A Secure Search Scheme of Encrypted Data On Mobile Cloud: Abstract

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 5, July - Aug 2016


A Secure Search Scheme Of Encrypted Data on Mobile cloud

Prashanth Jayaraman1, Praveen Jayasankar2 , Rachel Hannah3
Department Computer Science and Engineering
1, 2,,3
Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College,Chennai
St.Joseph's College of Engineering, Chennai-119

As mobile cloud computing become more flexible & effective in terms of economy, data owners
are motivated to outsource their complex data systems from local sites to commercial public mobile cloud.
But for security of data, sensitive data has to be encrypted before outsourcing, which overcomes method of
traditional data utilization based on plaintext keyword search. Due to the increasing popularity of mobile
cloud computing, more and more data owners are motivated to outsource their datato mobile cloud servers
for great convenience and reduced cost in data management. However, sensitive data should be encrypted
beforeoutsourcing for privacy requirements, which obsoletes data utilization like keyword-based document
retrieval. In this paper, we present a secure multi-keyword ranked search scheme over encrypted mobile
cloud data, which simultaneously supports dynamic update operationslike deletion and insertion of
documents. Considering the large number of data users and documents in mobile cloud, it is necessary for
the search service to allow multi-keyword query and provide result similarity ranking to meet the effective
data retrieval need. Retrieving of all the files having queried keyword will not be affordable in pay as per
use mobile cloud paradigm. In this paper, we propose the problem of Efficient Mobile Multikeyword
search(EMMS) over encrypted mobile cloud data (ECD), and construct a group of privacy policies for
such a secure mobile cloud data utilization system. From number of multi-keyword semantics, we select
the highly efficient rule of coordinate matching, i.e., as many matches as possible, to identify the similarity
between search query and data, and for further matching we use inner data correspondence to
quantitatively formalize such principle for similarity measurement.Searchable encryption allows one to
upload encrypted documentson a remote honest-but-curiousserver and query that data at the server
itselfwithout requiring the documents to be decrypted prior to searching. Inthis work We first propose a
basic Secured multi keyword ranked search scheme using secure inner product computation, and then
improve it to meet different privacy requirements. The Ranked result provides top retrieval results. Due to
the use of our special structure, the proposed scheme can achieve sub-linear search time and deal with the
deletion and insertion of documents flexibly.Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the
efficiency of the proposed scheme. Also we propose an alert system which will generate alerts when un-
authorized user tries to access the data from mobile cloud, the alert will generate in the form of mail and

Keywords — Multikeyword, secure search, mobile cloud, encrypted data, encrypted mobile cloud,
mobile cloud privacy, data retrieval, outsourcing, server, mobile cloud connection .

computing is data outsourcing. For reasons of cost

and convenience, public as well as private
organizations can now outsource their large
amounts of data to the mobile cloud and enjoy the
Mobile cloud computing enables new types of benefits of remote storage. At the same time,
services where the computational and network confidentiality of remotely stored data on untrusted
resources are available online through the Internet. mobile cloud server is a big concern. In order to
One of the most popular services of mobile cloud reduce these concerns, sensitive data, such as,

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 5, July - Aug 2016
personal health records, emails, income tax and similarity” to measure the score of each file. This
financial reports, etc. are usually outsourced in solutionsupports exact multi-keyword ranked
encrypted form using well-known cryptographic search. It is practical, and the search is flexible.
techniques. Although encrypted data storage Sunet al., [7] proposed a MDB-tree based scheme
protects remote data from unauthorized access, it which supports ranked multi-keywordsearch.
complicates some basic, yet essential data This scheme is very efficient, but the higher
utilization services such as plaintext keyword efficiency will lead to lower precisionof the search
search. A simple solution of downloading the data, results in this schemeIn addition, fuzzy keyword
decrypting and searching locally is clearly search [8-10] have been developed. These methods
inefficient since storing data in the mobile cloud is employ a spell-check mechanism, such as, search
meaningless unless it can be easily searched and for “wireless” instead of “wireiess”, or the data
utilized. Thus, mobile cloud services should enable format may not be the same e.g., “data-mining”
efficient search on encrypted data to provide the versus “datamining. Chuah et al., [8] propose a
benefits of a first-class mobile cloud computing privacy-aware bed-tree method to support fuzzy
environment.Despite of the various advantages of multi-keyword search. This approach uses edit
mobile cloud services, outsourcing sensitive distance to build fuzzy keyword sets. Bloom filters
information (such as e-mails, personal health are constructed for every keyword. Then, it
records, company finance data, government constructs the index tree for all files where each leaf
documents, files, etc.) to remote servers brings node a hash value of a keyword. Li et al., [9]
privacy concerns. The mobile cloud service exploit edit distance to quantify keywords similarity
providers that keep the data for users may access andconstruct storage-efficient fuzzy keyword sets.
users sensitive information without authorization.In Specially, the wildcard-based fuzzy set construction
the literature, searchable encryption techniques [2-4] approach is designed to save storage overhead.
are able to provide securesearch over encrypted Wang et al., [10] employ wildcard-based fuzzy set
data for users. They build a searchable inverted to build a private tree-traverse searching index. In
index that stores alist of mapping from keywords to the searching phase, if the edit distance between
the corresponding set of files which contain retrieval keywords and ones from the fuzzy sets is
thiskeyword. When data users input a keyword, a less than a predetermined set value, it is considered
trapdoor is generated for this keyword andthen similar and returns the corresponding files. These
submitted to the mobile cloud server. Upon fuzzy search methods support tolerance of minor
receiving the trapdoor, the mobile cloud server typos and format inconsistencies, but do not support
executesontain this keyword. But, these methods semantic fuzzy search. Considering the existence of
only allow exact single keyword search. Some polysemy and synonymy [11], the model that
researchers study the problem on secure and ranked supports multi-keyword ranked search and semantic
search over outsourced mobile cloud data. Wang et search is more reasonable.comparison between the
al., [5] propose a secure ranked keyword search trapdoor and index, and finally returns the data
scheme. Theirsolution combines inverted index users all files. A general approach to protect the
with order-preserving symmetric encryption data confidentiality is to encrypt the data before
(OPSE). Interms of ranked search, the order of outsourcing.
retrieved files is determined by numerical relevance However, this will cause a huge cost in terms of
scores, which can be calculated by TF×IDF. The data usability. For example, the existing techniques
relevance score is encrypted by OPSEto ensure on keyword-based information retrieval, whichare
security. It enhances system usability and saves widely used on the plaintext data, cannot be directly
communication overhead. This solution only applied on the encrypted data. Downloading all the
supports single keyword ranked search. Cao et al., data from the mobile cloud and decrypt locally is
[6] propose a method thatadopts similarity measure obviously impractical. In order to address the above
of “coordinate matching” to capture the relevance problem, researchers have designed some general-
of files to thequery. They use “inner product purpose solutions with fully-homomorphic

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 5, July - Aug 2016
encryption or oblivious RAMs. However, these Searchable encryption schemes enable the client
methods are not practical due to their high to store the encrypted data to the mobile cloud and
computational overhead for both the mobile cloud execute keyword search over ciphertext domain. So
sever and user. On the contrary, more practical far, abundant works have been proposed under
special purpose solutions, such as searchable different threat models to achieve various search
encryption (SE) schemes have made specific functionality, such as single keyword search,
contributions in terms of efficiency, functionality similarity search, multi-keyword boolean search,
and security. However, we note that “fine-grained ranked search, multi-keyword ranked search,
search authorization” is an indispensable etc.Among them, multikeyword ranked search
component for a secure data outsourcing system. achieves more and more attention for its practical
Although the accesses to actual documents can be applicability. Recently, some dynamic schemes
controlled by separate cryptographic enforced have been proposed to support inserting and
access control techniques such as attribute-based deleting operations on document collection. These
encryption [9], [39], [26],“0-1” search authorization are significant works as it is highly possible that the
may still lead to leakage of data owners’ sensitive data owners need to update their data on the mobile
information. For example, if Alice is the only cloud server. But few of the dynamic schemes
patient with a rare disease in a PHR database, by support efficient multikeyword ranked search.
designing the query in a clever way (e.g., In order to obtain high search efficiency with the
submitting two queries with/without the name of special structure of our data index, the proposed
that disease and with Alice’s demographic info), search scheme can flexibly achieve sub-linear
from the results a user Bob will be certain that search time and deal with the deletion and insertion
Alice has that disease. Thus, we argue that a user of documents. we construct a tree-based index
shouldonly be allowed to search for some specific structure and propose a “Greedy Depth-first Search”
sets of keywords; in particular, the authorization algorithm based on this index tree. The secure kNN
shall be based on a user’s attributes. For instance, in algorithm is utilized to encrypt the index and query
a patient matching application in health social vectors, and meanwhile ensure accurate relevance
networks [28], [23], a patient should only be score calculation between encrypted index and
matched to patients having similar symptoms as her, query vectors. To resist different attacks in different
whileshall not learn any information about those threat models, we construct two secure search
who do not. Furthermore, system scalability is an schemes: the basic dynamic multi-keyword ranked
important concern for SE. For symmetric-key based search scheme in the known cipher text model, and
SE schemes, the encryption and search capabilities the enhanced dynamic multi-keyword ranked search
are not separable, so a multi-owner system would scheme in the background model. Our
require every owner to act as a capability contributions are summarized as follows:
distributioncenter, which is not scalable. PKC- a) Due to the special structure of our data index,
based schemes do not have this problem, but if the search complexity of the proposed scheme is
every user obtains restricted search capabilities fundamentally kept to logarithmic. And in
from a central trusted authority (TA) who assumes practice,the proposed scheme can achieve higher
the responsibility of authorization at the same time, search efficiency by executing our “Greedy Depth-
it shall be always online, dealing with large first Search” algorithm. Moreover, parallel search
workload, and facing thethreat of single-point-of- can be flexibly performed to further reduce the time
failure. In addition, since the global TA does not cost of search process.
directly possess the necessary information to check b) We design a searchable encryption scheme that
the attributes of users from different local domains, supports both the accurate multi-keyword ranked
additional infrastructure needs to be employed search and flexible dynamic operation on
(such as using a credential chain [27]). It is document
therefore desirable for the usersto be authorized collection.

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 5, July - Aug 2016
public-key encryption scheme with keyword search
based on a variant of the quadratic residuosity
Organizations, companies store more and more All secure index based schemes presented so far,
valuable information is on cloud to protect their data are limited in their usage since they support only
from virus,hacking. The benefits of the new exact matching in the context of keyword search.
computing model includebut are not limited to: Wang et al. [25] studied the problem of secure
relief of the trouble for storageadministration, data ranked keyword search over encrypted cloud data.
access, and avoidance of highexpenditure on
hardware mechanism, software, etc. Rankedsearch The authors explored the statistical measure
improves system usability by normal matching approach that embeds the relevance score of each
filesin a ranked order regarding to certain relevance document during the establishment of searchable
criteria(e.g., keyword frequency),As directly index before outsourcing the encrypted document
outsourcingrelevance scores will drips a lot of collection. The authors propose a single keyword
sensitive informationagainst the keyword privacy, searchable encryption scheme using ranking criteria
We proposed asymmetricencryption with ranking based on keyword frequency that retrieves the best
result of queried data which willgive only expected matching documents. Cao et al. [9] presented a
data. multi-keyword ranked search scheme, where they
used the principle of "coordinate matching" that
Searchable encryption has been an active captures the similarity between a multi-keyword
research area and many quality workshave been search query and data documents. However, their
published [1–6, 9–13, 16, 20–23, 25, 26]. index structure is uses a binary representation of
Traditional searchable encryptionschemes usually document terms and thus the ranked search does not
build an encrypted searchable index such that its differentiate documents with higher number of
content ishidden to the server, however it still allows repeated terms than documents with lower number
performing document searching with given search of repeated terms.
query. Song et al. [23] were the first to investigate
the techniques for keyword search over encrypted Searchable encryption schemes enable the clients
and outsourced data. The authors begin with idea to to store the encrypted data to the cloud and execute
store a set of plaintext documents on data storage keyword search over ciphertext domain. Due to
server such as mail servers and file servers in different cryptography primitives, searchable
encrypted form to reduce security and privacy risks. encryption schemes can be constructed using public
The work presents a cryptographic scheme that key based cryptography [5], [6] or symmetric key
enables indexed search on encrypted data without based cryptography [7], [8], [9], [10]. Song et al. [7]
leaking any sensitive information to the untrusted proposed the first symmetric searchable encryption
remote server. Goh [16] eveloped a per-file Bloom (SSE) scheme, and the search time of their scheme
filter-based secure index, which reduce the is linear to the size of the data collection. Goh [8]
searching cost proportional to the number of files in proposed formal security definitions for SSE and
collection. Recent work by Moataz et al. [21] designed a scheme based on Bloom filter. The
proposed boolean symmetric searchable encryption search time of Goh’s scheme is O (n), where n is the
scheme. Here, the scheme is based on the cardinality of the document collection. Curtmola et
orthogonalization of the keywords according to the al. [10]proposed two schemes (SSE-1 and SSE-2)
Gram-Schmidt process. Orencik’s solution [22] which achievethe optimal search time. Their SSE-1
proposed privacy-preserving multi-keyword search scheme is secure against chosen-keyword attacks
method that utilizes minhash functions. Boneh et al. (CKA1) and SSE-2 is secure against adaptive
[6] developed the first searchable encryption using chosen-keyword attacks (CKA2).These early works
the asymmetric settings, where anyone with the are single keyword boolean searchschemes, which
public key can write to the data stored remotely, but are very simple in terms of functionality.Afterward,
the users with private key execute search queries. abundant works have been proposed underdifferent
The other asymmetric solution was provided by Di threat models to achieve various search
Crescenzo et al. in [11], where the authors propose a functionality,such as single keyword search,

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 5, July - Aug 2016
similarity search[11], [12], [13], [14], multi- and keywords whileauthorized data users can query
keyword boolean search [15],[16], [17], [18], [19], without knowing keysof these different data owners.
[20], [21], [22], ranked search [23],[24], [25], and The authors proposedan “Additive Order Preserving
multi-keyword ranked search [26], [27],[28], [29], Function” to retrieve themost relevant search results.
etc.Multi-keyword boolean search allows the users However, these works don’tsupport dynamic
toinput multiple query keywords to request suitable operations.
documents.Among these works, conjunctive
Practically, the data owner may need to update
keyword searchschemes [15], [16], [17] only return
thedocument collection after he upload the
the documents thatcontain all of the query
collection to thecloud server. Thus, the SE schemes
keywords. Disjunctive keywordsearch schemes [18],
are expected to supportthe insertion and deletion of
[19] return all of the documentsthat contain a subset
the documents. Thereare also several dynamic
of the query keywords. Predicatesearch schemes
searchable encryption schemes.In the work of Song
[20], [21], [22] are proposed to supportboth
et al. [7], the each document isconsidered as a
conjunctive and disjunctive search. All these multi-
sequence of fixed length words, andis individually
keyword search schemes retrieve search results
indexed. This scheme supports
basedon the existence of keywords, which cannot
straightforwardupdate operations but with low
provideacceptable result ranking
efficiency. Goh[8] proposed a scheme to generate a
functionality.Ranked search can enable quick search
sub-index (Bloomfilter) for every document based
of the mostrelevant data. Sending back only the top-
on keywords. Then the dynamic operations can be
k most relevantdocuments can effectively decrease
easily realized throughupdating of a Bloom filter
network traffic. Someearly works [23], [24], [25]
along with the correspondingdocument. However,
have realized the rankedsearch using order-
Goh’s scheme has linear searchtime and suffers
preserving techniques, but they aredesigned only for
from false positives. In 2012, Kamaraet al. [30]
single keyword search. Cao et al.[26] realized the
constructed an encrypted inverted index thatcan
first privacy-preserving multi-keywordranked search
handle dynamic data efficiently. But, this schemeis
scheme, in which documents and queriesare
very complex to implement. Subsequently, as an
represented as vectors of dictionary size. With
improvement,Kamara et al. [31] proposed a new
the“coordinate matching”, the documents are ranked
searchscheme based on tree-based index, which can
accordingto the number of matched query
handledynamic update on document data stored in
keywords.However, Cao et al.’s scheme does not
leaf n-odes. However, their scheme is designed only
consider theimportance of the different keywords,
for singlekeywordBoolean search. In [32], Cash et
and thus is notaccurate enough. In addition, the
al. presenteda data structure for keyword/identity
search efficiency of thescheme is linear with the
tuple named “TSet”.Then, a document can be
cardinality of document collection.Sun et al. [27]
represented by a series ofindependent T-Sets. Based
presented a secure multi-keywordsearch scheme that
on this structure, Cash et al.[33] proposed a dynamic
supports similarity-based ranking.The authors
searchable encryption scheme.In their construction,
constructed a searchable index tree basedon vector
newly added tuples are stored inanother database in
space model and adopted cosine measuretogether
the cloud, and deleted tuples arerecorded in a
with TF×IDF to provide ranking results. Sun etal.’s
revocation list. The final search result isachieved
search algorithm achieves better-than-linear
through excluding tuples in the revocation listfrom
searchefficiency but results in precision loss.¨
the ones retrieved from original and newly
Orencik et al. [28]proposed a secure multi- addedtuples. Yet, Cash et al.’s dynamic search
keyword search method whichutilized local scheme doesn’trealize the multi-keyword ranked
sensitive hash (LSH) functions to clusterthe similar search functionality.
documents. The LSH algorithm is suitablefor similar
search but cannot provide exact ranking. In[29], III. PROBLEM BASE
Zhang et al. proposed a scheme to deal with A. System Model
securemulti-keyword ranked search in a multi- The system model can be considered as three
owner model. Inthis scheme, different data owners entities, the data owner, the data user and the cloud
use different secretkeys to encrypt their documents

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 5, July - Aug 2016
server. Before you begin to format your paper, first Latent Semantic Search: We aim to discover
write and save the content as a separate text file. the latent semantic relationship
Keep your text and graphic files separate until after
between terms and documents. We use statistical
the text has been formatted and styled. Do not use
techniques to estimate the latent
hard tabs, and limit use of hard returns to only one
return at the end of a paragraph. Do not add any semantic structure, and get rid of the obscuring
kind of pagination anywhere in the paper. Do not “noise” [11].The proposed scheme tries to
number text heads-the template will do that for you. put similar items near each other in some space
Finally, complete content and organizational in order that it could return the data user
editing before formatting. Please take note of the the files contain the terms latent semantically
following items when proofreading spelling and associated with the query keyword.
Multi-keyword Ranked Search: It supports
 Data Owner
both multi-keyword query and support
Data owner has a collection of data documents A
result ranking.
set of distinct keywords is extracted from the data
collection. The data owner will firstly construct an Privacy-Preserving: Our scheme is designed to
encrypted searchable index I from the data meet the privacy requirement and
collection D. All files in D are encrypted and form a
prevent the cloud server from learning additional
new file collection, C .Then, the data owner upload
information from index and trapdoor.
both the encrypted index I and the encrypted data
collection C to the cloud server. 1) Index Confidentiality. The TF values of
keywords are stored in the index. Thus,
 Data User

Data user provides t keywords for the cloud server. the index stored in the cloud server needs to be
A corresponding trapdoor through search control encrypted;
mechanisms is generated. In this paper, we assume 2) Trapdoor Unlinkability. The cloud server
that the authorization between the data owner and could do some statistical analysis over
the data user is approximately done.
the search result. Meanwhile, the same query
 Cloud Server should generate different trapdoors
Cloud server receivedfrom the authorized user. when searched twice. The cloud server should
Then, the cloud server calculatesand returns to the not be able to deduce relationship
corresponding set of encrypted documents.
Moreover, to reduce theTwcommunication cost, the between trapdoors.
data user may send an optional numberlalong with 3) Keyword Privacy. The cloud server could not
thetrapdoorTso that the cloud server only sends back discern the keyword in query, index
top-lfiles that are most relevant to the search query.
by analyzing the statistical information like term
D. Threat models and Design Goals frequency.
The cloud server is considered as “honest-but- B. Threat models and Design Goals
curious” in our model. Particularly, the cloud server The cloud server is considered as “honest-but-
both follows the designated protocol specification curious” in our model. Particularly, the cloud server
but at the same timeanalyzes data in its storage and both follows the designated protocol specification
message flows received during the protocol so as to but at the same time analyzes data in its storage and
learn additional information [12]. In this paper, we
message flows received during the protocol so as to
purpose to achieve security and ranked search under
learn additional information [12]. In this paper, we
the above model.The designed goals of our system
are following: purpose to achieve security and ranked search under
the above model. The designed goals of our system
are following:

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 5, July - Aug 2016
Latent Semantic Search: We aim to discover the [16]. With t keywords of interest in as input, one
latent semantic relationship between terms and binary vector Q is generated where each bit
documents. We use statistical techniques to indicates whether W is true or false. The
estimate the latent semantic structure, and get rid of similarity score is expressed as the inner product of
the obscuring “noise” [11].The proposed scheme data vector j[A]and query vector Q. Specially, []A j
tries to put similar items near each other in some denotes the j–th column of the matrix A S e t u p
space in order that it could return the data user the The data owner generates a2n -bit vector as X and
files contain the terms latent semantically two( 2 ) ( 2 )nn  invertible matrices {M ,
associated with the query keyword. M} .The secret key SK is the form of a 3-tuple as
Multi-keyword Ranked Search: It supports both M B u i l d I n d ex( A , )SK The data owner
multi-keyword query and support result ranking. extracts a term-document
Privacy-Preserving: Our scheme is designed to matrix12AfromDanddecomposes it into three
meet the privacy requirement and prevent the cloud other matrices U , nt S ,tt  V  . According
server from learning additional information from to our scheme, the data owner adopts statistical
index and trapdoor. 1) Index Confidentiality. The techniques to estimate the latent structure, and get
TF values of keywords are stored in the index. Thus, rid of the obscuring “noise”. To reduce dimensions,
the index stored in the cloud server needs to be we choose previous tm k columns of S, and then
encrypted; deleting the corresponding columns of U  and V
2) Trapdoor Unlink ability. The cloud server could  respectively. Following, we multiply these three
do some statistical analysis over the search result. matrices.
Meanwhile, the same query should generate
different trapdoors when searched twice. The cloud
server should not be able to deduce relationship
between trapdoors.
3) Keyword Privacy. The cloud server could not
discern the keyword in query, index by analyzing
the statistical information like term frequency.
3. Proposed Scheme
In this section, we give a detailed description of our
scheme. We firstly propose to employ “Latent
Semantic Analysis” to implement the latent
semantic multi-keyword ranked search.
A. Our Scheme Fig 3.1
Data owner wants to outsource m data files that he 4. Performance and Security Analysis
prepares to outsource to the cloud server in In this section, we show a thorough experimental
encrypted form while still keeping the capability to evaluation of the proposed technique on a real
search m through them(Fig 3.1). To do so, data dataset: the MED dataset [17] .The whole
owner firstly builds a secure searchable index from experiment is implemented by C++ language on a
a set of n distinct key words extracted from the file computer with Core 2.83GHz Processor, on
collection D Windows 7 system. For the proposed scheme, we
According to the above definition about LSA, the will reduce to separate dimensions. The
data owner builds a term-document matrix A. performance of our method is compared with the
Matrix A can be decomposed into the product of original MRSE scheme.
three other matrices. And then, we reduce the
of the original matrix A to get a new matrix A D. Effectiveness and Efficiency
which is calculated the best “reduced-dimension” The proposed scheme is depicted in details in
approximation to the original term-document matrix previous section, except the Key Gen algorithm. In

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 5, July - Aug 2016
our scheme, we adopt Gauss-Jordan to compute the E. F-measure of the sceme:
inverse matrix. The time of generating key is In this paper, we still use the measure of
decided by the scale of the matrix. Besides, the traditional information retrieval. Before the
proposed scheme that processed by SVD algorithm introduction of the F-measure’s concept, we will
will consume time. Other algorithms, such as index firstly give the brief of the precision and recall.
construction, trapdoor generation, query, which is Precision is the fraction of retrieved instances that
put forward by us, are consistent with the original are relevant, while recall is the fraction of relevant
MRSE in time-consuming. instances that are retrieved. Both precision and
1) Index and Trapdoor Generation: The index recall are therefore based on an understanding and
generation process is a one-time computation which measure of relevance[18]. F-measure that combines
contains two majorsteps: the Bloom filter precision and recall is the harmonic mean of
generation and the encryption. During the Bloom precision and recall[19]. Here, we adopt F-measure
filter generation, the computation mainly comes to weigh the result of our experiments.
from the hash function calculation. Figure 3.2
shows the Bloom filter generation for the search
index and the trapdoor Bloom filter. The generation
time increases linearly respect to the number of the
inserted keywords. The trapdoor generation time is
very close to the index generation time due to the
identical procedure. The encryption time which
involves the matrix multiplications is showed in
figure 3.(3). The time cost of encryption increases
linearly respect to the number of the files in the
2) Search over Encrypted Index: The search Fig 3.2
operation executed at the cloud server side consists B. Result Accuracy
of computing the inner product calculation for all We adopt the definitions of the widely used
the files in the dataset. Figure performance metrics, precision and recall to
3.(c) shows the search time grows linearly with the measure the search result accuracy. Denote tp as
size of the file set while the number of keywords in true positive, fp as false positive and fn as false
the query has little impact as showed in figure 3.(d). negative, then the precision equals to while the
This is intuitive because the search process needs to recall is tp tp+fn. To generate the fuzzy queries, we
go over all the files in the dataset before the cloud randomly pick two keywords and modify them into
server can get the final result. The inner product the fuzzy keywords. Figure 4.(a) shows the
computation is only related to the length of the performance metrics of our scheme according to k.
index, so the computation time changes little in Note that there is no recall for the exact matching
figure 3.(d). because the false negative doesn’t exist. One
observation is that precision is very low when k is
small, i.e. 5% at k = 1. Because that multiple LSH
functions are used together to enlarge the gap
between p1 and p. So when the k is small, the gap is
not big enough to distinguish the different
keywords, and most of the files in the dataset have
been returned, which leads to high fp and low fn.
The jump at k = 5 is due to the gap between p1 and
p2 increases exponentially respect to k. After a
certain k, i.e., k = 8, the precision is remained at a
high level, which is above 90% for the exact search

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 5, July - Aug 2016
and above 80% for the fuzzy search. Another 2. Compute n = ab. n is used as the modulus for
observation is that the recall drops when increasing both the public and
the k. This is because that increasing the k will private keys
cause more false negatives. In general, the false 3. Compute f(n) = (a – 1)(b – 1), where f is
positive and the false negative cannot be improved Euler'stotient function.
at the same time. Another important parameter is 4. Choose an integer e such that 1 <e< f(n) and
the number of the keywords in the query. Figure greatest common divisor of (e, f(n)) = 1; i.e.,
4.(b) shows the precision of the exact match eandf(n) are co prime.
decreasing slightly, from 100% to 96% while the e is released as the public key exponent. Having a
number of the keywords in the query increases from short bit-length .
1 to 10. This is reasonable because the false Encryption
positive generated by each keyword accumulates. Person A transmits her public key to Person B and
But the precision for the fuzzy search doesn’t show keeps the private key secret. Person B then wishes
the same pattern. It is slightly increased from 70% to send message M to Person A. He first turns M
to 81% when the number of the keywords in the into an integer m, such that by using an agreed-
query increases from 1 to 10. The reason is that the upon reversible protocol known as a padding
false positive caused by the LSH functions scheme. He then computes the cipher text
contributes much more tp+fp corresponding to this can be done quickly using the
method of exponentiation by squaring. Person B
then transmits to Person A. Note that at least nine
values of m could yield a cipher text c equal to m,
but this is very unlikely to occur in practice.
Person A can recover from by using her private key
exponent via computing Given , she can recover
the original message M by reversing the padding
scheme.(In practice, there are more efficient
methods of calculating using the pre computed
values below.)
C. Predicate Privacy in Searchable Encryption
Fig 3.3 Shen et al [32] proposed a SKC-based predicate
encryption scheme with predicate privacy. However,
I. ALGORITHMS USED in a SKC-based scheme with an encryption key one
can generate any search capabilities, which is
A .RSA Algorithm undesirable for search authorization. Under public
This algorithm is used to encrypt n decrypt file key setting, [4] proposed a key refreshing solution
contents.It is an asymmetric algorithm. The RSA to randomize the original keywords used in
algorithm involvesthree steps: key generation, generating the trapdoors in PEKS, but that requires
encryption and decryption. a user to share a secret with all potential encryptors.
Key generation In contrast, in our enhanced solution some secrets
RSA involves a public key and a private key. The are kept by proxies, thus it does not incur any
public key can be known to everyone and is used interaction between owners and users.
forencrypting messages. Messages encrypted with VI.CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE
the public key can only be decrypted using the Thus we proposed the problem of multiple-keyword
private key. The keysfor the RSA algorithm are ranked search over encrypted cloud data, and
generated the following way: construct a variety of security requirements. From
1. Choose two distinct prime numbers a and b. various multi keyword concepts, we choose the
efficient principle of coordinate matching. We first

ISSN: 2455-135X http://www.ijcsejournal.org Page 9

International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 5, July - Aug 2016
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