Leyte Negosyo Chronicle 2nd Issue

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ph (053)832-4167 VOL 1 February 2018 ISSUE



Php43 3
Million P3

11.5k target 4

Php47 5
Million SSF
Ormoc City Mayor Richard Gomez and LPCC members monitor the prices of basic goods & commodities in the public market.

Leyte LPCCs vigilant on profiteers as TRAIN
Bernales accelerates
With the govern- gether with the DTI Leyte Trade Laws.
Success 8 ment’s implementation of Senior Trade and Industry
Story: the Tax Reform for Acceler- Development Specialist Mayor Gomez
Armea’s ation and Inclusion Abelardo Zacarias and other encouraged market stall
Enterprise... program otherwise known members of the Ormoc City owners to strictly comply
as the TRAIN Law this year, LPCC conducted a monitor- with the said laws and
Local Price Coordinating ing at the public market to warned against unfair
Councils in Leyte conduct inspect the prices of basic business practices such
preparatory activities to goods and commodities, as hoarding, profiteering
Watch out for protect consumers on profi- and checked if market and illegal practices rela-
the maiden issue teers . stores are compliant to tive to weights and
of Leyte BUB Price Tag and other Fair measures.
Magazine! The LPCC of
Ormoc City spearheaded by
Mayor Richard Gomez
Buttoms Up
Budgeting Liveli-
convened last December
hood Enterpri- 29, 2017 and identified
ses’ Success Sto- necessary activities to be
ries of Micro undertaken to promote
Entrepreneurs in consumer welfare and
Leyte protection.

Mayor Gomez to- Ormoc City Mayor Gomez discussing with LPCC members issues on over
pricing of some basic goods.
Leyte Negosyo Chronicle Feb. 2018

Leyte LPCCs... continued…

Hon. Cristina G. Romualdez, Tacloban City Mayor, discussing the roles of each implementing agency of the
recently organized Tacloban City Local Price Coordinating Council.

On the other hand, Acceleration and Inclusion the updated Suggested Retail
Tacloban City Mayor Cristina (TRAIN) Law. PD Belas also Prices.
G. Romualdez signed last Jan- informed the council mem-
uary 11, 2018 Executive bers regarding the delinea- Likewise, Baybay City
Order No. 2018- 01-081 cre- tion of agencies concerned Mayor Carmen L. Cari also
ating the Tacloban City Local on the price monitoring of called for an LPCC Meeting
Price Coordinating Council. An identified products. last Feb. 2, 2018 to address
LPCC meeting was immedi- similar issues arising from the
ately held that day Chaired by The Tacloban LPCC implementation of the TRAIN
Mayor Romualdez to address agreed to closely monitor the Law such as the sudden in-
the issues concerning the fluctuations of prices in the crease of prices in the market
sudden increase of prices of public and private markets of particularly fish and vegeta-
various commodities in the the city and establish a com- bles.
market. plaints desk at Tacloban
Public Market to entertain Present during the
During the meeting, and solve issues of profiteer- meeting was DTI Leyte Chief
DTI Leyte PD & LPCC Vice- ing & other consumer related Larraga who briefed the
Chairman Desiderio P. Belas, complaints. Baybay LPCC members on the
Jr. and Consumer Welfare salient features of the TRAIN
Division Chief Araceli D. Larra- The council will also Law and its underlying effects
ga conducted an orientation set up a Price Bulletin Board to the market and the
on RA 10963 Tax Reform for to guide the consumers of consumers.

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Leyte Negosyo Chronicle Feb. 2018

P40M P3 funds of partner MFIs now available to
Leyte NC ME clients

Round Table Discussion with Partner MFIs with DTI Leyte PD Ed Belas., SBC Representative Elmer Garado & representative from
partner MFIs

A total of Forty Million Libercon Multi-Purpose Coopera- tion Representative Elmer

(Php40,000,000.00) Pondo sa tive with Php1.01Million, Fatima Garado, DTI Leyte BDD Chief
Pagbabago at Pag Asenso (P3) Multi-Purpose Cooperative with Faustino V. Gayas, Jr., DTI R08
Program loan fund released to Php6.52Million, Omaganhan Negosyo Center Regional Coor-
accredited Leyte Micro Financing Farmers Multi-Purpose Coopera- dinator Pedro Bimbo Tan and
Institutions (MFIs) can now be tive got Php5Million, and Zara- thirty Negosyo Center Business
accessed by Negosyo Center cli- gosa Farmers Multi-Purpose Co- Counselors of Leyte.
ents/Micro Small and Medium operative received One Million
Enterprises (MSMEs) of Leyte. pesos. Tackled during the meet-
ing were issues and concerns
This amount comprises In connection to this, a encountered by Leyte NCBCs in
70% of the total amount of Round Table Discussion with disseminating P3 information to
Php57.8 Million released to Re- Representatives from partner potential borrowers, particularly
gion 8. MFIs was conducted by DTI Ley- on the qualifications and re-
te headed by DTI Leyte Deside- quirements required from P3
Five MFIs in Leyte were rio P. Belas, Jr. last January 30, borrowers as well as the limited
accredited for the P3 Program of 2018 at Eastern Visayas State areas covered by partner MFIs.
the national government and University (EVSU) Graduate
were given the said funding bro- School, Tacloban City. Present The P3 program aims to
ken down as follows: Taytay sa during the meeting were Repre- provide alternative source of
Kauswagan, Incorporated (TSKI) sentatives from the five partner financing with low interest rate
received P26.78 Million, MFIs, Small Business Corpora- to MSMEs.

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Leyte Negosyo Chronicle Feb. 2018

11.5k MSMEs in 2018 Leyte Scorecard
cascaded to NC Biz Counselors

Open forum during the Negosyo Center Cluster Planning Workshop held last January 18, 2018

DTI Leyte Provincial address the increasing demand 4, 015 and District 5 is targetting
Office is targeting a total of for the business development 3,335 micro entrepreneurs.
11,500 MSME-clients to be services.
assisted by the Negosyo Center The bases were the 2017
Business Councilors in the In order to maximize the Leyte Negosyo Center Perfor-
Province for the Calendar Year use of resources, DTI Leyte Pro- mance and Accomplishments,
2018. vincial Office conducted an increment of five (5) percent
Negosyo Center Planning Work- annual growth rate and five addi-
A total of P15M budget shops through geographic clus- tional Negosyo Centers to be es-
is expected to be downloaded tering: Districts 1 and 2 in Alan- tablished this 2018. The activity
for the Business Development galang, Leyte, Districts 3 and 4 was participated by the DTI Leyte
Services (BDS), and the Mainte- in Ormoc City, and District 5 in Management Committee
nance and other Operating Baybay City last January 17-19, (ManCom), DTI Leyte BDD Clus-
Expenses (MOOE) for the twenty- 2018, respectively. ter Heads and the Leyte Nego-
eight (28) operational Negosyo syo Center Business Counselors.
Centers in Leyte. Presently, there To make sure it will hit The Individual Dashboards of
are about thirty-five (35) the target, DTI Leyte stretched thirty-five (35) Negosyo Center
Negosyo Center Business the number to 13, 325 MSMEs. Business Counselors were cas-
Counselors who are manning Districts 1 & 2 also known as caded from the Provincial Direc-
these Negosyo Centers and will G12 is expected to serve 5,975 tor, Division Chiefs and the Nego-
MSMEs, District 3 & 4 with syo Center Business Counselors

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Leyte Negosyo Chronicle Feb. 2018

Php47M in SSF Projects earmarked for Leyte

Dairy Food Processing Shared Service Facility in Baybay City Meeting w/ Baybay Cooperators last Feb. 2, 2018 w/ DTI PD
Ed Belas & STIDS Rebecca Cormanes
More than Forty Seven Association also from Baybay
Million pesos (Php47M) fund City (Jackfruit Processing), DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY
for the Shared Service Facilities Omaganhan Farmers Multi- LEYTE PROVINCIAL OFFICE
2nd Floor Himalayan Building
(SSF) program is earmarked for Purpose Cooperative of
Brgy. 78 Marasbaras, Tacloban City
Leyte Cooperators this year. Tabango (Banana Chips
Processing, Lim-ao Integrated
The said amount is in- Farmers for Empowerment LEYTE NEGOSYO CHRONICLE
(LIFE) of Kananga, Leyte (Bag EDITORIAL BOARD
tended for the SSF Projects of
Making), Sinamay Weavers
the proposed Cooperators in
Association of Matalom, Leyte DESIDERIO P. BELAS, JR., CESO III
Leyte for them to improve Editor-in Chief
(Sinamay Weaving), Pandan
their machinery, equipment,
Processors Association of
tools, systems, skills and Inopacan Leyte (Pandan Pro-
Managing Editor
knowledge under a shared cessing) and Organic Rice
system. Seed Growers Multi-Purpose
Cooperative (ORSEGRO) of
These proposed SSF Ormoc City (Organic Rice MARIE BIANCA I. GENOSA
Cooperators are the following Packaging), Fabrication Labo- Associate Editors
Abuyog Moron Processors ratory and one cooperator for
Association of Abuyog, Leyte the jackfruit processing from DENNIS BALOTITE
Layout Artist
(Moron Processing), Visayas the First District of Leyte.
State University (VSU) Depart- ANNA EUNICE R. ALEJANDRE
ment of Food Science & Tech- A Regional Manage- VIRGILIO A. BONJOC, JR.
nology (DFST) of Baybay City ment Committee (ManCom) REBECCA M. CORMANES

(Food Laboratory, Bamboo meeting was held on February

Manufacturing & Carabao 6, 2018 at Hotel XYZ, Contributors
Dairy, Eastern Visayas State Tacloban City to finalize the
University of Tacloban City
said fund allocation. [email protected]
(Ancillary Equipment for (053)832 - 4167
Retort), Baybay Womens’

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Leyte Negosyo Chronicle Feb. 2018

BERNALES MEMORIAL CHAPELS: “Staying alive in the
funeral industry”

Bernales Memorial Chapels, formerly known as Ormoc Bernales Funeral

DTI’s Kapatid Mentor Ormoc Bernales Fu- turing and making caskets,
Me Program (KMME) has neral, owned by Stella Marie and eventually became a full-
opened a whole new world for B. Oriol, is one of the privi- service funeral home. The
me as an entrepreneur. Just leged 21 mentees of Kapatid funeral home service was a
when I thought my business Mentor ME Ormoc Batch 2. family business that has
was getting nowhere, I was Ormoc Bernales Funeral now been in the industry for dec-
taught to think big, change renamed and rebranded as ades.
my mindset and be positive. I Bernales Memorial Chapels,
realized that the more I is owned and managed by
However, it is feared
learned about the business, Stella and her husband, Kimo
that their business is slowly
the more there was to im- Rodcliff Oriol. Who would
going down due to the indus-
prove I found a whole new have thought that Stella, with
try’s tough competition. The
family with an encouraging her angelic demeanor and
company, with their vision to
and nurturing mentor and an calm aura, is a registered
become a world-class funeral
ever supportive DTI-Leyte. embalmer and owner of an
service, is slowly losing the
Now, I am so excited for the affluent funeral home in
light towards their aspired
unfolding of the events to Ormoc City?
path for their business.
come and to see how far my
Came the KMME Program in
business will go.”, says Stella,
The business started Ormoc through Department
owner of Bernales Memorial
in the 1980s with manufac- of Trade and Industry in Ley-
te which was launched on

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Leyte Negosyo Chronicle Feb. 2018

SUCCESS STORY Bernales Memorial.. continued...

Bernales Funeral Chapels owner

Stella Oriol (right) with other
mentees, during the interview with
DTI Leyte PD Desiderio Belas. (left)

the 27th of March 2017, the step- ing their branding — from their Truly, DTI- Leyte,
ping stone for the Bernales business name, to logo, and are through the KMME pro-
Memorial Chapels’ breakthrough. even on the process of adding gram, has rekindled the
facilities. light of the Bernales Me-
morial Chapels through
After finishing the ten
its proprietor, Stella. She
modules and graduating from With the help of DTI
the KMME program, Stella and has been formally
Leyte and Negosyo Center, equipped with the tech-
her husband took the step to re-
Stella’s loan application in nicalities of the busi-
position and rebrand; changed
Small Business Corporation is ness and the confidence
the business name they have
been using for almost four dec- now on process. Bernales and courage to explore
ades. Memorial Chapels will add an every possibility for the
oratory and renovate the place company.
in line with their repositioning
Stella was one of the from a conventional image to
most diligent and most deter- urbane. Moreover, the company
mined among the Ormoc is continually hiring employees
mentees. She visited the Nego- since the end of the program, “@DTI, we
syo Center Ormoc together with noting that their operations and
her husband on a weekly basis production is increasing. On the DO BETTER
during, and even after, the pro- other hand, Bernales Memorial
when we
gram for monitoring. The pro- Chapels is pursuing what she
gram and the support from DTI calls “funeography” otherwise DO THINGS
Leyte made them trust their busi- known as funeral photography
ness even more and helped them understanding that it has been
passionately pursue their vision the new trend for the middle
to become a world-class funeral class to elite, the market BMC
home. They are gradually chang- wants to actually cater.

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Leyte Negosyo Chronicle Feb. 2018

ARMEA’S ENTERPRISES: “Learn to earn”

Undeniably, the ten

m o d u le s h a v e f o r m a ll y
equipped and developed Mr.
Armea into an effective and
efficient project manager. The
enterprise’s sales increased
fairly by 5% after attending the
KMME Program. This positive
effect in the business paired
with the skills developed during
the program altogether boosted
the capabilities and the confi-
dence of the mentee.
Marck Armea, Project Manager of Armea’s Enterprises

The Department of Trade Armea’s Enterprises, rep- Mr. Armea now takes on
and Industry Leyte together with resented by their project mana- a new challenge as he will be
Negosyo Center Ormoc has ger, Mark Armea, was one of the having the same line of busi-
hopeful mentees who underwent ness in Tacloban City soon. He
transformed the City of Ormoc
continually works on his own
into a milieu more conducive to the 10 modules of KMME and
business strategic action plans
investors as it has become graduated from the program to- towards being a good entrepre-
equipped with a positive busi- gether with other 20 mentees on neur and a proprietor of the
ness environment. With the ac- June 1, 2017. business on his own. Indeed,
tive presence of the Negosyo quality products and services of
Center, several interventions for the enterprise will not only be
MSMEs were done – from hum- Founded in 1993 at catered to Ormocanons but to
ble steps such as imparting Cantubo Street, Ormoc City, the the entire province eventually.
institution specialized in sheet
proper information to clients, up
fabrication. For almost two
to milestones such as the
decades, Armea’s Enterprises The humble contribution
launching of Kapatid Mentor ME continues to provide quality of the Negosyo Center Ormoc
Batch 2 last March 27, 2017 at products and services to as the coordinator of Kapatid
Sabin Resort Hotel. Ormocanons. Mentor ME Batch 2 in Leyte
paved way to the milestone of
each mentee towards the
The Kapatid Mentor ME Although the company is success of their businesses.
Program was rolled out in Ormoc a family business passed from
City with over 300 participants one generation to another, Mark
from all over Districts 3, 4 and 5. Armea, son of the proprietor #DTI:
From there, 21 hopeful partici- Juanita Armea, still took the time
pants were chosen to be the sec- to learn from the opportunity TEAM SERBISYONG
ond batch of mentees for the given to him by DTI Leyte and TAPAT
KMME Program.
said program.

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