Synopsis KinzaAbbasiFall2024
Synopsis KinzaAbbasiFall2024
Synopsis KinzaAbbasiFall2024
Islamabad Campus
Department Physics
Title of Research Proposal Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic
Waves at Right-Handed and Left-Handed Media
It is proposed in [1] that if permittivity and permeability of a medium is complex, then real
part of permittivity and permeability can be negative. Then it is professed that such medium
will have some unique properties such as negative refractive index etc. This was theoretical
interpretation of complex permittivity and permeability of any medium. Interestingly, there
were no media reported in scientific community having simultaneously negative
permittivity and permeability at that time. Later in 1996, [2] proposed periodic structures,
named as thin-wire (TW) structures having negative permittivity when electromagnetic
waves in Giga Hertz (GHz) frequency band pass through them. This was first major
development after [1]. This work open doors for further developments in this field. In
continuation of [2], split-ring resonator (SRR) structures was proposed and developed by
[3] in 1999. SRR structures exhibit negative permeability values when operated in radio
frequency band in GHz. The works in [2] and [3] fulfil the idea of [1]. A complete
realization of [1] was presented in [4] in 2000. The work in [4] proposed a composite
medium formed by combining TW and SRR structures. It was then explained that the
composite medium is when exposed to electromagnetic waves in the GHz frequency range,
then there is a frequency band where the permittivity and permeability of two structures
become negative. Consequently, negative refractive index of the proposed medium results
in the said frequency band. Another development was the direction of propagation of wave
and power (Poynting vector) were opposite to each other, thus the composite medium is
termed as left-hand medium as it follows left-hand rule. Moreover, well-known phenomena
such as Doppler effect, Cherenkov radiation and Snell’s law reversed. These properties of
the composite medium made it magical material. This work motivated the research
community to further explore this left-handed medium named as Metamaterials.
Metamaterials have recently attracted a lot of attention as a unique study field, because of
their extraordinary features that are not possible to be exist in common materials. It’s
characteristics like negative permeability, permittivity, and refractive index across a
specific range of frequencies of the incident electromagnetic waves, are controlled by their
physical structure (exact size, geometry, shape, alignment, and arrangement) or designed
For these properties, Metamaterials must satisfy the effective homogeneity condition, i.e.,
average cell size of the structure should be less than one by four of the guided wavelength
[5]. A transmission line modelling approach was proposed in [5] for analysis of
Metamaterials. Theoretically speaking, it’s a good method for analyzing the properties of
these materials.
Simultaneously negative permittivity and permeability of Metamaterials made it
interesting from research point of view. Metamaterials have been investigated in the
literature with great details. Metamaterials have wide applications in science and industry.
Metamaterials absorber have been used as glucose sensors in food industry [6]. Perfect
optical Metamaterial absorbers taking into account the intrinsic loss and suitable design of
structure obtain absorption at a given wavelength. This glucose sensor is a great tool for
the food industry. Recently, a biomedical sensor based on Tera Hertz (THz) Metamaterial
absorber is proposed to detect cancer cells [7]. The proposed Metamaterials absorber can
achieve absorption of 99% at 3.71 THz with a high-quality Q-factor. The working of the
proposed model explained in such a way that resonance frequency shifts the refractive
index of the considered medium. The amount of shift determines the presence of cancerous
cells. These examples of Metamaterials applications signify the importance Metamaterials
and invite the research community to investigate them thoroughly.
Statement of the Problem
Our analysis starts with the understanding of constituent structures of Metamaterials, i.e.,
TW and SRR structures. Understanding the geometry and orientation of the two structures
will help us understand the behavior of Metamaterials. For this purpose, an expression of
intrinsic impedance for the Metamaterials using the equations of the permittivity of TW
and permeability of SRR structures will be derived. This expression is advantageous to
derive in a sense that is will be used in the upcoming analysis.
For the analysis of electromagnetic boundary conditions, an interface of right-handed
(naturally occurring material) and left-handed medium is assumed. Analytical expressions
for the reflections and transmission coefficients at normal incidence will be derived. To
have insight of the results, the derived expressions will be simulated in
MATLAB/PYTHON. The deeper understanding of the considered scenario can be attained
by deriving the reflections and transmission coefficients of electromagnetic waves at
oblique incidence. This analysis is more important as refraction angle RH/LH media
boundary is negative compared to RH/RH media boundary. The simulation results of the
considered scenario predict well the behavior of electromagnetic waves in the left-handed
medium which is the main essence of this research.
Certified that the synopsis has been seen by members of DAC and considered it suitable for
putting up to BASAR.
Departmental Advisory Committee
Date: ________________________
Chairman/HoD ____________________________________
Signature: ______________________________
Date ______________________________
Secretary BASAR