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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 2 Issue 1, Nov - Dec 2016


An Effective Aggressive Multi-Keyword Ranked Search

Procedure over Encrypted Cloud Data with Enhanced Protection
Assistant Professor,
Tamilnadu , India.

Due to the increasing popularity of cloud computing, more and more data owners are
motivated to outsource their data to cloud servers for great convenience and reduced cost in
data management. However, sensitive data should be encrypted before outsourcing for
privacy requirements, which obsoletes data utilization like keyword-based document
retrieval. In this paper, we present a secure multi-keyword ranked search scheme over
encrypted cloud data, which simultaneously supports dynamic update operations like deletion
and insertion of documents. Specifically, the vector space model and the widely-used
TF_IDF model are combined in the index construction and query generation. We construct a
special tree-based index structure and propose a “Greedy Depth-first Search” algorithm to
provide efficient multi-keyword ranked search. The secure kNN algorithm is utilized to
encrypt the index and query vectors, and meanwhile ensure accurate relevance score
calculation between encrypted index and query vectors. In order to resist statistical attacks,
phantom terms are added to the index vector for blinding search results. Due to the use of our
special tree-based index structure, the proposed scheme can achieve sub-linear search time
and deal with the deletion and insertion of documents flexibly. Extensive experiments are
conducted to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed scheme.

documents, etc.) to remote servers brings

1. INTRODUCTION privacy concerns. The cloud service
providers (CSPs) that keep the data for
CLOUD computing has been users may access users’ sensitive
considered as a new model of enterprise IT information without authorization. A
infrastructure, which can organize huge general approach to protect the data
resource of computing, storage and confidentiality is to encrypt the data before
applications, and enable users to enjoy outsourcing [2]. However, this will cause a
ubiquitous, convenient and on-demand huge cost in terms of data usability. For
network access to a shared pool of example, the existing techniques on
configurable computing resources with keyword-based information retrieval,
great efficiency and minimal economic which are widely used on the plaintext
overhead [1]. Attracted by these appealing data, cannot be directly applied on the
features, both individuals and enterprises encrypted data. Downloading all the data
are motivated to outsource their data to the from the cloud and decrypt locally is
cloud, instead of purchasing software and obviously impractical. In order to address
hardware to manage the data themselves. the above problem, researchers have
Despite of the various advantages of cloud designed some general-purpose solutions
services, outsourcing sensitive information with fully-homomorphic encryption [3] or
(such as e-mails, personal health records, oblivious RAMs [4]. However, these
company finance data, government methods are not practical due to their high

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 2 Issue 1, Nov - Dec 2016

computational overhead for both the cloud relevance score calculation between
sever and user. On the contrary, more encrypted index and query vectors. To
practical specialpurpose solutions, such as resist different attacks in different threat
searchable encryption (SE) schemes have models, we construct two secure search
made specific contributions in terms of schemes: the basic dynamic multi-keyword
efficiency, functionality and security. ranked search (BDMRS) scheme in the
Searchable encryption schemes enable the known cipher text model, and the
client to store the encrypted data to the enhanced dynamic multi-keyword ranked
cloud and execute keyword search over search (EDMRS) scheme in the known
ciphertext domain. So far, abundant works background model.
have been proposed under different threat
models to achieve various search Our contributions are summarized as
functionality, such as single keyword follows:
search, similarity search, multi-keyword 1) We design a searchable encryption
boolean search, ranked search, multi- scheme that supports both the accurate
keyword ranked search, etc. Among them, multi-keyword ranked search and flexible
multi keyword ranked search achieves dynamic operation on document
more and more attention for its practical collection.
applicability. Recently, some dynamic 2) Due to the special structure of our tree-
schemes have been proposed to support based index, the search complexity of the
inserting and deleting operations on proposed scheme is fundamentally kept to
document collection. These are significant logarithmic. And in practice, the proposed
works as it is highly possible that the data scheme can achieve higher search
owners need to update their data on the efficiency by executing our “Greedy
cloud server. But few of the dynamic Depth-first Search” algorithm. Moreover,
schemes support efficient multi keyword parallel search can be flexibly performed
ranked search. to further reduce the time cost of search
This paper proposes a secure tree-based process. The reminder of this paper is
search scheme over the encrypted cloud organized as follows.
data, which supports multi keyword Related work is discussed in Section 2,
ranked search and dynamic operation on and Section 3 gives a brief introduction to
the document collection. Specifically, the the system model, threat model, the design
vector space model and the widely-used goals, and the preliminaries. Section 4
“term frequency (TF) × inverse doc ument describes the schemes in detail. Section 5
frequency (IDF)” model are combined in presents the experiments and performance
the index construction and query analysis. And Section 6 covers the
generation to provide multikeyword conclusion.
ranked search. In order to obtain high
search efficiency, we construct a tree- 2. SYSTEM STUDY
based index structure and propose a 2.1 FEASIBILITY STUDY
“Greedy Depth-first Search” algorithm The feasibility of the project is analyzed in
based on this index tree. Due to the special this phase and business proposal is put
structure of our tree-based index, the forth with a very general plan for the
proposed search scheme can flexibly project and some cost estimates. During
achieve sub-linear search time and deal system analysis the feasibility study of the
with the deletion and insertion of proposed system is to be carried out. This
documents. The secure kNN algorithm is is to ensure that the proposed system is not
utilized to encrypt the index and query a burden to the company. For feasibility
vectors, and meanwhile ensure accurate analysis, some understanding of the major
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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 2 Issue 1, Nov - Dec 2016

requirements for the system is essential. 3. SYSTEM ANALYSIS

Three key considerations involved in the
feasibility analysis are 3.1 EXISTING SYSTEM
 ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITY A general approach to protect the data
 TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY confidentiality is to encrypt the data before
outsourcing. Searchable encryption
schemes enable the client to store the
encrypted data to the cloud and execute
This study is carried out to check the
keyword search over cipher text domain.
economic impact that the system will have
So far, abundant works have been
on the organization. The amount of fund
proposed under different threat models to
that the company can pour into the
achieve various search functionality, such
research and development of the system is
as single keyword search, similarity
limited. The expenditures must be
search, multi-keyword boolean search,
justified. Thus the developed system as
ranked search, multi-keyword ranked
well within the budget and this was
search, etc. Among them, multi-keyword
achieved because most of the technologies
ranked search achieves more and more
used are freely available. Only the
attention for its practical applicability.
customized products had to be purchased.
Recently, some dynamic schemes have
TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY been proposed to support inserting and
This study is carried out to check the deleting operations on document
technical feasibility, that is, the technical collection. These are significant works as
requirements of the system. Any system it is highly possible that the data owners
developed must not have a high demand need to update their data on the cloud
on the available technical resources. This server.
will lead to high demands on the available 3.1.1 DISADVANTAGES OF
technical resources. This will lead to high EXISTING SYSTEM
demands being placed on the client. The Huge cost in terms of data usability. For
developed system must have a modest example, the existing techniques on
requirement, as only minimal or null keyword-based information retrieval,
changes are required for implementing this which are widely used on the plaintext
system. data, cannot be directly applied on the
encrypted data. Downloading all the data
SOCIAL FEASIBILITY from the cloud and decrypt locally is
The aspect of study is to check the level of obviously impractical. Existing System
acceptance of the system by the user. This methods not practical due to their high
includes the process of training the user to computational overhead for both the cloud
use the system efficiently. The user must sever and user
not feel threatened by the system, instead 3.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM
must accept it as a necessity. The level of This paper proposes a secure tree-based
acceptance by the users solely depends on search scheme over the encrypted cloud
the methods that are employed to educate data, which supports multi-keyword
the user about the system and to make him ranked search and dynamic operation on
familiar with it. His level of confidence the document collection. Specifically, the
must be raised so that he is also able to vector space model and the widely-used
make some constructive criticism, which is “term frequency (TF) × inverse document
welcomed, as he is the final user of the frequency (IDF)” model are combined in
system. the index construction and query
generation to provide multi-keyword

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 2 Issue 1, Nov - Dec 2016

ranked search. In order to obtain high

search efficiency, we construct a tree-
based index structure and propose a
“Greedy Depth-first Search” algorithm
based on this index tree. The secure kNN
algorithm is utilized to encrypt the index
and query vectors, and meanwhile ensure
accurate relevance score calculation
between encrypted index and query
vectors. To resist different attacks in
different threat models, we construct two 4.1 MODULES
secure search schemes: the basic dynamic Index Module:
multi-keyword ranked search (BDMRS) Index structures for huge datasets cannot
scheme in the known cipher text model, be stored in main memory. Disk is a
and the enhanced dynamic multi-keyword possible alternative. Storing it on disk
ranked search (EDMRS) scheme in the requires different approach. The solution is
known background model. to use more branches to reduce the height
3.2.1 ADVANTAGES OF PROPOSED of the tree. For this we used B-tree data
SYSTEM structure for each document. B-tree is a
Due to the special structure of our tree- data structure of order n. The nodes are
based index, the proposed search scheme filled from n to 2n keys. Nodes are always
can flexibly achieve sub-linear search time at least half full of keys. The keys are
and deal with the deletion and insertion of within each node. A list of pointers is
documents. We design a searchable inserted between keys. These pointers help
encryption scheme that supports both the to navigate through tree. In general, a node
accurate multi-keyword ranked search and with k keys has (k+1) pointers.
flexible dynamic operation on document Search Module:
collection. Due to the special structure of Searching a B-tree is like searching a
our tree-based index, the search binary tree. Here instead of making a
complexity of the proposed scheme is binary branching decision at each node, we
fundamentally kept to logarithmic. And in make a multiday branching decision
practice, the proposed scheme can achieve according to the number of the node's
higher search efficiency by executing our children.
“Greedy Depth-first Search” algorithm. Ranking Module:
Moreover, parallel search can be flexibly In large databases, it is quite likely that the
performed to further reduce the time cost keyword might be matching with more
of search process. number of documents. It is cumbersome
4. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE for a user to decrypt and go through all the
documents. Therefore there is a need for
ranking the documents based on their
relevance to the keywords. In our scheme
we used (TF * IDF) to rank the documents.
TF is the term frequency i.e. occurrence of
keywords in a document and IDF is
inverse document frequency i.e. total
number of documents divided by number
of documents containing the keyword.
Similarity measure is used to find the rank
based on relevance. For this, we maintain
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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 2 Issue 1, Nov - Dec 2016

two vectors one for storing TF weight and the challenge from the cloud server.
other to store IDF weight. Actually, there are many secure challenges
Result Analysis: in a multi-user scheme. Firstly, all the
The privacy preserved multi-keyword users usually keep the same secure key for
search based on the encrypted cloud data trapdoor generation in a symmetric SE
has been designed. The system model scheme. In this case, the revocation of the
presented has been developed on Visual user is big challenge. If it is needed to
Studio 2010 framework 4.0 with C#. The revoke a user in this scheme, we need to
overall system has been developed and rebuild the index and distribute the new
implemented with Microsoft Azure cloud secure keys to all the authorized users.
platform. Secondly, symmetric SE schemes usually
assume that all the data users are
5. CONCLUSION trustworthy.
In this paper, a secure, efficient and 6. Results
dynamic search scheme is proposed, which It is not practical and a dishonest data user
supports not only the accurate multi- will lead to many secure problems. For
keyword ranked search but also the example, a dishonest data user may search
dynamic deletion and insertion of the documents and distribute the decrypted
documents. We construct a special documents to the unauthorized ones. Even
keyword balanced binary tree as the index, more, a dishonest data user may distribute
and propose a “Greedy Depth-first Search” his/her secure keys to the unauthorized
algorithm to obtain better efficiency than ones. In the future works, we will try to
linear search. In addition, the parallel improve the SE scheme to handle these
search process can be carried out to further challenge problems.
reduce the time cost. The security of the
scheme is protected against two threat
models by using the secure kNN
algorithm. Experimental results
demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed
scheme. There are still many challenge
problems in symmetric SE schemes. In the
proposed scheme, the data owner is
responsible for generating updating
information and sending them to the cloud
server. Thus, the data owner needs to store Fig 6.1
the unencrypted index tree and the
information that are necessary to
recalculate the IDF values. Such an active
data owner may not be very suitable for
the cloud computing model. It could be a
meaningful but difficult future work to
design a dynamic searchable encryption
scheme whose updating operation can be
completed by cloud server only,
meanwhile reserving the ability to support Fig 6.2
multi-keyword ranked search. In addition,
as the most of works about searchable
encryption, our scheme mainly considers

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