Renewable Sources of Energy
Renewable Sources of Energy
Renewable Sources of Energy
Tides and waves as sources of energy- fundamentals of tidal power- use
of tidal energy- limitations of tidal energy conversion systems.
Direct energy conversion: Need for DEC- Carnot cycle- limitations-
principles of DEC. thermo-electric generators- Seebeck-Peltier and Joule-
Thompson effects- figure of merit- materials- applications-MHD
generators- principles- dissociation and ionization- Hall effect-magnetic
flux- MHD accelerator- MHD engine- power generation systems-electron
gas dynamic conversion- economic aspects.
Rai G.D, “Non-Conventional energy Sources”, Khanna Publishers,
fourth editon, 2008.
1. Suhas. P. Sukhatma and Nayak. J.K., “Solar Energy”, TMH,
New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2008.
2. D.P. Kothari, Rakesh Ranjan and K.C. Singal., “Renewable
Energy Resources and Emerging Tech.”, Prentice Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2011.
3. Sawhney, G.S., “Non-Conventional Energy Sources”, Prentice
Hall Inc., Delhi, 2012.