VDA 6-En
VDA 6-En
VDA 6-En
Quality Management
in the Automotive Industry
Basics for Quality Audits
Table of contents
1 Edition 1998
Basics for Quality Audits
1 Edition 1998
ISSN 0943-9412
Copyright 1998 by
Online production:
D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Lindenstr 5
The first issues of volume 6 of the VDA publications „QM in the Automotive
Industry„ 1991, based on the DIN ISO 9001 and 9004 standards, also
issued in German in 1997, raised together with manufacturers and supp-
liers, very quickly received a good response.
In further revisions, the new edition of the standard series DIN EN ISO
9000 and requirements from the standards E.A.Q.F. (Evaluation d’Apitude
Qualite Fournisseurs, France) and AVSQ (Associazione Nazionale Indu-
strie Automobilistiche, Italy) were integrated.
In this volume, following requirements are regulated:
In order to facilitate the use of the volume as a reference book, it has been
compiled in a ring binder, so that it can be revised with current documents
at any time.
Not only companies in the automotive industry can benefit from the VDA 6
volumes. Companies outside of the automotive industry can also find many
useful suggestions for setting up and expanding of their quality systems.
We thank the following involved companies and their employees for their
input in the preparation of this VDA publication:
Our thanks also go out to all those people, who have given us suggestions
for improvement.
List of contents
Preface 3
2 Quality Systems 10
6 Qualification of Auditors 45
10 Definitions 113
1 VDA Strategy for Quality Management in the Auto-
motive Industry
The term „quality„ has always changed it’s meaning throughout the course
of time and is still changing. It no longer encompasses just product quality
but is increasingly applied to the company structure with it’s influence on
the employees and customers, so that the development from product
quality to company quality is clearly recognizable.
The automotive industry will and must move more in the direction of „Total
Quality Management“ (TQM), as defined, for example, by the European
Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) in their model for the Euro-
pean Quality Award (EQA) and by the holding company „Ludwig Erhard
Award for Outstanding Performance in Competition„. Here the following
points are most important:
• International comparability
• Freedom to develop company specific focal points
• Evaluation of the trends for all business fields, in longer-term
connection and with continuous improvement
• Continuous checks and improvements of the implemented
• Continuous checks of the meaningfulness and resulting conclu-
sions of the examined data.
The VDA quality strategy is a complete quality management system along
the net product chain, i.e. the quality of products and services is explained
as the final result of all activities, in all company processes.
Thereby, the service share of the final result increases, the nearer the
process chain is oriented to the end customer. (Fig.1-1).
for Quality VDA 6
Audits Part 3 Process audit
2 Quality Systems
There is no model quality system, which offers an equally good solution for
every area of application. The quality system can only be determined by
the company concerned, possibly in co-operation with its customers.
2.1 Structure of the Quality System
The quality system includes all activities which affect the quality of a
product. It contains all phases in the life cycle of a product and process, as
can be seen in the following figure:
2.1.2 Quality Cycle for Services
With the publication of the DIN EN ISO 9000ff a basis for the setting up of
quality systems has been established which, however, alone, do not fulfil
the requirements of the automotive industry.
Therefore, international automotive-specific questionnaires were designed,
which established the recommendations of the standard.
These questionnaires and ruling standards were initially only valid for 2nd
party (customer/supplier) audits. To promote mutual recognition, these
ruling standards were then released for certifications (3rd party) through
approved certification bodies.
The following table lists these ruling standards.
List of ruling standards:
Ruling standard Issue date Publisher Area of application
DIN EN ISO 9001 August 1994 International Orga- International
Quality systems nization for Stan- model for quality
Model for quality assurance in dardization (ISO) assurance
design, development, produc- Techn. Committee
tion, installation and servicing ISO/TC 176
Brief description:
International model for differing branches. Builds the basis for all requirement catalogues of the
automotive industry listed below.
DIN EN ISO 9004-1 August 1994 International Orga- Guidelines for quality
Quality management and nization for Standar- systems
elements of a quality System dization (ISO)
Techn.l Committee
ISO/TC 176
Brief description:
Superior guidelines which describe the elements of the quality system in more detail then the DIN
EN ISO 9001 version.
VDA 6.1 3rd, completely Verband der Auto- German Automotive
Quality system audit revised edition mobilindustrie e.V. Industry and its
Quality management in the 1996/1 VDA (Association suppliers
Automotive Industry of the German
Automotive Industry
Brief description:
Ruling standard of the German Automotive Industry with the extended automobile-specific
standard content based on ISO 9001 and 9004-1 recognizedby ANFIA (AVSQ 94) and EAQF.
E.A.Q.F. June 1994 PSA Peugeot, For suppliers of the
Evaluation d´Aptitude Qualite Citroen, Renault and French Automotive
Fournisseurs Volvo Car F.I.E.V. Industry
Brief description:
Ruling standard of the French Automobile Manufacturers with the extended automobile-specific
standard content based on ISO 9001. Is recognized by VDA and ANFIA.
AVSQ ´94 April 1994 Associazione For suppliers of the
Quality system requirements Nazionale Industrie Italian Automotive
Automobilistiche Industry
Brief description:
Ruling standard of the Italian Automotive Industry with the extended automobile-specific standard
content based on ISO 9001. Is recognized by VDA through the agreement with the French
Automotive Industry.
Note: The DIN EN ISO 9002 is regarded as a model for quality assurance
without design and development
Ruling standard Issue date Publisher Area of application
Ruling standard Issue date Publisher Area of application
2.3 Implementation of a Quality System
As a first step during the introduction of a quality system, the specific com-
pany processes are described.
The documentation of the quality system has to correspond with the condi-
tions of the respective company as it represents a company ruling
The proper documentation of all work processes and activities offers the
possibility to
The following figure shows the typical hierarchy of the quality system docu-
After preparation of the quality system description it is important to carry
out the implementation in all involved areas of the company. The following
points are essential for a successful start:
• Carrying out functional and comprehensive training on the appli-
cation of the quality system with the participation of the respon-
sible departments;
• Initiation of the quality system by the company management from
a given point of time;
• Performing of a comprehensive internal quality system audit in
order to identify any deficiencies in the documentation and appli-
2.4 Quality Element Representatives
Quality Element Element Representative
(Function within the company)
01 Management responsibility Management representative
02 Quality system Management and quality
03 Internal quality audits Quality representative
04 Training, Personnel Head of personnel
05 Financial considerations to quality systems Controlling/Finances
06 Product safety Management representative
Z1 Company strategy Management representative
07 Market research Head of department
08 Development Head of department
09 Preparation of service Head of department
10 Advertising and marketing Head of sales/marketing
11 Sales and marketing /service agreements Head of department
12 Purchasing Head of purchasing
13 Service performance Head of department
14 Customer support (subsequent support, product Head of department
15 Analysis of service improvement Management representative
16 Document and Data Control (objectives) Quality representative
17 Control of quality records (verification) Quality representative
3 Auditing in Quality Management
This definition describes aptly for all types of audit, their purpose and aim,
irrelevant of who carries them out on whose behalf, or the object or feature
with which they are dealing.
The basics for the branch specific auditing of systems in the German
Automotive Industry are clearly described for material products in VDA 6.1
and for non-material products (services) in VDA 6.2.
During a system audit, deviations from the ruling standards and the
reasons for them, with regard to the organization of the company and
internal processes, can be determined.
Internal system audits (1st Party) are carried out by the audited company
(their own company). The basis of the internal system audit is the quality
documentation raised by the company itself.
The company management arranges for the drawing up and carrying out of
an audit program. The audit results are to be included in the evaluation of
the quality system by the company management.
During a 2 Party Audit, the customer audits his suppliers directly. They
can also be accepted by other customers.
During a 3 Party Audit, external system audits are carried out by an
independent, accredited institution with the aim of awarding a certificate
(Certification audit). Within the validity period of the certificate (three
years), surveillance audits are carried out (at least once a year).
The basics for the branch specific auditing of processes and procedures in
the German Automotive Industry are clearly described in VDA 6.3.
Deviations and their causes with regard to activities which lead directly or
indirectly to a product coming into being, as well as the effectiveness of
process specific documents, are identified.
Typical processes are, amongst others:
The basics for the branch specific auditing of products in the German
automotive industry are clearly described in VDA 6.5.
The product audit serves the assessment and evaluation of the effective-
ness of quality measures on a particular product.
Thereby, the conformance of the product quality with the customer specifi-
cations, customer requirements, technical specifications, test and manufac-
turing documents is examined. Here also, the effectiveness and usefulness
of the documents are assessed in combination.
The following areas have been defined as service business criteria in the
automobile manufacturing business: service specifications, complaint
management, progress/flexibility, personnel, communication, means and
The process audit differs substantially from the product audit in task, pro-
ceedings and content. The principal difference exists in that the product
audit is primarily an instrument of proof confirming the achieved product
properties. The planned product properties are compared with actual pro-
perties with the help of product descriptions.
Relationship between System, Process and Product/Service Audits
Process and product audits are integral parts of a quality system and the
results from these types of audits can give indications to errors in the
quality system.
The independent and separately applicable audit types are to some extent
similar and complement each other in a complete assessment of the
quality capabilities of a company.
Whilst the fulfilling of the quality system requirements can also be proven
by certification (through a third party), process and product audits are
exclusively carried out by car manufacturers or suppliers. (Fig. 3.4-1).
Quality Management in the Automotive Industry VDA 6
Quality Systems/Processes/Products
Title System Audit Process Audit Product Audit
4 Certification to VDA 6.1 (3rd Party Audit)
4.3 Evaluation
4.1.2 Determining the Audit Time
2) The figures given in the table are minimum values. Under differing
circumstances regarding
4) If the audit duration is four mandays or more, an audit team has to
be assigned.
If a company has more than one site which all fall under the same
quality system, then a reduction of the audit days can be applied to
the sites. The head office in which the central functions are located,
is to be audited, applying the full amount of mandays given in Table
4.1.2-1 corresponding to the number of full time employees working
there. For every additional site, the figure corresponding to the num-
ber of full time employees working there, has to be taken from table
4.1.2-1 and can then be reduced by up to 30 % depending on the
circumstances. 70 % of a single certification as stated in Figure
4.1.2-1 definitely need to be performed forevery site.
When selecting the auditor, attention must be paid that at least one auditor
has the necessary branch specific qualifications for the company to be
4.2 Audit Process
The audit plan lists the element representatives of the participating depart-
ments and the set audit schedule. The audit plan set up in agreement with
the company to be audited has to be followed by the audit team.
• Type
• Structure
• Comprehensibility
• Suitability
• Conformity with ruling standards (VDA 6.1 or 6.2, ISO ...)
• Non-contradictory
The result of the review has to be provided in writing (for internal audits this
can be given verbally).
This includes:
4.2.3 Opening Meeting
The aim, purpose and course of the audit are explained. The Lead Auditor
gives general instructions to behavior during the audit. Open questions are
mutually resolved.
The audit team carries out the audit to the established audit plan. At-site
interviews are carried out, samples taken and observations noted. Inter-
viewees receive feedback from the auditor regarding their statements.
Nonconformities are discussed immediately. The Lead Auditor prepares the
closing meeting, gives his preliminary findings and discusses further
If possible, the same people present at the opening meeting take part in
the closing meeting. The Lead Auditor explains the results and clarifies
further actions.
The persons responsible for corrective actions and completion dates are
4.2.6 Reporting
The Lead Auditor writes a final report. He comments on each element and
describes the potential for improvement. Here attention should be paid that
every nonconformity is stated in writing and referenced to the ruling
An overall statement regarding the company and its quality system is made
in summary. The subsequent steps pertaining to the next audit and further
actions are also described.
No longer then three months may pass between the initial audit and the
verification visit, so that the rating can be awarded.
Appendix 1
of the certification body
VDA/C.-No. 000/96
Sample Ltd.
Sample Street 00
D-00000 Sample Town
is using a
Quality System
according to VDA 6, Part 1
– Material products -
This quality system is a supplementary qualification to the referenced quality system on the ISO certificate.
Verification has been made based on the certification audit, Report No..: ......................................
This certificate is valid until (DD/MM/YY)
Date of issue (DD/MM/YY)
4.3 Evaluation
The quality system is evaluated according to VDA 6.1 using the degree of
compliance [%].
The Lead Auditor is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the
report. A brief and concise form should be aimed for. The report has to be
complete, defined and clear.
Report Content
The complete content of the quality system audit to VDA 6.1 has to be
documented with the following forms:
c) Summary of results
f) Individual measures
h) Referenced documents
Report Recipients
Time Schedule
The quality audit report should be completed within 15 working days, if not
otherwise agreed with the customer.
Over and above the following elements mentioned, all other elements have
to be considered in a manner that ensures each element is fully evaluated
at least once during the validityof the certificate. The additional VDA 6.1
requirements as opposed to the ruling standard applied so far, need to be
fully taken into account, whereby the principles of DIN EN ISO can be
followed. The additional VDA 6.1 requirements are to be audited in
supplement. Hereby VDA 6.1 is to be fully applied.
In the case of an up grade during a Re-Audit, the full audit time for an initial
audit is required. The audit evaluation is based only on the audited
These are:
• Elements 01 - 06
• Z1 Company strategy (if required)
• Element 08 (if relevant)
• Element 07 and 09
• Element 17 and 18 (current customer complaints)
• Handling of the findings/conditions/comments resulting from the
previous audit (audit report).
Basis QS-9000
• Element 01 - 06
• Element Z1
• Element 08, 09 and 18.
4.5.3 Certificate Maintenance
In addition, the following points should be considered for VDA 6.1:
5 VDA Certificate (2nd Party Audit)
VDA 6.1 enables a classification into A, AB, B or C for 2nd party audits,
based on the degree of compliance [%]. In certain cases, a re-grading from
A to AB or from AB to B is to be carried out, according to set criteria.
In the Company
according to Volume 6, Part 2 of the VDA Publication
„Quality Management in the Automotive Industry„
based on DIN EN ISO 9001, 9002, 9004-1 and DIN ISO 9004-2
was carried out with the following result:
The audit was carried out by: Registered VDA No. _________________
Company/Signature of Authorized Representative
(VDA Stamp)
Lead-Auditor(s): _____________
Signature _______________________
Date ____________
The VDA certificate serves as verification that a 2nd party audit has been
carried out. The criteria given in EN 45012 regarding independence and
impartiality are to be maintained by the auditors.
5.2 Applying for a VDA Certificate
To the
Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V (VDA)
Lindenstr. 5
Degree of compliance:
For verification of the forms VDA 6.1 or VDA 6.2 Main Section 8, are to be attached as copies.
Lead Auditor:
Full Audit
Supplement to an existing certificate
____________________________ ____________________________
Location/Date Signature Location/Date Signature
Lead Auditor Audited Company
Summary of Audit Verifications
VDA- Cert.
Certificate Supplement
Criteria for compliance with the requirements
a) Full Audit, Degree of compliance ≥ 90 % X X
- all quality elements ≥ 75 % X X
- no crucial question marked with 0 points X X
b) Certificate according to DIN EN ISO 9001/2 available,
10 spot checks of various elements X X
- all quality elements ≥ 75 % X X
- no crucial question marked with 0 points X X
VDA Registration Number X -
Certificate Registration Number - X
Application for VDA 6 Verifications
VDA Lead Auditor and authorized representative of the X -
company, in which the Lead Auditor works
VDA 6.1 Certified Auditor from the certification body.
- X
Qualifications of the Auditors
Quality auditor according to EOQ-Guidelines with final X X
examination or equivalent
Evidence ≥ 3 audits per year X X
6 Qualification of Auditors
Auditors for VDA 6.1 must have the training and the certificate „ VDA 6.1
Certified Auditor „ from a VDA authorized Personnel Registrar (see QMC
In order to be entered for this training and examination, the following basic
qualifications must be fulfilled:
b) Work experience
c) Audit experience
The auditor must have carried out at least three external audits as
Lead Auditor in the last year. These audits can be 2nd party audits in
the automotive industry, certification audits (Initial or Re-audits) or
concern audits in the automotive industry.
The enrollment for the course and examination occurs through the branch
representative of the certification body or the director or authorized
representative of a VDA member company. VDA decides about admission
and advises the Personnel Registrar.
At the end of the „VDA 6.1 Certified Auditor“ course, the auditor must sit an
examination. The examination consists of a written and oral part. Both
parts must be passed.
The qualification criteria for a VDA Lead Auditor are the same as for a
Certified Auditor (Chapter 6.1). However, an examination is not required.
Their qualification must be carried out by VDA 6.1 Certified Auditors or
through VDA Lead Auditors.
The qualification criteria for process auditors are described in Volume 6.3.
An example is shown in Table 6.4.1
a) Occupational qualification with technical a) has written and oral fluency in the language
training in the area of Quality Assurance of the country
b) Knowledge of inspection techniques b) can recognize relationships
c) Basic knowledge of statistics, control card c) distinctly quality conscious
d) can proceed analytically
d) Knowledge of the machines and process (e.g. can separate important from
capability verifications unimportant, can quickly identify the core of
a problem)
e) Basic knowledge of further quality methods
and tools e) is able to communicate and work in a team
f) Basic knowledge of technical f) can defend his own standpoint even in the
communication face of opposition
g) Knowledge of the quality policy of the g) can listen and ask searching questions
h) can apply adequate technical and expert
h) Basic knowledge of EDP (PC Basic knowledge
i) 3 Process audits together with an expert
j) 4 Years work experience, of which 2 in
process management
k) Written and oral fluency in the language of
the country
6.5 Product Auditor
The qualification criteria for product auditors are described in Volume 6.5.
An example is shown in Table 6.5.1
a) Occupational qualification with technical a) has written and oral fluency in the language
training in the area of Quality Assurance of the country
b) Knowledge of inspection techniques b) can recognize relationships
c) Basic knowledge of statistics c) can proceed analytically
(e.g. can separate important from
d) Basic knowledge of the process capability unimportant, can quickly identify the core of
verifications the problem)
e) View of quality assurance methods and d) is able to communicate and work in a team
e) can defend his own standpoint even in the
f) Basic knowledge of technical face of opposition
f) can listen and ask searching questions
g) Knowledge of the quality policy of the
company g) can apply adequate technical and expert
h) Quality conscious
i) Basic knowledge of EDP
(PC Basic training)
j) 4 Years work experience, of which 2 years
in the area of quality assurance
k) Written and oral fluency in the language of
the country
7 Comparison Tables (Synopses)
rd nd
7.1 VDA 6.1, 3 Edition 1996/VDA 6, 2 Edition 1993
7.2 VDA 6.1, 3 Edition 1996/DIN EN ISO 9001: 1994
7.1 VDA 6.1, 3rd Edition 1996/VDA 6, 2nd Edition 1993
VDA 6 Subject in question VDA 6
Part 1 2 Edition
06. Product safety
06.1 Product liability principles 04.01
06.2 Products requiring documentation 04.02
06.3 Recognition of product risks 04.03
06.4 Limitation of nonconforming units 04.04
Z1. Company strategy
Z1.1 Company plan regarding costs, sales, quality, etc. Not included
Z1.2 Company performance assessment methods and CIP usage Not included
Z1.3 Performance data, company wide / Comparison Not included
Z1.4 Customer satisfaction, measurement and changes Not included
Z1.5 Employee satisfaction Not included
P Product and Process
VDA 6 Subject in question VDA 6
Part 1 2 Edition
10. Document and data control
10.1 Quality relevant documents, responsibilities, procedures 16.01
10.2 Approval and revision 16.02
10.3 Safekeeping 16.04
10.4 Timely implementation of customer documentation Not included
10.5 Invalid documents Not included
11. Purchasing
11.1 Order documents 08.01
11.2 Selection of suppliers 08.02
11.3 Sample verifications 08.03
11.4 Suppliers quality performance 08.04
11.5 Quality control agreements 08.05
11.6 Receiving inspection and testing 08.06
11.7 Traceability 08.07
12. Control of customer-supplied product
12.1 Agreed quality measures 18.01
12.2 Minimum scope of inspection and testing 18.02
12.3 Reporting of nonconformities 18.03
12.4 Quality history Not included
13. Process control/ Identification and traceability/Inspection and testing status
13.1 Marking of products 10.02
13.2 Process control measures 10.03
13.3 Process parameter records 10.07
13.4 Storage of operating equipment 10.05
13.5 Quality goal / consequent process, dispatch Not included
13.6 Traceability 10.02, 10.04
13.7 Release at restarts 10.01
14. Process control
14.1 Machine and process capability checks 09.02, 09.07
14.2 Production release 09.03, 09.04
14.3 Control of the relevant process parameters Not included
14.4 Maintenance, preventive servicing 10.06
14.5 Special processes Not included
14.6 Environmental conditions specified / maintained 09.08
14.7 Evaluation of the effectiveness of production processes Not included
VDA 6 Subject in question VDA 6
Part 1 2 Edition
15. Inspection and testing
15.1 Inspection and testing schedules 08.06, 09.05,
15.2 Inspection and test plans, inspection and test procedures 09.06
15.3 Quality records for externally purchased products 11.01
15.4 Quality records for work stages 11.02
15.5 Quality records for the end product 11.03
15.6 Periodic inspections and tests 11.04
16. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment
16.1 Control and calibration system 12.01
16.2 Connection to national / international standards 12.01
16.3 Measurement uncertainty of the measuring and test equipment 12.02
16.4 Inspection, measuring and test equipment capabilities 12.03
16.5 Control of non-conforming inspection, measuring and test equipment 12.04
17. Control of nonconforming products
17.1 Disposition of nonconforming units 13.01
17.2 Concessions 13.02
17.3 Corrective actions 13.03
17.4 Recognition of repeat nonconformities 13.04
18. Corrective and preventive actions
18.1 Ordering corrective actions 14.01
18.2 Estimation of the nonconformity risk 14.02
18.3 Analysis of the cause of the nonconformity 14.03
18.4 Preventive action to avoid repeat nonconformities 14.04
19. Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery
19.1 Handling of products 15.01
19.2 Packaging and marking process Not included
19.3 Measures to prevent transport damages 15.02
19.4 Correction of packaging nonconformities 15.03
19.5 Identification of the products 15.04
19.6 Delivery reliability Not included
20. Control of quality records
20.1 Quality relevant documents 16.01
20.2 Analysis of quality records 16.03
20.3 Safekeeping 16.04
20.4 Customer access to quality records Not included
VDA 6 Subject in question VDA 6
Part 1 2 Edition
21. Quality in the operating phase/Servicing/Customer services
21.1 Operation and installation instructions 15.06
21.2 Product observation / Field failure – Early warning system 06.04, 15
21.3 Field failure analysis 06.05
21.4 Customer service information 15.05
21.5 Servicing Not included
22. Statistical techniques (in the case of )
22.1 Technique planning Not included
22.2 Development / Trail 17.01
22.3 External purchases 17.02
22.4 Process development and control 17.03
22.5 Final inspection and testing 17.04
22.6 Analysis of field failures 17.05
7.2 VDA 6.1, 3rd Edition 1996/DIN EN ISO 9001: 1994
VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 1 9001
06. Product safety
06.1 Product liability principles Not included
06.2 Products requiring documentation (4.2.3 a-g)
06.3 Recognition of product risks (4.8)
06.4 Limitation of nonconforming units Not included
Z1. Company strategy
Z1.1 Company plan regarding costs, sales, quality, etc. Not included
Z1.2 Company performance assessment methods and CIP usage Not included
Z1.3 Performance data, company wide / Comparison Not included
Z1.4 Customer satisfaction, measurement and changes Not included
Z1.5 Employee satisfaction Not included
P Product and Process
VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 1 9001
10. Document and data control 4.5
10.1 Quality relevant documents, responsibilities, procedures 4.5.1 to 3
10.2 Approval and revision 4.5.2, 4.5.3
10.3 Safekeeping 4.3.4
10.4 Timely implementation of customer documentation 4.5.2
11. Purchasing 4.6
11.1 Order documents 4.6.2, 4.6.3,
11.2 Selection of suppliers 4.6.1, 4.6.2a
11.3 Sample verifications 4.6.1, 4.6.2b
11.4 Suppliers quality performance 4.6.1, 4.6.2c
11.5 Quality control agreements 4.6.2b, (4.6.4)
11.6 Receiving inspection and testing 4.6.4, 4.10.1
11.7 Traceability 4.8
12. Control of customer-supplied product 4.7
12.1 Agreed quality measures 4.7
12.2 Minimum scope of inspection and testing 4.7
12.3 Reporting of nonconformities 4.7
12.4 Quality history 4.7
13. Process control/ Identification + traceability / Inspection and testing status 4.9, (4.8, 4.11,
4.12, 4.19.6)
13.1 Marking of products 4.8, 4.12
13.2 Process control measures 4.9d
13.3 Process parameter records 4.9 (Par. 4),
13.4 Storage of operating equipment 4.11.2h
13.5 Quality goal / consequent process, dispatch 4.12
13.6 Traceability 4.8 (Par. 2)
13.7 Release at restarts 4.9e
14. Process control 4.9
14.1 Machine and process capability checks 4.9b
14.2 Production release 4.9c, -d, -e
14.3 Control of the relevant process parameters 4.9d, 4.9f
14.4 Maintenance, preventive servicing 4.9g
14.5 Special processes 4.9 Par. 2, 3
14.6 Environmental conditions specified / maintained 4.9b, 4.11.2g
14.7 Evaluation of the effectiveness of production processes Not included
VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 1 9001
15. Inspection and testing 4.10, (4.2.3)
15.1 Inspection and testing schedules 4.2.3b,-c, -d, -e
15.2 Inspection and test plans, inspection and test procedures 4.10.1
15.3 Quality records for externally purchase products, 4.10.1,
15.4 Quality records for work stages 4.10.1, 4.10.3,
15.5 Quality records for the end product 4.10.1, 4.10.4
15.6 Periodic inspections and tests (4.10.1)
16. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment 4.11
16.1 Control and calibration system 4.11.1,4.11.2b,
-c, -d, -e, -g, -i
16.2 Connection to national / international standards 4.11.2b
16.3 Measurement uncertainty of the measuring and test equipment 4.11.2a
16.4 Inspection, measuring and test equipment capabilities (4.11.2a)
16.5 Control of non-conforming inspection, measuring and test equipment 4.11.2f
17. Control of nonconforming products 4.13
17.1 Disposition of nonconforming units 4.13.1, 4.13.2
17.2 Concessions 4.13.2
17.3 Corrective actions 4.13.2
17.4 Recognition of repeat nonconformities 4.14.2a
18. Corrective and preventive actions 4.14
18.1 Ordering corrective actions 4.14.1, 4.14.2
18.2 Estimation of the nonconformity risk 4.14.3
18.3 Analysis of the cause of the nonconformity 4.14.2b
18.4 Preventive action to avoid repeat nonconformities 4.14.2d
19. Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery 4.15
19.1 Handling of products 4.15.1, 4.15.2,
19.2 Packaging and marking process 4.15.4
19.3 Measures to prevent transport damages 4.15.4, 4.15.5,
19.4 Correction of packaging nonconformities 4.15.1 with
19.5 Identification of the products 4.15.4
19.6 Delivery reliability Not included
VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 1 9001
20. Control of quality records 4.16
20.1 Quality relevant documents 4.16
20.2 Analysis of quality records 4.16
20.3 Safekeeping 4.16, 4.3.4
20.4 Customer access to quality records 4.16
21. Quality in the operating phase/Servicing/Customer services (4.19)
21.1 Operation and installation instructions (4.19)
21.2 Product observation / Field failure – Early warning system Not included
21.3 Field failure analysis (4.14.2b)
21.4 Customer service information Not included
21.5 Servicing 4.19
22. Statistical Techniques (in the case of) 4.20
22.1 Technique planning 4.20.1
22.2 Development / Trail 4.20
22.3 External purchases 4.20
22.4 Process development and control 4.20
22.5 Final inspection and testing 4.20
22.6 Analysis of field failures 4.20
7.3 VDA 6.3, DIN EN ISO 9004-1
VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 3 9004-1
06 Product safety
06.1 Product liability principles -
06.2 Products requiring documentation 19
06.3 Recognition of product risks 19a,b
06.4 Limitation of nonconforming units 19d,e
Z1 Company strategy
Z1.1 Company plan regarding costs, sales, quality, etc. -
Z1.2 Company performance assessment methods and CIP usage -
Z1.3 Performance data, company wide / Comparison -
Z1.4 Customer satisfaction, measurement and changes -
Z1.5 Employee satisfaction -
P Product and Process
VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 3 9004-1
10 Document and data control
10.1 Quality relevant documents, responsibilities, procedures 17.1
10.2 Approval and revision 17.1
10.3 Safekeeping 17.3
10.4 Timely implementation of customer documentation 17.3
10.5 Invalid documents 17.1
11 Purchasing
11.1 Order documents 9.2
11.2 Selection of suppliers 9.3
11.3 Sample verifications 9.3b
11.4 Suppliers quality performance 9.4; 9.8
11.5 Quality control agreements 9.5
11.6 Receiving inspection and testing 9.7
11.7 Traceability 9.8
12 Control of customer-supplied product
12.1 Agreed quality measures -
12.2 Minimum scope of inspection and testing -
12.3 Reporting of nonconformities -
12.4 Quality history -
13 Process control/ Identification and traceability/Inspection and testing status
13.1 Marking of products 11.2
13.2 Process control measures 11.4
13.3 Process parameter records 11.4; 11.5
13.4 Storage of operating equipment 11.3
13.5 Quality goal / consequent process, dispatch 11.7
13.6 Traceability 11.2
13.7 Release at restarts 11.1
14 Process control
14.1 Machine and process capability checks 10.1.1
14.2 Production release 10.1.1
14.3 Control of the relevant process parameters 10.1.2; 10.2
14.4 Maintenance, preventive servicing 10.3
14.5 Special processes 11.4 Par.3
14.6 Environmental conditions specified / maintained 10.3
14.7 Evaluation of the effectiveness of production processes -
VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 3 9004-1
15 Inspection and testing
15.1 Inspection and testing schedules 10.1.3
15.2 Inspection and test plans, inspection and test procedures 10.1.4
15.3 Quality records for externally purchased products 12.1
15.4 Quality records for work stages 12.2
15.5 Quality records for the end product 12.3a
15.6 Periodic inspections and tests 12.3b
16 Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment
16.1 Control and calibration system 13.1; 13.2
16.2 Connection to national / international standards 13.2b
16.3 Measurement uncertainty of the measuring and test equipment 13.2b
16.4 Inspection, measuring and test equipment capabilities 13.1
16.5 Control of non-conforming inspection, measuring and test equipment 13.4
17 Control of nonconforming products
17.1 Disposition of nonconforming units 14.2
17.2 Concessions 14.5
17.3 Corrective actions 14.6
17.4 Recognition of repeat nonconformities 14.7
18 Corrective and preventive actions
18.1 Ordering corrective actions 15.2
18.2 Estimation of the nonconformity risk 15.6
18.3 Analysis of the cause of the nonconformity 15.4; 15.5
18.4 Preventive action to avoid repeat nonconformities 15.7; 15.8
19 Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery
19.1 Handling of products (10.4)
19.2 Packaging and marking process 16.2
19.3 Measures to prevent transport damages 16.1
19.4 Correction of packaging nonconformities 16.1; 16.2
19.5 Identification of the products 16.1; 16.2
19.6 Delivery reliability -
20 Control of quality records
20.1 Quality relevant documents 17.1
20.2 Analysis of quality records 17.3
20.3 Safekeeping 17.3
20.4 Customer access to quality records -
VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 3 9004-1
21 Quality in the operating phase / Servicing/ Customer services
21.1 Operation and installation instructions 16.4.3
21.2 Product observation / Field failure – Early warning system 7.3; 16.5; 16.6
21.3 Field failure analysis 7.3
21.4 Customer service information 16.4.1
21.5 Servicing 16.4
22 Statistical Techniques (in the case of)
22.1 Technique planning 20.1
22.2 Development / Trail 20.1b,h; 20.2
22.3 External purchases 20.1f; 20.2
22.4 Process development and control 20.1c-g; 20.2
22.5 Final inspection and testing 20.1f; 20.2
22.6 Analysis of field failures 20.1a,h; 20.2
7.4 VDA 6.1 1996, 3rd Edition 1996/
Evaluation d’aptitude qualité fournisseurs (EAQF)94
VDA 6 Subject in question EAQF94
Part 1
06. Product safety
06.1 Product liability principles 22.1
06.2 Products requiring documentation 22.3/22.4
06.3 Recognition of product risks
06.4 Limitation of nonconforming units
Z1. Company strategy
Z1.1 Company plan regarding costs, sales, quality, etc. 1.2
Z1.2 Company performance assessment methods and CIP usage
Z1.3 Performance data, company wide / Comparison
Z1.4 Customer satisfaction, measurement and changes
Z1.5 Employee satisfaction
P Product and Process
VDA 6 Subject in question EAQF94
Part 1
10. Document and data control
10.1 Quality relevant documents, responsibilities, procedures 5.1
10.2 Approval and revision 5.2
10.3 Safekeeping 5.2/5.3
10.4 Timely implementation of customer documents 5.2/5.3
10.5 Invalid documents 5.2
11. Purchasing
11.1 Order documents 6.2/6.3
11.2 Selection of suppliers 6.1
11.3 Sample verifications 6.5
11.4 Suppliers quality performance 6.1/6.8/6.10
11.5 Quality control agreements 6.4
11.6 Receiving inspection and testing 6.8/6.9
11.7 Traceability 6.7
12. Control of customer-supplied product
12.1 Agreed quality measures
12.2 Minimum scope of inspection and testing 7.1
12.3 Reporting of nonconformities 7.1
12.4 Quality history -
13. Process control / Identification and traceability / Inspection and testing
13.1 Marking of products 8.1/8.2
13.2 Process control measures 8.2/10.4
13.3 Process parameter records
13.4 Storage of operating equipment
13.5 Quality goal / consequent process / dispatch 12.1/12.2
13.6 Traceability 8.3
13.7 Release at restart 9.11
14. Process control
14.1 Machine and process capability verifications 9.3/9.4
14.2 Production release 9.3
14.3 Control of the relevant process parameters 9.4/9.5
14.4 Maintenance, preventive servicing 9.2/9.19/9.20
14.5 Special processes 9.6/9.17
14.6 Environmental conditions specified / maintained 9.12/9.13/9.19/
14.7 Evaluation of the effectiveness of production processes 9.5/9.18/9.21
VDA 6 Subject in question EAQF94
Part 1
15. Inspection and testing
15.1 Inspection and testing schedules 9.5/9.8/9.9/10.2
15.2 Inspection and test plans, inspections and test procedures 10.2
15.3 Quality records for externally purchased products 10.1
15.4 Quality records for work stages 10.1-10.5
15.5 Quality records for the end product 10.3/10.4
15.6 Periodic inspections and tests
16. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment
16.1 Control and calibration system 11.1/11.2/11.4
16.2 Connection to national / international standards 11.2
16.3 Measurement uncertainty of the measuring and test equipment 11.1/11.2
16.4 Inspection, measuring and test equipment capabilities 11.3
16.5 Control of nonconforming inspection, measuring and test equipment 11.2/11.3
17. Control of nonconforming product
17.1 Disposition of nonconforming units 13.3/13.4
17.2 Concessions 13.3/13.4
17.3 Corrective actions 13.4
17.4 Recognition of repeat nonconformities
18. Corrective and preventive actions
18.1 Ordering corrective actions 14.1
18.2 Estimation of the nonconformity risk 14.2/14.3
18.3 Analysis of the cause of the nonconformity 14.3
18.4 Preventive action to avoid repeat nonconformities 14.2
19. Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery
19.1 Handling of products 15.1/15.2/15.4
19.2 Packaging and marking process 15.4
19.3 Measure to prevent transport damages 15.1/15.2
19.4 Correction of packing nonconformities 15.4
19.5 Identification of the product 15.2/15.3/15.4
19.6 Delivery reliability 15.5
20. Control of quality records
20.1 Quality relevant documents 16.1
20.2 Analysis of quality records 16.1
20.3 Safekeeping 16.2
20.4 Customer access to quality records
VDA 6 Subject in question EAQF94
Part 1
21. Quality in the operating phase/Servicing/Customer services
21.1 Operating and installation instructions 19.1
21.2 Product observation / Field failure – early warning system 19.2/19.3
21.3 Field failure analysis 19.2/19.3
21.4 Customer service information 19.2
21.5 Servicing
22. Statistical techniques (in the case of)
22.1 Technique planning 20.1
22.2 Development / trail 20.2
22.3 External purchases
22.4 Process development and control 20.2
22.5 Final inspection and testing 20.2
22.6 Analysis of field failures 20.2
7.5 VDA 6.1 1996/AVSQ94
VDA 6 Subject in question AVSQ94
Part 1
05. Financial considerations to quality systems
05.1 Reporting method 4.21
05.2 Reporting frequency 4.1.3/ 4.21
05.3 Internal error costs 4.21
05.4 External error costs 4.21
06. Product safety
06.1 Product liability principles
4.4.4 d/ 4.9 u /
4.22 a
06.2 Products requiring documentation 4.4.2 g / 4.22 b,
c, d
06.3 Recognition of product risks 4.4.2 g, h, i
06.4 Limitation of nonconforming units 4.4.8 b,c/ 4.22
Z1. Company strategy
Z1.1 Company plan regarding costs, sales, quality, etc. not included
Z1.2 Company performance assessment methods and CIP usage 4.4.2 d/ 4.4.4 b
Z1.3 Performance data, company wide / Comparison 4.4.4 c
Z1.4 Customer satisfaction, measurement and changes not included
Z1.5 Employee satisfaction not included
P Product and Process
VDA 6 Subject in question AVSQ94
Part 1
08.4 Quality evaluations 4.4.5 / 4.4.7 a,
b, c, d
08.5 Design release 4.4.6 c/4.4.8
08.6 Result of development work 4.3.2 b / 4.4.4 a
/ 4.4.6 a
08.7 Transmittal of development experiences 4.4.4 b, d/
4.4.6 a
09. Process planning (Process development)
09.1 Process development plan for new / changed products 4.4.1/ 4.4.2 a,
b, c, e, f / 4.4.3
a,b/ 4.4.4 a /
4.4.5 /4.4.7 a, c
/ 4.9 a
09.2 Production plans, Work instructions 4.9 d,e,f,h
09.3 Quality requirements fully considered 4.2.3 a/4.3.2 a/
4.4.2 i / 4.4.5 /
4.4.7 a/4.9
09.4 Quality evaluation of processes and procedures 4.4.5 / 4.4.6 b /
4.4.7 a, b, c, d/
4.9 b, g, l, p
09.5 Approval of processes and procedures 4.4.6 a, b, c /
4.4.8 a, b, c /
4.9 l, n
09.6 Results of process planning and development work 4.4.6 a/4.9 e, h
09.7 Transmittal of process planning experiences 4.4.3 b/4.4.4.b/
4.4.6 a, b, c
10. Document and data control
10.1 Quality relevant documents, responsibilities, procedures 4.5.1/ 4.5.2 a
10.2 Approval and revision 4.5.1 / 4.5.2 a,
b / 4.5.3 a, b
10.3 Safekeeping 4.5.2 b, c
10.4 Timely implementation of customer documents 4.5.1 / 4.5.3 b
10.5 Invalid documents 4.5.2 b, c
11. Purchasing
11.1 Order documents 4.6.1/4.6.3 a, b
11.2 Selection of suppliers 4.6.2a/4.6.4c,d
11.3 Sample verifications 4.6.4 b, d /
4.10.2 a
11.4 Suppliers quality performance 4.6.2 b, c /
4.6.4 b, c
VDA 6 Subject in question AVSQ94
Part 1
11.5 Quality control agreements 4.6.2 b / 4.6.4 a
/ 4.10.1
11.6 Receiving inspection and testing 4.6.1/4.6.4 b,c/
4.10.1/4.10.2 b,
11.7 Traceability 4.6.2 c / 4.6.3 b
/ 4.8 a, c
12. Control of customer-supplied product
12.1 Agreed quality measures 4.7
12.2 Minimum scope of inspection and testing 4.7
12.3 Reporting of nonconformities 4.7
12.4 Quality history not included
13. Process control / Identification and traceability / Inspection and testing
13.1 Marking of products 4.8 a, b / 4.12
13.2 Process control measures 4.8 b / 4.9 e, f /
4.10.3 b
13.3 Process parameter records 4.8 c / 4.9 h, i /
4.16 b
13.4 Storage of operating equipment 4.9 o / 4.11.2 f
13.5 Quality goal / consequent process / dispatch 4.8 b / 4.12
13.6 Traceability 4.8 c
13.7 Release at restart 4.9 m, n
14. Process control
14.1 Machine and process capability verifications 4.9 f,g,i,p
14.2 Production release 4.9 b, c, e, g, l,
m, n, p
14.3 Control of the relevant process parameters 4.9 f, g, h, i /
4.16 b
14.4 Maintenance, preventive servicing 4.9 o
14.5 Special processes 4.9 p, u
14.6 Environmental conditions specified / maintained 4.9 q, r, s /
4.11.2 e, f
14.7 Evaluation of the effectiveness of production processes 4.9 a, e, m, n, t
VDA 6 Subject in question AVSQ94
Part 1
15. Inspection and testing
15.1 Inspection and testing schedules 4.2.3 a/4.10.1/
4.10.2 a/
4.10.4 a
15.2 Inspection and test plans, inspections and test procedures 4.10.1/4.10.3a/
4.10.4 a/
4.10.5 a, b
15.3 Quality records for externally purchased products 4.10.2 a, b,c /
4.10.5 a, b
15.4 Quality records for work stages 4.10.3 a, b, c/
4.10.5a, b/4.12
15.5 Quality records for the end product 4.10.4 a, b, c /
4.10.5 a, b
15.6 Periodic inspections and tests 4.10.4 a,c
16. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment
16.1 Control and calibration system 4.11.1 a,b/
4.11.2 a,b,c,e
16.2 Connection to national / international standards 4.11.2 b, c
16.3 Measurement uncertainty of the measuring and test equipment 4.11.2 a,f
16.4 Inspection, measuring and test equipment capabilities 4.11.1 b
16.5 Control of nonconforming inspection, measuring and test equipment 4.11.2 d
17. Control of nonconforming product
17.1 Disposition of nonconforming units 4.13.1 / 4.13.2
17.2 Concessions 4.13.2 c, d
17.3 Corrective actions 4.13.2 a, b
17.4 Recognition of repeat nonconformities 4.14.2 b, c /
4.14.3 a, b /
(4.4.4 b)
18. Corrective and preventive actions
18.1 Ordering corrective actions 4.14.1/ 4.14.2
a,b,c/ 4.14.3
18.2 Estimation of the nonconformity risk 4.14.3 a, b
18.3 Analysis of the cause of the nonconformity 4.14.2 b /
4.14.3 a, b
18.4 Preventive action to avoid repeat nonconformities 4.14.2 b, c /
4.14.3 a, b /
(4.4.4 b)
VDA 6 Subject in question AVSQ94
Part 1
19. Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery
19.1 Handling of products 4.15.1/4.15.3 b
19.2 Packaging and marking process 4.15.4
19.3 Measure to prevent transport damages 4.15.2/4.15.3a/
19.4 Correction of packing nonconformities 4.14.2 b, c
19.5 Identification of the product 4.15.5
19.6 Delivery reliability 4.15.6 b
20. Control of quality records
20.1 Quality relevant documents 4.16 a, b
20.2 Analysis of quality records 4.16 a, b, c
20.3 Safekeeping 4.3.4/4.10.5 a,
b/ 4.16 d
20.4 Customer access to quality records 4.16 a, c, d
21. Quality in the operating phase
21.1 Operating and installation instructions 4.19 c
21.2 Product observation / Field failure – early warning system 4.19 d
21.3 Field failure analysis 4.14.2 b, c/4.19
21.4 Customer service information 4.19 a, b, d
21.5 Servicing 4.19 a, b
22. Statistical techniques (in the case of)
22.1 Technique planning 4.20.1
22.2 Development / trail 4.20.2
22.3 External purchases (4.20.1)
22.4 Process development and control (4.20.1)
22.5 Final inspection and testing (4.20.1)
22.6 Analysis of field failures (4.20.2)
Note: 1) VDA 6.1 partially does not cover the following AVSQ questions: d regarding personnel safety (Health and Safety standards)
and environmental protection
4.2.3 b regarding Management
4.4.9 regarding established procedures
4.9 c regarding evaluation procedures
4.13.2 d regarding every mix up
7.6 VDA 6.1, 3rd Edition 1996/QS-9000
VDA 6 Subject in question QS-9000
Part 1
04.4 New appointments, staff movements 4.18
04.5 Qualification 4.4.2; 4-18;
04.6 Promotion of quality awareness (4.18)
04.7 Presentation of the achieved quality (4.18)
05. Financial consideration to quality systems
05.1 Reporting method 4.1.3; II.2.3
05.2 Reporting frequency 4.1.3; II.2.2
05.3 Internal error costs II.2.2
05.4 External error costs II.2.2
06. Product safety
06.1 Product liability principles -
06.2 Products requiring documentation 4.2.3; 4.5.1;
4.9; 4.9.1
06.3 Recognition of product risks -
06.4 Limitation of nonconforming units 4.8
Z Company strategy
Z1. Company strategy
Z1.1 Company plan regarding costs, sales, quality, etc. 4.1.4
Z1.2 Company performance assessment methods and CIP usage 4.1.4;4.1.5;
Z1.3 Performance data, company wide / Comparison 4.1.5
Z1.4 Customer satisfaction, measurement and changes 4.1.6; II.2.2
Z1.5 Employee satisfaction -
VDA 6 Subject in question QS-9000
Part 1
08. Design control
08.1 Product / Process development plan 4.2.3; 4.4.1;
4.4.2; 4.4.4;
4.4.5; 4.4.9
08.2 Quality requirements fully considered 4.3.2; 4.4.2;
4.4.4; 4.9
08.3 Product / Process trails 4.4.7; 4.4.8
08.4 Quality evaluations 4.4.6;
08.5 Design release 4.4.3;4.4.5;
4.4.8; (4.4.9);
08.6 Result of development work 4.4.5
08.7 Transmittal of development experiences 4.4.3; 4.4.5
09. Process planning (Process development)
09.1 Process development plan for new / changed products 4.2.3; 4.4.1;
4.4.9; II.3.1
09.2 Production plans, Work instructions 4.2.1; 4.9;
4.9.1; 4.9.7;
09.3 Quality requirements fully considered 4.3.2; 4.4.5;
II.3.2; II.3.3
09.4 Quality evaluation of processes and procedures II.1.1; II.3.2
09.5 Approval of processes and procedures II.1.1
09.6 Results of process planning and development work 4.9.1
09.7 Transmittal of process planning experiences II.3.2; II.3.3
10. Document and data control
10.1 Quality relevant documents, responsibilities, procedures 4.5.1; 4.5.2
10.2 Approval and revision 4.5.2; 4.5.3
10.3 Safekeeping 4.3.4
10.4 Timely implementation of customer documents 4.5.1; 4.5.2
10.5 Invalid documents 4.5.2; 4.5.3
11. Purchasing
11.1 Order documents 4.6.2;4.6.3;4.6.
4; II.31; II.3.3
11.2 Selection of suppliers 4.6.1; 4.6.2
11.3 Sample verifications 4.6.1; 4.6.2;
VDA 6 Subject in question QS-9000
Part 1
11.4 Suppliers quality performance 4.6.2
11.5 Quality control agreements 4.6.2; 4.6.3;
11.6 Receiving inspection and testing 4.6.1;4.6.4;4.10
11.7 Traceability 4.8
12. Control of customer-supplied product
12.1 Agreed quality measures 4.7
12.2 Minimum scope of inspection and testing 4.7
12.3 Reporting of nonconformities 4.7
12.4 Quality history -
13. Process control / Identification and traceability / Inspection and testing
13.1 Marking of products 4.8; 4.12
13.2 Process control measures 4.9; 4.10.3
13.3 Process parameter records 4.9; 4.10.3
13.4 Storage of operating equipment 4.11.2; II.3.4
13.5 Quality goal / consequent process / dispatch 4.10.3; 4.12
13.6 Traceability 4.8
13.7 Release at restart 4.9.5; 4.10.3;
4.10.4; II.1.1
14. Process control
14.1 Machine and process capability verifications 4.9;4.92.;4.9.3;
4.9.4; (II.3.2)
14.2 Production release 4.9;4.9.2;4.9.3;
4.10.4; 4.17;
14.3 Control of the relevant process parameters 4.9; 4.9.3;
4.9.4; 4.20.2
14.4 Maintenance, preventive servicing 4.9; II.3.3; II.3.4
14.5 Special processes 4.9
14.6 Environmental conditions specified / maintained 4.9; 4.11.2;
4.15.3; II.3.1
14.7 Evaluation of the effectiveness of production processes II.2.2
15. Inspection and testing
15.1 Inspection and testing schedules 4.2.3
15.2 Inspection and test plans, inspections and test procedures 4.9.1; 4.10.1
15.3 Quality records for externally purchased products 4.6.4;4.9.7;4.10
.1; 4.10.2;
4.10.5; 4.16
VDA 6 Subject in question QS-9000
Part 1
15.4 Quality records for work stages 4.10.1;4.10.3;
15.5 Quality records for the end product 4.10.1; 4.10.4;
4.10.5; 4.16
15.6 Periodic inspections and tests 4.10.1; 4.10.4;
4.10.5; 4.16
16. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment
16.1 Control and calibration system 4.11.1; 4.11.2;
16.2 Connection to national / international standards 4.11.2
16.3 Measurement uncertainty of the measuring and test equipment 4.11.2
16.4 Inspection, measuring and test equipment capabilities 4.11.2; 4.11.4
16.5 Control of nonconforming inspection, measuring and test equipment 4.11.2; 4.11.4
17. Control of nonconforming product
17.1 Disposition of nonconforming units 4.13.1; 4.13.2
17.2 Concessions 4.13.2; 4.13.4
17.3 Corrective actions 4.13.2; 4.13.3
17.4 Recognition of repeat nonconformities 4.14.2
18. Corrective and preventive actions
18.1 Ordering corrective actions; 4.13.3;
4.14.1; 4.14.2
18.2 Estimation of the nonconformity risk 4-14-3
18.3 Analysis of the cause of the nonconformity 4.14.2
18.4 Preventive action to avoid repeat nonconformities 4.14.1; 4.14.2;
19. Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery
19.1 Handling of products 4.15.1; 4.15.2;
19.2 Packaging and marking process 4.15.4
19.3 Measure to prevent transport damages 4.15.3; 4.15.4;
4.15.5; 4.15.6
19.4 Correction of packing nonconformities 4.14.1; 4.15.1
19.5 Identification of the product 4.15.4
19.6 Delivery reliability 4.15.6; II.2.2
VDA 6 Subject in question QS-9000
Part 1
20. Control of quality records
20.1 Quality relevant documents 4.3.3; 4.10.5;
4.11.3; 4.16
20.2 Analysis of quality records 4.10.5; 4.16
20.3 Safekeeping 4.3.4;4.10.5;4.1
20.4 Customer access to quality records 4.10.5; 4.16
21. Quality in the operating phase
21.1 Operating and installation instructions 4.19
21.2 Product observation / Field failure – early warning system 4.19
21.3 Field failure analysis 4.14.2; 4.19
21.4 Customer service information 4.19
21.5 Servicing 4.19
22. Statistical techniques (in the case of)
22.1 Technique planning 4.20.1
22.2 Development / trail 4.20.2
22.3 External purchases 4.20.2
22.4 Process development and control 4.20.2
22.5 Final inspection and testing 4.20.2
22.6 Analysis of field failures 4.20.2
7.7 QS-9000/VDA 6.1, 3rd Edition 1996
QS-9000 Subject in question VDA 6, Part 1
QS-9000 Subject in question VDA 6, Part 1
QS-9000 Subject in question VDA 6, Part 1
Main paragraph II – Branch specific requirements
1. Production part – release procedure
1.1 General 08.5; 09.4;
09.5; 11.3;
13.7; 14.2;
1.2 Review of technical changes 08.5; 14.2;
2. Continual improvements
2.1 General 01.3; Z1.2;
2.2 Product and quality improvement 01.3; 05.2;
05.3; 05.4;
Z1.2; Z1.4;
14.7; 19.6
2.3 Continual improvement techniques 01.3; 04.2;
04.3; 04.5; 05.1
3. Production capabilities
3.1 Planning and effectiveness of equipment, plants and processes 09.1; 09.2;
11.1; 14.6
3.2 Preventing nonconformities 09.3; 09.4;
09.7; (14.1)
3.3 Tool design and production 09.3; 09.7;
11.1; 14.4
3.4 Tool control 13.4; 14.4
Main paragraph III – Customer specific requirements
Chrysler – specific requirements -
Ford - specific requirements -
General Motors - specific requirements -
7.8 VDA 6.2/DIN EN ISO 9001/2:94
VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 2 9001
05. Financial considerations to quality systems not included
05.1 Reporting procedure not included
05.2 Reporting frequency (4.1.3)
05.3 Internal error costs not included
05.4 External error costs not included
06. Product safety not included
06.1 Product liability principles not included
06.2 Procedure for the recognition of risks (4.8)
06.3 Establishing and implementing safety regulations not included
06.4 Completeness of operating manuals / instructions not included
06.4 Recognition of dangers at commissioning and during use not included
Z1. Company strategy not included
Z1.1 Company plan regarding costs, sales, quality etc. not included
Z1.2 Company performance assessment methods and CIP usage not included
Z1.3 Performance data, company wide / Comparison not included
Z1.4 Customer satisfaction, measurement and changes not included
Z1.5 Promotion of employee satisfaction not included
VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 2 9001
09. Preparation of services 4.3, 4.4, 4.10
09.1 Implementation of performance specifications 4.3.2 c
09.2 Procedure for introduction of new products / services 4.4.5
09.3 Procedure for monitoring / evaluation 4.10.1
09.4 Examination and release of new products / services 4.4.8
10. Advertising not included
10.1 Planning and implementation responsibilities not included
10.2 Consideration of questionnaires and market analyses not included
10.3 Reputation requirements of the service provider not included
10.4 Does the advertising comply with laws and customer expectations not included
10.5 Investigation of advertising success not included
10.6 Competence of the service provider as an advertising agent not included
11. Sales 4.3
11.1 Contract review procedures and responsibilities 4.3.1
11.2 Identification of customer needs and expectations not included
11.3 Examination of the practicability/feasibility 4.3.2 b,4.3.2 c
11.4 Order confirmations 4.3.4
11.5 Procedure for amendments to a contract 4.3.4
12. Purchasing 4.6, 13
12.1 Supplier evaluation procedures and responsibilities 4.6.2
12.2 List of approved suppliers 4.6.2 a
12.3 Purchasing procedures and responsibilities 4.6.1, 4.6.3
12.4 Order documents / quality requirements 4.6.3
12.5 Verification of purchased products / services 4.6.4, 4.10.2
12.6 Handling of delivery complaints 13
12.7 Continual evaluation of suppliers and maintaining quality records 4.6.2b, 4.6.2c
VDA 6 Subject in question DIN EN ISO
Part 2 9001
13. Provision of Services 4.7, 4.8, 4.9,
4.10, 4.11,
4.12, 4.13, 4.15
13.1 Supplied products and services 4.7
13.2 Order completion procedures and responsibilities 4.9, 4.10, 4.12
13.3 Identification and traceability 4.8
13.4 Final inspection and testing and delivery to customer 4.10
13.5 Control of nonconforming products / services 4.13
13.6 Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery etc. 4.15
13.7 Suitability / accuracy of production, inspection & testing equipment 4.9, 4.11
14. Customer services 4.10,4.14, 4.19
14.1 Customer services procedures and responsibilities 4.19
14.2 Product observation in the operating phase 4.14.2
14.3 Acceptance and effects of services provided not included
14.4 Involvement of the customer in evaluation of services 4.10.4
15. Analysis and improvement of services 4.14,4.19, 4.20
15.1 Investigation and performance procedures and responsibilities 4.14.1, 4.14.2,
15.2 Analysis of nonconformity causes 4.14.2 b
15.3 Input of statistical techniques 4.20
15.4 Preventive actions procedures 4.14.3
15.5 Improvement program not included
16. Document and data control (input) 4.5, 4.16
16.1 Procedures and responsibilities 4.5.1, 4.5.2
16.2 Releases, distribution and amendments 4.5.2, 4.5.3
16.3 Safekeeping of input documents 4.16
16.4 Inclusion of external documents 4.5.2
17. Control of quality records (verifications) 4.16
17.1 Procedures and responsibilities 4.16
17.2 Analysis and distribution of records 4.16
17.3 Safekeeping of verification documents 4.16
17.4 Customer access 4.16
7.10 ISO 9001:94/VDA 6 Part 2
DIN EN Element acc. to DIN EN ISO 9001 VDA 6 Part 2
4.6. Purchasing 12
4.6.1 General 12.3
4.6.2a Evaluation of subcontractors 12.1; 12.2
Suitability : evaluation and selection
4.6.2b Monitoring : capabilities and performance 12.7
4.6.2c Recording of data to above 12.7
4.6.3 Purchasing data 11.1; 11.5 Verification of purchased product (supplier verification at 12.5
subcontractor’s premises) Verification of purchased product 12.5
(customer verification of subcontracted product)
4.7. Control of customer-supplied product 13.1
DIN EN Element acc. to DIN EN ISO 9001 VDA 6 Part 2
4.11.2a Define inspection, measuring and test equipment and their 13.7
4.11.2b Define inspection, measuring and test equipment and their 13.7
4.11.2c Establish procedures to control this 13.7
4.11.2d Identify calibration status 13.7
4.11.2e Maintain and archive calibration records 13.7
4.11.2f Assessing and documenting previous inspection and test results 13.7
when inspection, measuring or test equipment is found out of
4.11.2g Environmental conditions for measurements 13.7
4.11.2h Handling, preservation and storage of inspection, measuring and 13.7
test equipment
4.11.2i Safeguarding the calibration status 13.7
4.12. Inspection and test status 13.2
DIN EN Element acc. to DIN EN ISO 9001 VDA 6 Part 2
4.14. Corrective and preventive action 14; 15
4.14.1 General 15.1
4.14.2a Corrective actions / Effective elimination of nonconformties 14.2; 15.1
4.14.2b Investigating the cause of nonconformities in relation to product, 15.2
process and quality system
4.14.2c Establishing corrective actions 15.1
4.14.2d Controls to ensure corrective actions are effective 15.1
4.14.3 Preventive actions 15.4
4.15. Handling, storage. Packaging, preservation and delivery 13
4.15.1 General 13.6
4.15.2 Handling 13.6
4.15.3 Storage 13.6
4.15.4 Packaging 13.6
4.15.5 Preservation 13.6
4.15.6 Delivery 13.6
4.16 Control of quality records 16.3; 17
8 VDA Publication
- Quality Management in the Automotive Industry
European (EAQF94 and AVSQ95) and American Automotive Industries have
been taken up and supplemented by the inclusion of leading thoughts form
the TQM model of the European Foundation for Quality Management
- company planning
- establishing company performance with new targets
- comparison of company wide performance data with compe-
titors regarding productivity, economy, quality position and
- establishing and promoting customer satisfaction
- establishing and promoting employee satisfaction.
In Part P, the product and process related quality elements are dealt with
from a system point of view.
All questions are quantitatively evaluated and the final result is expressed
as a degree of conformity between 0 and 100 %.
Bad quality in service companies can nullify the best efforts of all the
proceeding links in a process chain and place activities aimed towards
customer satisfaction in query. With this background, it is understandable
that the aim must be to set up quality systems integrally, to connect
production and marketing (services). VDA Volume 6, Part 2 represents a
step in this direction.
8.1.3 VDA Volume 6, Part 3 (VDA 6.3)
Process Audit
The link between the system and product audit is the process audit, which
gives a statement on the capability of processes during the planning and
manufacturing of products and provision of services.
Process audits serve the assessment and quality capabilities of processes.
They should lead to competent and controlled processes, which are well
able to withstand variable disturbances.
8.1.4 VDA Volume 6, Part 5 (VDA 6.5)
Product Audit
The product audit is one of the oldest methods which give a statement to
the quality of products prior to their delivery to the customer. It assesses
the effectiveness of quality assurance through the examination of a small
number of products and/or parts and confirms the quality competence of
the production process based on the quality of a product. Thereby it is
verified if the product complies with the given specifications and/or special
customer/supplier agreements.
A product audit concerns - the planning
- the evaluation
- the documentation
of reviews - of quantitative characteristics
- of material products (VDA 6.5)
- after completion of a production stage
- prior to delivery to an internal/external customer
- on the basis of reference values
- through an independent auditor.
Product audits are carried out regularly or for a specific reason, they do
not, however, serve as a substitute for checks during the production
process. They can be carried out on the results of all business processes in
product development, manufacturing and marketing. VDA Volume 6.5
deals primarily with it’s application in product manufacturing (the
application on results from service processes is described in VDA Volume
Product Audit System Audit Process Audit 100% inspection Final inspection Inspection verification SPC
and testing and testing in First Works
serial production sample inspection
Performance According to plan, According to plan, According to plan Continuously Continuously According to According to Continuously
frequency as a rule, serval as a rule, once a and as necessary customer plan and as
times a year year requirements necessary
Checked Select according to Elements of the Selected, as Qualitative Selected, product- According to According to Selected, as
characteristics customer require- quality system requires for characteristics, related, according to customer customer required for
ments/expectations process control incompetent customer expec- requirements requirements process control
and important pro- characteristics tations
Capability Short term Degree of com- Short term Qualitative charac- Short and long term According to customer Automatic identifi-
parameters capability of the pliance with the capability of the teristic with e.g. capabilities of the requirements cation of the short
product system objectives product cha- cpk < 1,33 product characte- and long term
characteristic on racteristic on the ristics capabilities
the basis of the basis of the
selected sample selected sample
Applied Selected, specific Review of the docu- Selected, specific Selected, specific Selected standard Selected with the agreement Selected, specific
verification for the product ments compared to for the process for the product method, specific for of the customer for the process or
methods the objective, the the product product
application in
Qualification of Knowledge of pro- DIN ISO 10011, Part Knowledge of the Knowledge of the Knowledge of the Knowledge of the charac- Knowledge and
the auditors duct, also from the 2 + EOQ Certificate process characteristics characteristics and teristics, customer require- experience of con-
point of view of the + VDA 6 certificate of customer ments and relevant stand- trol card
customer expectations ards technology
Necessary Drawings, specifi- Quality manual, Process plan, pro- Catalog of devia- Catalog of devia- Specifications, drawings, Quality control
documents cations, work and procedures and cess parameters, tions for qualitative tions for qualitative inspection instructions, cards, inspection
inspection instruc- work instructions inspection instruc- characteristics, in- characteristics, spe- standards instructions
tions tions spection cifications, draw-
instructions ings, inspection
Documentation Inspection results, Results according to Inspection record, Statistics to Inspection record First sample Works Control cards with
/Records audit report questionnaire, audit audit report, non- inspection results, and statistics to inspection inspection evaluation
report, nonconfor- conformity analysis nonconformity inspection results, report certificate
mity analysis with with corrective analysis with nonconformity ana-
corrective actions actions corrective actions lysis with corrective
Figure 8.1.4-1: A product audit in comparison to other types of audit and inspections
8.1.5 VDA Volume 6, Part 6 (VDA 6.6)
Service Audit
• Standard compliance
• Customer survey
• Employee survey
• Service test
For the examination of service processes, from customer order to
customer use, the audit instruments „standard fulfillment“ and„employee
survey“ are used to measure performance inside a business whereas the
audit instruments „customer survey“ and „service test“ measure outside,
directly at, or better, for the customer (Fig. 8.1.5-1).
During the customer survey and the service test, relative parameters are
determined, which are dependent on the customer expectations and their
8.2 Further Volumes of VDA-Publications
Main Contents
This publication particularly deals with
- documentation and securing thereof
- retention period
- responsibility
- organizational aids
- archiving.
8.2.2 VDA Volume 2 (VDA 2)
Quality Assurance of Supplies
Criteria are:
• Quality capability and quality awareness
• Quality performance and productivity
• Delivery reliability and delivery flexibility
• Schedule and cost discipline
• Communication and cooperation
• Environmental awareness
• Development potential
• Economic productivity (yield power) of the company.
8.2.3 VDA Volume 3 (VDA 3)
Ensuring Reliability at Car Manufacturers and Suppliers
For time and cost reasons, a customer expects the constant functional
readiness of his vehicle. He wants to be able to rely on his vehicle at all
times. Even during warranty, when repair costs burden him less, he is not
willing to accept any time his vehicle may have to spend in a repair shop
caused by susceptibility to failures or even breakdowns. He expects
8.2.4 VDA Volume 4, Part 1 (VDA 4.1)
Quality Assurance prior to Serial Application
8.2.5 VDA Volume 4, Part 2 (VDA 4.2)
Quality Assurance prior to Serial Application
System FMEA
8.2.6 VDA Volume 4, Part 3 (VDA 4.3)
Quality Assurance prior to Serial Application
Project Planning
The functions describe basic activities, which are carried out during the
project. Milestones represent check points/hold points within the project
process during the execution of the functions.
results are to be checked with respect to their existence and compliance
with requirements. Based on the evaluation of the results, the release to
succeeding work stages is determined.
9 References and Applicable Documents
9 References and Applicable Documents
Quality information 01 to 06
Attention should be paid to the DGQ Publication 11-10 „Guide to the pro-
cess-orientated Assessment of Quality Systems according to DIN EN
ISO 9001 to 9003„.
10 Definitions
Many common words in daily use are - compared to the application of their
full meaning in a dictionary - used in a specific or limited way in the field of
quality.Reasons for this are, for example:
The following definitions serve the uniform use of language for this pub-
lication and have been taken from the DIN ISO 8402: 1995. The figure be-
hind # is the Reference No. of the standard.
10.1.1 Unit
10.1.2 Process
10.1.3 Procedure
10.1.4 Product
10.1.5 Service
10.1.7 Organization
10.1.9 Customer
10.1.10 Supplier
10.2 Quality-related Definitions according to DIN EN ISO
8402/1995 (Extract)
Are activities, such as the measuring and examining of one or more charac-
teristics of a unit, as well as comparing of the results with set requirements,
to establish, whether conformity for every characteristic has been reached.
10.2.3 Verification
10.2.4 Validation
10.2.5 Evidence
10.3.3 Quality Manual
Is a document, which contains the stated quality policy and the description
of the quality system of an organization.
10.4 Definitions for Tools and Techniques according to
DIN EN ISO 8402/1995 (Extract)
Are facts determined during the course of a quality audit and verified by
10.4.3 Audited Company
10.5 Additional Definitions (Provision for the present publi-
10.5.1 System
10.5.2 Method
Quality Management in the Automotive Industry
Volume 6 Part 1 Quality System Audit, Basics DIN EN ISO 9001 and