Chakras and Spirit Bodies
Chakras and Spirit Bodies
Chakras and Spirit Bodies
Awareness is the soul, the first location sf the True Self.
The fulcrum
through which everything can act as a personal reality and presence.
2' There are many functions of action, i.e. the three minds, aura, pranic body
and radiant connect to all chakras impersonally without bounds.
is like the spirit, soul is personal. Three minds are
consciousness of things.
3" The Heart Center is the first domain of conscious self compassion
- and
"balance of the other Bodies.,,
4. The "impulse" may be mistaken or not. He means the pulse of rife, as
heartbeat, breath and Naad...(and how they ,,influence,, everything
5" so as far as healing processes, "there is a basic rhythm and impurse
means life itself. From the first cell that beats in rhythm
and becomes the
heart, to the tissues and blood that surges with hormones and prana and
each breath, to the flow of projected thoughts that gather our resources for
actions. We are alive and we vibrate. To be in balance we need to care for
our heart and its rhythms. The heart.and the feelings of compassion at the
HeaG Center (tnto different things) connect us to each other and take us
beyond our own shell. Spirit is everywhere like great tides. Soul is like the
wayes that shape our personal experience. The body serves the soul,
expresses its flow and supports the choites of awareness that cxrn come
from the Self. Healing is when we tend to all our parts and bringtbem
,/ toeether
in a iovous rhvthm in the court of the Soul in the Chamber of the
5. Kundalini is the urge of auuareness to BECOME... it is the same as SELF.
'- Pranas are the flows. Being is the Radiant Body connection to ALLthat is
necessarily non-conceptual
nor divided.
Relationship of 8 Chakras and 11 Spiritual Bodies and Healing
3:00-3:15 - Today's topic - The Relationship of the 8 Chakras and the 11. Spiritual
Bodies and Healing - is a very unusual one. lt was taught by Yogi Bhajan on July
29, L994, but otherwise, it has been approached in very few venues. I have read
this lecture numerous times, have talked to Gurucharan Singh, who has been the
Curriculum Director of KRI for many years and Nirvair Singh, who is the current
CEO of KRl. I have been in classes where Guru Dev Singh, approached this topic
from the perspective of Sat Nam Rasayan Healing. These three Yogis and Healers
are some of our most esteemed and experienced. Their insights of this topic are
woven into this ctass. Because it has not been openly taught or written about in
any of our KRI manuals, what I am sharing today is the beginnings of a deeper
contemplation into this topic. I do not profess to totally understand this practical
and esoteric relationship, but we will explore it together and hopefully begin to
experience a deeper understanding of it and how it can be used in healing.
You have been given a chart of the 11 Spiritual Bodies and their relationship to
the 8 Chakras, as a reference and guide as we navigate through this class. lt is only
a beginning as the 8 Chakras are actually influenced by all of the Spirit Bodies.
Second Chakra
Water - Interaction, flowing, movement
Longing to belong...a give and a take
Creative Process - something completely different can cotne out
Passionate about life
Use the energJ of the 2nd Chakra and keep it connected to the higher
chakras, so that it is serviceful.
Sex Organs, Reproductive Glands, Kidneys and Bladder
Now we move into the upper Triangle connects us to the Divine, but need to
be balanced with Lower Chakras as well. Sound is in three Chakras, Navel,
Diaphragm and Throat
Negative Mind t2l - gives us warnings, which is a positive protection for us, but if
we get stuck there, it can become a negative force that may paralyze us from
moving forward in life.
Positive Mind (31- Gives us the possibilities in life; it gives us our "keep up" spirit,
but if we don't use the Negative Mind with it, it can hurt us; we don't see the
Neutral Mind (4) - Weighs both the positive and negative. lt is the most elevated
mind from which to live.
Physical Body (5) - The bo{y we most identify with; how we manifest this life
through our senses. r'\
^*{o,$ -
Arcline (6) - Earlobe to earlobe and for women, nipple to nipple. lt is the nucleus
of our aura. lt is a protection; the center of our light. lf strong, our meditation will
be strong.
Aura (7) - Can radiate up to nine feet of light atl around us. lt is our shield of
Pranic Body (81- our primat force of energy, which we bring into the body
through our breath.
Subtle Body t9) - Encases our Soul. lt is our subtlety in life, or if weak, lack it.
Radiant Body (10) - lt is the outer band of the Aura. lt is our projection, our
Guru Body (11) - lt is the interrelationship of the flow of the forces that hold the
Soul Body (11- Gives us our true essence in life and follows us in all of our
3:554:25 -The Relationship Between the 8 Chakras and the ll spiritual Bodies
The handout you were given is just a beginning, as Yogi Bhajan outlined in
the lecture he gave July 29, 1994. But actually, the Spiritual Bodies influence all of
the chakras. For each SB, there is a positive and negative influence, therefore
there can be many, combinations - 140 basic influences. And, as the Chakras
influence each other, there can be many more influences...up to 400 and with all
of the subtle influences, there can be as many as 8000. We can't possibly explore
all of those today, but we can begin and then you can experiment with it at home
in your meditation.
So, let's begin. Now that we have reviewed the qualities of both the 8 Chakras
and the lL Spirit Bodies, we will begin to understand their elemental relationship
together. lnstead of trying to intellectually evaluating the relationship, we are
going to do so through our sensations.
Have paper and pen available. Pass out drawing paper, pastels and crayons.
At End:
Be in relationship with the First Chakra. Feelthe gravity, groundedness, stability,
security. Does it feel balanced? lntroduce the Negative Mind into the same Space
as the sensations of your First Chakra. How does it feel now? Does it balance
your First Chakra? Then, introduce the Positive Mind. How does that feel in
relationship to your First Chakra? ls it more balanced? And finally, introduce the
Neutral Mind in relationship to your First Chakra. How does that feel? ls it more
balanced? Which mind does your First Chakra need? Maybe it needs 2 of the
minds or all 3 to feel balanced. Keep it in relationship with your First Chakra and
breathe deeply and allow the sensations to balance.
Quickly write down your experiences.
Now, take some more deep breaths. Go back into your space of Shuniya. Be in
relationship to the Chakra that was weakest, or needed some extra attention.
How does it feel? Be aware of its sensations. Now, experiment with each Spirit
Body. How does it feel with the First SB, Soul? The Minds? The Tattvas of the
Physical Body? The Arcline, the Aura, the Subtle Body, the Radiant Body, the
Guru. That Chakra may need a combination of more than one SB. Try them out
and contemplate the sensations. lf you start to lose your focus, take some deep
breaths and recapture the Space of Shuniya. Establish a strong connection to
Shuniya, then go back to evaluating the relationship to the SB to your Chakra in
need. Quickly write your experience.
4:45-4:55 - Take a piece of paper and either with some pastels or crayons, draw
your experience of comparing your chakras with your Spirit Bodies...or draw how
you feel right this moment.
Apply a light Neck Lock'
Be sitting with a straight spine, in Easy Pose or in a chair'
The eyes are closed.
1. Rakhay rakhanhar aaP ubaarian
1:J'f r *4-i Cyan tuludra (thumb to index finger):
t:,: Wrists rest on knees, palms facing outward'
i .l'
,.: -5
2. 6ur kee pairee paa-eh kaaj savaarian
::*:'1*-:i fl
6yan Mudra: wirh hands in the lap, palms up
' -.i6,
with the fingers pressed at the Heart Center'
*r' .El*--1rE-
dookh jaa-eh
1 Iis simrat such ho'eh saglay
jnterlock fingers on the top of the head'
dookh iai-eh
lis simrat such ho-eh saglay
Exrend arms out straight at 45 degrees
palms up.
ln this kriya, we experience the movement and
r;\ryi becween the ctrakras' lt is rhrough our chakras that lve
gain access and power to shift gears and respond
;.- +
1:' ''fhr"!/"'=
-i'. J' a!! is one of
iigt",", frequency to varied circumstances' This
a true mark of
*eis+E*fl the fundamental fruits of practice and
the beginning of mastery of the Self' To be able
to move
ou, from ehe heart to the navel and back again
in order to exPress compassion' or Power' or love
is the
measure of our neutrality and a sign of our ability
to be
authentic in each moment'
edircd by Sat Purkh Kaur Khalsa)
S (Taken from "Tran$ormario+ Vol 1|' Pp'ffi - 61'
yogi in rhe Sporlighr in chapter Fire
,rnia"i i", rhis kriya is satkirin our
I all
ncnte, Sodarshan Chakra Kriya'
This meditatian cuts thriigh*att darkness. The
oJ the {hakras. lt will give you a new
mteans the Kriya for PerJeci Purification .
t iil..,!1q'-:i, 2li::ageitir',:eiiii.r,i-ri:rr,;rilcNrlicirsi?i-r-:sirigirKira;cz:rir''l'-:'3:ii
i -YogiBhajan,,;;:
Afiginatty tau1ht by Yogi Birajan in Marek t979
ERIATH: Create the following breathing
Inlule smaothly and deeply through the nose'
Edtfllethrough the rounded lips in E qwl*Wfuftostrcks'
On each e*&le, pull the Navel Point in sharply'
in the en€Eetic flow of your life force' lf all t-he elements
The five elements are catego*es of quality that are based
aressffg; in ;;r";.r"d ;-#rprop.r.rou of the body, thm you can resist stress, ffaurna' and illness'
You also do ;;;;;;** i*r, *re b,o htmispheres o{ the brain as thev compete for the right
to make and decisions.
coryRIGHT}?eBx#"\ '=iE
" 406 "
The Yoga cf Aging and Chronic lllness
Mediration for the Neutral Mind ' tTo develap the Fourth Body)
Sit with a straight spine either in Easy Pose or in a chair'
Put both hands in the lap with the palms facing up. Rest rhe righr hand on the
left. The thumb tips may touch or not. Remove all tension from every part of the
body. Sit straight by achieving a balance.
Eyes are closed.
Call on the higher self and keep going steadily through all barriers. Let go and let Cod.
11-31 minutes.
It is easy ro hear a rruch and difficulr to live it, ro embed it deeply into your hearr and mind. The l.leutral
Mind opens rhe gate to rhat deep remembrance of the Self and the Soul. Jappa done with a refined Neutral
Mind leads to Naam chit lets all other thoughts be without disturbance to your constant inner light.
The Neutrat Mind lives for the touch of vastness.
G ilerlr:ir ':3,; Jr.11-,5ig;.:r;tiic1-r. ,"'ltSrct,::;1 iiii- it:i' :;. i;.8, :drleri bi' Sai ?rr' rlh l(a;'r l{i':ris:i)
i',.iolii i ilrr' \.1-,it :<, ,/)-.,: euru &1eher Kaur.
* Experiencingthe Relationship of the Praanic Bedy and the Fhysical Body 3lils4
$ "What we are doingtaday is very important. We have one central fiervous system"
F When that one central nervous system goes out ot' control, the re'entry aJ praana
into the physical body is propCIrtionately less. I want yau to experience that.l want
you to understand that the inflow al the praanic bady and the physical body have
an esta bl i sLt ed rel a ti o nsh i p."
- Yogr Bhajan
TOOL' Meditations to Develop Shuniya
( l\, Shuniya ftfleditatisn
* iviatchT'1ee;
\_/ that is neutral and non"
stable. silent, natural state of consciousness
This meditadon brings the mind to a deep,
6s chakras, darelops the consciousness and the intui*on, so tlrat you ean filter
reaetive. lt connects che z"d and free'
your energy a[ a youthful level and helps to keep you disease
truth from unrruth. lt heals the brain cells, keeps
prolectlon made
yogi Bhaian talked of this class being the first step of reaching his speclalty Para
wiU became master a! it and trodition will go on!'
me leave lndia, made me what t atm tadly...some
Sit with a straight spine wirh a slight chin lock and the chest
out. Elbows
are held to the lolwer ribs (remember to keep the pressure throughout
mediration). When the elbows are pressed the arms will naturally angel out
the shcLllders,
rhe body arabour a 60 degree angle and will be slightly wider than
The hands wilt be slightly below shoulder level" The hands are relaxed,
and neither together nor aparr'
flat not cupped and the fingersare slightly curved
The wrists are bent so that the hands are angled slightly up and
slightly out'
the tip of the nose. Also imagine tlrat you have eyes at the
Eyes are foeused ar
back of your skull and are looking through them. Yogi Bhaian said
ir is a:, rhr:r:gl'
when you s*from the 3id Eya gofrom the ba* ol the skull. Your mental praiectton
was *e
b rwq*n.You arc afurut;;iy iiAAnW wlwr you are @icittg*tb. ...This
fir*, p*tre man did to Prryi
Long deep, complete and eonscisus breath.
to listen to Singh Kaur! version of Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das 6uru. (Refer to
j a:curce ilage for optionr ro clo'.:'nload this music)
B minutce then Ig minutec wirh music. 21 minutes was done in original Yogi Bhajan class.
Ts FimEsh:
lnhale suspend rhe brearh; press rhe hands against the chest as hard as possible for 30 seconds. Exlrale.
,nhale, suspend the brearh and press the hands hard against the navelfor '15 seconds. Exhale.lnhale and press
rard rhe palms together in prayer Pose at Heart Center as hard as possible tov 25 seconds to seal the energy in fher vntt oainprl tnAav Fvhelp Pplav