VDA Volume Quality-Related Costs

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The document discusses quality management in the automotive industry and outlines failure costs and failure prevention costs.

The document is about quality management systems in the automotive industry and outlines costs related to failures and their prevention.

Failure prevention costs refer to costs incurred to prevent failures from occurring such as testing, inspection, supplier management, and training.

Verband der


Quality Management
in the Automotive Industry

Quality-related costs

- Failure costs and failure prevention costs, scope and implementation –

1 Edition, April 2015

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Quality-related costs

- Failure costs and failure prevention costs, scope and implementation –

1 Edition, April 2015

Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (VDA)

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ISSN 0943-9412
VÖ: online document April 2015

Copyright 2014 by

Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA)

Quality Management Center (QMC)
10117 Berlin, Behrenstraße 35, Germany

Henrich Druck + Medien GmbH
60528 Frankfurt am Main, Schwanheimer Straße 110

Printed on chlorine-free bleached paper.

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Non-binding VDA Standard recommendation

The Association of the German Automotive Industry (VDA) recommends its

members to apply the following standard for the implementation and
maintenance of quality management systems.

Exclusion of Liability

VDA volumes are recommendations available for general use. Anyone ap-
plying them is responsible for ensuring that they are used correctly in each

This VDA volume takes into account state of the art technology, current at
the time of issue. Implementation of VDA recommendations relieves no one
of responsibility for their own actions. In this respect everyone acts at their
own risk. The VDA and those involved in VDA recommendations shall bear
no liability.

If during the use of VDA recommendations, errors or the possibility of mis-

interpretation are found, it is requested that these be notified to the VDA
immediately so that any possible faults can be corrected.

Referenced standards

The quotations from standards identified with their DIN number and issue
date are reproduced with the permission of the DIN Deutsches Institut für
Normung e.V.
The version with the latest issue date, available from the publishers Beuth
Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, is definitive for the use of the standard.


This publication including all its parts is protected by copyright. Any use
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This publication will also be issued in other languages. The current status
must be requested from VDA QMC.

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We would like to express our thanks to the participating companies and
staff for their help in elaborating this volume. The following concerns were

 MAN Truck & Bus AG

 Daimler AG
 Opel AG
 Webasto SE
 Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG
 Schmitz Cargobull AG
 Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
 Knorr-Bremse Systeme für Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH
 Robert Bosch GmbH
 Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH
 Schaeffler AG
 Magna International AG
 MAHLE International GmbH

with the support of the Department of Quality Science at the Technische

Universität Berlin.

We would also like to thank all concerned for their suggestions regarding
the elaboration and improvement of this publication.

Berlin, November 2014

Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (VDA)

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Index of Contents

1 Object and purpose 7

2 Quality-related costs 8

3 Failure costs and quality failure cost reporting 10

3.1 Aim / benefits 10

3.2 Assumptions 11

3.3 Categories of failure costs 11

3.3.1 Scrap 11

3.3.2 Rework 12

3.3.3 Warranty costs and goodwill costs 12

3.4 Sub-categories of failure costs 13

3.4.1 Special tests with parts selection 13

3.4.2 Failure analysis 14

3.5 Cost types 14

3.6 Key performance indicator model 15

3.6.1 Cost calculation 15

3.6.2 Key performance indicators 15

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4 Quality-related failure prevention costs 17

4.1 Quality management system 18

4.1.1 Implementation / development of the quality

management system 19

4.1.2 Auditing 19

4.2 Costs of advance quality planning 19

4.2.1 Quality planning and quality reviews 19

4.2.2 Verification 20

4.2.3 Validation 20

4.3 Planned testing costs 21

4.3.1 Tests during serial production and pre-production

tests 21

4.3.2 Test equipment management 22

4.4 Supplier management 22

4.5 Cost types 22

5 List of abbreviations 24

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1 Object and purpose

Before this VDA volume was published, no standardized definitions of

terms regarding quality-related costs in the automotive industry existed.
However, in order to be able to manage quality processes – even in the
supply chain – defined standardized understanding is essential.

By defining the term ‘quality-related costs’ and establishing a method to re-

port quality failure costs in a practicable way, this VDA red volume closes
this gap.

The concept of quality failure cost reporting enables companies to extend

their quality reporting in a targeted manner, as well as to optimize the man-
agement of their improvement measures; the obligation to disclose failure
costs in cooperations between companies is excluded.

Current business cost calculations do not generally allow failure prevention

costs to be isolated or ascertained.

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2 Quality-related costs

Quality-related costs comprise the costs of failure prevention as well as

failure costs. Costs are quality-related costs if
 they are concerned with the quality of the product, including
alignment with the manufacturing process (conformity of pro-
duction) or product safety
 they are concerned with processes having a direct influence
on product quality

The following diagram illustrates the correlation between failure costs and
failure prevention costs as an essential element of quality-related costs:

Fig. 1: Scope and implementation of quality-related costs

At this point, it is to be noted that literature describes different concepts for

structuring quality-related costs. However, these are rarely applied in cur-
rent cost calculation systems.

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The following diagram shows how quality-related costs are categorized in
the product lifecycle:

Fig. 2: Quality-related costs in the product lifecycle

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3 Failure costs and quality failure cost reporting

Failure costs are costs that arise when specified quality requirements are
not fulfilled.

Quality failure cost reporting according to VDA is a management-orientated

approach for ascertaining, categorizing and consolidating costs relevant to
failure into reportable key performance indicators.

This results in a further indicator-based quality control loop on a monetary

basis which is shown in Figure 3. The loop is implemented operatively via
the companies´ standard processes.

Fig. 3: Quality control loop of quality failure cost reporting

3.1 Aim / benefits

Quality failure cost reporting is a supplement to quality reporting. It aggre-

gates failure costs in key performance indicators. Regular reporting opens
up the possibility of management via monetary targets.

This additional perspective identifies potentials and offers a mechanism for

achieving a further objective focus of quality improvement measures.

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3.2 Assumptions

The concept of quality failure cost reporting is based on practicability. It has

been developed under the following assumptions:

 The use of existing cost calculation for cost recording

 Profits or cash inflows from settlements, scrapping, insuranc-
es, etc. are never calculated against failure cost indicators
but are still shown separately
 There is no obligation to disclose failure costs in cooperations
between companies

3.3 Categories of failure costs

Failure cost categories are applied equally to OEM or Tier X. Categories of

failure costs are used for planned sellable products along the entire value

Failure costs comprise the failure cost categories described in the follow-

3.3.1 Scrap

These are materials, components and products that are unusable because
of quality defects. For technical, economic or legal reasons, it is impossible
or makes no sense to further process or rework them, with the conse-
quence that they have to be scrapped or recycled.

A reject may occur at any time during the production process and the re-
spective object is removed as soon as the defect is recognized. This there-
fore prevents it from being utilized in the manufacture of the end-product.

Scrap refers to processes for planned sellable products. Furthermore, dur-

ing the project / product ramp-up phase, scrap may not be assigned to
quality-related costs.

Products that are scrapped subject to inventory adjustments, stock clear-

ance or surplus stocks are only considered to be scrap if due to a quality


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Start-up parts, warm-up parts and test parts specified during process plan-
ning that require scrapping do not count as scrap. However, if these com-
ponents cannot be identified separately, they are treated as scrap.

3.3.2 Rework

Rework costs are the financial expense incurred by a faulty product in order
to retroactively fulfill quality requirements. They also include any necessary
disassembly steps.

In such cases, the manufacturing process no longer corresponds with the

planned target standard manufacturing process.

The production steps introduced for reworking products are not counted as
failure costs in production process planning or work schedule, respectively
– even after process approval. However, they need to be investigated and
evaluated within the scope of continuous process improvement in order to
find out if there are any potentials for optimization.
Rework can be carried out:
at the supplier / Tier X
at the OEM before the end-of-line
at the OEM before delivery of the product to the end-customer

3.3.3 Warranty costs and goodwill costs

These are failure costs provided they are granted within the scope of legal
(country-specific) liability for material defects, a guarantee, a warranty or a
case of goodwill. In consequence, they arise after delivery of the product to
the end-customer in order to correct product defects, or to remedy potential
defects as part of a preventive measure.

It is to be noted that actual liabilities in the customer-supplier relationship

only arise as a result of contractual or legal provisions.

Goodwill is only taken into consideration if the respective costs are covered
by the product manufacturer as a result of serial losses.

Warranty services expressly agreed in a contract, such as mobility warran-

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ties and warranty extensions, are taken into account in warranty costs and
goodwill costs.

Additional sales goodwill, which is often determined individually, is not tak-

en into consideration.

Settlements are made on the basis of legal (country-specific) / contractual

provisions. Where necessary, settlement costs are accounted per individual

Warranty costs and goodwill costs may arise as a result of:

 exchange
 modifications
 repairs
 software update
 replacement materials / parts
 field / recall actions
If arranged in the contract, services such as breakdown recovery, bearing
follow-up costs, administrative costs, the processing of measures driven by
warranty/goodwill are also taken into account.

3.4 Sub-categories of failure costs

3.4.1 Special tests with parts selection

A test ascertains whether the product corresponds with the stated specifi-
cations/given target value.

Special tests are non-scheduled tests initiated by complaints about quality,

for example 100% tests.

The testing steps, introduced in production process planning or the work

schedule – even after process approval - are not counted as failure costs.
However, they need to be investigated and evaluated within the scope of
continuous process improvement in order to determine any optimization po-
tentials. As is the case with all other planned testing, these costs also form
part of failure prevention costs, see Chapter 4.3.


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Parts selection tests are special tests that are followed by a qualified deci-
sion regarding their further use.

3.4.2 Failure analysis

The scope of failure analysis within the context of a root cause analysis is
taken into account in failure costs.

A failure analysis may include the following activities:

 Installation tests
 Laboratory tests
 Expert reports
 Test drives
 Test bench trials
In cases where costs concerning isolated failures are ascertained as part of
the failure analysis, e.g. for settlement purposes, all failure cost categories
need to be considered and the resulting costs ascribed proportionately to
the failure case.

3.5 Cost types

The following cost types can be correctly assigned to failure cost catego-
 Staffing costs
 Material costs
 Traveling costs
 Costs for exceptional freight and transport
 Costs for external services
 Costs for machines and equipment
 Disposal

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3.6 Key performance indicator model

3.6.1 Cost calculation

In order to calculate costs, first of all an analysis has to be made to deter-

mine into which cost centers or cost objects the failure categories and sub-
categories are grouped.

Once the relevant cost centers / cost objects have been identified, the dif-
ferent cost types listed in Chapter 3.5 are then allocated appropriately.

The failure sub-category costs ascertained in this way are then assigned to
the correct failure category.

All cost types and failure (sub-)categories are converted to units of curren-
cy. The following diagram illustrates the process:

Fig. 4: Grouping cost types into failure categories

3.6.2 Key performance indicators

The failure cost categories of scrap, rework and warranty / goodwill also
represent measurable values of the KPI system. By aggregating the failure
costs categories, the main indicator ‘failure costs’ can be generated.


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The following can be used as a benchmark for a relative value:
1) Turnover
2) Piece numbers
3) Manufacturing costs
The following can be used as additional sub-categories:
a) Works / production unit
b) Product series / product category
c) Isolated failure cases.
The benchmark depends on the company unit to be managed by the key
performance indicator.

The following diagram summarizes the KPI model:

Fig. 5: Key performance indicators of quality failure cost reporting

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4 Quality-related failure prevention costs

Failure prevention includes all measures, activities and process steps that
take place before a failure occurs in order to protect internal / external cus-
tomers from experiencing failures. Failure prevention costs can be divided
into the following four sub-categories:

 Quality management system

 Advance quality planning
 Planned testing
 Supplier management

As explained in the introduction, failure prevention costs cannot be ascer-

tained in a KPI model because they cannot be isolated. These costs are
managed using conventional cost control instruments, such as planning
overheads (headcount, budget) or value stream analyses.

The two examples described below illustrate the problem in more detail:

a) Execution of an FMEA as part of risk management:

Today’s business practices do not allow the staffing costs of FMEA teams
to be identified solely as FMEA activities and thus to be assigned to failure
prevention costs.

b) Execution of testing steps in the factory / production:

Tests are often carried out inside a machine to verify process stability and
often form “an inherent part” of the machine. This process step can only be
recorded separately as machine investment and operating costs in excep-
tional cases and the respective costs thus be assigned to failure prevention


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The following diagram shows the correlations between the various catego-
ries of quality-related failure prevention costs:

Fig. 6: Quality-related failure prevention costs

Costs associated with improving process stability, such as higher-quality

machines, are not assigned to quality-related failure prevention costs.
Quality-related failure prevention costs apply primarily to advance planning
and testing activities.

4.1 Quality management system

As opposed to the definition given in DIN EN ISO 9000:2005, the term

‘quality management system’ needs to be defined more precisely in the
context of quality-related costs. Consequently, the quality-related costs of
those organizational quality management tasks which cannot be grouped
assigned to the categories of advance quality planning, planned testing,
supplier management or failure costs are grouped into the category ‘quality
management system’.
Among others, these include:

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4.1.1 Implementation / development of the quality management

 Quality improvement programs and maintenance of the quali-

ty management system
 Management and organization of quality management
 Costs associated with organizing procedures and standards
 Quality reporting
 Field observation

4.1.2 Auditing

 System audits (internal, external)

 Process audits
 Certification costs

4.2 Costs of advance quality planning

Advance quality planning includes quality assurance measures in

product development process. It includes:
 Quality planning / reviews
 Verification
 Validation
The application of quality methods is assigned to failure prevention costs if
they are implemented within the scope of quality processes such as ad-
vance quality planning.

Planned trials / tests, which are carried out in the product development pro-
cess in order to develop a specification from a concept, are not assigned to
failure prevention costs but instead to development costs.

4.2.1 Quality planning and quality reviews

Quality planning encompasses the planning of quality assurance measures

in the product development process. A quality review evaluates whether
previously-addressed quality issues, such as quality specifications and les-
sons learned, have been put into practice.


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Among others, quality planning includes the following activities:
 Implementation of lessons learned
 Scope of quality-related feasibility studies
 Compilation of quality specifications, e.g. with product lifetime
 Risk assessments, including FMEA, forecasts such as the
probability of a failure occurring
 Planning of verifications, validations and tests
 Quality review of packaging planning
 Quality review / quality approval of product/process concepts
 Maturity validation
 Planning of product audits
 Assurance of functional safety (see ISO 26262)

4.2.2 Verification

Verification is a check / examination which is carried out to assess whether

defined specifications have been met.

Among others, verification includes the following activities:

 Commissioning and acceptance tests, for example machine
 Functional tests
 Construction, technical feasibility and telematics of electrical
systems and electronic functions
 Material approval tests
 Sampling using the production part approval procedure
(PPAP) or production process and product release (PPF)

4.2.3 Validation

Validation is the declaration of validity / assurance of serial suitability under

normal conditions of use.
Specifications are assessed to ensure that they comply with realistic condi-
tions of application.

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Among others, validation includes the following activities:

 Measures to confirm specified product features, for example

by means of a test drive
 Preliminary process capability tests, such as 2-day produc-
tion or Run@Rate
 Analysis of measuring systems
 Internal and external trials and laboratory analyses

4.3 Planned testing costs

Testing confirms whether the product corresponds with the stated specifi-
cation / target value.
Testing is planned if it
 forms part of process / test planning or is defined in the pro-
duction control plan
 is not performed subsequent to a concrete failure
 cannot be isolated, measured or its costs ascertained, for ex-
ample as a random sample or dedicated process step,
Planned pre-series or series testing is assigned to failure prevention costs.
Tests that are inseparable from assembly, production or machine process-
es and which cannot be considered individually are assigned to manufac-
turing costs.
Tests that are performed to ensure process stability (for example by moni-
toring process parameters such as temperature, humidity, etc.) and which
are not carried out primary to safeguard product quality aspects are as-
signed to manufacturing costs.
The following cost areas are assigned to planned testing costs:

4.3.1 Tests during serial production and pre-production tests

Among others, tests carried out while serial production is running include:
 Inspection of incoming goods
 Series ramp-up tests


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 Product audits
 Re-qualifications
 In-line tests
 Statistical process control (SPC)
 End-of-line inspections / final inspections

4.3.2 Test equipment management

Among others, the category of test resource management includes:

 Procuring test equipment
 Monitoring test equipment
 Calibrating test equipment
 Maintaining test equipment

4.4 Supplier management

Among others, supplier management includes:

 Supplier selection, including approvals
 Supplier assessment
 Supplier development in cases where the supplier has no
other alternatives and is unable to carry out development in-

4.5 Cost types

The following types of costs can be clearly assigned to failure prevention

costs categories:
 Staffing costs
 Material costs with test components, test scrap subsequent to
destructive testing
 Traveling costs
 Costs for external services
 Costs for machines, equipment, testing resources, laboratory
equipment, Q-IT systems
 Disposal
 Training and further education

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The following diagram illustrates the correlation:

Fig. 7: Assignment of cost types to failure prevention costs


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5 List of abbreviations

8D: Standard method for resolving a problem

between the supplier and the customer
arising due to a complaint
FMEA: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
KPI: Key Performance Indicator
OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer
PDP: Product Development Process
PPAP: Production Part Approval Process
PPA: Production Process and Product Approval
Q-failure cost reporting: Quality failure cost reporting
QM-System: Quality Management System
Q-Planning: Quality Planning
Q-Review: Quality Review
SPC: Statistical Process Control
Tier X: Position of a supplier in the supplier chain;
the number “X” denotes the level below
the OEM
VDA: Verband der Automobilindustrie (German
Association of the Automotive Industry)

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Quality management in the Automotive Industry
The current status of published VDA volumes on quality management in
the automotive industry (QAI) can be found in the Internet under

The volumes can also be ordered directly from this homepage.


Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA)

Qualitäts Management Center (QMC)
Behrenstraße 35, 10117 Berlin
Tel +49 (0) 30-89 78 42 235, Fax +49 (0) 30-89 78 42 605
E-Mail: [email protected], Internet: www.vda-qmc.de

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