Project Report ON and Gate: Mandi Gobindgarh

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Submitted to: Submitted by:

Mr. Ajay Patahania Harveer Singh Rehal

Class : XII Science


I take this opportunity to express my gratitude towards my

parents without whose help this project could not have been


I am thankful to ‘Mr. Ajay Pathania our physics lecturer for

his advice and encouragement during this project.

Last but not the least; I thank our worthy Principal,

for providing all the facilities required for the project.

Harveer Singh Rehal

+2 Science

This is to certify that Harveer Singh Rehal of Class +2 has

submitted satisfactory project report on AND GATES during

session 2017-2018 has partial fulfillment for the C.B.S.E.

senior secondary examination. It is sincere effect of this hard

work. This report entirely satisfies the study of his certificate

of C.B.S.E..

Principal Subject Teacher

Mr. Sangeeta Sharma Mr. Ajay Pathania


AND gate can be designed by using two simple diodes. The circuit
driving voltage V is applied to the parallely connected diodes and the
output is collected as the voltage drop at the diodes. In logic gates, the
terms high voltage level means +5 V and low logic level means 0 V or

When one of the inputs of the AND gate is connected to logic HIGH and
other is connected to logic LOW then the diodes are at reverse bias
condition and no voltage drop at the output. So the output is measured
as LOW. If the two inputs are connected to LOW level input, then also
the diodes will turn to reverse biased condition and allows no current. So
again the output is measured as 0.

But when the two inputs (two diodes) are connected to a HIGH voltage
level, then the two diodes are in forward biased condition (diodes
switches are ON) so the output of the AND gate is HIGH, and measured
as logic 1.

AND gate Logic Symbol and Boolean expression

The AND gate is logically represented as shown below with two inputs
and one output.

Boolean expression
If the inputs of the AND gate is X, Y and the output is Z then the
operation of AND gate is mathematically expressed in the Boolean
expression as Z = X. Y. This means the AND gate produces the
multiplication of its inputs.

Truth table
The truth table for logical AND gate is given below.

The truth table describes us that the output of AND gate will be LOW
with all combinations of inputs except for both high inputs condition.

We can design an AND gate with 3 inputs also. Though the AND gate
have 3 inputs, the Boolean equation will not change. Th output of the
AND gate is equal to the sum of the inputs.
3-Input AND gate symbol

Truth table
The truth table of 3 –input AND gate is given below

The output of the 3 input AND gate is HIGH when all the 3 inputs are low
and it will be LOW for all other combinations of inputs.
AND gate mathematically produces the output equal to the multiplication
of inputs. The operation is defined by “.” (a Dot). We can design n input
AND gate by cascading the other AND gates as its inputs.
Commercially, there is only 2 -input, 3 -input and 4 -input AND gate ICs
are available. If we need additional inputs, we have to cascade the
additional AND gates at the inputs of ICs.
For sample, here we design a 6 –input AND gate in below diagram.

The Boolean expression of 6 input AND gate is Q = (A.B). (C.D). (E.F).

We can also design the odd numbered input AND gates by making
some of the input pins as “unused”, by connecting them directly to
Logic AND gate is used in many of the application s in our day to day
life. Some of them are explained below.
1) AND gate is used as Enable and Disable purpose on counter devices.
If we observe the below circuit, when the counter starts counting from 0
to 100. When a counter receives the clock signal, then it increments its
count by 1.

To make the counting operation successful from 1 to 100, counter circuit

has to receive the pulses continuously. So the counter circuit can be
controlled by the clock signal input at the input of counter. When we
connect the clock signal as an input for 2 –input AND gate and the
second input of the AND gate is connected to Disable/ Enable signal.
We can stop the device counting by setting the second input to 0.

We know that when any one of the inputs is low, then the output of AND
gate will become low (0). So if we apply the low level signal, 0 to the
Enable /Disable pin, the output of the AND gate will be low, thus it
doesn’t allow any clock signal.

So the clock signal doesn’t reach the counter so that we can stop the
counting operation by making one of the inputs of the AND gate to low. If
we want to start the counting again, we apply a high input at the
enable/disable pin, i.e. it is set to 1. In this way the counter (its counting
operation) is controlled by an AND gate.

2).The logic AND gate is used in some sort of security devices like
garden flood-lights and security lights etc. They have a heat- radiation
sensitive device called “Passive Infra- Red device (PIR)”. So when a hot
object such as intruder (unauthorized entries like neighbor’s pets) is
detected by the device, the heat sensor produces a high voltage making
it to set in logic 1.

As the light of flood- light did not clearly visible in day time these devises
comes in use, when the surroundings /atmosphere is dark. It comes to
ON state when the heat sensor is triggered. The block diagram this
security system with AND gate is shown below.

The mono -stable device produce only a single pulse when it is

triggered. When the output of AND gate becomes high, then the output
of the mono –stable device also goes high and hold for some interval of
time. Transducer is used to provide enough current for the flood light.
As the flood light is a high voltage device, the output produced by the
mono- stable device is not enough to drive the light. So we use a
transducer to boost the current.
In commercial security devices, we use a Relay as a switch to ON and
OFF the flood light.
The AND gate switching circuit will have two inputs with two manually
toggled switches. Let the two switches be A and B, then the we can
explain the switching operation of AND gate as
 When both switches A and B are open (switches are supplied with
low level input signal) i.e. A=0, B=0, then the bulb will not glow.
 When switch A is close (supplied with high level input signal) and
B is open (supplied with low level input signal) i.e. A=1, B=0, then the
bulb will not glow.
 When switch A is open (supplied with low level input signal) and B
is close (supplied with high level input signal) i.e. A=0, B=1, then the
bulb will not glow.
 When both switches A and B are close (switches are supplied with
high level input signal) i.e. A=1, B=1, then the bulb will glow.
This operation of AND gate as light switching circuit is described in
below pictures


 › Logic gates


 NCERT Physics Textbook XII

 Pardeep’s Physics for XII

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