Motivate! 3 End-Of-Term Test Standard: Units 4 - 6

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3 End-of-term Test Standard Units 4–6

Name: __________________________________________________ Result: __/100


1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

ruins art gallery pyramid monument coastline lighthouse

1 Colombia has an Atlantic and a Pacific ______________ .

2 The function of a ______________ is to protect ships from dangerous rocks.
3 The largest ______________ in the world is at Giza in Egypt.
4 The Acropolis is an ancient Greek ______________ in Athens.
5 The ancient city of Pompeii is full of Roman ______________ .
6 The Louvre is a famous ______________ in Paris.
Score __/6

2 Complete the sentences with make or do.

1 My friends ______________ a lot of exercise every day.

2 I know the test is difficult but you must ______________ your best.
3 My parents ______________ a lot of charity work. They visit old people at weekends and cook for
4 Our teacher is really funny. She always tries to ______________ us laugh.
5 I often ______________ a lot of mistakes in my maths homework.
6 Can you ______________ me a favour?
7 At weekends, we like to relax at home and ______________ nothing.
Score __/7

3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

amazing awful delighted enormous exhausted freezing terrifying

1 I saw an ______________ film yesterday. The special effects were incredible!

2 It’s really cold today. I’m ______________ !
3 The journey was very long and we were ______________ when we arrived home.
4 I was ______________ with the presents I got from my friends.
5 My sister hates flying. She thinks it’s ______________ .
6 I always go to that restaurant when I’m hungry. The meals there are ______________ !
7 The match was ______________ . It was 0-0, it rained the whole time and we were really bored.
Score __/7


4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1 London is ____________________ than Paris. (big)

2 Everest is ____________________ mountain in the world. (high)
3 English is ____________________ than Chinese. (easy)
4 Chinese is ____________________ than English. (difficult)
5 For many people, maths is ____________________ subject at school. (important)
Score __/5

Motivate! 3 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013

5 Choose the correct words.

1 Manchester is not as big as / as big than London.

2 In winter, the weather in London is almost as cold as / not as cold as the weather in New York.
3 She can’t buy that dress because it’s too / enough expensive.
4 I couldn’t buy the computer because I didn’t have / had enough money.
5 She can’t drive a car because she isn’t old enough / isn’t too old .
Score __/5

6 Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1 She ____________________ her homework. (finish)

2 ______________ you ______________ the newspaper yet? (read)
3 My brother ____________________ his room. (not tidy)
4 Where ____________________ your parents ______________? (go)
5 She ____________________ to Paris. She wants to go next summer. (not be)
Score __/5

7 Complete the sentences with for or since.

1 I haven’t had anything to eat ______________ five hours so I’m very hungry.
2 My best friend has lived in the same house ______________ she was a child.
3 We have been in this classroom ______________ half past nine.
4 My parents have been in London ______________ Tuesday.
5 I have had this new mobile phone ______________ five weeks.
Score __/5

8 Complete the sentences with the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in the box.

be get up go know live

1 ______________ you ______________ to Italy?

2 Yes, I have. I ______________ there two years ago.
3 My uncle ______________ in Canada for ten years. He really likes it there.
4 I ______________ my best friend since we were at primary school together.
5 What time ______________ you ______________ this morning?
Score __/5

9 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

a lot of any many much some

1 We saw ______________ interesting things when we visited Morocco.

2 I went to the beach with ______________ friends.
3 How ______________ food is there in the fridge?
4 How ______________ people came to the party?
5 I can’t buy that shirt because I haven’t got ______________ money.
Score __/5

Motivate! 3 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013


10 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

An amazing swimmer

Martin Strel was born in October 1954, in Slovenia. He is a famous marathon swimmer and has
broken world records for swimming the world’s longest rivers, including the Danube, the longest
river in Europe, the Mississippi, the longest river in North America, the Yangtze, the longest
river in Asia, and the Amazon, which many people say is the longest river in the world. When
Strel swims these rivers he only sleeps for five hours each night. He prepares for each swim for
more than a year and it takes him half a year to recover after the swim. In 2000, Strel swam the
entire length of the River Danube, from Germany to Romania, a distance of 2,860 kilometres. In
July 2001, he broke the world record for non-stop swimming. He swam an amazing 504 km in
just 84 hours. In 2002, he swam the Mississippi, a distance of 3,885 km. He completed the
swim in just 68 days. In 2004, he swam the Yangtze river in China, swimming 4000 km in only
40 days. Then, in 2007, Strel began his most difficult and his most dangerous journey – the
Amazon, a river full of snakes, fish and dangerous currents. He swam the river from its source
on the border between Colombia and Brazil to its mouth on the Atlantic Ocean, a distance of
5,268 kilometres. The swim took 66 days and Strel was completely exhausted when he finished
his swim on the eastern coast of Brazil. And his next swim? Strel says he is not planning to
swim the River Nile in Africa because it is too easy!

1 Martin Strel is from

a) Slovakia b) Slovenia
2 The longest river in Asia is
a) the Yangtze b) the Danube
3 How long does Strel sleep each night during his swims?
a) five hours b) eight hours
4 How long does it take him to prepare for a swim?
a) half a year b) more than a year
5 When did he break the world record for non-stop swimming??
a) 2001 b) 2002
6 How long was his Mississippi swim?
a) almost 4,000 km b) more than 4,000 km
7 How long did it take him to swim the Mississippi?
a) 66 days b) 68 days
Score __/7

11 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 What was his most difficult and dangerous swim?

2 Why was it difficult and dangerous?
3 How did he feel when he finished his swim?
Score __/3

Motivate! 3 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013


12 Write a description of a journey for an online travel blog. Remember to use linkers like first, next,
then and finally. Include some or all of the information below.

- where did you go?

- where did you buy the ticket?
- how did you travel?
- how long did the journey take?
- what was good or bad about the journey?
- how did you feel when you arrived?
- what did you do there?
- did you have a good time

Score __/10


13 Listen to the interview and circle T (true) or F (false

1 Jenny has only been to four countries. T/F

2 Her favourite country is Brazil. T/F
3 The best time to visit Argentina is in December and January. T/F
4 Ben has been to fifty countries. T/F
5 His favourite country is South Africa. T/F
6 For Ben the best thing was going on safari. T/F
7 He went to South Africa two years ago. T/F
Score __/7

14 Listen again and answer the questions.

1 What is Louise’s favourite country?

2 When did she go there?
3 When does Louise think is the best time to visit Russia?
Score __/3

Motivate! 3 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013


15 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.


a) You want to organise a charity event and you want Student B to sponsor you. Use the
information below. Ask Student B to sponsor you.

Event: a sponsored run

Name of the charity: the RSPCA
When: next Saturday at 3pm
Where: the beach
How far: 10km

b) Student B wants to organise a charity event. Listen to Student B and ask questions if necessary.
Agree to sponsor Student B. Offer a particular amount of money for each metre

Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

Motivate! 3 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013


15 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.


a) Student A wants to organise a charity event. Listen to Student A and ask questions if necessary.
Agree to sponsor Student A. Offer a particular amount of money for each kilometre

b) You want to organise a charity event and you want Student A to sponsor you. Use the
information below. Ask Student A to sponsor you.

Event: a sponsored swim

Name of the charity: Comic Relief
When: next Sunday at 11am
Where: the local sports centre
How far: 1,000 metres
Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

Motivate! 3 Test Material, © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013

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