Hazardous Line Opening Permit

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SECTION A: Work Description

Work Assigned to: WO / Project Number:

OPP Bldgs & Grounds OPP Reno OPP Utility’s OPP FAS

Other Work Unit, List Name: Contractor, List Name:

Location of Work Area: Ref. Attached SWP

Penn State Project Leader or Supervisor:

Describe Specific Work to be Done:

List Contents of Line/Pipe and Potential Hazards:

Identify PPE Requirements:

SECTION B: Pre-Work Safety Checklist (individual performing task is to place a check in the appropriate column)
Yes No N/A
1. Have the hazardous substances in the line been identified, their hazards understood
and proper PPE provided to perform the job (e.g. respirator, face-shield, gloves etc.)?
2. Does the job require a “Hot Work Permit” or a “Confined Space Entry Permit”?
3. Have the workers assigned to the job been instructed in proper work methods and
safety precautions?
4. Has the power to pumps or other fluid moving devices been Locked/Tagged and
isolation verified?
5. Has the line been properly drained of its contents and cleaned, vented and allowed to
cool/warm and dry as necessary?
6. Has pressure in the line or any interconnected lines or equipment been relieved?
7. Have other lines which interconnect with the line being worked on, been identified and
properly isolated?
Method(s) Used: Physically disconnected
At least two in-line control valves closed
Blanks or blinds installed
8. Have the interconnected lines been drained of their contents and properly cleaned,
vented and allowed to cool/warm and dry as necessary”?
9. Has the work area (includes both ends of the line as well as the area below the active
work site) been secured for protection of passerby and nearby workers (isolated with
cones, caution tape or other means to prevent exposure)?
10. Have the line supports been examined, prior to opening, for integrity to prevent falling,
twisting or whipping caused by sudden release of pressure?
11. Is a safety shower/eyewash or equivalent means of washing off any chemical
splashes from the workers clothing or skin/eyes available and in proper condition?
Special Instructions:

Authorization to Proceed:
Permit Writer Equipment Operator
Date/Time (24 Hr.):

Hazardous Line Opening Health and Safety Measures

1. The requirements of this Permit apply to the opening of any line within a PSM Covered Process Area
that contained or could have contained a hazardous substance (e.g., ammonia, steam, compressed air
(>80 psig), hot water (>130o F)) for the purpose of maintenance, re-routing or adding on to an existing
pipeline system. All Hazardous Line Opening activities require 2 individuals to perform task.

2. This Permit procedure does not apply to lines containing water at ambient temperature nor opening a
line as part of a normal in-process production operation (i.e., connecting/disconnecting a pipeline or
hose equipped with a quick disconnect device, or similar activities).

3. This Permit is only good for the date and shift for which it was initially issued and a maximum of 12
hours. A new Permit must be issued if the work carries over to the next shift or extends beyond 12
hours, if the work is interrupted for an extended period of time or the makeup of the work group
completely changes. The Permit is to be kept at the work site until assigned work is completed.

4. Upon completion of work, return the completed Permit (if not part of a Safe Work Permit) to the
Equipment Operator.

5. Depending on the hazards of the material in the line (and in addition to safety glasses and safety
shoes), the following personal protective equipment (PPE) may be required when the initial opening of
the pipeline takes place includes:

a. Eye/Face protection (chemical goggles and/or face shield).

b. Chemical resistant apron or similar suit (appropriate to the hazardous substance(s) contained in the line).
c. Chemical resistant gloves (appropriate to the hazardous substance(s) contained in the line).
d. Respiratory protection (appropriate to the hazardous substance(s) contained in the line).

7. No line (that has previously held any hazardous substances) is to be cut by a torch, abrasive disk or
other spark/heat producing methods, unless special authorization has been given by the Supervisor
Area Services, or the appropriate Trade Supervisor.

8. The line or any interconnected equipment is to be emptied of its contents and purged or cleaned by
some suitable means (as necessary) prior to opening. The specific procedure to use must be discussed
prior to opening.

9. Prior to opening the line, the pressure must be relieved. In addition, when opening bolts or fasteners on
the line he/she must start with the ones farthest away from his/her work position. This should help direct
any unexpected spraying/drainage away from the individual. After initial opening, caution is still advised
as vacuum/siphon could result in a delayed release of material.

11. Blinds or blanks installed in lines must be capable of withstanding the maximum working pressure
expected to be encountered and be constructed of non-reactive material.

12. Appropriate spill control/clean up equipment should be available in the event the controls fail and an
accidental release of hazardous liquids occurs.

13. Always provide a line that has been disconnected with a means of support (i.e., hanger, wire, blocks,
wedges, etc.) after opening.

14. After the pipeline has been repaired the joint/connection is to be thoroughly checked, prior to being put
back into service, to verify that it is sound and will not leak.

15. This Permit is not intended to replace other permit or checklist requirements established by The
Pennsylvania State University.


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