Internship Report2
Internship Report2
Internship Report2
Dear Sir,
It is a great honor for me to present you the internship report as required for the completion of
MBA (Accounting and Finance) degree programme.
The staff and Principal of Waqas and Company, Chartered Accountants have been very
cooperative with me during my internship tenure i.e., Six weeks in providing me information
regarding the procedures and processes in practice. Due to certain constraints I have not been
able to gather all the facts and figures about the organization. Yet, the report is a comprehensive
one, containing a lot of information. The practical work during the internship period has been a
reworking and enlightening experience.
Yours truly,
Muhammad Rizwan.
Internship Report
Submitted by
Muhammad Rizwan
Roll No. 5510
The purpose of this internship report is to explain what I did during my internship, which
is required to get degree of MBA (A&F). I start my Six weeks internship at Waqas and
Company (Chartered Accountants) after completing 30 August in Department of Business
Administration, University of Education Lahore Compus Multan.
This report is according to the best of my perception and knowledge gained via class
room lectures and practical experience.
I am thankful to all of my teachers, class fellows and friends whom cheerfulness and
guidance is an asset for me. I am especially thankful to my Parents, and Mr. Waqas
Khalid Principal of Waqas and Company, Chartered Accountants without their help and
guidance I may not be able to complete my internship and this report.
This internship report is about Waqas and Company Chartered Accountants. It contains
four main parts introduction to Waqas and company, task I performed at work conclusion
and recommendations.
Internship was a new experience for me as it’s a first step in the practical field so I have
learned a lot while working in Waqas and Company (Chartered Accountants). The key
areas in which I worked are Audit and Consultancy departments. In my first week of
internship I was placed in the Audit department where I was introduced to all the
concepts of Auditing and my basic tasks was the preparation of working papers,
reconciliation of vouchers and preparation of audit file. In this department I was suppose
to check all the files, note down the missing documents. Filling the self-audit checklist,
send confirmations to debtors and creditors and banks of the clients
In my sixth week of internship I was placed in the consultancy department where my
basic task was the preparation of feasibility report.
My report covers the practical experience and exposure that I gained at Waqas and
Company. At the end I can say that, the overall gap between university studies and
practical experience is minimized after such a good experience of practical work that will
always benefit to my future life.
Table of Contents
Chapter No. 1: Introduction
1.1 Subject 2
1.2 Purpose2
1.3 Scope 2
1.4 Description of the Place of Internship 2
1.5 Waqas & Company Profile 3
1.5.1 Establishment of Firm--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1.5.2 Head Office---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1.5.3 Firm’s Approach---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1.5.4 Firm’s Culture------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
1.1.5 Firm’s Values-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
1.5.6 About Firm’s Principal--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
1.1.7 Departments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
1.6 Waqas and Company Services 5
1.6.1 Audit Department-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Book Keeping & Maintenance of Accounting Records------------------------------------------6 Audit Services---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
1.6.2 Tax Department----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Corporate Taxation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Partnership & Partners Taxation-----------------------------------------------------------------------8 Personal Taxation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 Self Assessments------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 Sales Tax---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
1.6.3 Consultancy Department------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 Feasibilities------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Forensic---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
1.6.4 Secretarial Department------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10
References 31
1. Audit Observation Sheet 33
2. Movement Schedule of Raw Material 34
3. Audit Tick Chart 35
4. Cut-Off Procedure Check List 36
5. Cash Count Statement 37
6. Lead Schedule (Share Capital & Reserves) 38
7. Supporting Schedule (Transfer of Share Ownership) 40
1.1 Subject
As I have got internship in Chartered Accountants firm and their major fields are audit
tax and consultancy. When I join the firm as internee it was the end of financial year for
many companies therefore I got opportunity to work in audit and consultancy department.
The detail regarding both divisions is described in detail under the head of Waqas and
Company services in this chapter. Under this chapter the detail regarding other
departments and their services is also given for the reader’s knowledge. But in the rest of
the report only audit and consultancy services will be discussed as I spend my eight
weeks only in these two departments.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this internship report is to fulfill the requirement to in order get the degree
of MBA Finance and to explain what I have learned during my internship tenure (Six
weeks) at Waqas and Company.
1.3 Scope
This introductory chapter as described earlier will cover in detail regarding all the
services provided by Waqas and Company, but the following Chapters will only describe
what I have did in audit and consultancy division.
During my internship period, in firm, I really enjoyed working with the staff. It was
almost impossible to work in all the departments within that limited time. But on my
request, the staff of the firm provided me the opportunity to work in the different
departments for the sake of practical knowledge. Doing internship in the firm was a great
experience for me. I never had been in the professional environment ever before. I learnt
a lot during my internship program. Peoples were very cooperative and they guided me
all through the way. I was sent to the different departments and there I learnt different
things from the experience of people working over there.
The departments which I selected for my Internship are audit and consultancy
departments. The main focus of the firm was to give me an opportunity to interact with
the clients as much as possible. As my internship is in these departments so I have
explained these departments in brief as compared to the other departments of the firm.
In the complexities of the 21st century under the growing influence of globalization,
emerging technologies, ever changing laws, and above all increasing awareness and
demand of services from end-user, are compelling it to think in terms of global socio-
economic and political scenario to cater the needs of our civil societies, regarding mutual
obligations and rights.
Hence, firm believe in its commitment to integrity, excellence and professionalism in all
that it do and cultivate close working relationship with all the stakeholders, listening to
them and being sensitive and responsive to their needs.
Waqas & Company believes that best form of problem solving is prevention. Hence, its
approach is based upon comprehensive multi-disciplinary prevention strategies e.g.
“Operational Research”, “SWOT Analysis”, “Internal Controls”, “Benchmarking” and
“Risk Management” etc.
By that where it bring piece of mind to the business community i.e. Clients Business and
help to make most informed decisions, there firm also indirectly contribute towards
economic well being of general masses.
Waqas & Company is constantly striving to improve its performance and adapt to ever
changing requirements of the market through an ongoing process of self-evaluation and
development. The firm sees the future as a positive challenge to consistently enhance the
position of its services while playing a positive and professional role in the socio
economic development of Pakistan.
1.1.7 Departments
There are following four departments of the firm;
Audit Department
Tax Department
Consultancy Department
Secretarial Department
Figure No. 1.1. The Divisional Structure of Waqas and Company
unnecessary tax. Firm also help temporary Pakistan residents, and give tax advice to
Pakistani nationals who are going abroad, either permanently or temporarily.
Firm also encourage them to consider lifetime tax planning, focusing on the different
opportunities available to them at various stages of their personal and professional life,
such as starting their career, family commitments, planning for retirement or passing on
their wealth or business to others. Forensic
There is a good chance that at some point in future a person in his business or personal
life will find himself involved in a legal dispute over money. It could be any of the
Contractual dispute
Contested business loss
Professional negligence claim
Tax enquiry
Fraud investigation
In such cases firm can work and interpret the facts of the case in a professional manner.
Often our involvement at an early stage can result in the matter being settled out of court.
These services can considerably strengthen client’s case and cut his litigation costs.
Chartered Accountancy sector is the fastest growing sector of Pakistan and it is at first
number in finance field so I think it is a great opportunity for me to work with Waqas and
Company. In my internship tenure (six weeks) I have worked in “Audit and Consultancy
Departments”. I have tried my best to enhance my abilities and apply the knowledge that
I have gained during the studies. When I start my internship session it was peek working
period for Chartered Accountant firm, because it was the financial year end for most of
the companies/firms that are clients of Waqas and Company on my very first day at firm,
Principal Mr. Waqas Khalid give me training session about stock taking, audit cutoff
procedures and how to prepare feasibility studies he also share his practical experience
with me and give me some techniques of this process. It was my first day, and my
training starts in this way.
During my eight weeks internship in spend five weeks in Audit department & three
weeks in consultancy department and perform following tasks in both departments. Features/Requirements
Determination of Net Profit from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2008
To identify the weakness in the internal control system and to recommend controls Problems
The accounts department was only preparing manual cash book and parties’ ledger
without mentioning folio numbers and no ledger is maintained for the nominal
All the major transactions involving cash were done through the personal bank
account of one of the managing partners.
The accounting record was not maintained properly.
parties on telephonic conversation and reconcile them if there is any difference by obtain
a copy of ledger from the particular party. After that he should prepare movement
schedule of raw material (attached as appendix-2) by inspecting store inward and outward
registered, concerned party file and production register. After completing this task he
should hand over all his working to his immediate senior.
The audit manager after some modifications accepts this audit plan and sends me as a
member of the audit team to conduct audit according to the modified plan. Weakness
The vouchers were not properly prepared.
No fixed assets register is maintained.
No application of accounting principals and standards.
No separate bank account in the name of firm.
Record was not complete.
Many of the vouchers were not authorized by the managing partners.
Repair and maintenance of capital nature is also expensed out.
There was cutting and over writing in the books of accounts at many places. Recommendations
The firm should hire a qualified person in order to maintain the books of accounts.
Along with parties’ ledger, general ledger for nominal accounts must also be
The vouchers should be dated, numbered and signed properly and supporting
evidences should be attached with them.
Proper fixed assets register should be maintained mentioning name, date of purchase,
voucher number, location where it is installed or being used and quantity.
In order to make things easier and to maintain proper record a separate bank account
should be opened in the name of firm. Features/Requirements
To give an opinion on true and fair view of financial statements.
To point out deficiencies in internal control system.
The bags of wheat, all the bags contain one hundred kg of wheat which we check by
randomly selecting ten bags and taking their weight.
The bags of flour, maida, suji and bran of different capacity i.e., twenty, thirty, forty
The wheat empty bags which were divided in different classes usage (quality) wise
i.e., A class, B class, C class.
The packing material.
The store items
At the end of each stage we write down the particulars on the Cut-Off Procedure
Checklist attached as appendix-4.
After that we went to accounts department to perform further cut-off procedures. In it we
place our initials and Waqas & Company stamp on the last vouchers of all type and write
down the voucher numbers on the sheet, count the cash in hand and fill the sheet attached
as appendix-5.
To banks, debtors and creditors we send balance confirmation circulars and to legal
advisor and tax consultant confirmation certificate regarding pending or threatened
At the end of the audit the audit team hands over the working papers they have
prepared during the audit to the audit manager which after reviewing them issues the
audit report to the company.
2. Check the number of shares and amount of issued, subscribed and paid-up share
capital from:-
a) Memorandum of association
b) Form ‘A’
3. For shares issued for cash, check the entries in bank statement.
4. For shares issued for consideration other than cash, check the amount of
consideration with supporting documents.
5. For shares issued as bonus shares: -
a) Check board resolution.
b) Check member’s register to ensure that changes have been made in number
of shares of each member.
6. Agree the amount of share capital with the general ledger.
The lead schedule for share capital is attached as appendix-6, and supporting schedule for
transfer of share ownership share is attached as appendix-7.
b) Ensure that additions to fixed assets do not include any amount of a nature of
revenue expenditure.
5. To check depreciation expense:
a) Determine the reasonableness of accounting policy and depreciation method,
rates and their consistency with prior years.
6. Check calculation of depreciation of selected assets.
7. Inspect evidence of ownership e.g. Vehicle registration certificate
8. Trace closing balances with general ledger
Audit Program (Assets Subject to Finance Lease)
1. For additions during the year, check from lease agreements that the lease is a
finance lease in substance.
2. To check depreciation on leased assets ensures that appropriate depreciation rates
have been used.
Audit Program (Capital Work in Progress)
1. Obtain a schedule showing opening balances, additions to and transfers from
fixed assets during the year, and closing balances
2. Trace opening balances from general ledger.
3. For selected additions during the year: -
a) Check supporting documents like vendor’s invoices, contractor bills and other
b) Check proper authorization and approval
4. For selected transfers to fixed assets during the year, check contractor certificates
of completion of project and proper approval thereof and examine the stage of
5. For items stuck-up for considerable period of time, inquire about its status from
the management. Compute provisions if required and ask for management
6. Agree closing balances with general ledger.
Audit Program (Intangible Assets)
1. Ascertain the nature of each significant intangible asset by inquiry or reviewing
information contained in prior-year’s working papers.
2. Obtain a schedule of intangibles like goodwill, patents, copyrights and other
assets showing beginning and ending balances, additions to and deletions from,
during the current period, as well as accumulated amortization of costs at the
beginning and end of the period.
3. Match the balances with general ledger.
I perform all the tasks according to the above audit program and found following
The Company did not charge depreciation for the assets subject to finance lease
during the year
The company did not amortize trade mark (intangible assets) during the year.
The company did not maintain proper documentation for the work in progress i.e.,
construction of building for noodles plant. Features/Requirements
The management of The Educators Shah-Ruken-e-Alam branch want to shift their school
form the rented building to their own for this purpose they need loan from a commercial
bank amounting Rs. 17 Million to finance the project having estimated cost of Rs. 58.54
Million. Features
The chart of account Multan Medical and Dental College has following fractures.
It consists of two parts namely; account code and account description.
The account code is further divided into three parts; namely control code-main code-
sub code i.e., for share capital the code was 010010001 Problems
Some account titles were not proper for example, Deposits for Shares was written as
Share deposit money.
No account title was created for unappropriated profit.
Accumulated deprecation accounts for fixed assets have not been created.
Preliminary expenses account was treated as current assets. Recommendations
In the meeting with the accounts manager of Multan Medical and Dental College the
above mentioned problems were pointed out and the following recommendations were
Change the improper account titles to the proposed one.
The accounts titles which were not present in the chart of account but were necessary
should be created.
Preliminary expenses account should be transferred to it proper place i.e. current
3 Conclusion
In concluding remarks I would like to say Waqas and Company played a very vital role in
his field by providing attractive services to its valued customers. I have done internship in
Waqas and Company for a period of eight weeks which is quite a small period of time yet
I have learned a lot. Here I apply my knowledge and get a technical practice of my
knowledge. Now I know about the environment of an organization and who to
communicate with collogue and boss. I learn that how to use theoretical knowledge in
Waqas and Company is customer oriented as well as employee oriented company so it
provides a very friendly environment for the employee. Now I can prepare the accounting
records analysis financial reports and documents of the organization, can check the
accuracy of financial statements, can ensure that financial statement are drawn up on
international reporting standards.
In concluding all this I can say that Waqas and Company add a great value in my
professional life.
4 Recommendations
Following are my recommendations for Waqas and Company to increase the quality of its
Prepare a training manual to train new comer in a systematic and organized manner in
this way they can learn a lot in limited time.
The hiring of employees and even internees should not depend on some reference.
Firm should hire on quality staff to improve it level of its services.
Popper office timing should be maintained and followed by all employees.
Establish an environment where great service is recognized and rewarded and poor
service is challenged and rectified.
Do thing regularly to improve the work place.
5. References
Amount in
Sr. Voucher Voucher Account
Date in Ledger/ Difference Description Remarks
No. No. Type Title
Voucher Cash
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Is paid
Sr. Name Date of Quantity Supplier Difference Date of Quantity in
Purchas for same
No. of Item e
Received Name (If Any) Issuance Issued production
Quantity department
3 Vouching 000.00
4 Posting 000.00
5 Casting 000.00
7 Calculation 000.00
Cash In Hand
Head Office Rupees
Sales Office Rupees
Cash Equivalents Rupees
Gate Outward Pass
Head Office Number
Mills Number
Gate Inward Pass
Head Office Number
Mills Number
Delivery Challan
Mills Number
Store Issue Note
Head Office Number
Mills Number
Purchase Order
Head Office Number
Mills Number
Raw Material
Wheat Bags
Work In Process
Mills Kg
Finished Goods
Flour Bags
Maida Bags
Suji Bags
Bran Bags
Total Employees
Head Office Number
Mills Number
Store and spares
Head Office Rupees
Mills Rupees
Last Check Issued
Name of Client
Year Ended
Place of Cash
Notes: 5000 X
1000 X
500 X
100 X
50 X
20 X
10 X
5 X
5 X
2 X
1 X
I Declare That I have no other cash fund or stamps or prize bonds and any other kind of
in my possession and that the above fund was counted in my presence and return to me intact.
Counter Signed
(Note: Use separate cash count statement for each separate cash fund)
(Cut off procedure: Obtain last number of cheques, invoices, vouchers and other documents)
Curren Previou
t s
Particulars Ref. Period Period
Rupees Rupees
Option on un issued
Authorised capital shares
Number of shares - Available To:_______
Shares' face value (per
share) - Period From:________
Total Authorised Capital - Amount of option
Types of shares - Class of shares
- Issue
Issued, subscribed and Statistics Amount %
- Further _______
paid up capital issue ______
Number of shares Verified ______
Amount (Total) Any restrictions on payment at
Types of shares dividend should be disclosed.
Value of each share Redeemable preference shares:
- Earliest date of
- Earliest date of conversion:
Current Previous
Ref Period Period Other Detail
Rupees Rupees
(Name of Transferor)
Number of shares
Shares' face value (per share)
Total Value
Types of shares
(Name of Transferee)
Number of shares
Shares' face value (per share)
Total Value
Types of shares
Documents Attached
Transfer Deed