Application of Lean Manufacturing Tools in Garment Industry

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03 Issue 01//January//Page No: 976-982//ISSN-2348-196x 2015

Application of Lean Manufacturing Tools in Garment Industry

Rashmi Kumari , T. Z. Quazi2, Rishi Kumar3

Saraswati College Of Engineering, Mumbai University, India
Email: [email protected]
Saraswati College Of Engineering, Mumbai University, India
Email: [email protected]
Department of Industrial Engineering, India
Email: [email protected]
The main challenges which the garment industry is facing are labor cost for production processes, small
quantities with few repetitions, frequently changing styles and short delivery times. Textile exports must get
special focus in view of its immense importance in the economy of country. More than 90 million people of
India are directly and indirectly engaged in textiles or textiles related sectors. It is the largest employment
generating segment of the economy, next to agriculture. The fashion industry is highly volatile and if the
orders are not fulfilled on time, the fear for losing business is real. Today, industries are getting the same
or more volumes, but the number of styles they have to handle has increased drastically. These problems
were addressed in this work by the implementation of lean tools like cellular manufacturing, Value stream
mapping, single piece flow, work standardization, 5S etc. Lean manufacturing is an integrative concept use
for identification and elimination of wastes related to production. The main purpose of implementing lean
tool is to increase productivity, reduce lead time, improve poor line balancing, reduce WIP, improve
quality, increase flexibility in design, reducing cost, etc. Under the highly competitive pressure the garment
industry has a good scope for improvement using lean principles. Lean concept must be implemented in the
fashion industry as companies always need to be prepared to respond to unexpected changes. This work
will focus on the implementation of lean tools and the conversion of traditional batch production into single
piece flow and long assembly line into small work cells.
Key Words: Lean manufacturing, Value stream mapping, Cellular manufacturing, 5S, Single Piece Flow

1. INTRODUCTION that focuses on continuously improving all the

processes involved in a manufacturing firm,
The lean manufacturing or lean production uses lean
irrespective of what type of product are being
word as it uses less of everything in comparison to
produced. It can be used in automobile, garment,
mass Production. Lean describe a system that
aerospace, chemical engineering or any other type
produces what the customer wants and when they
of manufacturing. Lean manufacture has a
want it, with minimum waste - it is based on the
comprehensive set of rule, elements and tools which
Toyota production system. The concept of lean
focus on the elimination of waste and the creation of
arises when company want to make the process
value. Any non-value added activity or process is
more efficient, without delays and with less capital.
called waste.
The term lean implies the identification and
elimination of waste in all the process involved in
manufacturing. Lean manufacturing can be applied 1.1 Types Of Wastage
Overproduction – manufacturing product more
to any process and it brings a great result for sure.
than the customer demands.
Lean manufacturing is a management philosophy

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Waiting – waiting implies waiting for material, TPM: TPM is important for smooth running of a
information, equipment, tools, etc production facility and gives the best utilization of
Transportation –carrying of work in process (WIP) machines with least disruption of production
for long distance, insufficient transport, moving CM: CM is an integral part of lean
material from one place to another place is known manufacturing systems. Cellular Manufacturing is
as the unnecessary transport. based upon the principles of Group Technology.
Over Processing – working on a product more than VSM: VSM is used to find waste in the value
the actual requirements is termed as over stream of a product. Once waste is identified, then it
processing. is easier to make plan to eliminate it
Excess Inventory –this includes excess raw KAIZEN: A strategy where employees work
material, work in process, finished goods, together proactively to achieve regular, incremental
obsolescence, damaged goods, transportation and improvements in the manufacturing process.
storage costs. Pareto Chart: The Pareto diagram is a graphical
Defects – defects in the processed parts is known as overview of the process problems, in ranking order
waste. repairing of the defective parts, producing from the most frequent, down to the least frequent,
defective parts or replacing the parts due to its poor in descending order from left to right.
quality etc. is the waste of effort and time. POKA YOKE: Design error detection and
Excess Motion – unnecessary motion is caused by prevention into production processes with the goal
poor workflow, housekeeping, poor layout and of achieving zero defects. This method makes sure
inconsistent or undocumented work methods. value that the operator does not make any mistake while
stream mapping is also used to identify this type of in operation.
waste. KANBAN: Kanban is a Japanese word that means
Underutilized People – this includes instruction card. A Kanban can be any visual
underutilization of the mental, creative, and physical indication used to order the requirement of part or
skills and abilities component. It is a manual pull device that allows an
efficient means to transfer part from one shop to
1.2 Principle Of Lean Implementation other.
The first step for implementing the lean concept in SMED: It focuses on simplifying machine setups.
any manufacturing company is to define the value Reduce setup or changeover time to less than 10
from the perspective of the final customer first. minutes and it focuses on increase production
Then identify the value stream by creating a map of flexibility
the Current State and the future State of the value JIT: Pull parts through production based on
stream. Identify and categorize waste in the Current customer demand instead of pushing parts through
State, and eliminate it. Eliminating this waste production based on projected demand. It involves
ensures the flows of product to the customer without having the right items with the right quality and
any interruption, detour or waiting. Return to the quantity in the right place at the right time
first step and begin the next lean transformation,
offering a product that is ever more nearly what the Visual Inspection: Makes the state and condition of
customer wants. manufacturing processes easily accessible and very
clear – to everyone.
1.3 Lean Manufacturing Tools
5S: 5S is a systematic method for organizing and 1.4 Lean Manufacturing In Garment Industry
standardizing the workplace. It’s one of the simplest Textile exports must get special focus in view of its
Lean tools to implement immense importance in the economy of country.
More than 95 million people of India are directly

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and indirectly engaged in textiles or textiles related customer requirements influence the aesthetic
sectors. It is the largest employment generating design and the functional requirements of the
segment of the economy, next to agriculture. This garment in terms of its usefulness and lifespan. This
sector contributed 12.5 per cent of country’s export is especially the case in the fashion industry, in
earnings in 2009-10. Besides some selective big which companies must always be prepared to
textile enterprises, this industry basically consists of respond to unexpected. Now more than ever,
medium, small and numerous micro enterprises garment companies must be able to quickly adapt to
scattered all over the country. The textile sector is customer requirements. The improvement of
the most labor-intensive, and has a rich heritage and production processes is critical in order to overcome
tradition of thousands of years. The industry earned these challenges.
world-wide name and fame prior to the industrial The competitive pressure of globalization is causing
revolution. In view of the labor-intensive nature and textile and garment manufacturers to lower
de-centralized character Indian textile industry is production costs and increase their efficiency. The
also in a position to make positive and meaningful Indian garment industries have witnessed
contribution towards achieving the cherished substantial improvements in recent years. But the
objective of ‘inclusive’ growth Indian textile unnecessary capital investment is not going to solve
industry requires to be competitive and cost the problem entirely; moderately this will turn out
effective by improving its productivity, product the waste in long run. The implementation of lean
diversification and enhancing operational scale. The manufacturing is greatly recommended, in order to
fashion industry is highly volatile and if the orders identify the waste and to eliminate them.
are not fulfilled on time, the fear for losing business The Progressive Bundle System is a traditional
is real. Today, industries are getting the same or method of manufacturing which has been widely
more volumes, but the number of styles they have to adopted in the garment Industry for the past three
handle has increased drastically. Earlier industries decades. The parts of various components after
were getting bulk order so there is no need to worry; being cut in the Cutting Room are tied up in bundles
if the production line was set for the first time it and distributed out to the Sewing Section. This is
would run for a month or at least a week or two. But called the Progressive Bundle System (PBS). This
nowadays due to small order quantities and complex method requires bundle to be transported to
designs, the garment industry has to produce individual sewing operators. In this production
multiple styles even within a day; this needs higher system bundles of cut pieces (bundle of 5, 10, 20 or
flexibility in volume and style change over. This 30 pieces) are moved manually to feed the line.
volatility of styles can be addressed only by Then inside the line an operator himself drag the
flexibility in manufacturing. The best way to cope bundle from side table and transfer the bundle to the
with all these challenges is the implementation of next operator after completion of the work.
lean manufacturing. This will serve our purpose of With the advancement of the technology batch
flexibility and save a lot of money by reducing processing is converted into single piece movement
production lead time, reducing the inventory, by the implication of new layout (cellular
increasing productivity, training operators for manufacturing). This will help to increase operator
multiple works, and by reducing rework. skill. Cellular Manufacturing as UPS (Unit
Production System) transports cut pieces hanged in
2. MOTIVATION hangers i.e. one hanger for one piece by automated
The main challenges in the garment industry are mechanical transport system. It reduces manual
labor efforts for production processes, small transportation and it has many other benefits against
quantities with few repetitions, frequently changing PBS. The unit production system transports all the
styles and short delivery times. Additionally, pieces of one complete product through the

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manufacturing process. An addressable product may have piled up bunch of WIP and it is very
carrier takes all the pieces of one entire unit through difficult to clear defective parts. But in case of
the different steps of production. Operations are Cellular layout WIP is reduced and it is easy to
performed at individual workstations. Cellular observe any defects if present and can be cleared in
Manufacturing has become now an integral part line also and so help to reduce rework to greater
of lean manufacturing systems. Finally, flexibility in extent. The number of operation and operator
production is achieved by reduced WIP and multi- needed to complete a job is reduced by eliminating
skilled operators, who can work on multiple styles some non value added operations from the process.
Discuss about the importance of adopting cellular
3. LITERATURE REVIEW manufacturing layout over the previous Progressive
The aim of lean manufacturing is the elimination of Bundle System (PBS) and also focus on the various
waste in every area of production including problem related with PBS and how to come over
customer relations, product design, supplier this problem by adopting new layout. Focus on
networks, and factory management. Its goal is to customized implementation of lean tools for
incorporate less human effort, less inventory, less minimizing the process waste such as work in
time to develop products, and less space to become progress (WIP), line setting time, which in turn will
highly responsive to customer demand while reduce the cost of production. In batch process the
producing top quality products in the most efficient system generate high amount of WIP which in turn
and economical manner possible. Cellular increase the rework. PBS system also suffers with
Manufacturing is a model for workplace design, and the problem of lack of flexibility. [4]
is an integral part of lean manufacturing Systems Discuss about lean principle..The objective of these
Properly trained and implemented cells are more lean principles is to create the best possible system,
flexible and responsive than the traditional mass- from concept to consumer using the current
production line, and can manage processes, defects, financial and resource constraints to provide the
scheduling, equipment maintenance, and other most value to the customer. Once the value stream
manufacturing issues more efficiently. [1] is designed, or redesigned, improvements can be
The ultimate goal of a lean system is to focus on the made by implementing lean tools and techniques
creation and preservation of value for the customer appropriate to the particular situation (Womack &
by eliminating waste in the production system Jones, 1996). [5]
(Dennis, 2007). Value is often defined as any action Cellular Manufacturing is an alternative approach to
or process that a customer who uses and consumes enable both, flow production and volume flexibility
the product is willing to pay for. As a means of in machining. Cellular Manufacturing can be a lean
creating value, lean methods focus on eliminating and flexible alternative to done-in-one concepts
all waste from the production system. By focusing with complex, highly automated machine tools. [6]
on the elimination of waste, all actions except the
actions the customer is willing to pay for have the 4. PROBLEM DEFINITION
potential to be reviewed and eliminated. As a result In garment industry it’s high time to adopt cellular
of the continuous elimination of waste in lean manufacturing (Unit Production system), instead of
systems, production time and cost are reduced and existing Progressive bundle system (PBS) so that
overall profitability and quality is improved within company will posses minimum WIP, as high WIP
the manufacturing system [2] results in increasing the throughput time and as well
Cellular manufacturing leads to reduction in WIP as the flexibility of manufacturing firm can also be
due to its balanced work cell. In case of Progressive increased in order to meet customer changing need
Bundle System until the defect is noticed operators and demand.

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OBJECTIVES product or service from its beginning through to the
 The main objective of implementing this tool is customer. At Toyota, it is known as "material and
to minimize the work in process inventory and information flow mapping".
 Flexibility will be improved and it is the current
demand of garment industry due to frequent
change in fashion style.
 Labor cost will be reduced as less number of
operations and operators will be require for
doing the same amount of work.

The work is conducted in garment industry which
make basically Men’s formal shirt in various order
size. Shirt manufacturing process consists of series
of different steps. These steps are divided into two
categories pre-production and production process.
The preproduction process includes designing the
garment, pattern design, production pattern making,
marking. The production process consists of fabric
inspection, spreading, cutting, bundling, fusing,
sewing, assembly, buttoning, threading, pressing,
packaging and different quality checking points.
Figure 6.1 Symbol Used In Value Stream Mapping
The present manufacturing system uses batch
system which is also called progressive bundle
system (PBS). In PBS the parts of various garment
VSM is one of the most powerful tools which guide
components after being cut in cutting room are tied
the management to implement most effective lean
up in bundle and distributed finally to the sewing
manufacturing tool in garment industry to make
section. These bundles of parts are moved
company more efficient. Value stream mapping is a
sequentially from one operation to other and the
tool used to visually indicate all actions required to
gradually assembly process takes place through
bring a product or service in logical steps from start
successive sub assembly and main assembly
to finish.
operation in bundle form. In this system the sewing
It show all the action both value added and non-
operations are aligned in a one continuous single
value added currently required to complete a
line following the sequence of operation sequence
product or service through to the customer. The
order. Once the operation at one work station
information flow and the product flow can be
completed the WIP is pushed to next work station
visualized. A product or product family should be
manually or by using trolley. After final sewing
selected for which map is to be prepared. The value
operation the work piece is send to quality checking
stream map should be drawn for the entire operation
point before sending in assembly section.
or multiple product lines. For drawing the current
state map, the first step is to gather information
from the production floor or office area. The map
Value stream mapping is a lean-management
should reflect everything from start to finish. Both
method for analyzing the current state and designing
the material flow and information flow should be
a future state for the series of events that take a
mapped. After drawing the map the next step is to
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analyze the map. Identify first the value added and the system to understand each and every aspect of
non value added activities. Next step is to this new layout. There is different section use in
understand the customer requirement, recognize making shirt like front body section, back body
supplier capabilities and constraints. After that the section etc. For example suppose five operations
current WIP is calculate. If possible make the needed to make the complete front body section
production single piece flow, balance the line. After then all these operation related to front body section
analyzing the current state VSM, the new VSM is will be grouped together in one cell. So, basically in
drawn by keeping in mind that non value added this new layout total six cells will be formed, five of
activity should be reduced or eliminated. For them will be for preparatory section and rest one is
drawing VSM some symbol is used this is shown in for assembly section where all the other four section
figure (3.4). With the help of this symbol the will meet and complete the making of shirt. It will
detailed mapping is done either using pencil or be good to take help of expert to guide in
software. The data collected with reference to the determining and demonstrating the attributes before
existing system and new revised system should be implementing new system. Most of the companies
tabulated in proper way so that comparison can be have tried to implement cellular manufacturing
done easily and effectively. In this work the VSM concept in their company but they faced a big
tool as a table and map will help us to understand problem and that is about mobilizing people
and compare both the system the existing as well as In Unit Production System an overhead conveyor
proposed system. system is used in which the carrier is loaded to
After analyzing existing value stream mapping, move all the components of one garment from one
Cellular Manufacturing prove to be best tool to be work station to another work station. The carrier
implemented to overcome existing problem. So, the itself is divided into section and each section will be
batch processing process will be replaced by new having a quick release clamp attached with it, which
layout, called cellular layout which focus on unit will prevent the components from falling out during
production system. By doing this the firm will be movement from one work station to other work
able to reduce WIP to greater extent and flexibility station. In this system the garment components are
will be also improved due to reduced WIP. Cellular automatically transported from one workstation to
layout is one of the most effective tools of lean other work station according to a pre-determined
manufacturing concept; in fact it is an integral part sequence. When the components of garment will be
of lean manufacturing system. loaded into carrier, some mechanical or electronic
device will be attached with it, which will keep
6. PROPOSED SYSTEM track of the number of carrier and will addresses it
Some operation from the existing system will be to its destination. The carrier will be addressed with
removed. From the preparatory section the quality the entire destination it will pass through for
checking points will be removed as the operator will completion of work. The main line containing the
be aware of quality standards and will work loaded carrier will be connected to each work
according to that only. The creation of cells will be station by means of junction which will open
as per the operations needed to complete individual automatically when carrier will reach to its target
parts. The first step in creating new cellular layout is workstation for which it is addressed. when the
to finalize the operation require to produce garments. work will be completed on carrier a push button
To implement new cellular layout it is not necessary kept at the side of sewing machine need to be
to install new equipment rather same equipment pressed and will direct it to move to next work
should be re-arranged as per the need as buying new station for which it has been addressed. The empty
equipment and installation is very costly. A product carrier will returns to the loading station for
Specialized training should also be conducted for next steps. The work stations are designed very

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IJMEIT// Vol. 03 Issue 01//January//Page No: 976-982//ISSN-2348-196x 2015
smartly so that the amount of movement required to  The number of operation required to complete
grasp and position by the operator will be reduces the work will be reduced to greater extent by
by large amount. eliminating non adding value operation.
 Number of operator or labor will be reduces as
7. Result and discussion there will be no need of quality check after
each section as used to be in existing system
and also due to elimination of the non value
adding operation. Thus labor cost will be

1. Ripon Kumar Chakroborttya, Sanjay kumar
paulb*, “Study and implementation of lean
manufacturing in Garment manufacturing
company”, Journal of optimization in industrial
engineering, 7(2011) 11-22.
2. Alanna. G. Kennedy, “An introduction to the
relational theory of continuous improvement
and the seven waste of lean research”, Research
Figure 7.1 Current VSM of Existing System
method in lean manufacturing environment. July
3. Naresh Paneru, “Implementation of Lean
Manufacturing Tools in Garment Manufacturing
Process Focusing Sewing Section of Men’s
Shirt”, Degree Programme in Industrial
Management, 2011
4. B.Senthil kumar*, Dr. V.R.Sampath, “Garment
Manufacturing through lean initiative- An
empirical study on WIP fluctuation in T-Shirt
production unit”, International journal of lean
thinking, Vol.3, Issue 2, 2012.
5. Goforth Kelly Ann, Dr. George Hodge, Dr.
Jeffrey A. Jolnes, “Adopting Lean
Figure 7.2 Revised VSM of New System manufacturing to textile industry”, North
Carolina State University, 2007.
6. Joachim Metternich, Seven Bechtloff*, Stefan
8. CONCLUSION Seifermann, “Efficiency and economic
 More than 80% Work in Process inventory evaluation of cellular manufacturing to enable
reduction as the new work cell will be arranged lean manufacturing”, Procedia CIRP, 7(2013)
with the application of Value stream mapping 592-597.
tool in way to provide a balanced flow from
machine to machine.
 Flexibility will be improved by Cellular
manufacturing as the line can be changed
immediately whenever needed.
Rashmi Kumari et al IJMEIT Volume 3 Issue 1 January 2015 Page 982

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