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NAME (Optional): AGE:


Direction: The following is set of questions to determine your financial literacy on making investment decision. Please check the appropriate
number that corresponds to your evaluation.

Parameter Description Interpretation

5 Always it means that the stated item is observed at all time
4 Oftentimes it means that the stated item is almost observed
3 Sometimes it means that the stated item is sometimes observed
2 Seldom it means that the stated item is often observed
1 Never it means that the stated item is never observed

Financial Literacy: Investment Decision:

A. Financial Knowledge A. Professional

As an Investor. . .
5 4 3 2 1 service/advisor 5 4 3 2 1
As an Investor. . .
1. I know why it is important 1. I seek an advice or
to invest. recommendation from
2. I know the risks friends before making
associated with my decision.
investment. 2. I am prone to making
3. I am knowledgeable on abrupt investment
what are the returns of decisions at the urging of
my investment. trusted friends or media
4. I consider myself a good commentator.
investor. 3. They are really important
5. I am able to foresee what when making investment
the benefits that will add decision.
to my investment. 4. I believe they are more `
knowledgeable about the
market than me.
B. Financial Attitude 5. I have trust on them when
As an Investor. . .
5 4 3 2 1 it comes to investing.
1. I am confident that I have
the ability to select my
investment avenue. B. Psychological
2. I am confident that I am influences 5 4 3 2 1
able to manage my As an Investor. . .
investments. 1. I am confidence with my
3. I am interested in decision in terms of
investing in risky stock for investing to any financial
better return. products.
4. I usually invest in the 2. I am avid consumer of
company which I know information and appreciate
and trust with. data over my emotion
5. I invest in the companies when making decisions.
those who have stable 3. I am risk-taker when
expected return. making my investment
C. Financial Behavior 4. I believe that my skills and `
As an Investor. . .
5 4 3 2 1 knowledge of the stock
market can help me to
1. I usually react quickly to outperform the market.
the changes of other 5. I am confident in the
investor’s decision and understanding of the stock
follow their reactions. market.
2. Other investor decision of
buying and selling stocks
has impact on my
investment decision.
3. I avoid selling shares that
have decreased in value
Thank you for participating!
and readily sell shares
that have increased in
4. I rely on information
gathered from group
5. I am less interested in
following other investors’
decision on investing at
stock market.

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