Lessons in Cyber Safety: Tri-City Times

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Your Hometown Newspaper 50¢

Tri-City Times LAPEER



Wednesday, February 7, 2018

144th Volume - Issue No. 6 www.tricitytimes-online.com

Lessons in cyber safety

Top law enforcement officials warn kids of online dangers
By Tom Wearing the Child Advocacy is that back then every-
[email protected] Center, Almont Police thing wasn’t recorded as
Chief Andy Martin and it is today.”
ALMONT — Once Almont Schools Liaison Konschuh reminded
you post, send or share Officer Amanda students it is a crime to
something online, you Manning. display inappropriate
can never take it back Speaking from their materials to a person
and it never goes away. specific areas of exper- under the age of 17, add-
That was one of sev- tise, the panel members ing that the penalties for
eral sobering messages warned students of doing so could carry a
top Lapeer County law potential consequences of maximum of two years in
enforcement officers and misuse of social media prison.
legal experts delivered to and the internet. He alluded to “sex-
Almont High School stu- First to the podium Almont High School ting” as a growing and
dents Friday morning. was Judge Konschuh senior Nadia Manko far-reaching problem
The esteemed panel who helped organize the found program to be with long term conse-

Photo by Tom Wearing

included Lapeer County panel at the invitation of of value to students. quences for those who
Circuit Court Judge high school counselor participate in the prac-
Byron Konschuh, Sue Frederikson. cell phones. tice.
Prosecutor Mike Sharkey, Konschuh urged the “We all do some stu- Konschuh warned
Sheriff Scott McKenna, students to be very care- pid things when we’re that should potential
Probation Officer Steve ful and responsible when young,” said Konschuh. Sheriff McKenna urged students to be smart and
Smith, Emily Sznitka of using the internet or their “I did too. The difference Lessons page 12-A avoid negative consequences.

Almont Park Board renews 5-year plan

Members set new objectives for coming years
By Tom Wearing nization’s 5-year plan. must update its goals and
[email protected] Park Board Chairman/ objectives every five years
Village Councilman Gary to remain eligible for grant
ALMONT — Almont Peltier reported that newly funding from the State of
Community Park Board elected executive board Michigan.
members met Wednesday members include himself He pointed out that the
to re-elect officers and to as chairman; Terry Roach, last time the board identi-
renew and update the orga- vice chairman; Roberta fied its specific goals and
Kudson, secretary/Almont objectives was in 2013.
Township representative; “We’ve accomplished
and Rick Tobias, treasurer. many of goals we had
Other Park Board established in 2013,” said
Photo by Tom Wearing

members are Kim Schall, Peltier. “Now we need to

Almont DDA director; set new objectives going
Wes Wagester, Almont forward.”
Lions Club; and Kristina Peltier listed the instal-
Todaro. lation of surveillance cam-
Peltier said the Almont New play equipment is among the items the Almont Community Park
Community Park Board Renews page 12-A Board includes on its list of goals and objectives over the next fire years.

Firing up season
Love stories sought
3rd Degree Burns to
host YMC fundraiser,
...see pages 6-A

for Valentine’s contest

Tri-City Times seeks entries for
February 14th special edition
TRI-CITY AREA — Do you have a love story
to share? Is there a special someone, romantic part-
On the Scouts! ner, sibling, parent, grandparent, pet, neighbor,
friend, who has demonstrated and/or shared their
capacity to love unconditionally, go above and
Almont Girl Scouts treat
for Valentine’s dinner, beyond, or surprise and delight you with their
...see page 7-A unique loving ways? If so, we’d like to
hear about it and share those stories in our February
14 Valentine’s Day edition.
Photos that help tell the story are encouraged.
Photo by Tom Wearing

Prizes will be offered for winners, who will be

selected at random.
TIMES Please include a name and contact information
with all entries. Submission may be emailed to
[email protected]; indicate ‘Valentine’s Day’ in
ONLINE Ruth Hughes Library’s own Diane Willick and Mandy Summers display
some of the many items available at the library’s annual silent auction.
the subject line, or sent by mail to Tri-City Times,
Valentine’s Day issue, P.O. Box 278, Imlay City,
MI 48444.

Treasures up for grabs

tricitytimes-online.com Please do not send original or vintage photos,
as they will not be returned. Deadline for entry is
February 9. Winners will be notified the week of
February 12. Call Maria or Catherine at 810-724-
FACEBOOK 2615 for more information.
Ruth Hughes Library annual Silent Auction underway
facebook.com By Tom Wearing library’s 2018 Silent ideal Valentine’s gift,
/Tricitytimes/ [email protected] Auction.
Listed among those
Aldrich suggests bidding
on the “movie night” gift
IMLAY CITY — If items are gift baskets, basket, which contains a
you’re looking for a antiques, collectibles, gift copy of a romantic novel,
The Tri-City Times unique Valentine’s Day gift certificates, local services, candles, bottle of wine,
is printed on for that special someone, old toys, books, furniture cheese and crackers and
recycled paper look no further than the and more. other ingredients ideal for
Ruth Hughes Memorial Library Director Tracy a romantic evening.
District Library. Aldrich says the silent auc- Aldrich also recom-
From now through tion offers participants an mends Imlay City Manager
File photo

Tuesday, Feb. 13, Imlay opportunity to find a per- Tom Youatt’s offer of a
City residents and visitors fect Valentine’s gift, while free lunch and tour of the
are welcome to stop in and supporting their hometown city as an item worth bid- Share a love story and be entered into a
check out the many items library at the same time. chance to win prizes from local businesses.
going up for bids in the As an example of an Treasures page 12-A

Home invasion suspect tracked down, arrested

Who’s your good neighbor?
TRI-CITY AREA — Has someone made a dif-
ference in your life?
The Tri-City Times is seeking your input in an
effort to highlight local unsung heroes. To nominate
an individual for recognition in an upcoming feature, Deputies report Tony Martin had multiple arrest warrants
jot down a few words about the person or group and
what they’ve done that has left a lasting impression. By Tom Wearing said the uled for Friday, Feb. 9. where Martin was taken
Email the Editor at [email protected] or [email protected] investiga- Parks credited Deputy into custody.
write to P.O. Box 278, Imlay City, MI 48444. tion led to Frank Ruzicka for locat- Within the suspect’s
TRI-CITY AREA — the arrest ing and tracking footwear residence, the Deputies
Lapeer County Sheriff’s on Sunday impressions believed to discovered items reported

BEST COMMISSION RATE - deputies have arrested a

Lapeer Township man
(Feb. 4) of
T o n y
have been created by the
suspect leading to a resi-
to have been stolen from
locations in Lapeer
BEST SERVICE! believed to have commit-
ted at least two home
Martin Martin,
43, of
dence on Burnside Road.
“The homeowner
Township and Brown
We will sell your home or property at a... invasions in recent days. Lapeer Township. informed deputies that a On Sunday, Feb. 4, a

According to the On Monday, Feb. 5, man had visited his resi- third homeowner on
COMMISSION Sheriff’s Department,
deputies had been investi-
Martin was arraigned and
charged in the 71-A
dence and used the tele-
phone,” Parks reported.
Burnside Road reported a
home invasion also
RATE! gating two separate home
invasions on Burnside
District Court of Lapeer
on two counts of home
“The phone call was
tracked to a residence
associated with the sus-
KEEP MORE OF YOUR EQUITY! Road in North Branch invasion 2nd degree. within Lapeer Township.” Parks reported that
Township, both of which He was lodged in Parks said Deputy Martin has numerous out-
occurred on Friday, Feb. Lapeer County Jail on a Ruzicka and Sgt. Don standing warrants out of
2. $10,000 bond and his next Brady went to the Lapeer Oakland and Macomb
Det./Sgt. Jason Parks court appearance is sched- Township residence, counties and in Detroit.
Alex Lengemann
Licensed Real Estate Broker

810-664-1819 • email: [email protected] Police and fire briefs...

Your Local Agent Editor’s note: The fol-
lowing is a compilation of
activity and reports from
She was the lone occu-
pant in the vehicle and
injured but refused treat- called in to extricate him.
ment on scene. He was transported by
About 15 minutes later Medstar Ambulance to the

- for - Call Me For

area police and fire depart-
wasn’t injured. a Dodge Ram pickup in the hospital.
eastbound lanes lost con- Approximately a half

Auto A Quote! Multiple accidents trol and rolled on its side hour later, an eastbound
Police, fire into a ditch in Attica Twp. vehicle lost control and hit
on I-69

The male driver was a guardrail in Attica Twp,
respond to rollover trapped inside the truck going off the roadway as
LAPEER COUNTY and Attica firefighters were well.
MUSSEY TWP. — — The Lapeer County

Firefighters and the St. Sheriff ’s Department
Clair County Sheriff’s
Department responded to a
responded to multiple inci-
dents on I-69 on Saturday St. John’s Lutheran Church
single-vehicle accident on as drivers began to encoun-
January 30.
According to the sher-
iff’s department, a 17 year-
ter snow-covered roads.
The first call came in
around 4:13 p.m. when a PANCAKE DINNER
old Imlay City woman was westbound semi truck spun
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
GASS-BECKER INSURANCE southbound on Cade Road
when her car went off the
road in the 5000 block and
out and ended up partially
off the roadway.
Subsequently, a car struck
4 - 6:30 pm
ALMONT CAPAC METAMORA rolled over around 5:30 the truck. One person was Admission: $10 for adults / $5 for children 5-12 years old
798-3946 395-4366 678-3655 Under 5 FREE
Tractor Supply Co. Pancakes • Blueberry Pancakes
Eggs • Biscuits & Gravy

donates pet food Hash Browns • Sausage

Apple Sauce • Coffee • Milk
Orange Juice • Tea
IMLAY CITY — The events.
Tractor Supply Co. store For information and 109 E. Kempf Court
in Imlay City is donating
69 bags of pet food to
tips on adopting an animal
and raising pets, visit CAPAC
feed dogs and cats in need T r a c t o r S u p p l y. c o m / 810-395-7557
of adoption. PetCare.
“More often than not,
animal shelters and res-
cues depend greatly on
food donations to support
the pets they take in that
await adoption,” said
Matthew Corlis, manager
of the Imlay City Tractor
Supply store. “Our goal at
Tractor Supply is to do
our part in helping adop-
tion efforts in our commu-
nity because we know that

Cornerstone Wellness.
pets are more than just
dogs and cats, they are
Tractor Supply pre-
sented the pet food dona-
tion to the Lapeer County
Animal Shelter.
In addition to the pet
food donation, the Imlay
City Tractor Supply hosts
MD Weight Loss Program
pet adoption events
throughout the year. Visit
TSCEventPartners.com or
call the store at 810-721-
Coming Soon!
1613 to learn more about

“The most technologically

working with Tractor
Supply for pet adoption

CASH PAID advanced, evidence

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managed fat loss “Weight Loss Coach”
Gem & Diamond
Specialist program ever developed.” “The struggle
to keep fat
off is OVER!”
Downtown, Imlay City
810-724-RUBY Join us for a seminar by Dr. Jonathan Burg, M.D.,
Tue-Fri 10:30 - 5:30
Sat 10:30 - 3:00 President of Cornerstone Wellness on
February 26, 2018, 6 pm at
Tri-City Times Days Inn: 6692 Newark Rd, Imlay City 48444
   Published weekly by Delores Z. Heim. Office:
594 N. Almont Ave. • P.O. Box 278, Imlay City,
MI 48444. USPS No. 014440. Additional entry
application pending. Call Today for More Information
   Subscriptions: $30 per year Lapeer & St.
Clair Counties; Out of Counties $32 per year, 6672 Newark Road • Imlay City
(810) 724-0591
Senior Citizens $27 per year In-County. Out-
of-State mailing $40 per year. Outside USA $60
per year. Single Copies 50¢.
   Periodicals paid at Imlay City.
Imlaycityfamilypractice.com • Follow us on Facebook!
   Postmaster please send address changes to
P.O. Box 278, Imlay City, MI 48444.

Seven Ponds hosts

variety of activities
DRYDEN TWP. — The ing the beauty of Seven
staff at Seven Ponds Nature Ponds blanketed by snow.
Center have filled their Finish the evening next to a
February schedule with cozy campfire roasting
events that visitors of all marshmallows. Fee: $5.00
ages can enjoy. Pre-register ($3.00 for members).
for these events by calling •Winter Series #4:
796-3200. Tropical Nature on Sun.,
Here’s what’s on the cal- Feb. 18 at 2 p.m.
endar— The world’s tropical rain
•Yoga at the Ponds, forests are a vast, self-per-
Wednesdays, February 7 - petuating reservoir of living
February 21 from 6:30 -7:30 things. Indeed, the Amazon
p.m. Basin alone contains more
The “Peaceful Moon” than half of all life on earth.
series continues for new- Science Alive’s biologist, a
comers, beginning yoga stu- specialist in rain forest ecol-
dents, and returners. ogy, will take us on an inspi-
Participants should wear rational trip through tropical
comfortable clothing and nature. Meet some of the
bring a yoga mat or blanket. world’s most amazing ani-
Drop in fee is $12.00 ($10.00 mals, find out how all life in
for members). the rain forest is intertwined,
•Nature Journaling, and discover how deforesta-
Saturday, February 10 at 2 tion threatens this fragile
p.m. equatorial wilderness.
Come out to a wintry Presented by Science

Photo provided
Seven Ponds and spend the Alive.
afternoon looking for animal •Winter Series #5: The
tracks and other evidence of Zoo Experience on Sun.,
Lapeer County HOSA chapter members who earned medals or placings at regional competition wildlife. Then write a story Feb. 25 at 2 p.m.
gather for a celebratory photo last month. about what was seen. Come Zoos and aquariums
dressed for the weather and have long been a place of

Going for gold

please bring a journal and wonder and discovery. They
favorite pen or pencil. Please have also been the topic of
pre-register by February 9. some heated debates for as
•Winter Series #3: Seven long as we have kept live
Ponds is Going to the Dogs! animals. Do zoos and aquar-
on Sunday, Feb. 11 at 2 p.m. iums serve a conservation
Nights in February are purpose or have they
some of the best times to become a thing of the past?
Health Occupation students prep for state competition hear wild canines! Coyotes
are fascinating creatures -
SPNC Naturalist Katie
McKiernan (former zoo
they once just lived out west employee) will talk about
By Maria Brown they’ve really stepped up and are now living every- the good and the bad sur-
[email protected] to the plate,” Cowhy said where, even in our largest rounding these institutions
of the way older students cities - but are rarely seen. and how the public can
LAPEER COUNTY have helped middle school- Join SPNC naturalist Cathy make smart, informed
— Thirteen Lapeer County ers prepare for competi- Wesley for a howling fun choices to help protect ani-
students, including six tion. afternoon learning about the mals all over the world.
middle schoolers, are head- Lapeer County was the wily coyote and some of •Winter Bird Walk #4
ed to state competition in only chapter to bring mid- their canine relatives. on Wed., Feb. 28 at 8 a.m.
March where they’ll put dle school competitors to •Snowshoeing at the This late in the winter
their health science skills regionals and although they Ponds on Sat., February 17, some early migrants might
to the test. were nervous about the from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. be joining the birds seen all
Dawn Cowhy, Lapeer contest, Cowhy told them, Meander through the winter. After starting the
County Ed Tech Center’s “It’s gonna be fun and fresh fallen snow on snow- morning watching the feed-
Health Science Professions you’re gonna learn from shoes! Bring your own or ers from indoors, enjoying
instructor said her high it.” She reports it was a borrow a pair from the hot beverages, the group
school students and those very positive experience nature center. Pre-register by will venture out and see
Imlay City and North for everyone. calling the nature center and what the tail end of February
Branch middle school stu- Other HOSA members let us know if you need brings way on the final bird
dents who now belong to who medaled include: snowshoes. walk of the winter. Bring
Photo provided

their HOSA (Health Riley Tanis (home- •Sweetheart Night Hike binoculars and field guide,
Occupations Students of schooled) who took first on Sat., February 17 from 6 and be sure to dress for the
America) chapter shined at place in medical terminolo- to 8 p.m. weather.
regional competition and gy; Ellyn Howland (North Spend an evening with For more information
they hope to nab more Almont’s Ashley Brejnak took second place in Branch) who took first in snowshoeing under a wax- about these and other events,
medals next month in HOSA regional competition in clinical nursing, extemporaneous writing ing winter moon while see- visit www.sevenponds.org.
Grand Rapids. earning a trip to states in March. and middle schoolers
Students from the Tri- Gabriella Schulz and
City area who qualified for Carlos Gonzalez in pre- Cowhy explained that Kaitlin Wagoner (North
state competition include pared speech. Kemper detailed his foray Branch) took first in com-
Almont’s Keelie Bentz To place or receive a into meditation, starting at munity awareness-teen dat-
who took third place in medal when the field of three minutes per day and ing violence.
physical therapy and contestants numbered eventually working up to Those who had a Top
Ashley Brejnak who took almost 900 is quite a feat. 10 minutes. 10 finish included: Hailey
second in clinical nursing; Cowhy pointed out that “He explained how he Collett (Lapeer) in clinical
Imlay City’s Aisha Judd the clinical nursing contest really benefitted from it,” specialty-radiology; Sara
and Mackenzie Randolph in which Almont’s Ashley Cowhy said. Ronne (North Branch) in
who took first in health Brejnak took second place Cowhy, along with the dental science; Emma
career exploration; Kemper involves both a knowledge- program’s paraprofessional Knappen and Mikaela Page
Wendorf who earned first based test and demonstra- Melissa Stallsmith, serves (North Branch) in health
for his healthy lifestyle tion of hands-on proce- as the chapter’s HOSA care display-trauma sur-
project and Chloe dures like discharging an advisor. This is the second geon; Frank Lipka (North
Nickolopoulos who took IV. year the chapter opened its Branch) in medical reading
first in medical terminolo- “A high level of skill is membership to younger and Morgan Waite (North
gy. required and Ashley did students—specifically Branch) in sports medicine.
Other local students great,” Cowhy said. Imlay City and North Those who earned a
who earned a Top 10 finish She noted that a state Branch—and both believe top five finish advance to
Website image

included Almont’s Shelby HOSA officer had high it’s had a positive impact. state competition. Those
Kutchey in medical pho- praise for Imlay City “This has been a great who had a 5th-10th placing
tography and Taylor Middle School’s Kemper opportunity for everyone. are eligible to attend states
Hoffner in behavioral Wendorf’s lifestyle project Our high school students as courtesy corp and help Science Alive will bring their Tropical Nature
health and Imlay City’s on meditation. are put in a mentor role... where needed. program to Seven Ponds on Feb. 18.

Thurstons to perform at PIX

Gospel singers take stage Feb. 24 “God’s Word Will Stand,”
and “God’s Been Faithful.”
with Dave and Marni to
maintain a solid Thurston
LAPEER — The of Gospel Music Radio The Thurstons have also sound. Monty has been a
Thurstons will perform where their music has been invited to showcase friend for over 30 years,
Gospel music at the PIX ranked in the charts of at the National Quartet “so it feels like family,”
on Saturday, February 24 Gospel Music on several Convention on numerous Dave says. Monty brings
at 7:30 p.m. occasions,” Chrismer says. occasions and have 8 over 30 years of his own
The talented family Dave and Marni recordings to their credit. experience to the
group brings to the PIX Thurston married in 1987 Based in Holt, Thurstons’ stage.
stage all of the things you and have been in ministry Michigan, the focus for Tim Hill, the General
Photo provided

expect to experience at a together since. Their The Thurstons has always Director for Church of
gospel music concert, says dream of taking their fam- been family, music and God World Missions
Katie Beth Chrismer of the ily of five sons on the road ministry. That focus describes his experience
PIX in a press release. came true in January, 2004. remains the same even as listening to the Thurstons: The Thurstons will perform their special
They’ve performed in The Thurstons have shared the boys have grown, mar- “Their close family har- Gospel music at the PIX on Feb. 24.
churches, fairs, festivals the stage with many ried, and have children of mony combined with
and auditoriums in Gospel Music icons, such their own. excellent arrangements $11 for adults and $9 for Office located inside
Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, as The Booth Bros., Although the appearance and the desire to bless the seniors, students and vet- Gallery 194, on Tuesdays
Illinois, Pennsylvania, Signature Sound, of a family setting on stage listener, keep the Thurstons erans. The ticket price through Saturdays from 11
Florida, Tennessee, Triumphant, The Perrys has changed, the lineup of in high demand as a great goes up at the door to $15 a.m.- 6 p.m. Tickets may
Georgia and other states. and The Hoppers. The Thurstons remains to gospel singing group. I for adults and $13 for stu- also be purchased over the
“Their music has They have had top 40 be that of a family feeling. look forward to the time dents, seniors, and veter- phone at 810-664-4824 or
impacted lives all across charting success with their In September of 2013, we can be together again.” ans. To purchase tickets in online at www.centerforth-
the country with the help songs, “I Am Blessed,” Monty Bishop teamed Advance tickets are advance, visit the PIX Box eartslapeer.org.

Valentine’s Tea & Chocolate

Spartan CAPAC — A Valentine’s Tea & Chocolate
Luncheon will be held at the Conrad Community

Snowcoming Center, 585 N. Main Street, at noon on Wednesday,

February 14. The celebration includes veggie lasagna,
followed by a variety of teas and chocolate desserts.
Imlay City’s Sydney Information on keeping your heart healthy and strong
Riester and David will also be presented by the McLaren Port Huron
Krahn were crowned Foundation. Cost is $5 suggested donation. To RSVP
Snowcoming royalty call 810-395-7889.
during halftime of
Friday’s game
against Richmond.
Line Dancing classes
CAPAC — Join in the fun in a new Line Dancing
class at the Conrad Community Center, 585 N. Main
Street, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings

Photo by Kevin Kissane

at 9:30 a.m. Learn to line dance with a professional
instructor. Classes are in progress; beginners and all
levels welcome. Call 810-395-7889 with questions or
for more information.


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Business briefs...
Editor’s note: Notices Lakestone Bank & Trust important asset.” area. call 721-2790 or (810) 656- repurposed furniture store
for this column must be said, “We are very appre- All hourly employees This summer, they’ll 7029. in a small town.
received in writing by noon ciative of all Lakestone received a $1 per hour raise host Gateway to the Thumb Her current business
Monday prior to the publi-
cation date. Notices may be
Bank & Trust employees
and certainly what they
and all salaried employees
will receive a $1,000 bonus.
Arts and Antiques Festival
at the Eastern Michigan
A Lil’ Bit of SAS hours are Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Thursdays
edited due to space con-
have accomplished over the The Bank’s board of direc- State Fairgrounds. opens in Almont from noon-6 p.m. and on
years, particularly the last tors overwhelmingly sup- The two day festival, one weekend per month,
Lakestone to year; and we want to com-
memorate the passing of
ported this action, resulting
in a significant investment
taking place on June 23-24,
promises to feature more
ALMONT — Sarrah
SaintOnge recently opened
including Feb. 9-11.
In partnership with the
give pay raises this historic, economy- into the Bank’s employees. than 150 antique vendors, the doors to her brand-new Almont Downtown
Development Authority,
stimulating tax reform law. local and nationally business, “A Lil’ Bit of
Sarrah will host a ribbon-
Lakestone Bank & Trust
This is a once in a lifetime
opportunity and we know
Plans underway for renowned artists, demon-
strations, children’s activi-
in downtown
cutting ceremony on
announced last week that we want to reinvest much antique, art festival ties and food. Classic vehi- A Bruce Township resi-
Tuesday, March 20 at 11
employees will benefit of the savings back into our cles can be displayed and dent who worked 17 years For more information
from the recently Bank and the first place we IMLAY CITY — sold in their Car Corral too. for Beaumont Health about A Lil’ Bit of SAS,
announced tax reform law. are going to put it is into the Local retailer Nick’s Vendor registrations are Systems, Sarrah is excited call 586-524-2484 or email
Bruce J. Cady, hands of our employees. Warehouse is making plans being taken now. about the chance to follow to: [email protected]
Chairman and CEO of Employees are our most to bring a new event to the For more information, her dream of opening a Or visit on Facebook.


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Photo provided
3rd Degree Burns Young Musicians Community helps foster young people’s musical skills, along with achieving acceptance and leadership skills.

3rd Degree Burns kicks off season on Feb. 17

Fundraiser supports Young Musicians Community fundraiser is crucial to pro-
viding the funds needed to
“If you leave any notes
By Tom Wearing p.m. kids learn to play in a band priority, Burns says 3rd continue moving the pro- at all, type ‘Donation Only,’
[email protected] In addition to the live and develop their skills as Degree Burns also serves gram forward; as ambassa- says Burns. “If any other
music, attendees can par- musicians. The young as a model for young adults dors of music and giving words are typed your dona-
TRI-CITY AREA — ticipate in a silent auction, musicians may participate wishing to develop leader- back to the community. tion will be refused and we
The 11th Annual Young Chinese Raffle and a 50/50 at no cost. ship skills and to achieve Those unable to attend will have to start again.”
Musicians Community raffle. Burns describes the acceptance. the show but wanting to All monies from fund-
Fundraiser concert, featur- Event producer Gary band as a dynamic, talent- “Acceptance through donate to the cause, may raiser and donations go
ing 3rd Degree Burns, is Burns said two $500 pre- ed and versatile unit, God’s gift of music, to make a tax-deductible toward funding student
Saturday, Feb. 17 at paid Visa credit cards will whose energy and stage break down the social bar- donation to YMC, Young scholarships, concert per-
Davison High School be raffled off, which if performances please any riers of race, gender, age, Musicians Community, formances, new equipment,
Auditorium, shipped are insured by and every audience. handicap and income,” 501(c)3 status. instrument repairs, trans-
Doors open at 5 p.m., USPS. In the summer of 2017, says Burns. “Band mem- Go to www.y-m-c.org portation and advertising
with a 6 p.m. performance 3rd Degree Burns was the band performed 17 bers leave the program able and scroll to the bottom supplies.
by 3rd Degree Burns as the founded by Gary Burns, shows, both locally and to stand up against social and click on donation. Donations are accepted
kickoff for the band’s who also started the Young throughout the state of barriers and to accept each There is a secured at the fundraiser and any
‘Future of Rock & Roll’ Musicians Community Michigan. other for the qualities each PayPal account where we time during the year. Visit
Concert Tour 2018. The (YMC), a local non-profit Though playing great of them possess.” see only your name, email the website at www.y-m-c.
concert runs through 9 organization that helps rock n’ roll is the group’s Burns says the Feb. 17 address, amount and con- org

‘Girl’s group’ music on tap at PIX

‘The Whatabouts’ to take stage on February 10
LAPEER — If you Whatabouts over ten years The Whatabouts goes to
loved the sounds of The ago. Lifelong music lov- Deb. “You never know
Supremes or long to hear ers, Kelly, Deb and Suzy what they will be wearing
your favorite song from thought 60s dance music at their next gig,” Crismer
The Ronettes, look no fur- would be fun to recreate says.
ther than The Whatabouts, on stage. As they began to Kelly Miller triples as
who will take center stage think of names for their the lead soprano, choreog-
at the PIX on Sat., Feb. 10 group, they just couldn’t rapher, and manager of the
at 7:30 p.m. decide. group. She enjoys all types
The Whatabouts have ‘“What about this?’ of music that inspire her in
delighted crowds, young and ‘what about that?’ kept one way or another.
and old, with their catchy coming into discussion,” Singing, dancing, and cho-
cover tunes, synchronized Crismer says in the press reography have always
dance moves and upbeat, release. “Kelly said, ‘How played an important role in
interactive style, says about the Whatabouts?’ her life. When she is not
Photo provided

Katie Beth Crismer of the The name stuck and they busy with the Whatabouts,
PIX. have been having fun sing- she sings and entertains in
Crismer says the ing at many car shows like several local senior com-
Whatabouts, with their the Dream Cruise along munities. Stroll down memory lane as girl’s group ‘The Whatabouts’ take center
band, the Whoevers, bring with other local events Suzy Hoover sings stage at the PIX in Lapeer on Feb. 10.
the music of the 60s girl’s such as music festivals, second soprano and is con-
groups to life. reunions, and private sidered “the witty one” of celebrate more than 10 you jam out to all your To purchase tickets in
“Songs like the shows.” the group. She started years together, the ladies favorite songs,” Crismer advance, visit the PIX Box
Chiffons’ ‘One Fine Day’ Deb Mulka sings alto singing in elementary continue to enjoy learning says. Office located inside
and Mary Wells’ ‘My Guy’ in the group. She grew up school. Although she did new songs and dance Advance tickets are Gallery 194 on Tuesdays
are sure to bring back with a love of music and not perform much in pub- moves while entertaining $16 for adults and $14 for through Saturdays from 11
memories and have you the 1960s era. Is it any lic after the 8th grade, she their audiences of fans old seniors, students and vet- a.m.-6 p.m. Tickets may
singing along,” Crismer wonder singing classic girl saw joining the Whatabouts and new. erans. Tickets at the door also be purchased over the
says in a press release. group music would be of as a chance to rekindle her “Come out to the PIX are $20 for adults and $18 phone at 810-664-4824 or
Three women came interest to her? In addition, love for the art. and let them take you on a for students, seniors and online at www.centerforth-
together to form the the credit for outfitting As The Whatabouts trip down memory lane as veterans. eartslapeer.org.

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Wishes from
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Nice work!
Almont Tri-County Bank Manager Tara Antonelli (right) is pictured
ever after... with Almont Elementary students (L-R) Allison Szalewicz, 3rd grade;
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of the bank’s 2017 Christmas Coloring Contest. The winners and their
classmates were treated to a pizza party and goodie bags filled with
For an appointment and consultation, please treats, compliments of Tri-County Bank. ‘The kids really enjoy it and
contact us today. . . 810-724-0851 they all get to share in the fun and good pizza,” said Antonelli. “This
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our communities. It’s personally one of my favorite parts of the job.”
[email protected] Seating Capacity 200

Girl Scouts treat seniors

to free Valentine dinner
Guests brave cold, snowy roads for special event
By Tom Wearing Melissa Zellers said the Dinner Dance helped the The girls have to see it

Photo by Tom Wearing

[email protected] troop is comprised of 19 girls earn their Silver through.”
sixth- and seventh-grade Award. Zellers acknowledged
ALMONT — girls from Almont, Dryden “They have to look at the generosity of local
Members of Girl Scout and Attica. Lisa Hartman their community and find business sponsors, includ-
Troop 70835 on Saturday is the troop’s co-leader.. an area they can benefit,” ing Country Smoke House,
(Feb. 3) treated local After welcoming and said Zellers. “It must be a Dr. Jay Vanderest, A Lil’ Brenda and Steve Cameron of Imlay City show
senior citizens to a free seating the attendees, the sustainable project whose Bit of SAS, Charlie their mutual affection at the Valentine Dinner.
“Valentine Dinner & participating Girl Scout benefits are long lasting. Browns, American Tree,
Dance” at the Almont Cadettes collected their
guests’ dinner orders and
delivered them to their
"The food tastes tables, along with dessert
great and you and choice of beverage.
After dinner, the still-
can't beat the energized Cadettes
price. It was a stepped up to the stage and
vocalized on some old-
very nice gesture fashioned love songs per-
fect for Valentine’s Day.
on the part of Among the musical
the girls and they selections were “Bicycle
Built for Two,” “You Are
did a great job." My Sunshine,” “Don’t Sit
--Fred Hakim, Under the Apple Tree,”
and the Elvis Presley clas-

Photo by Tom Wearing

dinner guest sic, “Love Me Tender.”
Among those enjoying
Lions Club. the festivities were Fred
The first-ever event and Paulette Hakim of
represented a collaboration Washington Township who
between the Girl Scouts praised the girls for their Co-Girl Scout Leader Melissa Zellers joins her troop members in song as they serenade their audi-
and the Orchard Arbor enthusiasm and great ser- ence comprised of local senior citizens.
Hough Wellness Spa, Main Laura, Izzabella Marble,
Street Chiropractic of Kiera Hartman, Layla
Local senior cit- Armada, Mandy J. Florist, Zellers, Lilyanna Burkitt,
izens were the Sweet Creations by Lisa Madelyn Gucciardi, Salena
special guests and Todd Schuster, who Yeary and Samantha
of Girl Scout provided DJ services. Brown.
Troop 70835 Zellers said Troop “These girls hold a
during the inau- 70835 members intend to special place in my heart,”
gural Valentine make the Valentine Dinner/ said Zellers. “Many of
Dinner & Dance Dance for senior citizens them I’ve had in the troop
at the Almont an annual event. since they were in first
Lions Club. “The dance is some- grade.
thing our troop will contin- “I have so enjoyed
ue to put on for as long as watching them mature and
we are a troop,” she said. become such amazing
“Hopefully, we can pass it young ladies,” she contin-
on to others after that.” ued. “I am blessed beyond
Troop members measure.”
Photo by Tom Wearing

include Alexandria For more information

Hawley, Aleyiah Walters, about Girl Scout Troop
Alyssa Schneider, Audrey 70835 or to make a dona-
Napolitano, Berlin Mattila, tion, call Melissa Zellers at
Camilla Gonzalez, Grace 586-531-8064.

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group. “The food tastes great

In addition to dinner and you can’t beat the
provided by Country price,” said Fred. “It was a
Smoke House, attendees very nice gesture on the
took part in games, danc- part of the girls and they
ing and giveaways. did a great job.”
The dinner included Zellers was pleased
broasted chicken, meat- that so many senior citi-
balls, cheesy potatoes, zens came out given the
roasted market vegetables,
antipasto salad, rolls and
the cold and snowy condi-
tions outside at the time of Life • Home • Car • Business
the event.
brownies and apple crisp
for dessert. She pointed out that
Girl Scout Leader hosting the Valentine
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Our Opinion Letters from our readers...

Heads should roll if FBI abused power
The memorandum of Ignore it. The question cy. Every citizen, whether the Clinton campaign a
the Republican majority in every citizen should be you are liberal, moderate, good basis to seek consent
the Intelligence Committee asking is whether the FBI conservative or any combi- to spy on an American citi-
was declassified and misused its power to mis- nation thereof should read zen? What rock solid evi-
released. Not unexpectedly lead the court when it the memorandum very dence did the FBI have to
the media went “nuts” and obtained a warrant to spy carefully and thoughtfully. justify seeking a warrant
the liberals/Democrats on a private United States Then you need to ask from the Foreign
cried “foul” claiming it citizen. was there good cause for Intelligence Surveillance
was misleading, erroneous The power of the fed- the FBI to engage in a Court? Was it solely, or
Imlay City Schools and the Alumni and done for the sole pur- eral government to spy on counterintelligence probe partially based upon the
Association coordinated efforts to launch a pose of deflecting from the American citizens is an into the Trump presidential totally unverified accusa-
new Hall of Fame in 2018. Mueller probe of Russian enormous power and if campaign. Is the unsourced tions in the Steele dossier?
influence in the 2016 elec- abused an extremely seri- dossier produced at the It is a fair conclusion that if
tion. ous threat to the continued behest of the Democratic the FBI found it necessary
Hall of Fame inspiration That is just noise. existence of our democra- National Committee and to rely upon a dossier that
it knew was paid for by a
extends beyond sports Pantry thanks local organizations political campaign and

unverified it didn’t have
mlay City School’s Hall of Fame got The Capac Community Lionesses. thank the couple who the real goods to get the
off to an impressive start last month Food Pantry wants to The support all of those helped us get a badly need- search warrant.
when they inducted their inaugural acknowledge the Capac groups have given us over ed new freezer. Did the FBI tell the
class on January 26. The group of five Lions, the Capac American the years has helped many Thank you all and bless court that the request to spy
Legion Post 142, the more families than people you! on Carter Page was based,
honorees spanned multiple sports and eras Berville VFW Post 203, realize and we will contin- Sincerely, at a minimum, on materials
in the district’s storied athletic history and the Berville Ladies ue what we can do as long —The Capac bought and paid for by an
included those who’ve have made a last- Auxiliary Post 203, and the as we can. Community Food Pantry
ing impact on their alma mater. Berville Lions and Also, we would like to Capac Letters page 9-A
Milli Martinez Maggette, the first
female (and so far youngest) Hall of Fame
inductee, excelled in basketball and soft-
Admonitions for flu record level season
ball. After graduating in 1998, she went Have you noticed the Catholic Church, for Eucharistic ministers dis- likely candidates for flu
number of people with the instance, we have what is pense communion after bugs, so perhaps packing a
on to play college ball for Georgia Tech flu, or flu symptoms, or an referred to as the “kiss of they’ve shaken hands with disinfectant in your lug-
and landed on WNBA’s Phoenix Mercury upper-respiratory infec- peace,” also known as Pax, others. Each time I take gage would be appropriate.
team roster in 2002. Although she made a tion? Unfortunately it is the which is the mutual greet- communion and they give I suspect that renowned
name for herself on the basketball court, time of year when America ing of the faithful during me a wafer, which I will germaphobe Howie
many aspiring athletes know her name for succumbs to the current ill- Mass as a sign of their digest, I fervently hope it Mandel could add to this
ness bug, and millions of union with Christ. Some doesn’t contain any viral list and if you are a Seinfeld
the donation she and husband, Corey people will be coughing people merely shake hands, ingredients. If I sound like fan, there is a whole epi-
Maggette, made to the district in 2007 to and sputtering and sneez- while others engage in a germaphobe, so be it! sode devoted to germa-
complete a state-of-the-art softball com- ing. The people who get flu hugging and kissing. But what about inter- phobes—“The Apology.”
plex, Milagro Field. shots may be immune from Although I understand the acting with employees at So here are my admo-
Lyle Powers, as an educator and multi- some of this, but they may significance of the act, I work? If you are in a work nitions:
also fall victim perhaps think that during flu season environment, there are cer- • If you are coughing
sport coach, had an impact on thousands with a milder condition. Go this practice should be tain practices to minimize and sputtering and either
of students during his storied career in figure! abandoned and some the chance of contracting have the flu or flu symp-
Imlay City. He amassed impressive win Hospitals report an Catholic Dioceses are the flu. How about avoid- toms, stay home.
records and dozens of championship tro- overflow of flu victims and allowing the temporary ing the use of a common • If you decide to attend
in many cases have limited discontinuation of the prac- copy machine? Those cof- church services and are
phies in football, basketball and baseball. the number of visitors. It tice. Many are opting for a fee mugs in the break area sick, consider sitting in the
His legacy shines a light on the impor- has become a full-blown nice smile to convey one’s probably did not get a thor- back rows away from
tance of youth mentors. epidemic in some parts of feelings to others which I ough washing, so bring everyone. Candidly, I think
Lee Weyer’s love for sports made him the country and people are think should become more your own cup. Be aware of the Good Lord will give
a witness to history. As a Major League dying. The Centers for widespread. Currently I am objects that others who you a pass during your ill-
Disease Control (CDC) has coming out of the throes of may be ill have touched, ness, so once again, stay
Baseball umpire, Weyer was behind the announced that all states a severe cold and cough. such as doorknobs, the home.
plate when Pete Rose broke Ty Cobb’s except Hawaii are at During that time I did not microwave key pad, light • If you go to work with
hits record and was officiating when Hank records levels with flu engage in any handshakes switches, and handles—on these symptoms, don’t
Aaron broke Babe Ruth’s career home run patients. while at church. Heck, I everything from faucets to expect anyone to greet you
What disturbs me, barely left the house. So I refrigerators. with a smile.
record. Maybe most impressive is that he though, is that we still had the courtesy to not If you travel for busi- • And if you encounter
was just 25 years-old when he started his adhere to an arcane prac- inflict my disease on oth- ness, you may want to me at church or in public,
career in the majors. tice at this time of the year ers, and frankly I expect avoid the shared computers don’t expect me to shake
Even though his football career took in some church services the same of others if they in hotel business offices. your hand. Just wait for my
him away from Michigan Al Dorow had a that promote the passing of are sick. Of course the items in your engaging smile.
these diseases to unsus- I’m also disturbed dur- room, such as the TV —Bill Kalmar,
deep loyalty to his hometown and home pecting parishioners. In the ing Mass when the remote and the phone, are Lake Orion
teams. When named grand marshal of the
2006 Imlay City Blueberry Festival
parade, Dorow said nothing could keep
him from being there. When family mem-
bers accepted his award last month, they
Strength, spirit a lasting legacy
proudly wore the green and white of
Dorow’s other alma mater, Michigan State
S he was a force of
nature with an iron
will and indomitable spirit
would often come home
from school or playing
outside to find her apply-
University. second to none, all ing a butterfly bandage to
Chester Marcol’s life story is a fasci- wrapped up in a tiny little one of the neighbor kids’
package. cuts, wrapping a sprained
nating one. The 15 year-old came to Imlay But don’t be fooled. ankle or wrist, or splinting
City from Poland in 1965 not knowing Her strength matched that a finger or thumb with
any English or much about football. Just of men ten times her size. popsicle sticks. She was
seven years later, he was named the We used to tease her— unafraid, capable, intui-
National Football League’s Rookie of the saying she was a “four- tive.
Photo provided

foot-ten chick in a six- That remarkable,

year as a talented place kicker for the foot-two uncanny intuition was her
Green Bay Packers. Unfortunately, world.” amazing gift—one that
Chester’s life after the NFL was marked Woe to served her and helped us Anna Minolli with ‘all of her girls,’ Dawn,
with substance abuse but he managed to anyone right until the end. When Catherine, Roseann and Virginia at her sur-
fight those addictions and developed a who we were growing up, we prise 85th birthday party in October of 2016.
messed weren’t so thrilled about
second career as a counselor. In 2011, he with her it. You could put And then she’d emerge.
wrote an autobiography that recounted the or her NOTHING past her, she Apron off, beautifully
highs and lows of fame in hopes that it dressed and put togeth-
Observations in ink... always just knew.
She heeded signs, and er—another scrumptious
could help others.
Kudos go to the school district and the same Catherine Minolli received many. They were offering in her hands. It
was heaven on earth.
time, she always portents, confir-
alumni association for launching the Hall had an mation of her amazing For the grandkids—
of Fame. All school districts in the Tri- incredibly tender heart, gift. Even when miles Charissa, David and
City area have graduates who’ve gone on with an unforgettable away she knew if you Eddy—she made the ordi-
to find great success in life. Efforts to rec- lightness of being. She were going through some- nary extraordinary.
would sing lullabies to us thing, needed help, or just They’d marvel over her
ognize them help develop a rich legacy in Italian, draw sometimes needed a reason to laugh scrambled eggs, cooked
for their schools and empower current stu- embarrassing stick figures or smile. light and fluffy and loaded
dents to set lofty goals and be confident on our lunch bags—some- That was another of with butter; crave her Mom shares inside
they can achieve them on the field, stage times embarrassing her great gifts. She made delicious pastina, also joke with her best
because it was a practice many people laugh and light and fluffy and loaded
or in the boardroom. with butter; and always
friend Alnora Gallo at
she continued through our smile with her lightning surprise party.
high school years. She quick wit and surprising request “Nonni’s special
even palpated our sick pet sense of humor. sauce,” her signature mix Teresa, and her hairdress-
goldfish’s body in an She also made many of oil and vinegar dress- er Courtney, with whom
The crowd
attempt to save its life. people smile with sheer ing on salads. she shared a special bond.
stands to cheer
It was that tenderness hedonistic joy around the Every meal was a ban- It was among my mom’s
NFL great
and compassion that made dinner table. For those quet, full and well round- many talents that she
Chester Marcol
her the one people called who never got to taste her ed, made more delicious drew people of all ages
as he received
his Hall of Fame upon when they were cooking, I am truly sorry. by her love. and walks of life to her.
induction at sick, or even dying. She Her culinary skills Along with showing She loved to hear their
Imlay City High would sit by their sides, matched those of a five love through food, friend- stories and adventures,
School on nursing them back to star chef, and her Italian ships were very important and always listened with
January 26. health or helping them dishes were worthy of the to her. Every single day compassion and humor.
cross over into the great highest honors. She could she talked about how for- In fact, in the last
mystery. literally cook up a tunate and blessed she felt hours of her life Mom
In fact, she was the storm—we’d often tease by the support, kindness reminded us to have fun,
first homeopath I ever that she was in the eye of and generosity of her
knew. My sisters and I the tornado in the kitchen. friends, our aunt Zizi Legacy page 11-A

Building bridges for better future

Editor’s note: The fol- Underground Railroad to rights and liberties of the that every American
lowing guest column was help slaves achieve the LGBTQ community. deserves a good paying,
submitted by Ryan ideal of “life, liberty, and From our country’s stable job.
Johnson, Chair of the the pursuit of happiness.” very beginnings, then, The People’s Platform
Platform and Issues In the late 19th and there have been progres- also contains planks call-
Committee of the St. Clair early 20th centuries suf- sives who have sought to ing for social justice, such

Photo by Iris Lee Underwood

County Democrats at St. fragettes like Susan B. make America live up to as a recognition that wom-
Clair Community College Anthony and Elizabeth the lofty ideals expressed en’s rights are human
in Port Huron. He may be Cady Stanton worked in founding documents like rights, a demand to respect
reached at ryanpjohn- toward a progressive the Declaration of and support minority voic-
[email protected]. vision of a United States in Independence and the es, and a call to be allies
which women could vote Constitution. and advocates for our

T he People’s Platform:
Building Bridges from
and thereby have a politi-
cal voice for the first time.
The St. Clair County
Democrats are proud to
LGBTQ family and friends
so that all Americans, and
Starling in the Bradford pear tree.

Invasive species
our Past to a Better Future, Later on in the 1960s Dr. take up that progressive not just a certain group of
the new platform for the Martin Luther King Jr. and mantle and continue the them, receive a political
St. Clair County the Civil Rights activists struggle for a more just, voice and a basic recogni-
Democrats, has a central dreamed of a society in free, and equal society tion of their humanity.

idea—the call for true jus- which character mattered with a platform inspired by The St. Clair County
snowstorm blew in the Katie the naturalist said.
tice in all of its forms. We more than skin color, in America’s past and dedi- Democrats are also con-
black birds last week. “The bad news is they’re
believe that American his- which equality was pro- cated to a better future. cerned with educational
Their wings landing upon an invasive species. They
tory has a strong but moted, and in which Our platform has planks and environmental justice,
and about our Bradford sailed in tall ships from
unheralded progressive minorities also had a polit- concerning economic jus- expressed by our belief
pear is an annual spectacle Europe.”
streak. During the ical voice through the abil- tice, including our belief that investing in public
outside my study window. I’d heard this last sum-
Revolutionary period the ity to vote. Environmental that rebuilding infrastruc- K-12 education is a wise
They’ll flush away at my mer when the sparrows
phrase “no taxation with- activists then took the pro- ture is the road forward, investment that will yield
slightest move, hundreds plagued our hens with
out representation” gressive baton, and that we should champion tremendous benefits for
of wings banking this way their red mites. The spar-
expressed the idea that inspired by Rachel our local entrepreneurs, our community. We also
and that as if I’m rows had killed
people should have a say Carson’s Silent Spring that we must work toward strongly feel that making
a bird of prey. our bluebirds in
in how their government began pushing the United a livable wage for all higher education more
Why those silly their boxes long
operates. In the decades States to become a leader workers, that we must con- accessible is a key compo-
birds choose the ago. I’d solved the
before the Civil War pro- in protecting the only plan- tinue to support organized nent of creating a better
worst weather in sparrow-hen prob-
gressive activists, appalled et on which we have to labor and all it does for
winter to feed is lem, but what
by the conditions of slav- live. More recently we’ve America’s laborers, and Guest page 11-A beyond me. about the star-

Step up our game

ery, formed abolitionist witnessed a progressive
Several weeks lings?
groups and the movement to defend the
ago when the
pear’s leaves Honest Living... “In some
circumstances, the
Letters continued: dropped, the birds
Iris Lee Underwood
DNR offers per-

from page 8-A and honest information.

I want to know if the
R ecalculating, as Gertie,
the voice on our GPS
would be saying about
scenes of hurt and pain,
but focus on your grace
granted to us in Jesus...
consumed much
of the fruit off the
branches. I found their
mits to eliminate
invasive species,”
Katie offered.
opposition political party? FBI, or some of its leaders, now. I’ve been told that the Help us to follow you, acrobatics and dining hab- Caleb answered when
If not, why not? abused their powers. It date I gave you last week Lord, Amen.” its of the large berry amus- I dialed. “The Europeans
Did the wiretaps pro- doesn’t matter that you may for the Imlay City Bottom line, according ing, albeit bad manners. who brought the sparrows
duce anything that would think Donald Trump is unfit Christian School Benefit to Pastor Reggie, is this: Later, I chanced upon and starlings to New York
permit numerous renewals for the office of President. Auction at Castle Creek To those of us who claim a herd of whitetails when I didn’t see the consequenc-
of the authority to spy on If an arm of the Justice is Saturday, April 21 to be under the Lordship of pulled my car into the es either. They liked the
Carter Page? Not likely Department can be used instead of the 28th due to a Jesus Christ, we’re going driveway one night— familiar birds from home.”
because the way Washington against any political candi- scheduling conflict. Be to have to step up our another raid due to folk These transoceanic stow-
leaks like a sieve we’d have date it is a threat to every sure to make that change game. It’s easy enough to like us who don’t hunt aways grew exponentially
heard something in the past political candidate. This on your calendar, love someone who deer and build our homes to “outcompete native cav-
18 months. time it might be your adver- and watch for loves us back, but on their habitat. ity-nesting birds” and also
How should citizens sary who is the subject of other details to this kind of love is Former suburbanites, killed our bluebirds. The
react if the FBI actively the abuse but the next time come. crazy and radical. my husband and I didn’t frustrating reality is there’s
worked to promote one it might be you. Now that that The secret foresee this consequence “no delete button to zap
political candidate over Read the memorandum. bit of business is is in the focus. of disturbing nature’s bal- the invasive species,” as
another? Did it do so? Isn’t When published, read the taken care of, I’d He’s certainly not ance. Neither did we antic- Caleb summarized.
it important that we, as citi- Democratic version. Just like to share a talking about over- ipate cell towers and Education and preven-
zens, know the answer?
There are few, if any,
remember that your focus
should be solely on whether
prayer from the
devotional Mike Perspectives... looking the very
evils he advocates
McMansions that went up
on and around our country
tion of releasing cargo
bearing aggressive and
greater powers given to the
FBI than being permitted to
the FBI abused the FISA
process. If it did then heads
and I are reading
together this Willene Tanis
against. He’s talk-
ing about looking
First, I heard the birds
diseased species is the
only defense for some
spy upon United States citi- should roll and persons of month. It was beyond them to spatting. They flew away trees, plants, and ani-
zens; to tap their phones, every political persuasion written by Dr. Reginald The One who carried the when I stood in the win- mals—our ash tree, for
read their mail, and monitor should support those Smith, director of our hurts and injustices we’ve dow. I waited with my instance.
their email and their texts. involved being brought to denomination’s Offices of experienced—carried them camera and shot some pic- Sawing down our
With that power comes justice. It is too important Race Relations and Social all the way to the cross. tures when they flew back. Bradford pear would only
great responsibility that to the continuance of our Justice. He has also pas- He’s talking about the hard It was high time to identi- deprive our native fowl of
such power should never be nation as a democracy to tored inner city churches in work of leaving them fy this bird that dominates what food the starlings
abused nor used for any ignore this situation or to Chicago and Grand Rapids. there. He’s talking about the number of our visitors. didn’t gobble up. This tall
political purpose and when let it degrade into partisan The following is part of the the profound love He has Some gathered along the ship survivor gone viral
seeking such a search war- bickering. prayer he writes to go with now deposited in your edge of the sidewalk and would invade another
rant that the FISA court be —John L. Lengemann this from Luke: “To you heart. Amazing love—in front porch, fought beak- place.
furnished full, complete Imlay City who are listening I say, spite of anything we have to-beak for their fair share. Dear Reader, I’ll con-
‘Love your enemies, do done. A love that has for- Others burrowed in the tinue my conversations

Relay kick off Feb. 13 good to those who hate

given us and which is
meant to be passed along.
driven snow for a siesta.
I emailed a close-up shot
to Seven Ponds Nature
with Caleb and Seven
Ponds because there’s
much to learn regarding
We have been busy to put an end to cancer. “Father God, may our Who’s in?
minds no longer nurse our Email Willene at Center. responsible land manage-
planning this year’s Relay For anyone interested “European Starlings,” ment.
grudges and rehearse our [email protected].
for Life event. The official in getting involved with Moreover, history and

Propane tank not included in sale

kick off is Tuesday, Feb. the Relay for Life Walk current events reveal the
13 at the Imlay City VFW June 9, meetings are the invading human species
Hall. 2nd Thursday of every must want to see the con-
We are grateful that month, at 6:30 p.m. at the sequences of our destruc-
they are graciously letting First Congregational Alex, not a new customer I was
us use their hall. In turn Church United Church of I purchased a foreclo- Ask not eligible for the lower
tive devices—consumption
of processed foods, opi-
for everyone that attends,
please bring a nonperish-
Christ, 275 Bancroft St.,
Imlay City, MI 48444. It’s
sure home and now the
propane company that Alex... price. I just called one of
their competitors and got
ates, and wireless radia-
tion, to begin.
able food item for our vets the white church at the had their tank on the The real their new customer price of Otherwise, we contin-
estate and
that have fought for our corner of Bancroft and property is telling me mortgage
$1.49. Then the following ue to pay the consequenc-
freedom. Fifth. This years theme is that I have to purchase expert! year I went back to the es of humankind and
What is a kick off you ‘Patriotic/Military.’ propane from them or original company and nature off kilter. There’s
may ask? It’s a way for the Here are a few tidbits they will remove the obtained their new custom- no undo key for what
event leaders to spread the to consider: tank. I thought when I er price and saved 20 cents we’ve done.
word on what Relay is all •$4.6 billion invested bought the home that it a gallon then too. We delete ourselves.
about and hopefully in research since 1946 would include the pro- Switching companies every Email Iris at
inspire more people to •More than 15.5 mil- pane tank and thus I can advice to you is to shop year allowed me to lock in [email protected].
start their own team or join lion cancer survivors alive then buy propane from around almost every year. the lowest market price.
an existing one. in the US today, thanks in anyone. Many propane companies The technicians and I
offer price discounts to
Many of you have
inquired what is Relay for
part to our work
•4.5 million free nights
— H.C., North Branch
new customers. They will
also install their new tank
always joked about how
they would be back next Guest
Life. Relay for Life is a of lodging for cancer H.C., A propane tank is not year to pull the same tank
life-changing event that
brings together more than
patients and their caregiv-
ers who traveled for treat-
considered a fixture
attached to the land and
on your property for free
with a one-year contract. If that they just installed for
free. They knew the game
you switch companies, the
3.5 million people across ment since 1984 thus is not included in a I was playing. Because Have a differing opinion
old company will also
the world to celebrate the •7.6 million free rides real estate sale unless spe- come and remove their old these companies value about a hot topic? Want
lives of those who have to treatment given to can- cifically stated as such in tank for free. There is no attracting new customers to further explain your
battled cancer, remember cer patients since 2005 the purchase agreement. It more than keeping existing side of the story? You
downside to you other than can share your thoughts
loved ones lost to the dis- •$350 can give 18 peo- can only be included if the a bit of a hassle meeting ones, I was happy to play by being a guest colum-
ease, and fight back. We ple 24/7 access to informa- owner you purchased it technicians there every along. I would suggest you nist. Anyone may sub-
Relay because we have tion and support via phone from actually owned the year to install a new tank. do the same thing. Call mit a guest column, but
been touched by cancer and online chats propane tank, which most I am not sure why these around to find the best we ask that the infor-
and desperately want to •$1,000 could give six don’t. Whomever owns the companies have policies price you can and go with mation be accurate.
put an end to the disease. patients a trained naviga- tank can set the rules for that company. Then do that The columns can be a
that give price breaks to maximum of three
We do this by forming tor to guide them through who can fill it. They all new customers but not same thing each year. It is
typed, double-spaced
teams that have different treatment require their leased tanks existing ones. I try to take far cheaper and easier to pages. Send them to:
fundraisers to raise money •$2,500 could provide to only be filled with their advantage of it when I can. do that than owning the Tri-City Times, P.O.
for the American Cancer four cancer patients with propane. The tanks them- For example, I used one tank anyways. Box 278, Imlay City,
Society. five nights of free lodging selves just sit on blocks on company for one year and If you have any real MI, 48444 or run the
We camp out at the For more information top of your grass. Since then the next year when I estate or mortgage related idea by the editor by
Eastern Michigan State please send me an email at they are not fixed to the questions please “Ask calling 810-724-2615 or
was ready to sign another email them to: tct@
Fairgrounds in Imlay City [email protected]. land, it was not part of the contract they told me that Alex” by email at Alex@ pageone-inc.com. The
overnight June 9-10, and Sincerely, purchase when you closed the price would be $1.69 RealtyVolution.com or by newspaper reserves the
walk around the track. —Karen Hart on your home. I also live but if I was a new custom- phone at (810) 664-1819. right to edit or reject
There is music around the Relay for Life in an area not serviced by er they would allow me to You may see your question any column considered
clock, games all day, teams Event Coordinator natural gas and have to use sign a full year contract at and answer featured here. inappropriate for publi-
selling different items all Lapeer County propane as well. My $1.49 a gallon. Since I was — ADV cation.

Town Talk
Editor’s note: Due to space con- Call 810-395-4518 for details. Rd., Bruce Twp., 586-336-4673. meetings are held every Monday Weigh-in at 8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. Orleans- a RWB Parks &
straints announcements will be www.orchardsonline.org. night at 8 p.m. at St. Paul’s meeting. Call Linda at 810-245- Recreation trip with Shoreline
posted one week in advance of the Ryan Smith, a certified alcohol Lutheran Church in Imlay City. 3955 or Phyllis 810-395-7035 for Tours. Open to ages 21+ in all
and drug counselor will be avail-
event. Notices must be received in
writing by noon Monday prior to able at the Imlay City Senior’s
Center on the 4th Thursday of
Museums Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and
Al-Anon meetings are held every
more info. communities. Your
includes: modern motor coach

the publication date.

every month from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. The Dryden Historical Society Wednesday night at 8 p.m. at the
Capac United Methodist Church,
Fundraisers transportation, 8 nights lodging,
14 meals, the Ave Maria Grotto,
For Senior Citizens meets at 7 p.m. the first
Capac, MI.
a day trip to Mobile, Bellingrath
Gardens, Mobile Carnival
Free Meals, Food
Wednesday of the month and the Uncle Pete’s Pasties. Two variet-
museum opens every Monday Lapeer Area Citizens Against ies available; beef and vegetable. Museum, a day trip to Pensacola
Gentle Yoga Tuesdays from 9-10 from 5:30-7 p.m. Domestic Assault meets 1-3 p.m. Meat is locally grown, hormone FL, the National Naval Aviation
a.m. at First Congregational St. Paul’s Lutheran Church every Wednesday in the Lapeer and antibiotic free. Order now Museum, Pensacola Lighthouse,
Church in Almont. Practice led ‘Food for Families’ kitchen is The Capac Historical Society is through Feb. 9. Please call Imlay a dolphin watch cruise, Fairhope
open to visitors daily from 1-3 Court House for personal protec-
by Dina Miramonti, RYT. open to the public for free, hot tion order clinic. For info 810- City Christian School at 810-724- AL, Florabama, Lucy Buffets’
meals every Monday and p.m. and 1-4 p.m. on Sundays. 5695 to order or to check pricing. Lulu’s with entertainment, a
Imlay City Senior Center “Texas Call 810-395-2859 for more info. 246-0632.
Wednesday from 4-5:30 p.m. Louisiana swamp tour, New
Hold ‘Em” 12:30 p.m. For info 10A Friday AFG Family Groups Pancake Breakfast with famous Orleans, Katrina sightseeing
810-724-6030. This Heart Loves Food Pantry is The Imlay City Historical Michigan berry topping.
meeting. Imlay City FOC tour, the Birmingham Civil
open the 1st Saturday of each Museum will be closed beginning Proceeds benefit Yale Senior
Lutheran Church, 7191 Imlay Rights Institute, luggage han-
Dinner and an evening of card month from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at December 17, 2017 and through Center. Sun., Feb 11. 9 a.m. to 1
City Rd, Imlay City. Contact dling, and tax and tips on includ-
playing with friends, 50/50 raffle Gateway Assembly Church, 2796 the end of March 2018. During p.m. at Yale Senior Center. By
Ginger Miller at 810-724-5772 ed meals. The pace of this tour is
and prizes of high and low for S. Van Dyke Rd., Imlay City. that time volunteers continue to donation. Pancakes, waffles,
for more information. a 3, or moderately active.
each table every 3rd Monday at work at the museum on American potatoes, eggs, sausage Deposit is due at time of regis-
the Washington Senior Center, The Attica United Methodist Wednesday mornings from 9 FOR WIDOWED MEN & gravy, biscuits and coffee. tration. Cancellation interrup-
57880 Van Dyke, Washington Church will be holding a free a.m. to noon. During the closing WOMEN: Lunch-Cards- tion protection is optional and
Twp., MI 48094, from 4-8 p.m. community meal on the 2nd and many projects will be initiated, Friendship. Join us every 3rd Woman’s Life Chapter 855 will due with deposit. In addition
Call for further details, 586-752- 4th Tuesday of each month from new exhibits developed, and cur- Tuesday of each month from continue its Bottle & Can Drive, you will be assessed a small
6543. 4:00-6:00 p.m. For more info rent ones refreshed. The museum 11:45 a.m.-4 p.m. at Cavis to help those in need, throughout admin. fee by Parks &
please call 810-724-0690 or visit will receive a through cleaning, Pioneer Restaurant, 5600 Lapeer the year of 2017. Call for the
Swing Dance Lessons offered at Recreation. Departure time will
www.atticaumc.org. smaller areas painted, and a com- Rd. in Kimball Twp. 48074. No nearest drop off location. For
the Port Huron Senior Center, be announced at least 2 weeks
plete reorganization and inven- RSVP necessary. For more info large donations a pickup service
600 Grand Avenue in Port Huron, The Attica Food Bank at the prior to departure date.
tory of items stored in the base- call Joanne K. at 810-324-2304. is available. 810-392-5136.
every Tues. from 7:30-9 p.m. and Attica United Methodist Church, Departure will be from the
ment will take place. This activity is sponsored by Washington Parks and Rec
Medical Care
the 1st and 3rd Thurs. of the 27 Elk Lake Rd., is open from 2-4
month from 7:30-9 p.m. with p.m. the 2nd Monday of each The Almont Community Widowed Friends, a peer support Activity Center. When register-
instructors Lyle Malaski & month and 2-6:30 p.m. on the 4th Historical Society Museum is group www.widowedfriends.org. ing please submit your full
Kristina Morton. Call 810-984- Monday of each month. Proof of open Saturdays from 1-4 p.m. Lapeer County Health name, and provide your date of
Widowed Friends invites all wid- Department, 1800 Imlay City
5061 for more info. residency and need required. Please stop by and learn about birth, if you are rooming as a
owed to join us for breakfast and Rd., Lapeer - Regular
your community. Society meet- single, double, or triple, who
Council on Aging Membership is The Capac Community Food friendship in a safe setting every Immunization Clinic Hours:
ings are held at the museum on your roommates may be, and
open to individuals 18 and older. Pantry, 112 S. Main Street, is 2nd and 4th Monday of the (held in 2nd floor clinic area)
the second Monday of the month any other special requests.
The Capac Senior Center is open open each Wednesday from 1-3 month at 9 a.m. at Sero’s, 925 Mondays 1-3:30 p.m. Walk-In,
at 7 p.m. For more info call 810- Please also provide whether you
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. weekdays. p.m. Please call LOVE, INC. at Gratiot in Marysville. For more Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m.
796-3355. are interested in either the golf
We offer a variety of activities 810-245-2414 in advance to info, call Julie at 810-388-0868. By Appointment Only, Thursdays OR deep sea fishing. Feb. 22
such as fitness and craft classes, a
book review group, cards and
ensure your food voucher will be
received before you stop in to Youth Events Grief Share, a 7/14 series for
those that have lost loved ones
1-3:45 p.m. By Appointment
Only. Additional Immunization
thru Mar. 2nd 2018. Call
Washington Parks and Rec for
bus trips. Call Lori at 395-7889 shop. Any questions, please call support group will begin Sept. 7 Clinics Offered: By Appointment pricing. 586-786-0131.
for more info. Joyce Kaufman at 810-395-7532. Ready, Set, Go! Workshop. This Only (held in 2nd floor clinic
is a FREE workshop for 3-5 year at the Imlay City Senior Center
area). Walk-In (held in lower TRAVEL/Greektown Casino - a
Almont and Dryden area senior The Capac Kitchen serves free olds & parents/caregivers! Enjoy located in the Lamb-Steele build-
level). For additional info, to RWB Parks & Recreation spon-
citizens meet the 2nd Tuesday of meals every Tuesday from 4:30-6 fun projects that will develop ing on Third Street. Pre-register
check if we accept your insur- sored trip. Open to ages 21+ in
the month at 12 p.m. at the p.m. at Zion United Methodist your child’s skills and prepare by calling Tracy at 810-724-6030
ance, or to schedule an appoint- all communities. Try your luck
Almont Lions Hall, 222 Water Church. them for school! Children also or Ginger Miller at 810-724-5772.
ment please call 810-667-0448. at one of Detroit’s most popular
St., for a potluck and program. enjoy a snack, story time, and a For those that have experienced casinos! Your tour includes
Call 798-8210 for more info. Free meals for people in need are free book! Call the Family Free hearing and vision screens motor coach transportation, a
offered at the North Branch the death of a loved one, a sup-
Literacy Center today to reserve port group is available facilitated for children of preschool age are total of five hours gaming time
Adults 55 and over are invited to Senior Center on Monday and your seat at 810-664-2737 and for available at the Lapeer County with a $20 incentive package,
Berlin Twp. Senior Center to Thursday evenings from 5:30-7 by a trained United Hospice
more info on dates and times. Service (UHS) bereavement vol- Health Department. To schedule the services of a tour escort, and
play cards from noon-3 p.m. the p.m. Call 810-441-0322 for more an appointment please call 810- bus driver gratuities. No refunds
2nd Wednesday of every month. info. Play groups available. Free 6 unteer. Marlette Regional
Hospital, 2770 Main Street in 667-0448 or 810-245-5549. or account credits but YOU may
Bring a sack lunch, beverages week sessions. At these FREE find a replacement. Fri., Feb. 23.
provided. Senior stretch exercise Orchards’ Cupboard Food 90-minute playgroups, children Marlette, hosts this support Capac Pharmacy is teaming with
Pantry is open the 3rd Saturday group the 1st Tuesday of each Departure from the Washington
on Tuesdays 10-11 a.m. Potluck will participate in storytime, Support Million Hearts by offer- Activity Center at 9 a.m.
luncheons will be served the 4th of every month 9 a.m.-noon. developmentally appropriate month in the Administration ing in-pharmacy blood pressure
Food distributed at 74903 McKay Conference Room. For time and Approximate return time is 4
Tuesday of every month at noon. games and crafts, learn new screenings, 136 North Main St. in p.m. PLEASE ARRIVE AT
skills, and enjoy a snack and more info, call 800-635-7490 or Capac, Tuesdays, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
visit www.marletteregionalhospi- LEAST 20 MINUTES EARLY
social time with other children. Everyone is invited to come and TO CHECK IN. DON’T
Parents will have the chance to tal.org. have their blood pressure read FORGET YOUR VALID
talk to other adults with same- TOPS 620 Lapeer weight- loss for free. PHOTO IDENTIFICATION.
age children. Register now for group meets Tuesday nights at Fee charged. 586-786-0131.
the next session! Numerous loca- the Hunter’s Creek Mobile Home
tions and dates available. For
more info and to sign up call the
Park Club House, 725 DeMille
Rd. in Lapeer. Weigh-in from
Events Zumba Gold. Take salsa, cha
cha and other Latin dance steps.
Family Literacy Center at 810- 6-6:30 p.m., meeting from 6:30- Passport Event. Imlay City Post Put in a low impact routine and
664-2737. 7:30 p.m. For more info call 810- Office. Saturday, Feb. 24. 10 you have Zumba Gold. Bring
664-7579. a.m.-2 p.m. No appointment nec- water and a face towel.(9340)
Support Groups TOPS 888 (Take Off Pounds
essary. Call for any questions
Mon., Jan. 8 - Mar. 26, 10:30 -
11:30 a.m. (9341) Mon., Apr.
Sensibly) meets Wednesdays at 2- May 21, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) the 25 Pine Ridge Dr. in Lapeer. TRAVEL/Gulf Shores & New (9398) Wed., Jan. 3 - Mar. 21,
10:30 - 11:30 a.m. (9399)
Wed., Mar. 28-May 23, 10:30 -

c 
11:30 a.m. No class 1/15 & 2/19.
Washington Parks and Rec
Center. Purchase a punch card!!
You determine the number of
classes you want to attend.

St. Paul’s Blessed Hope
Love Your Heart Luncheon Join
Lutheran Church Baptist Church us for a luncheon celebrating
(ELCA) Love and taking care of your

1635 Berville Road, Allenton, MI heart. Today is American Heart
200 North Cedar (M-53) 859 N. Van Dyke Road Pastor Gayle Hortop
4411 Newark Road
Phone: (586) 784-5854 Day. Love yourself and your
Imlay City, MI Attica, MI 48412 Imlay City, Michigan 48444 heart. Eat, dance, be merry and
810-724-2702 Sunday School - 10:00 am
810-724-1200 Sunday 2:30 pm wear your red for Heart Day.

Sunday Morning - 11:00 am
Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.
email: [email protected] Tuesday 7:00 pm Sunday Evening - 6:30 pm Thur., Feb. 8. 11 a.m. -1 p.m.
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Friday Youth 7:00 pm Wednesday Evening - 6:30 pm Romeo Parks and Rec Center.
Pastor Tim Martin Soul winning is not our Admission charged.
Pastor Alan Casillas Sunday 10 a.m. Service 17 firstapostolichome.com 17 preference, but it’s our priority.

Attica U.M.C. Capac Imlay City Almont Light of Christ


27 Elk Lake Road, Attica, MI U.M.C. C.R.C.

First Baptist Church
(810) 724-0690 14952 Imlay City Rd., Capac 395 N. Cedar (M-53) Free tutor training for people
Sunday Worship: 10 a.m
Attica Food Bank:
Church 810-395-2112 www.imlaycitycrc.org
Worship 10:00 a.m.
Wayne Boyd, Pastor Church who would like to help others in
our community improve English
Sunday School - 9:15 am - All Ages 881 Van Dyke - 810-798-8888
Serving those in 48412, Sunday Service: 10:30 am Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Sunday Bible Classes: 9:45 am 2720 Winslow Road skills. Volunteer basis. Please
2-4 pm, 2nd Monday & Junior Church and Nursery Available Youth Ministry Worship Services Imlay City, MI 48444 call for orientation before train-
2-6:30 pm on 4th Monday. MOPS Program 10:30 am & 6:00 pm ing at 810-664-2737.
Community Dinner:
Bible Studies Every
Community Men’s & Women’s Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 pm 1 Mile South of I-69 Overpass
Monday and Tuesday Evenings [email protected]
2nd & 4th Tuesday, 4-6 pm Bible Studies Sunday Worship 10:30 am Volunteer for the Habitat for
Tuesday Morning Live Webcasting Sunday all worship services
Pastor Ron Rouse 810-724-4315 over Sermonaudio.com/fbcalmont Humanity of Lapeer County at
www.atticaumc.org 17
Come as you are - everyone is welcome!
17 17
Come Grow With Us! 17 Proclaiming the Sovereign Grace of God Phone: 810-724-6999 17 the office. Interested parties can
call 810-664-7111 and speak to
Dryden Imlay City Sacred Heart GATEWAY ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Carolyn, Cheryl or Pete at 810-
U.M.C. U.M.C. Catholic Church
(ELCA) 109 E. Kempf Court • Capac, MI
(810) 395-7557
Corner of 4th St. & Almont Ave. 700 Maple Vista, Imlay City
5394 Main Street - Dryden 2796 S. Van Dyke Road - Imlay City
Club News
(Across from the Library) 810-724-1135 
www.imlayumc.org 74903 McKay Rd., Romeo Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
810-796-3341 Like Us On Weekday Masses
Morning Worship - 8:45 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m. Worship Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri 8 am • Wed. 10 am Evening Service - 5:00 p.m. 
Pastor Patricia Hoppenworth First Sat. 8 am
Sunday Mornings Veterans of Foreign Wars
Nursery Available
Weekend Masses
Wednesday Family Night - 6:45 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Jr. Church for K-5th grade
Sat. Vigil Mass 5 pm
10:30 am Supervised child care during all services (VFW) of Imlay City, Post 2492,
Youth Group 6th-12th grade Adult & Children's Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. 5pm-6:30pm Sundays Sun. 9 am - English Children's Church during service. Sunday School 598 N. Almont Ave. (Fairgrounds
EVERYONE WELCOME! Rev. Dr. Marcel Allen Lamb
11 am - Spanish
Confessions 1/2 hr. before each Mass & 4pm Sat. COME & MAKE A Phone: 810-724-8110 9:00 a.m. September thru May Rd.) Overseas Veterans Meetings
17 810-724-0687 17 Father Paul Ward 17
DIFFERENCE WITH US! 17 Pastor Jeffrey S. Krist 17 Staffed Nursery During Worship 17 2nd Thursday, every other
month, 7 p.m.; Post Meetings 1st
West Berlin Imlay City Christ Evangelical First Congregational Church Thursday every month, 7 p.m.;
Church of Christ Lutheran Church United Church of Christ Auxiliary Meetings 1st Saturday
U.M.C. 670 N. Van Dyke 1970 S. Almont Ave., Imlay City 275 Bancroft - Imlay City 201 E. St. Clair, Almont, MI
of every month, 10 a.m.
Imlay City, MI 48444
905 Holmes Rd. - Allenton, MI Sunday Service
at corner of Newark Rd.
(Corner of 5th Street) 810-798-8855 Almont/Dryden Masons meets 7
810-724-7855 Sunday Worship Service p.m. every 2nd Thursday of the
Corner of Almont Road Bible Study (all ages) 10:00am
Sunday School 9:00 a.m. 810-724-6207 at 10:15 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00am month at Masonic Center in
810-395-2409 1st Sunday of the
Month Evening Service 2:30pm
Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.
Thursday Worship 7:00 p.m.
Sunday School & Morning Adult Group 9:30 a.m. Nursery available and Jr. Church
for ages 3 thru 5th grade Almont.
Worship Service 10:30 a.m.
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Classes (all ages) 7:00pm Pastor Rev. Dr. Renee C. Jackson
Jr./Sr. High Youth Group ~ Sunday’s 6-8pm
The Imlay City American Legion
810-724-3306 Kidz 4 Christ ~ Wednesday’s 6-7:30pm
Rev. Curtis Clarke COME WORSHIP WITH US!
Ralph O. Stuebs
Cell-(567) 674-0438 “No matter who you are or where you are Pre-School - 5th grade Post 135 meets the 2nd and last
17 John Barker, Minister 17 Come to the WELS 17
on life’s journey, you are welcome here!”
17 Pastor William King 17 Wednesdays of the month at
7:30 p.m. The post is located at
Goodland 17
Family of St. Cornelius St. Nicholas St. John The Holy Redeemer 212 E. Third Street. Contact
Community Christ Catholic Church Catholic Church Evangelist
Lutheran Church - Catholic Church Lutheran Church them at 724-1450 or americanle-
[email protected].
Church Missouri Synod
3834 N. Mill Street, P.O. Box 208
Dryden MI 48428
4331 Capac Road 872 Capac Rd. 4538 Dryden Rd. • Dryden, MI
The Evening Star Quilt Guild
2008 N. Van Dyke www.fmsaints.com
Capac, MI 48014 Allenton, MI 48002
810-395-7074 810-796-3951 meets the last Wednesday of
Box 82 7191 Imlay City Road
Imlay City Weekday Masses: 810-395-7572 www.fmsaints.com www.lutheransonline.com/holyred each month at the Davison
Imlay City, MI 48444 Bible Study - 9:00 am Wed. & Fri. 8:30 a.m. www.fmsaints.com Weekday Masses: 8:00 am - BIBLE CLASS; 9:30 am - WORSHIP Senior Center, 10135 Lapeer Rd.
810.724.1747 Worship Time - 10:30 am Weekend Masses: Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 8:30 a.m. 11:00 am - SUNDAY SCHOOL & BIBLE CLASS
in Davison. Meetings start at
Children’s Church - 10:30 am Saturday - 4:30 p.m. Weekend Masses: Weekend Masses: ALL WELCOME!!!
Worship Service: 10:00 am Phone 810-724-2620 Sunday - 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Sunday - 11:00 a.m. Saturday - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday - 9:00 a.m. Pastor Steven Helms
6:30 p.m. and doors open at 6
Pastor Chad Hampton Rev. Mike Gawlowski, Pastor 17
p.m. For more info call Lisa,
lutheranfamilyofchrist.org Rev. Mike Gawlowski, Pastor 17 Rev. Mike Gawlowski, Pastor 17 Christian Preschool Available 17

Guest: Building Bridges from our

Past to a Better Future rec-
most basic necessities of
life. Legacy: She leaves a legacy of
strength, love and lightness
dearly missed and mourned
by her daughters Roseann,
from page 9-A ognizes that without justice If you’re ready to join from page 8-A of being unmatched by Catherine, Dawn and
there can be no freedom. the progressive struggle for anyone. Virginia, as well as her
tomorrow. Likewise, if we You aren’t free in this justice in all of its forms and then have even more Anna Maria Minolli, grandkids and many oth-
wish to have a healthy nation if your right to vote please join the St. Clair fun. Fitting advice from a 86, passed away on ers.
environment and plentiful is being hindered, if you County Democrats on woman who found a way January 29. She was the Her gifts were many,
natural resources in the don’t have a genuine Monday, February 12th at to get through the loss of eldest daughter of Umberto the loss so great. She was
future we must take action opportunity to go to col- 6:30 p.m. in the Bluewater our dad—the love of her and Virgilia (Leopardi) one of a kind, and we are
now to protect them so that lege, if you can’t swim in Convention Center in Port life—and all the curve Rossi, and sister of the late beyond blessed to have had
our children can live in a the local river because it’s Huron for our next general balls life threw at her. Lena Ciatti and Rino her in our lives.
world with clean air and too polluted, or if your job membership meeting when She was strong and Rossi. She was married to Email Catherine at
water. pays you such a pittance we unveil our new plat- devout in her Catholic faith the late Francesco ‘Frank’ cminolli@pageone-inc.
The People’s Platform: you can’t afford even the form. and love for her family. Minolli for 59 years, and is com.

~ Adeline Plumb, 91 ~ ~ Carole Ann Ehrenfeucht, 77 ~
Adeline Plumb, 91, of Charles (Gerry) Rathka of Carole Ann Imlay City and North Township. Saturday, February 3,
Almont, passed away Metamora, Judy (Vaughn) Ehrenfeucht, age 77, of Branch for several years. She is survived by her 2018, at Muir Brothers
Tuesday, January 30, 2018. Faulkner of Dryden; sister- Imlay City, formerly of Carole is a 1957 graduate son, Paul (Nancy) Funeral Home of Imlay
She was born July 24, in-law, Bonnie Rathka of Shelby Township, of North Branch High Ehrenfeucht of Imlay City, City, 225 N. Main Street,
1926 the daughter of West Branch, and many Michigan, died School. Carole lived most MI; her granddaughter, Imlay City, MI. Deacon
Horace and Irene nieces and nephews. Wednesday, January 31, of the last 30 years in Sarah Ehrenfeucht of David Hoffman officiated.
(Flansburg) Rathka. She She was preceded in 2018 at Stonegate Health Shelby Township. Lapeer, MI; and her great- Interment took place at
graduated from Almont death by her husband, Campus of Lapeer, MI. She was employed by grandson, Bryce Goodland Township
High School and married William “Bill” Plumb; one Carole was born June Chrysler Motors Company Ehrenfeucht. Carole was Cemetery.
William “Bill” Plumb in son, Gary Plumb; and one 7, 1940 in Detroit, MI. She at the Sterling Heights preceded in death by her Those wishing to make
1944. brother, Carl Rathka. was the daughter of the Stamping Plant for 30 parents, Arthur and Julie memorial contributions
She is survived by her Funeral services were late Arthur and the late years as a journeyman Ehrenfeucht; her special may direct them to
daughter-in-law, Patricia held February 2 at Muir Julie Ehrenfeucht. Carole painter before retiring. aunt, Helen Boettcher; and Juvenile Diabetes Research
Plumb of Dryden; two Brothers Funeral Home in grew up in Detroit when Carole had been a member her special uncle, Bill Fund. Please be sure to
grandsons, Aaron (Jessica) Almont. she was younger and then of of Shepherd’s Gate Ehrenfeucht. sign our online register
Plumb of Dunedin, FL and In lieu of flowers lived in the area between Lutheran Church in Shelby The funeral was held muirbrothersfh.com
Corey (Jessica) Plumb of memorials may be made to
Almont; great-grandchil-
dren, Alana Plumb, Jaycee
the family. Burial took
place in Ferguson ~ Arden Mathews, 80 ~
Plumb, Nathan Plumb, Cemetery in Almont. Arden Mathews, age ers in Port Huron. He was brothers-in-law, Ed
Gwenyth Plumb and Jonah To sign the online 80, of Almont, Michigan, a quiet man. Badder and Dick Brinker.
Plumb; one great-great- guest book please visit died Thursday, February Arden is survived by The funeral was held
grandson Jaxson www.MuirBrothers.com. 1, 2018 at McLaren his wife, Barbara Sunday, February 4, 2018,
Wansedel; siblings, Lapeer Region in Lapeer, Mathews; three daughters, at Dryden Wesleyan
MI. Carmen (Bill) Brown of Church, 5274 Main Street,
~ Preston H. Mann ~ Arden Orrin Mathews
was born October 5, 1937
Lapeer, MI, Dawn (Brian)
Flowers of Novi, MI and
Dryden, MI. Reverend
Chris Terbush officiated.
After battling cancer in Highland Park, MI. He Christine (Stephen) Interment of Ashes will
for the past year and a was the son of the late Mathews-Dalton of take place this summer at
half, Preston H. Mann, of Andrew and the late Seattle, Washington; one Great Lakes National
Novi, Michigan (formerly Roseltha (Freier) son, Robert (Heather) Cemetery in Holly,
of Brown City and Lapeer, Mathews. Arden grew up Mathews of Minot, North Michigan.
Michigan) passed away in Clyde and Milford, MI. Dakota; six grandchildren, An American Legion
peacefully on February 1, He moved to the Imlay long haul truck driver for Michelle Brown, Billy Final Salute took place
2018. City area in 1954. Arden 47 years before retiring in (Ashley) Brown, Kimmy Saturday. Those wishing
Preston spent his was a graduate of Imlay 2005. Brown, Ethan Mathews, to make memorial contri-
childhood with his brother City High School, Class He was a member of Gavin Mathews, and butions, may direct them
Jay in the woods and of 1955. He married Dryden Wesleyan Church Adrian Dalton; and two to the Disabled American
fields near his family Barbara Maybelle Badder for 64 years, the Imlay great-grandchildren, Veterans (DAV) or the
home in Metamora, on June 10, 1961 in Imlay City American Legion Landon and Boston Dryden Wesleyan Church
Michigan. He attended City, Michigan. Post # 135 and Sunny Brown. Building Fund.
Kingsbury Country Day Preston was preceded He served in the Brook RV Club. Arden He was preceded in Funeral arrangements
School in Oxford, in death by his father, United States Army from enjoyed having coffee death by his parents, were made by Muir
Michigan; The Hotchkiss Preston Mann and his 1961 - 1963. with friends, luncheons Andrew and Roseltha Brothers Funeral Home of
School in Salisbury, mother, Lucinda “Mickey” Arden was employed with former Class of 1955 Mathews; two sisters, Imlay City. Please be sure
Connecticut; and went on Caples. at Scott’s Hyponex (for- high school classmates Mary Lou Thomas and to sign our online register
to study at the University He leaves behind his merly Anderson Peat) as a and watching the freight- Judy Mathews; and two muirbrothersfh.com
of Michigan, Ann Arbor. wife, Sarah “Terry” Mann;
As an avid sportsman,
who enjoyed bird hunting,
daughter, Sarah Mann and
her husband, Matthew
~ Thomas “Tom” Teal, Sr., 65 ~
fishing and sailing, he had Weeber; grandchildren Thomas “Tom” Teal, held 11 a.m., Wednesday, available for visitation
many friends and adven- Kieran, Wyatt, and Maple; Sr., age 65, of Imlay City, February 7, 2018 at Muir 10-11 a.m., Wednesday,
tures. Following his son, Preston E. Mann and Michigan, died Thursday, Brothers Funeral Home of February 7, at Muir
father’s lead, Preston his wife Urpi Adela Carlos February 1, 2018 at Henry Imlay City, 225 N. Main Brothers Funeral Home of
made a name for himself Rios Mann; stepmother,
Ford Macomb of Clinton Street, Imlay City, MI. Imlay City.
training bird dogs and Mary Ann Mann; siblings,
Twp., MI. Interment will follow at Please be sure to sign
appearing on public televi- Jay Mann, Charles
(Claudia) Mann, and Thomas Loren Teal Imlay Township Cemetery. our online register muir-
sion’s “Michigan
Maureen Mann. was born March 27, 1952 The family will be brothersfh.com
Outdoors” at his hunting
preserve Farmland In lieu of flowers, the in Almont, MI. He is the
Pheasant Hunters in family asks for donations son of the late Edward and
Brown City, Michigan.
In his later years,
to the Lapeer County
Chapter of Pheasants
the late Lillie Mae
(Newbold) Teal. Tom had In Memory Of
Preston enjoyed travelling Forever, P.O. Box 585, lived most of his life in
to Alaska with his wife Lapeer, Michigan 48446 or Imlay City. He was a 1970
Sarah “Terry” Mann, cap- Hospice of Little Traverse graduate of Imlay City
taining several sailing trips Bay Hiland Cottage, 1 High School. He married
Julie Eileen Ihrke on
Jr. of Shelby Twp.; two
sisters, Doris Teal of
February 19, 1976 to February 9, 2008
on his boat “Meloura” to Hiland Way, Petoskey,
the Georgian Bay, sharing Michigan 49770. October 14, 1987 in Lapeer, MI and Judy As I sit in heaven
pointers with his three A memorial gathering Lapeer, Michigan. (Don) Hunt of North and watch you every day
grandchildren on many will be held from 4-6 p.m. Tom was employed at Branch, MI; brothers,
Koyl Company as a screw Roger (Geraldine) I try to let you know with signs
exciting fishing trips, and Thursday, February 8,
improving his golf game 2018 at Muir Brothers machine operator making Newbold of Georgia, Gary I never went away
as a member of the City of Funeral Home, Lapeer. bolts for auto parts. He (Diane) Teal of Colorado, I hear when you are laughing
Novi’s 55+ Golf League. Please visit muirbrothers- retired in 2007. James (Betty) Teal of And watch as you sleep
Recently Preston enjoyed lapeer.com to leave a con- He was a member of Marlette, MI and Larry
the Imlay City Eagles. (Chris) Teal of West
I even place my arms around you
many leisurely visits with dolence for Preston’s fami-
family and friends. ly. Tom always enjoyed rid- Branch, MI; and nine To calm you as you weap
ing motorcycles and espe- grandchildren, Samantha I see you wish the days away
cially loved going fishing Teal, Faith (Judah) Begging to have me home
 with his family. Davidson, Boaz Teal, So I try to send you signs, So you know, you are not alone
  Tom is survived by his Abigail Weberman, Justin
wife, Julie Teal; three Weberman, Madison Don’t feel guilty that you have life that was denied to me
 Heaven is truly beautiful, just you wait and see
daughters, Erika (Jeffrey) Bigger, Makenzie Bigger,
 Weberman of Sterling Macaylah Bigger and So live your life, laugh again, enjoy yourself, be free
Curious about where to find fast, reliable printing services at Heights, MI, Ivonne Sophia Thomas. Then I know with every breath you take
affordable rates? They don’t call us the “copy cats” for nothing!
(Joseph) Bigger of He was preceded in
• Quick copy through quality printing • Computerized Leonard, MI and Ashley death by his parents, Ed You’ll be taking one for me
typesetting • Artwork & design • Worldwide FAX service
• Labels & forms • Advertising specialties (Steven) Thomas of and Lillie Teal; and his Always in out hearts,
 Capac, MI; one son, infant sister, Lora Teal. Mom, Dad, Mike, Steve & Lana
(810) 724-0254 Thomas L. (Laura) Teal, The funeral will be

To share one of these obituaries with a friend

or a loved one VISIT US ONLINE AT:

Options for veterans

facing homelessness
By Maria Brown to a veteran and their fam-
[email protected] ily.
Teinert reported that
LAPEER COUNTY his agency had helped five
— Veterans facing home- veterans from Lapeer
lessness have options. Last County since October.
month, the county com- Their assistance ranges
mission threw their sup- from paying past due utili-
port behind a grant appli- ty bills to helping those
cation for Anka Akron facing eviction. Other ser-
home, a veterans transi- vices include legal aid,
tional housing program, personal financial plan-
based in Tuscola County. ning, transportation and
At a subsequent meet- health care.
ing, Chris Teinert of the Project Home serves

Photo by Tom Wearing

Blue Water Center for veterans in Wayne,
Independent Living out- Oakland, Macomb, St.
lined what the agency’s Clair, Lapeer, Sanilac,
Project Home offers veter- Tuscola and Huron coun-
ans and their families. ties.
Almont High School students gathered en masse in the high school’s auditorium to hear some of Like ANKA, Project Veterans seeking assis-
the potential pitfalls of improper use of the internet and social media. Home is funded by the tance in Lapeer County
U.S. Department of can call (810) 664-9098
Veteran Affairs but, in con- and in St.Clair County can
Lessons: Officials warn kids of online dangers trast, can provide services call (810) 987-9337.
from page 1-A
employers, colleges, par-
ents or anyone come across
inappropriate images, it
See Mock Trial competition
could damage one’s reputa- ST. CLAIR COUNTY — The public is invited to
tion and squelch opportuni- attend the 2018 St. Clair County High School Mock
ties now or years later. Trial Tournament on Saturday, Feb. 24 at the St. Clair
“It’s important to County Courthouse in Port Huron.
remind yourselves that The competition’s first round begins at 8:30 a.m.
anything you say or do followed by the second round at 10:30 a.m. and round
online never goes away,” three at 1 p.m. The courthouse is located at 201
he said. “It’s always there. McMorran Boulevard.
“It might seem innocu- Awards will be handed out that same day at 5 p.m.
ous now to post nude pic-
at the St. Clair County Community College Center/
Photo by Tom Wearing

tures on your phone, but

the material can get in the Café.
wrong hands—even sexual Admission is free. For more information, visit
predators.” www.sc2mocktrial.org or contact Judge Cynthia S.
Sheriff Scott McKenna Platzer at (810) 985-2083.
urged the students to con-
Lapeer County law enforcement and legal experts talked cyber aware-
template the impact that
ness at Almont High School on Friday. They included Amanda Martin,
finding such images on a
Almont School Liaison; Emily Sznitka of Child Advocacy; Circuit Judge
phone or computer would
Byron Konschuh; Almont Police Chief Andy Martin; Sheriff Scott
have on their parents, fam-
McKenna; Probation Officer Steve Smith and Prosecutor Mike Sharkey.
ily members and friends.
“Don’t post anything Officer Amanda problem and feel you’re scious of what they’re
online you wouldn’t want Manning, who works with not being heard, then tell doing,” said Longley.
other people to see,” he Almont youth on a daily someone else. Or call us at “I think about our younger
said. “And don’t say any- basis, said her role as a Child Advocacy Center. siblings who are already
thing online that you liaison officer is to help We’re going to listen to being introduced to these
wouldn’t say to someone’s students avoid situations you and help.” things.”
face.” that could be dangerous to Stepping to the front of Classmate Nadia
Should such postings them. the stage, Sheriff McKenna Manko, 17, said the advice
and activities break the “There is nothing made a final appeal to the presented by the panel may
law, Prosecutor Mike anonymous on the inter- young audience. have struck a nerve with
Sharkey promises no leni- net,” Manning said. “A lot “This is a small town some students.
ency in the courtroom. of you will soon be going and you all know one “The program gave us
“Other than in a cir- off to college and looking another,” said McKenna. a better understanding of
cumstance like this—you for jobs. “You’re great kids and what can happen,” she
really don’t want to see me “You don’t want the great opportunities lay said, “and that we have a
Photo by provided

again,” Sharkey told the responsibility to protect

students. “Being young, ourselves and our futures.
dumb and impulsive isn’t “Think about what you’re “It think it was some-
going to matter if you’ve thing that was needed,” she
committed a crime. doing. Don’t make a single continued. “It required us High-end tools and household goods are
among the many items up for grabs in the
“You always have to to take a more mature look
consider the consequences bad decision that could at the problem.” Ruth Hughes Library auction.
of your actions,” he said, Why sexting?
impact the rest of your life.”
“which could entail fines
or jail or prison time for
An excerpt from a bro-
chure provided by Judge Treasures: Ruth Hughes
more serious infractions. -- Sheriff Scott McKenna Konschuh offered some
So be smart.”
Probation Officer Steve
simple insights as to why
some young people engage
Library Silent Auction
Smith reminded the audi- added challenges of deal- ahead for you. in sexting and the conse- from page 1-A attend the auction,
ence that a felony on one’s ing with the consequences “Take care of one quences of doing so. ding on. Aldrich encourages that
record can impede a per- of having made some bad another,” he urged. “Think “Teens may see sexting She adds that auction they make a donation to
son’s ability to secure gain- decisions,” she continued. about what you’re doing. as a way to be cool or flir- participants may bid more show their support for the
ful employment. “So be smart.” Don’t make a single bad tatious or to give a present than once on an item, par- library.
“I’m the guy who has Child advocate Emily decision that could impact to a boyfriend or girl- ticularly when the bidding The Ruth Hughes
to tell a 16-year-old that he Sznitka said sexting and the rest of your life.” friend. process becomes competi- Memorial District Library
can’t get in the military or cyber bullying have High school senior In reality, creating, tive. is located at 211 North
get a good job,” he said. become all too common. Sierra Longley, 17, felt the having or sending sexual Aldrich says the win- Almont Avenue in down-
“It’s never a good thing to “We know it’s going advice offered by the panel images of a person under ning bidders will be town Imlay City.
come in contact with the on,” she said. “We are here was valuable and timely. age 18 violates child por- announced on Wednesday, For questions or more
legal system. You don’t to listen to and support vic- “I think the things they nography laws and can Feb. 14, just in time for information about the 2018
ever want to be part of tims. said could scare people to seriously impact the lives Valentine’s Day. Silent Auction, call the
that.” “If you’re having a be more careful and con- of those involved. For those unable to library at 810-724-8043.

Renews: Park Board lists goals and objectives

from page 1-A Peltier said the last day
eras at the park, creation of to apply for another
a community ice rink, Michigan Recreational
cleanups of the Clinton Passport grant is April 1, a
River and park grounds, deadline he intends to
and renovations to the park meet.
pavilion as goals that have “There are a lot of
been achieved. things we’d like to be able
“We want more people to do,” he said. “But they
to visit and make greater cost money.”
use of the park,” said Peltier, who also coor-
Peltier. “We have to con- dinates the Park Board’s
summer Music in the Park
Photo by Tom Wearing

tinue making improve-

ments to make it safe and series, said he would like
more appealing to residents to have a larger stage to
and visitors.” better accommodate the
Though no specific musicians and entertainers.
time table has been estab- “It’s been a goal of
Funds from a Michigan Recreational Passport mine to expand the stage,”
lished, Peltier outlined grant paid for recent upgrades to the pavilion.
some upgrades he’d like to he said. “There should be
see come to fruition in the money.” Recreational Passport fund. enough room for them to
coming years. Peltier added that the That money paid for set up all of their equip-
Photo by Tom Wearing

“We need to renovate existing restroom fixtures various improvements at ment, without having to
our tennis courts, upgrade are original to the building, the park, including place their speakers on the
the rest rooms and buy making them about 35 upgrades to the park pavil- ground.
some new toys for the chil- years old. ion, the creation of new In the interim, Peltier
dren’s play area,” he said. In recent years, the walking paths and addition intends to focus on apply-
“However, all the things Park Board was the recipi- of ADA (American ing for more grant funding In addition to renovating the tennis courts, an
we want to do are contin- ent of a substantial grant Disabilities Act) compliant to pay for future park expansion of the band stage is at the top of
gent on acquiring grant from the Michigan features. improvements. Park Board Chairman Gary Peltier’s wish list.

Personal property taxes to be explained Thursday, February 8

turn in their Michigan The couple will also
Almont Chamber set to host area tax experts at 7:30 a.m. Personal Property Tax
Statements by February
discuss common correct-
able errors, such as classifi-
By Tom Wearing Up With Almont” breakfast be local tax experts Tom in Michigan, while stress- 10,” said Yarbrough. cation mistakes and their
[email protected] on Thursday, Feb. 8. and Debbie Valentine, who ing important points tax- “Improperly filling out the remedies.
The monthly gathering have been Almont’s tax payers need to know to statement can result not Wake Up With Almont
ALMONT — Personal begins at 7:30 a.m. at the assessors since 2007. minimize their tax obliga- only paying a higher than is open to all Almont area
Property taxes will be the Almont Lions Hall at 222 Chamber President tions. necessary property tax, but businesses.
topic of discussion at the Water Street next to the Christy Yarbrough said the “The Valentines pre- a permanent loss of ability There is a $5 donation
Almont Chamber of park tennis courts. couple is expected to cover sentation is very timely, to claim tax credits as at the door, which includes
Commerce’s next “Wake The guest speakers will the basics of property taxes since businesses need to well.” a continental breakfast.

It's Paczki Time!! tuesday, february 13, 2018

North Branch Bakery

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Misfit Jazz Quintet at PIX

LAPEER — Jazz lov- pet and Reuben Stump on town festival. They enjoyed
ers won’t want to miss the Bass. each other’s performances,
Misfit Jazz Quintet at the “No grey hairs here,” and ended up deciding to
PIX on Sat., Feb. 17, at says Katie Beth Crismer of join together to create the
7:30 p.m. the PIX in a press release. Misfit Quintet we know
The Misfit Jazz “This group of young guys today.
Quintet, comprised of five under 25 are all working “The Misfits are pas-
members, started in August day jobs and balancing sionate about the style of
2016 to combine the talents rehearsal schedules to music they play,” Crismer
of two groups: the Stump make the Misfits the best says in the press release.
Brothers and the WS they can be.” “Jazz is an amazing style of
Quartet. The first three mem- music, blending pop, folk,

Photo provided
They enjoy playing bers of the Misfits— and art music throughout
jazz standards from the Trystin, Peter, and Kurtis— the centuries to create one
1920s on up, and have were united by a friend genre.”
played at farmers’ markets, who had become extremely Members of the Misfits The Misfit Jazz Quintet will take center stage at the PIX on Sat., Feb. 17
senior centers, the Concert serious about jazz and say that it is technically at 7:30 p.m.
of Colors (2017) in Detroit, wanted to get a group challenging and creates a
and other venues around together. Peter joined them, special sound they describe performances—allowing ans. The ticket price goes Tuesdays through
the mid-Michigan area. and they began to play at as “different but familiar them to share their own up at the door to $15 for Saturdays from 11 a.m.-6
Group members farmers’ markets and open for players and listeners.” musical thoughts and ideas adults and $13 for students, p.m. Tickets may also be
include Trystin Reed on mic nights. The two Stump They feel that jazz gives with listeners. seniors, and veterans. To purchased over the phone
saxophone, Peter Shutt on brothers grew up in a jazz- them the chance to take Tickets in advance are purchase tickets in advance, at 810-664-4824 or online
drums, Kurtis Young on loving family and met the songs and put their own $11 for adults and $9 for visit the PIX Box Office at www.centerfortheartsla-
guitar, Joe Stump on trum- other Misfits at a home- interpretation on them for seniors, students and veter- located inside Gallery 194, peer.org.

Dispatch log...
Editor’s note: The fol- S. Cedar St.) scene. Officer Kosinski Dr. in Capac 15000 block of Imlay City dent on N. Lake Pleasant
lowing is a compilation of •Numerous traffic made the arrest. •citizen assist in the Rd. in Mussey Twp. Rd. in Attica Twp.
activity and reports from stops were made through- 2/2/18 1444 hours 200 block of N. Hunter St. •vehicle in the ditch at •animals at large on W.
area police departments: out the day. A 34-year-old female from in Capac eastbound I-69 and Martin Imlay City Rd. in Imlay
February 3 Dryden was stopped in the •animal complaint in Rd. in Mussey Twp. Twp.
In Imlay City: •02:17 Suspicious Kingsbrook Mobile Home the 13000 block of Sullivan •property damage acci- •suspicious circum-
Police and emergency Vehicle (200 block Weston park near the Community Rd. in Mussey Twp. dent in the 3200 block of stance on Campbell Road
responders responded to St.) Center for a traffic BOL. January 31 Capac Rd. in Capac in Attica Twp.
dispatch calls for these •06:24 Property The female was arrested •assist other depart- •trespassing in the 6100 February 3
incidents, in addition to Damage Accident (200 for a misdemeanor warrant ment in the 15000 block of block of Sterling Rd. in •assist motorist on S.
traffic stops: block W. Capac Rd.) for failure to appear on a Downey Rd. in Mussey Lynn Twp. Cedar St. in Imlay City
January 30 •07:39 Suspicious moving traffic violation. Twp. •property damage traf-
•07:17 Welfare Check Person (Polly Ann Trail/W. The female was lodged at •fraud in the 4100 block In Lapeer County: fic crash on westbound
(N. Almont Ave./E. Capac Fourth St.) the Lapeer County Jail. of Ellis Lane in Mussey Complaints handled by I-69 in Imlay Twp.
Rd.) •20:42 Suspicious Sgt. Laura Mohr made the Twp. the Lapeer County Sheriff’s •alarms in the 4700
•08:30-09:09 Monitor Person (200 block School arrest. •intrusion alarm in the Department, in addition to block of Newark Rd. in
Traffic (Weston House Dr.) 2/2/18 2132 hours 15000 block of Downey traffic stops: Attica Twp.
Elementary) •Numerous traffic A 53-year-old Warren man Rd. in Mussey Twp. January 30 •alarms in the 8900
•10:38 Suspicious stops were made through- was stopped on Van Dyke •suspicious circum- •alarms in the 300 block of Petz Lake Rd. in
Vehicle (E. Third St.) out the day. Rd. near Hough Rd. for stance in the 8700 block of block of Graham Rd. in Imlay Twp.
•20:07 Suspicious February 4 crossing over the center Martin Rd. in Lynn Twp. Imlay Twp. February 4
Circumstance (1900 block •00:51 Suspicious line as well as the fog line. February 2 •assault and battery in •welfare check in the
Hickory Ln.) Person (400 block N. He was arrested for operat- •property damage acci- the 100 block of Elk Lake 1700 block of Lake
•23:35 Suspicious Almont Ave.) ing while intoxicated as dent in the 200 block of S. Rd. in Attica Twp. Pleasant Rd. in Attica Twp.
Vehicle (1000 block Norlin •19:38 Citizen Assist well as having open intoxi- Main St. in Capac •larceny in the 6700 •vehicle off the road on
Dr.) (2000 block S. Cedar St.) cants in the vehicle. Officer •fraud in the 1300 block block of Webster Rd. in eastbound I-69 in Attica
•Multiple Traffic Stops •23:47 Medical Assist Kosinski made the arrest. of Mackie Rd. in Berlin Imlay Twp. Twp.
throughout the day (1800 block Hickory Ln.) 2/5/18 0056 hours Twp. •alarms in the 2900 •family trouble in the
January 31 •23:57 Suspicious A 33-year-old Roseville •car-deer accident at block of Black Corners Rd. 1800 block of Conley Rd.
•07:25 Possession of Circumstances (1800 block man was stopped on Main Capac and Yale roads in in Imlay Twp. in Attica Twp.
Marijuana (400 block E. Hickory Ln.) St. near Sullivan St. for Lynn Twp. •misdemeanor arrest February 5
First St.) •Numerous traffic stops crossing over the center February 3 warrant on S. Cedar St. in •accidental property
•08:30 Delinquent were made throughout the line and the fog line. He •general fire at Turner Imlay City damage in the 3200 block
Minor (400 block E. First day. was arrested for operating and Capac roads in Lynn January 31 of E. Newark Rd. in Attica
St.) February 5 while intoxicated as well as Twp. •animals at large on Twp.
•20:01 Medical Assist •06:12 Alarm (500 possession of marijuana. •parking complaint at Imlay City Rd. in Attica •abandoned auto in the
(600 block Maple Vista block S. Cedar St.) Officer Colin made the N. Main and E. Mill streets Twp. 4600 block of S. Van Dyke
St.) •13:23 Citizen Assist arrest. in Capac •assist motorist on east- Rd. in Almont Twp.
•22:09 Assault & (200 block E. Third St.) ` •citizen assist in the bound I-69 in Attica Twp. •fraud in the 40 block
Battery (200 block Palmer •13:38 Suspicious In St. Clair 540 block of N. Glassford February 1 of Lake George Rd.
St.) Person (1000 block Norlin County: St. in Capac •misdemeanor arrest in Attica Twp.
•Multiple Traffic Stops Dr.) Police and emergency •harassment call in the warrant on eastbound I-69 •suspicious circum-
throughout the day •13:42 Citizen Assist responders responded to 110 block of S. Main St. in in Imlay Twp. stances on Pennell Rd. in
February 2 (200 block E. Third St. dispatch calls for these Capac •property damage acci- Imlay Twp.
•03:04-03:28 Parking incidents, in addition to •vehicle in the ditch at dent on N. Lake Pleasant •suspicious circum-
Enforcement (City Wide) In Almont: traffic stops: Capac and Sterling roads in Rd. in Attica Twp. stances on eastbound I-69
•08:16 Motorist Assist 1/29/18 2308 hours January 30 Mussey Twp. February 2 in Imlay Twp.
(600 block S. Cedar St.) A 24-year-old male from •personal injury acci- •property damage acci- •suspicious circum- •property damage acci-
•08:30-09:04 Traffic Almont was stopped on W. dent in the 5000 block of dent at Turner and Capac stance in the 300 block of dent on E. Imlay City Rd.
Control (Weston St. Clair St. near Church Cade Rd. in Mussey Twp. roads in Lynn Twp. Graham Rd. in Imlay Twp. in Imlay Twp.
Elementary) St. for having a broken out •disorderly complaint •vehicle in the ditch at •suspicious circum- •property damage acci-
•11:30 Citizen Assist taillight. The male was in the 350 block of W. eastbound I-69 and Martin stance in the 2500 block of dent on N. Summers Rd. in
(300 block E. Third St.) arrested for Driving While Kempf Ct. in Capac roads in Mussey Twp. Elandell Lane in Attica Attica Twp.
•22:58 Suspicious License Suspended and •domestic in the 200 February 4 Twp. •road hazard on Imlay
Circumstances (2000 block was released from the block of Christopher Stone •noise complaint in the •personal injury acci- City Rd. in Attica Twp.

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Rural Lifestyles
Blanketing: Why or why not?
TRI-CITY AREA — than that of a horse that Other consideration:
As winter progresses was left unblanketed. Keep in mind that if you
onward and bitterly cold •Housing—Horses do choose to start utilizing a
temperatures seem to a relatively good job of blanket for your horse, the
hover over a region for withstanding even the blanket has the potential to
days on end, horse owners harshest of winter condi- flatten the hair coat caus-
are often faced with a tions. In some cases, much ing it to lose insulating
question of whether or not to our disapproving, hors- ability. This may result in
to attempt to provide extra es may elect not to use the blanket duty for the
protection such as blan- shelter provided, choosing remainder of the season. If
keting for their horse. to stand out in the middle choosing to provide your
Answer: There is no of a snow storm with their horse with a blanket, con-
simple answer. It really hindquarters to the wind. sider if the blanket is
comes down to assessing However, it is still waterproof or not.
each individual horse’s important that horses have Remember: There may
needs. access to some sort of be no simple answer.
No question about it, shelter from rain/freezing However, observation of
most horses have the abil- rain and wind. Rain/freez- the horse’s behavior and
ity to grow a winter coat ing rain can be the most evaluating other factors
that will keep them suffi- concerning of the two. If (hair coat, age, shelter
ciently warm in the cold- the hair coat gets wet and accessibility, feed, etc.)
est temperatures. Winter the hairs flatten, this relevant to the respective
hair growth is primarily decreases the insulating situation may increase
triggered by change in day factor of the hair, requir- your confidence that your
length or photoperiod. ing more energy to regu- horse can withstand harsh
This starts taking place late body temperature for winter conditions with
around late summer. the horse to stay warm. appropriate management.
External temperatures will •Feed and Water This article, written by
also play a role in the pro- source—Forages such as Tom Guthrie and Dr.
cess of winter hair growth.
In contrast, blankets
hay are excellent at
increasing the heat incre-
Karen Waite, was pub-
lished by Michigan State Imlay
can be very useful for
some including: horses
that are sick, thin, very
ment within the body when
digested by the horse.
Therefore, increasing lev-
University Extension. For
more information, visit
young or geriatric.
Additionally, horses that
els of hay or fiber fed can
be an advantageous man-
To have a digest of infor-
mation delivered straight farmers
have recently moved to
Michigan from a warmer
agement practice when
attempting to help horses
to your email inbox, visit
http://www.msue.msu.edu/ earn

Photos by George Hubka

climate or horses that con- regulate body temperature newsletters. To contact an
tinue to work and/or are
shown throughout the
in colder temperatures.
Furthermore, make sure
expert in your area, visit
http://expert.msue.msu. yield
winter that have not had
the opportunity to grow a
full winter coat will likely
that there is access to fresh,
clean water at all times.
edu, or call 888-MSUE4MI
(888-678-3464). awards
need the extra protection Local farmers, who attained impressive yields this past growing
that blankets can provide. season, were recently recognized at the 2018 Helena Awards
Consider the follow- Banquet for the 2017 Helena Acre Yield Challenge corn contest. The
ing factors to help with Waltons of Imlay City (left) nabbed several awards with Jessica (l-r)
making an informed deci- taking first, Paula taking third place and Lynn (far right) taking sec-
sion on whether or not to ond place in the 100 day hybrid contest through Helena’s Imlay City
let the coat do the work location. Family matriarch Dorothy (center) joined in the celebration.
before providing your Helena’s Imlay City branch manager Eddie Fahley presents a first
horse with a blanket. place trophy to Dale Duckert (right) who finished on top in the 95-100
•Hair coat—Winter day maturity division. The banquet was held on January 30 prior to
hair provides protection the 2018 Great Lakes Crop Summit held at Soaring Eagle Convention
by standing or “fluffing Center in Mt. Pleasant, MI.
up” which traps the body
Photo by Tom Guthrie

heat and therefore pro-

vides warmth to the horse.
If you blanketed your
horse early or throughout
the fall, it is a good possi-
bility that a winter hair This mule, who’s sporting an excellent winter
coat is not fully developed hair coat, can endure the snow and cold with-
and hair will be shorter out the need for a blanket.

Farmers raising less livestock

By Maria Brown 176,000 head as of January both saw their numbers
[email protected] 2018. decrease by 1,000. Market
When the NASS took animals now total 23,000
ACROSS MICHIGAN their sheep and lamb head and the lamb crop
— Fewer cattle, sheep and inventory on the first day ended with 49,000 ani-
goats called Michigan of 2018, it showed a six mals.
home in 2017, the United percent drop with 80,000 As of January 1, there
States Department of head. The breeding sheep were 11,500 milk goats in
Agriculture reported inventory saw the biggest Michigan, down 1,000
recently. According to the decline. With four percent from a year earlier.
National Agricultural fewer animals, that group Statistics for meat and
Statistics Service (NASS), now totals 57,000 head. other types of goats was
all cattle and calves were Market sheep and lambs not available in the January
tallied at 1.16 million head, and the 2017 lamb crop inventory.
down two percent from

Crop production fell in 2017

2016, with the biggest
decline-15 percent-coming
from a loss of beef cows,
that now total 102,000
head. ACROSS MICHIGAN — Michigan crop pro-
The number of beef duction saw a decline in yields in the 2017 growing
replacement heifers fell by year compared to 2016, the United States Department
four percent to stand at of Agriculture reports. According to the National
24,000 head and the 2017 Agricultural Statistics Service, farmers harvested an
calf crop was unchanged average of 42.5 bushels per acre for soybeans, eight
from 2016, standing at bushels less than last year. All hay production dropped
410,000 head. by nine percent, to stand at 2.14 million tons. Sugar
Somewhat surprising- beet growers saw a smaller crop too. At 25.2 tons per
ly, the number of dairy acre, the state’s average yield was down 5.6 tons from
cattle rose slightly-one 2016.
percent-with milk cows Corn grown for grain fared better. The state’s aver-
totaling 428,000 head. age yield stood at 159 bushels, a two percent increase
Replacement dairy heifers from the prior year. Corn silage yields were down just
also saw their numbers rise one ton per acre, to stand at 18.5 tons per acre.
by four percent to stand at

For the week of

Weather almanac January 30 - Feb. 5
Lapeer station Emmett station
Minimum temp. Minimum temp.
-3.8 on Monday, 5th -9.9 on Monday, 5th
Maximum temp. Maximum temp.
40.1 on Wednesday, 31st 38.6 on Wednesday, 31st
Weather data courtesy of Enviro-weather,

Mark calendars for community shred day Send us your announcements

LAPEER — Paperwork is deposited pact discs, floppy disks, Shred Days. There will be TRI-CITY AREA — Do you or a family member
Lakestone Bank & Trust into a special bin. magazines or newspapers. two more Shred Days in have a recent accomplishment or milestone you’d like
(Lakestone) will host its Once the bin is full, it Please limit paperwork to 2018: on Saturday, May to share and celebrate with the community? Then send
first Free Community is lifted and the contents be shredded to 10 bank- 12, shredding will be us the details and we will gladly help you share the
Shred Day of 2018 on are dropped into the er’s boxes to help ensure accepted at the Imlay City news on our Announcements page.
Saturday, April 21, at the mobile shredding truck. everyone can take part in (M-53) office; and on Engagements, weddings, anniversaries, special
Main Office location in Each 96 gallon bin of this service. This event is Saturday, August 11, birthdays, births, promotions, graduations or other
downtown Lapeer. paper takes less than three open to the entire commu- shredding will be accept- educational achievements, success in competition—
Two Xtreme Shreds, minutes to shred. nity. You do not need to ed at the Capac office. All we post these and other announcements in our pages
LLC shredding trucks will It is not necessary to be a Lakestone Bank & shred days run from 9 free of charge. We encourage you to include photos
be on site at the Lakestone remove staples, paper Trust customer to partici- a.m.-noon or until the when possible.
Main Office from 9 a.m.- clips or bindings—the pate. trucks are full. More Send submissions to [email protected] or Tri-
noon, or until the trucks truck will shred through This is the 13th con- information is available City Times, P.O. Box 278, Imlay City, MI 48444.
are full, for people to drop them. Items that should secutive year the Bank has on the Bank’s website, Have questions? Contact us at (810) 724-2615.
off their shredding. not be included are: com- hosted Free Community LAKESTONEBank.com.

Happy Valentine’s Day

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to to
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Bill” and and
Mary Wells “My Guy”
Mary Wells “My Guy” are sure are sure
memories and and
have you singing
have you singing along. along.


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For ticket information call 810-664-4824 www.centerfortheartslapeer.org 583 S. Cedar St. (M-53) • Imlay City
For ticket information call 810-664-4824 www.centerfortheartslapeer.org
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Sports www.tricitytimes-online.com

Chiefs slips
in clash with
Tigers, 51-39

Photo by Kevin Kissane

Capac slides to 6-2 in
BWAC action, looks to
avenge loss this Friday Claire Thibodeau, of Imlay
City, brings the ball up the
By Kevin Kissane floor against Richmond.

Imlay girls
Tri-City Times Sports Editor

CAPAC — Capac wound up on the losing side of a

51-39 outcome to visiting Armada in Blue Water Area
Conference varsity boys’ basketball meeting Monday
With the result, Capac now stands at 11-3 overall hold off
and 6-2 as far as BWAC clashes are concerned.
In Monday’s meeting, Capac and Armada ended the
opening quarter with 11 points apiece.
Quarter two saw Armada generate 15 points and

Spartans get jump on

Capac manage five, good for a 26-16 advantage at the
Photo by Kevin Kissane

halftime break.
When the action resumed, Armada continued to
pull away. Thanks to a 13-5 third quarter edge, the
Tigers forged a 39-21 cushion with 24 minutes gone.
Blue Devils, win 39-35
Armada then withstood an 18-12 final quarter rally By Kevin Kissane
to post a 51-39 victory. Tri-City Times Sports Editor
Andrew Sams, of Capac, goes up for a shot during Monday’s
BWAC clash versus Armada. Chiefs page 4-B IMLAY CITY — Imlay City
made visiting Richmond absorb a

Capac loses its first league game

39-35 loss in a Snowcoming clash
involving Blue Water Area Conference
varsity girls’ basketball rivals last
Friday night.
With the outcome, Imlay City
moves to 8-7 and 5-3.
In Friday’s contest, Imlay City
Richmond takes league lead Imlay page 4-B
with a 76-62 win in Capac
By Kevin Kissane Capac manage nine, leaving
Tri-City Times Sports Editor the former up 41-27 at the half-
time break.
CAPAC — The Capac var- When the action resumed,
sity boys’ basketball team fell Richmond continue to pull
for the first time in Blue Water away. Aided by a 20-18 third
Area Conference action, drop- quarter edge, the Blue Devils
ping a 76-62 verdict to visiting increased their cushion to
Richmond last Wednesday 61-45 with 24 minutes gone.
night. Capac then outscored
With the outcome, Richmond 17-15 the rest of the
Richmond raises its BWAC way, only to fall 76-62 when
mark to 6-0. Capac slips to the clock zeroed out for the last
5-1. time.
Photo by Kevin Kissane

In Wednesday’s confronta- Andrew Sams (26), Trevor

tion, Richmond jumped out to Boers (21) and Jordan Hellmuth
a 24-18 advantage after one (12) led Capac with double
quarter was over with. digit point totals. They were
The next eight-minute backed by Jacob Witt (two
Jake Sawyers, of Capac, takes the ball to the hoop in stretch of hoops saw Richmond points) and Brendan Falco
Photo by Kevin Kissane

a BWAC matchup with Richmond this past week. accumulate 17 points and (one).

Spartans drop Snowcoming game Almont’s Rafael Farias advanc-

es the ball up the floor during
his team’s game with Armada.
Richmond overpowers
Imlay City, 84-65 Almont falls
By Kevin Kissane
Tri-City Times Sports Editor to Armada
IMLAY CITY — The Imlay
City varsity boys’ basketball team
Raiders slip to 4-3 in
was handed an 84-65 setback by vis-
iting Richmond in a Snowcoming BWAC, 35-34 loss
encounter it hosted last Friday night. By Kevin Kissane
With the result, Richmond goes Tri-City Times Sports Editor
to 10-3 and 7-0. Imlay City slips to
5-9 and 3-5. ALMONT — Almont fell one
In Friday’s encounter, Richmond point short, dropping a 35-34 verdict to
grabbed a 24-20 edge after one quar- host Armada in a Blue Water Area
ter had ended. Conference varsity boys’ basketball
Richmond then followed it up matchup on Tuesday, January 30.
with a 25-11 second quarter advan- Adam Job’s shot in the lane at the
Photo by Kevin Kissane

tage, widening the gap to 49-31 at buzzer propelled Armada to the win
the halftime break. there.
When the action resumed, With the decision, Armada goes to
Richmond picked up where it left off. 9-2 and 5-1. Almont slips to 8-4 and
Aided by a 23-17 third quarter edge, 4-3.
Lonnie Wolford, of Imlay City, looks to finish off a layup during his team’s
Spartans page 4-B Snowcoming game versus Richmond last Friday. Almont page 4-B


Imlay City goes 2-0 in BWAC duals

By Kevin Kissane needed 49 seconds to beat took 42 seconds to beat Spies took 22 seconds to
Tri-City Times Sports Editor Hunter Marriott at 145 Nathan Liblong at 130 beat Joe Jackson at 285
pounds; and Hellebuyck pounds. pounds.
TRI-CITY AREA — took 2:52 to turn back 152- Hunter Mullins (145), Ryan Ardman (140),
The Imlay City and Almont pound counterpart Zach Hellebuyck (152) and Michael Lulgjuraj (171),
wrestling teams went 2-0 McIntyre. Ricky Guerrero (160) gave Issa Abu-Joudeh (189)
and 0-2, respectively, in Eric Pawlaczyk (119), Imlay City wins by void. added wins by void to
Blue Water Area Ja Ceri Sofkitis (189) and Israel Santaella and Almont’s cause.
Conference action last Austin Ross (215) gave Eric Pawlaczyk were the In the night’s other
Wednesday. Imlay City victories by other Imlay City grapplers dual, Cros-Lex registered a
Yale is where the void. who prevailed. Santaella 58-10 triumph against
encounters unfolded. Imlay City also squared posted a 7-3 victory over Almont.
Imlay City started off versus Almont, picking 112-pound counterpart Finn led Almont with a
things off with a 42-39 win up a 45-36 victory. Jack DeMara and win by major decision. He
against Yale. A group consisting of Pawlaczyk pinned Gavin made Ben Davis absorb a
Mason Phillips, Wesley Sandzik, Phillips and Dempz with 2:30 gone. 13-0 loss at 103 pounds.
Hampton, Hunter Mullins Hampton paced Imlay City Landon Kruse, Robbie Dempz and Lulgjuraj

Photo by Kevin Kissane

and Zac Hellebuyck led with triumphs by pin. Battani and Hunter Spies were the other Almont
Imlay City with wins by Sandzik claimed a first led Almont with wins by grapplers who prevailed.
pin. Phillips took 38 sec- period pin (time not avail- pin. Kruse needed 44 sec- The former obtained a 5-1
onds to down Jared able) against Aiden Finn at onds to defeat Paris victory over 119-pound foe
Pemberton at 125 pounds; 103 pounds; Phillips Houghten at 135 pounds; Jack Scheland and the lat-
Hampton required 1:27 to stopped 125-pound foe Battani required 1:24 to ter registered a 10-3 tri-
down 130-pound foe Alex Querciagrossa with upend 215-pound adver- umph against Codie Imlay City’s Zac Hellebuyck (top) battles with a
Connor Cowhy; Mullins 2:45 gone; and Hampton sary Austin Ross; and Zimmerman at 171 pounds. mat adversary in a match last week.

Area grapplers compete at BWAC Tourney

By Kevin Kissane When the final scores at 112 pounds when he action with an 8-6 triumph
Tri-City Times Sports Editor were announced, pinned Cros-Lex’s Aaron against Algonac’s Mark
Richmond’s 265.5-point Lieber with 48 seconds Langewicz and Hellebuyck
TRI-CITY AREA — total set the pace. Cros- gone; Battani ended 189- ended his run at 160 pounds
The Almont, Capac and Lex (190.5), Algonac pound action with a 17-7 with a 3-1 win over
Imlay City wrestling teams (169.5), Armada (103), win against Capac’s Danny Armada’s Marcello
furnished respective fin- Yale (77), Almont (59), Navarro; and Spies Annoni.
ishes of sixth, seventh and Capac (51) and Imlay City wrapped up his run at 215 Dakota Sandzik and
eighth last Saturday at the (44) held down places two pounds with an 8-5 victory Mason Phillips added
Blue Water Area through eight. over Algonac’s Joe Ahles. fourths to Imlay City’s
Conference League Gavin Dempz, Robbie Ben Rodriguez, Hunter cause. Sandzik finished

Photo by Kevin Kissane

Individual Tournament. Battani and Hunter Spies Thorner, Danny Navarro 103-pound action with a
Capac High School is led Almont with thirds. and Gerardo Navarro paced 4-0 loss to Armada’s
where the action unfolded. Dempz closed out his run Capac with fourths that Brennan McClelland and
day. Rodriguez completed Phillips completed his stint
119-pound action when he at 125 pounds when he was
was pinned by Armada’s pinned with 3:28 elapsed Almont’s Hunter Spies (facing camera) took
Hunter Heckler with 57 by Armada’s James third in his weight class at the BWAC Tourney.
seconds gone; Thorner fin- Laperriere.
ished his stint at 130
pounds with an injury
default loss to Algonac’s
Drake Hiltunen; Danny Almont
Navarro wrapped up 189- 189-pound-
pound action with a 17-7 er Jacob
setback to Almont’s Robbie Battani
Battani; and Gerardo seizes
Navarro concluded his stint command
at 285 pounds with a 5-2 of his bout
loss to Cros-Lex’s Nicolas at the
Photo by Kevin Kissane

Puebla. BWAC
Photo by Kevin Kissane

Wesley Hampton and Tourney.

Zac Hellebuyck led Imlay
City with thirds. Hampton
completed 135-pound

Capac drops two BWAC confrontations

Capac’s Gerardo Navarro works for an escape
at the BWAC Tourney last Saturday.

Athlete of the Week By Kevin Kissane

Tri-City Times Sports Editor

CAPAC — The Capac

wrestling team dropped a
Hunter Thorner led
Capac with a win via the
pinfall route. Thorner took
1:00 to stop Dylan
McCarroll at 130 pounds.
their two-match stint with
a 60-21 setback to Armada.
A group consisting of
Shane Hofmann, Thomas
Tyson and Gerardo
D’Angelo; and Gerardo
Navarro took 1:59 to con-
quer Dion White at 285
Dan Navarro also won
pair of Blue Water Area Dan Navarro was the Navarro paced Capac with for Capac against Armada.
wrestling confrontations other Capac grappler to triumphs by pin. Hofmann He notched a 7-2 victory
last Wednesday in prevail, accomplishing the required 4:54 to down over 189-pound adversary
Algonac. feat with a 6-5 victory over Juliana Laperriere at 112 Jacob Brown.
Capac started things 189-pound foe Gavin pounds; Tyson needed With the outcomes,
off with a 68-9 loss to Resk. 2:50 to beat 171-pound Capac now stands at 11-28
Richmond. Capac then closed out counterpart Zachary overall and 0-7.

Stats and Standings

Imlay City junior Dryden junior Jordan
BOYS’ Kaplan (D)
Galbraith (IC)
12 29 2.4
10 22 2.2 Rinke (A) 11 34 3.1
Thorner (C)
Grant (A)
Phillips (IC)
Santaella (IC)
145-pound wrestler Peters netted 20 points BASKETBALL B. Czape (D) 12 25 2.1 Kautz (A) 11 29 2.6 Phillips (IC) 20 Hellebuyck (IC) 12
Hunter Mullins is off to in her basketball team’s Curtis (A) 11 22 2.0 Kruse (A) 18 Grant (C) 12
a 36-5 start this season. win against C-PS last STAT LEADERS Frangedakis (C) 17 Kruse (A) 10
For his effort, Thursday.
BOYS’ Torres (IC) 15 Tank (C) 9
Mullins earns our Boys’ For her effort, Peters G P Avg. BASKETBALL G A Avg. Tank (C) 15
Torres (IC)
Rickman (C)
Athlete of the Week claims our Girls’ Athlete
honor. of the Week honor.
Boers (C) 11 206 18.7
Galbraith (IC) 10 163 16.3 TEAM Schapman (A) 11 33 3.0 Lulgjuraj (A)
Arms (A)
Arms (A)
Lulgjuraj (A)
DelCampo (D) 12 188 15.7
Watt (A) 11 150 13.6 STANDINGS GIRLS’ Querciagrossa (A)
L. Jackson (A)
L. Jackson (A) 7
Guerrero (IC) 6
Be sure to pick up your t-shirt at the Tri-City Times office. Sams (C)
Kaplan (D)
11 142 12.9
12 153 12.8
Blue Water Area Conference BASKETBALL J. Schocke (C)
Sofkitis (IC)
Ross (IC) 5
Sofikitis (IC) 4
Hall (A)
Schroeder (C)
11 131 11.9
7 73 10.4
League Overall
6-2 11-3 TEAM Ross (IC)
Rickman (C)
Frangedakis (C) 4
Hellmuth (C) 7 67 9.6 Almont 5-3
Imlay City 3-5
STANDINGS Rodriguez (C) 9
Querciagrossa (A)
G. Navarro (C)
J. Czape (D) 12 116 9.7 Guerrero (IC) 9
TRAVELERS Schroeder (C) 119 82 9.1 Blue Water Area Conference G. Navarro (C) 6 Abu-Joudah (A) 3
SELECTIVE Hellmuth (C) 11 95 8.6 North Central Thumb League Kanirie (A) 5 Liblong (A) 3
THE HARTFORD Team League Overall Bailey (A) 2
Kapron (A) 11 65 5.9 Team League Overall Almont 6-3 8-7 Liblong (A) 5
Dryden 5-0 10-3 Houghten (IC) 5 Hernandez (IC) 2
Writing For Many Major Imlay City 5-3 8-7
Grayvold (IC) 4 Hartwick (IC) 2
Insurance Companies REBOUNDING Capac 3-7 4-9
Grayvold (IC) 2
Rosales (C) 4
• Life Insurance • Automobile • Homeowners • Builder’s Risk • Workers’ Comp

Boers (C)
G R Avg.
11 139 12.6 GIRLS’ North Central Thumb League Abu-Joudah 4 J. Schocke (C) 2
• Farm Owners • Motorcycles • Mobile Homes • Fleet Auto • Bonds & RV Shevnock (IC) 3 Rosales (C) 1
& Boat • Commercial • Travel Trailers • Special Events
Galbraith (IC)
DelCampo (D)
10 105 10.5
12 109 9.1
BASKETBALL Team League Overall Hernandez (IC) 2 Hoffman (C) 1
Dryden 3-2 7-5 Ardman (A) 1
Life is an Adventure. Protect it. Schroeder (C)
Kapron (A)
9 83 7.5
11 67 6.1
Hartwick (IC)
2 Hicks (A) 1
649 N. Van Dyke 810-724-0199 • Text 810-395-5748 SCORING WRESTLING J. Jackson (IC)
O. Navarro (C)
1 Quick Pins
Imlay City www.ventureinsgrp.com STEALS G P Avg. LEADERS Hicks (A) 1 Lulgjuraj (A) 8 secs.
G S Avg. Schefka (IC) 12 192 16.0 Ardman (A) 1 Tyson (C) 9 secs.

Page One Printing

Sams (C) 11 47 4.3 Rinke (A) 11 111 10.1
DelCampo (D) 12 30 2.5
MOST WINS Battani (A) 10 secs.
Medrano (IC) 12 106 8.8 Hampton (IC) 39 MOST PINS Battani (A) 15 secs.
Bertram (IC) 11 27 2.5 Zimmerman (A) 11 81 7.4 Hampton (IC) 28 Thorner (C) 23 secs.
Pawlaczyk (IC) 36
Wilson (IC) 11 23 2.1 Louwsma (IC) 12 76 6.9 Battani (A) 22 Dempz (A) 24 secs.
Mullins (IC) 36
B. Czape (D) 12 24 2.0 Kautz (A) 11 73 6.6
BEST PRINTING. BEST PRICE. D. Navarro (C) 35 D. Navarro (C) 21 Querciagrossa (A) 26 secs.
Watt (A) 10 20 2.0
Spies (A) 34 Sandzik (IC) 21 Battani (A) 26 secs.
ASSISTS REBOUNDING Battani (A) 31 Spies (A) 19
594 N. Almont Ave. • Imlay City, Michigan 48444 G A Avg.

Rinke (A)
G R Avg.
11 138 12.5
Sandzik (IC)
Tyson (C)
Dempz (A)
Tyson (C)
18 Wrestling Team
Sams (C) 11 53 4.8
(810) 724-0254
Hellmuth (C) 11 44 4.0 Schefka (IC) 12 88 7.3 Hellebuyck (IC) 26 Pawlaczyk (IC) 18
Bertram (IC) 11 38 3.4 Harper (IC) 25 DeMara (A) 17
Farias (A) 11 35 3.2 STEALS Dempz (A) 25 Finn (A) 16 Team League Overall
Wilson (IC) 11 33 3.0 G S Avg. DeMara (A) 25 Harper (IC) 16 Imlay City 4-3 15-12
“Quality Commercial Printing at the Best Price in Town!” DelCampo (D) 12 32 2.7 Louwsma (IC) 10 42 4.2 Finn (A) 25 Mullins (IC)
Thorner (C)
Boers (C) 11 29 2.6 Zimmerman (A) 11 43 3.9 Santaella (IC) 24

Girls’ Basketball

Dryden leaves Armada turns

a 54-29 victor The middle two quar- back rival
By Kevin Kissane
ters saw Dryden net 28

Capac, 55-33
Tri-City Times Sports Editor
total points and Carsonville-
DRYDEN — Jordan Port Sanilac manage 17.
Peters (20) and Ally Sobek That increased their cush-
(12) combined for 32 ion to 38-22 with 24 min-
points, helping Dryden reg- utes gone.
ister a 54-29 road triumph Dryden then outscored
against Carsonville-Port Carsonville-Port Sanilac By Kevin Kissane breathing room.
Sanilac’s varsity girls’ bas- 16-7 the rest of the way, Tri-City Times Sports Editor Thanks to a 12-6 third
ketball team last Thursday closing out a 54-29 win. quarter edge, the Tigers
CAPAC — Capac increased their lead to
night. Lexi Seitz (eight) was handed a 55-33
With the decision, notched Dryden’s next 48-27 with 24 minutes
setback by visiting gone.
Dryden improves to 7-5 highest point total. She Armada in a Blue Water
overall. was backed by Hannah Armada then out-
Area Conference varsi- scored Capac 7-6 from
In Friday’s game, Peyerk (six points), Paige ty girls’ basketball con-
Dryden took a 10-5 advan- Abromaitis (four) plus Ella that point on, finishing
frontation Monday. off a 55-33 win.
tage after one quarter was Kage and Natalie Poirier In Monday’s con-
done. (two apiece). Alexys Anderson
frontation, Capac spot- (15 points, including
ted Armada a 15-9

Dryden nets 40-35

four trifectas) proved
advantage after one Capac’s top offensive
quarter was over with. threat. The Chiefs also
Quarter two would received points courte-

victory at Bentley
see Armada widen the sy of Delaney Verschure

Photo by Kevin Kissane

gap some. Thanks to a (six, featuring a trey),
21-12 edge there, the Natalie Maday (four),
Tigers went ahead Aubree Smith (a triple),
36-21 at the halftime Kelsey Payne and
By Kevin Kissane When the action
break. Shelby Husovsky (two
Tri-City Times Sports Editor resumed, Burton Bentley
When the action apiece) along with
inched closer. Thanks to a
McKennah Hopkins, of Capac, looks to distribute resumed, Armada Kristen Payne (one).
DRYDEN — Dryden 13-10 third quarter edge,
the basketball versus Armada on Monday. established even more
picked up a 40-35 road vic- the hosts pulled within
tory over Burton Bentley in 28-20 with 24 minutes
a non-league varsity girls’
basketball encounter on
Tuesday, January 30.
Burton Bentley then
outscored Dryden 15-12
Almont falls to non-league foe Oxford
With the result, Dryden the rest of the way, only to By Kevin Kissane With the decision, former up 35-18 with 24 Almont had six others
goes to 6-5 overall. fall 40-35 when the final Tri-City Times Sports Editor Almont now stands at 7-7 minutes gone. reach the scoring column.
In Tuesday’s encoun- scores were added up. overall. Oxford then outscored Their ranks consisted of
ter, Dryden bolted out to a Hannah Peyerk and A L M O N T   — In Tuesday’s game, Almont 14-11 the rest of Paige Walton (six points),
16-4 advantage after one Ella Kage led Dryden with Almont wound up on the Almont spotted Oxford a the way, closing out a Meredith Rinke (four),
quarter was done. 12 points each. They were losing side of a 49-29 13-6 advantage after one 49-29 win. Ashley Santo (three)
Quarter two saw Burton backed by Jordan Peters outcome versus visiting quarter was done. For Almont, Kirsten along with with Tyler
Bentley manage three (eight points), Ally Sobek Oxford in a non-league The middle two quar- Schapman led the way Kautz, Grace
points and Dryden net two, (four) plus Paige varsity girls’ basketball ters saw Oxford amass 22 with eight points. Zimmerman, Rachael
trimming their deficit to Abromaitis and Lexi Seitz game on Tuesday, January total points and Almont Schapman hit a triple Schapman and Jennifer
18-7 at the halftime break. (two apiece). 30. manage 12, leaving the along the way. Curtis (two apiece).

Capac falls to BWAC rival Cros-Lex

By Kevin Kissane to 30-13 at the halftime Alexys Anderson led
Tri-City Times Sports Editor break. Capac with eight points,
CAPAC — Capac When the action including a trifecta. The
dropped a 50-34 road ver- resumed, Cros-Lex struck Chiefs also received points
dict to Cros-Lex in a Blue with a 20-7 third quarter courtesy of Kristen Payne
Water Area Conference edge. That left them up (seven), Delaney Verschure
varsity girls’ basketball 50-20 with 24 minutes (five), Jona Mullin (four),
encounter last Friday night. gone. Natalie Maday (three),
In Friday’s encounter, Capac then outscored McKennah Hopkins (a tri-
Cros-Lex grabbed a 7-4 Cros-Lex 14-3 the rest of ple) plus Shelby Husovsky
edge after one quarter was the way, only to drop a and Kelsey Payne (two
done and widened the gap 53-34 verdict. each).


Sports In Brief

The following youth Almont with nine points.
sports, junior high, ninth He was backed by Jacob
grade, and junior varsity Rayl (eight points), Chuck
recaps are provided to us by Koenig (six), Brenden
area coaches. If your team’s Haldeman (five), Blake
results do not appear here Cody (four), Joe Savel and WHY NOT
remind your coach to pass Jesse Weber (three each)
along the information by along with Noah Houvener, SWITCH TO A
calling 810-724-2615, or
e-mailing it to kkissane@
Scott Pape, Eli Bankston
and Reis Stine (two). BETTER MORE
pageone-inc.com or send it
to us via fax at 810-724-
Imlay City Ninth Grade
Boys’ Basketball RELIABLE
Almont Junior Varsity
Imlay City vs. Algonac
January 30 SERVICE?
Girls’ Basketball Algonac-35 Imlay City-30
Almont vs. Algonac Game recap- Algonac The Tri-City Times
February 1 edged Imlay City, 36-35, in
Almont-30 Algonac-10 a Blue Water Area is a local weekly
Game recap- Almont Conference ninth grade paper, in stands every
downed Algonac, 30-10, in boys’ basketball game on Wednesday, with 24
a Blue Water Area Tuesday, January 30.
Conference junior varsity Quinn Rossen paced hour online access.
girls’ basketball encounter Imlay City with 16 points.
last Thursday. He was given assistance in
So go ahead, mail in
With the decision, Almont the scoring department by this form, or log on
goes to 9-4 and 8-1. Josh Maday (eight points), today to order your
Brandi Kautz paced Parker Abrams (four) and
Almont with 11 points. Jager Land (two). subscription!
She was backed by Hannah Imlay City Ninth Grade
Revoldt (seven points), Boys’ Basketball $30 per year
Skylar Stryker (four), Imlay City vs. Armada Senior Citizens $27 per year Name
Laken Campbell (three), January 23 (St. Clair & Lapeer Counties)

Jesse Hellebuyck (a trifec- Armada-60 $32 per year

ta) and Emily Klass a Imlay City-21
Senior Citizens $29 per year
(two). Game recap- Armada (Out of St. Clair & Lapeer Counties)

Almont Ninth Grade made Imlay City absorb a $40 per year Address                                      
Boys’ Basketball 60-21 loss Armada in a out of state
Almont vs. Algonac Blue Water Area
February 1 Conference ninth grade  NEW       RENEWAL City State Zip
(Please attach mailing label)
Almont-46 Algonac-14 boys’ basketball clash on
Game recap- Almont Tuesday, January 23. or subscribe online at www.tricitytimes-online.com
turned back Algonac, 46-14, For Imlay City, Quinn

Tri-City Times
in a Blue Water Area Rossen led the way with 11
Conference ninth grade points. The Spartans also
boys’ basketball clash last had Jager Land (six points),
Thursday. Devin Fultz (three) and
Nick Kucharski led Josh Maday (one) connect.

Dryden wins convincingly, 69-24

By Kevin Kissane 20-5 advantage after one Jared Czape (17 points,
Tri-City Times Sports Editor quarter was over with. including a trifecta), John
Dryden then struck Delcampo (14, featuring a
DRYDEN — Dryden with a 24-7 second quarter trey), Jack Kaplan (11, with
obtained a 69-24 road tri- edge and an 18-9 third a triple) and Brady Czape
umph against Carsonville- quarter advantage, increas- (10, including a trifecta)
Port Sanilac in a varsity ing their cushion to 62-21. led Dryden with double fig-
boys’ basketball meeting Quarter number four ure outputs. The Cardinals
last Friday night. saw Dryden collect seven also had Ronny Hudson
It marked the eighth points and Carsonville-Port (six points, featuring a pair
straight win for Dryden, Sanilac manage three, leav- of treys), Hunter Gall (five,
which improves to 10-3 ing the former with a 69-24 with a triple), Ethan
overall. win to celebrate when the Rozanski (four) and Nathan
In Friday’s meeting, final second ticked off the Schenkel (two) reach the
Dryden jumped out to a clock. scoring column.

Capac goes to 11-2 on the season

By Kevin Kissane 6-1. 17-7 fourth quarter rally to
Tri-City Times Sports Editor In Friday’s battle, preserve a 43-40 victory.
Capac bolted out to a 13-8 Trevor Boers led Capac
CAPAC — Capac advantage after one quarter with 15 points. Andrew
earned a 43-40 road win at was history. Sams (10 points) hit for
the expense of Cros-Lex in The next two quarters double figures as well. The
a Blue Water Area saw Capac produce 23 total Chiefs also had Jacob Witt
Conference varsity boys’ points and Cros-Lex man- (seven points), Jordan
basketball battle last Friday age 15, putting the former Hellmuth (five) plus Brad
night. up 36-23 with 24 minutes Schaefer and Jacob
With the decision, gone. Sawyers (three apiece)
Capac goes to 11-2 and Capac then withstood a reach the scoring column.

Imlay City gives Algonac a setback

By Kevin Kissane Imlay City took an 18-13 an 80-52 triumph.
Tri-City Times Sports Editor edge after one quarter was Noah Galbraith paced
complete and widened the Imlay City with 18 points.
IMLAY CITY — gap to 38-20 at the halftime The Spartans also had
Imlay City handed host break. Logan Wilson (14 points),
Algonac an 80-52 setback When the action Lonnie Wolford (11),
Photo by Kevin Kissane

in a Blue Water Area resumed, Algonac bounced Parker Lewis (10), Mitch
Conference varsity boys’ back with a 21-20 third Allen (eight), Hunter
basketball meeting on quarter edge. That left Medrano (six), Evan
Tuesday, January 30. Imlay City up 58-41 with Schapman (five), Riley
With the result, Imlay 24 minutes gone. Bertram (four) plus David
Noah Galbraith, of Imlay City, grabs a rebound during his team’s City improves to 5-8 and Imlay City then out- Krahn and Trevor Petri
Snowcoming game versus Richmond last Friday. 3-4. scored Almont 22-11 from (two each) reach the scor-
In Tuesday’s meeting, that point on, finishing off ing column.

Spartans: Overpowered by Richmond

from page 1-B an 84-65 outcome at weapons. The Spartans
Almont gets win over Algonac
night’s end. also had Evan Schapman By Kevin Kissane and 0-8. way, putting the finishing
the Blue Devils went ahead Riley Bertram (14 (eight points, with a pair of In Friday’s contest, touches on a 51-39 win.
Tri-City Times Sports Editor
72-48 with 24 minutes points), Noah Galbraith triples), Hunter Medrano Almont grabbed a 19-17 Austin Watt (17) and
gone. (13, featuring a trey) and (six), Parker Lewis (five) ALMONT — Almont edge after one quarter was Ethan Hall (12) provided
Imlay City then put Lonnie Wolford (11, along with Logan Wilson turned back host Algonac, over with. Almont’s highest point
together a 17-12 fourth including a trifecta) proved and Mitch Allen (four 51-39, in a Blue Water Area
quarter rally, only to drop The next two quarters totals. They were backed
Imlay City’s top offensive each) connect. Conference varsity boys’ saw Almont collect 22 total by Jordan Bourdeau (eight
basketball contest last points and Algonac generate points), Chase Kapron
Friday night. 13, leaving the former up (five), Drew Revoldt (three)
With the outcome, 41-30 with 24 minutes gone. plus Clay Schapman, Rafael
Almont moves to 9-4 and Almont then outscored Farias and Gabe Bourdeau
5-3. Algonac slips to 0-12 Algonac 10-9 the rest of the (two each).

Chiefs: Slide in BWAC encounter

from page 1-B
Trevor Boers paced
Capac that evening. Boers
finished with 15 points.
Capac had four other
players reach the scoring
Photo by Kevin Kissane

column. Their ranks con-

sisted of Andrew Sams (10
points, including a pair of
trifectas), Jordan Hellmuth
(six, featuring a pair of
Jordan Hellmuth, of Capac, brings the ball up treys), Jacob Witt (six) and
the floor against Armada on Monday. Jimmy Schroeder (two).

Imlay: Slips past Richmond, 39-35

from page 1-B resumed, Richmond points) and Abby Schefka
bounced back with a 12-4 (10, including a trifecta)
jumped out to a 13-7 third quarter edge. That proved Imlay City’s tough-
advantage after one quarter whittled their deficit to est players to stop. They
was done. 31-29 with 24 minutes gone. were given assistance in the
Quarter two saw Imlay Imlay City then out- scoring department by
City generate 14 points and scored Richmond 8-6 the Abigail Thibodeau (five),
Richmond hit for 10, push- rest of the way, putting the Haley Medrano (four), Erika
ing their lead to 27-17 at the finishing touches on a 39-35 Vanderploeg (three) plus
halftime break. win. Kendall Sommer and Jenna
When the action Kayla Louwsma (13 Schefka (two each).
Photo by Kevin Kissane

Almont’s Ethan Hall looks to score during his team’s BWAC battle against
Armada last week.

Almont: Falls to Armada in BWAC

from page 1-B When play resumed, For Almont, Austin
Armada bounced back with Watt’s 12-point performance
In Tuesday’s matchup, an 11-9 third quarter edge. led the way. He was given
Photo by Kevin Kissane

Almont grabbed a 10-6 edge That whittled their deficit to assistance in the scoring
after one quarter had ended. 29-25 with 24 minutes department by Rafael
Almont followed that up gone. Farias (six points), Gabe
with a 10-8 second quarter Armada then put togeth- Bourdeau and Ethan Hall
advantage, pushing their er a 10-5 fourth quarter (five apiece), Clay
cushion to 20-14 at the half- rally, pulling out a 35-34 Schapman (four) and Chase Imlay City’s Abby Schefka (L) and Kendall Sommer (R) battle a Richmond
time break. victory. Kapron (two). foe for a loose ball in Friday’s BWAC battle.

Sports Schedule Competitive Cheer

Capac ranks fourth at BWAC event

Boys' Basketball Monday, February 12 Saturday, February 10
Friday, February 9 Dryden at Kingston, Imlay City at Division 2
Capac at Armada, 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. individual districts,
Almont at Imlay City, Goodrich, 9:30 a.m.
7:30 p.m. Wrestling Almont at Division 3 By Kevin Kissane Capac’s fourth-place finish possible.
Mayville at Dryden Wednesday, February 7 individual districts, Tri-City Times Sports Editor Jade Rivera, Makenna Schocke,
(Snowcoming), 7:30 p.m. Division 3 districts at Montrose, TBA Cameron Jeffries, Ashlee Tallis,
TRI-CITY AREA — The Capac, McKinzie Winget, Paige Ruhlman and
Tuesday, February 13 Lakeville Capac at Division 4
Imlay City and Almont competitive Vicki Lynne McTaggart represented
Algonac at Capac, 7 p.m. Almont vs. Yale, 5 p.m. individual districts,
Imlay City at Cros-Lex, Finals- Lakeville vs. Sandusky, TBA cheer teams claimed respective show- Imlay City.
7 p.m. Almont/Yale winner, TBA ings of fourth, seventh and eighth last Grace Holden, Lexi Todaro, Valarie
Yale at Almont, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, February 8 Cheer Wednesday at a Blue Water Area Sullivan, Autumn Kwierant, Brandi
Dryden at Kingston, Division 2 districts at Wednesday, February 7 Conference event hosted by Yale High Brady and Alaina Hannaford competed
7:30 p.m. Cros-Lex Almont, Capac, Imlay City School. for Almont.
Imlay City vs. Goodrich, at BWAC Competition, Richmond paced the field assem-
Girls' Basketball 5:30 p.m. Richmond, 6 p.m. bled with 752.14 points. They were
followed by Armada (709.18 points),
Wednesday, February 7 Cros-Lex vs. North Branch, Thursday, February 8
Caseville at Dryden, 5:30 p.m. Dryden at Merrill, 7:30 p.m. Algonac (689), Capac (671.2), Cros-
Finals- TBA Saturday, February 10 Lex (664.18), Yale (632.78), Imlay City
7:30 p.m.
Friday, February 9 Division 4 districts at Dryden at Webberville, (591.66) and Almont (549.4).
Almont at Imlay City,
6 p.m.
Brown City
Capac vs. Marlette, 6 p.m.
10 a.m.
Imlay City at Mardi Gras
Hayley Trudo, Alaina Pawlowski,
Torri Hurley, Katelyn DeMink, Sally Times
Capac at Armada, 6 p.m. Sandusky vs. Brown City, Mambo, Oxford, noon Medina, Christina Helzer, Ashley (810) 724-2615 or
Mayville at Dryden 6 p.m. Almont at Brandon Invite, Wampfler, Karly Klug, Cassidy Tullio,
(Snowcoming), 6 p.m. Finals- TBA TBA Sidney Birkett and Haydn Hurley made www.tricitytimes-online.com

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Legal Announcements Business

TOWNSHIP OF until the close of business on February
21, 2018.
absent. Also present were City
Manager Tom Youatt, Treasurer/Clerk
MUSSEY Debra L. Hlubic Lynn Eutsler, Lori Ettema from Spicer TOWNSHIP
NOTICE OF PUBLIC Bldg. & Zoning Adm. Group, Gary DeShano from DeShano Lynn Township Board of
Accounting & Clocks
6-1 Development Company, Manhal Trustees will hold its annual Budget
Botrus of Alrais Group LLC and one Preparation Meeting March 8, 2018 at
member of the media.
Commission approved the agenda as
The 4:30 p.m. at the Lynn Township Hall,
13995 Yale Road. Individuals with
Tax Preparation
Please take notice that the
IMLAY CITY presented and approved the minutes disabilities may contact the clerk at


Mussey Township Zoning Board of of the Regular Meeting held Tuesday, 13995 Yale Rd, Lynn, MI 48097 or by
Appeals will hold a public hearing on SPECIAL COMMISSION November 28, 2017 and for the phone (810) 387-3358 ten days before
Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 6:00
p.m. at the Mussey Township Hall, TUESDAY,
Regular Meeting held January 27,
2015. The Commission approved the
the meeting if they require auxiliary
aids or services. Clean and Repair
135 N. Main St., Capac, Michigan, Annette Ferrett, Clerk
JANUARY 30, 2018 Special Land Use Request for 546 N.
SYNOPSIS Cedar Street, as presented and 6-1 Imlay City
The purpose of the hearing is to approved the Site Plan as revised and

receive comment from residents, Mayor Bargen called the meet-
presented to the Planning Commission
property owners, and the general pub- ing to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners present: Mayor for DeShano Development LYNN
lic regarding an application for a vari- Corporation - 1839 S. Almont Avenue TOWNSHIP
Bargen, Demske, Kempf, Ramirez,

ance from the terms of the Zoning Parcel ID#I19-85-244-040-00 assist-
Romine, Tanis. Absent: Commissioner THE LYNN TOWNSHIP
Ordinance, specifically, Article 12, ed living facility. The meeting was
Planck. Also present: City Manager PLANNING COMMISSION will
Section 1203(E &Q), to allow an adjourned at 7:46 p.m. Complete cop-
Tom Youatt and City Clerk/Treasurer conduct its regularly scheduled meet-
agricultural green house to remain ies of the minutes are available in the
Lynn Eutsler. The Commission ings on March 21, 2018, June 20,
located in the front yard.

M bil
Clerk’s office during regular business 2018, September 19, 2018 and
Applicant: approved the Agenda as presented.
hours or at www.imlaycity.org. December 19, 2018 7:00 p.m. at the
The Commission approved the autho- TODD'S GLASS

Jamie Pluszczynski 6-1 AUTOMOTIVE
rization to add Lynn Eutsler, Clerk/ Lynn Township Hall 13995 Yale Rd.
14300 Sullivan Rd.
Treasurer as a signer on all City Individuals with disabilities may con- MIRRORS & MORE

Mussey, MI 48014
Property Owner: Accounts. Meeting was adjourned at LYNN tact the clerk at 13995 Yale Rd, Lynn • SERVICE & REPAIR
• BRAKES • Frame & Frameless Shower Enclosures •
Jamie Pluszczynski 7:15 p.m. Submitted by Lynn Eutsler,
City Clerk. Complete copies of the
TOWNSHIP MI 48097 810-387-3358 ten days
before the meeting if they require • AIR CONDITIONING • Custom Mirrors • Replacement Windows •
14300 Sullivan Rd. THE LYNN TOWNSHIP auxiliary aids or services. Dates and • MUFFLERS • TUNE-UPS 719 Van Dyke - Imlay City • 810-724-2480
Mussey, MI 48014 minutes are available in the Clerk’s BOARD will conduct a public hearing times posted at the Township hall. • STRUTS TODDSGLASS.COM
Location of Property: office during normal business hours on the proposed township budget for Annette Ferrett, Clerk • COOLING SYSTEMS
14300 Sullivan Rd. or at www.imlaycity.org. fiscal year 2018 -2019 at the Lynn 6-1 • EXHAUST • SHOCKS
Mussey, MI 48014 6-1
Legal Description(s):
Township Hall, 13995 Yale Road on
March 14, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. The LYNN • ELECTRICAL
Heating &
W438.61 FT OF S
662.44 FT OF E 1/2 OF SW
CITY OF property tax mileage rate proposed
to be levied to support the proposed
1/4 6.67 A SEC 2 T7NR13E IMLAY CITY budget will be a subject of this hear-
BOARD will conduct it regularly
Complete information concern- PLANNING ing. The annual meeting will com- • FUEL INJECTION SERVICE
scheduled meetings on the second • Commercial & Residential

ing this case may be examined or COMMISSION mence at 7:15 p.m., with the regularly Wednesday of each month at the Lynn

obtained at the Mussey Township scheduled monthly meeting at 7:30
Office at 135 N. Main Street during REGULAR MEETING Township Hall, 13995 Yale Road.
p.m. Individuals with disabilities may The meetings will begin at 7 p.m.
JANUARY 23, 2018
regularly posted office hours.
Comments regarding the proposed SYNOPSIS
contact the clerk at 13995 Yale Rd,
Yale, MI 48097 or by phone (810)
Individuals with disabilities may con-
tact the clerk at 13995 Yale Road or
• Service & Install, Financing • Licensed & Insured
variance application will be received Chairman Germayne called the 387-3358 ten days before the meeting by phone (810) 387-3358 ten days 314 CAPAC RD. - IMLAY CITY
at the Public Hearing and may also be regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. if they require auxiliary aids or ser- before the meeting if they require
Yale Location • 810-387-4452
made in writing to the Mussey Commissioners present were vices. Dates and times posted at the auxiliary aids or services. Dates and

Township Zoning Board of Appeals at Germayne, Lengemann, Romine, Township hall.
times posted at the Township hall.
P. O. Box 118, Capac, MI 48014. Davis and Sadler. Commissioners Annette Ferrett, Clerk Annette Ferrett, Clerk
Written comments will be received Schwab and Mayor Bargen were
6-1 6-1


to publish your legal announcement or
Parts and Service
NOTICE email: [email protected]
11100 DUNNIGAN ROAD (M-21) Custom Building & Remodeling
EMMETT, MI 28022
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Renovations • Siding • Decks • Windows
TOWNSHIP HALL AS FOLLOWS: DRYDEN Family Owned Since 1973 • Licensed & Insured
06, 2018 at 1:00 P.M. (BOR) under MCL 211.29 1st TUESDAY AFTER NOTICE FREE 810-724-8060 - Imlay City
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MARCH 12, 2018 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. UNTIL FEBRUARY 21, 2018 at 3:00 PM
MARCH 13, 2018 9:00 A.M. to NOON and 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. 
Scope of work can be obtained at the
The Board of Review will hold as many meetings as deemed necessary to
Village of Dryden
hear questions, protests, and to equal the 2018 assessments. All residents SINCE 1975
may appeal by mail with a deadline before 4:00 P.M. on March 12th. The
Board of Review entertains appeals made by First Class Mail or by Fax
(Fax 810-384-6138) no later than 12:00 P.M. on March 13, 2018. We want
5602 Main Street, Dryden, MI 48428
810-796-2291 6-1
FUERST “Where the outdoor enthusiast shops!”
7230 Webster Rd • IMLAY

to be sure all appeals get heard.

• 2-cycle & 4-cycle Repair • Tune-Up Specials in Effect •
For APPOINTMENTS: Please call, mail or fax for your appointment no

• Pick Up & Delivery Available •
later than Noon on March 13, 2018.
Phone Calls: 810 384-8070 Ext. #22 or Fax to 810 384-6138 Servicing all of Lapeer County
and Surrounding Areas
Wednesday 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. or Friday 9:00 A.M. to Noon
The assessor will forward the L-4035 Form to be completely filled out by
you. Make sure you complete line #1 (estimated true cash value) and line Providing all of your
#4 (reason for the appeal) then return to the ASSESSOR, he will then set up
your appointment for your appeal per your request. NOTICE plumbing needs
*Service *Repairs *Installation SUPPLY & EQUIPMENT
POVERTY & the 100% DISABILITY VETERANS (needs to be done VILLAGE OF DRYDEN COUNCIL Full Plumbing Service, Sump Pumps,
before the Board of Review will hear your appeal. WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING WITH Water Heaters, Snake Drain Lines,
THE DDA/PLANNING COMMISSION ON Leak Repair, Toilet and Faucet
Repair and Installation, Tub and
Agricultural 48.38% 1.0334
Commercial 49.85% 1.0030 February 21, 2018 Shower Valves
48.41% 1.0328
49.92% 1.0016
At 6:00 P.M. 810-724-6861
Commercial – Personal 50.00% 1.0000 Free Estimates • Licensed and Insured
Industrial – Personal 50.00% 1.0000
AGENDA: Family Owned Since 1976 3-21-18
Utility – Personal 50.00% 1.0000 2018 Rural Task Force Street Project
Classifieds Work!
American with Disabilities (ADA) Notice: The Township will provide USDA Loan Funding for Project CALL 724-2615
the necessary transportation reasonable service to the individual with dis- tricitytimes-online.com
abilities for the Board of Review Meeting if contacted within (7) days prior MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE VILLAGE
to the Meeting by calling the Township 810-384-8070 Ext. #22
Michael Butler,
Secretary to the Emmett Township Board of Review.
Handicapped persons needing assistance or aid should contact the Village
Office during regular working hours forty-eight hours prior to the meeting.

& RESIDENTIAL Located Between Imlay City
Licensed and Almont on M-53
& & Insured
3620 Van Dyke • Almont, MI

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showroom condition, stored APARTMENTS IS CURRENT- hiring full and part time, 874
winters, a beautiful car! LY HIRING FOR A PART- Brown City Road, Imlay City
$4,200.00 or best offer. Call HICKORY SQUARE TIME BUILDING 810-650-7819. HW-5-2
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Must be highly motivated with
One Week - 20 Words $12.00
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IMLAY CITY attention to detail and a good
customer service attitude. 724-2615 Two Weeks - 20 Words $18.00
1, 2 & 3 BEDROOMS!
Three Weeks - 20 Words $22.00
Willing to train the right candi-
date. Must be able to take
1 Bedroom...........Starting at $580 night calls. Hourly $10.25-
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$11.25 depending on certifica-
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tions, experience, and abilities.
25¢ extra per word over 20 words
................................................ Apply in person at 1939
3 BEAUTY SALON HAIR Shagbark Ln. Imlay City, MI Full-time
CUT STATIONS with chairs Call Us Today! 48444 or by emailing resume
and 1 Pedicure Spa station for 810-724-0266 to [email protected]
sale. All in very good condition. www.mi-apartments.com
EOE. HW-6-2 Part-time

$1000 each. 810-417-2249. ................................................ Friday Midnight and

*Some conditions apply. E.H.O. SEASONAL GREENHOUSE

$7.00 per column inch

FS-4-8 Saturday Midnight and
................................................ WORKERS NEEDED. Must
BIG BITE #8 GRINDER FOR be available Feb. 26th - Sunday Afternoon.
SALE: Used only on 4 deer, CAPAC VILLAGE: 2 bedroom May 28th. Monday - Friday,
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Starting
Pay starts at
works excellent. Has all parts. upstairs apt. for 1 or 2 adults,
$250 firm. Call 810-417-1829.
50+, spacious, lots of storage,
appliances and all utilities,
at $11.00
10.50 an hour or more
based on experience Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 278
................................................ except AC included, carport, theisengreenhouse.com
no pets, security deposit HW-5-3 Call
required; call 810-395-2226 ................................................ 586-336-9440
For Rent and leave message. APR-45-
Imlay City, MI 48444
BEST COMMISSION RATE - Advertising Deadlines:

IMLAY CITY Work Wanted

~Newly Remodeled~ We will sell your home or All deadlines apply for ordering
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Mildred Simpkins property at a... new ads, canceling ads or mak-
Income Tax Service COMMISSION
37 years experience!
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Licensed Real Estate Broker
ing corrections - Monday noon.
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Apartment For Rent 810-724-6618

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Invitations Imlay City, MI 48444 Birthday Ads:
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BEST PRINTING. BEST PRICE. and $3.00 plus postage if

College Sports News

Schapman inks pact Kirsten


with Madonna University

of Almont,
signed her
letter of
intent with
By Kevin Kissane Almont’s squad, Schapman attracted their Madonna
Tri-City Times Sports Editor attention by collecting 14 goals and 24 University’s
assists. soccer team
ALMONT— Almont standout Those numbers enabled her to earn recently.
Kirsten Schapman signed a national All-Blue Water Area Conference first team
letter of intent to join the Madonna accolades as well as a spot on the honor-
University women’s soccer team able mention portion of the Division 3 All-
recently. State lineup.
In addition to Madonna University, With Schapman’s help, Almont won
Schapman received recruiting interest the BWAC title as well their first-ever

Photo provided
from Sienna Heights University, Aquinas Division 3 district title.
College and Cornerstone University. Almont finished the season as owners
This past spring, her second year on of a 14-4-2 overall mark.

Bowling Scores
Holly Meadows Men’s High Game
Men’s High Series
Carl Rumsey, 227
Tim Muldoon, 593
Women’s High Series
Team High Series
Heather Durga, 555
Tower Girls, 2422
Early Thursday
1st Place: Tower Girls
Monday Night Trio Women’s High Game Bobby Jo Long, 177 Women’s High Game Randi Powe, 215
1st Place: Liebler Agency Inc. Women’s High Series Tami Rumsey, 427 Monday Niters Women’s High Series Randi Powe &
Men’s High Game Charlie Bligh, 279 Team High Series Gotta Have It, 1793 1st Place: Lee’s Auto Darcy Guzik, 548
Men’s High Series Charlie Bligh, 715 Men’s High Game Frank Wheaton, 276 Team High Series Tower Girls, 2472
Team High Series Jocco Contracting, 1899 Men’s High Series Frank Wheaton, 749
Team High Series Lee’s Auto, 3144 Monday Niters
Tuesday Mens’ Charter League
1st Place: SHL Contracting
Cedar Lanes 1st Place: Lee’s Auto
Men’s High Game Chris Medaugh, 276
Men’s High Game Charlie Bligh, 277 Magic Eight Men’s High Series Chris Medaugh, 714
Men’s High Series TJ Sharp, 715 1st Place: Legends Poker Place Team High Series BAMFS, 2937
Team High Series Pueblo Viejo, 3009 Men’s High Game Brett Sevon, 269
Men’s High Series Brett Sevon, 720 Cedar Lanes Hits & Misses
Thursday Night Co-Ed Team High Series Heidebreicht 1st Place: Balls Deep
FOR THE WEEK OF JAN. 28 Men’s High Game Ted Sweeney, 253
1st Place: Misfits Chevrolet, 2517
Men’s High Game Jason Hollenbeck, 278 Magic Eight Men’s High Series David Whiting, 642
Men’s High Series Jason Hollenbeck, 697 Thursday 50 Plus 1st Place: Legends Poker Place Women’s High Game Karen Stack, 201
Women’s High Game Jen Kuczmarski, 196 1st Place: Pinspillers Men’s High Game Nick Cox, 279 Women’s High Series Lisa Crow, 493
Women’s High Series Jen Kuczmarski, 507
Team High Series Bone Crush, 2159
Men’s High Game
Men’s High Series
Joe Gavlinski, 235
Joe Gavlinski, 638
Men’s High Series
Team High Series
Nick Cox, 708
Team High Series Here for the Beer, 2006
Women’s High Game Laurie Rolander, 201 Chevrolet, 2513 Sunday Funnies Moved INSURANCE AGENCY
Friday Night Mixed Women’s High Series Laurie Rolander, 524 1st Place: McIvor Lawn Care
1st Place: Future-In-Laws Team High Series Charlies Angels, 2034 Thursday 50 Plus Men’s High Game Ross McIvor, Jr., 247
Men’s High Game
Men’s High Series
Jim Loftis, 278
Mike Edgerton, 666 Early Birds
1st Place: Pinspillers
Men’s High Game Rich Cowell, 246
Men’s High Series
Women’s High Game
Ross McIvor, Jr., 702
Lori Palmer, 193 Liebler
Women’s High Game
Women’s High Series
Jude Baillod, 204
Jude Baillod, 540
1st Place: 3-D’s
Men’s High Game Richard
Men’s High Series
Women’s High Game
Golden Shore, 624
Giena Beard, 233
Women’s High Series Lori Palmer, 536
Team High Series McIvor Lawn Care, 2254
Team High Series Killer B’s, 2348 VanDenbossche, 202 Women’s High Series Giena Beard, 550 (810) 724-8600
Men’s High Series Richard Team High Series 3 Bolts & One Nut, 2097 566 S. Cedar (M-53)
Holly’s Angels VanDenbossche, 555 Saturday Night Fever Imlay City
1st Place: The Mary Janes Women’s High Game Giena Beard, 201 Early Birds 1st Place: 2 Bags & 4 Balls www.LieblerAgency.com
Women’s High Game Lori Wilkialis, 244 Women’s High Series Giena Beard, 547 1st Place: 3-D’s Men’s High Game Chris Griswold, 247
Women’s High Series Candy Gerber, 621 Team High Series Gal Pals, 1539 Men’s High Game Tom Dittrich, 236 Men’s High Series Chris Griswold, 690
Team High Series Nickles and Dimes, 2285 Men’s High Series Tom Dittrich, 616 Women’s High Game Cathy Bond, 210
Early Thursday Women’s High Game Bev Stimer, 191 Women’s High Series Rebecca Nagy &
Beginners Luck 1st Place: Tower Girls Women’s High Series Donna Barczewski, 502 Darcy Guzik, 542
1st Place: Oiley Bawls Women’s High Game Heather Durga, 203 Team High Series Hanks Team, 1577 Team High Series 2 Bags & 4 Balls, 2129

Call or send us with your sports announcements...810-724-2615 or [email protected]

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