Ss 11 Course Outline Jan 2018

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Teacher: Ms. Vaessen [email protected]



The aim of Social Studies 11 is to develop thoughtful, responsible, active citizens who
are able to acquire the requisite information to consider multiple perspectives and to
make reasoned judgments. This is intended to prepare students for their roles as
Canadian citizens and members of the international community.


Politics and Autonomy & Society and Human

Government International Identity Geography

This topic deals This topic deals with

with political and social, cultural, This topic deals with This topic deals
legal issues related political and social, cultural, with economic and
to the structure and economic issues in political and environmental
function of the evolutionary economic issues in issues facing
Canada’s three development of the evolutionary humanity and the
levels of Canada’s development of planet.
government and the international roles Canada from as a
political process. and responsibilities. nation from 1896- Topics include:
Topics include: Topics include: • Economic activity
Topics include: • Developed and
• The structure of • Pre-war Canada developing nations
Canada’s federal • World War One • Immigration • Standards of
government • The 1920s and • The changing roles living
• Party politics 1930s of women • Urban growth
• The Canadian • World War Two • Challenges faced • Resource issues
Constitution and • Post-war Canada by Aboriginal peoples • Sustainable
Charter of Rights • Canada and Cold in the 20th Century development
and Freedoms War •Anglophone/Franco • Key
• Human rights • Canada and phone relations environmental
legislation Modern Conflicts issues facing the
• The Indian Act (Peacekeeping and global community
and its implications Peacemaking)
Skills and Process of Social Studies

These skills will be developed on an ongoing basis as we explore the content of Social
Studies 11:

 Developing written, oral and graphic communication skills

 Demonstrating effective research skills accessing information:
o assessing information, collecting data, evaluating data, organizing
information, presenting information, and citing sources
 Applying critical thinking skills including:
o questioning, comparing, summarizing, drawing conclusions, and
 defending a position to make reasoned judgments about a range of issues,
situations, and topics
 Demonstrating skills and attitudes of active citizenship, ethical behavior, open-
mindedness, respect for diversity and collaboration

In order to achieve the most from this class you are expected to be actively involved
in class and take responsibility of yourself as a person and as a learner.

Some of the key behaviours and attributes of active learners are to:

1. Arrive each day on time, ready to work individually and with others in group
2. Approach topics with an open mind and accept that others may not view the
world as you do
3. Treat others with respect when working together or in group discussions.
4. Keep cell phones away when asked to do so.
5. Ask questions for clarification or to move discussion forward
6. Complete assigned work on time
Ultimately you are expected to contribute to a dynamic culture.


Assessment focuses on development of knowledge and skills as much as it focuses on
demonstration of knowledge.

Oral communication/Participation 20%

Written assignments 30%
Quizzes and homework 20%
Exams/Projects 30%

A Note about Provincial Exams…

There is no provincial for Socials 11 anymore. We will however, have a final

assessment of learning.

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