Ecology - 2022 - Rodil - Positive Contribution of Macrofaunal Biodiversity To Secondary Production and Seagrass Carbon

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19399170, 2022, 4, Downloaded from by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [07/03/2023].

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Received: 13 August 2021 Revised: 5 November 2021 Accepted: 11 November 2021

DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3648


Positive contribution of macrofaunal biodiversity to

secondary production and seagrass carbon metabolism

n F. Rodil1,2
Iva | Andrew M. Lohrer3 | Karl M. Attard2,4 |
Simon F. Thrush5 | Alf Norkko2,6

Department of Biology (INMAR), Faculty
of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Abstract
University of Cadiz, Puerto Real, Spain Coastal vegetated habitats such as seagrasses are known to play a critical role
Tvärminne Zoological Station, University in carbon cycling and the potential to mitigate climate change, as blue carbon
of Helsinki, Hanko, Finland
habitats have been repeatedly highlighted. However, little information is
National Institute of Water &
Atmospheric Research, Hamilton, known about the role of associated macrofauna communities on the dynamics
New Zealand of critical processes of seagrass carbon metabolism (e.g., respiration, turnover,
Nordcee and HADAL, Department of and production). We conducted a field study across a spatial gradient of
Biology, University of Southern Denmark,
seagrass meadows involving variable environmental conditions and macro-
Odense, Denmark
Institute of Marine Science, University of
benthic diversity to investigate (1) the relationship between macrofauna biodi-
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand versity and secondary production (i.e., consumer incorporation of organic
Baltic Sea Centre, Stockholm University, matter per time unit), and (2) the role of macrofauna communities in seagrass
Stockholm, Sweden
organic carbon metabolism (i.e., respiration and primary production). We
Correspondence show that, although several environmental factors influence secondary
Ivan F. Rodil production, macrofauna biodiversity controls the range of local seagrass
Email: [email protected]
secondary production. We demonstrate that macrofauna respiration rates were
Funding information responsible for almost 40% of the overall seafloor community respiration.
Academy of Finland, Grant/Award Macrofauna represented on average >25% of the total benthic organic
Number: ID 294853; University of
Helsinki and Stockholm University
C stocks, high secondary production that is likely to become available to upper
strategic fund for collaborative research trophic levels of the coastal food web. Our findings support the role of
(The Baltic Bridge initiative); Walter ja macrofauna biodiversity in maintaining productive ecosystems, implying that
Andrée de Nottbeckin Säätiö
biodiversity loss due to ongoing environmental change yields less productive
Handling Editor: Mar Sobral seagrass ecosystems. Therefore, the assessment of carbon dynamics in coastal
habitats should include associated macrofauna biodiversity elements if we aim
to obtain robust estimates of global carbon budgets required to implement
management actions for the sustainable functioning of the world’s coasts.

benthic biodiversity, carbon stocks and flows, ecosystem functioning, macrofauna,
respiration rates, seafloor metabolism, seagrass, secondary production

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2022 The Authors. Ecology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Ecological Society of America.

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INTRODUCTION because high rates of carbon capture, and subsequent

biomass production, are one of the main processes by
Biodiversity loss is a global environmental challenge that which seagrass affects carbon budgets (Attard et al., 2019;
threatens the functioning of ecosystems, undermines Duarte et al., 2013a, 2013b). Seagrasses are known as hot-
their inherent goods and services, and poses a severe risk spots of macrofaunal diversity that contribute significantly
to the well-being of future generations (UNEP, 2021). to coastal processes such as respiration, productivity,
Given that biodiversity plays a largely functional role in nutrient cycling, and trophic transfer (Duffy et al., 2003;
nature (Hooper et al., 2005; Tilman et al., 1996), defining Lohrer et al., 2016; Rodil et al., 2020). Despite copious evi-
relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem produc- dence linking carbon remineralization, nutrient efflux, and
tivity is key to understanding the consequences of biodi- the activities of the benthic macrofauna (Snelgrove et al.,
versity loss. The majority of the studies concerning 2018), the contribution of the macrofauna community to
biodiversity and ecosystem productivity have focused on the seagrass carbon dynamics and the drivers behind it
the rates, trends, and drivers of primary production remain poorly understood (Macreadie et al., 2019).
by autotrophs, because primary productivity is the foun- Seagrasses are among the most threatened marine habi-
dation process of most ecosystems and food webs tats; current rates of loss of coastal plant communities and
(Hooper et al., 2005). However, the relationships between associated biodiversity can seriously compromise the
primary consumers and ecosystem productivity in aquatic capacity of seagrass to deliver climate change mitigation
ecosystems are less well known, even though animals that and adaption (Duarte et al., 2013b). As the incidence of
have direct effects on ecosystem processes often face severe species loss increases globally, there is an urgent need to
extinction threats (Duffy et al., 2003). link faunal diversity changes to ecosystem functions in
Different experimental studies have documented field settings, so that consequences to ecosystem services
higher productivity in high-diversity plant assemblages can be better assessed and managed at the seascape scales.
(Flombaum & Sala, 2008; Liang et al., 2016; Oehri et al., Spatial heterogeneity influences key ecosystem fea-
2017; Tilman, 2001), also in marine environments (Virta tures including biodiversity and several ecosystem pro-
et al., 2019; Zedler et al., 2001). Similarly, increasing cesses (e.g., primary and secondary production), in both
numbers of marine studies acknowledge the importance terrestrial and marine ecosystems (Cardinale et al., 2000;
of macrofauna diversity in maintaining productive Griffin et al., 2009). Globally, seagrass meadows comprise
ecosystems (Duffy et al., 2017; Gamfeldt et al., 2005; heterogeneous seascape structures, differing in the com-
O’Gorman et al., 2008). This situation has been position and density of plant species and the biodiversity
highlighted particularly in coastal vegetated habitats, of the macrofauna across a strong range of environmen-
where secondary production (i.e., consumer incorpora- tal conditions (Duarte, 2000; Rodil et al., 2021a, 2021b),
tion of organic matter per time unit) is dominated by providing a unique platform for studying diversity–
benthic macrofauna communities that mediate energy productivity relationships. Based on the known impor-
flow from primary producers to higher trophic levels tance of biodiversity in sustaining the world’s ecosystems
(e.g., fish) and, therefore, they play a key role in the trans- (please refer to reviews in Hooper et al., 2012, Duffy et al.,
fer of energy within coastal food webs (Dolbeth et al., 2017), we hypothesize that macrofauna community diver-
2012; Duffy et al., 2003, 2005; Rodil et al., 2020; Wong, sity is a major driver of secondary production in natural
2018). Experimental evidence suggests that a more diverse seagrass habitats. We conducted a regional scale field
primary consumer assemblage can be expected to study of multiple seagrass meadows with variable envi-
enhance secondary production (Duffy et al., 2017). ronmental conditions and macrobenthic diversity pat-
However, most of the marine studies on diversity– terns established by natural community assembly
productivity relationships have mainly concentrated on processes to (1) estimate how much of the variability in
small-scale experiments and laboratory-controlled con- seagrass macrofauna secondary production can be
ditions. Therefore, the answer to whether consumer explained by macrofauna biodiversity after controlling
diversity per se influences ecosystem properties such as for a set of environmental covariates, (2) determine the
secondary production in more natural open systems relationship between macrofauna diversity and ecosys-
remains elusive. tem secondary production. Finally, given the global
Seagrass meadows are one of the best studied coastal importance of seagrass meadows in coastal carbon
vegetated habitats due to their global presence, relative cycling, and the macrofauna potential role in the func-
accessibility in shallow waters, the key role in ocean car- tioning of key coastal carbon processes we consider it
bon budgets, and rich biodiversity (Duarte et al., 2013a, crucial to (3) quantify the macrofauna contribution to
2013b; Fourqueran et al., 2012). The metabolic role of the seagrass carbon metabolism (i.e., respiration and
seagrass meadows has been investigated intensively primary production).
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ECOLOGY 3 of 13

METHODS Benthic biodiversity sampling: Measuring

biotic and abiotic variables
Study sites
At the end of each AEC deployment, we conducted a stan-
A range of seagrass meadows (11 sites, <4 m depth) dom- dardized survey (please refer to Rodil et al., 2019) to quan-
inated by Zostera marina L., but differing in the number, tify dominant features of benthic biodiversity within the
composition, and density of plant species (please refer AEC footprint area (i.e., the seafloor area that contributes
to Rodil et al., 2021b) were studied across a 25-km dis- most of the O2 flux registered). At each site, we sampled a
tance along the southern shore of the Hanko Peninsula circular seafloor area of ~80 m2 to characterize the benthic
(Finland), nearby Tvärminne Zoological Station biota contributing to seafloor O2 flux dynamics (Rodil
(59.844 N, 23.249 E) (Appendix S1: Figure S1). The et al., 2019). Sixteen benthic samples were randomly taken
seagrass meadows were sampled during peak biomass per site (i.e., a total of 192 sampling units) to collect repre-
season (i.e., August–September 2017) during SCUBA div- sentatives of the main macrobenthic community compo-
ing. One site (TS) was sampled at the beginning (early nents (i.e., plants and macrofauna). Therefore, we
August, TS0) and end (late September, TSf) of the cam- harvested all the vegetation (above and below ground) and
paign and used as a reference location (Appendix S1: associated epifauna by gently enclosing all plants within a
Table S1). quadrat frame (25 cm  25 cm, n = 16) into net bags. We
took benthic cores (Ø = 5 cm, 15 cm deep, n = 16) for
macroinfauna at each site. Finally, we took six random
Measuring seafloor community sediment samples within the area using 100-ml syringes
metabolism rates: AEC deployments (Ø = 3.5 cm, 10 cm deep) for organic matter (OM) and
pigments (surface sediment, 1 cm layer), and grain size
Seagrass community metabolism rates were measured (the rest of the sediment).
in situ using the aquatic eddy covariance (AEC) tech- Large shell fragments were removed from grain-size
nique (Berg et al., 2003). The AEC instrument con- samples and hydrogen peroxide was added (H2O2, 6%) to
sisted of a fast-response O2 microsensor setup dissolve organic material before analysis. Samples were
(T90 ≤ 0.3 s) and an acoustic Doppler velocimeter sieved (<63, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 μm), the
(Vector, Nortek) that were mounted onto a tripod percentage dry weight of each fraction measured, and the
frame (Attard et al., 2019). The instrument was mean grain size (μm; MGS) calculated using
deployed for 1–4 days at each site and recorded O2 con- GRADISTAT (Blott & Pye, 2001). Homogenized surface
centration and water velocity data continuously at sediment (0–1 cm) was analyzed for OM (%) as loss on
32 Hz. The sensors were positioned ~35 cm above the ignition (3 h, 500 C). Sediment surface subsamples
seafloor and stood ~10 cm clear of the seagrass cano- (~0.5 g) were analyzed spectrophotometrically for chloro-
pies. Additional sensors logged seabed photosyntheti- phyll a (chl a) and phaeopigments (phaeo) (Shimadzu
cally active radiation (PAR) (LI-192, Li-Cor), water UV–VIS model) respectively (μg g1).
temperature and salinity (U24 HOBO), and dissolved
O2 concentration (U26 HOBO) every 15 min.
Benthic O2 fluxes (mmol m2 day1) were extracted Macrobenthic community characterization
from subsequent 15-min time windows of the raw 32 Hz
data streams for vertical velocity and O2 concentration All the aquatic plants were measured (maximum length,
following established protocols using the open-source cm), counted (shoots m2), and dried (60 C, 48 h, g
package sohfea ( Daily m2). Seagrass C content (mg C m2) was estimated by
metabolic rates were estimated for each 24 h period of applying species-specific conversion ratios (range from
data. The fluxes were then separated into daytime fluxes 35%–41% of dry weight) (Gustafsson & Norkko, 2019).
(FLUXday; PAR > 0.0 μmol m2 s1) and nighttime fluxes We estimated the phototrophic carbon turnover rates
(FLUXnight; PAR < 0.0 μmol m2 s1), and the PAR time (day1) from ratios of daily benthic GPP (mg C m2
series was used to determine the number of daylight day1) and standing macrophyte biomass (mg C m2).
hours (hday). Daily gross primary productivity (GPP; Ephemeral algae associated with the aquatic plants were
mmol O2 m2 day1) was computed as GPP = (FLUXday gently separated from the samples, dry mass was esti-
+ jFLUXnightj)  hday. Respiration rates (R, mmol O2 mated (60 C, 48 h). Macrofauna abundance (individuals
m2 day1) were calculated as R = jFLUXnightj  24, and m2), ash-free dry mass (AFDM, mg m2), the number of
the net ecosystem metabolism (NEM, mmol O2 m2 taxa per site (i.e., taxon richness, TR), and the Shannon–
day1) was computed as GPP/R. Wiener loge-based index (H0 ) were determined. Macrofauna
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AFDM was converted to C content (mg C m2) assuming a We performed distance-based linear models (DistLM)
biomass organic content of 50% (Wijsman et al., 1999). to ascertain how much of the overall change (i.e., variance
partitioning) in secondary production (i.e., Ptaxon and Ptotal)
was explained by macrofauna diversity including TR and
Estimation of macrofauna community Shannon-H0 while statistically controlling for the (log-
respiration rates and secondary production transformed) biotic and abiotic covariates. DistLM were
fitted using the stepwise selection procedure and R 2
Macrofauna AFDM was used to estimate macrofauna com- criteria (4999 permutations). Distance-based redundancy
munity respiration rates and secondary production. Respira- analysis (dbRDA) was applied to visualize the position
tion rates per taxon were estimated using the Mahaut et al. of the sites according to the productivity of the
(1995) formula for shallow water macrobenthos: macrofauna assemblages (Ptaxon) fitted to the significant
predictor variables. Analyses were performed using
R ¼ 0:017W0:844 PRIMER7 (Clarke & Gorley, 2015). Calculations for the
mean TR and Shannon-H0 were performed using the
where R is the respiration (mg C day1) per taxon and W “diverse” function.
is the mean individual mass (mg C m2), valid for the tem- We used the AEC flux-averaged measurements to
perature range 15–20 C. Daily Rrate for the total macrofauna establish simple regressions between macrofauna Rrate
community was calculated per site by multiplying the esti- and the seafloor CR across sites. We used generalized lin-
mated R by the corresponding total abundance (individuals ear models to establish relationships between Ptotal and
m2). Respiration rates were corrected for temperature macrofauna biodiversity metrics (TR and H0 ) based on
assuming a Q10 of 2 and expressed as mg C m2 day1. the Gamma family (log-link) with a dispersion of 1 due
We estimated secondary production using the empiri- to the exponential relationship. The normality (Shapiro
cal model of Edgar (1990). The water temperature ranges test) and the variance (ncvTest) of the residuals were
on which the model is based (5–30 C) were appropriate evaluated. Models were built using R 4.0.4 software
for our study, and the model was not based on data of (R Development Core Team, 2021). We used AFDM,
mean annual biomass (Wong, 2018). Edgar’s formula: Rrate, and Ptotal to quantify the macrofauna community
contribution (g C m2 day1) to the overall organic car-
P ¼ 0:0049B0:80 T0:89 bon metabolism estimated by the AEC (i.e., GPP and CR)
across seagrass meadows.
where P is the production of an individual macrobenthic
animal (μg C day1), B is the body mass (μg AFDM), and
T is the water temperature ( C). We calculated body mass RESULTS
by dividing total AFDM per taxon by the total abundance
of that taxon (Wong, 2018). Daily secondary production Seafloor metabolism across seagrass
for each taxon was estimated by multiplying the mean meadows
abundance per taxonomic group (m2) and referred to as
Ptaxon (mg C m2 day1) to be used for multivariate ana- The benthic O2 flux data presented here consists of
lyses. Then, daily secondary production of the benthic 1032 h of high-quality measurements distributed between
community was estimated by summing the production of the 11 sites. Flux data sets ranged in duration from 24 to
each taxonomic group and referred to as Ptotal. 96 h (average = 69 h) (Appendix S1: Table S1). Daily
GPP and CR were highly variable (Figure 1a; Appendix
S1: Table S1), but always maintained a close 1:1 relation-
Statistical analyses ship (Figure 1b). This indicates that O2 production and
consumption processes were tightly coupled (R 2 = 0.59)
A principal component analysis (PCA) for centroids across spatial scales (Figure 1b). Net ecosystem metabo-
(Euclidean distance, fourth-root transformed variables) was lism varied across sites, showing both net heterotrophic
used to examine the spatial distribution of the seafloor com- (NEM <0) and net autotrophic (NEM >0) sites
munity respiration (CR) in combination with PAR. Permuta- (Figure 1c; Appendix S1: Table S1). The PCA showed a
tional analyses of variance (PERMANOVA; unrestricted spatial gradient of variation across seagrass sites related
permutation of raw data, Type III SS, 4999 permutations) to the overall seafloor CR and PAR (Figure 1d). The first
were run to detect significant changes in the macrofauna two axes of the PCA explained 85.5% of the direction of
AFDM across sites (site as a random factor, based on Euclid- variation in the spatial distribution of the sites, with CR
ean dissimilarity measures and log[x + 1] transformed data). contributing mainly to the first axis (PC1 = 0.991)
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ECOLOGY 5 of 13

F I G U R E 1 Seafloor metabolism: (a) mean (+SE) gross primary production (GPP) and community respiration (CR), (b) the relationship
between GPP and CR across sites, (c) mean (+SE) net ecosystem metabolism (NEM = GPP/CR, dashed line indicates ratio ≥1) across sites
(ordination based on principal component analysis [PCA]), and (d) PCA showing the spatial distribution of the seagrass sites in relation to
CR and the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) as a spatial covariate. (a, c) x axes values indicate site and sampling time

following a dominant gradient of variation for the sites Figure S2, Table S3) (please refer to Rodil et al., 2021b).
(Figure 1a,d). The seagrass sites with the highest plant AGDM
(Appendix S1: Figure S2, Table S3) and macrofauna
AFDM (i.e., T3, T9, and T10) showed the highest Ptotal
Macrofauna community biomass, (>200 mg C m2 day1) and Rrate (>300 mg C
secondary production, and respiration m2 day1) (Figure 2a–c; Appendix S1: Table S2). As
rates plant AGDM increased, so did macrofauna AFDM
(p < 0.001), and consequently Ptotal and Rrate (Appendix
Macrofauna AFDM showed significant differences (pseudo- S1: Figure S3). There was a spatial variability in terms of
F11,180 = 16.63; p < 0.001) across sites (Figure 2a; the sedimentary characteristics (Appendix S1: Table S3)
Appendix S1: Table S2). Consequently, Ptotal and Rrate across sites, with higher OM and chl a in the more
showed a strong variability across sites (Figure 2b,c; protected sites (i.e., T1–T3 and TS) nearby the Station
Appendix S1: Table S2). Macrofauna Ptotal and Rrate (Appendix S1: Figure S1) (Rodil et al., 2021b).
ranged from 47.11 and 62.14 (T1) to 303.11 and 466.96
(T3) mg C m2 day1, respectively (Figure 2b,c; Appen-
dix S1: Table S2). We used the spatial distribution of Variance partitioning of macrofauna
increasing overall seafloor CR (Figure 1d) to plot secondary production
macrofauna AFDM, Rrate, and Ptotal.
There was a strong spatial variability in terms of The DistLM model for Ptotal explained almost 30% of the
seagrass density and biomass across sites (Appendix S1: variance in the data (Table 1). Macroalgal biomass,
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6 of 13 RODIL ET AL.

F I G U R E 2 Macrofauna community: (a) ash-free dry mass (AFDM), (b) secondary production (Ptotal), (c) integrated seafloor respiration
(in gray) and estimated macrofauna respiration rate (Rrate, bold numbers show % macrofauna relative contribution to the overall seafloor
respiration), and (d) the relationship between overall seafloor community respiration (CR) and macrofauna respiration rate (Rrate). Ptotal is
the daily secondary production of the benthic community

canopy height, sedimentary chl a, and grain size the sediment and the dominant feeding mode was detriti-
(>250 μm) were retained as significant determinants of vore (Appendix S1: Figure S4, Table S4). Epifauna was
Ptotal (14% of the variation). However, the largest signifi- less abundant and dominated by grazers (e.g., Idotea
cant part of the observed variation was explained by the spp.) (Appendix S1: Figure S4, Table S4).
number of taxa (15.5%) (Table 1). A significant part of the
observed variation in Ptaxon was explained by sedimen-
tary predictors (13%), including pigments, OM and grain Macrofauna contribution to the seagrass
size, macrofauna diversity (TR explained 11.6% of the organic carbon metabolism
variability, and 12.2% if we use Shannon-H0 instead), and
macrophytes explained less than 3% of the variability The overall seafloor CR (mg C m2 day1) estimated
(Table 1). The first two dbRDA axes captured most of the using the AEC technique was averaged across the same
salient patterns in the fitted model with 69.2% of the vari- sites and during the same dates as for the macrofauna
ability, and 18.9% of the total variation in the data cloud sampling (Appendix S1: Tables S1, S2). Therefore, we can
(Figure 3a). Observation of taxon scores relative to sites provide an estimate of the relative macrofauna contribu-
provided insight into taxa contributing to seagrass differ- tion to the CR across sites; higher than 50% at T3, T8, and
ences in community structure and their relationships to T9 and lower than 20% at T6 and T1 (Figure 2c; Appendix
environmental conditions (Figure 3a; Appendix S1: S1: Table S2). An increase in the CR was followed by a
Figure S4). The majority of the macrofauna community significant increase in Rrate across sites (Figure 2d). Simi-
were macroinfauna individuals directly associated with larly, an increase in CR showed a significant increase in
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ECOLOGY 7 of 13

T A B L E 1 Results of variation partitioning analysis (DistLM) quantifying the sequential effects of the specific contribution of
macrofauna biodiversity (i.e., taxon richness or Shannon-H0 ), macrophyte attributes, and sedimentary predictors on macrofauna secondary
production (i.e., total and taxon-specific assemblages; Ptotal and Ptaxon) across seagrass sites

Macrofauna Ptotal (Euclidean similarity matrix) Macrofauna Ptaxon (Bray–Curtis similarity matrix)

Variables Pseudo-F p R2 ΣR 2 Pseudo-F p R2 ΣR 2

Taxon richnessb 34.97 <0.001 0.155 0.155 25.02 <0.001 0.116 0.116
Chlorophyll a 21.14 <0.001 0.085 0.240 3.60 <0.01 0.015 0.221
>250 μm 7.26 0.008 0.028 0.269 9.59 <0.001 0.043 0.159
Algal biomass 3.48 0.062 0.013 0.282
Canopy height 3.53 0.062 0.013 0.295
Phaeopigments 6.69 <0.001 0.029 0.188
Mean grain size 4.16 <0.001 0.018 0.206
Organic matter 3.41 <0.01 0.014 0.235
<63 μm 2.63 ≤0.05 0.011 0.258
Chorda filum 2.98 <0.01 0.012 0.247
Canopy height 1.93 ≤0.05 0.008 0.265
Above-ground dry mass 1.84 0.081 0.007 0.273

Note: Total R 2 in bold. The position of the sites according to the predictor variables was plotted as dbRDA (Figure 3a). Daily secondary production for each
taxon was estimated by multiplying the mean abundance per taxonomic group (m2) and referred to as Ptaxon (mg C m2 day1). Daily secondary production of
the benthic community was estimated by summing the production of each taxonomic group and referred to as Ptotal.
Marginally significant (0.10 < p < 0.05).
If we use the Shannon-H0 diversity index: Pseudo-F = 26.32; p < 0.001, R 2 = 12.2%.

Ptotal (Appendix S1: Figure S5). Macrofauna Ptotal was biodiversity of coastal ecosystems to climate change. Our
exponentially enhanced as diversity (TR and H0 ) increased study across a spatial gradient of seagrass meadows pro-
(Figure 3b,c). vides clear evidence that, under natural conditions,
The seagrass meadows represented ~63% of the total macrofauna diversity enhances secondary production,
benthic organic C stocks (30.2 g C m2), and the turnover and emphasizes the key role of animals in coastal carbon
rate was relatively fast (Figure 4). Across the seagrass metabolism. Consequently, the assessments of coastal
sites, the seafloor’s NEM was on average net autotrophic carbon budgets need to include associated faunal com-
(NEM = 1.2; measured as GPP/CR), showing quite bal- munities and biodiversity elements that influence directly
anced means of GPP and CR (Figure 4). Ephemeral algae (e.g., grazing) and indirectly (e.g., respiration and bio-
showed very low and highly variable biomass (on average mass production) carbon production and transformation
0.01 g C m2), assuming a C content of 28% (Bucholc et al., processes in coastal habitats.
2014) and sedimentary OM represented ~12% of the total
benthic organic C stocks (Figure 4). The entire macrofauna
community represented a mean biomass of 12.10 g C m2 Partitioning secondary production to
(i.e., >25% of the total benthic organic C stocks) and macrofauna diversity
contributed on average ~38.7% of the overall seafloor
CR (Figure 4). There was a high potential macrofauna The variability of seagrass macrofauna community metrics
production (Ptotal = 0.15 g C m2 day1) introduced to (abundance, biomass, or richness) is typically explained
upper trophic levels of the coastal food web, with a by a composite of sedimentary and macrophyte charac-
mean P/B ratio of 0.014 day1 (Figure 4). teristics (Hovel et al., 2002; Rodil et al., 2021b). The
seagrass sites sampled in this study were arrayed along a
heterogeneous gradient encompassing different seafloor
DISC USS I ON environmental conditions. Therefore, we expected that a
significant proportion of the macrofauna biomass-based
Benthic faunal diversity is ideal for exploring the rela- productivity would be explained by sedimentary vari-
tionships between biodiversity and ecosystem productiv- ables. Grain size reflects the local hydrodynamic condi-
ity, and carbon is the currency that connects the tions known to influence directly (e.g., erosion and
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8 of 13 RODIL ET AL.

(Duffy et al., 2005). Seagrass characteristics such as bio-

mass or height are known to regulate the availability
of food resources and provide shelter for macrofauna
(Hovel et al., 2002). The role of Chorda filum (an epiphytic
alga) on seagrass macrofauna is less known, although it is
linked to the presence of dense meadows, and drifting
algae are known to have a dominant role in explaining the
variability of seagrass macrofauna (Rodil et al., 2021b).
We performed a field study across a gradient of
seagrasses varying in both diversity and environmental
characteristics to statistically isolate the effects of biodiver-
sity from those of other biotic and abiotic drivers. We show
that, under natural conditions, macrofauna diversity con-
tributed at least as much as environmental conditions to
the variability of secondary production (Figure 3).

The relationship between macrofauna

biodiversity and secondary production

We know that a high-diversity assemblage of primary

producers such as salt marshes, grasslands, forests, or
aquatic microalgae can enhance primary production
(e.g., Liang et al., 2016; Tilman et al., 2014; Virta et al.,
2019; Zedler et al., 2001) even at the landscape scale
(Oehri et al., 2017). Taxonomic and genetic diversity of
seagrasses are known to enhance ecosystem functions
such as carbon uptake, nutrient cycling, and O2 produc-
tion (e.g., Fourqueran et al., 2012; Gustafsson &
Norkko, 2019; Rheuban et al., 2014). Whether macro-
faunal diversity influences these ecosystem processes has
been a knowledge gap preventing a complete understand-
ing of the main drivers behind the productivity and car-
bon sequestration potential of seagrass meadows.
Despite some contradictory results, several studies con-
ducted in different marine systems have shown that
macrofauna diversity influences, both directly (grazing)
and indirectly (biomass production), a variety of ecosystem
F I G U R E 3 The distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) processes and properties such as biogeochemical cycles
ordination: (a) based on macrofauna secondary production per
and pools of OM (Baldrighi et al., 2017; Bolam et al., 2002;
taxon (Ptaxon) with overlaid environmental predictors as vectors
Duffy et al., 2003). Experimental studies using organisms
(chlorophyll a, phaeopigments [Phaeo], organic matter (OM), mean
grain size [MGS], <63 μm, >250 μm, canopy height [Hmax], above-
from different trophic/functional groups (e.g., decom-
ground plant biomass, algal biomass, and abundance of Chorda posers, ciliates, epigrazers) suggest that a more diverse
filum) in relation to taxon richness (TR) across seagrass sites (please consumer assemblage can enhance secondary production
refer to Table 1). The exponential relationship between secondary (Duffy et al., 2005; Gamfeldt et al., 2005; Naeem, 2002).
production of the benthic community (Ptotal) and (b) TR and Similarly, a recent meta-analysis showed that species rich-
(c) Shannon-H0 diversity ness increases community biomass production (Duffy et al.,
2017). However, the potential positive relationships
between consumer diversity and ecosystem productivity
deposition) or indirectly (e.g., provision of food sources) have been mostly limited to small-scale or controlled experi-
the structure of soft-sediment macrobenthic communi- mental conditions, and the answer to whether these pat-
ties (Herman et al., 1999). Organic matter and pigments terns can be extrapolated to complex, real-world scenarios
are basic food resources for many macroinvertebrates remains unclear. Nature’s ecosystems provide critical goods
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ECOLOGY 9 of 13

F I G U R E 4 General budget showing the average contribution of the macrofauna community biomass (ash-free dry mass; AFDM),
respiration (Rrate), secondary production (Ptotal), and P/B ratio, in relation to the contribution of the aquatic plants (i.e., above- and below-
ground dry mass [AGDM and BGDM], gross primary production [GPP], community respiration [CR], net ecosystem metabolism [NEM],
and turnover rates) to the seagrass carbon metabolism. OM: organic matter in the sediment. Images are courtesy of the Integration and
Application Network, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (

and services; therefore it is crucial to examine whether (Appendix S1: Figure S6), probably revealing a positive
the biodiversity–productivity relationships identified in the selection effect (Loreau & Hector, 2001).
laboratory or by systematic review also hold under natural We highlight that the effect of benthic macrofauna on
conditions. ecosystem productivity becomes more evident when bio-
Our study reveals that higher macrofauna diversity is diversity values are high, even in a low-diversity environ-
associated with higher secondary production. We show ment such as the Baltic Sea. Therefore, although variance
that secondary production was positively and exponen- partitioning results implied that some benthic environ-
tially related to macrofauna diversity across seagrasses. It mental factors affect secondary production, the extreme
follows that higher macrofauna diversity supports higher lower and upper limits for seagrass productivity were nat-
rates of seagrass productivity. It has been proposed urally controlled by macrofauna biodiversity (Figure 3).
(Gamfeldt et al., 2005; Loreau & Hector, 2001) that more The exponential shape of the relationship between
diverse consumer assemblages can use their resources macrofauna biodiversity and seagrass secondary produc-
more efficiently because high richness can release a pop- tion is different from the typically saturating relationship
ulation from intraspecific competition allowing more effi- observed in laboratory experiments (Bolam et al., 2002;
cient resource use among species (i.e., complementarity Duffy et al., 2003; Mora et al., 2014). The strength and
effects). Alternatively, more diverse consumer assem- the nature of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
blages are more likely to have more efficient or highly relationships can differ broadly among habitats and
productive species (i.e., selection effects), resulting in between natural ecosystems and laboratory experiments
higher ecosystem functioning compared with less diverse (Hector et al., 2007; Mora et al., 2014). In laboratory con-
assemblages. Our study showed a higher macrofauna ditions, the saturating relationship can be due to the
abundance dominated by detritivores (Appendix S1: presence of relatively few species, negative interactions
Table S4) in those seagrass sites with higher diversity among species, and/or the short duration of most
19399170, 2022, 4, Downloaded from by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [07/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
10 of 13 RODIL ET AL.

experimental studies (Mora et al., 2014). However, large- studies attributed high respiration rates in seagrasses to bac-
scale observational studies on marine ecosystems have terial respiration (Rheuban et al., 2014). If we account for
demonstrated non-saturating patterns of the relationship microbial respiration at least a similar contribution as for
between biodiversity and functioning (Baldrighi et al., macrofauna, then phototrophic respiration might be respon-
2017; Danovaro et al., 2008). Natural ecosystems are sible for approximately one-fifth (i.e., 22.6%) of the overall
inherently more complex than those indicated by experi- seafloor CR, while representing most of the seafloor organic
mental setups. Therefore, natural settings may reflect carbon stocks (i.e., 30.2 g C m2) (Figure 4). We need in situ
ecological processes that allow niche specialization measurements of microbial respiration to obtain accurate
and/or mature successional communities that already compartmentalization of the respiratory contribution of the
contain species with a higher production efficiency different benthic community elements.
(Mora et al., 2014). Our field study supports the theoreti- Determining the trophic status of seagrass meadows is
cal prediction of a positive influence of macrofauna on crucial to quantifying their role in the global carbon bud-
community biomass production (Duffy et al., 2017). We get (Berger et al., 2020), and understanding the impacts of
propose that enhanced secondary production at high their loss (Duarte et al., 2010). Our measurements esti-
macrofauna diversity is a robust ecological trend with mated that GPP exceeded CR for most of the sites (9 out of
potential generality across taxa and ecosystems. We sug- 11; Figure 1). Therefore, most of the seagrass meadows
gest further in situ field studies across different coastal were net autotrophic (GPP/CR ≥1) consistent with the
habitats and with different associated benthic fauna to literature (e.g., Attard et al., 2019; Berger et al., 2020;
validate the generality of these trends. Duarte et al., 2010; Rheuban et al., 2014). Macroinvertebrates
undertake a vital function by transforming primary (plant)
production into secondary (animal) production. Macrofauna
Macrofauna contribution to the seagrass biomass is in turn consumed by larger mobile species such
organic carbon budget/metabolism as fish, ultimately limiting upper trophic levels (Duffy et al.,
2003), stressing the importance of seagrasses to ecosystem
Benthic primary production in sedimentary habitats is functioning and as potential exporters of coastal productiv-
mainly attributed to the phototrophic biomass ity. The average macrofauna biomass (12.10 g C m2) repre-
(i.e., macrophyte and microphytobenthos), whereas sented approximately half of the seagrass AGDM organic
CR can be related to a combination of photorespira- carbon contribution, but it was almost two times higher
tion, bacterial respiration, and macrofaunal activity than the seagrass BGDM (Figure 4). The high average
(Duarte et al., 2010; Glud, 2008; Rheuban et al., 2014). values of secondary production (0.15 g C m2 day1) and
Our study shows that the macrofauna community was P/B ratio (0.014 day1) estimated for the macrofauna dem-
responsible on average for 38.7% of the overall seafloor onstrated the great importance of the macrofauna in the
CR across a gradient of seagrasses (Figure 4). Despite seagrass carbon budget. Our study showed high average
evidence strongly linking carbon remineralization, secondary production, mainly because we sampled during
nutrient efflux, and the activities of the benthic the peak biomass season. However, previous secondary
macrofauna (Snelgrove et al., 2018), the contribution of productivity values estimated seasonally for a seagrass
macrofauna to seagrass carbon metabolism and the drivers meadow from the same area ranged between 0.02 and
behind it remain knowledge gaps (Macreadie et al., 2019). 0.13 g m2 day1 (Rodil et al., 2020), showing good agree-
Theoretical studies have estimated a contribution of the ben- ment with faunal productivity estimates available in the
thic macrofauna to the CR of ~10%–30% (Wijsman et al., literature (e.g., Dolbeth et al., 2012; Rodil et al., 2020;
1999). However, natural coastal systems typically present Wong, 2018). We provide empirical in situ evidence that the
sharp spatial and temporal environmental gradients, and benthic macrofauna community is a strong driver of the
macrofauna exhibits large variation in terms of both commu- organic carbon seafloor metabolism (in terms of stocks and
nity composition and diversity that can affect respiration flows) in a natural seagrass system, validating the importance
rates (Rodil et al., 2020, 2021a). A previous in situ study esti- of the benthic macrofauna communities in maintaining
mated that ~25% of the seasonal seagrass respiration can be seagrass habitats and by extension coastal ecosystems.
attributed to macrofauna respiration (Rodil et al., 2020). Our
study shows that the majority of the seafloor CR (~61.3%)
can be attributed to a combination of heterotrophic bacterial CONCLUSIONS
respiration and the large standing stock of autotrophic bio-
mass. Typical microbial respiration rates inferred from labo- Benthic macrofauna communities are key for regulating
ratory measurements are similar, or even higher, to the the basic functions that are responsible for the produc-
estimates of macrofaunal respiration (Glud, 2008), and field tion of coastal ecosystem goods and services. We suggest
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Soft Sediments across Differing Environmental Conditions in

Atlantic Canada.” Estuaries and Coasts 41: 536–48. How to cite this article: Rodil, Ivan F., Andrew
Zedler, J. B., J. C. Callaway, and G. Sullivan. 2001. “Declining Bio-
M. Lohrer, Karl M. Attard, Simon F. Thrush, and
diversity: Why Species Matter and how their Functions Might
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be Restored in Californian Tidal Marshes.” Bioscience 51: 1005.
Macrofaunal Biodiversity to Secondary Production
and Seagrass Carbon Metabolism.” Ecology 103(4):
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online version of the article at the publisher’s website.

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