Hands On Electronics A Practical Introduction To Analog and Digital Circuits by Daniel M Kaplan and Christopher G White

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The document provides an overview of a textbook on electronics that includes real circuits to build and test. It covers both analog and digital electronics theory and practice in a clear and approachable way.

The book is an introduction to analog and digital electronics theory and practice. It is designed both as a college textbook and for self-study. It encourages rapid and effective learning through clear illustrations and details on building circuits.

The major topics covered in a typical one-semester course including RC circuits, diodes, transistors, op-amps, oscillators, digital logic, counters, D/A converters.


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Hands-On Electronics

Packed full of real circuits to build and test, Hands-On Electronics is a unique introduction
to analog and digital electronics theory and practice. Ideal both as a college textbook and
for self-study, the friendly style, clear illustrations and construction details included in the
book encourage rapid and effective learning of analog and digital circuit design theory.
All the major topics for a typical one-semester course are covered, including RC circuits,
diodes, transistors, op amps, oscillators, digital logic, counters, D/A converters and more.
There are also chapters explaining how to use the equipment needed for the examples
(oscilloscope, multimeter and breadboard), together with pinout diagrams for all the key
components referred to in the book.

Hands-On Electronics
A One-Semester Course for
Class Instruction or Self-Study

Daniel M. Kaplan

Christopher G. White
Illinois Institute of Technology

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Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo

Cambridge University Press

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Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521815369

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List of figures page xi

List of tables xv
About the authors xvi
To the Reader xvii
Acknowledgments xviii
Introduction xix

1 Equipment familiarization: multimeter, breadboard,

and oscilloscope 1

1.1 Multimeter 1
1.2 Breadboard 2
1.2.1 Measuring voltage 4
1.2.2 Measuring current; resistance and Ohm’s law 5
1.2.3 Measuring resistance 8
1.3 Oscilloscope 8
1.3.1 Probes and probe test 10
1.3.2 Display 11
1.3.3 Vertical controls 11
1.3.4 Horizontal sweep 12
1.3.5 Triggering 12
1.3.6 Additional features 13

2 RC circuits 15

2.1 Review of capacitors 15

2.1.1 Use of capacitors; review of AC circuits 17
2.1.2 Types and values of capacitors 19

vi Contents

2.2 Review of current, voltage, and power 20

2.2.1 Destructive demonstration of resistor power rating 21
2.3 Potentiometer as voltage divider 22
2.3.1 DC voltage divider 23
2.3.2 AC voltage divider 23
2.4 RC circuit 24
2.5 RC circuit as integrator 24
2.6 Low-pass filter 25
2.7 RC circuit as differentiator 27
2.8 High-pass filter 28
2.9 Summary of high- and low-pass filters 28

3 Diodes 31

3.1 Semiconductor basics 31

3.2 Types of diodes 35
3.3 Rectification 36
3.4 Diode action – a more sophisticated view 37
3.5 Measuring the diode characteristic 38
3.6 Exploring rectification 40
3.7 Input and output impedance 45

4 Bipolar transistors 47

4.1 Bipolar-junction-transistor basics 47

4.1.1 Basic definitions 50
4.1.2 Simplest way to analyze transistor circuits 51
4.1.3 Ebers–Moll transistor model 52
4.2 Experiments 54
4.2.1 Checking transistors with a meter 54
4.2.2 Emitter follower 55
4.2.3 Common-emitter amplifier 57
4.2.4 Collector as current source 59
4.2.5 Transistor switch 60
4.3 Additional exercises 61
4.3.1 Darlington connection 61

vii Contents

4.3.2 Push–pull driver 62

4.3.3 Common-base amplifier 63

5 Transistors II: FETs 65

5.1 Field-effect transistors 65

5.1.1 FET characteristics 66
5.1.2 Modeling FET action 68
5.2 Exercises 69
5.2.1 FET characteristics 69
5.2.2 FET current source 70
5.2.3 Source follower 71
5.2.4 JFET amplifier 73

6 Transistors III: differential amplifier 75

6.1 Differential amplifier 75

6.1.1 Operating principle 76
6.1.2 Expected differential gain 76
6.1.3 Measuring the differential gain 77
6.1.4 Input offset voltage 78
6.1.5 Common-mode gain 78
6.2 Op amps and their building blocks 79
6.2.1 Current mirror 79
6.2.2 Differential amplifier with current-source loads 80
6.2.3 Improved current mirror 82
6.2.4 Wilson current mirror 82

7 Introduction to operational amplifiers 85

7.1 The 741 operational amplifier 85

7.1.1 741 pinout and power connections 86
7.1.2 An ideal op amp 87
7.1.3 Gain of inverting and noninverting amplifiers 88
7.1.4 Op amp ‘golden rules’ 90
7.1.5 The nonideal op amp 90

viii Contents

7.2 Experiments 91
7.2.1 Testing open-loop gain 91
7.2.2 Inverting amplifier 92
7.2.3 Noninverting amplifier 93
7.2.4 Voltage follower 94
7.2.5 Difference amplifier 95
7.3 Additional experiments 97
7.3.1 Current source 97
7.3.2 Noninverting summing amp with difference amplifier 98

8 More op amp applications 101

8.1 Op amp signal processing 101

8.1.1 Differentiator 102
8.1.2 Integrator 103
8.1.3 Logarithmic and exponential amplifiers 105
8.2 Experiments 106
8.2.1 Differential and integral amplifiers 106
8.2.2 Logarithmic and exponential amplifiers 108
8.2.3 Op amp active rectifier 108
8.2.4 Op amp with push–pull power driver 109
8.3 Additional exercises 111

9 Comparators and oscillators 113

9.1 Experiments 113

9.1.1 Op amp as comparator 113
9.1.2 Unintentional feedback: oscillation 115
9.1.3 Intentional positive feedback: Schmitt trigger 116
9.1.4 RC relaxation oscillator 117
9.1.5 555 timer IC 118
9.2 Additional experiments 121
9.2.1 Alarm! 121
9.2.2 Sine/cosine oscillator 122
9.2.3 Active bandpass filter 123

ix Contents

10 Combinational logic 125

10.1 Digital logic basics 125

10.1.1 Logic levels 126
10.1.2 Logic families and history 127
10.1.3 Logic gates 129
10.1.4 Summary of Boolean algebra 130
10.2 CMOS and TTL compared 131
10.2.1 Diode logic 131
10.2.2 Transistor–transistor logic (TTL) 132
10.2.3 Complementary MOSFET logic (CMOS) 133
10.2.4 Powering TTL and TTL-compatible integrated
circuits 136
10.3 Experiments 137
10.3.1 LED logic indicators and level switches 137
10.3.2 MOSFETs 138
10.3.3 CMOS NAND gate 140
10.3.4 Using NANDs to implement other logic functions 140
10.3.5 TTL quad XOR gate 141
10.4 Additional exercises 142
10.4.1 7485 4-bit magnitude comparator 142

11 Flip-flops: saving a logic state 143

11.1 General comments 144

11.1.1 Schematics 144
11.1.2 Breadboard layout 144
11.1.3 Synchronous logic 144
11.1.4 Timing diagrams 144
11.2 Flip-flop basics 145
11.2.1 Simple RS latch 145
11.2.2 D-type flip-flop 147
11.3 JK flip-flop 148
11.4 Tri-state outputs 149

x Contents

11.5 Flip-flop applications 151

11.5.1 Divide-by-four from JK flip-flops 151
11.5.2 Contact bounce 152
11.5.3 Electronic coin toss 153

12 Monostables, counters, multiplexers, and RAM 155

12.1 Multivibrators 156

12.2 Counters 156
12.3 Experiments 157
12.3.1 Bi-quinary ripple counter 157
12.3.2 Monostable multivibrator 159
12.3.3 Multiplexer and finite-state machine 162
12.3.4 RAM 162

13 Digital↔analog conversion 167

13.1 A simple D/A converter fabricated from familiar chips 168

13.2 Tracking ADC 170
13.3 080x ADC and DAC chips 171
13.3.1 Successive-approximation ADC 171
13.4 Additional exercises 177
13.4.1 Digital recording 177
13.4.2 Successive-approximation ADC built from
components 178

Further reading 183

Appendix A Equipment and supplies 185
Appendix B Common abbreviations and circuit symbols 188
Appendix C RC circuits: frequency-domain analysis 191
Appendix D Pinouts 194
Glossary of basic electrical and electronic terms 197
Index 199


1.1 Illustration showing many of the basic features of the

PB-503 powered Protoboard. page 3
1.2 Measuring voltage. 5
1.3 Measuring current. 5
1.4 Illustration of the Tektronix TDS 210 digital oscilloscope. 9
2.1 Representation of an arbitrary, periodic waveform. 18
2.2 Circuit demonstrating destructive power loading. 21
2.3 Three schematics representing a resistive voltage divider. 22
2.4 The voltage-divider concept for RC circuits. 24
2.5 High-pass filter or voltage differentiator. 27
2.6 Relationships among input voltages and capacitor and
resistor voltages for high- and low-pass RC filters. 29
3.1 Representation of a junction between P-type and N-type
semiconductor material. 33
3.2 Diode circuit symbol and biasing. 33
3.3 Typical current–voltage characteristics for germanium
and silicon diodes. 34
3.4 Representation of physical diodes and symbols used in
circuit diagrams. 35
3.5 Measuring the forward characteristic of a diode. 39
3.6 Power transformer supplies Vout ≈ 25 V r.m.s. 41
3.7 Power transformer with half-wave rectification. 42
3.8 Half-wave rectifier with filter capacitor. 42
3.9 An example of how to insert a diode bridge into a breadboard. 43
3.10 Full-wave rectification using diode bridge. 44
3.11 Full-wave rectification with filter capacitor. 45
3.12 Complete rectifier circuit. 46
4.1 Construction and circuit symbols and biasing examples for
NPN and PNP junction transistors. 48

xii List of figures

4.2 Schematic representation of how an NPN transistor operates. 49

4.3 Characteristic curves for an NPN bipolar transistor. 51
4.4 Transistor as back-to-back diodes; TO-92 pinout. 55
4.5 Emitter follower. 55
4.6 Emitter follower with optional load circuit for measurement
of Z out . 56
4.7 Common-emitter amplifier. 57
4.8 Transistor current source. 59
4.9 Transistor switch. 60
4.10 Darlington pair. 62
4.11 Driving loudspeaker with push–pull buffer. 63
4.12 Common-base amplifier. 64
5.1 Construction and circuit symbols of JFETs. 66
5.2 Schematic representation of JFET operation. 67
5.3 Idealized common-source characteristic curves for a JFET. 67
5.4 Circuit for measuring the common-source characteristic curves. 70
5.5 Self-biasing JFET current source. 71
5.6 Source follower. 72
5.7 Source follower with current-source load. 73
5.8 JFET amplifier. 73
6.1 Differential amplifier and function generator with
100-to-1 attenuator. 76
6.2 Current sink for differential amplifier. 79
6.3 Current mirror. 80
6.4 Differential amplifier with current-mirror load. 81
6.5 Differential amplifier with Wilson-current-mirror load. 82
7.1 Diagram of 8-pin DIP 741 package showing ‘pinout’. 86
7.2 Op amp inverting-amplifier circuit. 88
7.3 Op amp noninverting-amplifier circuit. 89
7.4 Open-loop op amp test circuit. 91
7.5 Circuit for demonstrating summing junction. 93
7.6 Op amp voltage follower and voltage follower as the input
stage to an inverting-op-amp circuit. 95
7.7 Difference amplifier. 96
7.8 Op amp current source. 98
7.9 Fancy summing circuit. 99
8.1 Generalized op amp inverting-amplifier circuit. 102

xiii List of figures

8.2 Basic op amp differentiator. 102

8.3 Improved op amp differentiator. 103
8.4 Basic op amp integrator. 104
8.5 Improved op amp integrator. 104
8.6 Op amp logarithmic amplifier. 105
8.7 Op amp exponential amplifier. 105
8.8 Simple and improved versions of an op amp half-wave rectifier. 109
8.9 Op amp follower with push–pull output-buffer power driver
with two feedback arrangements. 110
8.10 Block diagram showing how to build an ‘exponentiator’. 111
9.1 Poor comparator and 311 comparator. 114
9.2 311 comparator with 10 k series input resistor. 115
9.3 Schmitt trigger using 311 comparator. 116
9.4 RC relaxation oscillator using comparator. 118
9.5 Block diagram for the 555 timer IC. 119
9.6 555 timer IC used as an oscillator and as a one-shot or timer. 120
9.7 555 timer configured as an alarm. 121
9.8 Sine/cosine oscillator. 122
9.9 Active bandpass filter. 123
10.1 Logic levels for various 7400-family lines. 127
10.2 Labeling of 7400-series chips. 129
10.3 Standard logic gates with truth tables. 130
10.4 De Morgan’s theorems expressed symbolically. 131
10.5 Two-input diode gate. 132
10.6 Diode–transistor NAND gate using 2N3904s. 132
10.7 Schematic representation of an ‘enhancement-mode’
N-channel MOSFET. 134
10.8 Schematic representations of a CMOS inverter constructed
using one N-channel and one P-channel MOSFET. 135
10.9 Schematic representation of a CMOS NAND gate with LED
logic-level indicator. 136
10.10 Logic-level switch using either an SPST or SPDT switch and a
pull-up resistor. 137
10.11 Circuits for measuring the channel resistance as a function of
gate voltage. 138
11.1 Timing diagram with timing definitions for a rising-edge-triggered
flip-flop. 145

xiv List of figures

11.2 Simple RS latch made of two-input NANDs with state table. 146
11.3 7474 D-type flip-flop with state table. 147
11.4 Sample timing diagram for a (positive-edge-triggered) 7474 D-type
flip-flop. 147
11.5 Pinout of the 74112 JK flip-flop. 149
11.6 Pinout and power connections for the 74373 and input and output
connections for testing the tri-state output. 150
11.7 Divide-by-four ripple counter. 151
11.8 Synchronous divide-by-four counter. 152
11.9 Looking at contact bounce by driving a divide-by-four counter
from a switch. 153
12.1 Pinout of 7490 decade counter. 157
12.2 Pinout of TIL311 hex display. 158
12.3 Timing diagram for a gated clock signal. 160
12.4 Pinout of ’121 and ’123 one-shots with external RC timing network. 160
12.5 Substandard outputs resulting from gating clock signals. 161
12.6 Pinout of 74150 16-to-1 multiplexer. 163
12.7 Pinout of 7489 16×4 RAM. 163
13.1 Simple D/A converter and output waveform resulting from input
counting sequence. 168
13.2 Simple A/D converter. 171
13.3 Pinout for ADC080x series of A/D converters and the on-chip
self-clocking configuration. 172
13.4 Pinout for DAC080x series of D/A chips. 175
13.5 Method for producing a DC-shifted waveform. 176
13.6 Control logic for 8-bit successive-approximation ADC. 179
13.7 8-bit successive-approximation ADC. 180
C.1 Series RC circuit. 193
C.2 Right triangle to illustrate Eq. C.17. 193


1.1 Digital multimeter inputs. page 2

1.2 Color code for nonprecision resistors. 7
2.1 Some typical dielectric materials used in capacitors. 16
3.1 A sample of commercially available diodes. 36
4.1 A sample of commercially available bipolar transistors. 50
10.1 Common families within the 7400 series. 128


About the authors

Dr Daniel M. Kaplan received his Ph.D. in Physics in 1979 from the State
University of New York at Stony Brook. His thesis experiment discovered
the b quark, and he has devoted much of his career to experimentation
at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory on properties of particles
containing heavy quarks. He has taught electronics laboratory courses for
non-electrical-engineering majors over a fifteen-year period at Northern
Illinois University and at Illinois Institute of Technology, where he is cur-
rently Professor of Physics and Director of the Center for Accelerator
and Particle Physics. He also serves as Principal Investigator of the Illinois
Consortium for Accelerator Research. He has been interested in electronics
since high school, during the junior year of which he designed a computer
based on DTL integrated circuits. Over more than twenty-five years in
experimental particle physics he has often been responsible for much of
his experiments’ custom-built electronic equipment. He is the author or
co-author of over 150 scientific papers and one encyclopedia article, and
co-editor of three books on heavy-quark physics and related fields.
Dr Christopher G. White is Assistant Professor of Physics at Illinois
Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the
University of Minnesota in 1990. He has authored or co-authored over
100 scientific articles in the field of high-energy particle physics, and his
current research interests involve neutrinos and hyperons. Dr White is an
enthusiastic and dedicated teacher who enjoys helping students to over-
come their fear of electronics and to gain both confidence and competence.


To the Reader

Some of you may be encountering electronic circuits and instruments for

the first time. Others may have ‘played around’ with such stuff if, for
example, you were ever bitten by the ‘ham radio’ bug. In either case, this
sequence of laboratory experiments has been designed to introduce you to
the fundamentals of modern analog and digital electronics.
We use electronic equipment all the time in our work and recreation.
Scientists and engineers need to know a bit of electronics, for example to
modify or repair some piece of equipment, or to interface two pieces of
equipment that may not have been designed for that purpose. To that end,
our goal is that by the end of the book, you will be able to design and build
any little analog or digital circuit you may find useful, or at least understand
it well enough to have an intelligent conversation about the problem with
an electrical engineer. A basic knowledge of electronics will also help you
to understand and appreciate the quirks and limitations of instruments you
will be using in research, testing, development, or process-control settings.
We expect few of you to have much familiarity with such physical theo-
ries as electromagnetism or quantum mechanics, so the thrust of this course
will be from phenomena and instruments toward theory, not the other way
round. If your curiosity is aroused concerning theoretical explanations, so
much the better, but unfamiliarity with physical theory should not prevent
you from building or using electronic circuits and instruments.



We are grateful to Profs Carlo Segre and Tim Morrison for their contri-
butions and assistance, and especially to the IIT students without whom
this book would never have been possible. Finally, we thank our wives and
children for their support and patience. It is to them that we dedicate this



This book started life as the laboratory manual for the course Physics 300,
‘Instrumentation Laboratory’, offered every semester at Illinois Institute of
Technology to a mix consisting mostly of physics, mechanical engineering,
and aeronautical engineering majors. Each experiment can be completed
in about four hours (with one or two additional hours of preparation).
This book differs from existing books of its type in that it is faster paced
and goes into a bit less depth, in order to accommodate the needs of a one-
semester course covering the elements of both analog and digital electron-
ics. In curricula that normally include one year of laboratory instruction in
electronics, it may be suitable for the first part of a two-semester sequence,
with the second part devoted to computers and computer interfacing – this
scheme has the virtue of separating the text for the more rapidly changing
computer material from the more stable analog and digital parts.
The book is also suitable for self-study by a person who has access to
the necessary equipment and wants a hands-on introduction to the subject.
We feel strongly, and experience at IIT has borne out, that to someone who
will be working with electronic instrumentation, a hands-on education in
the techniques of electronics is much more valuable than a blackboard-
and-lecture approach. Certainly it is a better learning process than simply
reading a book and working through problems.
The appendices suggest sources for equipment and supplies, provide
tables of abbreviations and symbols, and list recommendations for fur-
ther reading, which includes chapter-by-chapter correspondences to some
popular electronics texts written at similar or somewhat deeper levels to
ours: the two slim volumes by Dennis Barnaal, Analog Electronics for
Scientific Application and Digital Electronics for Scientific Application
(reissued by Waveland Press, 1989); Horowitz and Hill’s comprehensive
The Art of Electronics (Cambridge University Press, 1989); Diefenderfer
and Holton’s Principles of Electronic Instrumentation (Saunders, 1994);

xx Introduction

and Simpson’s Introductory Electronics for Scientists and Engineers (2nd

edition, Prentice-Hall, 1987). There is also a glossary of terms and pinout
diagrams for transistors and ICs used within. The reader is presumed to
be familiar with the rudiments of differential and integral calculus, as well
as with elementary college physics (including electricity, magnetism, and
direct- and alternating-current circuits, although these topics are reviewed
in the text).
The order we have chosen for our subject matter begins with the basics –
resistors, Ohm’s law, simple AC circuits – then proceeds towards greater
complexity by introducing nonlinear devices (diodes), then active devices
(bipolar and field-effect transistors). We have chosen to discuss transistors
before devices made from them (operational amplifiers, comparators, dig-
ital circuitry) so that the student can understand not only how things work
but also why.
There are other texts that put integrated circuits, with their greater ease
of use, before discrete devices; or digital circuits, with their simpler rules,
before the complexities of analog devices. We have tried these approaches
on occasion in our teaching and found them wanting. Only by considering
first the discrete devices from which integrated circuits are made can the
student understand and appreciate the remarkable properties that make
ICs so versatile and powerful. A course based on this book thus builds
to a pinnacle of intellectual challenge towards the middle, with the three
transistor chapters. After the hard uphill slog, it’s smooth sailing from there
(hold onto your seatbelts!).
The book includes step-by-step instructions and explanations for the
following experiments:
1. Multimeter, breadboard, and oscilloscope;
2. RC circuits;
3. Diodes and power supplies;
4. Transistors I;
5. Transistors II: FETs;
6. Transistors III: differential amplifier;
7. Introduction to operational amplifiers;
8. More op-amp applications;
9. Comparators and oscillators;
10. Combinational logic;
11. Flip-flops: saving a logic state;

xxi Introduction

12. Monostables, counters, multiplexers, and RAM;

13. Digital↔analog conversion.
These thirteen experiments fit comfortably within a sixteen-week
semester. If you or your instructor prefers, one or two experiments may
easily be omitted to leave a couple of weeks at the semester’s end for inde-
pendent student projects. To this end, Chapter 6, ‘Transistors III’, has been
designed so that no subsequent experiment depends on it; obviously this is
also the case for Chapter 13, ‘Digital↔analog conversion’, which has no
subsequent experiment.
As you work through the exercises, you will find focus questions and
detailed instructions indicated by the symbol ‘’. Key concepts for each
exercise will be denoted by the symbol ‘ r’. Finally, the standard system of
units for electronics is the MKS system. Although you may occasionally
run across other unit systems, we adhere strictly to the MKS standard.

1 Equipment familiarization: multimeter,
breadboard, and oscilloscope

In this chapter you will become acquainted with the ‘workhorses’ of elec-
tronics testing and prototyping: multimeters, breadboards, and oscillo-
scopes. You will find these to be indispensable aids both in learning about
and in doing electronics.

Apparatus required
One dual-trace oscilloscope, one powered breadboard, one digital multi-
meter, two 10X attenuating scope probes, red and black banana leads, two
alligator clips.

1.1 Multimeter

You are probably already familiar with multimeters. They allow measure-
ment of voltage, current, and resistance. Just as with wristwatches and
clocks, in recent years digital meters (commonly abbreviated to DMM for
digital multimeter or DVM for digital voltmeter) have superseded the ana-
log meters that were used for the first century and a half or so of electrical
work. The multimeters we use have various input jacks that accept ‘banana’
plugs, and you can connect the meter to the circuit under test using two
banana-plug leads. The input jacks are described in Table 1.1. Depending
on how you configure the meter and its leads, it displays
r the voltage difference between the two leads,
r the current flowing through the meter from one lead to the other, or
r the resistance connected between the leads.
Multimeters usually have a selector knob that allows you to select what is
to be measured and to set the full-scale range of the display to handle inputs
of various size. Note: to obtain the highest measurement precision, set the
knob to the lowest setting for which the input does not cause overflow.

2 Hands-on electronics

Table 1.1. Digital multimeter inputs.

Input jack Purpose Limitsa

COM reference point used for all measurements

V input for voltage or resistance measurements 1000 V DC/750 V AC
mA input for current measurements (low scale) 200 mA
10 A input for current measurements (high scale) 10 A

For the BK Model 2703B multimeters used in the authors’ labs.

To avoid damaging the meter, be sure to read the safety warnings in its
data sheet or instruction booklet.

1.2 Breadboard

‘Breadboard’ may seem a peculiar term! Its origins go back to the days
when electronics hobbyists built their circuits on wooden boards. The
breadboards we use represent a great step forward in convenience, since
they include not only sockets for plugging in components and connecting
them together, but also power supplies, a function generator, switches, logic
displays, etc.
The exercises that follow were designed using the Global Specialties
PB-503 Protoboard. If you do not have access to a PB-503, any suitable
breadboard will do, provided you have a function generator and two variable
power supplies. Additional components that you will need along the way
(that are built into the PB-503) include a 1 k and a 10 k potentiometer,
a small 8  speaker, two debounced push-button switches, several LED
logic indicators, and several on–off switches.
Fig. 1.1 displays many of the basic features of the PB-503. (For simplic-
ity, some PB-503 features that will be used in experiments in later chapters
have been omitted.) While the following description is specific to the
PB-503, many other breadboards share some, if not all, of these features.
The description will thus be of some use for users of other breadboard
models as well.
The breadboard’s sockets contain spring contacts: if a bare wire is pushed
into a socket, the contacts press against it, making an electrical connec-
tion. The PB-503’s sockets are designed for a maximum wire thickness of
22 AWG (‘American Wire Gauge’) – anything thicker (i.e., with smaller

3 1 Equipment familiarization

+15 −15 +15 V −15 V

+5 V
Voltage Adjustment Knobs

Horizontal Row
(Group of 5)





Push Button

Vertical Column
(Group of 25)
10 k pot 1 k pot

Logic Switch Bank

SPDT Switches

Fig. 1.1. Illustration showing many of the basic features of the PB-503 powered
Protoboard, with internal connections shown for clarity. Note that each vertical column is
broken into halves with no built-in connection between the top and bottom.

AWG number) may damage the socket so that it no longer works reliably
for thin wires. The PB-503 sockets are internally connected in groups of
five (horizontal rows) or twenty five (vertical columns; see Fig. 1.1).
Each power supply connects to a ‘banana’ jack and also to a row of
sockets running along the top edge of the unit. The three supplies, +5 V
(red jack), +15 V (yellow jack), and −15 V (blue jack), have a common

4 Hands-on electronics

‘ground’ connection (black jack). The +15 V and −15 V supplies are
actually adjustable, using the knobs provided, from less than 5 volts to
greater than 15 volts.

1.2.1 Measuring voltage

Voltage is always referenced to something, usually a local ground. For the
following exercises you will measure voltage with respect to the breadboard
ground, which is also the common ground for the three power supplies. To
measure a voltage, you will first connect the ‘common’ jack of the meter to
the breadboard common (i.e., breadboard ground). Next you will connect
the meter’s ‘voltage’ jack to the point of interest. The meter will then tell
you the voltage with respect to ground at this one point.
When connecting things, it’s always a good idea to use color coding to
help keep track of which lead is connected to what. Use a black banana-
plug lead to connect the ‘common’ input of the meter to the ‘ground’ jack
of the breadboard (black banana jack labeled with a ‘ ’ or ‘ ’ symbol).
Use a red banana-plug lead with the ‘V’ input of the meter.
Since the DMM is battery powered, it is said to ‘float’ with respect to
ground (i.e., within reason,1 one may connect the DMM’s common jack to
any arbitrary voltage with respect to the breadboard ground). It is therefore
possible to measure the voltage drop across any circuit element by simply
connecting the DMM directly across that element (see Fig. 1.2).

Warning: This is not true for most AC-powered meters and oscilloscopes.

 To practice measuring voltages, measure and record the voltage between

each power supply jack and ground. In each case set the meter’s range
for the highest precision (i.e., one setting above overflow).
 Adjust the +15 V and −15 V supplies over their full range and record
the minimum and maximum voltage for each. Carefully set the +15 V
supply to a voltage half-way between its minimum and maximum for
use in the next part.

1 If you wonder what we mean by ‘within reason’, ask yourself what bad thing would happen if
you connected the DMM common to, say, twenty million volts – if you’re interested, see e.g.
H. C. Ohanian, Physics, 2nd edition, vol. 2, ‘Interlude VI’ (Norton, New York, 1988), esp.
pp. VI–8 for more information on this.

5 1 Equipment familiarization

(a) (b) Power Supply DMM

Power V
Supply A mA COM VΩ

(Common) 1 µF

Fig. 1.2. Measuring voltage. (a) An arbitrary circuit diagram is shown as an illustration of
how to use a voltmeter. Note that the meter measures the voltage drop across both the
resistor and capacitor (which have identical voltage drops since they are connected in
parallel). (b) A drawing of the same circuit showing how the leads for a DMM should be
connected when measuring voltage. Notice how the meter is connected in parallel with
the resistor.

(a) Slider (b) Power Supply

Potentiometer (Center Tap)


+ Multimeter 0.011 A

A _
Power +


Fig. 1.3. Measuring current. (a) Schematic diagram of series circuit consisting of power
supply, 10 k potentiometer, and multimeter. (Note that the center tap of the potentiometer
is left unconnected in this exercise – accidentally connecting it to power or ground could
lead to excessive current flow and burn out the pot.) (b) A drawing of the same circuit
showing how the DMM leads should be configured to measure current. Note that the
meter is connected in series with the resistor.

1.2.2 Measuring current; resistance and Ohm’s law

Current is measured by connecting a current meter (an ammeter, or a DMM
in its ‘current’ mode) in series with the circuit element through which the
current flows (see Fig. 1.3). Note carefully the differences between Fig. 1.2
and Fig. 1.3.

6 Hands-on electronics

Recall that Ohm’s law relates current I , voltage V , and resistance R

according to

V = IR. (1.1)

This is not a universal law of electrical conduction so much as a statement

that there exist certain materials for which current is linearly proportional
to voltage.2 Materials with such a linear relationship are used to fabricate
‘resistors’: objects with a known and stable resistance. Usually they are
little cylinders of carbon, carbon film, metal film, or wound-up wire, en-
cased in an insulating coating, with wire leads sticking out the ends. Often
the resistance is indicated by means of colored stripes according to the
resistor color code (Table 1.2). Resistors come in various sizes accord-
ing to their power rating. The common sizes are 18 W, 14 W, 12 W, 1 W,
and 2 W.
You can easily verify this linear relationship between voltage and current
using the fixed 10 k (10 000 ohm) resistance provided between the two
ends of one of the breadboard’s ‘potentiometers’. A potentiometer is a type
of resistor that has an adjustable ‘center tap’ or ‘slider’, allowing electrical
connections to be made not only at the two ends, but also at an adjustable
point along the resistive material.
The ‘10 k pot’ (as it is called for short) is located near the bottom edge
of the breadboard, and can be adjusted by means of a large black knob.3
Inside the breadboard’s case, the ends of the pot (as well as the center tap)
connect to sockets as labeled on the breadboard’s front panel. By pushing
wires into the sockets you can make a series circuit (Fig. 1.3) consisting of
an adjustable power supply, the 10 k pot, and the multimeter (configured
to measure current). You can attach alligator clips to the meter leads to
connect them to the wires. But, before doing so, be sure to observe the
following warnings:
r First, turn off the breadboard power to avoid burning anything out if you
happen to make a mistake in hooking up the circuit.
r Be careful to keep any exposed bits of metal from touching each other
and making a ‘short circuit’! Note that most of the exposed metal on

2 Of course, the existence of other materials (namely semiconductors) for which the I –V relationship
is nonlinear makes electronics much more interesting and underlies the transformation of daily life
brought about by electronics during the twentieth century.
3 If you don’t have a PB-503 breadboard, find a 10 k pot on your breadboard if it has one; otherwise
you will have to purchase a separate 10 k pot.

7 1 Equipment familiarization

Table 1.2. Color code for nonprecision resistors (5, 10, or 20% tolerance).
The resistance in ohms is the sum of the values in columns 1 and
2, multiplied by the value in column 3, plus or minus the tolerance
in column 4. For example, the color code for a 1 k resistor would
be ‘brown--black--red’, for 51  ‘green--brown--black’, for 330 
‘orange--orange--brown’, etc.

Stripe: 1 2 3 4 (tolerance)

Black 0 0 100
Brown 10 1 101
Red 20 2 102
Orange 30 3 103
Yellow 40 4 104
Green 50 5 105
Blue 60 6 106
Violet 70 7 107
Gray 80 8 108
White 90 9 109

Gold 5%
Silver 10%
None 20%
Stripe 2
Stripe 3
Stripe 1

Tolerance Stripe

the breadboard (screw heads for example) has a low-resistance path to

r If you accidentally connect power or ground to the potentiometer’s center
tap, you can easily burn out the pot, rendering it useless! If in doubt, have
someone check your circuit before turning on the power.

 Use Ohm’s law to predict the current that will flow around the circuit
if you use the power supply that you set to its midpoint in the previous
exercise. What current should flow if the supply is set to its minimum
voltage? What is the current if the supply is set to its maximum voltage?

8 Hands-on electronics

 Now turn on the breadboard power, measure the currents for these three
voltages, and compare with your predictions. Make a graph of voltage vs.
current from these measurements. Is the relationship linear? How close
is the slope of voltage vs. current to 10 k?

1.2.3 Measuring resistance

Now turn off the breadboard power and disconnect your series circuit. In
this and the following part, the pot should connect only to the meter.
 Set the meter for resistance and measure and record the resistance
between the two ends of your 10 k pot. Due to manufacturing tolerances,
you will probably find that it is not exactly 10 k. By what percentage
does it differ from the nominal 10 k value? Does the measured value
agree more closely with the slope you previously measured than with
the nominal value? Explain.
 Now connect the meter between the center tap and one end of the pot.
What resistance do you observe? What happens to the resistance as you
turn the potentiometer’s knob?
 Leaving the knob in one place, measure and record the resistance between
the center tap and each end. Do the two measurements add up to the total
you measured above? They should – explain why.

1.3 Oscilloscope

With its many switches and knobs, a modern oscilloscope can easily in-
timidate the faint of heart, yet the scope is an essential tool for electronics
troubleshooting and you must become familiar with it. Accordingly, the
rest of this laboratory session will be devoted to becoming acquainted with
such an instrument and seeing some of the things it can do.
The oscilloscope we use is the Tektronix TDS210 (illustrated in Fig. 1.4).
If you don’t have a TDS210, any dual-trace oscilloscope, analog or digital,
can be used for these labs as long as the bandwidth is high enough – ideally,
30 MHz or higher. While the description below may not correspond exactly
to your scope, with careful study of its manual you should be able to figure
out how to use your scope to carry out these exercises.
The TDS210 is not entirely as it appears. In the past you may have
used an oscilloscope that displayed voltage as a function of time on a

9 1 Equipment familiarization



60 MHz
TDS 210 1 GS/s
Trigger Info MENU

Volts per Options
Division Menu

Horizontal and Vertical Info Trigger Level

CH 1 CH 2



Fig. 1.4. Illustration of the Tektronix TDS210 digital oscilloscope. The basic features to
be used in this tutorial are marked. Note and remember the location of the ‘autoset’
button – when all else fails, try autoset!

cathode-ray tube (CRT). While the TDS210 can perform a similar function,
it does not contain a CRT (part of the reason it is so light and compact).
Until the 1990s, most oscilloscopes were purely ‘analog’ devices: an
input voltage passed through an amplifier and was applied to the deflection
plates of a CRT to control the position of the electron beam. The position
of the beam was thus a direct analog of the input voltage. In the past few
years, analog scopes have been largely superseded by digital devices such
as the TDS210 (although low-end analog scopes are still in common use
for TV repair, etc.).
A digital scope operates on the same principle as a digital music recorder.
In a digital scope, the input signal is sampled, digitized, and stored in
memory. The digitized signal can then be displayed on a computer screen.
One of your first objectives will be to set up the scope to do some of
the things for which you may already have used simpler scopes. After
that, you can learn about multiple traces and triggering. In order to have
something to look at on the scope, you can use your breadboard’s built-in
function generator, a device capable of producing square waves, sinusoidal
waves, and triangular waves of adjustable amplitude and frequency. But
start by using the built-in ‘calibrator’ signal provided by the scope on a
metal contact labeled ‘probe comp’ (or something similar), often located
near the lower right-hand corner of the display screen.

10 Hands-on electronics

Note that a leg folds down from the bottom of the scope near the front
face. This adjusts the viewing angle for greater comfort when you are seated
at a workbench, so we recommend that you use it.

1.3.1 Probes and probe test

Oscilloscopes come with probes: cables that have a coaxial connector (sim-
ilar to that used for cable TV) on one end, for connecting to the scope, and
a special tip on the other, for connecting to any desired point in the circuit
to be tested. To increase the scope’s input impedance and affect the cir-
cuit under test as little as possible, we generally use a ‘10X’ attenuating
probe, which has circuitry inside that divides the signal voltage by ten.
Some scopes sense the nature of the probe and automatically correct for
this factor of ten; others (such as the TDS210) need to be told by the user
what attenuation setting is in use.
As mentioned above, your scope should also have a built-in ‘calibrator’
circuit that puts out a standard square wave you can use to test the probe
(see Fig. 1.4). The probe’s coaxial connector slips over the ‘ch 1 ’ or ‘ch 2 ’
input jack and turns clockwise to lock into place. The probe tip has a spring-
loaded sheath that slides back, allowing you to grab the calibrator-signal
contact with a metal hook or ‘grabber’.
An attenuating scope probe can distort a signal. The manufacturer there-
fore provides a ‘compensation adjustment’ screw, which needs to be tuned
for minimum distortion. The screw is usually located on the assembly that
connects the probe to the scope, or, occasionally, on the tip assembly.
 Display the calibrator square-wave signal on the scope. If the signal looks
distorted (i.e., not square), carefully adjust the probe compensation using
a small screwdriver. (If you have trouble achieving a stable display, try
 Check your other probe. Make sure that both probes work, are prop-
erly compensated, and have equal calibrations. Sketch the observed
(Consult your oscilloscope user manual for more information about car-
rying out a probe test.)
Note that each probe also has an alligator clip (sometimes referred to
as the ‘reference lead’ or ‘ground clip’). This connects to the shield of the
coaxial cable. It is useful for reducing noise when looking at high-frequency

11 1 Equipment familiarization

(time intervals of order nanoseconds) or low-voltage signals. Since it is

connected directly to the scope’s case, which is grounded via the third prong
of the AC power plug, it must never be allowed to touch a point in a circuit
other than ground! Otherwise you will create a short circuit by connecting
multiple points to ground, which could damage circuit components.
This is no trouble if you are measuring a voltage with respect to ground.
But if you want to measure a voltage drop between two points in a circuit,
neither of which is at ground, first observe one point (with the probe) and
then the other. The difference between the two measurements is the voltage
across the element. During this process, the reference lead should remain
firmly attached to ground and should not be moved! (Alternatively, you
can use two probes and configure the scope to subtract one input from the

Warning: A short circuit will occur if the probe’s reference lead is connected anywhere other
than ground.

1.3.2 Display
Your oscilloscope user’s manual will explain the information displayed
on the scope’s screen. Record the various settings: timebase calibration,
vertical scale factors, etc.
 Explain briefly the various pieces of information displayed around the
edges of the screen.
The following exercises will give you practice in understanding the vari-
ous settings. For each, you should study the description in your oscilloscope
user’s manual. The description below is specific to the TDS210; if you have
a different model, your manual will explain the corresponding settings for
your scope.

1.3.3 Vertical controls

There is a set of ‘vertical’ controls for each channel (see Fig. 1.4). These
adjust the sensitivity (volts per vertical division on the screen) and offset
(the vertical position on the screen that corresponds to zero volts). The
‘ch 1 ’ and ‘ch 2 ’ menu buttons can be used to turn the display of each

12 Hands-on electronics

channel on or off; they also select which control settings are programmed
by the push-buttons just to the right of the screen.
 Display a waveform from the calibrator on channel 1. What happens
when you adjust the position knob? The volts/div knob?

1.3.4 Horizontal sweep

To the right of the vertical controls are the horizontal controls (see Fig. 1.4).
Normally, the scope displays voltage on the vertical axis and time on the
horizontal axis. The sec/div knob sets the sensitivity of the horizontal axis,
i.e. the interval of time per horizontal division on the screen. The position
knob moves the image horizontally on the screen.
 How many periods of the square wave are you displaying on the screen?
How many divisions are there per period? What time interval corresponds
to a horizontal division? Explain how these observations are consistent
with the known period of the calibrator signal.
 Adjust the sec/div knob to display a larger number of periods. Now
what is the time per division? How many divisions are there per period?

1.3.5 Triggering
Triggering is probably the most complicated function performed by the
scope. To create a stable image of a repetitive waveform, the scope must
‘trigger’ its display at a particular voltage, known as the trigger ‘threshold’.
The display is synchronized whenever the input signal crosses that volt-
age, so that many images of the signal occurring one after another can be
superimposed in the same place on the screen. The level knob sets the
threshold voltage for triggering.
You can select whether triggering occurs when the threshold voltage is
crossed from below (‘rising-edge’ triggering) or from above (‘falling-edge’
triggering) using the trigger menu (or, for some scope models, using trigger
control knobs and switches). You can also select the signal source for the
triggering circuitry to be channel 1, channel 2, an external trigger signal,
or the 120 V AC power line, and control various other triggering features
as well.
Since setting up the trigger can be tricky, the TDS210 provides an
automatic setup feature (via the autoset button) which can lock in on

13 1 Equipment familiarization

almost any repetitive signal presented at the input and adjust the voltage
sensitivity and offset, the time sensitivity, and the triggering to produce a
stable display.
 After getting a stable display of the calibrator signal, adjust the level
knob in each direction until the scope just barely stops triggering. What
is the range of trigger level that gives stable triggering on the calibra-
tor signal? How does it compare with the amplitude of the calibrator
waveform? Does this make sense? Explain.
Next connect the scope probe to the breadboard’s function generator –
you can do this by inserting a wire into the appropriate breadboard socket
and grabbing the other end of the wire with the scope probe’s grabber. The
function generator’s amplitude and frequency are adjusted by means of
sliders and slide switches.
 Look at each of the waveforms available from the function generator:
square, sine, and triangle. Try out the frequency and voltage controls
and explain how they work. Adjust the function generator’s frequency
to about 1 kHz.
 Display both scope channels, with one channel looking at the output of
the function generator and the other looking at the scope’s calibrator
signal. Make sure the vertical sensitivity and offset are adjusted for each
channel so that the signal trace is visible.
 What do you see on the screen if you trigger on channel 1? On channel 2?
 What do you see if neither channel causes triggering (for example, if the
trigger threshold is set too high or too low)?
 How does this depend on whether you select ‘normal’ or ‘auto’ trigger
mode? Why? (If you find this confusing, be sure to ask for help, or study
the oscilloscope manual more carefully.)

1.3.6 Additional features

The TDS210 has many more features than the ones we’ve described so far.
Particularly useful are the digital measurement features. Push the measure
button to program these. You can use them to measure the amplitude, period,
and frequency of a signal. The scope does not measure amplitude directly.
How then can you derive the amplitude from something the scope does
 Using the measurement features, determine the amplitude, frequency,
and period of a waveform of your choice from the function generator.

14 Hands-on electronics

You can also use the on-screen cursors to make measurements.

 Use the cursors to measure the half-period of the signal you just
 Explain how you made these measurements and what your results were.
(A feature that comes in particularly useful on occasion is signal averaging;
this is programmed via the acquire button and allows noise, which tends
to be random in time, to be suppressed relative to signal, which is usually

2 RC circuits

Capacitors are not useful in DC circuits since they contain insulating gaps,
which are open circuits for DC. However, for voltages that change with time,
a simple series circuit with a capacitor and a resistor can output the time
derivative or integral of an input signal, or can filter out low-frequency or
high-frequency components of a signal. But before plunging into the world
of time-varying voltage and current (i.e., alternating-current circuits), we
explore the voltage-divider idea using direct current, since it gives us a
simple way to understand circuits containing more than one component in
series. Then we apply it to the analysis of RC circuits as filters. Note that
the series RC circuit can be analyzed in two different ways:
r via the exponential charging/discharging equation, and
r as an AC voltage divider.
Both approaches are valid – in fact, they are mathematically equivalent –
but the first is more useful when using capacitors as integrators or differ-
entiators, whereas the second is more useful when analyzing low-pass and
high-pass filters. The first is referred to as the time-domain approach, since
it considers the voltage across the capacitor as a function of time, and the
second as the frequency-domain approach, since it focuses on the filter
attenuation vs. frequency.

Apparatus required
Oscilloscope, digital multimeter, breadboard, 68  and 10 k resistors,
0.01 ␮F ceramic capacitor.

2.1 Review of capacitors

As you may recall from an introductory physics course, a capacitor consists

of two parallel conductors separated by an insulating gap. The capacitance,

16 Hands-on electronics

Table 2.1. Some typical dielectric materials used in capacitors.

Material Dielectric constant (κ)

Vacuum 1.0
Air (at STP) 1.00054
Paper 3.5
Mica 5.4
Ceramic ≈100

C, is proportional to the area of the conductors, A, and inversely propor-

tional to their separation, s, multiplied by the dielectric constant, κ, of the
insulating material:
C = κ0 A/s,
where, in the MKS system of units, A is in meters squared, s in meters, and
C in farads, abbreviated F (1 farad ≡ 1 coulomb per volt). (The constant of
proportionality is the so-called permittivity of free space and has the value
0 = 8.854 × 10−12 F/m).
The farad is an impractically large unit: for a conductor area of 1 cm2
and separation of 1 mm, with dielectric constant of order 1, the capaci-
tance is ∼ picofarads. To achieve the substantially larger capacitances (of
order microfarads) often found in electronic circuits, manufacturers wind
ribbon-shaped capacitors up into small cylinders and use insulators of high
dielectric strength, such as ceramics or (in the so-called electrolytic ca-
pacitors) special dielectric pastes, that chemically form an extremely thin
insulating layer when a voltage is applied. Table 2.1 gives dielectric con-
stants for some typical dielectrics used in capacitors.
Capacitors thus come in a variety of types, categorized according to
the type of dielectric used, which determines how much capacitance can
be squeezed into a small volume. Electrolytic and tantalum capacitors are
polarized, which means that they have a positive end and a negative end,
and the applied voltage should be more positive at the positive end than at
the negative end – if you reverse-voltage a polarized capacitor it can burn
out, or even explode! Paper, mica, and ceramic capacitors are unpolarized
and can be hooked up in either direction. The large dielectric constants of
the polarized dielectrics permit high capacitance values – up to millifarads
in a several-cubic-centimeter can.

17 2 RC circuits

2.1.1 Use of capacitors; review of AC circuits

The fundamental rule governing the behavior of capacitors is

Q = C V, (2.1)

where Q is the charge stored on the capacitor at a given time, V is the

voltage across the capacitor at that time, and C is the capacitance. Current
can flow into or out of a capacitor, but only to the extent that the charge
on the capacitor is changing. In other words, the current into or out of a
capacitor is equal to the time derivative of the charge stored on it. You can
see the resemblance between Eq. 2.1 and Ohm’s law (Eq. 1.1). The key
difference is that, for a resistor, it is the time derivative of the charge that
is proportional to voltage, whereas for a capacitor it is the charge itself.
Capacitors are thus useful only in circuits in which voltages or currents
are changing in time, namely AC circuits. We will consider the response
of circuits to periodic waveforms; these can be characterized by their
frequency, f , and period, T , which of course are related by

T = 1/ f,

as well as their angular frequency ω = 2π f . (If f is expressed in hertz ≡

cycles per second, then T is in seconds and ω is in radians per second.) A
periodic waveform is also characterized by its amplitude, which, assuming
the wave is pure AC (i.e. symmetric with respect to ground), is the maximum
voltage that it reaches.
There are an infinite variety of AC waveforms, but to understand how
capacitors are used, it is sufficient to focus on two: square waves and
sine waves. You have already encountered a square wave in the previous
chapter – the scope’s calibrator signal. A square wave of amplitude V0
is a signal that oscillates back and forth between two voltage levels, one
at +V0 and one at −V0 , spending 50% of the time at each level. Note that
the peak-to-peak voltage is twice the amplitude:

Vp–p = 2A.

A sine wave is a particularly important case because, by Fourier de-

composition, any periodic waveform can be represented as a sum of sine
waves of various amplitudes and frequencies. Most of AC circuit analysis
therefore concerns itself with the response of circuits to sine waves.

18 Hands-on electronics


V p--p

Fig. 2.1. Representation of an arbitrary, periodic waveform with period T , amplitude V0

and peak-to-peak voltage Vp–p .

A sine wave can be represented mathematically by

V (t) = V0 sin(ωt + φ). (2.2)
If t is in seconds, this describes a voltage with amplitude V0 changing sinu-
soidally in time at the rate of ω radians per second. The phase φ determines
the voltage at t = 0:
V (0) = V0 sin φ. (2.3)
Now suppose such a voltage signal is applied to a capacitor; for sim-
plicity, we choose φ = 0, i.e. at t = 0 the voltage is zero. Since we are
assuming there is no resistance in the circuit, there is no possibility of a
voltage drop anywhere in the circuit.1 Thus, at any moment in time, the
voltage across the capacitor must equal the voltage out of the signal source.
To find the resulting current we can differentiate Eq. 2.1:
I = (2.4)
=C (2.5)
= C (V0 sin ωt) (2.6)
= ωC V0 cos ωt (2.7)
= ωC V0 sin (ωt + 90◦ ). (2.8)
We see that the current is also a sine wave, but shifted in time with a phase
shift of 90◦ , i.e. the current leads the voltage by 90◦ .
We can write an ‘Ohm’s-law equivalent’ for a capacitor, as long as it is
understood that we are talking about sinusoidal waveforms only:
V0 = I0 X C , (2.9)
1 Of course, this is only an idealized approximation, since in any real circuit there is at least the
resistance of the wires, and in practice any signal source has some internal resistance.

19 2 RC circuits

where I0 is the amplitude of the current sine wave and X C ≡ 1/ωC is the
capacitive reactance of the capacitor. The reactance is thus the effective
resistance of the capacitor. Note that it is frequency-dependent, in keeping
with our intuition that for DC a capacitor should look like an open circuit
(infinite resistance), while at high frequency it should approach a short
circuit (zero resistance).

For completeness, we mention here the inductive reactance X L ≡ ωL, where L is the
inductance of an inductor. Inductors are coils of wire and satisfy the equation
V =L . (2.10)
Just as capacitors often employ a dielectric, inductors are often wound on a ferrite core
to increase their inductance. Note that the inductor equation relates the voltage across
an inductor to the derivative of the current through it, while the capacitor equation
(Eq. 2.1) relates the voltage across a capacitor to the integral of the current. Thus,
where the current through a capacitor leads the voltage across it, the current through
an inductor lags the voltage across it by 90◦ . With respect to its function in a circuit,
an inductor can thus be thought of as the opposite of a capacitor. Whereas capacitors are
relatively small, light, cheap, and have negligible resistance, inductors tend to be large,
heavy, expensive, and have appreciable resistance. Nevertheless, they find important
use in filtering applications, e.g. bandpass filters, crossover circuits for hi-fi speakers,
radio-frequency circuits, and so forth. In the interests of time we omit inductor exercises
from our course, but if you understand capacitors you will have very little difficulty in
applying inductors.

2.1.2 Types and values of capacitors

For some reason the various manufacturers’ conventions for marking ca-
pacitors are particularly confusing – probably it has to do with the fact that
many small-value capacitors are physically too small to permit much print-
ing on them. Some common sense is required. Keep in mind that 1 farad
is a huge unit! Most capacitors are in the picofarad and microfarad ranges,
and these are the two commonly used units. A physically large capacitor
that says ‘10M’ on it is usually 10 microfarads, not 10 millifarads (for some
reason, most manufacturers don’t want to print Greek letters, so they use
‘M’ instead of ‘␮’). A 10 millifarad cap would be labeled ‘10000M’. A
small capacitor that says just ‘10’ on it is 10 picofarads. The other important
number is the maximum operating voltage, which is usually printed on the
capacitor if there is room.

20 Hands-on electronics

Some small capacitors are labeled like resistors, either with a color code
or with numbers that mean the same thing. The first digit of this capacitance
code is the tens, the second is the ones, the third is the power of 10, and
the units are picofarads. This is sometimes ambiguous – for example, a
capacitor that says ‘470’ could be 470 pF or 47 × 100 = 47 pF! Usually
the clue is the presence of a letter, following the capacitance code, that
indicates the tolerance – J for ±5%, K for ±10%, M for ±20%, etc. – so
that ‘470 K’ means 47 pF ± 10%, whereas just 470 means 470 pF! Note
that there is no ambiguity if it says 471 – since normal capacitors are not
manufactured with enough precision to warrant a third significant digit,
the ‘1’ must be the power of ten. When in doubt, you can always check it
out by putting it in an RC circuit with a known R value and measuring the
time constant (see below), or by plugging it into a capacitance meter, if you
have one.

2.2 Review of current, voltage, and power

Before we get started on RC circuits, let us briefly review power dissipation

and component ratings – you need to understand these to avoid damaging
Voltage is related to potential-energy difference. The voltage drop across
any circuit element is directly proportional to the change in energy of a
charge as it traverses the circuit element. Specifically,

1 volt = 1 joule/coulomb.

The potential energy (with respect to some reference point) is equal to the
voltage multiplied by the charge.
Current refers to the motion of charges. The current through a given
surface (e.g. the cross-section of a wire) is defined as the net charge passing
through that surface per unit time. The unit for current is the ampere:

1 ampere = 1 coulomb/second.

The product of voltage and current has units of joules/second, otherwise

known as watts.
If the voltage drop across a circuit element equals the change in poten-
tial energy per unit charge, and the current equals the amount of charge

21 2 RC circuits

moving through the element per unit time, then their product equals the
power released within the device! The power dissipated within any device is
given by

P = IV. (2.11)

For resistive elements (or when an effective resistance can be defined),

Eq. 2.11 can be combined with Ohm’s law to give:

P = IV = I 2 R = V 2 /R. (2.12)

Resistors, diodes, transistors, relays, integrated-circuit chips, etc., are

rated (in part) by their maximum allowed power. Exceeding these ratings
can have disastrous effects on your circuit, and may even cause a fire! To
illustrate this point, our first exercise will deliberately lead to the destruction
of a carbon-film resistor.

2.2.1 Destructive demonstration of resistor power rating

Caution: In the following exercise, care must be taken to prevent burns.

The resistor in the following exercise will become very hot and may even
catch fire (briefly). Keep the body of the resistor well above the breadboard.
Do not touch the resistor with your fingers. Remove the destroyed resistor
using pliers or a similar tool.
Be sure that the power is turned off, and construct the circuit shown in
Fig. 2.2 using a 14 watt carbon-film resistor.
 Turn on the power and observe the effect on the resistor. Be sure to
turn off the power as soon as the resistor begins to smoke. Record your
observations and comments.

68 Ω
15 V
1/4 watt

Fig. 2.2. This circuit can be used to demonstrate destructive power loading. Note that the
resistor will heat up rapidly.

22 Hands-on electronics

 Calculate the power that was dissipated by the resistor before it burned
out. What is the minimum resistor value that can be safely used in this
circuit? (Assume that only 14 watt resistors are available.)
 Calculate the current that flowed through the resistor (before it burned
Note that even though the voltage was low and the current was well
under 1 A, damage was nevertheless done! Because your body’s resistance
is large, low voltages can’t give you a shock, but in the wrong circumstances
they can still cause trouble. The key to safe work in electronics is always
to estimate power dissipations in components before turning on the power,
and to make sure you are not exceeding the ratings.

2.3 Potentiometer as voltage divider

The voltage-divider idea is very useful in analyzing almost all circuits,

so you will need to become thoroughly familiar with it. A resistive voltage
divider is simply two resistors in series (see Fig. 2.3). A voltage differ-
ence, Vin , is applied across the two, and a smaller voltage, Vout , results
at the junction between them. A potentiometer can be used as a vari-
able voltage divider, and you will now try this out using the breadboard’s
10 k pot.

Warning: You can easily burn out the pot in this exercise if you are not careful!

1. Turn off the power before hooking up the circuit!

2. If you accidentally connect the pot’s slider to ground while one end is
connected to the supply voltage (or vice versa) you can easily burn out

R2 ~ V ~ V

Fig. 2.3. Three schematics representing a resistive voltage divider. In all cases you can
show using Ohm’s law that Vout = Vin R2 /(R1 + R2 ). Note that the far right
representation is implemented using a potentiometer. In this case, the output voltage is
variable and ranges between ground and Vin (depending on the position of the slider).

23 2 RC circuits

the pot – briefly explain why this is true. (Hint: how much power can be
dissipated in the pot in such a situation?)
3. If you connect the multimeter on a current or resistance setting between
the slider and some other point in the circuit while the circuit is powered,
you can easily burn out the pot, since on these settings a meter can act
as a low impedance (short circuit).

2.3.1 DC voltage divider

First, use the ohmmeter setting of your multimeter to measure the resistance
between the slider and each end of the 10 k pot.2 Turn the knob to set the
slider exactly half-way between the ends, using the meter to tell you when
you get there.
Next, use the voltmeter setting to adjust the variable positive power
supply to +10 V. Then, turn off the power, connect one end of the pot to
ground, and connect the other end to +10 V. Connect the meter (on the volt-
age setting) between the slider and ground. Double-check your connections.
 Without moving the slider or changing the supply voltage, turn on the
power, and measure the voltage between the slider and ground.
 What are the values of R1 and R2 ? Using the voltage-divider equation
Vout = Vin , (2.13)
R1 + R2

explain why the predicted output voltage is +5 V. How close to this

prediction is your measured voltage? What is the percentage error?

2.3.2 AC voltage divider

Now verify that a resistive voltage divider works the same way for AC as
for DC. Apply a sinusoidal signal from the function generator to the pot in
place of the +10 V DC.
 Look at the function generator’s output signal with the scope and measure
its peak-to-peak voltage, amplitude, and r.m.s. voltage. (The scope’s
measure menu is useful here.) Look at the signal at the pot’s center tap –
what are the peak-to-peak, amplitude, and r.m.s. values there? How does
the pot’s voltage-division ratio, R2 /(R1 + R2 ), compare for DC and AC?
2 The 10 k pot is located near the center of the bottom edge of the PB-503 breadboard and is adjusted
by means of a large black knob. If you don’t have a PB-503, find a 10 k pot on your breadboard if it
has one; otherwise you will have to use a separate 10 k pot.

24 Hands-on electronics

Vin V

C ~

Fig. 2.4. The voltage-divider concept works perfectly well for RC circuits. This circuit is
also known as a low-pass filter, or as a voltage integrator.

2.4 RC circuit

Now hook up a 10 k resistor and a 0.01 ␮F ceramic capacitor in series.

Ground one end of the capacitor, connect the other end to the resistor, and
connect the other end of the resistor to a 500 Hz square wave from the
function generator (see Fig. 2.4). Display the input signal (output of the
function generator) on channel 1 of the scope, and the output signal (at
the junction of the resistor and capacitor) on channel 2.
 What are the amplitudes of the input and output waveforms?
 Sketch the output waveform. You may recall from your general physics
that it obeys the equation

V (t) = V0 e−t/RC , (2.14)

where t = 0 corresponds to a rising or falling edge of the square wave.

 Show that the time to fall to 37% of the peak value (i.e. V (t) = 0.37 V0 )
is the ‘time constant’, RC, and determine RC using the scope – you
should find your oscilloscope’s ‘cursor’ feature useful here. (Be sure to
set the time and voltage scales sufficiently sensitive to yield an accurate
measurement – what settings should you use, and why?)
 Based on the nominal component values, what do you predict for RC?
Is your measurement consistent with this prediction? What are the
tolerances of the components you are using – does this explain any

2.5 RC circuit as integrator

Now switch the function-generator frequency to 50 kHz. Observe what hap-

pens to the output waveform’s shape and amplitude. This can be explained

25 2 RC circuits

quantitatively from Eq. 2.1

Vout (t) = (2.15)

1 t
= I (t)dt (2.16)
C 0

1 t Vin − Vout
= dt (2.17)
C 0 R
≈ Vin dt, (2.18)
RC 0
where Vout is the voltage across the capacitor, and the approximation is
valid as long as Vout Vin .
 What does Eq. 2.18 predict when Vin is a constant, as it is during half of
each period of the square wave? Carefully measure and sketch the output
waveform. Compare your observations with your expectations based on
Eq. 2.18 and explain your results.
 What output amplitude would you expect at 25 kHz? Change the input
frequency and see if your prediction is correct.
 At approximately what frequency will Eq. 2.18 cease to predict the
output waveform accurately? Change the input frequency and test your

2.6 Low-pass filter

Now switch from a 50 kHz square wave to a 50 kHz sine wave. Since
Eq. 2.18 should still apply, the output waveform should be the integral of
a sine wave, i.e. a cosine wave.
 What does this imply about the phase shift between input and output?
Measure the phase shift: 360◦ multiplied by the time t between the zero
crossing of the input signal and the zero crossing of the output signal,
divided by the period, or
φ = 360◦ . (2.19)
(The cursors are useful here.)
 Is the measured phase shift consistent with your prediction? Does the
voltage across the capacitor lag or lead the current through it? Explain.

26 Hands-on electronics

The other way to analyze this circuit is as an AC voltage divider, using

Eq. 2.13 with R2 replaced by the reactance of the capacitor, X C , and R1 +
R2 replaced by the total impedance, Z , of the resistor and capacitor in
series. Since the voltage across the capacitor is 90◦ out of phase with the
current through the resistor, these add in Pythagorean fashion:
Vout = Vin (2.20)
= Vin  (2.21)
R 2 + X C2
= Vin  . (2.22)
1 + (ω RC)2
We see that the attenuation (Vout /Vin ) depends on the frequency.
 What attenuation do you observe at 50 kHz? Calculate what you expect,
and compare.
√ or half-power frequency f 0 , ω RC = 1, and thus the
At the breakpoint
attenuation is 1/ 2 = 0.707. This is also referred to as the −3 dB point,
since it is the frequency at which the output voltage is attenuated by 3 dB.
The breakpoint is a convenient way to parametrize simple filters. (The
decibel is a logarithmic measure of the ratio of two signals:
number of dB = 20 log ,
where A1 is the amplitude of the first signal and A2 is the amplitude of
the second; in this case A1 = Vin is the amplitude of the output signal and
A2 = Vout is the amplitude of the input signal.)
 By varying f until the output amplitude is 70.7% of the input ampli-
tude, measure f 0 . Calculate what you expect, and compare with your
 What are the attenuation and phase shift at low frequency, say 50 Hz?
Compare with the predictions of Eq. 2.22. Compare the phase shifts with
φ = arctan . (2.23)
The phase shift at low frequency is easy to understand: in the limit of DC
the capacitor must act like an open circuit, i.e. infinite impedance, and thus
does not affect the output signal. Conversely, in the high-frequency limit
the capacitor must look like a short circuit to ground, so the output signal
goes to zero and the phase shift becomes dominated by the capacitor.

27 2 RC circuits

2.7 RC circuit as differentiator

Now interchange the capacitor and resistor so that the input signal is applied
at the capacitor (see Fig. 2.5). Drive the circuit with a 50 Hz square wave.
 What waveform do you see at the output? What are the input and output
You can think of the shape of the output in terms of the exponential RC
charging/discharging curve, with f 1/RC, or you can think of it as an
approximation to the derivative of the input signal. Mathematically, the
derivative of an ideal square wave would be infinite at the voltage steps and
zero in between, but of course an electrical signal can never be infinite! In
this circuit the voltage spikes are limited in size to twice the input amplitude.
Using Eq. 2.16,

Vout = IR (2.24)
=R (2.25)
d(Vin − Vout )
= RC (2.26)
≈ RC , (2.27)
where the approximation is again valid when Vout Vin . So, indeed, the
circuit puts out an approximation to the time derivative of the input signal.
You can see why the approximation of Eq. 2.27 breaks down in the case
of a square wave, since at the rising and falling edges of the square wave
Vout > Vin .
 What does Eq. 2.27 imply if the input is a triangle wave? Try it out and
compare quantitatively with what you expect.
 What does Eq. 2.27 imply if the input is a sine wave? Try it out and com-
pare quantitatively with what you expect. Sketch the output waveform.



Fig. 2.5. High-pass filter or voltage differentiator.

28 Hands-on electronics

If you are surprised at all the wiggles on the output signal, you can
verify that they are real (as opposed to noise) using the signal-averaging
feature of the scope’s acquire menu. You’ve discovered a poorly kept
secret of function-generator design! The sine waveform is rather difficult
to generate, and most function generators actually use an approximation to
it that is piecewise-linear around the peaks and valleys. The derivative of a
piecewise-linear function is a series of steps and plateaus.

2.8 High-pass filter

 What attenuation and phase shift do you observe with a 50 Hz sine wave
as input?
 What about with a 50 kHz sine wave?
 Why do these phase shifts make sense?
 Should the breakpoint frequency be any different in this configuration
than in the low-pass filter? Check it and make sure. Compare your mea-
surements with
Vout = Vin (2.28)
= Vin  (2.29)
R + XC
2 2

ω RC
= Vin  . (2.30)
1 + (ω RC)2
 Show that well below the breakpoint frequency, Eq. 2.30 predicts that
the output amplitude should increase linearly with frequency. Take a few
measurements to demonstrate that this prediction is correct.

2.9 Summary of high- and low-pass filters

For reference, here once again are the key equations describing high-pass
and low-pass RC-filter operation in the frequency domain.
Vout ω RC
= , (2.31)
Vin 1 + (ω RC)2
φ = arctan . (2.32)
ω RC

29 2 RC circuits


Vout 1
= , (2.33)
Vin 1 + (ω RC)2
φ = arctan ω RC. (2.34)

Note, as expected, that at high frequency, the voltage-division ratio goes

to unity in the first case and to zero in the second case, while the phase
shift goes to zero in the first case and to 90◦ in the second. Also, in both
cases, the breakpoint frequency is the point at which the two terms in the

Fig. 2.6. Right triangles depicting the relationships among input voltages (always
represented by the hypoteneuse of the triangle) and capacitor and resistor voltages for (a)
high-pass and (b) low-pass RC filters. In each case, the center diagram shows the isosceles
triangle representing the case f = f 0 ; the triangles on the left are for a frequency well
below f 0 ; and those on the right for a frequency well above f 0 .

30 Hands-on electronics

square-root are equal:

ω0 RC = 1 (2.35)
f0 = (2.36)

= . (2.37)
2π RC
These relationships are all illustrated in Fig. 2.6, which shows, for low-
and high-pass filters, how the phase and magnitudes of the voltages across
the resistor and capacitor are related, for a fixed input voltage, in three
frequency regimes: f = f 0 and frequencies that are well below and well
above f 0 . See Appendix C for further discussion of frequency-domain
analysis of RC circuits.

3 Diodes

In this chapter we will explore semiconductor diodes and some circuits

using them. We’ve seen that resistors have a simple linear relationship
between the voltage across them and the current through them (Ohm’s law).
On the other hand,
r diodes have an exponential relationship between current and voltage.
Mathematically this may seem much more complicated than Ohm’s law,
but we think you’ll agree that the idea as just stated is simple enough – it just
takes some getting used to! As we’ll see, an important consequence of the
exponential characteristic is that diodes conduct much more readily in one
direction than in the other. This makes them ideally suited for rectification:
the conversion of AC into DC.

Apparatus required
Breadboard, oscilloscope, one or two multimeters, one 1N914 (or similar)
silicon signal diode, one 1N4001 (or similar) 1 A silicon rectifier diode, one
100  and one 10 k 14 W resistor, one 1 k 2 W resistor, power transformer
with 12.6 V r.m.s. output on each side of the center tap, one diode bridge
element, one 100 ␮F electrolytic capacitor, and one 1000 ␮F electrolytic

3.1 Semiconductor basics

Current will flow through a material provided that there are charge carriers
free to move and an electric field to move them. Conductors (such as
copper) have lots of charge carriers (electrons) ready to move in response
to the slightest electric field. Insulators (such as diamond) possess very
few free charge carriers – all the electrons are tightly bound to the crystal
lattice, so that, even in the presence of a strong electric field, no current

32 Hands-on electronics

flows. Semiconductors (such as silicon and germanium) are somewhere in

between. The conductivity of a semiconductor can be enhanced through
doping, the deliberate inclusion of impurities within the semiconductor
Silicon, for example, has four valence electrons, which are used to make
covalent bonds with neighboring silicon atoms. Phosphorus has five va-
lence electrons, and boron has three. In a silicon crystal, if a silicon atom
is replaced with a ‘donor’ material, such as phosphorus, an extra valence
electron becomes available that is loosely bound to the lattice. If an
‘acceptor’ material such as boron is substituted for silicon, a ‘hole’ appears
in the electron structure of the lattice. Doping silicon with a donor material
creates an ‘N-type’ semiconductor, whereas doping with an acceptor cre-
ates a ‘P-type’ semiconductor. (Note that, despite their names, these doped
semiconductors are electrically neutral: the ‘extra’ electrons in N-type ma-
terial are compensated for by the additional protons in the atomic nuclei
of the donors, while the ‘missing’ electrons in P-type are compensated for
by the missing protons in the acceptor nuclei.)
The ‘extra’ electrons within N-type material can move under the influ-
ence of an electric field. Thus, the dominant charge carriers are electrons;
i.e., N-type material has negative charge carriers.
For P-type material, electrons from neighboring atoms can jump into the
holes, moving the holes from one place to another. The holes can migrate
in the direction of an electric field. The charge motion is thus due to the
motion of the holes, i.e., P-type material has positive charge carriers.
If a junction between P-type and N-type semiconductor material is cre-
ated within a single crystal, in such a way that the crystalline structure is
preserved across the junction, the result is a junction diode. Electrons from
the N-region migrate across the junction into the P-region, filling holes
as they go. This creates a net charge build-up around the junction (see
Fig. 3.1) – positive in the N-region and negative in the P-region – leading
to an internal electric field as shown. Once the holes are filled, the junction
region becomes devoid of charge carriers and thus acts as an insulator,
preventing further current flow.
If an external field is applied in the same direction as the internal field,
the ‘depletion region’ (region around the junction devoid of charge carriers)
increases in size, so current does not flow. On the other hand, if an external
field is applied opposite to the internal field, free charge carriers flow toward
the junction. Electrons flow into the N-type material from the metal contact

33 3 Diodes

Internal Electric Field

_ +
Free Electron

Silicon, Germanium

Boron, Aluminum

Arsenic, Phosphorus
P-type N-type

Fig. 3.1. Representation of a junction between P-type and N-type semiconductor material.
Free electrons from the N-region will migrate into the P-region, combining with holes.

Free Electron
Electric Field Hole Electric Field
_ +
_ +
_ +
_ +
I _ + Is
P-type N-type P-type _ + N-type
Depletion Region
I + V R Is V + R

Forward-Biased Diode Circuit Reverse-Biased Diode Circuit

Fig. 3.2. Diode circuit symbol and biasing.

(see Fig. 3.2). New holes are created within the P-material as electrons
jump from the semiconductor to the metal contacts. At the junction, the
holes from the P-type material meet electrons from the N-type material and
combine. A PN junction thus allows current to flow easily in one direction
but blocks current flow in the reverse direction.
For such a diode the current I flowing through the device is given
approximately by

I = Is (eeV /nkT − 1) (3.1)

where Is (sometimes called IR or I0 ) is the ‘reverse saturation current’, e is

the electron charge, V is the voltage across the junction, n is an empirical
constant between 1 and 2, k is Boltzmann’s constant, and T is the junction
temperature in kelvin. For simplicity, we’ll assume for now that n = 1.
This dependence of current on voltage is illustrated in Fig. 3.3.

34 Hands-on electronics

Current 8
(mA) Ge Si

−20 −18 −0.4 −0.2

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Vdiode

Reverse Current
Breakdown (µA)

Fig. 3.3. Typical current–voltage characteristics for germanium and silicon diodes; note
that the current scales in the forward and reverse directions differ by a factor of 10 000,
and that the voltage scale changes at large reverse voltage. If a large enough reverse
voltage is applied, the junction breaks down and allows a large reverse current to flow (the
‘Zener effect’).

When the P-type material is at a more positive voltage than the N-type
material, the diode is said to be ‘forward-biased’; this corresponds to V > 0
in Fig. 3.3. When the P-type material is more negative than the N-type
material, the diode is said to be ‘reverse-biased’; this corresponds to V < 0
in Fig. 3.3.

Some useful approximations

In the forward-biased case, when V is greater than ≈100 mV or so, the ‘1’
in Eq. 3.1 becomes negligible compared with the exponential term, and

I ≈ Is eeV /kT . (3.2)

When the diode is reverse-biased and |V | is greater than ≈100 mV or

so, the exponential term is negligible, and the reverse current is almost
constant, with

I ≈ −Is . (3.3)

35 3 Diodes

3.2 Types of diodes

In addition to standard junction diodes, light-emitting diodes (LEDs),

Schottky diodes, and Zener diodes are also common. LEDs are junction
diodes typically made from gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP). They act
very much like silicon junction diodes except that they emit light when
conducting forward current and have forward voltage drops about twice as
large as silicon diodes. Infrared, red, orange, yellow, green, and blue LEDs
are commercially available.
Zener diodes are manufactured with controlled reverse-breakdown prop-
erties. Their forward characteristics are similar to those of junction diodes;
however, Zener diodes are used in reverse-biased mode. While reverse
breakdown typically destroys a standard junction diode, Zener diodes are
designed to operate at and around their reverse-breakdown (‘Zener’) voltage.
The Zener voltage is determined during the manufacturing process by ad-
justing the semiconductor doping. Typical Zener voltages range from 3.3
to 75 volts.
Schottky diodes are manufactured by bonding a metal conductor to an
N-type semiconductor. Electrons from the N-type material migrate into the
metal. This migration creates a potential barrier across the boundary, which
then behaves in a similar fashion to a PN junction. In general, Schottky
diodes are used in applications requiring high speed and low capacitance.
Physically, most diodes look like a little cylinder with wires sticking
out the two ends (Fig. 3.4). To distinguish the ends from each other, the
manufacturer often prints the diode circuit symbol on the diode body.
Alternatively, sometimes a ring is marked around the body close to the
‘cathode’ (the N-type end), to distinguish it from the ‘anode’ (the P-type
end). Diodes are manufactured with specified values for maximum current,
forward voltage drop, leakage current (reverse saturation current), reverse-
breakdown voltage, and switching speed (time required for the diode to

Fig. 3.4. Representation of physical diodes along with the symbols used in circuit

36 Hands-on electronics

Table 3.1. A diverse selection of diodes is commercially available, of which a tiny sampling is
given here.
Diodes are commonly rated by their switching speed, maximum power dissipation, maxi-
mum forward current, maximum forward voltage at a specified forward current, and reverse-
breakdown voltage. The junction capacitance is sometimes listed as well.

Pmax IFmax VFmax @ IF VBR(R) C

Diode Type (W) (A) (V @ A) (V) (pF)

1N914 small signal 0.5 0.3 1.0 @ 0.01 75 4.0

1N4001 rectifier 1.0 1.1 @ 1.0 50 8.0
1N4004 rectifier 1.0 1.1 @ 1.0 400 8.0
1N5402 rectifier 3.0 1.1 @ 3.0 200 40
FR601 fast rectifier 6.0 1.3 @ 6.0 50 200
MBD301 Schottky 0.28 0.1 0.6 @ 0.01 30 1.0
1N4733A Zener 1.0 1.2 @ 0.2 5.1

switch from forward to reverse bias or vice versa). A few examples are given
in Table 3.1.

3.3 Rectification

A rectifier is a device that converts AC to DC by blocking the flow of

current in one direction. Rectification used to be almost the exclusive
province of vacuum tubes, with the exception of the ‘detector crystals’
(naturally occurring semiconductor diodes) used in crystal sets in the early
days of radio. Nowadays, semiconductor diodes are universally used for the
An ideal rectifier would offer zero resistance when forward-biased, i.e.,
the voltage across it would be zero, independent of the amount of forward
current flow. It would offer infinite resistance when reverse-biased, i.e., no
current would flow, regardless of the size of the applied reverse voltage.
You can see from Fig. 3.3 that real diodes typically approximate the ideal
reasonably well, with only a few hundred millivolts of forward voltage
over a wide range of forward current, and with reverse current measured in
nanoamps, even for volts of reverse voltage (as long as the reverse voltage
is kept small enough to avoid breakdown). For the typical range of currents
encountered in most electronic circuits (a few to hundreds of milliamps), a

37 3 Diodes

handy approximation is that a forward-biased germanium diode has about

a 300 mV voltage drop across it, while a forward-biased silicon diode has
about a 600 mV drop.

3.4 Diode action -- a more sophisticated view

If we want, we can think of a diode as a resistor whose resistance depends

on the current flowing through it, i.e., the resistance is dynamic rather than
having a constant (or static) value. While the static resistance of a device is
the voltage across the device divided by the current through it (R = V /I ,
Ohm’s law), the dynamic resistance is the slope dV /dI of the V –I curve at
any point. You can see that, for a resistor, the static and dynamic resistances
are the same, but for a device whose V –I curve is nonlinear, they become
different. Note in particular that a nonlinear device does not have a static
resistance, since V /I is not constant.
We can find the dynamic resistance of a diode by differentiating Eq. 3.1:
dI e
= Is eeV /kT ; (3.4)
dV kT
thus, the dynamic resistance is
dV kT /e
= (3.5)
dI Is eeV /kT
kT /e
≈ , (3.6)
where the approximation is valid for forward-biasing such that the ‘1’ in
Eq. 3.1 is negligible. Note that at T = 300 K (room temperature),
e 1.6 × 10−19 C 1
= −23
= 39 V−1 ≈ , (3.7)
kT (1.38 × 10 J/K) × 300 K 25 mV
so the dynamic resistance of a forward-biased diode can be simply approx-
imated by
dV 25 mV
≈ . (3.8)
dI I
These results – the exponential dependence of current on voltage and
the consequent dynamic-resistance formula – are important to remember,

38 Hands-on electronics

as they also characterize the behavior of transistors. (This model of diode

behavior neglects some features that matter in practice. For example, the
semiconductor has some ‘ohmic’, or static, resistance that is in series with
the junction resistance just described, so in practice the dynamic resistance
is somewhat larger than that given by Eq. 3.8.)

3.5 Measuring the diode characteristic

As before, be careful not to burn out your breadboard’s 1 k pot: hook up

the following circuits with the power off, and double-check each circuit
before powering it up.
 For the circuit shown in Fig. 3.5, estimate the maximum current in your
circuit and the maximum power dissipation in the 100  resistor – is the
resistor’s 14 W rating safe for its worst-case power dissipation? Caution:
These small diodes are easily damaged by overcurrent. To be on the safe
side, do not let the forward current exceed 50 mA.
 With a 1N914 (or similar) silicon diode, forward-biased as shown in
Fig. 3.5, increase the voltage across the diode starting from 0 V in steps
of 100 mV and record the diode current in each case.
For the portion of the characteristic curve close to the origin, the mi-
croamp range of the multimeter will be required to measure the forward
current. If you don’t have a second meter available, you can use your os-
cilloscope to measure the diode voltage.
 Plot your results for I vs. V on a linear scale – do they seem qualitatively
consistent with the functional shape of Eq. 3.1?
When unity is negligible in comparison with the exponential term of
Eq. 3.1, Eq. 3.2 may be re-expressed as

ln I ≈ ln Is + V. (3.9)

 Plot ln I vs. V . Is ln I approximately linear in V ? How does its slope

compare with e/kT ? What value for n (from Eq. 3.1) is implied by your
measured slope?
 Now reverse the diode – for a reverse voltage of 5 V what reverse current
do you observe? Is it consistent with the range of Is expected for a silicon

39 3 Diodes

1.2 mA


0.64 V
100 Ω
1 k pot
+5 V


Ammeter DMM or
100 Ω Rin
1 k pot mA
+ fuse
+5 V
Zin V

(Common) (b)
Fig. 3.5. (a) Measuring the forward characteristic of a diode. (b) When used to measure
current, the DMM is equivalent to an ideal ammeter in series with a small input
impedance. Most ammeters will also have a series fuse to protect the meter. When
measuring voltage, the DMM or oscilloscope looks like an ideal voltmeter in parallel
with a large input impedance.

If the reverse current seems to be much bigger than you expect, consider
that you have a voltage-measuring device (a scope or voltmeter) in parallel
with the diode (Fig. 3.5(b)).
 Disconnect the scope or meter – now how much current do you observe?
Reconnect it and disconnect the diode – how much current flows with
the scope or meter alone? What do you infer to be the input resistance of
the scope or meter? Explain by applying Ohm’s law to relate the voltage
being measured to the current you observe.
Keep this experience in mind – it is often necessary to consider the effect
of your measuring device on the circuit being studied. Can you see why
an ideal voltmeter would have infinite resistance, while an ideal ammeter
would have zero resistance?

40 Hands-on electronics

3.6 Exploring rectification

Next we take up the basic principles of rectification. Almost all electronic

equipment requires power from a steady voltage source, i.e., a DC power
supply. For portable equipment, the power is supplied by batteries. How-
ever, the most convenient power source is the 120 V 60 Hz AC line.1 (120 V
is in fact the r.m.s. value of the sinusoidal voltage, the amplitude being

V0 = 2 × 120 V = 170 V, (3.10)

and the peak-to-peak voltage is, of course, twice this, or Vp−p = 340 V,
as you can easily verify from the definition of the root-mean-square by
integrating over the sine wave.)
Within most electronic equipment using the AC line, there is a power
transformer that steps down the 120 V AC to a more convenient voltage,
a rectifier that converts the alternating voltage from the transformer to a
DC voltage, and a regulator that maintains the output voltage at the desired

Caution: In using a power transformer, bear in mind that an especially large transient current
sometimes flows when the line cord is first plugged in.

You will probably blow fewer fuses if you leave the power transformer
plugged in at all times. Attach banana-plug leads to the transformer’s sec-
ondary only after you are sure your circuit will not damage any of the
equipment. Do not permit powered lines to dangle loosely; when reconfig-
uring your circuit, it is safest to disconnect the leads at the transformer, not
at the breadboard.
 Set up the circuit shown in Fig. 3.6(a) using a 10 k resistor as the load,
RL . Observe the sinusoidal voltage waveform across RL . Measure the
amplitude V0 and the r.m.s. voltage. Check the relation

2Vrms = V0 . (3.11)

You will probably find Vrms > 25 V. Since the windings of the transformer
have some ohmic resistance, the transformer’s output voltage depends on
1 In North America, the supply voltage from a standard wall socket is 120 V, and the supply frequency
is 60 Hz; the discussion is equally valid for other values, which may be substituted according to
your local supply voltage and frequency.

41 3 Diodes


120 Center RL
(a) VAC

(b) Vp--p

Fig. 3.6. (a) Power transformer supplies Vout ≈ 25 V r.m.s.; (b) waveform produced by
the circuit in (a).

the current drawn, and its 25.2 V r.m.s. nominal output voltage is for sub-
stantially higher current than is drawn by the 10 k load.
 Add a 1N4001 diode to give the half-wave rectifier of Fig. 3.7(a) with
RL = 10 k.
 Observe and record the voltage waveform. Measure the amplitude V0
using the oscilloscope (due to the rectification it is now equal to the
peak-to-peak voltage).
 Compare the amplitude of the half-rectified waveform with the amplitude
of the unrectified waveform measured above. By how much has the
amplitude decreased? Is this the amount you expect? Explain.
 Measure the average voltage Vav across the load with a DC voltmeter.
Check that for a half-wave rectifier
Vav = . (3.12)
 Add a filter capacitor in parallel with the load as shown in Fig. 3.8(a).

Caution: The 100 ␮F electrolytic capacitor is polarized -- be careful not to hook it up

backwards! The negative terminal should be labeled with a ‘−’ sign.

42 Hands-on electronics

Rectifier Diode

120 RL
(a) VAC

V0 Vp--p
(b) Vav

Fig. 3.7. (a) Power transformer with half-wave rectification; (b) waveform produced by
circuit shown in (a).

Rectifier Diode

+ 100 µF RL
(a) 120 Vout

Ripple Voltage

1 s

Ripple Voltage

1 s
Fig. 3.8. (a) Half-wave rectifier with filter capacitor; (b) waveform produced by circuit
shown in (a); (c) simple approximation to waveform produced by circuit shown in (a).

43 3 Diodes

 What is the voltage rating of your capacitor? Make sure it is sufficient

for the voltage that will be applied!
 Observe and record the output-voltage waveform across the load resis-
tance RL and measure the peak-to-peak ‘ripple voltage’ (i.e., the amount
by which the output voltage is varying; see Fig. 3.8(b)).
Here is that rare situation – measuring accurately a small AC signal on
top of a large DC offset – in which you should use the AC-coupling feature
of the scope’s vertical menu. If you are troubled with noise, you may want
to trigger the scope on ‘line’ and employ signal averaging.
A simplified analysis approach for predicting the expected output wave-
form, illustrated in Fig. 3.8(c), is to assume that the capacitor charges up to
the peak voltage instantaneously and discharges at a uniform rate dQ/dt,
equal to the average load current. The average current through the load can
be determined using the known resistance RL and the average DC voltage
across it as measured with a voltmeter. Using these assumptions, and the
fundamental capacitor equation Q = C V ,
 Calculate the output-voltage droop in each cycle, and compare with the
peak-to-peak ripple voltage as measured. Is the observed percentage
discrepancy within the tolerances of your components? Explain.
 Replace the 100 ␮F electrolytic capacitor with a 1000 ␮F capacitor. Do
you expect the ripple voltage to increase or decrease? Explain.
 Measure the ripple voltage and compare with your expectations.
Full-wave rectification should decrease the ripple by about a factor of
two. This can be accomplished using two diodes and the transformer’s
center tap or by using a diode bridge. Diode-bridge rectifiers are available
as a single encapsulated unit, making the bridge-rectifier approach partic-
ularly convenient. These bridges have four diodes within. The terminals
are labeled: ‘∼’ marks the two terminals that should be connected to the
transformer secondary, and ‘+’ and ‘−’ denote the positive and negative
outputs (see Fig. 3.9).

Diode Bridge

~ _
~ +

Fig. 3.9. An example of how to insert a diode bridge into a breadboard.

44 Hands-on electronics


Diode Bridge

120 RL
~ ~ Vout

Fig. 3.10. Full-wave rectification using a diode bridge.

Caution: A defective bridge element can blow the power transformer fuse -- check it be-
fore placing it in service. It should show essentially infinite resistance between the terminals
marked ‘∼’. When using an ohmmeter to check the resistance, remember to measure it for
both orientations of the terminals -- since you are dealing with diodes, the resistance could
be different in each direction.

 Set up the bridge rectifier circuit of Fig. 3.10 with RL = 10 k. (Insert

the rectifier package straddling the central groove of a breadboard socket
unit, with the long dimension of the package running along the groove, as
shown in Fig. 3.9.) Four rectifier diodes can be used if a bridge rectifier
is not available. As before, observe and record the voltage waveform
across RL .
 Add a filter capacitor to the full-wave rectifier as shown in Fig. 3.11(a) –
again, be careful not to connect the capacitor backwards. This form
of power supply is very common. Measure the average output voltage
across the 10 k load. Record the peak-to-peak ripple voltage.
 Repeat these measurements for RL = 1 k. Caution: What power rating
must the 1 k resistor have, and why? Use socket adapters to handle the
fat leads of the 2 W resistor.
 Repeat the ripple voltage calculations for these two values of RL , keeping
in mind that the filter-capacitor discharge time is now one-half of the
AC cycle.
To make this circuit into a ‘complete’ power supply, one would want to
regulate the output, that is, employ feedback to make the output voltage
and ripple less dependent on the load resistance. This could be done using
Zener diodes, but a more effective technique is a transistorized regulating

45 3 Diodes


Bridge Rectifier

+ 1000 µF RL
(a) 120 Vout
VAC ~ ~

Ripple Voltage

1 s

Fig. 3.11. (a) Full-wave rectification with filter capacitor; (b) waveform produced by
circuit shown in (a).

circuit. Integrated three-terminal voltage regulators (such as the 7800 and

7900 series) have made this particularly simple.

3.7 Input and output impedance

Input and output impedance are key ideas that are used all the time in
analyzing circuits. You’ve already encountered the input impedance of the
scope or voltmeter in section 3.5.
A good way to think about the effect of an instrument on the circuit
to which it is connected is via the instrument’s Thévenin equivalent. The
Thévenin equivalent of the multimeter (when set to measure voltage) is a
large resistor in parallel with an ideal voltmeter (Fig. 3.5). In practice, an
input also has some small capacitance and inductance and hence is more
completely characterized by its impedance vs. frequency, which takes into
account both the resistance and the capacitive and inductive reactances.
Outputs can also be characterized by their impedance (see Fig. 3.12).
You’ve already taken data that determine the output impedance of your
filtered full-wave rectifier circuit.

Z out = − Vout / Iout , (3.13)

46 Hands-on electronics


+ Zout
Voltage V0 RL Vout
Source I

Complete Rectifier Circuit

Fig. 3.12. A rectifier circuit can be modeled (as a Thévenin equivalent) using an ideal
voltage source in series with an output impedance. The output impedance is measured by
observing the output voltage as a function of the output current: Z out = − Vout / Iout .

and your data on Vout vs. RL , compute the circuit’s output impedance,
Z out , in ohms.
 As another example, determine the output impedance of your bread-
board’s function generator, by measuring its sine-wave output amplitude,
first with no load, and then with a load resistance of 1 k to ground.
If the output impedance has negligible frequency dependence, it can be
approximated as a pure resistance, in which case the function generator’s
Thévenin-equivalent circuit consists of an ideal AC voltage source (one
having zero internal resistance) in series with a single resistor.
 Check the function generator’s Z out both at low and high frequencies
(say 50 Hz and 50 kHz) – do you observe any appreciable frequency
 Sketch schematic diagrams (with component values labeled) of the
Thévenin-equivalent circuits of your voltmeter, full-wave-rectified power
supply, and function generator.

4 Bipolar transistors

Invented in 1947, transistors (and integrated circuits made from them) have
been the basis for the explosive proliferation of electronic devices that
revolutionized so much of life in the latter half of the twentieth century.
Although discrete (i.e. individually packaged) transistors are now used
mainly in special situations (e.g. where high power or speed is required),
since transistors form the basis of a large class of integrated circuits, an
understanding of how they work remains valuable. This will be the subject
of the next few chapters. This chapter will introduce you to some basic
bipolar-junction-transistor circuits.

Apparatus required
Breadboard, oscilloscope, two multimeters, 2N3904 and 2N3906 transis-
tors, red light-emitting diode (LED), 1N914 (or similar) silicon signal
diode, two 330 , two 10 k, and one each of 100 , 1 k, 3.3 k, 22 k,
and 100 k 14 W resistors, 1 ␮F capacitor.

4.1 Bipolar-junction-transistor basics

Why and how transistors work is a bit subtle and can easily confuse the
beginning student, but it is something you must master. Study the following
description carefully, and compare it with the descriptions in other books.
You may also want to re-read both our description and others after you’ve
had some experience building and analyzing transistor circuits. (If you want
more of the background detail on semiconductor physics, good places to
look are Simpson’s Introductory Electronics for Scientists and Engineers,
or any textbook on modern physics.)
A bipolar junction transistor consists of two PN junctions sandwiched
very close together within a single crystal of semiconductor (Fig. 4.1(a)).

48 Hands-on electronics

(a) E N P N C E P N P C





Fig. 4.1. (a) Construction and (b) circuit symbols and biasing examples for NPN and PNP
junction transistors.

The region common to the two junctions, called the base, may be of either
N-type or P-type material. This thin region is surrounded by material of the
opposite type, in regions known as the emitter and collector. Wire leads
are attached to the three regions.
The circuit symbols for NPN and PNP junction transistors are shown in
Fig. 4.1(b). Note that, in the circuit symbol, the arrow on the emitter lead
points in the direction of positive current flow. You can tell whether a tran-
sistor in a schematic diagram is PNP or NPN by the direction of the arrow.
The simplest way to think of transistor action is as current amplifica-
tion: a small current flowing into the base controls a large current flowing
into the collector. Both the base and collector currents flow out from the
emitter. (This description assumes an NPN transistor. For PNP, the current
directions are opposite: a small current flowing out from the base controls
a large current flowing out from the collector, with both currents flowing in
through the emitter.) The ratio of collector current to base current is called
β (or hfe ) and is typically in the range 20 to 300.
More precisely, however, a transistor is a voltage-controlled current
source: small changes in the base voltage cause large changes in collec-
tor current. Such a device, in which an input voltage controls an output
current, is called a transconductance amplifier. The transconductance (gm )
for a given device is defined as the change in output current per change in
control voltage and has units of (ohm)−1 (otherwise known as a mho).
To understand the operation of an NPN transistor in more detail, it is con-
venient to consider the flow of electrons, since electrons are the ‘majority
carriers’ in the N-type regions. Note that the flow of electrons is of course
opposite in direction to the flow of conventional positive current. As above,

49 4 Bipolar transistors

Free Electron
Electric Field Depletion
Electric Field Hole
N-type P-type N-type

Collector Emitter

(lightly doped) (heavily doped)
+ +

Fig. 4.2. Schematic representation of how an NPN transistor operates. External bias
voltages create an electric field, which pulls electrons (emitted into the base by the
emitter) across the base and into the collector. This results (seemingly paradoxically) in a
large flow of electrons through the (reverse-biased) base–collector junction, a current that
is easily controlled by small changes in base voltage. The large hollow arrow represents
the flow of electrons from the emitter to the collector.

the following description applies also to PNP transistors, but with the
current carriers and directions reversed.
In normal transistor operation, the base–emitter diode is forward-biased
and the base–collector diode is reverse-biased (Fig. 4.2). The depletion
region between the base and the collector extends essentially throughout
the thin base region (creating an electric field as shown in Fig. 4.2) and
blocks the flow of majority current carriers – holes flowing from base to
collector and electrons flowing through the collector to the base. At the
same time, the emitter lead injects electrons into the emitter, which flow
across the (forward-biased) base–emitter junction. While (as just stated)
the base–collector bias inhibits the flow of holes from the base into the
collector, the electrons with which the base is now filled are drawn by the
electric field through the junction and into the collector. They do this even
though the base–collector junction is reverse-biased. This is the essence
of transistor action. Essentially, the construction of the transistor results
in large numbers of the ‘wrong’ current carrier entering the base and then
continuing ‘downhill’ into the collector.
Typically, ≈99% of electrons entering the base from the emitter continue
into the collector, and only ≈1% emerge as base current. The base current
results from the small fraction of electrons entering the base that combine

50 Hands-on electronics

Table 4.1. A diverse selection of bipolar transistors is commercially available, of which a small
sampling is given here.
Transistors are commonly rated by their speed (e.g. toggle frequency f T ), voltage capability,
. current, typical hfe , and power capability

ICmax fT Pmax Cost

Part # Type Application (A) hfe (MHz) (W) ($US)

2N3904 NPN gen’l purpose 0.20 100–300 300 0.625 0.06

2N3906 PNP gen’l purpose 0.20 100–300 250 0.625 0.06
2N5089 NPN gen’l purpose 0.05 450–1800 50 0.625 0.14
2N2369 NPN switching 0.2 40–120 500 0.4 1.40
2N5415 PNP power 1.0 30–150 10 0.99
TIP102 NPN pwr Darlington 8.0 1000–2000 80 0.69
MJ10005 NPN pwr Darlington 20 50–600 175 6.90

with holes. It is desirable to have as large a ratio of collector current to base

current as possible. To achieve this, in addition to being as thin as possible,
the base is made of lightly doped material.
Since the base–emitter junction obeys the exponential diode law for cur-
rent as a function of voltage, small changes in the base–emitter voltage dif-
ference have a large effect on the collector current. Thus, a transistor can be
used as an amplifier: a device in which a small signal controls a large signal.
It is worth keeping in mind that β is not well controlled in the transistor
manufacturing process. Although β is approximately constant for a given
transistor, it varies from transistor to transistor even if they are of the
same type. (For examples of the range of variation, see Table 4.1.) In
addition, β depends significantly on temperature, collector current, and
collector-to-emitter voltage. Since β can vary over a substantial range, it
is good practice to design transistor circuits in such a way that their proper
functioning does not depend strongly on its exact value. Because β is so
variable, the current-amplifier picture of transistor action is less useful than
the transconductance-amplifier picture.

4.1.1 Basic definitions

To discuss transistor action quantitatively, we need to define three voltage
differences, three currents, and the relationships among them:
r VBE ≡ VB − VE = potential of base relative to emitter,
r VCB ≡ VC − VB = potential of collector relative to base,

51 4 Bipolar transistors

r VCE ≡ VC − VE = potential of collector relative to emitter,

r associated identity (from Kirchhoff’s voltage law):

VCE = VBE + VCB . (4.1)

For an NPN transistor in its normal operating mode, all the above potential
differences are positive.
r IC = current flowing into collector,
r IE = current flowing out of emitter,
r IB = current flowing into base,
r associated identity (from Kirchhoff’s current law):

IE = IC + IB . (4.2)

For an NPN transistor in its normal operating mode, all the above currents
are positive.
The relationships between these voltages and currents are usually ex-
pressed in terms of characteristic curves. Fig. 4.3 displays sets of represen-
tative curves for an arbitrary bipolar transistor. Study their shapes carefully
and refer to them as you perform the following exercises.

4.1.2 Simplest way to analyze transistor circuits

In the following section we consider a mathematical model (the Ebers–
Moll model) that gives a good approximation to transistor performance.
However, you don’t need the model to understand transistor operation in
most circuits. We will see from the Ebers–Moll model that, if a transistor

Saturation Linear Linear Breakdown
IC Region Region IC Region
40 IB = 350 µA (mA)
IE = 35 mA

30 IB = 250 µA 30
IE = 25 mA

20 IB = 150 µA 20 IE = 15 mA

IB = 90 µA IE = 9 mA
10 10

IB = 30 µA IE = 3 mA

5 10 15 20 VCE 5 10 15 20 VCB
(Volts) 0 (Volts)

Fig. 4.3. Characteristic curves for an NPN bipolar transistor.

52 Hands-on electronics

is on and conducting milliamperes of collector current, its base–emitter

voltage difference VBE is approximately constant at about 700 mV. Fur-
thermore, the base is a point of high impedance, whereas the emitter is
a point of low impedance. Thus, a changing voltage at the base causes
matching voltage changes at the emitter. In other words, the base voltage
controls the emitter voltage:
r the emitter voltage follows the base.
Since β is large,
r the collector current nearly equals the emitter current.
Since the collector is of even higher impedance than the base,
r the collector assumes any voltage required by Ohm’s law as applied to
the rest of the circuit.
These three rules are all you need to know in most situations.
(Suggestion: You may want to skip the next section for now and use
these rules to analyze the circuits of Figs. 4.5, 4.7, and 4.8, described in
sections 4.2.2, 4.2.3, and 4.2.4. Then come back and study the next section.)

4.1.3 Ebers–Moll transistor model

To see why the simple picture just described is valid, we next consider the
Ebers–Moll model, which is based on the physical description in section 4.1
and provides a reasonably good description of transistor action. In this
model, the amount of collector current that flows is determined by the
amount of forward-bias that is applied to the base–emitter diode. We thus
IC = Is eeVBE /kT − 1 . (4.3)
As with Eq. 3.1, Is is the reverse saturation current. (In practice, the expo-
nential usually dominates and the ‘1’ can be neglected.) Also, as mentioned
above, the base current is related to the collector current by
IB = . (4.4)

Dynamic resistance of emitter

Since the emitter current equals the collector current to a good approxima-
tion, Eq. 4.3 also detemines the emitter current. We can thus use it to derive
a useful expression for the dynamic resistance, re , of the emitter. Recalling
the definition of dynamic resistance, re is the partial derivative of emitter

53 4 Bipolar transistors

voltage with respect to emitter current:

∂ VE
re ≡ . (4.5)
∂ IE
The dynamic resistance tells us how, for fixed base voltage, the emitter
voltage would change in response to a change in emitter current – for
example, how the emitter voltage would differ if the emitter were driving
a small load resistance as opposed to a large one. To determine re , we
differentiate Eq. 4.3 at fixed base voltage, giving
kT 1
re = . (4.6)
e IC
(In addition there is the ohmic resistance of the emitter, which is typically
a few ohms.)

Dynamic resistance of base

On the other hand, if we fix the emitter voltage, we can find from Eqs. 4.3
and 4.4 the dynamic resistance rBE to the emitter as seen at the base:
∂ VB kT 1
rBE = =β . (4.7)
∂ IB e IC
This tells us how the base loads the circuit that is driving it. We see that
the base–emitter junction appears to have a low resistance when viewed
from the emitter end, but appears to have a higher resistance (by a factor
β) when viewed from the base end.

Some useful approximations

Since at room temperature, e/kT = 39 V−1 , in practice a reasonable ap-
proximation is
25 mV
re = , (4.8)
25 mV
rBE =β . (4.9)
Since the emitter acts as a low impedance (only a few ohms for typical
collector-current values), its voltage hardly depends on the current flowing
through it. But the base acts as a high impedance, so it is easy to apply a sig-
nal voltage to the base. This comes about because the base current is smaller
than the emitter current by the factor β, which is of order 100. Although
rBE is only a few hundred ohms, the factor β applies also to any resistor

54 Hands-on electronics

RE that is in series with the emitter, i.e. the apparent resistance seen at
the base is β(re + RE ) = rBE + β RE , which is typically tens to hundreds
of kilohms.
We saw in the case of the silicon diode that a crude approximation in
which the forward diode drop is taken to be approximately constant at
600 mV is adequate for most applications. As mentioned above, in many
practical transistor applications (including the circuits you will build in
this chapter) a simple approximation is sufficient: treat the base–emitter
voltage difference VBE as constant at about 700 mV and re as constant at
a few ohms. This reflects the fact that the order of magnitude for IC in a
typical small-signal-transistor circuit is several milliamperes. Often re is
much smaller than RE and can be neglected.

4.2 Experiments

4.2.1 Checking transistors with a meter

Since a transistor is constructed as a pair of back-to-back PN junctions,
a quick way to test a transistor is to verify its junction resistances in the
forward- and reverse-biased directions. Often this can be done using an
ohmmeter, which sends current through the device under test and measures
the resulting voltage. However, our digital multimeters are not designed for
this kind of measurement; instead, they provide a diode test function that
measures the forward voltage corresponding to a forward current of about
600 ␮A. To test a diode or transistor junction, connect it between the ‘V’
and ‘common’ jacks with clip leads and set the meter’s selector knob to
the position marked with the diode symbol. The diode is forward-biased if
its anode is connected to ‘V’ and its cathode to ‘common’.
 Test the base–collector and base–emitter junctions of a 2N3904 (NPN)
and 2N3906 (PNP), and record your readings in both the forward- and
reverse-biased directions.
To tell which pin of the transistor is which, refer to Fig. 4.4, which
shows the pinout for the TO-92 plastic case in which these transistors are
packaged. If your transistors are good, each junction should show about
700 mV in the forward direction, and an out-of-range indication in the
reverse direction.

55 4 Bipolar transistors

(a) (b)

E C E C 2N 2N
4 TO-92 6
390 390
Fig. 4.4. Transistor as back-to-back diodes; TO-92 pinout.

(a) +15 V (b)

330 10 k
Vin 2N3904 Vin
Vout Z in
RE 3.3 k

−15 V
Fig. 4.5. (a) Emitter follower. (b) Emitter-follower model used for input-impedance
measurements. The value for Z in is found using the voltage-divider equation.

4.2.2 Emitter follower

This simple transistor circuit (shown in Fig. 4.5(a)) is often used to ‘buffer’
an AC signal, as well as to change its DC voltage level by VBE . (It is also a
close relative of the common-emitter amplifier that we will study next.) It is
called an emitter follower because the voltage at the emitter follows voltage
changes at the base, with VBE almost constant at about 0.7 V. Although it
has voltage gain (Vout /Vin ) of about unity (actually slightly less because
of the logarithmic dependence of VBE on IC implied by Eq. 4.3), it is still
an amplifier: it has high input impedance, and low output impedance, and
can thus provide current gain (i.e., output current > input current), which
is what is meant by buffering.1
 Start by grounding Vin . You can determine IB and IC (within the uncer-
tainties due to the resistor tolerances) by measuring the voltage drops
1 Since power is the product of voltage and current, power amplification can occur through an increase
in either quantity.

56 Hands-on electronics

across RB and RE . Derive an approximate β value for your transistor by

computing the ratio of collector current to base current.
 Now drive Vin with a sine wave from the function generator and compare
the input and output signals. What are the input and output amplitudes?
(If they seem to differ significantly, make sure both scope-probe com-
pensations are properly adjusted.) Measure the DC voltage shift VBE
between the base and emitter.
The 330  base resistor is in series with the input resistance rBE + β RE ,
so it has little effect on the signal. It is there to prevent parasitic oscillation,
which might otherwise occur due to the inductance of the wire jumpers
and the ‘parasitic’ capacitive coupling between the emitter and the base.
(‘Parasitic’ refers to capacitance that is there inevitably, due to the proximity
of the leads to each other, rather than by design.) If you’re curious about
this, try omitting the base resistor and see what happens. Not all 2N3904s
are guaranteed to oscillate in this circuit; whether yours does could also
depend on details of the wiring arrangement.
 Measure the input impedance. To do so, replace the base resistor with
10 k and measure the small decrease in amplitude from one side of RB to
the other (Fig. 4.5(b)). Explain using the voltage-divider idea how this
measures the input impedance. (When you’re done with this exercise,
restore the 330  base resistor for use in the following parts.)
 Measure the output impedance. To do so, add a blocking capacitor and
load resistor as shown in Fig. 4.6(a) and infer the output impedance from
the small decrease in output amplitude (see Fig. 4.6(b)).
The blocking capacitor allows the 330  load to affect the AC signal voltage
without changing the DC biasing of the transistor.
(a) +15 V (b)

330 Follower
Vin 2N3904
Vout Vout
1.0 µF 330 330
3.3 k

−15 V

Fig. 4.6. (a) Emitter follower with optional load circuit for measurement of Z out .
(b) Emitter follower modeled as an ideal voltage source in series with an output

57 4 Bipolar transistors

 Explain what would happen to the DC bias voltage of the emitter if the
capacitor were omitted.
When using the blocking capacitor, be sure to use a small signal am-
plitude (about 1 V) so as not to apply too large a reverse voltage to the
capacitor, and use a high enough frequency so that the capacitor causes
negligible attenuation – about 10 kHz. Note that polarized capacitors can
be safely reverse-voltaged by a volt or two r.m.s., but typically not by more
than 15% of their voltage rating.
 How do your measured impedances compare with what you expect?
The input impedance should equal β times the emitter resistor, and the
output impedance should equal the dynamic resistance of the emitter (as
described in section 4.1.3).

4.2.3 Common-emitter amplifier

The common-emitter amplifier is a very common transistor amplifier con-
figuration, but that is not how it gets its name – the name reflects the idea
that the emitter is in common between the input circuit and the output
circuit. Construct the common-emitter amplifier shown in Fig. 4.7.
 Predict and measure the quiescent DC voltages (i.e. the voltages when
no input signal is present) at the base, emitter, and collector.
The predictions are easy:
1. Apply Ohm’s law to the base-bias resistive voltage divider to determine
the quiescent base voltage: VB = VCC R2 /(R1 + R2 ). This is an approx-
imation since it neglects the base current, but, as you’ll see, given the
large value of β, the base current is small enough that the approximation
is a good one.

VCC = +15 V
R1 = 100 k
R2 = 10 k
RC = 10 k

1 µF
Vout RE = 1 k

Vin 2N3904


Fig. 4.7. Common-emitter amplifier.

58 Hands-on electronics

2. Then apply Ohm’s law to the emitter resistor to determine the emitter
current, taking into account the transistor’s expected VBE drop: IE =
(VB − VBE )/RE .
3. Then apply Ohm’s law to the collector resistor to determine the quiescent
collector voltage: Vout = VCC − IC RC . You know the collector current
well enough since it equals the emitter current to a good approximation.
 Compared to your measurements, by what percentages are your voltage
predictions wrong? Is this as expected given the resistor tolerances and
uncertainties in β and VBE ?
 Using the measured voltages, predict the collector, emitter, and base
 Calculate the change in quiescent base voltage if you take the base current
into account. Assume that the base current flows through the Thévenin
equivalent of the base-bias voltage divider (i.e., the input impedance of
the base is in parallel with R2 ).
You can understand how the circuit amplifies by applying Ohm’s law
to the emitter and collector resistors. Since the emitter follows the base, a
voltage change at the base causes a larger voltage change at the collector:

Vout = − IC · RC = − IE · RC
IE = VE /RE = VB /RE = Vin /RE , (4.10)


Vout = − Vin RC /RE . (4.11)

 Measure the voltage gain ( Vout / Vin ) and compare with what you
So as not to exceed the available output-voltage range of the circuit, be
careful to keep the input amplitude less than about 700 mV. (You can
check what happens to the output waveform as you exceed this amplitude,
but be sure not to exceed the 1 V reverse-voltage capability of the input
capacitor.) Also, use a high enough frequency that the input high-pass filter
does not attenuate the signal too much – it is a little tricky to estimate the
breakpoint frequency of the filter because three resistances in parallel need
to be taken into account: those of the base-bias voltage divider as well as
the input impedance of the base.
 Is the amplifier inverting?
 Look at the signal at the emitter and explain what you see.

59 4 Bipolar transistors



+5 2N3904


Fig. 4.8. Transistor current source.

 Try a triangle-wave input – can you see any distortion in the output
waveform? There should be some due to the variation of re with col-
lector current, but the effect is small since re is in series with the 1 k
emitter resistor. How big should the effect be according to the Ebers–
Moll model?
In the grounded-emitter amplifier, i.e., for RE = 0, the voltage gain is
greater, but so is the distortion, since re alone appears between the emitter
and ground.

4.2.4 Collector as current source

Since the base–collector junction is reverse-biased, the collector should
act as a very high impedance. This means that the collector is a good
approximation to a current source: a device that outputs a constant current,
independent of its voltage. You can verify this using the circuit of Fig. 4.8,
using a second meter or the scope to make various voltage measurements.
Start with the load resistance (10 k pot – as always, be careful to connect
it properly so as not to burn it out!) set to 0 .
 How much collector current should flow? Is this confirmed by your
measurement of the emitter voltage?
 Slowly increase the load resistance until the output current starts to
decrease. At the pot setting where the current source starts to fail (output
current starts to vary rapidly with load resistance), measure the collector
voltage. What is the compliance of your current source (the range of
output voltage over which the current is approximately constant)?
 Where the current source starts to fail, how does the collector voltage
compare with the base voltage? You should be observing transistor sat-
uration: when |VCE | < |VBE |, the current-source behavior stops since

60 Hands-on electronics




10 k
or +5

Fig. 4.9. Transistor switch.

the collector-base junction becomes forward-biased and its impedance

Another way of thinking about the same phenomenon is that when the
transistor saturates, β decreases sharply, thus the base current increases as
the base ‘steals’ current from the collector.
 By measuring the voltage drop across the base resistor, take a few mea-
surements of β as you turn up the load resistance and the transistor
becomes more and more saturated. Make a graph of β vs. VCE .

4.2.5 Transistor switch

Transistor saturation is put to good use in the saturated switch. Construct
the circuit of Fig. 4.9. You should see the light-emitting diode (LED) turn
on when you connect the input to +5 V and off when you leave it open or
connect it to ground. (If you are unsure which terminal of the LED is the
anode and which is the cathode, you can check it with a meter, or feel free
to try it both ways. Often the cathode is indicated by a flat spot on the rim
of the plastic that encapsulates the diode, and some manufacturers make
the anode lead slightly longer than the cathode lead.)
Note that the transistor in this common-emitter connection is an ‘inverter’,
in the sense that a high voltage level at its input (the open end of the series
base resistor) causes a low voltage level at its output (the collector). This
circuit is called a saturated switch since the transistor goes into saturation
(|VCE | < |VBE |) when turned on. It has the virtue of dissipating very lit-
tle power, since, when the transistor is on, the voltage across it is small,

61 4 Bipolar transistors

whereas, when the transistor is off, the current through it is essentially

 When the transistor is on, what are the base and collector currents? (You
don’t need to bother with an ammeter for this measurement – just look
at the voltage drops across the base and collector resistors.)
 What is your transistor’s saturation voltage VCE(sat) ? What is the ‘on
voltage’ across the LED?
 Approximately what minimum value of β must the transistor have to be
sure of saturating when +5 V is applied at the input?
 Drive the switch from the ‘TTL’ output of the function generator (‘digital’
square-wave with a low voltage level near zero and a high level near
+5 V) at 100 kHz and use the dual-trace oscilloscope to measure the
turn-on and turn-off delays in nanoseconds. (Trigger the scope with the
function generator while looking at both the function generator signal
and the collector voltage.)
The relatively slow turn-on and turn-off delays of the saturated switch are
due to the charge stored in the base when the transistor saturates. It takes
time for the transistor to switch states since this saturation charge must
flow in or out of the base through the input resistor. High-speed switching
transistors (such as the 2N2369) are manufactured to minimize this effect
and can operate at frequencies as high as 1400 MHz.

4.3 Additional exercises

The following optional exercises offer additional practice.

4.3.1 Darlington connection

To provide high input impedance and reduce the input base current, one
can cascade two transistors in series, i.e. ‘buffer’ the input with an emitter-
follower stage. This Darlington transistor pair acts like a single transistor
whose current gain is the product of the two β’s and whose VBE drop is the
sum of the two VBE ’s. Build the circuit of Fig. 4.10.
 With the input grounded, what quiescent currents do you observe through
RB and RE ? What does this imply for the combined β value of the
Darlington pair?
 Now apply an input signal – what do you see at the output? What is the
DC voltage drop from input to output?

62 Hands-on electronics


10 k Q1
Q2 Q1 = Q2 = 2N3904

3.3 k

Fig. 4.10. Darlington pair.

 The input impedance should be so big that you can’t measure any de-
crease in signal amplitude across the 10 k resistor – check this assumption.
What minimum value does this imply for the input impedance? What
input impedance do you expect, and why?
Darlington pairs are available encapsulated in three-lead packages, for
example the 2N6426 with combined β value of about 100 000. The Darling-
ton connection is particularly useful for power transistors, to compensate
for their low β (β ≈ 20 is not uncommon). For example, the TIP110 50 W
power Darlington has a minimum combined β value of 500.

4.3.2 Push–pull driver

To provide low output impedance, a push–pull buffer stage is often used.
This consists of two emitter followers, one PNP, and one NPN, arranged so
that the PNP conducts during one half of the output period (when Vout < 0)
and the NPN during during the other half (Vout > 0).
 First, drive your breadboard’s speaker (nominal impedance = 8 ) from
the function generator. With the amplitude set to maximum and the
frequency at 1 kHz, measure the function-generator amplitude both with
and without the speaker connected. What is the attenuation due to the 8 
load? Is it consistent with the measurement of the function generator’s
output impedance you made in section 3.7?
 Since the speaker impedance may depend on frequency, repeat the mea-
surement at 10 kHz and compare.
 Go back to 1 kHz and add a push–pull buffer as shown in Fig. 4.11. (Be
sure you have adjusted the supply voltages to not more than ±5 V so
as not to overheat the transistors – they are rated for 200 mA collector
current and 625 mW power dissipation.) You should see a larger output
amplitude and hear a louder tone from the speaker.

63 4 Bipolar transistors




2N3906 Speaker

Fig. 4.11. Driving loudspeaker with push–pull buffer.

The circuit may oscillate because of inadvertent positive feedback from

output to input; if it does, try (1) rearranging your circuit so that the wire
jumpers are as short as possible, (2) adding a 330  resistor in series with
the input, and if that’s not enough to stabilize it, (3) adding a few-hundred-
picofarad cap to ground at the output.
 The output waveform will display ‘crossover distortion’ – what does it
look like and why does it occur? (Hint: for a transistor to be on, there
must be about 700 mV between base and emitter – is there a time during
the cycle when neither transistor is on?) By how much does it reduce
the output amplitude, and why? What is the minimum input amplitude
required for an audible output? Explain.
For high-power applications, a power-Darlington push–pull stage is often
used. Two methods can be used to alleviate the crossover distortion:
r shifting the bias points of the two transistors apart to minimize the portion
of the cycle when neither transistor is on;
r using feedback to apply a signal to the bases that compensates for the
We will explore these techniques in Chapter 8.

4.3.3 Common-base amplifier

Build the common-base amplifier of Fig. 4.12.
 Predict and measure the transistor’s quiescent currents and bias voltages.
The diode at the base should bias the emitter approximately at ground.
Since the diode and base–emitter voltage drops are unlikely to be exactly
the same, the input will have a small DC offset – how big is it?

64 Hands-on electronics


10 k 10 k



22 k

Fig. 4.12. Common-base amplifier.

 Connect a small sine-wave input and determine the voltage gain. Note
that, in contrast to the common-emitter amplifier, the input and output
currents are almost equal, and the amplifier is noninverting.
 What do you predict for the input and output impedances? You can
measure the input impedance easily using the 400  output impedance
of the function generator: how much smaller does the function-generator
output become when you connect it to the amplifier input? What input
impedance does this imply for the amplifier? Explain.

5 Transistors II: FETs

In this chapter we introduce the field-effect transistor (FET). A majority of

today’s integrated circuits are built using FETs of one type or another. FET
operation is easier to explain than that of bipolar transistors; however, due
to the variability of FET parameters, many people find FETs more difficult
to use. As with bipolar technologies, it is essential that you master the
basics of FET operation, and you will find that knowledge useful later on.

Apparatus required
Breadboard, oscilloscope, multimeter, two 2N5485 JFETs, one 1N4733
Zener diode, two 1 k, one 3.3 k, two 10 k, one 100 k, and one 1 M 14 W re-
sistors, 0.1 ␮F ceramic capacitor, 1.0 ␮F and 100 ␮F electrolytic capacitors.

5.1 Field-effect transistors

Like bipolar junction transistors, field-effect transistors (FETs) are three-

terminal semiconductor devices capable of power gain. Qualitatively, they
operate much like junction transistors, but they have much higher input
impedance and lower transconductance and voltage gain. Also, they have
a larger variation in their ‘VBE ’ equivalent (called VGS ) than bipolar tran-
sistors. They come in a confusing variety of types, but we will concentrate
for today on junction FETs (JFETs).
Fundamentally, there are two types of FETs: junction FETs and metal-
oxide-semiconductor FETs (MOSFETs). In both types, a conducting chan-
nel between the drain and source terminals is controlled by a voltage applied
to the gate terminal. The channel can be made of either N-type or P-type
material (Fig. 5.1). N-channel is more common since the conductivity of
N-type semiconductor (in which electrons carry the current) is higher than
that of P-type (in which holes do).

66 Hands-on electronics

N-Channel P-Channel



N-Channel P-Channel

Fig. 5.1. Construction and circuit symbols of JFETs (note that other variants of these
symbols are also used).

The gate region of a JFET consists of material of opposite type to that

of the channel; thus, the gate and channel form a diode. In our preferred
symbol for JFETs (Fig. 5.1), to distinguish the source from the drain,
the gate terminal is drawn at the source end, even though the channel is
physically spread out between the source and drain. As for any diode, the
arrow on the gate symbol indicates the direction of forward-bias. However,
JFETs are normally used with the gate–channel diode reverse-biased.
In a JFET, the channel conducts unless it is turned off by an applied
reverse-bias voltage between the gate and the channel. As the reverse-bias
is increased, more and more current carriers are repelled out of the channel
until it is ‘pinched off’ and the drain–source current drops to zero (see
Fig. 5.2). The voltage at which this occurs is called VP or VGS(off) .
Note that the drain, gate and source of an FET play similar roles to the
collector, gate, and emitter (respectively) of a bipolar transistor. Unlike the
bipolar case, the source and drain are roughly interchangeable and it is
possible for an FET to be used ‘backwards’.

5.1.1 FET characteristics

The simplest way to think of FET action is as a voltage-controlled current
source, i.e. the drain current ID is approximately constant for a given gate–
source voltage VGS , depending only slightly on the voltage VDS between the
drain and source. Since the gate–channel diode is normally reverse-biased,
the gate current is extremely tiny (typically ∼ nanoamperes), so that for all

67 5 Transistors II: FETs

Drain Gate Source



Drain Gate Source


Fig. 5.2. Schematic representation of JFET operation: (a) gate–channel diode slightly
reverse-biased; (b) gate–channel diode highly reverse-biased (VGS ≥ VP so that channel is
pinched off).

ID Saturation Region
VGS = 0 V

15 VGS = −1 V

VGS = −2 V

VGS = −3 V

0 5 10 15 20 VDS

Fig. 5.3. Idealized common-source characteristic curves for a JFET.

practical purposes the drain and source currents are equal (ID = IS ). The
voltage-controlled current-source behavior occurs as long as the drain–
source voltage VDS is sufficiently high. This is called the saturation region
of the FET characteristic (see Fig. 5.3).

68 Hands-on electronics

For VDS smaller than a volt or two, a JFET behaves like a voltage-
controlled resistor rather than a current source, i.e. the slope of the I –V
characteristic is controlled by the gate–source voltage. This is the linear
region of the FET characteristic, useful for automatic gain control (AGC)
and modulation applications.
Don’t confuse FET saturation with bipolar-transistor saturation – they
are entirely different phenomena! For example, recall that bipolar-transistor
saturation occurs at small VCE , whereas FET saturation occurs at large VDS .

5.1.2 Modeling FET action

Recall that for bipolar transistors the collector current varies exponentially
with the base–emitter voltage. For FETs operated in the saturation region,
the relationship is quadratic:

ID = IDSS 1 − , (5.1)

where VP is the pinch-off voltage and IDSS is the saturation drain current
for VGS = 0 (i.e. gate shorted to source). Thus, the transconductance is

proportional to ID :

gm = ID / VGS . (5.2)

As in the case of bipolar transistors, this is only a model and should

not be expected to be exact. Like the parameter β for bipolar transistors,
IDSS and VP are temperature-dependent and vary substantially even among
devices of the same type, so good designs minimize the dependence of
circuit performance on them.
Since the transconductance of a bipolar transistor increases linearly with
IC ((gm )bipolar = 1/re ), but that of an FET only as the square root of ID ,
bipolar transistors typically have higher transconductance than FETs for
a given current, and thus can give higher gain in amplification appli-
cations. This has led to the common practice of combining FETs with
bipolar transistors in analog integrated circuits to exploit the advantages
of both, e.g. the CA3140 MOSFET-input op amp with its teraohm input

69 5 Transistors II: FETs

5.2 Exercises

5.2.1 FET characteristics

As shown in Fig. 5.1, the gate–source and gate–drain connections are PN
 Use the diode-test feature of the multimeter and verify this picture us-
ing a 2N5485 JFET (the pinout for the 2N5485 is shown in Fig. 5.4).
Note: the pinout of the 2N5485 does not correspond to that of the
Unlike an NPN transistor, whose emitter and collector are distinct N-type
regions separated by the P-type base, the drain and source of an N-channel
JFET occupy opposite ends of a single N-type region, connected via the
 Use an ohmmeter to show that the drain and source are connected. If
the meter reading fluctuates, try connecting the gate and source together
using the breadboard and a small piece of wire. Explain why this will
stabilize your measurement. What resistance do you measure?
Next verify Eq. 5.1. To measure IDSS and VP , set the drain voltage to 10 V,
ground the source, and apply a variable negative voltage to the gate. This
can be accomplished using either the 1 k or 10 k potentiometer as a voltage
divider (ground one end of the pot, set the other end to −5 V, and connect
the slider to the gate).
 Measure IDSS . Adjust the pot until the gate is at ground while leaving
the drain voltage at 10 V. According to Eq. 5.1, the drain current now
equals (by definition) IDSS .
 Measure VP . Using an ammeter to measure the drain current, adjust the
gate voltage until the drain current drops to zero. The pinch-off voltage
will be equal to this gate voltage. Why is this true?
 Verify Eq. 5.1. With the drain voltage set to 10 V, adjust VGS while
measuring the drain current. Plot ID versus VGS .
The common-source characteristic curves for the 2N5485 can be mea-
sured using the circuit shown in Fig. 5.4. These curves illustrate the basic
dependences among ID , VDS , and VGS , and will be useful while performing
the remaining exercises.
Since JFETs are notoriously variable, more so than bipolar transistors,
try to use the same JFET for all exercises. Use one pot to adjust the gate

70 Hands-on electronics

(a) (b)
0–15 V

85 A
2N T

−5 to 0 V

Fig. 5.4. Circuit for measuring the common-source characteristic curves.

voltage and the other to adjust the drain voltage. Use the scope probes to
measure the drain and gate voltages while using a meter to measure the
drain current.
 Using the pot, adjust VGS to be 0.5 V more positive than VP (keep
in mind that VP is negative!). Slowly increase the drain voltage from
zero to 15 V while measuring the drain current. Record and plot your
For VDS less than a few volts, the current should increase linearly with
drain voltage. This is the ‘linear region’, in which the JFET acts as a voltage-
controlled variable resistor. As you further increase VDS , the current should
then ‘saturate’ at an approximately constant value.
JFET saturation occurs because the increasing drain voltage creates an
increasing depletion region between the gate and drain. Since VGS > VP ,
the channel will never be pinched off completely, with an equilibrium (of
sorts) created. The size of the depletion region (and thus the resistance of
the channel) increases approximately linearly with drain–source voltage
difference, resulting in approximately constant current.
 Repeat your measurement procedure for several VGS values between VP
and zero. Plot the data on a single graph and clearly label each curve,
indicating the linear region, the saturation region, and IDSS .

5.2.2 FET current source

Adding a resistor improves the JFET’s current-source performance com-
pared with that of the bare JFET.
 Hook up the circuit shown in Fig. 5.5 and measure the dependence of the
drain current on the drain–source voltage as you adjust the pot; record
and plot your measurements.
 What is VGS for each data point?

71 5 Transistors II: FETs


+15 10 k



Fig. 5.5. Self-biasing JFET current source.

You can compute VGS from ID and the known resistance of RS . You should
see the drain current start to vary substantially as you make the transition
from the saturation region to the linear region.
 What is the compliance?
 Within the saturation region, how constant is the current?
 Calculate the approximate output impedance in the saturation region
(see Eq. 3.13).
 Compare the performance of this current source with that of the bare
JFET and of the bipolar current source that you built in section 4.2.4.
Even though VGS is not exactly constant as VDS is varied, this circuit
actually works better (has larger output impedance) than one in which VGS
is held constant. This is because negative feedback is at work. For example,
suppose ID increases; then, so does the drop across RS , increasing the mag-
nitude of VGS and moving the FET closer to pinch-off, thus decreasing ID .

5.2.3 Source follower

As with the emitter follower from section 4.2.2, a JFET source follower
provides power amplification via current buffering, even though the voltage
gain is less than or equal to unity. Build the circuit of Fig. 5.6, and try it
out with a 1 kHz sine wave of small amplitude.
The operation of this circuit is reasonably straightforward. Given the
nanoampere gate current, the 1 M resistor is small enough to bias the gate
very near ground. Quiescently, the FET is thus in the saturation region, with
ID determined by IDSS and VP according to Eq. 5.1. If the input voltage
increases, VGS moves closer to zero, the channel opens, and ID increases.

72 Hands-on electronics


0.1 µF
Vin Vout

1 MΩ 1k

Fig. 5.6. Source follower.

Thus, Vout follows the source. When Vin decreases, the channel closes and
Vout drops.
 What is the DC offset at the output?
 Measure the voltage gain.
You should see that the voltage gain is less than unity, since the dynamic
resistance of the source (= 1/gm ) forms a voltage divider with RS . (This
effect was also present for the bipolar transistor, but was much smaller
due to the bipolar transistor’s larger value of gm .) Draw a diagram of this
voltage divider.
 From your observed attenuation, derive a value for gm and compare with
that of a bipolar transistor at the same current.
You can improve the source follower by providing it with much higher
load resistance. Since an ideal current source would have infinite resistance,
a current-source load is often used; it can be constructed by adding another
FET, as in the clever circuit of Fig. 5.7. (Since we are using N-channel
JFETs, it is actually a current sink.) Try it out.
 Measure the voltage gain and the DC offset from input to output.
Note that if the two 2N5485s approximately match in their character-
istics, not only is the voltage gain unity, but the DC offset is small: the
constant current due to Q 2 creates a constant voltage drop across R1 . Fur-
thermore, since the gate of Q 2 is at the same voltage as the bottom of R2 ,
to the extent that the two FETs (and the two resistors) match, this should
also be true for Q 1 and R1 . Thus the output voltage must follow the source
voltage of Q 1 .
 Explain the operation of this circuit in your own words.
 What are ID , VGS1 , and VGS2 ?

73 5 Transistors II: FETs


0.1 µF
Q1 2N5485

1 MΩ R1 1k

Q2 2N5485

R2 1k

Fig. 5.7. Source follower with current-source load.


3.3 k RD

0.1 µF
1 MΩ 1k 1.0 µF

Fig. 5.8. JFET amplifier.

The offset can be much improved by using a matched FET pair, e.g. the
2N3958 dual JFET. Such a circuit is often used in the input stage of an

5.2.4 JFET amplifier

Construct the amplifier shown in Fig. 5.8. The principle at work is essen-
tially the same as for the common-emitter amplifier: a varying input voltage
controls a varying current, which the drain resistor ‘converts’ to an output
 Using the common-source curves that you measured in section 5.2.1,
predict the quiescent gate–source bias voltage and output voltage for this

74 Hands-on electronics

amplifier. Power the amplifier and compare the measured values with
your predictions.
 How much power is dissipated by the FET?
 What is the input impedance?
 Is this an inverting or noninverting amp? Explain why.
The voltage gain (A) is defined as the ratio of the output amplitude to the
input amplitude. If the source voltage remains fixed, then
VG = VGS .
As discussed previously,
gm = ID / VGS ,
and since
VD = ID · RD ,
A = gm · RD .
 What is the predicted voltage gain for this amplifier? Using a 1 kHz
small-amplitude sine-wave input, measure the voltage gain and compare
with the expected gain.
The source capacitor is used to ‘fix’ the source voltage even as the drain
current fluctuates due to the AC input. (This trick can also be used to in-
crease the voltage gain of the bipolar-transistor common-emitter amplifier.)
This implies that the gain will be frequency-dependent.
 Switch the input to a triangle wave and adjust the frequency widely. Ex-
plain what you see. Replace the source capacitor with a 100 ␮F capacitor.
How does this change things?
 Try several different 2N5485s and record the voltage gain and quiescent
drain current and output voltage. How reproducible are the results?
 Comment on the design and operation of simple transistor and JFET
circuits. For example, when would you choose a bipolar transistor over
a JFET or vice versa? Feel free to include any general comments you
have on the experience you’ve gained from the last few chapters.

6 Transistors III: differential amplifier

In this chapter we will study the transistor differential-amplifier circuit. This

is a very important transistor circuit, as it is the basis of the operational
amplifier (or op amp), one of the most useful devices for analog signal
processing. Probably the most surprising thing about op amps is their very
large voltage gain, usually exceeding 100 000. This chapter will give you a
clearer idea how such performance is achieved. We will also look at some
other circuits that serve as building blocks for op amps.

Apparatus required
Breadboard, oscilloscope, multimeter, three 2N3904 and three 2N3906
transistors, one 5.1 V Zener diode, three 100 , five 10 k, two 22 k one
each of 560 , 2.2 k, and 100 k 14 W resistors.

6.1 Differential amplifier

A differential amplifier is an amplifier for differential input signals, i.e.

it amplifies the voltage difference of its two inputs. This is useful in two
important ways:
1. A differential amplifier can be used to amplify a differential signal (the
voltage difference between the two inputs) while suppressing any noise
that is common to the two inputs.
2. As we will see in future chapters, differential amplifiers make it easy to
build circuits that use negative feedback.
Don’t confuse the differential amplifier with the differentiator: although
the names sound similar, the two circuits perform entirely different
 What does each do?

76 Hands-on electronics

(a) (b)
10 k RL RL 10 k

Vout (−) Vout (+) 10 k

Q1 Q2 ~ Vin(+)
Vin(+) 100 100 Vin(−) Function 100

R1 10 k

Fig. 6.1. (a) Differential amplifier; (b) function generator with 100-to-1 attenuator.

6.1.1 Operating principle

Fig. 6.1(a) shows a differential amplifier made of two NPN transistors.
You can think of it as a ‘current divider’. Quiescently, the current through
R1 is shared equally between Q 1 and Q 2 . If a differential input signal is
applied to the bases of Q 1 and Q 2 , some collector current shifts from one
transistor to the other. This change, I , causes a positive voltage change at
one collector and a negative voltage change at the other, i.e. a differential
output signal, as explained in more detail below.

6.1.2 Expected differential gain

The differential voltage gain can be understood as follows. Suppose we
apply a differential signal consisting of equal and opposite changes in the
base voltages of Q 1 and Q 2 :

Vin+ = − Vin− ≡ V. (6.1)

Since the emitter voltages follow the base voltages, a similar voltage
change occurs between the two emitters. This causes a current I to flow
across the two emitter resistors. Since these are in series with the dynamic
emitter resistances of the two transistors (each of which has an approxi-
mate value re = 1/gm = 25 mV/IC according to the Ebers–Moll model),
we have

I = V /(RE + re ). (6.2)

77 6 Transistors III: differential amplifier

Since a purely differential signal raises the voltage at one emitter by

the same amount that it lowers the voltage at the other emitter, it does
not change the voltage at the top of R1 ; thus, the current through R1 is
constant. This means that the current due to the differential signal must add
to the collector current of one transistor and subtract from that of the other
transistor, so the differential voltage gain should be RL /(RE + re ). One-
half of the amplified differential signal appears at each collector. In other
words, a small differential input voltage applied to the two bases causes a
large differential output signal at the two collectors.

6.1.3 Measuring the differential gain

Wire up the circuit, check it against your schematic (Fig. 6.1), and try it out.
Because it has a large gain, you will need to use a small enough amplitude
out of the function generator so that the amplified signal is not ‘clipped’
(cut off at the top or bottom). However, when the function generator is
set to a small amplitude, it puts out a rather noisy signal with a relatively
large DC offset. To avoid these problems, run the function-generator output
through a 100-to-1 attenuator (voltage divider) made from a 10 k resistor
in series with a 100  resistor to ground (Fig. 6.1(b)).
 Measure the attenuation (voltage-division ratio) by setting the function
generator for a large amplitude and measuring the signal amplitudes
before and after the voltage divider. Compare your observed attenuation
with the theoretical value.
Now that you know the attenuation, you can display the function-
generator output on the scope and calculate from it the size of the actual
input signal to the amplifier.
Connect the output of your attenuator to the base of Q 1 , and observe the
amplifier outputs at the collectors of Q 1 and Q 2 .
 Measure the differential voltage gain Adiff = (Vout+ − Vout− )/ (Vin+ −
Vin− ) for a few different input amplitudes and frequencies; compare with
what you expect.
The amplifier circuit clips its output when all of the available current has
been switched to one transistor or the other; this determines maximum and
minimum voltages, beyond which the output cannot go.
 Try it and see. At what output voltages does clipping set in? Compare
with what you expect – you can estimate the amount of current that is
available to either transistor by measuring the voltage drop across R1 .

78 Hands-on electronics

6.1.4 Input offset voltage

If you ground both inputs, what are the output voltages? For an ideal differ-
ential amplifier, they should be equal, but you will probably find that, due
to small mismatches between the two collector resistors, the two emitter re-
sistors, and the two transistors, they are not. To obtain exactly equal outputs
you would have to input a small voltage difference, called the input offset
voltage, which you can estimate as the output-voltage difference divided
by the voltage gain.
 How big an input offset voltage do you obtain this way?

6.1.5 Common-mode gain

It is desirable for a differential amplifier to be insensitive to common-
mode input, i.e. identical signals applied to both inputs. This feature (called
common-mode rejection) is useful when sensing a small signal in the pres-
ence of noise, since often the noise is in common on both inputs and can
be subtracted away by a differential amplifier.
Test the common-mode rejection of your differential amplifier:
 Connect both inputs to the same sine wave from the function genera-
tor (i.e. Vin+ = Vin− ). What do you observe at the outputs? You should
see almost identical signals on both outputs. What common-mode gain
(ACM + = Vout +/ Vin + and ACM − = Vout −/ Vin −) do you ob-
serve for each output, and why?
Common-mode rejection is usually specified in terms of the common-
mode rejection ratio expressed in decibels:
CMRR = 20 log10 . (6.3)
 What value of CMRR do you observe?
Although the common-mode gain of this circuit is small, it can still be
a nuisance in practice. It could be reduced by increasing the size of R1 ,
but that would reduce the amount of current flowing through Q 1 and Q 2 ,
increasing re and reducing the differential gain. A better solution is to
replace R1 with a current source (shown in Fig. 6.2).1 Try this.
 Measure how much current your current sink sinks, calculate what you
expect, and compare.
1 Strictly speaking, it is a current ‘sink’ since positive current flows into the collector as indicated.

79 6 Transistors III: differential amplifier

~ 2 mA



5.1 V 2.2 k

Fig. 6.2. Current sink for differential amplifier.

 What output signals do you observe now for a common-mode input?

What is the common-mode gain now?
It should be very much smaller than previously – if the output signal is so
small that you have trouble measuring it, you can at least set an upper limit
on it and on the common-mode gain.2
Save your three-transistor differential amplifier for use below.

6.2 Op amps and their building blocks

An operational amplifier is a differential amplifier with a single-ended

output and as high a differential gain as possible (typically >105 ). Op
amps are manufactured as integrated circuits. They are typically used with
DC coupling and with negative feedback from output to input. Their internal
design includes level-shifting circuitry so that the single output is at ≈0 V
if the two input voltages are equal.

6.2.1 Current mirror

To achieve high gain, in op amps the emitter resistors are typically omitted,
and the collector resistors are replaced by current sources. A current mirror
is a convenient configuration for this purpose.
Build the PNP current mirror of Fig. 6.3. The current out of Q 4 ‘pro-
grams’ an approximately equal current out of Q 5 as follows: since Q 4 ’s
collector is connected to its base, it is held at a VBE drop below the positive
supply. This determines the current out of Q 4 by Ohm’s law applied to R.
2 To set an upper limit, assume that the output signal equals the precision of your measurement.

80 Hands-on electronics


Q4 Q5

10 k
10 k pot load


Fig. 6.3. Current mirror.

Since the bases are connected together, both transistors have the same value
of VBE , and thus their collector currents will match if they have matching
values of Is and β and are at the same temperature.
In practice, there will always be a slight current mismatch since the
programming current includes the base currents of Q 4 and Q 5 and the
output current does not. Also, since β increases with VCE , and VBE at a
given collector current depends slightly on VCE (called the ‘Early effect’),
the current mismatch will depend on the output voltage.
You can explore this using a variable load, as shown in Fig. 6.3. Monitor
the collector voltage as you adjust the load resistance.
 How does the output current vary with collector voltage? What is the
approximate dynamic resistance of the output? Is this a better or a worse
current source than the ones you built in previous chapters?

6.2.2 Differential amplifier with current-source loads

Various tricks can be used to improve the performance of the current mirror,
as we will see below. But first, hook up your simple current mirror to your
three-transistor differential amplifier, replacing the 10 k collector resistors,
and remove the 100  emitter resistors (see Fig. 6.4). Connect a scope
probe to the collector of Q 2 . If the inputs balance, the currents through Q 1
and Q 2 will be equal, and so will the currents through Q 4 and Q 5 . But if
a differential signal is present at the input, the current mismatch between
Q 2 and Q 5 must flow through the 10 M scope-probe input impedance. You
should then see an enormous differential gain! If Q 5 were an ideal current
source, the gain would be 10 M/2re .
 Explain the last statement.

81 6 Transistors III: differential amplifier


Q4 Q5

Q1 Q2
Vin(+) Vin(−)
560 Q3 −15 +15
22 k 1 k pot 22 k

2.2 k
5.1 V

Fig. 6.4. Differential amplifier with current-mirror load.

In practice, the collector of Q 5 will have an output impedance less than

10 M, and so the gain will be lower.
You may find it desirable to increase the attenuation of your input voltage
divider from 100 to 1000 here. Also, to avoid clipping of the output signal,
you will want to arrange for the quiescent collector voltage of Q 2 to be
around 7 V – you can adjust it by hooking up the base of Q 2 not to ground,
but to the wiper of the 1 k pot, with one end of the pot connected through
a resistor to +15 V and the other end connected through a second resistor
to −15 V, as shown in Fig. 6.4. Due to the high gain of this amplifier, the
output voltage will be sensitive to small variations at either input. If you
observe a DC output signal near either ground or +15 V, it is likely that
you need to fine-tune the offset voltage using the 1 k pot. Also note that a
gain value approaching 1000 is not unreasonable.
 What gain do you observe? Compare with the gain you would expect if
Q 2 ’s effective load were 10 M. What effective load resistance do you
infer? Is this consistent with the dynamic resistance of the current-mirror
output you observed in section 6.2.1?
 The sensitivity of this circuit is easily demonstrated. Try warming either
Q 4 or Q 5 by gently squeezing the transistor between your finger and
thumb. Observe how the output changes and suggest an explanation for
your observation. Try doing the same for the other transistor.

82 Hands-on electronics

6.2.3 Improved current mirror

You can improve the output impedance of your current sources by adding a
small resistor in series between the positive supply and the emitter of each
PNP transistor.
 Try this with two 100  resistors and see by how much the gain increases.
What effective load resistance do you infer now?

6.2.4 Wilson current mirror

You can do even better by converting the simple current mirror to a Wilson
current mirror. Do this by adding a third PNP transistor as shown in Fig. 6.5.
This clever circuit beats the Early effect by fixing Q 5 ’s VCE – at the same
time, it also symmetrizes the base-current mismatch of the simple current
mirror. Explain.
 Try this to see by how much the gain increases. Note that you will need
to re-tune the collector voltage of Q 2 by adjusting the offset voltage.
What effective load resistance do you infer now?


Q4 Q5



Q1 Q2
Vin(+) Vin(−)
560 Q3
2 mA
−15 +15
22 k 1 k pot 22 k

2.2 k
5.1 V

Fig. 6.5. Differential amplifier with Wilson-current-mirror load.

83 6 Transistors III: differential amplifier

IC op amps have even higher gain than this, of course, as well as higher
input impedance. Higher input impedance can be achieved by using
Darlington transistor pairs in place of the input transistors, or by using
FET inputs instead of bipolar transistors. The gain can be increased fur-
ther by adding a second stage of amplification after the differential pair.
To achieve low output impedance, the output is usually buffered with an
additional transistor stage.

7 Introduction to operational amplifiers

An operational amplifier is a high-gain DC-coupled amplifier with differ-

ential inputs and single-ended output. Op amps were originally developed
as vacuum-tube circuits to be used for analog computation. Nowadays they
are packaged as integrated circuits (ICs). Such devices can closely approxi-
mate the behavior of an ideal amplifier, and their use avoids the necessity of
coping with the messy internal details of amplifier circuitry. Thus, an IC
op amp is often the device of choice in scientific instrumentation. In this
chapter we will introduce the op amp and its most common applications.

Apparatus required
Breadboard, oscilloscope, multimeter, two 741 op amps, one further 741
(optional), one 100 , three 10 k, two 100 k, one 1 M 14 W resistors, and
four more 10 k resistors (optional).

7.1 The 741 operational amplifier

The IC we shall be using is a general purpose op amp designated by the

number 741. The 741 is a very popular and successful design, useful for sig-
nals from DC to beyond audio frequency (though in recent years FET-input
op amps such as the LF411 have been gaining on the 741 in popularity).
It is available from most manufacturers of linear integrated circuits (chips
that produce an output proportional to their inputs, as opposed to digital
ICs, whose outputs have typically only two states).
Each manufacturer has a different system of nomenclature for ICs, e.g.
National Semiconductor calls the 741 an LM741, Fairchild a ␮A741, etc.,
but the 741s made by different manufacturers are all electrically compat-
ible. To add complication, the 741 is available in various package styles
and is rated for use in various temperature ranges. The one we use is the

86 Hands-on electronics

offset null 1 741 op amp 8 no connection

(top view)
inverting −
input 2 7 V+

3 + 6 output

V− 4 5 offset null

Fig. 7.1. Diagram of eight-pin DIP 741 package showing ‘pinout’. Often, in addition to
(or instead of) the notch at the ‘pin 1’ end of the package, there is a dot next to pin 1.

741C (commercial temperature range, 0 to 70◦ C) in the eight-pin mini-DIP

(dual in-line pin) plastic package. This package is convenient because the
two rows of pins easily straddle the groove running down the center line
of a breadboard socket block.
You can find the manufacturer’s data sheet for the 741 on the web or in just
about any electronic textbook or linear-IC data book. As shown on the data
sheet, the 741 actually has on its single silicon crystal a multiple-stage two-
input DC amplifier consisting of twenty transistors, eleven resistors, and
one capacitor.1 Its output voltage is proportional to the voltage difference
between the two inputs, i.e. it is a ‘differential’ amplifier. A differential
amplifier is convenient when one wants to study the difference between
two almost identical signals, as well as in many other applications, as we
shall see. (Of course, this is not to be confused with a differentiator! Recall
that a differentiator outputs the time derivative of its input signal, not at all
what a differential amplifier does.)

7.1.1 741 pinout and power connections

Fig. 7.1 shows the layout of the eight-pin DIP package. The package is a
rectangular piece of black plastic containing the silicon chip itself as well
as the fine gold wires that connect the chip to the contact pins. Look at the
top face of the package and orient yourself as to which pin is pin 1 – looking
at the top, you see the pins bending away from you and the pin numbers
increasing in the counterclockwise direction. The end at which pin 1 is
located is indicated by a special mark – depending on the manufacturer,
not necessarily the mark shown in Fig. 7.1. Pins 1–4 are located along one
long edge of the package, while pins 5–8 are on the opposite edge.
1 Nowadays, of course, this is nothing – for example, the Pentium chip had 3.3 million transistors.

87 7 Introduction to op amps

The 741C is rated for maximum supply voltages of ±18 V, and the
recommended range is ±(≤15) V. To be on the safe side, before you begin
to build your circuit, turn on the breadboard power and adjust the power
supplies to +15 V and −15 V.
Next, turn off the power and insert the op amp into the breadboard,
straddling the central groove of a socket block, with pins 1–4 toward the
left and 5–8 toward the right. Note that the pins are delicate and are easily
bent or broken. If they are too bent to plug into the sockets, straighten them
carefully, preferably using needle-nose pliers. Run wire jumpers from the
V+ pin to the +15 V bus and from the V− pin to the −15 V bus. Any point
of your circuit that is to be ‘grounded’ should be attached to the common
(or ground) bus.

Note: In the circuits shown below, the pin numbers have been omitted. It is good practice
for you to write in the pin numbers yourself before hooking up the circuits, to reduce
the possibility of confusion. Trying to work out pin numbers ‘on the fly’ and keeping
them in your head instead of writing them down is a common cause of errors in hooking
up circuits.
Also note: Even though the power connections are usually not shown on schematic
diagrams of op amp circuits, the positive and negative supplies must always be con-
nected, or the op amp won’t do anything!

7.1.2 An ideal op amp

For a (hypothetical) ideal op amp, zero volts between the inverting (marked
‘−’ in schematics) and noninverting (marked ‘+’) inputs would yield zero
volts at the output (relative to ground); in other words
r the common-mode gain and DC offset of an ideal op amp are zero.
r the differential gain and input impedance of an ideal op amp are infinite
and the output impedance is zero;
r the bandwidth (frequency range over which the op amp can correctly
operate) and slew rate (rate at which the output voltage can change) of
an ideal op amp are infinite.
While, of course, it is impossible to build a circuit having these ideal
characteristics, one can come remarkably close. The above statements are
approximately true for practical op amps – for example, one can buy op
amps with gains of 105 to 106 .

88 Hands-on electronics



I1 op amp Vout
Vin ~ +

Fig. 7.2. Op amp inverting-amplifier circuit. Note the negative feedback resulting from
the resistor that connects the output to the inverting input. Op amps are almost always
used with negative feedback.

We shall see next that these approximations lead to a very simple way
of analyzing op amp circuits.

7.1.3 Gain of inverting and noninverting amplifiers

Fig. 7.2 shows an op amp configured as an inverting amplifier. The
key principle at work in this circuit is negative feedback. The idea is
that a fraction of the output signal is applied at the inverting input.
Since the gain of the op amp is large and the noninverting input is grounded,
any nonzero voltage at the inverting input will cause a large output
voltage of the opposite sign. If you think about it, you will see that the
only stable situation that can result is that the voltage difference between
the inverting and noninverting inputs is zero. In other words, the op
amp will do whatever is necessary to zero the voltage difference at its
Once this principle is grasped, it is easy to compute the gain of the op
amp inverting amplifier. Assuming the input currents of the op amp are
zero, all the current flowing in through R1 must flow out through R2 , i.e.
I2 = I1 . Assuming that the open-loop voltage gain (i.e. that without any
feedback) of the op amp is infinite, the voltage difference at the op amp’s
inputs must be zero. Applying Ohm’s law to R1 and R2 , and designating
the voltage at the inverting input as V− ,
V− = Vin − I1 R1 = 0 (7.1)

⇒ I1 = − (7.2)

89 7 Introduction to op amps

Vout = V− − I2 R2 = −I1 R2 (7.3)

⇒ Vout = − Vin . (7.4)

Thus, the closed-loop voltage gain (i.e. the gain with feedback) of this
circuit is
Vout R2
Av = =− . (7.5)
Vin R1

In a nutshell, since all of the current due to the input signal flows around
the op amp, the output voltage is determined entirely by Ohm’s law applied
to R1 and R2 . Thus, if R1 = 10 k, a gain of −10 can be achieved by choosing
R2 = 100 k, and a gain of −1 results from choosing R2 = 10 k.
Fig. 7.3 shows an op amp configured as a noninverting amplifier. Again,
neglecting the tiny input currents of the op amp and assuming infinite open-
loop gain, application of Ohm’s law shows that the closed-loop voltage gain
of this circuit is
I 1 R1 + I2 R2 R2
Av = =1+ . (7.6)
I1 R1 R1

As above, Eq. 7.6 follows from the assumptions that all of the current flows
around the op amp and that feedback forces the inverting input to follow
the signal applied to the noninverting input. So if R1 = 10 k, a gain of
11 can be achieved by choosing R2 = 100 k, while a gain of 2 results from
choosing R2 = 10 k.

R1 R2

I1 I2

op amp Vout

Vin ~

Fig. 7.3. Op amp noninverting-amplifier circuit.

90 Hands-on electronics

7.1.4 Op amp ‘golden rules’

We see from the above that to understand to a reasonable approximation
an op amp circuit with negative feedback, you need only two simple rules.
1. The inputs draw no current.
2. The output does whatever is necessary to maintain the two inputs at
equal voltages.

7.1.5 The nonideal op amp

Although the ideal op amp approximations are very close to reality, in most
situations, here are a few limitations that you should consider:

Input offset voltage

A small DC output voltage usually results even when the inputs are iden-
tical. The input offset voltage refers to the DC voltage that must be ap-
plied at the input to achieve exactly zero volts at the output. The nonzero
offset arises due to manufacturing limitations; however, most op amps
have pins that allow for external adjustment of the offset. The input offset
voltage must be considered when designing small-signal or high-gain cir-
cuits. For the 741C op amp, the input offset voltage is specified to be less
than 6 mV.

Input bias current

An ideal op amp would draw no current at its inputs; however, real op amps
require a small input bias current for proper operation. You can think of
this as the equivalent of the base current for a bipolar transistor, or the gate
current of a JFET. Although these currents are small, they are not zero. For
the 741C op amp, the input bias current is specified to be less than 500 nA.

Slew rate
The output voltage of a real op amp cannot change instantaneously. The
maximum rate at which the output can change is called the slew rate, and
is typically in the range of volts per microsecond. The slew rate can be
a serious limitation at large output amplitudes and high frequencies. The
741 slew rate is typically 0.5 V/␮s. High-speed op amps are available with
slew rates of 2000 V/␮s.

91 7 Introduction to op amps

7.2 Experiments

7.2.1 Testing open-loop gain

First, try a 741 in the open-loop circuit shown in Fig. 7.4. (As mentioned
above, open-loop means that there is no feedback connection between the
output and input; op amps are never actually used in this way.) The 1000-
to-1 attenuator in the input circuit means that, by adjusting the pot, you can
vary the input between −15 and +15 mV. Try to adjust the input so that
the output sits near zero volts.
 Vary the input in steps of 100 or 200 ␮V over a range that causes the out-
put to vary from its maximum negative voltage to its maximum positive
voltage, taking several readings of input and output voltage as you do
so. (You may find that the output switches states within a single step!)
Approximately what input voltage would result in an output voltage near
zero? This is the input offset voltage of your 741.
 What are the op amp’s positive and negative output saturation voltages
(i.e., the maximum voltages it can output)?
If your chip has particularly high gain, you may find that no setting of
the input voltage causes the output to sit near zero volts; however, you can
still set upper and lower limits on the input offset voltage by determin-
ing at what input voltages the output switches between its negative and
positive saturation voltages. Since your applied input voltages are so tiny,
the output voltage is very susceptible to input noise, and you may also
observe substantial drift of the output voltage with time. Still, you should


10 k
100 k
−15 Vout

Fig. 7.4. Open-loop op amp test circuit.

92 Hands-on electronics

be able to estimate the gain roughly, or at least place a lower limit

on it.
 What gain do you observe? Is it consistent with the manufacturer’s spec-
ification ‘gain (typical) = 200 000’?
You may find that stability and noise are improved by keeping the connec-
tions between the noninverting input, the 100  resistor, and the inverting
input as short as possible – long wires in this current path act as an antenna
and pick up electromagnetic noise from the environment, as you will soon

7.2.2 Inverting amplifier

Now hook up the inverting amplifier of Fig. 7.2, with R1 = 10 k and
R2 = 100 k. Using a 1 kHz sinusoidal input signal with an amplitude of
approximately 1 V, look at the input and output.
 Verify that the amplifier inverts. Measure the gain and compare with
what you expect. Replace the 100 k feedback resistor with 10 k – what
gain do you predict and observe now? (Put the 10 k resistor back for the
following parts.)
Due to feedback, the output impedance of the inverting amplifier is
extremely small: the ≈75  open-loop output impedance of the 741 is
multiplied by the ratio of the closed-loop gain to the open-loop gain, here
a factor of order 10−5 .
 Confirm the small size of the closed-loop output impedance by adding
a 100  load to ground at the output. To see that this gives sensitivity to
the output impedance, analyze the voltage-divider circuit consisting of
the output impedance in series with the load resistance.
 Do you expect the output amplitude to decrease measurably under load?
How big a decrease do you predict? Is this consistent with what you
observe? (You will need to use a small input signal – how small? – to
avoid running into the 741’s ≈25 mA output-current limit.)
Remove the 100  load and switch to a 10 kHz square wave as the
input. Compare the appearance of the output signal and the input signal.
For sufficiently large amplitude, you are likely to observe that the lead-
ing and trailing edges of the output square wave are not quite vertical.
 Measure the slope of the leading edge in volts per microsecond. This is
the slew rate of the 741C.
According to the manufacturer, the typical slew rate is 0.5 V/␮s. There
exist more expensive op amps with much higher slew rates.

93 7 Introduction to op amps


V0 R2 10 k R3 10 k
10 k
pot I2 I1+I2

−15 R1 10 k

Vin ~ +

Fig. 7.5. Circuit for demonstrating a summing junction. Since the inverting input is held
near ground due to feedback, Vout = (I1 + I2 ) · R3 , where I1 = Vin /R1 and I2 = V0 /R2 .
If R1 = R2 = R3 , Vout = Vin + V0 .

The inverting input is called a ‘virtual’ ground because it is kept at zero

volts by feedback. Thus, even though the open-loop input impedance of
the inverting input is very large, it acts here like a short circuit to the
noninverting input (ground). Since the input signal sees R1 to ground, the
input impedance of the inverting amplifier is equal to the value of R1 .
Note that the virtual ground at the inverting input can also be used as
a ‘summing junction’: all currents arriving at that point are summed and
passed through the feedback resistor to the output. To demonstrate this,
feed an adjustable current into the summing junction, by adding a 10 k
pot with 10 k resistor in series with the wiper, as shown in Fig. 7.5, and
examine the amplifier output for a small-amplitude 1 kHz sinusoidal input.
 What happens to the output DC offset as you adjust the pot, and why?

7.2.3 Noninverting amplifier

Set up the noninverting amplifier circuit of Fig. 7.3 with R1 = 10 k.
 With a 1 kHz sinusoidal input, measure the gain with R2 = 100 k and
with R2 = 10 k. Compare with what you expect. Verify that the amplifier
is noninverting. (Leave the 100 k resistor in for the following parts.)
 Try to measure the input impedance by putting a 1 M resistor in series
with the input and looking at the signal before and after the resistor.
Explain your result.
The input impedance can be inferred by analyzing the voltage-divider cir-
cuit consisting of the 1 M resistor in series with the input impedance. If your
answer is 10 M, consider that this is the input impedance of the attenuating

94 Hands-on electronics

scope probe! You can get around it by looking only at the output, with and
without the 1 M input resistor.
 What value do you get for Z in this way?
Again you are seeing the effect of negative feedback: even though the open-
loop input impedance of the noninverting input is only of order megohms,
it is, in principle, multiplied by the ratio of the open-loop gain to the closed-
loop gain, here a factor of order 105 . (In practice, Z in is limited by other
effects, such as the capacitance to ground at the noninverting input.)
 Be careful not to be confused by the DC shift in the output produced by
the 1 M input resistor! Explain how this shift results from the op amp’s
input bias current. What value for the input bias current is implied by
the observed DC shift?
The output impedance should of course be the same as for the inverting
amplifier, since, as far as output impedance is concerned, it is the same
 Explain this last statement. (Hint: what was the only thing you had to
change to make the noninverting amp from the inverting amp?)

7.2.4 Voltage follower

As shown in Fig. 7.6(a), connect the output of the op amp directly to the
‘−’ input, and connect the output of the function generator to the ‘+’ input
of the op amp.
 After turning on the power, confirm that the input and output signals are
identical and that the voltage follower is noninverting. Record the input
and output amplitudes.
 Of what possible use is an amplifier of unity gain that does not even
invert the signal?
As an illustration of the voltage follower’s usefulness, coil a long wire
(30 to 50 cm in length) around the outside of an AC power cord. (Any
power cord will do provided that it is plugged in!) The breadboard cord
is usually the most convenient. Leave one end of your coil floating, and
connect the other to any convenient spot on the breadboard.
 Using your scope probe, observe the waveform. Record and explain what
you see.
 Given that the scope probe has an input impedance of 10 M, estimate
the power of this signal (i.e., how much power is dissipated by the scope

95 7 Introduction to op amps

Vin +

100 k

− 10 k

Vin + Vout
1 MΩ
Fig. 7.6. (a) Op amp voltage follower; (b) voltage follower as the input stage to an
inverting-op-amp circuit.

You can reproduce this effect more simply by touching the probe tip
with your finger. 60 Hz noise is pervasive throughout North America
(50 Hz in Europe) and is often the dominant background noise in elec-
tronic equipment.
 Try amplifying this low-power signal using the inverting-amplifier
circuit previously constructed. Sketch the output and record your
 Now, instead of driving the amplifier directly, insert a voltage follower as
shown in Fig. 7.6(b). Record the follower output as well as the amplifier
output. If the amplifier output saturates, choose a smaller feedback re-
sistor to reduce the gain of the inverting amp. Explain your observations.

7.2.5 Difference amplifier

Fig. 7.7 shows the 741 configured as a difference amplifier, with the output
voltage equal to the difference of the two input voltages. A difference am-
plifier is both an inverting amp and a noninverting amp. An inverting amp is
created if Vin+ is grounded, whereas a noninverting amp is created if Vin− is
grounded. If both inputs are connected to signals, the difference between
the two signals is amplified. This follows since, if these inverting and non-
inverting amplifiers have equal gains, the output is proportional to the dif-
ference of the inputs. The gains are matched provided that R1 /R2 = R3 /R4 .

96 Hands-on electronics


100 k
Vin_ −
10 k Vout
Vin+ +
10 k pot R3


Fig. 7.7. Difference amplifier. The parts of the pot on either side of the slider serve as R3
and R4 .

Difference amplifiers are often used in the life sciences where signals are
small and exist within a noisy environment, e.g. in the electrocardiograph
(ECG). Any background noise common to both inputs (common-mode
noise) is rejected, while the signal of interest (present at only one of the
inputs) is amplified and appears at the output. A potentiometer is often
used (as in Fig. 7.7) to tune the gain and common-mode rejection of the
The quality of the amplifier is measured (in part) by the common-mode
rejection ratio (CMRR), based on the ratio of the differential voltage gain
and common-mode voltage gain:
CMRR = 20 log (Adiff /ACM ). (7.7)
It is customary to give the CMRR in decibels, as shown in Eq. 7.7. The
741 general-purpose op amp is a differential amplifier with a CMRR value
specified to be at least 70 dB. Precision op amps are commercially available
with CMRR values as high as 140 dB or more.
Build the circuit shown in Fig. 7.7. As always, be careful not to short
the potentiometer’s center tap to ground or power. You can estimate the
common-mode rejection ratio by measuring both the common-mode volt-
age gain and the differential voltage gain.
The common-mode voltage gain is determined by applying identical sig-
nals to both inputs and observing the output voltage: ACM = VoutCM /VinCM .
Using a 1 kHz sine wave at maximum amplitude as your input, tune your dif-
ference amp to minimize the output amplitude (i.e. adjust the potentiometer
until the output amplitude is as small as possible). The best estimate for
the common-mode gain can be made using the averaging feature from the

97 7 Introduction to op amps

‘acquire’ menu of the TDS210 oscilloscope. It may be possible, depend-

ing on the quality of your op amp, to tune the potentiometer such that no
output signal is visible, even at the most sensitive scale.
 Verify that R1 /R2 = R3 /R4 .
 Estimate (or set an upper limit on) the common-mode voltage gain.
The resistance ratios can be measured using your meter; however, be
sure to turn off the power and disconnect each component before making
your measurements – accurate resistance measurements cannot be guaran-
teed if the component remains connected to the circuit, since then you are
measuring a parallel combination with the other components rather than
just the resistance of interest. For example, when measuring the resistances
between the potentiometer center tap and ends, be sure to disconnect all
wires connecting the pot to the input signal, op amp, and ground. Replace
all resistors and wires when done.
To measure the differential voltage gain, ground one input while applying
a 1 kHz sine wave of amplitude 1 V or less at the other input. It shouldn’t
matter which input you ground. If you’re curious, try it both ways and see
if you get equal gains.
 Measure the differential voltage gain.
 Explain why it doesn’t matter which input is grounded when measuring
the differential voltage gain.
 Estimate the CMRR for this circuit.
 What is the input impedance at each input?

7.3 Additional experiments

7.3.1 Current source

An ideal current source would maintain a constant current through the load,
regardless of load resistance. Try the op amp current source of Fig. 7.8.
Vary the ‘load’ pot as you measure the load current with a digital multimeter
and the load voltage with a multimeter or scope; what do you observe?
 Explain how this circuit works (use diagrams and equations as necessary).
 What should the current be, and why?
 What is dI /dV ? What is the ‘compliance’ (output-voltage range over
which dI /dV is small) of your current source?
 Compare the performance of this op amp current source to the transistor
current sources you built previously.

98 Hands-on electronics

0--10 k

10 k A
+15 −

Fig. 7.8. Op amp current source.

7.3.2 Noninverting summing amp with difference amplifier

This circuit is fun to build and to observe in action. It also serves as an
excellent demonstration of the constructive and destructive interference
between two waveforms.
As stated above, difference amplification is usually used to eliminate
common-mode noise. The circuit shown in Fig. 7.9 sums two waveforms
and then eliminates one using the difference amp. One waveform will be
from the function generator while the other will be a 60 Hz wave created
as in section 7.2.4. (If two function generators are available, feel free to
replace the voltage follower with the output from the second generator.)
First construct the voltage follower and summing amplifiers as shown in
Fig. 7.9. Set the function generator to a sine wave with a frequency between
59 and 61 Hz.2 Adjust the generator amplitude to match the amplitude of
the voltage follower and observe the output of the summing amp. The
output should be the linear sum of the two input waveforms.
Have fun with the circuit by changing the amplitude and frequency.
Observe what happens with either a triangle- or square-wave input. Using
the ‘AC line’ as your trigger source may be useful here.
Now add the difference amplifier. With the function-generator amplitude
set to zero, adjust the potentiometer until the difference amp output has
zero amplitude (as with the difference amplifier previously built). Now in-
crease the amplitude of your function generator and observe the difference
2 If the local supply frequency is not 60 Hz, set the function generator frequency to be within 1 Hz of
your local value.

99 7 Introduction to op amps

R2 R1

function −
generator R1 2 Summing
~ + Output

R1 R3

− 3 Vout
1 +
Vin +

R1 = R2 = R3 = 10 kΩ 10 k pot CMRR Adjustment

10 MΩ
(or similar)

Fig. 7.9. Fancy summing circuit. Amp 1 is a voltage follower used to buffer the 60 Hz
pickup on a wire wrapped around an AC power cord. Amp 2 is a noninverting summing
amplifier with unity gain. Amp 3 is a difference amplifier with an adjustment to maximize
the CMRR.

amplifier output. Be sure to switch your trigger source back to the appro-
priate input channel. Try changing the input frequency. Replace the 60 Hz
AC-line signal at the noninverting input of the difference amp with the
output from the function generator. Observe how the output changes.
 Explain how this circuit works using diagrams and equations as needed.
Explain why the summing amp isn’t inverting and why it has unity gain.
 Sketch the inputs and output of the summing amp for a function gener-
ator frequency near 60 Hz. Why doesn’t the output have a well defined
 Sketch the inputs and output of the difference amplifier. How does the
output change when the inputs are switched?
 Is the output inverted with respect to the original inputs? If so, why?
If so, what could you change to make the output of the difference amp
noninverted with respect to the original inputs?

8 More op amp applications

In Chapter 7 we studied some of the basic properties of operational ampli-

fiers. There are an enormous number of ways that op amps can be applied
to process analog signals. In this chapter we will explore several such ap-
plications: circuits that differentiate or integrate their input voltage as a
function of time, form the logarithm or exponential of their input voltage,
or rectify their input voltage. The op amp versions of these applications
come closer to the ideal than the passive versions of some of them that
you studied in earlier chapters. We will also see how to use feedback to
compensate for the limitations of discrete devices.

Apparatus required
Breadboard, dual-trace oscilloscope with two attenuating probes, one 741C
and one LF411 operational amplifier, one 1 k, two 10 k, and one 100 k 14 W
resistor, 0.0047 ␮F and 0.033 ␮F capacitors, two 1N914 (or similar) silicon
signal diodes, 2N3904 and 2N3906 transistors.

8.1 Op amp signal processing

Recall that for an inverting amplifier made from an op amp, with input
resistor Ri and feedback resistor Rf , the gain is −Rf /Ri (neglecting the
input offset voltage and offset and bias currents and taking the op amp
open-loop gain to be infinite). We can generalize this result for devices
other than resistors, as illustrated in Fig. 8.1.
Av = − . (8.1)
Eq. 8.1 is useful if we are analyzing circuit performance in the frequency-
domain for a sine-wave input, but often we are concerned with the response

102 Hands-on electronics


Zi Vout

Fig. 8.1. Generalized op amp inverting-amplifier circuit.



Fig. 8.2. Basic op amp differentiator.

in the time-domain to an arbitrary input waveform. Then we can analyze

the circuit using Ohm’s law. Since, to an excellent approximation, If = Ii ,
the gain is determined by the current–voltage characteristics of the input
and feedback devices, as we will see in more detail below.

8.1.1 Differentiator
As shown in the circuit of Fig. 8.2, the basic op amp differentiator (not to
be confused with the difference amplifier) is similar to the basic inverting
amplifier studied in Chapter 7, except that the input element is a capacitor
rather than a resistor. Using the assumption that the output does whatever
necessary to maintain the two inputs at equal voltages, it is easy to show
that the output voltage is given by
dQ dVin
Vout = −I Rf = − Rf = −Rf C , (8.2)
dt dt
since Q = C Vin , where Q is the charge stored on the capacitor.

103 8 More op amp applications



Fig. 8.3. Improved op amp differentiator.

One problem with the basic circuit is that the capacitor’s reactance,
XC = , (8.3)
2π f C
decreases with increasing frequency. Since here Z i = X C , Eq. 8.1 shows
that the output voltage of the basic differentiator increases with frequency,
making the circuit susceptible to high-frequency noise and prone to
A more practical differentiator circuit is shown in Fig. 8.3, with a resistor
placed in series with the input capacitor to limit the high-frequency gain to
the ratio Rf /Rs . The output voltage as a function of time is still given by
Eq. 8.2, as long as the input frequency is small compared with
f = . (8.4)
2π Rs C
For input frequencies greater than this, the performance of the circuit
approaches that of an inverting amplifier with voltage gain
Av = − . (8.5)

8.1.2 Integrator
By interchanging the resistor and capacitor in the differentiator circuit of
Fig. 8.2, we obtain an op amp integrator. As shown in Fig. 8.4, the resistor
Ri is the input element and the capacitor C is the feedback element. The
output voltage, as a function of time, is given by

Vout = − Vin dt, (8.6)
Ri C

104 Hands-on electronics

Vin _

Fig. 8.4. Basic op amp integrator.




Fig. 8.5. Improved op amp integrator.

which is proportional to the time integral (area under the curve) of the input
waveform vs. time.
As in the case of the differentiator, a more practical integrator circuit
is shown in Fig. 8.5. The resistor Rs across the feedback capacitor, called
a ‘shunt resistor’, is used to limit the low-frequency gain of the circuit.
If the low-frequency gain were not limited, the input DC offset, although
small, would be integrated over the integration period, possibly saturating
the op amp.
To minimize the DC offset voltage resulting from the input bias current,
the resistor R2 should equal the parallel combination of the input and shunt
Ri Rs
R2 = . (8.7)
Ri + Rs

105 8 More op amp applications

Since the shunt resistor limits the circuit’s low-frequency gain, Eq. 8.6
is valid for input frequencies greater than
f = . (8.8)
2π Rs C
For input frequencies less than f , the performance of the circuit approaches
that of an inverting amplifier with voltage gain
Av = − . (8.9)

8.1.3 Logarithmic and exponential amplifiers

By using a diode as the input or feedback element, we obtain a circuit that
takes the logarithm (Fig. 8.6) or exponential (Fig. 8.7) of its input signal.
For the log amplifier, we can analyze the circuit performance as follows;
the analysis of the exponential amplifier is left as an exercise.



Fig. 8.6. Op amp logarithmic amplifier.


Vin _

Fig. 8.7. Op amp exponential amplifier.

106 Hands-on electronics

The current If through the feedback element equals the input current Ii ,
which is determined by the input voltage Vin :
If = Ii = . (8.10)
We can relate this to the output voltage Vout using the exponential diode
current–voltage law:
If = Is e−eVout /nkT − 1 . (8.11)

The minus sign in the exponential reflects the fact that the anode of
the diode is connected to virtual ground; thus, for If positive, Vout is neg-
ative. The constant n has been introduced since (as we saw in Chapter 3)
the slope of the exponential for a silicon diode is not quite as steep as e/kT ;
one finds experimentally that n ≈ 2 for silicon diodes and n ≈ 1 for
germanium. Thus the output voltage is
nkT Ii
Vout ≈ − ln (8.12)
e Is

≈− (ln Vin − ln Is Ri ). (8.13)
In practice, one should add additional components to compensate for
the temperature dependences in Eq. 8.13 (both the explicit kT factor and
the temperature dependence of Is ). Often, a transistor is used in place of
a diode, since experimentally one finds that a transistor gives an accurate
exponential characteristic over a wider range of current.

8.2 Experiments

Complete at least the differentiator or integrator exercise, the logarithmic-

or exponential-amplifier exercise, and the half-wave rectifier and push–pull
driver exercises. (You should understand the theory of all of the circuits
discussed, including the ones you choose not to build.)

8.2.1 Differential and integral amplifiers

Set up the active differentiator of Fig. 8.3, with Rs = 1 k, Rf = 10 k, and
C = 0.033 ␮F. Adjust the peak-to-peak voltage of the triangle-wave input
to 10 V, and use a frequency in the neighborhood of 500 Hz.

107 8 More op amp applications

 Measure carefully the peak-to-peak voltage Vp–p and period T of the input
signal, and from them compute the slope of the input voltage vs. time,
dVin 2Vp–p
= . (8.14)
dt T
Now look at the function-generator output on channel 1 of the scope and
the op amp output on channel 2, while triggering on channel 1. You should
see that the op amp output signal is a square wave that is 90◦ out of phase
with the input, i.e., the output signal is a representation of the negative of
the time derivative of the input.
 Measure the step height in volts of the square-wave output of the
op amp.
The theoretical prediction is
step height = 2Rf C  . (8.15)
Now change the input frequency from 500 Hz to 10 kHz. Be sure to
reduce the input amplitude to avoid saturating the output voltage. Record
the appearance of the output signal at this frequency. Measure the peak-to-
peak output voltage and determine the voltage gain.
 Sketch the input and output waveforms at 500 Hz and 10 kHz and com-
ment on your results.
 Compare your data with Eq. 8.15 and compare the measured gain at
10 kHz with the theoretical expectation.
 At what approximate frequency does this circuit cease to act as a differ-
entiator (i.e. approach the operation of an inverting amplifier)?

Set up the circuit shown in Fig. 8.5, with Ri = R2 = 10 k, Rs = 100 k, and
C = 0.0047 ␮F. Adjust the peak-to-peak voltage of the square-wave input
to 1 V and the frequency to 10 kHz. You should see an output signal that
is a triangle wave 90◦ out of phase with the input square wave.
 Derive Eq. 8.6.
 Measure the peak-to-peak voltage of the triangle wave and compare with
the value you would expect theoretically.
Now change the input frequency to 100 Hz.
 Record, describe, and explain the appearance of the output signal at this
 Measure the peak-to-peak output voltage and determine the voltage gain,
comparing with what you would expect theoretically.

108 Hands-on electronics

 Sketch the input and output waveforms at 10 kHz and 100 Hz, and
comment on your results. At what approximate frequency will this circuit
cease to act as an integrator (i.e. approach the operation of an inverting
 Compare the output amplitudes with the theoretical expectation.

8.2.2 Logarithmic and exponential amplifiers

Set up the circuit of Fig. 8.6 with Ri = 10 k or Fig. 8.7 with Rf = 10 k.
Figure out how to apply an adjustable DC input voltage.
 Verify the logarithmic or exponential gain characteristic for several input
voltages that probe the full range of output voltage of which the circuit
is capable.
 Explain how the circuit works and derive an expression that relates the
input voltage to the output voltage.
 Make a semilog plot of your data and find the experimental value of n
for your diode.
 The log of zero is undefined and any number raised to the power zero
equals one. Why then do the logarithmic and exponential amplifiers give
an output of zero volts when the input is zero volts?

8.2.3 Op amp active rectifier

Fig. 8.8(a) shows a simple op amp half-wave rectifier.
 Build it with R = 10 k and try it out with a low-frequency sine-wave
input, in the neighborhood of 100 Hz. Record the input and output
This circuit suffers from a drawback: there is effectively no feedback during
the half of the input-wave cycle when the diode is reverse-biased! (This is
obvious since the voltages at the inverting and noninverting inputs are not
equal during that time.) In other words, the reverse-biased diode has such a
large impedance that the gain becomes very large and the op amp saturates.
 To verify this, look at the waveform at the op amp’s output pin.
Because of the limited slew rate of the op amp, saturation limits the
circuit’s performance at high input frequencies. Try a high frequency (say
10 kHz) and record in detail what you see, both at the op amp output and
at the rectifier output. Replace the 741 with a higher speed op amp such
as the LF411, and repeat your observations. Also, be sure to use a signal

109 8 More op amp applications

(a) (b) R

_ Vin _

Vin + +

Fig. 8.8. (a) Simple op amp half-wave rectifier; (b) improved version.

or switching diode like the 1N914 – while switching diodes are designed
for high frequencies, rectifier diodes (e.g., the 1N4001) tend to have large
junction capacitance and thus have poor performance at high frequency.
The circuit of Fig. 8.8(b) overcomes the slew rate limitation.
 Build it, try it out, and figure out why it has much better response at high
frequency. Explain how each circuit works (use diagrams if necessary)
and explain why one is better than the other.
 Sketch Vin , Vout , and the op amp output for both half-wave rectifier
circuits at 100 Hz and at 10 kHz.
 How is this active rectifier better than a simple diode rectifier? (For
example, what would be the response of a simple rectifier to an input
signal of amplitude less than 0.7 V? How does this circuit respond to
such a signal?)
 Comment on the performance of the LF411 as compared with that of
the 741.

8.2.4 Op amp with push--pull power driver

A typical op amp (such as the 741) by itself does not have enough output-
current capability to drive an 8  load such as a speaker. The addition of
a push–pull driver stage to buffer the output is a common solution. When
large output power is needed (several watts) as in audio applications, power
Darlingtons are often employed as the push–pull transistors.
Recall that in a previous chapter you used a push–pull power driver
to drive the breadboard’s speaker from the function generator. This circuit
displayed crossover distortion since one transistor switched off 2VBE before
the other switched on. One solution to crossover distortion is to employ an

110 Hands-on electronics

(a) +5

+5 2N3904

Vin +

−5 2N3906 Speaker



+5 2N3904

Vin +

−5 2N3906 Speaker


Fig. 8.9. Op amp follower with push–pull output-buffer power driver with two feedback
arrangements: (a) feedback before and (b) feedback after power driver.

op amp to compare the output signal with the input signal and correct the
drive signal to the push–pull stage to compensate for the 2VBE gap.
 First hook up the circuit of Fig. 8.9(a) to see crossover distortion in
action. This circuit is susceptible to noise, so be neat and orderly and
keep the leads as short as possible. Use an audio-frequency sine wave,
in the vicinity of 1 kHz.
 Record the input and output waveforms – how do they differ, and why?
 Rearrange the feedback loop to include the push–pull driver inside it
(Fig. 8.9(b)), and compare the input and output waveforms again. What
does the signal at the op amp output look like, and why?
 How much power is dissipated in the speaker assuming a sine wave of
amplitude 4 V? How does the peak current through the speaker compare
with the 741’s maximum output current?
 Sketch the op amp input, the op amp output, and the waveform at the
speaker for both circuits and explain how the op amp eliminates crossover
 Estimate the total power consumed by this circuit.
 What is the maximum input amplitude that can be accurately reproduced
at the speaker (without clipping)?

111 8 More op amp applications

Vout = V in

Vin Logarithmic Linear Exponential Vout

Amplifier Amplifier Amplifier
(gain = A)

Fig. 8.10. Block diagram showing how to build an ‘exponentiator’: a circuit that creates
an output voltage equal to the input voltage raised to any desired power.

8.3 Additional exercises

The availability of log and antilog circuits allows elaborate mathematical

operations on voltages. For example, the square of a number can be found
by taking the logarithm of the number, multiplying by two, and then taking
the antilogarithm of the result (see Fig. 8.10); similarly, the product of two
numbers equals the antilog of the sum of their logarithms:

x 2 = log−1 (2 log x) (8.16)

x × y = log−1 (log x + log y). (8.17)

Choose an arithmetic function of your choice (other than addition, sub-
traction, and multiplication by a constant) and design a circuit using op
amps to perform that function. Make a plot of the output vs. input voltages
to verify that the circuit works correctly. Discuss the limitations of your

9 Comparators and oscillators

In this chapter you will encounter some applications of positive feedback

in op amp and comparator circuits. You will see how uncontrolled feed-
back can cause unwanted oscillation, and how controlled positive feedback
(hysteresis) can be used to eliminate unwanted oscillation or produce in-
tentional oscillation. There is also an optional active-filter application at
the end.

Apparatus required
Breadboard, dual-trace oscilloscope with two attenuating probes, two 741
and one LF411 op amp, 311 comparator, 555 timer, one 100 , one 820 ,
two 1 k, two 3.3 k, three 10 k, one 100 k, one 1 M, and one 10 M 14 W
resistor, three 0.033 ␮F, one 0.01 ␮F, and one 1 ␮F capacitor, one red LED,
and two 3.3 V Zener diodes.

9.1 Experiments

9.1.1 Op amp as comparator

Begin by wiring up a 741 in open-loop mode as you did in a previous lab
(Fig. 9.1(a)). With no negative feedback, the saturated output that results
allows the op amp to be used as a voltage comparator – a circuit that tells
you whether an input voltage is higher or lower than a ‘threshold’ voltage
(the threshold is ground in this case). Since op amps are not specifically
engineered for open-loop operation, it is not a very good voltage compara-
tor (in ways that we shall soon see), but in some situations (when high-
speed response and high sensitivity are not required) an open-loop-741
‘comparator’ is perfectly adequate.
 Start by applying a 1 kHz sine wave to the input and observe what the
circuit is doing.

114 Hands-on electronics

(a) (b)
+15 +15
7 8
2 _ 3 _ 7
3 2
+ + 1
4 4
–15 –15
Fig. 9.1. (a) Poor comparator: 741 op amp used in open-loop mode; (b) 311 comparator.
Pinouts shown for eight-pin mini-DIP package.

 Now raise the input frquency to 100 kHz. Notice that the output ‘square
wave’ is not very square. Try an LF411 op amp in place of the 741.
 For each case studied, sketch the output waveform and measure the
output amplitude and DC offset. Explain your measurements.
 Contrast the performance of the LF411 and 741 when configured as com-
parators. What op amp limitation is responsible for the poor comparator
performance at high frequency?
Now substitute a 311 comparator for the op amp. (The pinouts are NOT
the same; see Fig. 9.1(b).) Whereas op amps are intended to be used with
negative feedback, the 311 is specifically designed for operation in open-
loop mode or with positive feedback.
The 311’s output stage differs from that of an op amp: to enhance flexi-
bility, it has both a positive output (pin 7) and a negative output (pin 1). We
shall be using the positive output. In this configuration, a ‘pull-up’ resistor
to a positive supply is required, in order to determine the output-voltage
level, and the negative output is generally connected to ground.
Note that the positive output is the collector of an NPN bipolar transistor.
As such, it cannot source current, but it can sink current. When the output
transistor is off (i.e., its base voltage is less than or equal to its emitter
voltage), the collector is pulled up to V+ by the external pull-up resistor.
Conversely, when the base voltage is raised 0.7 V above the emitter voltage,
the transistor saturates and the output pin is pulled down close to the emitter
voltage. This output configuration gives the 311 maximum flexibility to
provide the various signal voltages used by digital logic chips, including
TTL, CMOS, and ECL logic levels.1
 Start by choosing convenient values for V+ and V− . Use an input fre-
quency of 100 kHz and observe the output.
1 Logic levels are discussed in section 10.1.1.

115 9 Comparators and oscillators

 Change V+ and V− . Record and explain any changes in the output

 How does the output signal from the 311 differ from that of an op amp?
What is the 311’s slew rate?

9.1.2 Unintentional feedback: oscillation

An unfortunate side-effect of the 311’s fast response is its tendency to
oscillate when presented with a sufficiently small voltage difference be-
tween its inputs. The unavoidable capacitive coupling (typically a few
picofarads, depending on how the circuit is wired) between the output
and the input causes some feedback, so, when the output switches state, a
small transient signal is picked up at the input. There is also some feedback
due to the changing input base current when one input transistor switches
on and the other switches off. These effects can result in self-sustaining
The pickup occurs through what is essentially a voltage divider, con-
sisting of the large coupling impedance (i.e., small capacitance) between
the output and the input, together with whatever impedance to ground is
present at the input. The effect is thus mitigated if there is a low impedance
to ground at the input, and exacerbated if the impedance is high.
Try to make your 311 oscillate by feeding it a triangle wave with a gentle
slope dV /dt (i.e., small amplitude and/or low frequency). Use V+ = +15 V
and V− = ground. To exacerbate the feedback, insert 10 k in series with the
function-generator source resistance as shown in Fig. 9.2. When looking
at the input signal, it is a good idea here to use the ground clips on your

+15 Oscillations High

10 k 8
3 _ 7

~ 2
+ 1 Low

Fig. 9.2. 311 comparator with 10 k series input resistor. The capacitor shown connecting
the input and output represents the stray capacitance associated with the breadboard. (Do
not add a discrete capacitor!)

116 Hands-on electronics

scope probes, to suppress pickup of the large transient pulse due to the
15 V swing of the 311’s output. You’ll want to look at a low-to-high or
high-to-low transition and ‘zoom in’ by increasing the time sensitivity to
look for the rapid multiple transitions that indicate oscillation.
 Starting with an input frequency near 100 kHz and an amplitude of
several volts, gradually reduce the input amplitude and frequency until
oscillations are observed. To be able to see the rapid transitions of the
output, be sure the time scale on your oscilloscope is about 500 ns per
division or less.
 Sketch the observed oscillations. What is the time scale of the oscill-
ations – i.e., what is the period t for one cycle of the oscillation
 How small an input slope does it take to cause oscillation?
 What causes the oscillations to stop?
 Why is a 741 configured as a comparator less likely to oscillate than
the 311?

9.1.3 Intentional positive feedback: Schmitt trigger

The oscillation problem can be eliminated by adding controlled positive
feedback (hysteresis) as shown in Fig. 9.3. The hysteresis also makes the
circuit less sensitive to noise.
The phenomenon of hysteresis should be familiar from your study of
magnetic materials in introductory physics. In the present context, the term

3 _

+ 1


1k 10k R1


Fig. 9.3. Schmitt trigger using 311 comparator.

117 9 Comparators and oscillators

hysteresis refers both to the situation of having two different comparator

thresholds, depending on the history of the input signal, as well as to the
size of the voltage difference between the two thresholds. The threshold
voltage at the noninverting terminal is found by applying the voltage-divider

Vin+ = Vout . (9.1)
R1 + R2

There are two cases to consider, since the output might be at +15 V or it
might be at ground – i.e., since Vout has two possible states, Vin+ has two
possible states.
 Build the circuit and apply a signal with an amplitude of at least 1.5 volts.
Try to create output oscillations. Notice the rapid and clean transitions
at the output, independent of the input waveform or frequency.
 Sketch the output waveform. Is the output symmetric? If not, why not?
To see exactly what is happening, use the two-channel oscilloscope to
display the voltages at both comparator input terminals simultaneously. Be
sure to use DC coupling for both channels, and set them to the same voltage
sensitivity and the same zero offset.
 Carefully sketch both input waveforms on the same graph and explain
how the circuit works. How does the hysteresis prevent oscillations?
 Based on the component values used, what do you predict for the com-
parator thresholds? What is the predicted amount of hysteresis in volts?
How do these compare with your observations?
 Record what you see as you vary the input amplitude. Below some input
amplitude the output stops switching. At what amplitude does this occur,
and why?

9.1.4 RC relaxation oscillator

By adding an RC network to your Schmitt trigger, construct a square-
wave oscillator, as shown in Fig. 9.4. Since a fraction of the output is fed
back into both the inverting and noninverting inputs, this circuit has both
negative and positive feedback. By connecting pin 1 to −15 V as shown,
you should get a symmetrical square-wave output with little DC offset. No
input from the function generator is required; the circuit should oscillate

118 Hands-on electronics

R 10 k

8 1k
3 _
0.01 µF C Vout
+ 1

10 k
3.3 k

Fig. 9.4. RC relaxation oscillator using comparator.

The expected frequency of oscillation is

f =  2R1 . (9.2)
2RC ln R2

 Sketch the output waveform and explain how this circuit works. (Hint: it
operates by repeatedly charging and discharging the capacitor between
the two threshold voltages of the Schmitt trigger.)
 What are the threshold voltages?
 Why does the circuit oscillate spontaneously?
 Derive Eq. 9.2 and compare with the observed frequency.

9.1.5 555 timer IC

Nowadays, one hardly ever builds a square-wave oscillator from an op amp
or comparator, since the 555 series of timer chips makes designing stable,
predictable oscillators easy. Note that a 555 is not an op amp or comparator,
but an oscillator ‘kit’, including two comparators, among other items (see
Fig. 9.5). The 555 can also be used as a timer, as we shall see below.
The 555 is an eight-pin IC powered from a positive voltage source. The
supply voltage can range from 4.5 to 16 V. As with a comparator, the
output is ‘digital’, with a high value near VCC and a low value near ground.
The output sinks current while low and sources current while high (up to
200 mA in either case). Also, as with a comparator, the 555 output slew rate

119 9 Comparators and oscillators

Vcc 555 Timer


Threshold Output Output

+ Stage

_ Flip-Flop

Control R Q
Set Discharge
Trigger _


Fig. 9.5. Block diagram for the 555 timer IC.

is high, and the 555 can change states within 100 ns. Refer to a 555 data
sheet for additional details.
To see how the 555 works, first examine the connections associated with
the two comparators. The top comparator output is high when the threshold
input is greater than 23 VCC , and low otherwise. The bottom comparator
output is high when the trigger input is less than 13 VCC , and low otherwise.
In general, trigger and threshold should be configured such that only
one of the comparators is high at any given moment. The outputs connect
to a flip-flop (described in detail in Chapter 11). A positive signal at set
causes Q to be near ground, while a positive signal at reset causes Q to
be high. A high value for Q turns on the transistor switch, which drives
the discharge pin toward ground. The output stage is an inverting buffer,
so set causes the output to go high, while reset causes the output to
go low.
Begin by connecting a 555 as shown in Fig. 9.6(a) and observe the
output. When the output is high, the capacitor is charging through RA and
RB . When the capacitor voltage VC exceeds 23 VCC , the discharge pin is
driven toward ground and the capacitor discharges across RB . The cycle
repeats once VC falls below 13 VCC . The frequency is predicted as

f = . (9.3)
0.7(RA + 2RB )C

120 Hands-on electronics

+15 +15

8 4 8 4
10 k RA 10 MΩ RA
Vcc Reset Vcc Reset
7 7
Discharge Discharge
10 k RB 3 3
Out 6 Out
6 100 k Threshold
2 2
Trigger Trigger

0.01 µF C 1 1 µF C 1
(a) (b)

Fig. 9.6. (a) 555 timer IC used as an oscillator; (b) 555 timer IC used as a one-shot or

 Sketch the output waveform and briefly explain the operation of this
circuit. Is the output symmetric? If not, why not?
 Derive Eq. 9.3 and compare the measured output frequency with the
predicted oscillation frequency.
 Examine the voltage VC across the capacitor. Record its minimum and
maximum values. Do they make sense?
 Try replacing RB with a short circuit – what happens? Explain why. Put
RB back for the next part.
 Try changing V+ to 5 V and observe how the output changes. To what
extent does the output frequency depend on supply voltage?
Now connect a 555 as shown in Fig. 9.6(b). The output should be a
‘one-shot’ pulse of duration

t = 1.1RA C. (9.4)

The output pulse is triggered by the push-button switch, which causes the
trigger input to go to ground. (Note: the output will remain high indef-
initely if the trigger input is held at ground, so one should ensure that
the trigger pulse is shorter than the desired output pulse!) Time the output
pulse by observing the LED.
 Briefly explain the operation of this circuit. What prevents this circuit
from oscillating?
 Measure the output-pulse duration for several values of RA and C. Tab-
ulate your results.
 Derive Eq. 9.4. Are your data consistent with this expression? If not,
why not?

121 9 Comparators and oscillators

9.2 Additional experiments

9.2.1 Alarm!
You can configure the 555 to sound an alarm when prompted by an external
signal. The alarm is simply a 555 oscillator with the output connected to a
speaker. To prevent the alarm from sounding continuously, ground is ap-
plied to the reset input pin, which overrides the trigger and threshold
pins and forces the output near ground. When used in this way, the reset
line is said to ‘enable’ the 555, enabling oscillation when high while dis-
abling oscillation when low.
Build the circuit as shown in Fig. 9.7. Use a long wire, which simulates
a security loop. Cut or unplug the wire and hear the alarm!
The alarm can also be configured to sound for a specified duration using
two 555s by combining the timer from Fig. 9.6(b) with the alarm circuit.
Connect the alarm’s reset input to the timer’s output line. Trigger the timer
and the alarm will sound for the duration of the timer’s output signal.


8 4
10 k RA Vcc Reset
10 k RB 100
6 Out

1 k pot
2 Trigger (volume control)

0.01 µF C 1

Fig. 9.7. 555 timer configured as an alarm.

122 Hands-on electronics

You can also make a pulsing alarm by using two oscillators. The first
should oscillate with a period of a few seconds. The output of this oscillator
is then connected to the reset line of the second oscillator. The second
oscillator’s output is connected to the speaker and can oscillate with any
audio frequency of your choice.

9.2.2 Sine/cosine oscillator

Perhaps surprisingly, the sine wave is one of the most difficult waveforms
to produce. As you saw when you differentiated the sine output of the
PB-503’s built-in function generator, the PB-503 uses a piecewise-linear
approximation to a sine function.
The circuit of Fig. 9.8 should produce a better approximation. It should
oscillate at
f = , (9.5)
2π RC
as long as R1 < R. So you don’t expect it to work with R1 = 10 k, unless
Eq. 9.5 happens to be satisfied due to resistor manufacturing tolerances.
You can vary R1 so as to satisfy Eq. 9.5 by using the 10 k pot for R1 or by
adding other resistors in parallel with the 10 k.
Set up the circuit and apply power. Once you have it oscillating, look at
both outputs on the dual-trace oscilloscope.
 Are the frequencies the same?
 What is the phase relationship?

3.3 V 3.3 V
0.033 µF

C 0.033 µF

_ C
10 k
10 k
+ R cosine
10 k

C 0.033 µF

Fig. 9.8. Sine/cosine oscillator.

123 9 Comparators and oscillators

 Measure the peak-to-peak voltage of the cosine wave. Is it what you

would expect, considering the diodes being employed in the circuit?
Try to explain how the circuit works. What role is played by the two
back-to-back Zener diodes?

9.2.3 Active bandpass filter

Active filters have significant advantages over passive ones, including
r lower cost due to replacement of expensive inductors by capacitors phase-
shifted via feedback;
r high input impedance and low output impedance;
r ease of tuning over a wide frequency range.
They also have significant disadvantages such as frequency response lim-
ited by the bandwidth of the op amp and the need to provide power to the
op amp. There are a variety of configurations that can be used for low-pass,
high-pass, and bandpass applications; for a more extensive discussion, see
e.g. Horowitz and Hill, The Art of Electronics, or Simpson, Introductory
Electronics for Scientists and Engineers.
Wire up the circuit of Fig. 9.9, apply power, and drive it with a sine wave
of about 1 V peak-to-peak. Vary the driving frequency until you find the
maximum output amplitude. What are the center frequency f 0 and upper
and lower −3 dB points f H and f L of the frequency response? If you adjust
the output voltage to be 14.1 V peak-to-peak at f = f 0 , you can easily
find the −3 dB points by varying the frequency until the output voltage
is 10.0 V peak-to-peak. Measure and graph the gain vs. frequency for a
reasonable frequency range.

0.033 µF

C 100 k

0.033 µF
3.3 k
Vin _
R1 C op amp Vout
3.3 k

Fig. 9.9. Active bandpass filter.

124 Hands-on electronics

Compare f 0 with the theoretical value

1 2
f0 = , (9.6)
2πC R1 R2
and compare the voltage gain at the center frequency with the theoretical
1 R2
A0 = − . (9.7)
2 R1
The ‘quality factor’ for a bandpass filter is
Q= . (9.8)
fH − fL
Thus, a narrow passband corresponds to high Q and a broad passband to
low Q. Compare your observed Q to the theoretical value for this filter,

Q= . (9.9)
Try to explain how the circuit works.

10 Combinational logic

In this chapter you will be introduced to digital logic. You will build some
logic circuits out of discrete components and some out of integrated cir-
cuits, and familiarize yourself with the 7400 series of CMOS (comple-
mentary metal-oxide-semiconductor) and TTL (transistor–transistor logic)
integrated circuits and their basic operation.

The kinds of things one thinks about in digital logic are almost completely
different from those in analog electronics.

Apparatus required
Breadboard, oscilloscope, multimeter, 100 , 330 , 1 k, 2.2 k, and 3.3 k
W resistors, two VP0610L and two VN0610L MOSFET transistors,
three 2N3904 transistors, three diodes, one LED, one red LED (optional),
74HC00, 7432, 7485, 7486 TTL or TTL-compatible logic chips, logic
switches, and logic displays.

10.1 Digital logic basics

In this section we introduce the 7400 series of CMOS and TTL digital-
logic chips. Unlike the analog ICs you’ve used up to now, which can output
any voltage within some range determined by the power-supply voltages,
digital-logic ICs employ only two ranges of output voltages, referred to as
logic levels, about which more below. These levels can be used to represent
true or false logical conditions or the zero and one of binary arithmetic.
The 7400 series is not the only logic series, nor are CMOS and TTL
the only types of logic circuitry; however, they are the most commonly
used. Other logic families include the CMOS 4000 series and the ECL

126 Hands-on electronics

(emitter-coupled logic) 10 000 and 100 000 series. Each logic family has
its own logic levels, speed, and recommended supply voltages.
The integrated circuits you will be using now are much more specialized
than the general-purpose 741 op amp and 555 timer. They feature much
higher bandwidth, with typical transition speeds of order volts/nanosecond
(in contrast to the volts/microsecond slew rate of the 741). While greater
complexity often means higher cost, the basic chips in the 7400 families
(such as the 74HC00, 74LS00, and 74ACT00) cost less than $0.50 each
in small quantities, with the more complex chips ranging toward several

10.1.1 Logic levels

Digital chips employ two voltages to represent two possible states. These
voltages are called logic levels and can be used to represent the two states
of Boolean algebra1 as well as the two digits of binary arithmetic. There
are three ways of referring to logic levels:
r true and false,
r zero and one, and
r high and low.
In TTL logic, a voltage exceeding +2 V is called high, while a voltage
less than +0.8 V is called low. To ensure noise margin, TTL outputs are
guaranteed to put out at least +2.5 V in the high state and at most +0.4 V
in the low state (see Fig. 10.1). This means that, even in the presence of up
to 400 mV of noise, an output low will be recognized as low by the input of
the next logic circuit, and similarly for high. The comparable CMOS levels
are +3.5 and +1.5 V for the inputs and +4.5 and +0.5 V for the outputs.
While TTL chips are always powered from a +5 V supply, many CMOS
chips are tolerant of supply voltages ranging from +2 to +6 V. It is therefore
convenient to reference CMOS logic levels to the power-supply voltage
VCC . The minimum input voltage interpreted as a CMOS high (VIH ) equals
0.7 × VCC , while the maximum input voltage interpreted as a CMOS low
(VIL ) equals 0.3 × VCC . The output voltages VOH and VOL will vary with
supply voltage as well.
The ‘high/low’ nomenclature is unambiguous, since it directly charac-
terizes voltages, but the other two nomenclatures rely on a convention,

1 Also known as symbolic logic.

127 10 Combinational logic

Volts 5





CMOS: CMOS & TTL: Low-Voltage CMOS:
AHC Series S, F, LS, AS, and Series
ALS Series

Fig. 10.1. Logic levels for various 7400-family lines. VCC is the most positive voltage; VIL
and VIH are the maximum input low and minimum input high voltages.

which can be assigned either of two ways. The more common convention
is positive logic: high=1=true, low=0=false. But there are occasionally
situations in which it is more convenient to employ negative logic, in which
high=0=false and low=1=true. (Another way to think about logic circuits
is in terms of assertion-level logic, which is a hybrid of positive and negative
logic that we will introduce in the next chapter.)

10.1.2 Logic families and history

As indicated in Table 10.1, CMOS and TTL chips come in a plethora of
types, each with its own speed, power dissipation, input load, and output-
current characteristics. This reflects the historical development of the var-
ious series. Since our initial purpose is to become familiar with the logic,
the details of speed and power are (for now) unimportant, but you will
need a general familiarity with them so as not to be in the dark when you
encounter them in future. Also there are restrictions on fanout (the number
of inputs that an output can drive) which matter when actually designing
circuits. For example, one LS-TTL output can drive twenty LS-TTL inputs,
but only four S-TTL inputs. In what follows we use ‘7400’ generically to

128 Hands-on electronics

Table 10.1. Common families within the 7400 series.

Family Year Brief description

TTL 1968 bipolar transistor–transistor logic

S 1974 TTL with Schottky transistors
LS 1976 low-power Schottky TTL
ALS 1979 advanced low-power Schottky
F 1983 fast TTL
HC 1975 high-speed CMOS
HCT 1975 high-speed CMOS (TTL compatible)
AC 1985 advanced CMOS
ACT 1985 advanced CMOS (TTL compatible)
LVC 1993 low-voltage CMOS
AHC 1996 advanced high-speed CMOS

refer to chips from any of these families. Unless otherwise specified, the
chip families you actually use will depend on what happens to be on hand
in the laboratory or (if you are working through this book on your own) on
what you happen to find available.

Part numbers
The original TTL chips were the 7400 series and the corresponding ‘Mil
Spec’ (military specification) 5400 series; these became popular in the
1970s. TTL chips are labeled with part numbers that begin with a letter
code (such as ‘SN’) that is typically different for each manufacturer (see
Fig. 10.2); then comes the ‘74’ that identifies the device as belonging to the
7400 series; then there may be a letter code that identifies the family; then
the number that identifies the particular device (e.g. 00 for a quad NAND
gate, 01 for quad NAND with open-collector outputs, 02 for quad NOR
gate, 74 for dual D-type flip-flop, etc.); and finally there may be letters that
indicate package style, reliability, degree of testing by the manufacturer,
etc. (For example, the MC74LS00ND is a Motorola LS-TTL quad NAND
gate in the plastic dual-in-line package with 160 hour ‘burn-in’ testing.)

Pinouts and data sheets

Data sheets are available on the web or in data books produced by the chip
manufacturer. The sheets specify the function of each pin of the IC package
and provide detailed data on chip performance. In general, 7400-series
chips have compatible pinouts independent of the family. For example, the

129 10 Combinational logic

Pin #14 Pin #8 1A VCC

1B 4B

1Y 4A
SN 74 LS 00 N 2A 4Y

2B 3B

2Y 3A

Pin #1 Pin #7 GND 3Y

Manufacturer Family Chip Type

Fig. 10.2. Labeling of 7400-series chips.

pinout for a 74HC00 quad NAND IC is the same as the pinout for the
74LS00 quad NAND IC. It is always a good idea to review the data sheet
before using any logic chip.
Another consistency is in the pin numbering scheme. If you orient the
chip so that the pins are bending away from you and the end that has a
notch or a dot is pointing to the left, pin 1 is the one at the lower left of
the package. The numbering then proceeds sequentially around the chip in
a counterclockwise direction, such that the highest-numbered pin is at the
upper left. Almost always, when you orient the chip this way, the writing
on the top will be right-side-up (see Fig. 10.2).

10.1.3 Logic gates

There are six basic logic gates, as shown in Fig. 10.3. These gates are
sufficient to implement all logic functions, although the more complex
functions are also available as specialized chips – multiplexers, decoders,
etc. (to be discussed later) – which can simplify design as well as reduce
cost. Although Fig. 10.3 shows only two-input gates, versions also exist
with three, four, or even eight inputs.
Note that NAND and NOR are opposites to AND and OR: NAND equals
not AND while NOR equals not OR. Also note that the NAND is a negative-
logic OR while the NOR is a negative-logic AND. (This follows from
DeMorgan’s theorem, about which more below.) The small circle shown
at the outputs of the NAND and NOR is shorthand for an inverter – a
NAND is equivalent to an AND followed by an inverter, and similarly
for NOR.

130 Hands-on electronics


A B Out A B Out A B Out A B Out A B Out

A Out


Fig. 10.3. Standard logic gates with truth tables.

After the inverter, the NAND is the simplest logic gate to construct from
discrete components, and historically it was the most commonly used gate.
NAND is a ‘universal’ logic function, in that the other logic functions can
all be created using NAND gates. For example, connecting together the two
inputs of a NAND creates a one-input gate – an inverter. Thus, if the output
of a NAND is connected to both inputs of a second NAND, the result is
equivalent to an AND gate.

10.1.4 Summary of Boolean algebra

Logic operations are best described using Boolean algebra. While a detailed
exposition of Boolean algebra is beyond the scope of this text, we give here
a brief introduction and mention a few useful points. Consider two logical
variables A and B, which can take on the values true and false. We can then
denote logic operations as follows:
r the logical AND of A and B is denoted as A · B;
r the logical OR of A and B is denoted as A + B;
r the logical XOR of A and B is denoted as A ⊕ B;
r the inverse of A is A, and the inverse of B is B;
r the logical NAND of A and B is denoted as A · B;
r the logical NOR of A and B is denoted as A + B.
As in any algebra, the rules of Boolean algebra allow theorems to be
derived starting from axioms. An alternative way to prove a theorem in

131 10 Combinational logic

A B AB . A B A+B A B A+B A B AB .

= =
Fig. 10.4. DeMorgan’s theorems expressed symbolically.

Boolean algebra is by ‘exhaustive demonstration’, i.e., to write down the

truth table – for every possible input state, work out the value of the output
and write it down.
Two relationships (known as DeMorgan’s theorems) are particularly

A · B = A + B. (10.1)


A+B = A·B (10.2)

These are illustrated schematically in terms of logic gates as well as with

truth tables in Fig. 10.4.

10.2 CMOS and TTL compared

10.2.1 Diode logic

We begin our consideration of the electronic implementation of logic gates
with the simplest example. Since diodes pass current in only one direction,
they can be used to perform logic, as shown in Fig. 10.5. Assuming logic
levels equal to either 0 or +5 V, it is easy to show that the output voltage is
near +5 V (actually one diode drop below +5 V) if both inputs are +5 V,
and zero otherwise. If we assume the positive-logic convention (high =
true, low = false), this is equivalent to a logic AND of the two inputs. (You
may want to verify this by building this circuit on a breadboard and trying
it out.)

132 Hands-on electronics


3.3 k

Fig. 10.5. Two-input diode gate.


3.3 k 2.2 k 100


Q2 330


B Q3


Fig. 10.6. Diode–transistor NAND gate using 2N3904s. This resembles the circuitry
actually used inside the 7400, except that in the 7400 a two-emitter transistor substitutes
for the input diodes. The resistor values are approximate and vary with TTL family. Also
shown is a simple LED logic-level indicator being driven by the NAND gate’s output.

10.2.2 Transistor–transistor logic (TTL)

Using the diode-logic concept as an input stage, TTL logic was developed
during the 1960s. A TTL-inspired NAND gate constructed using diodes
and bipolar transistors is shown schematically in Fig. 10.6. The operation
of the circuit can be analyzed as follows.
r If either input is near ground, transistors Q1 and Q3 will be off. Q2 will
consequently be on (saturated), which causes the output (T) to be about
two diode drops below VCC .
r On the other hand, if both inputs become high, Q1 ’s base voltage in-
creases, causing Q1 to turn on, which turns on Q3 . Q2 ’s base voltage

133 10 Combinational logic

drops, turning Q2 off. Since Q3 is then in saturation, the output T is close

to ground.
Assuming the positive-logic convention, the output voltage thus represents
the logic NAND of the inputs.
The output structure is commonly referred to (fancifully) as a ‘totem-pole’
output, since it consists of a group of stacked components. Several im-
provements have been made since the original introduction of TTL logic,
resulting in numerous family lines. Many are listed in Table 10.1.

Quirks of TTL inputs and outputs

The gate circuit of Fig. 10.6 illustrates some peculiarities of TTL inputs
and outputs. In general, TTL outputs cannot be relied upon to source even
small amounts of current; however, they can sink tens of milliamperes of
current. Note how the LED logic indicator has been constructed to take
advantage of this – the LED is lit when the output is low! Note also that
TTL inputs source current while held low, but sink negligible amounts of
current while held high.
The input and output current specifications vary among the different
family lines. Refer to the data sheets for details.
Note that the LED logic indicators built into the PB-503 operate in
positive logic, whereas for TTL, home-built logic indicators (as in Fig. 10.6)
operate in negative logic.

10.2.3 Complementary MOSFET logic (CMOS)

In the 1970s a new family of logic chips was developed using MOSFETs
instead of bipolar transistors. The basic MOSFET logic gate uses comple-
mentary N-channel and P-channel MOSFETs, and is thus called CMOS.
Fairchild first introduced the 4000 series of CMOS logic, but the popularity
of TTL led manufacturers to develop TTL-like CMOS families, such as
the 74C, 74HC, 74HCT, 74AC, and 74ACT. The families with a ‘T’ in their
part numbers are fully compatible with TTL logic levels, while the ones
without a ‘T’ are logic- and pinout-compatible with TTL but operate with
CMOS logic levels. Since the 1990s, CMOS logic ICs have surpassed TTL
logic in popularity; however, TTL logic is still manufactured and is quite
MOSFET operation resembles that of the JFETs studied previously. As
shown schematically in Fig. 10.7, in an N-channel MOSFET, a positive

134 Hands-on electronics

VGS Semiconductor

Source Drain

N-type N-type


Fig. 10.7. Schematic representation of an ‘enhancement-mode’ N-channel MOSFET.

gate–source voltage attracts current carriers into the channel between the
drain and source, allowing current to flow. A gate–source voltage near
zero (or negative) closes the channel and prevents current flow between
drain and source. When the channel is open, the drain–source resistance
is quite small (≈10–100 ), while the drain–source resistance is large (of
order megohms) when the channel is closed. The MOSFET thus acts like
a switch.
Notice that to turn on an N-channel MOSFET, the gate voltage is brought
positive with respect to the source. For a JFET, this would result in a
large current flowing through the gate to the source since the gate–source
junction would act as a forward-biased diode. This does not occur in
MOSFETs since the gate and channel are separated by a layer of insu-
lating oxide. The oxide layer allows the electric field to penetrate without
allowing current to pass. The input impedance for MOSFETs is conse-
quently even greater than for JFETs! Also notice that, unlike JFET opera-
tion, the drain–source channel is normally closed. A positive gate voltage
of a few to several volts is required to open the channel and allow current
to flow.
For P-channel MOSFETs, the voltage relationships are reversed: the
channel is open when the gate–source voltage is negative and closed when
the gate–source voltage is near zero (or positive).
Combining an N-channel and P-channel MOSFET gives a comple-
mentary pair of switches that open and close opposite each other. Two

135 10 Combinational logic

Vcc Vcc Vcc

P-channel Switch 1

Vin Vout Vout Vout

G N-channel
Switch 2

Fig. 10.8. Schematic representations of a CMOS inverter constructed using one

N-channel and one P-channel MOSFET.

MOSFETs can thus be combined in parallel to create an inverter, as shown

in Fig. 10.8. A NAND gate can be constructed by adding two more
MOSFETs (see Fig. 10.9). The inverter operates as follows.
r When the input is high, the N-channel MOSFET is on and has a
low resistance between drain and source, while the P-channel MOSFET
is off and has a high resistance between drain and source. The
output is thus connected through a low-resistance path to ground and
goes low.
r If the input is near ground, the P-channel MOSFET is on while the N-
channel MOSFET is off. The output now has a low-resistance path
to VCC and is pulled high.
A drawback is that if the input is at an intermediate voltage, then both
channels are partially open, which results in current flowing through both
FETs from power to ground. While CMOS logic draws very little power
when in a steady state (i.e., all signals either high or low), it thus draws
much more power when signals are switching between high and low.
Another drawback of MOSFETs is their sensitivity to static-electricity
discharge. The oxide insulating layer between the gate and the channel
is usually quite thin and easily damaged. Static charge accumulating on
a human in cold, dry conditions can easily develop a potential of sev-
eral thousand volts. Although the total energy released is small, if this is
discharged in a spark to a MOSFET, it is sometimes sufficient to blast a hole

136 Hands-on electronics

Vcc Vcc
P-channel L L H
P-channel H H L

G N-channel 330

G N-channel LED

Fig. 10.9. Schematic representation of a CMOS NAND gate with LED logic-level

through the oxide layer, destroying the MOSFET. You’ve probably heard
of static-sensitive electronics such as computer memory cards. These cards
are constructed using MOSFETs.
To minimize the accidental destruction of components, we’ve chosen
medium-power MOSFETS for this lab – these are much more robust (and
less sensitive to static) than the tiny, high-speed MOSFETS used inside
high-density chips.

10.2.4 Powering TTL and TTL-compatible integrated circuits

Unlike the 741 and 311 chips that you’ve used previously, the logic chips
to be used here will require only a single +5 V supply rather than separate
positive and negative supplies. As in the case of the 741, the actual power
connections are often omitted in schematic diagrams, but you must not
forget to make those connections. Note that not all chips have the same
number of pins; furthermore, even among chips with the same number of
pins, not all follow the same convention in power-supply connections. You
must look up the pinout of each chip you employ!

137 10 Combinational logic

Be careful! Note that TTL and CMOS ICs are guaranteed to be destroyed if by mistake
you power them backwards! They may also be destroyed if you apply a voltage higher
than 7 V to any pin (5.5 V for the original 7400 TTL family).

10.3 Experiments

10.3.1 LED logic indicators and level switches

The PB-503 breadboard has eight built-in LED indicators. These are in-
tended for use as logic-level displays. A high level applied to the input
will light the LED – try connecting one to ground or +5 V and see that
it works. (If you ever find a need for more than eight indicators, you
can augment the built-in indicators with individual LEDs in series with
several-hundred-ohm current-limiting resistors; this is also a good solution
if your breadboard lacks built-in logic indicators.)
 Drive an LED logic indicator with a variable voltage between 0 and 5 V.
Explore the threshold voltage and compare with the CMOS and TTL
logic levels.
Two single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switches are available at the lower
right-hand side of the PB-503. The PB-503 also provides a bank of eight
‘level’ switches in a unit located near the lower-left corner. These can be
used as logic-level switches, as shown in Fig. 10.10. The switches make a
connection either to power or to ground. The power voltage depends on the
setting of a ‘master’ switch located to the right of the eight-switch unit, and
allows for flexibility when working with low-voltage CMOS ICs or other
nonstandard ICs. Older versions of the PB-503 have a bank of SPST DIP

+5 +5

1--100 k SPDT
TTL or CMOS Switch

Fig. 10.10. Logic-level switch using either an SPST or SPDT switch and a pull-up resistor
as shown.

138 Hands-on electronics

switches instead of logic switches. (If your breadboard doesn’t have logic
switches, refer to Fig. 10.10 for details on how to use the SPST switch bank
as logic-level switches.)
 Figure out how to use the logic-level switches to turn an LED indicator
on and off. Explain how the indicator works.
CMOS inputs require well defined input voltages; therefore, a CMOS
input must always be connected either to power or ground or to a CMOS
(or in some cases TTL) output. Unpredictable behavior (as well as exces-
sive current flow from the power supply to ground) will result otherwise.
TTL is more forgiving, and SPST switches can easily be used as TTL
level switches, even without a pull-up resistor. As we will explore in more
detail later, an unconnected TTL input usually behaves as if connected
to a logic high: you assert a TTL low logic level at an input by con-
necting it to ground, whereas an open input acts like a high logic level.
With one end of the SPST switch connected to ground, you can thus
set the switch ‘on’ to assert a TTL low input level, or ‘off’ to assert a
TTL high.

10.3.2 MOSFETs
To demonstrate MOSFET behavior, construct the circuits shown in
Fig. 10.11.
 For both N- and P-channel MOSFETs, vary the gate voltage between 0
and 5 V and measure the channel resistance as a function of gate voltage.
Note: if you try to measure the resistance directly with the meter, you

Vcc (5 V) Vcc (5 V)

S 1 kΩ

G P-channel
L 0L
0 610 Vout 061
G N-channel
D 1 kΩ D

Fig. 10.11. Circuits for measuring the channel resistance as a function of gate voltage.

139 10 Combinational logic

will fail, since the quiescent current flowing in the channel will confuse
the ohmmeter! Measure the output voltage and infer the resistance using
the voltage-divider equation.
 On a single graph, plot the channel resistance for both the N- and
P-channel MOSFETs vs. gate voltage. Comment on your results.
As discussed above, the complementary nature of P- and N-channel
MOSFETs which you’ve just demonstrated can be used to create logic
 Build the gate shown in Fig. 10.8 and determine its function.
You can easily display the output using an LED indicator. If you use
discrete components, don’t forget the current-limiting resistor (about
330 ) – connect the LED and resistor in series between the CMOS output
and ground. In either case, if the LED is on the output is high, and if the
LED is off the output is low.
 Apply CMOS logic levels to the input and note the output. Make a truth
table and verify that the gate inverts the logic level of the input.
 The TTL output of the function generator puts out a square waveform
whose low voltage level is near zero volts and whose high is near +5 V.
Use it to apply a signal to the input, and measure the output slew rate
(i.e., the transition speed from high to low and from low to high). How
does the output transition speed compare with the transition speed of the
input square wave?
 Measure the input and output impedances and compare your results with
your expectations. The output impedance should be measured for both
high and low output logic states, using a pull-up resistor to +5 V or a
pull-down resistor to ground as appropriate (try a 330  resistor). (If
you used a discrete-component LED indicator, you should disconnect it
to avoid confusion, or else figure out how to take it into account.)
The inverter can be converted to a NAND gate with the addition of two
more MOSFETs. Do so as shown in Fig. 10.9. Connect the output to a logic
 Using logic switches, verify the truth table.
 Tie one input to +5 V and the other to a TTL square wave. Measure the
transition speed of the output.
 Measure the output impedance with both inputs high as well as with
both inputs low. Compare these results with the values measured for the
inverter. Does the output impedance depend on the output logic level?
How does the output voltage level depend on the output load?

140 Hands-on electronics

10.3.3 CMOS NAND gate

From your collection of chips, select a 74HC00 quad NAND gate. Referring
to the pinout diagram (Fig. 10.2.), you will note that the ground connection
is at pin 7 and +5 V at pin 14, a typical although not universal configuration.
Again, disaster will strike if you hook up the chip backwards and apply
Carefully insert the 74HC00 so that it straddles the central groove of a
breadboard section. (When inserting a new chip into the breadboard, you
need to pay attention to all of the pins and make sure none of them is bent,
since a bent pin will fail to make contact.)
Check that the power is off. Then run jumpers to pins 7 and 14 of the
chip from the ground and +5 busses, respectively. For now we are going
to use just one of the four gates on this chip, the one whose output is at
pin 3 and whose inputs are at pins 1 and 2. Connect pin 3 to an LED logic
indicator. Connect pins 1 and 2 to level switches. Ground all other inputs.
After double-checking that the connections are correct, turn on the power.
Note: the 74HC00 can source only 5 mA of current; therefore, if you use
discrete components for your LED logic indicator, you will need to buffer
the output through a transistor. This is most simply done using an N-channel
MOSFET: connect the source to ground, the gate to pin 3 of the 74HC00,
and the LED and current limiting resistor in series from the drain to the +5
V supply.
 Connect the inputs to logic switches and try all four input combinations.
Record the truth table (in terms of logic levels).
 Connect pin 1 to +5 V and drive pin 2 from the TTL output of the function
generator. Measure the output rise and fall times and propagation delay of
the 74HC00. Compare with the values listed on the 74HC00 data sheet.
For measurements of propagation delay, it is useful to define the transition
times of the input and output signals as the times at which they cross 2.5
V, which is about half-way between high and low. A good technique for
precise timing of logic signals is to set both scope channels to 1 or 2 V/
division and use the scope’s vertical-position knobs to put ground 2.5 V
below the center of the graticule; then you can easily measure the time at
which each signal crosses 2.5 V.

10.3.4 Using NANDs to implement other logic functions

As mentioned above, NANDs are a ‘universal’ logic function in the sense
that any Boolean-logic function can be constructed from them (the same

141 10 Combinational logic

is true of NOR and XOR). In the early days of logic chips, only NAND
was available, since AND and OR functions require more transistors to
 Construct the following two-input logic circuits using only NAND gates:
To figure out the necessary logic, you can make use of DeMorgan’s the-
orems (Eqs. 10.1 and 10.2). Recall that you can use a NAND gate as an
inverter if needed – just connect the two inputs together, or tie one input
 Write down your schematic diagram for each circuit, indicating pin num-
bers next to each input and output that you use. These should be logic
diagrams, i.e., gate symbols arranged in a logical order according to their
function (like the schematics in the following chapters), not chip-level
diagrams (such as in Fig. 10.2).
 Drive each circuit using two switches on your breadboard and verify
that it gives the desired output for each of the four possible input states.
Record the truth table for each logic circuit.
Sometimes it is useful to have a gate that outputs a true if one or the
other input is true, but not both. Such a gate is called an exclusive-OR
(XOR) gate. In Boolean algebra the exclusive-OR of A and B is denoted
by A ⊕ B. As we shall see below, an XOR can be used to test two numbers
for equality; it also can be used to produce the sum bit for a 1-bit binary
 Construct an XOR circuit out of NANDs. It should turn on an LED
indicator when either input is high but not when both are.
It is easy to see how to do this with five gates; it can also be done with
only four. Be sure to show, both using Boolean algebra and using truth
tables for the intermediate signals in your circuit, that indeed you have
implemented an exclusive-OR.
 Show how to use an XOR to test two signals for equality. Try it out
and show that it works, displaying the XOR output with an LED logic
indicator. Does the LED light for equality or for inequality? Why?

10.3.5 TTL quad XOR gate

Use TTL chips for this exercise, as floating inputs will not work with CMOS
With a 7486 quad two-input XOR gate, you can test two 4-bit binary
numbers for equality.

142 Hands-on electronics

 Using all four XOR gates on the 7486, plus whatever additional gates
you need, design a circuit whose output indicates whether the two halves
of the 8-bit level switch are set equal (LED on if they are equal, off if
they are different).
You will find that this is quite cumbersome using NAND gates, since equal-
ity corresponds to all four 7486 outputs being low. But it becomes much
simpler if you use OR gates such as the 7432.
 Record your schematic including pin numbers, build your circuit, and try
it out. Allow one or more inputs to float by leaving them unconnected.
Is your observation consistent with the general property of 7400-series
TTL chips that floating input lines default to a high state?
This is a handy feature when testing circuits on a breadboard, but it is good
design practice not to rely on it – to be certain of reliable operation and
be maximally insensitive to noise, if you are using a gate in a circuit, you
should connect all of its inputs either to high or low or to outputs of other
 Display the output with a logic indicator and verify that your circuit
works for a few representative cases. Record the input and output in
each case.

10.4 Additional exercises

10.4.1 7485 4-bit magnitude comparator

This single chip does the work of the circuit you have just constructed
and more. If you have time, look up this chip in a logic data book or
on the web, familiarize yourself with its operation, and test it on your
breadboard. Describe how the function of this chip differs from the circuit
you constructed in section 10.3.5.

11 Flip-flops: saving a logic state

Next we turn to flip-flops. Also known grandiosely as bistable multivibra-

tors, these devices can remember their past. Their behavior thus depends
not only on their present input but also on their internal state. Circuits
containing flip-flops are termed sequential logic circuits, since their state
depends on the sequence of inputs that is presented to them. A truth table
is not sufficient to describe the operation of a sequential circuit – you need
a timing diagram.
One category of sequential-logic circuits is the finite-state machine,
which goes through a predetermined sequence of states, advancing to the
next state each time it receives a clock pulse. We will encounter some
examples of state machines in this chapter, including divide-by-two and
divide-by-four counters. A useful tool in understanding a state machine is
a state diagram, showing the sequence of states through which the circuit
Some of these circuits will probably be the most complicated you have
wired up so far. Prepare carefully in advance and you will find you can
complete these exercises easily; if you are unprepared, it is likely to take
you three to four times as long!

Apparatus required
The ideas explored in the following exercises apply equally whether CMOS
or TTL gates are used – use whichever is most convenient. You will need a
quad NAND (7400), a dual D-type flip-flop (7474), and a dual JK flip-flop
(74112). In addition, you will need a 74373, a breadboard, two 1 k 14 W
resistors, and a two-channel oscilloscope with two attenuating probes. (If
possible, avoid unnecessary complications by not mixing CMOS and TTL
chips within a single circuit.)


144 Hands-on electronics

11.1 General comments

11.1.1 Schematics
For each of the following exercises be sure to write down a complete
schematic diagram of each circuit you build, including pin numbers (but
power and ground connections need not be shown). Often when one wires
up a circuit off the top of one’s head, it fails to work. Writing down the
schematic showing all pin numbers is a powerful debugging tool, since it
makes incorrect connections much more obvious.

11.1.2 Breadboard layout

To keep your breadboard organized, it is a good idea to use one vertical bus
for power and another for ground, so that power and ground connections
to each chip can be made with short jumpers. A neat layout is easier to
debug than a messy one! Remember that the top and bottom busses on the
PB-503 are not connected internally.

11.1.3 Synchronous logic

The circuits in this chapter introduce the concept of synchronous logic
design. In an asynchronous circuit, signals can change at any time, requiring
the designer to work out in detail the signal propagation delays through all
possible paths to make sure that the circuit will work as intended. In contrast,
in a synchronous circuit, output signals change only in response to a clock
signal. Usually there is one common clock for an entire circuit, and its
transitions (low-to-high or high-to-low) – commonly referred to as rising
or falling ‘clock edges’ – are used to synchronize all other state changes
in the circuit. This approach leads to circuits that are easier to design and
analyze than asynchronous circuits. The synchronous approach is therefore
standard in microprocessors (for example) – we have all learned to rate the
processing power of computer chips in terms of their clock speed.

11.1.4 Timing diagrams

Timing diagrams are essential when analyzing synchronous logic circuits.
As shown in Fig. 11.1, timing diagrams for a synchronous circuit usually
show the clock signal, one or more inputs, and one or more outputs. Time
is shown on the x axis and signal logic levels on the y axis. Signal levels

145 11 Flip-flops

tH : hold time
tSU : setup time
tPD tPW : pulse width
tPD : propagation delay
tTLH : transition time (low--high)
tTHL : transition time (high--low)

Fig. 11.1. Timing diagram with timing definitions for a rising-edge-triggered flip-flop.
Note that the rising edge of the clock signal causes the output to change while the falling
edge of the clock signal has no effect on the flip-flop.

are shown as either high or low – we tend not to worry in timing dia-
grams about analog details such as the exact voltage to which high and low
Fig. 11.1 defines several important terms. The time between a clock edge
and the resulting changing edge of the output is defined as the propagation
delay (tPD ). Note how the time is measured from the midpoint between logic
low and high. The setup time (tSU ) is the minimum time that an input signal
must be stable preceding a clock edge. The hold time (tH ) specifies the
minimum time that the input signal must be stable following a clock edge.
The transition time measures the time required for a signal to transition
from logic low to high (tTLH ) or from logic high to low (tTHL ).
These timing parameters are specified in the data sheets. Manufacturers
guarantee that the IC will perform correctly if the user satisfies the specified
minimum values. The specs are usually worst-case values. For example,
the measured propagation delay is almost always less than the maximum
value specified by the manufacturer. Although manufacturers often specify
the typical propagation delay as well, it is not guaranteed – safe designers
heed the minima and maxima, not the ‘typicals’.

11.2 Flip-flop basics

11.2.1 Simple RS latch

The circuit shown in Fig. 11.2 is the simplest flip-flop: an RS latch made
of cross-coupled NANDs (an equally simple RS latch can be made from

146 Hands-on electronics

S 1 S 1
4 7400 Q 4 7400 Q

1 1
4 7400 Q 4 7400 Q * but note that the state after LL input
R R condition is removed depends on which
input signal goes high first; if both go
high “simultaneously,” state is undefined

Fig. 11.2. Simple RS latch made of two-input NANDs with state table.

NORs). R and S refer to reset and set (reset is also known as clear).
set turns Q on while reset (clear) turns Q off. Q is the opposite of Q,
except when both S and R are asserted.

Note on assertion-level logic notation

The inputs in Fig. 11.2 are active low – a low input forces a particular
output condition, while a high input does nothing. We have therefore taken
advantage of DeMorgan’s theorem to write the circuit in terms of negative-
logic OR gates, rather than blindly using the NAND symbol just because
the 7400 is called a NAND gate by its manufacturer. Since the OR gate
with inverted inputs has the same truth table as the NAND gate, it is just
as good a symbol for 14 of a 7400 as the NAND symbol. And it is actually
better to use the OR symbol here, since it makes the circuit’s operation
easier to see at a glance.
The use of DeMorgan’s theorem in this way is called assertion-level
logic notation, and it is a kind of hybrid between positive logic and negative
logic – the idea is always to choose the gate symbol that best clarifies the
operation of the circuit.
 Build and test your flip-flop and record its state table (what its outputs
do for each of the four possible input states).
Keep in mind that what the flip-flop does for a given input may depend on
past history, so try a few different sequences of input states to make sure
you understand what it is doing. In other words, to see the entire state table
you need to try each input state for each of the flip-flop’s two internal states.
 How would the flip-flop’s operation be different if it were made of
positive-logic NORs? (You don’t need to build this circuit to answer
the question.)
Leave the RS latch in place for use later in this chapter.

147 11 Flip-flops

4 10

2 5 12 9
1 1
2 7474 2 7474
3 6 11 8
clk Q clk Q

1 Vcc = pin 14 13
X = Don’t Care
* but note that the state after LL input
Gnd = pin 7 condition is removed depends on which
input signal goes high first; if both go
high “simultaneously,” state is undefined

Fig. 11.3. 7474 D-type flip-flop with state table.

output is stable
OUT output state
between rising
is not specified
clock edges unpredictable output
preceding the first
rising clock edge due to changing input
coincident with clock edge
minimum setup time
not satisfied


Fig. 11.4. Sample timing diagram for a (positive-edge-triggered) 7474 D-type flip-flop.

11.2.2 D-type flip-flop

In practice, RS latches are seldom used. The most commonly used flip-
flop is the clocked D-type, which remembers the state of its D input at
the time of a clock transition, but is insensitive to D at all other times.
We will use the 7474 D-type flip-flop (Fig. 11.3), which is sensitive to
rising clock edges (low-to-high transitions); in other words, it is positive-
edge-triggered. (Later in this chapter you will encounter a negative-edge-
triggered JK flip-flop.)
Note that, in addition to its ‘fancy’ D and clock inputs, the ’74 retains
the simple reset and set inputs of the RS latch (which are active low since
internally the ’74 is constructed from NANDs).
 Test the reset and set inputs and explain what they do; then tie them
to +5 V to make sure they are inactive.
Next check out the clocked operation of the ’74 (illustrated in Fig. 11.4).
Provide the clock signal using a momentary-contact breadboard ‘debounced
push-button’ and the D input using a breadboard logic switch, and display

148 Hands-on electronics

the Q and Q outputs using logic indicators. When using the debounced
push-buttons on the PB-503, be sure to add a pull-up resistor (as you did
for the logic-level switches; see Fig. 10.10).
 Show that information presented on the D input is ignored except during
clock transitions by changing the state of D while the clock is low or
high. What happens?
 Now check whether the set and reset inputs take precedence over the
clock and D inputs: for example, try asserting reset (i.e. apply a low
level to it) and see whether you can clock in a high level applied at D.
 Disconnect the D input from the logic switch and connect the Q output
to the D input to make a toggling flip-flop. (Be sure to deassert set and
reset.) What happens now when you apply clocks?
 Try clocking the toggling flip-flop using a digital square wave from the
function generator, and use the scope to look at the input and output si-
multaneously. This is sometimes called a divide-by-two circuit – explain
what this means.
 Measure the flip-flop’s propagation delay, i.e., the time from the clock
transition to the change of output voltage – what is it? Is it about what
you would expect for chips of this family? How does it compare with
the manufacturer’s specifications? Be sure to trigger the scope on Q, not
the clock signal.
As mentioned above, a good technique for precise timing of digital signals
is to set both scope channels to 1 or 2 V/division and use the scope’s vertical-
position knobs to overlay both grounds below the center of the graticule;
then, you can easily measure the time at which each signal crosses the
midpoint between logic low and logic high (1.5 V for TTL and 2.5 V for
standard CMOS).

11.3 JK flip-flop

The JK flip-flop (Fig. 11.5) is slightly more complicated than the D flip-
flop; it can do everything a D can do plus more. The following exercises
use a negative-edge-triggered JK flip-flop with set and reset. Various
chips are available (e.g., the 74HC112 or the 74LS76) – which you use will
depend on what you have to hand; however, for the following exercises we
recommend using the 74112 JK flip-flop. Be sure to review the data sheet
to ensure that you have the correct pinout.

149 11 Flip-flops

4 10

3 S 11 S
J 5 J 9
1 1 13 1
clk 2 74112 clk 2 74112
6 7
2 Q 12 Q
15 Vcc = pin 16 14

Gnd = pin 8

Fig. 11.5. Pinout of the 74112 JK flip-flop.

Tie set and reset high and explore the JK’s clocked operation. (Note
that the 74112 senses its J and K inputs only at downward transitions of
the clock; hence, it is referred to as negative-edge-triggered.)
 Driving the clock from a debounced push-button and J and K from logic
switches, check the four possible input states, and write down the JK
state table. As in the case of the RS latch above, you need to try each
input state for both possible internal states.
 Now add an inverter (made from a NAND if you like) from the J to the K
input to make a D flip-flop. Drive J from a level switch and write down
the state table to verify that the circuit acts like a D flip-flop.
 Next remove the inverter and connect J and K together. Try it out and
write down the state table. What does this circuit do? How is it different
from the toggling D flip-flop?

11.4 Tri-state outputs

The ICs that we have used so far have two, and only two, valid output
states: high and low. Nowadays, it is common for some logic ICs to have
three output states.
There are situations in which the designer wishes the output to be neither
high nor low! Rather, in such situations, one wants to turn off the output
completely, i.e., the output should become a high impedance. The third
state is thus referred to as the ‘high-Z ’ state. This feature allows multiple
outputs to be connected in parallel, as long as all but one of them are in
the high-Z state. A common example of the use of tri-state outputs is the

150 Hands-on electronics

connection of multiple memory chips (say 4 Mbytes each) in parallel to

build up a memory system (say 64 Mbytes).
We can explore the third output state using the 74373 octal D-type
transparent-latch IC. The ’373 is often used to drive a data bus, and is
equipped with three-state outputs to allow the bus to be driven in parallel
by multiple data sources (‘drivers’). The eight output pins are driven by
the IC when the output enable OE is held low, and they go into the high-Z
state when OE is high.
The ’373 is equipped with a latch enable LE instead of a clock. Data are
transferred from the input to the output while LE is high. The outputs are
latched (held constant) while LE is low. This type of flip-flop is called a
transparent latch.
 Begin by wiring the ’373 as shown in Fig. 11.6. (If logic-level switches
are available, use them for the LE, OE, and D inputs in place of the
resistor-SPST switch combinations shown.) Be sure LE is high and OE
is low. Choose any one of the D, Q pairs and apply a valid logic level to
the D input. Verify that the Q output follows the D input for both input
states. Measure the propagation delay between the input and output.
 Set D high and observe the output voltage (voltage at the output pin) as
you vary the potentiometer setting (there is no need to be excessively
quantitative here). Repeat your observation with D low. Explain why the
potentiometer has little effect on the output voltage.
 Set LE low. Does the output logic level vary as the input changes? Explain
your observations.

(a) (b)
+5 V
+5 V
+5 V
VCC 8Q 8D 7D 7Q 6Q 6D 5D 5Q LE 1 kΩ

D Q 10 k pot
OE 1Q 1D 2D 2Q 3Q 3D 4D 4Q GND

1 kΩ

Fig. 11.6. (a) Pinout and power connections for the 74373. (b) Input and output
connections for testing the tri-state output. Unlabeled resistors merely need to be large
enough to prevent excessive current flow from +5 V to ground (e.g. 1 k or larger).

151 11 Flip-flops

 Set LE high and OE high. Observe the output voltage as you vary
the potentiometer. Explain your observations. Does the output behave
differently for input high and input low?
 Now set the input either high or low, record the input state, then set
LE low.
 Set OE low. The input state at the moment that LE was set low should
have been latched internally, independent of the state of OE. Does the
’373 remember the last input state correctly?
 In your own words and based on your observations, explain the operation
and features of the 74373.

11.5 Flip-flop applications

11.5.1 Divide-by-four from JK flip-flops

Ripple counter
Cascading two toggling flip-flops makes a divide-by-four circuit, otherwise
known as a two-bit counter.
 First make the two-bit asynchronous or ‘ripple’ counter shown in
Fig. 11.7. (This circuit is asynchronous in that it does not have a common
clock signal for all flip-flops.) Clock it from a push-button while looking
at the two Q outputs with logic indicators, and verify that it divides by
four, i.e., that the output square wave changes state at 14 the frequency
of the input clock. Write down its state diagram.
 Clock it with a square wave and look at the clock and the outputs on
the scope. To see the binary counting pattern, watch clock and Q0 , then
Q0 and Q1 , always triggering on the slower waveform. Write down the


Q0 Q1


Fig. 11.7. Divide-by-four ripple counter.

152 Hands-on electronics


J Q0 J Q1


Fig. 11.8. Synchronous divide-by-four counter.

timing diagram and label the states with their numeric values (0 through
3), interpreting Q0 as the low-order bit and Q1 as the high-order bit of a
2-bit binary number.
 Turn the scope’s sweep rate up until you can see the ‘ripple’: Q0 and Q1
don’t change at the same time. Explain why not. (Be sure to look at both
edges of Q1 .)

Synchronous counter
Now configure the circuit in its synchronous form (Fig. 11.8).
 Use the scope to confirm that the ripple is gone, and make a timing
diagram showing this. You can see that, unlike D flip-flops, JK flip-flops
are natural for building synchronous counters – explain.
Keep your synchronous counter (and RS latch) for the next exercise.

11.5.2 Contact bounce

When a mechanical switch closes or opens, there is usually an effect called
‘contact bounce’. This means that the switch closes and opens repeatedly
for a period of order milliseconds until the contacts settle down. This makes
no difference if you are turning on a light, but if you are sending a clock
pulse to a counter made of high-speed devices, the counter can react to
each bounce and therefore count a random number of times.
First use the scope to observe contact bounce directly. Hook up an SPDT
(single-pole-double-throw) switch as in Fig. 11.9(a).
 Set the scope’s sweep rate in the vicinity of 0.1 to 1 ms/division, use
‘normal’ triggering, and look at the output of the switch as you open
and close the contact. Play with the trigger threshold and sweep rate

153 11 Flip-flops

(a) (b) +5

4 7400 ÷4

4 7400

Fig. 11.9. (a) Looking at contact bounce by driving a divide-by-four counter from a
switch. (b) A NAND latch is used as a debouncer.

to see if you can discern the bounces. Make a sketch of the observed
 Next, clock your two-bit counter from the switch and see what happens.
Write down some typical sequences of states. How is the contact bounce
affecting the sequence?

RS latch as debouncer
Now use the RS latch from the first exercise as a switch debouncer
(Fig. 11.9(b)). (Although D and JK flip-flops are used for most flip-flop
applications, switch debouncing is one area in which RS latches continue
to hold their own.)
 Connect the switch to the latch as shown, and use the output from the latch
to clock the counter. Verify that the counting sequence is now correct.
Explain why this works. (The PB-503’s momentary-contact switches are
already debounced by RS latches built into the unit.)

11.5.3 Electronic coin toss

The RS-latch debouncer from the previous section can be combined with a
D-type flip-flop to create an electronic coin-toss game. To build the circuit,
connect the output of the RS-latch debouncer to the clock input of a D-type
flip-flop. Connect the digital output of the function generator to the D input
and connect the Q output to a logic indicator. Set the function-generator

154 Hands-on electronics

frequency to about 10 Hz. Operate the switch and observe the output. You
can assign the LED ‘on’ to be heads and ‘off’ to be tails.
 Write down the circuit diagram with pin numbers and explain how this
circuit works.
 Record a sequence of ten coin tosses. Is the sequence random? Repeat
another sequence of ten. How many tosses are required to determine if
the system is truly random? If you were an unscrupulous game designer,
how could you skew the ratio of heads to tails?

12 Monostables, counters, multiplexers,
and RAM

This chapter will introduce a variety of techniques that are important in

sequential-logic design. Such designs often make use of pulses of various
durations. Sometimes a logic pulse of a given width needs to be formed in
response to a particular input condition, e.g. to standardize a pulse from a
push-button. Monostable multivibrators are the usual solution. In addition
to monostables of a given logic family (such as the 74121, ’122, ’123, etc.),
there are also available the family of timer chips (such as the 555); the latter
are particularly useful when a long pulse of stable and reproducible width
is needed.
In this chapter you will also explore counters and their uses in timing
and addressing. As an example of the use of an address counter, you will
store and retrieve information in a small memory chip.
Be sure to write down the circuit’s schematic, with pin numbers, for ev-
ery circuit you build. You will find the schematic especially useful should
your circuit not work. A simple review of the schematic will often re-
veal the source of the problem. Futhermore, a schematic is essential when
debugging subtle errors.

Apparatus required
Breadboard, oscilloscope, 7400 NAND, two 7490 and one 7493 counter,
74121 (or similar) one-shot, 74150 multiplexer, 7489, 74189, or 74219
RAM chip, two TIL311 displays, assorted resistors and capacitors.

The circuits in this lab are rather involved, and many of the details of their
design are left for you to work out. You will need to work them out in
advance if you are to have any hope of completing the exercises in a timely

156 Hands-on electronics

12.1 Multivibrators

Multivibrator circuits fall into three general categories.

r Astable. These circuits have no stable state but keep changing from one
state to the other, hence the name multivibrator. They are very useful
as clocks or oscillators. (You used a 555 as an astable multivibrator in
chapter 9.)
r Bistable. These circuits can be induced to go from one state to another,
and can remain in either state permanently after the input signals have
been removed. They are thus stable in both of their allowed states. The
more common term for bistable multivibrator is flip-flop.
r Monostable. These circuits have only a single stable state. They can be
forced out of their stable state by a trigger pulse, but they return to it after a
very limited period of time. The primary use for monostables is to create
pulses of known duration from triggering pulses of shorter, longer, or
variable duration. Monostables are widely used to generate ‘gate’ signals
for counter circuits. They are considered to be hybrid analog/digital chips
in that the digital output is typically determined by the RC time constant
of an external analog circuit connected to the chip. Another term for
monostable multivibrator is one-shot, since it is a device that ‘shoots’
once (i.e., issues an output pulse) each time it receives an input signal.
Among monostables, the 555 timer is the best choice for pulse widths
ranging from milliseconds to hours, and for applications in which the pulse
width must be stable to better than 0.05%. In digital designs, monostables
such as the 74121 are preferred for pulse widths ranging from about 40 ns
to 10 ms, and will operate up to tens of seconds, but their pulse widths are
not as predictable or stable.

12.2 Counters

In the last lab you wired up a divide-by-four circuit. That was of course
a 2-bit binary counter. Counters are so useful that IC manufacturers pro-
vide 4-bit (and more) counters as a single chip, with carry-in and carry-
out connections that allow them to be ‘cascaded’ in multiple stages for
8-bit, 12-bit, or greater range. Cascading means connecting multiple chips
together (as in the multiple digits of a car’s odometer) so that each chip

157 12 Monostables, counters, multiplexers, and RAM

counts when the preceding one ‘rolls over’ from its maximum count back
to zero. Counters are available in both binary and decimal versions and
in synchronous and asynchronous (‘ripple-through’) configurations, with
various arrangements of set, reset, and clock inputs.
Four-bit binary counters count from 0–15 and then ‘roll over’ to 0 again,
possibly issuing a carry-out signal to the next stage. (More specifically,
synchronous counters issue a carry-out, while for negative-edge-triggered
asynchronous counters, the high-order output bit from the preceding stage
serves to clock the next stage.)
Decimal counters work basically in the same way as binary counters,
except that they roll over (and possibly issue carry-out) at 9 rather than at
15; this makes them useful for driving decimal displays, which are easier
for humans to interpret than binary. Note that decimal counters are also
referred to as decade or BCD (‘binary-coded decimal’) counters. Some
are actually bi-quinary counters, i.e., a divide-by-five stage coupled to a

12.3 Experiments

12.3.1 Bi-quinary ripple counter

The 7490 (Fig. 12.1) is a negative-edge-triggered bi-quinary ripple counter.
It advances from one state to the next on the falling edge of its clock input. It
consists of a 1-bit divide-by-two stage and a 3-bit divide-by-five stage that
can be cascaded two different ways. One way produces a decimal counting
sequence (0 through 9); the second produces a divide-by-ten sequence in

+5: pin 5 7490

GND: pin 10 12 9 8 11
14 .. 2 1
.. 5
R0 R9 R0 R9


Fig. 12.1. Pinout of 7490 decade counter.

158 Hands-on electronics

1 +5 +5 14

2 D1 D2 13

3 D0 D3 12


5 LE DPR 10

TIL 311
7 GND BI 8

Fig. 12.2. Pinout of TIL311 hex display: D0–D3 are data inputs, DPL and DPR connect to
LEDs for left and right decimal points, LE = high latches the input data, and BI = high
blanks the display.

which the high-order bit is a square wave at one-tenth the frequency of the
input clock.
 First figure out how to configure a 7490 as a divide-by-ten, clock it with
a digital square wave, and verify that the output is indeed a symmetrical
(i.e. high half the time and low half the time) square wave at one-tenth
the input frequency. Write down the state table and sketch the timing
diagram for the four output bits with respect to the clock input. (Also,
don’t forget to write down your complete schematic with pin numbers.)
 Next configure your 7490 as a decimal counter, so that as successive
clock pulses are applied it sequences through the states 0–9 in order
(0000, 0001, 0010, . . . , 1001).
 Display the state of the counter with a TIL311 hexadecimal LED display
(Fig. 12.2), as explained in the following paragraphs.

TIL311 numeric display

The TIL311 is a handy (but expensive) hexadecimal display that combines,
in a single package, 22 LEDs, each with its own driver circuit, a latch that
can store the four input bits, and a decoder that decides which LEDs to
turn on for a given input state. Note that, unlike most chips, the TIL311
has three notches on its package (rather than one), as indicated in Fig 12.2.
Also, pins 6, 9 and 11 are missing. The data sheet can be obtained from
the Texas Instruments website.1 Although the TIL311 is a TTL device, it
1 http://www.ti.com/

159 12 Monostables, counters, multiplexers, and RAM

will display correctly the output of a CMOS chip, since CMOS logic levels
satisfy the TTL input criteria.2
To display a 4-bit hexadecimal number, connect the digital signals for
the four bits to the pins labeled D0, D1, D2, D3, with D3 being the high-
order (23 ) bit. Ground BI (blanking input – when high the display is blank)
and LE (latch enable – latches input when high). Since you don’t want
to display a decimal point, leave the DPL (decimal place left) and DPR
(decimal place right) pins open. If you wish to experiment with the decimal
place LEDs, be sure to use a current-limiting resistor in series with the input
pins. See the TIL311 data sheet for additional information concerning these
 Clock your counter from a debounced switch and confirm that it and the
display both work. What are the state table and timing diagram for the
four outputs?
 Try out the R0 and R9 inputs – what do they do?
 Add a second 7490 and TIL311 so that you can count from 0–99. Clock
your circuit from a digital square wave at several hertz and verify that it
works. Save it for use in the following sections.

12.3.2 Monostable multivibrator

The object of this exercise is to design a circuit that generates a pulse of
about 500 ␮s duration. To determine experimentally whether your one-shot
is functioning properly, use its output to gate the clock to your two-digit
decimal counter, i.e., present the counter with a stream of clock pulses only
while the one-shot is firing (see Fig. 12.3). The counter will count up the
number of clock pulses, which is proportional to the duration of the pulse
from the one-shot.
Fig. 12.4 shows the pinout of the 74121 and 74123 monostable multivi-
brators. For the RC timing network, use a conveniently sized resistor and
capacitor – the timing rules vary by family and type, so be sure to refer to
the correct data sheet for your one-shot. In brief, the predicted output pulse
width is given by
 
 ln 2Rext Cext (74121) 
tw = K Rext Cext (74LS123) . (12.1)
 
Rext Cext (74HC123)
2 But the converse is not true: TTL logic levels do not satisfy the CMOS input criteria.

160 Hands-on electronics

Gated Clock

Gate tW


Fig. 12.3. Timing diagram for a gated clock signal. Notice how the gated clock signal is
simply the logical NAND of the gate and clock signals.

5V 5V
Q tW
Rext Rext
Cext Cext

11 10 15 14

6 A 13
3 Q B
2 Trigger Q
A1 4
A2 5 Trigger
B 1 3 4
Q Clear Q
74121 74123

Fig. 12.4. Pinout of ’121 and ’123 one-shots with external RC timing network (see the
data sheets for details).

(In the above equation, K is a parameter specifed on the 74LS123 data

The output pulse begins following a rising edge at the trigger input. The
A and B inputs can be configured either to inhibit triggers, or to produce
a trigger from a rising B input or falling A inputs edge. Depending on the
specific chip used, there are either one or two A inputs (see Fig. 12.4).
There is always only one B input.
 Design and build logic that produces a gated clock signal as shown
in Fig. 12.3. Be sure to write down the schematic complete with pin
Use a debounced switch to trigger the monostable. Clock the two-digit
counter with the gated clock signal. Choose an appropriate input clock
frequency for timing the duration of the one-shot pulse. (Calibrate your
time scale by using the scope to measure carefully the period of your digital
square-wave clock input.) The clock frequency should be low enough that

161 12 Monostables, counters, multiplexers, and RAM

the counter does not go past 99, but high enough that the width of the
one-shot pulse can be measured accurately.
 Build the gated counter as described above. Include a push-button reset
that zeros the counter. Record the complete circuit diagram including all
pin numbers.
 Reset the counter and trigger the monostable. What pulse width is im-
plied by the value of the counter, and why? What clock frequency did
you choose, and why?
 Repeat the measurement about ten times over a period of five minutes in
order to determine the reproducibility and stability of the output pulse
width. Plot your results as a histogram and compute the mean and r.m.s.
(root-mean-square) duration.
(Save your two-digit counter for use in the next section.)

Note on gating clocks

When gating a clock with a signal that is independent of the clock (e.g.
the push-button), a standard problem arises. If the signal from the push-
button arrives while a clock pulse is in progress, a pulse of substandard
width might be produced (see Fig. 12.5). Similarly, since the one-shot
pulse might end during a clock pulse, a substandard pulse might also be
produced then. Since substandard clock pulses might fail to meet setup
or hold requirements of flip-flops and counters, it is wise to avoid gating
clocks whenever possible. When gating a clock is necessary, one normally
uses a pulse synchronization circuit such as the 74120 or a pair of cascaded
flip-flops to ensure that signals used to gate clocks do not change state
during the clock pulse.
 Why is your circuit insensitive to this problem?

clock pulses

Gated Clock



Fig. 12.5. Substandard outputs can result when gating clock signals.

162 Hands-on electronics

The 74123 ICs have several additional features that we haven’t explored
here. For example, the ’123 is a retriggerable monostable equipped with
a clear input. The retrigger feature allows the output to persist longer
than the time specified by Eq. 12.1 through the application of additional
trigger edges while the output pulse is in progress. clear allows the
output to be prematurely terminated. See the data sheets for details and
operating rules.
12.3.3 Multiplexer and finite-state machine
A multiplexer (or ‘mux’) is a device that connects one of n inputs to a
single output, under control of an input number in the range 0 to n − 1. It
can thus be used to select among n different input signals. It can also be
used to implement logic functions. For example, by connecting each of the
n inputs to low or high in a desired pattern, any desired 1-bit logic function
of the input number can be produced.
You can also use a mux plus a counter to generate an arbitrary timing-
pulse sequence: on each clock cycle, a different input will be selected, and
the output will be either high or low depending on the state of the corre-
sponding input. This is an example of a finite-state machine – it repeatedly
goes through a cycle of n internal states. Finite-state machines are often
useful in control applications (e.g., in deciding when to open the hot-water
valve in a washing machine).
Hook up the select inputs (A–D) of a ’150 16-to-1 multiplexer (Fig. 12.6)
to the outputs of the low-order counter chip from the previous exercise
(leave them connected to the hex display also). Note that the ’150 has an
enable input that needs to be held low. Since the ’150 is an inverting mux,
if you want its output to be high during counter state i, ground data input i.
 Which select input is high-order and which is low-order? What experi-
ment can you do to find out? Do it and find out.
 As an example of an arbitrary logic function, configure the ’150 to
identify which of the numbers from 0–9 are prime. Hard-wire the inputs
appropriately and connect the ’150 output to a logic indicator. Clock the
counter from a debounced push-button, and see if you are right – if not,
fix it. Record the truth table for this function.

12.3.4 RAM
A random-access memory (RAM) is a chip containing a large number of
flip-flops, each designated by a unique numeric address. Each flip-flop can

163 12 Monostables, counters, multiplexers, and RAM

16 Enable
D14 10
18 W
D8 74150
4 +5: pin24
D4 GND: pin12
15 14 13 11

Fig. 12.6. Pinout of 74150 16-to-1 multiplexer.

12 11
D I4 DO4
10 9
D I3 DO3
6 7
D I2 DO2
4 5
D I1 7489 DO1
2 +5: pin 16
ME GND: pin 8
1 15 14 13

Fig. 12.7. Pinout of 7489 16×4 RAM.

be accessed by address for reading or writing. Frequently, the flip-flops are

organized into multi-bit words, with each word separately addressable.
For example, the 7489 (Fig. 12.7), 74189, and 74219 are pin-compatible
64-bit RAM chips organized as sixteen words of 4 bits each. Each has
four address bits (labeled A through D) for selecting words 0–15, four data
inputs (DI1 through DI4 ) for writing a value into the word being addressed,
and four data outputs (DO1 through DO4 ) for reading the word being ad-
dressed. Of course, 64 bits in a chip is nothing nowadays, but it serves
conveniently to illustrate the random-access-memory principle using a
relatively simple chip.

164 Hands-on electronics

To write a 4-bit word into the memory, we (write enable) is brought

low. This causes the state of the inputs to be recorded in the word being
addressed. When we is high, the word being addressed is read nondestruc-
tively. Regardless of the state of we, the word being addressed appears at
the output. When the address bits change, the outputs settle to their new
value after a propagation delay called the read access time.
Since the RAM chip contains sixteen words, not ten, before hooking it
up replace your 7490 decimal counter with a 4-bit binary counter (e.g. the
7493). The 7490 and 7493 are pinout-compatible, but the ’93 counts from
0–15, allowing all sixteen words of memory to be addressed.
 Clock the 4-bit binary counter from a debounced push-button and verify
that it counts through all the hexadecimal (base 16) digits from 0 (binary
0000) to F (binary 1111).

Open-collector outputs
RAM chips are designed for easy multiplexing with a minimum of addi-
tional components, since to increase the total amount of memory available
in a circuit one often wants to connect the outputs of multiple RAM chips
together. In the case of the TTL version of the 7489, this is accomplished
by making the data outputs open-collector (rather than the standard TTL
‘totem-pole’ output circuit). This means that the output transistors will not
operate properly unless a pull-up resistor to +5 is provided for each one.
Since we are not worrying about speed here, any convenient resistor in the
range of a few hundred ohms to 10 k is suitable. More modern memory
chips use three-state outputs, thus eliminating the need for pull-up resistors
and also improving the rise time when driving high capacitance.
The ‘master enable’ (me) signal is provided for use when the outputs of
multiple chips are connected together, to allow turning off the outputs of
all but one chip. The chip accepts input data and puts out output data only
when me = low. Therefore, be sure to ground me.
 Hook up the counter’s outputs to the address lines of the RAM and display
the output data with your second TIL311. Connect the data inputs and
we to level switches.
 Use the address counter and the write-enable switch to program your
memory to any desired sequence of hex digits (be sure to record what
sequence you choose). If you apply some ingenuity, you can spell out
messages using the letters A–F plus I (1) and O (0) (e.g., FEED B0B
A D10DE). Then clock the address counter with a digital clock at a

165 12 Monostables, counters, multiplexers, and RAM

frequency of a couple of hertz and watch your message appear! Record

the complete circuit diagram with pin numbers and explain how this
circuit works.
 How could you use the ’150 mux to shorten the sequence to any desired
fraction of the sixteen addresses? How could you use it to insert blank
spaces between words?

13 Digital↔analog conversion

In this chapter we will study simple techniques for generating and read-
ing voltage or current levels, i.e., converting between analog (voltage or
current) and digital (binary-number) information. The availability of high-
speed, easy-to-use, inexpensive digital⇒analog and analog⇒digital con-
verter chips has dramatically changed the way audio and video information
are recorded and processed, as well as how computers are used in laboratory
research and process control. The process of converting digital information
into voltages or currents whose magnitudes are proportional to the digitally
encoded numbers is called digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion. The reverse
process is called analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion. The devices that carry
out these conversions are called DACs and ADCs, respectively.
In this chapter, after building a simple DAC from a digital counter and an
op amp, you will continue your exploration of analog/digital conversion by
building a 4-bit tracking ADC. Having learned the basic operating princi-
ples, you’ll use an ADC080x 8-bit successive-approximation A/D chip to
digitize (i.e., convert to digital) an arbitrary AC signal. The original signal
will then be re-created from the digitized data using a DAC080x D/A chip.
This exercise will also allow you to explore the limitations of ADC and
DAC operations.
Please be sure to work through these circuits in advance, otherwise it
is highly unlikely that you will successfully complete the exercises in a
timely fashion! Carefully study the manufacturer’s data sheets which pro-
vide extensive details on operation and performance. As always, complete
schematic diagrams significantly improve debugging efficiency.

Apparatus required
Breadboard, oscilloscope, 74191, TIL311, 311 comparator, 741 op amp,
resistors, capacitors, DAC0806 (or similar), ADC0804 (or similar), 7400,
7432, four 7474, 74112, 74138.

168 Hands-on electronics

13.1 A simple D/A converter fabricated from familiar chips

Recall that when an op amp is set up as an inverting amplifier, the non-

inverting input is grounded, and the inverting input, which is tied to the
output through a feedback resistor, acts as a ‘virtual ground’. If a resistor
R is connected from a voltage V to the inverting input of the op amp, a
current V/R will flow. If you double the resistance, half as much current
will flow. Suppose you have four resistors with the resistances R, 2R, 4R,
and 8R. The corresponding current flows will be in the proportion 8:4:2:1
(see Fig. 13.1(a)).
A 74191 counter has four outputs Q3 through Q0 , with Q3 the MSB
(most significant bit) and Q0 the LSB (least significant). In addition it
has four parallel-load inputs, count-enable and count-direction (up/down)
inputs, and ripple-clock and terminal-count outputs for use when cascading
multiple stages. If we feed the counter outputs to the inverting input of an
op amp through resistors R, 2R, 4R, and 8R (in order from MSB to LSB),
we get a 4-bit digital-to-analog converter. The current into the feedback
resistor will be proportional to the number that corresponds to the state
of the counter. Given a suitable feedback resistor such that the op amp
does not saturate, the output voltage will be proportional to this current. To
produce a desired output voltage, we can load into the counter any desired
value; we can also increment or decrement the counter to get a voltage that
changes in time in stepwise fashion (see Fig. 13.1(b)). This output can, of
course, be observed on an oscilloscope or other measurement device.

D1 0 Volts (0000)
D2 R = R1 VH = 5 V

R VL = 0 V
op amp Analog Out

−9.4 Volts (1111)

(a) (b)
Fig. 13.1. (a) Simple D/A converter; (b) output waveform resulting from input counting

169 13 Digital↔analog conversion

To demonstrate D/A conversion, you will build such a 4-bit DAC. To

reduce the chances of hooking up the circuit incorrectly,
 Begin by setting up a 74191 counter and make sure it is working properly:
hook up its outputs to a TIL311 display, clock it from a debounced switch,
and verify that it goes through all sixteen states in order. Test it counting
both up and down – you can control which way it counts using the ‘u/d’
 Next, hook up the counter outputs to the summing junction of the op amp
through resistors, as described above. Use a 2.2 k resistor to connect to
Q3 , a 4.7 k resistor for Q2 , a 10 k resistor for Q1 , and a 22 k resistor
for Q0 , and connect a 3.3 k feedback resistor. Connect a 1 kHz digital
signal to the clock input of the counter and view the analog output on an
Of course, if we wanted to produce accurate analog output voltages,
we would need precision resistors, for example 2.50 k, 5.0 k, 10 k, and
20 k. Moreover, we would need to take into account the inevitable small
differences among the high and low levels of the counter outputs. We shall
not worry about these refinements, since it is our intention here merely to
illustrate the basic idea of D/A conversion.
The output should be a fifteen-step staircase waveform (Fig. 13.1b),
with each step having approximately the same height. To see a stable dis-
play of the waveform, you can trigger the scope using the falling edge of
the MSB.
 What full-scale output voltage do you expect (i.e. when the counter is at
15 in decimal or 1111 in binary)? What do you observe?
 Is the staircase rising or falling? Why is this? What simple change can
you make to reverse the direction of the staircase?
 What are the output voltages corresponding to states 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of
the counter? Measure the four resistances and the high and low voltage
levels of the four counter outputs (Q0 –Q3 ), and explain each DAC output
 Write down a complete circuit diagram with pin numbers. Explain in
your own words how this circuit works.
Despite the common misconception that modern electronics is strictly
digital, analog electronics is still going strong. For all practical purposes,
our everyday world is analog. The digital representation of any waveform
(music, for example) is only an approximation. To smooth out the discon-
tinuities of digitized waveforms requires analog electronics.

170 Hands-on electronics

13.2 Tracking ADC

To measure an analog signal you need to invert the process of D/A conver-
sion. There are various ways of doing this, but, just as division is harder and
slower than multiplication, and taking the square-root harder and slower
than squaring, analog-to-digital conversion is harder and often slower than
Given a DAC, a counter, and a comparator, a simple approach is to
increment the counter (starting from zero) until the DAC output crosses the
analog input. Using the comparator to compare the analog input to the DAC
output, you stop counting when the comparator output switches states. At
that point, the counter holds a digital approximation to the magnitude of
the input.
A simple variant of this circuit will follow (or ‘track’) changes in the
input voltage. You can turn your 4-bit counter/DAC into such a tracking
ADC by driving u/d from a comparator that compares the DAC output with
the analog input voltage.
Use a potentiometer to make the analog input voltage: connect one end
to ground and the other to −15 V. The slider controls the input volt-
age, which you can vary between 0 V and −15 V. To stabilize the op-
eration of the circuit, use some hysteresis by connecting a series 10 k
resistor between the input voltage and the comparator noninverting in-
put and 1 M between the comparator output and the noninverting input
(see Fig. 13.2).
 Clock the counter at a few hertz and observe its state with the TIL311
as you vary the input voltage. What do you observe?
 How should the comparator inputs be configured: which signal should
go to the inverting and which to the noninverting input? Is the output
number ‘homing in’ on the expected value? If not, did you perhaps
connect the comparator backwards? Explain, and if you did it wrong the
first time, fix it.
 Record the output numbers for a few different input voltages.
 Why is the output number never stable? How (if at all) does this affect
the precision of the voltage measurement?
Note that the tracking ADC is slow at following large input-voltage changes,
since it has to count through all the intermediate values, but it has good
performance if the input voltage changes gradually.

171 13 Digital↔analog conversion

U/D 22 kΩ
10 kΩ +5
QB 3.3 kΩ
+5 Load
QC 1 kΩ
Enable 4.7 kΩ
74191 2.2 kΩ op amp
+ comp
Analog In
10 kΩ

1 MΩ

Fig. 13.2. Simple A/D converter. (The polarity of the comparator inputs is left as an
exercise for the reader.)

13.3 080x ADC and DAC chips

13.3.1 Successive-approximation ADC

The technique just described is comparable to looking for a word in the
dictionary by looking at each word one after the other until you find the
right one (or, if the word you’re looking for isn’t in the dictionary, until
you find a word beyond the one you’re looking for). As we’ve seen, this is
a fine algorithm for tracking a slowly changing signal, but if the DAC is
far from the signal voltage it takes a long time to home in.
A faster approach (and one used in many ADC chips) is based on the
binary (or logarithmic) search algorithm, in which at each step you reduce
the search range by half. For example, if you’re looking up a word in an
n-word dictionary, first look at word n/2. If the word you want comes later
in the alphabet, next try word 3n/4; if your word comes earlier, next try
n/4. At the next step there are four possibilities: word n/8, 3n/8, 5n/8, or
7n/8 – and so on. This method will find any word in at most log2 n steps.
In the case of analog-to-digital conversion, the logarithmic search has
another name: successive approximation. If there are n output bits, there
are 2n possible output values, but instead of trying each value in succes-
sion, you try each bit in turn, starting from the MSB: first generate a 1-bit
approximation to the value, then correct it to 2-bit accuracy, then 3-bit, and
so on.

172 Hands-on electronics

The ADC080x series of chips are inexpensive 8-bit successive-
approximation A/D converters. The logic inputs and outputs are compat-
ible with both TTL and CMOS, and the outputs have tri-state capability.
The chips are general-purpose ADCs that can be used as stand-alone
converters or interfaced with a computer or other logic system. They accept
differential inputs for increased common-mode-noise rejection capability.
The digitized output thus measures the voltage difference Vin+ − Vin− .
The successive-approximation algorithm used in these chips requires
sixty-four clock cycles to complete a conversion. A few additional clock
cycles are used during startup and after the conversion to latch the data on
the output lines. The clock can originate from either an external or internal
(‘self-clocking’) source. The self-clocking option uses an on-chip oscillator
(with Schmitt-trigger timing input), in combination with an external resistor
and capacitor that determine the period, as shown in Fig. 13.3.
All of the input and output control signals are active-low. There are three
input control lines, labeled cs, rd, and wr. An A/D conversion is started

(a) (b)
+5 V

Inputs RD CLK R R TCLK ~

= 1.1 RC


DONE D2 Internal Clock Osc.

Vin Vin(+) D3
Vin(−) D4


Vref /2 D6



Fig. 13.3. (a) Pinout for the ADC080x series of A/D converters. (b) The on-chip
self-clocking configuration. Note the locations of the most significant bit (MSB) and the
least significant bit (LSB). The ‘x’ in ADC080x means that multiple versions of this IC
exist (e.g. ADC0804).

173 13 Digital↔analog conversion

by bringing rd and wr low simultaneously. cs is used in microprocessor-

based applications – for this exercise it should be connected to ground. rd
is equivalent to output-enable – rd high puts the outputs into their high-
impedance state; when low, the output lines are active – therefore, connect
rd to ground. With cs tied to ground, wr simplifies to A/D start (i.e.,
start the digitization now!). Once the digitization completes, the result is
latched onto the output bus and a done pulse is issued (pin 5).
Connecting done to wr (as shown in Fig. 13.3(a)) puts the ADC into
a ‘free-run’ mode, in which the completion of one conversion initiates the
next. Once triggered, the ADC will repeatedly digitize the input voltage
difference. To ensure free-run status following power-up, wr may need to
be brought low manually, so connect wr to a debounced push-button as
well as to done.
The chip has two grounds, called analog ground (a gnd) and digital
ground (d gnd). In many applications, the analog and digital grounds are
kept separate to reduce the analog noise introduced by rapidly changing
digital signals. We will ignore these effects and use a common ground for
both pin 8 and pin 10.
The range for the input voltage difference is determined by the input
voltage reference – we are using VCC . A digital output of 00000000 should
correspond to an input very close to zero volts, while the output 11111111
should correspond to a voltage near VCC . We shall use single-ended inputs,
so you should ground Vin− .
(A more complete explanation of the ADC080x’s features can be found
in the manufacturer’s data sheets.)
 Connect an ADC080x chip as shown in Fig. 13.3(a). Connect pins 1, 2,
7, 8, and 10 to ground. Connect pin 4 to ground using a 50 pF capacitor.
Place a 10 k resistor between pins 4 and 19. Connect pins 3 and 5, and add
a connection to a push-button. Using the 1 k pot, apply a variable voltage
between +5 V and ground to pin 6. Connect pins 11–18 to LED logic
indicators. Connect pin 20 to +5 V power, and leave pin 9 unconnected.
 Adjust the input voltage and observe the digital output. What measured
input voltage corresponds to the binary output 00000001? What mea-
sured input voltage corresponds to the binary output 11111110? Measure
several other input-voltage values and plot the input voltage versus dig-
ital output. Is the plot linear? What is the input range, and how does the
ADC respond to small excursions outside this range (not less than ground
and not more than VCC )? With what precision does the ADC measure
the input voltage?

174 Hands-on electronics

 Estimate the conversion time by looking at pin 5 with the oscilloscope.

(Conversion time is the amount of time an ADC requires to digitize an
input voltage.) What is the sampling rate? Does the conversion time
depend on the input voltage? Taking into consideration the value of the
external RC network, does the measured sampling rate agree with your
expectations? If not, why not? (Hints: parallel capacitors add linearly,
and some small stray capacitance is common on breadboards such as
the PB-503.)
 Observe, sketch, and explain the waveforms at pins 4 and 19. Replace
the 50 pF capacitor with a 100 pF capacitor. Explain what happens
to the waveforms. What happens if you remove the 100 pF capacitor
completely (i.e., do not use any external capacitor)? Estimate the value
of the stray capacitance. Replace the 50 pF capacitor.
 Write a complete circuit diagram with pin numbers, and explain in your
own words how this circuit works. Comment on your observations and
Save your ADC circuit for use in the next part.

The DAC080x D/A converters

The DAC080x is a family of popular D/A converter chips, of which the
DAC0806 is the least expensive – it is an 8-bit DAC with 6-bit precision,
while the related DAC0807 and DAC0808 have 7- and 8-bit precision, re-
spectively. Our home-brew D/A converter above used 4 bits to distinguish
sixteen different voltage levels. With the DAC0806 we can distinguish not
sixteen but sixty-four different voltages (at least). If you need more accu-
racy, you can use the DAC0807, the DAC0808, or one of the more sophis-
ticated chips that are available. (You may use whichever of these chips is
available for this exercise.)
Chips of the DAC080x family output a current that is proportional to
the value of the digital input. Some D/A converter chips (e.g., the expen-
sive, and less readily available, NE5018) include an op amp on the same
chip. The DAC080x family does not! To convert the DAC’s output cur-
rent to an analog voltage, you can use an external op amp, as shown in
Fig. 13.4.
What exactly is the difference between the ‘top-of-the-line’ DAC0808
and the ‘budget’ DAC0806? Within the DAC0808 chip are eight resistors
of nominal resistance R, 2R, 4R, 8R, 16R, 32R, 64R, and 128R. For 8-bit
accuracy, these need to have better than 0.5% tolerance. The DAC0806

175 13 Digital↔analog conversion

C = 0.1 µF

4.7 kΩ
4.7 kΩ GND Vref(−)

VEE Vref(+)
_ Output 4.7 kΩ
Vout Op Amp +5 V
+ (MSB) A0 A7 (LSB)

A1 A6
Inputs Inputs
A2 A5

A3 A4

Fig. 13.4. Pinout for the DAC080x series of D/A chips (with an output op amp added).
Note that the bit order is the reverse of that used for the ADC080x, such that A0 is the
MSB and A7 the LSB.

also has eight resistors, but their tolerances are not as good, such that the
DAC0806 is not guaranteed to put out 256 distinguishable voltage levels,
but only sixty-four.
These chips also contain circuitry to buffer the input signals and stan-
dardize their voltage levels, to avoid inaccuracies due to voltage variations
in logic levels on different input lines. Consult the manufacturer’s data
sheet to see what else your D/A converter chip contains.
 Wire up a DAC080x chip as shown in Fig. 13.4. This configuration will
give an output voltage between 0 and +5 V. Connect the outputs of the
ADC you built above to the inputs of the DAC.
 What is the output voltage that corresponds to the DAC digital input
00000001? What is the output voltage that corresponds to the digital
input 11111110? Take a few more data points and plot output voltage
versus digital input. Comment on your results.
 Measure the precision of your DAC. Does it match the specified
 Be sure to write down a complete circuit diagram with pin numbers.
Explain in your own words how this circuit works. Comment on your
observations and measurements.

176 Hands-on electronics

+5 V
R = 100 kΩ
C = 100 µF R
C _
+ Op Amp
Vin + To A/D input


Fig. 13.5. Method for producing a DC-shifted waveform.

Measuring an AC input signal

Replace the DC input with an AC input. The most convenient AC input is a
waveform from your function generator. However, the function-generator
output is symmetric about ground. The waveform will thus be outside the
ADC range 50% of the time! You can DC-shift the waveform as shown in
Fig. 13.5. Warning: be careful not to exceed the ADC input voltage range!
Input voltages larger than VCC or lower than ground may damage the ADC
 Explain how the DC shift occurs and the significance of the component
values chosen. Suggest at least one other method for DC-shifting the
input waveform.
 Apply a sine wave of 2 V amplitude centered at +2.5 V to the A/D input.
Set the frequency to ∼0.5 Hz and try to measure the amplitude using the
LED indicators. You can ‘freeze’ the A/D output using the push-button
connected to pin 3. Explain how this works!
 Compare the input and output waveforms. How well do they agree?
Comment on your observations.
 Increase the input frequency (you may need to adjust the amplitude to
stay within the range of the A/D input – why?). What happens to the
output waveform as the input frequency approaches the sampling fre-
quency? What happens when the input frequency exceeds the sampling
frequency? Make several sketches of the input and output waveforms at
various frequencies, and comment on your observations. Explain the re-
lationship between sampling frequency and output frequency response.

177 13 Digital↔analog conversion

 Experiment with triangle and square waves of various frequencies.

Record and sketch a few input and output waveforms, and comment
on your results. Be careful not to exceed the allowed input range.
As discussed above, A/D and D/A conversions are merely approxima-
tions. Higher precision and higher sampling rates improve the approxi-
mation at the expense of increased cost and data size. For example, let’s
say we’re recording the sound track for a TV commercial. To digitize and
record a 30 s waveform with 8-bit precision and 10 kHz sampling rate
requires 2.4 Mbit of memory storage. Increasing the precision to 16-bit and
sampling rate to 100 kHz increases the required space by a factor of 20, to
48 Mbit.

13.4 Additional exercises

13.4.1 Digital recording

You can convert your A/D–D/A circuit into a digital recording and audio-
processing system by adding an audio input, a memory to store the digital
data, and an audio output. You can use speakers for both input and output,
buffered with suitable op amp circuits. The 32 k × 8 CY62256 memory
chips require a 15-bit address counter, which you can make from 7493s or
74191s. What other control circuitry do you need? By varying the clock
speed you can trade off fidelity (sampling rate) for message length – e.g.
at 1 kHz sampling rate, you would be able to store 32 s worth of sound.
Try recording a sound sample, then playing it back at various speeds. You
can also try adding nonlinear gain elements (say a logarithmic amplifier)
or filtering to see how the sound is affected. Can you figure out a way to
program reverb?
For faithful recording, it is important that the input voltage be constant
during the entire time of the conversion. This can be accomplished using a
sample-and-hold amplifier (SHA) to sample the input and hold it until the
conversion is complete. The National Semiconductor LF398 is an SHA IC.
Pin 1 is connected to +15 V and pin 4 is connected to −15 V. There
are separate analog and logic inputs, on pins 3 and 8, respectively, and
the output is at pin 5. Ground pin 7. An external capacitor (1000 pF) is
connected between pin 6 and ground. This capacitor is used to hold the
analog data until the ADC has had an opportunity to process it.

178 Hands-on electronics

If you choose to add a sample-and-hold, what additional control logic is

needed? Can you hear the difference it makes in fidelity? How would you
describe the difference, and how would you explain it?

13.4.2 Successive-approximation ADC built from components

To see first-hand how the successive-approximation algorithm works, you
can build an 8-bit ADC using TTL or CMOS parts plus a DAC and
In our successive-approximation circuit (Fig. 13.7) the eight bits are
stored in four ’74 dual D-type flip-flop chips. The successive-approximation
algorithm consists of trying each bit in both the 0 and 1 states, starting from
the MSB and ending with the LSB. Each bit starts out at 0 and is then set
to 1. If the DAC output exceeds the analog input, the bit is set back to 0,
otherwise it is left as a 1. To accomplish this, the circuit goes through a
sixteen-state cycle, in order both to set and (possibly) reset each of the eight
The sixteen-state cycle is provided using a ’191 four-bit binary counter.
The ’138 1-of-8 decoder routes clock pulses (how many?) to each flip-flop
in turn. The 311 comparator compares the DAC output with the analog
input, and its output is connected to the D input of each flip-flop. Note that
the DAC080x is a current-sinking DAC, and its output thus becomes more
negative as its digital input increases from 0 to 255. The connection shown
thus provides negative feedback: if the DAC output is too negative, the
currently addressed bit is set to 0 in order to raise the DAC output voltage,
and if the DAC output is too positive, the bit is set to 1 in order to lower it.

Timing and control logic

If you choose to undertake this exercise, you should first spend some time
understanding the timing cycle and drawing a complete timing diagram
for the control logic (shown in Fig. 13.6 and the lower left-hand corner of
Fig. 13.7). Pay particular attention to the sequence and timing of signals at
the beginning and end of the conversion cycle, and see if you can figure out
the answers to the following questions. In what state does the counter start
out? In what state does it end? Exactly what function does each decoder
enable perform? (Hint: each performs a slightly different function.) What
happens if you attempt to start a new conversion cycle while one is already in
progress? Why is it important for the control flip-flops to be negative-edge

179 13 Digital↔analog conversion

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
E2 74138
A2 A1 A0

R R Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0
Start Convert 74191 U/D
P 3 P2 P 1 P 0 E



Fig. 13.6. Control logic for 8-bit successive-approximation ADC.

triggered: can the clock signal to the ’191 glitch (i.e. have a pulse of sub-
standard width – see discussion in section 12.3.2)? Why, or why not?
Begin by building and debugging the control logic by itself – but be
sure to leave room for the additional chips! (If you prefer, you may choose
to build and analyze the simpler control logic described below.) Try to
arrange the chips and connecting wires neatly, so that it is easy to see
where each wire goes – some color-coding could be helpful. In case a chip
needs to be replaced, try to avoid overly tight wiring across the top of
any chip.
Clock your control circuit with a digital square wave from the function
generator, and provide the ‘start convert’ signal with a debounced
push-button. You should be able to see the full timing sequence on the
oscilloscope. Trigger the scope on the output of the second flip-flop and
observe each of the other signals as you repeatedly issue ‘start convert.’
Verify that your timing diagram is correct.

Complete ADC circuit

Now add the rest of the circuit. Use the breadboard logic indicators to
display the data bits. Attach the reset input to the other debounced push-
Measure the DC analog input voltage Vin with a digital voltmeter. Try
several voltages over the full range and make a graph of your results.

180 Hands-on electronics

A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7

74112 74112


Fig. 13.7. 8-bit successive-approximation ADC.

How good is your ADC? Is it linear? What is its zero offset (the number
it puts out for Vin = 0), and what is its slope constant (volts per output
count)? What is its least count (the voltage change corresponding to one
ADC count)? What is its full-scale voltage?
Try raising the clock frequency. At what frequency does it stop working?
Does this make sense? What do you think limits the conversion speed of
this circuit? (Illustrate your answer with the relevant timing diagram.)
Will this ADC always work correctly the first time after power is turned
on? Why, or why not?

181 13 Digital↔analog conversion

Simpler version of control logic

You might want to build and analyze a simpler version of the control logic
using parallel-output shift registers instead of the counter/decoder version
discussed above. The idea is to produce eight bits, of which seven are 1s
and one is a 0, and circulate them around an 8-bit shift register. Connect
each shift-register output both to clock and to set of a flip-flop, so that each
flip-flop is first set, and then reset, by the clock edge if the analog output
is too big. This simple approach might or might not work, depending on
the internal timing of the flip-flop (clock and set are changing simulta-
neously) – the question is whether the set signal goes away within the
flip-flop soon enough so as not to override the clock edge. If it does not,
you can use the ‘diode trick’ to delay the clock relative to set. (The diode
trick consists of adding a series diode to shift a digital signal in voltage,
thereby changing the time at which it crosses threshold.)

Further reading

The following table indicates the sections or chapters in four popular

textbooks where you can find additional background information for each
chapter of our text.
Expt D. & H. Barnaal H. & H. Simpson

1 1, 6 A1, A2 1 thru 1.02, 1.09, 1, App. C

1.11, 1.32, 12.01
2 2, 3 A1 1.02–03, 1.07–09, 2, 3, App. A
1.12–16, 1.18–20
3 4, 5 A1, A4 1.17, 1.25–28 4
4 8 A8 2 thru 2.13, 2.15–16 5
5 8 A8 3 thru 3.09 6
6 8 A4, A5, A8 2.18, 2.14
7 9 A6 4 thru 4.09, 4.11–12 9, 10
8 9 A6 4.09–10, 4.14, 4.19–20 10
9 10 A7, A1 Suppl. 4.23–24, (5) 10, 11
10 11 D1, D2 1.10, 8 thru 8.06, 8.08–10 12
11 12 D3, D4 8.07, 8.16–17 13
12 12, 13 D5 8.14, 8.18–26, 8.34 13
13 14 D6 4.16, 9.15–16, 9.20 15

D. & H.: A. James Diefenderfer and Brian E. Holton, Principles of Electronic Instrumen-
tation (Saunders, 1994);
Barnaal: Dennis Barnaal, Analog Electronics for Scientific Application and Digital
Electronics for Scientific Application (reissued by Waveland Press, 1989);
H. & H.: Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill, The Art of Electronics (2nd edition, Cambridge
University Press, 1989);
Simpson: Robert E. Simpson, Introductory Electronics for Scientists and Engineers
(2nd edition, Prentice-Hall, 1987).


Appendix A
Equipment and supplies

General equipment you will need:

one Global Specialties PB-503 powered breadboard, or equivalent;
one Tektronix TDS 210 Dual Trace Oscilloscope, or similar;
two oscilloscope probes with 10X attenuation;
one digital multimeter with probes;
one power tranformer (12.6 V each side of center tap);
four 50–100 cm banana leads (two red and two black).

Analog components

Resistors, 4
W Number required Capacitors Number required

33  1 50 pF 1
68  1 100 pF 1
100  3 300 pF 1
330  2 0.0047 ␮F 1
560  1 0.01 ␮F 1
820  1 0.033 ␮F 3
1 k 2 0.1 ␮F 1
2.2 k 1 0.47 ␮F 1
3.3 k 3 1 ␮F 1
4.7 k 3 100 ␮Fb 1
10 k 7 1000 ␮Fb 1
22 k 2
100 k 2
330 k 1
1 M 1
10 M 1
1 ka 1

2 W resistor.
50 V capacitor.


186 Hands-on electronics

Diodes, transistors, analog IC’s

four Si signal diodes;
one 1 A Si rectifier diode;
two 3.3 V 1 W Zener diodes;
one 5.1 V 1 W Zener diode;
one diode bridge element;
one red light-emitting diode;
three 2N3904 NPN transistors;
three 2N3906 PNP transistors;
two VP0610L MOSFETs;
two VN0610N MOSFETs;
two 2N5485 N-channel JFETs;
one 411 op amp;
one 555 timer;
three 741 op amps;
one 311 comparator.

four alligator clips;
two fat-pin adapter sockets.

Digital components

Component Number required

7400 1
7404 1
7432 1
7474 4
7485 1
7486 1
7489 1
7490 2
7493 1
74112 1
74121 1
74138 1
74150 1
74191 1
74373 1
DAC0806 1
ADC0804 1
TIL311 2

187 Appendix A. Equipment and supplies

Suppliers of parts
There are numerous companies selling electronic components and supplies. Most allow
customers to purchase small quantities directly over the web. Prices are reasonable and
service is excellent. Several (e.g., Digi-Key Corp) even have links to product data sheets as
part of their online catalog. Product information, availability, and pricing are easily found
through a few quick web searches. We’ve included a few URLs to help get you started.1 At
the time of going to press, the parts and supplies needed to complete the exercises within
this book could be purchased from the companies below. Pricing and availability may vary,
so shop around!


Digi-Key Corp

Newark Electronics


Electronix Express

Arrow Electronics


1 The publisher has used its best endeavors to ensure that all URLs referred to in this book are correct
and active at the time of going to press. However, the publisher has no responsibility for the websites
and can make no guarantee that a site will remain live or that the content is or will remain appropriate.

Appendix B
Common abbreviations and circuit symbols

Order-of-magnitude prefixes
m = milli = 10−3
␮ = micro = 10−6
n = nano = 10−9
p = pico = 10−12
f = femto = 10−15
k = kilo = 103 (or kilohm = 103 )
M = mega = 106 (or megohm = 106 )
G = giga = 109
T = tera = 1012

Mathematical symbols
∼ of order
≈ approximately equal to
≡ equals by definition
change in
⇒ implies

Electrical terms
β = h FE = transistor current gain
ω = angular frequency
 = ohm
A = ampere
AC = alternating current
C = coulomb
C = capacitance
dB = decibel
DC = direct current
F = farad


189 Appendix B. Common abbreviations and circuit symbols

f = frequency
gm = transconductance
H = henry
Hz = hertz
I = current
L = inductance
P = power
Q = quality factor (of a bandpass filter)
R = resistance
V = volt
VCC = most positive voltage in a circuit (positive supply voltage)
VEE = most negative voltage in a circuit (negative supply voltage)
X = reactance
Z = impedance

Electrical devices
ADC analog to digital converter
C symbol used in schematics for a capacitor
CMOS complementary-MOSFET integrated-circuit family
CRT cathode-ray tube
DAC digital to analog converter
ECL emitter-coupled-logic integrated-circuit family
FET field-effect transistor
JFET junction FET
L symbol used in schematics for an inductor
MOSFET metal-oxide-semiconductor FET
op amp operational amplifier
Q symbol used in schematics for a transistor; can also refer to the latched output
of a flip-flop or register
R symbol used in schematics for a resistor
SPDT single-pole-double-throw switch
SPST single-pole-single-throw switch
TTL transistor–transistor-logic integrated-circuit family

190 Hands-on electronics

Appendix C
RC circuits: frequency-domain analysis

In many freshman-physics textbooks, the frequency-domain analysis of RC circuits is not

explicitly treated; however, it is not particularly difficult. Here is a detailed derivation.
At any moment of time, the charge Q stored on the capacitor is proportional to the voltage
VC across it:
Q = C VC . (C.1)
If the voltage across the capacitor is varying sinusoidally in time, it follows that the charge
must also vary sinusoidally. Then, since the current I flowing onto one plate of the capacitor
is the time derivative of the stored charge, the current must also be a sinusoidal function,
but out of phase with the voltage by 90◦ (since the derivative of the sine is the cosine, which
is out of phase with the sine by 90◦ , and the derivative of the cosine is minus the sine).
Now consider a series RC circuit being driven by a sinusoidal AC voltage source (Fig. C.1).
Since the resistor and capacitor are in series, they must have the same current flowing through
them; however, it is not necessarily in phase with the source voltage, V . Suppose (for the
sake of definiteness) that
V = V0 sin ωt, (C.2)
i.e. we have chosen the zero of time to be a moment when the voltage across the source
is zero. Then, allowing for an unknown phase difference between the current in the circuit
and the voltage applied by the source, we can write
I = I0 sin (ωt + φ). (C.3)
Kirchhoff’s voltage law tells us that, at any moment of time, the applied voltage must
equal the sum of the voltage across the capacitor and that across the resistor:

V = VR + VC . (C.4)

Now, by Ohm’s law, VR = I R, and we also have VC = Q/C = (1/C) I dt. Substituting
these relations into Eq. C.4,

1 t
V = IR+ I dt (C.5)
C t0

1 t
= I0 R sin (ωt + φ) + I0 sin (ωt + φ) dt, (C.6)
C t0
where we have made use of Eq. C.3.


192 Hands-on electronics

We can easily carry out the integration in Eq. C.6 using the substitution u = ωt + φ,
V = I0 R sin (ωt + φ) + sin u du (C.7)
ωC ωt0 +φ
= I0 R sin (ωt + φ) − [cos (ωt + φ) − cos (ωt0 + φ)]. (C.8)
The constant of integration, cos (ωt0 + φ), can be determined by the condition V (0) = 0,
which we assumed in writing Eq. C.2:
V (0) = 0 = I0 R sin φ − [cos φ − cos (ωt0 + φ)], (C.9)

cos (ωt0 + φ) = cos φ − ω RC sin φ, (C.10)

V = I0 R sin (ωt + φ) − [cos (ωt + φ) − (cos φ − ω RC sin φ)] (C.11)
= I0 R[sin (ωt + φ) − sin φ] − [cos (ωt + φ) − cos φ], (C.12)
which clearly satisfies V (0) = 0.
Eq. C.12 can be simplified using the trigonometric identities for sines and cosines of

V = I0 R[sin ωt cos φ + cos ωt sin φ − sin φ]

− [cos ωt cos φ − sin ωt sin φ − cos φ]. (C.13)
Gathering and separating terms in sin ωt and cos ωt, and using V = V0 sin ωt, since sin ωt
and cos ωt are independent functions of time, we obtain two equations:
V0 sin ωt = I0 R cos φ + sin φ sin ωt (C.14)
I0 I0
I0 R sin φ − cos φ = I0 R sin φ − cos φ cos ωt. (C.15)
ωC ωC
Eq. C.15 states that a constant is equal to the same constant times a function of time. This
can be satisfied for all times only if the constant is zero,1 thus

φ = tan−1 . (C.16)
ω RC
Eq. C.14 can be simplified as

V0 = I0 R cos φ + sin φ. (C.17)

1 Otherwise we could divide through by the constant to obtain cos ωt = 1, which clearly does not
describe the behavior of the circuit.

193 Appendix C. RC circuits: frequency-domain analysis

Fig. C.1. Series RC circuit.

I0 R
φ ωC

φ V0

I0 R cos φ sin φ

Fig. C.2. Right triangle represented by Eq. C.17, illustrating that V0 = I0 R cos φ +
sin φ.

This describes a right triangle with hypoteneuse of length V0 and sides of length I0 R
and I0 /ωC (Fig. C.2), which is a useful way of visualizing the relationship among the
amplitudes of the source voltage, resistor voltage, and capacitor voltage. The relationship
is Pythagorean:
I0 2
V02 = (I0 R)2 + . (C.18)
We thus have
I0 =   1 2 . (C.19)
R + ωC

If we take the output as the resistor voltage, we get a high-pass filter:

Vout = I0 R =   1 2 . (C.20)
1 + ω RC

If we take the output as the capacitor voltage, we get a low-pass filter:

I0 V0
Vout = =  . (C.21)
ωC (ω RC)2 + 1

Appendix D

V+ V+
7 1 GND V+ 8
85 2 _ 3 _
2N 2N 54 0L
2N T 061 ET 2 Trigger Discharge 7
3 90
E SF 741 or 411 6 311 7
op amp comparator
3 2 1 3 Out Threshold 6
+ +
4 4
D 4 Reset Control 5
E E D V- V-

1 +5 14 1 +5 14 1 +5 14 1 +5 14 1 +5 14

2 13 2 13 2 13 2 13 2 13

3 12 3 12 3 12 3 12 3 12

4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11

5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10

6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9

7 GND 8 7 GND 8 7 GND 8 7 GND 8 7 GND 8

7400 Quad NAND 7408 Quad AND 7404 Hex INVERTER 7432 Quad OR 7486 Quad XOR

7474 D-Type 7490 Bi-Quinary Counter

4 10 +5: pin 5
Flip-Flop 12 9 8 11
GND: pin 10 9
2 S 5 12 S 9 QA QB QC QD
Q 14 1 16 Enable
D D Q .. 2 .. 5 D15
3 6 11 8 R0 R9 R0 R9 D14 10
Q D13
2 19
R +5: pin 14 R 3 D12
1 GND: pin 7 13 D11 74150
6 21
7 D10
7493 Binary Counter D7
4 74112 JK Flip-Flop 10 +5: pin 5 2
9 8 11 D6
GND: pin 10 12 3
3 S 11 S D5
J 5 J 9 QA QB QC QD 4
Q Q 14 .. 2 1 D4
1 13 .. 8 5
CLK CLK D3 +5: pin24
6 7 R0 R0 6
2 Q 12 Q D2 GND: pin12
K K 2 7
R R D1
3 8
+5: pin 16 D0
15 GND: pin 8 14
15 14 13 11

7489 16 x 4 RAM
74191 Four-Bit Counter 74121
1 +5 +5 14
7 6 2 3 Rext 12 11
2 D1 D2 13 +5: pin 14 D I4 DO4
5 QD QC QB QA Cext
GND: pin 7 10 9
U/D 13 11 10 D I3 DO3
3 D0 D3 12 4 RC
6 7
Enable 12 D I2 DO2
Max/Min 6
4 DPL 14 3 Q 4 5
A2 Trigger
4 B 5 1 3
5 LE DPR 10 Q WE +5: pin 16
2 GND: pin 8
TIL 311 11 9 10 1 15 ME
+5: pin 16 A B C D
7 GND BI 8 GND: pin 8 1 15 14 13


195 Appendix D. Pinouts

Glossary of basic electrical and
electronic terms

ampere Basic unit of current: 1 ampere = 1 A = 1 coulomb/second.

angular frequency Rate of change of phase. Measured in radians per second: ω = 2π f .
anode The negative terminal
attenuation Decrease in voltage or current (also implies power reduction).
capacitor Device used to store charge and energy. The capacity of a capacitor is called the
capacitance. Capacitance C, charge Q, and voltage V are related by the equation Q = C V.
cathode The positive terminal
cathode-ray tube A large vacuum tube in which the electron beam can be steered to create
a visible pattern on a phosphorescent screen.
charge A fundamental property of some elementary particles. Electrons have charge −1e,
and protons and holes have charge +1e, where e = 1.602 × 10−19 coulombs.
common Voltage reference point (0 V). Also called ground.
compliance (usually of a current source): Range over which circuit performance is stable.
coulomb Unit of charge: 1 coulomb = 6.241 × 1018 e, where e is the charge of the electron.
current Rate at which charge flows. Defined as the amount of charge that passes through a
given surface (such as the cross-section of a wire) per unit time. A convenient analogy
is the rate at which water flows under a bridge or through a pipe. Positive current flows
from points of higher voltage to points of lower voltage. (Due to Benjamin Franklin’s
choice for the definition of positive charge, this is opposite to the flow of electrons.)
daraf Unit of inverse capacitance.
decibel Unit for specifying a voltage or power ratio on a logarithmic scale.
dynamic resistance Effective resistance of a nonlinear element (typically a PN junction),
such as a diode or transistor junction.
farad Unit of capacitance: 1 farad = 1 F = 1 coulomb/volt. The farad is a large unit; com-
monly available capacitors range in size from a few picofarads to many thousands of
feedback A design approach or situation in which an electronic signal communicates infor-
mation from the output of an electronic device or circuit to its input. Positive feedback
enhances a change at the output (i.e., a growing output with positive feedback grows even
larger), while negative feedback counteracts a change at the output.
frequency domain AC circuit analysis approach that focuses on circuit response to sine
waves vs. their frequency.


198 Hands-on electronics

gain Increase in voltage or current (also implies power amplification).

gate A circuit that performs digital logic, such as an AND gate or a NOR gate.
ground Voltage reference point (0 V). Also called common.
henry Unit of inductance.
hertz Unit of frequency: 1 hertz = 1Hz = 1 cycle/second.
impedance Degree to which a circuit element impedes the flow of current; includes both
resistive and reactive components. In the standard electrical-engineering notation, resis-
tance is a real quantity and reactance is imaginary, corresponding to their ±90◦ phase
difference, thus impedance is given by Z = R + i X .
jack Connector used to accept a plug; socket.
Kirchhoff’s current law The net current flowing into or out of any point in a circuit is zero.
Kirchhoff’s voltage law The total voltage around any closed loop is zero.
mho Unit of transconductance; inverse of an ohm.
ohm Unit of resistance. 1 ohm = 1  = 1 volt/ampere.
plug Connector that plugs into a socket or jack.
quiescent Default voltage and/or current values when an input signal is absent.
reactance Capacitive (X C ) and/or inductive (X L ) component of a circuit element’s
resistance Degree to which a device impedes the flow of DC current; nonreactive component
of impedance. Measured in ohms. (For a nonreactive device, also the degree to which the
device impedes the flow of AC current, i.e., for a resistor, Z = R.)
slew rate Rate at which an output voltage changes.
socket Connector used to accept a plug; jack.
Thévenin equivalent A way to model complex circuits based on Thévenin’s theorem, which
reduces most circuits to a single ideal voltage source in series with a single impedance.
time domain AC circuit analysis approach that focuses on circuit response to an arbitrary
waveform vs. time.
volt Unit of electrostatic potential: 1 volt = 1 V = 1 joule/coulomb.
voltage Electrostatic potential. Voltage is defined and measured with respect to a common
reference or ground point. When multiplied by the value of the charge, voltage gives the
potential energy of the charge with respect to that reference. Positive current flows from
points of higher voltage to points of lower voltage (from larger potential energy to lower
potential energy).
VCC Most positive voltage in a circuit.
VEE Most negative voltage in a circuit.


β, 48–50 differential, 86
h FE , 48–50 exponential, 105
Q, 124 grounded-emitter, 59
rBE , 53, 57 inverting, 168
re , 52, 57 op amp, 88
VBE , 50, 52 logarithmic, 105
VCB , 50 noninverting, 89
VCE , 51 op amp, 89
operational, 79, 85
−3 dB point, 26 amplitude, 13, 17, 18
2N3904 pinout, 54 analog, 167
2N3906 pinout, 54 analog information, 167
2N5485 pinout, 69 analog-to-digital conversion, 167
311 comparator, 114 analog-to-digital converter, 167
311 pinout, 114 anode, 35, 54
555 timer, 118, 156 arithmetic, binary, 125, 126, 141
7400 IC series, 125 assertion-level logic, 127, 146
741 op amp, 85 assertion-level logic notation, 146
741 pinout, 86 astable multivibrator, 120, 156
74121 monostable, 156, 159 asynchronous counter, 151, 157
74121 pinout, 159 attenuating probe, 10
74138 decoder, 178 attenuation, 10, 26, 77
74150 mux, 162 attenuator, 76, 77, 91
74150 pinout, 162
74191 counter, 168 bandpass filter, 123
7489 RAM, 163 bandwidth, 87
7489 pinout, 163 base, 48
BCD counter, 157
AC coupling, 43 bi-quinary counter, 157
acceptor, 32 bias current, 94
active bandpass filter, 123 binary addition, 141
active differentiator, 102, 106 binary arithmetic, 125, 126, 141
active filter, 123 binary counter, 156, 157
active integrator, 103, 107 binary search algorithm, 171
active rectifier, 108 binary-coded decimal, 157
ADC, 167 bipolar junction transistor, 47
successive-approximation, bistable multivibrator, 143, 156
171 blocking capacitor, 56
tracking, 170 Boolean algebra, 126, 140, 141
addition, binary, 141 bounce, contact, 152
algebra, Boolean, 126, 140, 141 breadboard, 2
alternating current, 15 breadboard LED indicators, 137
ammeter, ideal, 39 breadboard level switches, 137, 138
amplifier, 50 breakpoint, 26
common-emitter, 57 buffer, 55
difference, 95 push–pull, 62


200 Index

buffering, 55 current mirror, 79

current source
capacitance code, 20 FET, 70
capacitance op amp, 97
parasitic, 56 transistor, 59
stray, 115 current-source load, FET, 72
capacitive reactance, 19 CY62256 memory, 177
capacitor, 15, 16, 19, 20
blocking, 56 D-type flip-flop, 147
ceramic, 16 DAC, 167
electrolytic, 16 DAC0806, 174
mica, 16 DAC080x, 178
paper, 16 family, 174
polarized, 16 Darlington, 61
types of, 16 data selector, 162
carry-in, 156 DC coupling, 79, 85
carry-out, 156, 157 DC offset, 87
cascaded counters, 156 debouncer, switch, 153
cathode, 35, 54 debugging, 144
clipping, 77 debugging digital logic, 144
closed-loop, 89 decade counter, 157
CMOS, 125 decibel, 26, 83
CMOS ICs, powering, 136 decimal, binary-coded, 157
CMOS logic, 133 decimal counter, 157, 158
CMOS TTL, 133 decoder, 178
CMRR, 78, 96, 97 74138, 178
collector, 48 delay, propagation, 148
common-emitter amplifier, 57 DeMorgan’s theorem, 141, 146
common-mode, 78 diagram
common-mode gain, 78 state, 143
common-mode rejection, 78 timing, 143
common-mode rejection ratio, 78, 96 dielectric, 16
comparator, 113 dielectric constant, 16
311, 114 difference amplifier, 95
voltage, 113 differential amplifier, 75, 76, 86
magnitude, 142 differential gain, 76, 77
compliance, 59, 71 differential signal, 75
contact bounce, 152 differentiator, 15, 27, 75, 102
conversion active, 102, 106
analog-to-digital, 167 op amp, 102, 106
digital-to-analog, 167 digital, 167
converter digital information, 167
analog-to-digital, 167 digital logic, 125
digital-to-analog, 167 debugging, 144
counter, 151, 152, 156 digital meter, 1
74191, 168 digital recording, 177
asynchronous, 151, 157 digital-to-analog conversion,
BCD, 157 167
bi-quinary, 157 digital-to-analog converter, 167
binary, 156, 157 diode, 31
decade, 157 gate-channel, 66
cascaded, 156 light-emitting, 60
decimal, 157, 158 zener, 123
four-bit, 157 diode characteristic, 31, 33, 34
negative-edge-triggered, 157 diode constant, n, 106
ripple, 151, 157 diode drop, 37
synchronous, 152, 157 diode logic, 131
two-bit, 151, 156 diode test, multimeter, 54
crossover distortion, 63, 109 diode-bridge rectifier, 43
CRT, 9 DIP IC package, pin numbers, 129

201 Index

display gate-channel diode, 66

logic-level, 137 golden rules, op amp, 90
TIL311, 158 ground, virtual, 93, 168
distortion, 58 ground clip, 10
crossover, 63, 109 grounded-emitter amplifier, 59
divide-by-four circuit, 151
divide-by-ten circuit, 158 half-power frequency, 26
divide-by-two circuit, 148 hexadecimal, 158, 164
DMM, 1 hexadecimal display, TIL311, 158
donor, 32 high (logic level), 126
driver, push–pull, 109 hysteresis, 116, 170
DVM, 1
dynamic resistance, 37, 52, 57
of diode, 37
digital, 85
of emitter, 52
linear, 85
FET source, 72
ideal ammeter, 39
ideal op amp, 87
Ebers–Moll transistor model, 52
ideal rectifier, 36
ECL, 125
ideal voltmeter, 39
electrolytic, 16
electrolytic capacitor, 16
input, 45
emitter, 48
output, 45
emitter follower, 55
measuring, 46
emitter resistance, 52
indicators, LED, breadboard, 137
equality tester, 141
inductance, 19
exclusive-OR gate, 141
inductive reactance, 19
exponential amplifier, 105
inductor, 19
factor, quality (Q), 124
analog, 167
false, 126
digital, 167
feedback, 79
input bias current, 94
negative, 71, 75, 79, 88, 117
input impedance, 45
positive, 62, 113, 117
input offset voltage, 78, 91
FET, 65
integrated circuit
FET current source, 70
digital, 85
FET saturation, 67
linear, 85
filter, 123
integrator, 15, 24, 103
active, 123
active, 103, 107
bandpass, 123
op amp, 103, 107
high-pass, 15, 28
internal state, 143, 146, 149, 162
low-pass, 15, 25, 28
inverter, 60, 141, 149
finite-state machine, 143, 162
inverting amplifier, 58, 88, 168
flip-flop, 143, 156
op amp, 88, 168
D-type, 147
JK, 148
toggling, 148 JFET, 65
follower, voltage, 94 JK flip-flop, 148
forward-bias, 34 junction diode, 32
four-bit counter, 157 junction, summing, 93, 169
frequency domain, 15, 101
function generator, 2, 13 latch, RS, 145, 153
LED, 60
gain, common-mode, 78 LED indicators, breadboard, 137
gain, differential, 77 level switches, breadboard, 137,
gate current, 66 138
gate LF398 SHA, 177
exclusive-OR, 141 light-emitting diode, see LED
NAND, 140 linear region, FET, 68
OR, 142 logarithmic amplifier, 105
XOR, 141 logarithmic search algorithm, 171

202 Index

logic noninverting amplifier, 89

assertion-level, 127, 146 rectifier, 108
digital, 125 signal-processing, 101
diode, 131 op-amp inverting amplifier, 168
multiplexer, 162 open-collector output, 164
negative, 127 open-loop, 88, 91, 113
positive, 127 operational amplifier, see op amp
sequential, 143 OR, 142
synchronous, 144 OR gate, 142
logic function, universal, 140 oscillation, 115
logic levels, 125, 126 parasitic, 56
TTL, 126 oscillator, square-wave, 117
logic-level displays, 137 relaxation, 117
low (logic level), 126 sine–cosine, 122
oscilloscope, 8–10
machine, state, 143, 162 cursors, 14
magnitude comparator, 142 measurement, 13
margin, noise, 126 triggering, 12
memory output impedance, 45
random-access, 162 measurement of, 46
word-addressable, 163 output, 3-state, see output, three-state
meter, digital, 1 output, open-collector, 164
mho, 48 output, three-state, 164
MKS, 16 output, totem-pole, 133, 164
momentary-contact switch, 153 output, tri-state, see output, three-state
monostable, 156, 159
monostable, 74121, 156, 159 parasitic capacitance, 56
monostable multivibrator, 156, 159 parasitic oscillation, 56
MOSFET, 65 passband, 124
MOSFET logic, 133 peak-to-peak voltage, 17
multimeter, 1 permittivity, 16
multimeter diode test, 54 phase shift, 25
multiplexer, 162 pickup, 115
multiplexer logic, 162 pin numbers, DIP IC package,
multivibrator, 120, 143, 156, 159 129
astable, 120, 156 pinch-off, 66
bistable, 143, 156 pinch-off voltage, FET, 68
monostable, 156, 159 pinout
mux, 162 74121, 159
74150, 162
NAND, 140 7489, 163
NAND gate, 140 PN junction, 32, 47
negative feedback, 75, 79, 88 PNP transistor, 48
negative logic, 127 positive feedback, 113
negative-edge-triggered counter, 157 positive logic, 127
negative-edge triggering, 147, 149, 157 positive-edge triggering, 147
noise margin, 126 potentiometer, 6, 22, 23
noninverting amplifier, op amp, 89 power supplies, 40
NPN transistor, 48 powering CMOS ICs, 136
powering TTL ICs, 136
offset voltage, 78 probe, 10
Ohm’s law, 6 attenuating, 10
one (logic level), 126 oscilloscope, 10
one-shot, 156, 159 probe compensation adjustment,
op amp, 79, 85 10
differentiator, 102 propagation delay, 148
golden rules, 90 measurement of, 148
ideal, 87 pull-up resistor, 114, 164
integrator, 103 push–pull buffer, 62
inverting amplifier, 88 push–pull driver, 109

203 Index

quality factor (Q), 124 SPDT switch, 152

quiescent voltage, 57 speed, transition, 126
state, internal, 143, 146, 149, 162
RAM, 162 state diagram, 143
7489, 163 state machine, 143, 162
random-access memory, see RAM state table, 146
RC circuit, 15 static resistance, 37
RC timing network, 159 stored charge, 61
reactance, 19 stray capacitance, 115
capacitive, 19 successive-approximation ADC, 171
inductive, 19 summing junction, 93, 169
recording, digital, 177 switch, 152
rectification, 31, 36 momentary-contact, 153
rectifier, 36, 40 SPDT, 152
active, 108 level, breadboard, 137, 138
full-wave, 43 switch debouncer, 153
half-wave, 40 synchronous counter, 152, 157
ideal, 36 synchronous logic, 144
op amp, 108
reference lead, 10 table, state, 146
register, shift, 181 table, truth, 140, 141, 143, 146
regulator, 40 tester, equality, 141
rejection ratio, common-mode, 96 theorem, DeMorgan’s, 141, 146
relaxation oscillator, 117 Thévenin equivalent circuit, 45
resistance three-state output, 164
dynamic, 37, 52, 57 three-terminal voltage regulators, 45
static, 37 threshold voltage, 113
resistor TIL311 display, 158
pull-up, 114, 164 time constant, 24
shunt, 104 time domain, 15, 102
reverse saturation current, 33, 52 timer, 118, 156, 555
reverse-bias, 34 timing diagram, 143
ripple counter, 151, 157 timing network, RC, 159
ripple voltage, 43 TO-92 case, 54
RS latch, 145, 153 toggling flip-flop, 148
totem-pole output, 133, 164
sample-and-hold, 177 tracking ADC, 170
saturated switch, 60 transconductance amplifier, 48
saturation transconductance
bipolar-transistor, 59, 60 FET, 68
transistor, 68 transistor, 68
saturation current, 33, 52 gm , 48
saturation drain current, FET, 68 transformer, 40
saturation region, FET, 67 transistor, 48
saturation voltage, 91 transistor, field-effect, 65
Schmitt trigger, 116 transistor, junction, 47
search algorithm transistor, simple model, 51
binary, 171 transistor action, 48
logarithmic, 171 transistor current source, 59
sequential logic, 143 transistor model, Ebers–Moll, 52
series, 5, 6, 8 transistor saturation, 68
SHA, 177 transition speed, 126
shift register, 181 tri-state, 149, 150
short circuit, 7, 11 tri-state output, see output, three-state
shunt resistor, 104 trigger, Schmitt, 116
signal processing, op amp, 101 triggering
simple transistor model, 51 negative-edge, 147, 149, 157
sine–cosine oscillator, 122 positive-edge, 147
slew rate, 87 true (logic level), 126
source follower, 71 truth table, 140, 141, 143, 146

204 Index

TTL, 125 voltage comparator, 113

TTL families, 128, 133 voltage-divider, 15, 22, 23, 26
TTL history, 128, 133 voltage droop, 43
TTL ICs, powering, 136 voltage follower, 94
TTL logic levels, 126 voltage regulation, 44
two-bit counter, 151, 156 voltmeter, ideal, 39

universal logic function, 140 word addressing, 163

virtual ground, 93, 168 XOR, 141

voltage XOR gate, 141
peak-to-peak, 17
quiescent, 57 Zener diode, 35, 123
threshold, 113 zero, 126


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