Nivel Iv

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NAME:_______________________________________ DATE:_____________________________
1. Rewrite this sentences using indirect speech. (5 pts)
 “It’s important to practice everyday”
My teacher says __________________________________________
 “You can study abroad next year”
My parents told me _______________________________________
 “Try to practice every day”
The article said to ________________________________________
 “Don’t be nervous about mistakes”
She said ________________________________________________
 “You should hire a private tutor”
My friend _______________________________________________

2. Look at the information and write sentences about what the people said. (5 pts)
a. It’s important to study every day. → 5 people
b. Try to watch a lot of English movies. → Elena
c. You should study abroad. → 6 people
d. Try to talk with native speakers every month. → The newspaper
e. Don’t be too worried about your mistakes. → My textbook

a. ________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________
e. ________________________________________________________

3. Do you use these words to talk about things (T), people (P), or both (P)? Write T,P or B next
to each word. (5 pts)
Confident ______ Disappointing ______ Nervous ______
Embarrassing ______ Relaxed ______ Useful ______
Frustrating ______ Outgoing ______ Challenging ______
Worried ______ Realistic _____ Natural ______

4. Answer the following questions using conditional. (5 pts)

a. Would the soccer player visit California this year?
b. Would you atop the bus?
c. Where would you go if you could travel anywhere?
d. If you were a superhero, would you want to read minds?
e. If you were at the beach now, what would you do?

5. Following the next idea, write down a little text or sentences using WOULD. (5pts)
If I were billionaire…

6. Fill in the blanks with the conditional clause. (5 pts)

If _____________________ , I will visit Italy.
If _____________________ , She would cook for us.
If ______________________ , he would visit us.
If _____________________, she could win the lottery.
If _____________________, they will visit me.

7. Write the Simple past of the following verbs. (10 pts)



8. Write down a little text about your ideal day. (5 pts)

9. Read the following text and answer the questions.


Paul Nicklen waited patiently on a sheet of ice in the artic. He was there to take picture for The
National Geograpich. Finally, he saw something big and white. It was a polar bear, swimming
toward him in the icy water.
Paul lay down on the ice to get a better photo, but the bear jumped out of the water and tried to
attack him! Luckily for Paul, the ice cracked, or broke, and the bear fell into the water. The polar
bear wasn’t so lucky. It couldn’t get a meal and had to swim farther away to find food.
To understand the polar bear’s problem, you need to know two things about the Arctic. First, the
Arctic is mostly ocean. Second, ice covers a lot of the Arctic Ocean. In winter, the ice forms a thick,
white sheet, but in summer, the ice is thinner and breaks into pieces. Sea ice is the key to survival
for Arctic animals. However, because of the global warming, Arctic temperatures are rising and
polar ice is melting.
Polar bears need ice too hunt seals, their favorite meal. They stand on the ice and wait for the seals
to come up for air. As Arctic ice melts, polar bears have to swim farther to find ice floes, or large
pieces of floating ice. Sometimes, bears have to swim more than 200 Km to find and ice floe. Some
bears cannot swim that far and sadly, they drown.
On his last trip, Paul Nicklen saw three polar ear carcasses. Before global warming threatened
Arctic ice, a dead bear was a rare sight. Paul is sad to see the dead bodies. Wildlife experts think
global warming will have a terrible effect on polar bear. In the future, polar ice will continue to
shrink and endanger the bears. Some scientists believe 65 percen of the world’s polar bear will
disappear by 2050. In other words, polar bears are in danger of becoming extinct.

1. What is the main idea of the text?

a. Polar bears are amazing swimmers.
b. Arctic temperatures are rising.
c. Global warming is endangering polar bears.

2. Why was the polar bear that tried to attack Paul unlucky?
a. Paul swam away. b. It was I ice floe. c. It couldn’t eat Paul.

3. How do polar bears hunt seals?

a. The wait on ice floes. b. They wait in the water. c. they drown the seals.

4. We can infer that polar bears ____.

a. Won’t have any food in 2050 b. Will all die before 2050 c. Cannot find food easily.

5. What does a rare sight means in the underline line.

a. Won’t have any food. b. something you don’t see often. c. something that is blind.
6. What are the effects of global warming? Put the next sentences in orther
a. Some polar bears drown. ______
b. Polar ice melts ______
c. Temperatures rise. ______
d. Polar bears are in danger of becoming extinct. ______
e. Polar bears have to swim farther between ice floes. _____
f. Ice breaks into ice floes. ______

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