Khalil Alsharjabi Short en CV

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Bio-Data/CV *

1. Name: Mr. Khalil M. Al Sharjabi

2. Age: 49 years
3. Civil status: Married
4. Date of birth: 2/7/1960.
5. Place of birth: Sharjab, Al-Shamaiatain District, Taiz, Yemen
6. Current Address: Agricultural Research & Extension Authority
Dhamar P.O. Box. 87148
The Republic of Yemen

Telephone And Telefax: Office (06 423419)

(06 423950)
Fax: (06 423914)
Home (06 500715)
Mobile: 777162299
7. Present post: Director General, Technology Dissemination,
AREA and Senior Researcher
8. Education: (In addition to 6 years of elementary and 3
years of Preparatory education).
Sl. Certificate/ Period/
School/University Place
No. Diploma Duration
1. Al-Kwait and Omar AlMukhtar Sana'a, Secondary education 74-77
Secondary Schools Yemen Completion Diploma
2. Teshreen University Syria B.Sc. in General Agric. 79-84
3. University of the Philippines at Philippines Msc. in Development 87-90
Los Banos, Laguna. Communication & Ext.
Education. (The information
flow of new Agricultural
Technology In Yemen)
4 Acharya N. G. Ranga. India Ph.D. in Extension Education 96-99
Agricultural University and Agricultural Economics
(formerly Andhra Pradesh (Communication Behavior of
Agricultural University APAU) Agricultural Personnel In

9. Short Term Training Received (In-country and abroad):

Attended a number of training course in-country and abroad in several
fields such as:
library & documentation techniques for agriculture, AOAD, Yemen.
Agricultural & development communication, Radio, TV and Vedio
Film Production, journalism, and Audio-visual and other Educational
Materials Production, 6-months Supervised training Diploma, FAO,
Participatory Rapid Rural Appraisal (PRA), Yemen.
Monitoring & evaluation, IAC, Wageningen, Holland.
Advance management, and supervision Skills, Yemen.
Gender in Agriculture, Yemen.
Expert System In Agriculture, ICARDA-CLAES, Cairo, Egypt, and
Writing project proposal, technical report, scientific writing and data
presentation, ICARDA- APRP, Dubai.
Participatory Research and Development, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria
Preparation and electronic Publishing of agricultural digital
documents, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria.

Worked in different posts and occupied a number of positions
such as:
- Senior Socio-economic Researcher and Director General, Technology
Dissemination Department, AREA (to date).
- Managing Director, The Yemeni Journal of Agricultural Research and Studies
(to date).
- Editor-in-Chief, The "Research and Extension Periodical Magazine" (to date).
- Editor and Supervisor of AREA website.
- National Coordinator and Team Leader, Combating Dryland Degradation in
Yemen, Oasis USAID-ICARDA project (to date).
- General Supervisor, Coordinator of the annual Agricultural Show (Agrish) 3 rd,
4th, 5th and 6th for the years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2004)
- Team leader/field team supervisor, senior researcher in a number of field
surveys, national and/or regional studies and research work relating to a
number of research projects conducted in different Yemeni regions, provinces
and districts on numerous related issues as part of contracted projects or
Consultancy services and/or plans of foreign aided programs and projects by
different regional and international agencies working in Yemen. Examples of
these are the following:
Participatory Rural Appraisals "PRAs" (conducted separately in a
number of Yemeni provinces (AL-mahwit, Shabwah, AL-Baidhah,
Dhamar, Abyan etc….)

Present Status and Improvement Needs of the Traditional Seeds

Production Multiplication, and Exchange System in Yemen. (a
Survey in 5 Governorates: Sana'a, Dhamar, Hodeidha, Ibb and Lahj),
Socio-economic situational analysis and Development of Gender
Strategy for Al-Mahrah Governorate,
Media use by farmers in several Yemeni Governorates (Ibb, Dhamar,
Rada'a, Abyan and Lahj)
Farm Technology Adoption and Impact Assessment Studies in
different Governrates.
Combating Dryland Degradation in Yemen "Oasis", USAID assisted
Rural Roads and Gender in Yemen,

- Local Counterpart/National Consultant for a number of foreign experts/projects

(WB, FAO, GTZ, UNDP and other agencies) for long; and short term, office
and field missions in different governorates throughout the country.
- Part-time Information and communication Consultant for a number of agencies
such as FAO, ICARDA.
- Director General, Extension and Training Division ETD, AREA
- Director, Department of Agricultural Information, Communication and
Documentation, ETD, AREA
- Acting assistant Deputy Director General for Extension & Training, AREA
- Acting Director, Department of Extension & Training Division (ETD), AREA.
- Editorial Manager, The Agricultural Research & Extension Newsletter
- Secretary and Member of the Editorial Board, The Yemeni Journal of
Agricultural Research & Studies
- Acting Director, Dept. of Agric. Information Communication and
Documentation, ETD, AREA,
- Research Associate & Division Head, Agricultural Information &
Communication, Department of Agricultural Communication &
Documentation, Agricultural Extension & Training Sector, Agricultural
Research & Extension Authority (AREA), Dhamar
- Research Associate & Division Head, Agricultural Information, Communication
and training, Department of Economics and Technology Transfer, ARA HQ,
- Research Assistant, and Officer in Charge, Agricultural Communication,
Training and Technical Information Documentation Office, Agric. Research
Authority (ARA) Taiz, Yemen.
- Governmental Farm Supervisor( Almatar Farm, Sana'a)
- Elementary School Principal & Teacher (Marib Governorate, Harib, Almadarin

11. Main Previous Consultancy Services and Field Studies:

- National Consultant/team leader, A study on "Gender and Rural Road and
Transportation in Yemen Using PRA Qualitative and Quantitative Data",

The Yemeni Center for Labor Research and Social Studies and the World Bank,
Sana'a, March-May 2009.
- National Consultant, "Revising, Editing and Designing a Community
Contracting Guide", The Social Fund for Development (SFD), Sana'a. March –
May 2009.
- National Consultant/Trainer, "Training for Local Leaders, Local Extension
Agents and Village Unit Officers in Participatory Development
Communication and Agricultural Extension", Participatory Rural
Development Project in Dhamar Province" – IFAD, September – December
- National Consultant/Trainer, "Training for Local Extension Agents and
Village Unit Officers in Participatory Agricultural Extension Planning,
Monitoring and Evaluation", Participatory Rural Development Project in
Dhamar Province" – IFAD, April – June 2007.
- National Consultant, Member of the preparation team of "the National
Communication Strategy in support of the development and poverty
reduction plan", Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, Sana'a,
December 2005 – April 2006.
- National Consultant, (Preparation of a national environment awareness
creation, communication and education Strategy), The Management of
sustainable development of Natural Resources, UNDA-The General Authority
for Environmental Protection, April-July 2005.
- National Consultant, (Review and improvement of information and training
curriculum/materials in support of reproductively health and gender in
agriculture Sector), Population education in the Agricultural sector Project –
FAO/UNFPA, One month and half, 2005
- A research Coordinator and supervisor of a study on "Evaluating basic and civil
services in Yemen (Dhamar as a sample of small cities) as part of a regional
study on services evaluation in selected Middle-eastern states, using the
method of Focus Group Technique), organized by the Center of Middle East
Research for the World Bank in cooperation with the Center for Studies and
Environment (ERAF) in Sana'a, Yemen, One month, April- May 2005
- National Consultant/Trainer, "Preparation of a Training Guide on
Participatory Development Communication and Gender and Organization
of a Training Course for Research Staff of the Yemeni Center of Labor
Research and Social Studies", Sponsored by The Social Development Fund
(SDF), Sana'a, 2 months, 2004.
- Local Consultant for the "Arab Organization of Agric. Development" (AOAD),
for the preparation of a national study on: (Agricultural Extension and The
Economic Reform in Yemen), (August, 2001).
- Local Counterpart for a WB Appraisal Mission on “Farming Communities
Development Program FCDP, Extension and Communication Expert, "A field
Appraisal study on improvement of farm extension and potential of farm
extension privatization", conducted in Dhamar, Sana’a, Amran, Hodiedah,
Abyan, Taiz, Lahj, and Aden Governorates), Nov. 2000

- Part-time local consultant, ICARDA, Task force leader for preparing two national
studies/reports on “research technology dissemination in Yemen” and “Socio-
economics research and Farm technology Impact assessment” for the
development of Agricultural Technology Program ATP”, 2000
- Part-time Local Consultant, , "Participatory Rural Rapid appraisal for needs
identification and design of three Population Education Communication
Campaigns in three selected Yemeni provinces covered by the Project",
1995, Population Education Project in the Agricultural Sector, FAO-UNFPA
- Part-time Local Consultant, "Authoring, revising and publishing a series of
book: (A field Communication Guide for Extension Agents) and (Population
and Labor Force Guide for Field Extension Agents)", Food & Agriculture
Organization (FAO), the Population Education project for Integrating Population
Education in Agricultural Extension Programs", 1 month,1993
- Full-time Local short-term Consultant (Communication), for the task of
(organizing, integrating, editing the reports of a multi-diciplicary team into
one report and preparing project document and memorandum of
understanding protocol between Government of Yemen and Germany),
German International Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Phase I, Innovation
Development for the Agricultural Sector Project (IDAS), 1 month,1993.

12. Intellectual, Scientific and Technical Publications: (in Arabic and in English)
Samples of the scientific, technical and other intellectual production are as

Title Form/Kind Remarks
a) Authored/Coauthored and Translated Published Books:
The Communication Guide for field A field Authored, Published by
1 manual (Ar.)
Agricultural Extensionists (1993) UNFPA-FAO
Population and the Labor Force in Yemen: For A Book Authored, Published by
Extensionist (1993) (Ar.) UNFPA-FAO
Agricultural Extension, Information and A Book (Ar. 2nd author, Published by
3 Training in Yemen: Present Situation and And En. AREA
Future Orientations (1995) versions)
Environmental Requirements of Crops Dominant A Book (Ar.) Translator, 96 Pages,
in Yemen, 2003 Published by AREA
The National Agricultural Research Day: A Colored Co-author and Editor,
Background Information Booklet Published by AREA
A rural Enlightening Guide for Local Leaders on A Field 1st author, published by FAO-
6 Family Planning, Reproductive Health and Guidebook AREA
Gender in Rural Areas, (2005) (Ar.)
7 Agricultural Research For Development (2005) A book (Ar.) Co-author, published by AREA
8 A Guide to Agricultural Research Services (2008) A book (Ar.) Co-author, Published by AREA
b) Published Book Chapters/Workshops and/conference Papers
The Socio-economic Factors affecting Coffee A Paper,1st Author, Published in a
farming, marketing in Yemen ( 1993 ) National book on the proceedings of
1 Symp. on
Coffee, symposium

Title Form/Kind Remarks
Review Study on Coffee farming, A Review Author, Published in a
Production, and marketing ( 1993 ) Paper, 1 st book on the proceedings of
2 National
Symposium symposium
on Coffee
The Role of Agricultural extension in A Workshop Co-author, Published in a
Developing Coffee farming, production and paper, 1st book on the proceedings of
3 marketing: Potentials and Constraints ( 1993 ) Symposium symposium
on Coffee",
Scientific Research and the Phenomenon of Qat published in a Co-Author, Alafif Cultural
in Yemen, 1997 book of the Incorporation for Printing
proceeding of
the National and Publishing
4 Symposium
on Qat 25-26
April, 1995,
Highlights on the National Agricultural A Published in the Proceedings of
Extension Strategy (2001) Conferenc the Conference on Agricultural
5 Strategies in the 21st Century,
e Paper “Nasser College of Agric.,
Univ. of Aden
Extension Approaches and their Utilization Under Workshop Published in the Proceeding
the Yemeni Conditions, May 2002 Paper volume of the Workshop on
6 Application of Extension
Approaches, Nasser's Fac. Of
Agric., Aden University.
The future of Agricultural extension and A Co-author, Published in the
technology dissemination under the persistent workshop proceeding of the national
changing circumstances, 2006 paper Workshop on "activating the
role of agricultural extension in
development and poverty
alleviation", 23 -24 Dec. 2006
c) Edited/Co-edited Published Books:
Agricultural Research in Y.A.R.: achievements, A Book; 2 Member of Editorial
1 problems and future plans (1986). Version (Ar & Committee 1986/87 & 1989
Proceedings of the first National Workshop on A book 2nd editor, Member of the
Coffee (96-1997) volume Editorial Committee,
2 published by the Env.
Resources Sustainability and
Participatory Land Use
Planning Project ERARLUP
3 The Phenomena of Qat in Yemen (April, 2000) A booklet AREA, Editor
4 Farm Research Technology Guide, (July, 2001) A Book Co-Editor
Improving Irrigation Canals, 2002 Technical First Editor,
Developing Water Management System at Field Technical Co- Editor
Level, Oct. 2002 Bulletin
Land Resources in Abyan Delta, Oct. 2002 Technical Co- Editor
8 Natural Resources and Farming Systems in A Book / Volume No. 1, Co-Editor

Title Form/Kind Remarks
Selected Areas of Yemen, Nov. 2002 Field Manual
Shabwah Agricultural Compendium, 2003 A Book/ CO- Editor, 231Pages
9 Field Manual
10 Integrated Crop Pest Control, 2003 A Book Editor
The 6th Agricultural Farm Show (AGRISH-2004), A colored Author and Editor
2004 info. Book
Technologies of Seeds Production, Storage and A colored Editor
Exchange, 2004 Bulletin
The National Agricultural Training Center: A colored Editor
Objectives, Achievements and Services Bulletin
Al-Mahweet Agricultural Compendium, 2004 A Book/ Co-Editor
Field Manual
Agricultural Climate and Production Systems in A book Editor
Ibb Province (2005)
A Guide of Agricultural and environmental A book Main Editor
resources maps of Yemen (2005)
17 Climatic Resources in Yemen (2005) A book Editor
The Second Med-Term plan of Agricultural A book Editor and Head of editorial
18 Research: Directions and Projects (2006 – committee, 179 pp.
2010), 2007
Activating the Role of Agricultural Extension in A book 1st editor
Development and Poverty Alleviation, 2008
20 Coffee Production Technologies, 2008 A booklet 1st editor
21 The Soil Classification of Experimental Farms 2008 A book 1st editor
22 Flour Composite Technologies, 2008 A book Editor
d) Scientific Articles Published in Local and Foreign Journals and Periodicals:
Agriculture and Development Journal Published in Issue no. 8 of the
1 Communication (1989) Article Agricultural Enlightening
Journal, MAF, Sana'a, 1989
A Study on “Constraints of Agricultural Journal In issue No. 22 of the Yemeni
2 Comm. Review Journal
Communication in Yemen”, ( 1993 ) Article
Designing Development Communication Journal In issue No. 28 of the
Campaigns (1994) Article Yemeni Comm. Review
Farmers’ Information Sources on Modern Journal Published in the Yemeni
4 Agric. Technology and The Role of Media in Article Journal of Agric. Research
Technology Information Dissemination (1994). & Studies, issue no. 1.
Developing Attitude Scale to Measure Attitude of Journal 1st Author, The Yemeni
Research and Extension Personnel Towards R-E Article Journal For Agricultural
Linkage Mechanism in Yemen (2001) research and Studies, No. 4,
July 2001 pp. 22-45.
Agricultural Extension In Yemen: Present Status Journal 2nd author, published in issue
and Improvement Potential, (Sept., 2001) Article no. 5, Yemeni Journal for
Agricultural Research and
Studies, pp.53-82
Characteristics Influencing Information Seeking (JEE) Journal of Extension
Behavior (ISB) of Research and Extension Education, Orissa Society of
7 Article Extension Education, India,
Personnel in the Republic of Yemen (Vol. VI
Nos. 1 & 2, 2001) pp. 69-73 Bhubaneswar –751 003
8 Experiences and Old Technical Applications Review Published in issue No. 6,

Title Form/Kind Remarks
and their Effect on Present Agricultural Paper of a Yemeni Journal for
Development, March 2002 book Agricultural Research and
Studies, May 2002, pp. 91-105
Information acquisition Behavior of Agriculture Journal Published in issue no. 6, Yemeni
9 Personnel in Yemen, March, 2002 article Journal for Agricultural
Research and Studies pp. 57-71
Information Acquisition Behavior of Research Journal Published in the Journal of
and Extension Personnel Through R-E Linkage Article Yemeni Agricultural Research,
10 Mechanism and other info. Sources, Nov. 2002, Nasser's Faculty of Agriculture,
Aden University, issue No. 18,
Dec. 2003.
Factors Affecting Information Dissemination Journal Published in Issue No. 8, the
11 Behavior of Research and Extension Personnel in Article Yemeni Journal Of Agricultural
Yemen and Channels Utilized by them, Nov. 2002 Research and Studies, AREA
An Overview of the Published Issues of the Journal Published in Issue No. 8, the
Yemeni Journal of Agricultural Research and Article Yemeni Journal Of
Studies (1994-2002), January, 2003 Agricultural Research and
Studies, AREA
The Current Situations of Agricultural Extension Journal 2nd Author, Published in
and Practical Suggested proposals for Activating Article "Yemeni Journal of Agric.
13 Research and Studies, No. 10,
it in the light of Experiences gained during the
period 1990-2003, (May 2004) pp. 141-153
Agricultural Extension-Relating Research work of Journal 2nd Author, Published in
Yemeni Scholar in Arab and Foreign Universities: Article "Yemeni Journal of
A Preliminary Bibliography, (May 2004) Agricultural Research and
Studies, No. 10, pp. 207-210
Extension Education: Methods and Skills (May, General Published in "agriculture and
2005) article Veterinary Magazine), Faculty
of Veterinary ad Agriculture
sciences, Dhamar University
Effect of Development approach on directions Article Published in issue no. 1 of
16 of development communication and technology Afaq Zeraiah journal, Jan.
dissemination, 2006 2006
The importance of scientific communication Article Published in issue no. 2 of
17 Afaq Zeraiah journal, Jan. 2006
and publishing, (May, 2006)
Present and future prospective of relationship Scientific Published in the Yemeni journal
between agricultural research and education in article of Agricultural research and
18 studies, issue no. 14, June 2006
Yemen (June. 2006) (103 – 116 pp.)
The experience of Improving traditional seeds Scientific 2nd author, published in the
systems in selected areas in Yemen, June 2006 article Yemeni Agricultural Research
19 Journal, faculty of Agriculture,
Aden University, issue no. 23 (81
– 98 pp.)
Level of Participation and perception of Scientific Published in the journal of
Training Needs of Agricultural extension and article Yemeni Agricultural research,
20 Aden Univ., Faculty of
Cooperation Officers and members, 2006 Agriculture, 2006 (99 – 128 pp.)
Research Knowledge and Technologies are Assets General Published in "Afaq Zeraiah"
21 Article
for Development and Poverty Alleviation, 2008 issue no. 4, 2008
e) Unpublished Thesis:
Information Flow of Modern Farm Technologies MSc. Thesis Philippines
in The Southern Highlands of Yemen

Title Form/Kind Remarks
Communication Behavior of Agricultural PHD India
2 Research and Extension Personnel in the Context Dissertation
of Research-Extension Linkages in Yemen
f) Unpublished Study Reports:
A Pre-test Study of an Informational and A field Author, Jointly sponsored by
Educational Poster on Better Use of Pesticides Study AREA and the Yemen-German
1 Plant Protection Project, (E)
among Extensionists, farmers and Pesticides Report
dealers in the Central Highlands of Yemen (1990)
A Pretest Study of three leaflets among groups of A field 1st Author, AREA
2 Male and Female Extensionists in the Central Study
Highland (1992 ) Report
Mass Media and Agricultural Development in A survey Co-authored, AREA,
Yemen: Possibilities and Constraints (A Survey report ASMSP/ ETC1
among Male and Female farmers and
extensionists in different regions), ( 1993 )
An Overview of the Yemeni Experience in Publishing A Study Author, AREA
4 Agricultural Scientific Journal, ( 1994 ) Report
Editorial and Technical Aspects of the Research A Study Ar., First Author
5 and Extension Newsletter: An Evaluation Study Report
Farm Technology Dissemination Activities in A Review ICARDA-AREA/ATP
Yemen (Sept., 2000) study First author
Socio-Economic Research in Yemen, (Sept. 2000) A Review ICARDA-AREA/ATP, 1st author
7 study
Farm Research Technology Impact Assessment A review ASMS P/ETC2/AREA-ATP
(Sept. 2000) study
Enhancing the Role of Agricultural Extension A National Authored for the Arab
9 Under the Economic Reform Policies (April Review Organization for Agricultural
2001) Study report Development AOAD
An Assessment of Training Package Supportive to Re- study 1st Author, prepared for
productivity Health and Gender, by Decision makers Report Population Education Project
10 and Experts Participating in the Taiz Enlightening in the Agricultural Sector -
Symposium on the National Population Policies, FAO-UNFPA
March 2003
A Study on "The Information Sources of informal A field 1st author, AREA
11 Rural Advisors in the Central Highlands of study
Yemen", 2005. report,
g) Main Training Manuals/Guides Prepared:
1 Writing and Preparation of Journal Articles and Training 1st author, National training
scientific reports/Papers, Feb. 2003, (Expanded in Manual center
2 Tools and Techniques of the Participatory Rural Training AREA/ETD/NATC for courses
Appraisal and socio-economic and Gender Lecture sponsored by the Social Fund for
analysis, (July, 2001) Development (SFD)
3 Participatory Development Communication and A Training Prepared for the Social
Gender, June-July 2004 Guide Development Fund in Sana’a
4 Economic Analysis of on-farm demonstration: A Training 2nd Author, National training
Training Manual and Trainers Guide (Oct. 2000) Manual center
5 Planning, implementation and evaluation of Training 1st author, National training
extension programs, 2004 Manual center
6 Planning, preparation and production of mass and Training Author, National training

Title Form/Kind Remarks
educational media materials for researchers (Oct 2007) manual center
7 Planning, implementation, evaluation reporting Training 1st author, National training
and finding presentation of Farm Surveys, 2007 Manual center
8 Rural Advisory Extension Service (2000) Training Co-author and
Manual Head/Supervisor of the
preparation Team
9 Designing, Implementation and Evaluation of Training 1st author, National Training
Training Program (2001) Manual Center
10 Indefinite number of lecture notes, handouts and Training Author, National training
other training materials on various aspects and Lectures and center
fields of specializations materials
+ Indefinite Number of Workshop/conferences , Reaction and Discussion Papers

13. Ongoing Research Work:

- The role of the Private sector in Agricultural Development in Yemen.
- Access and Use of Agricultural Researchers to computers and the Internet.
- Biblio-metric Analysis of the Published Issues of the Yemeni Journal of Agricultural
Research and Studies.
- The Adoption of Millet Improved Variety (Murakab Zabid) Among Tihama


Granted a number of plaque and certificates of appreciation and letters
of thanks from officials and agencies at different occasions such as:

- A Plaque of Appreciation from Chancellor of the University of the

Philippines ( UPLB ) at Los Banos, and Dean of Student Affairs for the
outstanding Role in the "International Student's Association" at the
University, 1989
- A Certificate of Appreciation and Prize (on the occasion of the National
Research day) from the Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources For
the outstanding role in Agricultural Information and Communication and
efforts, 1991
- A Certificate of Appreciation and Prize on occasion of the National
Research day, from The Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources and
Agricultural Research and Extension Authority, For the contributions
made towards developing and improving the agric. Inf. And Comm.
Service in the country, 1993
- A letter of Thanks and Appreciation, From The German Foundation for
International Technical Cooperation (GTZ), For the positive contribution
made towards the preparation of the first Phase of the Project “Innovation
Development for the Agricultural Sector”, 1993
- A Letter of Thanks, from The British Council, Sana’a, Training Division,
Management Trainer, For the cooperation and assistance in translation,
course management and facilitative role during training course for some
development projects, 1994

- A certificate of Appreciation, from Mine Removal Authority, For the

offered cooperation and assistance to the authority and its staff, 2000
- A Certificate of Appreciation , From the Minister of Agriculture and
Irrigation and Chairman, AREA, In Recognition of the successful
organization and Management of 5th Agricultural Show 2002,
- A letter of thanks from the Director of the National Book House, The
National General Authority for Books, Ministry of Culture and Tourism,
For the regular deposit of AREA publications in the book-house, 2003.
- A Certificate of Appreciation, from the Governor of Sada Province, for the
contribution and efforts in the preparation, organization, staff training and
supervision of the first Rumman Festival in Sada Province, 2006.


Attended, individually and/or jointly organized more than 50 national,
regional general and specialized workshops, conferences and symposia in
country and abroad relating to different topics and occasion such as:
- farming system,
- extension and research planning and coordination,
- environmental resources for land use planning,
- population education,
- innovation development,
- coffee production and marketing,
- projects planning,
- agric. communication and documentation,
- Monitoring and evaluation,
- genetic resources,
- PRA,
- Small scale loan for rainfed M/F farmers,
- establishment of private extension company,
- training strategy,
- Women and agric. Marketing,
- poverty alleviation,
- nutritional legislations,
- qat,
- land deterioration mapping,
- population policies,
- information strategy,
- water utilization in agriculture,
- Education and Development in Yemen,
- Local Management research of Mountainous Terraces' Resources in
Yemeni Highlands.
- vocational and technical education in Development


ORGANIZED: (either as Trainer, Co-Trainer, or trainer-cum-organizer/

Organized individually or jointly about 75 training courses throughout the

country on various aspects for vast chain of training beneficiaries/trainees relating to
agricultural extension, training, communication, population education, rural
development, Technical writing and editing, Media and Audio-visuals, report writing,
women and gender, marketing, PRA, and other similar topics. (a full detailed List of
training courses organized is available as a separate attachment if needed).

Served either as member or head of about 100 committee/body/board/team
and council for various special and ad hoc institutional entities some of which are in
house or at national level or either a temporary or a continuous management assisting
bodies (A detailed list is also available if required).


Translated from Arabic to English and vice versa a number of studies, papers,
articles an d reports on different agricultural and socio-economic topics and
disciplines some of which were published in different journals, magazines and
newspapers (A full detailed list of translation work is available).
a - Academic Activities:
- Served as a Co-advisor, Academic supervisory committee for one
MSc. Student in the field of Extension, Nasser's Faculty of
Agriculture, Aden University, 2006.
- Serving as a member of Academic Advisory Committee for One
PhD. student in the field of Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Asiyut
University, Egypt (2007 to date).
- Teaching some course relating to "Rural Communication",
"Mass media for Development", "Designing, implementation and
evaluation of agricultural extension programs".

b - Media and Communication Activities:

- Editorial Manager of the "Yemeni Journal of Agricultural Research
and studies".
- Editor-in-Chief, the Periodical informational and technical R-E
- Contributing to various National, Regional, and Sectoral Magazines
and Newspapers.
- Designing posters and variety of print materials.
- facilitating meetings and workshops/seminars, and chairing
workshops/symposium preparation, technical and organizational
- Preparation of some news, media statements, and other similar media
information materials relating to scientific research and new


- Computer use, different software packages (Arabic & English)
- Internet and Email Use
- Poem writing
- Lute playing

This English CV is an abridged version of the more comprehensive Arabic copy.
Supportive Documents and copies of all stated work and activities could also be made
available if necessary, alongside with names and information about referees that may be
needed for recommendations and/or contact.

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