Subject Verb Agreement v.1

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Name: _____________________________________________ Score: ______________

Directions: Underline the correct verb in the sentence.

1. The student (works, work).
2. He (studies, study) too.
3. All the students (walks, walk) to school.
4. These pictures (was, were) drawn by the instructor.
5. Children (wants, want) their parents to go to school.
6. The buildings on each campus (was, were) recently completed.
7. All applications for the job (has, have) been received.
8. Every student in all classes (has, have) been notified of the CLAST test date.
9. The chalkboards in the school (is, are) scratched.
10. Each year the winner from all the schools throughout the state (seems, seem) to be very much surprised.
11. Some of the students (has, have) left the building.
12. Each of her students ( is, are) special.
13. Several on the team (hits, hit) the ball really hard.
14. Everything in the buildings (was, were) destroyed.
15. Neither of the men (meets, meet) his class every day.
16. Neither science nor math (gives, give) me a problem.
17. Either the cat or the dogs (greets, greet) me at the door.
18. Neither the men who are listen as administrators nor the woman who is also listed (has, have) been
appointed to the board.
19. Either my cousin or my uncle (was, were) on the critical list.
20. Neither Ms. Jones nor a member of her staff (is, are) going to attend the meeting.
Directions: Underline the verb in the sentence. If the verb is wrong, write the correct verb below the underlined verb. If
the verb is correct, put a check below the underlined verb
1. Dr. Jones and her mother teaches music.

2. Neither Dr. Jones nor her mother know how to boil water.

3. There is the list of courses that you were looking for.

4. Either you or your sister have to take notes on the lecture.

5. Both the instructors and the students has left for the day.

6. Spring classes was announced last week.

7. Here are the list of supplies which you ordered.

8. Everybody in this school have taken the shot that prevents measles.

9. Some of the students in her class enters the essay contest every year.

10. The women who registered early are going got get extra credit.

11. Mr. and Mrs. Smith has been attending that conference for many years.

12. The students and Dr. Lee prepares the bulletin each month.

13. There goes one of the men who will conduct the research.

14. Some of that paper are going to be presented at the workshop.

15. Each of the children was promised a part in the play.

16. Neither of the women has been late to class this semester.

17. The section of paper which I read most often were missing.

18. Several of the faculty takes roll everyday.

19. Everything in this room fit with the decor of the home.

20. All of the signs along the highway was removed.

Revised Summer 2012
Revised Summer 2012

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