Addifion Wifh The Highest Lotot of l0 000: Exercise I

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Addifion wifh the highestlotot of l0 000

Addilion withouf regrouping. Add ExerciseI

l. " 263 2. 254 123 4. 34r
32r 320 232 132
+ 2I 3 + 2O5 + 334 + 423

5. 2310 6. 1324 3210 8. 3 r 02

1043 2325 2334 2435
+ 3524 + 4230 + 1343 + 2252

9. 2332 + 24 + 3 + 230 : 10 . 2 3 + 5 0 2 + 3 4 3 1 + 2 :

2332 23
24 502
3 3431
+ 23O 2

ll. 321 + 3 + 1320+ 23 = 12.21+2103+3+42-

13. 3210+ 3+2 1 +234- 14. 2+3O2+1232+23-

Addition with regrouping.
ll ll I I I
Exomples l. ,. 3 .3 4 76
.t lr, * ??Z +2 5 6 9
_@ _9_I 4:
t. 428 2. 357 3. 478 .5 75
+ 97 + 89 + 57 + .?_q
5. 453 6. 348 7. 658 .3 I 6
+3 97 +279 *_ +3 7 _q

9. 3428 r0. 2754 Ir. 4208 2.2 7 5 9

+2 787 +4959 +3996 +2 !_q T

1 3. gogT 14. 4575 6. 2 3 9 7

+4 986 +2865 ' U *+ 4 8 5 6 +2 I 2 L

1 7. 2078 18. 3057 19 . 3 4 2 8 0. 3 5 9 I

+4 578 +2976 +4987 +5 IL z
21 . g786 22.2E6s 4. 5 3 2 9
68 567 ". ' O* 6 9 59 7
+ 876 + 83 + 765 + I -9
25. 4328 26.3548 27. r487 8. 4 ; 3 9
1589 1674 3654 I I I 7
+3 476 +2836 +2739 +2 5 L 9.

2 s.2 654 30. l54E 2.2 4 I 9

1948 2639 "* 2643 36 59
+2 534 +3845 +1745 +2 0 7 3


l. "4235+ 786 + 98 = 2. 476+68+3478

3. 67 + 2649 + 457 = 4 654+9+3875=

5. 4769 + 329 + 3549 - 6 675 + 2975 + 5439 -

7. 2367 + 3498 + 1078 = 8. 2987 + 2076 r 3986 :

9. 1987 + 2980 * 3754 : I 0. 24Og+ 2098 + 3879 :

I t. 2534 + 3087 + 2876 - 12. 3009 + 1987 + 2989 :


Solve fhe following Problems.

'l . ln o villogelhere ore I 257 men, I 785women
ond 2 786children.Howmony peopleore

2. A bookshopsold3 765exercisebooksin
Jonuoryond 4 869exercisebooksin Februory.
Howmonyexercisebooksweresoldin these

3. Moryhos875slomps.DiWohos578stomps
morethonMory.Howmonystompsdo they

4. Hosson 978pineopples
soldI 236durions, ond
| 567popoyos.Howmonyfruitsdid he sell

5. A book shophos976 Mothemotic books,| 257

Sciencebooksond 875 storybooks.Howmony
booksore thereollogetherin the book shop?

6. books,
fn o schoollibroryfhereore 2 875 English
1 987Moloybooksond 2 158Chinesebooks.
Howmony booksore fhereoltogelherin the

Subfroclionwithin the ronge of t 0 000
Subfroctionof numberswithoutregrouping.
r. I7 5 2. 7 69 69 4 4. I 75
-462 -329 -450 -632

5. 705 6. 846 7. 97 4 8. 6 89
-503 -530 -271 -245

9. 8967 10. 7290 lr. 6507 12. 5895

-350 4 -3270 -4203 -2670

1 3. 8765 14. 9 5 6 7 15. I 7 0 5 16. 7 29 6

-5 32r -4534 -4305 -3273

Subtroctionof two numbers wilh regrouping.

Subtroctionof lwo numbers wilh regrouping.

S ubfro c f.
21 31 41 2
&+a2 2. 426 7 3. 56 4 I 4. 7534
| 7 89 -2688 -2859 -2887

5. 753 I 6. 6540 7. 85 26 8. 9350

-2 859 -4782 -37 87 -4863

9. 9250 r 0. 8 5 2 7 ll. 7 436 12. 67 52

-4 674 -3948 -2548 -2865

6 9 9 13
r3 7-g-gE 14. 9 0 0 2 I5. 8005 t 6. 600r
-3567 -27 43 -4639 -2642

1 7. 5 002 18. 7005 19. 9004 20. 6 0 0 3

-2 457 -3578 -5845 -2478

7 I 9 10
21. Agga 22. 7000 2 3. 6 0 0 0 24. 9000
-4325 -2864 - l 528 -3547

25. 7 002 26. 5006 27. 800r 28. 7003

-3 456 -r838 -4832 -267 4

7 9 l0 r 0
29 . 8 g+8 30. 90r0 31. 70r0 3 2 . 6.0 r 0
-3 642 -5465 -2645 -3854

33. 9 I 2 4 3 4 . 8032 3 5. 9r 06 36. 8034

-4 756 -4863 -4787 -27 56

Su bfr oc f.

l. 7432 - 65 6 - 8 8 9 _ 2. 7053 - 2376 - 876 =

7 432 67 7 6
67 7 6

3. 6923 - 87 - 589 : 4. 9432 - 2367 - 887 =

5. 8010 - 26 7 5 - 3 7 9 8 = 6. 7532 - 2976 - 3769 =

Fill in the missingnumbers.

7. 6325- [--l: l66e 8342- l----l: 47s6

9. 71s4- f-l= 2s6s I o. soo2- l--l : 467s

Il. 1a
,2. | | -5247:2969

r3. 14. l-l - ss67: 4756

15. 3758 + l-l = 8032 I6 . 2876+ l- l= Tr O z

Solve fhe following problems.

L Whofisfhe differencebefween9012ond 356g?

2. Byhow much is 6243biggerthon 2976?

3. Byhow muchis 3869smollerfhon B0l0 ?

4. Whofmusfbe odded to 4367to moke 9135?

5. Thesumof two numbersis 6234.lfone of fhem

is 2879,whot is fhe othernumber?

e. A focloryemployed4t2S workers.
tt 2786of them
weremole,howmonyof themwerefemole?

7. Limhod 3005durions.He sold 1768of fhem.How

mony durionshod he leff ?

8. A shopkeeperhod 6250exercisebooks.Hesold
4786of them.Howmony exercisebookswere left?

9. Therewere9005speclotorsof o foolbollmotch.
lf 3785of themwerefemole,howlnonyof lhem
weremole ?

10. Christobelhod 3010stomps.Shegove l54S sfomps

fo Sophie.Howmony sfompshod she left?

nilbly ond wrile lhe correct onswers.
l- 4x6=n ll. 3 x7 = n 2l 6 x 7: l--l
2- 5x7:n 1 2. 2 x9:l--l 22 8x9=n
t- 3x 8: n t3 . 7 x 8 = n 23 4 x t =l-_l
f. 6x 6: n 1 4 . 2 x 6 :n 24 9 x 9 :.1-l
5. 5x8=n 15. 9 x7 25 3x6=n
c. 2x7 =l--l 16. 6 x8:l 26 7x9=n
7- 8x6=n 1 7.5x9:n 27 4 x I =[-l
r . 4 , x t : l- - l lB. ex3-n 28 8 x 8:[-l
9. 2x 8: n 19. 6x9=n 29 4x9=n
t 0. 8 x J =n 2 0 .5 x 6 = n 30 9x0=n
N. 3 2. 5 3. 6 4. 4 5. I 6. 5
x6 x7 x9 x6 x9 x6

7. 4 8. 3 9. 7 10. 2 rr. 7 12. I

x9 x7 xg x6 x6 xB

13 . 2 14. 6 15. 9 16. 4 17. 4 18. 6

x9 x8 x9 x8 x7 x6

1 9. I 20. 9 2r. 2 22. 3 23. 6 24. 8

x7 xB x7 x8 x7 x6

2 5. 5 26. 7 27. 7 28. 9 29. 5 30. 9

x9 x8 x7 x6 x8 x7

Fitl in fhe missingnumbers.
l. axl-l:24 7 xf]:aZ
ll 2l 5x l- - l: 45
2. 5xI--40 t2 8 x V:72 22 7x |- _l= 63
3 . 7x| -l= 49 r 3 4xE=30 23 e x l --l :8 1
4 . 3 x l-l =2 7 1 4 3 xf]=2t 24 2 x f-l = 1 4
5. 7 x l-l : 56 I 5 6 xE:54 25 x|__l:28
6 . 2x7--18 I6 8 xE:50 26 exl-l:63
7. 6 x l-l = 48 1 7 e xt]:54 27 3 x [-l =24
8 . 2 fI - 16 l 8 2 x f] = lz 28 e"fI -72
e. 4 x t] = 32 l 9 5xf:30 29 7xl-l:35
1 0 . 6x E =42 2 0 8 xI=64 30 3tI:18

3r 3 x 6 : 2 x f] 39 3x 3x n: 36
32 6 x 6 = 4 x tl 40 4x 2x E = 24
33 3 xg :6 xI _l 4l 2x 3x f = 54
34 2x6: 3xf 42 3x 2x [ ] = 48
35 2x9: 3xE 43 3x 3x n: 54
36 4 x 3 -- 2 x E 44 3x 2 x n: 54
37 8x 2: 4 x n 45 4x 2 x [ - l = 32
38 4x6: 8xf 46 3x 3x l- l: 45

47 . Whol isthe productof 9 ond 7 ?

48. Whofisthe produclof 3, 3 ond 6 ?

49. Theproducfof fwo numbersis one of them

is 8, whof isfhe olhernumber?

50. Theproduct of threenumbersis 48. lf lwo of lhem

ore 4 ond 2, whot isthe thirdnumber?

$olve the following Problems.

|. Everyboxcontoins9 pencils.Howmonypencils
willtherebe in 5 boxes?

2. Whofis fhe cosl of 6 pens,if eoch pen costsRM8?

3. Thereore 6 pensin o box.Howmonypensore

therein 7 suchboxes?

4. Thereore 9 bolloonsin o box. Howmony bolloons

ore fhere in 7 boxes?

5. Theproductof lwo numbersis 8l . lf one of them

is9, whot isthe othernumber?

6. lf there ore 7 pineopplesin o boskel,how mony

pineopplesore therein 4 suchboskets?

7. Moryboughf 7 boxesof sweets'Eochbox hod 8

sweels.Howmony sweefswere there olfogether?

8. A sfompcosts5 sen.Whotis the cost of 7 stomps?

Multiplicotion ExerciseI
Multiply 2-digif numberswithouf regrouping.
s sasss + a&
ss ss
s ss6s@s s8s s 8
14 + t4 2 x 14 -

l. | 2 2. I 3 3. 12 4. 2 3
x2 x3 x4 x2

5. 12 6. 2 2 7. 2 4 8. 3 3
x3 x4 x2 x2

9. 4 4 10. 22 ll. 3 4 12. 2 3

x2 x3 x2 x3

Multiplying2-digit numbersby r0 .
Exomples l. 2.

r3. 76 t4. 58 15. 63

x l0 x l0 x l0

1 6. 48 17. 92 t 8. 39
x l0 x l0 x l0

19. I O 20. l0 2 1. l0
x 29 x 93 x 5g

22. t0 23. t0 24. l0

x 87 x 74 ''x 3 5


Iultiplying 2-digif numberswifh regrouping.

eo-mEl-e-l**Jk******* ----------'I

********** ------------18


r. 25 2. 27 3. 29 4. 2 6
x3 x2 x3 x2

5. 37 6. 28 7. 48 8. 39
x2 x3 x2 x2

9. 29 r 0. 26 II. 36 12. 24
x2 x3 x2 x3

32 g 2. 3s 6
Exomples l.
x4 x6
1 r2 216

13 . 36 1 4. 29 15. 3I 16. 2 7
xg x5 x4 x5

17 . 47 r8 . 59 19. 67 20. 58
x5 x3x4 x3

2r. 38 22. 47 23. 29 24. 36

x6 x6 x7 x8

2 5. 86 26. 68 27. 57 2 8 .- 48
x7 x8 x7 x9

Mulliplying3-digif numberswithouf regrouping.
Mu lfiply .

I. 212 2. 422 3. 324 4. 233

x 4x 2 x 2 x 3

5. 423 6. 332 7. 232 8. 402

x 2 x 2 x3 x 2

9. 302 r 0. 202 Il. 340 12. 203

x 3 x 4 X 2 X 3

Mulfiplying3-digif numberswifh regrouping.

ll 22
Exomples 27 6 2. 269
x2 x3
552 807

1 3. 276 14. 365 15. 196 r 6. 187

x2 X 2 X 5 x4

17. r 98 18. r76 19 . I98 20. 163

x 5 X 3 x4

21 . 179 22. I I 6 23. r 37 24. 128

x 5 X 7 x 5

25. I 3 6 '26.
169 27. r24 28. 134
X 6 x5 x6

29. 189 30. | 28 3r. | 49 32. 123

x5 x6 x 5 xB


Sotve the following Problems.

I. Thereore 26 opplesin one bosket.Howmony

opplesore therein 8 suchboskels?

2. Inonesforybookfhereore How
monypogesore fherein 7 suchbooks?

3. Thereore 96 coconutfeesin one row.How

mony treesore there in 6 rows?

1. Christobelbought5 boxesof sweels.lf eoch

box confoined125sweefs,how mony sweefs

5. Wongboughl 4 boxesof morbles.lf eoch box

contoined186morbles,how monymorbleswere

6. Thereore 137cokesof soopin o box.Howmony

cokesof sooporetherein 6 suchboxes?

7. Whotisthe Productof 6,9 ond 8 ?

8. W hotist he P r o d u cot l 2 , 4 o n d I l8 ?

Divisionwifhin6, 7, I Times-Tobles.
Wrifenumbersenfencesfor mulfiplicotionond division.iExercEA

******** ********

******** ********

******** ********

nxl -l : n
[] *[-l:[-l

tl x l-l =f-l
tI * l--l:l-l
.ry///// E x l-l=f-l
f *[_l=l-l
[] xl- l :l--l F F r u &f u F r o
tl*f-l:[-l tuturoruro&
4 . l qf t oo o 0 o o o l roFrororor
I rrroro o o o l rutururururo
l o r r r rrrrrl [] xl-l =[-l
tlxl-l =[-l
E +l-l=[-l
[ ] + l-l : n

l. -42 + 6: tl Il. 18 + 6 = fl 2 1. 72+ e -n

2. 56 + I = fl 12. 6 4 + 8 : fl 22. 28+7: tl
3. 45 + 9 = tl 13. 6 3 + 9 = fl 23. 8 l+ 9 = tl
4. 72 + 8 - fl 14. 48 + 8 - E 24. 1 6 + 8 = tl
5. 35 + 7 = n 15. 32 + 8 - n 25. 4 O + .8 : E
6. 27 + 9 : E 16. 14 + 7 = tl 26. 5 4 + 9 = tl
4 2 + 7 : tl
V. 17. 18 + 9 -
tl 27. 56+8= fl
24 + 8 = E 1 8 . 4 9 + 7 = tl
E. 28. 30+6- tl
9. 36 + 9 - r 2109,.2 14+87+: 6 = tl 29. 72+8- fl
10. 2 4 + 8: E E 30. 12+6 tl
I. 6142 2. 8)56 3. el72 4. el45

5. 8164 6. 7l4 e 7. 8)32 8. 7142

9. e ) 8t t0. 7)56 lr. 6148 12. e)63

13. e i-s- 14 . 612 4 15. I ) 4 0 16. 7 )3 5

17. 6 ) 3 6 r8. 71 28 19. 6154 20. 8| 24

Divisionwithout lemoinder. 16+16-2x16=32

I Exompte-l w
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Di vi d e.

t. 2ls4 2. 2w 3. 2178 4. 2le2

5. 3r7 6. 3)-7S- 7. 3)8t 8. 3)54

s. 4l-76 ro. 4Tr2 tI . 4164 12. Ale6

13. s)qs 14 . sI% - rs. 7le8 16. 6178

17. 7TT rB. sT%- r e. 6)-64 20. 7)es


Dividing 2-digil numberswith remoinder.

I. 2.


r. 4)35 2. 5)46 3. 7148 4. 6)5e

5. e 14 7 6. s )-3T- 7. 6 lE- 8. e i-57-

e. 7166 r0. 8i5 4 rl. 6) 39 12. e175

13. 412e 14. 5147 15. S)-59 16. elS6


trorplel ,L
fJ L?
'L L?
'L L?
'\ fJ
'L L?
'L L?L?
'\ 'I 2 x1 O= 2 0

of io o o o o o 0 0 2 O+ 1 O:2


f. l O)lO 2. I0)30 3. tO) 7 0 4. l0 lr t0

5. ro)e0 6. l0 )60 7. r 0) s o E. l0) 50


Dividing2-digit numbers nder.

Exom ples r0 ) 2 5
lr 0 ) 4 8 I
20 | 40 I
5 I r3t
r. 10127 2. l0 ) 6 5 3. l0 ) 4 3 4. l0 ) I 6

5. l0 ) 5 4 6. 1Ol7 2 7. l0 ) 3 5 8. l0 ) 5 e

OiviOing3-digit numberswithout remoinder'

Exomples 59 37
41236 61222
20 l8
36 T
36 42

10. 6 | 2 3 4 ' il. 41344 1 2 .7 1 3 7 8

e. 5 )2 3 s

13. 6^)3 I 4 14. 9126r rs. sW 16. 5 ) 4 4 5

17. 71378 18. 8 ) 5 e 2 r e. 9 ) 7 I 3 20. 5 h3 e 5

mples l. 2.
249 146
317 47 6187 6
6 6
14 27
12 24
27 36.
27 36


l. 3) 567 2. 4l6 3 2 3. 517 25 4. 6187 6

5. 217 52 6, 3)S64 7. 6 lT 3 6 8. 71875

9. 8| ee 2 10. 71 95 2 rr. 81904 1 2 . 6)86r

13 . 5 )985 14. 61924 1 5 . 7)e66 16. s)992

Exomolesl . 1 3 4 < - q u o f i en l 2. 45
51672 6127 5
5 24
17 E
l5 30
22 5
2 remoinder

Divide ond find fhe quotient ond remoinder.

r. 3) 235 2. 4)345 3. 5)47S 4. 6)573

5. 5)369 6. 6)50e 7. 713e8 8. 8)675

9. 7)e53 r0. 8)e 35 rr. 617e3 12. 5) 847

t3. 61829 14. S )e e 7 15. 7l9 47 16. 5187 2

1 7. 71968 18. 6)836 19. 5)79S 2 0 . 4 ^ 17 5 7

Solvefhe following problems.

l. 276 choirsore ploced in 4 equol rows.How

mony choirs ore there in eoch row ?

2. 6 lorriescon corrV 876 boxes of opples. How

mony boxes con eoch lorry corry ?

3. lf 5 boys shore 739 rubber bonds equolly, how

mony rubber bonds will eoch boy get ? How
mony rubber bonds ore leff ?

4, Hofiz put 475 books in piles of 9. How mony

piles did he moke ? How mony books were left ?

5, I 0 similorrodios cosl RM560.Whot is fhe cosf

of eoch rodio ?

6. 538 dolls were pocked equolly in 6 boxes. How

mony dolls were lhere in eoch box ? How mony
dolls were left ?

7, lf you divide 345 by 6, whot is fhe quolient ?

Whot is fhe remoinder?

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