Diagnosis and Management of Fetal Mummification in Cow

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International Journal of Science, Environment ISSN 2278-3687 (O)

and Technology, Vol. 6, No 5, 2017, 3044 – 3048 2277-663X (P)


P. Ravi Kumar1*, B Chandra Prasad2, GSC Bose3, V Devi Prasad4 and M Sreenu5
Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology,
NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, SVVU, Tirupati
Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Gynecology and Obstetrics,
NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, SVVU, Tirupati
Contract teaching Faculty, Department of VCC,
NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, SVVU, Tirupati
Professor, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology,
NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, SVVU, Tirupati
Professor& Head, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology,
NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, SVVU, Tirupati
E-mail: [email protected] (*Corresponding Author)

Abstract: A six year old non descriptive pregnant cow with fetid and foul smelling
discharges from vagina was diagnosed to have fetal mummification. The clinical signs
exhibited by the animal; per vaginal and per rectal examination; and ultrasonography aided in
diagnosis of the condition. Laprohysterotomy under local analgesia was performed to treat
the condition as induction with prostaglandins failed to expel the mummified fetus. The
mummified fetus was carefully removed by separating the attachments with the uterine wall
and the hysterotomy wound and laparotomy wounds were closed as per the standard
procedure. Postoperative antibiotics and analgesics were given which ensured an uneventful
recovery in the animal.
Keywords: Fetal mummification, induction of pregnancy, cow, Caessarian section.

In cattle, the incidence of fetal mummification is 0.13-1.8% (Arthur et al., 1996) and is
considered as a gestational accident. It occurs sporadically in both exotic and indigenous
breeds of cattle (Jana and Ghosh, 2014). The condition is characterized by resorption of fetal
fluids and presence of chocolate coloured material around the fetus (Arthur et al., 1996).
Mummification of fetus occurs following the fetal death during 3rd to 8th months of gestation.
The pregnancy is maintained in fetal mummification as the fetal signal for onset of parturition
is absent. This condition is usually undiagnosed unless the macerated changes develop in it.
Sometimes examination of animal during prolonged gestation may reveal the presence of this
condition. The mummified fetus may gain infection through the dilated cervix and may
transform into macerated fetus where autolysis of tissues and putrefaction takes place (Jones
Received Sep 16, 2017 * Published Oct 2, 2017 * www.ijset.net
3045 P. Ravi Kumar, B Chandra Prasad, GSC Bose, V Devi Prasad and M Sreenu

et al., 1997). In the present study, diagnosis and management of fetal mummification in a
non-descriptive cow was reported.
Case History and Observations:
A six year old non descriptive pregnant cow was presented to the clinics of department of
Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram; Sri
Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati, with a complaint of fetid discharges from the
vagina for the past one week. It was said to have been inseminated nine months back and
treated by local veterinarian for pyrexia during its sixth month of gestation. Animal was
given 500micrograms of injection Cloprostenol sodium succinate and 5ml of injection
Diethyl stilbestrol by the local veterinarian to induce parturition four days previously.
Physical examination of the animal revealed hyperthermia and fetid discharges from vagina
(Fig-1). Per vaginal examination showed partial opening of cervix; whereas, per rectal
examination disclosed the absence of fremitus, fetal movements and fetal fluids. The size of
the calf found to be small and tightly packed in the uterus. Ultrasonography showed the
absence of fetal heartbeat and irregularity in the fetal skeletal makeup. Haematological
parameters showed leukocytosis and neutrophilia and serum biochemical parameters showed
mild elevation of BUN and Creatinine levels. Based on the findings of physical examination,
pervaginal examination, per rectal examination and ultrasonography the condition was
diagnosed as fetal mummification and decided for medical management.
Treatment and Discussion
The animal was given intramuscular injections of Epidosin at the dose rate of 20mg/100Kg
body weight and Oxytocin at the total dose of 25IUto induce expulsion of fetus. It was
decided to perform caesarian section as the medical management failed to expel the fetus.
Animal was stabilized with intravenous administration of fluid, antibiotics and alterative
drugs and prepared for aseptic surgery. Under local analgesia with 2% Lignocaine Hcl
laparotomy was performed at lower left flank region with the animal in right lateral
recumbancy. The omentum appeared icteric (Fig-2) whereas the gravid uterus appeared as
tightly packed structure. The uterus was carefully brought to the laparotomy site (Fig-3) by
holding the extremities and the gap between the laparotomy wound and uterus was packed to
avoid contamination of peritoneum. Hysterotomy was performed and the mummified fetus
was removed along with its necrosed fetal membranes. The uterine lumen was irrigated with
normal saline and hysterotomy wound was closed as per the standard procedure. The
peritoneum was lavaged with normal saline and administered 400ml of metronidazole
Diagnosis and Management of Fetal Mummification in Cow 3046

solution into the abdomen. The laparotomy wound was closed as per the standard procedure.
Fetus appeared shrunken covered with foul smelling brown discharges (Fig-4).
Postoperatively, the animal was given intravenous injections of Ciprofloxacin at the dose rate
of 5mg per Kg body weight and Metranidazole at the dose rate of 10mg per Kg body weight
for seven days; and Normal saline at the dose rate of 10ml/kg body weight and Ringer lactate
at the dose rate of 10mlkg body weight for 3 days. Injection Meloxicam was given at the dose
rate of 0.2 mg per Kg body weight subcutaneously for three days. Other alterative drugs like
injection Mecobal was given for five days. Pyrexia and fetid discharges from vagina were
noticed till the fourth postoperative day and the animal able to ruminate normally by fifth
postoperative day. Skin sutures were removed on 12th postoperative day by which time
complete healing of wound was noticed.
The present condition was diagnosed in a non-descriptive cow in its ninth month of
gestation. Arthur et al., (1996) opined that this condition may be seen in indigenous and
exotic breeds of cattle and their crosses. The pyrexia which was said to have been noticed in
the present case during sixth month of its gestation might be due to an infectious disease and
assumed to be an etiological factor for fetal death. Drost, (2007) stated that, infectious agents
like Leptospria, Campylobacter and BVD-MD virus may cause fetal death without abortion
resulting to mummification in cattle. Usually, fetal mummification is difficult to diagnose as
the condition is asymptomatic, but in the present case foul smelling fetid discharges from
vagina aided in suspecting the case as gestational abnormality. Laprohysterotomy was
performed in the present case to remove the fetus as the medical management was failed in
expelling the fetus from the uterus. Azizunnesa et al., (2010) opined prostaglandins as drug of
choice for fetal mummification in cattle and caesarian section in cases of prostaglandin
failure. Azizunnesa et al., (2010) performed caessarian section directly to treat the present
condition in a cow, without opting for medical management and obtained a satisfactory
result. Arthur et al., (1996) opined that treatment with prostaglandins may result in
transformation of mummified fetus to macerated fetus. The failure in cloprostenol therapy in
the present case may be due to advanced age of the mummified fetus. Similar observations
were also made by Jackson and Cooper (1977) in pregnant cows; and Kumar et al., (2017a) in
a pregnant doe with mummified fetus. The foul smelling fetid discharges noticed in the
present case suggest the beginning of macerated changes in the fetus. Kumar et al., (2017b)
observed foul smelling purulent fluids in the abdomen of a dog with ectopic fetal
mummification and maceration. In the present case, the surgical treatment given and
3047 P. Ravi Kumar, B Chandra Prasad, GSC Bose, V Devi Prasad and M Sreenu

postoperative care given to the animal ensured a good recovery and no postoperative
complications were observed.
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[6] Jones, T.J., Hunt, R.D. and King, N.W. (1997) Genital system. In: Veterinary Pathology.
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[7] Kumar PR, Prasad VD and Prasad BC. (2017a) An Unusual Case of Mummified Foetus
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Fig-1: Photograph showing fetid discharges Fig-2: Intraoperative photograph showing

from vagina icteric omentum
Diagnosis and Management of Fetal Mummification in Cow 3048

Fig-3: Intraoperative photograph showing Fig-4: Photograph showing mummified fetus

packed uterus at the site of laparotomy covered with brown coloured fluids

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