Complete Postparturient Uterine Prolapse in HF Cross Bred Cow
Complete Postparturient Uterine Prolapse in HF Cross Bred Cow
Complete Postparturient Uterine Prolapse in HF Cross Bred Cow
Abstract: A case of complete uterine prolapse in 9 years old HF cross bred cow was presented to Department of Veterinary
Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bangalore. The uterine prolapse was replaced to normal position under
epidural anesthesia followed by application of Bhuner's vulval sutures. The reoccurrence of the prolapse was noticed again by next 12
hours. The Bhuner's vulval sutures were removed and the prolapse was again repositioned to normal position.
4. Discussion
The presented case was fresh and the duration of the
prolapse was very short (four hours), which helped us to
replace to normal position without struggling much. The
occurrence of uterine prolapse in this particular case seems
to be affected by traction applied by the Veterinarian during
delivery of the calf. In this particular case the reoccurrence
of prolapse was could be due to straining caused by Buhner's
vulval sutures which was applied previous day (Arthur et al.,
2001). Hypocalcaemia plays an important role in
pathogenesis of prolapse of genital tract (Robert, 1971)
probably because of atony with prolapse created due to it.
Odegaard (1977) is of the view that although the incidence is
higher in heifers as compared to the animals up to fifth
lactation and thereafter the incidence is higher again but it is
the hypocalcaemia which play a dominant role.