Capacity, Performance, Ulitization

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Capacity, Performance,

Utilization & Efficiency

1.On standard  time – The time spent in doing measured work  is
called On Standard time example – stitching, bundle handling
etc.Any work for which S.A.M has been applied will be On standard.
2.Off standard – The time spent in doing unmeasured or non-value
adding work is called Off standard time. Example – Machine
breakdown, waiting time etc.
3.SMV – The time taken by a 100 % rating operator to complete an
4.SAM = SMV+ allowances
Performance is primarily the Measure of effectiveness of individual operator. It tells how well an individual
operator is performing.

Where ,
Minutes earned on Std. = No. of pieces produced * S.A.M 
Time spent on Std = Total available time – total off standard time
Utilization is  the measure of how well a supervisor is able to use the operators by keeping the off
standard to minimum.

Time spent on Std. = Total available time – Off Std. time
Total available time = total worked minutes. 
Measure of how well the sewing line is run. It is the combined measure of both the performance and

Operator Jay attends, full day/480 minutes, and produces 1000 pieces at SAM of 0.40. He had to
wait 50 minutes for work and 10 minutes for machine breakdown. Calculate the operators
performance, Utilization and efficiency.

Standard minutes produced = 1000*0.40 = 400 minutes

Time on standard = 480-(50+10) = 420 minutes
Performance = 400/420 = 95.2%
Operator Utilization = 420/480 = 87.5%
Operator Efficiency = 400/480 = 83.3 %

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