SGMF - Gas As A Marine Fuel - An Introductory Guide

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The document discusses the use of natural gas and LNG as marine fuels to reduce emissions and carbon footprint from ship operations.

LNG is predominantly methane, with other components like ethane, propane and butane. It is odorless and colorless as a liquid.

LNG is highly flammable as a gas and must be kept at very low temperatures as a liquid. Its vapor is heavier than air.

commercial safety technical environmental

Version 1.0, September 2014 Acknowledgements

© Society for Gas as a SGMF would like to thank the

Marine Fuel, 2014 following organisations for
use of images contained in
All rights reserved. No part this publication:
of this publication may AGA
be reproduced, stored L.E.Larsen, Marine
in a retrieval system, or MannTek
transmitted in any form or Penguin Energy Consultants
by any means, electronic, Tarbit AB
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recording or otherwise, USMRC
without the prior permission
of the Society for Gas as a
Marine Fuel.

While the advice given in

the “gas as a marine fuel
– an introductory guide”
has been developed using
the best currently available
information, it is intended
solely as guidance to be
used at the owner’s own risk.

Natural gas as a
marine fuel

Increasing concern over the distances. It has been

impact of human activities produced and transported
on our environment is internationally in bulk for
encouraging the maritime 50 years. The gas-as-fuel
transport industry to move industry builds on this
towards using natural expertise – but the bulk trade

gas on board ships as a and the gas-as-fuel business
prime source of energy for differ in significant ways.
propulsion and electricity This guide to gas as a
generation. This trend is marine fuel – an overview
being reinforced by national of these variations and their
and international regulation, implications – is the first
led by the International of many documents that
Maritime Organisation (IMO), the Society for Gas as a
with its Emission Control Marine Fuel (SGMF) plans to
Areas (ECAs). publish. The society is a non-
governmental organisation

The use of natural gas as a (NGO) established to
fuel is one way of complying promote safety and industry
with the increasingly strict best practice in the use of
regime governing emissions gas as a marine fuel. This
of harmful atmospheric initial high-level document
pollutants, such as nitrogen will link to more technically
oxides (NOx) and sulphur and commercially rigorous
oxides (SOx), and reduces guidelines aimed at assisting
the carbon footprint of ship the emerging gas-as-fuel
operations. Liquefied natural industry to develop, with

gas (LNG) is the most cost- safety as the paramount

effective way of transporting concern.
natural gas over very long

What is LNG? to trace levels during
Liquefied natural gas, or
LNG, is natural gas that has Physical properties
been cooled sufficiently to
condense into a liquid. At LNG, a colourless and
atmospheric pressure, this odourless liquid, burns only
happens at a temperature when in its vapour state. Its
of -162°C (-260ºF). As the very low temperature means
natural gas condenses, that at ambient temperature
about 600 volumes of the liquid is always boiling
gas become one volume and creating vapour.
of liquid. This makes it The vapour is heavier
commercially feasible to than air until it warms to
transport large volumes about -110°C. The vapour is
of gas in a ship. The LNG colourless but can be seen
is generally regasified by as it mixes with air because
heating at its destination water vapour in the air is
before being fed into a condensed by the coldness
pipeline grid. of the warming natural gas.
The result is a white cloud.
LNG is a mixture
of hydrocarbons, How is LNG made and
predominately methane where does it come from?
(80 – 95%). Other significant
components include other LNG is produced using a
alkanes – ethane, propane physical process: natural gas
and butane. Nitrogen may is compressed to 50 – 80
also be present at levels up times atmospheric pressure
to 1%. All the more complex and then cooled from
hydrocarbons, along with ambient temperature until it
carbon dioxide and sulphur liquefies.
compounds, are removed

The scale and cryogenic LNG industry overview
temperatures involved
make LNG production Some 237 million tonnes of
much more difficult than the LNG were traded worldwide
underlying physics would in 2013. Japan was by far the
suggest. Liquefaction plants biggest importer (88 million
are frequently valued in tonnes) followed by South
billions, or tens of billions, Korea (40 million tonnes)
of US dollars, require and China (19 million tonnes).

several hundred megawatts Virtually all the LNG produced
of electricity generation was used for electricity
capacity (a megawatt (MW) generation, industrial and
of electricity is sufficient to commercial gas use, and by
power 500 - 1000 European residential customers.
homes), and can occupy an
area of up to 1.5 km2. Statistics show that about 5
million tonnes per year of
As of mid-2014, 18 countries LNG is transported by road
were producing LNG in tanker from bulk import
bulk, with another eight terminals and small LNG

producing smaller quantities producers around the world.
for domestic consumption. Road transportation is most
According to the LNG common in China, Spain,
importers group GIIGNL, Turkey and the USA. Most
the biggest producers in of this LNG is consumed
2013 were Qatar (78 million by large industrial users
tonnes), Malaysia (25 million and power plants that do
tonnes) and Australia (22 not have access to a gas
million tonnes). pipeline network.

The use of LNG as a fuel

has expanded significantly
in recent years but volumes

are still relatively small.
Most transportation fuel is
used by heavy-duty trucks
or to fast-fill cars with
compressed natural gas. The
gas-fuelled shipping fleet
is also expanding rapidly,
particularly in Scandinavia.
Using LNG to fuel railway
locomotives is being trialled
in the USA and Canada,
while Australian miners
and American shale gas/
oil producers are replacing
diesel with LNG.

Bulk international LNG trade

during 2013 with the arrows
showing direction of flow and
their size showing the scale
of the trade.


Why should I use gas? whether worldwide refining
capacity is sufficient to allow
Shipping is the most efficient the reduction in sulphur
way to move most goods content in fuels from 3.5%
globally, making it essential now to 0.5%.
to world commerce.
However, some ship fuels MARPOL also requires
contain 10,000 times as reductions in nitrogen oxide
much sulphur as road fuel. emissions worldwide, but

So, while shipping accounts these limits depend on
for only 2.7% of world carbon engine size and speed. The
dioxide (CO2) emissions, it limits worldwide are based
causes 14% of the sulphur on Tier II limits, implemented
oxide pollution. These and in 2011.
other pollutants damage the
environment in several ways
(see page 6).

IMO regulations for

emissions reduction

The International Maritime
Organisation (IMO), a United
Nations body, controls and
regulates many aspects of
the global shipping business.
IMO, through its marine
pollution protocol (MARPOL),
is working to reduce
emissions of sulphur and

particulate matter worldwide

by 2020 or 2025. The
timescale will depend on

5 5
Sulphur Oxides (SOx)
SOx is a mixture of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and sulphur trioxide (SO3)
which quickly converts to sulphuric acid (H2SO4) in the presence of
water. The latter is solid and ends up in the particulate matter (see
below). SOx combines with water to form “acid rain”, which acidifies
oceans and damages plant life.

Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

NOx consists of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). NOx
with water can form corrosive acids and has a role in lung diseases,
such as asthma, and in heart disease. It is also a primary constituent
of smog and contributes to the formation of atmospheric ozone.

Particulate Matter (PM)

Particulate matter consists of particles of soot or smoke resulting
from the burning of, primarily, heavier oils. It is considered to be
a major health hazard. Particulates are the deadliest form of air
pollution because they penetrate deep into the lungs and blood and
can cause cancer.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, a contributor to global
warming. The main focus on CO2 reduction has been through
improving the efficiency of engines and ships. CO2 emission
benchmarking across ship type and age is covered by the IMO’s
Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and Ship Energy Efficiency
Management Plan (SEEMP) regulations.

Methane (CH4)
Methane is a greenhouse gas with a 100-year global warming
factor of 25 compared with the 1 of CO2. There are two broad types
of engine, two-stroke and four-stroke. Losses of methane can occur
in four-stroke engines as fuel gas is pre-mixed outside the cylinders
and then injected at low pressure. This is called methane slip.

Emissions levels of fuels unaided. HFO has NOx levels
marginally higher than, but
SOx emissions depend on generally comparable with,
the amount of sulphur in MDO. Oil-fired systems will
the fuel. The gas used for need to be equipped with
LNG production is cleaned Selective Catalytic Reduction
prior to liquefaction. Typical (SCR) technology or Exhaust
sulphur specifications in Gas Recirculation (EGR) to
LNG are less than 30 parts reduce NOx emissions to

per million (ppm) of total levels comparable with LNG-
sulphur. This calculates to fuelled engines. Some LNG
about 0.004% of sulphur by engines may also need SCR.
mass. LNG sulphur levels are
therefore 1/875th of current LNG produces minimal
heavy fuel oil (HFO) limits and quantities of particulate
1/25th of future ECA limits. In matter but dual-fuel engines
comparison marine diesel using LNG and diesel will
oil (MDO) contains about create PM. Using LNG
1% sulphur and marine gas reduces PM emissions
oil (MGO) 0.1% sulphur. EN compared with HFO engines

590 diesel (road fuel diesel by about 90%. MDO is also
used by inland waterway better than HFO on PM.
vessels in Europe) has only
0.001% of sulphur. MDO and What is an Emission
HFO would need scrubber Control Area?
technology to comply with
ECA limits. An Emission Control Area
(ECA) is an area in which
NOx emissions are very the emission limits for SOx
dependent on engine load (sulphur oxides) and NOx

and technology. None of (nitrogen oxides) are lowered

the oil-fuelled options are to reduce their impacts on
able to meet Tier III limits health and the environment.

Within an ECA the maximum and the US Virgin Islands)
allowed sulphur content in came into force in January
ship fuel today is 1.0% (by 2014.
mass) and will lowered to
0.1% by the 1st January 2015. Inland waterway traffic in
Similarly NOX will be set at Tier western Europe (Belgium,
III limits within ECAs from 2016. Germany, Netherlands
and Switzerland) already
There also exist Sulphur effectively operates as an
Emissions Control Areas SECA, with a limit of 10 ppm
(SECAs). The first was the Baltic of sulphur in diesel fuels.
Sea (since 2006) followed by ECAs have been proposed
the North Sea (2007). for many other areas but
are yet to be fully defined,
The first complete ECA is the accepted or have any
North American ECA (2013). certain timescale for
A smaller ECA around the US implementation.
Caribbean Islands (Puerto Rico

Map of Emission Control Areas.


U.S. West Coast

U.S. East Coast Baltic

North Sea

How will ECAs be Are there alternative
regulated? options?

Each country implements ECA regulations specify that

the IMO rules under its own NOx and SOx emissions
laws and will enforce the law must be reduced but are
through national procedures. not specific about how this
Various penalty regimes should be achieved. So
have been suggested, there are various options for

including: meeting the tighter emissions
limits. Three options are
• Large fines generally regarded as the
main alternatives: a switch
• Prison sentences to MGO, installation of
• A vessel not being scrubbers, or a switch to a
allowed to leave port variety of other fuels.
until it has the right MGO
amount of fuel on
board with the correct Marine Gas Oil (MGO) and
sulphur content Marine Diesel oil (MDO)

can be used in many
• A vessel being detained existing ship engines that
in its next port of call if have traditionally operated
the results of sampling on heavy fuel oil (HFO).
come in late MDO tends to create more
• Fines based on what particulate matter and
a ship could earn on potentially SOx – so would
cargo / fuel costs need careful specification
  to ensure compliance
with ECA limits. MGO

generally comprises lighter

hydrocarbons and is more
likely to meet ECA limitations.

Again, the exact specification onshore is allowed only at a
requires careful analysis limited number of specialist
before purchase. Therefore centres and may be very
MGO may be a direct expensive.
replacement option on a
technical basis. However, Additional NOx abatement
it costs substantially more technology will need to be
than HFO. fitted to most vessels to
Scrubbing comply with Tier III limits. This
uses a catalytic process (SCR)
Ships may continue to burn based on injecting urea into
HFO in their engines if they the exhaust gas.
then treat the exhaust gases
to reduce SOx and NOx Alternative fuels
emissions to comply with A variety of alternative fuels
the limits. CO2 production are under consideration, with
is not reduced. Scrubbers hydrogen seen by many as
can be fitted to the engine the fuel of the future in the
exhaust system. The cost of long term. Hydrogen can be
installation is significant, and used in fuel cells to generate
the space requirements and electricity, which can then be
weight of the equipment will used to drive ship propulsion
also need to be considered. systems. A move towards
electric propulsion using
Scrubbers usually remove traditional engines as power
only SOx. Disposal of the generators is already under
waste products may also way.
be an issue. Disposal at sea
would lead to acidification Methanol is gaining some
– so many European port popularity as an alternative
states are imposing limits fuel. It is widely available
on marine discharges from as it is a petrochemical
scrubber systems. Disposal

feedstock. It is also used in Why can’t I just use
a limited way as an engine compressed natural gas
fuel (“wood alcohol”). A few (CNG)?
ferries are trialling methanol
on the Scandinavian/Baltic Compressed natural gas has
trades. However, it is highly been used for many years
toxic, is miscible with water, as a road transportation
and has a low energy fuel and more recently for
content per unit volume ships. A CNG-fuelled ferry

(energy density), so extra is operating in Brazil. The
space is needed for fuel problem with CNG, and to
tanks. Methanol is only seen a lesser extent LNG, is its
as interesting for bunker fuel energy density. CNG stored
if it is available at very low at 250 times atmospheric
cost. pressure has an energy
density of only about 9
Liquid ethane carriers are million Joules/cubic meter
also going to use ethane as (MJ/m3). LNG is more than
fuel, just as some bulk LNG twice as good as CNG at
carriers use natural gas. 22.2 MJ/m3. Petroleum

fuels remain better at about
35 – 40 MJ/m3. This means
that CNG vessels will have to
have large fuel tanks or short
distances between refuelling.

Who is doing it? – including the Netherlands,
Finland, Belgium, Germany
Interest in the use of LNG and France – are also
as a bunker fuel is growing involved or have ordered
rapidly, not just in ECAs but vessels for their coastal or
around the world. short-sea trades.
Europe US / Canada
Norway, the country that North America started later
pioneered the technology, than Europe. However,
continues to push forward the amount of activity over
with more vessels. The the last 18 months means
European Union (EU), with 28 that this region looks set
member states, is attempting to overtake Europe very
to develop a co-ordinated quickly – primarily in the
approach to the use of USA, but also in Canada. No
LNG as a marine fuel, with LNG-fuelled vessels are yet in
a particular emphasis on service but ten vessels are on
the SECAs in the Baltic Sea order in the USA and another
and the North Sea/English three in Canada. Many more
Channel. will follow.
Far East
Most of the gas-fuelled
vessels in service are in Japan and China are both
Norway. The first vessel very active in putting systems
entered service in 2000 in place to enable LNG to
and by the end of 2013 be used as a marine fuel.
the Norwegian fleet had However, it is South Korea
increased to more than 30 that has built the first vessel.
vessels. It is in service in Incheon
The lead nations within harbour. China has two
the EU are Denmark and LNG-fuelled tugs in service
Sweden but other countries


with CNOOC, one of the Big fuelled, gas turbine-driven,
Three national oil and gas high-speed ferry entered
companies, and has ordered service in 2013. Brazil has a
many inland waterway CNG ferry in operation.
vessels. Japan looks set to Indonesian ferry owner Pelni
order its first LNG-fuelled is examining converting
vessel, to operate in Tokyo its 26-ship fleet to LNG
Bay, later this year. with national oil and gas
company Pertamina.


Rest of the world
Australia is close to ordering
Probably the world’s most its first gas-fuelled ferry to
advanced LNG-fuelled ship run between Melbourne and
operates between Argentina Tasmania.
and Uruguay. The gas-
None of these vessels
operate in ECA zones.

Gas-fuelled ships in service

and under construction.



sh50 Other (order)
l PSV (order)
e 40
Ferry (order)
f 30 Other Ships
u Ferry



Norway Other Europe US/Canada Rest of World

LNG-fuelled fleet

Car ferries currently (mid

2014) make up most of
the LNG-fuelled fleet. They
account for 21 out of 41 (51%)
of the vessels in operation
and 10 out of 38 (26%) of the
vessels on order.

Offshore support vessels

(OSVs) make up the second-
largest contingent at 29%
and 18% respectively. A
variety of other ship types are
in service, including marine
patrol vessels, tugs, product
tankers and general cargo

Gas-fuelled Ferry

LNG bunkering facilities LNG infrastructure will be
completed by 2020 and for
LNG is available for inland ports by 2025. To date
marine fuel use in the Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
European ports of Antwerp, France, Germany, Norway,
Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Spain, Sweden and the
Stockholm and Zeebrugge. UK are considering where
LNG can also be bunkered to locate LNG bunkering
at the Norwegian ports of facilities.

Bergen, Florø, Karmøy, Oslo
and Risavika/Stavanger. In There are several ports
most cases this is by road under development in North
tanker; however in Bergen America, mostly in the Gulf
there is a dedicated terminal of Mexico and around the
and Stockholm has a bunker Great Lakes, but also for ferry
vessel called Seagas that operations on the west coast
provides LNG fuel. Ports in
Finland, Italy and Spain have South Korea is able to offer
also loaded LNG as bunker. LNG bunkering in the port
of Incheon and is looking

All these ports are able to at a second facility at
offer LNG to prequalified Busan. Elsewhere in Asia,
vessels that are compatible Singapore, Japan and China
with the LNG-loading are looking at LNG bunkering
infrastructure. EU policy is facilities.
to have at least one LNG
bunkering port in each
member state. About 10% of
European coastal and inland
ports will be included, a total

of 139 ports. Coastal port

Projections for the future higher gas-fuelled ship
numbers early, growing to
There is no question that LNG a total of 3,200 vessels by
as a marine fuel has arrived; 2025.
what we have yet to see is
how large the industry will Other commentators have
grow to and how quickly. looked at the overall size of
the fuel market and at how
The industry has made gas-fuelled ships would
several forecasts but as impact the global, bulk LNG
yet there is little alignment business. Most of these
between them. Lloyds forecasts are significantly
Register provided a detailed less optimistic than the
review of the potential DNV GL fuel forecasts. Most
growth scenarios in 2012. Its commercial commentators
optimistic scenario predicted – including Poten & Partners,
about 2,000 ships by 2025. Wood Mackenzie, CERA and
This would be an average Total – predict 20 – 30 mtpa
of about 150 ships per year, of LNG by 2030. This would
significantly more than the require about a 10% growth
14 ships delivered in 2013 (20% for the most optimistic
and the 22 ships expected in scenario) in today’s LNG
2014. Most of the growth in production just for fuel use.
the Lloyds Register scenario LNG industry commentators
takes place after 2020, when such as BG Group are
the IMO is proposing to already suggesting that the
impose worldwide sulphur LNG business will be supply-
reductions. DNV GL’s latest constrained for its traditional
forecast (2014) appears to business model over this
extrapolate from recent period.
deliveries and so predicts

What does a LNG-fuelled
ship look like?

The fuel storage and use

systems on a LNG-fuelled
vessel differ to those on
a conventional oil-fuelled
ship. The requirements for
an LNG-fuelled ship are

currently being developed by
IMO under the International
Code of Safety for Ships
using Gases or other Low
Flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code).
An interim set of rules is
currently in place under
MSC.285 (86). The IGF Code
is currently being finalised
and is expected to be
released in the next version

of SOLAS (Safety Of Life At
Sea) in 2017.

This section discusses

the general principles of
ship design influenced by
the IGF Code. Specialist
consultancies and
classification societies will be
able to provide more specific


Ship design

The factors to be considered Most discussion currently

during ship design are: surrounds the location of the
LNG storage tanks and how
• Protection of the LNG far these need to be sited
storage tank and LNG/ from the outer hull to avoid
gas pipework from damage. Type C tanks have
damage through particular issues as their
collisions with other cylindrical shape is not easily
vessels and/or cargo or accommodated in a space-
by dropped objects efficient way in many parts of
the hull.
• Redundancy of fuel
systems to ensure that LNG storage
the vessel can continue
to navigate if one The IGF Code is specifically
system is damaged concerned with monitoring
or fails the conditions within the tank
(temperature and pressure),
• Minimisation of any providing pressure-relief
hazards provided by systems to dispose of
the use of gas as fuel gas safely in emergency
scenarios, as well as boil-off
• Safety systems that gas management systems
provide a safe shut- to control tank pressure
down of hazardous during normal operations
systems and removal and to ensure that leaks
of their inventories to are minimised by pipework
prevent the build-up design and/or by providing
of potentially explosive specific protection for a ship’s
atmospheres structural elements.

Ship fuel systems

The code provides specific As with the LNG storage

advice on pipe design and tanks, leaks, both LNG or
layout between the LNG gas, must be detected and
supply and the engines. LNG contained. This is typically
is very cold so the pipework achieved by using a pipe-
(up to the point where the in-pipe (or duct) system with
LNG is evaporated) must be the LNG running through

allowed to contract without the inner pipe and a leak
damage as it cools. Valves detection system provided in
must be included to isolate the outer pipe.
the LNG storage tank or any
other significant volume
of LNG. If the pipes start to
warm, pressure-relief valves
must be provided to allow
vapour to escape.

m/t Bit Viking with two 500m3 Type C tanks


Redundancy of the fuel Control systems
system is considered
essential. This is preferably The engines, LNG tanks
based on multiple LNG tanks, and fuel systems should be
each with its own fuel system capable of being monitored,
providing fuel to multiple controlled and shut down
engines. from outside any potentially
gas containing space.
Power generation & Suitable instrumentation
propulsion should be provided
to monitor tank levels,
The code covers gas-only pressures and temperatures,
engines, dual-fuel gas to review the operation of
and oil engines, multi-fuel ventilation systems, and to
engines (such as methanol), detect the escape of gases
gas turbines and fuel cells. or – in the worst case – the
Redundancy is the key issue outbreak of fires.
– with a vessel needing to
continue to operate with the An Emergency Shut-Down
failure of one engine. The (ESD) system is required. It
use of multiple engines, each should be capable of being
in a separate machinery triggered manually from
space, is the preferred option multiple locations on the ship
in the code. and automatically by specific
occurrences, for example
For dual- and multi-fuel gas detection. Safety
engines, an automatic monitoring systems should
fuel changeover system have their own dedicated
is required, which must and independent control
operate on the failure of one systems.
fuel supply system.

Bunkering facility

The bunkering system should

be on an open deck with
plenty of natural ventilation.
If this is not possible, forced
ventilation will be required.

Spill management and the

need to protect the ship’s
steel structures are also

A ship-to-shore (or bunker

vessel) communication
system with ESD linkage is


Hose connected to ship’s bunkering manifold

What does a
bunkering system however, will require the
ship needing fuel to sail
look like? to the LNG terminal. Large
terminals will have storage
There are four different tanks that operate at
options for refuelling an atmospheric pressure and
LNG-powered vessel. bunkering will take place
using pumps. This type of
LNG terminals terminal will be supplied by
large LNG tankers and will
LNG terminals can transfer often be the supply source
LNG to ships directly without for road tankers and bunker
using any intermediate vessels. Small terminals
transfer system. This, are similar to road tankers
and most bunker vessels as
Bunkering options

LNG terminal Road tanker

Bunker vessel LNG Container

they use pressurised tanks typically serves the smaller
to store their LNG. They will end of the LNG transfer
receive LNG either from LNG market. Emptying a single
carriers or manufacture it road tanker can be achieved
themselves. LNG transfer using a pressure differential
will normally be by pressure between the tanker and
differential. the ship and typically takes
about an hour. Multiple road
Bunker vessels tankers can be unloaded

simultaneously, depending
LNG can be transferred from on the LNG volume required
bunker vessels or even small and the piping arrangement.
LNG carriers, which can be
moored alongside ships Containerised LNG
anywhere in a port. Transfer
of LNG can be by pressure LNG tanks can be provided
difference or, if high speeds within standard 20 foot and
are required, by dedicated 40 foot container sizes and
LNG pumps. There are no comprise a Type C LNG tank,
physical restrictions on the similar to a road tanker,

amount of LNG that can be inside a container-shaped
stored on a bunker vessel, steel frame. Many road
so one bunker vessel may transport operations now use
be able to service more than LNG containers on flat-bed
one ship. trucks rather than custom-
built road tankers.
Road trucks
For gas as a marine fuel,
LNG road tankers are limited LNG could be provided and
by weight through road stored by such “cassette”-

transport legislation so type cell systems. Whole

bunkering via a road tanker containers would be lifted

or driven on board and The disadvantages of this
connected to the fuel system. technology are that it is not
Empty tanks would be space-efficient, particularly if
disconnected and removed. located within the hull, and is
relatively expensive.
Bunkering system
components The iconic, free-standing,
Moss Rosenberg spheres
The bunkering system are extremely robust in
consists of an LNG tank to terms of strength and
hold the LNG, a transfer operability but take up very
system that connects this large amounts of space.
to the tank on the ship that It is therefore difficult to
is to be filled, and a control envisage any LNG-fuelled
system to enable the transfer. ships adopting this tank
technology. Self-supporting
LNG Storage tanks Prismatic type B (SPB) tanks
are effectively cuboid in
A variety of LNG storage shape and can be designed
tanks are (or will be) to fit comfortably within most
available to hold LNG. hull shapes. The tanks have
Most of these tanks have internal strengthening and
operated successfully on LNG structural systems which
carriers operating in the bulk make them very robust but
international LNG business. also expensive and relatively
IMO Type C tanks are heavy.
pressure vessels whose
internal pressure may be Membrane containment
increased to several times systems use thin metallic
atmospheric pressure. This barriers supported by the
is very attractive for the LNG strong hull structure via
bunkering process as it load-bearing insulation
avoids venting any cold gas.

arrangements. The
membrane is subject to
deflection loads as the
hull moves, and therefore
requires a duplicate
“secondary barrier” to protect
the hull in case of failure
of the primary membrane.
Membrane tanks can be

made into any shape so can
be used space efficiently
within a hull. However, the
membrane is thin and can
be damaged by “sloshing”,
waves generated within the
LNG tank by ship movement.
The shape of the tank and
the strength of the insulation
needs careful consideration
to avoid sloshing issues.

LNG bunker transfer system

The LNG bunker transfer

system consists of valves, a
flexible piping system, safety
valves and a connector
system to the ship’s pipework
and control system.

Flexible piping system

There are two options for

flexible piping: firstly, a
hose made from a stainless
steel inner pipe, layers of
insulation and an external
armour; and, secondly, hard
arms that consist of lengths
of pipe linked together by
an articulated joint called
a swivel. The swivel allows
movement in one or two
dimensions, meaning that
two swivels are required.
Flexible hose
Flexible hoses have been
used for many years to
unload LNG road tankers
into small onshore tanks and
more recently to transfer bulk
LNG cargoes between ships
and floating terminals. Hard
arms are the workhorse of
the bulk LNG industry, used in
almost all liquefaction plants
and import terminals. They
are also increasingly popular
for loading LNG road tankers.
As the pipes are rigid, hard
arms are more robust than
flexible pipes and have
potentially better safety Hard arms

performance. That said, the
continuous movement of the
swivels during bunkering
may lead to maintenance
and component lifetime

Emergency release coupling

Emergency release
couplers (ERCs) have been
introduced to limit – indeed
almost eliminate – LNG
spills should the system
need to be disconnected
in an emergency. An ERC
consists of two valves that Emergency release coupler
close automatically in an
emergency shut-down to monitor the filling process
scenario. Between the two and prevent any hazardous

valves is a coupler that scenarios – such as over-
can break away, allowing filling or over-pressurisation
separation of the two vessels – developing.
with the only spillage being
the small amount of LNG
trapped between the two

Control systems

Best practice is to connect the

two LNG tanks and control
systems to allow each side

Bunkering process the seller of the LNG. In this
capacity the PIC will provide
Bunkering an LNG-fuelled the correct amount and
vessel involves many quality of LNG. The PIC is
stakeholders and has several responsible for the safety of
stages. the LNG supply and transfer
equipment. The PIC will also
The master of the vessel to be responsible for complying
be fuelled retains control with any local safety,
over the ship. The master is environmental and maritime
acting on behalf of and in requirements. If, at any
the interests of the buyer of stage, the transfer process
the LNG. In this capacity the fails to comply with the local
master must approve the regulations, the PIC should
quantity and quality of the terminate the transfer.
LNG that will be bunkered.
The master must also The choice of filling method
ensure that the LNG transfer will depend on many factors,
process is safe and that including: the compositions
environmental impacts are of the LNG in the tank and the
minimised. If these basic LNG fuel; the temperatures
requirements do not continue of both LNG volumes; the
to be met at any time during filling rate; and the pressure
bunkering, the master has ratings of the LNG tanks.
the right to terminate the
process. The bunkering process is
summarised in the flow
The Person In Charge (PIC) diagram on the right.
is in control of the transfer
of LNG. In most scenarios
the PIC will act on behalf of

Flow diagram of a typical bunkering process


Is LNG safe? Handling cryogenic liquids

The cryogenic nature of LNG Extremely low temperatures

introduces new hazards that will cause standard ship
differ to those of conventional steel to become brittle and
oil-based marine fuels. fracture – so areas at risk
However, one benefit of must be protected against
LNG’s cryogenic nature is accidental LNG spills using
that it will start to vaporise drip trays and/or water
on contact with air, ground curtains. Carbon steels
or water. This means that used for shipbuilding start
LNG spills tend to leave to become brittle below
fewer lasting environmental -20°C. Stainless steel and
impacts than marine oils. aluminium do not become
brittle so are normally used
Almost all LNG-based safety for cryogenic pipework and
incidents will start with a valves.
spill of LNG or an escape of
cold gas. For very small LNG Spills on earth or the concrete
spills, particularly onto water, structures of quaysides are
the LNG may vaporise very unlikely to cause damage
quickly and become a cold but may take some time
gas. This gas may disperse to vaporise and disperse.
into the atmosphere. If the Spills of cryogenic fluids onto
LNG leak is larger than the water lead to very rapid
rate of vaporisation can boiling of the LNG. In unusual
immediately dissipate, the circumstances the expansion
LNG will form a pool that caused by the rapid boiling
may stay in one place or can create a low energy
spread out, depending on blast wave. This is called a
the physical obstructions in Rapid Phase Transition (RPT).
its vicinity and the degree
of movement of the vessel

Cold gas is heavier than air not ignite, it should safely
and so leaks will roll down disperse in the atmosphere.
and along a deck or water
surface. They are usually very Fires & firefighting
apparent as the cold gas
condenses water vapour in Vapour from boiling LNG is
the air to form a white cloud. flammable, which is why LNG
As it spreads, the cold gas is used as a fuel. If LNG spills
starts to warm. Its density and starts to evaporate, there

therefore decreases and the is potential for a fire to start
gas becomes more buoyant. if an ignition source is close
At about -110°C the cold gas by. Natural gas ignites only
becomes lighter than air and in mixtures of between about
starts to rise. The direction 5% and 14% by volume in
and speed of gas dispersion air. Wherever the gas cloud
is highly dependent ignites, the gas will rapidly
on prevailing weather burn back to the leak source,
conditions. If the gas does where it will continue to burn

Dense white
cloud formed
by vaporising
a liquefied
gas (nitrogen

in this case)
over water

until it is extinguished or all regarded in the marine and
the LNG has combusted. hydrocarbon industries as
In very specific circumstances best practice. This view is
the ignition of a fire may based on their high-quality,
be so violent that a form of robust safety systems and
explosion can occur. overall attention to detail in
design, solid construction
Designing in safety and stringent operational
practices. These factors
The greatest benefits of combine to minimise
safety analysis are at accidents, incidents and
the design stage, which product releases.
is when most proposed
safety improvements Multiple layers of protective
can be accommodated measures are implemented
relatively easily. During and to prevent a hazardous
after construction some scenario escalating into an
safety improvements may actual safety incident.
no longer be possible at
reasonable cost, for example Layers of
if they require the altering or protection
moving of major systems or principles
hull components.

The bulk LNG industry has a

good safety record, having
developed very rigorous
design guidelines for both
ships and shore facilities,
as well as high standards
of training and operational
procedures. LNG facilities
and LNG carriers are

Simultaneous failure of is normally where the
multiple layers of protection arguments begin. Some
is unlikely. supposedly credible
scenarios may lead to large
Safety distances and safety distances, of perhaps
exclusion zones up to 100 metres or more.

Safety distances are The alternative –probabilistic

designed to keep ignition – approach predominates

sources away from the in many onshore LNG
LNG and any potential facilities. It uses the same
leaks, while simultaneously consequence calculations
minimising the potential for as the deterministic
scenarios that could lead to method but also assigns
damage, such as collisions. probabilities or frequencies
The size of safety zones to the chance of an event
can be calculated by one occurring. The safety
of two generally accepted distances generated are
systems. The choice will examined on the maximum
usually be at the discretion of risk to an individual worker/

the local regulator and may member of the public and
also depend on the type of the societal risk to the wider
bunkering being used. community. Safety distances
here can be small to very
The maritime industry small. The weakness of this
has generally used a method is the ability of the
deterministic approach, hazard assessor to source
in which distances are appropriate frequency data
calculated for certain failure and independently assess
scenarios. These scenarios hazard scenarios.

need to be credible, which

Probablistic risk-based

Risk assessment

Risk assessments will to demonstrate to the local

need to be carried out and/or national authorities
on equipment and that the design meets or
components, on individual exceeds their requirements.
vessels, and on the whole Risk assessment is normally
bunkering process. Some carried out during the design
risk assessments will be and planning phases –
performed to ensure that addressing construction,
design work is safe while operation and maintenance.
others will be carried out

The results of such risk Safety management systems
assessments must
be incorporated into Management systems and
the operational and procedures must reinforce
maintenance procedures staff behaviours around the
as appropriate. Full risk implementation of safety
assessment consists of much to ensure that policies are
more than just a Quantitative effective. Alongside risk
Risk Assessment! A HAZard assessment, the use of

and OPerability (HAZOP) safety manuals, appropriate
study – in which each major working procedures/
equipment component is practices and training are
examined for a variety of crucial.
mal-operations and the
impact of the effects of poor Any work also needs to
performance is quantified – be seen in the context of
is particularly appropriate. the whole plant or vessel
– to ensure that one task
Risk assessment is not a does not interfere with
one-off process; it needs or cause safety concerns

to be repeated every time for other tasks/workers.
something significant Particular emphasis should
changes. This may be a be placed on non-routine
new vessel to be fuelled operations, where it may
(if substantially different not be straightforward to
from others fuelled), the understand all the hazards
use of different bunkering involved.
equipment, and/or changes
in operating procedures. Modifications should go
through a risk assessment

process before being


Will simultaneous How do I plan for
operations be allowed? emergencies?

Whether simultaneous Accidents can happen.

operations will be allowed Planning therefore should
will be for the port authority consider all possible
and/or the safety regulator eventualities, so that if the
to decide, on the basis of worst happens, the most
risk assessments and safety appropriate response clicks
management systems. in.

There is nothing in the Generally there should be

regulations forbidding two levels in an emergency
simultaneous operations, plan. The first level looks
but they introduce additional after the site of a potential
hazards, for example the incident. The second
dropping of a container level looks after the wider
on the bunker vessel, or community.
the consequences of an
incident being greater. For The site emergency response
example, passengers are would probably involve
likely to be more vulnerable the bunker company/
during boarding and also facility owner and fire and
represent multiple potential ambulance authorities. The
ignition sources because of purpose of this is to handle
their mobile phones and/or the immediate hazard,
vehicle engines. controlling and extinguishing
any fire and treating any
injured people.

The offsite emergency

response plan aims to
handle the consequences

of an event for the wider The emergency plan
community. Typically the needs to be tested at least
police are the main agency annually. Tests can range
and the local authority from desk-top exercises
will need to be involved, involving only senior staff
particularly if a public from the emergency services
evacuation is required. to full-blown simulated
Dealing effectively with emergencies, with fire
media interest is an appliances in attendance

important part of this activity. and ambulances treating
Both the bunker supplier and simulated casualties.
the ship owner should be

Fire and ambulance

authorities are very good
at fighting normal fires
and attending a range of
accidents. However, an LNG
spill is not a normal accident

and the bunkerer – especially
in the case of a terminal
– is likely to have more
experience and knowledge
in LNG fire-fighting and first
aid than the emergency
services. This can be a cause
of conflict. Supporting the
training of key members of
the emergency services and

regular visits and drills to

familiarise first responders
are strongly recommended.

What training is required? There is concern over
“regulatory clash”, the
Working together mismatch of onshore rules
(frequently competence-
Bunkering is a two-stage based but with criteria set by
process – one party operators and approved by
supplying the fuel and regulators) with prescriptive
the other receiving it. The shipping rules and IMO
two crews need to work training systems.
together so both must be
trained. It is probably not Training for mariners
possible to train everyone
in everything but the basic Gas-as-fuel training for
mental model between the mariners will come under
two parties should be shared the International Maritime
to enable understanding. Organisation’s (IMO’s)
Communication and Standards of Training and
co-ordination are key Watchkeeping Committee
to successful and safe (STCW). A four-level system is
bunkering. anticipated:

The main risks are thought • Familiarisation of the

to be associated with the crew with the ship
ship being fuelled. The and equipment. This
bunker vessel, terminal or is expected to be the
road tanker staff would be responsibility of ship
bunkering every day and owners and managers
probably many times each and outside of STCW
day. The ship may bunker regulations.
only infrequently (every • Basic training of all
several days or weeks). The crew on a gas-fuelled
quality of the receiving vessel vessel about the safety
and training of its crew are issues of natural gas
key to safe bunkering.

and how these should training and experience on
be dealt with on the operating (or training) ships.
• Advanced training Training for bunker
for all officers and vessel staff
engineering crew
involved in the From a regulatory point
operation of the gas- of view, bunker vessels
fuelling system and are considered to be LNG

the LNG-bunkering carriers as they transport LNG
process. cargo in bulk. The existing
• Equipment specific training requirements of
training, probably from STCW under the IGC Code
the vendors, for the would therefore apply to
actual systems used on bunker vessels, rather than
the ship. This too would any system proposed under
lie outside the STCW IGF. Some elements of the IGF
code. code training process may
also apply.
DNV GL has suggested an

alternative approach for Training for terminal staff
the advanced training that
would involve separating It is normally a legal
out different learning requirement for LNG
requirements for deck and import terminals and small
engineering staff, based on liquefaction plants to provide
their actual roles within the training for their employees
gas/LNG storage, transfer in the hazards of LNG and
and engine operation. the company’s operating and
maintenance procedures.

A variety of training methods

are proposed, including
training courses, simulator

39 40
Training for road tanker operators

All road tanker drivers need training – but there is no industry

standard or commonality as to what the training should be.
Good practice appears to be a one-day course, with the
programme including: class-room training to understand
processes; tanker-specific training (“learning to think”)as there
are many different types of road tanker; and practical training,
such as actually filling an LNG road tanker (to “demonstrate

Maritime simulator training facility in the US


How much does LNG cost?

There are essentially two bunker (see diagram).

types of LNG trading. Firstly, The main reference price
there is the international will be the cost of gas to
bulk trade, in which LNG customers, the gas market
moves from one country price. LNG bunker prices
to another, often over very would probably be based
long distances, in large LNG on the market gas price plus

carriers. Secondly, there are the cost of producing and
the smaller local producers distributing LNG at small
that produce LNG for local scale. Bulk, internationally
markets. The price of LNG supplied, LNG would
will depend on which of compete with this price but
these models is used and would need to show that
where in the world it is the upstream profit, where
sourced from. most of the risk is taken, is
commensurate with other
Gas and LNG are sold on international gas trading
an energy basis, typically in options.

British thermal units (Btu).
(Because a Btu is a very Comparing the economics
small measure of energy, of LNG bunker with oil
a Btu is about 4 calories, is difficult, because they
the most common unit is depend on the precise
a million Btu, or MMBtu.) compositions of the LNG and
The price of gas varies by the oil. They also depend on
location, from country to engine type and efficiency.
country and within countries. Build-up of LNG bunker

The price of LNG as bunker

needs to be built up from
the gas well to the LNG

41 42
Gas Fields (on or off shore)

Gas Treatment
Bulk LNG Liquefaction
If price insufficient Terminal
Cargo diverted
Gas Market Price Minus
Bulk LNG Shipping Bulk LNG Shipping
Alternative Gas Bulk LNG Import Gas Transmission
Market Price Terminal System

Gas Market Price

Small LNG Liquefier
Gas Market Price Plus
Small LNG ships LNG Road Transport
Bunker Price
Containerised LNG
Bunker Vessel Bunkering Terminal Quayside Bunkering
The corresponding prices for oil after conversion to energy
terms (as of June 2014)

US$ / mmBTU Europe US Far East

(Rotterdam) (Houston) (Tokyo)
HFO 14 - 15 14 - 15 16 - 17

MDO 20 - 21 23 - 24 21 - 22

Natural Gas 7-8 4-5 15 - 16

Over the long term, LNG As LNG contracts are

delivered to a ship as fuel is generally based on traded
expected to cost less than oil and/or gas references,
MDO and to be generally they can be hedged. It is
comparable with HFO. easy to envisage USA LNG
bunker sales contracts being
LNG contracts normally based on the price of gas at
include some form of price Henry Hub and European

indexation. Historically this bunker prices being based
has been against an oil or a on either NBP prices or those
basket of oils. Increasingly, at the Dutch equivalent, the
gas indices are being Title Transfer Facility (TTF).
used in price-formation
mechanisms – usually The oil equivalents include
Henry Hub in the USA or the the price of oil from Brent
National Balancing Point (an oil field in the UK sector
(NBP) in the UK. The price of of the North Sea), West
the LNG therefore generally Texas Intermediate (WTI)

rises and falls in line with oil in the USA, and the Japan
or gas prices, depending on Crude Cocktail (JCC) price
how it is indexed. in Asia (also referred to as

the Japan Customs-cleared On the LNG delivery side
Crude price). there is no definite answer
as yet. However, existing oil
What commercial bunkering contracts – and
agreements will I need? Bunker Delivery Notices
(BDNs) – are not dissimilar
There are two operations to the documentation used
that need to happen for LNG in the bulk transportation of
bunkering to take place. LNG. So alignment should
Firstly, the bunkerer has to be possible. One of the
purchase LNG from a bulk technical committees of
importer or local liquefaction the European Sustainable
company. Secondly, the Shipping Forum is
ship owner/operator has to developing a standardised
purchase LNG fuel from the LNG BDN.
bunkerer. In between LNG
supply and ship bunkering Differences between
may be some form of LNG & oils
delivery contract to cover
the costs incurred by third LNG differs from oils in that it
parties, for example road is an evaporating liquid. Any
truck operators. heat ingress boils off some
of the LNG to create what is
The LNG supply side is called Boil-Off Gas (BOG). It
well covered by existing consists of the most volatile
commercial practices. components, normally
Many different models nitrogen and methane.
exist but companies and
specialist energy lawyers As BOG is generated, the
should be confident of composition (or quality) of
the continuation of these the LNG gradually changes.
models with relatively minor Over many days or weeks
modifications. significant changes in

composition can occur. volume and the density the
This is called “aging” or mass of LNG transferred
“weathering”. Sampling is calculated. To ensure
for quality measurement accuracy – this type of LNG
therefore needs to take custody transfer is accurate
place close to the time of to ±1% – many corrections
LNG bunkering, preferably at need to be made for cargo
the same time, but otherwise temperature and pressure,
within a few hours. list and trim of the LNG

tanker, and from calibration
Depending on the LNG tank of the tanks and the
type, rate of bunkering and measuring instrument. The
composition of the LNG, LNG importers’ group GIIGNL
BOG may be generated provides detailed guidance
during bunkering. In the on this method.
bulk LNG industry this BOG
is returned to the supplier A similar method could
(for example, the bunker be used on a bunker
vessel) and may have a vessel. The apparently
financial value. Therefore laborious measurement and

two flows potentially need to corrections are normally
be measured, both the liquid performed by computers
LNG and the gaseous BOG. in the custody transfer
system and so require only
Quantity measurement occasional cross-checking
and calibration.
LNG in bulk has always been
measured by recording The alternative from the
tank levels before and after LNG road fuel market, and
the transfer. The density to a certain extent LNG

is calculated from a LNG road trucking, is to use a

sample taken at the same mass measurement device.
time and using this known Road tankers are frequently

loaded on weighbridges to Vaporisation must be very
accurately determine the fast to prevent volatile
mass of LNG transferred. components leaving
Filling LNG-fuelled trucks prematurely and to ensure
uses a system similar to a that no residual components
petrol/gasoline or diesel are left as liquid. This
pump with a totaliser system analysis is used to calculate
based on a mass flow meter. the density and the calorific
Coriolis meters are the value of the LNG. As with oil,
normal technology choice. gas samples need to be kept
in case of appeal by one
party against another.
Sampling & quality

The largest inaccuracy in

traditional LNG custody
transfer systems stems not
from the flow measurement
but from the calculation of
the density. The density is
calculated accurately from
a composition; the difficult
stage is sampling for the
composition. As with oil,
a sample of LNG must be
taken from the transfer
pipe as close as possible
to the manifold. Unlike
oil, the sample must be
vaporised to analyse the
composition of the resulting
gas in a chromatograph.

The Society for Gas as a Contact Us
Marine Fuel (SGMF) was
established to promote Address:
best practice in the use of 50 Liverpool Street, London,
gas as a marine fuel. The EC2M 7PY, UK
society’s ultimate goal is
to develop and produce Telephone:
definitive guidelines so +44 (0) 20 3637 1455
that the process of using
gas as a marine fuel can Website:
be undertaken safely and
consistently worldwide.
In this way, all the players Email:
along the gas supply chain [email protected]
will be able to realise the
benefits that stem from its LinkedIn:
use. Society for Gas as a
Marine Fuel



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