Decoder and Encoder by Rab Nawaz Jadoon PDF

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Combinational Logic

Rab Nawaz Khan Jadoon

Department of Computer Science Lecturer
COMSATS Institute of
Information Technology

Digital Logic and Computer Design

Combinational logic
 Design Procedures
 Starts from the verbal outline of the problem and
ends in a logic circuit diagram.
 The procedure involves the following step,
 The problem is stated.

 Input and required output variables are

 Assigned the variables letter symbols.

 Make the truth table.

 The simplified Boolean functions for each output

is obtained.
 The logic diagram is drawn.

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 A decoder is a digital circuit that detects the
presence of a specified combination of bits
(code) on its inputs and indicates the presence
of that code by a specified output level.
 A decoder has n input lines to handle n bits and from
one to 2n output lines to indicate the presence of one
or more n-bit combinations. Or
 It is a combinational circuit that converts binary
information from n input lines to a maximum of
2n unique output lines
 Suppose you need to determine when a binary 1001
occurs on the inputs of a digital circuit.

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 An AND gate can be used as the basic decoding
element because it produces a HIGH output only when
all of its inputs are HIGH.
 Decoding is necessary in applications such as
data multiplexing, 7 segment display and
memory address decoding.
 A decoder that contains enable inputs is also known as
a decoder-demultiplexer.
 A decoder is a device which does the reverse of an
encoder, undoing the encoding so that the original
information can be retrieved.

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 Therefore, you must make sure that all of the in-
puts to the AND gate are HIGH when the binary
number 1001 occurs.
 this can be done by inverting the two middle bits
(the Os), as shown in Figure,

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2 to 4 line single bit decoder

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 The 4-Bit Decoder
 In order to decode all possible combinations of four
bits, sixteen decoding gates are required (24 = 16).
 This type of decoder is commonly called either a 4-
line-to-16-line decoder because there are four inputs
and sixteen outputs.
 1-of-16 decoder because for any given code on the
inputs, one of the sixteen outputs is activated.
 A list of the sixteen binary codes and their
corresponding decoding functions is given in Table
on next slide.

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 A logic symbol for a 4-line-to-16-1ine (1-
of-16) decoder.
 The BIN/DEC label indicates that a
binary input makes the corresponding
decimal output active.
 The input labels 8, 4, 2, and I
represent the binary weights of the
input bits (23 22 21 2°).
 Decoder element if AND,
 Output is Active High output

 Decoder element, if NAND

 Output is active low output

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 The BCD-to-Decimal Decoder

 The BCD-to-decimal decoder converts each BCD code
(8421 code) into one of ten possible decimal digit
 Only ten decoding gates are required because the
BCD code represents only the ten decimal digits 0
through 9.
 A list of the ten BCD codes and their corresponding
decoding functions is given in Table on the next

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3 to 8 line Decoder

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Combinational Logic Implementation
 The procedure for implementing a
combinational circuit by means of a decoder
and OR Gates requires that the boolean
functions for the circuit be expressed in SOP.
 This form can easily be obtained from the truth
 A decoder is then chosen that generates all the
minterms of the n input variables.
 The inputs to each OR gate are selected from the
decoder outputs according to the minterm list in
each function.

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 Problem:
 Implement a full adder circuit with a decoder and
two OR gates.
 Solution:
 From the truth table of full adder,

 Since there are three inputs and a total of eight

minterms, we need a 3 to 8 line decoder.

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Implementation of a full adder with a

The decoder method can be used to implement any combination

Circuit. However its implementation must be compared with all others
Possible implementation to determine the best solution.

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 An encoder is a combinational logic circuit that

essentially performs a "reverse" decoder.
 An encoder accepts an active level on one of its
inputs representing a digit, such as a decimal or octal
digit, and converts it to a coded output, such as BCD
or binary.

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The Decimal-to-BCD Encoder
 This type of encoder has ten inputs-one for each
decimal digit-and four outputs corresponding to the
BCD code, as shown in Figure below,

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The BCD (8421) code

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The Decimal-to-BCD Encoder
 From this table you can determine the
relationship between each BCD bit and the
decimal digits in order to analyze the logic.
 For instance, the most significant bit of the BCD
code, A3 , is always a 1 for decimal digit 8 or 9.
 An OR expression for bit A3 in terms of the decimal
digits can therefore be written as,
 A3 = 8 + 9
 Bit A2 is always a I for decimal digit 4, 5, 6 or 7 and
can be expressed as an OR function as follows:
 A2 = 4 + 5 + 6 + 7

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The Decimal-to-BCD Encoder
 Bit A1 is always a 1 for decimal digit 2, 3, 6, or 7 and
can be expressed as
 A1 = 2 + 3 + 6 + 7
 Finally. A0 is always a1 for decimal digit 1. 3. 5. 7. or
9. The expression for A0 is
 A0=1+3+5+7+9
 Now let's implement the logic circuitry required for
encoding each decimal digit to a BCD code by using
the logic expressions just developed.
 It is simply a matter of ORing the appropriate
decimal digit input lines to form each BCD output.

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The Decimal-to-BCD Encoder

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The Decimal-to-BCD Encoder

 When a HIGH appears on one of the decimal

digit input lines, the appropriate levels occur on
the four BCD output lines.
 For instance, if input line 9 is HIGH (assuming all
other input lines are LOW), this condition will
produce a HIGH on outputs A0 and A3 and LOWs on
outputs A1 and A2 , which is the BCD code (1001) for
decimal 9.

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Department of Computer Science

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