Slac Pub 10973
Slac Pub 10973
Slac Pub 10973
January 2005
disordered, amorphous and surface materials has exploded over the past twenty years
due to the increasing availability of high flux synchrotron radiation and the
techniques are available to materials scientists who are not necessarily synchrotron
compounds are materials like MoS2-xCx that are widely used petroleum catalysts used
may be viewed as “sulfide supported carbides” in their catalytically active states. The
second class of “surface compounds” is the “Maya Blue” pigments that are based on
1. Introduction
The availability of high quality synchrotron radiation and the ability to apply
enhanced our ability to solve materials problems that involve highly disordered,
problems has been recently reviewed1,2,3. Techniques such as WAXS (Wide Angle X-
ray Scattering), XAFS (X-ray Adsorption Fine Structure) and XANES (X-ray
Adsorption Near Edge Structure) have become routine techniques for the materials
scientist, improving our ability to understand difficult issues related to the structure
and function of modern advanced materials. In-situ techniques and surface techniques
including surface scattering are developing rapidly and will become routine in the
near future to help us further understand complex materials. It is the high signal-to-
noise ratio of synchrotron sources along with the tenability of the beam that make
Diffraction) can add new insight into an old problem can be found in a recent paper
about the magnetic structure of Aurivillius’ ceramics4. Members of this class such as
potential as magnetoelectric sensors. The crystalline structure of these materials is
temperatures above the Curie point, Tc (600°C ~ 800°C), Aurivillius crystals adopt
presence of user support groups and synchrotron support staffs who are encouraged to
interact with users who may not be familiar with synchrotron techniques. This
follows from the pioneering work of synchrotron scientists that made possible the
high quality beam and experiments that materials scientists enjoy today5. In this
report we discuss two classes of surface compounds: The SSC (Sulfide Supported
Carbides) of the type MoS2-xCx and Maya Blue Pigments. The application of
understanding of them.
2. Synchrotron Studies and Sample Preparation
Laboratory from 2000 to 2003 under a grant from the DoE (Department of Energy)
BES (Basic Energy Sciences). The grant is a training grant called the “Gateway
Grant” designed to bring students from the United States/Mexico border into the
The X-Ray scattering data were collected at SSRL on beam line 2-1. The
vertical collimation and high brightness of the synchrotron beam allowed use of a Si
(111)-based detector suitable to resolve lattice changes of the order of 0.1 %. The size
of the focused beam was 2 X 1 mm and approximately 1011 photons/sec are incident
on the sample. The XRD patterns were collected in the 5o-75o 2θ range at the Zn K-
edge (9.659 keV). The NEXAFS (Near Edge X-ray Adsorption Fine Structure
experiments were carried by Joachim Stöhr on beam line 8–2. Samples were pressed
into In foil. The spectra were recorded as a function of incident X-ray photon energy
in the vicinity of the C K – edge (275-325 eV). The partial electron-yield with a mean
free path of about 1nm was measured. The method is sensitive only to the surface
layers yielding information very similar to Auger Electron and X-ray Photoelectron
techniques. XAFS samples and standards were separately loaded into 0.5 mm – thick
aluminum sample holders, that were sealed using Mylar tape. The samples were
placed on rods and frozen under liquid nitrogen prior to being placed into the
cryostat. Appropriate K-edge absorption spectra for the various samples were
collected on SSRL beamline SB07-3 (1.8 T Wiggler field) using a Si (220) double
SPEAR storage ring was normally operating at 55–90 mA at 3.0 GeV. Harmonics
using an Oxford Instruments CF1204 liquid helium flow cryostat. Further details can
3. Surface Compounds
Many compounds that have practical importance are most effective as small particles.
Heterogeneous catalysts are a prime example. Catalysts that can be stabilized as small
particles have more effective surface area to perform the desired reactions. As the
particles become smaller the way in which the particle terminates its surface becomes
vacuum. However, catalysts are in reactive environments and may terminate their
Perhaps the most extensively studied and understood example of this is the
small particles of TiCl3, it was recognized that the desirable polymerization properties
could be enhanced by modifying the surface of the TiCl3 with agents such as AlCl3 or
alkyl aluminum compounds. The TiCl3 crystallites are terminated with Al compounds
that interface with the reacting polymers. The TiCl3 provides the appropriate redox
stereochemistry for the desired reaction. The field progressed until the particle
became smaller and smaller and the surface structure more important, until finally the
“single site” metallocene catalyst emerged. The reference cited above discusses
enabled not only the success of the polymer industry but also “opening the way to the
describes the catalyst as a “reactor granule…with it’s own energy and materials
balance”. Today we might call it a nano-reactor with all of the elements of a chemical
reactor on the nanoscale. The examples of surface compounds given in this report
include a catalyst similar to that just described and an entirely unexpected example in
Catalysts based on TMS (Transition Metal Sulfides) such as MoS2 and WS2 are used
by refineries around the world to meet environmental requirements for heating and
transportation fuels through the removal of sulfur, nitrogen and other pollutants. It is
expected that heavy crudes containing larger amounts of sulfur, nitrogen and metals
will become the major source of petroleum hydrocarbons in the future. Faced with
sulfur content of fuels, better HDS (hydrodesulfurization), HDN
addition it has been found recently that the TMS catalysts are promising sulfur
tolerant fuel cell anodes7. In order to meet the increasing environmental demands and
to develop new uses for the TMS, a deeper understanding of their structure and
The most important basic aspect of catalysis by the TMS (transition metal
position in the periodic table. The first report of the periodic effect in catalysis by
TMS emphasized the importance of determining the “stable catalytic state8. This
paper established the bulk crystalline structure of the transition metal sulfides for the
HDS reaction and was the first paper to describe the extremely active RuS2 catalyst as
the peak of the ‘volcano plot” for HDS catalysis. RuS2 catalysts also have recently
been show to be very effective anodes for hydrogen activation in fuel cells. Both the
HDS activity and the hydrogen activation activity point to the importance of the 4d
This is the most fundamental rule in catalysis by TMS and this phenomenon has been
“promoted systems”: catalysts based on MoS2 or WS2 that are “promoted” with Co or
Ni but not by Fe or Cu. This effect is also explained by the concept of “pseudo-
binary” catalysts. Catalysts based on Co/Mo, Ni/Mo, Co/W and Ni/W behave has
noble metal configurations by creating a “surface compound” with the promoter
phase at the surface of the “support phase.” Thus, Co supported on MoS2 has
enhanced activity and behaves as a noble metal sulfide, though RuS2 activity is not
achieved. A complete discussion of this subject is beyond the scope of this report but
Recent results indicate that the surfaces of the TMS in their catalytic stable state
(CSS) contain carbon directly bonded to the catalytic metals11,12. Carbon XANES
spectra described in these references clearly show that the transition metal is bound
directly to carbon on the surface of the catalyst. The Auger electron yield is shown
for a MoS2 catalyst in figure 1. The Auger electron yield comes from the first
nanometer of the surface and the flouresecent yield comes from the bulk phase (not
shown) but has very little indication of carbon. This key information coming from
spherical particle with the carbide phase covering the surface of the sphere and MoS2-
xCx is shown as a cylindrical particle with the edge of the cylinder covered with the
carbide phase.
Thus, the CSS for Mo is MoS2-xCx and for Ru is RuS2-xCx. For example, a
catalyst that is originally RuS2 with the Pyrite structure and an average particle size of
10 nm was run in an HDS reactor with the model compound DBT for over 1000
hours. The resulting catalysts retained the bulk Pyrite structure and particle size but
had lost sulfur and gained carbon such that the stoichiometry was now RuS1.7C0.3.
This corresponds to removing the surface layer of sulfur and replacing it with carbon
catalyst. It is this description that is the proper starting point for a dsicussion of the
A similar situation exists for Mo and W catalysts that are promoted with Co or
Ni. Thus, any description of TMS catalysts that fail to take into account the important
role of carbon in stabilized HDS catalysts cannot give an accurate description of the
one phase by another, for example, in order to understand the true nature of the
catalysts has long been overdue, especially in the field of TMS catalystic materials.
information for process operation. For example, refinery operators have for many
years recognized the existence of “hard carbon” (carbide carbon) and “soft carbon”
(coke) in hydrotreating catalysts. Soft carbon, but not hard carbon can be removed
destruction of the catalyst and this can be explained by the development of surface
TMS catalyst tend to activate when first put on line in catalyst reactors again because
again emphasize the importance of understanding the total catalyst structure stable
under active operating conditions to understand the basis for catalyst activity in a
fundamental way.
Industrial MoS2 HDS catalysts are usually supported on Al2O3 and promoted with Co
catalyst is Co/Mo/Al2O3 and this catalyst used in an industrial reactor might remain
active for years again depending on the petroleum feedstock being treated. The
quantities of sulfur, nitrogen, aromatic compounds and metals such as vanadium. The
evolution and the structure of the catalytically stabilized active phase has been the
subject of controversy for many years including the mechanism for their deactivation.
In order to illuminate this subject industrial catalysts have been studied that
were operated in commercial HDS units for more than four years leading to a new
understanding of the catalytic phases that are stabilized under these conditions16. In
these studies three commercial Co/Mo/Al2O3 that had been run in an industrial
reactor for one week, one month and four years were studied using synchrotron XRD
techniques. A catalyst was removed from the industrial reactor after four years in a
“regularly scheduled turn around” and was still active as confirmed by model
compound reaction studies. Figure 3 shows the wide-angle scattering from these
catalysts in the region from approximately 6 – 20o 2θ. In this region the 002
reflection of the MoS2 bulk structure can be seen just below 2θ. The intensity of the
002 reflection from the MoS2 bulk structure reflects the degree of stacking of the
MoS2 anisotropic layers. Analysis of the excess (diffuse) scattering under the 002
reflection led to an estimate of the number of stacked layers verses single layers
(figure 4). The term excess scattering refers to the scattering that is above the
background but not part of the Bragg 002 reflection. This excess scattering is due to
single layers and appears in all catalysts described17. It is obvious from figure 3 that
the stacking decreases as the catalyst is subject to longer times in the reactor.
Analysis of the excess scattering due to single layers shows that single layers
predominate after four years in the reactor as indicated in figure 5. Furthermore, the
study also indicates that previous HRTEM studies of these catalysts over looks the
single layers that are determined by the excess scattering measured by synchrotron
the application of synchrotron radiation and radically alters the way in which the
support contribution.
2. Analysis of the active phase scattering indicates that the catalyst consists of
mainly single layers of MoS2 in contrast to HRTEM studies that “see” only
stacked layers.
3. Catalysts that have been run for long periods of time under high-pressure
Future work will focus on the change in structure with deactivation and selectivity of
the HDS reaction that has been associated with stacking in MoS2 based catalysts18
The ancient Maya people who inhabited Mesoamerica approximately 1000 years ago
produced a remarkable blue pigment known today as Maya Blue. This pigment was
used to produce beautiful murals and pottery that survives today in many places in
Mexico and Central America19. Its longevity and stability are due an unusual
chemical composition that brings together an organic dye (indigo) and an inorganic
clay (palygorskite). The exact nature of the complex organic/inorganic material has
studies found that Maya Blue is a “surface compound” with the indigo molecule
inserted into channels at the clay surface and bonded to chemical sites in the
channels. CERIUS2 (Accerlyrus Inc.) simulation shows how the indigo molecules slip
into the exposed surface channels (figure 6). This channel binding and the resulting
charge transfer is responsible for the stability of the complex and its remarkable
XRD studies. The low angle region of the WAXS data is shown in figure 7. The
major diffraction peaks are due to the inorganic clay, Palygorskite. Indigo (6 wt.%)
is mixed with Palgorskite and gives the composite pattern shown in the figure 7. Two
diffraction peaks due to the indigo occur a just below 9o 2θ and just above 12o 2θ and
are compared with a simulated indigo pattern. When heated to 140oC the surface
compound is formed and the two indigo peaks disappear. This surface compound is
“Maya Blue”. The success of the synchrotron XRD technique in demonstrating the
existance of the surface compound has opened the way for future developments in
extending the ancient knowledge of the Maya into modern materials science.
8. Conclusions
terminate their surfaces as the particle size is reduced. Surface compounds are
becoming more important as the world of materials delves further into regions of
9. Acknowledgements
Portions of this research were carried out at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences. We thank the U.S.
Department of Energy Gateway Program and the Robert A. Welch Foundation for
financial support.
List of Figures:
Figure 1: Carbon Auger electron yield NEXAFS spectrum from MoS2 catalyst
stabilized under HDS conditions,showing equivalence to the surface of Mo2C (from
reference 11).
Figure 3: XRD data from three catalysts: 1 week, 1month and 4 years run times in the
range from 6 to 20o 2θ.
Figure 7: WAXS XRD data in the region from 6 to 13o 2θ. The red line is the
inorganic clay, palygorskite (Attagel 50), the green line is the simulated diffraction
pattern of indigo, the blue line is a mixture of 6% indigo and 94% palygorskite not
heated and the yellow line is the same mixture heated to 140oC.
Figure 1:
MoS2 + DBT
Isc/I0 (normalized,
1.5 Mo2C
280 285 290 295 300 305 310
Figure 2:
RuS2-xCx MoS2-xCx
Figure 3
4 years
1 week
1 month
002 MoS2
Figure 4
2H-MoS2 crystalline peaks
Excess Asymmetric 100
I / I0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
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