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Quality Management
in the Automotive Industry
Basics for Quality Audits

Auditing and Certification

Table of contents

1 Edition 1998
Basics for Quality Audits

Auditing and Certification

1 Edition 1998

Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA)

Liability exclusion
The VDA publications „Quality Management in the Automotive Industry“
are guidelines available for anyone to use. It is the responsibility of the
person using the guidelines to ensure it‘s correct use in each specific case.
All volumes take into account state of the art technology, current at the
time of issue. By using the VDA guideline, nobody is relieved of the
responsibility for their own actions. Each person acts,in this respect, at their
own risk. Liability by VDA, and those persons involved in issuing VDA
guidelines, is hereby excluded.
If during the use of VDA guidelines, errors or the possibility of
misinterpretation are found, it is requested that these be notified to the
VDA immediately, so that any possible faults can be corrected.
Referenced standards
The extracts from standards identified with their DIN number and issue
date are reproduced with the permission of the DIN Deutsches Institut für
Normung e.V. (German Institute for Standardization). The version with the
latest issue date is definitive for the use of the standard, which can be
attained from the publishers Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin.
The publication, including all it‘s parts, is protected by copyright. Any use
outside of the narrow boundaries of copyright law, without the written
permission of the VDA, is unauthorized and illegal. This applies in
particular to copying, translation, microfilming and the saving and
processing in electronic systems.

ISSN 0943-9412

Copyright 1998 by

Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA)

(Association of the German Automotive Industry)
Quality Management Center (QMC)
D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Lindenstraße 5

Online production:
D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Lindenstr 5


Shorter model cycles and development times, increasing international

competition and the increasing pressure of costs, demand new organi-
zationalstructures and shorter information paths in the automotive industry.
There are higher product expectations and product liability is viewed from a
new legal basis. In order to meet all these requirements, VDA has
described it’s quality standards in the VDA 6 volumes.

The first issues of volume 6 of the VDA publications „QM in the Automotive
Industry„ 1991, based on the DIN ISO 9001 and 9004 standards, also
issued in German in 1997, raised together with manufacturers and supp-
liers, very quickly received a good response.

In further revisions, the new edition of the standard series DIN EN ISO
9000 and requirements from the standards E.A.Q.F. (Evaluation d’Apitude
Qualite Fournisseurs, France) and AVSQ (Associazione Nazionale Indu-
strie Automobilistiche, Italy) were integrated.

Within the framework of mutual recognition of audits between car manu-

facturers and suppliers, as well as of certificates issued by independent,
recognized certification bodies (registrars), it was necessary to describe in
more detail, the requirements, rules and procedures in a single volume and
to provide this volume to all concerned parties.

This volume is therefore aimed at :

• Companies that have implemented quality systems according to

the VDA quality standard and will have these internally or exter-
nally audited (by customers or certification bodies),

• Companies that wish to evaluate the quality systems, processes

and products of their suppliers,

• VDA authorized certification bodies.

In this volume, following requirements are regulated:

• Qualification of system auditors at certification bodies, car manu-

facturers and suppliers.

• Procedures for auditing quality systems.

• The certification process.

• Application of the evaluation method at audits and certifications.

Furthermore, the guidelines in this volume reflect current findings, trends

and implementing regulations to the ruling standards.

It is possible, using the synopses, to compare quality systems based on

differing ruling standards with the requirements of the VDA publications
Volume 6 Part 1 (VDA 6.1) and Part 2 (VDA 6.2).

In order to facilitate the use of the volume as a reference book, it has been
compiled in a ring binder, so that it can be revised with current documents
at any time.

Not only companies in the automotive industry can benefit from the VDA 6
volumes. Companies outside of the automotive industry can also find many
useful suggestions for setting up and expanding of their quality systems.

We thank the following involved companies and their employees for their
input in the preparation of this VDA publication:

BMW AG, Munich

Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart
Daimler-Benz AG, Stuttgart
DCS (DEKRA Certification Services) GmbH, Stuttgart
DGQ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität) e.V., Frankfurt on the Main
DQS (Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung von Managementsystemen)
mbH), Frankfurt on the Main
3M Deutschland GmbH, Neuss
GLYCO-METALL-WERKE, Glyco B.V.&Co KG, Wiesbaden
ITT AUTOMOTIVE EUROPE GmbH, Frankfurt on the Main
Johnson Controls GmbH & Co. KG, Espelkamp
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG, Munich
Siemens AG, Automobiltechnik, Würzburg
ÖQS (Österreichische Vereinigung zur Zertifizierung von Qualitäts- und
Management-Systemen), Vienna
SQS (Schweizerische Vereinigung für Qualitäts- und Management-
Systeme), Zollikofen
Thyssen Krupp Stahl AG, Duisburg
TüV Rheinland Anlagentechnik GmbH, Cologne
TÜV Management Service GmbH, Munich
Unternehmensgruppe TÜV Süddeutschland
Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg
ZDH-ZERT Verein für Qualität im Handwerk in der gewerblichen
Wirtschaft e.V., Bonn
GKN, Löhr und Bromkamp GmbH, Offenbach on the Main

Our thanks also go out to all those people, who have given us suggestions
for improvement.

Frankfurt on the Main, in March 1998


List of contents

Preface 3

1 VDA Strategy for Quality Management in the

Automotive Industry 7

2 Quality Systems 10

3 Auditing in Quality Management 20

4 Certification to VDA 6.1 (3 Party Audit) 27
5 VDA Certificate (2 Party Audit) 39

6 Qualification of Auditors 45

7 Comparison tables (Synopses) 49

8 VDA Publication - Quality Management in the

Automotive Industry 95

9 References and Applicable Documents 112

10 Definitions 113

1 VDA Strategy for Quality Management in the Auto-
motive Industry

The term „quality„ has always changed it’s meaning throughout the course
of time and is still changing. It no longer encompasses just product quality
but is increasingly applied to the company structure with it’s influence on
the employees and customers, so that the development from product
quality to company quality is clearly recognizable.

Company quality can only be realized with comprehensive quality manage-

ment, which encompasses all employees, customers, processes and the
resulting products. Conventional quality systems and their auditing and
certification no longer suffice.

The automotive industry will and must move more in the direction of „Total
Quality Management“ (TQM), as defined, for example, by the European
Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) in their model for the Euro-
pean Quality Award (EQA) and by the holding company „Ludwig Erhard
Award for Outstanding Performance in Competition„. Here the following
points are most important:

• International comparability
• Freedom to develop company specific focal points
• Evaluation of the trends for all business fields, in longer-term
connection and with continuous improvement
• Continuous checks and improvements of the implemented
• Continuous checks of the meaningfulness and resulting conclu-
sions of the examined data.

The following future fields of operation result for the VDA :

• To accompany the further development of quality management

• To implement the requirements of the EQA-Model and the

Ludwig Erhard Award for Outstanding Performance in
Competition in the automotive industry.

The VDA quality strategy is a complete quality management system along
the net product chain, i.e. the quality of products and services is explained
as the final result of all activities, in all company processes.

Apart from manufacturing works and suppliers, areas associated more

closely with the end customer, are more strongly involved.

Thereby, the service share of the final result increases, the nearer the
process chain is oriented to the end customer. (Fig.1-1).

Fig. 1-1: Area of application of the VDA 6 volumes

Quality management today encompasses all areas of a company and its

functions, in horizontal and vertical structuring. Quality systems control the
cooperation of all involved areas, identify potential for improvement and
thereby, decidedly influence thecompany’s performance.

In order to offer car manufactures, their suppliers and affiliated services

and service companies, a uniform and comparable evaluation of their
quality systems, processes, products and services, the VDA has worked out
a quality standard of the German Automotive Industry described in the
VDA 6 volumes (Fig.1-2).


VDA 6 VDA 6 Quality System Audit

VDA 6 Part 1 Quality System Audit Part 2 Services

for Quality VDA 6
Audits Part 3 Process audit

Auditing and VDA 6 VDA 6

Certification Part 5 Product Audit Part 6 Services Audit

Fig. 1-2 Structure of the VDA 6 volumes

2 Quality Systems

2.1 Quality System Structure

2.1.1 Quality Cycle for Products

2.1.2 Quality Cycle for Services

2.2 Ruling Standards of the Automotive Industry

2.3 Implementation of a Quality System

2.4 Quality Element Representatives

2 Quality Systems

According to DIN EN ISO 9004-1 (Chap. 4.4) a quality system consists of

the organizational structure, procedures, processes and recourses
necessary for the realization of quality management.

A company which wishes to exist successfully on the market, will, amongst

others, set quality goals. These goals need to be adjusted to customer
requirements and expectations. They express quality culture as part of the
whole company culture and are objectives for the performance of the

The resulting quality policy (where necessary supplemented by quality

guiding principles or a quality model) is the basis for the setting up and
appropriate application of a quality system.

There is no model quality system, which offers an equally good solution for
every area of application. The quality system can only be determined by
the company concerned, possibly in co-operation with its customers.

The quality system is working, when it provides confidence, that

a) the system is understood, realized, maintained and effective.

b) the products actually satisfy customer needs and expectations,

c) the demands of the company, as well as environmental protection

are included,

d) main emphasis is put on problem prevention instead of relying on

their being discovered after it happens.

Its implementation has to be monitored systematically.

2.1 Structure of the Quality System

2.1.1 Quality Cycle for Products

The quality system includes all activities which affect the quality of a
product. It contains all phases in the life cycle of a product and process, as
can be seen in the following figure:

Fig. 2.1.1-1 Quality Cycle for Products

2.1.2 Quality Cycle for Services

Service quality, from the customers point of view, is directly influencedby

marketing, design and the provision of services, as well as measures taken
as reactions to feedback. The relationships are shown in the following

Fig. 2.1.2-1 Quality Cycle for Services

2.2 Ruling Standards of the Automotive Industry

With the publication of the DIN EN ISO 9000ff a basis for the setting up of
quality systems has been established which, however, alone, do not fulfil
the requirements of the automotive industry.
Therefore, international automotive-specific questionnaires were designed,
which established the recommendations of the standard.
These questionnaires and ruling standards were initially only valid for 2nd
party (customer/supplier) audits. To promote mutual recognition, these
ruling standards were then released for certifications (3rd party) through
approved certification bodies.

The following table lists these ruling standards.
List of ruling standards:
Ruling standard Issue date Publisher Area of application
DIN EN ISO 9001 August 1994 International Orga- International
Quality systems nization for Stan- model for quality
Model for quality assurance in dardization (ISO) assurance
design, development, produc- Techn. Committee
tion, installation and servicing ISO/TC 176
Brief description:
International model for differing branches. Builds the basis for all requirement catalogues of the
automotive industry listed below.
DIN EN ISO 9004-1 August 1994 International Orga- Guidelines for quality
Quality management and nization for Standar- systems
elements of a quality System dization (ISO)
Techn.l Committee
ISO/TC 176
Brief description:
Superior guidelines which describe the elements of the quality system in more detail then the DIN
EN ISO 9001 version.
VDA 6.1 3rd, completely Verband der Auto- German Automotive
Quality system audit revised edition mobilindustrie e.V. Industry and its
Quality management in the 1996/1 VDA (Association suppliers
Automotive Industry of the German
Automotive Industry
Brief description:
Ruling standard of the German Automotive Industry with the extended automobile-specific
standard content based on ISO 9001 and 9004-1 recognizedby ANFIA (AVSQ 94) and EAQF.
E.A.Q.F. June 1994 PSA Peugeot, For suppliers of the
Evaluation d´Aptitude Qualite Citroen, Renault and French Automotive
Fournisseurs Volvo Car F.I.E.V. Industry
Brief description:
Ruling standard of the French Automobile Manufacturers with the extended automobile-specific
standard content based on ISO 9001. Is recognized by VDA and ANFIA.
AVSQ ´94 April 1994 Associazione For suppliers of the
Quality system requirements Nazionale Industrie Italian Automotive
Automobilistiche Industry
Brief description:
Ruling standard of the Italian Automotive Industry with the extended automobile-specific standard
content based on ISO 9001. Is recognized by VDA through the agreement with the French
Automotive Industry.

Note: The DIN EN ISO 9002 is regarded as a model for quality assurance
without design and development

Ruling standard Issue date Publisher Area of application

QS-9000 February 1995 Chrysler Worldwide, for

Quality system requirements Ford suppliers of the US-
General Motors American Auto-
and others motive Industry
Brief description:
Ruling standard of the American Automotive Industry with extended automobile-specific standard
content based on the ISO 9001.

KBA June 1996 Kraftfahrt Bundes- Manufacturers of

Additional questions on Road amt KBA (Federal cars, car trailers,
Traffic Law Automotive Agency) systems, component
parts and individual
technical units
Brief description:
Additional requirements of the KBA on quality systems according to DIN ISO 9001/2 for
companies, which are responsible for bring vehicles etc. into the traffic system via EU type

DIN EN ISO 9004-2 June 1992 International Orga- Guidelines for

Quality management and nization for Stan- Services
elements of a quality assurance dardization (ISO)
system Techn. Committee
ISO/TC 176
Brief description:
Main subjects are customer service, improved performance standard, improved product quality,
increased market shares.

VDA 6.2 1. Edition 1997 Verband der Auto- Service organi-

Quality system audit mobilindustrie e.V. zations
Services (VDA)
Brief description:
Ruling standard of the German Automotive Industry with automobile-specific service content
based on the ISO 9001 and ISO 9004-2.

EFQM Is reviewed European Founda- All branches

EQA-criteria annually tion for Quality (Industry, trade,
(European Quality Award) Management services, craft etc.)
Brief description:
The model of the European Foundation for Quality Management describes a company using nine
criteria. Leadership, employee attitude, policy and strategy, resources, processes, employee
satisfaction, customer satisfaction, company responsibilities, company performance are evaluated.

Ruling standard Issue date Publisher Area of application

LEP April 1997 Top associations of All branches

Ludwig-Erhard-Award (Award the German eco- (Industry, trade,
for outstanding performance in nomy, as well as the services, craft,
competition) technical scientific public sector etc.)
societies DGQ and
Brief description:
The model of the Ludwig-Erhard-Award is based on the EFQM-Model and evaluates companies
according to the following criteria.
Means and Methods: Leadership conduct, employee attitude, company policy/strategy, resources
input, processes
Results: Employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, influences on society, company success.

2.3 Implementation of a Quality System

As a first step during the introduction of a quality system, the specific com-
pany processes are described.

The documentation of the quality system has to correspond with the condi-
tions of the respective company as it represents a company ruling

The proper documentation of all work processes and activities offers the
possibility to

• show the control of a working process

• train employees
• realize improvement programs.

The following figure shows the typical hierarchy of the quality system docu-

Figure 2.3-1: Typical hierarchy of quality system documents

After preparation of the quality system description it is important to carry
out the implementation in all involved areas of the company. The following
points are essential for a successful start:
• Carrying out functional and comprehensive training on the appli-
cation of the quality system with the participation of the respon-
sible departments;
• Initiation of the quality system by the company management from
a given point of time;
• Performing of a comprehensive internal quality system audit in
order to identify any deficiencies in the documentation and appli-

If a certification of the quality system is planned, it is recommended that an

external qualified, or certification body carry out a pre-audit which
• identifies any existing deficiencies prior to certification;
• clearly defines the necessary corrective actions.

The complete practical application of the procedures and processes

described in the quality manual and other documents, is above all, decisive
for a successful certification. Consistent application in the daily work pro-
cess is the key to the use of the quality system. This, however, demands
the full and constant personal commitment of the company management,
department heads and all employees.

2.4 Quality Element Representatives

For all individual quality elements, company representatives are to be

assigned who are also responsible to the auditor during the audit, to answer
any questions.
Past experience of the audit and certification process has shown that the
following arrangement according to Figure 2.4-1 (VDA 6.1) and Figure 2.4-
2 (VDA 6.2) can be recommended:

Quality Element Element Representative

(Function within the company)
01 Management responsibility Management representative
02 Quality system Management and quality
03 Internal quality audits Quality representative
04 Training Head of personnel
05 Financial considerations of quality systems Head of controlling/finances
06 Product safety Management representative /Jurist
Z1 Company strategy Management representative
07 Contract Review/Quality in marketing Head of sales and marketing
08 Design Control (Product development) Head of development
09 Process Planning (Process development) Head of production
10 Document and Data Control Head of quality management
11 Purchasing Head of purchasing
12 Control of customer-supplied products Head of sales and marketing
13 Product identification/traceability Head of production/
quality management
14 Process Control Head of production
15 Inspection and testing Head of production/
quality management
16 Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment Head of quality management
17 Control of nonconforming products Head of production
18 Corrective and preventive action Head of production
19 Handling, storage, preservation, Head of production /storage
packaging and delivery and delivery
20 Control of quality records Head of quality management
21 Servicing Head of sales and marketing /
(Customer service, duties after production)
22 Statistical techniques Head of development/production

Fig. 2.4-1: Quality elements with corresponding representatives for

VDA 6.1

Quality Element Element Representative
(Function within the company)
01 Management responsibility Management representative
02 Quality system Management and quality
03 Internal quality audits Quality representative
04 Training, Personnel Head of personnel
05 Financial considerations to quality systems Controlling/Finances
06 Product safety Management representative
Z1 Company strategy Management representative
07 Market research Head of department
08 Development Head of department
09 Preparation of service Head of department
10 Advertising and marketing Head of sales/marketing
11 Sales and marketing /service agreements Head of department
12 Purchasing Head of purchasing
13 Service performance Head of department
14 Customer support (subsequent support, product Head of department
15 Analysis of service improvement Management representative
16 Document and Data Control (objectives) Quality representative
17 Control of quality records (verification) Quality representative

Figure 2.4-2: Quality elements with corresponding representatives for

VDA 6.2

3 Auditing in Quality Management

3.1 System Audit

3.2 Process Audit

3.3 Product Audit

3.4 Differentiation between System Audit, Process and

Product Audit
3 Auditing in Quality Management

The DIN EN ISO 8402/1995 gives a comprehensive definition for quality

audits. According to it, a quality audit is „a systematic and independent
examination, in order to ascertain, if the quality activities and related
results, comply with given instructions, and if these instructions are
efficiently put into action and are suitable to achieve their objectives.„

This definition describes aptly for all types of audit, their purpose and aim,
irrelevant of who carries them out on whose behalf, or the object or feature
with which they are dealing.

The distinguishing line between the three fundamental types of audits;

system, process and product audit, is not always clearly definable in indivi-
dual cases.

What is clear, however, is the differentiation between internal and external

audits. Internal quality audits are so called First Party Audits (own audits),
they primarily serve the safeguarding and improvement of the quality capa-
bility of a company.

External quality audits serve mainly as proof of quality capability to others.

Here, one differentiates between a Second Party Audit (Customer Audit)
and a Third Party Audit (Certification / Re-audit).

3.1 System Audit

The basics for the branch specific auditing of systems in the German
Automotive Industry are clearly described for material products in VDA 6.1
and for non-material products (services) in VDA 6.2.

During a system audit, deviations from the ruling standards and the
reasons for them, with regard to the organization of the company and
internal processes, can be determined.

Internal system audits (1st Party) are carried out by the audited company
(their own company). The basis of the internal system audit is the quality
documentation raised by the company itself.

The company management arranges for the drawing up and carrying out of
an audit program. The audit results are to be included in the evaluation of
the quality system by the company management.
During a 2 Party Audit, the customer audits his suppliers directly. They
can also be accepted by other customers.
During a 3 Party Audit, external system audits are carried out by an
independent, accredited institution with the aim of awarding a certificate
(Certification audit). Within the validity period of the certificate (three
years), surveillance audits are carried out (at least once a year).

3.2 Process Audit

The basics for the branch specific auditing of processes and procedures in
the German Automotive Industry are clearly described in VDA 6.3.

Process audits serve to evaluate and identify the capability of processes.

Under process capability, one understands the exact reproducibility of

results within given tolerances; i.e. if the process is suitable to achieve a
reproducible result.

Deviations and their causes with regard to activities which lead directly or
indirectly to a product coming into being, as well as the effectiveness of
process specific documents, are identified.

Typical processes are, amongst others:

• Manufacturing of a product (Production process)

• Inspection of a product (Inspection process)
• Transportation of a product (Transport process)
• Order processing (Process of order handling)
• Production planning (Process of planning the effective use of
machines with regards to number and time)

The process audit should be used as an instrument to improve processes;

therefore, it is useful during a process audit to cover as much ground as
possible. One then gains a more meaningful picture of the stability of a pro-
cess. In connection with this, removing the cause of faults has clear priority
over the mere detection of faults.

The process audit serves the evaluation of the effectiveness of quality

measures on a particular process. During the course of this, the confor-
mance, for example, between the process quality with work and process or
procedure instructions, recipes, technical product specifications and custo-
mer requirements, is examined in combination.

The effectiveness, usefulness and composition of the procedure docu-

ments are included and consequently, the elements of the quality system
are also assessed.

3.3 Product Audit


The basics for the branch specific auditing of products in the German
automotive industry are clearly described in VDA 6.5.

The product audit serves the assessment and evaluation of the effective-
ness of quality measures on a particular product.

Thereby, the conformance of the product quality with the customer specifi-
cations, customer requirements, technical specifications, test and manufac-
turing documents is examined. Here also, the effectiveness and usefulness
of the documents are assessed in combination.


The basics and assessment of branch specific auditing of services in the

German Automotive Industry are clearly described in VDA 6.6.

The following areas have been defined as service business criteria in the
automobile manufacturing business: service specifications, complaint
management, progress/flexibility, personnel, communication, means and

3.4 Differentiation between System Audit, Process and

Product Audit.

The system audit analyzes the elements of a quality system, especially

with regard to it’s efficiency using system descriptions and norms or
guidelines. For this purpose, the modules of the organizational structure of
a company are thoroughly examined.

This occurs with the assistance of the available documentation. The

audited area must provide evidence that it fulfils the requirements of a
standard or guideline with regard to the quality system.

The process audit presupposes that a demonstrable quality system is in

place. It differs fundamentally from a system audit in it’s objective and
content, as it questions the capability of a given process to fulfil the
customer requirements with regard to the reproducibility of product proper-
ties. The process audit is, therefore, a management tool to improve pro-
cesses through the analysis of operations.

The process audit differs substantially from the product audit in task, pro-
ceedings and content. The principal difference exists in that the product
audit is primarily an instrument of proof confirming the achieved product
properties. The planned product properties are compared with actual pro-
perties with the help of product descriptions.

Important differentiation criteria are portrayed in the following table using


Relationship between System, Process and Product/Service Audits

The system audit refers to the fundamental commitments and requirements

of the quality system and their practical application. It takes into account
structural and functional aspects and examines in a crucial manner, the
interplay of cross-sectional functions and tasks. During auditing, the com-
pleteness and effectiveness of the installed quality system becomes appa-

The process audit serves the assessment/measurement of the process and

procedure quality, the suppliers at their respective process stage, and the
satisfaction of customer requirements.

The product or services audit evaluates established quality features and

the effectiveness of the available quality assurance measures.

Process and product audits are integral parts of a quality system and the
results from these types of audits can give indications to errors in the
quality system.

The independent and separately applicable audit types are to some extent
similar and complement each other in a complete assessment of the
quality capabilities of a company.

Whilst the fulfilling of the quality system requirements can also be proven
by certification (through a third party), process and product audits are
exclusively carried out by car manufacturers or suppliers. (Fig. 3.4-1).

Quality Management in the Automotive Industry VDA 6
Quality Systems/Processes/Products

Fig. 3.4-1: Relationship between system, process and product audit.

Title System Audit Process Audit Product Audit

Object Systems Processes Products

Elements of the quality Machines Materials
system Plants Parts
Process organization Production processes Sub-assemblies
Documentation Installation processes End products
Service activities Vehicles
Features System properties Process properties Product properties
Completeness Parameters Identity
Effectiveness Degree of effectiveness Measurements
Implementation Proceedings Surface finish
Accuracy Organization Material properties
Results of services
Documents System descriptions Process descriptions Product descriptions
Quality manual Manufacturing and Specifications
Quality instructions inspection plans Drawings
Quality documents Control plans Evaluation standards
Machine settings Sample
Servicing plans
Process instructions
Question Does the system Is the process suitable Does the product
conform with the for portraying the correspond to the given
standards, guidelines reproducibility of a specification?
and internal objectives? product?
Purpose, Aim Analyses of systems, Analyses of processes Confirmation of the
Ascertaining the system Process improvement achieved product
conformity properties
Type Management tool Management tool Technical control
Result Management Review Reports Product data
Demonstration of the Analyses Yes / No
effectiveness of the Catalog of measures Degree of compliance
quality system
Catalog of measures
Personnel Engineer/Technician Skilled Skilled worker / Quality
qualification worker/Technician control personnel
Auditor Analytical skills Analytical, technical Normal technical skills
requirements skills
Scope Comprehensive Important Processes Small sampling of
important products
Duration Days Hours to days Hours

Fig. 3.4-1: Comparison of audit types

4 Certification to VDA 6.1 (3rd Party Audit)

4.1 Basic Conditions

4.2 Audit Process

4.3 Evaluation

4.4 Audit Report

4.5 Certification Options

4 Certification to VDA 6.1 (3rd Party Audit)

The requirements outlined in the following, are compulsory for all

certification bodies to ensure that audit results are mutually compar-
able. Therefore, for audits performed in accordance with the
following paragraphs, only the VDA 6.1 questionnaire is binding.

4.1 Basic Conditions

4.1.1 Defining Company Specifics

Prior to the actual audit planning, the company to be audited/certified has

to give information to company size, sites, product groups and special
arrangements with clients, as decisions based on this information will be
made regarding the audit length and audit personnel required.
Furthermore, it has to be determined in the pre-contract phase, whether the
company to be audited/certified performsproduct development and which
elements or element questions are not relevant. This is done with the help
of questionnaires prior to, rather than at the audit; these points have a vital
influence on time consumed for the document review and the audit at site.

4.1.2 Determining the Audit Time

Audit days for a quality system certification according to VDA 6.1

1) As a basis for a certification according to VDA 6.1, the following

table applies

At-site Mandays (without document review)

Number of full time Initial Certification Annual Surveillance Re-Audit after 3 years
employees in the unit Audit
to be certified
up to 20 3 1 2
21 - 100 5 1,5 3
101 - 500 7 2 4
501 - 2000 10 3 6
2001 - 10000 14 4,5 9
> 10000 15 5 10

Figure 4.1.2-1 At-site Mandays for a quality system certification according

to VDA 6.1

2) The figures given in the table are minimum values. Under differing
circumstances regarding

- organizational structure of a company

- diversity of the product range
- different processes along the production cycle
- sites
– working structures (shift models)

additions may be necessary.

3) If the element 08 Product Design (Development Responsibility) and/

or the element Z1 Company Strategy are not included in the certifi-
cation process, then the minimum values given in the table above
are to be reduced by 10% (for the element 08 Product Design) and
by 5% (for the element Z1 Company Strategy) respectively, taking
into account point 2.

4) If the audit duration is four mandays or more, an audit team has to
be assigned.

5) Adjustment of the audit days for a matrix certification

If a company has more than one site which all fall under the same
quality system, then a reduction of the audit days can be applied to
the sites. The head office in which the central functions are located,
is to be audited, applying the full amount of mandays given in Table
4.1.2-1 corresponding to the number of full time employees working
there. For every additional site, the figure corresponding to the num-
ber of full time employees working there, has to be taken from table
4.1.2-1 and can then be reduced by up to 30 % depending on the
circumstances. 70 % of a single certification as stated in Figure
4.1.2-1 definitely need to be performed forevery site.

6) Deviations from the values given in the table need to be justified in

writing and understandable for third parties, by the director of the
certification body or the branch representative and have to be sub-
mitted to the VDA. The justifications are checked randomly or as
befits the occasion by the VDA.

7) Prior to certification the complete time required e.g. for document

review, Pre-Audit where necessary, certification at site and a certifi-
cation report showing the potential for improvement, has to be deter-
mined in a binding contract between the parties.

4.1.3 Auditor Selection

When selecting the auditor, attention must be paid that at least one auditor
has the necessary branch specific qualifications for the company to be

All auditors must be VDA 6.1 certified.

4.2 Audit Process

4.2.1 Audit Plan (Audit Schedule)

The audit plan lists the element representatives of the participating depart-
ments and the set audit schedule. The audit plan set up in agreement with
the company to be audited has to be followed by the audit team.

4.2.2 Document Review

The focal points of evaluation are:

• Type
• Structure
• Comprehensibility
• Suitability
• Conformity with ruling standards (VDA 6.1 or 6.2, ISO ...)
• Non-contradictory

The extent of documentation depends on the size, complexity, structure

and products of the company.

The result of the review has to be provided in writing (for internal audits this
can be given verbally).

This includes:

• Conformity with the ruling standard (elimination of

nonconformities by the time of the certification audit)
• Notes/Additional comments
• Questioning of unclear points
• Definition of further actions.

4.2.3 Opening Meeting

The opening meeting is held with the element representatives, the

company management and the audit team. Everybody introduce
themselves and the audit schedule is briefly discussed.

The aim, purpose and course of the audit are explained. The Lead Auditor
gives general instructions to behavior during the audit. Open questions are
mutually resolved.

4.2.4 At-Site Audit and Findings

The audit team carries out the audit to the established audit plan. At-site
interviews are carried out, samples taken and observations noted. Inter-
viewees receive feedback from the auditor regarding their statements.
Nonconformities are discussed immediately. The Lead Auditor prepares the
closing meeting, gives his preliminary findings and discusses further

The results of the interviews, samples and observations lead to

evaluations. The sum of the evaluations results in a statement regarding
the degree of compliance.

The audit should be process-orientated and not structured, so that the

representatives have to answer the quality elements question by question.

4.2.5 Closing Meeting

If possible, the same people present at the opening meeting take part in
the closing meeting. The Lead Auditor explains the results and clarifies
further actions.

The persons responsible for corrective actions and completion dates are

4.2.6 Reporting

The Lead Auditor writes a final report. He comments on each element and
describes the potential for improvement. Here attention should be paid that
every nonconformity is stated in writing and referenced to the ruling

To better understanding of the nonconformity, examples should be given.

An overall statement regarding the company and its quality system is made
in summary. The subsequent steps pertaining to the next audit and further
actions are also described.

4.2.7 Verification Visit

Should a verification visit be required, the nonconformities found at the

initial audit are reviewed and newly evaluated by an auditor of the initial
audit team.

No longer then three months may pass between the initial audit and the
verification visit, so that the rating can be awarded.

4.2.8 Certificate Supplement

A certificate is issued by the certification body at a degree of compliance of

≥ 90 % when the evaluation requirements as given in Chapter 4.3. are met
and after presentation of the audit report approved by the decisions
committee of the certification body.

At a degree of compliance of > 95 %, VDA reserves the right to examine

the audit report.

Appendix 1

of the certification body



(Name of the certification body)

VDA/C.-No. 000/96

hereby certifies, that the company

Sample Ltd.
Sample Street 00
D-00000 Sample Town

Manufacturer of (Product group)

for the Automotive Industry

is using a

Quality System
according to VDA 6, Part 1
– Material products -

This quality system is a supplementary qualification to the referenced quality system on the ISO certificate.

Degree of compliance: ........ %

* (with/without company strategy/with/without product design)

Verification has been made based on the certification audit, Report No..: ......................................
This certificate is valid until (DD/MM/YY)
Date of issue (DD/MM/YY)

(Signature Certification Body)

(Address Certification Body)

* must be stated Page 8 / 9

4.2.8-1: VDA 6.1 Certificate Supplement

4.3 Evaluation

The quality system is evaluated according to VDA 6.1 using the degree of
compliance [%].

The determination of the degree of compliance is laid down in VDA 6.1.

4.4 Audit Report

The Lead Auditor is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the
report. A brief and concise form should be aimed for. The report has to be
complete, defined and clear.

Report Content

The complete content of the quality system audit to VDA 6.1 has to be
documented with the following forms:

a) Overall evaluation of the quality system of the supplier/company

b) Overall grading (only for customer/supplier audits)

c) Summary of results

d) Summary of evaluated questions

e) Explanations regarding the actual status (Nonconformity report)

f) Individual measures

g) Summary of corrective actions

h) Referenced documents

Report Recipients

The distribution is to be agreed with the management or its


Time Schedule

The quality audit report should be completed within 15 working days, if not
otherwise agreed with the customer.

4.5 Certification Options

4.5.1 Initial Certification

An initial certification is considered for those companies which do not yet

have a DIN EN ISO 9001/2 certificate.

In order to receive a certificate, a minimum degree of conformity of 90%

has to be reached (the value is to be rounded off to 90%). A certificate may
not be issued, if:

- one or more quality elements only reach a degree of conformity of

less then 75%,

- one or more questions receive 0 points and the noncompliance has a

significant impact on process or product quality or is likely to lead to
failure of the quality system.

4.5.2 Extension Audit (Up grade)

Companies that are already certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001/2

(Verification level 9003 is not relevant), can also verify the fulfillment of the
VDA 6.1 requirements during a Surveillance or Re-Audit.

Over and above the following elements mentioned, all other elements have
to be considered in a manner that ensures each element is fully evaluated
at least once during the validityof the certificate. The additional VDA 6.1
requirements as opposed to the ruling standard applied so far, need to be

fully taken into account, whereby the principles of DIN EN ISO can be
followed. The additional VDA 6.1 requirements are to be audited in
supplement. Hereby VDA 6.1 is to be fully applied.

In the case of an up grade during a Surveillance Audit, only half of the

initial audit time is required.

In the case of an up grade during a Re-Audit, the full audit time for an initial
audit is required. The audit evaluation is based only on the audited

Basis DIN EN ISO 9001/9002

The following procedure has to be understood as a provisional solution, in

recognition of already verified performance (certification according to DIN
EN ISO 9001/2 through accredited certification bodies). The evaluation of
the audit result represents a degree of compliance according to set criteria.

These are:

• Elements 01 - 06
• Z1 Company strategy (if required)
• Element 08 (if relevant)
• Element 07 and 09
• Element 17 and 18 (current customer complaints)
• Handling of the findings/conditions/comments resulting from the
previous audit (audit report).

Basis QS-9000

In the case of an up grade from QS 9000 to VDA 6.1 the following

elements have to be reviewed:

• Element 01 - 06
• Element Z1
• Element 08, 09 and 18.

The at-site mandays stated in Table 4.1.2-1 are, at least, to be applied.

4.5.3 Certificate Maintenance

The complete quality system of a supplier must be reviewed at least every

three years through a Re-Audit. Hereby, every site or every works must be
audited and stated on the certificate taking into account the product groups.

The Re-Audit is to be carried out analog to the procedure of the initial

certification. The focal point of the Re-Audit lies with further development
of the quality system, with regards to continuos improvement and the TQM

The quality system is to be reviewed annually by a Surveillance Audit.

Hereby, only a part of the quality system may be audited, as long as all
elements are taken into account within a three year cycle. In any case,
every works, site and development location must be subjected to a
Surveillance Audit once a year. The audit report has to state clearly, which
part of the quality system has been evaluated at each audit.

No improvement of the degree of compliance according to VDA 6.1 can be

made based on a Surveillance Audit.

If during a Surveillance Audit substantial nonconformities are identified,

such nonconformities are to be documented. The nonconformities have to
be corrected within a period of three months. The correction of the weak
spots is to be demonstrated during a verification visit. Should the
verification be unsuccessful, the audit to VDA 6.1 has to be repeated
completely or the certificate is withdrawn.

The following elements of VDA 6.1 are always to be audited during a

Surveillance Audit:

• Element 01, 02, 03, 04, 05

• Z1 Company strategy (if required)
• Element 09
• Element 18 (current customer complaints)
• Spot checks of selected quality elements of the net product chain

In addition, the following points should be considered for VDA 6.1:

a) Findings, resulting from the auditing of the elements.

b) Have the nonconformities, findings and comments to the last audit

been actioned or taken into account?

c) Which changes within the system have taken place?

d) Is a Continual Improvement Program (CIP) run and is progress

also made with this?

The validity of the VDA certificate supplement is based on the validity of

the underlying ISO certificate.

5 VDA Certificate (2nd Party Audit)

5.1 Awarding of a Certificate

5.2 Applying for a VDA Certificate

5 VDA Certificate (2nd Party Audit)

VDA 6.1 enables a classification into A, AB, B or C for 2nd party audits,
based on the degree of compliance [%]. In certain cases, a re-grading from
A to AB or from AB to B is to be carried out, according to set criteria.

At a degree of compliance of ≥ 90 %, a VDA 6.1or 6.2 certificate can be

awarded according to Chapter 5.1. It is applied for at the VDA by a VDA
Lead Auditor, after presentation of the audit report and approval of an
authorized representative of the company to which the VDA Lead Auditor is


In the Company


according to Volume 6, Part 2 of the VDA Publication
„Quality Management in the Automotive Industry„
based on DIN EN ISO 9001, 9002, 9004-1 and DIN ISO 9004-2
was carried out with the following result:

Degree of compliance: Percent:

Issued on: Valid until:

The audit was carried out by: Registered VDA No. _________________

Company/Signature of Authorized Representative

(VDA Stamp)

Lead-Auditor(s): _____________


Signature _______________________
Date ____________

Fig 5-1: Example: VDA 6.1 Certificate

The VDA certificate serves as verification that a 2nd party audit has been
carried out. The criteria given in EN 45012 regarding independence and
impartiality are to be maintained by the auditors.

The purpose of the certificate is to document the higher qualification of the

quality system and to inspire mutual confidence.

5.1 Awarding of a Certificate

The VDA 6.1 or VDA 6.2 certificate can be awarded if:

1. a VDA authorized Lead Auditor has carried out a complete audit

according to VDA 6.1 or VDA 6.2, a degree of compliance of at least
90 % has been achieved and no down-grading will take place.

2. a certificate according to DIN EN ISO 9001/2 is available and at

least 10 spot checks of varying quality elements have been carried
out by the Lead Auditor .

A precondition is the use of the At-site Mandays Table 4.1.2-1.

Hereby the elements

VDA 6.1 and VDA 6.2

05 Financial considerations of a quality system
06 Product safety
Z1 Company strategy

VDA 6.1 VDA 6.2

07 Contract review 09 Preparation of services
09 Process planning 10 Advertising and Marketing
17 Control of nonconforming 14 Customer services
products 15 Analysis and improvement of
18 Corrective and services
preventive actions

must generally be checked in addition.

5.2 Applying for a VDA Certificate

The certificate can be applied for at the VDA, by an authorized representa-

tive of the company for which the VDA Lead Auditor works under contract.
A registration of the audit at the VDA requires that the Lead Auditor be
entered in the auditor register of the VDA.

The complete audit report is to be attached to the application for certificate,

if the total degree of compliance is ≥ 95 %.

The certificate must be signed by the Lead Auditor.

After review, the certificate is assigned a registration number, as well as

the signature of a director or legally binding representative of the VDA.

To the
Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V (VDA)
Lindenstr. 5

D-60325 Frankfurt am Main

Application for Issue of a VDA-6.2 Certificate

Audited Company:


Degree of compliance:

For verification of the forms VDA 6.1 or VDA 6.2 Main Section 8, are to be attached as copies.
Lead Auditor:




Audit: from until

Full Audit
Supplement to an existing certificate

____________________________ ____________________________
Location/Date Signature Location/Date Signature
Lead Auditor Audited Company

Fig 5.2-1 Application Form

Summary of Audit Verifications

Audit Type Internal Audit Customer Audit Cert. Audit

st nd rd
1 party 2 party 3 party

VDA 6.1 Certificate Supplement

- - X

VDA 6.1 Certificate - X -

VDA 6.2 Certificate - X -

Requirements for VDA Verification

VDA- Cert.
Certificate Supplement
Criteria for compliance with the requirements
a) Full Audit, Degree of compliance ≥ 90 % X X
- all quality elements ≥ 75 % X X
- no crucial question marked with 0 points X X
b) Certificate according to DIN EN ISO 9001/2 available,
10 spot checks of various elements X X
- all quality elements ≥ 75 % X X
- no crucial question marked with 0 points X X
VDA Registration Number X -
Certificate Registration Number - X
Application for VDA 6 Verifications
VDA Lead Auditor and authorized representative of the X -
company, in which the Lead Auditor works
VDA 6.1 Certified Auditor from the certification body.
- X
Qualifications of the Auditors
Quality auditor according to EOQ-Guidelines with final X X
examination or equivalent
Evidence ≥ 3 audits per year X X

6 Qualification of Auditors

6.1 „VDA 6.1 Certified Auditor“

6.2 VDA Lead Auditor

6.3 Internal System Auditor

6.4 Process Auditor

6.5 Product Auditor

6 Qualification of Auditors

In order to ensure comparability of audit results, it is necessary that

auditors comply with a given qualification profile.

6.1 „VDA 6.1 Certified Auditor“

Auditors for VDA 6.1 must have the training and the certificate „ VDA 6.1
Certified Auditor „ from a VDA authorized Personnel Registrar (see QMC

In order to be entered for this training and examination, the following basic
qualifications must be fulfilled:

a) Technical Qualification to Auditor

The auditor must be an examined auditor according to EOQ-

Guidelines or have an equivalent qualification with examination
(min. 150 hours of training in quality subjects, techniques, methods
and auditor training with exam). The verification must be in the form
of a certificate, no more than three years old.

b) Work experience

The auditor must have at least four years of industrial experience in

the manufacturing industry, in one or more of the branches -
Chemistry / Synthetics, Electric / Electronics or Metal - in the
automotive industry (as manufacturer, supplier or sub-supplier), or in
a trade with comparable high requirements (such as aircraft
construction, defense technology, nuclear technology, railway
vehicles). Of these four years, at least 2 must have been carried out
in a quality activity. Theend of these four years must not lay back
more than six years.

c) Audit experience

The auditor must have carried out at least three external audits as
Lead Auditor in the last year. These audits can be 2nd party audits in
the automotive industry, certification audits (Initial or Re-audits) or
concern audits in the automotive industry.

The enrollment for the course and examination occurs through the branch
representative of the certification body or the director or authorized
representative of a VDA member company. VDA decides about admission
and advises the Personnel Registrar.

At the end of the „VDA 6.1 Certified Auditor“ course, the auditor must sit an
examination. The examination consists of a written and oral part. Both
parts must be passed.

After successfully passing the examination, the auditor receives the

certificate „VDA 6.1 Certified Auditor„.

6.2 VDA Lead Auditor

VDA Lead Auditors are 2 party auditors of VDA member companies, who
are registered at the VDA. These auditors are entitled (Chapter 5) to apply
for the VDA certificate for the company that they have audited. These
auditors must fulfil the criteria described in the VDA Recommendation

The application to be taken up in the list of the VDA registered Lead

Auditors is to be made through the director or authorized representative of
a VDA member company. If the application is successful, the auditor
receives an identification card „VDA Lead Auditor„ with a validity of three

The qualification criteria for a VDA Lead Auditor are the same as for a
Certified Auditor (Chapter 6.1). However, an examination is not required.

6.3 Internal System Auditor

Internal system auditors must be trained in elementary quality techniques,

methods and standards, as well as auditing techniques.

Furthermore, these auditors must be qualified to the peculiarities of

VDA 6.1.

Their qualification must be carried out by VDA 6.1 Certified Auditors or
through VDA Lead Auditors.

This can be verified through an appropriate introduction or training course.

6.4 Process Auditor

The qualification criteria for process auditors are described in Volume 6.3.
An example is shown in Table 6.4.1

Occupational Requirements Selection criteria

a) Occupational qualification with technical a) has written and oral fluency in the language
training in the area of Quality Assurance of the country
b) Knowledge of inspection techniques b) can recognize relationships
c) Basic knowledge of statistics, control card c) distinctly quality conscious
d) can proceed analytically
d) Knowledge of the machines and process (e.g. can separate important from
capability verifications unimportant, can quickly identify the core of
a problem)
e) Basic knowledge of further quality methods
and tools e) is able to communicate and work in a team
f) Basic knowledge of technical f) can defend his own standpoint even in the
communication face of opposition
g) Knowledge of the quality policy of the g) can listen and ask searching questions
h) can apply adequate technical and expert
h) Basic knowledge of EDP (PC Basic knowledge
i) 3 Process audits together with an expert
j) 4 Years work experience, of which 2 in
process management
k) Written and oral fluency in the language of
the country

Tab. 6.4.1 Requirement Profile for a Process Auditor (example)

6.5 Product Auditor

The qualification criteria for product auditors are described in Volume 6.5.
An example is shown in Table 6.5.1

Occupational Requirements Selection criteria

a) Occupational qualification with technical a) has written and oral fluency in the language
training in the area of Quality Assurance of the country
b) Knowledge of inspection techniques b) can recognize relationships
c) Basic knowledge of statistics c) can proceed analytically
(e.g. can separate important from
d) Basic knowledge of the process capability unimportant, can quickly identify the core of
verifications the problem)
e) View of quality assurance methods and d) is able to communicate and work in a team
e) can defend his own standpoint even in the
f) Basic knowledge of technical face of opposition
f) can listen and ask searching questions
g) Knowledge of the quality policy of the
company g) can apply adequate technical and expert
h) Quality conscious
i) Basic knowledge of EDP
(PC Basic training)
j) 4 Years work experience, of which 2 years
in the area of quality assurance
k) Written and oral fluency in the language of
the country

Tab. 6.5.1 Requirements Profile for a Product Auditor (example)

7 Comparison Tables (Synopses)

rd nd
7.1 VDA 6.1, 3 Edition 1996/VDA 6, 2 Edition 1993
7.2 VDA 6.1, 3 Edition 1996/DIN EN ISO 9001: 1994

7.3 VDA 6.3, DIN EN ISO 9004-1

7.4 VDA 6.1 1996, 3 Edition 1996 /
Evaluation d’aptitude qualité fournisseurs (EAQF)94

7.5 VDA 6.1 1996/AVSQ94

7.6 VDA 6.1, 3 Edition 1996/QS-9000
7.7 QS-9000/VDA 6.1, 3 Edition 1996

7.8 VDA 6.2/DIN EN ISO 9001/2:94

7.10 ISO 9001:94/VDA 6 Part 2

7 Comparison tables (Synopses)

The comparison tables are built up according to the following schematic


Comparison basis Subject in Question Norm/Technical

Ruling Standard/
Cross references
Element No. Main statement Element No.
Question No. Paragraph No.
Question No.

Fig. 7-1: Explanation of the Comparison tables

VDA 6 Part 1, 3rd Edition 1996 VDA 6, 2nd. Edition 1993

DIN EN ISO 1001: 1994
QS-9000 VDA 6 Part 1, 3rd. Edition
VDA 6 Part 2, 1997 DIN EN ISO 9001/2: 1994
ISO 9001: 1994 VDA 6 Part 2

Fig. 7-2: Summary of the comparison tables

7.1 VDA 6.1, 3rd Edition 1996/VDA 6, 2nd Edition 1993

VDA 6 Subject in question VDA 6

Part 1 2 Edition
U Company management

01. Management responsibility

01.1 Quality policy 01.01
01.2 Quality objectives 01.02
01.3 Continual improvement Not included
01.4 Quality system, resources for personnel and other costs Not included
01.5 Management representative 02.03
01.6 Management review 01.04
02. Quality system
02.1 Quality Manual 02.04
02.2 Scope of the quality system 02.01
02.3 Responsibility and authority 02.02
02.4 Project management Not included
02.5 Quality planning Not included
02.6 Quality plans Not included
03. Internal Audits
03.1 Auditor qualification 02.06
03.2 Internal quality audits 02.05
03.3 Corrective actions and their documentation Not included
03.4 Product and Process audits Not included
04. Training
04.1 Training program 05.01
04.2 Further education in quality techniques 05.02
04.3 Executives further education 05.03
04.4 New appointments, Staff movements 05.04
04.5 Qualification 05.05
04.6 Promotion of quality awareness 05.06
04.7 Presentation of the achieved quality 05.07
05. Financial considerations to Quality systems
05.1 Reporting method Not included
05.2 Reporting frequency Not included
05.3 Internal error costs 03.04
05.4 External error costs 03.05

VDA 6 Subject in question VDA 6
Part 1 2 Edition
06. Product safety
06.1 Product liability principles 04.01
06.2 Products requiring documentation 04.02
06.3 Recognition of product risks 04.03
06.4 Limitation of nonconforming units 04.04
Z1. Company strategy
Z1.1 Company plan regarding costs, sales, quality, etc. Not included
Z1.2 Company performance assessment methods and CIP usage Not included
Z1.3 Performance data, company wide / Comparison Not included
Z1.4 Customer satisfaction, measurement and changes Not included
Z1.5 Employee satisfaction Not included
P Product and Process

07. Contract review / Quality in marketing

07.1 Marketing function Not included
07.2 Contract review 06.01
07.3 Quotation structure Not included
07.4 Customer quality requirements 06.02
07.5 Performance specification known 06.03
08. Design control
08.1 Product development plan 07.01
08.2 Quality requirements fully considered 07.04
08.3 Product sampling 07.03
08.4 Quality evaluations 07.05
08.5 Design release 07.06
08.6 Result of development work 07.07
08.7 Transmittal of development experiences 07.02
09. Process planning (Process development)
09.1 Process development plan for new / changed products 07.01
09.2 Production plans, Work instructions 09.01
09.3 Quality requirements fully considered 07.04
09.4 Quality evaluation of processes and procedures 07.05
09.5 Approval of processes and procedures 07.06
09.6 Results of process planning and development work 07.07
09.7 Transmittal of process planning experiences 07.02

VDA 6 Subject in question VDA 6
Part 1 2 Edition
10. Document and data control
10.1 Quality relevant documents, responsibilities, procedures 16.01
10.2 Approval and revision 16.02
10.3 Safekeeping 16.04
10.4 Timely implementation of customer documentation Not included
10.5 Invalid documents Not included
11. Purchasing
11.1 Order documents 08.01
11.2 Selection of suppliers 08.02
11.3 Sample verifications 08.03
11.4 Suppliers quality performance 08.04
11.5 Quality control agreements 08.05
11.6 Receiving inspection and testing 08.06
11.7 Traceability 08.07
12. Control of customer-supplied product
12.1 Agreed quality measures 18.01
12.2 Minimum scope of inspection and testing 18.02
12.3 Reporting of nonconformities 18.03
12.4 Quality history Not included
13. Process control/ Identification and traceability/Inspection and testing status
13.1 Marking of products 10.02
13.2 Process control measures 10.03
13.3 Process parameter records 10.07
13.4 Storage of operating equipment 10.05
13.5 Quality goal / consequent process, dispatch Not included
13.6 Traceability 10.02, 10.04
13.7 Release at restarts 10.01
14. Process control
14.1 Machine and process capability checks 09.02, 09.07
14.2 Production release 09.03, 09.04
14.3 Control of the relevant process parameters Not included
14.4 Maintenance, preventive servicing 10.06
14.5 Special processes Not included
14.6 Environmental conditions specified / maintained 09.08
14.7 Evaluation of the effectiveness of production processes Not included

VDA 6 Subject in question VDA 6
Part 1 2 Edition
15. Inspection and testing
15.1 Inspection and testing schedules 08.06, 09.05,
15.2 Inspection and test plans, inspection and test procedures 09.06
15.3 Quality records for externally purchased products 11.01
15.4 Quality records for work stages 11.02
15.5 Quality records for the end product 11.03
15.6 Periodic inspections and tests 11.04
16. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment
16.1 Control and calibration system 12.01
16.2 Connection to national / international standards 12.01
16.3 Measurement uncertainty of the measuring and test equipment 12.02
16.4 Inspection, measuring and test equipment capabilities 12.03
16.5 Control of non-conforming inspection, measuring and test equipment 12.04
17. Control of nonconforming products
17.1 Disposition of nonconforming units 13.01
17.2 Concessions 13.02
17.3 Corrective actions 13.03
17.4 Recognition of repeat nonconformities 13.04
18. Corrective and preventive actions
18.1 Ordering corrective actions 14.01
18.2 Estimation of the nonconformity risk 14.02
18.3 Analysis of the cause of the nonconformity 14.03
18.4 Preventive action to avoid repeat nonconformities 14.04
19. Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery
19.1 Handling of products 15.01
19.2 Packaging and marking process Not included
19.3 Measures to prevent transport damages 15.02
19.4 Correction of packaging nonconformities 15.03
19.5 Identification of the products 15.04
19.6 Delivery reliability Not included
20. Control of quality records
20.1 Quality relevant documents 16.01
20.2 Analysis of quality records 16.03
20.3 Safekeeping 16.04
20.4 Customer access to quality records Not included

VDA 6 Subject in question VDA 6
Part 1 2 Edition
21. Quality in the operating phase/Servicing/Customer services
21.1 Operation and installation instructions 15.06
21.2 Product observation / Field failure – Early warning system 06.04, 15
21.3 Field failure analysis 06.05
21.4 Customer service information 15.05
21.5 Servicing Not included
22. Statistical techniques (in the case of )
22.1 Technique planning Not included
22.2 Development / Trail 17.01
22.3 External purchases 17.02
22.4 Process development and control 17.03
22.5 Final inspection and testing 17.04
22.6 Analysis of field failures 17.05

7.2 VDA 6.1, 3rd Edition 1996/DIN EN ISO 9001: 1994

VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO

Part 1 9001
U Company management

01. Management responsibility 4.1

01.1 Quality policy 4.1.1
01.2 Quality objectives 4.1.1
01.3 Continual improvement Not included
01.4 Quality system, resources for personnel and other costs
01.5 Management representative,
01.6 Management review 4.1.3
02. Quality system 4.2
02.1 Quality Manual 4.2.1, 4.2.2
02.2 Scope of the Quality system 4.1.2
02.3 Responsibility and authority
02.4 Project management (4.4.3)
02.5 Quality planning 4.2.3
02.6. Quality plans 4.2.3
03. Internal Audits 4.17
03.1 Auditor qualification 4.17.2
03.2 Internal quality audits 4.17.1, 4.17.3
03.3 Corrective actions and their documentation Not included
03.4 Product and Process audits Not included
04. Training 4.18
04.1 Training program 4.18
04.2 Further education in quality techniques 4.18
04.3 Executives further education 4.18,
04.4 New appointments, Staff movements 4.18
04.5 Qualification 4.18
04.6 Promotion of quality awareness Not included
04.7 Presentation of the achieved quality Not included
05. Financial considerations to Quality systems
05.1 Reporting method Not included
05.2 Reporting frequency (4.1.3)
05.3 Internal error costs Not included
05.4 External error costs Not included

VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 1 9001
06. Product safety
06.1 Product liability principles Not included
06.2 Products requiring documentation (4.2.3 a-g)
06.3 Recognition of product risks (4.8)
06.4 Limitation of nonconforming units Not included
Z1. Company strategy
Z1.1 Company plan regarding costs, sales, quality, etc. Not included
Z1.2 Company performance assessment methods and CIP usage Not included
Z1.3 Performance data, company wide / Comparison Not included
Z1.4 Customer satisfaction, measurement and changes Not included
Z1.5 Employee satisfaction Not included
P Product and Process

07. Contract review / Quality in marketing 4.3

07.1 Marketing function Not included
07.2 Contract review 4.3.1, 4.3.2
07.3 Quotation structure Not included
07.4 Customer quality requirements 4.2.3, 4.3.2a
07.5 Performance specification known 4.3.2c
08. Design control 4.4
08.1 Product / Process development plan 4.4.1, 4.4.2,
4.4.4, 4.4.5
08.2 Quality requirements fully considered 4.4.4, 4.3.2c
08.3 Product / Process sampling 4.4.7, 4.4.8
08.4 Quality evaluations 4.4.6
08.5 Design release 4.4.8, 4.4.3,
08.6 Result of development work 4.4.5
08.7 Transmittal of development experiences 4.4.3, 4.4.5
09. Process planning (Process development) 4.4, (4.9)
09.1 Process development plan for new / changed products 4.4.1, 4.4.2,
4.4.4, 4.4.5
09.2 Production plans, Work instructions 4.9 Par.1, 4.9a
09.3 Quality requirements fully considered 4.4.4, 4.3.2c
09.4 Quality evaluation of processes and procedures 4.4.6
09.5 Approval of processes and procedures 4.4.8, 4.4.3,
09.6 Results of process planning and development work 4.4.5
09.7 Transmittal of process planning experiences 4.4.3, 4.4.5

VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 1 9001
10. Document and data control 4.5
10.1 Quality relevant documents, responsibilities, procedures 4.5.1 to 3
10.2 Approval and revision 4.5.2, 4.5.3
10.3 Safekeeping 4.3.4
10.4 Timely implementation of customer documentation 4.5.2
11. Purchasing 4.6
11.1 Order documents 4.6.2, 4.6.3,
11.2 Selection of suppliers 4.6.1, 4.6.2a
11.3 Sample verifications 4.6.1, 4.6.2b
11.4 Suppliers quality performance 4.6.1, 4.6.2c
11.5 Quality control agreements 4.6.2b, (4.6.4)
11.6 Receiving inspection and testing 4.6.4, 4.10.1
11.7 Traceability 4.8
12. Control of customer-supplied product 4.7
12.1 Agreed quality measures 4.7
12.2 Minimum scope of inspection and testing 4.7
12.3 Reporting of nonconformities 4.7
12.4 Quality history 4.7
13. Process control/ Identification + traceability / Inspection and testing status 4.9, (4.8, 4.11,
4.12, 4.19.6)
13.1 Marking of products 4.8, 4.12
13.2 Process control measures 4.9d
13.3 Process parameter records 4.9 (Par. 4),
13.4 Storage of operating equipment 4.11.2h
13.5 Quality goal / consequent process, dispatch 4.12
13.6 Traceability 4.8 (Par. 2)
13.7 Release at restarts 4.9e
14. Process control 4.9
14.1 Machine and process capability checks 4.9b
14.2 Production release 4.9c, -d, -e
14.3 Control of the relevant process parameters 4.9d, 4.9f
14.4 Maintenance, preventive servicing 4.9g
14.5 Special processes 4.9 Par. 2, 3
14.6 Environmental conditions specified / maintained 4.9b, 4.11.2g
14.7 Evaluation of the effectiveness of production processes Not included

VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 1 9001
15. Inspection and testing 4.10, (4.2.3)
15.1 Inspection and testing schedules 4.2.3b,-c, -d, -e
15.2 Inspection and test plans, inspection and test procedures 4.10.1
15.3 Quality records for externally purchase products, 4.10.1,
15.4 Quality records for work stages 4.10.1, 4.10.3,
15.5 Quality records for the end product 4.10.1, 4.10.4
15.6 Periodic inspections and tests (4.10.1)
16. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment 4.11
16.1 Control and calibration system 4.11.1,4.11.2b,
-c, -d, -e, -g, -i
16.2 Connection to national / international standards 4.11.2b
16.3 Measurement uncertainty of the measuring and test equipment 4.11.2a
16.4 Inspection, measuring and test equipment capabilities (4.11.2a)
16.5 Control of non-conforming inspection, measuring and test equipment 4.11.2f
17. Control of nonconforming products 4.13
17.1 Disposition of nonconforming units 4.13.1, 4.13.2
17.2 Concessions 4.13.2
17.3 Corrective actions 4.13.2
17.4 Recognition of repeat nonconformities 4.14.2a
18. Corrective and preventive actions 4.14
18.1 Ordering corrective actions 4.14.1, 4.14.2
18.2 Estimation of the nonconformity risk 4.14.3
18.3 Analysis of the cause of the nonconformity 4.14.2b
18.4 Preventive action to avoid repeat nonconformities 4.14.2d
19. Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery 4.15
19.1 Handling of products 4.15.1, 4.15.2,
19.2 Packaging and marking process 4.15.4
19.3 Measures to prevent transport damages 4.15.4, 4.15.5,
19.4 Correction of packaging nonconformities 4.15.1 with
19.5 Identification of the products 4.15.4
19.6 Delivery reliability Not included

VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 1 9001
20. Control of quality records 4.16
20.1 Quality relevant documents 4.16
20.2 Analysis of quality records 4.16
20.3 Safekeeping 4.16, 4.3.4
20.4 Customer access to quality records 4.16
21. Quality in the operating phase/Servicing/Customer services (4.19)
21.1 Operation and installation instructions (4.19)
21.2 Product observation / Field failure – Early warning system Not included
21.3 Field failure analysis (4.14.2b)
21.4 Customer service information Not included
21.5 Servicing 4.19
22. Statistical Techniques (in the case of) 4.20
22.1 Technique planning 4.20.1
22.2 Development / Trail 4.20
22.3 External purchases 4.20
22.4 Process development and control 4.20
22.5 Final inspection and testing 4.20
22.6 Analysis of field failures 4.20

7.3 VDA 6.3, DIN EN ISO 9004-1

VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO

Part 3 9004-1
Part U Company management
01 Management responsibility
01.1 Quality policy 4.2
01.2 Quality objectives 4.3.1
01.3 Continual improvement -
01.4 Quality system, resources for personnel and other costs 5.2.4
01.5 Management representative 5.2.2; 5.2.3
01.6 Management review 5.5
02 Quality system
02.1 Quality Manual 5.3.2
02.2 Scope of the Quality system 5.1; 5.2; 5.6
02.3 Responsibility and authority 5.2.2
02.4 Project management 5.2.6
02.5 Quality planning 5.3.3
02.6 Quality plans 5.2.6
03 Internal Audits
03.1 Auditor qualification 5.5
03.2 Internal quality audits 5.4; 5.5
03.3 Corrective actions and their documentation 6.2.2
03.4 Product and Process audits 6.2.2
04 Training, Personnel
04.1 Training program 18.1.1
04.2 Further education in quality techniques 18.1.1
04.3 Executives further education 18.1.2
04.4 New appointments, Staff movements 18.1.3
04.5 Qualification 18.2
04.6 Promotion of quality awareness 18.3.1
04.7 Presentation of the achieved quality 18.3.4
05 Financial considerations to Quality systems
05.1 Reporting method 6.1
05.2 Reporting frequency 6.3
05.3 Internal error costs 6.2.2
05.4 External error costs 6.2.2

VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 3 9004-1
06 Product safety
06.1 Product liability principles -
06.2 Products requiring documentation 19
06.3 Recognition of product risks 19a,b
06.4 Limitation of nonconforming units 19d,e
Z1 Company strategy
Z1.1 Company plan regarding costs, sales, quality, etc. -
Z1.2 Company performance assessment methods and CIP usage -
Z1.3 Performance data, company wide / Comparison -
Z1.4 Customer satisfaction, measurement and changes -
Z1.5 Employee satisfaction -
P Product and Process

07 Contract review / Quality in marketing

07.1 Marketing function 7.1a-c
07.2 Contract review 7.1a
07.3 Quotation structure -
07.4 Customer quality requirements 7.1d
07.5 Performance specification known 7.2
08 Design control
08.1 Product / Process development plan 8.1; 8.2; 8.10
08.2 Quality requirements fully considered 8.2.4; 8.4.2a-b
08.3 Product / Process sampling 8.3; 8.5
08.4 Quality evaluations 8.2.3; 8.3; 8.4.2
08.5 Design release 8.6; 8.7
08.6 Result of development work 8.6; 8.8
08.7 Transmittal of development experiences 8.9
09 Process planning (Process development)
09.1 Process development plan for new / changed products (8.1, 8.2 8.10)
09.2 Production plans, Work instructions (10.1.1)
09.3 Quality requirements fully considered (8.2.4 8.4.2a-b)
09.4 Quality evaluation of processes and procedures (8.2.3; 8.3;
09.5 Approval of processes and procedures (8.6; 8.7;)
09.6 Results of process planning and development work (8.6; 8.8)
09.7 Transmittal of process planning experiences (8.9)

VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 3 9004-1
10 Document and data control
10.1 Quality relevant documents, responsibilities, procedures 17.1
10.2 Approval and revision 17.1
10.3 Safekeeping 17.3
10.4 Timely implementation of customer documentation 17.3
10.5 Invalid documents 17.1
11 Purchasing
11.1 Order documents 9.2
11.2 Selection of suppliers 9.3
11.3 Sample verifications 9.3b
11.4 Suppliers quality performance 9.4; 9.8
11.5 Quality control agreements 9.5
11.6 Receiving inspection and testing 9.7
11.7 Traceability 9.8
12 Control of customer-supplied product
12.1 Agreed quality measures -
12.2 Minimum scope of inspection and testing -
12.3 Reporting of nonconformities -
12.4 Quality history -
13 Process control/ Identification and traceability/Inspection and testing status
13.1 Marking of products 11.2
13.2 Process control measures 11.4
13.3 Process parameter records 11.4; 11.5
13.4 Storage of operating equipment 11.3
13.5 Quality goal / consequent process, dispatch 11.7
13.6 Traceability 11.2
13.7 Release at restarts 11.1
14 Process control
14.1 Machine and process capability checks 10.1.1
14.2 Production release 10.1.1
14.3 Control of the relevant process parameters 10.1.2; 10.2
14.4 Maintenance, preventive servicing 10.3
14.5 Special processes 11.4 Par.3
14.6 Environmental conditions specified / maintained 10.3
14.7 Evaluation of the effectiveness of production processes -

VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 3 9004-1
15 Inspection and testing
15.1 Inspection and testing schedules 10.1.3
15.2 Inspection and test plans, inspection and test procedures 10.1.4
15.3 Quality records for externally purchased products 12.1
15.4 Quality records for work stages 12.2
15.5 Quality records for the end product 12.3a
15.6 Periodic inspections and tests 12.3b
16 Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment
16.1 Control and calibration system 13.1; 13.2
16.2 Connection to national / international standards 13.2b
16.3 Measurement uncertainty of the measuring and test equipment 13.2b
16.4 Inspection, measuring and test equipment capabilities 13.1
16.5 Control of non-conforming inspection, measuring and test equipment 13.4
17 Control of nonconforming products
17.1 Disposition of nonconforming units 14.2
17.2 Concessions 14.5
17.3 Corrective actions 14.6
17.4 Recognition of repeat nonconformities 14.7
18 Corrective and preventive actions
18.1 Ordering corrective actions 15.2
18.2 Estimation of the nonconformity risk 15.6
18.3 Analysis of the cause of the nonconformity 15.4; 15.5
18.4 Preventive action to avoid repeat nonconformities 15.7; 15.8
19 Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery
19.1 Handling of products (10.4)
19.2 Packaging and marking process 16.2
19.3 Measures to prevent transport damages 16.1
19.4 Correction of packaging nonconformities 16.1; 16.2
19.5 Identification of the products 16.1; 16.2
19.6 Delivery reliability -
20 Control of quality records
20.1 Quality relevant documents 17.1
20.2 Analysis of quality records 17.3
20.3 Safekeeping 17.3
20.4 Customer access to quality records -

VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 3 9004-1
21 Quality in the operating phase / Servicing/ Customer services
21.1 Operation and installation instructions 16.4.3
21.2 Product observation / Field failure – Early warning system 7.3; 16.5; 16.6
21.3 Field failure analysis 7.3
21.4 Customer service information 16.4.1
21.5 Servicing 16.4
22 Statistical Techniques (in the case of)
22.1 Technique planning 20.1
22.2 Development / Trail 20.1b,h; 20.2
22.3 External purchases 20.1f; 20.2
22.4 Process development and control 20.1c-g; 20.2
22.5 Final inspection and testing 20.1f; 20.2
22.6 Analysis of field failures 20.1a,h; 20.2

7.4 VDA 6.1 1996, 3rd Edition 1996/
Evaluation d’aptitude qualité fournisseurs (EAQF)94

VDA 6 Subject in question EAQF94

Part 1
U Company management

01. Management responsibility

01.1 Quality policy 1.1/1.2
01.2 Quality objectives 1,3
01.3 Continual improvement 1.2/1.5
01.4 Quality system, resources for personnel and other costs 1.5/1.7
01.5 Management representative 1.4
01.6 Management review 1.8
02. Quality system
02.1 Quality Manual 2.1/2.2
02.2 Scope of the quality system 2.2/2.3
02.3 Responsibility and authority 2.2
02.4 Project management 4.1/4.2
02.5 Quality planning
02.6. Quality plans 2.3
03. Interne Audits
03.1 Auditor qualification 17.2
03.2 Internal quality audits 17.1/17.3
03.3 Corrective actions and their documentation 17.1
03.4 Production and process audits 9.21/10.4
04. Training
04.1 Training program 18.1
04.2 Further education in quality techniques 18.1/18.2
04.3 Executives further education 18.3
04.4 New appointments, Staff movements 18.4
04.5 Qualification 18.5
04.6 Promotion of quality awareness 18.6
04.7 Presentation of the achieved quality 2.5/2.6/18.7
05. Financial considerations to quality systems
05.1 Reporting method
05.2 Reporting frequency
05.3 Internal error costs 21.1/21.2
05.4 External error costs 21.1/21.2

VDA 6 Subject in question EAQF94
Part 1
06. Product safety
06.1 Product liability principles 22.1
06.2 Products requiring documentation 22.3/22.4
06.3 Recognition of product risks
06.4 Limitation of nonconforming units
Z1. Company strategy
Z1.1 Company plan regarding costs, sales, quality, etc. 1.2
Z1.2 Company performance assessment methods and CIP usage
Z1.3 Performance data, company wide / Comparison
Z1.4 Customer satisfaction, measurement and changes
Z1.5 Employee satisfaction
P Product and Process

07. Contract review / Quality in marketing

07.1 Marketing function 3.1/3.2
07.2 Contract review 3.3/3.5
07.3 Quotation structure 3.2/3.5
07.4 Customer quality requirements 3.4/3.5
07.5 Performance specification known
08. Design control
08.1 Product / Process development plan 4.1/4.2/4.4/4.5/
08.2 Quality requirements fully considered 4.10/4.11/4.12/
08.3 Product / Process trails 4.14/4.15/8.4
08.4 Quality evaluations 4.6/4.7/4.15 -
17/ 4.20/4.21
08.5 Design release 4.1/4.2/4.3
08.6 Result of development work 4.22/4.26
08.7 Transmittal of development experiences 4.13/4.16/4.17
09. Process planning (Process development)
09.1 Process development plan for new / changed products 4.27
09.2 Production plans, Work instructions 4.16/4.22/4.26
09.3 Quality requirements fully considered 9.4/9.6
09.4 Quality evaluation of processes and procedures 9.10
09.5 Approval of processes and procedures 9.3/9.7/9.10
09.6 Results of process planning and development work 9.9
09.7 Transmittal of process planning experiences 9.9

VDA 6 Subject in question EAQF94
Part 1
10. Document and data control
10.1 Quality relevant documents, responsibilities, procedures 5.1
10.2 Approval and revision 5.2
10.3 Safekeeping 5.2/5.3
10.4 Timely implementation of customer documents 5.2/5.3
10.5 Invalid documents 5.2
11. Purchasing
11.1 Order documents 6.2/6.3
11.2 Selection of suppliers 6.1
11.3 Sample verifications 6.5
11.4 Suppliers quality performance 6.1/6.8/6.10
11.5 Quality control agreements 6.4
11.6 Receiving inspection and testing 6.8/6.9
11.7 Traceability 6.7
12. Control of customer-supplied product
12.1 Agreed quality measures
12.2 Minimum scope of inspection and testing 7.1
12.3 Reporting of nonconformities 7.1
12.4 Quality history -
13. Process control / Identification and traceability / Inspection and testing
13.1 Marking of products 8.1/8.2
13.2 Process control measures 8.2/10.4
13.3 Process parameter records
13.4 Storage of operating equipment
13.5 Quality goal / consequent process / dispatch 12.1/12.2
13.6 Traceability 8.3
13.7 Release at restart 9.11
14. Process control
14.1 Machine and process capability verifications 9.3/9.4
14.2 Production release 9.3
14.3 Control of the relevant process parameters 9.4/9.5
14.4 Maintenance, preventive servicing 9.2/9.19/9.20
14.5 Special processes 9.6/9.17
14.6 Environmental conditions specified / maintained 9.12/9.13/9.19/
14.7 Evaluation of the effectiveness of production processes 9.5/9.18/9.21

VDA 6 Subject in question EAQF94
Part 1
15. Inspection and testing
15.1 Inspection and testing schedules 9.5/9.8/9.9/10.2
15.2 Inspection and test plans, inspections and test procedures 10.2
15.3 Quality records for externally purchased products 10.1
15.4 Quality records for work stages 10.1-10.5
15.5 Quality records for the end product 10.3/10.4
15.6 Periodic inspections and tests
16. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment
16.1 Control and calibration system 11.1/11.2/11.4
16.2 Connection to national / international standards 11.2
16.3 Measurement uncertainty of the measuring and test equipment 11.1/11.2
16.4 Inspection, measuring and test equipment capabilities 11.3
16.5 Control of nonconforming inspection, measuring and test equipment 11.2/11.3
17. Control of nonconforming product
17.1 Disposition of nonconforming units 13.3/13.4
17.2 Concessions 13.3/13.4
17.3 Corrective actions 13.4
17.4 Recognition of repeat nonconformities
18. Corrective and preventive actions
18.1 Ordering corrective actions 14.1
18.2 Estimation of the nonconformity risk 14.2/14.3
18.3 Analysis of the cause of the nonconformity 14.3
18.4 Preventive action to avoid repeat nonconformities 14.2
19. Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery
19.1 Handling of products 15.1/15.2/15.4
19.2 Packaging and marking process 15.4
19.3 Measure to prevent transport damages 15.1/15.2
19.4 Correction of packing nonconformities 15.4
19.5 Identification of the product 15.2/15.3/15.4
19.6 Delivery reliability 15.5
20. Control of quality records
20.1 Quality relevant documents 16.1
20.2 Analysis of quality records 16.1
20.3 Safekeeping 16.2
20.4 Customer access to quality records

VDA 6 Subject in question EAQF94
Part 1
21. Quality in the operating phase/Servicing/Customer services
21.1 Operating and installation instructions 19.1
21.2 Product observation / Field failure – early warning system 19.2/19.3
21.3 Field failure analysis 19.2/19.3
21.4 Customer service information 19.2
21.5 Servicing
22. Statistical techniques (in the case of)
22.1 Technique planning 20.1
22.2 Development / trail 20.2
22.3 External purchases
22.4 Process development and control 20.2
22.5 Final inspection and testing 20.2
22.6 Analysis of field failures 20.2

7.5 VDA 6.1 1996/AVSQ94

VDA 6 Subject in question AVSQ94

Part 1
U Company management

01. Management responsibility

01.1 Quality policy 4.1.1
01.2 Quality objectives 4.1.1 b
01.3 Continual improvement 4.1.1 b
01.4 Quality system, resources for personnel and other costs a,b
01.5 Management representative
01.6 Management review 4.1.3
02. Quality system
02.1 Quality Manual 4.2.1/
02.2 Scope of the quality system a,b,c/
02.3 Responsibility and authority a,b /
02.4 Project management 4.4.3 a, b/
4.4.4 a
02.5 Quality planning 4.2.3 a, b/
4.4.5/ 4.4.7 a
02.6. Quality plans 4.2.3 a,b/
4.4.3 a,b
03. Interne Audits
03.1 Auditor qualification 4.17 c
03.2 Internal quality audits 4.17 a, b
03.3 Corrective actions and their documentation 4.17 d
03.4 Production and process audits not included
04. Training
04.1 Training program b/ 4.18
a, b, f
04.2 Further education in quality techniques 4.18 b
04.3 Executives further education 4.18 c
04.4 New appointments, Staff movements 4.18 d
04.5 Qualification 4.18 e
04.6 Promotion of quality awareness 4.18 g
04.7 Presentation of the achieved quality 4.18 h

VDA 6 Subject in question AVSQ94
Part 1
05. Financial considerations to quality systems
05.1 Reporting method 4.21
05.2 Reporting frequency 4.1.3/ 4.21
05.3 Internal error costs 4.21
05.4 External error costs 4.21
06. Product safety
06.1 Product liability principles
4.4.4 d/ 4.9 u /
4.22 a
06.2 Products requiring documentation 4.4.2 g / 4.22 b,
c, d
06.3 Recognition of product risks 4.4.2 g, h, i
06.4 Limitation of nonconforming units 4.4.8 b,c/ 4.22
Z1. Company strategy
Z1.1 Company plan regarding costs, sales, quality, etc. not included
Z1.2 Company performance assessment methods and CIP usage 4.4.2 d/ 4.4.4 b
Z1.3 Performance data, company wide / Comparison 4.4.4 c
Z1.4 Customer satisfaction, measurement and changes not included
Z1.5 Employee satisfaction not included
P Product and Process

07. Contract review / Quality in marketing

07.1 Marketing function 4.3.1
07.2 Contract review 4.3.1/ 4.3.2 a,
c,d / 4.3.3/
07.3 Quotation structure 4.3.2 d
07.4 Customer quality requirements 4.3.2 a, b
07.5 Performance specification known 4.2.3 b/ 4.3.2 a
08. Design control
08.1 Product / Process development plan 4.4.1 / 4.4.2 a,
b, c, e, f / 4.4.7
c / 4.4.9 a
08.2 Quality requirements fully considered 4.4.2 g, h, l, m /
4.4.3 b / 4.4.4 b
/ 4.4.5 / 4.4.7 a,
08.3 Product / Process trails 4.4.5/ 4.4.7 d /
4.4.8 b,c

VDA 6 Subject in question AVSQ94
Part 1
08.4 Quality evaluations 4.4.5 / 4.4.7 a,
b, c, d
08.5 Design release 4.4.6 c/4.4.8
08.6 Result of development work 4.3.2 b / 4.4.4 a
/ 4.4.6 a
08.7 Transmittal of development experiences 4.4.4 b, d/
4.4.6 a
09. Process planning (Process development)
09.1 Process development plan for new / changed products 4.4.1/ 4.4.2 a,
b, c, e, f / 4.4.3
a,b/ 4.4.4 a /
4.4.5 /4.4.7 a, c
/ 4.9 a
09.2 Production plans, Work instructions 4.9 d,e,f,h
09.3 Quality requirements fully considered 4.2.3 a/4.3.2 a/
4.4.2 i / 4.4.5 /
4.4.7 a/4.9
09.4 Quality evaluation of processes and procedures 4.4.5 / 4.4.6 b /
4.4.7 a, b, c, d/
4.9 b, g, l, p
09.5 Approval of processes and procedures 4.4.6 a, b, c /
4.4.8 a, b, c /
4.9 l, n
09.6 Results of process planning and development work 4.4.6 a/4.9 e, h
09.7 Transmittal of process planning experiences 4.4.3 b/4.4.4.b/
4.4.6 a, b, c
10. Document and data control
10.1 Quality relevant documents, responsibilities, procedures 4.5.1/ 4.5.2 a
10.2 Approval and revision 4.5.1 / 4.5.2 a,
b / 4.5.3 a, b
10.3 Safekeeping 4.5.2 b, c
10.4 Timely implementation of customer documents 4.5.1 / 4.5.3 b
10.5 Invalid documents 4.5.2 b, c
11. Purchasing
11.1 Order documents 4.6.1/4.6.3 a, b
11.2 Selection of suppliers 4.6.2a/4.6.4c,d
11.3 Sample verifications 4.6.4 b, d /
4.10.2 a
11.4 Suppliers quality performance 4.6.2 b, c /
4.6.4 b, c

VDA 6 Subject in question AVSQ94
Part 1
11.5 Quality control agreements 4.6.2 b / 4.6.4 a
/ 4.10.1
11.6 Receiving inspection and testing 4.6.1/4.6.4 b,c/
4.10.1/4.10.2 b,
11.7 Traceability 4.6.2 c / 4.6.3 b
/ 4.8 a, c
12. Control of customer-supplied product
12.1 Agreed quality measures 4.7
12.2 Minimum scope of inspection and testing 4.7
12.3 Reporting of nonconformities 4.7
12.4 Quality history not included
13. Process control / Identification and traceability / Inspection and testing
13.1 Marking of products 4.8 a, b / 4.12
13.2 Process control measures 4.8 b / 4.9 e, f /
4.10.3 b
13.3 Process parameter records 4.8 c / 4.9 h, i /
4.16 b
13.4 Storage of operating equipment 4.9 o / 4.11.2 f
13.5 Quality goal / consequent process / dispatch 4.8 b / 4.12
13.6 Traceability 4.8 c
13.7 Release at restart 4.9 m, n
14. Process control
14.1 Machine and process capability verifications 4.9 f,g,i,p
14.2 Production release 4.9 b, c, e, g, l,
m, n, p
14.3 Control of the relevant process parameters 4.9 f, g, h, i /
4.16 b
14.4 Maintenance, preventive servicing 4.9 o
14.5 Special processes 4.9 p, u
14.6 Environmental conditions specified / maintained 4.9 q, r, s /
4.11.2 e, f
14.7 Evaluation of the effectiveness of production processes 4.9 a, e, m, n, t

VDA 6 Subject in question AVSQ94
Part 1
15. Inspection and testing
15.1 Inspection and testing schedules 4.2.3 a/4.10.1/
4.10.2 a/
4.10.4 a
15.2 Inspection and test plans, inspections and test procedures 4.10.1/4.10.3a/
4.10.4 a/
4.10.5 a, b
15.3 Quality records for externally purchased products 4.10.2 a, b,c /
4.10.5 a, b
15.4 Quality records for work stages 4.10.3 a, b, c/
4.10.5a, b/4.12
15.5 Quality records for the end product 4.10.4 a, b, c /
4.10.5 a, b
15.6 Periodic inspections and tests 4.10.4 a,c
16. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment
16.1 Control and calibration system 4.11.1 a,b/
4.11.2 a,b,c,e
16.2 Connection to national / international standards 4.11.2 b, c
16.3 Measurement uncertainty of the measuring and test equipment 4.11.2 a,f
16.4 Inspection, measuring and test equipment capabilities 4.11.1 b
16.5 Control of nonconforming inspection, measuring and test equipment 4.11.2 d
17. Control of nonconforming product
17.1 Disposition of nonconforming units 4.13.1 / 4.13.2
17.2 Concessions 4.13.2 c, d
17.3 Corrective actions 4.13.2 a, b
17.4 Recognition of repeat nonconformities 4.14.2 b, c /
4.14.3 a, b /
(4.4.4 b)
18. Corrective and preventive actions
18.1 Ordering corrective actions 4.14.1/ 4.14.2
a,b,c/ 4.14.3
18.2 Estimation of the nonconformity risk 4.14.3 a, b
18.3 Analysis of the cause of the nonconformity 4.14.2 b /
4.14.3 a, b
18.4 Preventive action to avoid repeat nonconformities 4.14.2 b, c /
4.14.3 a, b /
(4.4.4 b)

VDA 6 Subject in question AVSQ94
Part 1
19. Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery
19.1 Handling of products 4.15.1/4.15.3 b
19.2 Packaging and marking process 4.15.4
19.3 Measure to prevent transport damages 4.15.2/4.15.3a/
19.4 Correction of packing nonconformities 4.14.2 b, c
19.5 Identification of the product 4.15.5
19.6 Delivery reliability 4.15.6 b
20. Control of quality records
20.1 Quality relevant documents 4.16 a, b
20.2 Analysis of quality records 4.16 a, b, c
20.3 Safekeeping 4.3.4/4.10.5 a,
b/ 4.16 d
20.4 Customer access to quality records 4.16 a, c, d
21. Quality in the operating phase
21.1 Operating and installation instructions 4.19 c
21.2 Product observation / Field failure – early warning system 4.19 d
21.3 Field failure analysis 4.14.2 b, c/4.19
21.4 Customer service information 4.19 a, b, d
21.5 Servicing 4.19 a, b
22. Statistical techniques (in the case of)
22.1 Technique planning 4.20.1
22.2 Development / trail 4.20.2
22.3 External purchases (4.20.1)
22.4 Process development and control (4.20.1)
22.5 Final inspection and testing (4.20.1)
22.6 Analysis of field failures (4.20.2)

Note: 1) VDA 6.1 partially does not cover the following AVSQ questions: d regarding personnel safety (Health and Safety standards)
and environmental protection
4.2.3 b regarding Management
4.4.9 regarding established procedures
4.9 c regarding evaluation procedures
4.13.2 d regarding every mix up

2) VDA 6.1 does not cover the following AVSQ questions: c
4.4.9 b Question is not clear
4.19 e Question is to be taken in connection with element 4.19.

7.6 VDA 6.1, 3rd Edition 1996/QS-9000

VDA 6 Subject in question QS-9000

Part 1
U Company management
01. Management responsibility
01.1 Quality policy 4.1.1
01.2 Quality objectives 4.1.1
01.3 Continual improvement II.2.1; II.2.2;
01.4 Quality system, resources for personnel and other costs
01.5 Management representative,
01.6 Management review 4.1.3
02. Quality system
02.1 Quality Manual 4.2.1, 4.2.2
02.2 Scope of the quality system; 4.2.1
02.3 Responsibility and authority; 4.2.2;
4.4.1; 4.4.3
02.4 Project management 4.2.3, 4.4.3
02.5 Quality planning 4.2.3
02.6 Quality plans 4.2.3; 4.4.3;
4.9.2; 4.9.4
03. Interne Audits
03.1 Auditor qualification 4.17
03.2 Internal quality audits 4.17
03.3 Corrective actions and their documentation 4.17
03.4 Production and process audits 4.10.1; (4.17)
04. Training, personnel
04.1 Training program 4.18
04.2 Further education in quality techniques 4.18;4.20.2;
04.3 Executives further education;4.18;

VDA 6 Subject in question QS-9000
Part 1
04.4 New appointments, staff movements 4.18
04.5 Qualification 4.4.2; 4-18;
04.6 Promotion of quality awareness (4.18)
04.7 Presentation of the achieved quality (4.18)
05. Financial consideration to quality systems
05.1 Reporting method 4.1.3; II.2.3
05.2 Reporting frequency 4.1.3; II.2.2
05.3 Internal error costs II.2.2
05.4 External error costs II.2.2
06. Product safety
06.1 Product liability principles -
06.2 Products requiring documentation 4.2.3; 4.5.1;
4.9; 4.9.1
06.3 Recognition of product risks -
06.4 Limitation of nonconforming units 4.8

Z Company strategy
Z1. Company strategy
Z1.1 Company plan regarding costs, sales, quality, etc. 4.1.4
Z1.2 Company performance assessment methods and CIP usage 4.1.4;4.1.5;
Z1.3 Performance data, company wide / Comparison 4.1.5
Z1.4 Customer satisfaction, measurement and changes 4.1.6; II.2.2
Z1.5 Employee satisfaction -

P Product and Process

07. Contract review / Quality in marketing

07.1 Marketing function 4.2.3
07.2 Contract review 4.3.1; 4.3.2;
4.3.3; 4.3.4;
07.3 Quotation structure -
07.4 Customer quality requirements 4.3.2
07.5 Performance specification known 4.3.2

VDA 6 Subject in question QS-9000
Part 1
08. Design control
08.1 Product / Process development plan 4.2.3; 4.4.1;
4.4.2; 4.4.4;
4.4.5; 4.4.9
08.2 Quality requirements fully considered 4.3.2; 4.4.2;
4.4.4; 4.9
08.3 Product / Process trails 4.4.7; 4.4.8
08.4 Quality evaluations 4.4.6;
08.5 Design release 4.4.3;4.4.5;
4.4.8; (4.4.9);
08.6 Result of development work 4.4.5
08.7 Transmittal of development experiences 4.4.3; 4.4.5
09. Process planning (Process development)
09.1 Process development plan for new / changed products 4.2.3; 4.4.1;
4.4.9; II.3.1
09.2 Production plans, Work instructions 4.2.1; 4.9;
4.9.1; 4.9.7;
09.3 Quality requirements fully considered 4.3.2; 4.4.5;
II.3.2; II.3.3
09.4 Quality evaluation of processes and procedures II.1.1; II.3.2
09.5 Approval of processes and procedures II.1.1
09.6 Results of process planning and development work 4.9.1
09.7 Transmittal of process planning experiences II.3.2; II.3.3
10. Document and data control
10.1 Quality relevant documents, responsibilities, procedures 4.5.1; 4.5.2
10.2 Approval and revision 4.5.2; 4.5.3
10.3 Safekeeping 4.3.4
10.4 Timely implementation of customer documents 4.5.1; 4.5.2
10.5 Invalid documents 4.5.2; 4.5.3
11. Purchasing
11.1 Order documents 4.6.2;4.6.3;4.6.
4; II.31; II.3.3
11.2 Selection of suppliers 4.6.1; 4.6.2
11.3 Sample verifications 4.6.1; 4.6.2;

VDA 6 Subject in question QS-9000
Part 1
11.4 Suppliers quality performance 4.6.2
11.5 Quality control agreements 4.6.2; 4.6.3;
11.6 Receiving inspection and testing 4.6.1;4.6.4;4.10
11.7 Traceability 4.8
12. Control of customer-supplied product
12.1 Agreed quality measures 4.7
12.2 Minimum scope of inspection and testing 4.7
12.3 Reporting of nonconformities 4.7
12.4 Quality history -
13. Process control / Identification and traceability / Inspection and testing
13.1 Marking of products 4.8; 4.12
13.2 Process control measures 4.9; 4.10.3
13.3 Process parameter records 4.9; 4.10.3
13.4 Storage of operating equipment 4.11.2; II.3.4
13.5 Quality goal / consequent process / dispatch 4.10.3; 4.12
13.6 Traceability 4.8
13.7 Release at restart 4.9.5; 4.10.3;
4.10.4; II.1.1
14. Process control
14.1 Machine and process capability verifications 4.9;4.92.;4.9.3;
4.9.4; (II.3.2)
14.2 Production release 4.9;4.9.2;4.9.3;
4.10.4; 4.17;
14.3 Control of the relevant process parameters 4.9; 4.9.3;
4.9.4; 4.20.2
14.4 Maintenance, preventive servicing 4.9; II.3.3; II.3.4
14.5 Special processes 4.9
14.6 Environmental conditions specified / maintained 4.9; 4.11.2;
4.15.3; II.3.1
14.7 Evaluation of the effectiveness of production processes II.2.2
15. Inspection and testing
15.1 Inspection and testing schedules 4.2.3
15.2 Inspection and test plans, inspections and test procedures 4.9.1; 4.10.1
15.3 Quality records for externally purchased products 4.6.4;4.9.7;4.10
.1; 4.10.2;
4.10.5; 4.16

VDA 6 Subject in question QS-9000
Part 1
15.4 Quality records for work stages 4.10.1;4.10.3;
15.5 Quality records for the end product 4.10.1; 4.10.4;
4.10.5; 4.16
15.6 Periodic inspections and tests 4.10.1; 4.10.4;
4.10.5; 4.16
16. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment
16.1 Control and calibration system 4.11.1; 4.11.2;
16.2 Connection to national / international standards 4.11.2
16.3 Measurement uncertainty of the measuring and test equipment 4.11.2
16.4 Inspection, measuring and test equipment capabilities 4.11.2; 4.11.4
16.5 Control of nonconforming inspection, measuring and test equipment 4.11.2; 4.11.4
17. Control of nonconforming product
17.1 Disposition of nonconforming units 4.13.1; 4.13.2
17.2 Concessions 4.13.2; 4.13.4
17.3 Corrective actions 4.13.2; 4.13.3
17.4 Recognition of repeat nonconformities 4.14.2
18. Corrective and preventive actions
18.1 Ordering corrective actions; 4.13.3;
4.14.1; 4.14.2
18.2 Estimation of the nonconformity risk 4-14-3
18.3 Analysis of the cause of the nonconformity 4.14.2
18.4 Preventive action to avoid repeat nonconformities 4.14.1; 4.14.2;
19. Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery
19.1 Handling of products 4.15.1; 4.15.2;
19.2 Packaging and marking process 4.15.4
19.3 Measure to prevent transport damages 4.15.3; 4.15.4;
4.15.5; 4.15.6
19.4 Correction of packing nonconformities 4.14.1; 4.15.1
19.5 Identification of the product 4.15.4
19.6 Delivery reliability 4.15.6; II.2.2

VDA 6 Subject in question QS-9000
Part 1
20. Control of quality records
20.1 Quality relevant documents 4.3.3; 4.10.5;
4.11.3; 4.16
20.2 Analysis of quality records 4.10.5; 4.16
20.3 Safekeeping 4.3.4;4.10.5;4.1
20.4 Customer access to quality records 4.10.5; 4.16
21. Quality in the operating phase
21.1 Operating and installation instructions 4.19
21.2 Product observation / Field failure – early warning system 4.19
21.3 Field failure analysis 4.14.2; 4.19
21.4 Customer service information 4.19
21.5 Servicing 4.19
22. Statistical techniques (in the case of)
22.1 Technique planning 4.20.1
22.2 Development / trail 4.20.2
22.3 External purchases 4.20.2
22.4 Process development and control 4.20.2
22.5 Final inspection and testing 4.20.2
22.6 Analysis of field failures 4.20.2

7.7 QS-9000/VDA 6.1, 3rd Edition 1996

QS-9000 Subject in question VDA 6, Part 1

4.1 Management responsibility

4.1.1 Quality policy 01.1; 01.2
4.1.2 Organization Responsibility and authority 01.5; 02.2;
02.3; 18.1 Resources 01.4; 04.3 Management representative 01.5
4.1.3 Management review 01.6; 05.1; 05.2
4.1.4 Company plan Z1.1; Z1.2
4.1.5 Analysis and use of data at company level Z1.2; Z1.3
4.1.6 Customer satisfaction Z1.4
4.2 Quality system
4.2.1 General 02.1; 02.2; 09.2
4.2.2 Quality system procedures 02.1; 02.3
4.2.3 Quality planning 02.4; 02.5;
02.6; 06.2;
07.1; 08.1;
09.1; 15.1
4.3. Contract review
4.3.1 General 07.2
4.3.2 Review 07.2; 07.4;
07.5; 08.2; 09.3
4.3.3 Amendment to a contract 07.2
4.3.4 Records 07.2; 10.3;
20.1; 20.3
4.4 Design control
4.4.1 General 02.3; 08.1; 09.1
4.4.2 Design and development planning 04.5; 08.1; 08.2
4.4.3 Organizational and technical interfaces 02.3; 02.4;
02.6; 08.5; 08.7
4.4.4 Design input 08.1, 08.2

QS-9000 Subject in question VDA 6, Part 1

4.4.5 Design output 08.1; 08.5;

08.6; 08.7; 09.3
4.4.6 Design review 08.4
4.4.7 Design verification 08.3; 08.4
4.4.8 Design validation 08.3; 08.5
4.4.9 Design changes 08.1; 08.4;
(08.5); 09.1
4.5. Document and data control
4.5.1 General 06.2; 10.1; 10.4
4.5.2 Document and data approval and issue 10.1; 10.2;
10.4; 10.5
4.5.3 Documents and data changes 10.2; 10.5
4.6. Purchasing
4.6.1 General 11.2; 11.3; 11.6
4.6.2 Evaluation of subcontractors 11.1; 11.2;
11.3; 11.4; 11.5
4.6.3 Purchasing data 11.1; 11.5
4.6.4 Verification of purchased products 11.1; 11.5;
11.6; 15.3
4.7. Control of customer-supplied product
4.7 General 12.1; 12.2; 12.3
4.8. Product identification and traceability
4.8 General 06.4; 11.7;
13.1; 13.6
4.9. Process control
General 06.2; 08.2;
09.2; 13.2;
13.3; 14.1 to
4.9.1 Process monitoring and work instructions 06.2; 09.2;
09.6; 15.2
4.9.2 Preliminary process capability requirements 14.1; 14.2
4.9.3 Continuing process performance requirements 02.6; 14.1;
14.2; 14.3

QS-9000 Subject in question VDA 6, Part 1

4.9.4 Changed preliminary or continuing process capability requirements 02.6; 07.2,

14.1; 14.2; 14.3
4.9.5 Tooling check 13.7
4.9.6 Process change 14.2
4.9.7 Appearance dependant parts 09.2; 15.2
4.10. Inspection and testing
4.10.1 General 03.4; 15.2;
15.3; 15.4;
15.5; 15.6
4.10.2 Receiving inspection and testing 11.6; 15.3
4.10.3 In-process inspection and testing 13.2; 13.3;
13.5; 13.7; 15.4
4.10.4 Final inspection and testing 13.7; 14.2;
15.5; 15.6
4.10.5 Inspection and test records 15.3-15.6;
20.1 to 20.4
4.11. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment
4.11.1 General 16.1
4.11.2 Control procedures 13.4; 14.6;
16.1; 16.2;
16.3; 16.4; 16.5
4.11.3 Inspection measuring and test equipment records 16.1; 20.1
4.11.4 Examination of measuring systems 16.4; 16.5
4.12. Inspection and test status
4.12 General 13.; 13.5; 15.4
4.13. Control of nonconforming product
4.13.1 General 17.1
4.13.2 Review and disposition of nonconforming product 17.1; 17.2; 17.3
4.13.3 Inspection and test of reworked product 17.3; 18.1
4.13.4 Release of products through concession (nonconformity approval) 17.2
4.14. Corrective and preventive actions
4.14.1 General 18.1; 18.4; 19.4
4.14.2 Corrective actions 17.4; 18.1;
18.3; 18.4; 21.3
4.14.3 Preventive actions 18.2; 18.4

QS-9000 Subject in question VDA 6, Part 1

4.15. Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery

4.15.1 General 19.1; 19.4
4.15.2 Handling 19.1
4.15.3 Storage 14.6; 19.1; 19.3
4.15.4 Packaging 19.2; 19.3; 19.5
4.15.5 Preservation 19.3
4.15.6 Delivery 19.3; 19.6
4.16 Control of quality records
4.16 General 20.1 to 20.4;
15.3 to 15.6
4.17 Internal quality audits
4.17 General 03.1; 03.2;
03.3; (03.4);
4.18 Training
4.18 General 04.1; 04.2;
04.3; 04.4;
04.5; 04.6; 04.7
4.19. Servicing
4.19 General 21.1 bis 21.5
4.20. Statistical techniques
4.20.1 Identification of need 22.1
4.20.2 Procedures 04.2; 14.3;
22.2 to 22.6

Main paragraph II – Branch specific requirements
1. Production part – release procedure
1.1 General 08.5; 09.4;
09.5; 11.3;
13.7; 14.2;
1.2 Review of technical changes 08.5; 14.2;
2. Continual improvements
2.1 General 01.3; Z1.2;
2.2 Product and quality improvement 01.3; 05.2;
05.3; 05.4;
Z1.2; Z1.4;
14.7; 19.6
2.3 Continual improvement techniques 01.3; 04.2;
04.3; 04.5; 05.1
3. Production capabilities
3.1 Planning and effectiveness of equipment, plants and processes 09.1; 09.2;
11.1; 14.6
3.2 Preventing nonconformities 09.3; 09.4;
09.7; (14.1)
3.3 Tool design and production 09.3; 09.7;
11.1; 14.4
3.4 Tool control 13.4; 14.4
Main paragraph III – Customer specific requirements
Chrysler – specific requirements -
Ford - specific requirements -
General Motors - specific requirements -

7.8 VDA 6.2/DIN EN ISO 9001/2:94

VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO

Part 2 9001
U Company management
01. Management responsibility 4.1
01.1 Quality policy 4.1.1
01.2 Quality objectives 4.1.1
01.3 Continual improvement not included
01.4 Required resources
01.5 Management representative,
01.6 Management review 4.1.3
02. Quality system 4.1, 4.2
02.1 Quality Manual 4.2.1, 4.2.2
02.2 Scope of the quality system 4.1.2
02.3 Duties, responsibility and authority
02.4 Quality planning 4.2.3, 4.3.2 a
02.5 Implementing the quality system not included
03. Internal quality audits 4.17
03.1 Qualification and independence of the auditors 4.17.2
03.2 Audit planning 4.17.1, 4.17.3
03.3 Corrective actions and their documentation 4.14
03.4 Product / Services and Process audits not included
04. Training, personnel 4.18
04.1 Managing employees 4.18
04.2 Employee qualification 4.18
04.3 Further development of the employees 4.18
04.4 Agreement and achievement of targets not included
04.5 Motivation of the employees not included
04.6 Establishing employee satisfaction not included

VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 2 9001
05. Financial considerations to quality systems not included
05.1 Reporting procedure not included
05.2 Reporting frequency (4.1.3)
05.3 Internal error costs not included
05.4 External error costs not included
06. Product safety not included
06.1 Product liability principles not included
06.2 Procedure for the recognition of risks (4.8)
06.3 Establishing and implementing safety regulations not included
06.4 Completeness of operating manuals / instructions not included
06.4 Recognition of dangers at commissioning and during use not included
Z1. Company strategy not included
Z1.1 Company plan regarding costs, sales, quality etc. not included
Z1.2 Company performance assessment methods and CIP usage not included
Z1.3 Performance data, company wide / Comparison not included
Z1.4 Customer satisfaction, measurement and changes not included
Z1.5 Promotion of employee satisfaction not included

07. Market research 4.4

07.1 Responsibility and jurisdiction 4.4
07.2 Investigating the need for new products / services not included
07.3 Customer product / services requirements not included
07.4 Benchmarks and competition analyses not included
07.5 Expansion of products offered due to market analyses not included
08. Development 4.4
08.1 Responsibility and jurisdiction 4.4.1,4.4.2,
08.2 Raising of performance specifications 4.4.4
08.3 Development results 4.4.5
08.4 Verification of the meeting of requirements / expectations 4.4.6, 4.4.7
08.5 Development changes 4.4.9

VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 2 9001
09. Preparation of services 4.3, 4.4, 4.10
09.1 Implementation of performance specifications 4.3.2 c
09.2 Procedure for introduction of new products / services 4.4.5
09.3 Procedure for monitoring / evaluation 4.10.1
09.4 Examination and release of new products / services 4.4.8
10. Advertising not included
10.1 Planning and implementation responsibilities not included
10.2 Consideration of questionnaires and market analyses not included
10.3 Reputation requirements of the service provider not included
10.4 Does the advertising comply with laws and customer expectations not included
10.5 Investigation of advertising success not included
10.6 Competence of the service provider as an advertising agent not included
11. Sales 4.3
11.1 Contract review procedures and responsibilities 4.3.1
11.2 Identification of customer needs and expectations not included
11.3 Examination of the practicability/feasibility 4.3.2 b,4.3.2 c
11.4 Order confirmations 4.3.4
11.5 Procedure for amendments to a contract 4.3.4
12. Purchasing 4.6, 13
12.1 Supplier evaluation procedures and responsibilities 4.6.2
12.2 List of approved suppliers 4.6.2 a
12.3 Purchasing procedures and responsibilities 4.6.1, 4.6.3
12.4 Order documents / quality requirements 4.6.3
12.5 Verification of purchased products / services 4.6.4, 4.10.2
12.6 Handling of delivery complaints 13
12.7 Continual evaluation of suppliers and maintaining quality records 4.6.2b, 4.6.2c

VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 2 9001
13. Provision of Services 4.7, 4.8, 4.9,
4.10, 4.11,
4.12, 4.13, 4.15
13.1 Supplied products and services 4.7
13.2 Order completion procedures and responsibilities 4.9, 4.10, 4.12
13.3 Identification and traceability 4.8
13.4 Final inspection and testing and delivery to customer 4.10
13.5 Control of nonconforming products / services 4.13
13.6 Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery etc. 4.15
13.7 Suitability / accuracy of production, inspection & testing equipment 4.9, 4.11
14. Customer services 4.10,4.14, 4.19
14.1 Customer services procedures and responsibilities 4.19
14.2 Product observation in the operating phase 4.14.2
14.3 Acceptance and effects of services provided not included
14.4 Involvement of the customer in evaluation of services 4.10.4
15. Analysis and improvement of services 4.14,4.19, 4.20
15.1 Investigation and performance procedures and responsibilities 4.14.1, 4.14.2,
15.2 Analysis of nonconformity causes 4.14.2 b
15.3 Input of statistical techniques 4.20
15.4 Preventive actions procedures 4.14.3
15.5 Improvement program not included
16. Document and data control (input) 4.5, 4.16
16.1 Procedures and responsibilities 4.5.1, 4.5.2
16.2 Releases, distribution and amendments 4.5.2, 4.5.3
16.3 Safekeeping of input documents 4.16
16.4 Inclusion of external documents 4.5.2
17. Control of quality records (verifications) 4.16
17.1 Procedures and responsibilities 4.16
17.2 Analysis and distribution of records 4.16
17.3 Safekeeping of verification documents 4.16
17.4 Customer access 4.16

7.10 ISO 9001:94/VDA 6 Part 2

DIN EN Element acc. to DIN EN ISO 9001 VDA 6 Part 2

4.1 Management responsibility 01; 02; (05)
4.1.1 Quality policy 01.1; 01.2 Organization , responsibility and authority 01.5; 02.2; 02.3 Organization, resources 01.4 Organization, management representative 01.5
4.1.3 Management review 01.6; (05.3)
4.2 Quality system 02
4.2.1 General 02.1
4.2.2 Quality procedures 02.1
4.2.3 Quality planning 02.4
4.3. Contract review 02; 09; 11; 17
4.3.1 General 11.1
4.3.2a Review, requirements documented and understood 02.4
4.3.2b Review for deviations between quotation/order 11.3
4.3.2c Ability to comply with the requirements 09.1; 11.3
4.3.3 Amendments 11.4; 11.5
4.3.4 Records 17
4.4 Design control 07; 08; 09
4.4.1 General 07.1; 08.1
4.4.2 Design and development planning 08.1
4.4.3 Organizational and technical interfaces 08.1
4.4.4 Design input 08.2
4.4.5 Design output 08.3; 09.2
4.4.6 Design review 08.4
4.4.7 Design verification 08.4
4.4.8 Design validation 09.4
4.4.9 Design changes 08.5
4.5. Document and data control 16
4.5.1 General 16.1
4.5.2 Document and data approval and issue 16.1; 16.2; 16.4
4.5.3 Document and data changes 16.2

DIN EN Element acc. to DIN EN ISO 9001 VDA 6 Part 2
4.6. Purchasing 12
4.6.1 General 12.3
4.6.2a Evaluation of subcontractors 12.1; 12.2
Suitability : evaluation and selection
4.6.2b Monitoring : capabilities and performance 12.7
4.6.2c Recording of data to above 12.7
4.6.3 Purchasing data 11.1; 11.5 Verification of purchased product (supplier verification at 12.5
subcontractor’s premises) Verification of purchased product 12.5
(customer verification of subcontracted product)
4.7. Control of customer-supplied product 13.1

4.8. Product identification and traceability (06.2); 13.3

4.9. Process control 13; 17

Par. 1 Planning of production, installation and servicing processes which 13.2
influence quality
a Procedures 13.2
b Suitable equipment and environmental conditions 13.7
c Compliance with standards, quality plans and procedures 13.2
d Suitable process parameters 13.2
e Approval of processes and equipment 13.2
f Criteria for workmanship 13.2
g Criteria for workmanship 13.2
e Release 13.2
Par. 2, 3 Special processes 13.2
Par. 4 Records for quality processes, equipment and personnel 17
4.10. Inspection and testing 12; 13; 17
4.10.1 General 09.3; 13.2; 13.4
4.10.2 Receiving inspection and testing 12.5 Utilization after verification 12.5 Scope and type of receiving inspection and testing 12.5 Pre-releases and concessions 12.5
4.10.3 In-process inspection and testing 13.4
4.10.4 Final inspection and testing 13.4; 14.4
4.10.5 Inspection and test records 13.4; 17
4.11. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment 13.7
4.11.1 General 13.7

DIN EN Element acc. to DIN EN ISO 9001 VDA 6 Part 2
4.11.2a Define inspection, measuring and test equipment and their 13.7
4.11.2b Define inspection, measuring and test equipment and their 13.7
4.11.2c Establish procedures to control this 13.7
4.11.2d Identify calibration status 13.7
4.11.2e Maintain and archive calibration records 13.7
4.11.2f Assessing and documenting previous inspection and test results 13.7
when inspection, measuring or test equipment is found out of
4.11.2g Environmental conditions for measurements 13.7
4.11.2h Handling, preservation and storage of inspection, measuring and 13.7
test equipment
4.11.2i Safeguarding the calibration status 13.7
4.12. Inspection and test status 13.2

4.13. Control of nonconforming product 13.5

4.13.1 General 13.5
4.13.2 Review and disposition of nonconforming product 13.5

DIN EN Element acc. to DIN EN ISO 9001 VDA 6 Part 2
4.14. Corrective and preventive action 14; 15
4.14.1 General 15.1
4.14.2a Corrective actions / Effective elimination of nonconformties 14.2; 15.1
4.14.2b Investigating the cause of nonconformities in relation to product, 15.2
process and quality system
4.14.2c Establishing corrective actions 15.1
4.14.2d Controls to ensure corrective actions are effective 15.1
4.14.3 Preventive actions 15.4
4.15. Handling, storage. Packaging, preservation and delivery 13
4.15.1 General 13.6
4.15.2 Handling 13.6
4.15.3 Storage 13.6
4.15.4 Packaging 13.6
4.15.5 Preservation 13.6
4.15.6 Delivery 13.6
4.16 Control of quality records 16.3; 17

4.17 Internal Quality audits 03

Par. 1 Procedures 03.2
Par. 2 Audit and auditor planning 03.1
Par. 3 Recording and distribution of the results 03.2
Par. 4 Verification visit for corrective actions 03.2
4.18 Training 01

4.19. Servicing 14.1; 15.1

4.20. Statistical techniques 15

4.20.1 Identification of the need 15.3
4.20.2 Procedures 15.3

8 VDA Publication
- Quality Management in the Automotive Industry

8.1 VDA Volume 6

8.2 Further Volumes of VDA Publications

8 VDA Publication
- Quality Management in the Automotive Industry

8.1 VDA Volume 6

In the following matrix, VDA 6 Volumes which are to be used by manu-

facturers, suppliers of material products, as well as their subcontractors and
service companies in the automotive industry, have been placed in relation
to each other.

Fig. 8.1-1 Matrix for application of VDA 6 publications

8.1.1 VDA Vol. 6, Part 1 (VDA 6.1)

Quality System Audit

The volume contains a questionnaire to enable assessment of a quality

system and the corresponding evaluation system. It’s application is
primarily aimed at companies which manufacture material products.

The content of the questionnaire goes clearly beyond the requirements of

DIN EN ISO 9001 or 9002. It also contains all elements of DIN EN
ISO 9004, Part 1. In addition, further branch specific requirements of the

European (EAQF94 and AVSQ95) and American Automotive Industries have
been taken up and supplemented by the inclusion of leading thoughts form
the TQM model of the European Foundation for Quality Management

The questionnaires is divided into two areas:

• Part U: Questions to company management

• Part P: Questions to product and processes.

Thereby, one continually reoccurring problem in the realization and review

of quality systems receives special status: the quality related management
responsibilities. These duties are dealt with in Part U. The following
elements are to be especially mentioned:

- financial considerations to quality systems

- employee motivation
- product liability and product safety
- clear and implemented company strategy.

The requirements for an established company strategy are shown in the

EFQM model. According to this, the company management, including the
executive levels, must deal with the following subjects:

- company planning
- establishing company performance with new targets
- comparison of company wide performance data with compe-
titors regarding productivity, economy, quality position and
- establishing and promoting customer satisfaction
- establishing and promoting employee satisfaction.

In Part P, the product and process related quality elements are dealt with
from a system point of view.

To improve understanding, the individual requirements to each question

are explained and, using practical examples, assistance for a possible
implementation is given.

All questions are quantitatively evaluated and the final result is expressed
as a degree of conformity between 0 and 100 %.

In this volume, reference is made to these other 1

VDA volumes which contain supplementary 2
information and if necessary, are to be consulted. 3
4.1, 4.2, 4.3
8, 9

8.1.2 VDA Vol. 6, Part 2 (VDA 6.2)

Quality System Audit - Services

Bad quality in service companies can nullify the best efforts of all the
proceeding links in a process chain and place activities aimed towards
customer satisfaction in query. With this background, it is understandable
that the aim must be to set up quality systems integrally, to connect
production and marketing (services). VDA Volume 6, Part 2 represents a
step in this direction.

In this volume, a quality system specifically orientated towards the require-

ments of service providers in the automotive industry is represented. It is
aimed at car dealers, component dealers, distributors, special workshops
(tuning, wheel rim and tire specialists, bodywork and paint shops, filling
stations,car washes), expert organizations and educational institutions etc.
but also offers other service branches hints to actual analysis, set up and
auditing of their quality systems. Likewise, services which are provided
within the framework of manufacturing a material product (marketing,
sales, customer training) can be evaluated using this questionnaire.

The fundamental structure and evaluation is identical to VDA 6.1, from

which Part U, regarding the basic requirements, has been almost
completely copied, whilst Part P is geared towards the typical interests of
service companies. It is orientated to service processes along the net
product chain, from market research and development to customer
services. Basically, VDA 6.2 involves all employees, service processes and
business procedures of a company and pays special attention to the
continual improvement of quality, price, service and schedule reliability.

8.1.3 VDA Volume 6, Part 3 (VDA 6.3)
Process Audit

The link between the system and product audit is the process audit, which
gives a statement on the capability of processes during the planning and
manufacturing of products and provision of services.
Process audits serve the assessment and quality capabilities of processes.
They should lead to competent and controlled processes, which are well
able to withstand variable disturbances.

This is achieved, for example, by the following:

- Preventive actions
- Corrective actions
- Continual Improvement Programs (CIP)

An essential part of a process audit is the localization and structuring of

processes. There it deals with the establishing of internal and external
interfaces and the assignment of the relevant process owner, who is
responsible for:
- process description
- process instructions
- work and inspection instructions
- work and inspection plans
- process control and improvement

that are, amongst others, the main subject of the audit.

To schematize proceedings, differing questionnaires for material and non-
material processes have been developed, which can be expanded to
incorporate specific procedure needs.
The core of VDA 6.3 is the quantitative evaluation following VDA 6.1 and

In this volume, reference is made to these other 1

VDA volumes which contain supplementary 2
information and if necessary, are to be consulted. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
6.1, 6.2

8.1.4 VDA Volume 6, Part 5 (VDA 6.5)
Product Audit

The product audit is one of the oldest methods which give a statement to
the quality of products prior to their delivery to the customer. It assesses
the effectiveness of quality assurance through the examination of a small
number of products and/or parts and confirms the quality competence of
the production process based on the quality of a product. Thereby it is
verified if the product complies with the given specifications and/or special
customer/supplier agreements.
A product audit concerns - the planning
- the evaluation
- the documentation
of reviews - of quantitative characteristics
- of material products (VDA 6.5)
- after completion of a production stage
- prior to delivery to an internal/external customer
- on the basis of reference values
- through an independent auditor.
Product audits are carried out regularly or for a specific reason, they do
not, however, serve as a substitute for checks during the production
process. They can be carried out on the results of all business processes in
product development, manufacturing and marketing. VDA Volume 6.5
deals primarily with it’s application in product manufacturing (the
application on results from service processes is described in VDA Volume

Finding a standard evaluation system is still difficult. As the variation span

here is so wide, a number of methods have been represented in the exam-
ples, which each company can adopt or modify and bring into application.

A summary of the product audit in comparison to other types of audits and

inspections is given in Fig. 8.1.4-1.

In this volume, reference is made to these other 1

VDA volumes which contain supplementary 6.1
information and if necessary, are to be consulted.

Product Audit System Audit Process Audit 100% inspection Final inspection Inspection verification SPC
and testing and testing in First Works
serial production sample inspection
Performance According to plan, According to plan, According to plan Continuously Continuously According to According to Continuously
frequency as a rule, serval as a rule, once a and as necessary customer plan and as
times a year year requirements necessary
Checked Select according to Elements of the Selected, as Qualitative Selected, product- According to According to Selected, as
characteristics customer require- quality system requires for characteristics, related, according to customer customer required for
ments/expectations process control incompetent customer expec- requirements requirements process control
and important pro- characteristics tations
Capability Short term Degree of com- Short term Qualitative charac- Short and long term According to customer Automatic identifi-
parameters capability of the pliance with the capability of the teristic with e.g. capabilities of the requirements cation of the short
product system objectives product cha- cpk < 1,33 product characte- and long term
characteristic on racteristic on the ristics capabilities
the basis of the basis of the
selected sample selected sample
Applied Selected, specific Review of the docu- Selected, specific Selected, specific Selected standard Selected with the agreement Selected, specific
verification for the product ments compared to for the process for the product method, specific for of the customer for the process or
methods the objective, the the product product
application in
Qualification of Knowledge of pro- DIN ISO 10011, Part Knowledge of the Knowledge of the Knowledge of the Knowledge of the charac- Knowledge and
the auditors duct, also from the 2 + EOQ Certificate process characteristics characteristics and teristics, customer require- experience of con-
point of view of the + VDA 6 certificate of customer ments and relevant stand- trol card
customer expectations ards technology
Necessary Drawings, specifi- Quality manual, Process plan, pro- Catalog of devia- Catalog of devia- Specifications, drawings, Quality control
documents cations, work and procedures and cess parameters, tions for qualitative tions for qualitative inspection instructions, cards, inspection
inspection instruc- work instructions inspection instruc- characteristics, in- characteristics, spe- standards instructions
tions tions spection cifications, draw-
instructions ings, inspection
Documentation Inspection results, Results according to Inspection record, Statistics to Inspection record First sample Works Control cards with
/Records audit report questionnaire, audit audit report, non- inspection results, and statistics to inspection inspection evaluation
report, nonconfor- conformity analysis nonconformity inspection results, report certificate
mity analysis with with corrective analysis with nonconformity ana-
corrective actions actions corrective actions lysis with corrective

Figure 8.1.4-1: A product audit in comparison to other types of audit and inspections

8.1.5 VDA Volume 6, Part 6 (VDA 6.6)
Service Audit

Manufacturers and trade or service businesses share the same interest in

holding a long term, secure and profitable market position. With a product
like a car, the life expectancy, with proper care and attention (servicing), is
very high, i.e. the product and especially customer services become very
important. This means, particularly in the automotive branch, that without
strong and long term customer loyalty to car makes and their dealers,
survival on the market is not possible.

It is therefore of prime importance to know the expectations and

satisfaction of customers, as well as consciously and systematically
working to the action requirements derived from them.

For material products, it is relatively simple to call on objective, compre-

hensive characteristics for assessing quality. Examples for this are specifi-
cations, important process and product characteristics or other countable

With services, it is not so simple to define and standardize these, as they

are influenced by a number of individual customer and surrounding, deter-
mining factors. Therefore it is even more important to identify such para-

A service audit enables the user to periodically carry out desired/actual

value comparisons regarding service relevant subjects from a customers
point of view, and to introduce necessary corrective or improving actions.

It represents, thereby, basic preconditions to securing customer service


The following audit instruments are described in a service audit according

to VDA 6.6

• Standard compliance
• Customer survey
• Employee survey
• Service test

For the examination of service processes, from customer order to
customer use, the audit instruments „standard fulfillment“ and„employee
survey“ are used to measure performance inside a business whereas the
audit instruments „customer survey“ and „service test“ measure outside,
directly at, or better, for the customer (Fig. 8.1.5-1).

The review of standard compliance implies the measurement of quanti-

fiable, customer relevant services or criteria. The maintenance and
improvement of these values must be constantly compared to customer
satisfaction. This can be done with the customer survey and service test.

The employee survey is a good analysis and motivation instrument within a

company. It connects standard compliance, the customer survey and the
service test.

During the customer survey and the service test, relative parameters are
determined, which are dependent on the customer expectations and their

Bild 8.1.5-1: Prozeß Dienstleistungsaudit

8.2 Further Volumes of VDA-Publications

In connection with the quality standard of the German Automotive Industry

(VDA 6) other volumes are also important, as they contain supplementary
information and if necessary are to be consulted. Figure 8.2-1 provides a
summary of these.

Figure 8.2-1 Matrix for the use of applicable volumes

8.2.1 VDA Band 1 (VDA 1)

Quality Evidence


Vehicles underlie different legal requirements in individual states. The

manufacturer must be able to prove compliance with these regulations at
any given time. Manufacturers and suppliers have to ensure through orga-
nizational measures, that compliance with legal requirements is constantly
reviewed. Evidence for this is the documentation.

Main Contents
This publication particularly deals with
- documentation and securing thereof
- retention period
- responsibility
- organizational aids
- archiving.

Furthermore, this volume gives practical advice on documenting, using

The manufacturer has full responsibility towards the authorities, except for
spare parts directly distributed by suppliers.
The different responsibilities are shown in the following table:
1. Internal development The manufacturer has full responsibility for design and
and production of the production quality
2. Internal development of The manufacturer has full responsibility for the complete unit.
the manufacturer, He has to ensure, that the supplier meets the specified
external production by a requirements. The product and production method must not be
supplier altered without prior approval of the manufacturer. The supplier
has full responsibility for the production quality and has to
supply parts conforming to set specifications.
3. Internal development The manufacturer is responsible for choosing the correct
and production by the constructive units for a specific vehicle type. If necessary, the
supplier supplier mustenforce the homologation or similar approvals for
these products.
The supplier has full responsibility for the construction and
constant satisfactory production quality in accordance with the
specifications agreed with the manufacturer.
4. Internal development of The full responsibility applies as under Par. 3. For the
the supplier, external supplier/sub-contractor relationship Par. 2 applies.
production by a sub-

In this volume, reference is made to these other 2

VDA volumes which contain supplementary 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
information and if necessary, are to be consulted. 6 ...

8.2.2 VDA Volume 2 (VDA 2)
Quality Assurance of Supplies

The VDA publication aims to minimize friction losses at the interfaces

between the suppliers and car manufacturers.

The presently available third edition of this volume became necessary, in

order to adjust past procedures for the assessment of quality performance
of serial supplies and first sample testing and approval to international
quality standards in the Automotive Industry. Thereby, e.g. requirements
and guidelines from QS 9000 and PPAP (Production Part Approval
Process) were taken into account and fundamentally newly described.

Suppliers are involved in the product development at an early stage, to

make use of experience and development potential for more complex
delivery scopes for both partners.

Recommendations are provided which are generally applicable to every

type of supplier/customer relationship. They can also be applied for the
cooperation between suppliers and their subcontractor.

The volume mainly deals with

• the selection of suppliers,
• the approval of the production process and product for serial
supply (Production Process and Product Approval)
• the evaluation of the quality performance of suppliers in the
• and quality assurance agreements.

These recommendations are assigned to three phases (competition,

planning, pre-series) at which point, they should usefully be valid.
The selection of the supplier depends on the product or service which has
to be purchased. Here attention should be paid that the supplier is selected
as early as possible, so that the cooperation can begin at an early stage of

Criteria are:
• Quality capability and quality awareness
• Quality performance and productivity
• Delivery reliability and delivery flexibility
• Schedule and cost discipline
• Communication and cooperation
• Environmental awareness
• Development potential
• Economic productivity (yield power) of the company.

The type of suppliers are illustrated in the following summary:

Type of supplier Definition Responsibility

System supplier Development and production of subassemblies Responsible for the
which can be defined functionally system and the
(brakes, steering, car body, driving gear, airbag) relevant components/
single parts
Component Development and supply of products consisting of Responsible for the
supplier/Parts various single parts and represent a functional unit component and the
supplier with (clutch, wheel, headlights, speedometer, indicator) relevant single parts
Parts supplier Supply of single parts according to given drawings Responsible for the
without and specifications, which are provided by the single parts
development purchaser or from a standard.
Module supplier Development/supply of complex subassemblies Responsible for the
with specific function and adjustment to concrete quality and all other
total systems (Front-End-Module, seat functions of the
combinations, central electrical module, door complete module.
The module may contain functionally definable
systems which are developed and produced by
other suppliers.
Material (raw One can differentiate between material suppliers Uniformity of the
material) supplier which supply materials according to specification, specified materials
and material suppliers/developers which develop
and deliver a raw material for a concrete use.

In this volume, reference is made to these other 1

VDA volumes which contain supplementary 3
information and if necessary, are to be consulted. 4.1, 4.3
6.1, 6.5

8.2.3 VDA Volume 3 (VDA 3)
Ensuring Reliability at Car Manufacturers and Suppliers

For time and cost reasons, a customer expects the constant functional
readiness of his vehicle. He wants to be able to rely on his vehicle at all
times. Even during warranty, when repair costs burden him less, he is not
willing to accept any time his vehicle may have to spend in a repair shop
caused by susceptibility to failures or even breakdowns. He expects

VDA 3 describes procedures to ensure reliability and using practical

examples leads step by step into the area of technical reliability, from early
failures to breakdowns due to age, wear or fatigue.

During the development of a product, the following processes take place:

• Order receipt with specifications regarding the requirements to be

• Development and sample trials of the product
• Preparation and production of the product
• Pre-series and testing of the product
• Serial production of the product.

Quality assurance directly influences production by testing the parts. As

hereby compliance with reliability requirements is not ensured, additional
tests are necessary.

The volume describes general evaluation procedures (action in case of

failure etc.), data evaluation and reliability of assemblies. Furthermore,
necessary measures for ensuring reliability are stated.

The fulfillment of reliability requirements must normally be proven by the

supplier at the first sample inspection. It also has to be ensured, that the
supplier carries out regular series testing of the established reliability
characteristics. Furthermore, the supplier has the right to have access to all
field information known to the recipient, in the case of a field failure of his

8.2.4 VDA Volume 4, Part 1 (VDA 4.1)
Quality Assurance prior to Serial Application

In order to develop a new product with quality competent concepts and

process-orientated design as well as qualitatively controlled production,
different methods have been practiced and further developed in the
Automotive Industry in the last few years.

Complex relationships and dependence on the system require methodical

measures to ensure quality in the pre-serial phase. Thereto, following
methods are describe in the VDA-Volume 4.1:

• Total Quality Management (TQM)

• Partnerships during
- project management
- simultaneous Engineering
• Development processes with trials and reviews
• Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
• Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
• Design of Experiments (DOE)
• Process capability assessment
• other elementary aids
- flow chart
- histograms
- quality control card
- Cause-Effect-Diagram (Ishikawa Diagram)
- Pareto-Analysis

In this volume, reference is made to these other 4.2

VDA volumes which contain supplementary 6.1
information and if necessary, are to be consulted.

8.2.5 VDA Volume 4, Part 2 (VDA 4.2)
Quality Assurance prior to Serial Application
System FMEA

The system FMEA is a team-orientated method to minimize risk in the

development and planning process and promotes interdisciplinary coope-
ration of the involved areas. Furthermore, it provides documentation about
expert knowledge in a company. As a method to prevent nonconformities,
it should be used at a very early stage of the product development process,
in order to review the existing development and planning status with
regards to possible nonconformities and the introduction of preventive
actions to eliminate them.

The procedure described in VDA Volume 4.2 represents a further develop-

ment of the FMEA method in the direction of system analysis. For the
setting up of a system FMEA for products or processes, the following steps,
supplementary to the existing design or process FMEA, are required:

• Structuring of the system to be analyzed into system elements

and the demonstration of their functional relationships.

• Deduction of possible failures of a system element from its

previously described functions.

• The given logical connection of related failures of different

system elements, in order to be able to describe the possible
causes of the failure to be analyzed in the system FMEA.

Fields of application of the system FMEA are product development and

process planning. A „system FMEA product„ regards possible failures of
product systems as possible nonconformities. Failure analyses extend step
by step, where necessary, to layout errors of individual components.

The „system FMEA process„ regards the possible failures of a production

process (e.g. production, installation, logistics or transport processes) as
possible nonconformities.

8.2.6 VDA Volume 4, Part 3 (VDA 4.3)
Quality Assurance prior to Serial Application
Project Planning

The quality work in the Automotive Industry has strongly decentralized,

been extended to all expert areas of a company and runs, especially during
the development phase, simultaneously (Simultaneous Engineering),.
Volume 4, Part 3 represents a supplement and expansion to this, as it
places emphasis on the uniform description of a project process for new
products and processes. The aim hereby is to prepare and plan all
measures necessary to achieve performance that satisfies the customer,
systematically and at an early stage.
Suggestions for this volume come from already published procedures of
European and American car manufacturers. Especially the procedure of
"Advanced Product Quality Planning" (APQP), as described by Chrysler,
Ford and General Motors, has been incorporated.
The described procedure is characterized by:

• uniform project management

• parallel processing of different functions (SE)
• connection of functions through common project management
for product and process development
• team work in SE teams
• Controlling through relatively frequent hold points

The volume explains the general process of a project based on a given

plan which gives a summary of the functions to be carried out and the
results to be checked at the "Milestones" during the process.

The functions describe basic activities, which are carried out during the
project. Milestones represent check points/hold points within the project
process during the execution of the functions.

The volume mainly presents, in the form of exemplary checklists (or

applying the requirements of APQP), the activities to be carried out until
the respective milestones are reached (input for milestones). At these
check points the given

results are to be checked with respect to their existence and compliance
with requirements. Based on the evaluation of the results, the release to
succeeding work stages is determined.

In this volume, reference is made to these other 1.1

VDA volumes which contain supplementary 4.2
information and if necessary, are to be consulted. 6.1

8.2.7 VDA Volume 7 (VDA 7)

Basics for the Interchange of Quality Data

In order to follow the flow of the communication and information with

internal and external partners in a consistent and efficient manner,the
introduction of electronic data interchange (EDI), should also be aimed for
with regards to quality data. This applies especially to the transmission of
inspection and test reports.

This volume was set up to bring about uniform execution of electronicdata

interchange based on the Electronic Data Interchange for Administration,
Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT). The standardized EDIFACT-mes-
sage type „QUALITY„ (DIN 16 561, Part 8) is used. It is determined, how
- first sample test reports
- serial test reports
- commentaries and
- inspection and testing certificates/records

are to be designed, in order to be able to prepare them as a quality data

message. The structure and set up of this message are as such, that the
stated inspection and testing report types do not have to use all segments
nor that all data elements within a segment have to be used. In cooperation
with the DIN, an independent subset of the quality data message has been
established for each type of inspection and testing report.

In this volume, reference is made to these other 2

VDA volumes which contain supplementary
information and if necessary, are to be consulted.

9 References and Applicable Documents
9 References and Applicable Documents

Quality information 01 to 06

QMC Report 07ff

VDA Guidelines 6001 Auditing with VDA 6.1Certificate

VDA Guidelines 6002 VDA Lead Auditors

VDA Guidelines 6010 Basics for the Certification of a Quality

System according to VDA Volume 6,
Part 1 (VDA 6.1) through a Certification

VDA Guidelines 6011 Accreditation Procedure for Certification


Standards DIN EN ISO 8402

DIN EN ISO 9000-9004
DIN EN ISO 10011
DIN EN ISO 45012

Attention should be paid to the DGQ Publication 11-10 „Guide to the pro-
cess-orientated Assessment of Quality Systems according to DIN EN
ISO 9001 to 9003„.

10 Definitions

10.1 General Definitions according to DIN EN ISO 8402/1995


10.2 Quality-related Definitions according to DIN EN ISO

8402/1995 (Extract)

10.3 Definitions for the Quality System according to

DIN EN ISO 8402/1995 (Extract)

10.4 Definitions for Tools and Techniques according to

DIN EN ISO 8402/1995 (Extract)

10.5 Additional Definitions

(Definitions for this Publication)
10 Definitions

Many common words in daily use are - compared to the application of their
full meaning in a dictionary - used in a specific or limited way in the field of
quality.Reasons for this are, for example:

Different economic and industrial sectors have adopted quality-related ter-

minology, which suits their specific requirements, as their own. This led to
the introduction of numerous definitions by quality experts in the various
industry and economy sectors..

The following definitions serve the uniform use of language for this pub-
lication and have been taken from the DIN ISO 8402: 1995. The figure be-
hind # is the Reference No. of the standard.

10.1 General Definitions according to DIN EN ISO 8402/1995


10.1.1 Unit

Is that which can be individually described and examined.

Note: A unit can be e.g.

- an activity or a process
- a product
- an organization, a system or a person or a
combination thereof.

10.1.2 Process

Is a set of interactive resources and activities, which transform inputs into


Note: The resources can be personnel, finances, plants,

equipment, techniques and methods.

10.1.3 Procedure

Is a defined manner in which an activity is carried out.

Note 1: In many cases procedures are documented (e.g.

procedures of a quality system)

Note 2: When a procedure is documented, the terms

„documented procedure„ or „procedure„ are often used.

Note 3: A documented procedure or procedure normally con-

tains the purpose and area of application of an activity;
what needs to be done and by whom; when, where and
how it needs to be done; which materials, equipment
and documents have to be used; and how these must
be controlled and recorded.

10.1.4 Product

Is the result of activities and processes.

Note 1: A product may be a service, hardware, processed

materials, software or a combination thereof.

Note 2: A product can be tangible (e.g. assemblies or processed

materials) or intangible (e.g. knowledge or concepts), or
a combination thereof.

Note 3: A product can be intended (e.g. product offered to

customers) or unintended (e.g. pollutants or undesirable

10.1.5 Service

Is an action or performance, provided at the interface between supplier and

customer, as well as through internal supplier activities, aimed at fulfilling
customer requirements.

Note 1: The supplier or customer can be represented at the

interface by personnel or facilities.

Note 2: Customer activities at the interface to the supplier can

be essential when providing a service.

Note 3: Supply or use of tangible products can be part of provi-

ding a service.

Note 4: A service may be connected with the production and

supply of a tangible product.

10.1.7 Organization

An organization may be a company, corporation, business, enterprise or

institution or part thereof, registered or non-registered, public or private,
with its own functions and administration.

10.1.8 Organizational Structure

The responsibilities, authorities and interrelations regulated in a system,

which enable the organization to fulfill its duties.

10.1.9 Customer

Is the receiver of a product provided by the supplier.

Note 1: In a contractual situation, the customer may be called


Note 2: The customer can be the end user, user, beneficiary or


Note 3: The customer, in relation to the organization, may be

external or internal.

10.1.10 Supplier

Is an organization, which provides a product to the customer.

Note 1: In a contractual situation the supplier may be called


Note 2: A supplier can be e.g. a manufacturer, distributor,

importer, an assembly firm or a service company.

Note 3: The supplier, in relation to the organization, may be

external or internal.

10.2 Quality-related Definitions according to DIN EN ISO
8402/1995 (Extract)

10.2.1 Quality Requirements

Are the formulation of needs or their conversion into a set of established

quantitative or qualitative requirements for the characteristics of a unit, to
enable its realization and verification.

Note 1: It is essential that quality requirements reflect the estab-

lished and given needs of the customer.

Note 2: The term „requirement„ includes market-based, contrac-

tual, as well as internal requirements of a company.
They may be developed, defined and up-dated in the
various planning phases.

Note 3: Established quantitative requirements of the characteris-

tics include e.g. nominal values, ratings, limit deviations
and tolerance.

Note 4: The quality requirement should be expressed in func-

tional conditions and be documented.

10.2.2 Inspection and Testing

Are activities, such as the measuring and examining of one or more charac-
teristics of a unit, as well as comparing of the results with set requirements,
to establish, whether conformity for every characteristic has been reached.

10.2.3 Verification

Is a confirmation based on an examination and the provision of evidence

(2.19) that established requirements have been met.

Note 1: In design and development, verification concerns the

process of evaluating the results of an activity in order to
determine the conformity of this activity with the set re-

Note 2: The term „verified„ is used to describe this status.

10.2.4 Validation

Is a confirmation based on an assessment and the provision of evidence,

that special requirements have been fulfilled for a given application.

Note 1: In design and development, validation concerns the pro-

cess of examininga product, in order to determine its
conformity with the requirements of the user.

Note 2: Validation is usually carried out on the end product

under set operating conditions. It may be required at an
earlier stage.

Note 3: The term „validated„ is used to describe this status.

Note 4: Multiple validations can be carried out, if different

applications are intended.

10.2.5 Evidence

Is information, which can be proven to be correct and which is based on

facts that have been determined through observation, measurement,
examination or other means of investigation.

10.3 Definitions for Quality Systems according to DIN EN

ISO 8402/1995 (Extract)

10.3.1 Quality Policy

Comprehensive intentions and objectives of an organization regarding quali-

ty, as defined by the management.

Note: The quality policy is an element of the company policy

and is approved by the management.

10.3.2 Quality System

Organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources required for

the realization of quality management.

Note 1: The quality system should be such that it achieves the

quality objectives.

Note 2: The quality system of a company is mainly aimed at

meeting the internal needs of the company. It is more
extensive then the requirements of a single customer
who only evaluates the part of the quality system rele-
vant (to him).

Note 3: For contractual or other obligatory purposes of quality

assessment, it may be required that certain quality
system elements are shown to be implemented.

10.3.3 Quality Manual

Is a document, which contains the stated quality policy and the description
of the quality system of an organization.

Note 1: A quality manual may refer to the entire company

activity or just parts of it. Title and purpose of the
manual reflect the scope of application.

Note 2: A quality manual usually contains or refers at least to:

a) the quality policy;

b) the responsibilities and authorities (jurisdictions) as

well as the interrelations of personnel who are
responsible for; execute; assess or evaluate quality-
related activities;.

b) the procedures of the quality

system and corresponding work instructions;

c) a procedure that establishes the

review, revision and administration of the manual.

Note 3: A quality manual may differ in comprehensiveness and

format in order to reflect the needs of a company. It may
consist of more then one document. Depending on the
purpose of the manual, a title may be used such as
„Quality assurance manual„

10.4 Definitions for Tools and Techniques according to
DIN EN ISO 8402/1995 (Extract)

10.4.1 Quality Audit

Systematic and independent examination to establish, whether the quality

activities and related results conform with given instructions and if these
instructions are actually implemented and are suitable, to meet the

Note 1: The quality audit is typically applied to a quality system

or an element thereof or to a process or product
(including services), but is not restricted to these. Such
quality audits are often called „System Audit„,
„Procedure Audit„, „Product Audit„, „Service Audit„.

Note 2: Quality audits are carried out by people who have no

direct responsibility in the area to be audited. However,
preferably they should be work together with the
personnel concerned.

Note 3: One purpose of a qualityaudit is to evaluate whether an

improvement or a corrective action is required. A quality
audit should not be mixed up with the activities of quality
monitoring or reviewing which are carried out for
process control or product receiving.

Note 4: Quality audits may be carried out for internal or external


10.4.2 Quality Audit Findings

Are facts determined during the course of a quality audit and verified by

10.4.3 Audited Company

The company that is being audited

10.4.4 Quality Auditor

Is the person qualified to carry out audits.

Note: A quality auditor assigned to lead a quality audit is called

„Quality Lead Auditor„.

10.4.5 Corrective Actions

Are activities carried out to eliminate the causes of an existing error,

inefficiency or undesired situation in order to prevent its recurrence.

Note 1: Corrective actions can bring about changes in e.g.

procedures or systems to achieve an improvement in
any stage of the quality cycle.

Note 2: One has to differentiate between a „correction„ and a

„corrective action„:

- A „correction" concerns a repair, a rework or an

adjustment and refers to the treatment of an existing

- „Corrective action" refers to the elimination of the

cause of the defect.

10.5 Additional Definitions (Provision for the present publi-

10.5.1 System

Is the structure of a company in which the jurisdiction (responsibilities,

authorities), interrelations, as well as procedures (#.1.3) and processes
(#.1.2) are provided with the necessary resources to enable realization of a

10.5.2 Method

Is a scheduled procedure, (#.1.3) to given means and a given purpose

which leads to technical proficiency in the solution of theoretical and
practical tasks.

10.5.3 Serial Production

Is the manufacturing of products (#.1.4) of the same type and design, in

recurrent orders.

10.5.4 Quality System Procedures

Quality system procedures are specific instructions that are required in

order to fulfil given quality-related activities. They are to be put into force by

10.5.5 Work Instructions (Inspection and Testing Instruc-


Are detailed descriptions of the working steps of an activity. Definitions of

individual activities and detailed instructions, order-neutral, as well as order-

Note: Includes technical know-how

Quality Management in the Automotive Industry

Volume 1 Quality Evidence

Guidelines for Documenting and Archiving Quality

Volume 2 Quality Assurance of Supplies

Supplier Selection/Sampling/Quality Performance in the

Volume 3 Ensuring Reliability of Car Manufacturers and Suppliers

-Procedures and examples-

Volume 4 Part 1 Quality Assurance prior to Serial Application

-Partnerships, Processes, Methods

Volume 4 Part 2 Quality Assurance prior to Serial Application

-System FMEA-

Volume 4 Part 3 Quality Assurance prior to Serial Application

-Project Planning-

Volume 6 Part 1 Quality System Audit, Basics DIN EN ISO 9001 and

Volume 6 Part 2 System Audit – Services

Volume 6 Part 3 Process Audit

Volume 6 Part 5 Product Audit

Volume 7 Basics for Interchange of Quality Data

-Electronic Transfer of Quality Data-

Volume 8 Guidelines for Quality Assurance of Trailer,

Superstructure and Container Manufacturers

Volume 9 Emissions and Consumption



• Cover page, Order No. 2661

• Test results, Order No. 2662
• Multipart form set, 5 copies (packed of 50 sets)
Outline form for process capability verification, Order No. 2663
Pad of 50 sheets – Minimum order 1 pad

FIRST SAMPLE TEST REPORT – present edition

First Sample Test Report – Report result, Order No. 5331
Multipart form set, 7 copies (packed of 50 sets)
First Sample Test Report – Test result, Order No. 5332
Pad of 100 sheets
- new version -
Order No. 7422, DIN A3 format, Pad of 50 sheets
- old version -
Order No. 769, DIN A3 format, Pad of 50 sheets
QUALITY SYSTEM AUDIT (Material products)
Questionnaire (only questions)
DIN A5, Pad of 10 sets à 12 sheets
Evaluation documents
Final evaluation of the quality system
Summary of results
Total grading
Summary of evaluated questions
Individual measures
Corrective Actions-Outline
DIN A4, Pad of 10 sets of 5 sheets
The two pads form a unit and are only offered as a set
Order No. 1749
Schwanheimer Straße 110, D-60528 Frankfurt
Telephone (069) 96766-158, Telefax (069) 96777-159.


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