2011 State Competition Countdown Round

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State Competition
Countdown Round
Problems 1–80

This section contains problems to be used in

the Countdown Round.

National Sponsors
Raytheon Company * National Defense Education Program *
Northrop Grumman Foundation *
National Society of Professional Engineers * CNA Foundation * 2011 MATHCOUNTS
ThinkFun * Texas Instruments Incorporated * 3M Foundation National Competition Sponsor

Founding Sponsors: National Society of Professional Engineers, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and CNA Foundation

Copyright MATHCOUNTS, Inc. 2011. All rights reserved.

1. A jackpot for a contest starts at $100,000 and increases 10% 1. ________________
after each round. How many dollars is the jackpot worth after
four rounds?

2. What is the sum of the cubes of the first three even positive 2. ________________

3. What is the area, in square units, of a square whose sides are 3. ________________
(sq units)
the same length as the radius of a circle with a circumference
of 12π units?

4. What is the area, in square units, of the triangle bounded by 4. ________________

(sq units)
y =  0, y = x + 4 and x + 3y = 12?

5. The population of the town of Leibnitz was 180,000 in 2002. 5. ________________

If the population grows at a rate of 3000 people per year, what
will the population be in 2020?

6. If x and y are positive integers such that 4x + 2y = 36 and 6. ________________

3y ‒ 2x = 14, what is the value of the product xy?

7. How many integers are in the solution of the inequality (integers)

7. ________________
|x + 4| < 9?

8. A set of nine distinct positive integers has mean 9 and median 8. ________________
9. What is the greatest possible value of one of these integers?

9. For how many positive integers N does N differ from 10 by 9. ________________

less than 2?

10. What is the value of the expression 10. ________________

40(3000) − 50(400) + 18(20) − 20(5)?

11. Jack takes twice as long to dig a hole as Ken. The two working 11. ________________
together can dig a hole in ten minutes. How many minutes does
it take Ken to dig a hole by himself?

12. Point P(‒5, 12) is graphed in a coordinate plane. What is the 12. ________________
number of units in the distance from point P to the origin?

13. A region consists of an equilateral triangle 13. ________________

divided into smaller congruent equilateral
triangles. What percent of the region is

Copyright MATHCOUNTS, Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 2011 State Countdown Round
14. What is the measure, in units, of the hypotenuse of a right 14. ________________
triangle with leg lengths of 75 and 100 units?

15. Mary will randomly choose an integer from the integers 15. ________________
1 to 100, inclusive. If Mary chooses a multiple of 4, what is
the probability she will choose a perfect square? Express your
answer as a common fraction.

16. What is the value of x if 6x + 6x + 6x + 6x + 6x + 6x = 66? 16. ________________

17. Amy drove from Mathtown to Mathville. Her average speed 17. ________________
for the first two hours was 35 mph due to road construction.
She then averaged 70 mph for the rest of the trip. If her average
speed for the entire trip was 60 mph, how many hours did the
trip take? B

18. Given the right triangles ABC and ABD, 18. ________________
what is the length of segment BC, in units?
D 19 C 16 A

19. Given 3 consecutive positive integers, what is the positive 19. ________________
difference between the product of the first and last integers and
the square of the middle integer?

20. Circle O has diameter AB of length R 20. ________________

(sq units)
26 units. Segment RS is perpendicular to
segment AB with R on the circle and S A B
on segment AB. If the length of segment O S
RS is 12 units, what is the product of
the lengths of segments AS and SB, in
square units?

(( ) ) 2 8
21. What is the integer value of ?
2 21. ________________

22. Two of the vertices of a regular octahedron 22. ________________

are to be chosen at random. What is the
probability that they will be the endpoints
of an edge of the octahedron? Express your
answer as a common fraction.

23. Two successive discounts of 20% are equivalent to a single 23. ________________
discount of what percent?

Copyright MATHCOUNTS, Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 2011 State Countdown Round
24. What is the area of the gray region, in square 24. ________________
(sq units)
units, if the radius of the larger circle is four
times the radius of the smaller circle and
the diameter of the smaller circle is 2 units?
Express your answer in terms of π.

25. The sum of five consecutive integers is 185. What is the mean 25. ________________
of these five integers?

26. A regular octagon is graphed in the coordinate plane. Two 26. ________________
adjacent vertices are graphed at (4, ‒2) and (1, 2). What is the
perimeter of this octagon, in units?

27. Joey and Mike live 300 miles from each other at opposite 27. ________________
: (p.m.)
ends of State Highway 1. Driving toward each other on State
Highway 1, they met in the central part of the state. Joey left
home at 9:30 a.m. traveling at an average speed of 50 mph and
Mike left home at 10:00 a.m. traveling at an average speed of
60 mph. At what time that afternoon did they meet?

28. Four fair coins are to be flipped. What is the probability that all 28. ________________
four will be heads or all four will be tails? Express your answer
as a common fraction.

29. The arithmetic mean of eight positive integers is 7. If one of 29. ________________
the eight integers is removed, the mean becomes 6. What is the
value of the integer that is removed?

30. What is the smallest number of people you would need to have 30. ________________
in a room if you wanted to be certain that at least 25 of them
have the same birth month?

31. On her previous five attempts Sarah had achieved times, in 31. ________________
seconds, of 86, 94, 97, 88 and 96, for swimming 50 meters.
After her sixth try she brought her median time down to
92 seconds. What was her time, in seconds, for her sixth

32. What is the integer value of 782 + 78 × 22 + 222? 32. ________________

33. Marty bought a tie that was on sale for 20% off, and he used 33. ________________
a coupon that took off an additional 40% from the sale price.
His son Jerry bought a tie that was on sale for 60% off with no
coupon. If both ties originally cost $50, how much more did
Marty spend on a tie than Jerry, in dollars?

Copyright MATHCOUNTS, Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 2011 State Countdown Round
34. What is one-half of the reciprocal of ?
98 Express your 34. ________________
answer in the form b where a is in simplest radical form.
35. Quadrilateral ABCD is a square, and segment AE is 35. ________________
(sq units)
perpendicular to segment ED. If AE = 8 units and E
DE = 6 units, what is the area of pentagon AEDCB,
in square units? B C

36. A 2 × 2 × 2 cube is removed from each corner of an 8 × 8 × 8 36. ________________

cube. What fraction of the original cube remains? Express your
answer as a common fraction.

37. What is the sum of the roots of x2 ‒ 4x + 3 = 0? 37. ________________

38. If the sum of 0.4 + 0.04 + 0.004 is written as a fraction with a 38. ________________
denominator of 300, what is the numerator?
39. How many positive common fractions with a value less than 2 39. ________________
have 37 as their denominator?

40. If 4 (r + s + t) = 12, what is the average of r, s and t? 40. ________________


41. The measure of the supplement of angle A is six times the 41. ________________
measure of the complement of angle A. What is the measure, in
degrees, of angle A?

42. In a survey of 100 students who watch television, 21 watch 42. ________________
American Idol, 39 watch Lost, and eight watch both. How
many of the students surveyed watch neither show?

43. The area of an equilateral triangle is numerically equal to the 43. ________________
length of one of its sides. What is the perimeter of the triangle,
in units? Express your answer in simplest radical form.

44. When the sum of the reciprocals of two distinct positive 44. ________________

integers is divided by the sum of the two integers, the result is

25 . What is the sum of the two integers?

45. If x varies inversely with y and y varies directly with the square 45. ________________
of z, then by what positive factor is z multiplied when x is
multiplied by one-fourth?

Copyright MATHCOUNTS, Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 2011 State Countdown Round
46. To make orange juice from concentrate, the directions call for 46. ________________
mixing one 12-ounce can of concentrate with five 12-ounce
cans of water. A serving of orange juice is 8 ounces. If only
whole cans can be used, what is the minimum number of cans
of concentrate that Willy will need for at least 130 servings?

47. The side length of square A is 36 cm. The side length of square 47. ________________
B is 42 cm. What is the ratio of the area of square A to the area
of square B? Express your answer as a common fraction.

48. If n is the smallest integer greater than the reciprocal of 48. ________________
0.272727, what is n?

49. The real numbers x, y and z satisfy the equations 49. ________________
x + 2y + 3z = 950 and 3x + 2y + z = 1450. What is the average
of x, y and z?

50. How many integers between 211 and 2101 are multiples of 7? 50. ________________

51. If two numbers will be randomly chosen without replacement 51. ________________
from {3, 4, 5, 6}, what is the probability that their product will
be a multiple of 9? Express your answer as a common fraction.

52. For every 3°C rise in temperature, the volume of a certain gas 52. ________________
increases by 4 cubic centimeters. If 50 cubic centimeters of this
gas at –8°C is heated to 28°C, by what percent does the volume

53. The three-digit integer 1AB equals 1! + A! + B!. What is 53. ________________
A + B?

54. A bag contains only blue marbles, green marbles and 24 red 54. ________________
marbles. If the probability of drawing a blue marble is 12 and
the probability of drawing a green marble is 18 , how many
marbles are in the bag?
55. What is the area, in square units, of 55. ________________
(sq units)
triangle ABC in the figure shown if points A, C
B, C and D are coplanar, angle D is a right
angle, AC = 13, AB = 15 and DC = 5?

56. The sum of three consecutive integers is greater than 66. What 56. ________________
is the smallest possible product of the largest and smallest of
these integers?

57. If g(x) = 3x + 7 and f(x) = 5x – 9, what is the value of f(g(8))? 57. ________________

Copyright MATHCOUNTS, Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 2011 State Countdown Round
58. How many diagonals does a convex polygon with 23 sides 58. ________________

59. What is the sum of all real solutions to the equation: 59. ________________
x + 9 − x = 3?

60. Mr. George has 25% more students this year than he had last 60. ________________
year. He has 120 students this year. How many students did he
have last year?

61. If (x2 ‒ 5y)3 is written in expanded form, what is the coefficient 61. ________________
of the x2 y2 term?

62. What is the smallest prime that is the sum of four different, 62. ________________
positive composite integers?

63. Triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle with side lengths of 25, 63. ________________
(sq cm)
25 and 48 centimeters. What is the area of triangle ABC, in
square centimeters?

64. A line passes through A(8, 4) and B(‒12, ‒11). What is the 64. ________________
value of x if (x, ‒5) is on the line?

65. Let # be the relation defined by A # B = A2 + B2. If A # 5 = 169, 65. ________________

what is the positive value of A?

66. Triangle ABC with vertices at A(1, 1), B(1, ‒2) and C(5, ‒2) is ( , )
66. ________________
translated up 3 units and then dilated with respect to the origin
by a factor of 2. What are the new coordinates of point C?
Express your answer as an ordered pair.

67. Major Domo wishes to donate a sum of money to each of his 67. ________________
three favorite charities. His total donation is to be divided
among the charities in a ratio of 5:3:2. If his total gift is
$20,000, what is the difference, in dollars, between the largest
donation and the smallest donation?

68. If n is a positive integer, what is the smallest value of n for 68. ________________
which 8n is an integer?
69. Triangle ABC is drawn inside regular hexagon ABCDEF. 69. ________________
What is the ratio of the area of triangle ABC to the area of the
hexagon? Express your answer as a common fraction.

Copyright MATHCOUNTS, Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 2011 State Countdown Round
70. Jamie has 2 dimes, 4 nickels and 8 pennies. In how many 70. ________________
different ways can she make 26¢?

71. What is the product of all integer values of x for which the 71. ________________
value of |x2 ‒ 9| is a prime number?
72. If a is 32 of b and b is 4 of c, what fraction of c is a? Express 72. ________________
your answer as a common fraction.

73. The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is 75 degrees. If 73. ________________

one of the non-adjacent interior angles measures 28 degrees,
what is the number of degrees in the other non-adjacent interior

74. If the radius of a circle is increased by 30%, by what percent is 74. ________________
the area increased?

75. Winnifred has 400 wooden blocks that are exactly 1-inch 75. ________________
cubes. What is the length, in inches, of a face of the largest
cubical box that Winnifred could fill using these blocks?

76. A grocer sells sugar in 5-kg and 3-kg bags. Yesterday he sold 76. ________________
600 kg of sugar using the same number of 5-kg bags as 3-kg
bags. What is the total number of bags of sugar that were sold
by the grocer yesterday?

77. If four times k is added to 8, the result is 44. What is the value 77. ________________
of k2 ?

78. What is the sum of the distinct prime factors of the integer 78. ________________

79. If 645 = 32x, what is the value of 2−x ? Express your answer as a 79. ________________
common fraction.

80. Given that 10 is the arithmetic mean of the set {6, 13, 18, 4, x}, 80. ________________
what is the value of x?

Copyright MATHCOUNTS, Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 2011 State Countdown Round

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