Nosocomial Infections in A Brazilian Burn Unit: Jefferson Lessa Soares de Macedo, Joa o Barberino Santos

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Burns 32 (2006) 477–481

Nosocomial infections in a Brazilian Burn Unit

Jefferson Lessa Soares de Macedo a,*, João Barberino Santos b
Hospital Regional da Asa Norte, Secretaria de Saúde do Distrito Federal, SMHN, AE 1,
Bloco A, 70000-000, Brası́lia, DF, Brasil
Núcleo de Medicina Tropical, Unıversidade de Brası́lia, Brası́lia, DF, Brasil


In 1-year prospective study, bacterial and fungal infections presenting in burned patients were registered. Two-hundred and seventy-eight
patients were included. The median total body surface area burned was 14% (range 1–100%). The median length of hospital stay was 12 days
(range 1–86 days). Eighty-six patients had in all 148 infections. Seventy-two bloodstream infections (BSI) occurred in 57 patients; most
common microorganisms were coagulase-negative staphylococci and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus. Forty-nine (17.6%)
patients had burn wound infections and 18 (6.5%) had pneumonia. Antibiotics were given to only 30% of the burn patients. Overall mortality
rate was 5.0% (14/278). The database can be used to evaluate the effects of changes in burn treatment, staffing and design of burn units, and
antimicrobial resistance development in relation to antibiotic usage.
# 2005 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nosocomial infections; Bloodstream infection; Burns

1. Introduction was a predominance of pneumonia [4,7] or wound infection

Infection is the most common cause of death following The gains of established infection control measures are
burn. Burn victims are obviously at high risk for nosocomial now being felt in the developed countries with a purpose-
infection due to the nature of the burn injury itself. The burn built burns unit. However, in developing countries, establish-
wound consisting of moist necrotic tissue represents an ideal ing such measures is hindered by poverty, ignorance, poor
culture medium for a wide variety of microorganisms. management and lack of personnel [8].
Furthermore, immunocompromising effects of burns, In this prospective study, we describe the results from one
prolonged hospital stays, and intensive diagnostic and year of registration of infection in a consecutive series of
therapeutic procedures contribute significantly to nosoco- burn patients.
mial infections in these patients. Bacterial infections in burn
patients are widely known. The time-related changes in the
predominant flora of the burn wound from gram-positive to 2. Materials and methods
gram-negative recapitulate the history of burn wound
infection [1,2]. Burn patients consecutively admitted to the Burn Unit of
Infection rates in burn patients have been rarely reported Hospital Regional da Asa Norte during 2004 were included
[3–7]. A study conducted in Brazil which included a in this prospective study. The patients were followed to
considerable number of infections occurring over 7 years discharge or death.
showed that bloodstream infection was the most common The total body surface area burned (TBSAB) was
infection in contrast to other countries in which there calculated by Lund & Bowder chart, adding percentages of
dermal and subdermal burns [9].
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 61 3245 6974; fax: +55 61 327 8415. Since 1980, patients having partial skin thickness burns
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.L.S. de Macedo). covering less than 25% of the body surface area, were not

0305-4179/$30.00 # 2005 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.

478 J.L.S. de Macedo, J.B. Santos / Burns 32 (2006) 477–481

generally admitted to the Burns Unit if they were adults, or management of a burn victim are followed carefully. Only
less than 10% if they were children. Patients with full skin burn wound infections already present on admission were
thickness burns of small extent (5% of the body surface excluded. Infections were grouped in three major classes:
area), were also treated as outpatients until the wound was bloodstream infection (BSI), pneumonia and burn wound
ready for excision and grafting by members of plastic infection. The diagnosis of infection in burn patients is based
surgery team. Commonly admission to the Burns Unit only on clinical and laboratory parameters. The criteria for
occurred with severely burned patients (>25–30% of the infections were mainly based on those given by the Center
body surface area). for Disease Control, Atlanta, USA [3,13].
At direct patient contact a protective gown and disposable Infection were suspected when a patient showed signs of
gloves were used. Hands were washed with conventional disorientation, hyperpyrexia or hypothermia, circulatory
soap when necessary, and disinfected with 70% ethanol/ embarrassment, petechial hemorrhages, black and dark
glycerol before and after patient contact. discoloration in a previously clean appearing burn wound,
Fluid replacement was given according to a modified early and rapid eschar separation, bleeding into the
Parkland formula [8]. Plasma was given from the second subcutaneous tissues, and increasing edema in surrounding
day. Central venous catheters were placed in the subclavian areas or leukocytosis in white blood cells counts.
or femoral vein at the discretion of the anesthetist. The If there was any doubt about the diagnosis, a final
catheters were removed on clinical grounds: no further decision was reached by consensus between the infectious
indication, mechanical failure or suspected catheter infec- disease consultant (author) and the burn surgeon directly in
tion. Catheters were not changed routinely. charge of the patient. Whenever we found positive blood
Early excision and skin grafting was performed within cultures a BSI was registered even if the patient at the same
the first 5 days in full thickness burns when the patients time had pneumonia and/or wound infection, which were
condition permitted. also registered.
All catheter tips were cultured when removed. On The evaluation of lymphocyte population of patients was
suspicion of blood stream infection, two to three sets of performed by the flow cytometer at seven days post burn.
blood cultures were drawn by syringe from a peripheral vein The FITC—stained (flouroescein isothiocyanate) lympho-
and one culture from any suspected focus of infection. cytes emit yellow-green light (at 515 nm, CD4 surface
Microbial cultures were processed according to current antigen) while the PE—stained (phyoerytrin) lymphocytes
methods. The bacteriological isolation was carried out in the emit red-orange light (at 580 nm, CD8 surface antigen). All
microbiology laboratory of the Hospital Regional da Asa data were processed with SimulTest IMK Plus software
Norte, Brası́lia. The swabs were dipped in Stuart́s transport program.
medium then plated on blood agar, chocolate agar, Statistical methods used were Fisher’s exact test, Chi-
MacConkey, and Sabouraud́s dextrose agar media (Difco). square analysis with Yateścorrection and logistic regression
After incubation for 18–48 h at 37 8C, the isolates were analysis. This study was approved by the Ethical Committee
identified using conventional protocol. Afterwards, the of the Secretary of State for Health of Brası́lia, Federal
sensitivity to the antibiotics was accomplished by automated District.
method bioMèrieux Vitek. The confirmation of precision
and accuracy of the procedures to evaluate the antimicrobial
susceptibility was made using ATCC (American Type 3. Results
Culture Collection) standard strains. When isolated Staphy-
lococcus aureus oxacillin resistant, Acinetobacter sp and Two-hundred and seventy-eight patients with burns,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa multiresistant were confirmed by consecutively admitted to the Burn Unit of Hospital
disc, by agar diffusion method according to the rules Regional da Asa Norte during 2004, 86 female and 160
established by NCCLS [10]. male patients were included in the study. Median age for the
Fungal cultures were obtained on Sabouraud dextrose 278 patients was 24 years (range 1–82). Median TBSAB
agar (Difco) and on ‘‘mycogel’’ agar (Oxoid) at 378 and was 14% (range 1–100%). One-hundred and fifty-two
observed daily for 20 days. The characterization of fungi (54.7%) of the patients had flame injuries, 96 (34.5%) were
was done by the germ tube test, morphological examination scald injuries, 25 (9%) electrical injuries and 5 (1.8%)
and automated method Vitek YBC yeast identification chemical injuries. Seven (3.9%) patients had smoke
system (bioMèrieux Vitek, Inc., MI, USA) [11]. However, inhalation injury.
antibiotic sensitivity of fungi can not be done due to Two-hundred and forty-five patients stayed >72 h in the
technical problems. unit. The median length of stay was 12 days (range 1–86
Infections in all patients, admitted and treated for burns, days).
have been registered prospectively, according to previously Two-hundred and thirty-four patients were admitted on
defined criteria [3,12]. Prophylactic antimicrobial therapy the day of injury and eight had been treated in another
was not given. All infections were registered, starting at the hospital before admission. Twenty-eight patients were
day of admittance. Any infections manifested during the infected on admission. Of these, all had wound infections.
J.L.S. de Macedo, J.B. Santos / Burns 32 (2006) 477–481 479

Table 1
Comparison between infected and uninfected patients
Infected Uninfected P
Patient (no.) 86 192
Age (years, median, standard deviation) 28.3  23.6 21.5  19.1 0.021
Flame injuries (% patients) 69.8 50.5 0.002
TBSAB % (median, standard deviation) total 23.1  20.6 9.0  6.5 <0.001
Self-damage (no patients) 11 4 0.001
Length of stay (days, median, standard deviation) 19.3  11.9 8.7  5.9 <0.001
Three or more catheters (no patients) 16 0 <0.001
Necessity of transfusion (no patients) 50 30 <0.001
Multiresistant bacteria in the wound (no patients) 51 34 <0.001
Fungi in the wound (no patients) 31 11 <0.001
Hemoglobin 9 g/dl (no patients) 50 29 <0.001
Serum albumin 2.0 g/dl (no patients) 16 2 <0.001
Platelets  100.000 (no patients) 9 0 <0.001
Number of CD4+ cells (median, standard deviation) 361  261 553  230 <0.001
No operation (median, standard deviation) 3.2  1.7 2.1  1.1 <0.001
Mortality (no patients) 13 1 <0.001

Fourteen (5.0%) patients died during their stay in the Table 2

Number of micro-organisms that caused bloodstream, wound infection and
burns unit. Median age for those patients was 37.9  27.1
years. TBSAB was median 47.5  28.6%. Ten patients had
Micro-organisms Bloodstream Wound Pneumonia
signs of severe infections at the time of death. The main
contributing factors to death in patients without infection Coagulase-negative staphylococci 19 10 2
Staphylococcus aureus 14 12 5
were pulmonary and cardiac failure.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 5 8 4
Eighty-six patients had in total 148 infections, whereas Klebsiella pneumoniae 5 6 3
192 patients were not infected. Comparison between Acinetobacter baumannii 4 2 1
infected and not infected patients are given in Table 1. Enterobacter cloacae 3 5 2
One-hundred and forty-eight infections in 278 burn Serratia marcescens 1 1 1
Escherichia coli 1 1 0
patients is equivalent to an infection ratio of 53.2 infections
Aeromonas hydrophila 1 1 0
per 100 patients. Patients with infection were significantly Enterococcus faecalis 1 1 0
older and had larger burns. Infected patients were submitted Streptococcus pyogenes 1 0 0
to more procedures such as skin grafting. Patients with Cedecea sp. 0 0 1
infections stayed longer in the unit. Furthermore, infected Candida sp. 5 1 0
patients needed more frequently catheters and transfusion.
The most common laboratory findings of the infected
patients were anemia, hypoalbuminemia, thrombocytope- median length of stay was 25 days. The most common
nia and lower median number of CD4+ cells (lymphocytes) microorganisms causing pneumonia were Pseudomonas
on first week of stay. The isolation of multiresistant aeruginosa and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
bacteria or fungi in the wound were more likely in infected Seven of 14 patients died with pneumonia.
patients. Forty-nine patients had burn wound infections. Their
Fifty-seven of 84 blood-cultured patients (67.9%) had 72 median age was 30.3  23.8 years. TBSAB was median
episodes of BSI. Their median age was 25.2  23.1 years. 17.6  15.6%. Their median length of stay was 21.6  13.1
Their median TBSAB was 29.1  22.1%. Their median days. Three hundred and sixty four sampling procedures
length of stay was 20.9  3.9 days. (surface swabs) were performed from the burn wounds.
The microorganisms causing BSI are listed in Table 2. The microorganisms causing burn wound infection are
Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) were the most listed in Table 2. The most frequent organism causing
common microorganisms causing BSI, and next in wound infection was oxacillin sensitive Staphylococcus
frequency were oxacillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, aureus, and next in frequency were Coagulase-negative
Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The staphylococci.
mortality rate for patients with verified and strongly Eighty-four of the 278 patients (30%) received antibiotics
suspected BSI (21%, 12/57) was 20 times greater than for during their stay in the Burn Unit, with a median duration
the non septic patients (0.9%, 2/221) (P < 0.0001). of 14 days. Cefepime  amikacin and vancomycin 
Eighteen patients developed pneumonia. Median age was amikacin were the most common antibacterial combinations
29 years (range 3–65). Median TBSAB was 27%. The in empirical therapy.
480 J.L.S. de Macedo, J.B. Santos / Burns 32 (2006) 477–481

4. Discussion suppression, increased cells destruction, presence of

endotoxins, production of autoantibodies, drugs used in
Despite advances in the use of topical and parenteral the management of the burn patient (penicillin, vancomycin,
antimicrobial therapy, and the practice of early tangential diazepam morphine, tetanus toxoid), hypersplenism, hae-
excision, bacterial infection remains a major problem in mophagocytosis and accelerated consumption [2].
the management of burn victims today. Few patients are The study showed a rate of infection of 53.2 per 100
as susceptible to the development of infections as burn patients, whereas other studies showed 38.1 [6], 64 [16], 77
patients. Severe dysfunction of the immune system, a large [4] and 90 [7] infections per 100 discharges and deaths. In
cutaneous colonization, the possibility of gastrointestinal most of the studies, a higher nosocomial infection rate than
translocation, a prolonged hospitalization and invasive observed in this study were found among burned patients. In
diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, all contribute to bigger hospitals, a higher proportion of patients with severe
infections. underlying diseases are treated, and more invasive methods
Although any organism is a potential pathogen in burned are applied.
patients, coagulase-negative staphylococci and S. aureus The majority of infections were bloodstream infections,
were the most common pathogens causing infection in our followed by wound infections, which is consistent with other
burn unit and was also most common in other reports [2–5]. study in Brazil [5]. Otherwise, in Sweden, in a 3-year
This is in contrast to some other studies, which report prospective study, Appelgren et al. [3] registered wound
P. aeruginosa as the most predominant organism in burn infection as the most common infection, followed by
infection [6,14,15]. bloodstream infection. As well as, in Turkey, Oncul et al. [6],
Most of the patients with BSI blood isolates were similar in 1-year prospective study, observed that the majority of
to those that colonized/infected the burn wound surface. infections were wound infections.
Thus the main source of BSI in these patients appeared to be Infection rates in burns have been reported to be high,
the burn wound itself [2]. compared to other intensive care units, which have ranged
Antimicrobial therapy can cause severe problems with from 15 to 50% of the admissions [3,6]. The burn patient
resistance mainly against cephalosporins and other beta- is infection-prone and very contagious when infected.
lactams. This calls for an urgent institution of an antibiotic Furthermore, one or more surgical procedures, might also
policy at local and national levels, amongst other measures allow burn patient to be colonized with multiresistant
to check antibiotic misuse. A strict antibiotic policy is of organisms. The isolation of multiresistant bacteria or
importance in the control of antibiotic resistance. It is fungi in the wound were more likely in infected patients
possible to reserve antibiotics for proven infection and to (P < 0.001).
limit the use of broad-spectrum drugs. Therefore, only 30% The isolation care in general is important in the
of the patients admitted to the Burn Unit of Hospital prevention of nosocomial transmission of infection.
Regional da Asa Norte received antibiotics. Cross-transmission of multiresistant microorganisms is
The pattern of bacterial sensitivities is subject to frequent common in intensive care units. This cross-transmission
modifications. As such frequent assessment and institution is an indicator of patient crowing and/or poor compliance
of other simple infection control measures like handwashing with infection control guidelines by patient care personnel.
before and after attending to a patient and restriction of Simple barrier precautions using gloves and gown at patient
movements of personnel within a burns ward should be contact is more effective than elaborate isolation care.
carried out. At present the main infection control measures in the
The mortality rate in our study of burn patients is burn unit are early excision and grafting, improved barrier
consistent with those reported from other studies [2,3,6]. nursing and regular microbiological analysis of the
Infected patients were older, had larger burns, longer stay hospital’s environment and staff.
in hospital, more operations and a larger number of catheters Microbiological surveillance of burn patients when is
compared to uninfected patients. In agreement, Appelgren routinely done helps in learning about the types of organisms
et al. [3] showed equivalent comparisons. and facilitates the choice of antibiotic. Each individual unit
Furthermore, anemia, hypoalbuminemia, thrombocyto- varies in its baseline population of microorganisms over
penia and lower median number of CD4+ cells (lympho- time, and generalizations from one unit may have little
cytes) on first week of stay were more likely in infected applicability to others.
patients. Also, a strong correlation was determined between Measures to prevent and treat infections are essential for
infectious complications and flame injuries, self-damage the survival of patients with extensive burns and infection is
and necessity of transfusions. correlated to mortality. Besides, in patients with less
Infection after burns could be accompanied by anemia, extensive burns, infections may increase morbidity and
thrombocytopenia and lower number of CD4+ T lympho- hospital stay. Infection is one indicator of outcome in the
cytes but the mechanisms responsible have not been clearly field of quality assurance in burn management.
identified. The possible factors for those laboratory Careful surveillance of infection, good isolation techni-
parameters in infected patients could de direct bone marrow ques and procedure routines, and a restrictive antimicrobial
J.L.S. de Macedo, J.B. Santos / Burns 32 (2006) 477–481 481

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