Yasir2015 PDF
Yasir2015 PDF
Yasir2015 PDF
Abstract—Air bearing table is used to validate attitude of gravity (CG) of lifted structure can be controlled in all three
control strategies for small satellites and to validate the axes by fine trimming masses.
performance of satellite sensors and actuators on ground with
frictionless environment before launch. It can only be done by II. DESIGN DETAILS
using a test platform that floats on the continuous airstream and
hence allowing free rotation around all three axes. The system is Air Bearing Table is compact, reliable and
employed to develop, improve, and carry out tests of sensors versatile equipment used for testing AOCS hardware and
(magnetometer, sun sensor), actuators (reaction wheel, magnetic algorithms. The detail of each component is given below.
torquer), and algorithms in the experimental framework. In
order to simulate weightlessness, it is essential for the platform to
be completely balanced in all axes. Another important A. Spherical Air Bearing
consideration is that the combined center of gravity (COG) of the The spherical air bearing is designed and manufactured in-
lifted structure should be coincident or very close to the center of house with Al-6061. The diameter of rotor is selected as 5
rotation (COR) of bearing. inch as it fulfilled the loading requirement. There are seven
small holes in the stator proportionally spaced that provide the
In this paper the design detail of developed air bearing table
air film cushion between rotor and stator in loaded condition
is discussed. It provides a cost effective mean to test small
satellites and their AOCS hardware. The diameter of air bearing [1]. The air film thickness varies with the load on the bearing.
is selected as 5 inch as it fulfilled the loading requirement which
is integrated with the platform. The designed load is selected to
be 100kg class satellites. Modular design approach is adopted in
order to accommodate different sizes of air bearing and hence
enhancing the lifting capability of the platform. The sensitivity of
platform is tested to be as small as 5 grams. The vertical
balancing of the system (Z-axis) is done by adding counter
weights at each corner of the platform, while horizontal
balancing is carried out with the help of trimming masses in two
axes(X,Y). The platform allows tilt angle of 30° about X and Y
axes while free rotation of 360° about Z-axis. The system is tested
for the dummy weight of 75kg at continuous pressure of 4bar. Fig. 1. Rotor (left) and Stator (right), main components of Spherical Air
For the desired lifting mass, appropriate air compressor is Bearing
selected that can supply maximum pressure of 8 bar. A control
panel is also provided to regulate the air flow according to the B. Platform
experimental needs. FEM analysis is carried out for the platform
to check the maximum lifting capability of the system. The A platform of suitable dimensions 940x940mm is chosen. In
results were found within safe limits. order to reduce the inert mass of the lifted structure, platform
is manufactured with Al-6061. The platform is painted
Keywords—Air Bearing Table, AOCS (Attitude and Orbit Conrols afterwards to make it scratch resistant. The designed platform
System), Sensors, Actuators, FEM (Finite Element Method) is also reinforced at the bottom as can be seen in the Fig. 2.
The developed air bearing table is designed for testing small
satellites and their AOCS hardware. This table allows a free
360° rotation around the vertical axis and a 30°rotation around
the horizontal axes. The platform has been tested for a dummy
weight of 75kg and achieved the desired level of performance.
A modular design approach is adopted in order to enhance its
weight lifting capacity. A set of rotor and stator with larger
size can be integrated with the system for that purpose. Center
and removed from the platform easily. There are eight dummy
weights, each has a mass of 25kg and are fixed on the platform
during the testing phase.
D. Compressor
Selection of air compressor is an important parameter for the Fig. 5. Fine CG adjustment in horizontal axis
air bearing design that affects the lifting capability of the
system. For the desired lifting mass, appropriate compressor is B. Vertical Counterbalancing
selected that can give a continuous air stream of 3.7 CFM at 2 Weights are added at each corner of the platform in order to
bar. Maximum pressure of the compressor is 8 bars. counterbalance the system in Z-axis. A slot is also added in
E. Dummy Weights the rod just to enhance the balancing capability. Weights with
The Dummy weights are manufactured in order to check the different sizes were manufactured to accommodate different
lifting capability of the system. These weights can be placed payloads on the platform.
In conclusion it can be said that the developed air bearing
table is a reliable and cost effective way of testing the AOCS
hardware on ground. It is very difficult to procure such
equipment for the developing countries like Pakistan as Space
qualified manufacturers exploit their skills and charge a lot of
money. Sometimes restrictions have to be faced during
procurement process. It is anticipated that the development of
air bearing table will provide self reliance in the field of
AOCS hardware testing. Its design, features, functions are all
conceived by the team working in GS-EM&C Div, SRDC-L,