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Clarifying the role of coastal and marine
systems in climate mitigation
Jennifer Howard1†*, Ariana Sutton-Grier2,3†, Dorothée Herr4, Joan Kleypas5, Emily Landis6, Elizabeth Mcleod7,
Emily Pidgeon1, and Stefanie Simpson8

The international scientific community is increasingly recognizing the role of natural systems in climate-­
change mitigation. While forests have historically been the primary focus of such efforts, coastal wetlands –
particularly seagrasses, tidal marshes, and mangroves – are now considered important and effective long-­
term carbon sinks. However, some members of the coastal and marine policy and management community
have been interested in expanding climate mitigation strategies to include other components within coastal
and marine systems, such as coral reefs, phytoplankton, kelp forests, and marine fauna. We analyze the
scientific evidence regarding whether these marine ecosystems and ecosystem components are viable
­long-­term carbon sinks and whether they can be managed for climate mitigation. Our findings could assist
­decision makers and conservation practitioners in identifying which components of coastal and marine
­ecosystems should be prioritized in current climate mitigation strategies and policies.

Front Ecol Environ 2017; 15(1): 42–50, doi:10.1002/fee.1451

W ithin the context of climate-­ change mitigation,

enhancing the capacity and role of natural carbon
sinks has become an increasingly important scientific and
(Mcleod et al. 2011). The ocean represents the largest
active carbon sink on Earth, absorbing 20–35% of
anthropogenic CO2 emissions (Khatiwala et al. 2009).
political topic (note: for definitions of selected terms used However, management strategies to enhance oceanic
throughout the main text see WebTable 1). Research on carbon sequestration and storage are currently impracti-
natural carbon sinks has focused primarily on oceans cal, and there is strong concern about the ecological
(Sabine et al. 2004) and terrestrial forests (Houghton impacts of such interventions (Russell et al. 2012;
et al. 1990), and most recently, on coastal systems Committee on Geoengineering Climate 2015).
Therefore, scientists and decision makers now focus on
terrestrial and coastal ecosystems, which show high
In a nutshell: potential for climate mitigation and lend themselves to
• Coastal wetlands sequester substantial amounts of carbon, local and national management strategies. For example,
mostly in soils the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
• Interest in the climate benefits of coastal wetlands has drawn
attention to how other components of marine ecosystems Change (UNFCCC) recognizes that terrestrial forests
might play a role in climate mitigation sequester large amounts of carbon in their biomass, and
• Coral reefs, kelp, and marine fauna, while important compo­ under the Convention, forests are the basis of climate
nents of carbon cycling in the ocean, are not involved mitigation strategies such as Reducing Emissions from
in long-term carbon sequestration Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+).
• Due to jurisdictional issues, practical management of coral,
phytoplankton, kelp, and marine fauna within climate Similarly, coastal wetlands (mangroves, tidal marshes,
mitigation frameworks would be difficult and seagrasses) are increasingly acknowledged as impor-
• Current climate mitigation efforts in the coastal and marine tant carbon sinks, based on their ability to sequester large
realm should focus primarily on coastal wetlands, as they amounts of carbon in their biomass and, more impor-
represent long-term carbon sinks and potential carbon tantly, in their soil (Hiraishi et al. 2014). The carbon
sources upon conversion, and can be managed for their
carbon sequestration value sequestered in coastal and marine vegetated ecosystems is
known as “coastal wetland blue carbon”. On a per area
basis, coastal wetlands are more efficient carbon sinks
than most terrestrial forests (Mcleod et al. 2011; Pan et al.
Conservation International, Arlington, VA *(jhoward@conservation. 2011). Anthropogenic conversion and degradation of
org);  2University of Maryland, College Park, MD; 3National coastal wetlands can lead to major emissions, because
Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Silver much of the carbon stored in the soils is released back
Spring, MD; 4International Union for Conservation of Nature, into the atmosphere and ocean (Pendleton et al. 2012;
Gland, Switzerland; 5National Center for Atmospheric Research, Kauffman et al. 2014), shifting the wetlands from net
Boulder, CO; 6The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA; 7The sinks to sources of carbon. The conservation, restoration,
Nature Conservancy, Austin, TX; 8Restore America’s Estuaries, and sustainable use of these ecosystems are therefore
Arlington, VA; † these authors contributed equally to this work essential to ensuring that the carbon sequestration © The Ecological Society of America

J Howard et al. Coastal and marine systems in climate mitigation

­ enefits are maintained, along with the many additional

b difficult and time consuming than applying existing 43
ecosystem services they provide (eg fisheries, coastal policy. In either case, additional information will be
­protection). required to inform the development or expansion of
With the increasing recognition of the importance of policy to include the carbon mitigation benefits found
coastal wetlands for climate mitigation, decision makers in marine ecosystems. For example, understanding
have expressed greater interest in the climate mitigation community tenure rights, rights of use, and governance
potential of other coastal and marine ecosystems and for an ecosystem or ecosystem component – as well as
ecosystem components, particularly kelp, coral, phyto-
­ identifying which individuals, institutions, or governments
plankton, and marine fauna (WebFigure 1; Chung et al. are responsible for management, and who stands to gain
2013; Lutz and Martin 2014). While all of these compo- from resulting climate benefits – are all critical for proper
nents provide valuable services and have important implementation of climate-­related policies. Likewise, it
conservation value, not all of them are suitable for
­ is important to know who would be sanctioned for
­consideration in climate-­change policy frameworks. In this actions that result in carbon being released (eg deforest-
paper, we synthesize the state of the science and ­compare ation of mangroves) and whether the ecosystem can
the long-­term carbon sequestration ability of various be managed to secure existing carbon stocks.
coastal and marine systems to clarify which ­components
should be prioritized in climate mitigation efforts. JJ Carbon sink capacity and implications for climate
mitigation potential
JJ Integratingnatural carbon sinks into climate
mitigation policy Coastal wetlands (mangroves, tidal marshes,
and seagrasses)
All natural ecosystems cycle carbon as an important
part of the energy transfer needed to support life. From Mangroves are tropical forests found in coastal areas
a climate perspective, much of the carbon that naturally that are regularly flooded by tidal water and have a
cycles through an ecosystem is part of the “baseline” global coverage of 13.8–15.2 million ha (Spalding et al.
condition, including fluxes into (eg carbon uptake via 2010; Giri et al. 2011). Tidal marshes are coastal
photosynthesis) and out of (eg carbon release via wetland ecosystems dominated by grass and shrub species
respiration) a system. However, the carbon pools and
­ that are regularly tidally flooded. Inventories of tidal
processes within each system that are pertinent to c­ limate marsh area have been difficult to obtain; models predict
mitigation policies and national greenhouse-­gas (GHG) a global coverage of up to 40 million ha, although
inventories are those that (1) affect the levels of GHGs only 2.2 million ha have been verified (Mcleod et al.
in the atmosphere enough to influence climate and 2011; Duarte et al. 2013). Seagrasses are submerged
(2) are responsive to human activities that can either aquatic flowering plants that are found in meadows
increase (eg habitat degradation) or decrease (eg habitat along the shore of every continent except Antarctica
restoration and conservation) GHG emissions. The (Green and Short 2003). The geographic extent of
following information is needed to ascertain whether seagrass is not well resolved, but global estimates range
an ecosystem or ecosystem component meets these from 17.7 to 60 million ha (Charpy-­ Roubaud and
require­ments and to determine their potential emissions Sournia 1990; Duarte et al. 2005a, 2010; Mcleod et al.
and removals for national GHG inventories: 2011). While new methods and technologies are allowing
better mapping of the extent of coastal wetlands, each
(1) carbon sequestration rate; year extensive areas of these ecosystems are lost, some-
(2) current carbon stocks, including the stability and times before they can be accounted for.
perma­nence of those stocks (ie how will those stocks Mangroves, tidal marshes, and seagrasses sequester and
be affected if the system is degraded or destroyed?); store large amounts of carbon through natural capture
(3) geographic area; during photosynthesis or by trapping sediments and
(4) anthropogenic drivers of system loss leading to natural debris in their complex root systems. Within
carbon emissions or removals; and these ecosystems, CO2 from the atmosphere is taken up
(5) emission rates from both degraded and intact states. via photosynthesis, most of which is returned almost
immediately to the atmosphere through plant and
With this information, it is possible for climate miti- microbe ­respiration or stored temporarily in plant foliage.
gation policies to support interventions needed to reduce, The remainder is sequestered for a longer period of time
protect, or enhance the potential of a natural systems in woody biomass and soil (Figure 1a). Between 50% and
to sequester and store carbon. Such interventions can 90% of all coastal wetland carbon, depending on vege­
potentially be included in existing climate-­related policy tation type, is found in the soil (Pendleton et al. 2012).
frameworks or funding mechanisms (eg REDD+). Alter­ In addition, tidal inundation keeps the soils wet or
natively, there may be a need for new policies and submerged, thereby inhibiting microbial action and
regulations to be developed; typically, this is much more slowing decomposition such that carbon accumulates in

© The Ecological Society of America

Coastal and marine systems in climate mitigation J Howard et al.

44 (a) time. Global estimates of carbon stocks in these systems

range from 10.4–25.1 billion megagrams of carbon (Mg C;
Table 1 and WebTable 2), but this is likely an underesti-
mate, because although organic-­ rich soil profiles may
extend several meters deep, most studies account for
carbon only in the topmost meter of soil. The vast stocks
of stable carbon, as well as the high rates of sequestration,
demonstrate why coastal wetlands are well suited for
climate mitigation policy efforts.
Coastal wetlands are relevant to climate mitigation in
another respect; human activities can convert these large
natural carbon sinks into major carbon sources (of GHG
emissions). For example, when mangrove forests are
drained for development, microbial action in the soil,
previously inhibited by tidal inundation, oxidizes the
(b) carbon and emits it to the atmosphere as CO2 (Figure 1b).
Coastal wetland loss and drainage is estimated to be
between 0.7–3% per year (depending on vegetation type
and location), resulting in 0.23–2.25 billion Mg of CO2
released (Table 1 and WebTable 2; Hiraishi et al. 2014).
For mangroves and tidal marshes, this loss is largely due
to human conversion and degradation related to coastal
development, agriculture, and aquaculture. Loss of
seagrass habitat is caused by several factors, but is mainly
due to reduced water quality as a result of sediment and
nutrient runoff from anthropogenic sources, and from
direct impacts such as dredging and trawling (Pendleton
et al. 2012). Managing coastal wetlands is not always
Figure 1. (a) In intact coastal wetlands (from left to right: straightforward, in part because it is typically subject to
mangroves, tidal marshes, and seagrasses), carbon is taken up issues involving land tenure and jurisdictional bounda-
via photosynthesis (purple arrows) where it gets sequestered long ries; however, these ecosystems have secured a prominent
term into woody biomass and soil (red dashed arrows) or respired position in terms of climate mitigation strategies, given
(black arrows). (b) When soil is drained from degraded coastal their inherent capacity to sequester large volumes of
wetlands, the carbon stored in the soils is consumed by carbon, given the large amounts of carbon already stored
microorganisms, which respire and release CO2 as a metabolic therein, and given that proper initiatives can help to
waste product. This happens at an increased rate when the soils ensure that their stored c­arbon is retained rather than
are drained (when oxygen is more available), which leads to released to the atmosphere.
greater CO2 emissions. The degradation, drainage, and conver­
sion of coastal blue carbon ecosystems from human activity Coral reefs
(ie deforestation and drainage, impounded wetlands for agri­cul­
ture, dredging) results in a reduction in CO2 uptake due to the Coral reefs support numerous taxa and are formed by
loss of vegetation (purple arrows) and the release of globally calcium carbonate (CaCO3) deposits secreted over time,
important GHG emissions (orange arrows). This is a unique mainly by hard corals and calcareous algae. At present,
trait of coastal blue carbon ecosystems compared to the other shallow coral reefs cover an estimated 28.4 million ha
ecosystems discussed in the main text. globally (Spalding et al. 2001). Reefs not only provide
coastal protection from storms and erosion, spawning
soils and remains relatively stable. Coastal wetlands also and nursery grounds for economically important fish
accumulate carbon transported by river systems and tides, species, and jobs and income to local economies, but
in the form of vegetation and sediment from adjacent also represent hotspots of marine biodiversity.
ecosystems (Kennedy et al. 2010; Mcleod et al. 2011). Whether coral reef ecosystems are sources or sinks of
Carbon in the plant biomass is stored for years to atmospheric CO2 depends on the balance between two
­decades (Mcleod et al. 2011), whereas carbon in the soil sets of processes: photosynthesis/respiration and calcifica-
can remain sequestered for millennia (Duarte et al. tion/dissolution (Figure 2a). Symbiotic algae that live
2005b). Healthy coastal ecosystems continuously accrete within coral polyps take up carbon through photosyn-
carbon in the soil, which allows them to keep pace with thesis, but on most reefs this carbon is equal to or only
sea-level rise; this means that they have a potentially slightly greater than the carbon released through coral,
limitless capacity to sequester carbon for long periods of algal, and microbial respiration, resulting in low to no net © The Ecological Society of America

J Howard et al. Coastal and marine systems in climate mitigation

Table 1. Carbon storage potential of coastal and marine ecosystems 45

Potential emissions
Total carbon Mean global estimate Anthropogenic due to anthropogenic
Geographic extent sequestered annually of carbon stock conversion rate conversion#

Million hectares (ha) Million Mg C yr−1 Total (million Mg C) % yr−1 Million Mg CO2
Mangroves 13.8–15.2 31.2–34.4 5617–6186 0.7–3.0 144.3–681.1
Tidal marshes 2.2–40 4.8–87.2 570–10,360 1.0–2.0 20.9–760.4
Seagrasses 17.7–60 41.4–82.8 4260–8520 0.4–2.6 62.5–813.0

Coral 28.4 NA Unknown 0.4–0.57 NA
Kelp >2.35 NA 11.75 NA NA
Phytoplankton 36,190* 0.5–2.4 507–23,885 NA NA
Fauna 36,190* NA Unknown NA NA
Notes: *Based on global ocean area. †Only for the Great Barrier Reef. #Assuming all carbon is converted to CO2 NA = not applicable. For a more detailed version of this
Table, including references, please see WebTable 2.

carbon removal from the surrounding water column and (Figure 2a), coral reefs are generally considered as small
atmosphere (Gattuso et al. 1998). Coral reef calcification sources of CO2 to the atmosphere (Suzuki and Kawahata
occurs when CaCO3 precipitates out of the water column 2003; Borges et al. 2005). However, with increasing ocean
onto the reef structure (Gattuso et al. 1999) and for every acidification resulting from rising atmospheric CO2
mole of CaCO3 produced, about 0.6 moles of CO2 is concentrations, the balance between calcification and
released to the atmosphere (Ware et al. 1992). As a coun- dissolution may shift (Frankignoulle et al. 1994). Under
terbalance, coral reefs undergo dissolution when the future conditions of ocean acidification, many reefs are
surrounding water becomes undersaturated with CaCO3 expected to enter a net dissolution phase (Eyre et al.
(as in the deep ocean and under future ocean acidification 2014; Shaw et al. 2015) and may become CO2 sinks but to
scenarios) – a process that involves capturing CO2 out of the detriment of the overall health of reef ecosystems.
the water column. Currently, coral calcification rates Despite their limited capacity to directly sequester
exceed dissolution rates, thereby allowing coral reef struc- carbon, at least over decadal to century timescales (Ware
tures to grow. Thus, because the CO2 released through et al. 1992; Kleypas 1997), coral reefs provide important
calcification exceeds the CO2 captured by dissolution climate adaptation benefits (eg wave buffering from

(a) (b)

Figure 2. (a) Coral reef systems can be either a CO2 source or sink. They take up carbon through photosynthesis of their symbiotic
algae and dissolution of the reef structure itself (purple arrows), and release carbon through respiration and calcification (black arrows).
Currently, they are not sequestering carbon, because despite the carbon that is integrated into the reef structure, where it can remain for
millennia, the net impact of calcification on the atmosphere is still an increase in CO2. (b) Kelp take up carbon through photosynthesis
(purple arrows) and release carbon through respiration (black arrows). The majority of kelp is consumed; in this way, some of the
carbon in kelp moves into marine fauna biomass and excrement pools. Kelp do not sequester carbon long term due to their quick
turnover rate and lack of a soil component. There is little evidence that any degraded kelp sinks to the bottom of the ocean, given that
most, if not all, is consumed before reaching the seafloor.

© The Ecological Society of America

Coastal and marine systems in climate mitigation J Howard et al.

46 extreme storms) and support habitats with higher carbon topic is incomplete and is not being implemented at a
sequestration potential (eg mangroves, seagrasses). globally relevant scale.

Kelp forests Phytoplankton

Primarily occurring in nearshore temperate and polar As single-­celled organisms present in the oceans’ water
regions, kelp forests contain dense stands of macroalgae column, phytoplankton provide 70% of the oxygen we
and provide food and shelter for many marine species. breathe and are a crucial source of food to marine fauna.
Although the estimated areal extent of kelp habitat is Although the amount of phytoplankton in the world’s
approximately 2.35 million ha worldwide, only a fraction oceans is uncertain, their total biomass is estimated to
of this area has been verified (Graham et al. 2007). be between 0.5–2.4 billion Mg C (Table 1 and
The carbon stored in kelp biomass ranges from 37–54 WebTable 2; Buitenhuis et al. 2013). Most phytoplankton
Mg C ha−1 (Muraoka 2004); given the estimated spatial are short lived or consumed by higher-­trophic-­level organ-
extent of kelp forests, its projected global carbon stock isms, giving them a rapid turnover. Thus, carbon remains
is between 87–127 million Mg C (Table 1 and stored in their biomass only for hours to weeks, unlike
WebTable 2). Often free floating or attached to rocky carbon sequestered in mangrove wood, which can last
substrates, kelp do not develop extensive rooting systems for decades. However, a small yet important fraction of
for trapping detritus and sediment such as vegetation in carbon in phytoplankton (0.1% or 0.5–2.4 million Mg
coastal wetlands and so do not have a soil carbon pool. C yr−1) will sink and become sequestered long-­term in
Free floating, detached, or dead kelp is quickly consumed seafloor sediments (Figure 3a; Falkowski 2012).
by marine fauna including avian species, and the fraction The size of the world’s phytoplankton carbon pool is
of kelp-­based carbon that is ultimately sequestered through considered to be relatively stable (with seasonal variations),
burial in ocean sediments is still poorly understood (Smale but changing ocean temperatures and circulation patterns
et al. 2013). The short life span of individual kelp plants may lead to shifts in phytoplankton species extent and
(~1 year) and their lack of long-­ term carbon storage community composition, which may alter carbon fluxes
mean that they cannot act as effective long-­term carbon (Lam et al. 2011; Committee on Geoengineering Climate
sinks (Figure 2b; Spalding et al. 2003; Muraoka 2004) 2015). Despite representing a globally relevant carbon sink,
and are not considered as part of a viable climate miti- phytoplankton are not well suited for climate mitigation
gation strategy. Although harvesting kelp for human use policies because their sequestration capacity cannot be
(eg in cosmetics, paper, biofuel) could benefit climate manipulated without geoengineering (about which the
mitigation by providing more sustainable alternatives to scientific community has articulated major concerns;
using products derived from petroleum or other natural Committee on Geoengineering Climate 2015), issues of
resources (, to date research on this jurisdiction on the high seas remain a challenge, and

(a) (b)

Figure 3. (a) Phytoplankton take up carbon through photo­synthesis (purple arrow) and release carbon through respiration (black
arrow). The majority of phytoplankton are consumed by higher-­trophic-­level organisms where some of the carbon gets integrated into
marine fauna biomass and excrement pools. A small yet key percentage of phytoplankton sinks to the bottom of the ocean where it is
sequestered long term in the sediment (red dashed arrow). (b) Marine fauna. Fish and krill do not take up or sequester carbon
themselves; instead they accumulate carbon that was taken up by phytoplankton (purple arrow). The formation of CaCO3 to create
the shells of calcifiers at the surface and its dissolution as it sinks drives a surface to deepwater alkalinity gradient, which further
reduces the capacity of the ocean’s surface to absorb CO2. None of these organisms are considered to sequester carbon. © The Ecological Society of America

J Howard et al. Coastal and marine systems in climate mitigation

substantial scientific uncertainties prohibit accurate carbon dissolution (sink of CO2) neutralizes much of the CO2 47
accounting of sequestration by phytoplankton at this time released due to the calcification process (Woosley et al.
(for further discussion, see the penultimate section below). 2012; Barrett et al. 2014). Another aspect of carbon
excretion through fish feces is that it increases the rate
Marine fauna at which carbon sinks to the ocean floor. However,
most fish feces are rapidly consumed and the carbon
By accumulating carbon in their biomass and releasing in them is respired or excreted by bacteria during its
carbon through respiration and defecation, marine fauna – descent. This restricts the amount of carbon in feces
specifically calcifiers (eg shellfish, zooplankton, and pter- ultimately reaching the deep ocean (Denman et al.
opods), krill, and teleost fish – play a role in carbon 2007) and thereby limits the contributions of fish to
cycling (Figure 3b). These organisms are found in all long-­term ocean carbon sequestration. It is also not
major marine waterbodies and populations vary by region clear if there is any additional sequestration value
and depth, though the largest known krill population resulting from fish consumption and subsequent e­ xcretion.
is located off Antarctica (Atkinson et al. 2008). For example, the carbon sequestered by phytoplankton
– whether as a component of dead phytoplankton, fish
Calcifiers biomass, or fish feces – would eventually sink to the
seafloor regardless of its path. While increases in fish
The shells of planktonic calcifiers can act as ballast populations, and hence fish biomass, will result in a
to increase the transport of organic carbon to the temporary increase in the fish biomass carbon pool, it
deep sea, and thereby sequester it for long periods of would not affect the long-­term sequestration of carbon
time. However, the formation of CaCO3 at the surface in the deep ocean above the natural baseline (Figure 3b).
and its dissolution as it sinks drives a surface to deep- In summary, calcifiers, krill, and teleost fish are impor-
water alkalinity gradient, which reduces the capacity tant components of the carbon cycle in oceans but do not
of the surface ocean to absorb CO2 (Mathez 2013). contribute to long-­ term carbon sequestration.
In addition, calcifiers build their shells using the same Calcification in fecal production and shell formation is a
calcification process as corals, resulting in the same source of CO2 and because fish and krill fail to remove
net production of CO2. Therefore, based on current carbon directly from the atmosphere, they do not substan-
scientific understanding, we believe that calcifiers have tially alter the baseline of carbon ultimately sequestered
a limited impact on climate mitigation through carbon in the oceans. Management and policy actions that lead
sequestration. to changes in fish and krill populations would therefore
have negligible value in long-­term climate mitigation. In
Krill addition, most populations of marine fauna reside in the
open ocean or cross international boundaries and their
Although estimated to have a mean carbon pool of members actively or passively disperse, occasionally over
35 million Mg C (Atkinson et al. 2009; Laffoley et al. vast distances, thus presenting jurisdictional challenges
2014), krill do not remove carbon from the atmosphere regarding management responsibilities and sanctions. For
themselves, and most of the carbon assimilated into all these reasons, calcifiers, krill, and teleost fish have
the krill’s biomass via consumption is in turn consumed limited potential to contribute to climate mitigation
by higher-­ trophic-­
level predators. Krill feces are esti- efforts.
mated to contribute 0.037–56.94 Mg C yr−1 ha−1 to
the deepwater carbon flux baseline; however, the ­majority JJ Informed climate mitigation policy
of the carbon in feces is consumed and either respired
or excreted by bacteria and benthic organisms To achieve emissions reduction targets and inform
(Pakhomov et al. 2002; Denman et al. 2007), and so climate mitigation policies, we argue that a compre-
plays a negligible role in climate mitigation through hensive strategy is necessary, one that recognizes the
carbon sequestration. role of – and implements effective, science-­ driven
management practices in – natural ecosystems, including
Teleost fish coastal wetlands. Although reducing fossil-­ fuel-­
GHG emissions is a direct means to this end, avoided
Rather than removing atmospheric carbon directly, emissions can be gained by protecting habitats, some
teleost (ray-­
finned) fish accumulate carbon in their of which may also offer sequestration-­related services.
biomass by consuming phytoplankton or other marine However, much of the relevant ecosystem-­specific scien-
organisms. This carbon is later released through respi- tific data regarding carbon storage, sequestration rates,
ration and defecation (in the form of CaCO3). Fish and anthropogenic emissions is neither easily accessible
feces also have a high Mg content, which increases to decision makers nor comparable across studies and
the CaCO3 dissolution near the ocean surface. This habitats, thereby complicating informed policy discus-
balance between calcification (source of CO2) and sions. To address this issue, we briefly summarize the

© The Ecological Society of America

Coastal and marine systems in climate mitigation J Howard et al.

48 carbon sequestration value and potential emissions from Land-­Use Change and Forestry [LULUCF] sectors), and
conversion of the marine ecosystems and ecosystem related climate financing mechanisms. Based on the
components mentioned above (Table 1 and governance challenges associated with open-­ ocean
WebTable 2) and the criteria required for their consid- geographies and/or the current science demonstrating
eration in climate mitigation efforts (WebTable 3). that they are inconsequential stores of carbon, four
Our understanding of the carbon sequestration capacity components – corals, kelp, phytoplankton, and marine
of corals, kelp, and marine fauna suggests that they do not fauna – are ineligible to be included in current UNFCCC
represent consequential, verifiable, long-­ term carbon mitigation finance mechanisms and should not be prior-
sinks with respect to the atmosphere. Corals are currently itized at this time in climate mitigation efforts. Instead,
a carbon source, and marine fauna do not sequester conservation practitioners should consider other interna-
carbon directly but are simply a component of the carbon tional policy and funding opportunities (eg biodiversity
cycle. Kelp ecosystems take up carbon in the short term, conservation and climate adaptation) to support the
but without a meaningful soil component, they do not protection and restoration of these important compo-
maintain long-­ term sinks. The carbon sequestered by nents of coastal and marine ecosystems.
phytoplankton in deep-­ ocean sediments is globally
important, due to the abundance of phytoplankton, but is JJ Conclusions
inherently difficult and impractical to manage given its
pan-­oceanic distribution. In addition, the only current Coastal blue carbon ecosystems (mangroves, tidal
management strategy to increase phytoplankton produc- marshes, and seagrasses) represent important climate
tivity above the baseline involves artificially increasing mitigation opportunities. These ecosystems have high
nutrients (iron, nitrogen, phosphorus) in large expanses rates of carbon sequestration, act as long-­term carbon
of the ocean; however, strong concerns have been sinks, and are contained within clear national juris-
expressed regarding the impacts of such geoengineering dictions; in addition, management strategies exist to
projects on ocean ecosystems (Russell et al. 2012). integrate them into GHG accounting. By contrast,
Similarly, open-­ ocean ecosystems are predominantly other marine ecosystems and ecosystem components
outside national jurisdictional boundaries, hindering (ie corals, kelp, and marine fauna) do not act as
inclusion of these marine ecosystems in climate substantial and/or long-­term carbon sinks. Phytoplankton
mitigation-­ related policies (eg Nationally Determined are a long-­term carbon sink but their consideration in
Contributions under the Paris Agreement). Policy climate mitigations policies is limited due to challenges
­challenges include lack of clarity regarding who would associated with ownership, management, and a lack of
(1) determine and implement management strategies, practical accounting methods. Despite limitations, these
(2) conduct assessments to support national GHG inven- marine systems play a vital role in maintaining the
tories, or (3) receive financial gains (such as carbon baseline of the carbon cycle of the ocean and provide
credits) resulting from climate mitigation activities. many other services including coastal protection, habitat,
The scientific evidence supporting the role of food security, and tourism income. Efforts to protect
mangroves, tidal marshes, and seagrasses as long-­
­ term and manage these marine ecosystems are therefore
carbon sinks is well-­established. Recognizing the p­ otential essential to maintaining these benefits. However, we
of these coastal wetlands to shift from carbon sinks to recommend that the efforts of national governments
carbon sources through anthropogenic degradation to implement climate mitigation strategies and reduce
further supports the need for their conservation and emissions should focus on coastal blue carbon ecosys-
restoration. Coastal wetlands should be integrated into tems that represent critical and manageable carbon
national GHG inventories and climate mitigation strate- sinks.
gies, and indeed this has been recommended by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) JJ Acknowledgements
(Hiraishi et al. 2014). To follow the IPCC guidance,
countries should conduct national carbon assessments for We thank P Megonigal and J Fourqurean for helpful
their coastal wetlands to determine existing carbon discussions and comments. ASG was supported by
stocks and estimates of emissions from converted ecosys- NOAA grant NA14NES4320003 (Cooperative Institute
tems, as well as threats and rates of loss to inform manage- for Climate and Satellites – CICS) at the University
ment efforts. These initial steps provide the background of Maryland/ESSIC. EM was supported by The Nature
knowledge needed to inform national policy, including Conservancy and the German Federal Ministry for the
GHG inventories, but also the development (or revision) Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
of national strategies to manage coastal wetland carbon (BMUB), as part of the International Climate Initiative
sinks and sources. (IKI); the BMUB supports this initiative on the basis
Coastal wetlands are included in existing frameworks of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag. DH
under the UNFCCC (eg Nationally Appropriate was supported by IUCN and the Prince Albert II de
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Faculty Position in Freshwater Molecular Ecology (open rank)

University at Buffalo

The Department of Biological Sciences at the University at Buffalo is seeking outstanding applicants for a tenured/tenure track faculty position (open
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The University at Buffalo (UB) is the largest and most comprehensive campus in the State University of New York (SUNY) system. The Department of
Biological Sciences is a comprehensive center for innovative, interdisciplinary life sciences research. The faculty position is offered as part of the newly
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Economy focus area. The goal of this focus area is to advance research in water and environmental sustainability. As such, the successful candidate
will work in an interdisciplinary group of highly collaborative faculty whose research impacts all areas of freshwater science, including engineering,
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The successful candidate will be expected to maintain an externally funded research program and to participate in graduate and undergraduate teaching.
Successful candidates are envisioned to articulate “T-shaped” research programs that combine deep disciplinary studies with interdisciplinary work to
advance the research and teaching missions of the University at Buffalo, the RENEW Institute and the Department of Biological Sciences.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. (or other doctorate degree), at least two years of postdoctoral experience, a scholarly publication record and fluency in
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To apply, electronically submit a curriculum vitae, description of current and future research interests (3 pages maximum), and copies of published or in
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UB is an AA/EOE and welcomes all to apply including veterans and individuals with disabilities. © The Ecological Society of America

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