’s operations of its

Copyright 1994-2017 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2017 Third Release 11
geothermal project also posed a risk to lives and properties.

We uphold the factual findings of the trial and appellate courts. Questions of
facts are beyond the pale of Rule 45 of the Rules of Court as a petition for review
may only raise questions of law. 37 Moreover, factual findings of the trial court,
particularly when affirmed by the Court of Appeals, are generally binding on this
Court. 38 We thus find no reason to set aside the two courts’ factual findings. ACTEHI

NPC points out that it did not take Pobre’s 68,969 square-meter Property. NPC
argues that assuming that it is liable for damages, the 8,311.60 square-meter portion
that it had successfully expropriated and fully paid for should have been excluded
from the 68,969 square-meter Property that Pobre claims NPC had damaged.

We are not persuaded.

In its 30 October 1987 Order denying NPC’s motion for reconsideration, the
trial court pointed out that the Property originally had a total area of 141,300 square
meters. 39 Pobre converted the Property into a resort-subdivision and sold lots to the
public. What remained of the lots are the 68,969 square meters of land. 40 Pobre no
longer claimed damages for the other lots that he had before the expropriation.

Pobre identified in court the lots forming the 68,969 square-meter Property.
NPC had the opportunity to object to the identification of the lots. 41 NPC, however,
failed to do so. Thus, we do not disturb the trial and appellate courts’ finding on the
total land area NPC had damaged.

NPC must Pay Just Compensation for the Entire Property

Ordinarily, the dismissal of the expropriation case restores possession of the

expropriated land to the landowner. 42 However, when possession of the land cannot
be turned over to the landowner because it is neither convenient nor feasible anymore
to do so, the only remedy available to the aggrieved landowner is to demand payment
of just compensation. 43

In this case, we agree with the trial and appellate courts that it is no longer
possible and practical to restore possession of the Property to Pobre. The Property is
no longer habitable as a resort-subdivision. The Property is worthless to Pobre and is
now useful only to NPC. Pobre has completely lost the Property as if NPC had
physically taken over the entire 68,969 square-meter Property. TDCaSE

In United States v. Causby, 44 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that when private
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property is rendered uninhabitable by an entity with the power to exercise eminent
domain, the taking is deemed complete. Such taking is thus compensable.

In this jurisdiction, the Court has ruled that if the government takes property
without expropriation and devotes the property to public use, after many years the
property owner may demand payment of just compensation. 45 This principle is in
accord with the constitutional mandate that private property shall not be taken for
public use without just compensation. 46

In the recent case of National Housing Authority v. Heirs of Isidro Guivelondo,

47 the Court compelled the National Housing Authority ("NHA") to pay just
compensation to the landowners even after the NHA had already abandoned the
expropriation case. The Court pointed out that a government agency could not initiate
expropriation proceedings, seize a person’s property, and then just decide not to
proceed with the expropriation. Such a complete turn-around is arbitrary and
capricious and was condemned by the Court in the strongest possible terms. NHA
was held liable to the landowners for the prejudice that they had suffered.

In this case, NPC appropriated Pobre’s Property without resort to expropriation

proceedings. NPC dismissed its own complaint for the second expropriation. At no
point did NPC institute expropriation proceedings for the lots outside the 5,554
square-meter portion subject of the second expropriation. The only issues that the trial
court had to settle were the amount of just compensation and damages that NPC had
to pay Pobre.

This case ceased to be an action for expropriation when NPC dismissed its
complaint for expropriation. Since this case has been reduced to a simple case of
recovery of damages, the provisions of the Rules of Court on the ascertainment of the
just compensation to be paid were no longer applicable. A trial before commissioners,
for instance, was dispensable. TcSaHC

We have held that the usual procedure in the determination of just

compensation is waived when the government itself initially violates procedural
requirements. 48 NPC’s taking of Pobre’s property without filing the appropriate
expropriation proceedings and paying him just compensation is a transgression of
procedural due process.

From the beginning, NPC should have initiated expropriation proceedings for
Pobre’s entire 68,969 square-meter Property. NPC did not. Instead, NPC embarked on
a piecemeal expropriation of the Property. Even as the second expropriation case was
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still pending, NPC was well aware of the damage that it had unleashed on the entire
Property. NPC, however, remained impervious to Pobre’s repeated demands for NPC
to abate the damage that it had wrought on his Property.

NPC moved for the dismissal of the complaint for the second expropriation on
the ground that it had found an alternative site and there was stiff opposition from
Pobre. 49 NPC abandoned the second expropriation case five years after it had
already deprived the Property virtually of all its value. NPC has demonstrated its utter
disregard for Pobre’s property rights.

Thus, it would now be futile to compel NPC to institute expropriation

proceedings to determine the just compensation for Pobre’s 68,969 square-meter
Property. Pobre must be spared any further delay in his pursuit to receive just
compensation from NPC.

Just compensation is the fair and full equivalent of the loss. 50 The trial and
appellate courts endeavored to meet this standard. The P50 per square meter valuation
of the 68,969 square-meter Property is reasonable considering that the Property was
already an established resort-subdivision. NPC has itself to blame for not contesting
the valuation before the trial court. Based on the P50 per square meter valuation, the
total amount of just compensation that NPC must pay Pobre is P3,448,450. cEHSTC

The landowner is entitled to legal interest on the price of the land from the
time of the taking up to the time of full payment by the government. 51 In accord
with jurisprudence, we fix the legal interest at six per cent (6%) per annum. 52 The
legal interest should accrue from 6 September 1979, the date when the trial court
issued the writ of possession to NPC, up to the time that NPC fully pays Pobre. 53

NPC’s abuse of its eminent domain authority is appalling. However, we cannot

award moral damages because Pobre did not assert his right to it. 54 We also cannot
award attorney’s fees in Pobre’s favor since he did not appeal from the decision of the
Court of Appeals denying recovery of attorney’s fees. 55

Nonetheless, we find it proper to award P50,000 in temperate damages to

Pobre. The court may award temperate or moderate damages, which are more than
nominal but less than compensatory damages, if the court finds that a party has
suffered some pecuniary loss but its amount cannot be proved with certainty from the
nature of the case. 56 As the trial and appellate courts noted, Pobre’s
resort-subdivision was no longer just a dream because Pobre had already established
the resort-subdivision and the prospect for it was initially encouraging. That is, until
Copyright 1994-2017 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2017 Third Release 14
NPC permanently damaged Pobre’s Property. NPC did not just destroy the property.
NPC dashed Pobre’s hope of seeing his Property achieve its full potential as a

The lesson in this case must not be lost on entities with eminent domain
authority. Such entities cannot trifle with a citizen’s property rights. The power of
eminent domain is an extraordinary power they must wield with circumspection and
utmost regard for procedural requirements. Thus, we hold NPC liable for exemplary
damages of P100,000. Exemplary damages or corrective damages are imposed, by
way of example or correction for the public good, in addition to the moral, temperate,
liquidated or compensatory damages. 57

WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition for lack of merit. The appealed

Decision of the Court of Appeals dated 30 March 1992 in CA-G.R. CV No. 16930 is
AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION. National Power Corporation is ordered to pay
Antonino Pobre P3,448,450 as just compensation for the 68,969 square-meter
Property at P50 per square meter. National Power Corporation is directed to pay legal
interest at 6% per annum on the amount adjudged from 6 September 1979 until fully
paid. Upon National Power Corporation’s payment of the full amount, Antonino
Pobre is ordered to execute a Deed of Conveyance of the Property in National Power
Corporation’s favor. National Power Corporation is further ordered to pay temperate
and exemplary damages of P50,000 and P100,000, respectively. No costs. IaESCH


Davide, Jr., C .J ., Quisumbing, Ynares-Santiago and Azcuna, JJ ., concur.

1. Under Rule 45 of the 1964 Rules of Court.
2. Penned by Associate Justice Fermin A. Martin, Jr. with Associate Justices Luis A.
Javellana and Artemon D. Luna concurring.
3. Penned by Judge Oscar B. Pimentel.
4. By virtue of Republic Act No. 6395, "An Act Revising the Charter of the National
Power Corporation," as amended.
5. Docketed as Civil Case No. T-50 in the then Court of First Instance, Branch VI,
Tabaco, Albay.
6. "Tiwi Geothermal Reservation."
7. "An Act to Promote and Regulate the Exploration, Development, Exploitation and
Utilization of Geothermal Energy, Natural Gas and Methane Gas, to Encourage its
Conservation, and for other Purposes."
8. Docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 07682.
Copyright 1994-2017 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2017 Third Release 15
9. Rollo, p. 109.
10. Ibid., p. 139.
11. Rollo, pp. 234-235.
12. Supra note 8.
13. Cruz v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 108738, 17 June 1994, 233 SCRA 301.
14. Records, pp. 38-39, 43.
15. Ibid., p. 45.
16. Visayan Refining Co. v. Camus, 40 Phil. 550 (1919).
17. Moday v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 107916, 20 February 1997, 268 SCRA 586.
18. OSCAR M. HERRERA, REMEDIAL LAW, Vol. III, 1999 ed., 311.
19. BA Finance Corporation v. Co, G.R. No. 105751, 30 June 1993, 224 SCRA 163.
20. Ibid.
21. Ibid.
22. Ibid.
23. Section 3, Rule 67 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure now requires the filing of an
answer in expropriation cases.
24. Section 3, Rule 67 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure reads:
SEC. 3. Defenses and objections. — If a defendant has no objection or
defense to the action or the taking of his property, he may file and serve a notice of
appearance and a manifestation to that effect, specifically designating or identifying
the property in which he claims to be interested, within the time stated in the
summons. Thereafter, he shall be entitled to notice of all proceedings affecting the
If a defendant has any objection to the filing of or the allegations in the
complaint, or any objection or defense to the taking of his property, he shall serve his
answer within the time stated in the summons. The answer shall specifically
designate or identify the property in which he claims to have an interest, state the
nature and extent of the interest claimed, and adduce all his objections and defenses
to the taking of his property. No counterclaim, cross-claim or third-party complaint
shall be alleged or allowed in the answer or any subsequent pleading.
A defendant waives all defenses and objections not so alleged but the court, in
the interest of justice, may permit amendments to the answer to be made not later
than ten (10) days from the filing thereof. However, at the trial of the issue of just
compensation, whether or not a defendant has previously appeared or answered, he
may present evidence as to the amount of the compensation to be paid for his
property, and he may share in the distribution of the award.
25. Records, pp. 40-42.
26. Ibid., p. 42.
27. Go v. Cruz, G.R. No. 58986, 17 April 1989, 172 SCRA 247.
28. See Republic of the Philippines v. Baylosis, 109 Phil. 580 (1960); Metropolitan
Water District v. De Los Angeles, 55 Phil. 776 (1931).
29. Section 1, Rule 17 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure no longer makes the
dismissal of the complaint automatic. The right of the plaintiff to dismiss his action
Copyright 1994-2017 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2017 Third Release 16
before the defendant has filed his answer or asked for summary judgment must be
first confirmed by the court in an order issued by it. The new provision reads:
SEC. 2. Dismissal upon motion of plaintiff. — Except as provided in the
preceding section, a complaint shall not be dismissed at the plaintiff’s instance save
upon the approval of the court and upon such terms and conditions as the court deems
proper. If a counterclaim has been pleaded by a defendant prior to the service upon
him of the plaintiff’s motion for dismissal, the dismissal shall be limited to the
complaint. The dismissal shall be without prejudice to the right of the defendant to
prosecute his counterclaim in a separate action unless within fifteen (15) days from
notice of the motion he manifests his preference to have his counterclaim resolved in
the same action. Unless otherwise specified in the order, a dismissal under this
paragraph shall be without prejudice. A class suit shall not be dismissed or
compromised without the approval of the court.
30. Ibid.
31. Visayan Refining Co. v. Camus, supra note 16.
32. Metropolitan Water District v. De Los Angeles, supra note 28.
33. Ibid.
34. Ibid.
35. Ibid.
36. Ibid.
37. Inland Trailways, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 325 Phil. 457 (1996).
38. Fuentes v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 109849, 26 February 1997, 268 SCRA 703.
39. Records, p. 253.
40. Ibid.
41. TSN, 5 February 1985, pp. 14-22.
42. Metropolitan Water District v. De Los Angeles, supra note 28.
43. Militante v. Court of Appeals, 386 Phil. 522 (2000); Amigable v. Cuenca, 150 Phil.
422 (1972); Ministerio v. Court of First Instance of Cebu, 148-B Phil. 474 (1971);
Alfonso v. Pasay City, 106 Phil. 1017 (1960).
44. 328 U.S. 256 (1946).
45. Supra note 43.
46. Section 2, Article IV of the 1973 Constitution is now enshrined in Section 9, Article
III of the 1987 Constitution.
47. G.R. No. 154411, 19 June 2003, 404 SCRA 389.
48. Rocamora v. RTC-Cebu (Branch VIII), No. L-65037, 23 November 1988, 167 SCRA
49. Records, p. 45.
50. Manila Railroad Co. v. Velasquez, 32 Phil. 286 (1915).
51. De Los Santos v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. Nos. 71998-99, 2 June 1993,
223 SCRA 11; National Power Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 214 Phil. 583
(1984); Amigable v. Cuenca, 150 Phil. 422 (1972).
52. National Power Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 214 Phil. 583 (1984).
53. Ibid.
Copyright 1994-2017 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2017 Third Release 17
54. People v. Adora, 341 Phil. 441 (1997).
55. National Power Corporation v. Court of Appeals, supra note 52.
56. Article 2224, Civil Code.
57. Article 2229, Civil Code.

Copyright 1994-2017 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Jurisprudence 1901 to 2017 Third Release 18

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