10 1016@j Jaad 2019 05 096
10 1016@j Jaad 2019 05 096
10 1016@j Jaad 2019 05 096
Background: Sepsis is the main cause of death in Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal
necrolysis (TEN).
Objectives: Our aim was to identify admission risk factors predictive of bacteremia and the accompanying
clinical or biochemical markers associated with positive blood cultures.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study over a 14-year period (2003-2016) was performed.
Results: The study included 176 patients with SJS (n = 59), SJS-TEN overlap (n = 51), and TEN (n = 66).
During hospitalization, bacteremia developed in 52 patients (29.5%), who experienced poorer outcomes,
including higher intensive care unit admission (P \ .0005), longer length of stay (P \ .0005), and higher
mortality (P \ .0005). There were 112 episodes of bacteremia, and isolates included Acinetobacter
baumannii (27.7%, n = 31) and Staphylococcus aureus (21.4%, n = 24). On multivariate analysis, clinical
factors present at admission that were predictive of bacteremia included hemoglobin #10 g/dL (odds ratio
[OR] 2.4, confidence interval [CI] 2.2-2.6), existing cardiovascular disease (OR 2.10, CI 2.0-2.3), and body
surface area involvement $10% (OR 14.3, CI 13.4-15.2). The Bacteremia Risk Score was constructed with
good calibration. Hypothermia (P = .03) and procalcitonin $1 g/L (P = .02) concurrent with blood culture
sampling were predictive of blood culture positivity.
Conclusion: Hemoglobin #10 g/dL, cardiovascular disease, and body surface area involvement $10% on
admission were risk factors for bacteremia. Hypothermia and elevated procalcitonin are useful markers for
the timely detection of bacteremia. ( J Am Acad Dermatol https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaad.2019.05.096.)
Key words: adverse drug reactions; bacteremia; diagnostic markers; microbiology; risk factors; sepsis;
Stevens-Johnson syndrome; toxic epidermal necrolysis.
From the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Reprint requests: Haur Yueh Lee, MBBS, MRCP, MMed (Int Med),
Singaporea; Department of Dermatology, Singapore General FAMS (Dermatology), Department of Dermatology, Singapore
Hospitalb; and Health Services Research Unit, Division of General Hospital, Outram Road, Singapore 169608. E-mail: lee.
Medicine, Singapore General Hospital.c [email protected].
Dr Koh and Dr Chai contributed equally to this study. Published online July 16, 2019.
Funding sources: None. 0190-9622/$36.00
Conflicts of interest: None disclosed. Ó 2019 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.
Accepted for publication May 29, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaad.2019.05.096
n 2019
Fig 1. Median time of onset of bacteremia caused by each microorganism. Size of circles
represents the number of organisms. Enclosed within brackets are the 25th and 75th percentiles
of time since date of blistering (in days) for each organism. CoNS, Coagulase-negative
staphylococci; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; MSSA, methicillin-sensitive S.
were recorded in these 52 patients over 3181 patient- (n = 34) (P = .797) and intravenous immunoglobulin
days (27.0/1000 patient-days). Twenty of 176 (n = 78) (P = .064) were not found to be significantly
(11.4%) patients had polymicrobial infections, with associated with bacteremia.
14 patients (8.0%) experiencing 1 polymicrobial
episode each and 3 patients (1.7%) experiencing 2 Admission risk factors associated with
polymicrobial episodes each. In total, 112 microor- bacteremia
ganisms were identified, mainly A. baumannii Univariate analysis of the clinical factors recorded
(27.7%, n = 31), S. aureus (21.4%, n = 24), other within the first 24 hours of admission indicated that
gram-positive pathogens (18.8%, n = 21), and BSA $10%, hemoglobin #10 g/dL, and existing
Enterobacteriaceae (15.2%, n = 17) (Fig 1). cardiovascular disease and hypertension were signif-
The median time that elapsed between detach- icantly associated with bacteremia (P \.1) (Table II).
ment to bacteremia was 9 (interquartile range 6-14) After multivariate analysis, the final model obtained
days. contained 3 significant risk factors: hemoglobin
#10 g/dL (OR 2.4, 95% CI 2.2-2.6), existing cardio-
Patient outcomes vascular disease (OR 2.1, 95% CI 2.0-2.3), and BSA
The overall in-hospital mortality rate was 23.9%. $10% (OR 14.3, 95% CI 13.4-15.2) (Table III). The
Patients with bacteremia were more likely to require model developed with these 3 covariates has good
ICU admission (odds ratio [OR] 6.8, 95% confidence discrimination (bootstrap-corrected C-statistic 0.76)
interval [CI] 3.1-15.0), invasive mechanical ventila- and a good performance on the basis of the
tion (OR 6.6, 95% CI 2.3-18.4), and dialysis (OR 18.3, calibration plot. The mean absolute error was low
95% CI 3.9-85.3) and had longer hospital lengths of (0.029), indicating the model was a good fit for the
stay (P \.0005) and higher mortality (OR 4.4, 95% CI data.
2.1-9.1). The BRS was calculated on the basis of the score
After adjusting for SCORTEN, which has been assigned to each factor (Table III). A plot of patients’
shown to be a significant risk factor for bacteremia predicted probability versus their total risk score was
(Table II), patients who received cyclosporine examined (not shown herein), and the following 4
risk categories for in-hospital bacteremia occurrence Predictive markers for positive blood cultures
were created: low (BRS 0-1), moderate (BRS 2, 4), Univariate analysis of temperature and laboratory
high (BRS 5), and very high (BRS 6). The mean variables obtained within 24 hours of blood culture
predicted probability of bacteremia was 3.1% for the collection indicated that hypothermia (temperature
low-risk category, 31.4% for the moderate-risk cate- #36.08C), CRP, and procalcitonin were significantly
gory, 52.4% for the high-risk category, and 71.6% for associated with bacteremia (P \ .1) (Table IV).
the very higherisk category. A cutoff score of BRS Hypothermia, CRP $100 mg/L, and procalcitonin
$2 is strongly predictive (negative predictive value $1 g/L were selected for entry into multivariate
98.2% [95% CI 92.1%-99.8%] and positive predictive analysis, which showed that concurrent hypother-
value 43.1% [95% CI 34.4%-52.2%]). mia (OR 2.4, 95% CI 1.1-5.3; P = .03) and
n 2019
Table III. Multivariate analysis of hospital the BRS. SJS-TEN patients can be risk stratified into 1
admission factors for predictors of bacteremia of 4 groups, with corresponding risk of bacteremia
during hospital stay and corresponding score ranging 3%-72%. The utility of risk stratification is
assigned for each significant factor in the BRS manifold; risk stratification aids in the determination
of appropriate monitoring and blood culture sam-
Factor OR (95% CI) P value coefficient Score pling, identification of patients who might need early
Hemoglobin 2.4 (2.2-2.6) \.0001 0.88 1 treatment, and prognostication.
#10 g/dL We found higher SCORTEN to be significantly
Cardiovascular 2.1 (2.0-2.3) \.0001 0.74 1 associated with increased risk of bacteremia
disease (P \ .0005). SCORTEN, a severity-of-illness score,
BSA $10% 14.3 (13.4-15.2) \.0001 2.66 4 has been widely used to predict mortality in SJS-TEN.
Sepsis is the main cause of mortality in SJS-TEN,
Low risk (BRS 0-1): 3.1% predicted probability of bacteremia.
accounting for ;50% of deaths. The close-knit
Moderate risk (BRS 2, 4): 31.4% predicted probability of
bacteremia. High risk (BRS 5): 52.4% predicted probability of relationship between sepsis and mortality in SJS-
bacteremia. Very high risk (BRS 6): 71.6% predicted probability of TEN explains our findings. Our results also affirm the
bacteremia. value of SCORTEN in offering important prognostic
BRS, Bacteremia Risk Score; BSA, body surface area; CI, confidence information. However, BRS remains superior to
interval; OR, odds ratio.
SCORTEN in predicting bacteremia (nonbootstrap-
corrected C-statistic BRS 0.781 vs SCORTEN 0.698;
procalcitonin $1 g/L (OR 2.4, 95% CI 1.1-4.8; HosmereLemeshow test BRS P = .990 vs SCORTEN
P = .02) to be predictive of blood culture positivity. P = .816). These findings highlight the strength and
importance of BRS in identifying patients at risk of
Our study showed that bacteremia affects up to
Timely detection of bacteremia
30% of SJS-TEN patients and is associated with
The routine use of prophylactic antibiotics is not
poorer outcomes of mortality, ICU admission, the
recommended because this practice has not been
need for dialysis, and longer lengths of stay.
shown to be beneficial and is also associated with
Recommendations for sepsis management include
longer lengths of hospital stay.20,21 In many cen-
early transfer to a reference center, reverse barrier
ters,12 including ours, frequent blood culture sam-
nursing, avoidance of prophylactic antibiotics, regu-
pling is performed to pick up bacteremia early,
lar sampling for culturing, and early institution of
notwithstanding a lag-time of at least 48 hours before
empiric antibiotics. Nonetheless, several challenges
confirmatory results are available. Predictive clinical
remain, including identification of high-risk patients,
and laboratory markers for sepsis are needed to
timely detection of bacteremia, and appropriate
balance early empiric antibiotic treatment versus
choice of empiric antibiotics on the basis of local
prophylactic or inappropriate antibiotic use and the
trends in microbial agents. Our study has tried to
risk of emergence of multidrug-resistant organisms.
answer some of these existing gaps.
The utility of standard indicators, such as leukocy-
tosis and elevated CRP and procalcitonin, remains
Identification of high-risk patients on unclear in this group of patients. In a small case series
admission of 8 patients with severe adverse reactions without
Among various clinical and laboratory markers infections, procalcitonin was found to be mildly
evaluated, BSA $10%, hemoglobin #10 g/dL, and elevated in an SJS patient (0.53 g/L) and a DRESS
existing cardiovascular disease were found to be (drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symp-
significant predictors of bacteremia. This finding toms) patient (3.96 g/L).22 In a recent series of 42
complements prior results from the French reference SJS-TEN patients, those with systemic infections had
center showing BSA to be a possible risk factor.10 higher levels of procalcitonin than those with cuta-
Cardiovascular disease and anemia were unique risk neous infections and no infections.23 Utilizing a
factors identified in our cohort. Wang et al previously procalcitonin cutoff of 0.65 ng/mL, estimated sensi-
showed that coronary artery disease increases the tivity was 85% and specificity 90%. In this study, CRP
risk of sepsis in a longitudinal cohort of community was not useful.
adults.18 Likewise, the odds of hospital-acquired In our current study, we evaluated several
bacteremia is increased by the presence of anemia.19 clinical and laboratory markers at the point of
Utilizing these 3 risk factors, we were able to blood culture sampling and correlated them to
construct a validated and discriminatory risk scored eventual blood culture positivity. On multivariate
Table IV. Univariate analysis of temperature and laboratory variables obtained within 24 hours of blood culture
Factor No Yes P value
Fever $38.38C 87 (29.6) 15 (21.4) .172
Hypothermia \368C 83 (28.5) 31 (44.3) .011
WBC count, 103 L, median (IQR) 7.9 (5.4-12.3) 9.3 (5.6-13.5) .218
CRP, mg/L, median (IQR) 89.9 (35.1-165.0) 122.5 (66.2-202.0) .006
Procalcitonin, g/L, median (IQR) 0.7 (0.2-2.6) 1.3 (0.5-3.6) .052
analysis, only 2 factors (hypothermia and procalci- The median time to bacteremia was 9 days from the
tonin $1 g/L) were significantly associated with onset of disease, supporting the fact that the risk of
blood culture positivity. Although fever is generally bacteremia was highest during the active phase of the
used to support diagnosis of bacteremia and disease. We have also demonstrated a temporal
sepsis,24,25 this factor is not predictive in SJS-TEN pattern to the emergence of pathogens. In general,
patients. Anecdotal evidence has suggested that the earliest pathogens were more likely gram-negative
hypothermia might be useful as a marker of bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae, followed by gram-
infection,20 and our study validated this observa- positive bacteria and nosocomial infections, such as
tion. The presence of both hypothermia and Acinetobacter, Candida, and Stenotrophomonas. The
procalcitonin $1 g/L has a specificity of 86.2% exception was Pseudomonas, which tended to appear
and sensitivity of 25.0% in predicting bacteremia. later than the other species of gram-negative organ-
The procalcitonin threshold that we utilized in this isms. Such information might help practitioners pre-
study is similar to that used in another study on the dict possible pathogens and tailor empiric
prediction of bacteremia.26 antimicrobial treatments accordingly.
the optimization of supportive care, wound care, and in a specialized referral center. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2017;76:
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