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Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 • XVIII, Edition 139 www.smdailyjournal.com

Facebook, SamTrans talk bridge partnership

Transit agency seeking support from tech titan to reduce traffic on Dumbarton corridor
By Samantha Weigel financial support toward conges- mobility options along the million in 2016 to revive the pub- Dumbarton train route across the
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF tion relief along the major east- Dumbarton corridor. But how lic agency’s recently completed San Francisco Bay is estimated to
west crossing. exactly we can work together with Dumbarton Corridor Study. That cost nearly $1.3 billion.
Facebook may be giving a big While neither SamTrans nor them to do that, we’re hoping to technical overview offered sugges- Transit advocates hope to forge
“like” to transportation improve- Facebook confirmed what was on learn more with these conversa- tions ranging from short-term partnerships with some of the
ments along the Dumbarton corri- the table, both noted the benefits tions, ” said SamTrans’ Chief improvements on the car bridge, region’s major employers who
dor. of a strong public-private partner- Communications Officer Seamus to long-term projects including a they hope will invest in easing
The tech titan headquartered in ship to fuel congestion relief. Murphy. complete rehabilitation of the commutes. SamTrans CEO Jim
Menlo Park is reportedly in dis- “Facebook shares the goal of The social media company has century-old defunct rail crossing. Hartnett alerted the transit
cussions with the San Mateo addressing traffic congestion in already shown an interest in tran- But transportation projects don’t
County Transit District to offer the south county and improving sit improvements and spent $1.2 come cheap, and creating a new See BRIDGE, Page 19

I’ve always been a teacher at heart, so to dive into a really good environment and
be supported — it’s a good feeling. To be acknowledged by my peers is an honor.”
— Mills High School teacher Joe Hudelson, on receiving the school’s Golden Apple award South City
may hike
hotel tax
Officials laying groundwork for voter
initiative possibly floated on fall ballot
By Austin Walsh

Overnight stays for visitors to South

San Francisco may be getting more
expensive, as officials are examining
floating a ballot measure designed to
hike the city’s hotel tax.
The South San Francisco City Council
directed officials Monday, Jan. 22, to
begin laying the groundwork for hiking
AUSTIN WALSH/DAILY JOURNAL the transient occupancy tax beyond its
Joe Hudelson received recognition for teaching in his first semester at Mills High School, following his reassignment from current 10 percent, though the proposed Mike
Capuchino High School. rate increase has yet to be determined. Futrell
City Manager Mike Futrell said the

‘We’ve seen that flame rekindled’ proposed increase would be the first of its kind in roughly a
decade, and could be needed to help offset the cost of public
service calls to the city’s 30 hotels.
Former administrator finds passion — and success — back in the classroom
By Austin Walsh former role as assistant principal at “We are thrilled to have him at Mills. See TAX, Page 10
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF Capuchino High School. It’s been a great experience, ” said
A winner of the school’s Golden Duszynski.
With a deep appreciation for per-
formance and a passion for theater
Apple award, Hudelson said he appreci-
ated the honor given by fellow teach-
Combining his two passions — edu-
cation and theater — has been essen-
San Mateo hotel planned near
arts, Joe Hudelson is no stranger to
switching roles frequently and
ers and administrators to those show-
ing an ability to fill an essential role.
tial to his immediate ability to thrive
in his new surroundings, said
interchange, shopping center
excelling in new environments. “It feels great. I’ve always been a Hudelson. By Anna Schuessler
The English teacher in his first teacher at heart, so to dive into a real- Since starting in the fall, Hudelson DAILY JOURNAL STAFF
semester at Mills High School credits ly good environment and be supported began helping the school’s drama club
his drama experience, as well as an — it’s a good feeling. To be acknowl- run performances, continuing a role he How to access a 182-room, five-story Hampton Inn &
undying love for education, for his edged by my peers is an honor,” he used to fill during his previous tenure Suites proposed for the lot behind the Marina Plaza Center
ability to immediately succeed in unfa- said. at Capuchino High School. and its effect on traffic near the Highway 101/Hillsdale
miliar surroundings. Mills High School Principal Pam His help with his last school’s the- Boulevard interchange topped concerns for San Mateo plan-
Hudelson, 44, earned recognition Duszynski said Hudelson received the ater department was crucial in building ning commissioners when reviewing plans last week.
from his new colleagues for seamless- honor in his first semester after quick- Hudelson’s popularity with students Up for review at its Jan. 23 study session were a revised
ly transitioning back to the classroom ly establishing himself as a key com-
from the administrative offices in his ponent of the campus community. See TEACHER, Page 6 See HOTEL, Page 20

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002 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 6:59 PM Page 1


Thought for the Day

“Any idiot can face a crisis — it’s this
day-to-day living that wears you out.”
— Anton Chekhov, Russian author and playwright

This Day in History

Edgar Allan Poe’s famous narrative

1845 poem “The Raven” (”Once upon a mid-

night dreary, while I pondered, weak
and weary...”) was first published in
the New York Evening Mirror.
In 1 8 2 0 , King George III died at Windsor Castle at age 81;
he was succeeded by his son, who became King George IV.
In 1 8 4 3 , the 25th president of the United States, William
McKinley, was born in Niles, Ohio.
In 1 8 5 6 , Britain’s Queen Victoria introduced the Victoria
Cross to reward military acts of valor during the Crimean
In 1 8 6 1 , Kansas became the 34th state of the Union.
In 1 9 1 9 , the ratification of the 18th Amendment to the
Constitution, which launched Prohibition, was certified by
Acting Secretary of State Frank L. Polk.
In 1 9 3 6 , the first inductees of baseball’s Hall of Fame,
including Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth, were named in
Cooperstown, New York.
In 1 9 5 8 , actors Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward were
married in Las Vegas. REUTERS
In 1 9 6 3 , the first charter members of the Pro Football Hall Parishioners and revelers celebrate during a band march at the feast marking the shipwreck of Saint Paul in Malta.
of Fame were named in Canton, Ohio (they were enshrined
when the Hall opened in September 1963). Poet Robert
Frost died in Boston at age 88.
In 1 9 6 4 , Stanley Kubrick’s nuclear war satire “Dr. In other news ...
Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The auction followed the seizure of
the Bomb” premiered in New York, Toronto and London. The
Police corral urban herd after Kramer’s Star Island mansions follow-
Old laws govern
Winter Olympic Games opened in Innsbruck, Austria. Actor midnight Los Angeles stroll ing a judgment his former in-laws dueling, horses on highways
Alan Ladd, 50, died in Palm Springs, California. WEST COVINA — It was less an obtained against him. Kramer’s PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Archaic laws
In 1 9 7 5 , a bomb exploded inside the U. S. State arrest than a roundup. extravagant South Beach lifestyle was that are a holdover from a time when
Department in Washington, causing considerable damage, Police say a donkey led more than a fueled by the millions given him by people fought in duels a la Alexander
but injuring no one; the radical group Weather Underground dozen sheep and goats on a stroll father-in-law Siegfried Otto, a now- Hamilton and rode horses on highways
claimed responsibility. through a suburban West Covina deceased German businessman. would be struck from the books in
neighborhood east of Los Angeles. Later, a battle ensued over whether it Rhode Island if a lawmaker has his
Birthdays Police were called around 12:30 a.m.
Thursday by reports of a herd of ani-
was a gift or loan. Kramer lost the
case, his home and possessions.
House Majority Whip John Edwards
mals walking the streets. Kramer, now living in Europe, is only picked some of the silliest laws to start
The animals were finally corralled allowed to keep his personal photos. with. Since at least 1798, it’s been
with the help of the Los Angeles illegal to arrange to meet another per-
County Sheriff’s Department. A kangaroo named Paul is son and engage in a fight. Testing the
Authorities say the animals escaped the oldest tree kangaroo in U.S. speed of a horse on public highways
their owners’ property in neighboring was banned in 1896.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A kangaroo “Right now I just picked the low-
Valinda through an unsecured gate.
named Paul has become the oldest liv- lying fruit,” he said Thursday. “These
The owner was contacted and took ing tree kangaroo in the country.
the herd back home. are the most embarrassing of the
Actor Tom Selleck Actress Heather Roger Williams Park Zoo in group.”
Talk show host No injuries were reported but police
is 73. Graham is 48. Providence says the Matschie’s tree Edwards, a Democrat, has tried for
Oprah Winfrey is say it raised a few eyebrows among kangaroo turned 23 years, three years to create a joint committee with-
64. officers who thought they’d seen it all. months and four days old on Friday. in the General Assembly to review
Writer-composer-lyricist Leslie Bricusse is 87. Feminist The zoo says it knows of no other
author Germaine Greer is 79. Actress Katharine Ross is 78. Stripper poles, coffin male tree kangaroo to reach this age
laws and recommend which ones are no
longer needed. That idea didn’t gain
Feminist author Robin Morgan is 77. Rhythm-and-blues up for grabs in auction anywhere. traction so he’s now introducing bills
singer Bettye LaVette is 72. Actor Marc Singer is 70. Actress MIAMI — Looking for stripper Paul has good genes. His mother to repeal old laws individually.
Ann Jillian is 68. Rock musician Louie Perez (Los Lobos) is poles, a coffin with cherry red lining lived to age 27 at the zoo in Miami. He has introduced five so far. He
65. Rhythm-and-blues/funk singer Charlie Wilson is 65. and a velociraptor? You might want to To celebrate, Paul may get extra hopes to file up to 50 bills this year to
Actor Terry Kinney is 64. Country singer Irlene Mandrell is check out the upcoming auction of sweet potatoes, his favorite. remove arbitrary statutes and cumber-
62. Actress Diane Delano is 61. Actress Judy Norton Taylor gaudy items that decorated two man- Paul retired two years ago so he’s some regulations that he feels can
(TV: “The Waltons”) is 60. Rock musician Johnny sions once owned by a former develop- kept in a habitat that’s closed to the choke the economy and cause confu-
Spampinato is 59. Olympic gold-medal diver Greg Louganis er in South Florida. public. sion.
is 58. Rock musician David Baynton-Power (James) is 57. The Miami Herald reports the former The zoo says Matschie’s tree kanga- “People do spring cleaning in their
Rock musician Eddie Jackson (Queensryche) is 57. Actor estate of Thomas Kramer will be sold roos are native to Papua New Guinea houses,” he said. “We need to do a lit-
Nicholas Turturro is 56. Rock singer-musician Roddy Frame in one package to the highest bidder and live to about 8 years old in the wild tle spring cleaning in our regulations
(Aztec Camera) is 54. Actor-director Edward Burns is 50. on Feb. 14. or 14 years old in captivity. and laws.”


by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Local Weather Forecast
Jan. 27 Powerball Fantasy Five
Unscramble these four Jumbles, Mo nday : Mostly cloudy. Highs in
one letter to each square, 16 20 25 37 the lower 60s. North winds 5 to 15
to form four ordinary words. 17 21 26 47 54 7 12
CIHNF Daily Four Mo n day n i g h t : Mostly cloudy.
Jan. 26 Mega Millions
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Lows in the upper 40s. North winds 5

10 16 27 38 43 1 3 0 0 2 to 15 mph.
©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Tues day : Mostly cloudy in the morn-
All Rights Reserved.
Mega number
Daily three midday ing then becoming partly cloudy.
RARUL Jan. 27 Super Lotto Plus 4 3 2 Highs in the lower 60s. Northwest
5 8 19 40 45 1 winds 10 to 20 mph.
Daily three evening Tues day ni g ht: Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 40s.
Mega number

7 4 5 Wednes day : Partly cloudy. Highs in the 60s. Lows in the

upper 40s.
DEMLID The Daily Derby race winners are Money Bags, No. Thurs day : Highs in the 60s. Lows in the 40s.
11, in first place; Big Ben, No. 4, in second place; and Fri day : Partly cloudly. Highs in the 60s. Lows in the 40s.
Eureka, No. 07, in third place. The race time was Saturday : Partly cloudy. Highs in the 60s. Lows in the
clocked at 1:45.43. upper 40s.
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003 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 5:54 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 3

San Mateo officials lobby in D.C. Police reports
A little too comfortable
City seeks support for sewer infrastructure and to reduce train noise An intoxicated man was arrested for
By Samantha Weigel ented developments costs of the local refusing to leave a furniture store on
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF increasing density near improvements and low- Brewster Avenue in Redwood City, it was
the tracks, there’s a push interest state revolving reported at 2:52 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 18.
A delegation of San Mateo city officials for that to change. loan funds are also high-
ventured to Washington, D.C., last week as Caltrain is also nearing ly competitive. While BELMONT
they sought federal buy-in on local projects electrification and high- the city is looking for
including an overhaul of its wastewater speed rail officials are options, the WIFIA pro- Pub l i c i n t o x i c at i o n . Someone was
treatment plant and efforts to reduce train hoping to run more gram could save ratepay- arrested for being under the influence of
noise along the Caltrain corridor. trains along the tracks ers nearly $250 million alcohol on Briarfield Way, it was reported
Three city councilmembers and San prompting a number of in interest while state at 8:56 p.m. Monday, Jan. 15.
Mateo’s director of Public Works spent a Diane Papan cities to seek approval Brad revolving loans could Reckl es s dri v er. A resident observed
busy Thursday in the nation’s capitol where for quiet zones. Underwood offer $380 million in various vehicles to be speeding up and
they met with federal elected officials who Meeting with federal officials offered an savings, according to down the street on Carlmont Drive, it was
represent them in Congress, as well as opportunity to learn more about various the city. reported at 2:40 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 14.
agency staff from regulatory and funding standard and non-standard improvement “The EPA has the potential to offer imme-
entities. options that could be implemented to create diate savings,” Papan said. “If we can save FOSTER CITY
The two primary issues discussed during quiet zones, Underwood said. $250 million in interest, [the trip] was well
With 11 crossings across San Mateo and worth it.” Warrant arres t. A Foster city resident
the city-funded trip were possible grant was arrested and booked into County Jail
options for its $900 million Clean Water train horns sounding thousands of times a The program requires geographical dis-
month, Papan noted it’s a pertinent quality persion of funding and last year a handful of for an outstanding no bail traffic warrant
Program and the federal-approval process of out of Foster City on Catamaran Street, it
instating quiet zones at of life issue for residents. While enhance- other utilities or cities in California where
ments are costly and the city will have to chosen over San Mateo. While the next was reported at 8:57 p.m. Thursday, Jan.
local intersections along 18.
the Caltrain line. find funding partners, she expressed opti- round of funding ultimately relies on
“These are major quali- mism in a path forward. Congress allocating funds in a hotly con- Burg l ary. Someone broke into a business
ty of life issues,” said “What we learned is tested, yet-approved budget, Underwood and stole equipment from it on Foster City
San Mateo Mayor Rick they’re very willing to said the city wants to be competitive when Boulevard, it was reported at 9:43 a.m.
Bonilla. work with communities. opportunities are back on the table. He Thursday, Jan. 18.
Public Works Director It’s going to take noted the city is further along in its design Warrant arres t. An East Palo Alto resi-
Brad Underwood, along money, but they’re will- of the program and they were able to high- dent was arrested and booked into County
with Bonilla, Vice ing to work with us, ” light the use of recycled water technology Jail for an outstanding $3,000 warrant for
Maureen Mayor Diane Papan and Papan said. “The [regula- in their plans. failing to appear in court and driving with a
Freschet Councilwoman Maureen tions] are nationally While there are no guarantees, the city suspended license on East Third Avenue, it
Freschet comprised the group representing based and that doesn’t representatives said they are hopeful the was reported at 10:43 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 7.
the Peninsula community. Rick Bonilla necessarily take into recent in-person advocacy efforts could bear Warrant arres t. A Daly City resident was
“We wanted them to gain awareness of our account the nuances of a fruit.  arrested and booked into County Jail for a
Clean Water Program and some of our issues suburban area. … But regs aren’t going to “We felt it was important to get out there felony warrant out of San Mateo County for
with train horn noise and the impacts to res- change any time soon, so we’ll have to fig- and make some face-to-face, eye-to-eye residential burglary, grand theft and vandal-
idents,” Underwood said. “We felt it might ure out how to comply and create a quiet contact,” Bonilla said. “I feel very opti- ism on Foster City Boulevard, it was
make a bigger impact to show up with a del- zone.” mistic.” reported at 10:25 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 7.
egation in their offices in D.C., and I think City and transit officials are expected to
it did have that kind of impact.” partner in considering a range of safety
The group met with staff from the Federal improvements that would earn federal
Railroad Administration, the approval to lift requirements conductors
Environmental Protection Agency, con- sound their horn at crossings. Traditional
gresswomen Jackie Speier and Anna Eshoo, options might be quad gates while other
as well as staff from the offices of U.S. sen- non-standard possibilities are different
ators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris. safety enhancements along the street,
The city officials kicked off their day dis- Underwood explained.  
cussing safety improvements with Federal A main driver of the D.C. trip was to meet
Railroad Administration staff that oversees face to face with experts and elevate the
programs related to safety at grade cross- city’s competitiveness for a federal loan
ings. that could save sewer ratepayers millions of
Like many other communities through dollars. Construction is about to ramp up on
which Caltrain runs along the spine of the San Mateo’s Clean Water Program, a $900
Peninsula, San Mateo is interested in pursu- million overhaul of its wastewater treat-
ing improvements to create “quiet zones” at ment plant and collection system. The city
some of its crossings. Currently, passenger applied last year for a round of funding from
and freight trains are required to blast their the EPA’s Water Infrastructure Finance and
horns to alert of their arrival at all hours of Innovation Act, but didn’t make the final
the day and night. But with homes long cut.
located along the corridor and transit-ori- Ratepayers will ultimately repay the
004 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 5:54 PM Page 1


Man exposes himself at Tanforan Anyone with information is encouraged about 55 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.
to call the San Bruno Police Department at Around the nation Police said it was possible that the gunshot
Police are looking for a man who lured (650) 616-7100. Information can also be wound was self-inflicted.
two different victims to his SUV parked near Those with flu-like symptoms are also
provided anonymously via email to sbpti-
the Shops at Tanforan in San Bruno and then encouraged to call their health plan's advice State probes harmful
[email protected].
exposed himself to them, law enforcement nurses to get help with self-care.
officials said. Caution urged as microorganisms on Bay Bridge welds
Officers investigated the two separate Police, family say jealous SAN FRANCISCO — A TV report says
incidents around 2:35 p. m. Wednesday, flu continues spreading shooter killed 4 at car wash California transportation officials are
police said. The suspect contacted two dif- As the flu continues to spread in the Bay investigating whether microscopic organ-
A shooter driven by jealousy opened fire
ferent people as they walked in parking lots Area and the country, health officials are isms are attacking critical welds on the sub-
and killed four people at a car wash early
near the Target and JCPenney stores, accord- urging residents to take precautions to merged foundation of a tower on the new San
Sunday morning in Pennsylvania, while a
ing to police. avoid getting sick or infecting others. Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.
woman hiding in the back of a pickup truck
The suspect lured the victims to his SUV Those who have not yet been vaccinated While engineers tell KNTV there’s no
suffered only minor injuries, according to
by asking for directions. When they are encouraged to do so. immediate concern about the bridge failing,
state police and family of the victims.
approached the vehicle, they discovered Also, it's important for people to wash an underwater survey found pockets of accel-
Police said Timothy Smith, 28, was on
that the suspect was masturbating inside the their hands often, with soap and water or erated corrosion on welds that bind massive
life support and not expected to survive
SUV, according to police. hand sanitizer, according to health officials. piles that hold up the foundation. Experts
after suffering a gunshot wound to his head
The suspect is described as being in his People who do get sick should remember say the corrosion suggests something
during the attack at Ed’s Car Wash around 3
twenties and driving a white SUV that might to cover their coughs and sneezes and stay besides simple rust is eating away at the
a.m. in Saltlick Township, a rural town
have been a Jeep Cherokee. home so as not to infect others. steel.

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005 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 5:55 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL STATE Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 5

After state pot stockpiles go up in smoke, what’s next?
By Michael Blood ijuana markets are still transitioning to a legal market.”
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS multibillion-dollar regulated system, esti- In Santa Cruz County, TreeHouse dispen-
mated to eventually reach $7 billion in sary CEO Bryce Berryessa is already having
LOS ANGELES — Like many pot shops in value. trouble keeping some popular brands on his
California, the Urbn Leaf in San Diego Questions about the supply chain repre- shelves.
bulked up its inventory before legal sales sent just one example of early obstacles The problem, he says, is smaller produc-
began on Jan. 1, stockpiling enough mari- that range from complaints about hefty ers haven’t been able to obtain licenses,
juana to last for months because no one taxes to the refusal of most banks to do either because they are in an area where
knew what the era of legal pot would bring. business with pot companies because the growing is banned by local government or
The shop, along with others involved in drug remains illegal on the federal level. they haven’t been able to obtain a license
the state’s fledgling cannabis economy, are In one way, the arrival of legal sales has from their hometown government.
now concerned that too few operators have been a story about borrowed time. Operators are required to have state and
been licensed to support a pot pipeline of Most of the pot now being legally sold in local licenses to conduct business, but must
state-approved growers, distributors and California comes from plants that were har- get the local one first.
retailers. vested last year, and those reserves can be Without money to relocate to a pot-
In some cases, they say, bottlenecks have sold until July 1, provided they have friendly community, “they are going to be
already slowed the supply chain from fields required labeling. unable to find a pathway to legally sell their
to storefronts. Lori Ajax, the state’s top pot regulator, products,” said Berryessa, who sits on the
“They are going to have to come online REUTERS said officials are aware that those initial board of the California Cannabis Industry
with more producers in the next 12 months Questions linger over recreational marijuana supplies will eventually dry up but it’s too Association.
to keep up with the demand,” said Will supplies in California. early to tell how the legal supply chain will “I think this affects a large portion of
Senn, the founder of Urbn Leaf who operates industry. That’s the biggest risk,” he said. work. California cannabis businesses throughout
three dispensaries and plans to open three “We legalized cannabis — you want to the state,” he said.
Nearly a month after legal sales began for have that product available,” she said. “We For now, legal sales for adults appear to
more, including one in Los Angeles. adults in the nation’s most populous state,
“The black market will balloon if we can’t the longstanding medicinal and illegal mar- don’t want people going to the black mar- be robust in San Diego, Los Angeles and
get legal, licensed producers to step into the ket because they can’t get product from the San Francisco.

Case of shackled kids revives home-school regulation debate

By Carolyn Thompson emotion of the moment, rather than looking says she worries that “things are going to In the absence of federal guidelines, over-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS at the empirical evidence,” said Scott change now.” sight varies widely by state. Alaska and
Woodruff, senior counsel with the Virginia- She rejected the notion that home- Idaho have virtually no regulations, while
Just over a week after California officials based Home School Legal Defense schooling hurts children’s socialization New York and Pennsylvania families must
found 13 siblings allegedly held captive Association. He said national organizations and said many home-schooled children, like submit annual instruction plans to school
and younger children apparently not that track risk factors for child abuse, includ- hers, spend most of their time out and about districts, administer standardized tests
missed by schools because they were being ing the U.S. Commission to Eliminate in their communities. taken by public school students statewide
home-schooled, home-schooling advo- Child Neglect and Fatalities, don’t list “I’m hoping this is one of those things and provide academic progress reports.
cates say they are bracing for calls for home-schooling among them. where it’s hot for the moment and then it California treats home schools like other
stricter oversight of the practice. One California lawmaker has floated the dies down,” Morales-James said. private schools and requires registration.
The advocates say they were horrified by idea of requiring annual walk-throughs of Disputes over the right level of home- Private schools are subject to annual fire
accusations that the children’s parents kept home schools by state or county officials schooling regulation have simmered for inspections but no agency regulates or
them shackled in a filthy home in the because of the case and “a number of legisla- years as the number of home-schooled chil- oversees them.
Southern California city of Ferris, and some tors have expressed interest in doing some- dren in the U.S. skyrocketed from about The Massachusetts-based Coalition for
said they support mandatory medical visits thing,” the HomeSchool Association of 15,000 in the 1970s to about 2 million Responsible Home Education lobbies for
or regular academic assessments of home- California said in a statement. today. mandatory medical visits or academic
schooled children. “We can’t prevent evil,” the association The practice was first driven largely by assessments that would ensure home-
But others contend moves to step up said, “and trying to prevent it by taking families’ preferences to include religious schooled children are seen by someone
home-schooling controls in the name of away the freedom of law-abiding people is teaching at home along with standard educa- trained to recognize abuse. Less than half of
exposing child abuse earlier could lead to not a price our society should pay.” tion. It gained wider acceptance as parents the U.S. states now require academic assess-
overregulation and intrusion that punishes In Watertown, Connecticut, Chemay dissatisfied with neighborhood schools ments, the Education Commission of the
parents. Morales-James home-schools her 4- and 6- turned to it to customize their children’s States said in a 2015 report on home-
“Right now the biggest threat is that law- year-old children because she wasn’t com- education and nurture family bonds. school regulations.
makers might make a decision based on the fortable with her local school options and


Carol Bonita (Stringer) Bonner

December 8, 1946 - January 22, 2018
Carol Bonita (Stringer) Bonner, passed away peacefully on
January 22, 2018 surrounded by her family. She was 71. Born
December 8, 1946 in San Francisco, she joins her predeceased
parents William (Bill) Charles and Elizabeth (Betty) Bonita
Stringer, and sister, Leslie Ann Gedman.
She is survived by her loving husband of 48 years, Jesse
Wilson Bonner, children Keith Bonner Orchard (Nancy), Kory
James Charles Bonner, Kacie Lynn Bonita Katherine Ellerhorst (Tommy), brother
William (Billy) Stringer, grandchildren Amanda and Charlie Orchard, Jacob Bonner,
and Kaylee and Connor Ellerhorst, brother-in-laws John Bonner, James Bonner
(Cathy), Jeffrey Bonner (Brenda), and her nephews and nieces.
From an early age, Carol made an impact to everyone she touched. She fondly
recalled being a Youth Group President at St. John’s Lutheran Church growing up.
Upon moving to San Bruno in 1976, it wasn’t long before she became involved
in the various clubs and activities with St. Roberts Catholic Church and School.
From Women’s Guild President, to Fashion Show Coordinator, to Secretary for the
Inbetweeners. She loved these events and the cherished friends therein.
Professionally, career highlights included: E.A. for the Director of SFO, E.A. at
Bank of America, S.V.P. at Wells Fargo Bank, and most recently as the Elected City
Clerk of San Bruno. City Clerk was her sweet-spot, bringing a cheerfulness to all
visitors, intelligence to the under-workings of a city government, and a legacy that
allowed her to make a personal connection to the multi-generation families, or newly
transplanted individuals, throughout the Peninsula.
She enjoyed arts & crafts, creating items throughout her life such as knitting
and crocheting, ceramics, holiday-themed, handmade wood decorations, cards,
ornaments, and there was always a jigsaw puzzle nearby that she was working on.
And most of all, Carol loved to travel and attend outings with Jesse. Their adventures
ranged from cruise trips with friends, dancing on KOFY TV, gambling at casinos, and
more recently attending her grandchildren’s school and sporting activities. She was
always travelling...ONDGOCB.
Wife, Mom, Grandmother, Sister, Aunt, Colleague, Friend...you are greatly missed.
Friends are invited to visit Wednesday, January 31, 2018, after 5:30pm where a
Vigil Service will be held at 7:00p.m. at St. Roberts Catholic Church, 1380 Crystal
Springs Rd, San Bruno. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated, Thursday, February 1,
2018 at 10:30a.m. at St. Roberts Catholic Church, reception to follow. In lieu of
flowers, donations may be made to San Francisco Zoological Society Development
Department, 1 Zoo Road, San Francisco, CA 94132-1098.
Services Entrusted to Duggan’s Serra Mortuary, Daly City
006 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 5:55 PM Page 1

6 Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 NATION/ LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

In State of Union, Trump to make case that America is back

By Ken Thomas investigation into possible obstruction of justice and
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Trump campaign ties to Russian meddling in the 2016 elec-
tion grinds on.
WASHINGTON — Seeking to move past the shadow of It often has distracted from the president’s message. For
the Russia investigation, President Donald Trump intends example, Trump’s address to financial and global leaders in
to use his first State of the Union address to cite economic Davos, Switzerland, last week followed reports that he
progress under his watch while pushing for bipartisanship ordered a top White House lawyer to fire Mueller last June
with Democrats on issues such as rebuilding roads and but backed off when the lawyer threatened to resign. Trump
bridges. called the report “fake news.”
The White House said Sunday that the president would On the policy front, immigration is an immediate flash-
point to a robust economy and low unemployment during point for Trump and Congress. In the prime-time speech
his first year and the benefits of a tax overhaul during Tuesday, the president plans to promote his proposal for
Tuesday’s address to Congress and the nation. Aides have $25 billion for a wall along the Mexican border and for a
said Trump, who stayed at the White House over the week- path to citizenship for nearly 2 million young people
end as he prepared, is expected to set aside his more com- brought to the U.S. illegally as children.
bative tone for one of compromise and bipartisanship. Trump’s plan includes billions for border security and
“The president is going to talk about how America’s significant changes to legal immigration long sought by
back,” said White House legislative director Marc Short. hard-liners within the Republican Party. But some conser-
“The president is also going to make an appeal to vatives have warned that the deal would amount to
Democrats ... to say we need to rebuild our country. And to “amnesty” for the young immigrants known as Dreamers,
and many Democrats and immigration activists have out- REUTERS
make an appeal that to do infrastructure, we need to do it in
a bipartisan way.” right rejected it. President Donald Trump departs after the World Economic
Short said Trump would urge Democrats to support addi- “I think all of us realize that it’s going to take a compro- Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland.
tional military spending in light of “dramatic threats on mise on this issue for us to get something done and to pro- thing we need to adjust, something we can negotiate with,”
the global scene.” tect the Dreamer population, which is certainly a goal of he said.
White House officials have said the theme of the annual mine,” said Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine. “But I think the Part of Trump’s goal in the speech is to set the course of
address will be “building a safe, strong and proud America” president is also right about border security, that we do the debate as Republicans look to retain their majority in
and that Trump was looking to showcase the accomplish- need to beef up our border security.” Congress. He is expected to say the tax overhaul will
ments of his first year while setting the tone for the sec- Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., called Trump’s proposal “a unleash economic growth and he will point to companies
ond. good starting point.” that have provided their employees with $1,000 bonuses
As Trump looks ahead, special counsel Robert Mueller’s “Let’s see if it’s something that we can agree on, some- and other benefits.
“I felt I was doing a good job. I felt like I elevated a lot of Duszynski said the effort is paying dividends, as

Continued from page 1
different facets of the school. I was popular. I felt I made an
impact on the environment. But for whatever reason, it was
the principal’s prerogative. I could dwell of the negative
Hudelson fostered a solid bond with the school community
while again finding his appreciation for teaching.
“He’s connected with students, faculty and students and
aspects of it, but what happened already happened,” he said. built a good rapport,” she said. “And we’ve seen that flame
While some may harbor bitterness over the mandated rekindled.”
and parents, who vigorously came to his defense last year move potentially considered a demotion, Hudelson said For his part, Hudelson agreed he has again found an
amidst a clash with Capuchino High School Principal there’s no hard feelings. enjoyment for education, though the path back to the class-
Shamar Shanks. “Some things are out of my hands, but I can’t control that, room has been a bit bumpy.
Though terms of the disagreement remain unclear, so I’m going to play the role of a teacher,” he said. “It came out good in the end because I love teaching. I
Hudelson was dismissed from his administrative post and Though he’d been out of the classroom for nearly seven never thought I would love it as much as I do. I feel inspired.
reassigned back to the classroom at a new school, to the years, Hudelson said he is quickly adapting to being in front It’s a shot in the arm,” he said.
chagrin of many in San Bruno. of students, which in some ways is akin to acting for an Through this process though, Mills High School students
Hudelson, a Pleasanton resident, said he still questions audience. are not the only ones benefiting from new opportunities.
the justification for the decision to remove him from his “I have to go off script and roll with the punches. It’s kind “I’ve learned a lot,” said Hudelson. “I’m pretty humbled
former post. of a metaphor for me being a performer,” he said. by this whole experience.”
007 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 5:56 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 7

Strong health sign-ups under Obamacare encourage Democrats
By James Anderson More than 22,000 people enrolled last year for coverage
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS on the state exchange in Coffman’s district, which went for
Comment on Hillary Clinton in 2016.
DENVER — Republicans on the campaign trail this year or share this story at “People in our district recognize the progress we’ve made
will be eager to tout the potential benefits of their tax cut www.smdailyjournal.com under health care. The fact that 20 million more people have
plan. health care matters — it matters a lot,” Crow said. “And
Voters like Jeanine Limone Draut, a freelance technical promotional budgets were beefed up. Strong sign-ups came under Trump, we are now moving in the opposite direction.”
writer in Denver, have something else in mind: health care. despite Republican attacks against the law and President Coffman encountered hoots and boos at town halls last
Failed efforts by congressional Republicans last year to Donald Trump’s administration taking several steps to under- year for his insistence that Obama’s health law be repealed,
repeal former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act mine it, including cutting the federal sign-up period in half even though he eventually voted against the legislation. He
exposed not only deep divisions within the party but also and slashing advertising. insists that any replacement guarantee coverage for people
revealed core benefits of the law that millions of Americans California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Maryland, New with pre-existing conditions.
now take for granted. Draut is tired of the attacks and the York, Vermont and other states with their own exchanges saw Coffman’s campaign manager, Tyler Sandberg, described
uncertainty surrounding the law’s future. enrollment approach or surpass 2017 levels. Minnesota’s the incumbent’s approach to health care as nuanced.
“As a small business owner, it just wreaks havoc on how health insurance exchange set a record for private plans with “His stance ultimately is about pre-existing conditions.
you do business,” Draut, an independent, said of the on- an enrollment period that was more than two weeks shorter It’s something everyone can relate to,” Sandberg said. “And
again, off-again repeal talk from Republicans. “I don’t know than in 2017. if Democrats think they can hit him over the head with it, I
if either party has a solution. My vote is pretty closely tied California’s state exchange, the nation’s largest, has think they’re going to be sorely mistaken.”
to my livelihood.” reported more than 1.2 million renewals for 2018 and an Democrats also are making health care a key part of their
Both parties are paying attention, especially after a bet- additional 342,000 new customers. Its 2018 enrollment strategy in this year’s race to select a successor to Colorado
ter-than-expected enrollment season under the health care period doesn’t end until Wednesday, as does New York’s. Gov. John Hickenlooper. The Democrat last year worked
law. Democrats especially have used health care to go on the Democrats say the level of consumer interest presents a with moderate Republican Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, lob-
attack, and the issue is coming up in congressional races in political opportunity. bying Congress in an unsuccessful attempt to maintain the
California, Colorado, Michigan, Washington and else- “We’re definitely making it an issue,” said Jason Crow, a requirement that all Americans have health insurance.
where. A Kaiser Family Foundation poll released Friday Democrat who is challenging five-term Republican A Republican field that includes former Rep. Tom Tancredo
found health care as the top issue voters want congressional Congressman Mike Coffman in a suburban Denver district. and Attorney General Cynthia Coffman is focusing on roads,
candidates to address. Crow has criticized Coffman’s vote for the GOP tax bill, education, immigration and spending limits. The
Enrollment was especially robust in many of the states which eliminated the tax penalty for people who don’t get Democrats, including Lt. Gov. Donna Lynne, a longtime
that operate their own insurance marketplaces, where enroll- health insurance. That move is expected to undermine the health care executive, and U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, have made
ment periods were longer than on the federal exchange and individual insurance market starting next year. protecting the state exchange a central campaign theme.

Trump: I would be ‘tougher’ in Brexit talks than UK’s May

By Gregory Katz In the interview with journalist Piers still hope they’re happy,” he says.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Morgan, Trump has high praise for Trump also says that his administration might not with-
French President Emmanuel Macron. draw from the Paris climate accord if terms more favorable
LONDON — U.S. President Donald Trump says he would “He’s a great guy,” Trump says. “His to the United States are reached, in part because he likes
take a “tougher” attitude toward Brexit negotiations than wife is fantastic. I like them a lot. You Macron.
the approach now being used by British Prime Minister know, we had dinner at the top of the Asked about his treatment of women, Trump says he has
Theresa May. Eiffel Tower, and everything was “tremendous respect” for women but does not consider him-
“Would it be the way I negotiate? No, I wouldn’t negoti- closed.” self a feminist.

ate it the way it’s (being) negotiated... I would have had a He says he looks forward to visiting
different attitude,” he says in an ITV interview. Donald Trump Britain, where he has been invited for a
He says: “I would have said that the European Union is state visit to be hosted by Queen
not cracked up to what it’s supposed to be.” Elizabeth II, and says he doesn’t care that some Britons
Britain is preparing to leave the European Union in want him to stay away.
March 2019. The complex negotiations have moved slow- He even joked about his hair: “It’s hanging in, barely,” he Plus Cert. Fee.
ly and May’s Cabinet seems deeply divided over how best to says. Most Cars &
Light Trucks.
separate Britain from the 28-nation bloc. Discussing the upcoming royal wedding that will feature

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Trump expressed annoyance with EU trade policy: “We an American bride, he says Britain’s Prince Harry and Models.

cannot get our product in,” he said. “It’s very, very tough. actress Meghan Markle, look like a “lovely couple” and We do:
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says he doesn’t know if he’s been invited to their May 19 Appointment
And yet, they send their product to us — no taxes, very lit- r5FTUPOMZ
tle taxes.” nuptials. r)ZCSJE
He says his problems with the EU “may morph into some-
thing very big” from a trade standpoint.
Told by Morgan that Markle had called him a “divisive
misogynist,” the president struck a friendly note: “Well, I
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008 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 5:56 PM Page 1

8 Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL

‘Halal’ internet means more

control in Iran after turmoil
By Jon Gambrell that the state is struggling to constrain:
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS smartphones, with cameras and internet
links that let anyone broadcast to the
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Guns world.
drawn, Iranian intelligence agents rushed Those smartphones helped spread the
into the apartment of a Washington Post startling burst of protests across Iran that
reporter and his journalist wife in Tehran. opened 2018. The government succeeded in
Threatening to kill Jason Rezaian in suffocating the flare-up in part by shutting
front of his wife, Yeganeh, the 20 agents in off key social media and messaging apps,
the July 2014 raid tore through their but the lesson was clear: The same oxygen
belongings and rifled through drawers, that can resuscitate commerce can also give
clothes and valuables for an hour. breath to potential revolt.
But perhaps their most eagerly sought Authorities’ solution has been to create a
target wasn’t exactly inside the house: so-called “halal net,” Iran’s own locally
They forced the couple to hand over the controlled version of the internet aimed at
passwords to their email and social media restricting what the public can see.
profiles. As Iran approaches the 40th anniversary
That raid demonstrated how much of a of the revolution that brought its cleric-led
REUTERS threat Iran’s theocratic government sees in rule to power, how it handles the power of
Afghan men carry the coffin of one of the victims of a car bomb attack in Kabul. the internet. It has long sought to strictly cyberspace will be crucial to its future,
control cyberspace and social media — determining whether it moves to greater

Afghanistan says death count from and, thereby, the flow of information to the
But the Islamic Republic’s relationship
openness or seals itself off from the world.
“The Islamic Republic is not black and
white. It shows a myriad of contradictions
and its internet policy I think is one of the
Kabul bombing rises to 103 victims with the world wide web is far more compli-
cated than simple repression. Over the past
four years, authorities have encouraged
great examples of those contradictions,”
said Sanam Vakil, an associate fellow at
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS He said the attackers drove two ambulances, wider use of the internet among Iranians, Chatham House who studies Iran. “The
both of which made it past the checkpoint hoping to generate the benefits of a more government has taken the internet and
KABUL, Afghanistan — Afghan authorities before one of them turned around and left the modern economy. As a result, nearly half effectively used it for its own purposes and
have raised the death toll from Saturday’s sui- area, indicating some of the attackers the population has in its pockets a tool also has realized the dangers of it as well.”
cide bombing in Kabul to 103, as hundreds of escaped.
people gathered for funerals or awaited word of
loved ones outside hospitals and morgues.
The attacker, driving an ambulance filled
The Taliban claimed the attack, which dealt
a major blow to the U.S.-backed Afghan gov-
ernment. Afghan security forces have strug-
Russian leader arrested amid protests
with explosives, was able to race through a gled to combat the Taliban since the U.S. and By Jim Heintz The anti-corruption
security checkpoint by saying he was trans- NATO formally concluded their combat mis- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS campaigner was denied
ferring a patient to a hospital. The explosion sion at the end of 2014. permission to be a presi-
damaged or destroyed dozens of shops and Saturday’s bombing took place in the heav- MOSCOW — Protesters gathered across dential candidate because
vehicles in the heart of the city, near govern- ily-guarded city center, near a number of for- Russia Sunday to support opposition leader of an embezzlement con-
ment buildings. eign embassies and the office of the High Alexei Navalny’s call to boycott the March viction in a case widely
Interior Minister Wais Ahmad Barmak pro- Peace Council, which is charged with promot- presidential election, and Navalny himself seen as politically moti-
vided the updated death toll on Sunday, saying ing peace efforts with the Taliban and other was arrested while walking to the Moscow vated.
another 235 people were wounded in the groups. The Interior Ministry, which is in demonstration. Late Sunday night,
attack. He said police were among those charge of the police, also has offices in the Many of the crowds that turned out in gen- Alexei Navalny hours after police
killed and wounded. area. erally frigid weather skewed sharply young, detained him, Navalny
apparently reflecting growing discontent said on Twitter that he had been released
among Russians who have lived most or all before a trial. Russian news reports cited
of their lives under President Vladimir Putin, police earlier as saying he was likely to be
who came to power on New Year’s Eve 1999. charged with a public-order violation for
“As long as I’ve been alive, Putin has calling unauthorized demonstrations.
always been in. I’m tired of nothing being Independent radio station Ekho Moskvy
changed,” said 19-year-old Vlad Ivanov, one reported after his release that Navalny had
of about 1,500 protesters who assembled in not yet been presented with a charge.
St. Petersburg. No figures were available for how many
Navalny, Putin’s most prominent foe, people participated in the protests, but the
an evening with organized the protests to urge a boycott of turnout was clearly smaller than for rallies

Russia’s March 18 presidential election, in Navalny organized last year. The size and
which Putin is sure to win a fourth term. He scope of the earlier protests, which took
was wrestled to the ground and forced into a place in provincial cities regarded as the
police bus as he walked toward the demon- center of Putin’s support, rattled the
stration on Moscow’s Pushkin Square. Kremlin.
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009 0129 mon:1030 FRI 64 1/28/18 5:57 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 9

The emporor has no clothes Keeping up with the news
goes to schools. have been watching too much cable news lately and
someone sent me a copy of “Fire and Fury” which
By Herb Perez The hard fact is
the school district
is $30 million
Guest reports Trump and has campaign team were careless
because they were sure he was going to lose. I watched
perspective the 55-minute meeting with Trump and some members of

ears past, a Foster City citi- short in the best-
zen group was asked to come case scenario and the U.S. Senate and it seemed a bipartisan fix on DACA
up with a solution for over- $40 million in the with the president’s support was in the works. Then,
crowded schools in Foster City. worst-case. It does- someone changed his mind and the president uttered
profit boards. It has created a severe nasty racist words about some immigrants and their
They offered a solution which made n’t have funds to deficit that cannot be overcome with-
it to the ballot box, where it was build the promised country of origin, and we had a government shutdown,
out realignment of its scope of prom- now temporarily resolved. A lot to digest in the last
defeated by the good voters of San school and/or other projects. They ised projects or new funding source.
Mateo and Foster City. Despite fail- have underestimated the cost of build- days of Trump’s first year in office and the first weeks of
Despite these facts, the board contin- his second year. After listening to so many experts
ing, it was a responsible solution to a ing. It doesn’t seem to have in-house ues to “act as if” funds are forthcom-
difficult problem. Build a school on expertise to manage projects nor have express their opinions, here’s my take on these wild
ing or a new parcel tax on a future bal- events.
land already owned by the San Mateo- hired appropriate staff to do so. lot will pass and save the day.
Foster City Elementary School Perhaps more importantly, the past Trump is neither stupid nor smart. Much of what he
All said, a solution exists that can tweets and says is meant
District and create inventory for future board was either oblivious to these responsibly meet the expectations of
students. However, enough tribute and facts, unwilling to accept them or to rev up his base. Maybe
our residents and implicit promises that’s crafty. But many of
dollars were not offered to San Mateo unable to understand them. previously made.
and Foster City parents, so it failed to I’ve had the good fortune of partici- his actions are stupid and
1). The school board can move the land him in trouble and
make the mark. pating in many levels of budget proposed Foster City Elementary
Years later, the next greatest idea is development, oversight and imple- always in the news.
School to land it owns adjacent to Maybe that’s what he
born, brainchild of then Board mentation. As a young athlete, I cre- Bowditch Middle School.
President Audrey Ng and Westlake ated a budget for competition and was wants. To be the headline
2). Doing so, the school district even though the news is
Property Manager Sunny Tong. The reliant on many sources for income. saves $30 million in land cost/acqui-
school district will buy land and allow In many cases, donors promised dona- negative. For example, in
sition. his interview with Lester
Westlake to build a school. Westlake tions or said they were forthcoming. 3). The school district and Westlake
had historically failed in its attempts Athletes quickly learned that prom- Holt on NBC news, Trump
can work together to create teacher said the real reason he
to rezone the Charter Square property ised money doesn’t pay bills or pro- housing at Charter Square.
for better use and grew tired of the vide plane tickets to competitions. fired FBI Director James
4). The city, school district and Comey was because he
city’s insistence that it remain a In the production arena and in acting Westlake can work together to create a
shopping center. Ironically, the on a TV show, we would often move wouldn’t pledge loyalty to
new plan/land use for Charter Square, Trump nor would he prom-
often-touted Foster City Master Plan forward with a new project in spite of which would include teacher housing
actually never anticipated a shopping payment yet to be received but thought ise to give up on the
as one component. Russian investigation.
center at this location. In fact, it was to be forthcoming. In that industry, Regardless of the Charter Square
designated as a housing site. the saying goes “Act as if.” It means That was stupid because it led to the appointment of
discussion, the school district must special counsel Robert Mueller and provided some evi-
Fast forward, and today the follow- to continue and act as if payment is move on and act responsibly. Past
ing facts and realities have emerged. coming because to do less would stall dence of Trump trying to obstruct justice. But his base
board and sole remaining member Ms. loved it because it showed their man could push people
The school district is over budget by or end a time-sensitive project. Ng must lose their pride of authorship
$6 million for the Foster City Finally, as board member of a non- around, even the head of the FBI.
and accept the reality of cost over- When Trump has his racist rants and actions he is
Elementary School at Charter Square. profit with a $400 million budget, we runs, bad design, bad land cost and
It is over budget by $10 million in used best practices. We could not rely only making his base happy while demeaning the presi-
poor leadership. It must meet obliga- dency and the people he serves.
combined San Mateo-Foster City on payments promised and could not tions that the bond measure was
school improvement projects as prom- “act as if.” We created budgets with ***
founded on. It must find a responsi- The best analysis of Trump was from the ghost writer
ised to voters. It has created an addi- funding certainty and never invested ble, fiscally sound and financially
tional $3 million in salary liability in projects that could not. We didn’t of “The Art of the Deal.” He warned that the biggest dan-
feasible way to build another school ger of a Trump presidency was that the man was a narcis-
yearly for recently compensated because the hopes and dreams of in Foster City. That school need not
employees. Finally, it has $7 million young athletes depended on our dili- sist. The most important thing in Trump world is Trump.
be built on the Charter Square site. It He, the man, is more important than the office of the
less per year because of a poorly gence. We didn’t because the public simply need be built in Foster City.
planned/executed campaign to extend a trust would accept no less. president, more important than the Constitution, more
school parcel tax. All of this even The past San Mateo-Foster City important than any tradition. He has no use for history
Herb Perez is a member of the Foster
though roughly 45 percent of the aver- Elementary School Board did not or political analysis or even briefing papers. Because
City Council. his own instinct is the best. He believes he is a genius,
age resident property tax bill already operate with best practices like non-
a salesman, the best negotiator. He doesn’t waste any

Letter to the editor time worrying about what decisions to make. He leaves
that to staff. He says one thing and then changes his
mind the next day. He is erratic.
repair areas where rain water or vide more detailed information. We What bugs him the most are questions about the legit-
The need for San Mateo groundwater gets into the system. encourage members of the public to imacy of his election. He doesn’t want it to be proven
to increase sewer rates To meet this infrastructure require- attend and learn more about this that the Russians played a critical role in providing vot-
Editor ment, the City Council is considering important Public Works program. ers in key areas with false information which in turn led
Wastewater collection and treatment is restructuring of sewer fees to provide a We believe that taking these steps to his electoral victory. The San Francisco Chronicle
one of the most essential services pro- reliable source of revenue to complete now is vital to protecting our commu- summed it up in a Jan. 19 editorial, “His lone legisla-
vided in any community. No one wants the $900 million Clean Water Program. nity and ensuring future sustainability tive accomplishment, a tax cut, divides us by other
sewer backups or overflows knowing The proposed rate restructuring includes of this vital infrastructure. means, punishing states that voted for his opponent and
that the consequences affect both public a fixed monthly charge plus a usage Please join us in supporting this undermining health coverage for those of modest means
health and the environment. charge adopted for five years. The important city effort. For more informa- ... . His environmental policies have perpetuated divi-
Sewer system overflows during revised rate structure and multi-year tion, please visit cleanwaterprogram- sions which should have faded ... . It’s no wonder this
heavy rains result in untreated waste- adoption is needed to qualify for attrac- sanmateo.org or call (650) 727-6870. president already faces unprecedented unpopularity, por-
water flowing onto city streets and tive financing. San Mateo continues to tends of political backlash and an investigation that has
Rick Bonilla ensnared a former campaign chairman and his first
into the Bay. The state requires that have moderate sewer rates compared
the city upgrade the wastewater treat- with surrounding communities. Mayor, San Mateo national security adviser. What’s next? Unfortunately
ment plant, construct an underground The city will be hosting a commu- Diane Papan with hundreds of channels but only one country, we
temporary storage facility, improve nity meeting at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 1 in Deputy mayor, San Mateo have no choice but to stay tuned.”
pump stations, replace pipes and the City Council Chambers to pro- The pope has likened the tellers of fake news to the
snake in the Garden of Eden. Fox cable is full of snakes
spinning tales of an FBI hoax on the Trump Russian
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most investigation.
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for ***
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. I received a call from former San Carlos mayor Don
By combining local news and sports coverage, Eaton about an activity he has nurtured over the past 19
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business,
Moe Alshafie Michael Davis lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to years. It’s called San Carlos Week of the Family. The
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Charles Gould Paul Moisio idea is to provide fun activities for the entire family,
provide our readers with the highest quality
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Joe Rudino Joy Uganiza information resource in San Mateo County. parents and kids. It started Jan. 26 and ends Feb. 3 and
Todd Waibel Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we
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010 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 5:58 PM Page 1


Casino mogul Steve Wynn resigns as top GOP finance chairman

By Ken Thomas continue. The work we are doing to make after the emergence of detailed allegations of rape and harass-
and Steve Peoples America a better place is too important to ment involving movie producer Harvey Weinstein.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS be impaired by this distraction,” Wynn During the fall, RNC officials, including McDaniel, noted
said. that Weinstein had been a top donor for Democrats, including
WASHINGTON — Casino mogul Steve Wynn resigned Wynn was chosen by Trump to lead the 2016 presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
Saturday as finance chairman of the Republican National RNC’s fundraising effort, and he con- In early October, McDaniel tweeted that if the Democratic
Committee amid allegations of sexual harassment and assault. tributed more than $600,000 to GOP caus- National Committee “truly stands up for women like they say
Wynn has been a prolific Republican donor and led the es last year, according to the Federal they do, then returning Weinstein’s dirty money should be a
RNC’s fundraising efforts during President Donald Trump’s Election Commission. no-brainer.”
first year, helping the committee rake in more than $130 mil- Steve Wynn A person with direct knowledge of the The RNC has not yet said whether it will return any money
lion. situation said Trump had signed off on the donated by Wynn.
“Today I accepted Steve Wynn’s resignation as Republican decision for Wynn to resign. The person was not authorized to Wynn was among the organizers of Trump’s fundraiser last
National Committee finance chair,” said RNC chairwoman share private discussions and spoke to The Associated Press week at the president’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida to cele-
Ronna McDaniel. on condition of anonymity. brate the anniversary of the inauguration. Trump was unable
The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that a number of Since 2013, Wynn has contributed nearly $2.4 million to to attend because of the federal government shutdown. Wynn
women said they were harassed or assaulted by Wynn, the GOP candidates and party organizations around the country, also helped put together high-dollar events in Dallas last
chairman and CEO of Wynn Resorts. Wynn has denied the including 2017 special election winners as well as dozens of October and New York City in December.
allegations. One case led to a $7.5 million settlement with a state Republican Party committees. Trump, addressing Nevada supporters in February 2016,
manicurist, the newspaper reported. The allegations against Wynn have come during a wave of praised Wynn as a “great friend of mine.”
Wynn confirmed his resignation in a statement released sexual misconduct claims against prominent media, enter- “Steve is always calling. He’s always got advice. Right,
Saturday. “The unbelievable success we have achieved must tainment and political figures that gained momentum last fall Steve? ‘Donald, I think you ought to do this and that,”’ Trump
said at the time.

Kochs to spend $20 million to promote tax overhaul

By Steve Peoples $400 million on politics and policy head- North Carolina and Todd Young of Indiana, and House
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ing into the midterms when the GOP’s Freedom Caucus chairman Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C.
House and Senate majorities are at stake. Despite Koch’s optimism, there was concern about the
INDIAN WELLS — The political network backed by con- At an evening welcome reception, Koch midterm elections. Historical trends suggest that GOP
servative industrialists Charles and David Koch plans to called on his biggest donors to “increase majorities in the House and Senate could be in jeopardy, said
spend $20 million to promote the tax overhaul recently the scale and effectiveness of this network Tim Phillips, who leads the network’s political arm,
signed into law by President Donald Trump. by an order of magnitude — by another 10 Americans For Prosperity.
The investment marks an early focus of the Koch brothers’ fold.” “The left is energized,” Phillips said, noting that the party
2018 political strategy. It comes as the conservative billion- “If we can do that,” he said, “I’m con- that holds the White House typically loses congressional
aires work to expand their sweeping efforts to promote a “free Charles Koch vinced we can change the directory of this seats in its first midterm election. “You’re going against the
society” in America. country.” tide. You’re going against history.”
Charles Koch and his chief lieutenants previewed their In addition to roughly 550 donors in attendance — each For now, at least, the conservative powerhouse will focus
strategy on Saturday, the first day of a three-day private donor pledged an annual donation to the network of at least on the tax overhaul to help protect the Republican majori-
retreat at a luxury resort in the California desert. They previ- $100,000 — the guest list featured a slate of Republican ties. Phillips said the Koch network would host rallies and
ously announced plans to spend between $300 million and elected officials: Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, Kentucky Gov. phone banks and run television and internet ads in the com-
Matt Bevin, Sens. John Cornyn of Texas, Thom Tillis of ing months.
to the fullest extent, assuming it is eventually approved. struction of the Moscone Center in San Francisco, as it fre-

Continued from page 1
Hiking the tax rate to 12 percent would generate an addi-
tional $3.3 million annually; pushing it to 13 percent
would generate an additional $5 million annually; and
quently hosts events drawing visitors to the Bay Area.
While acknowledging the existing tax has been as asset
for officials in preserving the city’s financial health,
going to 14 percent would generate $6.6 million annually, Futrell noted the budget is not solely reliant on the hotel
according to a city report. industry for success.
“It’s been nearly 10 years since South San Francisco Futrell said in the months officials spend refining the “We do have a nice balance between property, business
adjusted the hotel tax and consequently we are near the low- proposal, he expects they will examine the projected public and hotel tax,” he said. “So if one starts to falter, we have
est in the county,” he said. “And while that alone is not a safety response costs to be offset by the potential tax rev- two sectors to support it.”
reason to increase taxes, we need to consider the scope of enue. As officials examine the potential increase, Futrell said
services keeping them successful.” As the Peninsula’s economy thrives, South San great care will be given to assuring the city’s rates remain
Under the City Council’s direction, Futrell said officials Francisco’s budget is bolstered with income generated by competitive with surrounding cities.
will spend the following months examining potential rate tax revenue, largely due to proximity to San Francisco “We want to remain competitive and we want to remain
hikes, likely spanning between 2 percent and 4 percent. He International Airport. fair, and part of that is not sticking out too much when com-
expects the issue to return before councilmembers with a In recent years, the revenue generated hit unprecedented pared to neighboring cities,” he said.
more detailed proposal by July. levels, as it is expected to generate about $16.6 million Looking ahead, Futrell said it is reasonable to expect the
For an initiative to make the fall ballot, councilmembers this year. Last year, the average room rate was $157 in tax proposal would fare well at the ballot box because sim-
must approve floating the tax by Aug. 10. A simple majori- South San Francisco, and the average occupancy rate was 82 ilar initiatives are not frequently opposed by local voters.
ty of voter support would be required for it to pass. percent. “As long as residents understand that it’s the hotels and
Councilmembers made it clear they would prefer any hike Futrell said income generated by the tax was flat from the visitors from out of town paying for the services, usually
to be gradually implemented, rather than suddenly hiking it year prior, which some believe could be tied to the recon- these do not have a lot of opposition,” he said.


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011 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 8:54 PM Page 1


<<< Page 15, Carr helps AFC to

slim 24-23 victory in Pro Bowl
Monday • Jan. 29, 2018

Tiger all smiles upon return that fall, and fusion surgery on his lower They certainly weren’t yawners,
By Bernie Wilson
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS back last April. although Woods once again drew a large,
Woods cooled off after birdies on four lively gallery as he played the weekend
SAN DIEGO — Tiger Woods was never in of seven holes midway through his round on the PGA Tour for the first time in 29
contention in his return to the PGA Tour. Sunday and finished with an even-par 72 months.
He didn’t dip into the 60s as he hoped he on the South Course that left him tied for Woods will be back in his native
would on a brilliant sunny — and windy — 23rd. Southern California in three weekends for
Sunday at Torrey Pines. He missed three “After not playing for a couple years and the Genesis Open at Riviera.
times more fairways than he hit in his four coming out here on the Tour, playing, you His to-do list includes “Everything.
rounds in the Farmers Insurance Open. know, a solid four days, I fought hard for Just like it was after I played in the
Yet he was “very pleased” with only his these scores,” Woods said. “They weren’t Bahamas, have to work on everything.
ORLANDO RAMIREZ/USA TODAY SPORTS second PGA Tour event since he tied for like drive down the middle, hit it on the We’re going to do the same thing here
Tiger Woods smiles on the second green Saturday at 10th in the Wyndham Championship in green, two-putt, one of those yawners.
the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines. August 2015. He had two back surgeries This was a lot of fight.” See TIGER, Page 14

Pats don’t need

any help — but
they often get it
By Arnie Stapleton

Opponents tend to freak out against Tom Brady and Bill

Belichick just when they’re about to conquer the New
England Patriots’ dynastic duo. The Philadelphia Eagles
swear they won’t fall into that trap if
they have the chance in Super Bowl 52.
The pair have built such a reputation of
coming through in the clutch that foes
often outthink themselves with conser-
vative, uncommon or unconventional
calls against the five-time champs.
Think Seattle in Super Bowl 49 and
Atlanta in Super Bowl 51.
The Patriots have built an extreme con-
Tom Brady
fidence through five Super Bowl-win- ORLANDO RAMIREZ/USA TODAY SPORTS
ning seasons under Brady and Belichick Alex Noren, left, and Jason Day battled through three playoff rounds before play was suspended due to darkness Sunday at
and are disciplined when other teams get the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines. Play to determine the tournament championship resumes Monday.
discombobulated, like last month when
they sniffed out Ben Roethlisberger’s
fake spike and intercepted him in the end
zone, reshaping the AFC playoff picture.
“You’re basically talking about experi-
ence and knowing that no matter what
the score is, it’s not insurmountable,”
Sun sets at Torrey Pines
Bill Belichick said ex-NFL quarterback Joe Theismann.
He pointed to Brady’s habit of making
a few plays every game that swing momentum and
Belichick’s knack for coaxing his counterparts into beat-
ing themselves — like the Indianapolis Colts did with their
fake punt fiasco in 2015.
amid dramatic playoff
By Doug Ferguson holes, with Day having the best was entertaining, thousands of fans
“The New England Patriots find a way to make a play THE ASSOCIATED PRESS chance to end it on the par-3 16th until weren’t around to see it. They left after
when no one else seems to be able to do that,” Theismann his 12-foot putt stayed on the right Woods finished his round. In only his
said. “Teams that haven’t been in that situation don’t really edge. second PGA Tour event since August
SAN DIEGO — Jason Day and Alex
understand the ability of New England teams to be able to Ryan Palmer began the playoff with 2015, Woods closed with a 72 and tied
Noren went 77 holes in the Farmers
overcome darn near anything.” them at 10-under 278. He was elimi- for 23rd, seven shots out of the lead.
Insurance Open, and it still wasn’t
Like the 25-point second-half deficit Brady rallied the nated with a par on the 18th on the Woods said it was a mostly positive
enough to decide a winner.
Patriots from in last year’s Super Bowl or the 10-point first extra hole. week, and it was hard to argue consid-
Day holed a 6-foot birdie putt in the
fourth-quarter hole he dug them out of against Jacksonville Day closed with a 2-under 70. Palmer ering he was returning from his fourth
in the AFC championship last week. dark on the fifth hole of a sudden-death
playoff Sunday. Noren followed with a hit wedge to 2 feet for birdie for a 72 to back surgery. He at least was closer to
“You’ve got to play a damn near perfect game against get into the playoff. Noren had a 12- the fairway in the final round, but hit
them,” lamented Jaguars safety Jarrod Wilson. 5-foot birdie putt on the par-5 18th
hole at Torrey Pines. They had no foot birdie attempt in regulation to only three fairways for the third
Therein lies the trap. avoid the playoff and narrowly missed. straight day.
The Jaguars were on the verge of knocking off New choice but to return Monday morning
to decide the longest playoff in the 67- By then, Tiger Woods was long “I got a lot out of my rounds,” Woods
England when a flurry of follies in Foxborough aided gone. said. “The short game wasn’t some-
Brady’s two-TD rally that sent the seemingly impervious year history of this event.
They each made birdie three times on It was the third playoff in three thing I was worried about. I knew what
Patriots back to another Super Bowl. weeks on the PGA Tour, all of them
the par-5 closing hole in the playoff.
See PATS, Page 15 They made pars on the 16th and 17th lasting at least four holes. And while it See GOLF, Page 14

Bryce Love given Lombardi Award Is Toby Miller next Shaun White?
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Lombardi was By Pat Graham Miller has games to working on Yolo
presented Saturday and Eddie Pells struck up a Flips and Double McTwists on
Bryce Love won the Lombardi Award, night in Houston. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS f r i e n ds h i p the training halfpipes they
given to the top Division I football Other finalists with the share.
player based on performance, leader- were Mayfield, Penn ASPEN, Colo. — The 17- t wo - t i m e “I look up to him. Who does-
ship, character and resilience. State running back year-old kid from California is Ol y mp i c n’t? Look at what he’s done for
Stanford’s running back was a Heisman Saquon Barkley, going to the Winter Olympics gold medal- the sport,” Miller said in an
Trophy runner-up to Oklahoma quarter- Alabama defensive with Shaun White. ist, and has interview with The Associated
back Baker Mayfield last season, run- back Minkah This time, it’s as White’s had the Press. “But now, I consider him
ning for 162.9 yards per game and 8.04 Bryce Love Fitzpatrick, UCF invited guest. Toby Miller chance to family. When we’re hanging
per carry. He played the last month of the linebacker Shaquem Four years from now, Toby learn les- out, it doesn’t feel like he’s that
season through a nagging sprained ankle Griffin, Louisville quarterback Lamar Miller might be the snow- sons from the greatest — about
that forced him to miss one game. Jackson, and Iowa State’s Joel Lanning. boarder everyone’s chasing. everything from playing video See MILLER, Page 16
012 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/26/18 1:31 PM Page 1

12 Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

013 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 8:55 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 13

winning the third quarter 19-10 to take
SATURDAY Local sports roundup down Burlingame (2-5, 3-16). Junior guard
— one to junior Yuma Miyake and another to added 13 points for the Bears. Woodside Ryan Miles-Ferguson scored a game-high
Boys’ soccer sophomore Jose Sanchez — as the Vikings sophomore Sydney Fujimoto led the 16 points for the Bearcats while senior for-
Mitty 1, Serra 0 (6-2 PAL Ocean, 7-4 overall) improved their Wildcats with seven points. ward Antonio McGurk added 15. Robert
In a key West Catholic Athletic League second-place standing in the PAL Ocean Urich paced Burlingame with 13 points.
matchup, Mitty (5-0-3 WCAL, 10-0-4 over- Division with a win over San Mateo (3-3, 3- South City 64, El Camino 21
all) produced the game’s lone goal when 9-2). Yee now moves into the team lead with South City (7-0 PAL North, 15-3 overall) Aragon 51, Hillsdale 47
Josh Robertson scored on an assist from 18 points, with sophomore Jake Lauer total- made quick work of archrival El Camino (3-4, Aragon (3-4 PAL South, 9-9 overall) over-
Jota Yamaguchi. It marks the second time ing 16. The two are still tied for the team lead 12-7), relying on a big double-double per- came a 24-18 halftime deficit, scoring 18
this season the second-place Monarchs with seven goals apiece. formance from Brittney Cedeno. The senior points in the third quarter and 15 more in the
have downed the Padres (4-4, 9-4-1), who point guard singlehandedly outscored the fourth to top Hillsdale (1-6, 12-7). Three
fall to fifth place in the WCAL standings. Menlo 4, Harker 0 Colts, netting a game-high 27 points while Dons scored in double-digits with junior
After suffering its first loss in West Bay adding 11 steals and seven assists. Jerlene guard Sam Manu leading the way with 15
Women’s basketball Athletic League play to rival Sacred Heart Miller added a double-double with 11 points points, senior Davion Cox adding 13 and
Prep Wednesday, Menlo School (4-1-1 WBAL and 14 rebounds, and center Neveah Miller senior Donoven Robinson 10. Hillsdale sen-
CSM 70, Skyline 60
Foothill, 7-3-2 overall) bounced back with a totaled 10 points for the Lady Warriors. ior Eric Bower led all scorers with 18 points.
The Lady Bulldogs (3-4 Coast North, 7-15
overall) outscored Skyline 22-14 in the final vengeance to down the King’s Academy (3-3-
quarter to snap a three-game losing streak in 1, 4-6-3). Menlo senior Marc Velten-Lomelin Half Moon Bay 46, Terra Nova 41 Menlo 61, Pinewood 24
Coast Conference North play. Skyline (2-5, 9- scored in the 13th minute to get the Knights The Lady Cougars (7-1 PAL North, 16-4 Menlo School (8-0 WBAL Foothill, 17-1
14) falls to sixth in the Coast North standings. on the board and junior Jonny Ebrahimian overall) rode a 19-point second quarter to a win overall) extended its current winning streak
Four College of San Mateo players scored in converted two goals. Junior team captain Ben over rival Terra Nova (4-2, 12-6) in a battle for to 10 games, dismantling Pinewood (4-4,
double figures, with Kaitlyn Tamondong lead- Lasky added Menlo’s other score. second place in the PAL North Division. Next 10-7) with an epic first quarter. The Knights
ing the way with 18 points. Megan Jajeh adding up for Half Moon Bay comes this Friday’s outscored Pinewood 24-5 in the opening
17, Ziyah Starks 11 and Alyssa Albin 10, and Girls’ basketball rematch with first-place South City. period. Senior Thomas Brown enjoyed a big
Uhna Nauer totaled 16 rebounds for CSM. Eastside Prep 65, Menlo 44 night, shooting 75 percent from the field en
Menlo (2-3 WBAL Foothill, 13-4 overall) Carlmont 52, Sequoia 39 route to a game-high 22 points. Cole Kastner
FRIDAY couldn’t overcome an explosive first half Carlmont maintained some space in its tie and Joe Foley added 10 points apiece, and
by Eastside College Prep (4-1, 15-4) in for second place in the PAL South Division Riley Woodson grabbed 10 rebounds.
which the Panthers scored 44 points. It with a big win over fourth-place Sequoia.
Boys’ soccer took the Knights the entire game to match The Scots opened with an explosive first Men’s basketball
Half Moon Bay 4, El Camino 0 that total. Menlo was paced by Mallory quarter, outscoring the Cherokees 23-9 over Cañada 83, Skyline 70
Christian Martinez got Half Moon Bay (8-0 North’s eight points and Lauren Sun Mi Oh the opening eight minutes. Ashley The Colts (5-2 Coast North, 13-10) won
PAL Ocean, 10-2-1 overall) on the board with a totaled five rebounds. Eastside Prep senior Trierweiler led all scorers with 18 points for their second straight, relying on a double-
free kick in the first half, and Mauricio Kayla Tahaafe led all scorers with 15 points. Carlmont. Senior center Victoria Mataele double from sophomore Keith Dickerson
Alvarado, Michael Whitlach and Saul added 12 points. Sequoia senior Mia Woo to take down rival Skyline (2-5, 10-13) at
Villafuerte added goals as the Cougars kicked Menlo-Atherton 54, Woodside 19 and freshman Cailin Dulsky netted team- College of San Mateo. Dickerson totaled
past El Camino (0-7, 2-10) to remain undefeat- M-A (7-0 PAL South, 13-6 overall) got a highs with nine points apiece. team-highs with 20 points and 10
ed atop the PAL Ocean Division. The shutout game-high 19 points from senior Greer rebounds. Antony Navarrete fell one
was the sixth of the season for Half Moon Bay. Hoyem, who matched Woodside’s (1-6, 3- Boys’ basketball rebound shy of a double-double himself
12) game total to maintain its current out- San Mateo 48, Burlingame 44 with 12 points and nine boards. Eric
Mills 2, San Mateo 0 right claim to first-place PAL South San Mateo (4-3 PAL South, 11-8 overall) Norton and Marcel Burton added 12 points
Mills senior Jake Yee totaled two assists Division. Sophomore Linnea Lindblom rallied back from a 20-17 halftime deficit, apiece for Cañada.

Federer wins 20th major title Kings coach Joerger exits

with triumph at Aussie Open after suffering dizzy spell
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Joerger was experiencing
By John Pye lightheadedness and was
SAN ANTONIO — Sacramento coach Dave being kept in the locker
Joerger will not return after suffering a dizzy room for precautionary
spell two minutes into the Kings’ game reasons.
MELBOURNE, Australia — As Roger against the Spurs on Sunday night. Joeger appeared
Federer cried while accepting his 20th Grand Joerger slapped his hands together after a flushed and pale during
Slam title, Rod “Rocket” Laver took a chance non-call, took two steps toward midcourt and pregame introductions
to snap a picture for posterity. then turned toward his bench and dropped to when he was shown on
Federer has won more major singles titles one knee. He braced himself with one hand on
than any man, including a record-equaling six Dave Joerger the video screens at the
the court and another on a team official before AT&T Center.
on the court that bears the great Rod Laver’s rising with the help of a staff member. He was The 43-year-old Joerger is in his second
name at Melbourne Park. taken to the locker room and examined by a season with Sacramento after three years as
This one, following a tension-filled, Spurs team doctor. A San Antonio official said Memphis’ coach.
momentum-swinging 6-2, 6-7 (5), 6-3, 3-6, 6-
1 win over Marin Cilic in Sunday’s Australian
Open final, was a keeper.
Laver has been involved in the on-court pre-
sentations in the past, witnessing Federer’s
tears at close range. This time, the 79-year-old
Laver — the only man to twice win all four ISSEI KATO/REUTERS
Grand Slam titles in one season — held up his Roger Federer celebrates winning the final
mobile phone to get the shot from the stands. against Croatia’s Marin Cilic at the Aussie Open.
“I didn’t see that through my thick tears, for the final, just as they had for the afternoon
that he was taking a picture of me crying,” mixed doubles final when Mate Pavic and
Federer said. He joked in a TV interview that, “I Gabriela Dabrowski beat Rohan Bopanna and
couldn’t lift my head, I was so embarrassed.” Timea Babos for the title.
Surely, it’s only an embarrassment of riches. Former champions were among the com-
Federer arrived in Melbourne at the start of mentators questioning the decision, suggest-
2017 after an extended injury layoff and on a ing there’d been hotter days when the heat pol-
Grand Slam title drought that dated back to icy was not enacted.
2012 at Wimbledon. Against the odds, he “I was surprised to hear they had the heat rule t
reached the final and then beat Rafael Nadal in in place for a night match. I never heard that t
a classic, five-set encounter. Now, having suc- before,” Federer said. “For me, it doesn’t t
cessfully defended his Australian title, Federer change anything.” t
has won three of the last five majors in a stun- Tournament referee Wayne McEwen has the
ning career resurgence. option of closing the roof when the tempera-
“I’m so happy. It’s unbelievable,” Federer ture reaches 40 degrees Celsius (104
said, taking deep breaths and choking back Fahrenheit) and a measure called the wet-bulb
tears. “Of course, winning is an absolute globe temperature — which combines factors
dream come true — the fairytale continues for such as heat, humidity and breeze — reaches
us, for me, after the great year I had last year, 32.5C (90.5F).
it’s incredible.” The temperature hit 38C (100F) an hour
Federer started to tear up toward the end of before the men’s final, when the WGBT read-
the trophy ceremony. He then received a stand- ing was 32.7C (91F).
ing ovation as tears streamed down his face. Federer took instant advantage of the air-
At the age of 36 years, 173 days, Federer conditioned venue, breaking Cilic’s serve in
became the second-oldest man to win a the first and third games.
Grand Slam singles title in the Open era after “Mentally was tough. Also was difficult with
Ken Rosewall, who won the 1972 Australian conditions. Throughout the tournament I played
Open at 37. all my matches outdoors, also preparing a hot
The match wasn’t entirely without contro- day,” Cilic said. “Then first match for the final
versy after organizers decided to close the roof to play with the roof closed, it’s difficult.”
014 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 8:55 PM Page 1

14 Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

This was Woods’ 25th start on the PGA Tour

TIGER since his last victory in August 2013 at the

Bridgestone Invitational. It was only the 3rd
time he shot par or better all four rounds and
Continued from page 11 only the eighth time he finished in the top 25.
Woods said his body held up.
and I’m excited to get this one under my “It was nice. You know, some of the shots I
belt, though.” had to hit out of the rough, out of the trees,
Woods had rounds of 72-71-70-72. shaping them both ways, and a few times I had
Sunday’s conditions were the toughest of the to jack up the speed and had no issues at all.”
week. Woods has won this tournament seven
“I was pleased today. I feel like I played a lot times, and Torrey Pines was the site of his dra-
better today. These conditions, they were matic win in the 2008 U.S. Open and a Junior
tough. I was trying to shoot 65, maybe get to World Championship as a teenager.
10 and post, thought that might be a good “It’s always fun to come here,” Woods said.
playoff number. But there are too many guys “This is like near and dear to my heart, just
up there, they’ve gone past 10 and gone to 11 like home. To see some of my friends from
and 12 and there’s a bunch of them up there. So high school are out here, things like that, and
it would have been nice to post it, just see the people are absolutely fantastic all week.
what happens, hang around for a couple hours, They were loud, they were excited, but they
but I’ll take 72, though.” were very respectful. It was nice to play in
Woods hit only 17 of 56 fairways in his four front of the people like that, and overall I
rounds, three on the South and one on the thought I did pretty well this week.”
North, which is no longer considered easier That is, except for the spectator who shout-
than its neighboring layout at the seaside ed “Get in the hole!” as Woods was mid-stroke
muni. of a 10-foot birdie putt on No. 13. He missed
“We can see the swing is out of sync. He can just right of the hole.
feel it’s out of sync,” said Nick Faldo, a six- Woods paused at one point to chat with
Tiger Woods plays a shot from the third tee Friday of the Farmers Insurance Open.
time major champion and CBS Sports ana- Andre Iguodala of the Golden State Warriors.
lyst. “This is one year out — an awful lot of he hit it down the middle, on the green and had “He hasn’t been close enough to the flag to He also wore a red shirt on Sunday at Torrey
rust. There were only a couple of holes where a look.” say, ‘I should have been better.’ ‘’ Pines for the first time in five years.

tee shot into the hazard on the 14th hole and Noren went next and hit his fairway metal Patton Kizzire won. The CareerBuilder

GOLF did well to escape with bogey. Noren also

made a pair of 7-foot par putts to stay in a
share of the lead, and then he missed a 12-
over the green, into the tunnel below the TV
tower and out the other side. He took his
relief, and smartly played away from the
Challenge went four holes before Jon Rahm
Rahm had a chance to reach No. 1 in the
Continued from page 11 foot birdie putt on the 18th hole in regula- flag to keep it from running by the hole and
world with a repeat victory at Torrey Pines.
tion. possibly down the slope into the water. But
He was two shots out of the lead until going
Palmer, trying to win for the first time in he missed the putt.
I could, what I’ve been doing at home. That into the water and making double bogey on
eight years, made consecutive bogeys from The fifth playoff hole was nearly too dark
wasn’t going to be an issue. It was going to the 18th hole of the third round. On Sunday,
the bunker on No. 14 and short of the 15th to play. Day played a beautiful wedge to 6
be, ‘Can I shoot low scores?’ I didn’t, but I the 23-year-old Spaniard fell back early and
green. He came up big on the 72nd hole with feet behind the hole and had to rely on the
grinded out some good rounds.” never recovered. He closed with a 77.
a wedge to 2 feet to get into the playoff. crowd’s cheering.
The final hour of the tournament was a big Holmes effectively fell out of the hunt “I can’t see it,” he said to his caddie. Day is trying to end 20 months without a
grind. when he missed the 15th green with a wedge Noren played a 3-wood off the tee and a victory, the most recent one in May 2016 at
Day, Noren, Palmer and J.B. Holmes — and took bogey, and then missed a 4-foot hybrid onto the green. His eagle putt for the The Players Championship when he was
the latter three in the final group — were par putt on the 16th hole. He needed an win raced 5 feet by, and the Swede calmly No. 1 in the world.
tied for the lead with six holes to go. eagle on the final hole, and took some 4 rolled it in, as he had done so often over the
“I’ll play all day tomorrow if I need to get
Day twice missed the green with a short minutes trying to decide on which club to final two hours Sunday.
the win,” Day said.
iron in his hand, and one of those shots led hit. He finally, curiously, decided to lay up “It’s too dark. I could barely see the last
to bogey. He didn’t make a birdie on the and try to make his 3 by holing a sand putt,” Noren said. “But it’s very enjoyable. Noren is a nine-time winner on the
back nine in regulation. Noren appeared to wedge. He laid up in the rough and didn’t This is what I play for. I’m excited.” European Tour who is No. 19 in the world,
have the steadiest game until he pulled his come close to holing the shot. The Sony Open took six holes before trying to make his mark in America.

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015 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 8:55 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 15

Carr, Walker, Miller help AFC rally to win Pro Bowl 24-23
ByMark Long tions. Minnesota’s Harrison Smith returned a Hill muffed a punt.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pick for a score. And two players took excep- Carr made up for his mistake by completing
tion to one aggressive takedown. Tennessee a 12-yard pass to Miami’s Jarvis Landry on a
ORLANDO, Fla. — Delanie Walker held left tackle Taylor Lewan and Oakland guard fourth-and-7 play in the waning minutes. He
the ball in the end zone and waited for his Kelechi Osemele had words for New Orleans found Walker down the middle three plays later.
teammates to celebrate. defensive end Cameron Jordan after he drilled Walker was voted the offensive MVP, and
They came from every direction: Left, Indianapolis tight end Jack Doyle. Miller was the defensive MVP. Both got
right and even the bench. None of those plays compared to Miller’s luxury cars to go along with trophies.
The Tennessee Titans tight end caught two game-clinching strip-sack. The NFC looked like it would coast to a
touchdown passes, including an 18-yarder The AFC overcame a 17-point halftime victory early as two Minnesota Vikings
with 1:31 remaining , and the AFC beat the deficit and four turnovers to win the annual made big plays a week earlier than they
NFC 24-23 in a rain-soaked Pro Bowl on all-star game. wanted (Super Bowl) and a week later than
Sunday. Heavy downpours were partly to blame for they needed (NFC championship game).
Teammates mobbed him. Pittsburgh the sloppiness. Adam Thielen had a touchdown reception
STEVE MITCHELL/USA TODAY SPORTS The rain prompted some fans to leave on the opening drive, and Smith returned an
receiver Antonio Browns, Baltimore safety
Eric Weddle, Jacksonville cornerback Jalen Derrick Carr of the Raiders throws a pass in Camping World Stadium and others to break interception 79 yards for a score as the NFC
Ramsey and Steelers coach Mike Tomlin the NFL Pro Bowl at Camping World Stadium. out ponchos. It also caused players on both opened up a 20-3 lead at halftime.
were among those who left the sideline to yards and connected with Walker on a skin- sidelines to scramble to protect cellphones. But the NFC failed to hold onto the lead.
congratulate Walker. ny post for the winning score. Jordan, New Orleans running back Mark Goff threw incomplete on two fourth-down
“That’s as real as it gets in football,” Denver’s Von Miller sealed the victory when Ingram and others had their phones in hand passes late as Saints coach Sean Payton tried
Oakland quarterback Derek Carr said. “You he caused and recovered a fumble by Los during introductions, and dozens more could to keep drives alive and milk the clock.
always want to win, especially with money Angeles Rams quarterback Jared Goff. Miller be seen using them on the sidelines early in That was the opening Carr, Walker and
on the line.” posed problems all afternoon for the NFC. the game. They shoved them in plastic bags Miller needed.
The winning team got $64,000 each, dou- “I go all out all the time,” Miller said. as the rain started. “I think it makes it more exciting for the
ble the losing team’s share. Although the game was more two-hand Each of the AFC quarterbacks — fans for us to put on a show like that and go
“You’ve got guys on the sidelines saying, touch than hard-nosed football, there were Pittsburgh’s Ben Roethlisberger, Kansas down to the last minute and win the game,”
‘I need that money,”’ Carr said. plenty of defensive gems. City’s Alex Smith and Carr — threw inter- said Walker, who also caught a 4-yard TD
Carr completed 11 of 15 passes for 115 Arizona’s Patrick Peterson had two intercep- ceptions. And Kansas City returner Tyreek pass from Smith in the third.

Brady and Belichick have ever faced in the the Patriots never panic like so many other out because the time clock’s running out,”

PATS Super Bowl, don’t see themselves getting

out of their comfort zone against New
England (15-3).
teams because they rehearse adversity so
well and so often in practice.
“We go over every type of situation that
Theismann said. “You don’t see Bill’s play-
ers making those kids of errors. I mean, I
was very fortunate to play for Joe Gibbs and
Continued from page 11 “Doug is going to do what got us to this you can think of,” Harmon said. Joe was the same type of game manager,
point,” right tackle Lane Johnson said. Theismann said Belichick is simply the where he was aware and he made me aware of
“Just because you’re in a big stage doesn’t all the possible circumstances and situa-
“You can never have a safe lead with (No.) best at teaching “if somebody’s going to
mean you have to do anything out of the tions that you deal with.
12 at the helm,” Jaguars safety Tashaun beat us, they’re going to have to beat us;
ordinary to make bigger plays. Don’t make “For example, when you’re coming out of
Gipson said. “... That’s Tom Brady, the we’re not going to beat ourselves.”
the moment bigger than what it is.” your own end zone, if you’re backed up
greatest to ever lace up the cleats at the quar- “What New England does is New England inside your own 3-yard line, it’s a great time
terback position.” The Patriots may need no assistance but preaches discipline and understanding your to run a hard count because you’re only
And Belichick, arguably the best to ever that hasn’t stopped teams from helping job,” Theismann said, singling out lieu- going to get a yard and a-half penalty.
roam the sideline. them out like Jacksonville did last week tenants Josh McDaniels and Matt Patricia in Instead of first-and-10, it’s going to be
The Eagles swear they’re not going to with a delay penalty coming out of a time- addition to Belichick, who, along with his first-and-11. But you do have the possibili-
give the Patriots any help next Sunday in out and a rushed punt that essentially gave personnel assistants, identifies coachable ty of making it first-and-5.
Minneapolis. Brady an extra timeout before halftime. players who fit in. “There is a game within the game that the
“You know what? If I make this all about “I think why the Patriots are so good is “Think about it: You never see Bill Patriots play better than anybody.”
them, we’re in trouble,” coach Doug Pederson because they capitalize off people making Belichick run up the sideline and call a time- They have a fistful of rings as a result.
said. “Honestly. We’re in trouble. those mistakes,” Johnson said. “They don’t
Everything’s going to be written about it, has make mistakes, hardly. They’re well-
been written about it, talked about it, dis- coached. You don’t necessarily have to be
cussed, debated and it’s about us. And I’ll keep the most talented team. You saw last year
saying that. It’s about what we do and how they weren’t the most talented team. Yet,
well we execute and I can’t worry about that.” they’re the best team because they function
The Eagles (15-3), who statistically can together well and they’re coached well.”
make the case for being the best opponent New England safety Duron Harmon said

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016 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 8:56 PM Page 1

16 Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Cal steamrolled by Sun Devils Women’s hoops

Struggling Cal loses eighth straight to USC BERKELEY — Courtney Ekmark
scored 12 points, Kianna Ibis
Arizona State shot 25 of 54 (46
By Jill Painter Lopez USC 77, Cal 59 percent) from the field. Cal made just
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS scored 11 and Arizona State hand- 15 of 53 (28 percent) and made only
halftime to give that gave USC a 62-47 lead with cuffed No. 23 Cal 57-42 Sunday. 2 of 19 from beyond the arc. Kristine
LOS ANGELES — Jonah Mathews USC a 31-29 8:53 left. Arizona State (15-7, 6-4 Pac-12) Anigwe led the Bears with 15 points.
and Elijah Stewart each scored 16 lead at the Cal’s Marcus Lee scored a game- raced to a 14-0 lead and led 16-6 at
points to lead USC to a 77-59 victo- break. Cal high 23 points, 17 of which came the end of the first quarter. Jaelyn Stanford goes wire-to-wire
ry over Cal on Sunday at USC. turned the ball in the second half. Brown’s jumper with 2:39 left in STANFORD — Brittany McPhee
USC (17-6, 8-2 Pac-12) has won over 14 times The Bears leading scorer, Don the first quarter was the first bas- and Alanna Smith scored 15 apiece
six consecutive games and in the first half Coleman, didn’t play for the second ket for the Bears. The Sun Devils and Stanford earned a wire-to-wire
remained in second place in the Pac- and USC scored consecutive game. He was suspend- pushed their lead to 22-6 when 79-42 win over Arizona Sunday.
12 Conference standings behind 17 points off ed for Cal’s game at UCLA on Ibis made back-to-back jumpers McPhee had 12 points and three
No. 11 Arizona (8-1). The Trojans those miscues. Thursday for a violation of team and Ekmark added a layup in con- of the Cardinal’s 10 first-half 3-
Marcus Lee
have won eight of their last nine. USC got hot rules. secutive possessions. pointers to propel Stanford (14-8,
Cal (7-15, 1-8) is mired in a funk to start the second half as Stewart Cal (15-6, 6-4) shaved the 8-2 Pac-12 Conference) to a 43-16
as its lost eight consecutive games, made back-to-back 3-pointers for Big picture deficit to 33-22 at halftime, but lead at halftime. Kiana Williams
something the Bears haven’t done a 39-31 lead and the Trojans never The Bears needed a victory to after the break, again could only scored all 11 of her points in the
since 1992. looked back. Later, Mathews stop their slump and regain a meas- muster six points and trailed by first half and had seven assists.
Mathews made a 3-pointer from again made consecutive 3s from ure of confidence for their young 16. The Bears never got closer The Cardinal finished with 27
the baseline nine seconds before each corner as part of an 8-0 run team but it didn’t happen. than 13 the rest of the way. assists on 30 baskets.

toughest trick on the halfpipe. access to the mountains. ing onto White’s halfpipe sessions winning runs at the highest level.

MILLER “It’s amazing to be out there with

everybody, pushing the bound-
aries,” said Miller , who turns 18 on
Since then, Miller has steadily
progressed, winning halfpipe con-
tests at pretty much every level and
to get in his own runs. Last summer,
the dynamic changed. It was Miller
who had access to a halfpipe in
It could be at the Winter X Games,
or at the Beijing Olympics in 2022,
or somewhere in between.
Continued from page 11 Feb. 14 — the day of the Olympic eventually catching the eye of Red Mount Hood, Oregon, thanks to a “He’s definitely got some
halfpipe final. “You get so motivat- Bull, one of a handful of sponsors hookup from Red Bull. things,” White said. “It’s just going
ed off all the other riders.” with a knack for identifying The ‘’I said, ‘Hey, can I join you?”’ to take time to connect it all. He’ll
much older than me. It just feels
He is rapidly showing he belongs Next Big Thing in snowboarding. White said. “It’s been a really cool grow into his strength.”
like two dudes hanging out.”
on that halfpipe , and if his mastery Also helping Miller is his talent in scenario to hang out with him.” This year, though, Miller will be
Miller was on his way to Canada of the tricks doesn’t tell the story, producing his own snowboarding Through all this time together, heading to South Korea, having fun
for some riding this week but divert- White certainly does. videos. He’s populating his own White has seen something special and taking notes as White goes for
ed to Aspen and the Winter X Games “He’ll probably be one of the YouTube site with cool footage of in Miller’s audacity — he’s unafraid, his third Olympic gold.
at the last minute when he was told next guys to blow up,” said White, his riding. and seemingly always a step ahead “Someone always asks me, ‘Do
he would be an alternate. A spot who is nearly 14 years older than White has a pretty good eye for of riders his age when it comes to you want to beat him? Are you try-
came open because — who else? — his new buddy. “I could find out that talent, too, and Miller’s connection progressing his tricks. In addition ing to beat him?’ I never thought
White had dropped out to rest up for I’ve been grooming a monster.” with the world’s best-known rider to the Yolo Flip, Miller has been about beating him,” Miller said.
the Olympics. The man who actually started was a matter of right-place-right- working on the trick White patent- “My dream is for us to get on the
At a training session in front of a Miller on this path: Santa Claus, time. Miller was involved in a pro- ed, the Double McTwist 1260, a podium together. It would be so sur-
big crowd Saturday night, Miller who gave him his first snowboard at gram with White’s coach at the half-blind double cork that few rid- real.
landed the Yolo Flip — the 1440- age 6. Miller took to it right away, time, Bud Keene, and Keene intro- ers even try. “I feel honored that he believes in
degree spin that helped Swiss rider and the family moved from Southern duced Miller to White. The two Miller’s next stage will be taking me that much and thinks I can do it.
Iouri Podladtchikov win the 2014 California to Lake Tahoe when he bonded quickly and started training the big tricks and linking them with I wouldn’t want anybody else on my
Sochi Games and stands out as the was 8, so he would have better together. It used to be Miller link- the smaller ones to put together side.”


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017 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 8:56 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL DATEBOOK Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 17

Winterize your pooch
lthough I think skiing is about as much fun as sit-
ting on a cactus, there are many Bay Area residents
who disagree. So if you’re one of those folks
planning to call in sick to work later this week and drive
up to Tahoe so you can strap yourself onto a pair of thin
boards and plummet downhill, well, have fun. My concern
here is about the dog you may be planning on taking with
you. Those of us who live in this Mediterranean climate
may forget, but if you and Fido are heading to the snow
then you need to winterize your pooch! 
That built-in fur coat may help, but even the fluffiest
dogs who spend 99 percent of their time in the Bay Area
will not have developed the full coat found on dogs
exposed to more significant seasonal
weather. And in really cold weather,
even that full-coated dog is still at
risk of everything from cracked paws
to potentially fatal hypothermia. A
good starting point: if you feel the
REUTERS need of a coat, your dog does too.
Bruno Mars accepts the Grammy for album of the year for ‘24K Magic’ Sunday night in New York. Happily for fashion-conscious Fidos,
fiber- and down-filled dog vests are

Grammy sweep for Bruno Mars

By Mesfin Fekadu the audience and hugged at the song’s end as some audience
readily available.
Add booties which provide not only
warmth but increased traction. They
also protect paws from ice (which quickly develops on the
fluff between toes) as well as salts and chemicals used to
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS members cried, including Hailee Steinfeld. control ice (problematic both on the skin and if ingested).
Kesha, who earned her first pair of Grammy nominations Don’t expect your dog to instantly enjoy or even tolerate
NEW YORK — Bruno Mars went six for six at the this year, has been in a legal war with former producer and these fashion accessories. Brief initial dress-up sessions
Grammys, winning all of the awards he was nominated for mentor Dr. Luke. Janelle Monae introduced the performance with lots of loving (hugs, praise, yummies) is always the
with his energetic and upbeat 90s-inspired R&B album. with strong words. ticket. If booties just aren’t accepted (dogs often find them
Mars won album of the year for “24K Magic,” record of “We come in peace but we mean business. To those who more off-putting than coats) there are several commercial-
the year for the title track, and song of the year for the No. would dare try to silence us, we offer two words: Time’s Up,” ly available wax-like ointments designed for cold weather
1 hit, “That’s What I Like,” on Sunday at Madison Square Monae said. “It’s not just going on in Hollywood. It’s not that are rubbed directly onto a dog’s feet.    
Garden in New York City. just going on in Washington. It’s here in our industry, too.” One last tip: any time you and your animals are away
“Oh my God. Thank you guys so much. Wow,” said Mars. Before the performance, Maren Morris, Eric Church and from home, make sure the animal is wearing ID which
“I’d like to dedicate this award to (songwriters like Brothers Osborne performed an emotional rendition of Eric includes your cell number and/or local contact.  
Babyface, Teddy Riley Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis).” Clapton’s “Tears In Heaven” — written after his son died —
Mars has now won 11 career Grammys. in honor of the 58 people who died at the Route 91 Harvest
Ken White is the president of the Peninsula Humane Society
Jay-Z, the leading nominee with eight, walked away Festival in Las Vegas last year. The names of the victims
empty handed. He lost in the rap categories to Kendrick were displayed behind them as they performed. & SPCA.
Lamar, who won five awards, including best rap album for
“DAMN.” and best rap song for “HUMBLE.” He has a career
total of 12 Grammys.
“This is special man. I got a lot of guys in this building
that I still idolize today,” said Lamar, naming Jay-Z, Nas
and Diddy as inspirations.
At the end, Lamar closed with: “Jay for president.”
Lamar kicked off the Grammys with a powerful and poignant
performance featuring video screens displaying a waving
American flag behind him, as background dancers dressed as
army soldiers marched and moved behind. He was joined
Sunday by U2’s Bono and The Edge, and also Dave Chappelle
— who told jokes in between Lamar’s performance.
At one point, Lamar’s background dancers, dressed in red,
were shot down as he rapped lyrics, later coming back to
life as fire burst to end the six-minute performance.
But the night’s top performer was Kesha, who gave a pas-
sionate performance with the help of powerful women
behind her, including the Resistance Revival Chorus.
She was joined by Cyndi Lauper, Camila Cabello, Julia
Michaels, Andra Day and Bebe Rexha for her Grammy-nom-
inated song, “Praying.” Dressed in white, they won over


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018 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/26/18 1:33 PM Page 1

18 Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

019 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 6:02 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 19

The DAR-San Andreas Lake Chapter held their Student Awards presentation Friday, Jan. 19, An Eagle Scout ceremony for Isaiah Henry, left, and Kevin Castellanos, from Redwood City Troop
at the County History Museum. Pictured, back left to right, American History chair Marie 149, took place Saturday, Jan. 13, at Casa de Flores in San Carlos. It was attended by more
Borovina, regent Valerie Lynne, Olivia Umstead, Riley Scanlan, Lauren Valles and Good Citizens than 100 family, friends and troop members.The two scouts are alumni of Our Lady of Mount
chair Lydia Davies; (front left to right) Kailer Lamb, Janina DeJesus, Shannen Recio and Emily Carmel, in Redwood City.This year, Kevin will be graduating from Junipero Serra High School
Chee. in San Mateo, and Isaiah from Bishop O'Dowd High School in Oakland.
girl at Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City on Redwood City, gave birth to a baby girl at 11, 2018.
Jan. 8, 2018. Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City on Jan.
*** 10, 2018.
Charl es and Andrea Shanno n, of San *** Mehmet and As l i Kabak, of Mountain
Jose, gave birth to a baby boy at Sequoia Marc an d Ch e ry l B o re l l a, of View, gave birth to a baby girl at Sequoia
Hospital in Redwood City on Jan. 8, 2018. Burlingame, gave birth to a baby girl at Hospital in Redwood City on Jan. 13,
*** Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City on Jan. 2018.
Dan i e l an d An g e l a B ah b o ut , of 11, 2018.
Redwood City, gave birth to a baby boy at ***
Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City on Jan. Ri cardo Andres Zi l l eruel o Ramo s B l ak e an d Kat h ry n Ni l s s o n , of
Ran g i f e r S t run k an d Al e x an dra 9, 2018. and Ana Mari a Perez Carmo na, of Redwood City, gave birth to a baby girl at
Wri g l ey, of Woodside, gave birth to a baby *** Mountain View, gave birth to a baby girl at Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City on Jan.
Ry an an d An g e l a Mc Co l e , of Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City on Jan. 14, 2018.
tating the old train line immediately to the have flooded the Bay Area, many have been

Continued from page 1
south, with eventual extensions that could
connect the Peninsula’s Caltrain line to rail
services in the East Bay such as BART and
pushed to the outskirts in search of more
affordable housing options. Along with pop-
ulation growth, the jobs-to-housing imbal-
Capital Corridor. ance has fueled regional traffic congestion.
While there’s currently no dedicated fund- Slocum noted Facebook is a powerful market
agency’s board of directors about the ongo- ing for Dumbarton improvements, support- force and there could be concerns as to what
ing discussions with Facebook earlier this ers have noted opportunities in the state’s terms the company might suggest in
month, however, Murphy stressed it’s still gas tax increase as well as $130 million from exchange for potential transportation dol-
preliminary. Regional Measure 3 should voters approve lars.
“We don’t know what is within the realm bridge toll hikes. But until details are worked out, both
of what’s possible, that’s what these initial San Mateo County Supervisor Warren SamTrans and others remained tight-lipped
discussions with Facebook are about. At this Slocum, whose district includes communities about the negotiations. Still, with public
state, it’s discussing what our shared goals surrounding the Dumbarton Bridge and dollars for infrastructure improvements a hot
are and how we can work together to try and efforts to expand housing, transportation Facebook, has been advocating for conges- commodity, leaders across the nation have
achieve those goals in the most expeditious and employment opportunities across the tion-relief improvements. Slocum said he suggested partnering with private industries
way,” Murphy said. “No commitments have region. hopes the ongoing discussions between as an opportunity.
been made. … It’s way too early to make any While discussions with SamTrans are Facebook and SamTrans could pave the way “It’s a concept that is being explored more
assumptions about dollar amounts.” ongoing, a Facebook representative noted for other employers to step up and offer sup- aggressively, not just here but everywhere
the company’s prior financial contributions port in a regional push for congestion relief. and government is working to try to make it
Other funding efforts and interest in exploring opportunities If Facebook “takes these next steps, I easier generally for public agencies and the
Facebook, which employs thousands of along Dumbarton. know they’re going to draw in some of their private sector to cooperate on achieving
workers at its sprawling corporate headquar- “Since we are committed to helping reduce technology brothers and sisters,” Slocum shared goals. We’re lucky in our region and
ters near the juncture of Highway 84 and traffic congestion, we continue to partner said. our county to have private sector employers
Willow Road, has previously doled out fund- with SamTrans to explore ways of improv- who are excited about having these conversa-
ing to address the impacts of its growth. ing traffic and transit options on the Private/public partnerships tions,” Murphy said. “We’ll just have to wait
In late 2016, it announced a $20 million Dumbarton corridor,” Facebook Corporate In a region where high-paying tech jobs and see what kind of fruit it bears.”
contribution and commitment toward afford- Communications Director Anthony
able housing efforts in Menlo Park and East Harrison said in an email.
Palo Alto. Facebook’s funds came as neigh- In early 2016, the company’s $1 million
boring communities and nonprofits I represent many carriers and want to earn your trust. Please allow me
donation sparked a revival of SamTrans’ to quote your Life, Health, Disability, & Long Term Care Insurance.
expressed concerns about gentrification and study that included the burned-down rail
the impacts of the expanding corporate bridge owned by the transit district, as well as
the Highway 84 car bridge. Ideas include cre-
At the time the donation was publicly ating express lanes along the state-owned Open enrollment ends Jan 31, 2018
announced, Facebook representatives vehicle bridge, increasing express bus serv-
responded with enthusiasm for maintaining ice and improvements to the approaches on Barrett Insurance is proud to celebrate our 30th Anniversary
a vibrant community and collaborating on either end. The plans also suggest rehabili-

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020 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/28/18 5:59 PM Page 1

20 Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 NATION/ LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

MeToo movement showing generational divides

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS navigate generational relationships in the workplace.
2pm on Saturday. Free parking avail-
Millennial women — those in their 20s and 30s — are more able. For more information call 868-
Where there has been solidarity and safety in numbers in likely to have grown up in environment supportive of gen- MONDAY, JAN. 29 9027.
the #MeToo movement, there is now also an increasingly der equality, with the expectation — not always fulfilled — National Puzzle Day. 306 Walnut
Ave., South San Francisco. Celebrate Gypsy. 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. 506 N
apparent generational divide. And it’s not just among that they’ll be attentively listened to in those circum- National Puzzle Day with a variety of Delaware St., San Mateo. Tickets
women. stances. puzzles. All ages welcome. For more available at Box Office One. Cost $20.
information call 877-8530. For more information contact tick-
Compared to their elders, younger women are seen as gen- “I have sometimes joked that my generation is femi- [email protected].
erally more willing to speak out about being sexual nism’s Frankensteins,” said Courtney Martin, 38, an Informational Sessions for
harassed, and bring a new set of expectations to their sexu- CO.STARTERS Entrepreneur Insignificance. 8 p.m. The Dragon
author and blogger. “Our mothers raised us to believe we Program. 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. San Carlos Theatre, 2120 Broadway, Redwood
al relationships. There are also generational differences in deserved sexual equality, but now that we’re actually Library, 610 Elm St., San Carlos. Free. City. A meeting of the minds
approach to dating relationships, and in expectations that, demanding it, it can seem overly entitled or sensitive to Open for adults 21+. For more infor- between Albert Einstein, Marilyn
mation call 591-0341. Monroe, U.S. Sen. Joe McCarthy and
if spoken, their concerns about sexual misconduct would be them.” Joe DiMaggio in a New York hotel
received without repercussion. Debra Katz, a Washington lawyer specializing in cases of A Staged Reading of ‘Good Night’s room in the 1950s. PG-13. $35 for
Insomnia’ by Hillary King. 7 p.m. general admission, $27 for students
Baby Boomer women “took it for granted they wouldn’t sexual harassment and sex discrimination, says younger Dragon Productions Theatre and seniors. For more information
be heard” by men, especially in sexual situations, said Amy women make up the bulk of clients bringing complaints to Company, 2120 Broadway, Redwood call 493-2006.
City. For more information email
Lynch, a Nashville-based consultant who helps employers her firm. [email protected]. Free Lecture: Direct Detection of
Dark Matter. 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. College
TUESDAY, JAN. 30 of San Mateo Planetarium (#36),
Parenting Work shop: Special College of San Mateo, 1700 W.
Education. 10 a.m. to noon. Sobrato Hillsdale Blvd., San Mateo. Lecture by
Foundation, 350 Twin Dolphin Drive, Dr. Kelly Stifter. For more information
Redwood City. Learn about the advo- call 862-9602.
cation for special education rights for
kids of all ages and races. For more SATURDAY, FEB. 3
information call (415) 377-8941. Coping with Dementia for
Caregivers Class. 10 a.m. to noon.
Grand Opening of the Veterans San Mateo Senior Center, 2645
Resource Center. 5 p.m. South San Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo.
Francisco Main Library, 840 W. Registration required. For more infor-
Orange Ave., South San Francisco. For mation call 522-7490.
more information contact
[email protected]. Art on the Square presents H’ART
Squared 2018. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
San Mateo County Veterans Veterans Memorial Senior Center,
Services Office Informational 1455 Madison Ave., Redwood City.
Presentation. 6 p.m. South San The Kainos Dance Team will perform
Francisco, 840 W. Orange Ave., South at 7pm on Friday and at 11 a.m. and 2
San Francisco. Learn about the San p.m. on Saturday. Free parking avail-
Mateo County Veteran ID Card and able. For more information call 868-
how to qualify. For more information 9027.
contact [email protected].
ABC Mouse - Bring Learning Home.
‘More Than a Word’ film and dis- 10:30 a.m. 840 W. Orange Ave., South
cussion. 6 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Menlo San Francisco. Come to the library for
An artist’s rendering of a proposed 182-room, five-story Hampton Inn & Suites in San Mateo’s Marina Plaza Center. Park Main Library, 800 Alma St., a demonstration of ABC Mouse.
Menlo Park. For more information Recommended for ages 2 and up.For
shopping center to explore the possibility of installing

Continued from page 1
signs on their property to direct guests toward the lot behind
it. He added that the parties will continue to discuss coordi-
nating on garbage pickups and other variables that might
contact [email protected].
Sun Catcher: Rose Window Paper
Ar t. 306 Walnut Ave., South San
Francisco. Create colorful sun catch-
more information call 829-3860.
Roaming Readers. Noon. Oyster
Point Marina, 95 Harbor Master Road,
South San Francisco. Meet with other
readers to discuss books while walk-
contribute to the aesthetics of both properties after some ers with tissue paper. Free and open ing local trails. Club will meet in front
commissioners encouraged the developer to consider moving to the public. For more information of the fishing pier at Oyster Point
design of the building, consideration of a height increase to a laundry facility planned near the entrance to the property to call 877-8530. Marina. For more information contact
55 feet and reduced parking for the project, which is expected [email protected].
another location less visible to mall visitors and the sur- San Mateo Professional Alliance
to provide 147 parking spaces where 184 spots would be rounding neighborhood. Networking Lunch. Noon to 1 p.m. Escape Room. 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
required. “It takes all parties to try to work that out,” said Tsai. Pacific Catch Restaurant, 243 S. B St., South San Francisco Main Library, 840
San Mateo. Free admission, lunch W. Orange Ave., South San Francisco.
In their third look at plans for the hotel slated to replace the Noting the changing nature of traffic patterns and the like- ordered off the menu. For more infor- Solve puzzles and riddles with a
116-room Los Prados Hotel on the 2.28-acre lot, commis- lihood guests would use ride-sharing options to get to the mation contact [email protected]. team to extract a device. Online reg-
istration required. Ages 11 and older.
sioners largely commended the developer, Soloman Tsai of hotel, Commission Chair John Ebneter was encouraged by Did You Feel the Earthquake? Be For more information call 829-3860.
the United Pacific Hotel Group, on improving the exterior the developer’s plans to study local traffic patterns to better Prepared for the Next Big One.
design of the building in the revised plans. 6:45 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. San Mateo Insignificance. 8 p.m. The Dragon
understand how the project could affect congestion near the Senior Center, 2645 Alameda de las Theatre, 2120 Broadway, Redwood
In voicing support for the project, Vice Chair Charlie busy interchange. Pulgas, San Mateo. Free and open for City. A meeting of the minds
Drechsler acknowledged the challenge of creating designs for 18 and over. For more information between Albert Einstein, Marilyn
“It appears clear that the actual realities of life are moving call 522-7490. Monroe, U.S. Sen. Joe McCarthy and
the hotel within an oddly-shaped lot between Highway 101 quicker than the studies of traffic that we’re able to rely on,” Joe DiMaggio in a New York hotel
and a small shopping center. But he joined other commis- he said. THURSDAY, FEB. 1 room in the 1950s. PG-13. $35 for
Kids Coding: Junior Swif t general admission, $27 for students
sioners in encouraging the developer to explore ways to work He joined other commissioners in endorsing a staff recom- Language. 4 p.m. South San and seniors. For more information
with business owners to put up signs guiding drivers in and mendation to install a roundabout at the intersection of South Francisco Main Library, 840 W. call 493-2006.
Orange Ave., South San Francisco.
out of the commercial area adjacent to the Los Prados neigh- Norfolk Street, Los Prados Street and La Selva Street to ease Learn computing skills through Author Talk: “ Squid Empire” by
borhood. traffic flow for hotel guests and shopping center visitors. interactive and fun activities. For Danna Staaf. 2 p.m. 840 W Orange
“It’s a real difficult intersection on either side of 101,” he more information call 829-3860. Ave., South San Francisco. Books will
Chief of Planning Ron Munekawa said it might take some be available for purchase. For more
said, according to a video of the meeting. “Hillsdale is an months to coordinate those affected by the roundabout and Searching the Internet. 6 p.m. information contact
incredibly active overpass so it’s a great site. But to get to South San Francisco Main Library, [email protected].
assemble the funding for it. 840 W. Orange Ave., South San
[the] building is certainly going to require some wayfinding.” Though Commissioner Pamela O’Leary said she would sup- Francisco. Find reliable websites with Escape Room. 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. SSF
After Commissioner Dianne Whitaker asked for more clari- port the project, she wondered if the space could be better used these tips for using search engines. Main Library, 840 W Orange Ave.,
For more information call 829-3860. South San Francisco. Solve puzzles
ty on how hotel guests would access the site, one of the devel- to represent San Mateo. and riddles with a team to extract a
oper’s representatives said a driveway from South Norfolk “I do think this is an opportunity to kind of highlight San San Mateo Public Library B ook device. Online registration required.
Street is expected to be the main access to the hotel, with a Discussion Group. 6:30 p.m. San Ages 11 and older. For more informa-
Mateo in a good way,” she said. “It looks fine but I don’t nec- Mateo Public Library, 55 W. Third St., tion contact [email protected].
driveway exiting onto La Selva Street to allow guests to exit essarily think it fulfills that.” San Mateo. For more information call
the property and reduce two-way traffic in the shopping cen- 522-7849. Gypsy. 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. 506 N
An analysis of the project’s effects on the surrounding area Delaware St., San Mateo. Tickets
ter. is expected to be finalized before the commission reviews the ‘Insignificance.’ 8 p.m. The Dragon available at Box Office One. Cost $20.
Tsai said he has been working with business owners of the project again at a future public hearing. Theatre, 2120 Broadway, Redwood For more information contact tick-
City. A meeting of the minds between [email protected].
Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, U.S.
Sen. Joe McCarthy and Joe DiMaggio SUNDAY, FEB. 4
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V in a New York hotel room in the Caption for Hearing Loss Class.
1 D ? 7 [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb 1950s. PG-13. $35 for general admis- 1:15 p.m. to 2 p.m. San Mateo Senior
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
H^d\\Ph^^][hd dbTT
TPRW[[TccTaQQ^g sion, $27 for students and seniors. For Center, 2645 Alameda de las Pulgas,
F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
fXcWPPUUaXT]SPP]SRR^\_PaT more information call 493-2006. San Mateo. Registration is required.
6 > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb For more information call 522-7490.
0 6 ; < FRIDAY, FEB. 2

1>66;4 H>DA1

B20;4 A0C8=6 Free First Friday at the San Mateo Insignificance. 2 p.m. The Dragon
County History Museum. 10 a.m. to Theatre, 2120 Broadway, Redwood
, _
_^X]c $   , 2WWP\_ 4 p.m. 2200 Broadway, Redwood City. City. A meeting of the minds
_^X]cb    $ ,  4  g_Tac The entire day all museum programs between Albert Einstein, Marilyn
:]daTZ $[[TccTab,
_^X]cb %    ,  ? a^ are free. For more information call
Monroe, U.S. Sen. Joe McCarthy and
Joe DiMaggio in a New York hotel
_^X]cb "  % %,, 66P\Ta room in the 1950s. PG-13. $35 for
_^X]cb !  " ",, AA^^ZXT

Kids Craft with Sophie’s World. 4 general admission, $27 for students
, _
_^X]cb  !
 0 \PcTda p.m. 840 W. Orange Ave., South San and seniors. For more information
, $_
_^X]cb  , ,
 Caah PV
VPX] Francisco. Make Valentine’s Day-
themed projects. For more informa-
call 493-2006.
tion call 829-3860. Gy psy. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 506 N
Delaware St., San Mateo. Tickets

> A 3 C
CuriOdyssey First Friday Family available at Box Office One. Cost $20.
FT_ _dcb
VaXS Night. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CuriOdyssey, For more information contact tick-
h^dUUX]SccWT\. 1651 Coyote Point Drive, San Mateo. [email protected].
5X]S00C;;40BC5 58E4CC7>A>D6750A4B Admission is $9.50 to $12.50. Swing
into the weekend with music, science, MusiKohl Notes:
^U[[TccTab Manasse/Nak amatsu Duo. 7 p.m.

food and fun. For more information

0 4 4
call 342-7755. Kohl Mansion, 2750 Adeline Drive,

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN First Friday Art Series. 6 p.m. to 8

Burlingame. For more information
call 762-1130.

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN p.m. Burlingame Library, 480 Primrose

Road, Burlingame. This event features MONDAY, FEB. 5

; E = D
Robert Liu-Trujillo. For more informa- Hearing Loss? All Welcome in
tion call 558-7411. HLAA. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Veterans

Memorial Senior Center, 1455
Art on the Square presents H’ART Madison Ave., Redwood City.

Squared 2018. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Questions about hearing loss
Veterans Memorial Senior Center, answered and personal stories
7PbQa^88]R !( ' 1455 Madison Ave., Redwood City. shared. For more information call
!! '7
ATbTaeTS The Kainos Dance Team will perform 365-4868.

at 7 p.m. on Friday and at 11 a.m. and

fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ 2D12 20;52
021 0129 mon:0129 mon 139 1/26/18 1:33 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 21






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and manage the sales cycle from start to finish: good microwaVe 1100 watt $40 Da-
painted, porcelain, authenticity papers,
ly City (415) 231-4825. $12.00. (650) 578 9208. beige sofa $99. Excellent Condition
t*EFOUJGZBOERVBMJGZQSPQFSUBSHFUTUPEFWFMPQJOUPDMJFOUT Hotpoint HeaVy Duty Dryer excellent miller lite Neon sign , work good
(650) 315-2319
working condition Burlingame $50 Call $59 call (650)218-6528 carpet runner: 16ft.X26 Wide. Col-
$45.00. (650)266-3184
star wars Action figure: Qui-Gon
condition Burlingame $50 Call Dan Jinn (Jedi Knight), mint-in package. $10 commode, good condition. $20 obo.
t1MBOBOEFYFDVUFCVTJOFTTEFWFMPQNFOUTUSBUFHJFTUPDMPTF (408)656-0958 Steve (650)518-6614. Please call (650)745-6309


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t4USPOHQSFTFOUBUJPOTLJMMT Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons,
t&òFDUJWFUJNFNBOBHFNFOUTLJMMT Notice of Public Sales and More.
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Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula
0129 mon:Class Master Even 1/26/18 4:17 PM Page 3

24 Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 THE DAILY JOURNAL

304 Furniture 304 Furniture 309 Office Equipment 311 musical Instruments 316 Clothes Garage Sales
COmPUTER dESK For sale $99 SOFABEd, VELOUR, tan, Excellent LAPTOP CASE or bag. Black. Like new. EPIPHONE LES Paul 100th wILSON LEATHER Lady Jacket. Small,
(650)520-4650 condition. $75. (808)631-1365. Hardly used. $25. (650)697-1564. Anniversary Custom Electric Guitar. like new. $45. (808)863-1136.

COmPUTER SwIVEL CHAIR. Padded SOLId wOOd Entertainment Center-

Mint. $600.00 650 421 5469
wILSON LEATHER, burgundy lady jack-
Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409 TurnTable, Am-Fm, Eight Track, Built In
Speakers, Sony 26’ Smart T.V.(68.75 in.
310 misc. For Sale ExCELLENT VIOLIN, previously owned,
first violinist SF Symphony, Mellow
et, Small, like new $45 (808)863-1136 ESTATE SALES
dESK, Gd. cond. $99.99 or b.o. X 25.5inch X28inch) $500 o.b.o
(650)458-3578 (925)482-5742
500-600 BIG Band-era 78's--most mint,
no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459
sound. Dated 1894. $5,500/best offer. 318 Sports Equipment make money, make room!
TABLE 24"x48" folding legs each end. BESSY SmALL Evening Hand Bag With FENdER mUSTANG I guitar amplifier
15 SF Giants Posters -- Barry Bonds, List your upcoming
dINETTE TABLE, 3 adjustable leaf.$30. Melamine top, 500# capacity. Cost Beige Cord $75.00 (650)678-5371 70 watts 8-guitar settings.with cover. Jeff Kent, JT Snow. 6' x 2.5' Unused. $4
(650) 756-9516.Daly City. $130. Sell $50. 650-591-4141 $80. (650)421-5469 each. $35 all. (650)588-1946 San Bruno garage sale,
dINING TABLE (36"x54") and 4 match- TwIN BEd, mattress, box spring, frame
BIFOLd SHUTTERS 2x28”x79 $10.00
(650)544-5306 FENdER mUSTANG ll guitar amplifier BOLLINGER YOGA Mat. 2 blocks &
moving sale,
ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for
$250 .(650)-654-1930.
$ 50. (650)598-9804.
BOBBY HULL Hockey Game Great
110 watts 8-guitar settings, with cover. strap $5 (650)888-9314 estate sale,
$130.00 (650)421-5469
dRESSER 4-dRAwER in Belmont for
USEd BEdROOm Furniture, FREE. Call Cont. ,1960’s $50 (415)269-4784
BOw FLEx Max Trainer M-3-Very Good
yard sale,
$75. Good condition; good for children. CAPTEL PHONE Message on it’s FOR SALE:
Epiphone Les Paul Custom
Condition, Like New, Assembled, Paid rummage sale,
Call (650)678-8585 wALL UNIT/ROOm Divider. Simple screen. Like new used twice $25 $1200 asking $800 Call Michael
lines. Breaks down for transportation. (650)871-8907 Prophecy Electric Guitar. Mint.
clearance sale, or
$625.00, 650 421 5469.
Good shape, blonde, about 5' high.
$25.(650)712-9962 leave message
CASH REGISTER Parts; Much Skin Not
whatever sale you
(650)726-4102 wALNUT CHEST, small (4 drawer with Guts $500 (415)269-4784
HUGE LUdwIG Drum Set Silver Sparkle
CHILdS KICK scooter by razor with hel-
met $25 obo (650)591-6842
upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429
FREE wOOdEN Bed frame, good condi- COSTCO PLAY Pen with travel bag. & Chrome, Zelgian, Pasite & Sabian
tion pictures available (650)322-9598 wARdROBE CLOSET with beveled Used once $35 (650)591-2981 Cymbals, 24 in. Timpany $4,300 EASTON ALUmINUm bat.33 inches, 30 Reach over 83,450 readers
email [email protected] door mirror $100 or B/Offer. (650)589- (650)369-8013. oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $30. (650)596-0513
0764 LIONEL CHRISTmAS Holiday expan- from South San Francisco
GLIdER rocker and ottoman, oak, excel- sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 PIANO, UPRIGHT, in excellent condi- EPIC TREAdmILL with LCD screen to Palo Alto.
tion. Asking $345. (650)366-4769
lent condition. $100 (650)345-5644. wOOd - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x
LIONEL wESTERN Union Pass car and great condition $80 (650)364-5263 in your local newspaper.
17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311
IKEA dRESSER, black, 3 shelf. 23" x dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 UPRIGHT PIANO. In tune. Fair condi-
wOOd-GRAIN LAmINATE Kitchen table tion. FREE. (650) 533-4886. GOLF CLUBS {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all-- Call (650)344-5200
15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804. LOREx 14” B&W Surveillance System $90.00 (650)341-8342
3’x4’ plus 1’ leaf, 2 chairs. Photo availa-
IKEA TABLE, black 58" x 21" x 14" high. ble $35 (650)392-4841. Model SG14S1042C-A $75 (415)407- VINTAGE LINGERIE Washboard circa
$ 30. (650)598-9804. 2360 RWC loction. 1920’s The Zinc King #703. Suitable for GOLF CLUBS, used set with Cart for
strumming $50 (650)369-2486 $50. (650)593-4490
LIVING ROOm Table, good condition. 306 Housewares LUGGAGE, REd, 21" NEW Samsonite
$30. (415)231-4825 Spinner,$50.00. (650)729-3000 YAmAHA ACOUSTIC Guitar, model mEN'S ROSSIGNOL Skis. $95.00,
CARPET 10 X 14 Area Rug peach (ny- FG830 electric. $400.00 (650)421-5469 good condition, (650)341-0282. 379 Open Houses
LOVE CHAIR, velour, tan. $45. lon) good cond. $99 (415)990-6134
(808)631-1365. NEGRINI FENCING Epee mask size M zILJIAN CYmBALS with stands, 21”
ride, 18” crash. Paistie 18” crash - $99 mEN’S SKI Boots, Salomon, Size 9, very
COmPLETE SET OF CHINA - Windsor & France Lames 5 epee blade $95
good condition. $70. (650) 591-2981.
great condition light brown $80 (650)364-
Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings,
20-pieces in original box, never used.
(415)260-6940 (916)826-5964
“OLd” FISHING Tackle box with 30+
5263 $250 per box
(3 boxes available). POwERTEL PHONE for hard of hearing.
Like new used 1 month. $20. (650)871-
312 Pets & Animals lures $60 (650)207-4162 LISTINGS
NEw dELUxE Twin Folding Bed, Lin- 8907
ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must AIRLINE CARRIER for cats, pur. from ONE dOzEN Official League Diamond List your Open House
CRYSTAL (LEAdEd glass) lamp $30. Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call
Sell! (650) 875-8159. Can send picture. (650)464-7860 SAmSONITE 26" tan hard-sided suit (505)228-1480 local.
Baseballs. Brand New. $35. Call Roger in the Daily Journal.
case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new. (650)771-6324.
NEw TwIN Mattress set plus frame FIREPLACE CANdELABRA with 5 bat- $45. (650)328-6709
$30.00 (650) 347-2356 tery-operated candles $30.00, (415)990- ONE KENNEL Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani- Reach over 83,450
PRINCE TENNIS 2 section nylon black
6134 SILK SAREE 6 yards new nice color.for mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60..
Bag with Prince Pro Graphite Racket- potential home buyers &
NIAGARA VIBRATING Adjustable bed (650)593-2066
good condition Burlingame $90 Call Dan
$35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in-
$55.(650)341-8342 renters a day,
(408)656-0958 308 Tools PARROT CAGE, Steel, Large - approx from South San Francisco
SINK, 33”x22” Top mount with faucet, 4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best PROGRAmmABLE ELIPTICAL Exer- to Palo Alto.
OFFICE SwIVEL Chair, good condition. ANTIqUE IRON Hand Drills. 3 available $15.00 (650)544-5306 offer. (650)245-4084 cise Bike. Excellent Condition. Redwood
$25. (415)231-4825 at $30 each. (650)339-3672 Ron in your local newspaper.
City (650)740-9980 $75.00
SINK, 33”x22” Top mount with faucet, PET CARRIER for small dog or cat in ex-
OFFICE TYPE 34"X 60" heavy solid “BREAK-dOwN” PORTO-POwER En- $15.00 (650)544-5306 cellent condition $30. Claudia (650) 349- Call (650)344-5200
wood with formica wood grain top $25 gine crane. Excellent condition but sold 6059 TOTAL GYm XLS, excellent condition.
(650) 787-9753 “as is” $99 (650)347-7949 Jr. SLR LENS Pentax 28-90mm f3.5-5.6 Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call
Pentax K Mount $25 (650)436-7171 PET TAxI Animal Carrier. Brand: Delux (650)588-0828
ORNATE LARGE BOOKCASE: Two CRAFTSmAN 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6" Nature Miracle - Excellent Condition for
Pieces 5Ft across by 7ft tall Paid $2500 dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402 SLR LENS Sigma 28-105mm f3.8-5.6 $25. Call (650)349-6059. TOUREdGE REACTION ii uniflex sys-
asking $500 CALL(650)345-9199. Sigma SA Mount $25 (650)436-7171 440 Apartments
tem 8 irons 3-9 and pitch irons
SHOPSmITH mARK V 50th Anniversary PETmATE COmPASS Dog Crate used
ORNATE mAHOGANY headboard with most attachments. $1,500/OBO. TRAIN-COLOR PRINT by John Hugh only 1 week $40. (650)872-2244.
new $75. Call May (650)349-0430 2 BEdROOm apartment; everthing re-
gold trim $60. (650)589-0764 (650)504-0585 Coker $50 Call (650)344-4756 modeled/all brand new; $3100 per
VINTAGE NASH Cruisers Mens/ Wom- month; month to month; clean credit a
PINE dOUBLE/qUEEN head/foot board VINTAGE CRAFTSmAN Jig Saw. Circa UNIdEN HARLEY Davidson Gas Tank ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz must, 1121 Village Dr, Belmont 94002.
with metal frame $35/obo. (650)646- 1947. $60. (650)245-7517 phone. $100 or best offer. (650)863-8485 316 Clothes 6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439 (650) 492-0625.
wATER STORAGE TANK, brand new,
SAw, good shape. $300/obo. Call 275 gallons. 48" x 46" x 39" $225.
5 BOxES male & female square dance
clothing. Excellent Condition. As a wOmAN’S SKI Boots, Nordica, size 8 470 Rooms
Comfort). Very good condition. $50. (650)342-6993 (650)771-6324 bunch $200 Maryann (650)574-4439. $30 (650)592-2047.
(650)871-1778. HIP HOUSING
311 musical Instruments dAwGS BRANd Kaymann black and
wOmEN’S RAICHEL ski boots, size 6 ? Non-Profit Home Sharing Program
RETRO HUTCH Needs refinishing other- white snake print loafers size 7 (9.3”) $25 $ 50. (650)888-5808 . San Mateo County
wise good condition. Top detaches from (650)369-2486 (650)348-6660
bottom $25. (650)712-9962 CHROmATIC HARmONICA: Horner YAmAHA ROOF RACK, 58 inches $75.
309 Office Equipment The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180, FAUx FUR Coat Woman's brown multi (650)458-3255
SEwING STORAGE cabinet, Custom (650)278-5776. color in excellent condition 3/4
made wood perfect condition $75. 1950’S BURROUGHS elec. adding ma- length $50 (650)692-8012 515 Office Space
(650)483-1222 chine. $30. 650-888-9314. 335 Garden Equipment
GENUINE LAdIES Mink Fur Jacket,
$50.00 Call: (650)368-0748. CHAIN SAw, 16“ ,Craftsmen ,electric, -VIRTUAL OFFICES-
KAYANO mEN’S Running shoes size 11 $55. (650)888-5808 $59 - $150
good condition $20 (650)520-7045 *Business Internet *Phone Answering
340 Camera & Photo Equip. *Conference Rooms *Offices
LAdIES SEqUIN dress, blue, size XL,
pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208 *Complete IT Services * Mail
NIKON 18-140 zoom lenses (3), excel-
lent condition. $200 each. (650)592-9044 (650) 373-2000
mEN'S STETSON hat, size large, new,
rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40 Bay Area Executive Offices
OmEGA B600 Condenser Enlarger, In- www.bayareaoffices.com
(650) 578-9208 struction Manual & 50mm El-Omegar En-
larging Lens $95 (415)260-6940
NEw wITH tags Wool or cotton Men's
pullover sweaters (XL) $15/each VIVITAR V 2000 W/35-70 zoom and
(650)952-3466 original manual. Like new. $99 SSF 620 Automobiles
PARIS HILTON purse white & silver un-
used, about 12" long x 9" high CHEVROLET ‘86 ASTROVAN, 63K
$23. (650)592-2648 345 medical Equipment miles, $3800 (650)481-5296

TUxEdO SIzE 40, black, including white HOmEdICS dUAL Shiatsu Massage CHEVY ‘10 HHR . 68K. EXCELLENT
shirt, excellent cond. $50 (650)355-5189 Cushion. 3 Zone. $45.00. (650)207-4162 CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284.
THE DAILY JOURNAL Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 25

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

620 Automobiles 645 boats
2003 P-15 West Wight Potter sailboat,
don’t lose money excellend condition.
$4,500. Call
on a trade-in or Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
consignment! MAlibu 24 ft with tower. Completely re-
built and re-finished. Boat and Motor.
20K obo. (650)851-0878. 38 Roger who broke 49 Tatum of “Paper
Sell your vehicle in the 1 Pearl Harbor site 1 Britain-based Babe’s record Moon”
SeA rAy 16 Ft . I/B. $1,200. Needs
daily Journal’s Upholstery. Call (650)898-5732. 5 Breaks under relief agcy. 39 Times often 50 Puff __: snake
Auto Classifieds. pressure 2 Prized violin named for 51 Requires
670 Auto Service 10 Fabric woven with 3 Abhorrent presidents 52 Exhaust
Just $45 metallic threads 4 Navy sub initials 40 Alternative to 53 Mother-of-pearl
We’ll run it AA SMog 14 Dec. 25
15 Aerosmith
5 Moe, Curly or
Vegas 54 Adores to death,
‘til you sell it! Complete Repair & Service 45 Where Amin with “on”
$29.75 plus certificate fee frontman Steven 6 Lorelei, for one ruled 59 Spread, as
(most cars) 16 Apple tablet 7 Roster of invited
reach 83,450 drivers 869 California Drive . 46 Least active discord
Burlingame 17 “Blueberry Hill” celebs 47 “Yeah, right!” 60 NYSE debut
from South SF to R&B singer 8 Signer’s writer
Palo Alto (650) 340-0492 48 Dance under a 61 Ga.’s southern
19 Telephoto, for one 9 Sign of a sellout bar neighbor


Call (650)344-5200 20 Had lunch, say 10 Purple flowers
[email protected] redWood City test only 21 Cry from one 11 Pre-dinner drinks
Smog Center who’s all thumbs 12 Japanese comics
Are you looking for a test only smog? 22 Boot camp 13 ’50s Ford flop
bMW ‘07 X-5, One Owner, Excel. Condi- Come to Redwood City Test Only.
tion Sports package 3rd row seats re-
nickname 18 Bump off
duced $18,995 obo Call (650)520-4650 323 Woodside Rd 23 Title passenger 22 River through
Redwood City 94061
train with an Paris
CAdillAC ‘02 Deville, 8 cylinder, per-
fect condition, like new, cashmere out- (650)365-7664 for appt. “ever-lovin’ light” 24 Screenwriter
side white inside 4787 miles $10,000. 27 Integer after zero Ephron
(650)808-7321. 28 Bank job 25 Attempts to
CheVy hhr ‘08 - Grey, spunky car 670 Auto Parts 29 Frosty coat score, in hockey
loaded, even seat warmers, $9,500. 32 Plant’s sticker 26 Saucy
(408)807-6529. bridgeStone AlenzA 235/65R17,
$50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty, 34 Arabic “son of” 29 “I’m thinking ... ”
dodge ‘99 MAintenAnCe Van, , used less than 10k. (650)593-4490 37 Cho-Cho-San 30 Grain in Quaker
$2,500 OBO Good condition. Call
(650)481-5296 CAble tire Chains. Stock #1038 $20 story on which a cereals
(415)407-2360 RWC location. Puccini opera 31 Getting
got An older Free: 2 unmounted tires V.G. condition was based promotions
for Toyota, incl Prius 124 Myrtle Burlin- 41 “Total Request 32 Little League
CAr, boAt, or rV? game (in driveway)
Do the humane thing. Live” network precursor
Donate it to the MerCedeS benz 19 inch AMG Rim
one only for sale $50 (650)814-9737 to 42 Bedouins, e.g. 33 Center of a wheel
Humane Society. arrange pick up. 43 90 degrees from 35 Sandwich letters
Call 1- 800-943-8412
norte 36 “Science Guy”
PeerleSS tire Chains, used a few
times. Fits several sizes P165-225. $20 44 Ear-related Bill
linColn ‘02 Navigator, excellent condi- obo. (650)745-6309
tion. Runs great! Must sell! $4,400/obo.
46 007 creator
(650)342-4227. White StAr Tire Chains, never used. Fleming
P195/75R14. $25 obo. (650)745-6309.
48 Body of water
MAzdA ‘12 CX-7 SUV Excellent con- 680 Autos Wanted bordering most of
dition One owner Fully loaded Low
miles reduced $17,995 obo (650)520- Connecticut’s
Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
4650 Novas, running or not coast
Parts collection etc.
So clean out that garage
55 Ancient
MAzdA 2016 Sky Active one owner per- Give me a call Peruvians
fect condition 4DR Silver Low miles Joe 650 342-2483
$19,995 OBO (650)520-4650 56 Place to order a
MerCury ‘92 Lo. Mi. Some wk needed. 57 __ Paulo, Brazil
B.O. (650)250-3032.
58 Chow or lo
toyotA ‘06 Corolla, 146K miles, follower, in
$4,700. (650)302-5523
Chinese cuisine
toyotA 2007 Highlander Hybrid 59 Undesired
Limited Metallic Silver, Automatic 6-
cyl, navigation, heated front seats, medication
moon roof 3rd row seats leather interi- consequence ...
or 200k miles excellent condition
$6,500 OBO. Text or leave msg and what can
(650)533-0671. literally go with
the end of 17-,
625 Classic Cars 23-, 37- and
CheVy ‘55 BEL AIR 2 door, Standard
Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000
62 Marching
obo. (650)952-4036. musicians
63 Opinion pieces
CheVy ‘86 CorVette. Automatic.
93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800 64 Fishing decoy
obo. (650) 952-4036. 65 Gold medalist
CorVette ‘69 350 4-SPeed. 50K Korbut
MileS. $19,000 OBO. (650)481-5296. 66 Bottom-of-the-
By John Guzzetta
Ford ‘50 4-Door Sedan, Automatic barrel
©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
Transmission, 302V8 $1,200. 67 Copies
MerCedeS ‘79 450 SL with hard top.
Completely rebuilt. 20K obo. (650)851-

630 trucks & SuV’s

Ford ’96 F-150 5-spd stick shift, 6-cyl-
inder 132K miles, $3,500.00 firm new
battery good condition. Original owner

Ford ’99 Ranger Automatic Trans., 4.0

engine, 109k miles, Original Owner
$4,000 (650)703-2311
toyotA ‘00 Tundra Sr5 in a great
shape, 150k miles, 4x4, automatic, V8
Cyl. $1500. Call or text: (209)265-1393

635 Vans
toyotA ‘08 SIENNA LE, excellent con-
dition, camera, bluetooth, trailer, 94K
miles. $9,000. text (925)786-5545 See
craigslist for pics.

640 Motorcycles/Scooters
bMW ‘03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call
(650) 995-0003

hondA 305 Head, 2 blocks, X-tras.

$500 (415)269-4784
MotorCyCle SAddlebAgS,
with mounting hardware and other parts
$35. Call (650)670-2888
0129 mon:Class Master Even 1/26/18 4:20 PM Page 1

24 Monday • Jan. 29, 2018

THE DAILY JOURNAL Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 25

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

620 Automobiles 645 boats
2003 P-15 West Wight Potter sailboat,
don’t lose money excellend condition.
$4,500. Call
on a trade-in or Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
consignment! MAlibu 24 ft with tower. Completely re-
built and re-finished. Boat and Motor.
20K obo. (650)851-0878. 38 Roger who broke 49 Tatum of “Paper
Sell your vehicle in the 1 Pearl Harbor site 1 Britain-based Babe’s record Moon”
SeA rAy 16 Ft . I/B. $1,200. Needs
daily Journal’s Upholstery. Call (650)898-5732. 5 Breaks under relief agcy. 39 Times often 50 Puff __: snake
Auto Classifieds. pressure 2 Prized violin named for 51 Requires
670 Auto Service 10 Fabric woven with 3 Abhorrent presidents 52 Exhaust
Just $45 metallic threads 4 Navy sub initials 40 Alternative to 53 Mother-of-pearl
We’ll run it AA SMog 14
Dec. 25
5 Moe, Curly or
Vegas 54 Adores to death,
‘til you sell it! Complete Repair & Service 45 Where Amin with “on”
$29.75 plus certificate fee frontman Steven 6 Lorelei, for one ruled 59 Spread, as
(most cars) 16 Apple tablet 7 Roster of invited
reach 83,450 drivers 869 California Drive . 46 Least active discord
Burlingame 17 “Blueberry Hill” celebs 47 “Yeah, right!” 60 NYSE debut
from South SF to R&B singer 8 Signer’s writer
Palo Alto (650) 340-0492 48 Dance under a 61 Ga.’s southern
19 Telephoto, for one 9 Sign of a sellout bar neighbor


Call (650)344-5200 20 Had lunch, say 10 Purple flowers
[email protected] redWood City test only 21 Cry from one 11 Pre-dinner drinks
Smog Center who’s all thumbs 12 Japanese comics
Are you looking for a test only smog? 22 Boot camp 13 ’50s Ford flop
bMW ‘07 X-5, One Owner, Excel. Condi- Come to Redwood City Test Only.
tion Sports package 3rd row seats re-
nickname 18 Bump off
duced $18,995 obo Call (650)520-4650 323 Woodside Rd 23 Title passenger 22 River through
Redwood City 94061
train with an Paris
CAdillAC ‘02 Deville, 8 cylinder, per-
fect condition, like new, cashmere out- (650)365-7664 for appt. “ever-lovin’ light” 24 Screenwriter
side white inside 4787 miles $10,000. 27 Integer after zero Ephron
(650)808-7321. 28 Bank job 25 Attempts to
CheVy hhr ‘08 - Grey, spunky car 670 Auto Parts 29 Frosty coat score, in hockey
loaded, even seat warmers, $9,500. 32 Plant’s sticker 26 Saucy
(408)807-6529. bridgeStone AlenzA 235/65R17,
$50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty, 34 Arabic “son of” 29 “I’m thinking ... ”
dodge ‘99 MAintenAnCe Van, , used less than 10k. (650)593-4490 37 Cho-Cho-San 30 Grain in Quaker
$2,500 OBO Good condition. Call
(650)481-5296 CAble tire Chains. Stock #1038 $20 story on which a cereals
(415)407-2360 RWC location. Puccini opera 31 Getting
got An older Free: 2 unmounted tires V.G. condition was based promotions
for Toyota, incl Prius 124 Myrtle Burlin- 41 “Total Request 32 Little League
CAr, boAt, or rV? game (in driveway)
Do the humane thing. Live” network precursor
Donate it to the MerCedeS benz 19 inch AMG Rim
one only for sale $50 (650)814-9737 to 42 Bedouins, e.g. 33 Center of a wheel
Humane Society. arrange pick up. 43 90 degrees from 35 Sandwich letters
Call 1- 800-943-8412
norte 36 “Science Guy”
PeerleSS tire Chains, used a few
times. Fits several sizes P165-225. $20 44 Ear-related Bill
linColn ‘02 Navigator, excellent condi- obo. (650)745-6309
tion. Runs great! Must sell! $4,400/obo.
46 007 creator
(650)342-4227. White StAr Tire Chains, never used. Fleming
P195/75R14. $25 obo. (650)745-6309.
48 Body of water
MAzdA ‘12 CX-7 SUV Excellent con- 680 Autos Wanted bordering most of
dition One owner Fully loaded Low
miles reduced $17,995 obo (650)520- Connecticut’s
Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
4650 Novas, running or not coast
Parts collection etc.
So clean out that garage
55 Ancient
MAzdA 2016 Sky Active one owner per- Give me a call Peruvians
fect condition 4DR Silver Low miles Joe 650 342-2483
$19,995 OBO (650)520-4650 56 Place to order a
MerCury ‘92 Lo. Mi. Some wk needed. 57 __ Paulo, Brazil
B.O. (650)250-3032.
58 Chow or lo
toyotA ‘06 Corolla, 146K miles, follower, in
$4,700. (650)302-5523
Chinese cuisine
toyotA 2007 Highlander Hybrid 59 Undesired
Limited Metallic Silver, Automatic 6-
cyl, navigation, heated front seats, medication
moon roof 3rd row seats leather interi- consequence ...
or 200k miles excellent condition
$6,500 OBO. Text or leave msg and what can
(650)533-0671. literally go with
the end of 17-,
625 Classic Cars 23-, 37- and
CheVy ‘55 BEL AIR 2 door, Standard
Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000
62 Marching
obo. (650)952-4036. musicians
63 Opinion pieces
CheVy ‘86 CorVette. Automatic.
93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800 64 Fishing decoy
obo. (650) 952-4036. 65 Gold medalist
CorVette ‘69 350 4-SPeed. 50K Korbut
MileS. $19,000 OBO. (650)481-5296. 66 Bottom-of-the-
By John Guzzetta
Ford ‘50 4-Door Sedan, Automatic barrel
©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
Transmission, 302V8 $1,200. 67 Copies
MerCedeS ‘79 450 SL with hard top.
Completely rebuilt. 20K obo. (650)851-

630 trucks & SuV’s

Ford ’96 F-150 5-spd stick shift, 6-cyl-
inder 132K miles, $3,500.00 firm new
battery good condition. Original owner

Ford ’99 Ranger Automatic Trans., 4.0

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dition, camera, bluetooth, trailer, 94K
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hondA 305 Head, 2 blocks, X-tras.

$500 (415)269-4784
MotorCyCle SAddlebAgS,
with mounting hardware and other parts
$35. Call (650)670-2888
0129 mon:Class Master even 1/26/18 4:20 PM Page 2

26 Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 THE DAILY JOURNAL

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0129 mon:Class Master Even 1/26/18 4:21 PM Page 3

THE DAILY JOURNAL Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 27

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28 Monday • Jan. 29, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

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