DRRR Reader
DRRR Reader
DRRR Reader
and Risk Reduction
O Reader
Department of Education
Republic of the Philippines
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Disaster Reduction and Risk Management – Core
First Edition 2017
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Mario A. Aurelio
Chechen M. Tan
Management Team
Bureau of Curriculum Development
Bureau of Learning Resources
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The creation and inclusion of the Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction (DRRR)
subject in the Philippines’ K-12 Curriculum aims to facilitate the integration of knowledge
from various perspectives into the relevant and timely issues on learning how to live with
the forces of nature. Given the records of history, every Filipino should be familiar with the
impact of disasters to the development of their community and the country as a whole. And
while disasters can also arise from man-made hazards, more emphasis is given to natural
hazards that are inevitable given the Philippines geographic and geologic setting.
This Reader for the DRRR subject is divided into chapters based on the content
indicated in the Department of Education Curriculum Guides. Each chapter includes the
most basic materials that can eventually impart to the user the backbone of disaster risk
Aside from the basic content provided in this reader, each chapter also includes
“Supplementary Materials” that may enhance the understanding of each topic. These
materials may include online videos, manuals, posters, maps, and other resources that, if
accessible, can be used in more in-depth exploration of each topic.
Important note
As you browse the contents of this compilation, be aware of the new developments
from the government and other reputable institutions that may be improvements of what is
found here. Most materials in this Reader come from internationally-recognized
government and non-government organizations, local and foreign, that have a strong
background and widespread involvement in hazard identification, and disaster prevention
and response. Being at the frontline during disasters, these organizations have the
capability to gather more information as devastating events happen or, preferably, are
prevented. In effect, some of the contents of this Reader may become dated as new ideas
are constantly put forward.
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All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
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Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... iii
Environmental degradation and disasters ........................................................................................ 16
Health and healthcare ...................................................................................................................... 20
The City as a Risk Area ...................................................................................................................... 27
How food insecurity influences disaster risk ..................................................................................... 33
III. Earthquake Hazards ................................................................................................................... 42
School Earthquake and Tsunami Awareness and Preparedness ...................................................... 45
Earthquake and Earthquake Hazards........................................................................................... 46
What to do before, during and after an Earthquake ................................................................... 55
Understanding Tsunami and Tsunami Preparedness .................................................................. 59
How to Organize and Conduct an Earthquake Drill in School ...................................................... 65
Designing an Earthquake Evacuation Plan for a School ............................................................... 70
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VII. FIRE HAZARD ........................................................................................................................... 234
Prevent Fire through Good Housekeeping ...................................................................................... 234
Preparing for disasters: Fire ............................................................................................................ 241
MANAGEMENT (DRRM) ................................................................................................................. 295
Introduction to Disaster Risk Reduction.......................................................................................... 297
Help Is Here: Top Ten Things You Can Do In Your Neighbourhood ................................................. 305
How Do We Bounce Back From Disasters? ..................................................................................... 306
Here to Help: Dealing With Post-Disaster Stress ............................................................................. 308
Ready, Set, Go! ................................................................................................................................ 309
Become Risk-Smart ......................................................................................................................... 310
#1: Creating a Risk Map.............................................................................................................. 311
#2: Making Murals and Exhibitions ............................................................................................ 313
#3: Initiating and Supporting Risk Reduction Activities ............................................................. 314
Become Prepared ............................................................................................................................ 316
#1: Where? When? How? .......................................................................................................... 316
#2: Making A Family Disaster Preparedness Plan ...................................................................... 317
#3: Packing an Emergency Bag ................................................................................................... 319
X. WHAT TO EXPECT BETWEEN THE STATE AND THE CITIZENS ...................................................... 326
Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System (PDRRMS) ....................................... 327
Republic Act 10121: The DRRM Act of 2010 ................................................................................... 345
Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 10121 ......................................................................... 360
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I. Basic Concept of Hazard
The definitions of terms are the key to community or society to cope using its own
understand the concepts referred to in this resources.
subject. As such, the United Nations
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Comment: Disasters are often described as a
(ISDR) has a set of widely-used and accepted result of the combination of: the exposure to
definitions for terms commonly used when a hazard; the conditions of vulnerability that
discussing Disaster Risk Reduction. are present; and insufficient capacity or
measures to reduce or cope with the
The following is a selection of essential terms potential negative consequences. Disaster
for this chapter, along with their definitions impacts may include loss of life, injury,
and contextual comments directly lifted disease and other negative effects on human
from the "2009 UNISDR Terminology on physical, mental and social well-being,
Disaster Risk Reduction". together with damage to property,
destruction of assets, loss of services, social
Hazard and economic disruption and environmental
A dangerous phenomenon, substance, degradation.
human activity or condition that may cause
loss of life, injury or other health impacts, Natural hazard
property damage, loss of livelihoods and Natural process or phenomenon that may
services, social and economic disruption, or cause loss of life, injury or other health
environmental damage. impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods
and services, social and economic disruption,
Comment: The hazards of concern to disaster or environmental damage.
risk reduction as stated in footnote 3 of the
Hyogo Framework are “… hazards of natural Comment: Natural hazards are a sub-set of
origin and related environmental and all hazards. The term is used to describe
technological hazards and risks.” Such actual hazard events as well as the latent
hazards arise from a variety of geological, hazard conditions that may give rise to
meteorological, hydrological, oceanic, future events. Natural hazard events can be
biological, and technological sources, characterized by their magnitude or
sometimes acting in combination. In intensity, speed of onset, duration, and area
technical settings, hazards are described of extent. For example, earthquakes have
quantitatively by the likely frequency of short durations and usually affect a relatively
occurrence of different intensities for small region, whereas droughts are slow to
different areas, as determined from historical develop and fade away and often affect
data or scientific analysis. large regions. In some cases hazards may be
coupled, as in the flood caused by a
Disaster hurricane or the tsunami that is created by
A serious disruption of the functioning of a an earthquake.
community or a society involving widespread
human, material, economic or Technological hazards
environmental losses and impacts, which A hazard originating from technological or
exceeds the ability of the affected industrial conditions, including accidents,
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dangerous procedures, infrastructure and other geological events, they are
failures or specific human activities, that may essentially an oceanic process that is
cause loss of life, injury, illness or other manifested as a coastal water-related
health impacts, property damage, loss of hazard.
livelihoods and services, social and economic
disruption, or environmental damage. Hydrometeorological hazard
Process or phenomenon of atmospheric,
Comment: Examples of technological hydrological or oceanographic nature that
hazards include industrial pollution, nuclear may cause loss of life, injury or other health
radiation, toxic wastes, dam failures, impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods
transport accidents, factory explosions, fires, and services, social and economic disruption,
and chemical spills. Technological hazards or environmental damage.
also may arise directly as a result of the
impacts of a natural hazard event. Comment: Hydrometeorological hazards
include tropical cyclones (also known as
Biological hazard typhoons and hurricanes), thunderstorms,
Process or phenomenon of organic origin or hailstorms, tornados, blizzards, heavy
conveyed by biological vectors, including
snowfall, avalanches, coastal storm surges,
exposure to pathogenic micro-organisms, floods including flash floods, drought, heat
toxins and bioactive substances that may C waves and cold spells. Hydrometeorological
cause loss of life, injury, illness or other conditions also can be a factor in other
health impacts, property damage, loss of hazards such as landslides, wildland fires,
livelihoods and services, social and economic locust plagues, epidemics, and in the
disruption, or environmental damage. transport and dispersal of toxic substances
and volcanic eruption material
Comment: Examples of biological hazards
include outbreaks of epidemic diseases, plant Supplementary Materials:
Geological hazard management/about-disasters/definition-of-
Geological process or phenomenon that may hazard/
cause loss of life, injury or other health 2. National Disaster Risk Reduction and
impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods Management Council. (2014, June). National
and services, social and economic disruption, Disaster Response Plan. Available at:
or environmental damage. http://www.ndrrmc.gov.ph/attachments/article/
Comment: Geological hazards include
internal earth processes, such as
earthquakes, volcanic activity and emissions,
and related geophysical processes such as
mass movements, landslides, rockslides,
surface collapses, and debris or mud flows.
Hydrometeorological factors are important
contributors to some of these processes.
Tsunamis are difficult to categorize; although
they are triggered by undersea earthquakes
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II. Basic Concept of Disaster and Disaster Risk
Disaster Risk is often defined by the Extensive risk; Intensive risk; Prospective
following relationship: disaster risk management; Residual risk;
Risk assessment; Risk management; Risk
𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑧𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑥 𝑉𝑢𝑙𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦
𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑘 =
𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑜𝑝𝑒 Disaster risk
The potential disaster losses, in lives, health
The following is a selection of additional
status, livelihoods, assets and services,
essential terms for this chapter, along with
which could occur to a particular
their definitions and contextual comments
community or a society over some specified
directly lifted from the "2009 UNISDR
future time period.
Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction".
Consult the whole publication of
Comment: The definition of disaster risk
terminologies (Appendix) for related
reflects the concept of disasters as the
concepts. These are also discussed in the
outcome of continuously present conditions
"Introduction to disaster risk reduction" by
of risk. Disaster risk comprises different
the United States Agency for International
types of potential losses which are often
Development (USAID, 2011), excerpts of
which are included here.
C difficult to quantify. Nevertheless, with
knowledge of the prevailing hazards and the
patterns of population and socio-economic
Risk development, disaster risks can be assessed
The combination of the probability of an and mapped, in broad terms at least.
event and its negative consequences.
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social, economic, and environmental Detailed analysis of these variables is
factors. Examples may include poor design complex and will be the subject of Chapter
and construction of buildings, inadequate VIII. One of the learning competencies of
protection of assets, lack of public this chapter is to start developing an
information and awareness, limited official appreciation of a multi-faceted approach to
recognition of risks and preparedness disaster risk by understanding the nature
measures, and disregard for wise and effects of disasters from "different
environmental management. Vulnerability perspectives (physical, psychological, socio-
varies significantly within a community and cultural, economic, political, and
over time. This definition identifies biological)" (DepEd DRRR curriculum guide).
vulnerability as a characteristic of the
element of interest (community, system or The "World Risk Reports", by the United
asset) which is independent of its exposure. Nations University - Institute for
However, in common use the word is often Environment and Human Security, provide
used more broadly to include the element’s in-depth analysis of disaster risk from
exposure. various angles. Excerpts from each report
since 2011 are included in this compilation,
Capacity but the entire reports may be accessed
The combination of all the strengths, online (see citation) if a more detailed and
attributes and resources available within a C comprehensive approach is required.
community, society or organization that can
Supplementary Materials:
be used to achieve agreed goals. 1. Dilley, M. & Golnaraghi, M. (2005). Risk identification:
a critical component of disaster risk management.
Comment: Capacity may include Available at:
infrastructure and physical means, https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/chrr/pdf/grip/Dilley
institutions, societal coping abilities, as well
2. Dillon, C. (2015, March 17). Exposed: Why Vanuatu is
as human knowledge, skills and collective
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Introduction to Disaster Risk Reduction
From “Introduction to disaster risk reduction,” USAID Disaster Risk Reduction Training Course for
Southern Africa, 2011.
beings as innovative creatures have sought implementation of the above is evident on
new ways in which to curb the devastating the African continent, despite a number of
effects of disasters. However, for years, inter-regional and high-level discussions
human conduct regarding disasters has and forms of collaboration.
been reactive in nature. Communities,
sometimes aware of the risks that they The following module will introduce you to
face, would wait in anticipation of a the field of disaster risk reduction. The first
disastrous event and then activate plans
C part of the module will focus on defining
and procedures. Human social and the basic, but most important, terms in
economic development has further relation to disaster studies. The different
contributed to creating vulnerability and elements of disaster risk management will
thus weakening the ability of humans enjoy attention, and how these different
to cope with disasters and their effects. elements contribute to our
understanding and better management
Disasters impede human development. of risk and disasters will be explained.
disaster risk within any given This module also provides a more
community. In the same light, the level theoretical look at the evolution of the
of disaster risk prevalent in a study of disasters and in doing so
community is linked to the emphasis will be placed on the trans-
developmental choices exerted by that disciplinary nature of disaster risk
community (UNDP, 2004). The link reduction. After the theoretical foundation
between disasters and development is for the understanding of disaster risk
well researched and documented. The fact management has been laid, the emphasis
that disasters impact on development (e.g. will shift towards an understanding of how
a school being washed away in a flood) disaster risk management functions as an
and development increases or decreases integrated approach within the context of
the risk of disasters (e.g. introducing sustainable development. The last part
earthquake-resistant building techniques) of this module will provide you with
is widely accepted. Yet, every year Africa insight into some of the cross-cutting
suffers disaster losses which set back issues such as climate change and
development and leave our communities adaptation, disaster risk governance and
living in a perpetual state of risk. gender and disaster risk issues.
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2. DEFINING THE CONCEPTS Probably one of the most debated terms
Various terms linked to the activities in disaster reduction remains the basic
which we have come to understand as definition of a disaster. Many scholars
disaster risk reduction, have evolved and (see the work of Quarantelli, 1998b;
been refined over the past 50 years. An Quarantelli & Perry, 2005) have expressed
over- emphasis on disaster and diverse views on what exactly constitutes
humanitarian relief has made way for the a disaster. Some link the existence of a
contemporary terms such as disaster disaster to a specific amount of losses
reduction and disaster risk management. sustained (e.g. number of people killed
However, a common understanding of the and injured), others judge an event to be a
various terms underlying disaster risk disaster if a certain predefined threshold is
reduction is crucial if one aims to ensure a breached (e.g. a trigger to a certain
standardized approach by all stakeholders. contingency measure is reached), some
The section that follows aims to give judge disasters on their geographical
perspective on the most important terms extent and significance with regard to
used in the field of disaster reduction. The “normal” conditions, while some express a
definition of these terms has been disaster in terms of its monetary value in
universally accepted to be valid and is a losses. However, since the International
compilation of the definitions according to Decade of Natural Disaster Reduction
the published terminology of the United (IDNDR) the various scientific
Nations International Strategy for Disaster understandings of disaster have
Reduction (UNISDR, 2009). UNISDR is the
C culminated in a globally accepted
secretariat of the International Strategy definition.
for Disaster Reduction (ISDR). It was
created in December 1999 and is part The UNISDR (2009) defines a disaster as:
of the UN Secretariat with the purpose of “A serious disruption of the functioning of
ensuring the implementation of the a community or a society involving
reduction in Africa with the internationally community to cope using only its own
acceptable concepts is logical. resources.”
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community to handle the consequences by destruction of assets, loss of services, social
making use of all their resources, then and economic disruption and
the event can be classified as “a environmental degradation.”
disaster”. Lastly, note should be taken of
the concept “community”. Various It is important to note that the term
disciplines define “community” quite “natural disaster” has not been used, the
differently. A community is a collection of reason being it is inaccurate and
people sharing common interests and misleading to refer to “natural disasters”.
values. Despite being culturally diverse,
mobile or unstable, members of a Disasters: Natural or not?
community communicate with or on Disaster risk can be determined by the
behalf of each other in order to achieve a presence of three variables: hazards
mutually beneficial outcome – they are (natural or anthropogenic); vulnerability to
bound together by a common goal, a hazard; and coping capacity linked to
their sense of belonging and a sense of the reduction, mitigation and resilience
to the vulnerability of a community
place. However, the management of
associated with the hazard in question.
disasters and the risk associated with For example, let’s assume we are dealing
disasters in most Southern African
with a poor African community (i.e. an
Development Community (SADC) countries informal settlement situated in the 1/50
becomes the responsibility of year flood-line). Certain socio-economic
Government. One should therefore and political dynamics in the country force
appreciate the fact that in order for a
C poor communities to settle in unsafe
conditions (e.g. distance from employment
government to adequately manage opportunities, urbanisation, poor land use
disasters, the definition of “community” planning etc.). Along comes a natural
must be very clear. To this end it has hazard such as a significant flood, and the
become common practice for community settled in the flood-line is
governments to use their administrative exposed to the point of experiencing a
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2.2 Risk and disaster risk are therefore more at risk than
Risk has various connotations within communities that do have the capacity to
different disciplines. In general risk is cope.
defined as “the combination of the
probability of an event and its negative Risks exist or are created within social
consequences” (UNISDR, 2009). The term systems. The social context in which risk
risk is thus multidisciplinary and is used in occurs is an important consideration. It
a variety of contexts. Risk is usually should also be noted that people therefore
associated with the degree to which do not share the same perceptions of risk
humans cannot cope (lack of capacity) and their underlying causes due to their
with a particular situation (e.g. natural social circumstances. To determine
hazard). disaster risk three aspects need to be
present: a hazard, vulnerability to the
One should be mindful that we as hazard and some form of coping
humans do not have absolute capacity
capacity. These terms will now enjoy
and have sustained and will sustain
significant losses due to natural greater attention.
hazards in future. We however need
to realize that we also have capacity 2.3 Hazard
to make the right decisions, implement A hazard is defined as “a dangerous
the right measures, and engage in phenomenon, substance, human activity
intelligent development planning which
or condition that may cause loss of life,
will reduce the risk of disasters
occurring. The reduction of a risk
C injury or other health impacts, property
manifesting in a disaster therefore damage, loss of livelihoods and services,
requires a very broad multi-sectoral and social and economic disruption, or
multidisciplinary focus where the
environmental damage” (UNISDR, 2009).
structural engineer, politician, social
worker, agricultural extension worker
and even kindergarten teacher all
Hazards can be single, sequential or
have equally important roles in combined in their origin and effects. Each
ensuring natural hazards do not hazard is characterized by its location,
become disasters. intensity, probability and likely frequency.
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various hazards and this must inform our 2.4 Vulnerability
planning. Vulnerability is defined as the
characteristics and circumstances of a
A distinction should also be made between community, system or asset that make it
normal natural occurrences and natural susceptible to the damaging effects of a
hazards. Natural phenomena are extreme hazard. Vulnerability is a set of prevailing
climatological (weather), hydrological or consequential conditions arising from
(water), or geological (earth) processes various physical, social, economic and
that do not pose any threat to persons or environmental factors which increase
property. A massive earthquake in an the susceptibility of a community to the
unpopulated area (e.g. the Sahara desert) impact of hazards (UNISDR, 2002:24). It
is a natural phenomenon. Once the can also comprise physical, socio-
consequences (a possible hazardous economic and/or political factors that
situation) of this natural phenomenon adversely affect the ability of communities
come into contact with human beings, it to respond to events (Jegillos, 1999).
becomes a natural hazard. If this natural Blaikie et al. (1994) are of the opinion that
hazard (due to the unplanned or poorly vulnerability is constituted by the
planned activities of the human beings), characteristics of a person or group in
affects them so that they are unable to terms of their capacity to anticipate, cope
cope, the situation becomes a disaster. with, resist and recover from the impact
of a hazard. Vulnerability can be expressed
C as the degree of loss resulting from a
Difference between a hazard and a potentially damaging phenomenon or
disaster hazard. It is therefore the extent to
“Strictly speaking there are no such
which a community will degrade when
things as natural disasters, but subjected to a specified set of hazardous
there are natural hazards. A conditions.
extent of a community’s
measured in deaths, damage, or costs
vulnerability to the hazard
(for a given developing country)
(conversely, its ability, or capacity
to cope with it). This vulnerability is increases with the increased
not natural, but the result of an marginalization of the population. This can
be caused by a high birth rate, problems
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2.5 Coping capacity improve and refine existing structures,
Coping capacity for disaster risk systems and environments in order to
reduction refers to the ability of progress. Returning to an original or
people, organizations and systems, using previous state therefore corresponds with
available skills and resources, to face and the tendency of certain communities to
manage adverse conditions such as return to vulnerable locations and rebuild
hazards, emergencies or disasters. Coping their houses, without improving conditions
capacities contribute to the reduction of and increasing chances to progress.
disaster risks (UNISDR, 2009). The focus Resilience, however, implicitly requires
here should therefore not only be on the improvement.
individual or the community but also the
capacity of the supporting mechanisms to The UNISDR defines resilience as “the
the individual and the community at large. ability of a system, community or society
For example, one specific community exposed to hazards to resist, absorb,
might consist of a number of new accommodate to and recover from the
immigrants but this new community might effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient
enjoy the support of the local municipality. manner, including through the
In themselves, the new community might preservation and restoration of its
not have cohesion yet, but their capacity essential basic structures and functions”
lays in the support, which they have. (UNISDR, 2009). This definition therefore
Similarly an impoverished community considers the presence of a hazard and
might not be the focus of development,
C not a disaster. Thus once a disaster
but inherent in their internal social and actually occurs, it would be incorrect to
economic structures they might possess refer to resilience but rather to coping
significant coping capacity and resilience. capacity. Resilience and the building of
Coping capacity is therefore just as much resilience should therefore be seen as an
about what a community internally integral part of disaster risk reduction
industry, resilience would be the ability of organising itself both prior to and during
metal or a structure to return to an times of need (UNISDR, 2009).
original state – being able to withstand
shock, weight or pressure. However, Excerpt from:
United States Agency for International
human systems cannot be untouched by Development. (2011, August). Introduction to
life events – they do not necessarily return disaster risk reduction. Retrieved from
to an original or former state and the http://www.preventionweb.net/files/26081_kp1
challenge is to continuously develop,
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Governance and civil society
From World Risk Report 2011, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human
Security. http://weltrisikobericht.de/english/
What risks are caused by “fragile” states, Weak governance – big risk
regarding natural hazards? What influence
on disaster prevention do actors of the civil Weak governance is one of the most
society have? How can they demand important risk factors with regard to the
responsible and effective governance? The impact of natural hazards, which is shown,
focal topic of World Risk Report 2011 deals inter alia, in the number of deaths: states
with the complex relationship of with strong institutions have fewer deaths
“Governance and civil society” in the field after extreme natural events than those
of disaster prevention and disaster with weak or inexistent institutions (Kahn
management. In addition to two keynote 2005).
articles, it features case studies of projects
of Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft member In states considered weak according to the
organizations, which show how civil society Failed States index of the Fund for Peace,
initiatives for disaster risk reduction and the government cannot or can only partially
good governance work hand in hand. C provide its citizens with basic government
functions, such as security and welfare
State failure as a risk factor – How benefits, or rule of law. Many of these
natural events turn into disasters states primarily act as “skimming devices”:
most available funds are used for their own
Whether natural events turn into disasters personnel and do not flow into public
depends critically on the coping and interest-oriented development processes.
adaptive capacities of governments. In Often, there is an oversized police and
magnitude scale struck Haiti, the and low pay of their personnel, especially in
consequences were devastating. More than the lower echelons, as well as widespread
220,000 people were killed in the disaster corruption. Most weak states have only a
(CRED EM-DAT 2011), as many people small taxable income base since no taxes
injured and 1.5 million became homeless. In can be collected from the usually large
segments of poor people, and the citizens
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and its structures for private interests. the lack of monitoring capacities of the
government and high levels of corruption,
building regulations – if they exist – can be
Haiti – a reason for concern bypassed. The development of disaster
preparedness plans is often prevented by
the low qualification or sheer non-existence
of state personnel. Further, insufficient
government revenue hinders the regular
conduct of awareness campaigns and the
Haiti is a “fragile state”. In the Failed States index of installation of early warning systems and
the Fund for Peace, Haiti is ranked 11th, only slightly information portals. Also, public health care
behind Somalia, Afghanistan, the Democratic in poor states is often provided
Republic of the Congo and Sudan (The Fund for
insufficiently. Only rarely is it possible to
Peace 2011). Although the President, the Prime
Minister and many government Members are
develop public services so as to be prepared
credited for their great interest and involvement, for coping with disasters. Lack of
the Government is barely able to act effectively. The investment in education and research, and
political system is fractioned and decision-making the resulting low level of education limit the
processes are extremely difficult (Collier 2009). possibilities of the population to develop
strategies to cope with disasters and thus
Furthermore, political corruption is a widespread reduce the adaptive capacities of society
phenomenon among the elite. Although the Haitian (see box on Haiti). Yet, examples from
government has recognized for a long time that it is
responsible for the provision of welfare benefits in
C states that have succeeded in recent years
in significantly strengthening their
the sectors of health and education, it does not have
a successful track record. Most social services have
institutions prove much more successful in
been and still are delivered by NGOs. In general, the coping with and adapting to disasters (see
quality of government services is very poor. The box on Chile).
inefficiency of the government and its predecessors
is also reflected by the lack of building regulations When neighbors save lives
and standards in the country as well as the fact that
national disaster management systems have been How hard a natural hazard strikes a society
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In addition, the Junta declared the 15,000 management systems, there are other
km2 of Irrawaddy Delta a “restricted area” effective social mechanisms that can help to
to international aid workers and journalists, reduce the disaster risk. Scientists and
making it greatly difficult to supply aid to practitioners who deal with the issue agree
the victims. that, particularly in the first days after a
However, in addition to national disaster disaster such as an earthquake, a flood or a
years. More than three million people live within 200 km of
the epicentre of the earthquake. Even in Santiago de Chile,
the capital located some 325 kilometres away, in many places
in Argentina and even in São Paulo at a distance of a few
thousand kilometres, the earthquake was still strongly felt.
Despite its magnitude, the earthquake claimed only 562
victims (CRED EM-DAT 2011). The mortality rate was thus
about 400 times lower than that of Haiti. A crucial difference
was due to the good governance of Chile. Chile ranks 155th in
the Failed States index of the Fund for Peace and is thus
positioned on the diametrically opposed side of the spectrum
from Haiti (The Fund for Peace 2011).
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cyclone, it is above all the informal aid Conference of the International Council of
provided in the local context and solidarity Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) in Geneva,
among people that are critical. In fact, most Switzerland, in March 2011 that hardly any
first aid is pro- vided by family and real cooperation between the Haitian
neighborhood networks. In addition, almost Government and the international
all societies have coping and adaptation community is evident; instead, there is a
strategies at their disposal. In fact, many climate of mistrust. Rather than closely
disasters are not single events; they occur accompanying the Government’s work and
every year and repeatedly reveal to the taking common action, the promised
affected societies the need of developing government aid is handled through
coping and adaption strategies, such as a international NGOs or not even disbursed.
change in building design or the creation of This creates a vicious circle: the
evacuation plans. Government does not have the necessary
financial resources to implement actions
Supporting, not replacing the State and therefore cannot demonstrate success,
which in turn would be the prerequisite for
The relief aid and development work faces gaining assertiveness and obtaining
immense challenges, given the coincidence additional funds. Therefore, there is
of weak governance and extreme natural currently a real risk that the Haitian
events. With which actors and institutions is Government will be replaced by
collaboration possible in the event of a international NGOs in the implementation
disaster? How can these actors be
C and planning processes.
strengthened? Which tasks can be assumed
by the government and which by civil Disaster risk reduction and disaster
society or private actors? It is certain that management in fragile states is
both government and local civil society play undoubtedly a challenging task. However, it
a crucial role in disaster preparedness and cannot be solved by undermining local state
Given the often severe corruption, the low supported in close partnership in bilateral
capacities of the state and a virtually non- and multilateral development cooperation
existent local civil society, it seems often when they implement and execute
easier for international public donors to development measures. More responsibility
entrust the funds earmarked for disaster and more money must gradually be
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lower level or the nearest level to the processes, or the influence of national
citizens cannot, it is important that local political processes and legislative
government structures in particular be procedures in disaster risk reduction.
strengthened. They must be allowed access
to the institutions in charge of In parallel to building state capacity, civil
reconstruction and disaster preparedness. society’s coping and adaptive capacities
should be encouraged at the local level. If
the government fails in disaster
Civil society as a lever to strengthen preparedness, then the catastrophic
the state consequences of natural disasters can at
least be mitigated at a lower level. The
Only when bilateral development organizations that collaborate within
Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft promote the
cooperation is impossible because of gross
human rights violations or extremely weak already set up social, self-help strategies,
governance resources can be provided for instance, by using traditional knowledge
solely through NGOs. This approach, of construction design or pre-existing early
however, should remain temporary. An warning systems and further developing
important function of NGOs is, in this case, them with local partner organizations.
also the strengthening of state structures in
disaster preparedness. The member These organizations also support
communities that, for example, due to
organizations of Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft
achieve this by involving government
C migration or abject poverty, have no
officials in the planning processes and, with disaster preparedness mechanisms by
the help of their partner organizations, ensuring a common risk analysis,
supporting the local population to actively transferring knowledge and providing
demand state action in the field of disaster training, and supporting necessary
preparedness and beyond. Examples preventive measures, such as dike
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Environmental degradation and disasters
From World Risk Report 2012, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human
Security. http://weltrisikobericht.de/english/
considerably greater risk in the wake of a + Ecosystems also directly influence
natural disaster where the natural adaptive capacities. When the environment
environment has been destroyed. There is is in good condition, there is a greater
an interactive link between environmental diversity of future planning options. For
destruction and disasters that many example, in Haiti and other deforested and
examples can serve to describe. But so far, environmentally degraded areas, the
these insights have been given too little opportunities for diversified strategies for
attention by politics and science. reducing future vulnerability are greatly
C reduced. It is much easier to manage to
Environmental degradation as a risk reduce future risks when your natural
factor resources currently are viable and intact;
Torsten Welle, Michael W. Beck, Peter Mucke your choices simply are greater.
Intact ecosystems can significantly reduce The role of the ecosystems and the link
+ Forests and riparian wetlands or coastal Assessment (MA) in 2005 particularly with
ecosystems such as mangroves, coral reefs regards to risks from flooding and forest
and sea-grass reduce exposure to natural fires. This UN MA study also showed that 60
hazards by acting as natural buffers and % of the ecosystems are not being
protective barriers that thus reduce the sustainably used or are in a state of ongoing
impacts of extreme natural events such as degradation (MA, 2005). The UN Global
landslides or tidal waves. Assessment Report on Disaster Risk
+ When sustainably managed and in good Reduction 2009 identified environmental
condition, intact ecosystems such as degradation and the decline of ecosystems
grasslands, forests, rivers or coastal areas as one of the chief factors raising the risk of
can reduce vulnerability. They contribute to disasters.
nutrition, income and wellbeing. In addition
to food, they can also provide medicine and However, scientists have only recently
building materials, or they can represent begun to systematically establish the extent
new sources of income, for example via to which ecosystems have a direct influence
nature-based tourism. Thus they support on disaster risk. The Secretariat of the
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United Nations Office for Disaster Risk has a profound impact on disaster risk.
Reduction (UNISDR) has applied the
ecosystem approach and referred to the Increased disaster risk through
role of the environment and its buffering environmental degradation
capacities vis-à-vis natural hazards several
times in reports. It has called for detailed There are numerous local- and regional-
studies and analyses on an understanding scale examples of the links between
of ecosystems and their influence on the ecosystem condition and disaster risk. For
reduction of disaster risks (UNEP/ISDR example, the loss of ecosystems, such as
2008). Here, there is still a considerable the degradation of wetlands and mangroves
need for research and action. along river courses, results in increased
flooding. This link has been demonstrated
There are a large number of local and
along the Mississippi River in the USA. Here,
regional studies demonstrating that the floodwater storage capacity of the soil
ecosystem functions and services and their has fallen by 80 percent owing to the
sustainable management have a mitigating degradation of forest-covered wetlands
effect on disaster risk (PEDRR 2010, along the river through canal building
Sudmeier-Rieux et al. 2006). For example it measures, leveling and draining for
is well known that agribusiness increases development purposes (MA 2005, Chapter
soil erosion and that deforestation 16). In combination with severe
increases risks of landslides.
C precipitation, snowmelt and a low level of
evaporation, the degradation of alluvial
As a rule, ecosystem functions are very zones along the courses of rivers, river
complex, and the disaster risk is influenced regulation and the sealing of the land
by many factors. At the global level, enhance surface runoff.
available data so far allow for restricted The result is a higher risk of flooding since
statements on the quantitative link the ground and the vegetation can no
between environmental degradation and longer absorb the water (Disse and Engel
risk. A correlation has however been 2001). Furthermore, deforestation and crop
established between the frequency of farming on slopes also lead to an increase in
flooding and deforestation (Bradshaw et al. flood risk since deforestation and
2007). agriculture in river catchment areas
contribute to increased soil erosion and this
There are several reasons why we believe in turn raises the sediment load in rivers.
that it is difficult to find global correlations This process can result in the silting up of
in over- all degradation and risk. First we rivers, as has been demonstrated with the
find that the nature of the relationship examples of the Ganges and the
depends strongly on the respective hazard Brahmaputra (Ali 2007).
and habitat type. And second, we believe
that the global analysis re- quires higher The link between deforestation and flood
resolution data of the type which are so far risk has also been examined in several
usually only available from local and studies in experimental hydrological
regional surveys. Although there is an research. Deforestation raises the annual
obvious need for further research in this run-off volume and maximum throughflow
area, there is widespread scientific evidence and reduces the evaporation rate. These
showing that the state of the ecosystems properties cause an increased flood risk
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since the natural buffering capacity of the disaster risk in coastal areas. For example,
forest as an ecosystem is lowered (ADPC the alteration of wetlands in coastal
2004). Degradation of this kind can lead to a watersheds exacerbated flooding events in
roughly fourfold increase in the extent of Florida and Texas (Brody et al. 2007). In
flooding in comparison to riparian looking at the impacts of cyclones at global
landscapes with intact, undisturbed level, the areas covered by even semi-
vegetation cover (Atta-ur-Rahman and Khan altered coastal ecosystems were correlated
2011). with lower human mortality (Perez-Maqueo
et al. 2007).
++ 23rd to 29th August 2005 ++
Hurricane Katrina in the USA The threat of a landslide is increased by
Reaching speeds of more than 250 kilometers an hour, severe precipitation, snowmelt, thawing of
Hurricane Katrina at some points built to a category 5 the ground, tremors due to earthquakes
hurricane (the strongest) and hit the Gulf Coast of the and, last but not least, loss of vegetation
USA, especially Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi, as well through anthropogenic influence (BAFU
as Alabama and Georgia. New Orleans was particularly 2009). Peduzzi (2010) examined the link
severely affected. Causing more than 1,800 deaths,
Hurricane Katrina was one of the five deadliest hurricanes
between landslides and vegetation cover
in the history of the USA. Many coastal ecosystems were with reference to the earthquake in
heavily damaged by Katrina and the follow-up Hurricane northern Pakistan in 2005. He used
Rita, one month later. Louisiana’s Chandeleur Islands lost geological data for this purpose (such as
around 85 percent of their surface area; these barrier remote sensing data like satellite images)
islands were critical nesting and feeding grounds and their
loss directly impacted hundreds of thousands birds from
C from which the vegetation was deduced,
sandwich terns to brown pelicans. Through these storms digital elevation models, data on active
and through saltwater intrusion inland, more than 570 earthquake zones and digital infrastructure
square kilometers of marshland and coastal forests of the data (roads and rivers), and he compiled a
Gulf Coast were lost, which was on top of the already rapid regression model. The result was that
decline of these coastal habitats. vegetation can reduce the occurrence of
Sandstorms in China
The sandstorms are a meteorological phenomenon that
Disasters as a cause of environmental
occurs in the months of the spring in China. Industrial destruction
pollution and an over-cultivation of the soil, deforestation
and overgrazing are massively increasing their intensity A number of local and regional studies deal
and their impact. with damage to ecosystems that have been
All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
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number of landslides. However, after four numbers of corals were killed throughout
months, the recovery level of the the Indian, Pacific and Caribbean seas.
vegetation was already at almost 100 These events are predicted to be much
percent (Liu et al. 2010). more common in the coming years.
agricultural purposes were rendered useless. More than 3.2
such as tea tree forests, had only suffered a million hectares, which is just under 16 percent of the
little damage. cultivable area, were destroyed. The availability of clean
drinking water was dramatically reduced.
Cyclones can cause considerable damage to
ecosystems. For example, throughout the
Gulf of Mexico, cyclones consistently ++ 11th March 2011 ++
destroy oyster reefs and beds to the extent Earthquake in Japan
that tens of millions of dollars have been In the course of the Tohuku earthquake and the subsequent
spent in the past decade to help revive
C Tsunami, 15,860 people were killed, while a further 3,000
were reported lost. The quake hit the Japanese Fukushima
oyster fishing grounds for small-scale fishing Nuclear Power Plant, resulting in a core meltdown and the
communities. Cyclones have seriously emission of radioactive material.
harmed coral reefs throughout the
Caribbean, including many of those that are This led to a contamination of the air, soil, rivers and lakes,
extremely important to communities for and food (fruit, vegetables, livestock, fish and seafood) for
several decades or even centuries.
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Health and healthcare
From Word Risk Report 2013, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human
Security. http://weltrisikobericht.de/english/
A society’s vulnerability towards natural hazards depends considerably on its health and
healthcare. But in times of the global financial crisis, the health systems worldwide are being
subjected even more strongly to economic principles. The poorest of the poor are suffering
most from the austerity and privatization measures. Their already unacceptable
vulnerability threatens to continue to rise. And yet they are the ones who are, as a rule,
most hard-hit by extreme natural events.
Michael Marx
Health is an essential aspect of risk of the impact spectrum (UNDP 2004). For
assessment in the context of disasters. A example, after earthquakes or floods,
society’s poor state of health and injuries have the greatest impact. Just like
insufficient healthcare are crucial drivers of infectious diseases, chronic diseases, mental
vulnerability and, hence, of risk factors. health or disablement, they belong to what
However, the causal link works both ways. are known as the morbidity indicators.
Not only do health and healthcare
C Morbidity refers to the frequency of a
determine the disaster risk, but disasters disease related to a certain section of the
have a negative impact on a society’s state population. The ratio between morbidity
of health and its healthcare system. and mortality in connection with disasters is
Research on the impacts of disasters shows rated as 3.5 to 1 (CRED, 2006). This means
that mortality represents only a small part that for each dead person, there are 3.5 sick
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“The double burden of diseases“ or infirmity”. This definition underscores the
Independently of the type of natural important aspect that health has not only a
hazards, developing countries are generally biomedical but also a psychosocial
more vulnerable than industrialized dimension. Already in the mid 19th century,
countries owing to the usually poorer initial Rudolph Virchow recognized the interacting
situation of the population. The acute, effects of poverty, disease and
usually infectious diseases have long ceased underdevelopment. Factors determining
to be the only illnesses that people in health and causing disease occur above all
developing countries suffer from. For a in the living and working conditions
number of years, “civilization diseases”, i.e. (including income, education, social
chronic, non-communicable diseases (NCD), integration) and environmental conditions
have also been spreading in the countries of (including water and energy supply and the
the South. They include cardiovascular availability of transport). Food plays a very
conditions, diabetes, chronic lung diseases, important role as well. The influence of
cancer and depression (Miksch and Ledig social status on health is undisputed. As a
2012). These diseases occur more rule, poorer people are more ill and have
frequently in older age, and since life less access to medical facilities. To varying
expectancy is steadily growing in all degrees, this applies to industrialized and
countries the world over, their proportion is developing countries alike.
continuously increasing. According to the
WHO, 63 percent of fatalities worldwide In other words, health is a complex good
were caused by these chronic diseases in
C that is influenced by manifold variables. One
2008, 80 percent of which were in emerging important variable is the functionality of the
and developing countries. health system (Phalkey et al. 2010). In its
2000 World Health Report, the WHO defines
NCD pose a considerable challenge for the a health system as the totality of
healthcare systems of the developing organizations, actors and initiatives whose
countries, which have so far above all been aim it is to maintain and promote health
oriented on the treatment of acute episodes and appropriately treat diseases and
of disease. This widening range of diseases disabilities that occur. This definition covers
is turning into a double burden of diseases activities outside the health services such as
for the already weak healthcare systems of health promotion and traditional healers
these countries, which are struggling with and midwives as well as traffic safety
what are sometimes massive financing measures (WHO 2000). To address these
problems. various components, the WHO developed a
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These components mutually influence one own health in an independent and
another, and their manifold interplay is an responsible manner (WHO 1986).
indispensible precondition for a functioning
health system. The Ottawa Charta adopted in 1986 (Siebert
Critics have pointed to an insufficient and Hartmann 2010) encourages a
representation of the interaction between reorientation from a view focusing on
these building blocks and with other sectors disease to health promotion and the issue of
outside health. A more recent WHO analysis how health develops. It refers to three
(Savigny and Adam 2009) acknowledges the central action strategies:
danger that individually supported • actively campaigning for health by
components can segment and thus block a influencing political, economic, social,
holistic development of the system. cultural and environmental and
behavioral factors
More than mere provision • promoting skills and enabling people to
According to this more recent definition, a take self-determined action
health system reaches far beyond a • active and lasting cooperation between
superficially perceived system providing all actors.
health services. Rather, it is a complex social
sys- tem in which the various actors — the The Ottawa Charter and its political
target population including the patients, approach have since proven their worth in
service providers, government officials, practice, as is borne out by numerous laws
funding organizations, representatives of
C relating to health issues, such as
other sectors — are in permanent environmental and industrial safety laws,
interaction and thus in a state of constant road traffic acts or food regulations.
internal development (World Bank 2007).
Thus it represents not a mechanical but a Prevention is aimed at avoiding or slowing
complex, adaptive, i.e. open system. down the development of risk factors and
genetic and social factors, the environment conditions in which people are living and
and other sectors such as labor, education working (conditional prevention). Behavior-
and agriculture/nutrition. related measures are to enable individuals
to improve their personal health prospects
So how can measures to reduce health through self-deter- mined action (e.g.
hazards in the countries of the South be refraining from smoking, promoting physical
designed — both independently of disaster exercise and good nutrition), whereas
situations and during or after a disaster? condition-related measures aim at social,
Basically, there are two aspects to bear in ecological and economic framework
mind here: at the level of the individual and conditions (e.g. workplace safety, emissions
at the level of the system. Health promotion reduction).
and prevention address the former. Health
promotion refers to a preventive strategy Prevention is worthwhile
aimed at recognizing and strengthening Health promotion and prevention are an
health potentials and factors protecting effective first step towards challenging the
health and enabling people to treat their spread of chronic diseases that create the
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disastrous “double burden of diseases” for construction measures, the distribution of
developing countries. And they are an mosquito nets or salary increases for a
important step in strengthening capacity to certain period. It also includes measures
cope with disasters or prepare for them in relating to certain selective disease
the sense of adapting. Also, the long-term programs. Success depends on the extent
positive economic effects of health and duration of investment, although it can
promotion are undisputed. Greater fitness generally also be achieved within a short
of those concerned results in their being period.
able to take more strain and develop
greater productivity in professional and Strengthening the system as a long-
private life as well as a lower level of term task
absence from work owing to sickness In contrast, measures seeking to strengthen
(Aldana 2001). This figures out both from a
the health system cause more
business management and a national comprehensive and lasting changes in the
economy angle. system as a whole — e.g. in the
organizational structure, efficient
Since the first UN Summit on the topic of management or personnel skills
NCD in September 2011, in which 132 development. Usually, success can only be
countries participated, the NCD have been reached in the long term. Nowadays, the
high on the international political agenda. strengthening of health systems is
An intensive international and partly
controversial discussion on strategies and
C attributed a key role in achieving the health
targets (e.g. of the Millennium Development
implementation has been started. What are Goals) and in preparing for possible
the roles that the family, the community disasters.
and the government have to assume?
Should the government urge people to Various principles and demands regarding
change their behavior? Should it allow “risky improvements in the functioning of the
behavior”, or should such behavior even be health system are regarded as indispensible
punishable? to reaching such goals:
• Improving accessibility for the
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Leadership and governance (also referred Human resources: Health workers form the
to by the WHO as stewardship) first of all central contact point between the
refers to the responsible role that population and the health system. A
governments assume in the health sector sufficient number of qualified health
and how they relate to the actors in the personnel are crucial to the quality of the
sector. This comprises steering the entire health services. At an average 42 percent,
health system – public and private — in the personnel costs account for the largest
interest of the public. proportion of the worldwide health budget.
On a world scale, there is a lack of more
Provision of healthcare: Healthcare services than four million health specialists, 1.5
should be easily accessible and affordable billion in Africa alone. Within individual
for all and provide high-quality, effective countries, too, there is often an extremely
services addressing respective needs. This unequal distribution of medical personnel —
applies both to individual measures and 60 percent of all nurses and 75 percent of all
those related to the population as a whole, physicians work in towns (WHO 2006). The
and in the area of prevention as well as in causes and consequences of the health
that of curative and rehabilitative medicine. personnel crisis are manifold and mutually
As a rule, the health services are organized conditioned: training of an insufficient
at three levels of the health system: health number of health workers, inadequate pay
centers at the primary level, district levels and few other performance
hospitals as referral facilities at the incentives, difficult living and working
secondary level and major hospitals and
C conditions and enticement and exodus of
specialized facilities at the national, tertiary health workers to other, better-paid sectors
level. Here, the services of both the or abroad, especially to Europe, North
government and the private and not-for- America and Australia. For example, 37
profit operators are included. Alternative percent of the physicians trained in South
models of provision offering the population Africa are working in OECD countries
easier access can be tested and integrated (Mundt, 2011). The exodus of health
— for example community based health personnel frequently results in the closure
workers and traditional midwives as well as of health facilities, above all in rural areas.
Figure 2: Reasons for exodus of medical personnel from five African countries (Stilwell et al . 2004)
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for example when unofficial payments are health insurance contributions, external
demanded for services in order to top up financing contributions) or direct payment
salaries. such as service fees (out of pocket
payments). Most countries have a mixture
Financing: Only a small number of African of prepayment and fee systems.
countries have attained the target set by the Appropriate regulations have to be applied
African Union in the 2001 Abuja Declaration for sections of the population that are
of spending 15 percent of the government particularly disadvantaged, such as the
budget on health. The WHO estimates that poor, disabled people or orphans, in order
at most, eight of the 49 income poor to enable their access to health services —
countries are going to raise sufficient e.g. community certificates or vouchers.
revenue to achieve the targets stipulated in Pooling of revenue allows for a balancing of
the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) risks between the users as long as fees are
by 2015. Thus the need for support calculated on a uniform basis rather than
continues to be high (WHO 2010). The WHO relating to risk. Thus contributors with a low
devoted the World Health Report 2010 to disease risk subsidize people with a high
the financing of health systems (WHO disease risk, and emergencies resulting in
2010). In the context of global health ruinous expenses in the event of illness are
financing, efforts are being made to avoided. However, both tax-financed and
mobilize additional funding to achieve the health insurance prepayment systems
MDG with innovative financing methods, require a sophisticated institutional
such as the International Financing Facility
C framework that most of the developing
(IFF) or the use of debt swaps. The IFF is a countries cannot provide at the moment.
fund that was launched in 2006 to raise
additional finance on the capital market for Drugs and medical technology: Access to
immunization (GAVI). So far, a total of 6.3 affordable vital drugs, vaccines and
billion US dollars has been reached. This technologies whose quality and
fund administrator. In a dept swap, a debtor Development Goals. Although nearly all
country is relieved of a debt by a creditor countries in the poorest regions of Asia and
country provided that the sum involved is Africa have introduced the Essential
spent in the debtor country e.g. on Medicines List as the basis of logistics and
combating poverty, on schools or on the procurement, up to 50 percent of the
health system. A functioning system of population still have only restricted access
mutual health financing is aimed at ensuring to these medicines. The AIDS pandemic, an
that people have access to health services aging population and the increase in chronic
they happen to need while being diseases are a further burden. Each year,
safeguarded against ruinous expenses and millions of people die as a result of diseases
resulting impoverishment. Thus there is a that could be treated or prevented with the
close link between health financing aspects aid of safe and affordable essential
and social security. A nationwide medicines and vaccines. Twenty to 60
achievement of this goal is also referred to percent of expenditure in the health sector
as universal coverage. Revenue is raised via is spent on medicine and medical products
prepayment systems (public tax revenue, alone and exerts a heavy burden on the
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government budgets. At the same time, ten Rights Charter of 1948. Article 25 states:
to 25 percent of public procurement “Everyone has the right to a standard of
expenditure worldwide is lost through living adequate for the health and well-
corruption (WHO 2009). being of himself and his family, including
food, clothing, housing and medical care
Information systems: Every health system and necessary social services”. The UN
needs an information system that provides Social Pact of 1976, which obliges the
reliable data on a) the factors influencing government to create the conditions “which
health b) the efficiency of the health system would assure to all medical services and
and c) the population’s state of health. medical attention in the event of sickness”
Possible threats to the public through acute (Article 12), puts these aspects into more
epidemics or other health hazards require concrete terms. Thus the right to health
special attention. Without this information, opens up a claim to access to the existing
it is impossible to analyze a situation, set infrastructure of public healthcare.
priorities, plan measures. That match needs Healthcare services must above all be
and are efficient, monitor their accessible and affordable for those
implementation and evaluate impacts. concerned. Currently, this demand is being
emphasized considerably by the
Today, modern information systems bear propagation of universal coverage.
two essential characteristics. They are no
longer paper-based but computer-aided, Traditional health “impact” analyses often
and they are no longer limited to national or
C overlook the fact that a community’s
sub-national dimensions but are conceived resilience is a function of the socio-
at a global or regional level in a demographic, socioeconomic, sociopolitical,
transnational sense (Reichertz 2006). Here, socio-cultural and socio-structural variables
data quality as well as data security are of (Phalkey et al. 2010). In spite of the close
paramount importance. mutual relations between social, health and
system can generally develop in all areas of What counts today is to overcome the
society but above all affects the areas of theoretical limits and simplifying
labor and social affairs, education, dichotomies of health and healthcare in
environment and agriculture/food. order to understand the risks of disasters
Experience has shown that it is in these and their impacts on human life and the
sectors that the chief causes of restricted social and economic sectors. We are
health can be found. convinced that only a holistic understanding
of health and disease within the functional
Health as a human right domain of a health system can enable an
Precisely because weak health systems effective limitation and prevention of harm,
often even exacerbate the fatal impacts of both in normal circumstances and in
disasters, it is crucial for health to be connection with disasters.
addressed in the United Nations Human
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The City as a Risk Area
From Word Risk Report 2014, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human
Security, http://weltrisikobericht.de/english/
changes in terms of both urbanization and
cities exceeds the capacity of authorities to
the projected impacts of climate change
develop and maintain adequate social and
(IPCC 2012, UN DESA 2012). Therefore, key
physical infrastructure. One of the most
questions emerge for the field of
pressing results is the formation of marginal
international development cooperation:
settlements in which urban dwellers lack
does urbanization produce exclusively
basic civil rights and frequently face high
negative effects on vulnerability? Or can
levels of vulnerability towards natural
development and economic growth help
break the alleged cycle of detrimental
Urbanization and risk – challenges and feedbacks in this relationship?
Matthias Garschagen To date, urban risk trends have all too often
been explained by changes in natural hazard
What influence does urbanization have on patterns (such as sea level rise or the
social vulnerability towards natural hazards? increase in extreme weather events) or, at
Which effects can be observed in terms of
interactions vary between countries and the underemphasized is the influence that
different social groups within individual urbanization has on the other components
countries? of risk defined in the World Risk Index, i.e.
These questions are of key importance not on susceptibility, coping capacity and
only for gaining an understanding of the city adaptive capacity. This is problematic given
as a “risk area” but also for developing that neglecting the effects of urbanization on
applied risk mitigation strategies. However, these other risk components results in highly
finding answers is anything but simple owing simplified and ultimately distorted appraisals
to the partly contradictory implications of of the dynamics in urban risk.
urbanization on risk. In addressing this topic,
one cannot solely concentrate on examining In the following, these effects will therefore
current urban risk patterns and the lessons be examined more closely. The focus will be
learned from past disasters. Rather, it is especially directed towards the crosslinks
necessary to also consider future trends between the individual components, i.e. on
since urban risk at the global level is self-reinforcing but also contradictory effects
increasingly shaped by the interaction of two of urbanization on susceptibility, coping
unfolding megatrends: urbanization and capacity and adaptive capacity.
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Urbanization and exposure
With regard to exposure, multifaceted
Terms for “The city as a risk area”
impacts of urbanization can be observed. On Urbanization: The growth of urban population
a global scale, much of the urban growth (largely through migration) and the spread of urban
takes place in highly exposed coastal and lifestyles as well as the resulting spatial processes
delta regions, particularly in developing affecting the respective area and its physical
countries and emerging economies. In Asia, structure. These include predominantly the
for example, more than 18 percent of the construction of buildings and the development of
urban population lives in the Low Elevation urban infrastructure for water, sewage,
Coastal Zone, i.e. the contiguous area along transportation, communication and energy supply.
the coast that is less than 10 meters above Urban area: An urban area is determined
sea level (McGranahan et al. 2007). Ho Chi geographically by the physical extent of a city. It
Minh City, Mumbai and Jakarta are comprises the characteristics typical for a city, such
prominent examples. In contrast, only about as a larger number of inhabitants, a high density of
settlements and population as well as central
eight percent of Europe’s and North
functions in terms of administration, education, health
America’s urban population lives in this
care and other social services. Further criteria include
coastal zone. At the same time, out of the a concentration of employment outside the
350 million urban inhabitants of this zone, agricultural sector, an economy based on a high
around 30 percent live in low income division of labor and a large proportion of inhabitants
countries and another 36 percent in lower- working in the industrial and services sectors.
middle-income countries (according to the
C Informal settlement: An informal settlement is
World Bank classification) (ibid.) characterized by its inhabitants’ complete or partial
lack of basic rights and institutional as well as legal
On a meso-scale, it can be observed that
security. This particularly includes formal
many cities, especially in developing landownership or land use titling and the right to
countries and emerging economies with access basic (social) infrastructure. Informal
rapid urbanization, are sprawling into hazard settlements are often marginal settlements in places
exposed areas which had previously been with unfavorable settlement conditions (e.g. close to
exempted from development. Much of the dumpsites, in flood plains or at steep slopes).
damage caused by the Bangkok flood in Informal settlements consist predominantly of
2011, for example, resulted from unplanned makeshift housing. Their inhabitants often live below
sprawl of the city along the Chao Phraya the poverty line. In most cases informal settlements
River and the filling of tributaries and canals are unplanned urban quarters.
(Kraas 2012). Similar developments can also Slum: An inner-urban settlement with substandard
be observed in many other rapidly growing living conditions which is, unlike informal or marginal
metropolises such as in Ho Chi Minh City settlements in peri-urban or newly urbanized areas,
(Storch and Downes 2011). In addition, in originally understood as an emergency
many megacities, the threat of flooding is accommodation in dilapidated parts of the existing
increased by an anthropogenic land city. The housing standards and the infrastructure
conditions are correspondingly poor. In developing
subsidence – mainly caused by the
countries, but also in some industrialized countries,
extraction of groundwater, as is the case, for
they often serve to absorb new urban immigrants.
example, in Jakarta (Ward et al. 2011). Slums are frequently of informal status.
Some of the exposure effects of urbanization
can be traced to even smaller scales down to Source: glossary based in part on “Diercke-Wörterbuch
the neighborhood or individual housing Allgemeine Geographie” (Leser 1995).
level. In many developing countries with
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rapid urbanization and shortages of In addition, large parts of the urban
affordable housing, labor migrants and other population, especially in developing
poor groups often have to settle in urban countries and emerging economies, have to
waste- lands. These areas frequently carry a face an increased social susceptibility since
hazard potential and are therefore avoided their access to social goods and services is
by other user groups (Satterthwaite et al. severely restricted or entirely blocked.
2007). Prominent examples include marginal Important examples include sanitation
settlements on steep and landslide-prone infrastructure, clean drinking water, health
slopes in South American cities such as Rio care facilities, sufficient food supply,
de Janeiro, or slums along the flood- and educational facilities or formal employment
erosion-prone banks of rivers and canals in (Moser and Satterthwaite 2008). While all of
many Asian or African cities such as Mumbai these aspects potentially have great impact
or Lagos. on the immediate vulnerability in crisis
situations related to floods, cyclones or
However, problematic exposure effects of earthquakes, they also bear great relevance
urbanization can also be observed in for shaping the baseline susceptibility and
industrialized countries For example, in Gold the likelihood of indirect or secondary
Coast in Australia or in Miami, it is pre- impacts.
dominantly the high-priced holiday or luxury
domiciles that are constructed along the However, susceptibility related to
coast and are exposed to flooding and, urbanization can be observed not only in
partly, to cyclones. Also in European cities, developing countries and emerging
residential development projects in close economies but also in countries with higher
proximity to rivers or coasts are generally in income levels (for example group 2 in the
high demand due to perceived advantages in
table on page 16/17). For example, the
terms of recreation and life-style. increased dependence on urban
infrastructure in the information, energy and
susceptibility can most notably be observed The shutdown of city airports or central
in relation to urban marginalization administrative institutions, for instance, can
processes. Marginalized urban residents cripple regions or even entire countries in
such as labor migrants in, for instance, Dhaka the event of a disaster. Further, susceptibility
or Manila are all too often not only forced to can be propelled by demographic aging and
live in highly exposed locations, but the fact that, especially in Western urban
frequently have to make do with improvised lifestyles, the elderly or people with
housing structures which are highly disabilities are often- times fairly isolated
susceptible to damage or destruction, e.g. and lack social networks to support them
through flooding or storms. At the same when natural hazards strike.
time, the inhabitants of such settlements in Nevertheless, urbanization does not
many countries do not hold any formal land inevitably lead to an increase in social
titles. This institutional insecurity typically susceptibility. On the contrary, urbanization
restricts the possibilities to reduce the opens up a number of options to mitigate
susceptibility of buildings (for example with and reduce susceptibility, particularly in
regards to long- term investments for developing countries and emerging
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economies. Cities continue to be central How does urbanization affect risk?
drivers of economic growth and they often Group Features Examples of Countries
enable a rise in income both for the 1 very high Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
economy as a whole and for individuals. In high United Arab Emirates
turn, this increased income can be high to very high
reinvested into reducing susceptibility (e.g.
2 medium-high to very Australia, Brunei Darussalam,
through measures to improve the structure high Germany, Greece, Hong Kong,
of buildings or the availability of sanitation high Japan, Oman, Portugal, Puerto Rico,
low to medium
or health care infrastructure). Hence, it is Rep. Korea, Singapore, United States
low to very high
of America, United Kingdom
hardly surprising that national urbanization
3 moderate to medium- Armenia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia,
rates are – on a global scale – positively high Lithuania, Moldova, Poland,
correlated with per capita income levels and middle to high Romania, Russian Federation,
national HDI scores (UNDP 2013). Slovenia, Ukraine
medium to high
4 moderate Barbados, Equatorial Guinea,
high Liechtenstein, St. Kitts and Nevis,
Urbanization and coping capacities low to high Trinidad and Tobago
low to very high
Also with respect to the capacities to cope 5 very high Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia,
with natural hazards and crisis situations, middle Cuba, Djibouti, Gabon, Jordan,
low to medium Lebanon, Libya, Mexico, Uruguay,
urbanization can imply both challenges and low to very high
opportunities. In most developing countries 6 medium-high Angola, Belize, Cameroon, Côte
and in many emerging economies, the rapid middle d’Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia, Malaysia,
urbanization pressure leads to urban growth
C high
medium to very high
Panama, Philippines, Rep. Congo,
São Tomé and Príncipe, Syria
rates that exceed the capacity of
government authorities to adequately 7 medium-high Algeria, Bolivia, Botswana,
middle Dominican Republic, Georgia, Iraq,
develop and operate urban infrastructure low to medium Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Mongolia,
low to very high
e.g. for healthcare, flood protection, storm Nicaragua, Peru, Seychelles, South
evacuation or, simply, an effective municipal Africa, Turkey, West Bank and Gaza
moderate Albania, Bhutan, China, Egypt,
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A Look at Different Country Groups Effects of urbanization on the WRI
Description Exp Susc. Cup. Adapt
1 This group consists of oil-exporting countries of the Middle East with high \\\\\\\\\ xxxxxx
GDP per capita and high urbanization levels as well as with high rates of \\\\\\\\\ xxxxxx
urban and GDP growth. \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ xxxxxx
2 This group comprises high income OECD countries in Europe, Northern \\\\\\\\\
America and East Asia as well as some of the city-states in Asia with \\\\\\\\\
\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\
matured economies and consolidated urbanization levels. \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\
3 This group is constituted mainly by states of the former Soviet Union. It is
the only group with negative rates of urban population growth, while
comprising middle to high income countries with relatively dynamic \\\\\\\\\\\\
economic growth. \\\\\\\\\\\\
4 This rather small group comprises a number of small and geographically \\\\\\\\\
fairly dispersed countries with very low levels of urbanization but \\\\\\\\\
comparatively high average per capita income rates and different \\\\\\\\\
\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\
dynamics in urban and economic growth. \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\
5 This group consists of some countries in Latin America, the Middle East ///////// Xxxxxx
and Africa which have already reached high levels of urbanization and ///////// xxxxxx
middle income but which experience continued urban growth and mixed ///////// xxxxxx
\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\
economic development. ///////// xxxxxx
\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\
//////// xxxxxx
This is a group of middle income countries with medium urbanization
levels to date, yet with high dynamics in both urban and economic growth,
comprising countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ xxxxxx
\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ xxxxxx
7 Similar to group 6, the countries in this group have medium current levels \\\\\\\\\
of urbanization and income. Yet, their growth in urbanization is less rapid. \\\\\\\\\
The group includes countries in the Maghreb, in Southern Africa, Central \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\
\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\
and South America, Central Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.
8 The group consists of developing countries and emerging economies ///////// xxxxxx
mostly in Asia and Africa with current urbanization levels of below or ///////// xxxxxx
around 50 percent and with mid-income levels (largely lower-middle- ///////// \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ xxxxxx
///////// xxxxxx
income), yet with very dynamic urban and particularly economic growth. \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\
9 This group mainly includes countries with low urbanization and middle \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\
income (as in group 8) , but with less dynamic urbanization and especially \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\
with lower economic growth. \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\
10 The countries of this group are largely developing countries in Africa and ///////// //////////// \\\\\\\\\
Asia with comparatively low current urbanization levels and low income ///////// //////////// \\\\\\\\\
but with highly dynamic growth in urbanization that is, however, in most ///////// //////////// \\\\\\\\\
cases not corresponding with high economic growth rates. ///////// //////////// \\\\\\\\\
Exp. = Exposure; Susc. = Susceptibility; Cop. = Lack of coping capacities; Adapt. = Lack of adaptive capacities
xx = strong improvement for the overwhelming majority of urban residents
= improvement for the overwhelming majority of urban residents
= no significant effect
\\ = deterioration for the overwhelming majority of urban residents
// = strong deterioration for the overwhelming majority of urban residents
= strong differences in the effects experienced by different urban population groups
Source of data and assessment methodology: The data sources and the methodology for the country grouping is based on
the analysis in Garschagen and Romero- Lankao (2013). The assessment of effects of urbanization on risk (right column) is
based on a comprehensive literature review and the expert judgment by urban scholars in UNU-EHS. Owing to the overview
character and the generalizing approach, this assessment needs to be regarded as an approximation only.
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In addition, socio-economically marginalized Therefore, such metropolises have, at least
groups face particularly grave difficulties in in theory, the potential to play a pioneering
compensating for the lack of public hazard role in the accumulation of adaptive
protection (e.g. with regard to flood barriers capacities and the development and
or emergency relief) through individual implementation of adaptation measures. In
action or private market products (for this context, the crucial question for
example by purchasing health or property developing countries and emerging
insurance or maintaining financial reserves economies will be whether the projected
to cope with crises). future urbanization (see chapter 1) is going
to trigger sufficient economic growth and
However, urbanization also carries equitable socio-economic development so as
considerable potential for strengthening to provide the resources necessary for
coping capacities. In principle, the high successful adaptation – or whether
density of buildings and other infrastructure urbanization will be paralleled by economic
in cities allows for an efficient stagnation, truncating the urban potential
implementation and operation of protective for development and adaptation.
measures such as dyke systems or pumping
stations. At the same time, cities concentrate Conclusions
large numbers of people, putting them into
direct reach of central disaster management The above exploration demonstrates that
facilities such as ambulance services or fire there are multi-facetted and often
brigades. Further, the previously mentioned
C ambiguous feedbacks in the relationship
urban potential for boosting economic between urbanization and urban risk which
growth can also be translated directly into make it extremely difficult to predict future
the enhancement of individual as well as risk dynamics – especially in highly
public coping capacities in cities, under the transformative developing countries and
condition of an appropriate and functioning emerging economies. This is due to the fact
participation). Grave shortages in these of the capacities to cope with and adapt to
factors can be ob- served to date particularly these hazards. The question of whether
in cities in developing countries and individual countries and cities will be able to
emerging economies. At the same time, harness the urban opportunities for
however, many strongly exposed cities mitigating the impacts of natural hazards
muster high levels of capital, innovation and ultimately depends on the implementation
political attention – e.g. New York City and of integrative and effective risk governance.
London on the part of rich countries, but also
Jakarta or Lagos on the part of developing
countries and emerging economies.
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How food insecurity influences disaster risk
From Word Risk Report 2015, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human
Security. http://weltrisikobericht.de/english/
The authors:
Dr. Matthias Garschagen heads the Vulnerability Assessment, Risk Management & Adaptive
Planning Section at UNU-EHS.
Dr. Michael Hagenlocher, Dr. Julia Kloos and Joana Pardoe are research associates in the
This chapter looks at whether, and if so, how, food insecurity results in higher disaster risk.
What direct but also indirect influence does food insecurity have on the type and the extent
of natural hazards and a society’s susceptibility? How do the consequences of food
insecurity influence coping capacities and adaptive capacities regarding natural hazards such
as floods or cyclones?
insecurity and therefore have to be looked at
In order to analyze the influence of food in terms of their combined effects.
insecurity on disaster risk, it is necessary to
look at the causes of food insecurity along Food insecurity therefore results from the
the four dimensions of availability, stability, interaction of multiple environmental and
access, and utilization. Over the last decades, socio-economic factors: natural hazards, the
this has led to numerous discussions. Early level of technology, and insufficient
approaches tended to concentrate on redistribution or trade systems are
technological conditions affecting the examples. Poverty is a central factor since it
productivity of agro-ecosystems and the complicates access to means of production
causes of food insecurity. The publication of infrastructure plays a role if it hinders access
Amartya Sen’s seminal research on poverty to means of production, markets and
and famines (Sen 1981) brought institutional transportation, thus restricting production
explanations more to the fore, particularly and distribution. This problem is often
regarding access to food and the caused by a lack of government or private
corresponding entitlements: Food insecurity sector investments. Political instability,
is not only determined by the limits of corruption and/or conflicts also lead to a
production and yields but crucially result lower capacity of governments to maintain
from an unbalanced institutional and food security.
economic system. Here, problems in the
distribution and the financial as well as Rapid increases in food prices, unstable food
institutional availability of food are often the markets, shifts in trade, and food speculation
chief cause of food insecurity. Recently, the can be further causes of food insecurity. In
utilization dimension has also been given addition, the rising demand for food owing
increasing attention and has raised questions to population growth, biofuels, livestock
regarding the quality and use of food. Today, farming, and fodder cultivation is
most scientists and practitioners agree that increasingly being discussed as a threat to
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food security. Looking at the household For example, fishers in Southeast Asia often
level, a large share of dependent household have to extend their fishing activities into the
members, for example those who are too typhoon season, particularly in times of food
young or too old to contribute their labor to insecurity (Arnason 2006). Also, cropping
food production, are of central importance. that extends into the flood or dry season is
If members of the household who normally an issue in many cases. Such effects drive up
maintain food production fall sick, this can disaster risk not only with regard to physical
put a considerable strain on the entire wellbeing but also in relation to economic
household. The lack of sufficient land and losses. In addition, food insecurity frequently
water provides further limitations to leads to a direct increase or intensification of
achieving food security. Hence, natural hazards, and therefore exposure, by
environmental factors such as climate exacerbating local overexploitation and
variability (Wheeler/ von Braun 2013) and degradation of ecosystems (Munang et al.
soil degradation (Pimentel 2006) can 2013). The research fields of political ecology
threaten and reduce food security. deals with a wide range of case studies in
which food insecure communities (have to)
How food insecurity raises disaster risk overexploit their local environments in a bid
to secure their food-production.
According to the World Risk Index, disaster
risk, i.e. the risk of suffering harm in the Deforestation of hill-slopes, for instance, has
event of earthquakes, floods, cyclones, in many cases been stepped up in order to
create some additional space for agricultural
droughts or sea level rise, is shaped by four
components: spatial and temporal exposure
C production). However, while there are only
to natural hazards, susceptibility, coping marginal additional yields, such measures
capacities, and adaptive capacities. Food rapidly increase the risk of landslides and
insecurity can have an effect on all of these flash floods (Mugagga et al. 2012). In a
components, as science and practice have similar manner, overgrazing in semi-arid
clearly shown. ecosystems has, in many parts of the world,
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Country example: Philippines
Getting to the food package in a wheelchair
The Philippines is among the countries with the highest disaster risk in the world. In
the list of 171 countries in the World Risk Index 2015, this island nation comes up
third. In addition to earthquakes, it is above all the cyclones occurring each year that
represent a considerable danger to the country. In November 2013, Cyclone Haiyan,
one of the strongest cyclones ever measured, resulted in high numbers of victims
and destruction on a massive scale in the islands of Samar, Leyte, Cebu and Panay.
More than 6,000 people were killed, and hundreds of thousands had to abandon
their homes and seek refuge in tent camps. Entire cities were hit, and destruction is
still visible in many towns and villages.
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Food insecurity and coping This enabled 23,000 people to be supplied with, for
capacities: example, rice, noodles, tinned food, sugar, salt, and oil.
The families received food twice as well as non-food
Food insecurity has negative items such as toothbrushes, soap and blankets to last
for two to three weeks respectively. A total of more than
impacts on the ability to cope
200,000 euro worth of goods was distributed.
with natural hazards and crisis
situations. Typically, food In the Philippines, too, there was the typical risk for
insecurity also implies a such centralized distribution measures of certain
shortage or lack of food stock population groups being left out, such as sick, elderly or
reserves at national and local disabled people and pregnant women. For them, the
distribution point is often too far off, or waiting in the
level (Hendriks 2015). Hence,
queue while the goods are handed out is too
food cannot be obtained when exhausting. Relatives caring for their next of kin who
it is needed most: in times of
cannot leave them alone for a longer period are also at
acute disasters and crises in a disadvantage. In order to prevent such families from
which local food production missing out on relief supplies, the municipal authorities
comes to a standstill and trade provided CBM with data on residents. On the basis of
the data, some particularly vulnerable households were
or even external emergency
identified that the relief packages had to be brought to
relief cannot be performed
personally, which saved those affected the tedious walk
effectively due to infrastructure to the distribution point and waiting long in the queues.
disruptions. In addition, during
crisis situations, there are Also, whenever possible, already in the preparatory
short- or long-term increases in
stages of a distribution, it is important to choose a spot
that is accessible for people with disabilities and easy
food prices. Households and quick to get to for all households in a region. In
affected by food insecurity are Concepcion, for example, the local city hall was used
therefore frequently forced to for food distribution. It is situated in the city center and
sell valuables or assets, which provides access for everyone via wide approaches and
in turn erodes their long-term thanks to the hall being at ground level, so that no
coping and adaptive capacities steps have to be climbed and older as well as blind
people and wheelchair users can reach the distribution
and raises vulnerability to point easily and without being at any risk. Thanks to the
natural hazards as a whole.
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once food security has been achieved. As correlation between hunger and the two
the indicators of the World Risk Index show, dimensions of the WRI: exposure and
activities relevant to adaptation include, for vulnerability. Since susceptibility, one of the
example, measures in the areas of three sub-components of vulnerability in
education, environmental protection, and the WRI, contains an indicator that relates
healthcare. Reallocation of resources into directly to food and would distort the
such areas can be observed, once food- results of the correlation analysis,
security has been taken care of, at various vulnerability and the WRI were newly
levels ranging from the household level to calculated for the 171 countries leaving out
national or global development policies the indicator “Share of undernourished
(FAO/ IFAD/ WFP 2011). At the same time, population” (in the following marked as
food insecurity represents a significant vulnerability * and WRI* respectively). The
obstacle to generating resources for analyses were conducted with the latest
adaptation. A recent study by the World indexes from 2015.
Food Programme, for instance, revealed
that child undernourishment leads to Based on the correlation analysis of the
significant productivity losses (AUC et al. country data, a moderate positive
2015). In turn, the resources generated for relationship was identified between hunger
example for disaster risk reduction and disaster risk (correlation coefficient r =
measures lag behind. Similarly, food 0.33 on a scale from -1 to +1). However, the
insecurity has a wide range of impacts on individual components of the WRI* vary
concrete adaptation parameters such as
C with regard to their statistical association
education (by tying children to securing with hunger. For example, if vulnerability*
food supplies at the expense of school (i.e. susceptibility and the lack of coping and
activities), gender balance (when precarious adaptive capacities) is considered
food situations lead to a structural exclusively, a very strong association with
discrimination of women and girls) or the hunger situation emerges (r = 0.91). In
environmental degradation and natural (according to its measure in the WRI) and
hazards). hunger (as measured in the GHI) can
therefore not be detected at the global
Hunger and disaster risk at global level level (r = -0.02).
What is the link between food insecurity The three maps (Figures 4a, 4b and 4c) on
and disaster risk at global level? In order to page 22 show in which countries disaster
examine this question, the following section risk and hunger overlap spatially (according
looks at the correlation between the World to GHI 2015) – and where they do not. In
Risk Index (WRI) and the Global Hunger order to visualize the differences and
Index (GHI). The GHI serves as a tool to overlaps, 34 countries with (1) the highest
represent the hunger situation worldwide. disaster risk (i.e. the highest WRI* values),
A global index for food insecurity could so (2) the highest exposure, (3) the highest
far not be compiled by the FAO due to data vulnerability* and (4) the highest GHI values
gaps. Therefore, the following analysis respectively were included in the analysis.
focuses particularly on the level of The threshold of 34 is chosen so as to
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World Risk Index* and Global Hunger Index
Overlapping of World Risk Index (WRI)* top 34 and Global Hunger Index (GHI) top 34
WRI*: Top 34 country (GHI: not Top 34 country)
GHI: Top 34 country (WRI*: not top 34 country)
WRI*: Top 34 country (GHI: no data)
WRI*: Top 34 country (GHI: not calculated since classified as industrialized country)
Figure 4a: Disaster risk* and hunger overlaps
Exposure and Global Hunger Index
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Vulnerability* and Global Hunger Index
Overlapping of vulnerability* (top 34) and GHI (top 34)
Vulnerability*: Top 34 country (GHI: not Top 34 country)
GHI: Top 34 country (vulnerability*: not top 34 country)
Vulnerability*: Top 34 country (GHI: no data)
Figure 4c: Vulnerability* and hunger overlaps
include all countries with “very high” risk in Eight of the 34 countries included in the
the 2015 WRI*. Thus, countries not analysis, meaning almost one quarter, show
highlighted in the map can still be at “high” a very high disaster risk and simultaneously
disaster risk, but were not taken into belong to the 34 countries with the biggest
consideration for this analysis. hunger problem. They comprise Bangladesh,
mainly because of their high exposure, and vulnerability* with hunger yields a
without however belonging to the 34 most spatially much more differentiated picture:
highly listed countries in the GHI (Figure 4a). Just three of the 34 countries with the
Their placing in the GHI can primarily be highest exposure (9 per cent) overlap with
traced back to a significant improvement in the 34 countries with the biggest hunger
the food situation in both regions over the problem: Bangladesh, Guinea-Bissau and
last decades that is based both on Timor-Leste. On a global level, hunger in a
socioeconomic progress and on special given country is therefore not primarily
programs to promote food security. For conditioned by exposure to natural hazards
example, looking at the GHI values of 1990, and vice versa. However, the maps also
one clearly recognizes that at the time, reveal that there is a very strong regional
several countries in both regions were faced overlap between the countries characterized
with a serious or even alarming hunger by hunger and countries with a high degree
situation. of vulnerability.*
The maps also show that there are common A total of 28 countries (approx. 82 percent of
hotspots with high disaster risk and hunger. the considered countries) simultaneously
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show a “very high” level of vulnerability* and hotspots of hunger today (Wheeler/ von
are among the top 34 countries with severe Braun 2013). In addition to the potential
hunger problems (see Figure 4c). The great yield effects, it is particularly the dimensions
majority of these countries (around 89 per of access, stability, and utilization that are
cent) are located in sub-Saharan Africa. relevant to disaster risk and look set to
However, the percentages can only be taken increase owing to indirect effects of climate
as a very rough reference value, since for change (ibid.).
several countries with a very high disaster
risk no data on the food situation is available Yet, since statistical significant correlation
(for instance Papua New Guinea, Solomon does not necessarily imply causation, care
Islands, Tonga, and Vanuatu). Hence there is has to be taken when interpreting the above
no assessment of the current hunger results. The statistical analysis alone does
situation for these countries. not allow for drawing conclusions on the
presence and details of causal effects,
These results demonstrate that first, there is especially since both phenomena – hunger
a global hotspot in which hunger and high and disaster vulnerability – might be caused
vulnerability* co-exist and appear to by similar external factors, such as poverty
mutually reinforce each other. Second, or weak institutions. Therefore,
hunger is evidently linked more strongly to a complementary analyses, like the ones
country’s prevalent socioeconomic and provided in the first part of the chapter, are
institutional vulnerability* than to its necessary. Furthermore, it has to be taken
exposure to natural hazards. This link is also
C into consideration that the analysis was
relevant to an understanding of the potential conducted at country level and inferences
effects that climate change has on the regarding possible causal relations at other
hunger situation. Despite remaining measurement scales cannot be automatically
uncertainties in global climate and yield drawn. This becomes very clear in the lack of
models, the expected impacts of climate any linkages between exposure and hunger
change on food security are strongest in at the national level, while these are clearly
those world regions that already represent evident at the local level.
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The Global Hunger Index
The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is a tool designed to comprehensively display hunger globally,
regionally, and by country. Each year, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
calculates GHI scores in order to assess progress, or the lack thereof, in decreasing hunger.
To reflect the multidimensional nature of hunger, the GHI combines the following four
component indicators into one index:
population (reflecting the share of the population with insufficient caloric intake)
+ Child Wasting: the proportion of children under the age of five who suffer from wasting (that
+ Child Stunting: the proportion of children under the age of five who suffer from stunting (that
is, low height for their age, reflecting chronic undernutrition)
+ Child Mortality: the mortality rate of children under the age of five (partially reflecting the fatal
There are several advantages to measuring hunger using this multidimensional approach. It
notably reflects the nutrition situation not only of the population as a whole, but also of
children, a vulnerable subset of the population for whom a lack of dietary energy, protein,
or micronutrients (essential vitamins and minerals) leads to a high risk of illness, poor
physical and cognitive development, or death. Furthermore, it combines independently
measured indicators to reduce the effects of random measurement errors.
The 2015 GHI has been calculated for 117 countries for which data on all four component
indicators are available and where measuring hunger is considered most relevant. GHI scores
are not calculated for some higher-income countries where the prevalence of hunger is very
low (von Grebmer et al. 2015).
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III. Earthquake Hazards
The Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
Seismology (PHIVOLCS) actively develops and provides materials for understanding and
preparing for earthquake and volcanic hazards relevant to the local experience. This
chapter on earthquake hazards and the next chapter (volcano hazards) feature materials
Supplementary Materials:
Earthquake hazard maps
1. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2010, July 12). Philippine Fault
Zone Maps. Retrieved from:
2. US Geological Survey. (2014, January 16). How do I use the seismic hazard maps?
Available at: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/about/technical.php#use
3. US Geological Survey. (2015, January 08). Earthquake Hazards 101 - the Basics.
Available at: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/about/basics.php
4. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2010, July 12). Valley Fault
System Atlas. Available at:
5. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2011, April 08). PHIVOLCS
Earthquake Intensity Scale (PEIS). Available at:
6. Udono, T. & Sah, A.K. (2002, August 09). Hazard Mapping and Vulnerability
Assessment. Available at:
More on Tsunamis
1. Buck, P.S., (1948). The Big wave, pp1-11. Available at:
2. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. (2014). Surviving a Tsunami:
Lessons From Chile, Hawaii, and Japan, 2014 edition, Paris, UNESCO, 24 pp., illus.
IOC Brochure 2014-2 Rev. (English). Available at: http://itic.ioc-
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
3. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. (2014). Where the First Wave
Arrives in Minutes Indonesian Lessons on Surviving Tsunamis Near Their Sources,
2014 edition, Paris, UNESCO, 36 pp., illus. IOC Brochure 2014-4 Rev. (English).
Available at: http://itic.ioc-
4. International Tsunami Information Center. (2015). Tsunami Glossary. Available at:
5. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2011, April 08). Tsunami Flyer,
English. Available at:
6. Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System Project. (2010). Tsunami Smart
Teacher Education Resource Kit. Available at:
1. Suzuki, I. (2013, February). The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 11 March
2011, No. 1 Daang Mapanganib. Available at:
2. Kikuta, L. (2013, February). The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 11 March
2011, No. 2 Ang Huling Sayonara. Available at:
3. Gunji, M. (2013, February). The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 11 March
2011, No. 3 Oras ng Peligro. Available at:
4. Kaiyama, H. (2013, February). The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 11
March 2011, No. 4 Bagong Pag-asa. Available at:
Examples - Local
1. 1976 Moro Gulf Earthquake-
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2. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (1994, December). The 15
November 1994 Mindoro Earthquake. Available at:
3. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2008, May 9). PHIVOLCS
Earthquake Monitoring - Destructive Earthquakes in the Philippines. Available at:
4. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2013, December 03). Bohol
Earthquake 2013. Available at:
5. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2014, April 21). Philippine
Tsunamis and Seiches (1589-2012). Available at:
6. Villegas, M., et al. (2015). Filipinos in Japan: Narratives of Experience from the
March 11,2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Journal of Disaster
Research, Vol 10, No 1, 135-144.
Example - International
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS). (2004). Liquefaction during the
1906 San Francisco Earthquake. Available at:
Audio-Visual resources
2. ProVention Consortium. (2008, August 05). Tales of Disasters (3). Tsunami (English).
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiBR45Ntk_0
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School Earthquake and Tsunami Awareness and
From Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2015). Teachers’ Module Earthquake,
Tsunami and Volcanic Hazards.
This module, divided into five (5) major sections, will introduce the participants on
earthquake and tsunami preparedness. Recognizing the teacher’s important role in shaping
the minds of students, this module is designed to provide participants with information and
tools that teachers can use to help prepare school children for earthquakes and tsunami
occurrences. Module 2.1 gives technical background about earthquake and its related
hazards. Module 3.2 discusses how one can prepare before, during and after an earthquake.
Module 3.3 gives an overview of tsunami concepts. Modules 3.4 and 3.5 discuss proper
earthquake preparedness practices, and how to plain, design and conduct earthquake drills.
At the end of this module, the participants will gain the necessary knowledge and
skills on how to prepare for earthquakes and tsunami, how to develop a school earthquake
evacuation plan, how to organize and earthquake drill and how to conduct an actual
earthquake drill.
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From Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2015). Teachers’ Module Earthquake,
Tsunami and Volcanic Hazards, pp 25-31.
Module 3.1
Earthquake and Earthquake Hazards
At the end of this module, the participants will be able to
1. Explain why earthquakes occur;
2. Explain how earthquakes are generated;
3. Differentiate magnitude against intensity;
4. Differentiate focus from epicentre;
5. Identify on the map the various earthquake generators in the Philippines;
6. Explain the various earthquake-related hazards; and
7. Explain the PHIVOLCS Earthquake Intensity Scale.
Goal of lecture
Definitions: Earthquake, Active Faults, etc
Nature of Earthquakes/ How earthquakes are generated (brief overview of Plate
Types of Earthquakes
Locating an earthquake: Focus vs epicenter
Describing the strength of an earthquake: Magnitude vs intensity (introduce PEIS)
Some historical earthquakes in the Philippines
Brief review: Earthquake distribution in the Philippines
Brief review: Earthquake generators in the Philippines
i) Ground shaking
ii) Ground rupture
iii) Liquefaction
iv) Tsunami
v) Earthquake-induced landslides
vi) Others
Some earthquake disaster risk reduction measures
What is an earthquake?
An EARTHQUAKE is a feeble shaking to violent trembling of the ground produced by the
sudden movement of rocks or rock materials below the earth’s surface. There are two types
of natural earthquakes: tectonic and volcanic earthquakes.
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Tectonic earthquakes are generated by the sudden displacement along faults and plate
boundaries. Earthquakes induced by rising lava or magma beneath active volcanoes is called
volcanic earthquakes.
Magnitude vs Intensity
There are two ways by which we can measure the strength of an earthquake: magnitude
and intensity. Magnitude is the measure of energy release and is determined based on
instrumentally derived information. Magnitude correlates with the amount of total energy
release at the earthquake’s point of origin and is reported as Arabic numbers for example
magnitude 5.3 or 7.8. Intensity on the other hand is the description of how weak or strong
the shaking is. The intensity is generally higher near the epicentre (reported as Roman
Numerals e.g. I-Scarcely perceptible to X-Completely Devastating) and this is measured by
(a) what people see and feel (b) severity and extent of damage to building or structures; (c)
condition of ground failure and presence of other earthquake hazards associated during the
event. In the Philippines, the intensity of an earthquake is determined using the PHIVOLCS
Earthquake Intensity Scale (PEIS) (Table 3.1.1).
Focus vs Epicenter
Focus is the point within the earth which is the center of energy released during an
earthquake, while epicenter is the point on the surface of the earth directly above the focus.
Destructive Historical Earthquake in the Philippines
The Philippines is no stranger to earthquakes that greatly impacted several areas. Below is a
list of some of the most destructive historical earthquakes in our country.
Manila collapsed instantly during the
quake while several major buildings near
Binondo and Escolta sustained varying
levels of structural damages
Offshore earthquake event, one of the
largest tsunami generating earthquake to
have occurred in Mindanao; devastated
Moro Gulf
1976 August 17 Ms 7.9 more than 700 km of coastline bordering
Moro Gulf; resulted to massive
destruction of properties and great loss
of lives (-4000)
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Date Magnitude Description of impacts
Produced a 125-km long ground rupture;
structures directly on the ground rupture
totally damaged: produced 1 – 6 meter
displacement; triggered numerous
1990 July 16 Ms 7.8 Luzon Earthquake landslides in northern and central Luzon;
liquefaction effects observed in the
provinces of Tarlac; Pangasinan, and La
Union; major cities suffered major
damages such as Baguio City and
Dagupan City;
Produced ground rupture; also resulted
to liquefaction and landslides; generated
1994 Ms 7.1 Mindoro tsunami waves which accounted for
November 15 Earthquake majority (49) of the 78 casualties in the
northern shoreline of Mindoro Island;
Earthquake Monitoring System
At present, PHIVOLCS operates 82 seismic monitoring stations all over the Philippines
(Figure 3.1.1). These stations are equipped with seismometers that detect and record
earthquakes. Data is sent to PHIVOLCS Data Receiving Center to determine earthquake
parameters such as magnitude, depth of focus and epicentre. Together with reported felt
intensities in the area (if any), an earthquake bulletin is released once these information are
Earthquake Hazards
There are hazards associated with earthquakes:
small as less than 0.5 meters (Masbate 2003 earthquake) to as big as 6 meters
(16 July 1990 Earthquake).
2. Ground shaking is the destructive up-down and sideways motion felt during an
earthquake. Strong ground shaking can cause object to fall, break windows
among others. Strong ground shaking can also result to minor damages to
buildings and worse, cause collapse of a structure. (e.g. collapse of Hyatt Hotel,
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5. Tsunami – is a series of sea waves generated by various geological processes
and commonly generated by under-the-sea earthquakes and whose heights
could be greater than 5 meters. Example of recent tsunami events in the
Philippines are the August 1976 Moro Gulf Earthquake and Tsunami and the
November 1994 Oriental Mindoro Earthquake and Tsunami.
Definition of Terms
Earthquake – a weak to violent shaking of the ground produced by the sudden movement of
rock materials below the earth’s surface
Fault - refers to a fracture, fissure or a zone of weakness where movement or displacement
has occurred or may occur again; a fault is said to be “active fault” if it has historical
and contemporary seismicity, has evidence of fault slip based on displaced rocks or
soil units of known age and displaced landforms; an active fault is defined as a fault
which has moved within the last 10,000 years.
Volcanic Earthquakes – earthquakes produced by movement of magma beneath volcanoes.
Tectonic Earthquakes – earthquakes produced by sudden movement along faults and plate
Focus - point within the earth which is the center of energy release during an earthquake.
Epicenter - point on the surface of the earth directly above the focus.
Magnitude – (energy) based on instrumentally derived information and correlates strength
with the amount of total energy release at the earthquakes’ point of origin
(reported as Arabic numbers, e.g. 5.3, 7.8, etc); derived from seismograph data.
Intensity – (shaking) perceived strength of an earthquake based on relative effect to people
and structures; generally higher near the epicentre (reported as Roman Numerals
e.g. I – scarcely perceptible to X – completely Devastating); measured by (a) what
people see and feel (b) severity and extent of damage to buildings or structures; (c)
condition of ground failure and presence of other earthquake hazards associated
PHIVOLCS 2005. Ang Lindol at mga panganib na dulot nito, flyer
PHIVOLCS 2006. Earthquake and Earthquake Hazards, flyer
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From Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2015). Teachers’ Module
Earthquake, Tsunami and Volcanic Hazards, pp 32-36.
Module 3.2
What to do before, during and after an Earthquake
At the end of this module, the participants will be able to:
1. Identify the proper practices to prepare one’s home, school, and workplace from
earthquake hazards.
2. Identify what are the proper actions to do during an earthquake
3. Identify what to do after an earthquake.
Goal of lecture
What to do before an earthquake
What to do during an earthquake
What to do after an earthquake
Now that we all know that very strong earthquakes could happen any time, it is important
to know what to do before, during and after an earthquake.
Earthquake alone don’t injure or kill people. It is our practices at home, in school, in the
workplace or outside that could hurt or injure us and others. Why is this so?
Strong ground shaking during an earthquake could break glasses and cause objects to fall on
people. Imagine if you are sitting near glass windows then a strong shaking starts. You will
probably hear the rattling sound of the glass panes and if it is a severely strong earthquake,
the glass panes could break into pieces and glass shards could fly to your direction. Imagine
if you are sitting near a shelf that is not properly secured. Its content could fall on you or
worse, the whole shelf could topple.
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In building, houses or other structures such as roads and bridges are not properly
constructed, these could sustain minor to major damages. In some cases, extremely strong
shaking could even cause the collapse of these structures. The collapse of many buildings in
Baguio City and Cabanatuan City during the 16 July 1990 Luzon Earthquake has taught us
many hard lessons about what an earthquake can do.
Figure 3.2.2
A school building in
Cabanatuan City
collapsed after intense
ground shaking, trapping
hundreds of students,
16 July 1990 Luzon
We do not know the exact date or time an earthquake would occur. We don’t even how
exactly in which specific area in the Philippines a big earthquake will occur at a given time.
However, based on the many experiences we have on record of destructive historical
earthquakes, what we know are the possible effects and impacts it could bring. We cannot
prevent an earthquake from happening, but we certainly can do many things to lessen or
even prevent some of the negative impacts an earthquake event might bring.
How to prepare BEFORE an earthquake
The key to earthquake risk reduction is knowing, planning, and preparing.
near an active fault. During an earthquake, a large area will definitely feel
the ground shaking, although different areas will experience its strength in
different degrees. But based on what you have learned in Module 3.1, is
your place prone to any of the other earthquake hazards such as
liquefaction, ground rupture, tsunami or landslide?
Preparing. Prepare your work place, home, or school for an earthquake by strapping
heavy furniture or cabinet to the wall, storing breakable items, harmful
chemicals and flammable items in the lowermost shelves and firmly
secured. Most causes of injuries during an earthquake are from falling
objects. So be conscious in placing materials on shelves and cabinets. Heavy
materials should be kept in lower shelves. Check the stability of hanging
objects which may fall during strong shaking.
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Figure 3.2.3 Secure cabinets and shelves by strapping them. Prepare an earthquake survival kit.
Identify which areas in your house or building can be used as refuge during an
Prepare and maintain an earthquake survival kit consisting of a battery powered
radio, flashlight, first aid kit, potable water, candies, whistle and dust mask.
Most important, familiarize yourself with the building you are in, where the exit
points are as well as the shortest way out.
When a strong shaking starts and you are inside a
building, protect yourself by staying away from
falling objects or windows with glass panes. Get
under a sturdy table and do the “DUCK, COVER and
HOLD”. Stay put until the shaking stops. Be alert, try
not to panic and keep your presence of mind. People
get unnecessarily injured once they feel the strong
shaking because they panic and start running while Figure 3.2.4 Do the DUCK, COVER, and HOLD
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the time to go around. As much as possible keep the telephone lines open for emergency,
rescue and other disaster responders who need communication for their coordination. Help
reduce the number of casualties by staying out of damaged buildings. Obey authorities.
As a guide, the following are some suggested actions specific in a school setting should be
taught to students:
Get under a sturdy table or desk and do the “ DUCK, COVER and HOLD”
Stay put until the shaking stop
As soon as the shaking stops…
Proceed to the identified evacuation area
Earthquake… don’t panic… You must know what to do BEFORE, DURING and AFTER and
earthquake, PHIVOLCS flyer.
Earthquake Safety in schools: A Primer for Teachers. PHIVOLCS flyer, 2008.
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From Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2015). Teachers’ Module
Earthquake, Tsunami and Volcanic Hazards, pp 37-42.
Module 3.3
Understanding Tsunami and Tsunami Preparedness
4. Enumerate the stages of tsunami
5. Identify the three natural signs of an approaching local tsunami;
6. Enumerate some tsunami safety and preparedness measures; and
7. Describe the Philippine Tsunami Information.
Goal of session
Definitions: Tsunami, Local tsunami, far field or distant tsunami
Tsunami generation, propagation and inundation
Natural signs of an approaching local tsunami
Tsunami safety and preparedness measures
Philippine Tsunami Information
associated with shallow earthquakes occurring below or near the ocean floor. In addition,
underwater volcanic eruptions, landslides and meteorite impact can also generate a
tsunami. Sometimes, tsunamis are erroneously called “tidal waves”. Remember that
tsunamis are generated by earthquakes and tsunami waves are generated because of
movement of fault under the sea. Tsunamis have nothing to do with high tide and low tide
which is caused by gravitational pull between the earth and moon. The increase in wave
heights associated or during typhoons or tropical cyclones are called “storm surges”. Storm
surges are not tsunamis.
The three (3) stages of tsunami are generation, propagation, and inundation.
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How are tsunamis generated?
Figure 3.3.1 Sequence of diagrams showing how tsunamis are generated when an earthquake occurs
under the sea
I. Tsunamis are commonly
generated in subduction zones
under the ocean where two plates
collide, with one plate (A) moving
down under the other (B).
III. Stuck area ruptures triggering an
earthquake pushing up the ocean
floor and seawater above. This
C starts the tsunami which moves in
opposite directions.
Tsunami speed depends on the depth of the water, over 8800 kilometers per hour (kph) in
deep ocean over 6km deep and 30 to 50kph near shorelines. Offshore and coastal features
can determine the size and impact of tsunami waves. The area flooded by tsunami is called
Philippine Sea, Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea can be affected by tsunamis that may be generated
by local earthquakes. Local tsunamis are confined to coasts within a hundred kilometers
from the source. It is usually generated by earthquakes and landslide or pyroclastic flow. It
can reach the shoreline within 2 to 5 minutes. Far field or distant tsunamis can travel from
1 to 24 hours before reaching the coast of the nearby countries. These tsunamis mainly
coming from the countries bordering Pacific Ocean like Chile, Alaska in USA and Japan.
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) and Northwest Pacific Tsunami Advisory Center
(NWPTAC) are the responsible agencies that closely monitor Pacific-wide tsunami event and
send tsunami warning to the countries around the Pacific Ocean.
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southwest coast of Mindanao and left more than 4,000 people dead, with at least 2,000
people missing. The 15 November 1994 Mindoro Earthquake also generated tsunamis in the
Mindoro Island that left 49 casualties.
A felt earthquake. SHAKE. Unusual sea level change: sudden
C seawater retreat or rise. DROP.
grounds immediately.
If unusual sea conditions like rapid lowering of sea level are observed, immediately
move towards high grounds.
Never go down the beach to watch for a tsunami. When you see the wave, you are
too close to escape it.
During the retreat of sea level, interesting sights are often revealed. Fish may be
stranded on dry land thereby attracting people to collect them. Also sandbars and
coral flats may be exposed. These scenes tempt people to flock to the shoreline
thereby increasing the number of people at risk.
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Community-based Early Warning Systems for Tsunami
Part of the preparedness of the people in the Philippines is the program on community-
based early warning system for tsunami. Its objective is to conduct community-level
awareness about earthquake and tsunami focused on the natural signs of an approaching
local tsunami, warning, and evacuation procedure. Another is to locate a pre-determined
high ground in the area and identify the routes to get there. Pieces of tsunami signage
consisting of warning sign, directional sign, and evacuation site sign can also be put to orient
and guide the community where unsafe and safe areas are located (Figure 3.3.3). These
signs can be translated to local languages.
Figure 3.3.3 Three types of signage that are used for community-based tsunami preparedness
Tsunami – is a series of sea waves generated by various geological processes and commonly
generated by under-the-seas earthquakes.
Local Tsunamis – these tsunamis are from nearby source. It occurs within a very short time,
with the first wave reaching the shoreline nearest the epicentre 2 to 5 minutes
after the main earthquake.
Far field/ Distant Tsunamis – these are tsunamis generated from distant location
earthquakes such as coming from other countries bordering the
1. What are the natural signs of an approaching local tsunami?
2. What is the Philippine Tsunami information?
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Tsunami Poster, Printed, 2006.
Tsunami Glossary, 2005
Tsunami The Great Waves, June 2005
Tsunami Primer, 2006, PHIVOLCS flyer
Developing a Tsunami-Prepared Community. PHIVOLC S flyer 2007
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Recommended Action for Affected
Tsunami Information Threat to the Philippines
A large earthquake is generated but
Advisory (green) either
1. There is no tsunami
No evacuation needed.
NO TSUNAMI THREAT generated by this event
The advisory is issued for
information purposes only.
2. A tsunami was generated
but will not reach the
Advisory (yellow) PHIVOLCS will monitor sea level No evacuation order is in effect.
SEA LEVEL changes and provide updates. Public is advised to wait and listen
CHANGE for updates.
Advisory (orange) Minor sea level disturbance is People are advised to stay away
expected in some coastal areas with
C from the beach and to not got to
MINOR SEA LEVEL wave heights of less than on (1) the coast.
DISTURBANCE meter above the expected ocean People whose houses are located
tides. very near the shoreline are advised
to move farther inland.
Owners of boats in harbours,
estuaries, or shallow coastal water
of the affected provinces should
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From Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2015). Teachers’ Module
Earthquake, Tsunami and Volcanic Hazards
Module 3.4
How to Organize and Conduct an Earthquake Drill in School
5. Identify what needs to be prepared prior to the conduct of an earthquake drill
Goal of session
Planning and Organizing the Earthquake Drill
Developing the School Earthquake Evacuation Plan (Module 3.5)
Orient prior to the Conduct of an Earthquake Drill
Actual Conduct of Earthquake Drill
Earthquake Preparedness begins at school
Earthquake preparedness is important especially in schools as school children are one of the
most vulnerable sectors in the community. School administrators and teachers must
educate the students on what to do before, during and after an earthquake to essentially
protect themselves from anything that may cause injuries. The best way to inculcate the
proper procedure on earthquake preparedness to students is to demonstrate and practice
them regularly through the conduct of earthquake drills.
Remember that tsunamis are generated by earthquake and tsunami waves are generated
because of movement of fault under the sea. Tsunamis have nothing to do with high tide
and low tide which is caused by the gravitational pull between the earth and moon. The
increase in wave heights associated or during typhoons or tropical cyclones are called
“storm surges”. Storm surges are not tsunamis.
Tsunamis can move faster than a person can run. The tsunami waves can travel at the speed
of a jet plane. It can travel up to rivers and streams from the ocean.
As a preparation, familiarize yourself and your students with your school surroundings. First
you can start by having a class activity wherein you and your students go around the school
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premises to get acquainted with safe spots in the school campus (open spaces, etc) and
identify unsafe practices, potential hazards, danger zones at school, in case of a strong
Some possible hazards include:
1. Tall, heavy pieces of furniture that could topple, such as bookcases and cabinets;
2. Hanging heavy flower pots, ceiling fans;
3. Glass window panes or walls that could break;
4. Heavy picture frames or mirrors;
5. Latches on cabinets that will not hold the door closed during shaking;
6. Glass or other breakable objects that are kept on high open shelves;
7. Obstructions such as plant boxes, chairs, benches, bulletin boards, trash cans that
may block exit points and corridors; and
8. Elevated water tanks and electrical posts which could topple or get damaged during
strong shaking.
What to expect during a real earthquake. Most probable, considering that age of your
students, they may not have experienced a very strong earthquake (such as 1990 Luzon
earthquake) in their life. What is important is to teach them about what to expect during an
earthquake. It will also help if there are video presentations that could be shown to them. In
general, it is important to teach the following:
What to teach...
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You may see...
Hanging objects like lamps, wall frames swing violently or
may even fall down;
Book shelves, cabinets, tables and chairs may move or be
shifted or fall over;
Window panes may rattle and may even break.
For the actual drill, the following are the assumptions:
1-minute strong shaking signified by 1 minute siren or bell
Person cannot stand
Buildings may have been damaged but no collapse
Possible falling objects including glass windows
No immediate assistance will be available for at least several hours. Self-help and
sustenance is required
Possible injuries, fear, panic among students and teachers
At the Dolores Elementary School, San Fernando, Pampanga, February 2007, students perform the
“Duck, Cover, and Hold” as soon as they heard the siren which signaled a strong ground shaking.
After the 1-minute siren, students trooped Students assembled at the identified
out of their classrooms evacuation area for the headcount
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Earthquake drill exercise of the correct manner of proceeding during and after an
Evacuation plan scheme or method of evacuating from indoor, which is developed in
Evacuation area open space evaluated as safe from falling debris and other materials
that may collapse, where evacuees proceed to during evaluation.
SDMC acronym for School Disaster Management Committee, core group
composed of several teams with specific tasks in managing disaster in
DCH acronym for “Duck, Cover and Hold”, a procedure where one takes
cover and holds onto a sturdy table or strongly supported doorway, or
stands against an inside wall
Alarm pre-arranged signal like siren/bell that indicates the earthquake/ground
Response reaction while the alarm is on-going, one performs the “Duck, Cover and
Hold” technique and remains in this position until the siren stops.
Evacuation abandonment of the room/building after the siren stops; evacuees
follow the evacuation plan representing the routes, exit points and
evacuation area
Assembly gathering of evacuees at the assigned part of the evacuation area,
where members of the same class group together
Head count tally or run down of the evacuees per class or group who are present in
the evacuation are to ensure that all evacuees are accounted for
Evaluation assessment of the drill to identify problems encountered and how these
can be corrected or improved in future earthquake drills.
1. What are the available facilities / supplies in the school that can be utilized during
emergency situations?
2. Who among the members of the school faculty and student body are capable of
responding and rendering first-aid treatment in times of crisis?
3. Are the teachers, students and other staff familiar with their place of work and
study (safe spots, danger zones, staircases, and exit points)?
4. How can one protect himself/herself before, during and after an earthquake?
5. How can the conduct of earthquake drill in the school be made effective?
PHIVOLCS pamphlet on How to Conduct an Earthquake Drill in School, May 2005
PHIVOLCS Training Course for SOEPD Field Personnel: Capacity Enhancement for Earthquake
and Tsunami Risk Mitigation Manual on Earthquake Preparedness (Module 2), October 2006
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From Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2015). Teachers’ Module
Earthquake, Tsunami and Volcanic Hazards
Module 3.5
Designing an Earthquake Evacuation Plan for a School
At the end of this module, the participants will be able to:
1. Differentiate between an earthquake evacuation plan and a fire evacuation plan;
2. Design an evacuation procedure, indicating the exit points, flow or traffic, and
alternate routes; and
3. Develop an earthquake evacuation plan
A. Identification and evaluation of available open spaces to be used as evacuation area
B. Measurements of open spaces to identify number of evacuees each can
accommodate (assumption: 4 -5 students of average built occupy and area of 1
square meter)
C. Designation of open spaces for each class C
D. Measurement of width of doors, corridors/ alleys, staircases; computation of how
many persons each can accommodate one at a time, and noting how much time it
takes to evacuate the whole building.
E. Outlining of evacuation routes from the classroom, through accessible doors and
other exit points, along corridors, down the staircases (if available), out of the
building and towards the designated evacuation area (Flow of traffic is one way,
with everyone going out of the building)
G. Orientation of earthquake evacuation plan to all teachers, students and other staff
a. Preparation of earthquake survival kits
b. Preparation of first-aid kits
An earthquake evacuation plan is different from the fire evacuation plan. In terms of
effect, a fire is concentrated in one area of the building while an earthquake affects the
whole building and nearby areas. In terms of response, people need to immediately
evacuate and put out the fire while people perform the Duck, Cover and Hold during an
earthquake and evacuate the building after if necessary. During fire incidents, outside help
will arrive definitely at the soonest time, while immediate outside help is not a guarantee
especially after a strong earthquake. Affected building occupants can be evacuated
anywhere outside the building farthest from the fire, while the area for evacuation after an
earthquake is limited only to open spaced that are safe from falling debris. Lastly, during fire
incidents there is no aftershock to deal with unlike during earthquake events.
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Earthquakes can strike quickly and without warning. The earthquake evacuation plan
prepared ahead can aid teachers, students and other building occupants during evacuation
procedure. Evacuation when done properly and systematically can minimize injuries and
1. A School Earthquake Evacuation Plan should have provision to utilize all available
open spaces nearest the building that are evaluated as safe from falling debris and
other materials that may cause injuries to students;
evacuation sites;
b. Consider the number of students in each building (morning and afternoon
session); and
c. Determine if there is sufficient open space for all. Areas to be occupied should
be computed assuming 4 to 5 students would occupy a 1 sq meter space;
3. Identify temporary refuge per class. Designate a specific area for each class as their
area of temporary refuge.
4. Exit points and routes. Once each class has been assigned a specific evacuation site,
come up with evacuation procedure using the available map.
a. Initially, all exit points nearest the room of occupants should be suggested as
their exit routes; assuming that these are passable after the earthquake;
b. Determine the flow of traffic from each room along the corridors using the
information on actual number of occupants per room and their designated
evacuation area;
c. Indicate by arrows the flow of student evacuation coming out of each room up
to their designated evacuation site. This will be the suggested earthquake
evacuation route for the students.
6. Disseminate Information. Orient all the teachers, school staff and students about
the map. Have copies of the evacuation map posted in every classroom (Figure
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Area – 2 dimensional unit of measurement derived from multiplying the Length (L) and
Width (W)
2. Is the pre-determined evacuation area enough to contain the evacuees and safe
from falling objects?
3. Are the widths of doors, corridors and staircases enough to accommodate the
evacuees from the classroom towards the evacuation area?
4. Did the developed earthquake evacuation plan have provisions for person with
disabilities, elderly, and pregnant?
5. Are the teachers, students and other staff properly oriented with the developed
earthquake evacuation plan for the school?
PHIVOLCS pamphlet on How to Conduct an Earthquake Drill in School, May 2005
PHIVOLCS Training Course for SOEPD Field Personnel: Capacity Enhancement for Earthquake
and Tsunami Risk Mitigation Manual on Earthquake Preparedness (Module 2), October 2006
PHIVOLCS Trainer’s training on how to conduct a School Earthquake Drill for Public School
Teachers of Rizal presentation on How to Conduct an Earthquake Drill in School (Villanueva,
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The materials featured in this chapter were retrieved from the Department of
Science and Technology - Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS).
The following updates (accessible from http://volcano.si.edu/ and
http://phivolcs.dost.gov.ph) should be noted in their use:
1. Mayon Volcano
Since July 2006, Mayon Volcano has had four eruptive phases (2008, 2009, 2013,
2014), bringing the total number of historical eruptions to 52.
2. Kanlaon Volcano
Kanlaon Volcano had renewed volcanic activity towards the end of 2015
3. Bulusan Volcano
After 2011, an eruptive phase occurred in May-July 2015, with more activity in
February 2016.
Supplementary Materials:
More on Volcano hazards
1. Doukas, M.P., et al. (1997, May). Impacts of Volcanic Gases on Climate, the
Environment, and People. Available at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1997/of97-262/of97-
2. Fisher, R.V. (1997). Hazardous Volcanic Events. Available at
7. Tilling, R.I., (1989). Volcanic hazards and their mitigation: Progress and Problems:
Reviews of Geophysics. 27(2):237-269.
8. U.S. Geological Survey. (2008, March). What Are Volcano Hazards? Available at
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Preparedness and Mitigation
1. U.S. Geological Survey. (2015, November 18).Be ready for the next volcanic event.
Available at http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/vhp/preparedness.html
5. Earth Observatory. (n.d.). Signs of an Impending Eruption. Available at
6. Oregon State University. (2016).What are the signs that a volcano is about to
erupt?. Available at http://volcano.oregonstate.edu/what-are-signs-volcano-about-
7. The Major Warning Signs http://www.planetseed.com/relatedarticle/major-
10. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012, September 28). Key Facts About
Protecting Yourself During a Volcanic Eruption. Available at
11. GNS Science. (2010, January 19). Be Prepared: Volcanic Ash Fall. Available at
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
12. Volcanic Ashfall Impacts Working Group. (2015, December 14). Volcanic Ash Impacts
& Mitigation. Available at http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/ash/todo.html
Examples - Local
1. Typhoon2000. (2008). Lahars At Mayon Volcano, Albay, Philippines. Available at
3. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (n.d.). Volcano List - Taal
Volcano. Available at
4. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (n.d.). Volcano List - Bulusan
Volcano. Available at
5. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2015, December 29). Mayon
Volcano Alerts levels. Available at
6. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2011, April 09). Taal Volcano
Alert Signals. Available at
7. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2014, August 4). Taal Volcano
Alert Signals. Available at
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
10. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2011, August 10). Hibok-hibok
Volcano Alert Signals. Available at
11. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2011, August 10). Pinatubo
Volcano Alert Signals. Available at
12. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2015, December 28). Kanlaon
Volcano Alert Level Scheme. Available at
13. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2001). Mayon Volcano Hazard
Maps. Retrieved from
14. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (1999). Taal Volcano Hazard
Maps. Retrieved from
Examples - International
1. U.S. Geological Survey. (2009, November 29). Lessons Learned from the Armero,
2. U.S. Geological Survey. (2015, June 30). Debris avalanche or volcanic landslide.
Available at http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/Imgs/Jpg/Photoglossary/30210600-
3. U.S. Geological Survey. (2011, December 20). Hummocky terrain of the debris
avalanche north of Mount Shasta. Available at
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
5. U.S. Geological Survey. (2014, March 31). Volcano Hazards in the Cascade Range.
Available at http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/observatories/cvo/hazards.html
Audio-Visual Resources
1. University of Canterbury-Geography. (2010, December 31). Dome collapse and
pyroclastic flow at Unzen Volcano. Available at
2. U.S. Geological Survey. (n.d.).Lava flow can burn forest and farm areas along its
path. Available at http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/Imgs/Jpg/Kilauea/30210600-
3. Clark Air Base. (2007, June 9). Mt. Pinatubo Explosion At Clark Air Base, Philippines
Part 1. Available at
4. BBC News. (2014, September 29). Video: Japan volcano shoots rock & ash on Mount
Ontake. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQtkoLxqUNQ
5. BBC News. (2014, September 28). Japan's Mount Ontake volcano erupted/eruption,
killing 34 people. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ObsOj9Q2Do
6. ProVention Consortium. (2008, August 07). Tales of Disasters 4. Volcano (English).
Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bPdmvLPo_0
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From Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2015). Teachers’ Module Earthquake,
Tsunami and Volcanic Hazards, pp 10-19.
6. Explain the various volcano alert level schemes of PHIVOLCS; and
7. Enumerate the possible signs of an impending eruption.
Goal of the lecture
Definition: Volcano
Classifying volcanoes: Active, Inactive, Potentially Active Volcanoes
Distribution of volcanoes in the Philippines
Types of volcanic eruptions
Volcanic Hazards
Pyroclastic flows
Lava flows
Lahars/ Volcanic mudflows
Ashfall or tephra fall
Volcanic gases
Secondary explosions
Tsunami/ Seiche
Debris avalanche
Ground fissuring
Signs of impending volcanic eruptions and monitoring techniques for risk mitigation
What is a volcano?
The term volcano signifies a vent, hill, or mountain from which molten or hot rocks with
gaseous materials are or have been ejected. The term also applies to craters, hills or
mountains formed by removal of pre-existing materials of by accumulation of ejected
materials. A volcanic eruption is a process wherein molten rock materials are emitted or
ejected in the form of flowing masses of lava or fragmental particles called pyroclastic with
gas from a crater, vent or fissure.
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PHIVOLCS Classification of volcanoes
The Philippines, because of its tectonic setting, has around 300 named and unnamed
volcanoes all over the archipelago. At present, PHIVOLCS classifies volcanoes into 3
categories: active, inactive and potentially active.
A volcano is classified as active based on the following: (1) if it has had eruptions in historic
times supported by numerous historical accounts; (2) if it has oral folkloric history which
Figure 2.2.1 Distribution of active, inactive, and potentially active volcanoes in the Philippines
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suggests an eruption that is remembered by our ancestors; (3) if it has shown indications of
seismic activity and (4) if it has volcanic deposits less than 10,000 years as determined by
radiometric dating. A volcano is said to be inactive if it has no record of eruptions and its
form has been changed by agents of weathering and erosion with the formation of deep
gullies. In 1997, PHIVOLCS introduced a third category-that of potentially active. A volcano is
said to be potentially active if it is geologically young-looking, which suggests it possibly
erupted in less than 10,000 years. A volcano is said to be geomorphologically young as
suggested by very little vegetation cover. Figure 2.2.1 shows the location of active, inactive
and potentially active volcanoes in the Philippines.
Types of Volcanoes
There are different types of volcanoes based on the form or shape of their edifice, which are
actually dependent upon the type of eruptions a volcano is capable of and ultimately the
chemical composition of the magma it erupts. (Figure 2.2.2.) Some of the general types of
volcanoes are:
a. Monogenetic cones (tuff/cones, cinder cones, maars) – low symmetrical
accumulations of cinder (scoria) and or tuff (ash). These volcanoes are usually
associated with low silica or basaltic magma, usually for during just one eruption,
and may be lateral vents associated with bigger volcanic complexes.
b. Volcanic domes/ Domes complexes – mound-shaped or convex volcanoes formed
by repeated slow extrusion of viscous magma. Domes are associated with low- to
high silica magma e.g. Hibok-hibok Volcano
c. Strato-volcanoes – cone-shaped volcanoes typically having one or several summit
craters and formed by repeated alternate deposition of lava and pyroclastic.
Stratovolcanoes are usually formed by intermediate silica or andesitic magma . e.g.
Mayon Volcano.
d. Calderas – large volcanic edifices typically composed of several volcanic centers
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Types of Volcanic Eruptions
Volcanic eruptions are generally classified as wet or dry eruptions depending on the role of
water. More popularly however, volcanic eruptions are characterized according to the
behaviour or styles of activity. The most common types of eruptions are:
a. Phreatic or hydrothermal eruptions – steam-driven eruptions caused by the contact
of water with hot country rocks (not magma). Phreatic eruptions are short-lived,
producing only ephemeral ash columns, but may be precursory to larger eruptive
c. Strombolian eruptions – periodic weak to violent eruptions of gas-charges fluid lava
characterized by lava fountaining and flow.
solidified plug of magma in the volcanic conduit by pressurized accumulated gas
beneath it. Vulcanian eruptions are characterized by tall eruption columns that can
reach up to 20 km high and the generation of pyroclastic flows and ashfall tephra.
e. Plinian eruptions – sustained and excessively explosive eruption of voluminous gas
and pyroclastic that produce tall eruption columns in excess of 40 km and well-
pronounced umbrella clouds. Plinian eruptions produce caldera but more
importantly, voluminous pyroclastic flows that often form widespread sheets of
deposits called an ignimbrite field. These eruption are known to cause global
climactic changes due to the injection of large quantities of volcanic gas into the
Volcanic hazards
Volcanic hazards are phenomena arising from volcanic activity that pose potential threat to
persons or property in a given area within a given period of time. Below is a list of volcanic
hazards common in Philippine active volcanoes.
Fast turbulent mass of fragmented
volcanic material (ash and rocks) mixed
with hot gases that flows downslope at
very high speed (>60kph).
The high temperature of a pyroclastic flow
can burn everything along its path. Deposits
of pyroclastic flows can bury areas within
river valleys and plains.
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Stream-like flow of incandescent, molten
rock material erupted from a volcano.
Areas buried by lava flows will not be usable for a
long time, because lava solidifies into massive
volcanic eruption. Ashfall distributed or
dispersal is dependent on prevailing wind
The fine ash particles, when inhaled, can cause
respiratory problems. Thick heavy ash
accumulations can cause roofs to collapse.
Ashfall is particularly hazardous to aircrafts
because it can cause jet engine failure. C
Rapidly flowing thick mixture of volcanic
materials and water, usually generated
along river channels by extreme rainfall
Lahar deposits can buy large areas under volcanic
debris several meters thick.
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Signs of impending volcanic eruptions and monitoring techniques for risk mitigation
Volcanologists rely on several indirect methodologies in order to detect and evaluate the
precursory signs that may warn of volcanic activity. The following are some of the telltale
signs of impending volcanic unrest, and the corresponding volcano monitoring techniques
that are employed to detect these signs.
can lead to an eruption.
ground tumescence or inflation which is attributed to magma intrusion, or ground
subsidence or deflation which is attributed to magma withdrawal. Ground
deformation is monitored by geodetic surveys such as EDM surveys or Precise
leveling which measure the lengthening or shortening of established baseline on the
volcanic slopes. Ground tilt is also measured remotely and in real-time with an
instrument called a tiltmeter permanently installed on the volcanic slopes.
c. Sulphur dioxide flux and other gas emissions – the output of sulphur dioxide, a
principal magmatic gas, as well as of other gas species, is measured as an indication
of the volume and state of the magma near or approaching the surface of a volcano.
Sulphur dioxide emission is indirectly measured using a Correlation Spectrometer or
COSPEC, a fly spectrometer or FlySpec, or a Differential Optical Absorption
precursory changes before and during an eruption, due to changes in the density
and electromagnetic fields of the erupting magma. These parameters are measured
by geophysical instruments such as gravimeters and magnetometers.
e. Hydrology – the water in wells and springs are also monitored for pH, chemistry and
temperature for changes that may be caused by the influx of new magma. In some
volcanoes, water levels are also constantly measured for significant non-seasonal
fluctuation that may result from ground deformation.
f. Volcanic plumes – The plumes of active volcanoes are regularly monitored for
volume, intensity and color which may change due to varying amounts of steam, gas
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or ash. Space-borne satellite images also measure volcanic plume chemistry by
analysing the spectral properties of the plumes.
Figure 2.2.3 shows the different signs of volcanic unrest, with specific alert signs for Taal
volcano at Table 2.2.1. PHIVOLCS has also developed many information materials that can
be used by people to prepare for different hazards such as Figure 2.2.4.
As part of hazards mitigation and risk reduction for communities situated around volcanoes,
volcanologists conduct research on their eruptive histories and products and generated
volcanic hazards maps. These maps are intended to be used as guidelines for evacuation and
response procedures during a volcanic crisis such as an impending eruption, and as guides to
safe land use and management and risk mitigation measures.
1. Name the three categories by which we classify volcanoes in the Philippiens
2. What are the hazards associated with volcanic eruptions?
3. Name at least 3 signs of volcanic unrest
4. Name at least 3 volcano-monitoring techniques used in the Philippines.
Martinez – villegas, M.L. (2001). An introduction to Volcanic Hazards in the Philippines, in
Learning to Expect the Unexpected, Proceedings.
Tilling, R.I. (1989). Volcanic hazards and their mitigation: Progress and Problems: Reviews of
Geophysics 27(2):237 – 269
PHIVOLCS Volcanoes and Volcanic Hazards Flyer, 2013
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A volcanic eruption can be non-explosive or explosive. A non-explosive eruption is a
quiet effusion of lava. An explosive explosion can be compared to an atomic bomb
explosion, exploding thick and dark ash clouds reaching up to thousands of meters high.
Volcanic ash clouds are fine fragments ejected by a volcano during such an eruption.
Sometimes they can be seen growing like a giant mushroom enveloping the horizon over an
erupting crater causing the surrounding area to be shrouded with darkness. However, after
a few minutes, the ash falls back to the ground like rain. This is what we call ashfall. After
the ashfall, you’ll notice that the coarser fragments can be found near the volcano while as
you go farther, the ash becomes finer.
Heavy ashfall can cause harm to humans, animals, plants, equipment, engines and
structures. Fine volcanic ash is often respirable which can cause pulmo-respiratory diseases
if inhaled over prolonged period. Volcanic ash contains soluble salt which can harm plants.
Thick ash that accumulates on roofs especially when rained on could cause the collapse of
houses and buildings. Also, acid-bearing ash could cause metal corrosion and destroy
household appliances like air-conditioner, freezer, refrigerator, radio, television set,
computer, etc. Ash could likewise affect vehicle engines and cause vehicular accidents. We
cannot stop an ashfall but we can minimize its adverse effects. The following are some tips
on what to do before, during, and after an ashfall.
Figure 2.2.4 What to do before (above), during, and after (next page) an ashfall
event. (Source: PHIVOLCS What to do BEFORE, DURING, AFTER an ashfall Poster, 2014)
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Table 2.2.1 Taal Volcano Alert Levels.
No eruption in foreseeable
0 Background, quiet
Magmatic, tectonic or
Low level seismicity, fumarolic, ground
1 hydrothermal disturbance;
deformation and other parameters
no eruption imminent.
Low to moderate level of seismicity, A) Probable magmatic
persistence of local earthquakes. Ground intrusion; could
deformation measurements above baseline eventually lead to an
2 levels. Increased water and/or ground probe eruption
hole temperatures, increased bubbling and B) If trend declines,
volcanic gas flux in the Main Crater lake. volcano may soon go
to level 1
Eruption is imminent
A) If trend is one of
Relatively high unrest manifested by seismic
swarms including the occurrence of low
increasing unrest,
eruption is possible
frequency earth shakes and/or volcanic
within days to a few
3 tremor (some even felt). Sudden or bubbling
activity or volcanic gas emission or crater
B) If trend is one of
lake acidity. Bulging of the edifice and
decreasing unrest,
fissuring may accompany seismicity.
volcano may soon go
to level 2
Intense unrest, continuing seismic swarms,
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Source: http://volcano.si.edu/volcano.cfm?vn=273030
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (n.d.). Volcano List - Mayon Volcano. Retrieved
from http://www.phivolcs.dost.gov.ph/html/update_VMEPD/Volcano/VolcanoList/mayon.htm
Elevation: 2.46 km
Base Diameter: 20 km
Rock Type: Basalt to Olivine-bearing Pyroxene Andesite
Tectonic Setting: Bicol Volcanic Chain
Number of Historical Eruptions: 48
Latest Eruption/Activity:
14 July 2006 (mild eruption – quiet effusion of lava) - on going
Eruption Type:
1. Strombolian (e.g.. 1978, 1st phase of 1984 eruption)
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2. Vulcanian (e.g. 1st phase of 1968 eruption, 2nd phase of 1984 eruption)
3. Plinian (e.g. 1814)
Precursors to Eruptions:
1. Increase in seismicity level (Background: 0-10 volcanic quakes per day)
2. Ground tilt due to magma intrusion.
3. Change in color of steam emission from white to gray due to entrained ash
4. Increase in the volume of steam emission
5. Crater glow due to presence of magma at or near the crater.
6. Rumbling sounds due to gas explosions, wall fracturing, landslides
Type of Hazards:
1. Airfall tephra
2. Lava flows
3. Pyroclastic flows
4. Lahars
Permanent Danger Zone: six (6) km radius from the summit
Volcano Observatory: Lignon Hill Observatory (LHO) - 12 km SSE of the summit
(123°43.56’ E, 13°09.64’N)
Monitoring Methods:
1. Seismic monitoring (number of volcanic quakes and tremors)
2. Ground deformation (precise leveling, electronic tilt, GPS)
3. Visual observations
4. Sulfur dioxide emission rate (by COSPEC)
Monitoring Stations
A - Seismic Network
DIGITAL PERMANENT: Lignon Hill Observatory, Upper Anoling, Upper Sta.
Misericordia and Mayon Rest House with repeater sites at Mt. Bariw, Upper Sto.
Domingo and Tabaco
DIGITAL MOBILE: Upper Mayon Rest House, Upper Masarawag and Lignon Hill
B - Ground Deformation
PRECISE LEVELING LINES: Buang Junction to Mayon Rest House (20
benchmarks); Lidong (13 benchmarks) and Anoling
GPS STATIONS: Legazpi (Lignon Hill), Sto. Domingo (San Andres), Malilipot
(Calbayog), Tabaco (MRH), Malinao, Ligao (Nabonton) and Camalig (Upper
Anoling, Tinago, and Palanog)
PERMANENT ELECTRONIC TILT: Upper Anoling, Buang and Mayon Rest House
MOBILE ELECTRONIC TILT: Upper Anoling, Lower Anoling and Upper MRHO
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Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (n.d.). Volcano List - Kanlaon Volcano. Retrieved
from http://www.phivolcs.dost.gov.ph/html/update_VMEPD/Volcano/VolcanoList/kanlaon.htm
Elevation: 2.435 km
Base Diameter: 30 km
Type of Volcano: Stratovolcano
Hot springs: Mambucal Hot Springs ( NW slope of KV), Bucalan Hot Spring, Bungol
Hot Spring
Adjacent Volcanic Edifice: Mt. Silay and Mt. Mt. Mandalagan (N of Kanlaon)
Rock Type: Pyroxene andesite with minor amounts of basalt and dacite
Tectonic Setting: Negros Volcanic Belt
Number of Historical Eruptions: 26
Latest Eruption/Activity: 03 June - 25 July 2006
Eruption Type:
1. Phreatic (e.g. 1985, 1992, 1993)
2. Phreatomagmatic (e.g. 1884)
3. Strombolian (e.g. 1902)
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Precursors to Eruption:
1. Increase in frequency of volcanic tremors/quakes
2. Inflationary trend for geodetic measurements
4. Increased steaming activity
5. Sulfur stench observed at Cabagnaan and Mambucal
6. Increased chloride concentration and lowering of pH at Mambucal hot
Type of Hazards: tephra falls, pyroclastic flows and base surges, lava flows, lahar,
debris avalanche and structural collapse
Permanent Danger Zone: Four (4) km radius from the summit
Other Buffer Zones:
ZONE A - area to be evacuated for Alert Level 3 covering 6 km SE-NW from the
ZONE B - area to be evacuated for Alert Level 4, covering 8 km SE-NW from the
ZONE C - area to be evacuated when eruption becomes very explosive and
hazardous, covering 12 to 14 km SENW from the crater
Volcano Observatory: Kanlaon Volcano Observatory, La Carlota City College
Campus, Bgy. Cubay, La Carlota City, Negros Occidental
Monitoring Methods:
1. Seismic monitoring
2. Ground Deformation – precise leveling, electronic distance measurement
(EDM), global positioning system (GPS), tilt
Monitoring Stations:
A – Seismic Network
Digital: Canlaon City, Manghumay, Sto. Bama, Calvary Hill,
Pinamintigan HIll
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Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (n.d.). Volcano List –Hibok-hibok Volcano.
Retrieved from
Elevation: 1.332 km
Base Diameter: 10 km
Type of Volcano: Stratovolcano and dome complex
Rock Type: Hornblende andesite and dacite
Tectonic Setting: Central Mindanao Arc
Number of Historical Eruptions: 5
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Latest Eruption/Activity: 1948 Sept. 31 - 1953 July
Eruption Type:
1. Pelean (e.g. 1948-1952)
2. Dome building with nuee ardente (e.g. 1871, 1949-1953)
3. Solfataric activity with subterranean sounds ( e.g. 1897-1902)
Eruption Sites during the 1948-1952 eruptions: Kanangkaan Crater (1948), Itum
Crater (1949) and c) Ilihan Crater(1950).
Eruption Pattern observed during the 1948-1952 eruptions (a cycle of four phases):
1. A short period of emission of considerable amount of steam from the crater
and avalanches of volcanic materials;
2. Explosions or steam blast with emission of heavy clouds of steam, ash and
other fragmentary volcanic materials with a strong possibility of the
development of nuee ardente;
3. Eruption of incandescent materials, emission of ash and steam in large
amounts, formation of flows and occasional minor crateral outburst, and
4. Decrease in amount of steam and other ejecta from the crater.
Precursors to Eruptions:
1. Increasing number of volcanic quakes/tremors
2. Localized landslides, rockfalls and landslides from the summit area not
attributable to heavy rains
3. Appreciable increase in steam emission
5. Progressive ground deformation (tilting, inflation, etc.)
6. Presence of crater glow
7. Appearance of solfataras
Type of Hazards: Steam blasts, Glowing avalanches, Lava flows, Lahars
Permanent Danger Zone: Three (3) km radius from the summit
Volcano Observatory: Quiboro Volcano Observatory, Mambajao, 4.7 km NE of
Hibok-Hibok (, 9° 14.0'N, 124° 40.3'E)
Monitoring Methods:
1. Seismic (number of recorded volcanic quakes and tremors)
2. Ground deformation – Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM)
3. Visual observations (steaming activity, and other phenomena)
Monitoring Stations
A - Seismic Network
· Hibok-Hibok Observatory · Vulcan Peak Repeater Station
· Upper Southeast Slope · Lawigan, Catarman
· Napo, Catarman · Mainit, Catarman Observation Point
· Vulcan Peak Observation Point · Baylao
B - Ground Deformation
· PRECISE LEVELING LINE - Quiboro to Hibok-Hibok slope
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NO ALERT Background, quiet No eruption in foreseeable
1 Low level of seismic, fumarolic, other Magmatic, tectonic or
unrest hydrothermal disturbance; no
eruption imminent
2 Low to moderate level of seismic, other Probable magmatic intrusion;
unrest with positive evidence for could eventually lead to an
involvement of magma eruption
3 Relatively high and increasing unrest, Increasing likelihood of an
including numerous b-types eruption, possible within days to
earthquakes, accelerating ground week
deformation, and rockfalls, increased
vigor or fumaroles, gas emission
4 Intense unrest, including harmonic Magma close to or at earth’s
tremor, and/or may “long” period (low surface. Hazardous explosives,
frequency) earthquakes or quiet lava eruption likely, possible, within
emissions and/or dome growth and/or hours to days
small explosions
5 Hazardous explosive eruption in Explosive eruption in progress.
progress, with pyroclastic flows, surges, Hazards in valleys and
and/or eruption column rising at least 6 downwind.
km or 20,000 feet above sea level
In order to protect against “lull before the storm” phenomena, alert levels will be
maintained for the following periods after activity decreases to the next lower level.
From level 5 to level 4: Wait 12 hours after level 5 activity stops
From level 4 to level 3: Wait 2 weeks after activity drops below level 4
From level 3 to level 2: Wait 2 weeks after activity drops below level 3
Note: ashfall will occur from secondary explosions for several years after eruption,
whenever rainfall and lahars come in contact with still hot pyroclastic deposits.
These secondary explosions will occur regardless of alert level.
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Landslide Types and Processes
Highland, L. (2004, July). U.S. Geological Survey. Available at pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2004/3072/pdf/fs2004-
comprising the intermountain west, and the a combination of these. The materials may
mountainous and hilly regions of the Eastern move by falling, toppling, sliding, spreading,
United States. Alaska and Hawaii also or flowing. Figure 1 shows a graphic
experience all types of landslides. illustration of a landslide, with the commonly
Landslides in the United States cause accepted terminology describing its features.
approximately $3.5 billion (year 2001 dollars) The various types of landslides can
in damage, and kill between 25 and 50 be differentiated by the kinds of material
people annually. Casualties in the United involved and the mode of movement. A
States are primarily caused by rockfalls, rock
slides, and debris flows. Worldwide,
C classification system based on these
parameters is shown in figure 2. Other
landslides occur and cause thousands of classification systems incorporate additional
casualties and billions in monetary losses variables, such as the rate of movement and
annually. the water, air, or ice content of the landslide
The information in this publication material.
provides an introductory primer on Although landslides are primarily
understanding basic scientific facts about associated with mountainous regions, they
landslides—the different types of landslides, can also occur in areas of generally low
how they are initiated, and some basic relief. In low-relief areas, landslides occur as
information about how they can begin to be cut-and fill failures (roadway and building
managed as a hazard. excavations), river bluff failures, lateral
spreading landslides, collapse of mine-waste
piles (especially coal), and a wide variety of
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SLIDES: Although many types of mass
movements are included in the general
term “landslide,” the more restrictive use of
the term refers only to mass movements,
where there is a distinct zone of weakness
that separates the slide material from more
stable underlying material. The two major
types of slides are rotational slides and
translational slides.
Rotational slide: This is a slide in which the
surface of rupture is curved concavely
upward and the slide movement is roughly
rotational about an axis that is parallel to
the ground surface and transverse across
the slide (fig. 3A). Translational slide: In this
type of slide, the landslide mass moves
along a roughly planar surface with little
rotation or backward tilting (fig. 3B). A block
slide is a translational slide in which the
moving mass consists of a single unit or a
few closely related units that move Figure 1.1. La Conchita, coastal area of southern
downslope as a relatively coherent mass
C California. This landslide and earth flow occurred in
the spring of 1995. People were evacuated and the
(fig. 3C). houses nearest the slide were completely
destroyed. This is a typical type of landslide.
Photo by R.L. Schuster
FALLS: Falls are abrupt movements of
masses of geologic materials, such as rocks a. Debris flow: A debris flow is a form of
and boulders, that become detached from rapid mass movement in which a
steep slopes or cliffs (fig. 3D). Separation combination of loose soil, rock, organic
occurs along discontinuities such as matter, air, and water mobilize as a slurry
fractures, joints, and bedding planes and that flows downslope (fig. 3F). Debris flows
movement occurs by free-fall, bouncing, include <50% fines. Debris flows are
and rolling. Falls are strongly influenced by commonly caused by intense surface-water
gravity, mechanical weathering, and the flow, due to heavy precipitation or rapid
presence of interstitial water. snowmelt that erodes and mobilizes loose
soil or rock on steep slopes. Debris flows
TOPPLES: Toppling failures are also commonly mobilize from other types of
distinguished by the forward rotation of a landslides that occur on steep slopes, are
unit or units about some pivotal point, nearly saturated, and consist of a large
below or low in the unit, under the actions proportion of silt- and sand-sized material.
of gravity and forces exerted by adjacent Debris-flow source areas are often
units or by fluids in cracks (fig. 3E). associated with steep gullies, and debris-
flow deposits are usually indicated by the
FLOWS: There are five basic categories of presence of debris fans at the mouths of
flows that differ from one another in gullies. Fires that denude slopes of
fundamental ways. vegetation intensify the susceptibility of
slopes to debris flows.
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b. Debris avalanche: This is a variety of very are reaching the point of failure as other
rapid to extremely rapid debris flow (fig. types of mass movements. Creep is
3G). indicated by curved tree trunks, bent fences
c. Earthflow: Earthflows have a or retaining walls, tilted poles or fences,
characteristic “hourglass” shape (fig. 3H). and small soil ripples or ridges (fig. 3I).
The slope material liquefies and runs out,
forming a bowl or depression at the head. LATERAL SPREADS: Lateral spreads are
The flow itself is elongate and usually distinctive because they usually occur on
occurs in fine-grained materials or clay- very gentle slopes or flat terrain (fig. 3J).
bearing rocks on moderate slopes and The dominant mode of movement is lateral
under saturated conditions. However, dry extension accompanied by shear or tensile
flows of granular material are also possible. fractures. The failure is caused by
d. Mudflow: A mudflow is an earthflow liquefaction, the process whereby
consisting of material that is wet enough to saturated, loose, cohesion less sediments
flow rapidly and that contains at least 50 (usually sands and silts) are transformed
percent sand-, silt-, and clay-sized particles. from a solid into a liquefied state. Failure is
In some instances, for example in many usually triggered by rapid ground motion,
newspaper reports, mudflows and debris such as that experienced during an
flows are commonly referred to as earthquake, but can also be artificially
“mudslides.” induced. When coherent material, either
e. Creep: Creep is the imperceptibly slow, bedrock or soil, rests on materials that
steady, downward movement of slope-
C liquefy, the upper units may undergo
forming soil or rock. Movement is caused by fracturing and extension and may then
shear stress sufficient to produce subside, translate, rotate, disintegrate, or
permanent deformation, but too small to liquefy and flow. Lateral spreading in fine-
produce shear failure. There are generally grained materials on shallow slopes is
three types of creep: (1) seasonal, where usually progressive. The failure starts
movement is within the depth of soil suddenly in a small area and spreads
affected by seasonal changes in soil rapidly. Often the initial failure is a slump,
moisture and soil temperature; (2) but in some materials movement occurs for
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Figure 3. These schematics illustrate the major types of landslide movement that are described in
the previous pages.
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Although there are multiple types dilation of soil materials, which allows rapid
of causes of landslides, the three that cause infiltration of water. The 1964 Great Alaska
most of the damaging landslides around the Earthquake caused widespread landsliding
world are these: and other ground failure, which caused
most of the monetary loss due to the
Landslides and Water earthquake. Other areas of the United
States, such as California and the Puget
Slope saturation by water is a Sound region in Washington, have
primary cause of landslides. This effect can experienced slides, lateral spreading, and
occur in the form of intense rainfall, other types of ground failure due to
snowmelt, changes in ground-water levels, moderate to large earthquakes.
and water level changes along coastlines, Widespread rockfalls also are caused by
earth dams, and the banks of lakes, loosening of rocks as a result of ground
reservoirs, canals, and rivers. shaking. Worldwide, landslides caused by
Landsliding and flooding are closely earthquakes kill people and damage
allied because both are related to structures at higher rates than in the United
precipitation, runoff, and the saturation of States.
ground by water. In addition, debris flows
and mudflows usually occur in small, steep Landslides and Volcanic Activity
stream channels and often are mistaken for
floods; in fact, these two events often occur Landslides due to volcanic activity
simultaneously in the same area.
C are some of the most devastating types.
Landslides can cause flooding by Volcanic lava may melt snow at a rapid rate,
forming landslide dams that block valleys causing a deluge of rock, soil, ash, and
and stream channels, allowing large water that accelerates rapidly on the steep
amounts of water to back up. This causes slopes of volcanoes, devastating anything in
backwater flooding and, if the dam fails, its path. These volcanic debris flows (also
stream flow or cause channel blockages and surrounding the volcanoes. The 1980
diversions creating flood conditions or eruption of Mount St. Helens, in
localized erosion. Landslides can also cause Washington triggered a massive landslide
overtopping of reservoirs and/or reduced on the north flank of the volcano, the
capacity of reservoirs to store water. largest landslide in recorded times.
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conditions on hazard-zone activity. Local 3. For an assessment of the landslide risk
governments can reduce landslide effects to an individual property or homesite,
through land-use policies and regulations. obtain the services of a State-licensed
Individuals can reduce their exposure to geotechnical engineer or engineering
hazards by educating themselves on the geologist. These professionals can be
past hazard history of a site and by making found through the membership listings
inquiries to planning and engineering of two professional societies, the
departments of local governments. They American Society of Civil Engineers
can also obtain the professional services of (ASCE), http://www.asce.org and the
an engineering geologist, a geotechnical Association of Engineering Geologists
engineer, or a civil engineer, who can http://www.aegweb.org. Often,
properly evaluate the hazard potential of a personnel in State or county planning or
site, built or unbuilt.
engineering departments can refer
competent geotechnical engineers or
The hazard from landslides can be reduced engineering geologists.
by avoiding construction on steep slopes
and existing landslides, or by stabilizing the 4. For more information about the design
slopes. Stability increases when ground and construction of debris-flow
water is prevented from rising in the mitigation measures which may include
landslide mass by (1) covering the landslide debris basins, debris fences, deflection
with an impermeable membrane, (2) walls, or other protective works, consult
directing surface water away from the
C your city or county engineer, local
landslide, (3) draining ground water away flood-control agency, or the U.S.
from the landslide, and (4) minimizing Department of Agriculture, Natural
Resources Conservation Service:
surface irrigation. Slope stability is also
increased when a retaining structure and/or http://www.ncgc.nrcs.usda.gov/
the weight of a soil/rock berm are placed at 5. For photos of landslide types:
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Excerpts from “Sinkholes”, USGS Water Science School, water.usgs.gov/edu/sinkholes.html
And “Sinkholes”, USGS Fact Sheet 2007-3060, By James E. Kaufmann
while until the underground spaces just
get too big. If there is not enough support What is a “Sinkhole”?
A sinkhole is an area of ground
that has no natural external surface
drainage—when it rains, all of the water
stays inside the sinkhole and typically
drains into the subsurface. Sinkholes can
C vary from a few feet to hundreds of acres
and from less than 1 to more than 100 feet
deep. Some are shaped like shallow bowls
or saucers whereas others have vertical
walls; some hold water and form natural
ponds. Two historic sinkhole ponds in
southern Missouri are Tupelo Gum Pond
and Cupola Pond. Typically, sinkholes form
occur. These collapses can be small, or, as Sinkholes (data from Missouri
Department of National
this picture shows, or they can be huge Resources, 2007)
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Where do sinkholes form? Eventually, these cracks and crevices,
Sinkholes form in what geologists which are the beginning of a conduit
call “karst terrain.” Karst terrain is a region system, become large enough to start
where the bedrock can be dissolved by transporting small soil particles. As these
ground water. Bedrock in a karst area small particles of soil are carried off, the
typically is limestone, dolomite (a rock surface of the soil above the conduit starts
similar to limestone but with magnesium slumping down gradually, and a small
along with the calcium normally present in depression forms on the surface of the
the minerals that form the rocks) or ground. This small depression acts like a
gypsum. Karst areas are characterized by funnel and gathers even more water,
special features not present elsewhere: which makes the conduit larger and
springs, caves, dry streams that lose water washes more soil into the conduit. Not all
underground, and sinkholes. of the soil particles get carried into the
These features all form because conduit; if the soil contains a large amount
water that is slightly acidic from absorbing of clay, the conduit can become plugged
carbon dioxide from the air and soil and sink-hole may start to hold water and
dissolves the bedrock and forms pathways form a natural pond.
and channels in the rock. These pathways,
called conduits, are like underground
plumbing that carries water from the
surface to springs located in valleys.
Eventually, these conduits become
exposed by erosion and, if large enough,
become caves.
Sometimes conduits are called
underground rivers. Like a river system,
they have an area where the water collects
more typical stream and river system. Catastrophic collapse sinkholes are
Sinkholes form in the recharge area where more rare than the bowl-shaped type, but
the surface water is flowing into the they are not uncommon. Between 1970
subsurface and entering a conduit. and 2007, the Missouri Department of
Natural Resources examined more than
How do sinkholes form? 160 collapses reported by the public. Most
When water from rainfall moves of these collapses were small – less than
down through the soil and encounters 10 feet in diameter and 10 feet deep;
bedrock in karst terrain, the bedrock some, however, were quite large and
begins to dissolve along horizontal and spectacular. Sinkhole collapses drained a
vertical cracks and crevices in the rock. lake in the St. Louis, Missouri area, drained
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the West Plains, Missouri, sewage lagoon, forming a sinkhole depends on
and another in Nixa, Missouri, swallowed a water to carry away soil particles, anything
car along with the garage that it was that increases the amount of water flowing
parked in! into the subsurface can speed up this
Collapses form in essentially the process. Parking lots, streets, altered
same way as the more common bowl- drainage from construction, and roof
shaped sinkholes. When the soil particles guttering are some things that can
start washing into the conduit, the soil increase runoff; even weather can make a
closer to the ground surface does not difference.
slump down, but starts forming a bridge. A Collapses are more frequent after
void forms where the soil keeps washing intense rainstorms, and there is some
into the conduit and, eventually, this hole evidence that droughts play a role as well.
grows large enough that the soil above it Areas where the water table fluctuates or
can no longer bridge it. The soil bridge has lowered suddenly are more prone to
then suddenly collapses into the void collapse formation. Collapses are not
below and a sinkhole forms. limited to karst areas as they can form
The process of forming a conduit above old mines and even from leaky
and a soil bridge typically takes many years pipes—though they are much more
to decades to form and can be aggravated frequent in areas that have significant
by human activities. Since the process of C karst development.
Formation of collapse – soil bridges gap where sediment has been washing into a solution enlarged
fracture, A. Over time, the void migrates upward through the soil, B. after the bridge thins, a sudden
collapse, C, often plugs the drain and erosion will, after many years, transform the collapse into a
more bowl-shaped sinkhole, D.
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Areas prone to collapse sinkholes rock types are evaporites (salt, gypsum,
The map below shows areas of and anhydrite) and carbonates (limestone
the United States where certain rock and dolomite). Evaporite rocks underlie
types that are susceptible to dissolution in about 35 to 40 percent of the United
water occur. In these areas the formation States, though in many areas they are
of underground cavities can form and buried at great depths.
catastrophic sinkholes can happen. These
Types of sinkholes dissolution, where surface rock that are
Since Florida is prone to soluble to weak acids, are dissolved, and
sinkholes, it is a good place to use to suffosion, where cavities form below the
discuss some different types of sinkholes land surface, are responsible for virtually
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Dissolution sinkholes
Dissolution of the limestone or dolomite is most intensive where the water first
contacts the rock surface. Aggressive dissolution also occurs where flow is focused in
preexisting openings in the rock, such as along joints, fractures, and bedding planes, and in
the zone of water-table fluctuation where groundwater is in contact with the atmosphere.
Rainfall and surface water percolate through may focus surface, drainage, accelerating the
joints in the limestone. Dissolved carbonate rock dissolution process. Debris carried into the
is carried away from the surface and a small developing sinkhole may plug the outflow,
depression gradually forms. ponding water and creating wetlands.
Cover-subsidence sinkholes
Cover-subsidence sinkholes tend to develop gradually where the covering sediments are
permeable and contain sand. In areas where cover material is thicker or sediments contain
more clay, cover subsidence sinkholes are relatively uncommon, are smaller, and may go
undetected for long periods.
Cover-collapse sinkholes
Cover-collapse sinkholes may develop abruptly (over a period of hours) and cause
catastrophic damages. They occur where the covering sediments contain a significant
amount of clay. Over time, surface drainage, erosion, and deposition of sinkhole into a
shallower bowl-shaped depression.
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Sediments spall into As spalling continues, The cavity migrates The cavity
a cavity the cohesive upward by eventually breaches
covering sediments progressive roof the ground surface,
form a structural collapse creating sudden
arch. and dramatic
Sinkholes can be human-induced
practices. Sinkholes can also form when natural
water-drainage patterns are changed and new
water diversion systems are developed. Some
sinkholes form when the land surface is changed,
such as when industrial and runoff-storage ponds
are created. The substantial weight of the new
material can trigger an underground collapse of
supporting material, thus causing a sinkhole.
Additional Information: For more information about this and other integrated science
studies at the Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center please write or call:
Emitt Witt, Director U.S. Geological Survey Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center
1400 Independence Road Rolla, Missouri 65401
Fax: (573) 308-3652 Phone: (573) 308-3679 email: [email protected]
Sinkholes, USGS Fact Sheet 2007 – 3060
Land Subsidence in the United States, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1182
Land Subsidence in the United States, USGS Fact Sheet – 165-00
Carbonate-rock aquifers, Aquifer Basics
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Homeowner‟s Guide to Landslides
Landslides occur when masses of rock, soil, or debris move down a slope
under the force of gravity. The term landslide includes a wide range or ground
movement such as rockfalls, mud and debris flows, and surface failures called
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slumps, earthflows, and translational slides. Landslides can occur in a matter of
seconds or over the course of weeks and longer.
Rapid, near vertical, movement of rocks that
involves free-falling, bouncing, and rolling; often
occurs in areas with near vertical exposures of rock.
3. SLUMPS (rotational)
Unconsolidated materials (such as soil and debris)
move down-slope in a distinctive rotational motion,
usually occurs on moderate to steep slopes.
Unchannelized flow of water, soil, rock, and
vegetation that moves down-slope, occurs on steep
slopes. No failure surface at bottom.
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Factors increasing driving forces:
1. Over-steepened slopes
2. Adding water to slope from landscape irrigation, roof downspouts,
broken sewer and water lines, and poor storm water drainage
3. Heavy rainfall and/or rapid snowmelt
4. Loading extra material at the top of the slope
Earthquakes and heavy precipitation can also trigger landslides on
susceptible slopes.
Steep slopes – problems often occur on slopes steeper than 10-15 degrees.
Suspect landforms may indicate past ground movement. Landforms such as
steep, curved scarps are common at the top of landslides. Hummocky (lumpy
and bumpy) ground often indicates a former landslide. Trees that lean in
different directions or have bent lower tree trunks (trees with knees) are also
To learn where landslides have occurred in your area contact local officials,
state geologic surveys, departments of natural resources, or university
geosciences departments. Slopes where landslides have occurred in the past
have a higher likelihood of movement in the future.
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or LEG) or a registered/ licensed geologist (RG) or a professional geotechnical
engineer (PE) if you plan on building on a location that is a high risk area.
Signs of Landslide Activity Structures:
• Newly cracked pavement, foundation, support walls, sidewalks
• Tilted or cracked chimney
• Doors or windows that stick or jam for the first time
• Outside walls, walkways, or stairs start pulling away from the house
• Soil moves away from the foundation
• Plumbing or gas lines develop leaks
• Bulging ground at base of slope
• Leaning fence posts or retaining walls
• Springs, seeps, or saturated soil in areas that have been typically dry
If you have some of the above signs, your land may be slowly creeping. It may be an
old landslide that has started to reactivate. Call a registered/licensed professional.
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• Drain water from surface runoff, down-spouts, and driveways well
away from slopes and into storm drains or natural drainages
• Plant ground cover with deep roots on slopes
• Build retaining walls at the base of the slope
• In debris/mud flow prone areas, in valley bottoms or on fans at
the mouths of canyons, contact qualified professionals to
determine how to best build channels and/or deflection walls to
direct the flow around buildings (keeping in mind your neighbors)
Retaining Wall at bottom of slope (Photo credit: Scott Burns)
Have there been landslides in the area in the past?
Is the house or site on or near a steep slope?
Is there a cliff nearby?
Is the ground cracked?
Are there any old scarps on the slope?
Are there any tilted or leaning trees, fences, or utility poles nearby?
Do the trees have bent tree trunks?
Is there any sign of cracking, or patched cracks in the walls or
Is the driveway or sidewalk cracked, patched, or down-dropped?
If you have any of these signs your house could be susceptible to a landslide.
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MGB Embarks on Subsistence Susceptibility
Website article, Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Mines and Geosciences Bureau.
Retrieved March 2016 from: http://mgb.gov.ph/2015-05-13-02-02-11/mgb-news/80-mgb-
The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) of the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources has expanded its Geohazard Assessment and Mapping Program
to include subsidence susceptibility assessment due to sinkhole collapse in areas of
the country that are characterized by karst topography.
underlying soluble rocks by surface or groundwater. These soluble rocks are mostly
carbonate rocks consisting of limestone and dolomite.
In the Philippines, carbonate rocks occupy a large portion of the natural landscape,
comprising about 1,171 municipalities. The subsidence hazard susceptibility
assessment will cover all areas of the country underlain by limestone and other
soluble rocks. C
On the other hand, sinkholes are ground depressions or openings formed when the
underlying soluble rocks are dissolved, resulting in voids underground which can
weaken the support for the overlying surface. Subsidence due to sinkhole collapse is
one of the most dangerous geohazard because of its extreme unpredictability. This
information can be used by local government planners and individual landowners to
make decisions on where to build dwellings and other structures.
In its subsidence susceptibility assessment, the MGB utilizes the most recent remote
The Program also employs a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey component.
GPR is an electromagnetic technique useful for ground subsidence and sinkhole
detection. Through GPR survey, layering in soils and rocks can be mapped, and
underground objects and voids can be detected. All the 15 regional offices of the
MGB have been equipped with GPR units.
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The MGB’s GPR surveys are focused on areas experiencing rapid growth and
development and/or envisioned for development. Specific areas where GPR survey
is conducted are evacuation centers, settlement sites, and economic zones in karst
areas that are prone to land subsidence due to sinkhole collapse. Eighteen
municipalities in Bohol, and one in Negros Occidental have already been assessed by
the MGB in 2014. For 2015, the MGB aims to finish the subsidence susceptibility
assessment of 15 municipalities in the country.
After each subsidence susceptibility assessment, the LGUs concerned are furnished
with the subsidence susceptibility maps. Threat advisories are also issued with the
corresponding recommendations to ensure awareness and preparedness on the part
of the communities.
Information, education and communication campaigns on subsidence hazards are
also conducted among local chief executives and barangay chairpersons prior to the
issuance of threat advisories. The results of this assessment have been extensively
used by the provincial and municipal local government units (LGUs) for their
rehabilitation efforts following the 7.2 Mw Bohol earthquake on October 15, 2013.
Geologist Liza Manzano, MGB Sinkhole Assessment Team member, giving a lecture on
subsidence hazard among LGU officials, teachers, and barangay chairpersons in the
Municipality of Baclayon, Bohol in May 2015
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The MGB Sinkhole Assessment Team with local government officials of Panglao,
Bohol during the turn-over of the subsidence hzard map and threat advisories in May
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Supplementary Materials:
For Philippine weather information
1. Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration. (2016). DOST
PAGASA website. Available at https://kidlat.pagasa.dost.gov.ph/
2. National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (2016). NAMRIA. Available at
3. Mines and Geosciences Bureau. (2016). MGB. Available at http://gdis.denr.gov.ph/mgbgoogle/
4. Project NOAH. (2016). DOST NOAH. Available at http://noah.dost.gov.ph/
5. Japan Meteorological Agency. (2016). Japan Meteorological Agency. Available at
General hydrometeorology
1. The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. (2016).Flash Flood Early Warning System
Reference Guide COMET MetEd. Available at https://www.meted.ucar.edu/
2. American Meteorological Society. (2015, July 28). Meteorology Glossary. Available at
3. Pennsylvania Environmental Council. (n.d.). Watershed Atlas of the Monongahela and Allegheny
Rivers. Available at http://www.watershedatlas.org/
Audio-visual resources
1. Life In The Philippines. (2014, November 08). Super Typhoon Haiyan: Inside the Belly of the Beast.
Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0ozabA7Mxs
2. National Grid Corporation of the Philippines. (2011, December 17). Typhoon Sendong - Cagayan
de Oro Aerial View. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xivpP7qVrEU
3. Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration TV. (2015, April
09). PAGASA Weather Forecast. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0alqHpiO-Y
4. GMA Kapuso TV Shows. (2013, November 07). UNANG HIRIT: SUPER TYPHOON YOLANDA
(HAIYAN) NEWS UPDATE as of 5:00 am with MangTani. Available at
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Understanding Hydrometeorological and Other
Weather-Related Hazards
By Ma. Cecilia A. Monteverde, Assistant Weather Services Chief, Research and
Development and Training Division, DOST-PAGASA.
As in the “Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Manual for Science and Mathematics Teachers”,
Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI).
Brief Description:
Hydrometeorological hazards are hazards pertaining to natural processes brought about by
weather, water, and climate that bring havoc to life, property and livelihood. Understanding
these hazards and its processes will enable humankind to be always prepared in any
eventualities and preparedness is one of the best ways to help mitigate disasters.
Philippines; and
3. Discuss the other rain-causing weather disturbances and its hazardous impacts.
I. Some Basic Facts
A. What makes weather?
There are three ingredients to make weather: water, air, and heat. The sun’s
heat stirs the atmosphere, making the air move creating wind which carries heat
and water around the earth. Without the sun, we would have no weather at all or
there is no change in the weather. All weather changes are brought about by
temperature changes in the different parts of the atmosphere which makes the
weather happen.
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the various reservoirs – lakes, rivers and oceans where it condenses to form the
clouds. When the clouds become too heavy to carry all the moisture in them, it
starts to fall back mostly in the form of rain and returned back to the sea. As long as
the sun exists to supply the heat energy, the process of evaporation, condensation
and precipitation is repeated in a never-ending cycle
thundercloud which brought heavy downpour. If the air is both dry and calm, cloud
will not form and just die down and disappear. Very rarely you see clouds in the
desert because there is very little moisture to evaporate and form clouds.
There are three (3) common processes that cause the air to rise which trigger the
vertical movement and formation of rain clouds:
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on the temperature and the pressure in which it is exposed. White and fluffy clouds signify
a bright, sunny weather, but when it turns gray, it brings rain.
D. A Rainy day
Water or frozen liquid falling from clouds is called precipitation. Rain is the liquid
form of precipitation. Clouds droplets coalesce or merge together to form larger raindrops,
and when these drops get heavier, they fall to the ground as rain. Precipitation doesn’t
always happen. If the raindrops are quite small and the air is dry then it may evaporate
before reaching the ground.
rises, reducing pressure at ground level. As the air is warmed, it expands and rises,
producing low pressure. In contrast, when it cooled, it becomes denser and sinks creating
high pressure. The Earth’s rotation causes the air to spiral out of high pressure areas to the
low pressure areas. High and low pressures are associated with distinct weather and
changes in air pressure can give useful indicator of weather to come.
High pressure is normally associated with clear skies and sunny conditions
and has light winds. Drought is a characteristic feature of a persistent high
Low pressure is generally associated with cloudy, wet and windy weather.
Areas with extreme low pressure may develop into tropical cyclones.
F. What is the difference between Weather and Climate?
Climate refers to the average weather in a particular place or region over a much
longer time frame. The climate of a specific area is represented by the climatological
collection of its weather conditions that helps describe a place or region during a specific
interval of time. A minimum of a period of 30 years of records are required to construct the
climatic picture of an area.
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Terminology of disaster risk reduction). Examples of these hazards include tropical cyclones,
floods, severe winds, heavy rainfall, thunderstorm, landslide and many others.
Even during the absence of a tropical cyclone, the Philippines experiences abnormal
weather conditions and this usually occur in association with severe convective activity.
These severe convective storms include thunderstorms, tornadoes and water spouts which
cause excessive rainfall and subsequent flashfloods, strong winds, lightning and even hail.
However, certain disturbances are induced locally by certain factors so that they may be felt
only in a particular locality.
frequent lightning and thunder. Tropical areas like the Philippines have the greatest
thunderstorm occurrences which occur mostly daily. TSTMs are most frequent during
the period from May to September and are most common in the mid-afternoon when
the surface temperatures are the highest. Some do occur after sunset when the growth
of immature cells becomes restimulated by cloud top cooling. The typical thunderstorm
is 5 kilometers in diameter and many of these are short-lived, lasting no longer than an
hour but the more severe ones can last much longer. When compared with a tropical
cyclone, thunderstorms affect relatively small areas, but despite their small sizes, all
thunderstorms are dangerous!
Thunderstorm Development
The basic ingredients for thunderstorm development are moisture, unstable air and
lift. Moisture is needed to form the cloud and rain; unstable air that is relatively warm
and can rise rapidly; and finally, the lift that can form from fronts, sea breezes or
b) Mature Stage
It is at this stage that the cloud can cause heavy precipitation, severe lightning,
strong winds, hail and at times, tornadoes. The thunderstorm is at its strongest
towards the end of the mature stage.
c) Dissipating Stage
In this stage, rainfall decreases its intensity and clouds begin to dissipate.
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What are the hazards associated with thunderstorms?
a) Tornado/Waterspout
It is a violent whirlwind and
associated with a cloud column or
funnel-shaped cloud extending
downwards from the base of
cumulonimbus but not necessarily
reaching the ground. The diameter
can vary from a few meters to some
hundreds of meters. A tornado acts
like a giant vacuum cleaner, sucking
things in air carrying everything
along its path such as trees,
structures or debris, jumping across Tornado in Manila, June 14, 2009 Source: Jonflick99
the ground in a narrow erratic
It can strike at any time of the day, but are much more frequent in the afternoon
and evening. It may also develop when there are tropical cyclones. Most of the
damage comes from its extreme winds. Wind speeds are estimated to exceed 450
km/hr and may last for a few minutes. This short lifespan makes tornadoes hard to
On the other hand, a tornado that forms from a body of water and moves from it is
called a waterspout. Waterspouts, on the average, are less intense and less violent
than tornadoes hitting land. But, large waterspouts could be able to destroy a small
b) Heavy Rainfall
c) Hail
Hailstones are large pieces of ice that
form within, and falling from a cumulonimbus
cloud. Since air temperature in the Philippines
is normally high, hailstones that reach the
ground are usually the size of a grain of corn,
seldom to cause damage to properties. But hail
can destroy crops.
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d) Lightning
Lightning is a massive electrical
discharge between a cloud and another or
between the cloud and the ground. Inside
the storm cloud are rapidly moving masses
of air filled with water and ice. The updrafts
and downdrafts sweep the ice particles up
and down, gathering more layers of ice to
form the hail. When cloud particles become
electrically charged when they collided into
each other, separation of charges occurs. Forked cloud to ground lightning. This is
The heating of the air by lightning causes the air the most destructive type of lightning.
(Source: Lightning.com, Arizona, USA)
to expand producing what we hear us thunder.
Positively-charged particles collect at the top of the cloud, while negatively-charged
particles stay at the bottom. Due to the high voltage differences that build up within
the cloud or between the rain cloud and the ground below, this creates dramatic
forks of lightning.
Lightning is dangerous and sometimes fatal. The temperature of a lightning bolt is
five times hotter than the surface of the sun! The sudden lightning makes sound
waves in the air that we hear as thunder. Lightning can cause death and injuries and
can spark fires. If caught outdoor, keep away from open spaces and isolated trees.
How do we prevent damages due to Lightning?
television sets.
• Stay away from bodies of water.
• If you can't find shelter, avoid the solitary tree or the tallest object in the area.
Lightning tends to strike tall objects. Make yourself the smallest target possible
(refer to figure).
• Remember, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by
• When you feel the electrical charge – if your hair stands on end or your skin
tingles – lightning may be about to strike you.
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2. Tropical Cyclones and its Associated Hazards
The typhoon season in the Philippines begins in the month of May and lasts
until January. Tropical cyclones may form as early as March and April but these are
relatively few in number. Throughout the year, tropical cyclone occurrence may be
experienced in the country but more frequent during the months of July, August
and September.
outer periphery towards the center. TC tends to lose its strength when it moves over land or
cool water. Winds cause the most damage to buildings and settlements, but most casualties
result from flooding that is associated with tropical cyclone. A mature TC may have a
diameter of 1000 kms.
Where do Tropical Cyclones form?
There are certain areas in the Philippines which favored the formation of tropical
cyclone. These areas are large and warm oceanic areas located at least 50 above the
equator with sea surface temperature of at least 270 C.
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Structure of a Tropical Cyclone
The strong tropical cyclone consists of the following:
Eye – is the center of the tropical
cyclones eye and is normally circular in
shape with generally cloud-free skies.
The wind is light and calm or
relatively very light winds and there is
no rain. It ranges in size from 10-100
kilometers in diameter.
Eye wall- is the ring where very high
winds and rains are at the heaviest.
The highest winds are on the forward
right side of the wall of the storm. If Structure of a tropical cyclone
the storm is heading west, the highest
winds will be on the northern side of the storm. The heaviest damage occurs when
the tropical cyclone’s eyewall passes over land.
Rainbands – the spiral rainbands of showers and thunderstorms surround the eye.
High wind gusts and heavy downpour often occur in individual rainbands, with
relatively calm weather between bands. It covers an area of several square
The strength of the winds increases towards the center. The lower the central
pressure, the most intense is the tropical cyclone. Thus, the intensity of tropical
cyclone depends on the pressure at the center while the strength of tropical cyclone
depends on the maximum wind velocity around the center or the “eye.”
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What are the effects of Tropical Cyclones?
Tropical cyclones have both disastrous and beneficial effects. TCs produce
extremely strong winds, torrential rains (can cause landslide/mudslide,
floods/flashflood), tornadoes and storm surge along the coastal areas. Although the
effects of tropical cyclones on human population can be catastrophic, TCs have also
its beneficial effects. Rainfall brought about by tropical cyclones increases the
groundwater and water level of dams that provide drinking water, irrigation water
and power generation capacities. About 50% of the rains are attributed to tropical
cyclone. It also cleansed out pollutants in the air.
be contaminated by floodwaters and may lead to the outbreak and spread of
• Strong Winds
Maximum wind speeds in a tropical cyclone may even reach beyond 250kph
in extreme cases (more than 3x the average speed of vehicles). Structural damage is
one of its most disastrous effects. The areas most prone to stronger winds are
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• Storm Surge
Storm surge is the abnormal rise in sea
level causing big waves at the coast as a tropical
cyclone makes landfall. The highest water level
rise or the peak of storm surge usually coincides
with the time of passage of a typhoon across a
coastline. The wall of water can engulf low-lying
coastal communities and can also bring
destruction to natural and man-made
structures, especially if they coincide with the
occurrence of high tide. Storm surge awareness, is therefore, imperative for coastal
• Landslides/Mudslide
Continuous heavy rains over hilly or mountainous areas, especially denuded ones,
usually result to landslides or mudflows. Landslides can bury people alive and destroy their
properties. Mudflows/mudslides, like landslides are hazards to people’s lives and properties.
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III. Other rain-causing weather disturbances
• Monsoons
Monsoons are seasonal changes in winds, a wind regime which reverses its direction
twice a year which brings different kind of weather. The major portion of our rainfall may be
ascribed to monsoon weather.
There are two (2) types of monsoon winds in the Philippines: 1) the Northeast monsoon
and 2) the Southwest monsoon. These are caused by the thermal variations of Asiatic
From November to February, the Asiatic Continent is snowbound and the high pressure
cell over China creating northeasterly winds over the Philippines giving us cold temperature,
and causing much rainfall over the eastern coast of the Philippines. It is intensified when a
cold front moving southward as far as the Philippines, giving prolonged rains along the
eastern coastal areas of the Philippines.
From June to September in the Northern Hemisphere, the Asiatic Continent becomes
warmer than the surrounding seas and a low pressure cell develop over China mainland. At
times when this southwest flow becomes thick in depth, it persist for a long period causing
continuous rain which may last for weeks during the months of June to September. Thus,
aside from typhoon, the Southwest monsoon is responsible for the great portion of the
rainfall during the wet season.
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Sometimes, a southwest flow of wind is also induced by the presence of typhoon over
Taiwan-Okinawa area and may prolong rainfall in western part of the Philippines. When this
is observed, the weather characteristic of the southwest monsoon prevails in the
What is the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)?
The ITCZ is the region where the
northern hemisphere trades meet the
southern hemisphere trades that
produce a series of low pressure areas,as
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What is a Cold Front?
A cold front is a region which separates cold air from warm air. It moves such that
cold air replaces the warm air. Inasmuch as cold air is heavier than warm air, the warm air is
pushed aloft by the cold air giving rise to widespread cloudiness and rains.
largely by an increase in cloudiness and
rains. This happens during the months of
November to February. After the passage of
the cold fronts, the sky clears up and the air
is usually cold with good visibility,
characteristic of cold air masses.
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Identification of the various Hydrometeorological hazards
and its Effects in the Community
Sheets of Manila paper Markers
Masking tape Newspaper clippings
List down the most prevalent hydrometeorological hazards in your community and rank
accordingly. Enumerate the effects and what can you do to reduce its impacts.
Ranking the Hazards
Name of
(Highest number as the What to do to reduce
Hydrometeorological Effects
least in terms of its impacts
ISDR Terminology of disaster risk reduction.
O'Neill, Desmond, 1997. Report on Early Warning for Hydrometeorological Hazards
including Drought, United Nations International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, IDNDR Early
Warning Programme, World Weather Watch Department, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva,
PAGASA Primers, 2006
Valenzuela, Rolando G., 1989. Handbook on Natural Hazards. PAGASA-DOST
Teachers Manual on Natural Hazards for Grades V and VI. 1994. PAGASA
NOAA Education Resources website
WMO Publications
the clouds. When the clouds become too heavy to carry all the moisture in them, it
starts to fall back mostly in the form of rain and returned back to the sea. As long as
the sun exists to supply the heat energy, the process of evaporation, condensation
and precipitation is repeated in a never ending cycle.
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Weather Forecasting and Interpretation
By: Renito B. Paciente, Senior Weather Specialist, Weather Division
Joel C. Jesusa, Weather Specialist II Weather Division, PAGASA-DOST
As in the “Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Manual for Science and Mathematics Teachers”,
Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI), pp.78-111.
At the end of this module, the teachers are expected to:
1. discuss and define the different technical terms used in Weather
2. describe the classification of tropical cyclones in the Philippines;
3. outline the forecasting process and the flow of information;
4. list down the different forecast products and their lead time (daily, 5-
day, monthly, etc.); and
5. determine/enumerate the different warning signals.
This module covers the steps in the formulation, interpretation and
translation of the weather forecasts products of the Philippine Atmospheric,
Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA); with
emphasis on the challenges of ensuring that forecasts are accessible,
understood and acted upon by the disaster authorities and people directly
affected by the possible hazards and risks.
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1. Steps in the Formulation of Forecast Products:
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2. 24-Hr Public Weather Forecast and Elements at Risks
Sample A
Let us take a look at the 24-hour weather forecast output of Philippine Atmospheric,
Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA).
the forecast can be
considered valid can also be
noted: 5:00pm TODAY (May
29) until 5:00pm TOMORROW
(May 30).
PAGASA issues two weather forecast outputs within the day; the first is issued at
around 5:00am, and the other one will be at 5:00pm. Although the forecast outputs
are considered valid within 24 hours, PAGASA ensures that any significant change in
the weather will be accounted and the information will be properly disseminated by
updating the weather forecast.
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Example 1: The location of the weather system affecting the country is stated. It is
located near Taiwan as can be seen in Figure 3.
In Example 1, it was
Figure 2. Satellite Image of Example 1 also mentioned that the
“At 2:00 pm today, the Low Pressure Area ITCZ is affecting the
Mindanao area. What
(LPA) was estimated at 460 km North of
Northeast of Basco, Batanes (24.9°N, does this mean? It
124.3°E). Intertropical Convergence Zone means that the axis of
the ITCZ is not directly
(ITCZ) affecting Mindanao.”
C located over Mindanao
but the range of
cloudiness will still
affect Mindanao as
shown in the figure on
the left.
Intertropical Convergence
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From the 24-hour weather forecast output dated May 29, 2010 (5:00pm), the
forecast was:
“Northern Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao will experience cloudy skies with
scattered rainshowers and thunderstorms. The rest of the country will be partly
cloudy to cloudy with isolated rainshowers or thunderstorms mostly in the afternoon
or evening.
Moderate to strong winds blowing from south to southeast will prevail over
Northern Luzon and coming from the southeast to south over Central Luzon and the
coastal waters along the area will be moderate to rough. Light to moderate winds
blowing from southeast and south will prevail over the rest of the country with slight
to moderate seas.”
In meteorology, “okta” is used to describe cloud cover. Okta is a unit of measure
used to indicate the amount of cloud cover in the sky, where one okta means 1/8 of
the sky is covered with clouds, while eight oktas denotes complete cloud cover.
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Figure 6: Mostly sunny sky
Mostly sunny
cover of less than one okta.
C Figure 7. Cloud cover of a partly cloudy sky
Partly cloudy would
mean that the state of
the sky is within 2.5
oktas total cloud cover or has
between 30 to 70% cloud cover of
the celestial dome.
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Figure 9. Cloud cover of a cloudy sky
When it is cloudy, the
sky is covered with
clouds between six to
eight oktas with the probability of
having a rainfall greater than 90%. It
can be observed that within the day,
the sky is predominantly covered by
clouds rather than clear; and the sun
is obscured by the clouds.
C Figure 10. Rains with gusty winds
rains with gusty winds
It means that the
weather condition in a
particular place is under public
storm warning signal number 1.
It means that the
weather condition
in a particular place
is under public storm warning
signal number 2/3/4.
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4. What is the difference between rain and rainshowers?
The main difference lies on the types of cloud from which the precipitation came from. It is
considered to be rain if the liquid precipitation came from stratiform clouds and the drops
are larger than 0.02 inch in diameter.
It is considered rains if there’s: (1) overcast sky with continuous or steady precipitation that
may last several hours; (2) water droplets of 0.5mm or greater in size (but if widely
scattered, the droplets may be smaller); and (3) it is usually associated with mesoscale
(synoptic) system or macroscale (large scale) system like tropical cyclones, easterly waves,
monsoons, fronts and intertropical convergence zone.
Light rains happen when the rate of fall is
from trace to 2.5mm per hour. The individual
drops are easily identified and small muddy
pools or puddles form slowly. It might result
to small streams that flow in gutters.
Figure 12. Light rains
Heavy rains happen if the rate of fall is greater than 7.5mm per hour; the sky is overcast and
there’s a continuous precipitation. It might cause roaring noise on roofs.
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Rains also vary in terms of frequency. It is said to be occasional rains, if it is not frequent but
recurrent. It is known be frequent rains when the precipitation is occurring often and
frequent throughout the time duration. Intermittent rains happen when precipitation
ceases at times and re-occur again. Rains could also be considered widespread if the
precipitation occurs extensively throughout an area.
Rainshowers on the other hand are precipitations of short duration but usually of greater
intensity from convective clouds, which primarily either cumulus or cumulonimbus.
Rainshowers can be:
1. Scattered if the rain bearing clouds are distributed spatially resulting to rainshowers
occurring on the bigger portion of the forecasted area.
2. Isolated if the rain bearing clouds are small and isolated and precipitation occurs
only on a small part of the forecasted area.
3. Occasional if there is a large amount of convective clouds and precipitation occur in
most parts of the forecasted area occasionally, and varying in rainfall amount.
5. Wind Direction
Wind Direction is the direction from which a wind originates. In PAGASA’s weather forecast,
it is reported in cardinal directions. For example, a wind coming from the south going to the
north is called a southerly wind while a wind coming from the northeast going to the
southwest is called a northeasterly wind.
Here are the 16 points of the compass
and its equivalent in degrees:
N (North) = 0: / 360:
E (East) = 90:
ESE (East Southeast) = 112.5:
SE (Southeast) = 135:
SSE (South Southeast) = 157.5
S (South) = 180:
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B. Five-day Weather Outlook
Figure 16. PAG-ASA 5-day weather outlook
Global Model with high resolution such as NOGAPS (Navy Operational Global
Assimilation Prediction System) and GFS (Global Forecast System) are used to
forecast the three to seven days rainfall while the Global Spectral Model (GSM) can
forecast rainfall and wind conditions up to eight days. Other local numerical models
Figure 17. NOGAPS outputs on which the 5-day weather forecast was based
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C. Shipping/Gale Warning and Elements at Risks
A shipping forecast is a forecast for seas around the coasts or the condition of the
sea such as wind and wave direction and speed within twelve hours.
There are fourteen shipping zones in the Philippines, these are: East Taiwan, Ryukyu,
North Philippine, Bashi, Balintang, Scarborough, Mindoro, Central Philippine,
Palawan, Sulu, Moro, South Philippine, Mindanao and Inland.
Figure 18. Shipping Zones of the Philippines
Let us take a look at PAGASA Shipping forecast output, the synopsis states that:
southwesterly and
southeasterly surface wind
flow prevailing over the
shipping zones of central
Philippines bounded by area
north of one six north x area
east of one three east x
becoming moderate to rough
northeasterly over the rest of
the forecast area pd”
Figure 19. PAGASA Shipping Forecast
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1. Differentiate light to moderate winds, moderate to occasionally strong
winds and moderate to strong winds.
Figure 20. Light to moderate winds be raised by wind.
Moderate to occasionally strong
winds would have a speed that is
greater than 29kph. Moderate
C winds mostly persist but there are
instances during the forecast
period that it reaches strong wind
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Strong to gale force winds, on the other
hand, has a speed between 50 to 75 kph.
Whole trees are in motion and there would
be inconvenience felt when you try to walk
against the wind.
2. What about the seas? What would you expect when the seas are
described as slight or moderate?
The sea condition is usually affected by wind force.
PAGASA based its sea condition forecast from
Beaufort Wind Scale. Slight seas are produced by
winds having a speed of 4.0 to 8.0 meters per
second (mps) resulting to seas having a wave
height of 0.5 to 1.25 meters.
FIgure 24. Slight seas
Moderate seas are produced by winds having
8.0 to 11.0 mps resulting to seas having a
wave height of 1.25 to 2.5 meters.
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Very rough seas are generated by winds
having a speed of 16.0 to 20.0 mps; its wave
height is around 4.0 to 6.0 meters. Very
rough seas are characterized by moderately
high waves of greater height. The edges of
the crest begin to break into spindrift and
the foam is blown in well-mark streaks along
the direction of the wind as shown in Figure
27. Figure 27: Very rough seas
of around 6.0 to 9.0 meters, produced by
winds having a speed of 20.0 to 26.0 mps.
High to very high waves with long
overhanging crests are observed. The
surface of the sea takes on white
appearance. The tumbling of the sea
becomes heavy with visibility affected.
C Figure 28: High seas
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Figure 31: Philippine Seaboards
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Here is a sample of a special
forecast for Mayon and Bulusan
Volcanoes issued by PAGASA
once a day (5pm). It forecasts the
24-hr weather condition of the
province of Legaspi and other
Bicol provinces.
Figure 33: Special Weather Forecast for Mayon and Bulusan Volcanoes
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Figure 35: GSM Streamline analysis output
Streamline analysis (wind analysis) of the Global Spectral Model (GSM) of Japan
Meteorological Society with horizontal resolution of 60 km and vertical layers of 40
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The Weather Advisory for Tropical Cyclones contains the general information on the
presence of a cyclone even if it is still too far away from the country to pose a threat
in the next three days. This gives the people ample time to become aware of a
potential threat.
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A map showing Tropical Storm (MIRINAE) outside of the Philippine Area of
Responsibility (PAR) or at 1,520 km East of Northern Luzon. The map also shows
that there is an impending threat as it is about to enter the PAR.
Tropical storm
km East of
Northern Luzon
Figure 38: A map showing the location of "MIRINAE" outside the PAR
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The Severe Weather Bulletin – Tropical Cyclone Alert is the second stage of a cyclone
warning. The alert stage indicates that a tropical cyclone poses an impending threat
on a part of the country but still falls short of the bases for raising storm signals. The
alert stage gives advice to the public to undertake appropriate safety measures and
continue monitoring developments.
It provides more
detailed information
about an existing
tropical cyclone. This
includes a description
of the tropical
cyclone’s current
location, movement,
C and intensity as well
as a 24-hour forecast
or outlook of said
This is issued twice a
day, at 11:00 A.M. and
warrant. If deemed
necessary, the initial
bulletin shall be issued at
5:00 A.M. or at 5:00
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An auxiliary map showing a tropical cyclone just entered the Philippine Area of
Responsibility (PAR), its position to the nearest reference point, which is 940 km East
of Surigao City, its track and its initial, and the three-day forecast positions. The
larger circle shows that no particular place in the Philppines will be covered after 36
hours of forecast.
Possible path of
the tropical
cyclone found
940 km East of
Surigao City
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The Severe Weather Bulletin – Tropical Cyclone Warning is the third stage of
the cyclone warning. It indicates that there is real and immediate threat from a
cyclone to a part or parts of the country. It provides detailed information including a
description of the cyclone’s current location, movement, and intensity as well as the
areas where the public storm signals are in effect and advises the public to take
appropriate action. The warning also includes a 24-hr forecast or outlook that gives
more details in terms of future cyclone’s location and movement with respect to a
particular area of reference. The warning is issued four times a day, at 5:00 A.M.,
11:00 A.M., 5:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M. or at any time as conditions warrant.
C Detailed information
about the tropical cyclone
such as location,
movement, and intensity
Areas where
public storm
signals are in
Details on cyclone’s
future locations and
movement with
respect to a particular
area of reference
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An auxiliary map showing TYPHOON “PEPENG” (PARMA) 200 km North Northeast of
VIrac, Catanduanes, with three circles (rightmost circle for signal #3, middle circle for
signal #2, and leftmost circle for signal #1), its track, and its initial and three-day
forecast positions.
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Public Storm Signals are given to warn the public on the presence of tropical
Meteorological Conditions:
A tropical cyclone will affect the locality.
Winds of 30 – 60 KPH may be expected in at
least 36 hours.
Some banana plants may tilt or land flat on the ground.
Some houses of very light materials (nipa and cogon) may be partially
Very light or no damage at all may be sustained by the exposed
Rice in flowering stage may suffer significant damage.
Precautionary Measures:
People are advised to listen to the latest Severe Weather Bulletin issued
by PAGASA every six hours.
General Note:
Business may be carried out as usual. When the tropical cyclone is strong,
Meteorological Conditions:
A moderate tropical cyclone will affect
the locality.
Winds of greater than 60 KPH an up to
100 KPH may be expected in at least 24 hours.
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Some old galvanized iron roofings may roll off.
Light to moderate damage to play in flowering stage.
Precautionary Measures:
The sea and coastal waters are dangerous to smaller seacrafts. Fishermen
are advised not to go out to sea.
Avoid unnecessary risks. Travelling by sea or air is risky.
Stay indoors.
Secure properties.
General Note:
Special attention should be given to latest position, direction and speed of
movement and intensity of the tropical cyclone as it may intensify and move
towards the locality. Disaster preparedness agencies and other organizations are
Meteorological Conditions:
A strong tropical cyclone will affect the
Winds greater than 100 LPH up to 185
KPH may be expected in at least 18 hours.
Impacts of Winds:
communication services.
In general, moderate to heavy damage may be expected in both the
agricultural and industrial sectors.
Travel by sea and by air is very risky.
Sea and coastal waters will be dangerous to all sea crafts.
Precautionary Measures:
People are advised to evacuate and stay in strong buildings
Evacuate low-lying areas.
Stay away from coasts and river banks.
Watch out for the passage of the “EYE” of the typhoon.
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During the passage of the “eye” do not venture away from the safety of
the shelter.
Suspend classes in all levels and make sure children stay in the safety of
strong buildings.
General Note:
The disturbance is dangerous to threatened or affected communities. The
passage of the “eye” of the typhoon is indicated by a sudden change from bad to fair
weather. Fair weather may last for one or two hours after which the worst weather
will resume with very winds generally coming from the opposite direction. Disaster
preparedness and response agencies/organizations are activated to respond
Meteorological Conditions:
A very intense typhoon will affect the
Very strong winds of more than 185 KPH
may be expected in at least 12 hours.
severely damage.
Electric power distribution and communication services may be
Damage to affected communities can be very heavy.
Precautionary Measures:
Cancel all travel and other outdoor activities.
Stay in the safety of houses or evacuation centers.
General Note:
The situation is potentially very destructive to the community. EVACUATION
Disaster coordinating councils concerned and other disaster response
organizations must respond to emergencies.
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Figure showing the forecast track uncertainty of Typhoon “Pepeng” (PARMA)wherein the
24-hr, 48-hr and 72-hr forecast positions have 111.4 km, 176.4 km and 247.4 km diameters
respectively from its center position.
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2. Matching Type: Match the items in column A and B, use pencil in matching.
1. Synopsis a.
2. West b. 30 – 60 kph
3. Mostly cloudy c. 176.4 km
4. North Northwest d. Forecast of sea condition
5. 48-hr forecast uncertainty e.
7. 24-hr forecast uncertainty g. More than 185 kph
8. PSWS #1 h. 111.4 km diameter
9. Partly cloudy i. 0 / 360 degrees
10. Shipping forecast j. Okta
11. PSWS #3 k. 61 – 100 kph
12. PSWS #2 C l. 320°
13. Mostly sunny m. 270°
14. Unit of measuring cloud n.
15. PSWS #4 o. 101 – 185 kph
A. What are the tropical cyclone categories in the Philippines? Describe each.
B. Enumerate and briefly describe the different PAGASA forecast products.
C. Draw and describe the steps in the formulation of forecasts.
Carter, T.M., (1983). “ The Probability of Hurricane Storm Condition: User’s Guide for Local
Decision Makers”. Excerpt from the report “Maximum Probability of the Forecast being
Correct and Associated “Miss to Hit” ratio.
PAGASA Manual on Surface Synoptic Observation – Volume 3
PAGASA Website – Learning Tools *include website.
WMO Technical Notes of 1982
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2. Matching Type
1. f 6. i 11. o
2. n 7. h 12. k
3. a 8. b 13. e
4. m 9. p 14. j
5. c 10. d 15. g
b) Tropical Storm – winds of 64 -118 kph
c. Typhoon – winds of more than 118 kph
c) 5 –day weather forecast – weather outlook in 5 days
d) Asian forecast – outlook for asian selected cities
e) Forecast for Mayon and Bulusan Volcanoes – outlook for Mayon
and suburbing areas
f) Weather Advisories – status of LPA and other extreme weather
g) Weather Bulletin for tropical cyclone – forecast for impending
tropical disturbance, intensity, track and associated rainfall
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Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System
By: Roy A. Badilla, Assistant Weather Services Chief,
Rosalie C. Pagualayan, Weather Specialist II
Hydro-Meteorology Division, PAGASA-DOST
As in the “Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Manual for Science and Mathematics Teachers”,
Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI).
I. Objectives:
At the end of the module, teachers are expected to:
1. identify the flood forecasting and early warning services of PAGASA;
2. enumerate the types and causes of floods;
II. Introduction:
In recent history, floods are becoming more frequent and severe that some
organizations even counted it as the most distractive and devastating natural phenomena
on earth. The damages brought about by flooding made it known all over the world that
flood is a great threat to human existence on this planet.
There are two ways in mitigating flood damages; the structural and non-structural
measures. Structural mitigating measures involve the construction of dikes, dams and
reservoirs, catchment modification and on-site storage, improvement of channel flow and
discharge by pumping. The non-structural mitigating measures involved land use and
management, flood adaptation, hazard mapping, public information and education, early
warning system, etc. The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services
Administration (PAGASA) thru its Hydro-Meteorology Division, is the agency mandated to
provide flood forecasting and warning services to the major river basins of the Philippines.
Flood defined as a rise, usually brief, in the water level in a stream to a peak from
which the water level recedes at a slower rate (UNESCO-WMO, 1974)
Flood/Flooding/Inundation a great flow of water that rises and spreads over the
land; may result when a volume of water from lakes/streams/rivers exceeds
its carrying capacity and escapes from its usual boundaries.
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c. Urban flooding occurs in an area where roads are usually paved. During
rainy episodes, water cannot infiltrate the ground and is normally retained
in the surface. This type of flooding is often associated with the limited
capacity of the sewerage system to drain the heavy rains that are falling.
insufficient carrying capacity overtop its bank, inundating the adjacent
B. Causes of Flooding
1. Heavy, continuous rain which does not cease, or ceases only briefly.
2. Meandering river system
3. Heavy siltation of the river system which could decrease the carrying capacity of
the River
4. Dam spilling/over-topping of dikes and levees
C. Aggravating factors:
1. Presence of informal settlers
2. Increase population
3. Rampant development/increasing level of urbanization
4. Altering the ecological system in a river basin, which could have an impact on
the hydrology of the watershed – denudation of forest and watershed areas
V. Flood Forecasting and Warning Services
rise of water levels in rivers, lakes or swamps and the progression of this behavior in
time and space. People would want to have a glimpse of the expected inundation of
the flood plains and the low-lying areas due to the overflowing of rivers and other
waterways or the accumulation of rain water due to high intensity rainfall. If those
who are affected by flooding are given enough lead time to undertake
preparedness, preventive measures can be carried-out by the community so as to
mitigate or lessen the impacts of flooding in their area. The very essence of flood
forecasting is the reduction of damage by providing a timely, accurate and
understandable warning to the threatened communities. It is an advance notice to
the community that flooding is imminent or in progress at a particular point or
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location in a certain river basin. The early warning will complement the structural
measures for flood control structures such as the dikes, levees and dams.
level of rivers, are unmanned and fully automatic. The hydrological data are being
transmitted by telemetry system at a specified time interval (usually on an hourly
basis or can be configured at smaller time interval, such as every 10, 20 or 30
minutes) via the repeater stations to the Terminal Telemetry Station at the PAGASA
Flood Forecasting Center in Quezon City, which serves as the hub for all data
collection. All these data are being viewed on a specially designed display panel.
These data are also being viewed at the monitoring station of the Department of
Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the Office of Civil Defense (OCD).
The effectiveness of the system in the Pampanga River was proven during
the occurrence of major floods in the succeeding years after of its installation.
Recognizing the importance of having a flood forecasting and warning system, the
Philippine Government has decided to establish a similar system covering other
major river basins in Luzon, namely the Agno River (Pangasinan), Bicol and Cagayan
River Basins. (The monitored river basins is being termed here as PABC). Aside from
being equipped with monitoring facilities within the basin, the PABC FFWS also has
its own respective river centers which are located within the provinces of
Pampanga, Pangasinan, Bicol and Cagayan and they are aptly called the Pampanga
River Basin FFWS Center, Ango River Basin FFWS Center, Bicol River Basin FFWS
Center and Cagayan River Basin FFWS Center, respectively. Each river center
undertakes the flood forecasting and warning activities, including the preparation of
Flood Bulletins and warnings, for their respective area of operation.
(Note: The rehabilitation of the Pampanga and Agno River Basins FFWS was
completed in March 2009 and March 2010, respectively. Likewise, the office of the
Pampanga River Basin FFWS Center was transferred from Weather and Flood
Forecasting Center in Quezon City to Disodado Macapagal Government Center, San
Fernando, Pampanga after the completion of the rehabilitation.)
It was in 1978 when the NPC had made its decision to make an
unprecedented release of excess water from the Angat Dam which inundated the
Bulacan area. This prompted the Philippine Government to set-up the Flood
Forecasting and Warning System for Dam Operation (FFWSDO) to avert the
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occurrence of similar incident. PAGASA undertakes flood forecasting and warning
activities due to the opening of the spillways gates of the major dams in Luzon,
namely the Magat, Pantabangan, Binga/Ambuklao/San Roque and Angat. The
Flood Forecasting and Warning System for Dam Operation (FFWSDO) is an inter-
agency activity with PAGASA as the lead agency, the National Power Corporation
(NPC) and National Irrigation Administration (NIA) as the cooperatingagencies and
the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), Department of Public Works and Highways
(DPWH) and National Water Resources Board (NWRB) as monitoring agencies. All
the aforementioned agencies closely coordinate with each other to ensure that
appropriate warnings are provided to the people living in the target areas of the
damsites should there be a release of impounded water through the spillways.
monitor the hydrological conditions within the PABC river basins and thus defines
the environment under which the flood forecasting and warning activities are being
carried-out. The operational activities can be categorized as Flood-Watch and Non-
flood Watch status and these operational conditions are implemented based on the
meteorological condition that will affect the river basin and the expected response
of the river. Non-flood Watch mode is set during “normal” condition, wherein no
large-scale weather system will affect the basin. This will be easily switched to a
Flood-watch mode and this is dependent the moment that a heavy rain due to the
presence of large scale weather system is forecasted within the next 24 hours and
there is an expected significant rise of water level with respect to a set of criteria
known as the flood assessment levels. It is during Flood-watch condition that Flood
Bulletins are being issued by the river centers.
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The activities in flood forecasting and warning activities include the following:
a. Monitoring of the hydrological conditions (rainfall, water level) of the river
as a result of flood-causing phenomenon such as prevailing weather system,
presence of a tropical cyclone, etc.
b. Collection and transmission of rainfall and water level in the upstream areas
ofthe basin, and other hydrometeorological data/information. The data will
be analyzed with other available information such as satellite images,
synoptic and radar observations as well as the outputs from the different
numerical models.
c. Hydrological forecasting to provide an objective estimate of the rise in
water level and the probable time of occurrence. This information will form
the basis from which a Flood Bulletin is prepared or issued. Flood messages
as well as an advice to take appropriate actions or precautionary measures
are incorporated in the Flood Bulletin.
d. Preparation of the Basin Flood Bulletin and Dissemination of Flood
Warning/Bulletin to the Office of Civil Defense (Main Office, Regional,
Provincial, City/Municipal and Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Council concerned), the Local Government Units (LGUs)
concerned and Media
Flood forecast and warning bulletins are prepared only when a potential
flooding situation is definitely present. They are issued regularly at specified hours
of the day for the duration of the flooding period until the flood recedes or when all
hazards and dangers associated with the phenomenon are no longer present.
B. Forecast Products:
1. Hydrological Forecast
The Hydrological Forecast is a general information/condition of the river basins
which are being monitored by PAGASA. It is prepared daily during non-flood watch
period/ during low flow periods or when the expected stream flows are generally
normal. The Hydrological Forecast is prepared based from past observations, the
latest of which is the 8:00 am data and is valid for 24 hour period beginning 9:00 AM
and ending at 9:00 AM of the following day, unless it is superseded by Flood Watch
information. Contents of the Hydrological forecast includes the following:
a. rainfall characteristics
b. present and forecast average stages/discharges of rivers/lakes/swamps
c. relevant additional information/comments (optional)
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2. Basin Flood Bulletin
Basin Flood Bulletin is a flood forecast in the form of warning, which is prepared
twice daily and issued to river basins monitored by PAGASA. They are completed
and readied for issuance and dissemination at 4:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., respectively,
when it is deemed early enough to provide vital information for concerned users to
take necessary countermeasures before they leave for work in the morning or
before they retire at night. In the event that there is a significant rise in the water
level, an intermediate basin flood bulletin is issued at 10:00 AM and 10:00 PM. The
meaning of the flood messages are presented in the tables below.
In effect when the expected rise of There is a prospect or possibility
station water level exceeds Level 4 of flooding within the next 24
within the next 24 hours; or when the hours.
station observed water level and the It suggests AWARENESS.
expected water level within the next 24
hours are between Level 4 and Level 6.
Flooding is threatening Flooding is threatening
In effect when the expected rise of There is threat of flooding within
station water level exceeds Level 6
within the next 24 hours; or when the
C the next 24 hours.
station observed water level and the
expected water level within the next 24
hours are between Level 6 and Level
Flooding is expected to occur Flooding is expected to occur
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Flooding is no longer expected to occur Flooding is not expected to occur
In effect when the station observed There is no more expectation of
water below Level 10 is generally flood occurrence due to the latest
receding and no immediate significant rainfall event.
rise is expected.
Flooding is no longer expected to Flooding is no longer expected to
persist persist
In effect when the station observed There is no more expectation
water level above Level 10 is generally that the flooding will remain due
receding and no immediate significant to the latest rainfall event.
rise is expected.
Rainfall Intensity
Descriptive Criteria for visual determination of
Quantitative equivalent
Intensity intensity
LIGHT 1 hour rainfall : < 2.5 mm Individual droops are easily seen;
3 hour rainfall : < 7.5 mm slight spray is observed over
6 hour rainfall : < 15.0 mm pavements; puddles form slowly; over
12 hour rainfall : < 30.0 mm
24 hour rainfall : < 60.0 mm
two minutes may be required to wet
pavements completely; sound on
roofs ranges from slow pattering to
gentle swishing; steady small streams
may flow in gutters and downspouts.
MODERATE 1 hour rainfall : 2.5 - 7.5 mm Individual drops are not clearly
3 hour rainfall : 7.5 - 22. 5 mm identifiable; spray is observable jus
1-hour < 0.30 m 0.30 – 1.00 m > 1.00 m
3-hour < 0.60 m 0.60 – 1.40 m > 1.40 m
6-hour < 0.90 m 0.90 – 1.90 m > 1.90 m
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9-hour < 1.20 m 1.20 – 2.40 m > 2.40 m
12-hour < 1.60 m 1.60 – 2.90 m > 2.90 m
15-hour < 2.00 m 2.00 – 3.40 m > 3.40 m
18-hour < 2.30 m 2.30 – 4.00 m > 4.00 m
21-hour < 2.60 m 2.60 – 4.50 m > 4.50 m
24-hour < 3.00 m 3.00 – 5.00 m > 5.00 m
• In describing the expected general rising of water level using any of the categories
above, Period means the number of hours between the latest observed station
water level and the highest expected station water level within the next 24-hours.
• The 24-hour period and its corresponding categories shall be used for the expected
general water level recession, i.e. the difference between the latest and the next 24
hour observations.
• When there is already overflowing/flooding, the word “further” is preferred to
describe an expected continuous rise/recession of the no longer confined
models and others, even if the past/observed rainfall over the concerned area is
considered nil. The advisory which is prepared and issued by the Main Operation
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4. Flood Forecasting and Warning System for Dam Operation (FFWSDO)
Flood Forecasting and Warning System for Dam Operation has basically the
same component as that of the FFWS for basins: real-time telemetering system
consisting of rainfall and water level gauging stations (at the dam site), computer
system to forecast flood inflow, warning dissemination facilities and supervisory
control station at the dam office, an over-all supervisory system for the operation of
the system in the central offices of NPC and NIA as well monitoring facility for the
exchange of necessary information with other concerned agencies and a
telecommunication system to acquire the necessary information path for the
operation of the whole FFWSDO.
All the rainfall monitoring equipment, which are located in the upstream portion
of the reservoirs, are also unmanned and automatically transmits data to the dam
offices. This will serve as inputs to forecast the flood inflow in the reservoir,
especially during inclement weather condition or in the event that a particular
storm is going to affect or cross the reservoirs.
The agencies involved in the FFWSDO are PAGASA (flood forecasting and
warning at the downstream/target areas of the dam), NPC and NIA (dam operators),
DPWH (river management), NWRB (monitoring agency) and OCD (monitoring and
agency mandated to disseminate all information). In the event that the situation
warrants the operation of the spillway gates, all the agencies are following an
agreed dam discharge and flood warning protocols to ensure that all the
information from the system will provide the safe and cost-effective operation of
the dams and that appropriate warnings are disseminated to the communities
Prior to the opening of spillway gates, the dam operators shall provide PAGASA
with all information relative to the dam: hydrological information, operational
status of flood warning equipment and appropriate measures in case of equipment
breakdown and the flooding situation in the target area on the reservoir. The dam
operators shall also disseminate the Dam Flood Bulletin and Flood Information to all
concerned LGUs and residents, thru telephone. In addition, fixed warning stations
will also broadcast the time of gate opening and the necessary warnings. Patrol cars
from the dam offices will also provide warnings to areas which are not reached by
PAGASA, in turn, shall provide all the hydrometeorological data and information
to the dam operators, coordinates with the dam office on the
commencement/termination of the flood warning operation, monitors and assess
the flooding potential of the target areas and prepares/issues Flood Bulletin and
Flood Warning Information for the target areas of the dam. PAGASA also transmits
the Flood Bulletins/Flood Information to FFWS Dam Office, the OCD, DPWH and
NWRB for them to undertake necessary action, particularly for DPWH who often
conduct flood fighting activities, such as sandbagging activities, removal of debris,
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During normal condition (Non-Flood watch), PAGASA issues a Dam Hydrological
Situationer, an information about the current hydrological status of the major dams
being monitored. It shall be prepared and uploaded daily on the PAGASA’s website
by the MOC (FFWS) as implementor of PAGASA’s participation in the inter-agency
The Dam Hydro Situationer shall be prepared once a day based on the latest
available reservoir water level elevation which is usually at 6:00 A.M. and
past/forecast rainfall ending/beginning at 8:00 A.M. It shall be valid for the 24-hour
period beginning at 9:00 A.M. and ending at 9:00 A.M. of the following day.
Criteria of FFWSDO Flood Warning Operation
Flood Rising Stage Flood Falling Stage
1. When a large amount COMMENCEMENT TERMINATION 9. When the water levels at all
of rainfall is OF PREPARATORY OF FLOOD basic points are below the
expected/exceeds 60 PHASE WARNING ALARM W.L. and are expected/
mm in the last 24 hours. OPERATION forecast to recede to or below
the ALERT W.L.
2. When water level is COMMENCEMENT When the water levels at all
expected to reach ALERT OF FLOOD basic points are still above
W.L. and/or when dam WARNING PHASE
C ALARM W.L. but show
release is notified generally receding trend in the
past 12 hours with no
3. When water level at FLOOD OUTLOOK significant weather
any basin point has development expected.
reached/ exceeded When the above situation is
ALERT W.L. and a further present and NPC, OCD and
4. When water level at FLOOD ADVISORY FLOOD 8. When water levels at all
any basic point has (Rising stage) ADVISORY basic points have reached
reached ALERT W.L. and (Falling stage) below CRITICAL W.L. and are
is expected to reach the expected to recede further to
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Form # Type of Info FROM TO Tape#
1 Commencement of Preparatory PAGASA Dam Office
2 Report on Commencement of Dam Office PAGASA
Preparatory Phase
3 Commencement of Flood PAGASA Dam Office
Warning Phase
4 Report on Commencement of Dam Office
Flood Warning Phase PAGASA
5 Flood Bulletin & Request for PAGASA Dam Office Tapes A-L
6 Report on Completion of Dam Office PAGASA
7 Request for Dissemination of PAGASA Dam Office
Flood Disaster Info
8 Report on Completion of Dam Office PAGASA
9 Termination of Flood Warning PAGASA Dam Office
10 Report on Completion of Dam Office PAGASA Tape M
Dissemination of Termination
5. Community-based Flood Early Warning System (CBFEWS)
a. Basic Elements of CBFEWS
b. Stages/Phases of CBFEWS
In the establishment of a CBFEWS, there are six stages that are being
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1) Conduct of consultation meeting with the Local Government Units.
The consultation meeting is first coordinated with the Office of the
Provincial Governor as well as with the Local Chief Executives, other concerned
agencies, non-government organizations, private institutions involved in
disaster mitigation and the telecommunication companies operating within the
province. Discussions during the consultation meeting will focus on the
meteorological hazards present in the province, the disaster risk profile and the
possibility of implementing the CBFEWS in their community. A Memorandum of
Agreement will also be discussed in this meeting, which will stipulate the roles
and responsibilities of the stakeholders, particularly in the activities relative to
the installation of a CBFEWS, like the conduct of survey, identifying the
observers for the equipment, designating a Disaster Operation Center which will
collate all the hydrological data and the formulation of flood
warning/advisories, the sustainability of the system and some follow-up
2) Network design
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There is also a need to establish a Disaster Operation Center (DOC),
which will serve as the operation center during inclement weather
condition. The DOC is placed in a municipality and the Deputized Civil
Defense Coordinator is designated to be the person in charge of operating
the whole system. It is therefore important that such person will have a full
understanding of the system, particularly its operation since he will mobilize
the observers to conduct observation during inclement weather condition.
In cases where a river system or streams encompasses two or three
municipalities or barangays, the DOC is sometimes located in the
downstream portion of the river. It will collect all the data from the stations
and formulate the flood warnings and advisories. Also given emphasis
during the Consultation meeting is that data sharing among observers is
very important to ensure that all information are transmitted to the areas
that will likely be affected by flooding. PAGASA will provide all the
meteorological information which will be utilized by the DOCs in their
disaster operation activities.
The basic equipment for a CBFEWS are the rainfall and water level
gauges and flood markers which are economical, easy to maintain and can
be fabricated by the community in the event that the equipment is
vandalized or destroyed. The use of a doable and simple technology will
allow the community to carry out observations/measurements of
hydrological conditions in a practical way.
Figure 1: Standard 8" rain gauge (left) and digital or electronic rain gauge (right)
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The PAGASA recommends either the manual rain gauge or the 8”
standard rain gauge, which is utilized for all the synoptic stations all over the
country. It is composed of a collector tube and a collector funnel made of
Gauge #26 G.I., a measuring tube made of brass or PVC pipe and a
measuring stick made of wood or metal. PAGASA also recommends the use
of an automatic rain gauge which is more conventional to use, the rainfall
reading being displayed in the display panel.
Figure 2: Specifications for a standard 8" rain gauge
The water level gauge is a simple staff stage that is painted on a
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timely flood warning information. It is important that a reliable
communication is present in the community. A back-up communication
system should also be made readily available in the event that power
failure, which is likely the case during inclement weather condition, occurs.
c) Ocular survey of the proposed sites
Once the network of monitoring stations is established, the
proposed sites will be presented to the LGUs. These interim sites will be
verified thru actual survey with the LGUs. However, the finality of
installation shall be governed by considerations such as the availability of
observer and viable communication system and accessibility to the site.
d) Installation of the monitoring equipment
i. Rain gauge
The installation of the standard rain gauge is governed by WMO
Guidelines. It should be installed in an open area with no considerable
obstruction like big trees and buildings. Should there be obstruction in
the site, the rain gauge should be installed with its mouth horizontal
over level ground and in the area where the distance of the instrument
should be four times the height of the nearest obstruction as specified
in the (Figure 4). The rain gauge should also be installed in such manner
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Figure 5: Installation of standard rain gauge
Digital rain gauge is a type of rain gauge that is battery operated and is
more convenient to use in so far as taking observation is concerned. It is
mounted or installed on the roof of the houses, buildings or other structures
and the display consul can be placed inside the building or house where the
rain gauge is installed (Fig. 6). The observer could easily conduct observation
even in cases of heavy rainfall episodes and during nighttime.
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ii. Water level gauge
Utilizing the prepared template, the water level gauge is spray-painted on
the pier of existing concrete bridges using the template as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Installation of a water level gauge
3) Conduct of hydrographic survey
Hydrographic survey involves the conduct of a discharge measurement
and river cross-sectioning at the location of the water level gauge. The results to
this survey and the community’s past flooding experiences will be the basis of
determining the assessment levels that will be adapted by the community for
flood warning purposes.
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4) Conduct of Training of observers
The LGUs will identify the volunteer observers who will conduct
observation for the installed rainfall and water level gauges. PAGASA will
provide a formal in-house and practical exercises to the identified observers,
together with Deputized Civil Defense Coordinator (DCDC) in the municipality
and his staff. Included in the training modules are rainfall observation using
manual and digital rain gauges and water level gauge, data transmission,
protocols of data interpretation and issuance of flood warnings and advisories.
for each site, who will be doing observations on a pre-designated manner, say
six or three-hourly or even hourly.
on the prompt and immediate response of the observers in the event that they
are mobilized by the DOC. C
PAGASA also developed the following manuals which will serve as a
guide/reference of the observers and the DOC:
i. Rainfall Observation and Recording using a Standard Manual
rain gauge
ii. Rainfall Observation and Recording using a Digital rain gauge
iii. Water level observation and recording
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system and for them to come up with their own action plan as to how these
weakness(es) can be strengthened or improved. The community is also
encouraged to carry-out similar activity using different scenarios so that they
can have a hand-on participation in the continuing improvement of the system
in their area.
After accomplishing all the first five (5) stages, the community is now
ready to apply the CBFEWS in their locality. Arbitrary values of rainfall and water
levels will be provided to them which will be TEMPORARILY used by the
community for their evacuation activity. Other qualitative basis can also be
adapted, such as the change in color of river from relatively light blue, clear or
greenish to a muddy-brownish color, the presence of debris and changes in river
flow from tranquil to torrent. The community can also associate Storm Warning
Signal due to an approaching tropical cyclone to the warning levels. The
observed rainfall or river height or the rate of rise in water level between two
succeeding water level gauges over a certain period of time during the passage
of a tropical cyclone can also be utilized to activate pre-disaster activity in a
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The flood warning levels are classified into three (3) categories, namely
Level 1, 2 and 3. These flood warning levels will be the basis for the issuance of
flood warnings and advisories to the threatened communities.
reference point is about PREPAREDNESS and that
Level 2 GET SET
60% full flood is threatening within
the next 12 hours.
River at a particular The message suggests
reference point is about RESPONSE that flooding is
Level 3 100% full. GO expected to occur or will
persist within the next 12
Rainfall Values Meaning Flood warning
Continuous rainfall with rainfall observation of
“060” - “080” within one (1) hour ~ (15 mm – Awareness Ready
20 mm) / hour
Rainfall observation is “240” to “320” (direct
reading from LCD) for the past 3 hours. (60 – Preparedness GET SET
80 mm)/ 3 hours
Continuous rainfall for the last three hours and
3-hourly observation is “320” or (80 mm) / 3 Response GO
It should be noted that these arbitrary values will be changed once there is
enough data gathered from the monitoring stations. However, in the event that
these arbitrary values were exceeded by a particular rain episode or storm, they will
be revised taking into account the maximum height of floodwater experienced by
the community.
The very essence of a CBFEWS is to encourage the LGUS and the local
community to have a pro-active way of co-managing and mitigating the impacts of
flooding in their area. The networks of rain gauges and water level gauges that were
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established, the training that the LGU personnel and community members on
observation methods, data reporting and analysis and in the formulation and
issuance of flood warnings are just some of the activities that would equipped them
to operate a flood early warning system for their community as part of their flood
disaster mitigation activities.
information to forecast rainfall-induced landslide for critical areas within the
community, especially those that are in proximity with mountainous areas. Once
enough data are available, government agency concerned could assist the
community in coming up with a study to determine the threshold values for rainfall
which could trigger landslide in the area.
In order to provide information that can be easily accessed by the members of
the community, Information Boards which will highlight the status not only of the
river height but the weather as well (Public Storm Warning Signal).
1. Define Flood.
2. What are the types of flood based on occurrence?
3. Define Urban Flooding.
1. Flood is defined as a rise, usually brief, in the water level in a stream to a peak from which
the water level recedes at a slower rate
2. Flash Flooding, Sheet Flooding
3. Urban Flooding is a situation wherein excess of water (or mud) is found on land that's
normally dry caused by high flow, or overflow of water in an established watercourse, such
as a river, stream, or drainage ditch; or ponding of water at or near the point where the rain
4. Hydrological forecast, Basin flood bulletin, General Flood Advisories (GFA), Flood
Forecasting and Warning System for Dam Operation (FFWSDO)
5. a. Conduct of consultation meeting with the Local Government Unit
b. Network design
c. Conduct of hydrographic survey
d. Conduct of training of observers
e. Pilot testing and dry-run
f. Operationalization of the system
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Climate Variability, Extreme Events, and Climate
By: Daisy F. Ortega, Senior Weather Specialist and Officer-in-charge
Rusy G. Abastillas, Weather Specialist I
Climate Monitoring and Prediction Section
Climatology and Agrometeorology Division
As in the “Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Manual for Science and Mathematics Teachers”,
Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI).
At the end of the module, the teachers are expected to:
1. determine the factors that influence climate variability in the Philippines;
2. describe the science behind El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), extreme event and
climate change;
3. identify the impacts of climate variability and change;
4. discuss the coping mechanisms to lessen the impacts of climate variability and change.
I. Introduction
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Figure 2a (left) and 2b (right). Average rainfall across the Philippines for 1951-2000 during
the first semester, April to September (Figure 2a) and the second semester, October to
March (Figure 2b). (Source: PAGASA)
Rainfall variability in the country is influenced by the different climatic factors, which include
the following:
They are termed semi permanent because they appear only in a particular
area at a particular season. An example of this is the location of the high and low
pressure areas during the months of January and July as represented by the letter
“H” (high pressure) and “L” (low pressure) in the weather map (Figure 3a and 3b).
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Figure 3a-3b. Mean sea level pressure distribution for January (a) and August (b).
During January, climate in the Philippines is usually influenced by the ridge of high
pressure area which brings generally good weather, and rainfall concentration is
located in the eastern portion. However, during the month of July, the zone of low
pressure area generally dominates the Philippines which is the peak of the rainy
o Air streams
The two principal wind systems that likewise influence the seasonal rainfall
pattern in the Philippines are the Southwest (SW) and Northeast (NE) monsoon
termed as airstreams.
During the first semester, rainfall less than 1000 mm is found in the Cagayan
Valley, the interior portions of Visayas and southern part of Mindanao (Figure 3a),
and rainfall greater than 1800mm is found in the western sections of Luzon and
Visayas. During the second semester, the eastern section of the country is more
exposed to the prevailing northeasterlies while rainfall in the western region is less
than 500mm.
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o Ocean currents
Greater portion of the earth’s surface is covered by water, and oceans are
the biggest heat-storage reservoir. Ocean currents are good heat energy transport
that influence the climate of the continents.
o Linear systems
Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
This is a low pressure zone where the Northeast trade winds and
Southeast trade winds converge, producing convectional storms that
produce some of the world's heaviest precipitation regions. The ITCZ moves
north and south of the equator depending on the season and solar energy
Cold front
A cold front is defined as the transition zone where a cold air mass is
replacing a warmer air mass. Around this zone, instability results in high
cumulonimbus cloud (rain cloud) with rain and thunder. It usually occurs in
the mid-latitude and what affects the Philippines is only the tail end.
Easterly wave
A wave-like disturbance in the tropical region that moves from east to
west, generally creating only a shift in winds and rain. It is often associated
with possible tropical cyclone development.
o Tropical cyclone
heavy rain near the Earth's surface. The circulation is clockwise in the Southern
hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the Northern hemisphere.
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Table 1. General influences of the typical El Niño Southern Oscillation on Philippine climate
El Niño La Niña
• Delayed onset of the rainy season • Short dry season
• Extended dry season • Early onset of rainy season
• Early end of rainy season • Strong monsoon activity
• Weak monsoon activity • More tropical cyclones
• Less tropical cyclones • Below normal sea level pressure
• Above normal sea level pressure
• Above normal air temperatures
2. Basics of ENSO
ENSO stands for El Niño-Southern Oscillation. 'El Niño' refers to the warming of the oceans
in the eastern equatorial and central Pacific; Southern Oscillation is the change in
atmospheric pressure associated with this warming (‘Southern Oscillation Index’ is a
measure of these changes). Thus ‘ENSO’ is used to describe the interaction between the
ocean and the atmosphere during the warm event and the associated changes in rainfall,
atmospheric pressure, wind, etc.. It has two phases, the El Niño (warming) and the La Ni
(cold) phase.
The typical evolution of the ENSO cycle may be described by an irregular cycle of alternating
periods of warm (El Niño) and cold (La Niña) conditions. El Niño tends to occur every 3-4
years and generally lasts 12-18 months, while La Niña episodes may last 1-3 years. Table 2
shows the historical ENSO events:
Table 2: Historical El Niño and La Niña Episodes Based on the ONI (Oceanic Niño Index)
computed using ERSST.v3b
El Niño Highest ONI Value La Niña Lowest ONI Value
JAS 1951 – NDJ 1951/52 0.8 ASO 1949 – FMA 1951 -1.7
MAM 1957 – MJJ 1958 1.7 MAM 1954 – DJF 1956 / 57 -2.1
JJA 1963 – DJF 1963/ 64 1.0 ASO 1962 – DJF 1962/63 -0.8
MJJ 1965 – MAM 1966 1.6 MAM 1964 – DJF 1964/65 -1.1
OND 1968 – MJJ 1969 1.0 NDJ 1967/68 – MAM 1968 -0.9
ASO 1976 – JFM 1977 0.8 JJA 1970 – DJF 1971/72 -1.3
AMJ 1972 – FMA 1973 2.1 AMJ 1973 – MAM 1976 -2.0
ASO 1976 – JFM 1977 0.8 SON 1984 – ASO 1985 -1.0
ASO 1977 – DJF 1977/78 0.8 AMJ 1988 – AMJ 1989 -1.9
AMJ 1982 – MJJ 1983 2.3 ASO 1988 – FMA 1996 -0.7
JAS 1986 – JFM 1988 1.6 JJA 1998 – MJJ 2000 -1.6
AMJ 1991 – JJA 1992 1.8 SON 2000 – JFM 2001 -0.7
AMJ 1994 – FMA 1995 1.3 ASO 2007 – AMJ 2008 -1.4
AMJ 1997 – AMJ 1998 2.5 JJA 2010 – MAM 2011 -1.4
AMJ 2002 – FMA 2003 1.5
MJJ 2004 – JFM 2005 0.9
JAS 2006 – DJF 2006/07 1.1
MJJ 2069 – MAM 2010 1.8
(The letters in the acronyms below represent months of the year in chronological order; for example,
JAS represents July, August and September)
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Figure 4a
Figure 4b
Figure 4a-4b. Plot of the oceanic condition during 6 Feb- 27 Feb 2010 (4a) , showing warming in the most areas
of the Niño regions and the plot of southern oscillation index (4b), where negative (-) value reflect the El Niño
Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) is the average difference in sea level pressure in the eastern
and western equatorial Pacific, which reflects the atmospheric condition. It shows that
during El Niño condition, the SOI value is negative (-), which means that the high pressure
area is in the western Pacific where the Philippines is located and the low pressure area in
the eastern Pacific (Figure 4c). Since high pressure area is associated with warm and good
weather, this is the reason why the Philippines experience drier than normal rainfall
condition during El Niño. However, during La Niña, the SOI value is positive (+), which means
that the high pressure area is located in the eastern equatorial Pacific, while the low
pressure area in the western side (Figure 4d). Low pressure area is associated with bad and
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rainy weather, thus during La Niña event, wetter than normal condition is experienced in
the Philippines. Thus the “see saw” in sea level pressure across east and West Pacific Ocean
is called the “Southern Oscillation”. It is the measure of the atmospheric circulation systems
over the Pacific ocean in terms of the difference in standardized pressure anomalies over
Tahiti and Darwin. To illustrate how ocean temperatures affect rainfall, Figure 4e shows the
physical process.
Figure 4c Figure 4d
Figure 4e
Figure 4c-4d. Illustration of the behavior of the SOI during El Niño condition where the index value is <-5
(4c); Behavior of SOI during the La Niña condition (4d) and (4e) physical process of how the ocean
temperatures affect rainfall.
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2.1 El Niño Fundamentals
El Nino is the warming of the tropical equatorial Pacific ocean, the area bounded by
the four Niño regions (Niño 4, Niño3.4, Niño 3, and Niño 1+2), within 5 degrees North and
South of the equator (Fig5a). This warming affects the global atmosphere and weather
bringing about disastrous impacts. A significant relationship between the sea surface
temperature (SLP) in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and the Philippine rainfall was established
specifically in the Nino3.4 region. It means that warming in this area (Fig 5a), give responses
to the climate in the country. El Niño is a phenomenon in the equatorial Pacific Ocean
characterized by a positive sea surface temperature departure from normal in the Niño -3.4
region (i.e., 5°S–5°N, 170°–120°W) greater than or equal in magnitude to 0.5°C averaged
over three consecutive months (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).
The driving force of El Nino is the weakening of the trade winds that push the warm
water towards the eastern side forming a warm water pool in the tropical east Pacific
Ocean. This condition translates into El Niño, giving the country warm and drier weather
condition specifically higher temperatures. Picture of the typical El Niño event is shown in
Fig 5b, while a plot of strong 1997-1998 El Niño phenomenon is shown in Fig 5c.
Figure 5a
Figure 5b
Figure 5c
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2.2 La Nina Fundamentals
La Niña, the opposite of El Nino, is a climate pattern where the water in the Pacific
Ocean near the equator gets colder than usual and affects the atmosphere and weather
around the world (Fig 5d). It is an opposite of El Niño. The reverse happened during La Niña,
as warm water is push stronger towards Indonesia and the nearby region like the
Philippines, in the west tropical Pacific. This time the location of the low pressure area is in
the Western tropical Pacific and the high pressure area in the east Pacific (Fig 5e).
Figure 5e. Subdivision of the Niño regions in the tropical Pacific Ocean (5a) ; typical El Niño condition
showing the weakening of the wind and location of the high and low pressure systems (5b) ;
graphical presentation of the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Anomalies in degrees Celsius for the
middle of September 1997 during the 1997-1998 strong El Niño (5c); An example of La Niña
phenomenon during the 2007- 2008 event (5d); and illustration of the typical location of the high and
low pressure areas and the strength of the wind during La Niña condition, (5e).
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2.3 Basic Concepts of Climate Change
Figure 6. Schematic view of the components of the global climate system (bold), their
processes and interactions (thin arrows) and some aspects that may change.
The sun is the major source of all forms of energy on earth. This form of energy is
called solar radiation and it varies with latitude; greater at the equator and less at the poles.
This explains why we have different climate patterns: coldest in the Polar Regions, moderate
temperature in the temperate regions and warmer in the tropics. The revolution of the
earth around the sun also gives rise to the changes of seasons in the sub-tropical regions
wherein they have four seasons in a year (winter, spring, summer and fall) depending on the
location of the earth around the sun.
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However, scientists often use the term for any change in the climate, whether
arising naturally or from human causes. In particular, the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) defines “climate change” as “a change in the state of the climate that
can be identified ... by changes in the mean and / or the variability of its properties, and that
persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer”.
through human activities that have intensified the greenhouse effect. This phenomenon is
called “global warming" which refers to the increase in the earth’s mean temperature due
to the so-called enhanced greenhouse effect (Figure 7).
The major mechanism behind climate change is the increased “greenhouse effect”,
by which the Earth’s atmosphere traps energy from the sun just like a greenhouse.
The energy from the sun warms land, water, and air. In turn, the warmed-up land,
water, and air give off heat, which rises up towards the sky. Gases, such as water vapor,
present in the Earth’s atmosphere capture some of that heat and prevent it from escaping
into space. This heat trap keeps the Earth warm, and like a warm blanket makes our planet a
habitable world for all the various animal and plant species to survive in. Without this heat
trapping system, the Earth’s surface would be about 15 degrees Celsius colder than it is
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The Greenhouse Effect
Some of the infrared
radiation passes through the
atmosphere but most is
absorbed and re-emitted in
all directions by greenhouse
gas molecules and clouds.
The effect of this is to warm
the Earth’s surface and the
lower atmosphere.
Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
Human activities – particularly burning fossil
fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), agriculture and
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The six major greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and their description:
Water vapor Is one of the most abundant gases in the atmosphere and
builds up with the evaporation from water bodies on Earth.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) Is produced by the combustion of fossil fuels and from forest
Methane (CH4) Animal husbandry, irrigated agriculture and oil extraction
release important amounts of this potent greenhouse gas.
Nitrous oxide (N2O) Is a by-product of burning fossil fuels gives off when farmers
use Nitrogen based fertilizer and is also released when
ploughing farm soils.
Ozone (O3) Main element of the protective layer in the upper atmosphere,
which shields the Earth from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet
radiation. Ozone is both a natural and a man-made gas.
Produced in excess as a result of smog and severe air pollution,
it becomes harmful to human health
Chlorofluorocarbons Chlorine-containing gas used for refrigerators, air conditioners,
aerosol sprays propellants and cleaning agents.
(CFCs) Chlorofluorocarbons cause depletion of the atmospheric ozone
2.3.4. What are the Anthropogenic / Man-made Sources of GHGs?
Transportation Deforestation
Petrol and diesel powered cars, public Cutting down trees means less carbon
vehicles, including trains and aircrafts dioxide is stored in woods and the
account for a large proportion of soil. Burning of forests to clear land
carbon dioxide emissions. creates even more carbon dioxide.
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Industry Organic Waste
Most of the energy used to supply Decomposition of garbage and
industry primarily comes from burning agricultural waste materials, leaks in
fossil fuels. This process generates vast coal mining and natural gas production
quantities of carbon dioxide and other are methane sources and account for
greenhouse gases. additional global warming effects.
Both measurable and visible sign of climate change are all around us.
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2.3.6. Main projections of climate change in the Global scale
The global average surface warming (surface air temperature change), will
increase by 1.1 - 6.4 °C.
The sea level will rise between 18 and 59 cm.
The oceans will become more acidic.
It is very likely that hot extremes, heat waves and heavy precipitation events will
continue to become more frequent.
It is very likely that there will be more precipitation at higher latitudes and it is
likely that there will be less precipitation in most subtropical land areas.
It is likely that tropical cyclones (typhoons and hurricanes) will become more
intense, with larger peak wind speeds and more heavy precipitation associated
with ongoing increases of tropical sea surface temperatures.
2.3.7. Is the Philippines Vulnerable to Climate Change?
Due to the geographical and topographical features, the following are the
vulnerabilities of the country due to the impacts of climate change:
• Due to our archipelagic structure, composed of more than 7,100 islands
with low lying areas - highly susceptible to flooding and inundations and are
The following are the observed trends in climate for the different weather parameters in the
Philippines. These were analyzed using the datasets collected from PAGASA network of
observation stations all over the country.
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. Temperature
The observed increase in the minimum (night time) temperature is almost three times the
increase in the maximum (day time) temperature.
EP Rainfall
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• In most parts of the country, the
intensity of rainfall is increasing but
not all are statistically significant.
Figure 12. Trends in the Extreme
Rainfall Intensity in the Philippines*
(1951 – 2008)
• Most parts of the country are
generally increasing in frequency
but not all are significant.
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. Tropical Cyclones
Using the data from 1948-2009, there is no observed trend in the number of tropical
cyclones entering the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) annually but varies from year
to year; the most number was in 1993 with 32 TCs and the least in 1998 with only 11 TCs
(Figure 14). For the three major islands, there is no observed trend in Luzon, an increasing
trend in the Visayas and a slight decreasing trend in Mindanao over the last three decades
compared (Figure 15).
Figure 14. Annual Number and 5-Year running mean of Tropical Cyclones entering the PAR.
Figure 15. Trends in the number of Tropical Cyclones in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao
2.3.9. What are the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on various sectors?
The changing climate has a direct effect on many aspects of life on Earth, in agriculture,
water resources, coastal areas and for the health of human population.
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In agriculture, the long-term fluctuations in weather patterns could lead to more
unpredictable farming conditions. A need for a new cropping calendar and new crop
varieties to adapt to new climate pattern is necessary to minimize losses and
increase production to attain food sustainability.
In water resources, there will be changes in the water supply, water quality and increase in
water competition. Salt water intrusion in fresh water supply is also highly expected.
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Due to sea level rise, coastal inundation and erosion of beaches would be likely in coastal
areas. Greatly affected would be the low-lying islands and adjacent areas which bould be
more prone to flooding. Some areas are threatened to be lost in the future.
Weather related impacts on health would be the emergence of a new strain of infections
diseases whether air or water-borne. Dengue, malaria, and leptospirosis will increase due to
flooding and more respiratory diseases will emerge due to poor air quality.
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2.3.10. How can we help mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change?
Be aware of the climate change issues and encourage others to be aware about
it too.
Practice the three R’s: Recycle/Reuse/Reduce. Through this, we can help
conserve our resources and less consumption of energy for processing.
Conserve the use of electricity, water and other natural resources.
Advocate the use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal
and hydropower to lessen the use of fossil fuels.
Encourage reforestation and stop deforestation. Trees serve as carbon sinks
that absorbs carbon dioxide which is a major GHG.
Use efficient lighting by using CFL’s (compact fluorescent bulbs) since it
consumes less energy than incandescent bulbs.
Population control should be encouraged. More people mean more energy
consumption and high GHG emissions.
Organic farming should be practiced to minimize the use of chemicals for
Choose appliances that have environment-friendly seal.
Walking, biking or using mass transport could reduce GHG emissions and help
minimize traffic problems.
“We can make small but significant contributions towards preventing and reducing the
effects of climate change simply by making a few changes in our daily lives.”
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2.3.11. How do we address the problem of climate change? Mitigation
In the context of disasters, the term “mitigation” is defined differently, as “any structural
measures (such as engineering techniques and hazard-resistant construction) or non-
structural measures (such as improved policies, legislation, public awareness, training and
education, public commitment and operating practices) undertaken to limit the adverse
impacts of natural hazards, environmental degradation and technological hazards”.
PY Adaptation
exploits beneficial opportunities”.
emissions, while conversely mitigation measures can be planned to help reduce, and not
inadvertently exacerbate, disaster risks.
Both adaptation and mitigation are needed (now) as effective response measures to climate
change. We need to “avoid the unmanageable and manage the unavoidable”.
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recorded during September 26. Likewise, the amount of rainfall recorded for six hours,
which was at 341.3 mm (13.44 in), was comparable to the 24 hour rainfall in 1967.
As the general characteristic of El Niño is drier than normal rainfall condition, this excessive
rain is the manifestation of seasonal reversal of rain during summer (Jul-Sep) before the
onset of anomalous dry conditions in October-December (Lyon et.al, 2006). This is
associated with the changes in the large scale monsoon system during the life cycle of ENSO
events (Lyon, et al, 2006).
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Lessons Learned
With the aftermath of T.S. “Ondoy”, efforts on public awareness campaign by
the government on the natural hazards was intensified through tri-media with
the cooperation of all government agencies.
Government support on the rehabilitation of PAGASA’s weather stations and
instruments was given emphasis.
Community-based disaster risk management efforts were given emphasis.
Increased public awareness on the weather/climate information and products
5. What factors cause sea level to rise? What problems arise from it?
6. As an ordinary citizen, what can you do to help mitigate the problem on climate change?
7. In your own locality, what event or disaster could you remember that would relate to
changing climate? Make a list of those and if possible identify the cause.
8. In your community, what measures could you suggest to lessen the impact of climate
variability/change depending on the vulnerability of your area? Enumerate if more than
one hazard is identified, cite mitigation and adaptation mechanisms.
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References :
Cinco, T. A., et al., (2006). Updating Tropical Cyclone Climatology in the PAR, Philippine Met-
Hydro Congress 2006.
Jose, A.M. R.V. Francisco and N.A. Cruz. 1993. A Preliminary Study on the Impacts of Climate
Variability/ Change on Water Resources in the Philippines. PAGASA, Quezon City.
Nicholls, N. and K. Wong. 1990. Dependence of rainfall variation on mean rainfall, latitude
and the southern oscillation. Journal of Climate, 3: 163-70.
Lyon, B., Cristi,H.,Verceles,E., Hilario, F., Abastillas, R. (2006) “Seasonal reversal of the ENSO
rainfall signal in the Philippines”
Tibig, L. V., et.al, 2004., Trends in Extreme Daily Temperatures and 24-hr rainfall in the
Philippines, Climatology and Agrometeorology Branch Technical Report, PAGASA
PAGASA Primers on Coping with Climate Change, Understanding the basics, November 2009
Jose, A.M. R.V. Francisco and N.A. Cruz. 1993. A Preliminary Study on the Impacts of Climate
Variability/ Change on Water Resources in the Philippines. PAGASA, Quezon City.
Nicholls, N. and K. Wong. 1990. Dependence of rainfall variation on mean rainfall, latitude
and the southern oscillation. Journal of Climate, 3: 163-70.
PAGASA Primers on Coping with Climate Change, Understanding the basics..., November
UNFCCC Article 1, Definitions:
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group I, Frequently Asked Questions: http://ipcc-
Protecting Health from Climate Change; How is Climate Change Affecting Our Health? A
Manual for Teachers, World Health Organization Regional Office for South-east Asia
Tibig,L.V., Cinco T.A, 2004. Trends in Rainfall Intensity and Frequency, CAB Technical Report,
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Natural Hazards
Department of Education. (2008). Chapter 2 Natural Hazards. DEPED Disaster Risk Reduction
Resource Manual pp 21-33. Retrieved from
The Philippine Islands are prone to all kinds of natural hazards because of their
geographical location and physical environment. The country is strategically located in the
path of turbulent and destructive cyclones in the Pacific, and the “Ring of Fire”. This
situation has adverse effects, not only on the lives and properties of the Filipino people, but
also on the economy of the nation, as hazard impacts may result in widespread
environmental and property damages. Natural hazards may cause danger to people,
structures or economic assets, and may lead to a disaster if they are not mitigated against
and prepared for.
geographical in nature may cause the loss of life or injury, property damage, social and
economic disruption and/or environmental degradation. Hydrometeorological and
geographical hazards can be single, sequential or a combination in origin and effects. The
common hazards associated with these are heavy rains, strong winds, storm surge, floods
and landslides/ mud slide /mud flow.
Geological hazards are normal and their processes occur as irregular events with
direct interaction with the environment. They are capable of causing significant negative
impact on human well-being. Their non-rhythmic occurrence makes their predictability
with glaciers and seasonal snowfall. Hazards arising from volcanic eruptions, earthquakes
and other related geotectonic phenomena such as landslide, tsunami and faulting are the
most mitigated ones due to the frequency of their occurrence.
A cyclone is an intense low pressure system which is
characterized by strong spiral winds towards the center, called the
“Eye” in a counter-clockwise flow in the northern hemisphere.
Hazards due to tropical cyclones are strong winds with heavy
rainfall that can cause widespread flooding/flash floods, storm
surges, landslides and mudflows.
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• Tropical Depression – maximum winds from 35 kph to 63 kph
• Tropical Storm – maximum winds from 64 kph to 118 kph
• Typhoons – maximum winds exceeding 118 kph
A typhoon is a large, powerful and violent tropical
cyclone. It is a low pressure area rotating counterclockwise and
containing rising warm air that forms over warm water in the
Western Pacific Ocean. Less powerful tropical cyclones are called
Tropical Depressions and Tropical Storms. A typhoon is called a
hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean, a cyclone in the Indian Ocean and
wily-wily in Australia. Typhoons can inflict terrible damage due to thunderstorms, violent
winds, torrential rain, floods, landslides, large and very big waves associated with storm
hurricane and as far as 240 km in a large
hurricane. Tropical storm-force winds can
extend as far as 480 km from the center of a
large hurricane. These are very dangerous
Preparedness and Mitigation (What to do The Modified Public Storm Warning Signals
before): (PSWS) in the Philippines
• Establish and maintain PSWS 1 Winds of 30-60 kph may be expected
• Ensure that the school building the locality, a shorter lead of time of the
occurrence of the winds will be specified
can withstand heavy rain and
in the warning bulletin)
strong winds. Single level schools
PSWS 2 Winds of greater than 60 kph and up
built at ground level may be to 100 kph may be expected in at least 24
anchored by guy wires to
strengthen the stability of the PSWS 3 Winds greater than 100 kph up to 185
structure. kph may be expected in at least 18 hours.
• Learn about typhoon and other PSWS 4 Very strong winds of more than
weather disturbances, their signs 185kph may be expected in at least 12
and warnings, effects and hours.
dangers and how to protect the
school children, records and school property.
• Educate school children on preparedness for tropical cyclones.
• Participate actively in the school’s disaster response – drill or simulation.
• Observe strictly Department policies on the suspension of classes or invoke
school-based decisions in coordination with Local Government Units.
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Response (What to do during):
• Monitor through radio or other reliable sources the latest official report of
PAGASA on the typhoon.
• Gather the pupils in the most stable, strong and safe school building when it is
no longer safe for them to go home.
• Advise pupils/students to stay indoors and away from windows.
• Coordinate with the proper school officials on possible immediate evacuation
measures especially if the school is located in a low-lying area.
• Ensure that pupils/students will remain calm by keeping them informed of the
latest developments.
necessary medical assistance at disaster station or hospital.
• Check the classroom for damages and losses. Report these immediately to the
authorized officials.
• Coordinate with the Barangay officials, LGU’s for assistance.
• Prepare the necessary documents to effect replacement of damaged buildings
and other school properties and/or repair of the same.
A tornado is described as a violently rotating column of
air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. Tornadoes
come in many sizes but are typically in the form of a visible
condensation funnel whose narrow end touches the earth and is
often encircled by a cloud of debris. It can have a wide range of
colors depending on the environment. Typically, tornadoes may
appear nearly transparent and invisible until dust and debris are picked up.
Tornadoes develop from severe thunderstorms in warm, unstable air along and
ahead of cold fronts. It starts from a change in direction, an increase in wind speed with
increasing height and a rise from within the thunderstorm which triggers the rotation of
wind from horizontal to vertical.
Tornadoes have been observed on every continent of the world but these
destructive forces are found most frequently in the United States particularly to the east of
the Rocky Mountains during spring and summer months. Occurrence of tornadoes in Asian
countries is seldom. There were reported occurrences of “buhawi”, local term for tornado,
in the Philippines, one occurred in San Miguel, Bulacan and damaged at least 30 houses in
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• Store flashlights and back-up batteries to receive warnings
• Check the school community for 29% of all tornadoes
damages and losses nearly 30% of all tornado deaths
• Coordinate with proper authorities may last 20 minutes
winds 110-205 mph
for assistance
A thunderstorm is a weather condition that produces
lightning and thunder, heavy rainfall from cumulonimbus clouds
and possibly a tornado. It is a violent local atmospheric
disturbance accompanied by lightning, thunder, and heavy rain,
and often by strong gusts of wind, and sometimes by hail. The
typical thunderstorm caused by convection occurs when the
sun’s warmth has heated a large body of moist air near the ground. This air rises and is
cooled by expansion. The cooling condenses the water vapor present in the air, forming a
cumulus cloud. If the process continues, the summit often attains a height of 4 miles (6.5km)
above the base, and the top spreads out in the shape of an anvil becoming cumulu-nimbus
clouds. The turbulent air current within the cloud causes a continual breaking up and
reuniting of the rain drops, which may form hail, and builds up strong electrical charges that
result in lightning. As the thunderstorm approaches an area, the gentle flow of warm air
feeding the cloud gives way to a strong, chilly gust of wind from the opposite direction,
blowing from the base of the cloud. Intense rain begins, then gradually diminishes as the
thunderstorm passes. Night thunderstorms are caused by the cooling of the upper layers of
air by radiation; others are caused by approaching cold air masses that advance as a wedge
near the ground, forcing the warmer air in its path to rise. Thunderstorms occur most
frequently in the equatorial zone (some localities have as many as 200 a year) and seldom in
the Polar Regions.
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• Recommend trimming and removal of dead or rotting trees that could fall and may
cause damage or injury.
• Secure outdoor objects that could be blown
away and cause damage
• Secure classroom doors and windows both
from the inside and outside.
• Estimate the distance of the thunderclouds
by computing the difference in time (second)
between seeing the flash of lightning and
hearing the claps of thunder. (1 second =
1000 ft.)
• Advise students to stay indoors for 30
minutes after hearing the last clap of the
Lightning Safety Position
Lightning safety experts have
• Ensure proper drainage for rain water on the invented a “lightning safety position”
whole school site. that is very important to know if you
are caught in a thunderstorm and
Response (What to do during): you can’t find a shelter. This position
• Instruct pupils to do the lightning safety looks hard but it could save your life.
position and stay away from structures, trees, There are several reasons for doing
towers, fences, telephone lines, or power it. It makes you a smaller target. With
lines if out in the open.
C your heels together, if lightning hits
• Advise pupils / students to stay calm the ground, it goes through the
throughout the occurrence of thunderstorms closest foot, up to your heel and then
• Postpone all outdoor activities. transfers to the other foot and goes
back to the ground again.
• Advise pupils/students to get inside the
school building, classroom, or hard top automobile.
• Advise pupils/students to avoid plumbing and bathroom fixtures that are good
conductors of electricity.
• Unplug or turn off all appliances and other electrical items such as computers.
Electric power surges and storm lightning can cause serious damage to these
• Turn off the air conditioner and television and stay off the phone until the storm is
over. Use a battery-operated radio for gaining information.
• Choose and move to a “safe place” in your school where students can gather during
a thunderstorm preferably on the lowest floor of the building. This should be a place
where there are no windows, skylights, or glass doors, which could be broken by
strong winds or hail, causing damage or injury.
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Flood is the inundation of land areas which are not normally
covered by water. A flood is usually caused by a temporary rise or the
overflowing of a river, stream, or other water course, inundating
adjacent lands or flood-plains. It could also be due to a temporary rise
of lakes, oceans, or reservoirs and/or other enclosed bodies of water, inundating border
lands due to heavy and prolonged rainfall associated with tropical cyclones, monsoons,
inter-tropical convergence zones, or active low pressure areas. Floods are basically
hydrological phenomena and they are also caused by storm surges, and tsunami along
coastal areas.
Ecologists also attribute flooding in some regions to the results of human activities
like unregulated cutting of trees and urbanization of large areas. These activities have
changed the hydrological regime of some areas so that water flows into streams more
rapidly. As a result of this, high water levels in water courses occur sooner and more
Flooding occurs in known floodplains when prolonged rainfall over several days,
intense rainfall over a short period of time, or a debris jam causes a river or stream to
overflow and flood the surrounding area. C
Several factors contributed to flooding. Two key elements are rainfall intensity and
duration. Intensity is the rate of rainfall, and duration is how the rain lasts. Topography, soil
conditions, and ground cover also play important roles. Most flash flooding is caused by
slow-moving thunderstorms repeatedly moving over the same area, or heavy rains from
hurricanes and tropical storms. Floods can be slow- or fast-rising, but generally develop over
a period of hours or days.
• Switch off the electricity and lock the rooms after the children have gone out.
• Have a handy survival kit. It should contain battery-operated transistor radio,
flashlight, emergency cooking equipment, candles, matches and first aid kit.
• Offer services and perform the assigned tasks in the event that the school is
designated as an evacuation area for families or livestock.
• If it has been raining hard for several hours, or steadily raining for several days,
be alert to the possibility of a flood. Floods happen as the ground becomes
• Use a radio or a portable, battery powered radio (or television) for updated
information. Local stations provide the best advice for your particular situation.
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• Caution everyone to avoid using lanterns or torches in case there are flammable
materials present.
• Protect your school property against flood.
• Remind pupils/students not to
attempt to cross flowing streams
unless they are assured that the
water is below knee high level.
How to protect your school property
• Advise pupils/students to avoid areas
against flood:
prone to flash flooding and be • Keep insurance policies, documents,
cautious of water-covered roads, and other valuables in a safe-deposit
bridges, creeks and stream banks box in a safe place.
and recently flooded areas.
C • Avoid building in a floodplain unless
• Warn pupils/students not to go you elevate and reinforce your
swimming or boating in swollen school.
rivers. • Store school properties in upper
• Watch out for snakes in flooded levels;
areas. • Construct barriers such as levees,
berms, and flood walls to stop flood
throw away all food that has come local authorities regarding flood risk
into contact with flood water. reduction measures.
appropriate agencies/authorities.
• Ensure that electrical appliances are checked by a competent electrician before
switching them on.
• Avoid affected areas.
• Continue to listen to a radio or local television stations and return home only
when authorities indicate it is safe to do so.
• Stay away from any building that is still flooded.
Storm Surge
Storm surge is a rise of seawater above normal sea
level on the coast, generated by the action of weather
elements such as cyclonic wind and atmospheric pressure. Sea
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level is raised and driven towards the coast. Where the depth is shallow and the slope of the
sea bed is gradual, the natural flow of the water is delayed by the effect of friction on the
sea bed. As more water moves from the sea to the coast, excess water piles up on the shore
line. This piling up of water makes a large volume of water which might eventually flow into
the hinterland some distance from the coast. Depending upon the shape of the coastline
and the slope of the sea bed, storm surge can sweep across large portions of coastal areas.
• Ensure that everyone is familiar with the identified escape routes of the school
to higher grounds.
• Establish evacuation plans and procedures.
• Ensure full participation in the regular conduct of drills and exercises.
Response (What to do during):
• Direct pupils/students to move to higher grounds upon detection of signs of a
probable storm surge or upon receiving a warning that a storm surge is
• Advise pupils/students to be alert of and stay away from steep, high coastal
areas which are prone to landslides.
• Switch off power supply.
• Advise pupils/students to stay on the inland side away from the potential flow
of water.
• If caught in a storm surge, advise pupils/ students to take hold of large boulders
or tree trunks which can provide protection from the force of water or debris
carried by the flowing water.
A landslide is a massive outward and downward
movement of slope-forming materials. The term landslide is
restricted to movements of rocks and soil masses. These
masses may range in size up to entire mountainsides. Their
movements may vary in velocity.
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A landslide is initiated when a section of a hill slope or sloping section of a sea bed is
rendered too weak to support its own weight. This is generally triggered by other natural
hazards such as prolonged, heavy rainfall or by other sources of water which increase the
water content of the slope materials. Landslide as a geological hazard is caused by
earthquake or volcanic eruption. Susceptibility of hill slope to landslide is developed as a
result of denudation of mountainsides which removes the trees or ground cover that holds
the soil, or alteration of the surface of the ground like grading for roads or building
(MGB) on status of possible
• Prepare the pupils/students for
evacuation upon the direction
of the proper school
• Maintain a list of contact
numbers during emergencies.
• Plant grasses to cover slopes or
C A mudflow or mudslide is a flow of water
build riprap to prevent soil that contains large amounts of suspended
erosion. particles and silt. It has a higher density
and viscosity than a stream flow and can
• Reinforce the foundation and
walls of the school buildings deposit only the coarsest part of its load;
and other structures when this causes heavy sediment deposit. Its high
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• Get out of the school buildings as soon as possible when rumbling sounds are
heard from upstream or the trembling of the ground is felt, indicating a possible
mudflow. Run across a slope, not downwards.
designing corrective techniques to reduce landslide risk.
Global Warming
Global Warming is the process of warming the earth
caused by the so-called enhanced green-house effect which
traps the solar radiation in the atmosphere due to the
presence of greenhouse gases.
Ultraviolet radiation passes through the Earth’s
atmosphere and warms the planet’s surface before being reflected back into space as
infrared radiation. Gases such as carbon dioxide and methane are called greenhouse gases,
which trap some of the heat from radiation in the atmosphere. The concentration of these
gases has increased dramatically as a result of human activity, therefore trapping more heat
and thus causing global temperatures to increase and climates to change.
What are the human activities that increase the concentrations of the greenhouse gases?
• Burning of fossil fuels like oil, coal, gas and others, in transportation, manufacturing
Global warming causes changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level due to melting
of polar icecaps and ice fields, and a wide range of negative impacts on plants, wildlife, and
humans. The good news about global warming is we know exactly what to do. We can slow
it down and mitigate its worst effects by significantly reducing our consumption of fossil
fuels through energy conservation and by switching to clean, renewable energy sources
which are carbon-free— like wind, solar, biomass and geothermal energy.
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Preparedness and Mitigation (what to do before):
• Continue information dissemination on global warming issues. Give warning on
the dangerous effect of global warming.
• Advocate for the recycle/reuse of everyday materials to help conserve
resources, lead to less energy and less elements used in manufacturing them,
while recycling paper will lead to less trees being cut down.
• Save energy by saving electricity through the use of energy efficient lighting and
appliances, biking/walking.
• Advocate the use of renewable energy such as those from hydro-electric dams,
wind power, solar radiation and biofuels.
• Plant trees and encourage others to plant too
• Conserve water and other natural resources.
• Be environment-friendly.
As global warming occurs, most places will be warmer. This
will cause changes in the amount and pattern of rain and
snow, in the length of growing seasons, in the frequency and
severity of storms, and in sea level rises. Computer models
predict that global warming will shift rainfall patterns, resulting in extended drought
conditions in some areas, and excessive rainfall and severe storms in others. Climate change
will cause more severe extreme weather events and the world would experience more
killing heat waves, long-lasting droughts in some areas and more frequent and intense
downpours and floods in others, an increasing number of super hurricanes or tornadoes and
typhoons, massive species extinction, eco-system collapse, agricultural failure and rising sea
levels, which eventually will inundate coastal towns and cities around the world.
impact the atmosphere and climate patterns around the globe. In turn, changes in the
atmosphere impact the ocean temperatures and currents. The system oscillates between
warm (El Nino) to neutral, or cold (La Nina) conditions with an average of every 3-4 years.
Heat Waves
Heat can kill by pushing the human body temperature beyond its limits. Elderly
people, young children, and those who are sick or overweight are more likely to become
victims of extreme heat. Men sweat more than women so they are more susceptible to heat
illness and become more quickly dehydrated. Excessive heat that lasts for more than two
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days significantly increases heat-related illnesses. People living in urban areas may be at
greater risk from the effects of a prolonged heat wave than people living in rural regions.
• Interview local physicians and paramedics about the dangers of sunburn, heat
exhaustion, heat stroke, and other possible conditions caused by excessive heat.
part of the day. Instead, do it in the morning between 4:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Many heat emergencies are experienced by people exercising or working during
the hottest part of the day.
• During a drought, conserve water by
placing a brick, or another large solid
object, in your toilet tank to reduce the
amount of water used in flushing.
• Stay indoors as much as possible.
• Avoid extreme temperature changes like
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• Never leave children or pets alone in closed vehicles.
An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused
by sudden slippage of rock masses below or at the surface
of the earth. It is a wavelike movement of the earth’s
surface. An earthquake may be classified as either tectonic
or volcanic. In certain cases, earthquakes can result from
man-made activities such as detonation of explosives,
deep mining activities, etc. However, these earthquakes
are mild and may be felt only as tremors. A very severe earthquake is usually associated
with shocks called foreshocks and aftershocks. Foreshocks are a series of tremors that occur
before the main earthquake.
Aftershocks are weaker earthquakes that follow the main shocks and can cause
further damage to weakened buildings. Be aware that some earthquakes are actually
foreshocks, and a stronger earthquake might occur.
an active fault and/or in liquefaction or landslide prone areas which may cause
school buildings to fall.
• Make sure that school building design complies with the National Building Code
• On existing school buildings with one door, request proper authorities to
provide two exit doors for every classroom, both with swing-out direction.
• Check for the presence of other potential sources of hazard due to secondary
effect of earthquakes like steep hill slopes, hanging heavy objects, dams,
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• Teach the school children how to use fire extinguishers, first aid kits, alarms and
emergency exits. These should also be accessible, conveniently located, and
prominently marked in familiar places to the pupils/students for assembly and
possible evacuation.
• Advise pupils/students not to use the Drop, Cover, and Hold
elevator during and after an earthquake.
Structure or power failure may lead you
to get stranded in the elevator.
• Identify strong parts of the building like
door jambs, near elevator shafts, sturdy
tables where the pupils/students can take
refuge during an earthquake.
• Prepare and maintain an earthquake
survival kit consisting of a battery-
powered radio, flashlight, first aid kit, The “Drop, Cover and Hold” protocol
potable water, candies, ready to eat food, (drop to the floor, cover your head,
whistle, and dust mask. and hold on to a solid object), when
• Conduct a contingency planning on performed correctly with an
earthquake. awareness of your surroundings,
• Conduct an orientation and earthquake remains the most effective way to
drill. protect yourself when an
• Evaluate the school. Have the following
C earthquake occurs.
data available yearly:
o Total number of students occupying each floor;
o Total number of students occupying each building; and
• Identify students or teachers with special needs (sick, old, disabled) and their
• Study the most recent school grounds layout or planning to identify open spaces
and determine the total area of available space that can be utilized as “areas of
temporary refuge” that will be designated for the occupants of each school
building. Determine how many persons can occupy this open space.
• Obtain a building layout/floor plan for each building that shows the rooms,
corridors, staircases and exit points.
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• Direct pupils/students to move to an open Suggested Contents of an
area when they are outside a building or any Earthquake Survival Kit
structure. Water at least 1 liter per
• Stay away from power lines, posts, walls, and person (up to 1 gallon per
other structures that may fall or collapse. Stay person)
away from buildings with large glass panes. First Aid Kit with critical basic
• Move away from steep escarpments which medication
may be affected by landslides particularly if First Aid Manual / Survival
they are on a mountain or near steep hill Manual
slopes. Canned food and can opener
Nutritional foodbars
Rehabilitation (What to do after):
AM/FM Radio and two-way
• Advise pupils/students to take the fastest and
radios, battery operated
safest way out if caught in an old or weak Spare batteries, rechargeable
classroom building. They should be advised batteries
to: Flashlight with batteries /
o Get out calmly and in an orderly emergency shake flashlights
manner. Not to rush or push one Emergency Lightsticks
another. Watch or clock
o Not to use elevators, but instead use Toilet paper and other
the stairs; hygiene items (soap,
o Check themselves for cuts and for shampoo)
injuries and approach the nearest Newspapers
teacher for assistance. Candles and matches
Whistles or small bells,
• Check the surroundings of the schools
emergency alarm
• Call the authority to clean up chemical spills,
Sharp utility knives
toxic and flammable materials since this is
Rope or nylon cords
Work gloves
defects. If any damage is suspected, turn the Tools (pry bar, Swiss army
system off in the main valve or switch. knife, wrench, pliers, bolt
• Help reduce the number of casualties from cutters, hack saw, etc)
the earthquake: Dust masks
• Do not enter partially damaged school Cellphone and solar cellphone
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• Do not use the telephone to call relatives and friends. Disaster prevention
authorities may need the lines for emergency calls and communications.
• Do not drive into damaged areas. Rescue and relief operations need the roads
for mobility.
• If there is a need to evacuate, apply the buddy-buddy system and follow orders
from the Principal/School Head. Wait for your parents to fetch you from the
evacuation area and inform the Principal/School Head if you will leave the area.
• Take with you your Earthquake Survival Kit, which contains all the necessary
items for your protection and comfort.
Tsunamis are giant sea waves generated by earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions under the seabed. Not all submarine
earthquakes, however, cause tsunamis. Tsunamis can only occur
when the earthquake is strong enough (M7.0+) to displace the
seabed, creating pressures in the water above it. Other sources
of tsunamis include submarine or coastal landslides, pyroclastic
flow and large volume debris avalanches from oceanic and partly submerged volcanoes, and
caldera collapse. Although tsunamis may be triggered in various ways, their effects on the
coastal areas are similar. The large waves of a tsunami are preceded by initial lowering of
the water level even beyond the lowest tidal levels. This phenomenon resembles the low
tides which may have led to tsunamis being falsely called “tidal waves”. Tsunamis generated
in distant locations will generally give people enough time to move to higher ground. For
locally-generated tsunamis, where you might feel the ground shake, you may only have a
few minutes to move to higher ground.
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• High, multi-story, reinforced concrete school buildings are located in some low-lying
coastal areas. The upper floors of these school buildings can provide a safe place to
find refuge should there be a tsunami warning and you cannot move quickly inland
to higher ground. Local Civil Defense procedures may, however, not allow this type
of evacuation in your area.
• Small school buildings located in low-lying coastal areas are not designed to
withstand tsunami impacts. Do not stay in these structures should there be a
tsunami warning
• Offshore reefs and shallow areas may help break the force of tsunami waves, but
large and dangerous waves can still be a threat to coastal residents in these areas.
Staying away from all low-lying areas is the safest advice when there is a tsunami
Rehabilitation (What to do after):
• Stay away from flooded and damaged areas until officials say it is safe to return.
• Stay away from debris in the water; it may pose a safety hazard to boats and people.
• Save yourself – not your possessions.
Volcanic Eruption
A Volcanic Eruption is a process wherein volcanic
materials such as molten or hot fragmented rocks or gaseous
materials are ejected from a volcano. Hazards from volcanoes
may be of different nature. These hazards include flowing of
fast-moving molten rocks and other ejecta. The ejected
fragments range in size from fine dust (volcanic ash) to large
boulders (volcanic bombs or blocks). Besides liquid and solid materials, volcanoes give off
poisonous gases, sometimes in superheated gas jets.
Other hazards associated with volcanic eruption are earthquakes, fissuring caused
by the force of upward-moving magma, tsunami and water displacement, subsidence due to
retreat or withdrawal of magma, landslides due to too much bulging on one side of the
volcano or those triggered by earthquakes or rainfall.
the community.
• Bring animals and livestock into closed shelters.
• Develop evacuation plans and conduct evacuation drills.
• Avoid low places or areas vulnerable to avalanches, rock falls, lava flows and
• Prepare for evacuation if warning for imminent volcanic eruptions or mudflows is
• Know the ways of protecting the school from ash fall, landslides and debris flows by
consulting your local disaster coordinating council.
• Consult respective disaster coordinating council officials on the establishment of
their community counter-disaster response plans.
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• Know the delineated areas vulnerable to volcanic hazards and assess your risk for
• Appreciate and take advantage of the importance of management of human
settlements based on land use planning which considers volcanic hazards.
• Learn about your community warning systems and emergency plans.
• Develop an evacuation plan. Everyone in the school should know where to go in
response to warnings.
• Schools in places prone to volcanic eruptions should have pairs of goggles, basic kits
and evacuation supply kits.
• If you live in a volcano risk area, publish a special section in your local newspaper
with emergency information on volcanoes. Localize the information by including the
phone numbers of local emergency services offices, the Philippine National Red
Cross chapter, and local hospitals.
• Feature an interview with competent authorities on the likelihood of a volcanic
eruption as well as on how to recognize warning signals.
• Work with the office of Civil Defense and Philippine National Red Cross officials to
prepare special procedures for children and the elderly or disabled, on what to do if
an evacuation is ordered.
Response (What to do during):
• Stay alert and awake.
• Follow the instructions that go with the warning. If there is a directive to evacuate,
do so immediately.
• Advise the pupil/students to protect their heads and get away from the area right
away if caught in a small rock fall.
• Give priority for evacuation outside the area of ash shower to pupils/students with
breathing problems. They should be advised to cover their nose, preferably with a
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• Report broken utility lines and suspected damaged buildings to appropriate
• If you have a respiratory ailment, avoid contact with ash. Stay indoors until local
health officials advise it is safe to go outside. Volcanic ash can cause great damage
to breathing passages and the respiratory system.
5. Bataan 10. Batanes
Camiguin has the highest risk because the land area is so
small such that a volcanic eruption can affect the whole
province. Sulu ranked second because it has the most
number of active and potentially active volcanoes.
Astronomical Hazards
The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration (PAGASA) is now starting to consider some
specific astronomical phenomena as one of the natural hazards that
could occur on earth and affect particularly the Philippine
archipelago and surrounding areas.
Causes and circumstances of deaths from astronomical phenomena are not well
studied, providing an interesting area for researching into deaths and potential deaths from
Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) such as comets and asteroid impacts along with geomagnetic
storms and other forms of space weather. Numerous websites cite cases of meteorite
At this point in time, PAGASA is in contact with the numerous government and
private astronomical institutions, nationally and internationally to be updated of the current
astronomical monitoring and observations. The agency is normally furnished with a copy of
current astronomical and space science bulletins and other relevant newsletters regarding
events which might lead to accidents and untoward incidents at the earth surface,
specifically from National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and
National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States (NASA) and other
institutions of developed nations and countries.
Mountain-sized space rocks could potentially impact the Earth causing global
effects, and perhaps even be mistaken for a nuclear blast of terrestrial origin. Such large
impacts are rare but have happened before. Modern telescopes have therefore begun to
scan the skies for signs of approaching celestial hazards.
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Natural disasters are natural phenomena. The best way to manage hazard impacts is
to be aware of how it occurs and its accompanying consequences, mitigate against, and plan
for actions to be taken before, during and after a phenomenon.
Did you know?
and mostly caused by tanks and hoses also
electrical short circuits caused 98 fire
and connections. In the accidents in the
first quarter of 2013,
C homes in 2012.
23% of fire incidents are
of this nature.
Unattended cooking is Lighted cigarette
among the most butts caused 271 fire
earned investments.
Lighted matches and
In 2012, open flames due lighters consumed
to unattended torch several homes
(gasera) and lighted resulting to 124 fire
Understanding Fire!
Fire is a chemical reaction. It is the rapid oxidation of fuel producing heat and light. For fire
to occur, all other must be present: Heat, Fuel, Oxygen.
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Safety Measures: What you should have in your home
1. Smoke Alarm
Install smoke alarms in rooms, kitchens and other
living areas. It ALERTS you when the fire is still in a
controllable state.
2. Fire Extinguisher
Have an ABC or ABCD type of fire extinguisher in the
kitchen and workshop areas. Know how to use a fire
outside your house. An exit drill is also a fun way of getting your children
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INFO: How to use a Fire extinguisher
Fire Hazards: What you should watch out for
A. Kitchen Area
NEVER leave your kitchen while cooking!
Matches and lighters should be in proper
storage and away from children’s reach.
Keep your stove clean and grease-free, and
check your LPG for leaks with soapy water.
When frying and your pan bursts into flame,
DO NOT douse it with WATER. Put the lid on or
get a wet damp cloth to cover the pan.
Idle electrical appliances must be unplugged.
Avoid overloading of outlets and use of worn
Do not store items above the stove top.
Keep flammable liquids and other combustible
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Take extra care when using a clothes iron or rice cooker.
Unplug them promptly after use.
Put out candle lights before going to bed.
Place a lit candle in a holder. If you have none, place it in the
middle of a basin partly filled with water.
Keep your place clean at all times. Remove dried leaves,
cobwebs, loose paper, and other easy-burning debris.
Do not store large quantities of flammable liquids in
the house and basement areas.
Paints and solvents
Motor lubricants
Floor wax/ liquid polishes
Adhesives (Rugby)
Alcohol products
Oily rags, newspaper and other trash must be disposed
in a sage waste bag or container.
Clean up spilled oil and grease from vehicles promptly.
Plug your power tools straight to the wall socket. Use only
Many of the electronic devices in your home are quietly drawing
electricity all the time, whether you are using them or not. As much as ten
(10%) more energy is drawn by an appliance on standby mode. Imagine how
much you can save when you unplug them after use.
Despite all the safety features of modern appliances, a risk of overheat is always
present, which could also lead to household fires.
There are new smart power strips/extension cords that you could purchase at
specialty hardware stores. They automatically monitor your power usage and shuts off
power supply so you could avoid the inconvenience of removing your plugs every time.
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The House is Burning!
What to do when a fire breaks out
It takes just two (2) minutes for your house to be filled with toxic fumes from a
fire. These fumes are deadly when inhaled, and may have long-term effects in
your body. Majority of deaths from fire are caused by suffocation rather than
the fire itself.
A well-rehearsed emergency exit plan will greatly alleviate the panic you may
feel during the fire.
Try to close the door of the burning room and close all doors behind you as you
leave. This will help delay the fire and smoke.
Before you open a door, feel it with the back of your hand to determine if the
room behind it is burning.
Fumes and hot air usually settle at the ceiling. When the smoke is dense, the
best air that you can breathe is usually one to two feet from the floor. Crawl to
the exit with a wet piece of cloth to cover your mouth.
Fire spreads at a very fast rate, doubling its volume every thirty seconds. Get
everyone out first. Have a bug-out pack with all your essentials. Saving your
possessions may weigh you down and get you trapped.
Never go back to your house unless a fire fighter declares it is safe to do so. You
could run into a potential roof collapse, stumble on live wires, or could trigger a
dreaded backdraft*
*backdraft is an explosion occurring when oxygen suddenly meets very hot temperatures
and fuel. It is deadly on close proximity.
Worst-Case Scenario
What to do if you are trapped in the fire
Try to position yourself in a room with windows leading outside. That way, your
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Clear flammable debris from the window. Rip off the curtains and anything else
that could burn. Don’t break the glass. You may need to close it against smoke
entering from outside. But, as long as the air outside is fresh, open the window
a bit and breathe it in.
Trivia time!!!
The average 1000-gallon fire truck can empty its
contents in less than 5 minutes
Rescue ropes are made of nylon filaments
braided into a super strong kern mantle, which
can handle about 800 kilos in weight.
The fire fighter’s bunker coat can withstand temperatures
of 260 degrees Celsius (as hot as glowing charcoal) for five
Arson investigations use a
special machine called a Gas
Chromatograph to determine
what kind of chemical sparked
the fire.
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Preparing for disasters: Fire
A road to resilience in Southeast Asia
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Below is a list of things to remember if there is a fire. Study it well. These tips could
make all the difference for you and your family!
• Make sure everyone in your household knows where and how to evacuate to
• Always take part in fire drills
• Plan more than one way to exit your location
• Never leave fire unattended
• Make sure all fire tools are easy to access
• If you are advised to evacuate, leave immediately
• If you are not trained and equipped to fight a fire, don’t risk your life
• When there is a fire, before opening a door
Check to see if there is heat or smoke coming through cracks around the
door. If yes, do not open!
Touch the door and doorknob. If it is hot, do not open!
If the door is cool, open carefully and follow your escape route
• Keep close to the ground – there is less smoke there
• Even if you’re scared, never hide from fire fighters – they will not find you!
• Regularly check that your fire alarm is working
• If your clothes catch fire, stop, drop to the ground, cover your face with your
hands, and roll.
To learn more about disasters, please visit:
Saving lives, changing minds
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Asian Disaster Preparedness Center. (2003). Capacity Building in Asia using Information Technology
Applications: Modules 3 and 5. Retrieved from:
Supplementary Materials:
1. van Westen, C., Kingma, N. & Montoya, L. (2004). Guide Book Session 4: Elements at Risk.
From the Geoportal of Natural Hazards and Risks in Georgia [Online]. Accessible at:
2. National Fire Protection Association. (2016). Emergency Preparedness. Available at NFPA:
4. Social Action Center Of Pampanga. (2004, January). Socio-Economic Profiles Pampanga:
Bacolor, Lubao and Mabalacat, Volume 1, Final Report.
Audio-Visual resource
1. Federal Alliance for Safe Homes Inc. (2016). Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, Inc. Available at
2. CBDRM Training and Learning Circle-Philippines. (2010). Integrating Gender into Community
Based Disaster Risk Management Training Manual. Available at:
3. Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. (2014). Emergency Preparedness and
Response - People with Special Needs. Available at Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention: http://emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/earthquakes/disabilities.asp
4. Reach Out Refugee Protection Training Project. (2005). Module 8 Vulnerable Groups.
5. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. (2014). Living with Disability and Disasters.
Available at:
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Social Vulnerability
1. Waugh & Tierney. (2007). Identifying and Addressing Social Vulnerabilities, Elaine Enarson.
Emergency Management Principles and Practice for Local Government.
2. Phillipes, Thomas, Fothegrill and Blinn-Pike. (2009, August 10). Social Vulnerability to
Disaster. CRC Press.
Related to earthquakes
1. Acaciao, A. A. (1992). Retrofitting Lifeline Facilities on Liquefied Deposits.
4. Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology. (2013). THE JULY 16, 1990 LUZON
EARTHQUAKE. Available at IRIS: https://ds.iris.edu/data/reports/1990/90-
7. Southern California Earthquake Center. (n.d.). Putting down roots in earthquake country.
8. Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. (n.d.). Be Ready! Earthquakes. Available
at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
9. Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. (2014). Emergency Preparedness and
Response - Inspecting for Home Hazards. Available at Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention: http://emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/earthquakes/inspecting.asp
10. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2001). The July 16 Luzon Earthquake - A
Technical Monograph. Available at PHIVOLCS:
11. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. (2014, February). Self-check for
Earthquake Safety of Concrete Hollow Block (CHB) Houses in the Philippines.
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
Related to fire hazards
1. The American National Red Cross. (2016). Home Fire. Available at American Red Cross:
2. National Fire Protection Association. (2011). Fire Power - Revisited! Available at YouTube:
3. National Fire Protection Association. (2012). Fire Power (Original). Available at YouTube:
4. National Fire Protection Association. (2015). Christmas tree fires can turn devastating and
deadly within seconds. Available at YouTube:
5. Red Deer Advocate. (2011). Demonstration underscores the danger of kitchen fires.
Retrieved from YouTube:
Related to hydrometeorological hazards
1. Agarwal, A. (2007, March). Cyclone Resistant Building Architecture. Available at United
Nations Development Program:
3. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council. (2009). Final Report on Tropical
4. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council. (2014). Situational Report re
5. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council. (2014). Final Report re Effects of
Typhoon YOLANDA (HAIYAN). Available at NDRRMC:
6. Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. (2012). Emergency Preparedness and
Response - After a Flood. Available at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -
electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
7. Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. (2013). Emergency Preparedness and
Response - Floods. Available at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
8. Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. (2015). Emergency Preparedness and
Response - Hurricanes and Tropical Storms. Available at Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention: http://emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/hurricanes/index.asp
9. Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. (2015). Emergency Preparedness and
Response - Key Facts About Flood Readiness. Available at Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention: http://emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/floods/readiness.asp
10. Paciente, R. B. (2014). Response and Lessons Learned from. Available at Severe Weather
Infromation Centre: http://severe.worldweather.wmo.int/TCFW/JMAworkshop/6-
11. Paciente, R.B. (2014, March 14). Response and Lessons Learned from Typhoon “HAIYAN”
12. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2016). Food and Water Safety During Power Outages
and Floods. Available at FDA:
Related to volcanic hazards
1. Diggles, M. (2005). The Cataclysmic 1991 Eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines. Available
at U.S. Geological Survey: http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/1997/fs113-97/
2. Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. (2012). Emergency Preparedness and
Response - Key Facts About Preparing for a Volcanic Eruption. Available at Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention: http://emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/volcanoes/before.asp
3. Rodolfo, K. (2002, January). Bacolor Town and Pinatubo Volcano, Philippines: Coping with
Recurrent Lahar Disaster. Available at http://www.researchgate.net/publication/229085823
4. Volcano Discovery. (n.d.). Chronology of the 1991 eruption of Pinatubo volcano, Philippines.
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Vulnerability and Risk
To instill an understanding of the concepts of vulnerability and risk
To develop the capability for risk assessment
Learning outcomes
After completing this session, you will be able to perform a risk assessment for a selected
Learning objectives
• As you work through this session you will learn to distinguish between the concepts
of vulnerability
• List and describe criteria that add to the vulnerability of a community
• List and describe criteria that reduce the vulnerability
• Name and explain the components in quantification
• Give a breakdown of elements at risk
• Construct a risk matrix
• Explain risk as a function of hazard, loss and preparedness
1. Vulnerability
1.1. Vulnerability definition
The predisposition to suffer damage due to external events
∗ This course material is being made available by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), Bangkok
under Capacity Building in Asia using Information Technology Applications (CASITA) project, to the
participating universities and institutions for educational purpose only. Reproduction of materials for
educational purpose is encouraged as long as ADPC is acknowledged.
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1.1.1. Susceptibility
You can be susceptible but not vulnerable. E.g. a landslide is threatening a house but
the owners have built a wall to protect it and to divert the landslide. Susceptibility is
easy to assess. Can you think of other suitable examples?
Researchers differentiate between voluntary and involuntary exposure to hazards.
Examples of involuntary exposure include air pollution (as we must breathe ambient
air), toxic contamination of food (as we must eat), and water pollution (as we have
to drink). We do, on the other hand, have a greater choice over where we live and
what activities we engage in (living in coastal or seismically active zones is to some
extent voluntary; smoking and exposing yourself to the threat of cancer is definitely
1.1.2. Resilience
It is the ability to adjust and recover.
E.g. the owners of the house threatened by a landslide have a second house in
town. They reside there during the rainy season. One can be susceptible, but if
he/she is resilient, one is not vulnerable. Resilience has many components: It implies
Most Middle Eastern countries are in deserts. But their water supply system helps
them not to be exposed to drought conditions in normal life.
If susceptibility is very low and resilience very high, one has minimum vulnerability.
E.g. take a displaced population in an emergency settlement. Susceptibility to
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measles is very high. If all children are immunized however, resilience is high, and
the vulnerability would be low.
When Susceptibility is high and resilience very low, one has maximum vulnerability.
If the children are not immunized, resilience is very low and the vulnerability is high.
(Source: the Australian Emergency Management Society).
Measures taken in anticipation of a disaster to ensure that appropriate and effective
actions are taken in the aftermath of a hazard event.
Preparedness activities are designed to help save lives and minimize damage by
preparing people to respond appropriately.
Refer to actions taken immediately following the impact of a hazard event when
exceptional measures are required to meet the basic needs of the survivors.
It refers to the sum of all actions taken to adjust to hazards; more narrowly defined
to mean the appropriate actions taken during an emergency to protect people and
the things they value from harm, rescue them, and facilitate the transition to post-
disaster recovery.
The assumption is that the lower the IHD, the lower will be the mean wealth, the
literacy and the average health state of the population. This will increase the
vulnerability to physical hazards.
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Poverty is one of the major vulnerability criteria. Poverty also has an effect on
housing which constitute a usually high damage percentage in case of disaster
(Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, CRED).
When high to very high population densities (>200 hab/km2) are combined with
unfavorable socio-economic parameters (low IDH, high birth and mortality rates),
the vulnerability is expected to be high (CRED).
2. Risk
2.1. Risk definition
Risk is the likelihood or probability of a hazard event of a certain magnitude
occurring. Risks are measures of the threat of hazards.
Risk is the actual exposure of something of human value to a hazard. Often regarded
as the product of probability and loss.
Risk is the exposure or the chance of loss due to a particular hazard for a given area
and reference period. It may be expressed mathematically as the probability that a
hazard impact will occur multiplied by the consequences of that impact.
(Note: Definitions of risk in the hazards literature vary from those that equate risk
with probability to those that see risk as the product of a probability and a particular
kind of impact occurring.)
Risk and Hazard are two concepts that are different from each other.
The ocean is a hazard (deep water and large waves). If one attempts to cross the
ocean in a small rowboat, a great risk (probability of capsizing and drowning) is
incurred. If the crossing is made aboard the Queen Elizabeth, (a large passenger
ship) the risk is reduced – all else being equal. The ocean going vessel is a device
used as a safeguard against the hazard.
The monetary and non-monetary "costs" or “losses” of a hazard event. This includes
financial, economic, life safety, environmental, social, legal and other costs or
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losses. Its assessment may be made easier if the elements at risk are enumerated
Elements at risk
Railway Access to work
Bridges Impact on work force
Harbour Opportunity cost
Critical facilities • Societal
Emergency shelters Vulnerable age categories Low
Schools income group people
Hospitals and Nursing Homes Gender
Fire Brigades
C • Environmental
Utilities Loss of biodiversity
Power supply Damaged landscape
Water supply Physical and chemical changes
Transport in the surroundings
Government services
Disaster losses include the direct impacts like the loss of life, housing and
infrastructure as well as indirect impacts on production in utility services, transport,
labor supplies, suppliers and markets. Secondary losses include impacts on
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macroeconomic variables such as economic growth, balance of payments, public
spending and inflation. The impacts are felt more by developing countries.
In 1977, a cyclone struck the Andrah Pradesh. The following loss figures were
estimated for the East Godavari District.
have been reduced as follows.
The economic benefit is estimated to be Rs. 91 crores
Source: Gujarat, Vulnerability Atlas of India, 1997
It is advisable that, if a hazard event does occur, that a post-audit be carried out so
that one may match the ‘actual’ Vs the ‘expected’. This would give more
understanding on deficiencies of the Risk Assessment carried out and help to
improve the process next time around.
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It is the overall process of identifying and analyzing risks. The process of
characterizing hazards within risk areas, analyzing them for their potential mishap
consequences and probabilities of occurrence, and combining the two estimates to
reach a risk rating.
Risk Assessment provides a sound basis for mitigation planning and for allocation of
funds and other resources.
Some use the term Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) to express Risk.
It is the process of evaluating risk associated with a specific hazard and defined in
terms of probability and frequency of occurrence, magnitude and severity, exposure
and consequences.
Where flooding occurs every year or every few years, the hazard becomes part
of the landscape, and projects are sited and designed with this constraint in
mind. Conversely, in an area where a tsunami may strike any time in the next
50 or 100 years, it is difficult to stimulate interest in vulnerability reduction
measures even though the damage may be catastrophic. With so long a time,
investment in capital-intensive measures may not be economically viable. Rare
or low-probability events of great severity are the most difficult to mitigate,
and vulnerability reduction may demand risk-aversion measures beyond those
justified by economic analysis.
There are many methodologies for Risk Assessment from High Tech computer-based
methods to pencil pushing and head scratching. Computer-based Geographic
Risk matrix
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The ranking of ‘high’, ‘moderate’, and ‘low’ is subjective and would vary from one
group to another. The ranking depends on
Probability of a hazard event
Potential loss
A risk matrix
R High C B A A
B Medium C B B A
B Low D C B B
L Very low D D C C
T Low Medium High Very High
The following guidelines may be used to do a matrix analysis.
Probability Loss
High Events that occur more Based on the potential by taking into
frequently than once in 10 years account elements at risk
The criteria used for class categorization is also subjective. What has been given
below merely illustrates the type of criteria that countries may adopt to facilitate
the process.
Class A
High-risk condition. Immediate action is necessary.
Possible deaths over 1000
People affected may be over 100,000
Complete shut down of facilities and critical services for more than 14 days
Over 50% of property located in the area may be damaged
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Class B
Moderate to high-risk condition where risk can be reduced by mitigation activities
and contingency planning. Prompt attention needed.
Possible deaths less than 1000
People affected may be between 50,000 to 100,000
Complete shutdown of facilities and critical services for 7 days
25% of the property located in the area may be damaged
Class C
Low risk condition. However investment in further mitigation and planning may be
necessary after cost-benefit analysis.
Possibility of death low.
People affected between 10,000 and 50,000
Complete shutdown of facilities not more than 1 day
About 10% of the property located in the area may be damaged.
Class D
Very low risk condition. Only limited action necessary.
No possibility of death
People affected less than 10,000
Facilities and critical services may not be affected
About 1% of the property located in the area may be damaged.
Attitudinal/motivational aspects.
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Preparedness has an inverse relationship to risk.
vi. Apply hazard specific damage functions to the inventory to determine direct
damage quantitatively or rank potential damage qualitatively.
vii. Apply loss functions to damage results to estimate level of financial, personal,
or property losses quantitatively or rank potential losses qualitatively.
i. Study area
The first step in the risk assessment process is to demarcate the extent of the area
that comes under the study. The boundaries used may be administrative, political,
geographic or user defined grid. This selection is based on the objective of the
If the objective is to prepare a regional emergency response plan, the study area
must include the communities where emergency response teams are expected to
be active.
If the objective is to plan local community mitigation action, then the study area
the methods to collect them prior to the collection proper. In order to assure
consistency, it may be necessary to oriente the data collectors prior to field action.
v. Elements at risk
These were discussed earlier.
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vi. Determining potential damage
Research results have helped to define damage functions to estimate the amount of
damage likely to occur with specific hazard exposures. With adequate data,
acceptable quantitative assessments may be arrived at. Where data is insufficient, a
qualitative ranking of potential damage may be done.
2.2.3. Risk mapping
This is the presentation of the results of risk assessment on a map, showing the
levels of expected losses which can be anticipated in specific areas, during a
particular time period, as a result of particular disaster hazards
Usually qualitative terms such as ‘high’, ‘medium’ and ‘low’ are used to represent
the level of risk. Risk assessment results and hazard maps studied under Session 4
can be combined to yield a Risk Map.
2.2.4. Risk perception
Knowing how the general public perceives risk is helpful for hazard management
activities. Risk means different things to different people. The dominant influence is
past experience. Most lay perceivers and the media give greater weight to hazards
that take many lives at any one time. Technical experts may give similar weight to
hazards that may give rise to cumulative effect. There is need therefore for better
communication between the two groups.(Smith 2001).
Revealed preferences
Expressed preferences
Many might express a fatalistic view – that nothing can be done about risk. Some
may deny the threat. With adequate awareness, others may consider that survival is
possible through preparedness. Risk perception is influenced by many interrelated
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factors such as past experience, attitudes, values, as well as social and cultural
A politician who has a probabilistic perception that disasters will occur and that
many events are random would probably be strength in resource allocation and
mitigation work. Another with a dissonant perception would deny the threat and
would dismiss the possibility of a hazard event striking again. He would be a
hindrance to risk mitigation work.
This is a subjective evaluation from an individual or a group point of view.. For
example, living near a flood plain may bring the benefit of fertile soil for agriculture.
The farmers may tolerate annual floods up to a threshold value. Beyond this level
the losses may override the benefits. Risk becomes unacceptable.
Similarly local administrative bodies or national governments may ignore risk up to a
certain magnitude as hazard reduction measures might not appear desirable
through a cost-benefit analysis. The use of a Risk Matrix might help in determining
whether a risk is acceptable. This may be important in decision making to allocate
scarce resources for disaster management. Defining the acceptable level of risk is
the responsibility of the government.
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Understanding Vulnerabilities: Vulnerability of
Physical Structures
To develop an understanding of the vulnerability of the physical structures and their causes
Learning outcomes
After completing this session you will be able to understand the:
• Structural vulnerability of physical structures
• Non-structural vulnerability
• Functional vulnerability
Learning objectives
As you work through this session you will learn to
Describe engineered, non-engineered, owner built buildings, critical facilities and
life lines and criteria to be considered for their design
Explain causative factors of structural vulnerability
Understand building typology and list characteristics and vulnerability functions of
different building types
Describe non-structural vulnerability and its assessment
Describe functional vulnerability and its assessment
1. Concepts
Engineered Constructions
These are the structures (e.g., buildings) that are designed and constructed as per
have undergone the formal process of regular building permit by the municipal or other
pertinent authority. The formal building permit process is supposed to require
involvement of an architect/engineer in the design and construction for ensuring
compliance to the existing building code and planning bylaws. In most developing
countries, formal building permit process is observed only in urban areas. In developing
countries, building codes (with earthquake safety consideration) either do not exist, or
not implemented strictly. Therefore, consideration of seismic input on building design
depends upon the individual initiative of the designers, the prevalent construction
practices in the region/country, the prevalent construction practices in the
region/country, and the availability of funds. In case clients require(d) design
against earthquakes in a country does not (did not) have regulation to govern the design
of strength of structures, it is (was) a common practice for the engineer to use the code
of the country in which he/she was trained.
∗ This course material is being made available by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), Bangkok
under Capacity Building in Asia using Information Technology Applications (CASITA) project, to the
participating universities and institutions for educational purpose only. Reproduction of materials for
educational purpose is encouraged as long as ADPC is acknowledged.
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Under such conditions, there is no consistency in the design of structures. While they
may be significant proportions of well designed structures that can withstand the
earthquake forces, some percentage of engineered construction have been designed for
only vertical loads of gravity and not for the horizontal/vertical load that an earthquake
exerts on the building. The 85 high-rise buildings that collapsed during the Bhuj
Earthquake of January 2001 are evidence to this fact.
It is thought that there are no consistent anti-seismic measures applied to the design of
many bridges in several developing countries. Seismic code for bridges simply does not
exist in many countries.
Site-specific studies to assess seismic risk are usually carried out in donor- funded larger
projects (e.g., hydroelectric dam and important bridge sites).
Non-engineered Constructions
These are physical structures (e.g., buildings) the construction of which usually has not
been through the formal building permit process. It implies that the construction of non-
engineered building has not been designed or supervised by an architect/engineer. Such
buildings are obviously prevalent in the rural or non-urban (including urbanizing areas in
the periphery of municipal areas. However, a large percentage of the building stock (in
some case a vast majority) even urban areas of many developing countries are non-
engineered constructions. In the urban areas of Kathmandu, it is estimated that more
than 90 percent of existing building stock are non-engineered (partly because there are
many old historic buildings), and every year about 5000 more such non-engineered
buildings are added.
Owner-built buildings
These are buildings constructed by the owner at the guidance and with the involvement
of a head-mason or a carpenter who lacks comprehensive knowledge on earthquake
Needless to say that these buildings are usually highly vulnerable to earthquakes.
Critical Facility
A critical facility has a specific functionality requirements and life-safety protection
during or following an earthquake. Hospitals, water supply, electricity, telephony are
example. Usually one talks about a critical system. Components of a critical system
could be 1) the building structure, 2) ancillary structures such as pipes, ducts, etc.; 3)
equipment, and a human action that is required to provide function of the critical
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Usually, it is regarded necessary to require stricter regulations for earthquake -
resistance of buildings belonging to critical facilities because of their occupancy
(schools), function after a major disaster (hospitals and communication centers), or
because they are nationally important (museums) or they house toxic materials.
These are the critical facilities on which a city depends for the continued existence of its
population such as water and wastewater systems, power systems, communication, etc.
Transportation Systems
Roads/bridges, ports, airports are referred to as the transportation systems. Sometimes
they are included as part of lifelines.
2. Vulnerability
For a systematic understanding it is necessary to distinguish the following categories of
vulnerabilities: Structural vulnerability
Non-structural Vulnerability
Functional Vulnerability
2.1.1. Definition
This category of vulnerability pertains to the structural elements of the buildings,
e.g., load bearing walls, columns, beams, floor and roof.
2.1.2. Causative Factors
1. Location of the Structure (building): Location determines the type and extent of
the expected hazard (severity of ground shaking) liquefaction, earthquake-
induced landslide or tsunami run off. A building located in soft soil, or over
In the case of tall buildings, the lack of proper space in between buildings gives
rise to pounding effect: part of the collapsed building may fall onto the next.
3. Number of Stories: In the condition of the lack of control over the design and
quality control during construction in developing countries, it can be said that
the vulnerability of a building increases with its height.
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4. Shape (Configuration): Complex shapes (e.g., L-shape, Y-shape, H-shape etc.)
increase the building’s vulnerability to damage and destruction during an
earthquake. The re-entrant angles attract excessive concentration of stresses
during the earthquake. Solid circular, square, and triangular plans are the best.
Rectangular building plan should have its length not more than 3-times its
width. Structural joints (separation) should be provided if such overall
configuration cannot be avoided due to any constraint. Structural regularity can
also be achieved by distributing lateral elements in the building in such a way
that they do not cause excessive torsion.
earthquake. Symmetry is measured with respect to the distribution of the
lateral resisting elements of the building in plane and in elevation.
However, vulnerability increases with the age. It is a wise practice to conduct
vulnerability assessment of old buildings.
7. Construction Typology (type of Building): Timber, Adobe, brick-masonry, stone
masonry, cement-block masonry, and concrete frame are the principal types of
building construction in cities of Asia. As the building type and the construction
materials employed is the most important factor while considering seismic
vulnerability, it will be treated in a separate section below.
vulnerability of buildings.
Many times the structural joints between buildings are found to be rendered
ineffective by the provision of structural connections (e.g., by constructing a
corridor) linking the two building parts.
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Alterations and /or remodeling done within the hospital in an attempt to
create new spaces or fit new structures or equipment without considering
the effect these alterations would have on the general strength of the
structure may become a liability (on a long term) rather than an
improvement for the hospital. There had been cases in which the structural
walls that were part of the original design of a building were broken in order
to install air-conditioning units. These alterations might have been done
afterwards when the original design engineers were no longer associated
with the construction. Even small openings for window -type air conditioners
made through an important load-bearing wall may spell disaster. The results
of these openings are weaker structural walls that could result in a failure or
partial collapse during an earthquake, even if the initial design was seismic-
PAHO, Mitigation of Disasters, Volume 3, 49
structure to become weak. Closure of the structural joints by construction
debris during subsequent modifications is seen frequently. Corrosion of steel
and of reinforcing could reduce the strength of a building with time.
3. Building Typology and Vulnerability
constructions do not have good lateral strength, low tensile strength and shear strength,
inferior ductility so they cannot survive the excitation. Should a shock with an intensity
higher than 1988 earthquake be experienced, catastrophic damage leading to complete
collapse similar to observed in masonry buildings might take place in RC framed
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3.1.1. Traditional buildings/low strength masonry buildings
Coincidentally, these buildings are in general symmetrical in plan and elevation, lack
heavy projections; openings are small and well positioned. These are good features
from earthquake point of view.
Stone in mud is the most common construction material for walling in mountains
and hills. Sun dried or fired brick in mud mortar is common in plains, hills, and
valleys where stone is not available.
Wall thickness varies from 350mm to 600mm in general. These buildings are in
general one to two story plus attic.
Floors are generally made of thick layer of soil on timber structure. Roofs are
generally duo pitched with gable walls at ends. Slate, clay tiles and thatch, wood
shingle are used for roofing.
These buildings are generally found to be deficient in earthquake resistance because
of the poor quality of their construction and lack of aseismic features. The material
lacks ductility, tensile- or shear- strength. These building behave as if stacked
construction material. The deficient features include:
• Weak Wall Junctions: The bond between orthogonal walls is weak as these walls
are erected independently for large heights, weak mortar, no connecting
elements between them. It suppresses development of box effect and walls
behave as if these are free standing cantilever walls and during shaking, walls
normal to the earthquake force splits and topple down (out of plane failure).
Gable walls are even more susceptible to shaking as these stand at the top of
Note: These buildings are not to be confused with the historic buildings of
archaeological importance, such as in Kathmandu, Bangkok or in cities of China and
Japan, which do incorporate seismic-resistant elements, and are made
predominantly of timber and/or have thick walls compared to their height and
relatively few and small openings. They are considerably earthquake-resistant. Their
vulnerability comes mainly from aging.
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3.1.2. Modern masonry buildings
These are generally made of fired brick or stone in cement or lime mortar with one
brick thick walls (250 mm). Lime mortar is less and less used now. With some part or
some stories in mud mortar and other in cement mortar can be seen very often.
These buildings are generally limited up to three stories. Story height is usually 3-
3.6m. Floor and roofs are, in general, flat made of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete,
reinforced brick and concrete slab. Openings are large and more in number. These
are usually constructed for residential purposes so room sizes are small but many
time half brick thick walls are used for cross walls. Shifting of wall position in upper
stories is very common. In general these buildings are irregular in plan and
Vulnerability of these buildings to earthquake is caused by:
• Weak wall Junctions
• Long Unsupported walls
• Large and unsymmetrical opening
• Out-of-plane instability of walls due to low thickness-to-height ratio
• Soft-story effect
• Improperly anchored parapets C
In addition to this, buildings with flexible floors have the following deficiencies:
• Lack of Integrity between load-bearing Elements
• Lack of diaphragm actions
3.2. Framed buildings
Traditionally timber or bamboo was used for construction of framed buildings,
especially in the plain areas of the tropics and the sub-tropics. In recent years, as a
result of the depletion of timber, increased cost of a lot in the urban areas,
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These structures usually comprise a very light concrete frame generally with column
sizes 22.5x22.5 cm or slightly more, and four to six number of 12mm diameter
reinforcing longitudinal bars and 6mm diameter stirrups at the spacing of 20 to 25
cm. The detail of reinforcing does not follow the accepted practices in other highly
seismic countries. These types of buildings up to six stories are very common.
Vulnerability: RC frame construction type has become prevalent in the past two or
three decades, and it has introduced a myth that the buildings of this type are
infinitely strong and can be constructed as high as needed. Such false sense of
safety has led to severe deficiency in strength. The size of the columns and beams
usually constructed for as high as five stories, are in fact adequate only for two to
three stories if seismic load is to be considered. Additionally, the structural
components (columns and beams) badly lack “ductile” detailing. Ductility refers to
the ability of a concrete building to shake and deform while preserving the integrity
of its load-bearing system. Ductility is achieved in concrete by respecting special
requirements for the amount and placement of steel reinforcing and the detailing of
the connections. In addition, concrete relies on the bond between the mixture of
gravel, sand, cement, steel and water. Quality control is thus important in concrete
construction to ensure that the material is build according to the engineering
specifications. The other deficiencies are: C
• Short Column effect: when any or all of the beam-column portions are filled up
with masonry brick wall only partially leaving wide opening e.g., for windows.
This situation leads to excessive concentration of stresses during earthquakes,
at the corners of the openings.
• Soft-story effect: This is the situation when there is no infill masonry wall in the
column-beam frame. Such conditions prevail in the developing countries
i. Anchorage problem
ii. Lack of confining bars
iii. Steel congestion problem
iv. Lack and deficiency in shear stirrups
The above discussed deficiencies have made buildings severely vulnerable to seismic
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3.3. Summary of deficiencies that cause vulnerability of built structures
3.3.1. Planning deficiencies
The deficiencies are (common to both load bearing and masonry buildings):
i. Pounding effect (along urban streets).
ii. Large length to breath ratio (difficult load transfer mechanisms!).
iii. Large height to breathe ratio (instability!).
iv. Large offsets in plan and elevation - unequal distribution of stiffness – (torsional
v. Soft story effect (concentration of deformation!).
vi. Unequal/unbalanced distribution of lateral load resisting elements (torsional
3.3.2. Deficiencies of load bearing masonry buildings
i. Large and unsymmetrical opening (lack of lateral load resisting elements &
torsional effects!).
ii. Weak Wall Junctions (loss of box action!).
iii. Long unsupported walls (behave as cantilever wall!).
iv. Thin walls compared to their height (out-of-plan instability)
v. Delamination of walls (reduction in load carrying capacity!).
vi. Improperly anchored parapets (toppling of wall).
Buildings with flexible floor have following additional deficiency:
i. Lack of Integrity between load-bearing elements (scattering of members, loss of
box action!).
ii. Lack of diaphragm actions (no proportionate distribution of lateral load!).
i. Strength deficiency
ii. Out of plane failure of infill walls
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Loss functions in the form of vulnerability curves or damage probability matrices are
available for obtaining the damage ratio for different types of buildings at different
intensities of earthquake shaking. These are prepared based on actual observation
of damage due to an earthquake at various localities.
(Note: Damage ratio is expressed in terms of economic loss to a single building unit with respect to its
reconstruction cost).
Buildings in field stone, rural buildings, adobe house, and mud house (1 to 1.5 stories).
A-type building but with 3 storey height (2 storied in between A and A-).
A+ A-type clay buildings but with horizontal and vertical timbers incorporated.
B Buildings with mud mortar, ordinary brick, large blocks, natural dressed stone or half-
timbered buildings with height up to 1 to 1.5 stories, or with cement mortar in brick masonry
and height up to 3 stories.
B- B-type rural buildings with traditional materials and height up to three stories, or brick
masonry buildings in cement mortar with large openings with irregular plans and height up to
five stories.
B+ B-type rural buildings with improved configurations in case of rural buildings, or brick
masonry buildings in cement mortar with compact plans, permissible openings and height up
to three stories.
B++ Strengthened initially, or retrofitted as for earthquake-resistant brick buildings of B, B-, B+
C1 Strengthened good quality brick buildings in cement mortar (with seismic reinforcement, up
to 3 stories)
C2 Normally designed Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings (designed for normal load only) or
mason-designed 3 storey RC buildings (Kathmandu Valley)
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One of the issues is in the training of engineers and other professionals, which often
does not address the study of the vulnerability of existing buildings. Several
computer programs exist to model existing buildings in order to quantify the level of
stress and deformation in structural members. Damage and performance
acceptability is measured with respect to the ratio of demand versus capacity taking
into consideration the level of ductility in the building component. NSET-Nepal used
the software MASONRY (developed by the University of Roorkee, India) for the
analysis of masonry buildings, and the software SAP2000 for the analysis of other
two hospital buildings of Kathmandu Valley.
4. Non-Structural Vulnerabilities
the structural engineer; however, nonstructural walls are required to have some
strength. For example, interior non-bearing partitions are generally required to be
designed to resist a minimum design lateral force. This is intended to provide some
resistance to seismic forces perpendicular to the wall and to ensure a minimum
stiffness to the walls.
Non-structural elements of a building include ceilings, windows, doors, non-load-
bearing partition walls, and electrical, mechanical, plumbing equipment and
installations, and other contents. A building can remain standing after a disaster but
column, floors and beams, but in the architectural design, mechanical and electrical
systems and in the equipment contained in the building (Dr. Reinaldo Flores, in
introduction to the newly prepared draft “Protocol for assessment of the Health
Facilities in Responding to Emergencies: Making a Difference to Vulnerability, WHO,
1999, Geneva).
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4.2. Vulnerable non-structural elements
The following sections list the non-structural vulnerable elements
4.2.1. Partitions
Masonry and Tile. These partitions can have severe cracking or loss of units.
Compression failures can occur at the tops of the partitions, or at the joints. These
partitions may collapse and fail due to perpendicular wall-to-wall loads. This is a life-
safety concern!
Gypsum Board or Plaster. These partitions may overturn due to local ceiling
failures. Finishes may crack or detach from the studs.
Demountable Partitions of Metal. Wood, and/or Glass. These partitions may
separate from the supporting channels, possibly resulting in overturning. Fixed glass
may crack or separate from remainder of partition.
4.2.2. Ceilings
Suspended Lay-In Tile Systems. Hangers may unwind or break. Tiles may separate
from the suspension system and fall. Breakage may also occur at seismic joints and
at building perimeters. C
Suspended Plaster or Gypsum Board. Plaster may have finish cracks that could lead
to spalling. Hangers may break. Gypsum board or plaster may separate from the
suspension system and fall.
Surface Applied Tile. Plaster, or Gypsum Board. Plaster may crack and spall. Ceiling
tiles may fall due to adhesive failures.
Lay In Fluorescent. Ceiling movement can cause fixtures to separate and fall from
suspension systems. Parts within the fixtures are prone to separate from the
Stem or Chain Hung Fluorescent. The stem connection to structural elements may
fail. Fixtures may twist severely, causing breakage in stems or chains. Long rows of
fixtures placed end to end are often damaged due to the interaction. Long stem
fixtures tend to suffer more damage than short stem units. Parts within the fixture
may separate from the housing and fall.
Stem Hung Incandescent. These fixtures are usually suspended from a single stem
or chain that allows them to sway. This swaying may cause the light and/or the
fixture to break after encountering other structural or nonstructural components.
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Surface Mounted Incandescent. Ceiling movement -can cause fixtures co separate
and fall from suspension systems. Wall mounted fixtures perform well.
Vibration Isolated Equipment (e.g., Fans, Pumps). Isolation devices can fail and
cause equipment to fall. Unrestrained motion can lead to damage. Suspended
equipment is more susceptible to damage than mounted equipment. This is a life-
safety concern!
4.2.6. Piping
Large diameter rigid piping can fail at elbows, tees, and connections to supported
equipment. Joints may separate and hangers may fail. Hanger failures can cause
progressive failure of other hangers or supports. Failures may occur in pipes that
cross seismic joints, due to differential movements and adjacent rigid supports. The
increased flexibility of small diameter pipes often allows them to perform better
than larger diameter pipes, although they are subject to damage at the joints. Piping
in vertical runs typically performs better than in horizontal runs if regularly
4.2.7. Ducts
Breakage is most common at bends. Supporting yokes may also fail at connection to
the structural element. Failures may occur in long runs due to large amplitude
swaying. Failure usually consists of leakage only and not collapse.
4.2.9. Elevators
Counterweights and Guide Rails. Counterweights may separate from rails.
Counterweights may also damage structural members, cables, and cabs. This is a
life-safety concern!
Motor/Generator. The motor (or generator) may shear off the vibration isolators.
Control Panels. Control panels can overturn when they are not anchored.
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Cars and Guiding Systems. Cars and guiding systems generally perform well, except
that cables may separate from drums and sheaver.
Hoistway Doors. Doors can jam or topple due to shaking or excessive drift.
Hydraulic Elevator Systems. These systems usually perform well except that the
cylinders may shift out-of-plumb.
If glazing is not sufficiently isolated from structural motion, or above 12 feet, it can
shatter and fall onto adjacent property.
the structural elements, they may break off and fall onto storefronts, streets,
sidewalks, or adjacent property. This is a life-safety concern!
4.2.12. Means of egress
Hollow tile or unreinforced masonry walls often fail and litter stairs and corridors.
This is a life-safety concern!
Stairs connected to each floor can be damaged due to inter-story drift, especially in
flexible structures such as moment frame buildings.
Veneers, cornices, ornaments, and canopies over exits can fall and block egress. This
is a life-safety concern!
Lay-in ceiling tiles and light fixtures can fall and block egress.
File Cabinets. Tall file cabinets may tip over and fall if they are not anchored to
resist overturning forces. Unlatched cabinet drawers may slide open and fall.
Storage Cabinets and Racks. Tall, narrow storage cabinets or racks can tip over and
fall if they are not anchored to resist overturning forces. This is a life-safety concern!
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Plants. Artwork and Other Objects. Plants, artwork and other objects that are
located on top of desks or cabinets can fall if they are not anchored to resist their
lateral movement.
proper bracing and restraint of these elements.
Laboratory Chemicals. Unrestrained chemicals can mix and react if they are spilled.
This is a life-safety concern. C
Concentrated Chlorine Gas. Often used for water purification, concentrated
chlorine if released in the air can be very harmful to people.
Piping. Piping that contains hazardous materials can leak if shut-off valves or other
devices are not provided. This is a life-safety concern!
A wrongly placed cupboard may overturn and block exit during an earthquake.
Locating a working desk within the reach of a non-structural partition wall or under
a ceiling fan, or near un-curtained windows is also a vulnerable condition.
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Loosely placed flower-pot on the parapet walls could be hazardous to the passers-
by or even to the residents while getting out of the building during an earthquake.
visits to identify the present status of nonstructural items; this effort will take on
added importance because nonstructural elements of structures may be modified
many times during the life of the structure.
critical facilities. WHO (1999) provides a detailed format for the assessment of non-
structural vulnerabilities in hospitals. FEMA 310 (checklist 1) provides a systematic
approach for doing walk-through of buildings and for assessing safety of non-
structural components.
5. Functional Vulnerability
5.1. Basic Concept
Functional vulnerability needs to be considered and eliminated for institutions,
would keep on running to meet the demands of the community at the time when
these are most needed. The following section discusses functional vulnerability in
case of hospitals.
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• Poor condition of the access road
• Presence of an industrial firm in the catchment area of the hospital
• Availability of minimum supplies of essential equipment. Such list should be
• Regular inventory of the items.
• Proper labeling of the equipment and supplies.
• Period of time taken by the hospital to procure equipment and supplies.
• Presence of a system for emergency procurement
• Presence of emergency kit containing essential drugs recommended by the
• Presence of a blood bank in the hospital.
5.5. Utilities
• Availability of adequate quantity of water (@ 15-20 liters/person/day for
• Proper location of electric control panel and its marking in the floor plan
• Alternate source of electrical supply
• Percentage of hospital energy requirements that can be supplied by the
alternate source
• Inventory of generators and related equipment, periodic choking of
• Presence of a system of emergency light
• Ventilation system
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• Warning System and Safety Equipment
• Presence of sign system (indicators for escape route, fire-fighting equipment,
building lay-out diagram)
• Presence of fire detection system and its location in strategic places
• Presence of fire extinguishers and fire safety plan
Public Information
• Presence of public information system in normal times
• Possibility of continued use of the PI system during emergencies
5.6. Assessment of functional vulnerability of institutions
The discussions in the sections above provided a list of items upon which the
functionality of a hospital depends. The checklist can be used as a guide for
developing similar lists for other institutions considering the specifics of that
particular facility.
Methods of functional vulnerability of hospital are detailed in WHO (1999).
Similarly, MCEER, 1999 provides a methodology and format for detailed assessment
of functional reliability of critical facilities. These guidelines can very easily be
1. Amir-Mazaheri, D., General Aspects Of Seismic Risk Reduction In Threatened Regions, Paper
Number 2695, Proc. 12 WCEE, Auckland
2. NSET, (1999) Seismic Hazard and Risk Management in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal; proceedings of
Seminar on Urban Earthquake Damage Assessment, Building Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan,
Vol. 33.
3. Bothara, J. K., Parajuli, Y. K., Sharpe, R. D. Arya, A. S., (2000) Seismic safety in owner built
buildings, 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper no. Auckland, New Zealand.
4. Coburn, A. & Spencer, R. J. S. (1992) Earthquake protection, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, USA
5. EERI, (2001) Encyclopedia of Housing Construction Types in Seismically Prone Areas of the World,
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) and IAEE.
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
6. Johnson, G. S., Sheppard, R. E., Quilici, M. R., Eder, S. J. and Scawthorn, C. R., (1999) Seismic
Reliability Assessment of Critical Facilities: A Handbook, Supporting Documentation, and Model
Code Provisions, MCEER, Buffalo, NY.
7. NZS 4219: (1983) Seismic Restraint of Building Contents, Standards New Zealand.
9. PAHO, (1992) Disaster Mitigation Guidelines for Hospitals and Other Health Care Facilities in the
Caribbean, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
10. PAHO, (1993) Mitigation of Disasters in Health Facilities Evaluation and Reduction of Physical and
Functional Vulnerability (four volumes), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
11. WHO, (1999) Protocol for assessment of the health Facilities in Responding to Emergencies:
Making a difference to Vulnerability.
12. WHO, (1999) Protocol for assessment of the Health Facilities in Responding to Emergencies:
Making a Difference to Vulnerability, World Health Organization (WHO), 1999, Geneva (Draft).
13. WHO, Earthquakes and People’s Health, Proc. WHO Symposium, Kobe, 27-30 January 1997,
WHO, Kobe.
14. www.johnmartin.com/EERI
15. ABK, (1984) Methodology for Mitigation of Seismic Hazards in Existing Unreinforced Masonry
Buildings: The Methodology Topical Report 08, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.
16. ACI, (1983) Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-83), American
17. Army, (1986) Seismic Design. Guidelines for Essential Buildings, Departments of the Army (TM-
809-10-1), Navy (NAVFAC P355.1), and the Air Force (AFM 88-3, Chap. 13, Sect. A), Washington,
18. Army, (1988) Seismic Design Guidelines for Upgrading Existing Buildings, Departments of the
Army (TM-809-10-2), Navy (NAVFAC P355.2), and the Air Force (AFM 88-3, Chap. 13, Sect. B),
Washington, DC.
19. ATC, (1987) Evaluating the Seismic Resistance of Existing Buildings, Applied Technology Council
Report ATC-14, Redwood City, California.
20. ATC, (1988) Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards: A Handbook;
Applied Technology Council Report ATC-21, Redwood City, California. (FEMA 154)
21. ATC, (1989) Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings: Supporting Documentation, Applied
Technology Council, Redwood City, California.
22. BSSC, (1988) NEHRP Recommended Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for
New Buildings. Building Seismic Safety Council, Washington, DC. (Parts I, II, and Maps)
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
23. GSA, (1976) Earthquake Resistance of Buildings, Vol. I-III, General Services Administration,
Washington, DC.
24. SEAOC, (1988) Recommended Lateral Force Requirements and Tentative Commentary,
Seismology Committee, Structural Engineers Association of California, San Francisco, California.
25. SSC, (1985) Rehabilitating Hazardous Masonry Buildings: A Draft Model Ordinance, Report No.
SSC 85-06, State of California Seismic Safety Commission.
26. Stratta, James L., (1987) Manual of Seismic Design. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New
27. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Standards for the Evaluation of Existing
Buildings –FEMA 310, Washington, DC
28. Applied Technology Council (ATC), Standards for the Evaluation of Concrete Structures (ATC-40),
Applied Technology Council, Redwood City, California.
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Understanding Vulnerabilities: Social, Cultural and
To instill an understanding of social, cultural and economic vulnerabilities to earthquakes
Learning outcome
After completing this session, you will be able to describe and discuss social, cultural and
economic vulnerabilities in the context of societies in developing countries with special
focus on Asian country situations
Learning objectives
As you work through this session, you should be able to:
• Explain what social vulnerability is and its determinant factors
• Identify vulnerable groups and provide their profile for training based on the need
• Explain the historical perspectives of marginalized sectors in society and their
vulnerability status
• Relate the model of disaster cycle to developing country situations and discuss its
relevance to earthquake disasters and social vulnerability
• Discuss poverty and its role in creating vulnerability
• Explain cultural vulnerability
• Explain economic vulnerability
1. Some Basic Issues
1.1. Earthquake affects not only the built environment, but everything
Earthquakes affect everyone and everything in a community. It is not only that
∗ This course material is being made available by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), Bangkok
under Capacity Building in Asia using Information Technology Applications (CASITA) project, to the
participating universities and institutions for educational purpose only. Reproduction of materials for
educational purpose is encouraged as long as ADPC is acknowledged.
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The susceptibility of any community or nation to be affected by an earthquake
in terms of the disruption to political, economic and cultural relationships or
interdependency among the different social constituencies, and the inability to
restore these interdependencies to the pre-earthquake levels can be termed the
social vulnerability to earthquakes.
History has shown that nations with such vulnerabilities have seen changes in
government or its governing system following a disaster. “The fall of governments
… (in the past decades) in Ethiopia, Niger, Mauritania, and Chad were associated
with allegations of mismanagement of famine, while that in Jamaica and
Nicaragua with the mismanagement of hurricane and earthquakes respectively.
The Great Tangshan Earthquake of 26 July killed 250,000 people and another
250,000 went missing. This shows the vulnerability of the society. China had to
mobilize all possible resources for rescue, and relief operations. This earthquake
was the reason why the Cultural Revolution came to a halt in China (Shah, 2001).
We usually hear that the development process of a country has slipped back
due to the impact of one or more disasters. This is due to the vulnerability of the
country to natural hazards.
Years after the earthquake events, countries like Nicaragua, Turkey, and India
are grappling to undo the effects of earthquake on development.
located about 250 km away from the epicenter. There was total confusion
following the earthquake. Even the news of devastation reached the authorities
very late – after several hours, because the communication did not function
and the local scientists, feeling of helplessness, lack of preparedness, and low level
of earthquake awareness – all contribute to such unwanted situation. In contrast,
nothing would have happened if a similar earthquake had struck California (Shah,
2001). California has much less social vulnerability than Gujarat, although the level
of earthquake hazard is much higher.
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level disaster management plan. The earthquake added to the social
vulnerabilities created by the past disasters. It deepened existing social conflicts
and the state was engulfed in a series of crises: Ethnic, political, economic and
1.3. Normal concept of disaster cycle does not work fully in case of earthquake
disaster in a developing country
The normal disaster cycle, prescribed frequently, consists of Mitigation –
Preparedness – Event – Rescue/relief – reconstruction, as described in a
simplified form in the following figure.
Mitigation and Preparedness: Emergency Response and Relief:
Activities to reduce the impact of an Actions shortly after an earthquake,
earthquake before it strikes, e.g. which address the emergency needs of
• Public awareness activities the community, e.g.
• Implementing seismic building code • Search and rescue of buried victims
• Strengthening existing structures • Emergency medical care
• Planning and training for
emergency response activities
• Fire suppression
• Shelter for homeless victims
• Earthquake research • Distribution of food, water, and
There are two problems with this generic concept of disaster cycle in case of
earthquake disasters.
• Events never follow this cycle in developing countries. The response phase is
given the maximum importance. However, not very many countries have
emergency response plans. There are problems with relief distribution, and
rehabilitation. Political bias and corruption have been mentioned many a
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• A larger part of the society at this stage gets thrown out of the disaster cycle
due to these problems in implementing response action.
• Vulnerable sectors of the society get ejected in each phase of disaster cycle.
Some are ignored during reconstruction, and others during mitigation and
therefore very long-term. Society tends to forget experiences and lessons
learned in previous disasters.
have much faster cycles. They tend to involve increasing numbers of people.
1.4. Vulnerability and poverty are integrally linked and mutually reinforcing, but
are not synonymous
Vulnerability is sometimes identified with poverty. No doubt there is a strong
correlation between income and access to resources. But the generalization
that “the poor” are “vulnerable” does not help in plan formulation (Wisner,
Not all members in any one-income group suffer equally from disaster, nor do
they encounter similar handicaps during recovery.
“Being poor” is not a synonym for “being vulnerable”, and “being rich” is not
“being non-vulnerable”. A well-informed and prepared “poor family” may be
less vulnerable to earthquake than a “richer family” that is not well informed
and well prepared.
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income and resource distribution, the possible creation of a social or family
wage, and economic democracy. Vulnerability reduction need not wait for the
achievement of these goals, and can/should start now, especially in the
communities stricken with poverty.
2. Social Vulnerability
Social vulnerability, on the other hand, is a set of conditions that inhibit the
building code implementation in a community. In social vulnerability
assessment, one looks at people, households and community and their ways of
International Scene: An organized society with democracy prevailing, technical
affluence, and good governance is less vulnerable. It is usually presumed that
developed countries have all these attributes and are less vulnerable than
developing countries. However, there is always a range in the degree of
vulnerability both in countries of the developed and developing worlds (Mafeje,
1987, quoted by Ben Wisner, 1998).
Such discrimination could be useful for donor agencies for allocating resources
to nation. However, Ben Wisner warns that reducing vulnerability at the
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Hence, in any society, the marginalized people are vulnerable.
Who are the marginalized? These are the weaker section or groups or part of a
society that have been pushed to the limits of subsistence in the course of
historical conflict of interest on the basis of:
Economical class (poor),
Ethnicity (minority vs. majority),
Religion (predominant vs. minority),
Gender (male vs. female and the importance of the roles played by
each- matriarchal vs. patriarchal outlook),
Age (old and young vs. young in terms of economic importance).
It is important to consider that a combination of these attributes is more
important than the individual category of gender, ethnicity, age or class. Most
vulnerable are the children and elderly female (or widowed) members
belonging to a minority ethnic group or religion of the poor class. These are the
people or the group of people who do not have access to assets, have little
political voice to engender any change. They are in constant state of
“emergency”. They are “the neglected and the insulted” in everyday of life.
The strangest reality of the modern world is that these groups of people survive
the worst conditions. Yet they are termed (and actually are) the “most
vulnerable”! They have tremendous resiliency built in. However, they become
vulnerable because they lack resources and because they have reduced
mobility. Ethnic groups are vulnerable not because they do not have strength
for survival or rebuilding, but because they have reduced access to services and
information ((Buckle, 1998).
Class: History and ongoing process is easily revealed in the distribution of access
to resources (Ben Wisner, 199?). The poorest cannot afford earthquake-
resistant housing. So their houses are destroyed during an earthquake. Further,
these are the group who usually do not have access to the resources distributed
during the reconstruction phases.
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Gender: In some societies, women have less access to resources (Dandelman &
Davidson, 1988, quoted in Wisner, 1998) and generally have less representation
in decision making at all levels (Pietila & Vickers, 1990, quoted by Wisner, 1998).
What follows below are some causes that increased vulnerability of women
following a disaster in areas of Gujarat, described by Ela R. Bhatt, (1998).
Women are vulnerability-locked due to the existing social dynamics.
support institutions
Lack of opportunities which can enhance their resource base and empower
them to negotiate with market forces
Vulnerability compels women to expand their efforts to earn wage.
Perceived responsibility to take care of the household chores including the
injured children and the old simultaneously while earning wages
In many emergency or disaster situations, physical and emotional losses are
so severe and traumatic that stress levels interfere with recovery.
Widespread subordination of women has meant that women typically must
bear more stress than men, including preoccupation with dependent
children. Sexual abuse of girls is common, and many of the young may not
easily identify adequate coping strategies of adults to fight such stresses.
Child-abuse preventive measures need to be adopted.
Disruption of social relations through emergency displacement can mean
Age: Mortality in the Great Hanshin Earthquake that affected the city of Kobe
and its surroundings was very heavily concentrated in older age groups. 53% of
casualties were aged 60 years of age or older (Wisner, 1998).
Despite a tradition of social values that assigns high respect to elders in the
family in Asian countries, the economic realities are introducing changes
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especially in urban societies, and the elderly population gets more and more
Following the January 2001 Bhuj Earthquake of Gujarat, it was found that those
in the age group of 60 and above seemed hardest hit by the disaster because
they had lost everything and felt they did not have enough time left to rebuild
their lives (WSSI/EMI, 2001, Social Issues, in Interdisciplinary Observations on
the January 2001 Bhuj, Gujarat Earthquake, editors Ravi Mistry, Weimin Dong,
and Haresh Shah, 2001).
or source of livelihood.
Watching and washing cars C
Or falling prey to vices in the streets like:
Drug pushing
Working for criminal syndicate
Ethnicity and Religious Groups: Minority racial or cultural groups are often
marginalized in ways that increase their vulnerability. Usually, the minorities
have lower income and poorer access to natural or social resources (education,
legal representation, credit, insurance etc).
Following the Bhuj Earthquake of January 2001 in Gujarat, there were reports
of inequality of access to resources because of caste difference, especially the
lower-caste population was at times given low priority for relief supplies.
There were complaints that Nepalese workers living in Gujarat during the
earthquake did not receive any government support otherwise provided to the
victims because either they were not registered as residents, or simply they did
not have confidence of getting support and opted out of the support process.
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considered together with other components such as class, gender, age, and
other factors.
Research into social vulnerability during earthquake is still in its infancy and many of
the postulations, including those described above need further review.
The following factors are believed to define the level of earthquake vulnerability of
a society.
• Demographic factors,
• Social stratification,
• Literacy rates,
• Family type (nuclear family, extended family),
• Cohesion among neighbors
A community fragmented in terms of economic class, caste, religion, and
ethnicity, especially those without ongoing attempts at conflict resolution are
more vulnerable.
3.1. Social resilience
Resilience is the capacity that a society or a group of people may possess to
withstand or recovery from emergencies and which can stand as a
counterbalance to vulnerabilities (Buckle, 1998).
“Just clear the rubble and we can take care of reconstruction, on our own”- said a
man in Bhachau, the town located about 20 km of the epicenter of the Bhuj
Earthquake of 2001 in Gujarat.
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fosters self-help, cooperation and local initiatives for preparedness,
reconstruction. Usually, all accepts the decision made by the society’s leaders.
community in previous disasters (not necessarily earthquake disasters) are
invaluable assets of any community. It is not only because of their knowledge
about the strengths and weaknesses of the affected community (traditional
wisdom, traditions, traits), but also because of the level of trust and confidence
that might have already built-in between the community, the organizations, the
governments and even the donor agencies interested in response,
rehabilitation, and reconstruction.
As I learned during my work in Gujarat, the Self-Employed Women's
Association (and other women's NGOs) was deeply involved with low-income
women workers before the quake and taking a lead role as advocates and
conduits for gender-fair reconstruction. SEWA, for example, has collaborated
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4. Cultural Vulnerabilities
Cultural monuments, temples, churches, are social properties of immense
importance. They represent social achievements in social values and norms. The
possible damage or destruction by earthquakes brings physical loss, but more
importantly a loss of cultural assets, which serve as a source of income through
5. Economic Vulnerabilities
• Direct Cost
• Indirect Costs
• Secondary effects C
Direct costs relate to the capital costs of assets destroyed or damaged by the
Indirect costs refer to the damage to the flow of goods and services. Lower
outputs from damaged factories, loss of sales or rise in the prices of raw
materials due to damaged infrastructure, loss of income, loss due to reduce tax
collection, and expenses for relief, recovery, and rehabilitation are the indirect
costs of disasters.
The size of economy and its concentration in the seismic zone is particularly
relevant in case of small, island and landlocked countries. The consequences of
a large earthquake in such countries may be comparable to a significant portion
(5-15%) of the national GDP. According to the World Bank statistics, the losses
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caused by disasters in developing countries, in terms of percentage of the Gross
National Product (GNP), are 20 times higher than those in developed countries.
Damage to hotels may impact the tourism industry. The consequences may be
devastating for earthquake-prone countries relying on tourism as a major
industry such as Nepal.
While damage to the industrial facilities could be obvious in terms of its
economic impact, it is interesting to note that earthquake-related damage in
one sector can have implications for other sectors. Damage to the sector
producing raw materials may lead to severe implications for related industries.
Unavailability of working force following an earthquake may cause factories to
close down for a significant period. C
This happened in Gujarat following the Bhuj Earthquake of 2001. The factories
and industries were not affected by the earthquake seriously in terms of
damage to the buildings or other physical infrastructure, but the production
and economic activities were stopped for a significant period because of
disruption to the families of the work force.
1. Bauman, C., (1996) The Nehru Professional Fellowship Report, The Challenge Of Land
Use Planning After Urban Earthquakes: Observations From The Great Hanshin
Earthquake Of 1995, December 1998
2. Benn, D., Earthquakes In El Salvador And India- Asking The Right Questions, Finding The
Right Solutions, United Nations Secretariat For The International Strategy For Disaster
Reduction, ISDR,
3. Benson, C., Disaster Risk And Vulnerability, Poverty Reduction Sourcebook, Overseas
Development Institute (ODI), Series Editor: Elizabeth Cromwell
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
5. Bhatt, E. R., (1998) Women Victim’s View Of Urban And Rural Vulnerability, In
Understanding Vulnerability: South Asian Perspectives, Editors John Twigg And Mihir
Bhatt, Intermediate Technology Publications (On Behalf Of Duryog Nivaran),
6. Blaikie, P., Cannon, T., Davis, I., And Wisner, B., (1994) At Risk: Natural Hazards, People's
Vulnerability And Disasters, London: Routledge,
7. Buckle, P., (1998) Redefining Community And Vulnerability In The Context Of Emergency
Management, A Paper Presented To The Conference Of Disaster Management: Crisis
And Opportunity – Hazard Management And Disaster Preparedness In Australasia And
The Pacific Region, James Cook University, Center For Disaster Studies, Nov. 1-4, Cairns,
8. Corell, R., Cramer, W., & Schellnhuber, H.-J., Potsdam Sustainability Days, Symposium
On "Methods And Models Of Vulnerability Research, Analysis And Assessment"
9. Http://Www.Anglia.Ac.Uk/Geography/Radix/Resources/Buckle-Community-
10. Http://Www.Anglia.Ac.Uk/Geography/Radix/Resources/Buckle-Community-
11. Http://Www.Anglia.Ac.Uk/Geography/Radix/Resources_Papers. Htm
12. Http://Www.Enda.Sn/Energie/Cc/Jesse.Htm
13. Http://Www.Ncoff.Gse.Upenn.Edu/Roundtable/Father-Poverty.Pdf
14. Http://Www.Pure.Ne.Jp/~Ngo/Code/Index.Html
15. Http://Www.Pure.Ne.Jp/~Ngo/Code/Index.Html
16. Insauriga, S. I, (2001) Social Vulnerability Assessment Of Metro Manila, Proc. Metro
Manila Workshop On Earthquake And Tsunami Disaster Mitigation, Organized By
MMDA, PHIVOLCS And EDM, 4-5 July, Quezon City, Metro Manila.
17. Iyengar, R. N., (2000)Seismic Status Of Delhi Megacity, Current Science, Vol. 78, No. 5,
10 March
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electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office.
20. Ribot, J. C., Climate Variability, Climate Change And Social Vulnerability In The Semi-Arid
Tropics, Climate Variability, Climate Change And Vulnerability: Moving Forward By
Looking Back, Http://Www.Enda.Sn/Energie/Cc/Jesse.Htm
21. Shah, H., The Coming Killer Quake, The Times Of India, Wednesday, September 5, 2001
23. Twigg, J., Physician, Heal Thyself? The Politics Of Disaster Mitigation, Bghcr Working
Paper No. 1, Http://Www.Bghrc.Com/Centre/Centrepub.Htm
24. Twigg, J., Sustainable Livelihoods And Vulnerability To Disasters, Bghcr Working Paper
No. 2, Http://Www.Bghrc.Com/Centre/Centrepub.Htm
25. Watanabe, M., A Paper Presented To The International Workshop On Earthquake Safer
World In The 21st Century-Ii: Emphasis On Community And Culture, Feb 21-22, 2000,
Kobe, Japan.
26. Wiest, R. E., Mocellin, J. S. P., And Motsisi, D. T., The Needs Of Women In Disasters And
Emergencies, Prepared For The Disaster Management Training Programme Of The
United Nations Development Programme And The Office Of The United Nations Disaster
Relief Coordinator, 20 June 1994, (Revised Edition), By Disaster Research Institute Of
The University Of Manitoba.
27. Wisner, B., Notes On Social Vulnerability: Categories, Situations, Capabilities, And
Circumstances, Environmental Studies Program, Oberlin College, 25 February 2001
28. Wisner, B., California State University Long Beach, The Geography Of Marginality And
29. Wisner, B., Disaster Vulnerability: Scale, Power, And Daily Life, Henry R. Luce Professor
Of Food, Resources And International Policy, Hampshire College, Amherst, Ma 01002,
30. Wisner, B., Notes On Social Vulnerability: Categories, Situations, Capabilities, And
Circumstances, Environmental Studies Program, Oberlin College, 25 February 2001
31. Wisner, B., The Geography Of Marginality And Vulnerability: Why The Tokyo Homeless
Don't "Count", In Disaster Preparations, California State University Long Beach
32. Wisner, B., World Views, Belief Systems, And Disasters: Implications For Preparedness,
Mitigation, And Recovery, A Paper Prepared For Panel On World Views And Belief
Systems At The 23rd Annual Natural Hazards Research And Applications Workshop,
Boulder, Colorado, 12-15 July, 1998.
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The following is a selection of additional essential terms for this chapter, along with
their definitions and contextual comments directly lifted from the "2009 UNISDR
Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction". The whole publication of terminologies
(Appendix) can be consulted for related concepts.
The concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to analyse
and manage the causal factors of disasters, including through reduced exposure to
hazards, lessened vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land and
the environment, and improved preparedness for adverse events.
Comment: A comprehensive approach to reduce disaster risks is set out in the United
Nations-endorsed Hyogo Framework for Action, adopted in 2005, whose expected
outcome is “The substantial reduction of disaster losses, in lives and the social, economic
and environmental assets of communities and countries.” The International Strategy for
Disaster Reduction (ISDR) system provides a vehicle for cooperation among
Governments, organizations and civil society actors to assist in the implementation of
the Framework. Note that while the term “disaster reduction” is sometimes used, the
term “disaster risk reduction” provides a better recognition of the ongoing nature of
disaster risks and the ongoing potential to reduce these risks.
goals and specific objectives for reducing disaster risks together with related actions to
accomplish these objectives.
Comment: Disaster risk reduction plans should be guided by the Hyogo Framework and
considered and coordinated within relevant development plans, resource allocations and
Comment: This term is an extension of the more general term “risk management” to
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address the specific issue of disaster risks. Disaster risk management aims to avoid,
lessen or transfer the adverse effects of hazards through activities and measures for
prevention, mitigation and preparedness.
Focus on Section 7 of “Introduction to Disaster Risk Reduction” (USAID, 2011) (pages 303-
305 of this reader). Preceding pages have been provided for additional context.
Other Sources
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2014). Stay safe and be
prepared: a parent’s guide to disaster risk reduction, p. 17-20. Retrieved March 2016 from:
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2014). Stay safe and be
prepared: a student’s guide to disaster risk reduction, p. 24-43. Retrieved March 2016 from:
Supplementary Materials:
Institutional DRR
1. Disaster Risk Reduction. DEPED Disaster Risk Reduction Resource Manual pp 11-19. Available
2. Hay, J.E. (2012). Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the Pacific: an
institutional and policy analysis (2012). Available at
3. Twigg, J. (2001). Corporate social responsibility and disaster reduction: a global overview.
Available at http://www.dfid.gov.uk/r4d/PDF/Outputs/Mis_SPC/R7893CSROverview.pdf
Emergency kit
1. Department of Homeland Security. (2006, June 6). Emergency Supply List. Available at
2. Philippine Red Cross. (2016). RED CROSS LIFELINE KIT: BE READY ALL THE TIME!. Available at
3. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Emergency Supplies for Earthquake
Preparedness. Available at http://emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/earthquakes/supplies.asp
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Introduction to Disaster Risk Reduction
From “Introduction to disaster risk reduction,” USAID Disaster Risk Reduction Training Course for
Southern Africa, 2011.
impact on humanity due to our inability to please gods, or by provoking their wrath.
Development in science gradually started to question these perceptions and “truths” of
disaster (see the early work of authors such as Westgate, O'Keefe, Wisner, Davis,
Ritchie, Cardona, Jeggle, Cannon, Kent, to name but a few). Investigation into the
intrinsic nature of disasters as well as the human reaction to and underlying causal
factors creating disasters, progressively came under the spotlight.
Some of the earliest recorded ideas on disaster and risk within the social sciences
were expressed by the likes of Carr (1932) and Sorokin (1942) who questioned the
Finesinger, 1952; Quarantelli, 1954; Quarantelli, 1957; Moore, 1956; Fritz &
Williams, 1957) and 1960s (Drabek & Quarantelli, 1967; Dynes & Quarantelli, 1968),
with a noticeable heightened interest in the 1970s (Doughty, 1971; Hewitt & Burton,
1971; Kreps, 1973; Dynes, 1974; Mileti, Drabek & Haas; 1975; Glantz, 1976;
Westgate & O’Keefe, 1976; O’Keefe, Westgate & Wisner, 1976; Jager, 1977; Torry,
1978; Turner, 1978). These earlier theorists approached the concept of disaster
from a social science as well as a natural/physical science perspective. It is also
evident in this period (1970s) that European scholars were much more interested in
this phenomenon than their American counterparts. The enormous contribution of
American social science scholars since the 1980s can, however, not be denied.
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Gilbert (1998:11) indicates that the social science perspective approached the study
of disaster from three different paradigms, that of content research, chronological
development and, lastly, cleavages. In the first instance disaster was viewed as a
duplication of war - an external agent can be identified which requires communities
to react globally against the “aggression”. The second (chronological development)
views disaster as an expression of social vulnerability – disaster is therefore the
result of underlying community logic or social processes. Thirdly, disaster is an
entrance to a state of uncertainty – disaster is the impossibility of identifying and
defining (real or perceived) dangers. It is therefore an attack on our perception and
known reality. Cardona (2003:14) and Kreps (1998:33) are of the opinion that the
above early paradigms within social science emphasised the reaction and
perceptions of communities during and after emergencies and did not explicitly
focus on issues of risk, or mitigating the risk of physical harm and social disruption
before an event occurred.
The natural and physical science approach to disaster emphasised the hazard
component in terms of hydrometeorological, geodynamic and technological/
anthropogenic phenomena such as earthquakes, floods, mudslides, cyclones,
industrial accidents and nuclear fallout, to name but a few. The natural sciences
therefore aimed to understand the dynamics of hazards (Smith, 2002; Cutter, 1994)
and from this standpoint tried to quantitatively determine (and simulate) their
possible occurrence and impact on humans and the environment. Dombrowsky
(1998:28) cautioned that although this approach has proven to be scientifically
sound, it is impossible to recreate reality based on algorithms that simulate changes
over time exactly.
Gilbert (1995:232-233) proclaims that the scientific approach to disaster and risk is
issues of probability and risk based on quantifiable hazard variables. Moreover the
focus on risk (as apposed to disaster) as a social phenomenon became evident
during the latter part of the 1970s. In the 1980s a global realisation developed that
disaster is not so much the size of the physical event but the inability of the stricken
community to absorb the impact within its proper set of constraints and capacities
(Lechat, 1990:2; Lavell, 1999) – refer back to the definition of a disaster
above. This realisation highlighted the need for a risk rather than disaster focus in
disaster studies and research.
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6.3. Contemporary study of disaster risk
The modern-day study of disaster risk relates closely to the first understanding and
investigation of disaster, both within a social and natural/physical science
perspective, as explained above. Increasingly, theorising about disaster risk has
given attention to difference, including how gender, race, class, age and other social
power relationships bear on disaster risk. Cardona (2003:2), Kelman (2003:6-8) as
well as Smith (2002:49-52) identified two schools of thought that have developed in
terms of disaster risk since the 1980s. Cardona refers to these as the constructivist
and objectivist or realist schools of thought. Smith's interpretation is that of
behavioural and structural paradigms. Kelman simply refers to the social scientist
and physical scientist's focus on risk. After assessing the work of the three authors it
became clear that for all means and purposes the constructivist school of Cardona,
the behavioural paradigm of Smith and the social scientist focus by Kelman refer to
the same approach in the investigation of disaster, so too the objectivist, structural
and physical scientist paradigms. The work of Cardona will be used to differentiate
between these two aspects. (Note: These two schools of thought below should not
be confused with the central argument of this section of disaster risk management
and disaster management. The schools of thought discussed below refer to the
focus on and study of disaster risk only.)
6.3.1. Constructivism
conditions necessarily force vulnerable societies (e.g. the poor) to accept the risks
which they face, whereas rich societies can choose to avoid such risks.
6.3.2. Objectivism
The objectivist or realist school finds itself more within the natural and physical
sciences. Within this school of thought it is believed that risk can be quantified and
objectively judged. As with the earlier emphasis on the quantification of disaster, so
the accent within the natural and physical sciences remained on the quantification
of risk. This estimation of risk also translated into the economic and actuarial
sciences that believe that risk can be determined through mathematical formulae.
Hewitt (1998:76), a geographer, acknowledges that the social understanding of
disaster is much more crucial to the contemporary disaster risk scene.
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ignores the hazard or “agent-specific” approach. This approach remained the most
common visualisation of disasters, even in the work of social scientists within the
1980s. The truth of this statement is evident in the objectives of the International
Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (1990-1999). Both of these schools of
thought have made the paradigm shift from a pure disaster oriented focus to that of
disaster risk. The contemporary understanding of risk has greatly increased to the
extent that various scholars from a variety of different disciplines (e.g. sociology,
anthropology, geography, architecture, agriculture, meteorology, engineering, law,
and public administration and development studies) are jointly researching issues of
disaster risk (Comfort et al., 1999; Vogel, 1999). The question still remains: what is
the difference between disaster risk management and disaster management?
To gain a better understanding of disaster management and disaster risk
management, the interrelatedness between them should be examined. The subject
of disaster and risk reduction draws its relevance from earlier contributions and
previous practices in the disaster management fields, where traditionally the focus
has been on preparedness for response. Disaster risk management comprises all
forms of activities, including structural and non-structural measures to avoid
(prevention) or to limit (mitigation and preparedness) adverse effects of hazards. In
comparing disaster risk management and disaster risk reduction, it is therefore clear
that disaster risk management is the application of disaster risk reduction.
Traditionally disaster management as defined by the UNDP (1992:21) is “the body of
policy and administrative decisions and operational activities which pertain to the
various stages of a disaster at all levels”. Figure 3 depicts these various stages.
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Disaster Management is defined by the South African Disaster Management Act 57
of 2002 as a continuous and integrated multi-sectoral, multidisciplinary process of
planning, and implementation of measures, aimed at:
• preventing or reducing the risk of disasters;
• mitigating the severity or consequences of disasters;
• emergency preparedness;
• a rapid and effective response to disasters; and
• post-disaster recovery and rehabilitation.
Disaster management in its international form entails the integration of pre- and
post- disaster activities in order to safeguard lives and property against possible
disasters. At first glance, it seems as if disaster risk reduction forms an underlying
tenant to disaster management in the definition supplied by the South African
Disaster Management Act. Should this, however, have been the case in practice,
then 15 years of disaster management in Africa should have yielded more results,
less loss of life and livelihoods, and fewer disasters.
One significant problem with the disaster management cycle was that it still has a
disaster-oriented focus. This means that all activities and resources are geared
towards a disastrous event. A focus on the underlying causes of these disasters (e.g.
risk, hazards and vulnerability) is in most cases not considered, or it is the product of
bureaucratic ignorance. Many disaster managers still choose to refer to the “causal
factors of disasters” as espoused by the UNDP Disaster Management Training
Programme over two decades ago. When one critically judges these “causal factors”
it becomes evident that most of them can be ascribed to some form of vulnerability
created by human activity. Another weakness in the application of the disaster
management cycle is that a number of practitioners viewed the implementation of
the cycle as a phased approach where the activities follow a sequential path.
The recognition that each of the cycle’s processes is simultaneous did not
Through multiple efforts, the importance and uniqueness of hazard and risk
reduction for the future have become evident. In contrast to the earlier concepts of
disaster management, hazard and risk reduction practices relate to significantly
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value is deemed worthy of protection, replacement, or repair. Disaster reduction
policies and measures need to be implemented with a twofold aim: to enable
societies to be resilient to hazards while ensuring that development efforts do not
increase vulnerability to these hazards.
One should take cognisance of the complex nature of disaster risk and all of the
interrelated processes linked to disaster risk reduction. It would be foolish to think that
one picture will encapsulate this very diverse field. However, this is an attempt to
provide perspective on the phenomenon we call disaster risk reduction.
The most important aspect of the framework is the context in which disaster risk
reduction occurs. If you reflect back to the definition of disaster risk reduction, the role
of sustainable development is emphasised. It is thus not surprising that the foundation
and context of the disaster risk reduction framework is sustainable development. The
development/disaster reduction linkage will enjoy more attention later on in this text.
Sustainable development means that we are using our current resources and doing our
development planning in such a way that we do not compromise the abilities of future
generations to also develop, utilising the same set of resources. Thus, if we deplete a
major resource (e.g. fossil fuels), future generations inhabiting Earth must seek and
development alternatives. This will thus be due to the present generation’s inability to
foresee the hardship which our development might bring. The same scenario applies to
the disaster risk reduction field. Successful disaster risk reduction depends on its
One should note that the activities we as humans undertake for development and those
linked to disaster risk reduction are very similar. Each aims at improving our current
development state. The logic in this disaster risk reduction framework suggests that
once we are successful in sustainable development efforts, we will greatly reduce the
risks of disasters.
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The preceding sections aimed to put the elements, which constitute disaster risk into
perspective. It would therefore only make logical sense to start our explanation of the
framework by focusing on the risk factors. The risk factors (both vulnerability
domains and hazards) provide us with the context in which we need to understand and
investigate the various levels of disaster risks. Vulnerability and capacity analysis, as
well as hazard analysis and monitoring provide us with the required disaster risk
information (refer back to the disaster risk notation). The above analysis allows for risk
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identification and also then the assessment of the possible impact of the hazardous
event on vulnerable conditions. Once a disaster risk has been identified it can be
managed. This is done in terms of creating awareness for behavior change, but also
through the creation of new knowledge. A change in behavior could be or result in the
needed political commitment for disaster risk reduction. In turn (as has been seen
previously in this text) political commitment leads to changes in policy and
governance aimed at enhancing disaster risk reduction capabilities and institutional
capacities. We have many examples where political will has a direct impact on
community actions and the ability of communities to take ownership of their own
disaster risk reduction effort. However, a favorable environment is needed. Through
political commitment, certain disaster risk reduction measures can be implemented.
This is where the transdisciplinary nature of disaster risk reduction comes into play.
Such actions could include sound environmental management and socio-economic
development practices such as: poverty alleviation; securing and enhancing
livelihoods; gender equality; increased health; emphasis on sustainable agricultural
practices; and even certain financial mechanisms such as social safety nets or even
market-based insurance schemes. Certain physical and technical measures, for example
land-use planning, urban and town planning, and the protection of critical infrastructure
such as water and sanitation, electricity and communications are necessary for disaster
reduction. Forming partnerships and networks (whether public-public, public-private or
private- private) all lead to enhanced disaster risk reduction. The identification of the
disaster risks should also be seen as a direct input into the risk reduction measures, e.g.
solving a flooding issue by building a dam or channels.
However, in an ideal world, we will not have disasters if the aspects discussed above are
all adhered to and functioning. We must make peace with the fact that we will never
have complete knowledge on disaster risks, nor the full capacity to reduce their
From the framework it is thus clear that the actual disaster impact is neither the starting
nor the ending point, but the main element which must be removed from the
framework through all of the disaster risk reduction aspects discussed above. It should
now be clear that disaster risk reduction functions in a much broader domain than a
narrow focus on a disaster event. The UNISDR Framework is not complete, neither is it
fully tested. It does, however, provide us with a very good indication and starting point
for disaster risk reduction. The section to follow will provide information about the
development/disaster reduction interaction and this in turn will be relayed to other
crosscutting issues influencing our ability to reduce disaster risks.
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Help Is Here: Top Ten Things You Can Do In Your
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2014). Stay safe and be prepared: a
parent’s guide to disaster risk reduction, p. 17.
1. Make a neighbourhood preparedness plan. You and your neighbours can simply
compare each other’s family/household preparedness plans. Discuss how they fit
together on a neighbourhood level. Identify where you can help each other out in case
of a disaster.
2. Make disaster warning signs and mark evacuation routes. Clear warnings help
everyone from inside and outside your neighbourhood to avoid hazardous places. Mark
evacuation routes, safe areas and emergency shelters so that everyone, even a stranger,
knows where to go.
3. Organize a neighbourhood evacuation drill or disaster simulation. Involve everybody,
including elders, people with disabilities, children and pregnant women in the drill.
4. Organize a community clean-up. Clean your waterways, drains and gutters to minimize
flood risks from heavy downpours.
5. Green your neighbourhood. Plant some trees, bushes, or mangroves to make your
neighbourhood greener and to reduce your disaster risk at the same time. If you plant
fruit trees or a community garden, you even get a treat or products that you can sell!
6. Set up a food bank. The idea is to have a community food storage that might be useful
during a disaster.
7. Prepare for health and sanitation hazards from disasters. Sit together and discuss on
how you can prepare and share clean water and medical supplies as well as keep
hygiene and sanitation standards high even after a disaster.
8. Get first aid training. Invite someone (from the Red Cross/Crescent, a nurse, or a
teacher, for instance, to train you in how to give First aid. This will be helpful not only in
a disaster but also accidents.
9. Protect the environment in your neighbourhood. Discuss how you can protect the
environment in your community (for example by not burning plastic garbage, using
more renewable energies, using cleaner stoves.
10. Check the safety of your houses. Ask local officials to invite building inspectors to
determine the safety of buildings in your community.
Taken from: IFRC. 2013. Public Awareness and Public Education for Disaster Risk Reduction:
Key Messages. p.27. http://www.ifrc.org/PageFiles/103320/Key-messages-for-Public-
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How Do We Bounce Back From Disasters?
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2014). Stay safe and be prepared: a
parent’s guide to disaster risk reduction, p. 18-19.
Once the storm has passed, the volcano erupted, the floodwaters receded and the
earthquake stopped, it’s time to start picking up the pieces and get back to ‘normal’ life. If
you and your community were well prepared, there is a good chance that you made it
through without too much damage.
Nevertheless, even the best preparedness may not be enough to withstand a massive
hazard, and there are many things that may not be as they were. Destruction might still be
widespread and the death toll may still be high. Your house might be destroyed or need
major repairs before you can return to it and your job or your community’s sources of
livelihood could be gone. Your child’s school might be damaged or used as an emergency
shelter for displaced persons. You yourselves might be displaced.
This section discusses how you can help yourself and your family cope with the physical and
psychological effects of disasters. First, we will provide some information for keeping your
family safe in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, including some tips on how you as a
parent can deal with the emotional after-effects. Then, we look more specifically at how you
can help your child deal with the strong emotions caused by a disaster.
Here are a couple of ideas on how to improve your and your family’s safety and well-being
after a disaster. They are by no means comprehensive and your circumstances might require
you to do something different entirely, so remember to supplement these tips with your
own research.
Information is one of the most important goods during and after a disaster. As
electricity and phone lines might be out, having a battery powered radio is one of
the safest options to receive information after a disaster.
Know how the authorities communicate in a disaster situation and how you can
reach them if needed.
Stay close to, or together with, your social network (relatives, neighbours,
community). Use cellphones to send text messages instead of phoning, both to
preserve battery power and to not overload the cellphone networks.
Make sure you know where you can get help or required items like water, food,
medical help, supplies, etc.
Be wary of rumours and don’t spread them: misinformation can cause confusion,
potentially leading to further danger.
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Attend to injuries (ideally, you would
have already acquired first aid skills and
have basic medical supplies ready. Get
professional help if needed.
If you’re sheltering at home, make sure
that the hazard has passed before you
leave. Every time you need to exit the
house, make sure your surroundings are
safe beforehand.
Be particularly attentive to safety issues
brought about by the disaster, such as
damaged roads, contaminated buildings,
contaminated water, gas leaks, broken
glass, damaged electrical wiring, slippery
floors, etc.
Watch out for animals, particularly if
they’re wild animals or wounded. Don’t
touch or make them feel threatened.
When you return home from your A father carries his daughter after tropical storm
Noel in Cite Soleil, Haiti © UN Photo/Logan Abassi
temporary shelter, make sure that your
house is safe (check for loose power
lines, gas leaks, structural damage and human or non-human intruders.
If available, use gloves and wear sturdy shoes when removing debris. Wash your
hands often, particularly if you work
with debris. Be mindful of the safety of
adolescent girls and women, particularly
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Here to Help: Dealing With Post-Disaster Stress
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2014). Stay safe and be prepared: a
parent’s guide to disaster risk reduction, p. 20.
1. Accept that this will be a difficult time and that sometimes good is better than
2. Give yourself time to grieve and heal. You may have lost people, belongings,
plans and hopes that were dear to you. Grieving and healing are processes that
take time.
3. Try to get back to a routine as soon as possible after a disaster. Getting back to a
structured daily routine is very important both for you and your family, even if
the circumstances force you to embark on a completely new routine. Try to have
regular meal and sleep times. Work at certain hours and play with your children
at certain hours.
4. Take care of your health. Getting enough sleep, eating and drinking well, as well
as exercising will keep your body healthy and your spirits up. Don’t try to do too
much at once. Set priorities and pace yourself.
5. Don’t hold yourself responsible. Natural hazards are not your fault, don’t feel
guilty, and don’t blame yourself.
6. Don’t feel helpless. Try not to feel helpless if things don’t go back to normal right
away. Recovery from disasters is a process and it may take some time.
7. Take some time out to relax. Even when things are hectic after a disaster, take a
couple of minutes each day for yourself to make sense of the situation and to
relax. Take a walk, pray, meditate or listen to music — whatever works for you.
Learn some relaxation exercises and use them in stressful situations.
8. Talk to others. Discuss what is affecting you and how you feel with your family,
friends, colleagues or other people in your support system. You could also reach
out to religious or community leaders. Remember, most likely everybody is
stressed and busy, so be patient and try to be a good listener yourself, as others
might need your support.
9. Seek professional help. Don’t hesitate to seek help if you need it. Talk to a
psychologist, religious authority, doctor or healer about your stress and worries.
10. Your mental health is important. Keep in mind that ignoring your stress might
impact your health, which may in turn impact your ability to take care of your life
and your family.
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Ready, Set, Go!
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2014). Stay safe and be
prepared: a student’s guide to disaster risk reduction, p. 24-43.
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Become Risk-Smart
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#1: Creating a Risk Map
A large piece of paper or an empty Pens – you might want Some tape or glue to hang
blackboard, white board, or wall to use different colors your risk map if it’s on paper
1. Draw a map of your neighborhood, village or town. Include the places where you spend
the most time: your home and your school.
2. Include natural landmarks, such as rivers and canals, mountains and steep hills, or
coastlines, as well as major infrastructure (roads, bridges, tunnels), and important public
buildings (fire stations, train stations, hospitals, police stations, electrical plants.) You
should also include potentially hazardous buildings like chemical plants.
3. Once you have drawn your map, it’s time to become a disaster risk detective! Find out
which hazards your community is facing. Split up into teams and interview people in
your community — everyone from local journalists and disaster management officials to
your family and friends. The Internet and your library are great sources of information,
too. Find out the answers to the following questions:
students can work on different hazard scenarios (like a small flood versus a large flood).
• Are you frequently in those areas that are at risk?
• Is your school in an area that is at risk?
5. Next, discuss vulnerabilities.
• What makes certain people in your neighborhood more vulnerable than others?
• What makes certain areas, buildings, or infrastructure in your area more
vulnerable than others?
• What activities happen in your neighborhood that increase vulnerabilities?
6. Mark buildings and areas where a large number of people might need help when a
disaster strikes, such as schools, community centres, homes for the elderly, and
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7. Next, think of capacities. Mark buildings and infrastructures that are important for
disaster response, such as evacuation routes, safe zones, hospitals, fire houses, and
others. Discuss how much at risk those facilities are from disasters and how accessible
they would be when a disaster strikes.
8. Your risk map is ready! There are so many things you can do with it: present it to your
teachers, your family, emergency workers like fire fighters. Find out if you can display it
in the community somewhere. From here, you’ll want to start talking about how your
community can start to reduce its disaster risk, and how you can be more prepared.
Think of ways to identify people who would be vulnerable in a disaster and how they
can be helped to safety. What can children/youths do to help?
Some tips
If your community is too big to fit into one risk map, you can form groups, each responsible
for mapping a specific area within the community. You could even work with other schools
in your community.
Hazards might be different in different seasons. If so, different groups can make risk maps
for different reasons. You can also do a separate risk map for each hazard, instead of
combining all hazards in one map.
Risk maps are always based on probability and sometimes very improbable things can
happen (these are called black swan events – try to figure out why!). This means that even if
your house and school are located in areas that are relatively safe, it makes sense to be
prepared from disasters.
Disaster Risk Reduction Learning Camp. They performed several fun risk-smart activities,
• A community survey, where children asked villagers about their knowledge and
experiences with disasters and risk reduction.
• Drawing risk and resources maps to show areas considered hazardous and safe for
Source: Baan Talae Nok Schoolchidren and Rabatbai Group (2008). The Alert Rabbit. Save the
Children Sweden – Southeast Asia and The Pacific Regional Office.
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#2: Making Murals and Exhibitions
It's cool. While preparing the mural or exhibition, you learn about a disaster-related topic in
a fun way. You get to be all creative, while offering something
useful to other students, your families and the whole
colours, paints (for murals)
• Scissors, rulers, glue
• Newspapers and magazines (to cut out articles of
interest, characters or photos)
• Printouts from the internet
• Old pieces of fabric and cloth, threads or wool
• An exhibition space or a wall to draw your mural onto
1. Brainstorm with your teacher and classmates what topic mural or exhibition will address
and who you want to present it to. For example, you could paint a mural by the
riverside to remind people to reduce the risk of flooding by not throwing garbage into
the river, or you could put together an exhibition on the hazards faced by your
2. Do some research on your topic so that you can illustrate it in a way that will help
people understand what you are trying to show.
3. Once you have enough information, think about how your mural or piece will look and
what materials you’ll need to make it and what information you are going to focus on.
4. Discuss where to put on the mural or exhibition with your teacher. It should be
somewhere clearly visible and accessible to your intended audiences. Make sure you get
permission to paint your mural or hold your exhibition there.
5. Get creative in painting your mural or making your exhibition piece and don’t forget to
ask for help!
6. Get people involved! Send out invitations and put up posters to get people to go see
your mural or exhibition. Organize an opening ceremony for your mural or exhibition
and get as many people as possible to attend this event — everyone from your family to
community leaders. Try to get local radio stations to spread the word about your work.
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7. Prepare the exhibition space so you can present your pieces. Display or hang them so
they are clearly visible. Having some text explaining your piece (what it is about, by
whom it is made) will make it easier for people to appreciate your work. You and your
friends could also become exhibition guides, so there is always someone to answer
visitors’ questions. Think about a good day/time to open your exhibition. A special
occasion such as the International Day of Disaster Risk Reduction (October 13) might be
program to raise awareness on issues such as tree felling and the extraction of sand
and rocks from the river. They painted a mural on tree felling on school buildings and
put up signs to forbid the extraction of rocks and sand from the river.
Source: Mitchell, T., Tanner, T. and Haynes, K. (2009). Children as Agents of Change for Disaster
Risk Reduction: Lessons from El Salvador and the Philippines. Children in a Changing Climate
#3: Initiating and Supporting Risk Reduction Activities
You can initiate and support risk reduction activities in your community. You
can easily organize a community clean-up, plant trees or
mangroves, collect rain water, and more.
1. Start by looking at your risk map. Discuss with your teacher, classmates or family
what human activities make certain areas more risky. These may include clogging
of rivers and canals with garbage, cutting down of vegetation around landslide-
prone hills as well as harvesting of stones and gravel from rivers.
2. Make a list of what could and should be done to mitigate (minimize) risks in your
community. Here's an example:
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River flooding • Cutting down trees near the • Plant trees near the
river. river
• Throwing garbage in and near • Organize a garbage
the river clean-up
Tsunami • Cutting down barrier forests • Revitalize mangrove
and mangroves forest on coastline
Landslide • Soil erosion because of cutting • Plant bushes and trees
down of vegetation
3. Again, visit the people you consulted with when you made your risk map, like
neighborhood associations, women’s groups, local government and NGOs. Ask
whether there are activities in your neighborhood/village/town that aim to
mitigate disaster risk. If such activities exist, go and help! With everything you’ve
learned, you will make the activities even more effective.
4. If there are no such activities, organize some!
Some tips
• You can use these activities to raise
awareness about behaviors that harm your
environment and increase disaster risk in your
• These activities can go well together with
Children in Sumbawa Island, Indonesia, an area that is at high risk of volcanic eruptions
and floods, founded Sanggar Sinar Pajo (which means ‘children’s workshop’). Next to
raising the community’s awareness about flooding risk due to littering, the children
play an important role in ‘Sunday Cleaning’ activities. With their peers and adults, they
cleared the drainage ditch along the main road, the drainage inside the village as well
as places of worship in the community.
Source: UNISDR and Plan International (2012). Children’s Action for Disaster Risk Reduction:
Views from Children in Asia. UNISDR and Plan International
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Become Prepared
#1: Where? When? How?
This activity will help you prepare a disaster preparedness agenda so that you are
prepared wherever and whenever a hazard strikes. C
• Your risk map, if you have already made one
• A large piece of paper or several smaller pieces of paper, if you haven’t made a risk map
• Pens or pencils, ideally of different colors
1. List all the places you go to throughout the week. Indicate what time of day you are in
each place.
2. Locate and mark those places in your risk map. If you don’t have a risk map yet, draw a
map of your community, which includes all the places in your list.
3. Discuss the hazards in your community and where you would be most at risk from those
hazards. You might have done this when you made your risk map. If not, go back to the
section on risk maps to see the kinds of information you will want to look into.
4. Write down the hazards you’ve identified and associate them with the locations you
mapped out in step 1.
5. Add a column where you can write down the kinds of warning you would get for each
hazard at each place. Discuss your list with your teachers and parents.
6. Write down what you would do and where you would go if you get a warning for a
certain hazard at a certain location (see example below).
7. Put in your evacuation/safety routes for each location and each hazard into your risk
Here’s an example of how your plan could look like
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Place Time Hazard Warning Action
School 8am – 2pm Earthquake Most likely no • Duck, cover, and hold
warning • When shaking is over, calmly
and cautiously leave the
school building
• Meet up with my classmates
at designated evacuation
Home 2pm – 4pm Tsunami Tsunami • Evacuate to hill closest to my
warning sirens, house
radio, TV, text
Sports 4pm – 6pm Floods Sirens, word of • Evacuate to higher ground on
ground mouth, text the northwest side of sports
message ground
Grandma’s 6pm – 8pm Landslide Neighbors, fire • Evacuate through back door
house fighters; of grandma’s house as soon
monitor hill as I spot warning signs for
C next to landslide
grandma’s • Warn neighbors and call fire
house in case department
of very heavy • Grab my and grandma’s
rain preparedness bag
• Help grandma to evacuate
Some Tips
• Discuss your list with your members – they might want to make such a list too. Discuss
where you would meet and how you would communicate with each other if any of
You’ve learned a lot about hazards and how to be prepared for them, which means that you
can help your parents and siblings to make a preparedness plan.
1. Take your time and make sure that all family members join in the discussion.
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2. Discuss which natural and man-made hazards are present around your home,
workplace, school, and play sites. Make a ‘Where? When? How?’ plan for each family
3. Discuss how safe your house is and if it can withstand different disaster scenarios. Talk
about whether it is safer to stay inside the house or to evacuate in case a certain
disaster happens.
4. Check all rooms in the house for things that could be hazardous in case a disaster occurs
(for example, things that could cause a fire or could fall down and block exits). Make
sure that any dangerous materials are stored safely.
5. Draw a map of your house. Include detailed information, such as where the main
electrical box is and where the gas and water lines can be turned on and shut off.
6. Discuss and agree on the safest evacuation routes from each room in the house. Ideally,
you should have two separate routes planned from each spot in the house. Discuss who
is responsible for helping family members who need assistance and how to help them
7. Discuss ways to make your house more resistant against hazards and what you can do to
prepare your house before a hazard strikes.
8. Prepare emergency supplies, an emergency (or preparedness) bag or, at least, a list of
important things you need to bring in case a disaster strikes and you need to evacuate.
9. Map your surroundings. Think from where a hazard may come from the secondary
hazards that might harm you when evacuating or prevent you from evacuating (large
trees and/or electrical lines that could fall, drenches and rivers that could flood, bridges
that be impassable, buildings that could collapse and more).
10. Decide on the best evacuation routes and where to evacuate for each hazard. Have
more than one option for evacuations.
11. Decide where to meet or how to contact each other in case you get separated.
12. Discuss what to do with your pets and/or livestock in case of disaster.
13. Make a list of people and institutions that can help in the event of a disaster. Write
down important phone numbers (fire fighters, police, ambulance, relatives, neighbors,
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• Include your neighbors in your emergency planning. Maybe you can help each other in
case of an emergency.
• Agree on a relative or friend in a different village or town that you all can contact in case
you lose each other.
You’ll need an emergency bag if you have to evacuate. Which of the following items would
you put into such a bag, and are there other items you would include?
Whatever else you decide, there are certain things that should be included in your
emergency bag:
• Important medicines and first aid items;
Remember: If your house is in the hazard zone and you are already in a safe place, you
should not head home for the emergency bag! Also, a disaster might happen while you are
at school. Talk with your teacher about preparing emergency bag for school.
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#4: Making Disaster Warning Signs
By making signs, you can help inform people about hazards, hazardous spots and evacuation
routes in your area.
1. Think about which warnings you want to convey. This is best done by discussing which
hazards your community is facing and by identifying high-risk areas in your community.
Again, a risk map comes handy.
2. Think about the purpose of the warning signs:
• Historical markers: Do some research and learn about past disasters in your
community. Was there ever a tsunami or a flood in your
neighbourhood/village/town? If yes, how high did the water go? Did a volcano ever
erupt in your town? If so, how far did the lava and ashes go? By marking those, you
can remind your community of which areas were affected in the past.
• Warning signs: Look around for hazardous spots and behaviors. You can mark hills
and slopes that are prone to landslides when the rainy season comes or make a sign
for people to not cross the bridge once the river has risen above a certain mark.
• Marking evacuation routes: If the authorities have not done so, you can mark the
main evacuation routes from your neighborhood/village/town. This can be
combined with marking safe zones or meeting points where people can gather after
an evacuation.
3. Warning signs can take different forms and shapes. You can paint them on walls or trees
(you need permission to do so as well as the right kinds of paints and brushes or multi-
colored spray cans). You can make signs out of cardboards, using colored pencils or
markers and cover them with plastics to make them more weather resistant. You can
even discuss with your teacher about making signs out of metal.
Remember that in a disaster situation, people are under stress. Make sure that the signs are
very clearly visible, so that people would not miss them, even in a hectic situation. They
should also be able to withstand the forces of nature.
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Become Resilient
#1: Purifying Water
It is extremely important to make sure that the water you drink is not contaminated by
certain bacteria and contaminants, especially in a disaster when access to care may not
be easy. You should therefore learn how to purify water.
1. Remember that you should always have some clean water stored in your emergency
bag and at home for use in a disaster.
2. If you don’t have any clean water or have very little left, you can purify some. Carefully
select your water source. Don’t use water that has floating material in it, water that has
any odor or water that has a dark color. These are all indications that the water is
3. Clear the water from dirt. You can do this by giving it time (12–24 hours) to settle until
the dirt sets at the bottom of the container. Then, move the water above the dirt into
another clean container. If letting it settle takes too long, you can filter the water
through a clean cloth, tissue or a coffee filter.
4. The safest way to purify your water is by boiling it. Bring the water to boil until you see
large bubbles forming. Boil it for another 5–10 minutes. If you’re afraid to lose too much
water to evaporation, use a lid. Remember that boiled water might not taste as good,
because it has lost oxygen. Move the water from one container to another to add
oxygen and make it taste better.
5. Another way to disinfect filtered and settled water is to use chlorine tablets, which can
be purchased in many places. This is something you might want to try with your teacher
at school first, before doing it at home with your parents.
6. You can also purify water with household bleach that is based on a chlorine compound.
It does not kill bacteria as effectively as boiling does, but it will get rid of most of them.
Ask your science or chemistry teacher on how to purify water with bleach.
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7. If none of the above methods are available to you, one method that only requires a few
clear plastic bottles and sunlight. This method utilizes the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Be
aware that it will not kill all bacteria, although it will give you water that is safer to drink
than the one you had before. Here is how it works:
• After you have filtered the water, you just need one clear plastic bottle with cap.
• Fill the bottle up until it is 75 per cent full, close it and then shake it for 30 seconds
to move oxygen into the water.
• Next, place the bottle horizontally on a flat surface like a rock or a rooftop, in a spot
where it can get direct sunlight. Ideally, the surface should be dark or reflective.
• Leave it there for a minimum of six hours. If the sunlight is indirect or it is cloudy,
leave the bottle for up to 24 hours.
Some Tips:
• Try these methods at school with your science or chemistry teacher, so you
already know how to do them and know what’s safe, particularly when it comes
to using bleach or chlorine.
• Discuss the issue of clean water with your family when you make your family
preparedness plan. Discuss how much water you want to have in your storage and
who is responsible for checking on the stock. Think about how large an issue clean
water might be in your community and which of the methods offers a solution that
works for your family, both practically and economically.
#2a: Putting on a puppet or theatre show
This is a great way to teach other children, parents or other community
• tape
1. Decide on how your puppet should look like. Will it be a person, an animal, a
2. Draw its shape and outline on a piece of paper. If you are making a finger
puppet, make the body as long as about half your finger and draw the head on
top of it.
3. Cut out the shape of the puppet
4. Color and decorate your puppet. You can use scraps of fabric to make clothes for
your puppet and use wool threads for its hair.
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5. Glue parts of your puppet together.
6. For finger puppets, it’s fun to have more than one character on hand, so go
ahead and be creative in making different characters.
#2b: Planning a Theatre Show
• Puppets, or costumes, which you can design using different things you find at
home or in school.
1. Discuss what topics you want to present at the show and think of who your audience
will be.
• If you want to talk about preparedness for example, your play could show how
make shows that teach people how to stay clean and healthy.
• You can also make shows to talk about your feelings after a disaster happens.
2. Like in movies, puppet and theatre shows need a script. Come up with an interesting
story to capture people’s attention. Since preparedness and resilience are serious
topics, put in some jokes that will lighten your audience’s heart and make them
remember your messages better. Involving your audience in the play is often a good
way to make hem enjoy your performance.
3. Distribute roles: who will be the director, who will be responsible for costumes or
making puppets, who will be the actors and puppet players?
4. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!
5. Find a stage where you will perform your theatre play or puppet show. Invite people to
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#3: Sharing Experiences
When you experience a disaster, you feel a lot of things. Sometimes it is difficult to
talk about them with grown-ups. In such situations, you can try to put down your
feelings and thoughts on a postcard, a letter or in a picture, exchange them with
other children who have been affected by disasters, either in your region or in a
different region. Your teachers or parents will be happy to help find other children
you can share your experiences with. You might even end up having a penpal for the
rest of your life.
The code neighborhood in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, is located alongside a river. In the
aftermath of the 2010 eruption of Mount Merapi, lava floods affected the
neighborhood to the extent that the eastern and the western sides of the river were
cut off from each other. With the bridge impassable, children from the one side
could not communicate with their friends on the other side. With the help of a
volunteer group, Cemara, children on both sides of the river wrote down their
experiences during and after the flood on postcards. They put the cards into
envelopes and then decorated the envelopes. The volunteers then delivered the
cards to the children on the opposite side of the river.
stories, or create new song lyrics for an existing song. They can help you to share
how you feel and what you’ve gone through during a disaster or tell the story of how
you managed to, or tried to, get back to normal. They can also convey messages on
what you learned from the disaster and how to be better prepared if another one
should occur.
In Sri Lanka, after the 2004 tsunami, children adapted a folk song/tale to become a
song/tale about the different disasters the country has faced.
In Ecuador, in 1993, children composed new lyrics to a song to make it about earthquake
warnings. The song was a success and was even played on the radio.
Benson, L. and Bugge, J. Child-led Disaster Risk Reduction: A Practical Guide. Save the Children.
UNISDR and UNICEF (2007). Let's Learn How to Prevent Disasters.
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#4: Improving Your School Safety
As a student, you should get involved in improving the safety of your school. After a
disaster happens, you can help in rebuilding and redecorating your school and to
make sure that it is built on a safe place and is constructed resiliently. You spend a
lot of time at school and therefore know what kind of school you want. It is just fair
that you get included in the planning process when your school gets retrofitted,
relocated or reconstructed. It is always great to learn from a real life project (not
In the Philippines, students of the Santa Paz National High School in the town of
Guinsaugon managed to advocate for the relocation of their school, which was
situated in a location prone to landslides. The Department of Education
recommended the relocation, but there was resistance from the community, which
felt that the ‘vague warning’ were not enough reason for a costly move. The students
engaged school authorities and organized an education campaign, their head teacher
organized a community-wide referendum for the relocation plan. Because of the
persuasion of the students, the students’ proposal won and the school was
successfully relocated, to a new school that was built with a disaster-resilient design.
Source: Plan UK (2010). Child-Centered Disaster Risk Reduction: Building Resilience through
Participation, Lessons from Plan International. Plan UK.
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NDRRMC (n.d.) National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2028.
Available at http://www.ndrrmc.gov.ph/attachments/article/41/NDRRM_Plan_2011-
Department of Social Welfare and Development. (2014, May). Psychosocial Support In Emergency
Department of Social Welfare and Development. (2014). Disaster Risk Reduction & Management for
Department of Social Welfare and Development. (n.d.). Family and Community Disaster
Preparedness (FCDP) Modules.
Department of Social Welfare and Development. (n.d.). Retooling On Logistics Management for
Disaster Operations.
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Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
System (PDRRMS)
Office of Civil Defense
As in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Manual for Science and Mathematics Teachers, Department of
Science and Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI), pp.1-28.
At the end of this module, the teachers are expected to:
1. Understand the Republic Act 10121: The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) Act of
2. Enumerate the Disaster Impacts in the Philippines and the Global Trends of a Disaster; and
3. Explain the RA 10121 legal framework, Its Institutional and Operational Arrangements, NDRRMC
Program Thrusts, DRRM Framework and the role of LGUs under the new Act.
This module will provide the teachers with sufficient working knowledge on the Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction Management System, its legal basis, institutional as well as operational frameworks and program
thrusts. C
It will also bring to the fore the intrinsic relationship between disasters and sustainable development, poverty
reduction and environmental protection and the imperatives of a more proactive approach through disaster risk
reduction and management as called for under RA 10121.
A review of significant milestones and worldwide trends in disaster occurrence, regional distribution, and links
to global trends such as persistent poverty, environmental degradation and growing urban density will also be
done in this module as these will have significantly influenced the evolution of the country‟s disaster
A. Our Challenge
• Disasters remain a major challenge to achieve a disaster-resilient and safer community in the
Philippines by 2015
• Natural hazards abound: typhoon, flood, landslide, earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, drought,
• Climate change remains a potential risk to the country and poverty, a vulnerability condition, prevails.
• Further, we can attribute increase in disaster risk to fast growing population, increasing population
From 1970 – 2009, the annual average direct damage to disasters ranged from PhP5 Billion to PhP15 Billion
(US $100 Million to US $300 Million), indirect and secondary impacts further increase this cost. This cost of
direct damage is equivalent to more than 0.5% of the national GDP.
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B.1 Impacts of the LastQuarter Tropical Cyclones of 2009: TS „Ondoy‟, TY „Pepeng‟ and TY
Twelve regions of Central, Northern and Southern Luzon were affected by these weather disturbances.
Casualties accounted for are: 956 persons dead; 84 were missing and 736 were injured.
• Out of the 43.2 million population in the affected regions, 9.3 million were severely affected by these
• Total estimated damage and losses is PhP 206 Billion or USD 4.38 Million. This is about 2.7% of the
country‟s GDP.
• More than 90% of the damage and losses were suffered by the private sector. Biggest damage is to
housing at PhP 25.5 Billion and largest loss is businesses at PhP 88.9 Billion.
There it was noted: “… that disaster seriously undermine the results of development investments in very
short time, and therefore, remain a major impediment to sustainable development and poverty reduction…”
“… that coping with and reducing disasters so as to enable and strengthen nations‟ sustainable
development is, therefore, one of the most critical challenges facing the international community
Further, during the WCNDR Declaration it was also mentioned that:
“… Disaster risks, hazards, and their impacts pose a threat, but appropriate response to these can and
should lead to actions to reduce risks and vulnerabilities in the future…”
“… States have the primary responsibility to protect the people and property on their territory from
hazards, and thus, it is vital to give high priority to disaster risk reduction in national policy, consistent with
their capacities and the resources available to them…
“… There exists an intrinsic relationship between disaster reduction, sustainable development and
poverty reduction…”
“… Recognized the importance of involving all stakeholders including governments, regional and
international organizations and financial institutions, civil society, including non- government organizations and
volunteers, the private sector and the scientific community…
• World Bank also offers a clear link between disasters and development:
“… Disasters can reverse hard-won development gains, clearly illustrating the relationships
between poverty reduction, environmental degradation and vulnerability to disasters, and therefore the
capacity or lack of it lies at the heart of reducing the risk of disaster…”
Risk is the combination of probability of an event and its negative consequences, the probability of harmful
consequences, or expected losses (deaths, injuries, properties, livelihood, economic activity disruption or
environmental damage) resulting from interactions between natural, human- induced hazards and vulnerable
conditions ( RA 10121 & IRR)
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C.1 Factors determining Disaster Risk:
The different factors determining Disaster Risk in which under the HAZARD (probability and severity),
VULNERABILITY/EXPOSURE (Physical, Social, Economic and Environmental) and CAPACITY
MEASURES (Physical Planning, Social Capacity, Economic Capacity and Management/Governance).
REFERENCE: 2008 National Assessment of the State of Disaster Risk Management in the Republic of the
of economic development, addresses DRR issues in investment projects in various sectors but
there‟s no express policy statement on DRR and its role in sustainable development and attainment of
the UNMDGs; C
• Comprehensive land use plans (CLUPs), comprehensive development plans (CDPs) and zoning of
most local government units have not substantially integrated DRR;
• National and local calamity funds are mostly allocated for emergency operations and repair of
damaged critical facilities; only a small amount is for DRR programs;
• Local Disaster Management Office is not one of the mandatory nor optional offices of a
Local Government Unit, and
• Institutional capacity of some national government agencies and most LGUs is still weak, and
• Need to synchronize disjointed DRR policies and programs of national government agencies and non-
government organizations.
An Act Strengthening the Philippines Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System, providing for the
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework and Institutionalizing the National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Plan, appropriate funds therefore and for other purposes.
Road Map of RA No. 10121 with 21 years in the making, 7 Congress, 4 Administration and official Signed into
a Law on May 27, 2010.
• It‟s our conceptual guide to all national and sub-national efforts in DRRM
• It develops common understanding of DRRM
• Shifts the country‟s paradigm and approach from reactive, humanitarian response oriented
management of disasters to a proactive, vulnerability reduction and development approach to disasters.
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• This DRRM framework indicates the paradigm shift towards a proactive and preventive approach to
disaster management.
• It emphasizes that resources invested in disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness and climate
change adaptation will be more effective towards attaining the goal of adaptive, disaster resilient
communities and sustainable development.
• The Framework shows that mitigating the potential impacts of existing disaster and climate risks,
preventing hazards and small emergencies from becoming disasters, and being prepared for disasters,
will substantially reduce loss of life and damage to social, economic and environmental assets.
• It also highlights the need for effective and coordinated humanitarian assistance and disaster response
to save lives and protect the more vulnerable groups during and immediately after a disaster.
• Further, it illustrates the importance of identifying the risk factors and understanding how the interplay
of these risk factors can translate into disasters if left unabated or unmanaged.
Safer, adaptive and disaster-resilient Filipino communities
towards sustainable development
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- Permanent Office on DRRM at the LGU Level; Barangay DRRM Committee
- Disaster Volunteers
3. Operational Mechanisms (Secs. 15 – 18)
- Coordination during Emergencies
- Declaration of a State of Calamity
- Remedial Measures
- Mechanism for the IHAN
4. Participation, Accreditation, Mobilization, Protection and Development of Disaster Volunteers
5. Training and Education in DRR
- Establishment of DRRM Training Institutes
- Mandatory Training in DRR for Public Sector Employees
- Integration of DRR in school curricula, training for out-of-school youth, Sangguniang Kabataan,
and informal training
6. Funding
7. Prohibited Acts
8. Penal Provisions
Policies (Sec. 2)
1. Upholding people‟s rights to life and property and adherence to internationally accepted principles,
norms and standards for capacity building in DRRM and humanitarian assistance (Sub-Sections a – c);
2. Adoption of a holistic, comprehensive, integrated , proactive and multi-sector approach in addressing
the impacts of disasters, including climate change (Sub-Section d);
3. Development, promotion and implementation of a comprehensive National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) (Sub-Section e);
4. Mainstreaming DRR and Climate Change in national and local development plans and development
processes (e.g. policy formulation, socio-economic development planning, budgeting and governance)
(Sub-Sections f, g and h);
5. Mainstreaming DRR into the peace process and conflict resolution (Sub-Section i);
6. Ensuring DRR and CC-Gender responsive measures, sensitive to indigenous knowledge and respect to
human rights (Sub-Section j);
7. Strengthening capacity building of –
LGUs on DRR (e.g. decentralized powers, responsibilities, resources) (Sub-Sections k and l),
Vulnerable and marginalized groups (Sub-Section n);
8. Engaging the participation of CSOs, private sector and volunteers in DRR (Sub-Section m);
9. Promotion of breastfeeding before and during a disaster or emergency (Sub-Section o) and
10. Ensuring maximum care, assistance and services to affected individuals and families (Sub- Section p)
Section 6.
NDRRMC empowered with policy-making, coordination, integration, supervision, monitoring and evaluation
functions to be carried out through seventeen (17) tasks/ responsibilities.
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The 17 Responsibilities of NDRRMC
1. Development of NDRRM 8. Manage and mobilize 14. In coordination with the CCC,
Framework resources formulate and implement a
2. Development of NDRRM Plan 9. Monitor and provide framework for CCA and DRRM
guidelines on LDRRMF
3. Advise the President on the 10. Develop assessment tools in 15. Constitute a TMG that shall
status of DRRM in the country coordination with the coordinate and meet as often
4. Ensure a multi-stakeholder Climate Change Commission as necessary
participation (CCC) 16. Task the OCD to conduct
5. Establish a national early 11. Develop vertical and periodic assessment and
warning and alert system horizontal coordination performance monitoring of
mechanisms the member-agencies
6. Develop appropriate risk 12. Formulate national 17. Coordinate or oversee the
transfer mechanisms institutional capability implementation of the
building program country’s obligations with
7. Monitor the development and 13. Formulate a national agenda disaster management treaties
enforcement of the Act for Research and Tech
Development on DRRM
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council Organizational Network
17 Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils
79 Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils
RA No. 10121
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Two (2) GFIs ( GSIS and SSS)
One quasi-government agency (Philippine Red Cross)
Five (5) LGU Leagues (ULAP, LPP, LCP, LMP and LnB)
Four (4) Civil Society Organizations
One (1) Private Sector Organization
Executive Director: OCD Administrator with the rank of Undersecretary
II. The Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (RDRRMC)
Organizational Chart in which the Regional Director, OCD act as the Chairperson of RDRRMC with
Four (4) Vice-Chairpersons namely: RD-DILG-Disaster Preparedness, RD-DSWD-Disaster
Response, RD-DOST-Disaster Prevention and Mitigation and RD-NEDA- Disaster Rehabilitation and
Ten (10) other government agencies: OPAPP, CHED, AFP, PNP, PRC, NAPC-VDC, NCRFW,
HUDCC, Climate Change Commission, and Phil. Health Corp.
Two (2) GFIs: GSIS, SSS
Five (5) LGU Leagues: ULAP, LPP, LCP, LMP, LnB
Four (4) Reps from the Civil Society Organizations
One (1) Rep from the Private Sector
(RPDO) for Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery (IRR as of Sept. 15, 20101)
Chairperson: Chairman, Metro Manila Development Authority (in keeping with RA 7924)
Disaster Preparedness: OCD Civil Defense Officer designated as Regional Director of the National
Capital Region (NCR) or as may be determined by the MMDRRMC Chair
Functions of RDRRMC
1. Coordinate, integrate, supervise, and evaluate the activities of the LDRRMCs;
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2. Except for the policy making function of the NDRRMC, the RDRRMCs shall likewise carry out
coordination, integration, supervision, monitoring and evaluation functions covering Regional Council
Member Agencies (IRR);
3. Be responsible in ensuring disaster sensitive regional development plans, and in case of emergencies,
shall convene the different regional line agencies and concerned institutions and authorities;
4. Establish an operating facility to be known as the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Operations Center (RDRRMOC), and
5. Through the RDRRMC Chairperson, may tap the facilities and resources of other government
agencies and private sectors, for the protection of life and properties in pursuit of disaster risk
reduction and management (IRR)
III. The Provincial/City/Municipal and Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council (LDRRMC)
• Chairperson: Governor / Mayor
• Members: Eighteen (18)
- Head of the LDRRMO;
- Head of the Local Social Welfare and Development Office;
- Head of the Local Health Office;
- Head of the Local Agriculture Office;
- Head of the Gender and Development Office;
- Head of the Local Engineering Office, Head of the Local Veterinary Office;
- Head of the Local Budget Office;
- Division Head / Superintendent of Schools of the DepEd;
- Highest-ranking Officer of the Armed Forces of the Philippines assigned in the area;
- Barangay Level
- Present BDCCs shall cease to exist; its powers and functions to be assumed by the
Barangay Development Council (BDC) which shall serve as the Barangay DRRMC
- BDRRMC shall be a regular committee of the existing BDC and shall be subject thereto.
- Punong Barangay shall facilitate and ensure the participation of at least two (2) CSO
representatives from existing and active community-based people‟s organizations
representing the most vulnerable and marginalized groups in the barangay.
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3. Recommend the implementation of forced or preemptive evacuation of local residents, if necessary; and
4. Convene the local council once every three (3) months or as necessary.
Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (LDRRMO)
LDRRMO to be established in every Province, City and Municipality, and Barangay Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Committee in every barangay.
LDRRMO / BDRRM Committee Responsibilty - setting the direction, development,
implementation and coordination of disaster risk management programs within their territorial
LDRRMO shall be under the office of the governor, city or municipal mayor, and the punong barangay
in case of the BDRRMC. The LDRRMOs shall be initially organized and composed of a DRRMO to
be assisted by three (3) staff responsible for: (1) administrative and training; (2) research and planning;
and (3) operations and warning. The LDRRMOs and the BDRRMCs shall organize, train and directly
supervise the local emergency response teams and the Accredited Community Disaster Volunteers
Enhancement, welfare and protection of DVs shall be the full responsibility of said agencies
Maintenance of National Roster of ACDVs, NSRC, CSOs and Private Sector by OCD, list of which
shall be submitted through the LDRRMOs
Accreditation to be done at the municipal / city level / agency
DV mobilization to be based on guidelines to be issued by the NDRRMC
Entitlement to compensatory benefits / accident personnel insurance
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A service-oriented organization
A prepared population
A safe nation
To administer a comprehensive national civil defense and civil assistance program by providing leadership in
the continuous development of measures to reduce risk to communities and manage the consequences of
Training and Education in DRRM
Disaster Volunteer Management
Monitoring and Evaluation
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councils (DRRMCs)
During emergencies, the NDRRMC
Operations Center (NDRRMC OpCen) is
activated into an NDRRMC Emergency C
Operations Center (EOC) and becomes the
nerve center for:
• alert and monitoring
• multi-agency operational
• response resource mobilization
• information management
Operational Coordination
Allocates working stations for pre-identified NDRRMC-member agency representatives
Facilitates the conduct of a multi-agency debriefing of post disaster situations
Promotes a synergistic multi-agency approach
Facilitates the provision of support to operational units
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Information Management
Maintains an updated database of relevant baseline information
Collects, collates, validates, analyzes information and undertakes appropriate steps to be taken based
on pre-delegated tasks and responsibilities
Documents all past disasters situations to include a review of the pre and post disaster activities
undertaken by all key actors
Maintains a database of these documents
Humanitarian Response
UN Cluster Approach has been adopted by the NDRRMC as a coordination tool to ensure a more
coherent and effective delivery of humanitarian assistance by mobilizing groups of agencies, organizations,
and NGOs to respond in a strategic manner across all key sectors or areas of activity.
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Disaster Response Mechanism- Support Systems
Declaration of a State of Calamity by the President of the Philippines or the LGU through its Local
Sanggunian (NDCC Memo Order No. 8, S-1989; Sec. 324(d), LGC of 1991)
• National and Local Calamity Funds (Annual GAA; Sec. 324 (d), LGC of 1991)
• Imposition of price control for prime commodities and prevention of hoarding of said commodities by
DTI (NDCC Memo Order No. 8, S-1989)
• Grant of calamity loans to GSIS, SSS and PAG-IBIG Members
• Release of calamity funds to relief and rehabilitation agencies as necessary
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Partnership Agreements
Private Sector Disaster Management Network (PSDMN)
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE)
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines (ASEP)
Tiger Civic Action Group (TCAG)
Association of Contractors and Equipment Lessors (ACEL)
Private Hospitals Association of the Philippines (PHAP)
and non-formal, vocational, indigenous learning and out-of-school youth courses and programs (Sec.
Approaches /Strategies (IRR)
- CSC to issue a directive to all national and local government agencies for the mandatory training
of public sector employees
- Train-the Trainers Approach
- Standard Training Designs and Training Materials
Operational Mechanism C
Mechanism for International Humanitarian Assistance (Sec. 18)
Authorizing the importation and donation of food, clothing, medicine, equipment for relief and
recovery and other DM and recovery-related supplies in accordance with the Tariff and Customs Code
and GAA
Importation and donation to be considered as importation / donation to the NDRRMC, subject to the
approval of the Office of the President
National Level
- National DRM and Recovery Fund (formerly known as the National Calamity Fund) can be used
for DRR or mitigation, prevention and preparedness activities (e.g. but not limited to training of
personnel, procurement of equipment and capital expenditures; can be used for relief, recovery
and reconstruction activities)
- Quick Response Fund (QRF) - 30% of the NDRMRF as standby fund for relief and recovery
- PHP One Billion Pesos budget of OCD to implement RA 10121
Local Government Level
- Local DRRM Fund – not less than 5% of the estimated revenue from the regular sources can now
be used to support DRM activities such as, but not limited to:
Pre-disaster preparedness programs, e.g. training purchase of lifesaving rescue
equipment, supplies, medicines;
Post-disaster activities, and
Payment of Premiums on calamity insurance
o 30% of the local DRRM Fund shall be allocated as Quick Response Fund or stand-by
fund for relief and recovery programs
o Special Trust Fund – Unexpended LDRRMF to support DRRM activities within the next
five (5) years; after 5 years if not fully utilized, it shall revert back to the General Fund
and made available for other social services to be identified by the Local Sanggunian
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The Strategic National Action Plan (SNAP) on Disaster Risk Reduction
A „road map‟ for the next 10 years pursuing the strategic goals of the Hyogo Framework for Action
(HFA) 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Communities and Nations to Disasters, AADMER.
Enabling stakeholders to see the larger whole, through the lens of national safety or resilience.
Ensuring mechanisms are in place to mainstream activities into development planning adhering to the
HFA‟s expected outcome, strategic goals, and priorities.
Institutionalizing DRR into policies and day-to-day business.
The SNAP document identifies the priorities, strategies, activities, timelines, resource requirements,
and implementing entities.
4. Safety and Well-Being Enhancement: Increase capacity, reduce vulnerability and achieve improved
public safety and well-being.
5. Implementation and Evaluation of DRR: Monitor and assess progress on DRR and prepare better for
disasters in terms of identified risks and early warning.
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7. Public-Private Partnership
8. Resource Mobilization
9. Information and Database Generation
10. Knowledge Management
11. Supporting DRR Mainstreaming through Sectoral Approach
12. Preparedness for Effective Disaster Response
13. Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Campaign
14. Institutional and Technical Capacity Building
15. Education and Research
16. Forecasting and Early Warning
17. Risk Evaluation
18. Development of Tools for Assessment and Monitoring of DRR Measures
NDCC Four-Point Plan of Action for Disaster Preparedness
Upgrade capability of PAGASA and PHIVOLCS
• Improve equipment and staff development
• Establish linkages and networking with foreign forecasting institutions covering the Pacific Rim and
South China Sea
• Install rainfall and water level gauges
Intensify Public Information Campaign on Preparedness
• Conduct of Nationwide Synchronized Building Emergency Evacuation Plan (BEEP) drills; Tsunami
and Earthquake Drills
• Airing of “Safe Ka Ba?”; Disaster Management School on-air
• Production and distribution of flyers on related hazards
Enhance Capabilities for LCEs and their DCCs in identified vulnerable areas
• Orient LCEs on Disaster Risk Management and the Use of LCF
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ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER)
Initiated in mid „04, mandate given 3 weeks before the
December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
Draft negotiated in „05 within 4 months
C Signed by Foreign Ministers of ASEAN on 26
July 2005 in Vientiane, Lao PDR
Ratified by all AMS as of September 17, 2009
Entry into force on December 24, 2009
The first ever HFA-related binding instrument in the world
Objective: To provide effective mechanisms to achieve substantial reduction of disaster losses in lives and in
the social, economic and environmental assets of the Parties, and to jointly respond to disaster emergencies
through concerted national efforts and intensified regional and international cooperation
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Republic Act 10121: The DRRM Act of 2010
Republic of the Philippines
Metro Manila
Fourteenth Congress
Third Regular Session
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-seventh day of July, two thousand nine.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
Section 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act
of 2010".
implementation of national, regional and local sustainable development and poverty reduction
strategies, policies, plans and budgets;
(d) Adopt a disaster risk reduction and management approach that is holistic, comprehensive, integrated,
and proactive in lessening the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of disasters including climate
change, and promote the involvement and participation of all sectors and all stakeholders concerned, at
all levels, especially the local community;
(e) Develop, promote, and implement a comprehensive National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Plan (NDRRMP) that aims to strengthen the capacity of the national government and the
local government units (LGUs), together with partner stakeholders, to build the disaster resilience of
communities, and' to institutionalize arrangements and measures for reducing disaster risks, including
projected climate risks, and enhancing disaster preparedness and response capabilities at all levels;
(f) Adopt and implement a coherent, comprehensive, integrated, efficient and responsive disaster risk
reduction program incorporated in the development plan at various levels of government adhering to
the principles of good governance such as transparency and accountability within the context of
poverty alleviation and environmental protection;
(g) Mainstream disaster risk reduction and climate change in development processes such as policy
formulation, socioeconomic development planning, budgeting, and governance, particularly in the
areas of environment, agriculture, water, energy, health, education, poverty reduction, land-use and
urban planning, and public infrastructure and housing, among others;
(h) Institutionalize the policies, structures, coordination mechanisms and programs with continuing budget
appropriation on disaster risk reduction from national down to local levels towards building a disaster-
resilient nation and communities;
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(i) Mainstream disaster risk reduction into the peace process and conflict resolution approaches in order to
minimize loss of lives and damage to property, and ensure that communities in conflict zones can
immediately go back to their normal lives during periods of intermittent conflicts;
(j) Ensure that disaster risk reduction and climate change measures are gender responsive, sensitive to
indigenous know ledge systems, and respectful of human rights;
(k) Recognize the local risk patterns across the country and strengthen the capacity of LGUs for disaster
risk reduction and management through decentralized powers, responsibilities, and resources at the
regional and local levels;
(l) Recognize and strengthen the capacities of LGUs and communities in mitigating and preparing for,
responding to, and recovering from the impact of disasters;
(m) Engage the participation of civil society organizations (CSOs), the private sector and volunteers in the
government's disaster risk reduction programs towards complementation of resources and effective
delivery of services to the Citizenry;
(n) Develop and strengthen the capacities of vulnerable and marginalized groups to mitigate, prepare for,
respond to, and recover from the effects of disasters;
(o) Enhance and implement a program where humanitarian aid workers, communities, health
professionals, government aid agencies, donors, and the media are educated and trained on how they
can actively support breastfeeding before and during a disaster and/or an emergency; and
(p) Provide maximum care, assistance and services to individuals and families affected by disaster,
implement emergency rehabilitation projects to lessen the impact of disaster, and facilitate resumption
of normal social and economic activities.
Section 3. Definition of Terms. - For purposes of this Act, the following shall refer to:
(a) "Adaptation" - the adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic
stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities.
(b) "Capacity" - a combination of all strengths and resources available within a community, society or
organization that can reduce the level of risk, or effects of a disaster. Capacity may include
infrastructure and physical means, institutions, societal coping abilities, as well as human knowledge,
skills and collective attributes such as social relationships, leadership and management. Capacity may
also be described as capability.
(c) "Civil Society Organizations" Or "CSOs" - non-state actors whose aims are neither to generate profits
nor to seek governing power. CSOs unite people to advance shared goals and interests. They have a
presence in public life, expressing the interests and values of their members or others, and are based on
ethical, cultural, scientific, religious or philanthropic considerations. CSOs include nongovernment
organizations (NGOs), professional associations, foundations, independent research institutes,
risk reduction and management in which at risk communities are actively engaged in the identification,
analysis, treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks in order to reduce their vulnerabilities
and enhance their capacities, and where the people are at the heart of decision-making and
implementation of disaster risk reduction and management activities.
(f) "Complex Emergency" - a form of human-induced emergency in which the cause of the emergency as
well as the assistance to the afflicted IS complicated by intense level of political considerations.
(g) "Contingency Planning" - a management process that analyzes specific potential events or emerging
situations that might threaten society or the environment and establishes arrangements in advance to
enable timely, effective and appropriate responses to such events and situations.
(h) "Disaster" - a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread
human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the
affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Disasters are often described as a result
of the combination of: the exposure to a hazard; the conditions of vulnerability that are present; and
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insufficient capacity or measures to reduce or cope with the potential negative consequences, Disaster
impacts may include loss of life, injury, disease and other negative effects on human, physical, mental
and social well-being, together with damage to property, destruction of assets, loss of services, Social
and economic disruption and environmental degradation.1avvphi1
(i) "Disaster Mitigation" - the lessening or limitation of the adverse impacts of hazards and related
disasters. Mitigation measures encompass engineering techniques and hazard-resistant construction as
well as improved environmental policies and public awareness.
(j) "Disaster Preparedness" - the knowledge and capacities developed by governments, professional
response and recovery organizations, communities and individuals to effectively anticipate, respond to,
and recover from, the Impacts of likely, imminent or current hazard events or conditions. Preparedness
action is carried out within the context of disaster risk reduction and management and aims to build the
capacities needed to efficiently manage all types of emergencies and achieve orderly transitions from
response to sustained recovery. Preparedness is based on a sound analysis of disaster risk and good
linkages with early warning systems, and includes such activities as contingency planning, stockpiling
of equipment and supplies, the development of arrangements for coordination, evacuation and public
information, and associated training and field exercises. These must be supported by formal
institutional, legal and budgetary capacities.
(k) “Disaster Prevention" - the outright avoidance of adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters. It
expresses the concept and intention to completely avoid potential adverse impacts through action taken
in advance such as construction of dams or embankments that eliminate flood risks, land-use
regulations that do not permit any settlement in high-risk zones, and seismic engineering designs that
ensure the survival and function of a critical building in any likely earthquake.
(l) "Disaster Response" - the provision of emergency services and public assistance during or immediately
after a disaster in order to save lives, reduce health impacts, ensure public safety and meet the basic
subsistence needs of the people affected. Disaster response is predominantly focused on immediate and
short-term needs and is sometimes called "disaster relief".
(m) "Disaster Risk" - the potential disaster losses in lives, health status, livelihood, assets and services,
which could occur to a particular community or a Society over some specified future time period.
(n) "Disaster Risk Reduction" - the concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic
efforts to analyze and manage the causal factors of disasters, including through reduced exposures to
hazards, lessened vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land and the environment,
and improved preparedness for adverse events.
(o) "Disaster Risk Reduction and Management" - the systematic process of using administrative directives,
organizations, and operational skills and capacities to implement strategies, policies and improved
coping capacities in order to lessen the adverse impacts of hazards and the possibility of disaster.
Prospective disaster risk reduction and management refers to risk reduction and management activities
that address and seek to avoid the development of new or increased disaster risks, especially if risk
reduction policies are not put m place.
(p) "Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Information System" - a specialized database which
contains, among others, information on disasters and their human material, economic and
environmental impact, risk assessment and mapping and vulnerable groups.
(q) "Early Warning System" - the set of capacities needed to generate and disseminate timely and
meaningful warning information to enable individuals, communities and organizations threatened by a
hazard to prepare and to act appropriately and in sufficient time to reduce the possibility of harm or
loss. A people-centered early warning system necessarily comprises four (4) key elements: knowledge
of the risks; monitoring, analysis and forecasting of the hazards; communication or dissemination of
alerts and warnings; and local capabilities to respond to the warnings received. The expression "end-to-
end warning system" is also used to emphasize that warning systems need to span all steps from hazard
detection to community response
(r) "Emergency" - unforeseen or sudden occurrence, especially danger, demanding immediate action.
(s) "Emergency Management" - the organization and management of resources and responsibilities for
addressing all aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and initial recovery steps.
(t) "Exposure" - the degree to which the elements at risk are likely to experience hazard events of different
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(u) "Geographic Information System" - a database which contains, among others, geohazard assessments,
information on climate change, and climate risk reduction and management.
(v) "Hazard" - a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of
life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihood and services, social and
economic disruption, or environmental damage.
(w) "Land-Use Planning" - the process undertaken by public authorities to identify, evaluate and decide on
different options for the use of land, including consideration of long-term economic, social and
environmental objectives and the implications for different communities and interest groups, and the
subsequent formulation and promulgation of plans that describe the permitted or acceptable uses.
(x) "Mitigation" - structural and non-structural measures undertaken to limit the adverse impact of natural
hazards, environmental degradation, and technological hazards and to ensure the ability of at-risk
communities to address vulnerabilities aimed at minimizing the impact of disasters. Such measures
include, but are not limited to, hazard-resistant construction and engineering works, the formulation
and implementation of plans, programs, projects and activities, awareness raising, knowledge
management, policies on land-use and resource management, as well as the enforcement of
comprehensive land-use planning, building and safety standards, and legislation.
(y) "National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework" or "NDRRMF" - provides for
comprehensive, all hazards, multi-sectoral, inter-agency and community-based approach to disaster
risk reduction and management.
(z) "National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan" or "NDRRMP" - the document to be
formulated and implemented by the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) that sets out goals and specific
objectives for reducing disaster risks together with related actions to accomplish these objectives.
The NDRRMP shall provide for the identification of hazards, vulnerabilities and risks to 'be managed
at the national level; disaster risk reduction and management approaches and strategies to be applied m
managing said hazards and risks; agency roles, responsibilities and lines of authority at all government
levels; and vertical and horizontal coordination of disaster risk reduction and management in the pre-
disaster and post-disaster phases. It shall be in conformity with the NDRRMF.
(aa) "Post-Disaster Recovery" - the restoration and improvement where appropriate, of facilities, livelihood
and living conditions. of disaster-affected communities, including efforts to reduce disaster risk
factors, in accordance with the principles of "build back better".
(bb) "Preparedness" - pre-disaster actions and measures being undertaken within the context of disaster risk
reduction and management and are based on sound risk analysis as well as pre-disaster activities to
avert or minimize loss of life and property such as, but not limited to, community organizing, training,
planning, equipping, stockpiling, hazard mapping, insuring of assets, and public information and
education initiatives. This also includes the development/enhancement of an overall preparedness
strategy, policy, institutional structure, warning and forecasting capabilities, and plans that define
measures geared to help at-risk communities safeguard their lives and assets by being alert to hazards
and taking appropriate action in the face of an Imminent threat or an actual disaster.
(cc) "Private Sector" - the key actor in the realm of the economy where the central social concern and
process are the mutually beneficial production and distribution of goods and services to meet the
physical needs of human beings. The private sector comprises private corporations, households and
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(ii) "Risk Assessment" - a methodology to determine the nature and extent of risk by analyzing potential
hazards and evaluating existing conditions of vulnerability that together could potentially harm
exposed people, property, services, livelihood and the environment on which they depend. Risk
assessments with associated risk mapping include: a review of the technical characteristics of hazards
such as their location, intensity, frequency and probability; the analysis of exposure and vulnerability
including the physical, social, health, economic and environmental dimensions; and the evaluation of
the effectiveness of prevailing and alternative coping capacities in respect to likely risk scenarios.
(jj) "Risk Management" - the systematic approach and practice of managing uncertainty to minimize
potential harm and loss. It comprises risk assessment and analysis, and the implementation of strategies
and specific actions to control, reduce and transfer risks. It is widely practiced by organizations to
minimize risk in investment decisions and to address operational risks such as those of business
disruption, production failure, environmental damage, social impacts and damage from fire and natural
(kk) "Risk Transfer" - the process of formally or informally shifting the financial consequences of particular
risks from one party to another whereby a household, community, enterprise or state authority will
obtain resources from the other party after a disaster occurs, in exchange for ongoing or compensatory
social or financial benefits provided to that other party.
(ll) "State of Calamity" - a condition involving mass casualty and/or major damages to property, disruption
of means of livelihoods, roads and normal way of life of people in the affected areas as a result of the
occurrence of natural or human-induced hazard.
(mm) "Sustainable Development" - development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two (2)
key concepts: (1) the concept of "needs", in particular, the essential needs of the world's poor, to which
overriding priority should be given; and (2) the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology
and social organizations on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs. It is the
harmonious integration of a sound and viable economy, responsible governance, social cohesion and
harmony, and ecological integrity to ensure that human development now and through future
generations is a life-enhancing process.
(nn) "Vulnerability" - the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it
susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard. Vulnerability may arise from various physical, social,
economic, and environmental factors such as poor design and construction of buildings, inadequate
protection of assets, lack of public information and awareness, limited official recognition of risks and
Section 4. Scope. - This Act provides for the development of policies and plans and the implementation of
actions and measures pertaining to all aspects of disaster risk reduction and management, including good
governance, risk assessment and early warning, knowledge building and awareness raising, reducing
underlying risk factors, and preparedness for effective response and early recovery.
Section 5. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council. - The present National Disaster
Coordinating Council or NDCC shall henceforth be known as the National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Council, hereinafter referred to as the NDRRMC or the National Council. The National
Council shall be headed by the Secretary of the Department of National Defense (DND) as Chairperson
with the Secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) as Vice Chairperson for
Disaster Preparedness, the Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) as
Vice Chairperson for Disaster Response, the Secretary of the Department of Science and Technology
(DOST) as Vice Chairperson for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, and the Director-General of the
National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) as Vice Chairperson for Disaster Rehabilitation
and Recovery.
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The National Council's members shall be the following:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Health (DOH);
(b) Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR);
(c) Secretary of the Department of Agriculture (DA);
(d) Secretary of the Department of Education (DepED);
(e) Secretary of the Department of Energy (DOE);
(f) Secretary of the Department of Finance (DOF)
(g) Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry (DT!);
(h) Secretary of the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC);
(i) Secretary of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM);
(j) Secretary of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH);
(k) Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA);
(l) Secretary of the Department of Justice (DOJ);
(m) Secretary of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE);
(n) Secretary of the Department of Tourism (DOT);
(o) The Executive Secretary;
(p) Secretary of the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP);
(q) Chairman, Commission on Higher Education (CHED);
(r) Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP);
(s) Chief, Philippine National Police (PNP);
(t) The Press Secretary;
(u) Secretary General of the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC);
(v) Commissioner of the National Anti-Poverty Commission-Victims of Disasters and Calamities Sector
(w) Chairperson, National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women;
(x) Chairperson, Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC);
(y) Executive Director of the Climate Change Office of the Climate Change Commission;
(z) President, Government Service Insurance System (GSIS);
(aa) President, Social Security System (SSS);
(bb) President, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth);
(cc) President of the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP);
(dd) President of the League of Provinces of the Philippines (LPP);
The representatives from the CSOs and the private sector shall be selected from among their respective ranks
based on the criteria and mechanisms to be set for this purpose by the National Council.
Section 6. Powers and Functions of the NDRRMC. - The National Council, being empowered with policy-
making, coordination, integration, supervision, monitoring and evaluation functions, shall have the
following responsibilities:
(a) Develop a NDRRMF which shall provide for a comprehensive, all-hazards, multisectoral, inter-agency
and community-based approach to disaster risk reduction and management. The Framework shall serve
as the principal guide to disaster risk reduction and management efforts in the country and shall be
reviewed on a five (5)- year interval, or as may be deemed necessary, in order to ensure its relevance to
the times;
(b) Ensure that the NDRRMP is consistent with the NDRRMF;
(c) Advise the President on the status of disaster preparedness, prevention, mitigation, response and
rehabilitation operations being undertaken by the government, CSOs, private sector, and volunteers;
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recommend to the President the declaration of a state of calamity in areas extensively damaged; and
submit proposals to restore normalcy in the affected areas, to include calamity fund allocation;
(d) Ensure a multi-stakeholder participation in the development, updating, and sharing of a Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Information System and Geographic Information System-based national
risk map as policy, planning and decision-making tools;
(e) Establish a national early warning and emergency alert system to provide accurate and timely advice to
national or local emergency response organizations and to the general public through diverse mass
media to include digital and analog broadcast, cable, satellite television and radio, wireless
communications, and landline communications;
(f) Develop appropriate risk transfer mechanisms that shall guarantee social and economic protection and
increase resiliency in the face of disaster;
(g) Monitor the development and enforcement by agencies and organizations of the various laws,
guidelines, codes or technical standards required by this Act;
(h) Manage and mobilize resources for disaster risk reduction and management including the National
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund;
(i) Monitor and provide the necessary guidelines and procedures. on the Local Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Fund (LDRRMF) releases as well as utilization, accounting and auditing thereof;
(j) Develop assessment tools on the existing and potential hazards and risks brought about by climate
change to vulnerable areas and ecosystems in coordination with the Climate Change Commission;
(k) Develop vertical and horizontal coordination mechanisms for a more coherent implementation of
disaster risk reduction and management policies and programs by sectoral agencies and LGUs;
(l) Formulate a national institutional capability building program for disaster risk reduction and
management to address the specific' weaknesses of various government agencies an LGUs, based on
the results of a biennial baseline assessment and studies;
Formulate, harmonize, and translate into policies a national agenda for research and technology
development on disaster risk reduction and management;
(n) In coordination with the Climate Change Commission, formulate and implement a framework for
climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and management from which all policies,
programs, and projects shall be based;
(o) Constitute a technical management group composed of representatives of the abovementioned
departments, offices, and organizations, that shall coordinate and meet as often as necessary to
effectively manage and sustain national efforts on disaster risk reduction and management;
(p) Task the OCD to conduct periodic assessment and performance monitoring of the member-agencies of
the NDRRMC, and the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils (RDRRMCs), as
defined in the NDRRMP; and (q) Coordinate or oversee the Implementation of the country's
obligations with disaster management treaties to which it IS a party and see to It that the country's
disaster management treaty obligations be incorporated in its disaster risk reduction and management
frameworks, policies, plans, programs and projects.
Section 7. Authority of the NDRRMC Chairperson. - The Chairperson of the NDRRMC may call upon other
instrumentalities or entities of the government and nongovernment and civic organizations for assistance In
terms of the use of their facilities and resources for the protection and preservation of life and properties in
the whole range of disaster risk reduction and management. This authority includes the power to call on the
reserve force as defined in Republic Act No. 7077 to assist in relief and rescue during disasters or
Section 8. The Office of Civil Defense. - The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) shall have the primary mission of
administering a comprehensive national civil defense and disaster risk reduction and management program
by providing leadership in the continuous development of strategic and systematic approaches as well as
measures to reduce the vulnerabilities and risks to hazards and manage the consequences of disasters.
The Administrator of the OCD shall also serve as Executive Director of the National Council and, as such,
shall have the same duties and privileges of a department undersecretary. All appointees shall be
universally acknowledged experts in the field of disaster preparedness and management and of proven
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honesty and integrity. The National Council shall utilize the services and facilities of the OCD as the
secretariat of the National Council.
Section 9. Powers and Functions of the OCD. - The OCD shall have the following powers and functions:
(a) Advise the National Council on matters relating to disaster risk reduction and management consistent
with the policies and scope as defined in this Act;
(b) Formulate and implement the NDRRMP and ensure that the physical framework, social, economic and
environmental plans of communities, cities, municipalities and provinces are consistent with such plan.
The National Council shall approve the NDRRMP;
(c) Identify, assess and prioritize hazards and risks in consultation with key stakeholders;
(d) Develop and ensure the implementation of national standards in carrying out disaster risk reduction
programs including preparedness, mitigation, prevention, response and rehabilitation works, from data
collection and analysis, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation;
(e) Review and evaluate the Local Disaster risk Reduction and Management Plans (LDRRMPs) to
facilitate the integration of disaster risk reduction measures into the local Comprehensive Development
Plan (CDP) and Comprehensive Land-Use Plan (CL UP);
(f) Ensure that the LG U s, through the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Offices
(LDRRMOs) are properly informed and adhere to the national standards and programs;
(g) Formulate standard operating procedures for the deployment of rapid assessment/ teams, information
sharing among different government agencies, and coordination before and after disasters at all levels;
(h) Establish standard operating procedures on the communication system among provincial, city,
municipal, and barangay disaster risk reduction and management councils, for purposes of warning and
alerting them and for gathering information on disaster areas before, during and after disasters;
(i) Establish Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Training Institutes in such suitable location as
may be deemed appropriate to train public and private individuals, both local and national, in such
subject as disaster risk reduction and management among others. The Institute shall consolidate and
prepare training materials and publications of disaster risk reduction and management books and
manuals to assist disaster risk reduction and management workers in the planning and implementation
of this program and projects. The Institute shall conduct research programs to upgrade know ledge and
skills and document best practices on disaster risk reduction and management. The Institute is also
mandated to conduct periodic awareness and education programs to accommodate new elective
officials and members of the LDRRMCs;
(j) Ensure that all disaster risk reduction programs, projects and activities requiring regional and
international support shall be in accordance with duly established national policies and aligned with
international agreements;
(k) Ensure that government agencies and LGUs give top priority and take adequate and appropriate
Operations Center (NDRRMOC) that shall be operated and staffed on a twenty-four (24) hour basis;
Prepare the criteria and procedure for the enlistment of accredited community disaster volunteers
(ACDVs). It shall include a manual of operations for the volunteers which shall be developed by the
OCD in consultation with various stakeholders;
(o) Provide advice and technical assistance and assist in mobilizing necessary resources to increase the
overall capacity of LGUs, specifically the low income and in high-risk areas;
(p) Create the necessary offices to perform its mandate as provided under this Act;
Perform such other functions as may be necessary for effective operations and implementation of this Act.
Section 10. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Organization at the Regional Level. - The current
Regional Disaster Coordinating Councils shall henceforth be known as the Regional Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Councils (RDRRMCs) which shall coordinate, integrate, supervise, and
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evaluate the activities of the LDRRMCs. The RDRRMC shall be responsible in ensuring disaster sensitive
regional development plans, and in case of emergencies shall convene the different regional line agencies
and concerned institutions and authorities.
The RDRRMCs shall establish an operating facility to be known as the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Operations Center (RDRRMOC) whenever necessary.
The civil defense officers of the OCD who are or may be designated as Regional Directors of the OCD
shall serve as chairpersons of the RDRRMCs. Its Vice Chairpersons shall be the Regional Directors of the
DSWD, the DILG, the DOST, and the NEDA. In the case of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
(ARMM), the Regional Governor shall be the RDRRMC Chairperson. The existing regional offices of the
OCD shall serve as secretariat of the RDRRMCs. The RDRRMCs shall be composed of the executives of
regional offices and field stations at the regional level of the government agencies.
Section 11. Organization at the Local Government Level. - The existing Provincial, City, and Municipal
Disaster Coordinating Councils shall henceforth be known as the Provincial, City, and Municipal Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Councils. The Barangay Disaster Coordinating Councils shall cease to
exist and its powers and functions shall henceforth be assumed by the existing Barangay Development
Councils (BDCs) which shall serve as the LDRRMCs in every barangay.
(a) Composition: The LDRRMC shall be composed of, but not limited to, the following:
(1) The Local Chief Executives, Chairperson;
(2) The Local Planning and Development Officer, member;
(3) The Head of the LDRRMO, member;
(4) The Head of the Local Social Welfare and Development Office, member;
(5) The Head of the Local Health Office, member;
(6) The Head of the Local Agriculture Office, member;
(7) The Head of the Gender and Development Office, member;
(8) The Head of the Local Engineering Office, member;
(9) The Head of the Local Veterinary Office, member;
(10) The Head of the Local Budget Office, member;
(11) The Division Head/Superintendent of Schools of the DepED, member;
(12) The highest-ranking officer of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) assigned in the area,
(13) The Provincial Director/City/Municipal Chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP), member;
(14) The Provincial Director/City/ Municipal Fire Marshall of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP),
(15) The President of the Association of Barangay Captains (ABC), member;
(16) The Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC), member;
(17) Four (4) accredited CSOs, members; and
(18) One (1) private sector representative, member.
(b) The LDRRMCs shall have the following functions:
(1) Approve, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the LDRRMPs and regularly review and test
the plan consistent with other national and local planning programs;
(2) Ensure the integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into local
development plans, programs and budgets as a strategy in sustainable development and poverty
(3) Recommend the implementation of forced or preemptive evacuation of local residents, if necessary;
(4) Convene the local council once every three (3) months or as necessary.
Section 12. Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (LDRRMO). –
(a) There shall be established an LDRRMO in every province, city and municipality, and a Barangay
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee (BDRRMC) in every · barangay which shall be
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responsible for setting the direction, development, implementation and coordination of disaster risk
management programs within their territorial jurisdiction.
(b) The LDRRMO shall be under the office of the governor, city or municipal mayor, and the punong
barangay in case of the BDRRMC. The LDRRMOs shall be initially organized and composed of a
DRRMO to be assisted by three (3) staff responsible for: (1) administration and training; (2) research
and planning; and (3) operations and warning. The LDRRMOs and the BDRRMCs shall organize,
train and directly supervise the local emergency response teams and the ACDVs.
(c) The provincial, city and municipal DRRMOs or BDRRMCs shall perform the following functions with
impartiality given the emerging challenges brought by disasters of our times:
(1) Design, program, and coordinate disaster risk reduction and management activities consistent with
the National Council's standards and guidelines;
(2) Facilitate and support risk assessments and contingency planning activities at the local level;
(3) Consolidate local disaster risk information which includes natural hazards, vulnerabilities, and
climate change risks, and maintain a local risk map;
(4) Organize and conduct training, orientation, and knowledge management activities on disaster risk
reduction and management at the local level;
(5) Operate a multi-hazard early warning system, linked to disaster risk reduction to provide accurate
and timely advice to national or local emergency response organizations and to the general public,
through diverse mass media, particularly radio, landline communications, and technologies for
communication within rural communities;
(6) Formulate and implement a comprehensive and - integrated LDRRMP in accordance with the
national, regional and provincial framework, and policies on disaster risk reduction in close
coordination with the local development councils (LDCs);
(7) Prepare and submit to the local sanggunian through the LDRRMC and the LDC the annual
LDRRMO Plan and budget, the proposed programming of the LDRRMF, other dedicated disaster
risk reduction and management resources, and other regular funding source/s and budgetary
support of the LDRRMO/BDRRMC;
(8) Conduct continuous disaster monitoring and mobilize instrumentalities and entities of the LGUs,
CSOs, private groups and organized volunteers, to utilize their facilities and resources for the
protection and preservation of life and properties during emergencies in accordance with existing
policies and procedures;
(9) Identify, assess and manage the hazards vulnerabilities and risks that may occur in their locality;
(10) Disseminate information and raise public awareness about those hazards. vulnerabilities and risks,
their nature, effects, early warning signs and countermeasures;
(11) Identify and implement cost-effective risk reduction measures/strategies;
(12) Maintain a database of human resource, equipment, directories, and location of critical
infrastructures and their capacities such as hospitals and evacuation centers;
(13) Develop, strengthen and operationalize mechanisms for partnership or networking with the private
sector, CSOs, and volunteer groups;
(14) Take all necessary steps on a continuing basis to maintain, provide, or arrange the provision of, or
to otherwise make available, suitably-trained and competent personnel for effective civil defense
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(20) Establish linkage/network with other LGUs for disaster risk reduction and emergency response
(21) Recommend through the LDRRMC the enactment of local ordinances consistent with the
requirements of this Act;
(22) Implement policies, approved plans and programs of the LDRRMC consistent with the policies
and guidelines laid down in this Act;
(23) Establish a Provincial/City/Municipal/Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Operations Center;
(24) Prepare and submit, through the LDRRMC and the LDC, the report on the utilization of the
LDRRMF and other dedicated disaster risk reduction and management resources to the local
Commission on Audit (COA), copy furnished the regional director of the OCD and the Local
Government Operations Officer of the DILG; and
(25) Act on other matters that may be authorized by the LDRRMC.
(d) The BDRRMC shall be a regular committee of the existing BDC and shall be subject thereto. The
punong barangay shall facilitate and ensure the participation of at least two (2) CSO representatives
from existing and active community-based people's organizations representing the most vulnerable and
marginalized groups in the barangay.
Section 13. Accreditation, Mobilization, and Protection of Disaster Volunteers and National Service Reserve
Corps, CSOs and the Private Sector. - The government agencies, CSOs, private sector and LGUs may
mobilize individuals or organized volunteers to augment their respective personnel complement and
logistical requirements in the delivery of disaster risk reduction programs and activities. The agencies,
CSOs, private sector, and LGUs concerned shall take full responsibility for the enhancement, welfare and
protection of volunteers, and shall submit the list of volunteers to the OCD, through the LDRRMOs, for
accreditation and inclusion in the database of community disaster volunteers.
A national roster of ACDVs, National Service Reserve Corps, CSOs and the private sector shall be maintained
by the OCD through the LDRRMOs. Accreditation shall be done at the municipal or city level.
Mobilization of volunteers shall be in accordance with the guidelines to be formulated by the NDRRMC
consistent with the provisions of this Act. Any volunteer who incurs death or injury while engaged in any
of the activities defined under this Act shall be entitled to compensatory benefits and individual personnel
accident insurance as may be defined under the guidelines.
Section 14. Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction Education into the School Curricula and Sangguniang
Kabataan (SK) Program and Mandatory Training for the Public Sector Employees. - The DepEd, the
CHED, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), in coordination with the
OCD, the National Youth Commission (NYC), the DOST, the DENR, the DILG-BFP, the DOH, the
DSWD and other relevant agencies, shall integrate disaster risk reduction and management education in the
school curricula of secondary and tertiary level of education, including the National Service Training
Program (NSTP), whether private or public, including formal and nonformal, technical-vocational,
indigenous learning, and out-of-school youth courses and programs. The NDRRMC, the RDRRMCs, the
LDRRMCs, the LDRRMOs, the BDRRMCs and the SK councils shall encourage community, specifically
the youth, participation in disaster risk reduction and management activities, such as organizing quick
response groups, particularly in identified disaster-prone areas, as well as the inclusion of disaster risk
reduction and management programs as part of the SK programs and projects. The public sector employees
shall be trained in emergency response and preparedness. The training is mandatory for such employees to
comply with the provisions of this Act.
Section 15. Coordination During Emergencies. - The LDRRMCs shall take the lead in preparing for,
responding to, and recovering from the effects of any disaster based on the following criteria:
(a) The BDC, if a barangay is affected;
(b) The city/municipal DRRMCs, If two (2) or more barangays are affected;
(c) The provincial DRRMC, if two (2) or more cities/municipalities are affected;
(d) The regional DRRMC, if two (2) or more provinces are affected; and
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(e) The NDRRMC, if two (2) or more regions are affected.
The NDRRMC and intermediary LDRRMCs shall always act as support to LGUs which have the primary
responsibility as first disaster responders. Private sector and civil society groups shall work in accordance
with the coordination mechanism and policies set by the NDRRMC and concerned LDRRMCs.
Section 16. Declaration of State of Calamity. - The National Council shall recommend to the President of the
Philippines the declaration of a cluster of barangays, municipalities, cities, provinces, and regions under a
state of calamity, and the lifting thereof, based on the criteria set by the National Council. The President's
declaration may warrant international humanitarian assistance as deemed necessary. The declaration and
lifting of the state of calamity may also be issued by the local sanggunian, upon the recommendation of the
LDRRMC, based on the results of the damage assessment and needs analysis.
Section 17. Remedial Measures. - The declaration of a state of calamity shall make mandatory the Immediate
undertaking of the following remedial measures by the member agencies concerned as defined in this Act:
(a) Imposition of price ceiling on basic necessities and prime commodities by the President upon the
recommendation of the implementing agency as provided for under Republic Act No. 7581, otherwise
known as the "Price Act", or the National Price Coordinating Council;
(b) Monitoring, prevention and control by the Local Price Coordination Council of
overpricing/profiteering and hoarding of prime commodities, medicines and petroleum products;
(c) Programming/reprogramming of funds for the repair and safety upgrading of public infrastructures and
facilities; and
(d) Granting of no-interest loans by government financing or lending institutions to the most affected
section of the population through their cooperatives or people's organizations.
Section 18. Mechanism for International Humanitarian Assistance. - (a) The importation and donation of food,
clothing, medicine and equipment for relief and recovery and other disaster management and recovery-
related supplies is hereby authorized in accordance with Section 105 of the Tariff and Customs Code of the
Philippines, as amended, and the prevailing provisions of the General Appropriations Act covering national
internal revenue taxes and import duties of national and local government agencies; and (b) Importations
and donations under this section shall be considered as importation by and/or donation to the NDRRMC,
subject to the approval of the Office of the President.
Section 19. Prohibited Acts. - Any person, group or corporation who commits any of the following prohibited
acts shall be held liable and be subjected to the penalties as prescribed in Section 20 of this Act:
(a) Dereliction of duties which leads to destruction, loss of lives, critical damage of facilities and misuse
of funds;
(b) Preventing the entry and distribution of relief goods in disaster-stricken areas, including appropriate
technology, tools, equipment, accessories, disaster teams/experts;
(c) Buying, for consumption or resale, from disaster relief agencies any relief goods, equipment or other
and commodities which are intended for distribution to disaster affected communities;
(d) Buying, for consumption or resale, from the recipient disaster affected persons any relief goods,
equipment or other aid commodities received by them;
(e) Selling of relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities which are intended for distribution to
disaster victims;
(f) Forcibly seizing relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities intended for or consigned to a
specific group of victims or relief agency;
(g) Diverting or misdelivery of relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities to persons other than the
rightful recipient or consignee;
(h) Accepting, possessing, using or disposing relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities not
intended for nor consigned to him/her;
(i) Misrepresenting the source of relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities by:
(1) Either covering, replacing or defacing the labels of the containers to make it appear that the goods,
equipment or other aid commodities came from another agency or persons;
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(2) Repacking the goods, equipment or other aid commodities into containers with different markings
to make it appear that the goods came from another agency or persons or was released upon the
instance of a particular agency or persons;
(3) Making false verbal claim that the goods, equipment or other aid commodity in its untampered
original containers actually came from another agency or persons or was released upon the
instance of a particular agency or persons;
(j) Substituting or replacing relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities with the same items or
inferior/cheaper quality;
(k) Illegal solicitations by persons or organizations representing others as defined in the standards and
guidelines set by the NDRRMC;
(l) Deliberate use of false at inflated data in support of the request for funding, relief goods, equipment or
other aid commodities for emergency assistance or livelihood projects; and
(m) Tampering with or stealing hazard monitoring and disaster preparedness equipment and paraphernalia.
Section 20. Penal Clause. - Any individual, corporation, partnership, association, or other juridical entity that
commits any of the prohibited acts provided for in Section 19 of this Act shall be prosecuted and upon
conviction shall suffer a fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos (Php50,000.00) or any amount not to
exceed Five hundred thousand pesos (php500,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than six (6) years and
one (1) day or more than twelve (12) years, or both, at the discretion of the court, including perpetual
disqualification from public office if the offender is a public officer, and confiscation or forfeiture in favor
of the government of the objects and the instrumentalities used in committing any of herein prohibited acts.
If the offender is a corporation, partnership or association, or other juridical entity, the penalty shall be
imposed upon the officer or officers of the corporation, partnership, association or entity responsible for the
violation without prejudice to the cancellation or revocation of these entities license or accreditation issued
to them by any licensing or accredited body of the government. If such offender is an alien, he or she shall,
in addition to the penalties prescribed in this Act, be deported without further proceedings after service of
the sentence.
However, the prosecution for offenses set forth in Section 19 of this Act shall be without prejudice to any
liability for violation of Republic Act No. 3185, as amended, otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code,
and other civil liabilities.
Section 21. “Local Disaster Risk" Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF). – The present Local Calamity
Fund shall henceforth be known as the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF).
Not less than five percent (5%) of the estimated revenue from regular sources shall be set aside as the
LDRRMF to support disaster risk management activities such as, but not limited to, pre-disaster
preparedness programs including training, purchasing life-saving rescue equipment, supplies and
medicines, for post-disaster activities, and for the payment of premiums on calamity insurance. The
LDRRMC shall monitor and evaluate the use and disbursement of the LDRRMF based on the. LDRRMP
as incorporated in the local development plans and annual work and financial plan. Upon the
recommendation of the LDRRMO and approval of the sanggunian concerned, the LDRRMC may transfer
the said fund to support disaster risk reduction work of other LDRRMCs which are declared under state of
Of the amount appropriated for LDRRMF, thirty percent (30%) shall be allocated as Quick Response Fund
(QRF) or stand-by fund for relief and recovery programs in order that situation and living conditions of
people In communities or areas stricken by disasters, calamities, epidemics, or complex emergencies, may
be normalized as quickly as possible. Unexpended LDRRMF shall accrue to a special trust fund solely for
the purpose of supporting disaster risk reduction and management activities of the LDRRMCs within the
next five (5) years. Any such amount still not fully utilized after five (5) years shall revert back to the
general fund and will be available for other social services to be identified by the local sanggunian.
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Section 22. National Disaster Risk" Reduction and Management Fund. –
(a) The present Calamity Fund appropriated under the annual General Appropriations Act shall henceforth
be known as the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (NDRRM Fund) and it shall
be used for disaster risk reduction or mitigation, prevention and preparedness activities such as but not
limited to training of personnel, procurement of equipment, and capital expenditures. It can also be
utilized for relief, recovery, reconstruction and other work or services in connection with natural or
human induced calamities which may occur during the budget year or those that occurred in the past
two (2) years from the budget year.
(b) The specific amount of the NDRRM Fund and the appropriate recipient agencies and/or LGUs shall be
determined upon approval of the President of the Philippines in accordance with the favorable
recommendation of the NDRRMC.
(c) Of the amount appropriated for the NDRRM Fund, thirty percent (30%) shall be allocated as Quick
Response Fund (QRF) or stand-by fund for relief and recovery programs in order that situation and
living conditions of people in communities or areas stricken by disasters, calamities, epidemics, or
complex emergencies, may be normalized as quickly as possible.
(d) All departments/agencies and LGUs that are allocated with DRRM fund shall submit to the NDRRMC
their monthly statements on the utilization of DRRM funds and make an accounting thereof in
accordance with existing accounting and auditing rules.
(e) All departments, bureaus, offices and agencies of the government are hereby authorized to use a
portion of their appropriations to implement projects designed to address DRRM activities in
accordance with the guidelines to be issued by the NDRRMC in coordination with the DBM.
Section 23. Funding of the OCD. - As lead agency to carry out the provisions of this Act, the OCD shall be
allocated a budget of One billion pesos (Php1,000,000,000.00) revolving fund starting from the effectivity
of this Act.
Section 24. Annual Report. - The National Council, through the OCD, shall submit to the Office of the
President, the Senate and the House of Representatives, within the first quarter of the succeeding year, an
annual report relating to the progress of the implementation of the NDRRMP.
Section 25. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - The NDRRMC, through its Chairperson, shall issue the
necessary rules and regulations for the effective implementation of this Act within ninety (90) days after
approval of this Act. The OCD, in consultation with key stakeholders, shall take the lead in the preparation
of the implementing rules and regulations with the active involvement of the technical management group
of the NDRRMC.
Section 26. Congressional Oversight Committee. - There is hereby created a Congressional Oversight
Committee to monitor and oversee the implementation of the provisions of this Act. The Committee shall
be composed of six (6) members from the Senate and six (6) members from the House of Representatives
with the Chairpersons of the Committees on National Defense and Security of both the Senate and the
House of Representatives as joint Chairpersons of this Committee. The five (5) other members from each
Chamber are to be designated by the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives
respectively. The minority shall be entitled to pro rata represent3tion but shall have at least two (2)
representatives from each Chamber.
Section 27. Sunset Review. - Within five (5) years after the effectivity of this Act, or as the need arises, the
Congressional Oversight Committee shall conduct a sunset review. For purposes of this Act, the term
"sunset review" shall mean a systematic evaluation by the Congressional Oversight Committee of the
accomplishments and impact of this Act, as well as the performance and organizational structure of its
implementing agencies, for purposes of determining remedial legislation.
Section 28. Repealing Clause. - Presidential Decree No. 1566 and all other laws, decrees, executive orders,
proclamations and other executive issuances which are inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions of
this Act are hereby amended or repealed accordingly.
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Section 29. Separability Clause. - If any provision of this Act shall be held unconstitutional or invalid, the other
provisions not otherwise affected shall remain m full force and effect.
Section 30. Effectivity Clause. - This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days following its complete publication in
the Official Gazette or in two (2) national newspapers of general circulation.
This Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 3086 and House Bill No, 6985 was finally passed
by the Senate and the House of Representatives on February 1, 2010
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Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 10121
Source: National Disaster Coordinating Council, now NDRRMC, (2010). Implementing Rules and
Regulations of Republic Act No. 10121. Retrieved March 2016 from http://ndrrmc.gov.ph
Section 1. Title – Theses rules shall be known and cited as the Implementing Rules and
Regulatory of Republic Act No.10121 also known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Act of 2010(PDRRM Act of 2010)
Section 2. Purpose – These Rules are hereby promulgated to prescribe the manner, procedures
and guidelines for the implementation of the PDRRM Act of 2010, to facilitate compliance
therewith, and achieve the objectives thereof.
Section 3. Declaration of Policy - it is the policy of the State to:
(a) Uphold the people‟s constitutional rights to life and property by addressing the root causes
of vulnerabilities to disasters, strengthening the country‟s institutional capacity for disaster
risk reduction and management, and building the resilience of local communities to
disasters including climate change impacts;
(b) Adhere to and adopt the universal norms, principles, and standards of humanitarian
assistance such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Guiding Principles and
Guidelines on Internal Displacement and Durable Solutions, Convention on the Elimination
of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Convention on the Rights of the Child and
the global effort on risk reduction as concrete expression of the country‟s commitment to
overcome human sufferings due to recurring disasters;
(c) Incorporate internationally accepted principles and guideline of disaster risk management in
the creation and implementation of national, regional and local sustainable development
and poverty reduction strategies, policies, plans and budgets;
(d) Adopt a disaster risk reduction and management approach that is holistic, comprehensive,
integrated and proactive in lessening the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of
disasters including climate change, and promote the involvement and participation of all
sectors and all stakeholders concerned, at all levels, especially the local community.
(e) Develop, promote, and implement a comprehensive National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Plan (NDRRMP) that aims to strengthen the capacity of the national
government and the local government units (LGUs) , together with partner stakeholders, to
build the disaster resilience of communities, and – to institutionalize arrangements and
measures for reducing disaster risks, including projected climate risks, and enhancing
disaster preparedness and response capabilities at all levels;
(f) Adopt and implement a coherent, comprehensive, integrated, efficient and responsive
disaster risk reduction program incorporated in the development plan at various levels of
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government adhering to the principles of good governance such as transparency and
accountability within the context of poverty and environmental protection;
(g) Mainstream disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation and mitigation in
development processes such as policy formulation, socioeconomic development planning,
budgeting and governance, particularly in the areas of environment, agriculture, water,
energy, health, education, poverty reduction, land-use and urban planning, and public
infrastructure and housing, among others;
(h) Institutionalizing the policies, structures coordination mechanisms and programs with
continuing budget appropriation on disaster risk reduction from national down to local
levels towards building a disaster-resilient nation and communities;
(i) Mainstream disaster risk reduction into the peace process and conflict resolution
approaches in order to minimize loss of lives and damage to property, and ensure that
communities in conflict zones including Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) can
immediately go back to their normal lives during periods of intermittent conflicts;
(j) Ensure that disaster risk reduction and climate change measures are gender responsive,
sensitive to indigenous knowledge systems and cultures, and respectful of human rights;
(k) Recognize the local risk patterns across the country and strengthen the capacity of LGUs
for disaster risk reduction and management through decentralized powers, responsibilities,
and resources at the regional and local levels;
(l) Recognize and strengthen the capacities of LGUs and communities in mitigating and
preparing for, responding to, and recovering from the impact of disasters;
(m) Engage the participation of civil society organizations (CSOs), the private sector and
volunteers in the government‟s disaster risk reduction programs towards complementation
of resource and effective delivery of services to citizenry;
(n) Develop and strengthen the capacities of vulnerable and marginalized groups to mitigate,
prepare for, respond to, and recover from the effects of disasters;
(o) Enhance and implement a program where humanitarian aid workers, communities health
professionals, government aid agencies, donors, and the media are educated and trained on
how they can actively support breastfeeding before and during a disaster and/or an
emergency; and
(p) Provide maximum care, assistance and services to individuals and families affected by
disaster, implement emergency rehabilitation projects to lessen the impact of disaster, and
reduction and management, including good governance, risk assessment and early warning,
knowledge building and awareness raising, reducing underlying risk factors, and preparedness
of effective response and early recovery. These shall apply to all levels of governance, civil
societies, private sectors and all other DRM stakeholders.
Section 1 – whenever used in these Rules, the following shall refer to:
(a) “Adaptation” – the adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or
expected climactic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial
(b) “Capacity” – a combination of all strengths and resources available within a community,
society or organization that can reduce the level of risk, or effects of a disaster. Capacity
may include infrastructure and physical means, institutions, societal coping abilities, as well
as human knowledge, skills, tools, systems, processes, appropriate technologies and
collective attributes such as social relationships, leadership and management. Capacity may
also be described as capability.
(c) “Civil Defense” – disaster preparedness and prevention activities, other than military
actions, geared towards the reduction of loss of life and property brought about by natural
and human-induced disasters. Civil defense may also be referred to as Civil Protection.
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(d) “Civil Society Organizations” or “CSOs” – non-state actors whose aims are neither to
generate profits nor to seek governing power. CSOs unite people to advance shared goals
and interests. They have a presences in public life, expressing the interests and values of
their members or others, and are based on social, ethical, cultural, scientific, religious or
philanthropic and other considerations. CSOs include non-government organizations
(NGOs), professional associations, foundations, independent research institutes,
community-based organizations (CBOs), faith-based organizations, people‟s organizational,
social movements, and labor unions.
(e) “Climate Change” – a change in climate that can‟t be identified by changes in the mean
and/or variability of its properties and that persists for an extended period typically decades
or longer, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity.
(f) “Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management” or “CBDRRM” – a process
of disaster risk reduction and management in which at risk communities are actively
engaged in the identification, analysis, treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster
risks in order to reduce their vulnerabilities and enhance their capacities, and where the
people are at the heart of decision-making and implementation of disaster risk reduction
and management activities.
(g) “Complex Emergency” – a form of human-induced emergency in which the cause of the
emergency as well as the assistance to the afflicted is complicated by intense level of
political considerations.
(h) “Contingency Planning” – a management process that analyzes specific potential events or
emerging situation that might threaten society or the environment and establishes
arrangements in advance to enable timely, effective and appropriate responses to such
events and situations.
(i) “Disaster” – a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving
widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds
the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Disasters
are often described as a result of the combination of: the exposure to hazard; the conditions
of vulnerability that are present; and insufficient capacity or measures to reduce or cope
with the potential negative effects on human, physical, mental and social well-being,
together with damage to property, destruction of assets, loss of services, social and
economic disruption and environmental degradation.
(j) “Disaster Mitigation” – the lessening or limitation of the adverse impacts of hazards and
related disasters. Mitigation measures include but not limited to the engineering techniques
and hazard-resistant construction but includes as well as improved environmental policies
efficiently manage all types of emergencies and achieve orderly transitions from response
to sustained recovery. Preparedness is based on a sound analysis of disaster risk, and good
linkages with early warning systems, and includes such activities as contingency planning,
stockpiling of equipment and supplies, the development of arrangements for coordination,
evacuation and public information, and associated training and field exercises. These must
be supported by formal institutional, legal and budgetary capacities.
(l) “Disaster Prevention” – the outright avoidance of adverse impacts of hazards and related
disasters. It expresses the concept and intention to completely avoid potential adverse
impacts through action taken in advance such as construction of dams or embankments that
eliminate flood risk, land-use regulations that do not permit any settlement in high-risk
zones, and seismic engineering designs that ensure the survival and function of a critical
building in any likely earthquake.
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(m) “Disaster Response” – the provision of emergency services and public assistance during or
immediately after a disaster in order to save lives, reduce health impacts, ensure public
safety and meet the basic subsistence needs of the people affected. Disaster response is
predominantly focused on immediate and short-term needs and is sometimes called
“disaster relief”.
(n) “Disaster Risk” –the potential disaster losses in lives, health status, livelihood, assets and
services, which could occur to a particular community or a society over some specified
future time period.
(o) “Disaster Risk Reduction” – the concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through
systematic efforts to analyze and manage the causal factors of disasters, including through
reduced exposures to hazards, lessened vulnerability of people and property, wise
management of land and the environment, and improved preparedness for adverse events.
(p) “Disaster Risk Reduction and Management” – the systematic process of using
administrative directives, organizations and operational skills and capacities to implement
strategies, policies an improved coping capacities in order to lessen the adverse impacts of
hazards and the possibility of disaster. Prospective disaster risk reduction and management
refers to risk reduction and management activities that address and seek to avoid the
development of new or increased disaster risks especially if risk reduction policies are not
put in place.
(q) “Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Information System” – a specialized database
which contains, among others, information on disaster and their human material, economic
and environmental impact, risk assessment and mapping and vulnerable groups.
(r) Disaster Victims – persons or groups of persons who have been adversely affected a natural
or human-induced hazard who have to leave their habitual places of residence due to exiting
or impending threats, damaged shelter units, with casualty among immediate family
members or those who remained in their habitual places of origin when still habitable but
whose main source of income or livelihood had been damaged and are experiencing
hopelessness and difficulty in coping or responding to the onslaught of the hazardous
events on their own resources.
(s) “Early Recovery” – multidimensional process of recovery that begins in a humanitarian
setting. It is guided by development principles that seek to build on humanitarian
programmes and catalyze sustainable development opportunities. It aims to generate self-
(t) “Early Warning Systems” – the set of capacities needed to generate and disseminate timely
and meaningful warning information to enable individuals, communities and organizations
threatened by a hazard to prepare and to act appropriately and insufficient time to reduce
the possibility of harm or loss. A people-centered early warning systems necessarily
comprises four (4) key elements: knowledge of the risk; monitoring, analysis and
forecasting of the hazards; communication or dissemination of alerts and warnings; and
local capabilities to respond to the warning received. The expression “end-to-end warning
system” is also used to emphasize that warning systems need to span all steps from hazard
detection to community response.
(u) “Emergency” – unforeseen or sudden occurrence, especially danger, demanding immediate
(v) “Emergency Management” – the organization and management of resource such as
volunteer funds, donations, food and non food items, temporary/evacuation centers, and
responsibilities for addressing all aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness,
response and initial recovery steps.
(w) “Exposure” = the degree to which the elements a risk are likely to experience hazard events
of different magnitudes.
(x) “Geographic Information System” – a database which contains, among others, geo-hazard
assessments, information on climate change, and climate risk reduction and management.
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(y) “Hazard” - dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause
loss of life, injury or other health impacts property damage, loss of livelihood and services,
social and economic disruption, or environmental damage.
(z) Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) or Persons Displaced by the disaster – are persons or
groups of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes or places
of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of natural or
human-induced disasters, and who have not crossed and internationally recognized State
(aa) “Land-Use Planning” – the process undertaken by public authorities to identify, and
evaluate and decide on different options for the use of land including considerations of
long-term economic, social and environmental objectives and the implications for different
communities and interest groups, and the subsequent formulation and promulgation of plans
that describe the permitted or accepted uses.
(bb) “Mitigation” – structural and non-structural measures undertaken to limit the adverse
impact of natural hazards, environmental degradation, and technological hazards and to
ensure the ability of at-risk communities to address vulnerabilities aimed at minimizing the
impact of disasters. Such measures include, but are not limited to, hazard-resistant
construction and engineering works, the formulation and implementation of plans,
programs, projects and activities, awareness raising, knowledge management, policies on
land-use and resource management, as well as the enforcement of comprehensive land-use
planning, building and safety standards and legislation.
(cc) “National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework” or “NDRRM
Framework” – provides for comprehensive, all hazards, multi-sectoral, inter-agency and
community-based approach to disaster risk reduction management.
(dd) “National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan” or “NDRRMP” – the document
to be formulated and implemented by the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) that sets out goals
and specific objectives for reducing disaster risks together with related actions to
accomplish these objectives. The NDRRMP shall provide for the identification of hazards,
vulnerabilities and risks to be managed at the national level; disaster risk reduction and
management approaches and strategies to be applied in managing said hazards and risks;
agency roles, responsibilities and lines of authority at all government levels; and vertical
and horizontal coordination of disaster risk reduction and management in the pre-disaster
and post-disaster phases and the budgetary resources to implement the plan. It shall be in
conformity with the NDRRM framework.
(ee) “Post-Disaster Recovery” – the restoration and improvement where appropriate, of
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manner, including through the preservation and restoration of its essential basic structures
and functions.
(kk) “Response” – any concentrated effort by two (2) or more agencies, public or private, to
provide assistance or intervention during or immediately after a disaster to meet the life
preservation and basic subsistence needs of those people affected and in the restoration of
essential public activities and facilities.
(ll) “Risk” – the combination of the probability of an event and its negative consequences, also,
the probability of harmful consequences, or expected losses (deaths, injuries, properties,
livelihoods, economic activity disruption or environment damage) resulting from
interactions between natural, human-induced hazards and vulnerable conditions.
(mm) “Risk Assessment” – a methodology to determine the nature and extent of risk by
analyzing potential hazards and evaluating existing conditions of vulnerability that together
could potentially harm exposed people, property, services, livelihood and the environment
on which they depend. Risk assessments with associated risk mapping include: a review of
the technical characteristics of hazards such as their location intensity, frequency and
probability; the analysis of exposure and vulnerability including the physical, social, health,
economic and environmental dimensions; and the evaluation of the effectiveness of
prevailing and alternative coping capacities in respect to likely risk scenarios.
(nn) “Risk Management” – the systematic approach and practice of managing uncertainty to
minimize potential harm and loss. It comprises risk assessment and analysis, and the
implementation of strategies and specific actions to control, reduce and transfer risks. It is
widely practiced by organizations to minimize risk in investment decisions and to address
operational risks such as those of business disruption, production failure, environmental
damage, social impacts and damage from fire and natural hazards.
(oo) “Risk Transfer” – the process of formally or informally shifting the financial consequences
of particular risks from one party to another whereby a household community, enterprise or
state authority shall obtain resources from the other party after a disaster occurs, in
exchange for ongoing or compensatory social or financial benefits provided to that other
(pp) “State of Calamity” – a condition involving mass casualty and/or major damages to
property, disruption of means of livelihoods, roads and normal way of life of people in the
affected areas as a result of the occurrence of natural or human-induced hazard.
(qq) “Sustainable Development” – development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it
two (2) key concepts: (1) the concept of “needs”, in particular, the essential needs of the
world‟s poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and (2) the idea of limitations
imposed by the state of technology and social organizations on the environment‟s ability to
meet present and future needs. It is the harmonious integration of a sound and viable
economy, responsible governance, social cohesion and harmony, and ecological integrity to
ensure that human development now and through future generations is a life-enhancing
(rr) “Volunteer” – individual/person or group who for reasons arising from their socio-
developmental, business and corporate orientation, commitment or conviction, contribute
time, service, and resources whether full time or part time base to a just and essential social
development cause, mission or endeavor in the belief that their activity is mutually
meaningful and beneficial to public interest as well as to themselves.
(ss) “Vulnerability” – the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system o asset that
make it susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard. Vulnerability may arise for various
physical, social, economic and environmental factors such as poor design and construction
of buildings, inadequate protection of assets, lack of public information and awareness,
limited official recognition of risks and preparedness measure, and disregard for wise
environmental management.
(tt) “Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups” – includes individuals or groups of people that face
higher exposure to disaster risk and poverty including, but not limited to, women, especially
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pregnant women, youth, children especially orphans and unaccompanied children, elderly,
differently-abled people, indigenous people, the disadvantaged families and individuals
living in high risk areas and danger zones, and those living in the road right-of-ways and
highly congested areas vulnerable to industrial, environmental, health hazards and road
accidents. Included into the exposures of poverty are the marginalized farmers and fisher
of Interior and Local Government (DILG) as Vice Chairperson for Disaster Preparedness, the
Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) as Vice
Chairperson for Disaster Response, the Secretary of the Department of Science and
Technology (DOST) as Vice-Chairperson for Disaster Response, the Secretary of the
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) a Vice-Chairperson for Disaster Prevention
and Mitigation, and the Director-General of the National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA) as Vice Chairperson for Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery. Other
members of the Council are:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Health (DOH);
(b) Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR);
(c) Secretary of the Department of Agriculture (DA);
(d) Secretary of the Department of Education (DepEd);
(e) Secretary of the Department of Energy (DOE);
(f) Secretary of the Department of Finance (DOF);
(g) Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI);
(h) Secretary of the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC);
(i) Secretary of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM);
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(cc) President of the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP);
(dd) President of the League of Provinces of the Philippines (LPP);
(ee) President of the League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP);
(ff) President of the League of Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP);
(gg) President of the Liga ng Mga Barangay (LMB);
(hh) Four representatives from CSOs;
(ii) One representative from the private sector; and
(jj) Administrator of the OCD.
In case of the CSO and Private sector representatives, the National Council shall provide for
the guidelines of selection and screening thereof.
Section 3. Power and Functions – the National Council, being empowered with policy making,
coordination, integration, supervision, monitoring and evaluation functions, shall have the
following responsibilities:
(a) Develop a NDRRM Framework which shall provide for comprehensive, all-hazards, multi-
sectoral, inter-agency and community-based approach to disaster risk reduction and
management. The Framework shall serve as the principal guide to disaster risk reduction
and management efforts in the country and shall be reviewed on a five (5) year interval, or
as may be deemed necessary, in order to ensure its relevance to the times;
(b) Ensure that the NDRRM Plan is consistent with the NDRRM Framework;
(c) Advise the President on the Status of disaster preparedness, prevention, mitigation,
response and rehabilitation operations being undertaken by the government, CSOs, private
sector, and volunteers; recommend to the President the declaration of a state of calamity in
areas extensively damaged; and submit proposals to restore normalcy in the affected areas,
to include calamity fund allocation;
(d) Ensure a multi-stakeholder participation in the development, updating and sharing of a
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Information System and Geographic Information
System-based national risk map as policy, planning and decision-making tools;
(e) Establish and/or strengthen a comprehensive, all hazards national early warning and
emergency alert system to provide accurate and timely advice to national or local
emergency response organizations and to the general public through diverse mass media to
include digital and analog broadcast, cable, satellite television and radio, wireless
communications, and landline communications;
(f) Develop appropriate risk transfer mechanisms that shall guarantee social and economic
Reduction and Management Fund (LDRMF) releases as well as utilization, accounting and
auditing thereof;
(j) Develop assessment tools on the existing and potential hazards and risks brought about by
climate change to vulnerable areas and ecosystems in coordination with the Climate Change
(k) Develop vertical and horizontal coordination mechanisms for a more coherent
implementation of disaster to address the specific weaknesses of various government
agencies and LGUs, based on the results of a biennial baseline assessment and studies.
(l) Formulate, harmonize and translate into policies a national agenda for research and
technology development on disaster risk reduction and management;
(m) In coordination with the Climate Change Commission, formulate and implement a
framework for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and management from
which all policies, programs and projects shall be based;
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(n) Constitute a technical management group composed of representatives of the
abovementioned departments, offices, and organizations, that shall coordinate and meet as
often as necessary to effectively manage and sustain national efforts on disaster risk
reduction and management;
(o) Task the OCD to conduct periodic assessment and performance monitoring of the member-
agencies of the NDRRMC, and the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Councils (RDRRMCs), as defined in the NDRRMP;
(p) Coordinate or oversee the implementation of the country‟s obligations with disaster
management treaties to which it is a party and see to it that the country‟s disaster
management treaty obligations be incorporated in its disaster risk reduction and
management frameworks, policies, plans, programs, and projects; and
(q) Coordinate or oversee the implementation of the country‟s obligations with disaster
management treaties to which it is a party such as the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster
Management and Emergency Response (AADMER), which came into force on 24
December 2009, ad see to it that the country‟s disaster management, treaty obligations be
incorporated in its disaster risk reduction and management frameworks, policies, plans,
programs, and projects.
Section 4. Authority of the Chairperson – The Chairperson of the NDRRMC may call upon
other instrumentalities or entities of the government and non-government, civic and private
organizations for assistance in terms of the use of their facilities and resources for the
protection and preservation of life and properties in the whole range of disaster risk reduction
and management. This authority includes the power to call on the reserve force as defined in
Republic Act No. 7077 to assist in relief and rescue during disasters or calamities.
Section 5. Duties &Responsibilities of the National Council members
5.1 The Chairperson, assisted by the four Vice-chairpersons, shall provide the overall
direction, exercise supervision and effect coordination of relevant DRRM programs,
projects and activities consistent with respective National Council Member Departments
or Agency mandates.
5.2 Every member agency shall be assigned functions relevant to their mandates, programs,
geographic jurisdiction and special constituencies to be indicated in the NDRRMP. Each
agency shall formulate its own DRRM Implementing Plan and their manual of
Operations Center (EOC), subject to exemptions granted by the National Council, and
shall likewise designate a focal officer for DRRM.
Section 6. Meetings of the National Council – The National Council shall meet regularly every
quarter on dates and place to be determined by the said council. The chairperson of the
Council may call for a special meeting as the need arises. The Council shall formulate internal
rules for its meetings.
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monitoring and evaluation functions covering Regional Council Member Agencies and the
local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Councils (LDRRMCs) within their jurisdictions.
The RDRRMC shall also be responsible in ensuing risk-sensitive regional development plans,
and in case of emergencies, shall convene the different regional line agencies and concerned
institutions and authorities.
3.1 the RDRRMC Chairperson may tap the facilities and resources of other government
agencies and private sectors, for the protection of life and properties in pursuit of disaster
risk reduction and management.
3.2 the RDRRMCs shall constitute a technical working group composed of representative of
the member agencies that shall coordinate and meet as often as necessary to effectively
manage and sustain regional efforts on disaster risk reduction and management.
Section 4. Meetings and Secretariat – the RDRRMC shall meet regularly every quarter on dates
and place to be determined by the Regional Council. The Chairperson of the Council may call
for a special meeting as the need arises. The existing regional offices of OCD shall serve as
secretariat of the RDRRMCs. The council shall formulate internal rules for its meetings.
Section 5. Operations Center – The RDRRMCs shall establish an operating facility on a 24-hour
basis, to be known as the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Operations
Center ( RDRRMOC).
Section 6. Metro Manila Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (MMDRRMC)
– in keeping with the provisions of Republic Act No. 7924 designating Metro Manila as a
special administrative region, the MMDRRMC shall be chaired by the chairperson of the
Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA). It shall also have an organizational structure
similar to that of the RDRRMCs to be composed of the executives of MMDA departments or
offices and/or regional offices or filed stations operating in the National Capital Region, OCD
Civil Defense Officer designated as Regional Director of the National Capital Region shall
serve as the RDRRMC‟s Vice-Chairperson on Disaster Preparedness or such other functions
as may be determined by the MMDRRMC Chair.
All other national government agencies operating in NCR shall be members of the
Section 7. Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) - In the case of the ARMM,
the Regional Governor shall be the RDRRMC Chairperson. The RDRRMC – ARMM may
likewise have four Vice Chairpersons comprising of the Secretaries of the DSWD – ARMM
for disaster response, the DILG – ARMM for Disaster Preparedness, and the DOST – ARMM
for Disaster Mitigation and Prevention, and the Executive Director of the Regional Planning
and Development Office (RPDO) for Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery. The RDRRMC –
Section 1. Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils – The existing
Provincial, City, and Municipal Disaster Coordination Councils shall henceforth be known as
the Provincial, City, and Municipal Disaster Risk reduction and Management Councils. The
Barangay Disaster Coordinating Councils shall cease to exist and its powers and functions
shall henceforth be assumed by the existing Barangay Development Councils (BDCs) which
shall serve as the LDRRMCs in every barangay.
Section 2. Composition – As may be determined by the LDRRMC, it shall be composed of, but
not limited to, the following:
1. The Local Chief Executive, Chairperson;
2. The Local Planning and Development Officer, member;
3. The Head of the LDRRMO, member;
4. The Head of the Local Social Welfare and Development Office, member;
5. The Head of the Local Health Office, member;
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6. The Head of the Local Agriculture Office, member;
7. The Head of the Gender and Development Office, member;
8. The Head of the Local Engineering Office, member;
9. The Head of the Local Veterinary Office, member;
10. The Head of the Local Budget Office, member;
11. The Division Head/Superintendent of Schools/District Supervisor of the DepEd,
12. The highest-ranking officer of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
assigned in the area, member;
13. The Provincial/ City Director/ Component City/ Municipal Chief of the
Philippine National Police (PNP), member;
14. The Provincial Director/ City Municipal Fire Marshall of the Bureau of Fire
Protection (BFP), member;
15. The President of the Liga ng mga Barangay, member;
16. The Philippine Red Cross (PRC), member;
17. Four accredited CSOs, member; and
18. One private sector representative, member.
2.1 The LDRRMC is encouraged to include the following as its members:
1) The Provincial Director/City/Municipal Office of the Department of Interior and
Local Government;
2) The Provincial Director/ City/ Municipal Officer of the Department of Environment
and Natural Resource;
3) The appropriate official of the Philippines Coast Guard or Forest Guard in the
locality, where applicable;
4) A Representative of the Sanggunian.
Section 3. Criteria for CSOs and private sector representative – The criteria for the selection of
CSOs and the private sector representation in the LDRRMC shall adhere with the guidelines
to be issued by the National Council for said purpose, including accreditation and operational
mechanisms or processes.
Section 4. Functions – The LDRRMCs shall have the following functions:
(1) Approve, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the LDRRMPs and annually
review, test and develop the plan consistent with other national and local planning
(2) Ensure the integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into local
development plans, program and budgets as a strategy in sustainable development and
poverty reduction;
(3) Recommend the implementation of forced or preemptive evacuation of local residents if
necessary; and
(4) Convene the local council as provided by the Act and these Rules
Section 5. Meetings and Quorum – The meetings of the Local Councils shall be held once every
three months on dates and place to be determined by the body. The Chairperson of the Local
Council may call for a special meeting as he may deem necessary. The Local Councils shall
promulgate their respective internal rules their meetings. The Local Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Office (LDRRMO), referred to in the succeeding Rule, shall serve as the
Section 1. Establishment of an Office – There is hereby created an LDRRMO in every province,
city and municipality under the Office of the Governor, City or Municipal Mayor,
respectively, and a Barangay Disaster to be headed by the Punong Barangay.
Section 2. Composition and Structure – The LDDRMOs shall be initially organized and
composed of a DRRMO to be assisted by three staff responsible for: (1) administration and
training; (2) research and planning; and (3) operations and warning.
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2.1 The budgetary source, compensation and hiring procedure for the DRRMO shall conform to
the rules and policies of the CSC and the DBM, among others.
Section 3. Qualification of the DRRM Officer – The DRRM Officer provided under section 12
(b) of the Act shall have the following qualifications:
(a) Must be civil service eligible;
(b) Must have a Civil Defense/DRM experience
Section 4, Functions – The provincial, city and municipal DRRMOs or BDRRMCs, in
coordination with concerned national agencies and instrumentalities, shall perform the
following functions with impartiality, given the emerging challenges brought by disasters of
our times:
(1) Set the direction, development, implementation and coordination of disaster risk
management programs within their territorial jurisdiction.
(2) Design, program, and coordinate disaster risk reduction and management activities
consistent with the National Council‟s standards and guidelines.
(3) Facilitate and support risk assessments and contingency planning activities at the
local level;
(4) Consolidate local disaster risk information which includes natural hazards,
vulnerabilities, and climate change risks, and maintain a local risk map;
(5) Organize and conduct training, orientation and knowledge management activities on
disaster risk reduction and management at the local level;
(6) Operate a multi-hazards early warning system, linked to disaster risk reduction to
provide accurate and timely advice to national or local emergency response
organizations and to the general public, through diverse mass media, particularly
radio, landline communications, and technologies for communication within rural
(7) Formulate and implement a comprehensive and integrated LDRRMP in accordance
with the national, regional and provincial framework, and policies on disaster risk
reduction in close coordination with the local development councils (LDCs);
(8) Prepare and submit to the local sanggunian through the LDRRMC and the LDC the
annual LDRRMO Plan and budget, the proposed programming of the LDRRMF,
other dedicated disaster risk reduction and management resources, and other regular
funding soure/s and budgetary support of the LDRRMO/BDRRMC;
(9) Conduct continuous disaster monitoring and mobilized instrumentalities and entities
of the LGUs, CSOs, private groups and organized volunteers, to utilize their facilities
and resources for the protection and preservation of life and properties during
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(17) Respond to and manage the adverse effects of emergencies and carry out recovery
activities in the affected area, ensuring that there is an efficient mechanism for
immediate delivery of food, shelter and medical supplies for women and children,
endeavor to create a special place where internally-displaced mothers and children
can find help with breastfeeding, feed and care for their babies and give support to
each other;
(18) Within its area, promote and raise public awareness of and compliance with the Act
and legislative provisions relevant to the purpose of the Act;
(19) Serve as the secretariat and executive arm of the LDRRMC;
(20) Coordinate other disaster risk reduction and management activities;
(21) Establish linkage/network with other LGUs for disaster risk reducing and emergency
response purposes;
(22) Recommend through the LDRRMC the enactment of local ordinances consistent
with the requirement of this Act;
(23) Implement policies, approved plans and programs of the LDRRMC consistent with
the policies and guidelines laid down in the Act;
(24) Establish a Provincial/City/Municipal/Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Operations Center;
(25) Prepare and submit through the LDRRMC and the LDC, report on the utilization of
the LDRRMF and other dedicated disaster risk reduction and management resource
to the local Commission on Audit (COA) for provincial/city level and internal audit
for municipal and component city level copy furnished the regional director of the
OCD and the Local Government Operations officer of the DILG; and
(26) Act on other matters that may be authorized by the LDRRMC.
Section 5. The BDRRMC – It shall be a regular committee of the existing BDC and shall be
subject thereto. The punong barangay shall facilitate and ensure the participation of at least
two CSO representatives from existing and active community-based people‟s organization
representing the most vulnerable and marginalized groups in the barangay.
Section 6. Local Ordinance – the local sanggunian concerned shall enact the appropriate
ordinance to create the DRRMO including the allocation of necessary staffing/ personnel and
Section 7. Information and Public Awareness on Hazards, Vulnerabilities and Risks – Each
LGU shall provide an area within its jurisdiction where hazards maps and contingency plans
for major hazards are prominently displayed. In addition, information shall also be
disseminated through the internet and printed materials such as newsletters, brochures and
pamphlets. Public awareness shall also e undertaken through conduct of drills by the
LDRRMO on a regular basis.
Section 8. Linking Local Database with the National Database – The local databases on human
resources, equipment, directories and location of critical infrastructures and their capacities,
developed and compiled by the NDRRMOs shall be linked with the national database
maintained by the OCD.
Section 9. Access to Database – The database shall be accessible and available to everyone
subject to reasonable restrictions arising from legal and security requirements, if any. Specific
information may be obtained provided that a written request is submitted and under the
condition that proper citation and reference is made.
Section 1. Mandate – The Office of Civil Defense (OCD), as the implementing arm of the
National Council, shall have the primary mission of administering a comprehensive national
civil defense and disaster risk reduction and management program by providing leadership in
the continuous development of strategic and systematic approaches as well as measures to
reduce the vulnerabilities and risks to hazards and manage the consequence of disasters.
Section 2. The Administrator - The Administrator of the OCD shall also serve as Executive
Director of the National Council and, as such, shall have the same duties and privileges of a
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department undersecretary. The Administrator shall be a universally acknowledged expert in
the field of disaster risk reduction management and of proven honesty and integrity
Section 3. Powers and Functions – The OCD shall have the following powers and functions in
partnership and in coordination with member agencies and in consultation with key
stakeholders, as maybe applicable.
(a) Advise the National Council on matters relating to disaster risk reduction and
management consistent with the policies and scope as defined in these Rules;
(b) Formulate the NDRRMP within six months from the affectivity of these rules and
provide leadership in the implementation of the Plan. It shall ensure that the physical
framework, social, economic and environmental plans of communities, cities,
municipalities and provinces are consistent with such plan. The strategic National Action
Plan (SNAP) for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) adopted through Executive Order no.
888 shall be used as the strategic foundation and building block for the NDRRMP. The
National Council shall approve the NDRRMP.
(c) Identify, assess and prioritize hazards and risks in consultation with key stakeholders;
(d) Develop and ensure the implementations of national standards and standard operating
procedures (SOP) in carrying out disaster risk reduction programs including
preparedness, mitigation, prevention, response and rehabilitation works, from data
collection and analysis, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. These
national standards and SOPs shall be developed alongside the NDRRMP;
(e) Review and evaluate the local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plans
(LDRRMPs), in coordination with concerned agencies and or instrumentalities, to
facilitate the integration of disaster risk reduction measures into the local Comprehensive
Development Plan (CDP) and Comprehensive Land-Use Plan (CLUP).
(f) Ensure that LGUs, through the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management offices
(LDRRMOs) are properly informed and adhere to the national standards and programs;
(g) Formulate standard operating procedures for the deployment of rapid damage assessment
and needs analysis (DANA) teams, information sharing among different government
response system, to ensure effective consequence management of disasters of
(h) Establish an incident command system (ICS) as part of the country‟s existing on-scene
disaster response system, to ensure effective consequence management of disasters or
(i) Establish standard operating procedures on the communication system among provincial,
city, municipal, and barangay disaster risk reduction and management of disasters risk
reduction and management councils, for purposes of warning and alerting them and for
gathering information on disaster areas before, during and after disasters;
(j) Establish Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Training Institutes in such suitable
locations as maybe deemed appropriate in accordance with Rule 8 herein;
(k) Ensure that all disaster risk reduction programs, projects and activities requiring regional
and international support shall be in accordance with duly established national policies
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(p) Establish an operating facility to e known as the National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Operations Center (NDRRMOC) that shall be operated and staffed in a
twenty-four (24) hour basis;
(q) Prepare the criteria and procedure for the enlistment of the accredited community disaster
volunteers (ACDVs). It shall include a manual of operations for the volunteers which
shall be developed by the OCD in consultation with various stakeholders;
(r) Provide advice and technical assistance and assist in mobilizing necessary resource to
increase the overall capacity of LGUs specifically the low income and in high-risk areas;
(s) Create the necessary offices to perform its mandate as provided under this Act;
(t) Perform secretariat functions of the National Council; and
(u) Perform such other functions as may be necessary for effective operations and
implementation of the Act.
Section 4. Staffing requirements – The office of Civil Defense, in coordination with the
Department of Budget and Management and Civil Service Commission, shall come up with
relevant staffing pattern within thirty days from approval of these rules. The enhanced OCD
organization shall be composed of competent and qualified technical personnel of relevant
offices as may be deemed necessary to effectively carry out its functions and duties prescribed
herein, subject to the approval of the Department of Budget and Management and existing
civil service rules and regulations.
Section 5. Compliance with Salary Standardization Law - The compensation and emoluments
of the officials and employees of OCD shall be in accordance with the Salary Standardization
Law and other applicable laws under the National Compensation and Classification Plan.
Section 1. Purpose – Pursuant to Section 9 (i) of the RA10121, NDRRM Training Institutes shall
be established for the following purposes:
(a) Train public and private individuals, both local and national, in such subject as disaster
rusk reduction and management, including emergency response, capacity-building
programs for the implementation of Section 14of this Act;
(b) Consolidate and prepare training materials and publications of disaster risk reduction and
management books and manuals to assist disaster risk reduction and management
(d) Conduct periodic awareness and education programs to accommodate new elective
officials and members of the LDRRMCs.
Section 2. Training Programs – The OCD may engage the expertise of the other National
Council member agencies and other training organizations accredited by the National
Council. It shall be inclusive in conducting, designing and developing the training programs,
materials and syllabus of the institute, to ensure that the training programme and resource
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and activities. The agencies, CSOs, private sector, and LGUs concerned shall take full
responsibility for the enhancement, welfare and protection of their volunteers, and shall
submit the list of volunteers to the OCD, through the LDRRMOs, for accreditation and
inclusion in the database of community disaster volunteers.
A national roster of Accredited Community Disaster Volunteers (ACDVs), National Service
Reserve Corps (NSRC) under RA 9163 or the National Service Training Program Act of
2001, CSOs, and the private sector shall be maintained by the OCD through the LDRRMOs.
Accreditation of volunteers and issuance of their identification cards shall be done at the
municipal or city level.
Section 2. Mobilization – Mobilization of volunteers shall be in accordance with the guidelines to
be formulated by the NDRRMC consistent with the provisions of the Act.
Section 3. Capacity Building – Training for volunteers shall form part of the volunteer
mobilization activities of the N/R/LDRRMC and the BDC.
Section 4. Insurance for the ACDVs – Any volunteer who incurs death or injury while engaged
in any of the activities defined under the Act shall be entitled to compensatory benefits and
individual personnel accident insurance. The government agency, CSO, private sector or LGU
which mobilized the ACDVs shall be responsible for providing the latter with insurance and
necessary benefits.
Section 5. Guidelines on Mobilization, Accreditation, Capacity-Building and Protection of
ACDVs from Various Sectors – The NDRRMC, through the OCD, shall formulate,
promulgate and issue within three months from the affectivity of these Rules the guidelines on
the mobilization, accreditation, capacity-building and protection of ACDVs from the
government agencies, CSOs, private sector and LGUs.
Section 1. Integration into the school curricula – The DepED, the CHED , the Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), in coordination with the OCD, the
National Youth Commission (NYC), the DOST, the DENR, the DILG-BFP, the DOH, the
DSWD and other relevant agencies, shall integrate disaster risk reduction and management
education in the school curricula of secondary and tertiary level of education, including the
National Service Training Program (NSTP), whether private or public, including formal and
non-formal, technical-vocational, indigenous learning, and out-of-school youth courses and
Section 2. Community Education and Training – The NDRRMC, the RDRRMCs, the
LDRRMCs, the LDRRMOs, the BDRRMCs and the SK councils, in coordination with the
National Youth Commission (NYC), shall encourage community, specifically the youth,
participation in disaster risk reduction and management activities, such as organizing quick
response groups, particularly in identified disaster-prone areas, as well as the inclusions of
disaster risk reduction and management programs as part of the SK programs and projects. In
the same manner, they shall likewise encourage and involve the community, specifically the
youth, in the Disaster Risk Reduction Training either through actual conduct or as participant
to the said training.
Sector 3. Education and Training of Employees of the Public Sector – The public sector
employees shall be trained in emergency response and preparedness with strong focus on
gender responsiveness, sensitivity to indigenous knowledge systems and respect for human
rights. Towards this end, the following guidelines are hereby establish to ensure its effective
implementation and compliance:
(a) The Civil Service Commission shall issue a directive requiring all heads of government
department and agencies, including government financing institutions and local
government units to conducting training on DRRM for their respective personnel.
(b) A Train-the-Trainers approach shall be adopted for this purpose whereby member
agencies of the NDRRMC, including other government agencies and local government
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units, shall organized and train their respective DRRM Core of trainers who shall be
responsible in cascading the training to their regional/field level and/ or LGU staff.
(c) A standard training design and instructional materials on DRRM shall be developed by
the DRRM Training Institute in accordance with RUE 8, section 1 (b) of these Rules and
shall be implemented by the CSC.
(d) Members of the National Council which already conduct specialty and highly technical
skills course may continue with the conduct of said training programs.
Section 1. Lead Agency during emergency – The LDRRMCs take the lead in preparing for,
responding to, and recovering from the effects of any disaster based on the following criteria:
(a) The BDC, if barangay is affected;
(b) The city/municipal DRRMCs, if two (2) or more barangays are affected;
(c) The provincial DRRMC, if two or more provinces are affected;
(d) The regional DRRMC, if two or more province are affected; and
(e) The NDRRMC, if two or more regions are affected.
The NDRRMC and intermediary LDRRMCs shall always act as support to LGUs which
have the primary responsibility as first disaster responders. Private sector and civil society
organizations shall work in accordance with the coordination mechanism and policies set by
the NDRRMC and concerned LDRRMCs.
Section 2. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Operations Center
(NDRRMC). The present NCC Operations Center based in Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo
shall henceforth be known as the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Operations Center or the NDRRMC, which shall serve as the Operating Facility of the
NDRRMC. It shall be operated and maintained on a twenty-four (24) hour basis by OCD staff
during normal situation to be complemented by NDRRMC member agency representatives
whenever blue and red alerts status are raised or as may be determined by the National
Council through OCD.
Section 3. The NDRRMOC Core Functions – The NDRRMC shall serve as the nerve center for
alert and monitoring, multi-agency and multi-level operational coordination, response and
resource mobilization and information management. To carry out its functions, the Center
shall utilize support systems such as early warning and emergency broadcast system,
geographic information system and other space-based technologies, incident command
system, rapid damage assessment and needs analysis, emergency logistics management,
public-private partnerships for emergency response, and humanitarian assistance coordination
Section 4. Sovereignty and territorial Integrity – The sovereignty and territorial integrity of the
State shall be respected at all times. In this context, the Philippines shall have the primary
responsibility to respond to disasters, occurring within its territory and external assistance and
offers assistance shall only be provided upon its request or consent.
Section 1. Declaration and Lifting of State of Calamity of the President – The National
Council shall recommend to the President of the Philippines the declaration of a cluster of
barangays, municipalities, cities, provinces, and regions under a state of calamity, and the
lifting thereof, based on the criteria set by the National Council. The President‟s declaration
may warrant international humanitarian assistance as deemed necessary.
Section 2. Declaration and Lifting of State of Calamity by the Local Sanggunian – The
declaration and lifting of the state of calamity may also be issued by the local sanggunian,
upon the recommendations of the LDRRMC, based on the results of the damage assessment
and needs analysis.
Section 3. Criteria in Recommendations the Declaration and Lifting of a State of Calamity –
The National Council shall determine the criteria for the declaration and lifting of a state of
calamity, including epidemics.
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Section 1. Mandatory remedial measures – The declaration of a state calamity shall make
mandatory the immediate undertaking of the following remedial measures by the member-
agencies concerned as defined in the Act:
Imposition of price ceiling on basic necessities and prime commodities by the President upon
the recommendation of the implementing agency as provided for under Republic Act No.
7581, otherwise known as the “Price Act”, or the National Price Coordinating Council;
Monitoring, prevention and control by the Local Price Coordination Council of
overpricing/profiteering and hoarding of prime commodities, medicines and petroleum
Programming/reprogramming of funds for the repair and safety upgrading of public
infrastructures and facilities; and
Granting of no-interest loans by government financing or lending institutions to the most
affected section of the population through their cooperatives or people‟s organizations.
Section 1. Request for International Assistance – A call for international assistance may be
issued by the President of the Philippines upon the recommendation of the Chairman,
NDRRMC, depending on the scope, magnitude of damage or implications of the adverse
effects of the disaster. As party to the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and
Emergency Response (AADMER), the request for assistance may be sent directly to other
ASEAN Member States or through the ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance (AHA) Center in
Jakarta, Indonesia. It may also request assistance from other entities where appropriate.
For purpose of ensuring a concerted effort abroad, the Department of Foreign Affairs, through
the embassies or consulates of the Philippines, may facilitate the call for international
assistance and closely coordinate with the NDRRMC for this purpose.
Section 2. Request for assistance by the LDRRMC – The LDRRMCs may directly submit or
request for assistance abroad in accordance with the Section 23 of the Local Government
Code 1991.
Section 3. Authorized importation and donation – The importation and donation of food,
clothing, medicine and equipment for relief and recovery and other disaster management and
recovery-related supplies is hereby authorized in accordance with Section 105 of the Tariff
and Customs Code of the Philippines, as emended, and the prevailing provisions of the
General Appropriations Act covering national internal revenue taxes and import duties of
national and local government agencies, and
Any importation and donation intended for the operation of the NDRRMC and its member
agencies shall be treated as importations by and/or donations to the NDRRMC, subject to the
rules and regulations of the Tariff and Customs Code or special facilities created by the Office
of the President for the purpose. Payment of duties and taxes by concerned member agencies,
if any, shall be subject to deferred payment scheme.
Foreign donations and importations for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief shall also
be guided with the International Disaster Response Law (IDRL) and other related guidelines
as may be deemed appropriate.
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(a) Derelictions of duties which leads to destruction, loss of lives, critical damage of
facilities and misuse of funds;
(b) Preventing the entry and distribution of relief goods in disaster-stricken areas, including
appropriate technology such as Geographic Information System, Information and
Communication Technology Database/ System Management for Relief Inventory;
System for Management of the Dead/Casualty and the like, tools, equipment, accessories,
disaster teams/ experts;
(c) Buying, for consumption or resale, from disaster relief agencies such as the DSWD,
NFA, PRC, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), World Food Program
(WFP) and other such private organizations, any relief goods, equipment or other aid
commodities which are intended for distribution to disaster affected communities;
(d) Buying, for consumption or resale, from the recipient disaster affected persons any relief
goods, equipment or other aid commodities received by them;
(e) Selling of relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities which are intended for
distribution to disaster affected communities;
(f) Forcibly seizing relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities intended for or
consigned to a specific group of victims or relief agency;
(g) Buying, for consumption or resale, from the recipient disaster affected persons any relief
goods, equipment or other aid commodities received by them;
(h) Accepting, processing, using or disposing relief goods, equipment or other aid
commodities not intended for nor consigned to him/her;
(i) Misrepresenting the source of relief goods; equipment or other aid commodities by:
1) Either covering, replacing or defacing the labels of the containers to make it appear
that the goods, equipment or other aid commodities came from another agency or
2) Repacking the goods, equipment or other aid commodities into containers with
different markings to make it appear that the goods came from another agency or
persons or was release upon the instance of a particular agency or persons;
3) Making false verbal claim that the goods, equipment or other aid commodity in its
untampered original containers actually came from another agency or persons or was
released upon the instance of a particular agency or persons;
4) Substituting or replacing relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities with the
(k) Deliberate use of false or inflated data in support of the request for funding, relief goods,
equipment or other aid commodities for emergency assistance or livelihood projects; and
(l) Tampering with or stealing hazard monitoring and disaster preparedness equipment and
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addition to the penalties prescribed in the Act, be deported without further proceedings after
service of the sentence.
Section 3. Other liabilities – The prosecution of offenses set forth in Section 19 of the Act shall
be without prejudice to any liability for violation of Republic Act No. 3185, as amended
otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code, as well as any other special penal law enacted by
Congress, & shall be without prejudice to other civil liabilities.
the use and disbursement of the LDRRMF based on the, LDRRMP as incorporated in the
local development plans and annual work and financial plan. Upon the recommendation of the
LDRRMO and approval of the sanggunian concerned, the LDRRMC may transfer the said
fund to support disaster risk reduction work of other LDRRMCs which are declared under
state of calamity.
Section 2. Quick Response Fund – Of the amount appropriated for LDRRF , thirty percent (30%)
shall be allocated as Quick Response Fund (QRF) or stand-by fund for relief and recovery
programs in order that situation and living conditions of people in communities or areas
stricken by disasters, calamities, epidemics, or complex emergencies, may be normalized as
quickly as possible.
Section 3. Special Trust Fund – unexpended LDRRMF shall accrue to a special trust fund solely
for the purpose of supporting disaster risk reduction and management activities of the
LDRRMCs within the next five years. Any such amount still not fully utilized after five years
shall revert back to the general fund and made available for other social services to be
identified by the local sanggunian.
Section 4. Guidelines on Fund Tracking and Utilization of Funds – guidelines on fund tracking
and utilization of the LDRRMF shall be in accordance with existing auditing and accounting
guidelines on public funds, local government code and other applicable laws.
Section 5. Public Disclosure of Fund Utilization – The LDRRCs shall make public its reports on
the utilization of the LDRRMF by publication and posting thereof in a conspicuous place,
including websites, if any, of the LGU/LDRRMO. The reports of the LDRRMCs on the
utilization of the LDRRMF shall be available to the public.
Reduction and Management Fund (NDRRM Fund) and it shall be used for disaster risk
reduction or mitigation, prevention and preparedness activities such as but not limited to
training of personnel, procurement of equipment, and capital expenditures, it can also be
utilized for relief, recovery, reconstruction and other work or services in connection with
natural or human-induced calamities which may occur during the budget year or those that
occurred in the past two years from the budget year.
Section 2. Amount – The specific amount of the NDRRM Fund and the appropriate recipient
agencies and/or LGUs shall be determined upon approval of the President of the Philippines
in accordance with the favorable recommendations of the NDRRMC.
Section 3. Quick Response Fund – Of the amount appropriated for the NDRRM Fund, thirty
percent shall be allocated as Quick Response Fund (QRF) to the agencies identified by the
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Section 4. Accounting – All departments/agencies and LGUs that are allocated with DRRM funds
shall submit to the NDRRMC their monthly statements on the utilization of DRRM funds and
make an accounting thereof in accordance with existing accounting and auditing rules.
Section 5. Funding for DRRM projects – All departments, bureaus, offices and agencies of the
government are hereby authorized to use a portion of their appropriations to implement
projects designed to address DRRM activities in accordance with the guidelines to be issued
by the NDRRMC in coordination with the DBM.
Section 1. Deadline for the annual report – The National Council, through the OCD, shall
submit to the Office of the President, the Senate and the House of Representatives, within the
first quarter of the succeeding year, an annual relating to the progress of the implementation
of the NDRRMP.
Section 2. Inputs of other agencies to the annual report – Within the month of January of the
succeeding year and every January thereafter, all member agencies shall submit to the OCD,
as Secretariat of the NDRRMC, their respective annual reports for purposes of consolidation
and analysis. These annual reports shall in turn be submitted by the OCD to the Chairperson,
Section 1. Functions – The Congressional Committee created and composed under section 26 of
the Act shall monitor and oversee the implementation of the provisions thereof. The national
Council may submit proposed remedial legislation to the Congressional Oversight Committee.
Section 2. Period for Review – Within five years after the effectivity of the Act, or as the need
arises, the Congressional Oversight Committee shall conduct a sunset review. For purposes of
these Rules, the term “sunset review” shall mean a systematic evaluation by the
Congressional Oversight Committee of the accomplishments and impact of the Act, as well as
the performance and organizational structure of its implementing agencies, for purposes of
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2009 UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction
Published by the United Nations International
Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
Geneva, Switzerland, May 2009
© United Nations, 2009
© United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, 2009
All rights reserved
This publication may be freely quoted or reprinted, but acknowledgement of the source is requested.
The UNISDR encourages its reproduction and translation. If any reproductions or translations are
generated, a copy of the document is requested to be forwarded to the UNISDR. The English
terminology, and its translations into Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish, are available on
the UNISDR website at:
http://www.unisdr.org/we/inform/terminology and on PreventionWeb at: www.preventionweb.net
The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
Terminology aims to promote common understanding and common usage of disaster
risk reduction concepts and to assist the disaster risk reduction efforts of authorities,
practitioners and the public. The previous version “Terminology: Basic terms of disaster
risk reduction” was published in “Living with risk: a global review of disaster risk reduction
initiatives” in 2004. The following year, the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015
requested the UNISDR to “update and widely disseminate international standard
terminology related to disaster risk reduction, at least in all official United Nations
languages, for use in programme and institutions development, operations, research,
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Acceptable risk economic disruption, or environmental
The level of potential losses that a society damage.
or community considers acceptable given
existing social, economic, political, cultural Comment: Examples of biological hazards
technical and environmental conditions. include outbreaks of epidemic diseases,
plant or animal contagion, insect or other
Comment: In engineering terms, animal plagues and infestations.
acceptable risk is also used to assess and
define the structural and non-structural Building code
measures that are needed in order to A set of ordinances or regulations and
reduce possible harm to people, property, associated standards intended to control
services and systems to a chosen tolerated aspects of the design, construction,
level, according to codes or “accepted materials, alteration and occupancy of
practice” which are based on known structures that are necessary to ensure
probabilities of hazards and other factors. human safety and welfare, including
resistance to collapse and damage.
The adjustment in natural or human Comment: Building codes can include both
systems/ in response to actual or expected C technical and functional standards. They
climatic stimuli or their effects, which should incorporate the lessons of
moderates harm or exploits beneficial international experience and should be
opportunities. tailored to national and local
circumstances. A systematic regime of
Comment: This definition addresses the enforcement is a critical supporting
concerns of climate change and is sourced requirement for effective implementation
from the secretariat of the United Nations of building codes
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Capacity Development changes attributable to natural causes.
The process by which people, The IPCC definition can be paraphrased for
organizations and society systematically popular communications as “A change in
stimulate and develop their capacities over the climate that persists for decades or
time to achieve social and economic goals, longer, arising from either natural causes
including through improvement of or human activity.”
knowledge, skills, systems, and
institutions. Contingency planning
A management process that analyses
Comment: Capacity development is a
specific potential events or emerging
concept that extends the term of capacity
situations that might threaten society or
building to encompass all aspects of
the environment and establishes
creating and sustaining capacity growth
arrangements in advance to enable timely,
over time. It involves learning and various
effective and appropriate responses to
types of training, but also continuous
such events and situations.
efforts to develop institutions, political
awareness, financial resources, technology Comment: Contingency planning results in
systems, and the wider social and cultural organized and coordinated courses of
enabling environment. action with clearly identified institutional
roles and resources, information processes,
Climate change
and operational arrangements for specific
(a) The Inter-governmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) defines climate
C actors at times of need. Based on scenarios
of possible emergency conditions or
change as: “a change in the state of the
disaster events, it allows key actors to
climate that can be identified (e.g., by
envision, anticipate and solve problems
using statistical tests) by changes in the
that can arise during crises. Contingency
mean and/or the variability of its
planning is an important part of overall
properties, and that persists for an
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Comment: This concept aims to distinguish economic disruption and environmental
between the risks that are already present, degradation.
and which need to be managed and
reduced now, and the prospective risks Disaster risk
that may develop in future if risk reduction The potential disaster losses, in lives,
policies are not put in place. health status, livelihoods, assets and
See also Prospective risk management. services, which could occur to a particular
community or a society over some
Critical facilities specified future time period.
The primary physical structures, technical
facilities and systems which are socially, Comment: The definition of disaster risk
economically or operationally essential to reflects the concept of disasters as the
the functioning of a society or community, outcome of continuously present
both in routine circumstances and in the conditions of risk. Disaster risk comprises
extreme circumstances of an emergency. different types of potential losses which
are often difficult to quantify.
Comment: Critical facilities are elements of Nevertheless, with knowledge of the
the infrastructure that support essential prevailing hazards and the patterns of
services in a society. They include such population and socio-economic
things as transport systems, air and sea development, disaster risks can be
ports, electricity, water and assessed and mapped, in broad terms at
communications systems, hospitals and
C least.
health clinics, and centres for fire, police
and public administration services. Disaster risk management
The systematic process of using
Disaster administrative directives, organizations,
A serious disruption of the functioning of a and operational skills and capacities to
a result of the combination of: the Disaster risk management aims to avoid,
exposure to a hazard; the conditions of lessen or transfer the adverse effects of
vulnerability that are present; and hazards through activities and measures
insufficient capacity or measures to reduce for prevention, mitigation and
or cope with the potential negative preparedness.
consequences. Disaster impacts may
include loss of life, injury, disease and Disaster risk reduction
other negative effects on human physical, The concept and practice of reducing
mental and social well-being, together disaster risks through systematic efforts to
with damage to property, destruction of analyse and manage the causal factors of
assets, loss of services, social and disasters, including through reduced
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exposure to hazards, lessened the plan. Linkages to climate change
vulnerability of people and property, wise adaptation plans should be made where
management of land and the possible.
environment, and improved preparedness
for adverse events. Early warning system
The set of capacities needed to generate
Comment: A comprehensive approach to and disseminate timely and meaningful
reduce disaster risks is set out in the warning information to enable individuals,
United Nations-endorsed Hyogo communities and organizations
Framework for Action, adopted in 2005, threatened by a hazard to prepare and to
whose expected outcome is “The act appropriately and in sufficient time to
substantial reduction of disaster losses, in reduce the possibility of harm or loss.
lives and the social, economic and
environmental assets of communities and Comment: This definition encompasses the
countries.” The International Strategy for range of factors necessary to achieve
Disaster Reduction (ISDR) system provides effective responses to warnings. A people-
a vehicle for cooperation among centred early warning system necessarily
Governments, organisations and civil socie comprises four key elements: knowledge of
ty actors to assist in the implementation of the risks; monitoring, analysis and
the Framework. Note that while the term forecasting of the hazards; communication
“disaster reduction” is sometimes used, the or dissemination of alerts and warnings;
term “disaster risk reduction” provides a
C and local capabilities to respond to the
better recognition of the ongoing nature of warnings received. The expression “end-to
disaster risks and the ongoing potential to end warning system” is also used to
reduce these risks. emphasize that warning systems need to
span all steps from hazard detection
Disaster risk reduction plan * through to community response.
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services, including those that contribute to expression “disaster management” is
reduced disaster risks. sometimes used instead of emergency
El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon
A complex interaction of the tropical Emergency services
Pacific Ocean and the global atmosphere The set of specialized agencies that have
that results in irregularly occurring specific responsibilities and objectives in
episodes of changed ocean and weather serving and protecting people and
patterns in many parts of the world, often property in emergency situations.
with significant impacts over many
months, such as altered marine habitats, Comment: Emergency services include
rainfall changes, floods, droughts, and agencies such as civil protection
changes in storm patterns. authorities, police, fire, ambulance,
paramedic and emergency medicine
Comment: The El Niño part of the El Niño- services, Red Cross and Red Crescent
Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon societies, and specialized emergency units
refers to the well above-average ocean of electricity, transportation,
temperatures that occur along the coasts communications and other related services
of Ecuador, Peru and northern Chile and organizations.
across the eastern equatorial Pacific
Ocean, while La Niña part refers to the Environmental degradation
opposite circumstances when well-below-
C The reduction of the capacity of the
environment to meet social and ecological
average ocean temperatures occur. The
Southern Oscillation refers to the objectives and needs.
accompanying changes in the global air Comment: Degradation of the environment
pressure patterns that are associated with can alter the frequency and intensity of
the changed weather patterns experienced natural hazards and increase the
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evidence and analysis of environmental Comment: In meteorology a forecast refers
impacts of activities from conception to to a future condition, whereas a warning
decision-making. It is utilized extensively in refers to a potentially dangerous future
national programming and project condition.
approval processes and for international
development assistance projects. Geological hazard
Environmental impact assessments should Geological process or phenomenon that
include detailed risk assessments and may cause loss of life, injury or other
provide alternatives, solutions or options health impacts, property damage, loss of
to deal with identified problems. livelihoods and services, social and
economic disruption, or environmental
Exposure damage.
People, property, systems, or other
elements present in hazard zones that are Comment: Geological hazards include
thereby subject to potential losses. internal earth processes, such as
earthquakes, volcanic activity and
Comment: Measures of exposure can emissions, and related geophysical
include the number of people or types of processes such as mass movements,
assets in an area. These can be combined landslides, rockslides, surface collapses,
with the specific vulnerability of the and debris or mud flows.
exposed elements to any particular hazard
C Hydrometeorological factors are important
to estimate the quantitative risks contributors to some of these processes.
associated with that hazard in the area of Tsunamis are difficult to categorize;
interest. although they are triggered by undersea
earthquakes and other geological events,
Extensive risk * they are essentially an oceanic process
The widespread risk associated with the that is manifested as a coastal water-
exposure of dispersed populations to related hazard.
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livelihoods and services, social and Intensive risk *
economic disruption, or environmental The risk associated with the exposure of
damage. large concentrations of people and
economic activities to intense hazard
Comment: The hazards of concern to events, which can lead to potentially
disaster risk reduction as stated in catastrophic disaster impacts involving
footnote 3 of the Hyogo Framework are “… high mortality and asset loss.
hazards of natural origin and related
environmental and technological hazards Comment: Intensive risk is mainly a
and risks.” Such hazards arise from a characteristic of large cities or densely
variety of geological, meteorological, populated areas that are not only exposed
hydrological, oceanic, biological, and to intense hazards such as strong
technological sources, sometimes acting in earthquakes, active volcanoes, heavy
combination. In technical settings, hazards floods, tsunamis, or major storms but also
are described quantitatively by the likely have high levels of vulnerability to these
frequency of occurrence of different hazards. See also “Extensive risk.”
intensities for different areas, as
determined from historical data or Land-use planning
scientific analysis. The process undertaken by public
See other hazard-related terms in the authorities to identify, evaluate and decide
Terminology: Biological hazard; Geological on different options for the use of land,
hazard; Hydrometeorological hazard;
Natural hazard; Socionatural hazard;
C including consideration of long term
economic, social and environmental
Technological hazard. objectives and the implications for
different communities and interest groups,
Hydrometeorological hazard and the subsequent formulation and
Process or phenomenon of atmospheric, promulgation of plans that describe the
hydrological or oceanographic nature that permitted or acceptable uses.
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Mitigation Natural hazard
The lessening or limitation of the adverse Natural process or phenomenon that may
impacts of hazards and related disasters. cause loss of life, injury or other health
impacts, property damage, loss of
Comment: The adverse impacts of hazards
livelihoods and services, social and
often cannot be prevented fully, but their
economic disruption, or environmental
scale or severity can be substantially
lessened by various strategies and actions.
Mitigation measures encompass
Comment: Natural hazards are a sub-set of
engineering techniques and hazard-
all hazards. The term is used to describe
resistant construction as well as improved
actual hazard events as well as the latent
environmental policies and public
hazard conditions that may give rise to
awareness. It should be noted that in
future events. Natural hazard events can
climate change policy, “mitigation” is
be characterized by their magnitude or
defined differently, being the term used for
intensity, speed of onset, duration, and
the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
area of extent. For example, earthquakes
that are the source of climate change.
have short durations and usually affect a
relatively small region, whereas droughts
National platform for disaster risk
are slow to develop and fade away and
often affect large regions. In some cases
A generic term for national mechanisms
hazards may be coupled, as in the flood
for coordination and policy guidance on
disaster risk reduction that are multi-
C caused by a hurricane or the tsunami that
is created by an earthquake.
sectoral and inter-disciplinary in nature,
with public, private and civil society
participation involving all concerned
The knowledge and capacities developed
entities within a country.
by governments, professional response
sectors are affected directly or indirectly by management and aims to build the
disasters and many have specific capacities needed to efficiently manage all
responsibilities that impinge upon disaster types of emergencies and achieve orderly
risks. transitions from response through to
National platforms provide a means to sustained recovery. Preparedness is based
enhance national action to reduce disaster on a sound analysis of disaster risks and
risks, and they represent the national good linkages with early warning systems,
mechanism for the International Strategy and includes such activities as contingency
for Disaster Reduction. planning, stockpiling of equipment and
supplies, the development of
arrangements for coordination, evacuation
and public information, and associated
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training and field exercises. These must be Comment: Public awareness is a key factor
supported by formal institutional, legal in effective disaster risk reduction. Its
and budgetary capacities. The related term development is pursued, for example,
“readiness” describes the ability to quickly through the development and
and appropriately respond when required. dissemination of information through
media and educational channels, the
Prevention establishment of information centres,
The outright avoidance of adverse impacts networks, and community or participation
of hazards and related disasters. actions, and advocacy by senior public
officials and community leaders.
Comment: Prevention (i.e. disaster
prevention) expresses the concept and
intention to completely avoid potential
The restoration, and improvement where
adverse impacts through action taken in
appropriate, of facilities, livelihoods and
advance. Examples include dams or
living conditions of disaster-affected
embankments that eliminate flood risks,
communities, including efforts to reduce
land-use regulations that do not permit
disaster risk factors.
any settlement in high risk zones, and
seismic engineering designs that ensure
Comment: The recovery task of
the survival and function of a critical
rehabilitation and reconstruction begins
building in any likely earthquake. Very
soon after the emergency phase has
often the complete avoidance of losses is
not feasible and the task transforms to
C ended, and should be based on pre-
existing strategies and policies that
that of mitigation. Partly for this reason,
facilitate clear institutional responsibilities
the terms prevention and mitigation are
for recovery action and enable public
sometimes used interchangeably in casual
participation. Recovery programmes,
coupled with the heightened public
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Resilience hazards or hazard scenarios, and the
The ability of a system, community or practicality and costs of different
society exposed to hazards to resist, retrofitting options. Examples of
absorb, accommodate to and recover from retrofitting include adding bracing to
the effects of a hazard in a timely and stiffen walls, reinforcing pillars, adding
efficient manner, including through the steel ties between walls and roofs,
preservation and restoration of its installing shutters on windows, and
essential basic structures and functions. improving the protection of important
facilities and equipment.
Comment: Resilience means the ability to
“resile from” or “spring back from” a Risk
shock. The resilience of a community in The combination of the probability of an
respect to potential hazard events is event and its negative consequences.
determined by the degree to which the
community has the necessary resources Comment: This definition closely follows
and is capable of organizing itself both the definition of the ISO/IEC Guide 73. The
prior to and during times of need. word “risk” has two distinctive
connotations: in popular usage the
Response emphasis is usually placed on the concept
The provision of emergency services and of chance or possibility, such as in “the risk
public assistance during or immediately of an accident”; whereas in technical
after a disaster in order to save lives,
C settings the emphasis is usually placed on
reduce health impacts, ensure public the consequences, in terms of “potential
safety and meet the basic subsistence losses” for some particular cause, place
needs of the people affected. and period. It can be noted that people do
not necessarily share the same perceptions
Comment: Disaster response is of the significance and underlying causes
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Comment: Risk assessments (and Comment: Insurance is a well-known form
associated risk mapping) include: a review of risk transfer, where coverage of a risk is
of the technical characteristics of hazards obtained from an insurer in exchange for
such as their location, intensity, frequency ongoing premiums paid to the insurer. Risk
and probability; the analysis of exposure transfer can occur informally within family
and vulnerability including the physical and community networks where there are
social, health, economic and reciprocal expectations of mutual aid by
environmental dimensions; and the means of gifts or credit, as well as formally
evaluation of the effectiveness of where governments, insurers, multi-lateral
prevailing and alternative coping banks and other large risk-bearing entities
capacities in respect to likely risk scenarios. establish mechanisms to help cope with
This series of activities is sometimes known losses in major events. Such mechanisms
as a risk analysis process. include insurance and re-insurance
contracts, catastrophe bonds, contingent
Risk management credit facilities and reserve funds, where
The systematic approach and practice of the costs are covered by premiums,
managing uncertainty to minimize investor contributions, interest rates and
potential harm and loss. past savings, respectively.
Comment: Risk management comprises Socio-natural hazard *
risk assessment and analysis, and the The phenomenon of increased occurrence
implementation of strategies and specific
C of certain geophysical and
actions to control, reduce and transfer hydrometeorological hazard events, such
risks. It is widely practiced by organizations as landslides, flooding, land subsidence
to minimise risk in investment decisions and drought, that arise from the
and to address operational risks such as interaction of natural hazards with
those of business disruption, production overexploited or degraded land and
for sectors such as water supply, energy circumstances where human activity is
and agriculture whose production is increasing the occurrence of certain
directly affected by extremes of weather hazards beyond their natural probabilities.
and climate. Evidence points to a growing disaster
burden from such hazards. Socio-natural
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measure not involving physical Technological hazard
construction that uses knowledge, practice A hazard originating from technological or
or agreement to reduce risks and impacts, industrial conditions, including accidents,
in particular through policies and laws, dangerous procedures, infrastructure
public awareness raising, training and failures or specific human activities, that
education. may cause loss of life, injury, illness or
other health impacts, property damage,
Comment: Common structural measures loss of livelihoods and services, social and
for disaster risk reduction include dams, economic disruption, or environmental
flood levies, ocean wave barriers, damage.
earthquake-resistant construction, and
evacuation shelters. Common non- Comment: Examples of technological
structural measures include building codes, hazards include industrial pollution,
land use planning laws and their nuclear radiation, toxic wastes, dam
enforcement, research and assessment, failures, transport accidents, factory
information resources, and public explosions, fires, and chemical spills.
awareness programmes. Note that in civil Technological hazards also may arise
and structural engineering, the term directly as a result of the impacts of a
“structural” is used in a more restricted natural hazard event.
sense to mean just the load-bearing
structure, with other parts such as wall Vulnerability
cladding and interior fittings being termed
C The characteristics and circumstances of a
non-structural. community, system or asset that make it
susceptible to the damaging effects of a
Sustainable development hazard.
Development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability Comment: There are many aspects of
of future generations to meet their own vulnerability, arising from various physical,
needs. social, economic, and environmental
factors. Examples may include poor design
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* Emerging new concepts that are not in widespread use but are of growing professional
relevance; the definition of these terms remain to be widely consulted upon and may
change in future.
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