2017-Spring Extra Projects
2017-Spring Extra Projects
2017-Spring Extra Projects
1. Assignment
a. If the student decides to take these optional bonus projects then the decision should be made before
b. At this date an email should be sent to teacher – which project or which type of project the student prefers to take.
c. The teacher sends back the personalized project requirements 10.03
c. Delayed Branches and Delayed Load options should be Enabled in PCSPIM in case if the project will be done on MIPS
Write these programs on MIPS Assembly Language
3. Integer input / output with error detection using interrupt 5 Nane Vardanyan - – request 06.03
Suggested, Assigned
4. Floating Point numbers input / output with error detection using interrupt 5+5 Meri Mirijanyan – request 06.03
Suggested, Assigned
Martin Mirakyan
6. Timer interrupt usage – simulate clock on the screen. 5 Seda Sedrakyan - Request 06.03
Suggested., Assigned
Create MIPS Time Sharing operating system
Create time sharing small OS with 3 or more different tasks all running simultaneously. 10
C Compiler
Compile C code (no cycles and branches) to assembly instructions, load to SPIM and run 4
code should contain variables, do some operations with them and input output the
Compile C code (cycles and branches) to assembly instructions, load to SPIM and run 8
code should contain variables, do some operations with them and input output the
It also includes cycle(s) and branch(es)
Compile C code with unsigned char 8 bit variables and catch the 8 bit overflow of 7
operations with those variables.
Raspberry Pi
"OS installation on Raspberry Pi and programming environment creation" 5+ Spartak Harutyunyan - assigned.
o IOT device simulation on the board 5
5 Liana Harutyunyan
Project on Raspberry Pi. Create a Robot. 5 Nelli Hovhannisyan
5 Rebeka Asryan
Very early request, suggested,
assigned 08.03.2017
Logic Design
“Assignment 03 Simple sequential circuit synthesis - control unit 8 bits.doc” 5 Emma Saroyan – assigned