Serie Architects: Blue Frog Acoustic Lounge

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Blue Frog Acoustic Lounge Location: Mumbai, India

Client: Blue Frog Media Pvt. Ltd.

Serie Architects
Status: Completed, November 2007
Cost: Undisclosed
Area: 1,000 sqm
Use: Commercial

© serie architects
Below: Axonometric drawing

© serie architects
Project Description Below: The amalgamation of stage and dining seating
arrangements generates the open seating booth layout
of the Bluefrog lounge

Based on this desire of the project brief to have it all, the question for us is: how do
you collapse a theatre, restaurant, bar and club into a warehouse, whilst maintain-
ing all the performative characteristics of each individual type?

The strategies of hybridisation of the 90s, you collapse a theatre, restaurant, bar and views to the stage, and also a constant
more often resulted in the smooth blending club into a warehouse, whilst maintaining distance between diners, irrespective of
of one tectonic surface with another. all the performative characteristics of each how crowded the lounge gets.
Accompanying this tendency is the belief individual type?
that the formal procedure of blending will The undulating height of the seating
result in the cross-breeding of programme. The deep structure that has been booths is gently modulated by a glowing
employed is of a cellular organisation acrylic resin surface, which unifies the
Blue Frog for us is a project that revisits composed of circles of varying sizes disparate types and retains the presence
the problem of multi-programmed spaces approximating a horse-shoe configuration of the architecture even in the midst of the
without resorting to formal redundancy in plan. The differential extrusions of these spectacle of a sound and light show.
as a representation of programmatic circles, encapsulated at different levels as It can be argued that the programmatic
complexity. The project brief called for the tiered cylindrical seating booths, allow the multiplicities here arise out of the
conversion of a large north-lit industrial eye level of diners and standing patrons to disposition of the irreducible typal imprints
warehouse within the old mill district in be distributed across staggered levels that harnessed from the above mentioned
Mumbai into a complex of sound recording increase in height away from the stage. precedent types. And it is these deep
studios and an acoustic lounge. This These booths seat between 4-10 people structures that give rise to the multiple
lounge will consist of a restaurant, bar and and are arranged around an open centre programmatic configurations without the
a live stage. Beyond this amalgamation of that can either double up as a potential project resorting to any strategies of formal
provisions, Blue Frog seeks to stage an 360° stage or accommodate standing convolution.
acoustic experience par excellence. patrons, bringing them closer to the
main stage to create an intimate viewing
Based on this desire of the project brief to experience. These mahogany panelled
have it all, the question for us is: how do cylindrical booths maintain uninterrupted Photos by Fram Petit

© serie architects
Below & Bottom: Images of the Bluefrog interior

© serie architects

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