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The document covers various algebra topics including variables and expressions, order of operations, open sentences, identity and equality properties, and probability distributions and simulations.

The document covers problems involving variables and expressions, order of operations, solving equations, and working with inequalities.

The document discusses properties like the distributive property, identity properties, and equality properties.

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

1-1 Skills Practice

Variables and Expressions
Write an algebraic expression for each verbal expression.

1. the sum of a number and 10 2. 15 less than k

3. the product of 18 and q 4. 6 more than twice m

5. 8 increased by three times a number 6. the difference of 17 and 5 times a number

7. the product of 2 and the second power of y 8. 9 less than g to the fourth power

Evaluate each expression.

9. 82 10. 34

11. 53 12. 33

13. 102 14. 24

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

15. 72 16. 44

17. 73 18. 113

Write a verbal expression for each algebraic expression.

19. 9a 20. 52

21. c  2d 22. 4  5h

23. 2b2 24. 7x3  1

25. p4  6q 26. 3n2  x

Chapter 1 8 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

1-2 Skills Practice

Order of Operations
Evaluate each expression.

1. (5  4)  7 2. (9  2)  3

3. 4  6  3 4. 28  5  4

5. 12  2  2 6. (3  5)  5  1

7. 9  4(3  1) 8. 2  3  5  4

9. 30  5  4  2 10. 10  2  6  4

Lesson 1-2
11. 14  7  5  32 12. 6  3  7  23

13. 4[30  (10  2)  3] 14. 5  [30  (6  1)2]

15. 2[12  (5  2)2] 16. [8  2  (3  9)]  [8  2  3]

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Evaluate each expression if x ⫽ 6, y ⫽ 8, and z ⫽ 3.

17. xy  z 18. yz  x

19. 2x  3y  z 20. 2(x  z)  y

21. 5z  ( y  x) 22. 5x  ( y  2z)

23. x2  y2  10z 24. z3  ( y2  4x)

y  xz 3y  x2
25.  26. 
2 z

Chapter 1 15 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

1-3 Skills Practice
Open Sentences
Find the solution of each equation if the replacement sets are A ⫽ {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} and
B ⫽ {9, 10, 11, 12, 13}.

1. 5a  9  26 2. 4a  8  16
873946 Alg1 CH01 EP3

3. 7a  21  56 4. 3b  15  48

5. 4b  12  28 6.   3  0

Find the solution of each equation using the given replacement set.
1 5
7.   x   ;  ,  , 1, 
2 4
4  2
9  94 5 2 7
8. x     ;  ,  ,  , 
9 3 9 
1 5
9.  (x  2)   ;  ,  ,  , 
4 6
3 5 4
4 4 3  10. 0.8(x  5)  5.2; {1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5}

Solve each equation.

11. 10.4  6.8  x 12. y  20.1  11.9

Lesson 1-3
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

46  15 6  18
13.   a 14. c  
3  28 31  25

2(4)  4 6(7  2)
15.   b 16.   n
3(3  1) 3(8)  6

Find the solution set for each inequality using the given replacement set.

17. a  7 13; {3, 4, 5, 6, 7} 18. 9  y 17; {7, 8, 9, 10, 11}

19. x  2  2; {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} 20. 2x

12; {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10}

21. 4b  1
12; {0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15} 22. 2c  5  11; {8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}

y x
23.  5; {4, 6, 8, 10, 12} 24. 
2; {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
2 3

Chapter 1 23 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

1-4 Skills Practice
Identity and Equality Properties
Name the property used in each equation. Then find the value of n.

1. n  0  19 2. 1  n  8

3. 28  n  0 4. 0  n  22

5.   n  1 6. n  9  9

7. 5  n  5 8. 2  n  2  3

9. 2(9  3)  2(n) 10. (7  3)  4  n  4

11. 5  4  n  4 12. n  14  0

13. 3n  1 14. 11  (18  2)  11  n

Evaluate each expression. Name the property used in each step.

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

15. 7(16  42) 16. 2[5  (15  3)]

17. 4  3[7  (2  3)] 18. 4[8  (4  2)]  1

Lesson 1-4
19. 6  9[10  2(2  3)] 20. 2(6  3  1)  

Chapter 1 31 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

1-5 Skills Practice

The Distributive Property
Rewrite each expression using the Distributive Property. Then simplify.

1. 4(3  5) 2. 2(6  10)

3. 5(7  4) 4. (6  2)8

5. (a  7)2 6. 7(h  10)

7. 3(m  n) 8. (x  y)6

9. 2(x  y  1) 10. 3(a  b  1)

Use the Distributive Property to find each product.

11. 5  89 12. 9  99

13. 15  104  13 
14. 15 2 

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

15. 12 1   18 
16. 8 3 

Simplify each expression. If not possible, write simplified.

17. 2x  8x 18. 17g  g

19. 16m  10m 20. 12p  8p

21. 2x2  6x2 22. 7a2  2a2

23. 3y2  2y 24. 2(n  2n)

25. 4(2b  b) 26. 3q2  q  q2

Chapter 1 38 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

3-6 Skills Practice
Commutative and Associative Properties
Evaluate each expression.

Lesson 1-6
1. 16  8  14  12 2. 36  23  14  7 3. 32  14  18  11

4. 5  3  4  3 5. 2  4  5  3 6. 5  7  10  4

1 1
7. 1.7  0.8  1.3 8. 1.6  0.9  2.4 9. 4   6  5 
2 2

Simplify each expression.

10. 2x  5y  9x 11. a  9b  6a

12. 2p  3q  5p  2q 13. r  3s  5r  s

14. 5m2  3m  m2 15. 6k2  6k  k2  9k

16. 2a  3(4  a) 17. 5(7  2g)  3g

Write an algebraic expression for each verbal expression. Then simplify,

indicating the properties used.

18. three times the sum of a and b increased by a

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

19. twice the sum of p and q increased by twice the sum of 2p and 3q

Chapter 1 45 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

1-7 Skills Practice

Logical Reasoning and Counterexamples
Identify the hypothesis and conclusion of each statement.

1. If it is Sunday, then mail is not delivered.

2. If you are hiking in the mountains, then you are outdoors.

3. If 6n  4
58, then n

Identify the hypothesis and conclusion of each statement. Then write the
statement in if-then form.

4. Martina works at the bakery every Saturday.

5. Ivan only runs early in the morning.

6. A polygon that has five sides is a pentagon.

Determine whether a valid conclusion follows from the statement If Hector scores
an 85 or above on his science exam, then he will earn an A in the class for the

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

given condition. If a valid conclusion does not follow, write no valid conclusion
and explain why.

7. Hector scored an 86 on his science exam.

8. Hector did not earn an A in science.

9. Hector scored 84 on the science exam.

10. Hector studied 10 hours for the science exam.

Find a counterexample for each statement.

11. If the car will not start, then it is out of gas.

12. If the basketball team has scored 100 points, then they must be winning the game.

13. If the Commutative Property holds for addition, then it holds for subtraction.

14. If 2n  3 17, then n  7.

Chapter 1 52 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

1-8 Skills Practice

Number Systems
Find each square root. If necessary, round to the nearest hundredth.

1. 144
 2. 36

3. 0.25

5. 17
 6. 2.25

Name the set or sets of numbers to which each real number belongs.
28 5
7.   8.  
7 6

9. 29
 10. 196

Lesson 1-8
11.  12. 1.8


Graph each solution set.

13. x
1 14. x  1
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

⫺2 ⫺1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ⫺4 ⫺3 ⫺2 ⫺1 0 1 2 3 4

15. x 1.5 16. x 2.5

⫺4 ⫺3 ⫺2 ⫺1 0 1 2 3 4 ⫺4 ⫺3 ⫺2 ⫺1 0 1 2 3 4

Replace each ● with ⬍, ⬎, or ⫽ to make each sentence true.

4 1

17.  ● 0.4 9
18. 0.0 ●
9 90

1 1
19. 6.2  ● 39
 20.  ● 
8 8

Write each set of numbers in order from least to greatest.

7 2
21. 5
, 2.3
6,  1
22.  , 0.2 , 0.05

3 9

6 3
23. 12
, 3.4, 11
8  3
24. 0.4 ,  , 
5 7

Chapter 1 59 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

1-9 Skills Practice

Functions and Graphs
1. The graph below represents the path of 2. The graph below represents a puppy
a football thrown in the air. Describe exploring a trail. Describe what is
what is happening in the graph. happening in the graph. Is the function
discrete or continuous?

Distance from
Height Trailhead

Time Time

3. WEATHER During a storm, it rained lightly for a while, then poured heavily, and then
stopped for a while. Then it rained moderately for a while before finally ending. Which
graph represents this situation?
Total Total Total
Rainfall Rainfall Rainfall

Time Time Time

LAUNDRY For Exercises 4–7, use the table Number of Shirts 2 4 6 8 10 12

Lesson 1-9
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that shows the charges for washing and

pressing shirts at a cleaners. Total Cost ($) 3 6 9 12 15 18

4. Identify the independent and dependent variables.

5. Write the ordered pairs the table represents.

6. Draw a graph of the data. 21

Total Cost ($)


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Number of Shirts

7. Use the data to predict the cost for washing and

pressing 16 shirts.

Chapter 1 67 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

2-1 Skills Practice

Writing Equations
Translate each sentence into an equation.

1. Two added to three times a number m is the same as 18.

2. Twice a increased by the cube of a equals b.

3. Seven less than the sum of p and q is as much as 6.

4. The sum of x and its square is equal to y times z.

5. Four times the sum of f and g is identical to six times g.

Translate each sentence into a formula.

6. The perimeter P of a square equals four times the length of a side s.

7. The area A of a square is the length of a side s squared.

8. The perimeter P of a triangle is equal to the sum of the lengths of sides a, b, and c.

9. The area A of a circle is pi times the radius r squared.

10. The volume V of a rectangular prism equals the product of the length ᐉ, the width w,
and the height h.

Translate each equation into a verbal sentence.

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11. g  10  3g 12. 2p  4q  20

13. 4(a  b)  9a 14. 8  6x  4  2x

15.  ( f  y)  f  5 16. s2  n2  2b

Write a problem based on the given information.

17. c  cost per pound of plain coffee beans 18. p  cost of dinner
c  3  cost per pound of flavored coffee beans 0.15p  cost of a 15% tip
2c  (c  3)  21 p  0.15p  23

Chapter 2 8 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

2-2 Skills Practice

Solving Equations by Using Addition and Subtraction
Solve each equation. Then check your solution.

1. y  7  8 2. w  14  8

3. p  4  6 4. 13  5  x

5. 98  b  34 6. y  32  1

7. s  (28)  0 8. y  (10)  6

9. 1  s  (19) 10. j  (17)  36

11. 14  d  (10) 12. u  (5)  15

Lesson 2-2
13. 11  16  y 14. c  (3)  100

15. 47  w  (8) 16. x  (74)  22

17. 4  (h)  68 18. 56  20  (e)

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Write an equation for each problem. Then solve the equation and check your

19. A number decreased by 14 is 46. Find the number.

20. Thirteen subtracted from a number is 5. Find the number.

21. The sum of a number and 67 is equal to 34. Find the number.

22. What number minus 28 equals 2?

23. A number plus 73 is equal to 27. What is the number?

24. A number plus 17 equals 1. Find the number.

25. What number less 5 is equal to 39?

Chapter 2 15 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

2-3 Skills Practice

Solving Equations by Using Multiplication and Division
Solve each equation. Then check your solution.

1. 12z  108 2. 7t  49

3. 18e  216 4. 22  11v

5. 6d  42 6. 96  24a

c a
7.   16 8.   9
4 16

d d
9. 84   10.    13
3 7

t 1
11.   13 12. 31    n
4 6

2 2
13. 6   z 14.  q  4
3 7

5 a 2
15.  p  10 16.   
9 10 5

17. 0.4b  5.2 18. 1.6m  4

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Write an equation for each problem. Then solve the equation.

19. The opposite of a number is 9. What is the number?

20. Fourteen times a number is 42. Find the number.

21. Eight times a number equals 128. What is the number?

22. Negative twelve times a number equals 132. Find the number.

23. Negative eighteen times a number is 54. What is the number?

24. One sixth of a number is 17. Find the number.

25. Negative three fifths of a number is 15. What is the number?

Chapter 2 22 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

2-4 Skills Practice

Solving Multi-Step Equations
Solve each problem by working backward.

1. A number is divided by 2, and then the quotient is added to 8. The result is 33. Find the

2. Two is subtracted from a number, and then the difference is divided by 3. The result is
30. Find the number.

3. A number is multiplied by 2, and then the product is added to 9. The result is 49. What
is the number?

4. ALLOWANCE After Ricardo received his allowance for the week, he went to the mall
with some friends. He spent half of his allowance on a new paperback book. Then he
bought himself a snack for $1.25. When he arrived home, he had $5.00 left. How much
was his allowance?

Solve each equation. Then check your solution.

5. 5x  3  23 6. 4  3a  14 7. 2y  5  19

8. 6  5c  29 9. 8  5w  37 10. 18  4v  42

n x h
11.   8  2 12. 5    1 13.    4  13
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3 4 3

d a w
14.    12  7 15.   2  9 16.   3  1
6 5 7

3 2 5
17.  q  7  8 18.  g  6  12 19.  z  8  3
4 3 2

4 c5 b1
20.  m  2  6 21.   3 22.   2

Lesson 2-4
5 4 3

Write an equation and solve each problem.

23. Twice a number plus four equals 6. What is the number?

24. Sixteen is seven plus three times a number. Find the number.

25. Find two consecutive integers whose sum is 35.

26. Find three consecutive integers whose sum is 36.

Chapter 2 29 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

2-5 Skills Practice

Solving Equations with the Variable on Each Side
Justify each step.

1. 4k  3  2k  5
4k  3  2k  2k  5  2k a.
2k  3  5 b.
2k  3  3  5  3 c.
2k  8 d.
2k 8
2 2
k4 f.

2. 2(8u  2)  3(2u  7)
16u  4  6u  21 a.
16u  4  6u  6u  21  6u b.
10u  4  21 c.
10u  4  4  21  4 d.
10u  25 e.
10u 25
10 10
u  2.5 g.

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Solve each equation. Then check your solution.

3. 2m  12  3m  31 4. 2h  8  h  17

5. 7a  3  3  2a 6. 4n  12  12  4n

7. 4x  9  7x  12 8. 6y  3  3  6y

9. 5  3r  5r  19 10. 9  8k  7  4k

11. 8q  12  4(3  2q) 12. 3(5j  2)  2(3j  6)

13. 6(3v  1)  5(2v  2) 14. 7(2b  4)  5(2b  6)

15. 3(8  3t)  5(2  t) 16. 2(3u  7)  4(3  2u)

17. 8(2f  2)  7(3f  2) 18. 5(6  3d)  3(8  7d)

19. 6(w  1)  3(3w  5) 20. 7(3y  2)  8(3y  2)

2 2 1 5 7 7
21.  v  6  6   v 22.    x   x  
3 3 2 8 8 2

Chapter 2 36 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

2-6 Skills Practice

Ratios and Proportions
Use cross products to determine whether each pair of ratios forms a proportion.
Write yes or no.
4 20 5 7
1.  ,  2.  , 
5 25 9 11

6 24 8 72
3.  ,  4.  , 
7 28 9 81

7 42 13 26
5.  ,  6.  , 
16 90 19 38

3 21 12 50
7.  ,  8.  , 
14 98 17 85

Solve each proportion. If necessary, round to the nearest hundredth.

1 2 5 3
9.    10.   
a 14 b 9

9 15 3 1
11.    12.   
g 10 a 6

6 3 5 35
13.    14.   

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z 5 e 21

12 36 6 y
15.    16.   
7 s 23 69

42 6 7 1
17.    18.   
56 f b 9

10 30 11 n
19.    20.   
14 m 15 60

9 27 5 20
21.    22.   
c 39 12 g

4 s 22 11
23.    24.   
21 84 x 30

25. BOATING Hue’s boat used 5 gallons of gasoline in 4 hours. At this rate, how many
gallons of gasoline will the boat use in 10 hours?

Chapter 2 44 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

2-7 Skills Practice

Percent of Change
State whether each percent of change is a percent of increase or a percent of
decrease. Then find each percent of change. Round to the nearest whole percent.

1. original: 25 2. original: 50
new: 10 new: 75

3. original: 55 4. original: 25
new: 50 new: 28

Lesson 2-7
5. original: 50 6. original: 90
new: 30 new: 95

7. original: 48 8. original: 60
new: 60 new: 45

Find the total price of each item.

9. dress: $69.00 10. binder: $14.50
tax: 5% tax: 7%

11. hardcover book: $28.95 12. groceries: $47.52

tax: 6% tax: 3%
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

13. filler paper: $6.00 14. shoes: $65.00

tax: 6.5% tax: 4%

15. basketball: $17.00 16. concert tickets: $48.00

tax: 6% tax: 7.5%

Find the discounted price of each item.

17. backpack: $56.25 18. monitor: $150.00

discount: 20% discount: 50%

19. CD: $15.99 20. shirt: $25.50

discount: 20% discount: 40%

21. sleeping bag: $125 22. coffee maker: $102.00

discount: 25% discount: 45%

Chapter 2 51 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

2-8 Skills Practice

Solving Equations and Formulas
Solve each equation or formula for the variable specified.

1. 7t  x, for t 2. e  wp, for p

3. q  r  r, for r 4. 4m  n  m, for m

5. 7a  b  15a, for a 6. 5c  d  2c, for c

7. x  2y  1, for y 8. m  3n  1, for n

9. 7f  g  5, for f 10. ax  c  b, for x

Lesson 2-8
11. rt  2n  y, for t 12. bc  3g  2k, for c

13. kn  4f  9v, for n 14. 8c  6j  5p, for c

xc xc
15.   d, for x 16.   d, for c
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2 2

p9 b  4z
17.   q, for p 18.   a, for b
5 7

Write an equation and solve for the variable specified.

19. Five more than a number g is six less than twice a number h. Solve for g.

20. One fourth of a number q is three more than three times a number w. Solve for q.

21. Eight less than a number s is three more than four times a number t. Solve for s.

Chapter 2 59 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

2-9 Skills Practice

Weighted Averages
SEASONING For Exercises 1–4, use the following information.
A health food store sells seasoning blends in bulk. One blend contains 20% basil. Sheila
wants to add pure basil to some 20% blend to make 16 ounces of her own 30% blend. Let b
represent the amount of basil Sheila should add to the 20% blend.

1. Complete the table representing the problem.

Ounces Amount of Basil

20% Basil Blend

100% Basil

30% Basil Blend

2. Write an equation to represent the problem.

3. How many ounces of basil should Sheila use to make the 30% blend?

4. How many ounces of the 20% blend should she use?

HIKING For Exercises 5–7, use the following information.

At 7:00 A.M., two groups of hikers begin 21 miles apart and head toward each other. The
first group, hiking at an average rate of 1.5 miles per hour, carries tents, sleeping bags, and
cooking equipment. The second group, hiking at an average rate of 2 miles per hour, carries

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food and water. Let t represent the hiking time.

5. Copy and complete the table representing the problem.

r t d  rt

First group of hikers

Second group of hikers

6. Write an equation using t that describes the distances traveled.

7. How long will it be until the two groups of hikers meet?

SALES For Exercises 8 and 9, use the following information.

Sergio sells a mixture of Virginia peanuts and Spanish peanuts for $3.40 per pound. To
make the mixture, he uses Virginia peanuts that cost $3.50 per pound and Spanish peanuts
that cost $3.00 per pound. He mixes 10 pounds at a time.

8. How many pounds of Virginia peanuts does Sergio use?

9. How many pounds of Spanish peanuts does Sergio use?

Chapter 2 66 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

3-1 Skills Practice

Representing Relations
Express each relation as a table, a graph, and a mapping. Then determine the
domain and range.

1. {(⫺1, ⫺1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 2)}

873946 Alg1 CH03 EP7


O x

2. {(0, 4), (⫺4, ⫺4), (⫺2, 3), (4, 0)}


O x

3. {(3, ⫺2), (1, 0), (⫺2, 4), (3, 1)}


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O x

Express the relation shown in each table, mapping, or graph as a set of ordered
pairs. Then write the inverse of the relation.

4. x y
5. X Y 6. y

3 ⫺5 9
⫺4 3 5 O x
7 6 2

1 ⫺2

Chapter 3 8 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

3-2 Skills Practice

Representing Functions
Determine whether each relation is a function.

1. X Y 2. X Y 3. X Y

6 4 5 2
873946 Alg1 CH03 EP7

4 4
2 1 2 1
1 6
1 3 0 3
2 7
3 5 3 5

4. x y
5. x y
6. x y
4 ⫺5 2 7 3 7
⫺1 ⫺10 5 ⫺3 ⫺1 1
0 ⫺9 3 5 1 0
1 ⫺7 ⫺4 ⫺2 3 5
9 1 5 2 7 3

Lesson 3-2
7. {(2, 5), (4, ⫺2), (3, 3), (5, 4), (⫺2, 5)} 8. {(6, ⫺1), (⫺4, 2), (5, 2), (4, 6), (6, 5)}

9. y ⫽ 2x ⫺ 5 10. y ⫽ 11

11. y 12. y 13. y

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O x O x O x

If f(x)  3x  2 and g(x)  x2  x, find each value.

14. f(4) 15. f(8)

16. f(⫺2) 17. g(2)

18. g(⫺3) 19. g(⫺6)

20. f(2) ⫹ 1 21. f(1) ⫺ 1

22. g(2) ⫺ 2 23. g(⫺1) ⫹ 4

24. f(x ⫹ 1) 25. g(3b)

Chapter 3 15 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

3-3 Skills Practice

Linear Functions
Determine whether each equation is a linear equation. If so, write the equation in
standard form.

1. xy ⫽ 6 2. y ⫽ 2 ⫺ 3x 3. 5x ⫽ y ⫺ 4

873946 Alg1 CH03 EP7

4. y ⫽ 2x ⫹ 5 5. y ⫽ ⫺7 ⫹ 6x 6. y ⫽ 3x2 ⫹ 1

7. y ⫺ 4 ⫽ 0 8. 5x ⫹ 6y ⫽ 3x ⫹ 2 9. ᎏ y ⫽ 1

Determine the x-intercept and y-intercept of each graph.

10. y 11. y 12. y

O x O O x

Graph each equation by making a table.

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

13. y ⫽ 4 14. y ⫽ 3x 15. y ⫽ x ⫹ 4
y y y

O x O x O x

Graph each equation by using the x-intercept and y-intercept.

16. x ⫺ y ⫽ 3 17. 10x ⫽ ⫺5y 18. 4x ⫽ 2y ⫹ 6

y y y

O x O x O x

Chapter 3 22 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

3-4 Skills Practice

Arithmetic Sequences
Determine whether each sequence is an arithmetic sequence. If it is, state the
common difference.

1. 4, 7, 9, 12, … 2. 15, 13, 11, 9, …

873946 Alg1 CH03 EP7

3. 7, 10, 13, 16, … 4. ⫺6, ⫺5, ⫺3, ⫺1, …

5. ⫺5, ⫺3, ⫺1, 1, … 6. ⫺9, ⫺12, ⫺15, ⫺18, …

Find the next three terms of each arithmetic sequence.

7. 3, 7, 11, 15, … 8. 22, 20, 18, 16, …

9. ⫺13, ⫺11, ⫺9, ⫺7, … 10. ⫺2, ⫺5, ⫺8, ⫺11, …

11. 19, 24, 29, 34, … 12. 16, 7, ⫺2, ⫺11, …

Find the nth term of each arithmetic sequence described.

13. a1 ⫽ 6, d ⫽ 3, n ⫽ 12 14. a1 ⫽ ⫺2, d ⫽ 5, n ⫽ 11

15. a1 ⫽ 10, d ⫽ ⫺3, n ⫽ 15 16. a1 ⫽ ⫺3, d ⫽ ⫺3, n ⫽ 22

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

17. a1 ⫽ 24, d ⫽ 8, n ⫽ 25 18. a1 ⫽ 8, d ⫽ ⫺6, n ⫽ 14

19. 8, 13, 18, 23, … for n ⫽ 17 20. ⫺10, ⫺3, 4, 11, … for n ⫽ 12

21. 12, 10, 8, 6, … for n ⫽ 16 22. 12, 7, 2, ⫺3, … for n ⫽ 25

Write an equation for the nth term of each arithmetic sequence. Then graph the
first five terms of the sequence.

23. 7, 13, 19, 25, … 24. 30, 26, 22, 18, … 25. ⫺7, ⫺4, ⫺1, 2, …

an an an
30 30
20 20
O 2 4 6n
10 10
O 2 4 6n O 2 4 6n

Chapter 3 30 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

3-5 Skills Practice

Describing Number Patterns
Find the next two items for each pattern. Then find the 19th figure in the pattern.

873946 Alg1 CH03 EP7


Find the next three terms in each sequence.

3. 1, 4, 10, 19, 31, … 4. 15, 14, 16, 15, 17, 16, …

5. 29, 28, 26, 23, 19, … 6. 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 5, …

7. x, x ⫺ 1, x ⫺ 2, … 8. y, 4y, 9y, 16y, …

Write an equation in function notation for each relation.

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

9. y 10. y 11. y

O x O x O x

12. y 13. y 14. y

O x
Lesson 3-5

O x
O x

Chapter 3 37 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

4-1 Skills Practice

Rate of Change and Slope
Find the slope of the line that passes through each pair of points.

1. y 2. y 3. y
(2, 5)
(0, 1)

(3, 1) O x
(0, 1) O (1, –2)
O x (0, 0) x

4. (2, 5), (3, 6) 5. (6, 1), (⫺6, 1)

6. (4, 6), (4, 8) 7. (5, 2), (5, ⫺2)

8. (2, 5), (⫺3, ⫺5) 9. (9, 8), (7, ⫺8)

10. (⫺5, ⫺8), (⫺8, 1) 11. (⫺3, 10), (⫺3, 7)

12. (17, 18), (18, 17) 13. (⫺6, ⫺4), (4, 1)

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

14. (10, 0), (⫺2, 4) 15. (2, ⫺1), (⫺8, ⫺2)

16. (5, ⫺9), (3, ⫺2) 17. (12, 6), (3, ⫺5)

18. (⫺4, 5), (⫺8, ⫺5) 19. (⫺5, 6), (7, ⫺8)

Find the value of r so the line that passes through each pair of points has the
given slope.

20. (r, 3), (5, 9), m ⫽ 2 21. (5, 9), (r, ⫺3), m ⫽ ⫺4

1 3
22. (r, 2), (6, 3), m ⫽ ᎏ 23. (r, 4), (7, 1), m ⫽ ᎏ
2 4

24. (5, 3), (r, ⫺5), m ⫽ 4 25. (7, r), (4, 6), m ⫽ 0

Chapter 4 8 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

4-2 Skills Practice

Slope and Direct Variation
Name the constant of variation for each equation. Then determine the slope of the
line that passes through each pair of points.

1. y 2. y 3. y
(–2, 3)
(3, 1) (–1, 2)
(0, 0) (0, 0) (0, 0)
O x O x O x

y ⫽ –2x y ⫽ – 32 x
y ⫽ 13 x

Graph each equation.

3 2
4. y ⫽ 3x y 5. y ⫽ ⫺ ᎏ x y 6. y ⫽ ᎏ x y
4 5

O x O x O x

Lesson 4-2
Write a direct variation equation that relates x and y. Assume that y varies
directly as x. Then solve.

7. If y ⫽ ⫺8 when x ⫽ ⫺2, find x 8. If y ⫽ 45 when x ⫽ 15, find x

when y ⫽ 32. when y ⫽ 15.

9. If y ⫽ ⫺4 when x ⫽ 2, find y 10. If y ⫽ ⫺9 when x ⫽ 3, find y

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

when x ⫽ ⫺6. when x ⫽ ⫺5.

11. If y ⫽ 4 when x ⫽ 16, find y 12. If y ⫽ 12 when x ⫽ 18, find x

when x ⫽ 6. when y ⫽ ⫺16.

Write a direct variation equation that relates the variables. Then graph the

13. TRAVEL The total cost C of gasoline 14. SHIPPING The number of delivered toys T
is $1.80 times the number of gallons g. is 3 times the total number of crates c.
Gasoline Cost Toys Shipped
28 21
24 18
20 15
Cost ($)


16 12
12 9
8 6
4 3

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 g 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 c
Gallons Crates

Chapter 4 15 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

4-3 Skills Practice

Graphing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form
Write an equation of the line with the given slope and y-intercept.

1. slope: 5, y-intercept: ⫺3 2. slope: ⫺2, y-intercept: 7

3. slope: ⫺6, y-intercept: ⫺2 4. slope: 7, y-intercept: 1

5. slope: 3, y-intercept: 2 6. slope: ⫺4, y-intercept: ⫺9

7. slope: 1, y-intercept: ⫺12 8. slope: 0, y-intercept: 8

Write an equation of the line shown in each graph.

9. y 10. y 11. y

(0, 2)

(2, 1) O x
O x O x
(0, –1)
(2, –4) (2, –3)
(0, –3)

Graph each equation.

12. y ⫽ x ⫹ 4 13. y ⫽ ⫺2x ⫺ 1 14. x ⫹ y ⫽ ⫺3

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

y y y

O x

O x
O x

Write a linear equation in slope-intercept form to model each situation.

15. A video store charges $10 for a rental card plus $2 per rental.

16. A Norfolk pine is 18 inches tall and grows at a rate of 1.5 feet per year.

17. A Cairn terrier weighs 30 pounds and is on a special diet to lose 2 pounds per month.

18. An airplane at an altitude of 3000 feet descends at a rate of 500 feet per mile.

Chapter 4 22 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

4-4 Skills Practice

Writing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form
Write an equation of the line that passes through each point with the given slope.

1. y 2. y 3. y
(4, 1)
(–1, 4)
O x (–1, 2)
m ⫽ –3 m⫽2
O x O x

4. (1, 9), m ⫽ 4 5. (4, 2), m ⫽ ⫺2 6. (2, ⫺2), m ⫽ 3

7. (3, 0), m ⫽ 5 8. (⫺3, ⫺2), m ⫽ 2 9. (⫺5, 4), m ⫽ ⫺4

Write an equation of the line that passes through each pair of points.

10. y 11. y 12. y

(–2, 3)
(1, 1) (0, 3)
O x
O x
(–1, –3) O x
(3, –2)
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(2, –1)

13. (1, 3), (⫺3, ⫺5) 14. (1, 4), (6, ⫺1) 15. (1, ⫺1), (3, 5)

16. (⫺2, 4), (0, 6) 17. (3, 3), (1, ⫺3) 18. (⫺1, 6), (3, ⫺2)

Write an equation of the line that has each pair of intercepts. Lesson 4-4
19. x-intercept: ⫺3, y-intercept: 6 20. x-intercept: 3, y-intercept: 3

21. x-intercept: 1, y-intercept: 2 22. x-intercept: 2, y-intercept: ⫺4

23. x-intercept: ⫺4, y-intercept: ⫺8 24. x-intercept: ⫺1, y-intercept: 4

Chapter 4 29 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

4-5 Skills Practice

Writing Equations in Point-Slope Form
Write the point-slope form of an equation for a line that passes through each
point with the given slope.

1. y 2. m ⫽ –1 y 3. y

O x
O x O x
(–1, –2) (1, –2) (2, –3)

4. (3, 1), m ⫽ 0 5. (⫺4, 6), m ⫽ 8 6. (1, ⫺3), m ⫽ ⫺4

4 5
7. (4, ⫺6), m ⫽ 1 8. (3, 3), m ⫽ ᎏ 9. (⫺5, ⫺1), m ⫽ ⫺ ᎏ
3 4

Write each equation in standard form.

10. y ⫹ 1 ⫽ x ⫹ 2 11. y ⫹ 9 ⫽ ⫺3(x ⫺ 2) 12. y ⫺ 7 ⫽ 4(x ⫹ 4)

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

13. y ⫺ 4 ⫽ ⫺(x ⫺ 1) 14. y ⫺ 6 ⫽ 4(x ⫹ 3) 15. y ⫹ 5 ⫽ ⫺5(x ⫺ 3)

1 1
16. y ⫺ 10 ⫽ ⫺2(x ⫺ 3) 17. y ⫺ 2 ⫽ ⫺ ᎏ (x ⫺ 4) 18. y ⫹ 11 ⫽ ᎏ (x ⫹ 3)
2 3

Write each equation in slope-intercept form.

19. y ⫺ 4 ⫽ 3(x ⫺ 2) 20. y ⫹ 2 ⫽ ⫺(x ⫹ 4) 21. y ⫺ 6 ⫽ ⫺2(x ⫹ 2)

22. y ⫹ 1 ⫽ ⫺5(x ⫺ 3) 23. y ⫺ 3 ⫽ 6(x ⫺ 1) 24. y ⫺ 8 ⫽ 3(x ⫹ 5)

1 1 1 1
25. y ⫺ 2 ⫽ ᎏ (x ⫹ 6) 26. y ⫹ 1 ⫽ ⫺ ᎏ (x ⫹ 9) 27. y ⫺ ᎏ ⫽ x ⫹ ᎏ
2 3 2 2

Chapter 4 36 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

4-6 Skills Practice

Statistics: Scatter Plots and Lines of Fit
Determine whether each graph shows a positive correlation, a negative
correlation, or no correlation. If there is a positive or negative correlation,
describe its meaning in the situation.

1. 2.
Calories Burned Library Fines
During Exercise 7
600 6

Fines (dollars)
400 4

300 3
200 2
100 1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10
Time (minutes) Books Borrowed

3. 4.
Weight-Lifting Evening Newspapers
14 900
Number of Newspapers

12 850
10 800

8 750
6 700
4 650

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2 600
0 20 40 60 80 100120140 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03
Weight (pounds) Year

Source: Editor & Publisher

BASEBALL For Exercises 5–7, use the scatter

plot that shows the average price of a Baseball Ticket Prices
major-league baseball ticket from 1991 to 2005.
Average Price ($)

5. Determine what relationship, if any, exists in 18

the data. Explain. 16

6. Use the points (1998, 13.60) and (2003, 19.00) 12

to write the slope-intercept form of an equation 10
for the line of fit shown in the scatter plot. 0
’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05

7. Predict the price of a ticket in 2009. Source: Team Marketing Report, Chicago

Chapter 4 44 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

4-7 Skills Practice

Geometry: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Write the slope-intercept form of an equation of the line that passes through the
given point and is parallel to the graph of each equation.

1. y 2. y 3. y
(–2, 2)
y ⫽ –x ⫹ 3

O x O x
(–2, –3) y ⫽ 2x ⫺ 1 O y ⫽ 12 x ⫹ 1
(1, –1)

4. (3, 2), y ⫽ 3x ⫹ 4 5. (⫺1, ⫺2), y ⫽ ⫺3x ⫹ 5 6. (⫺1, 1), y ⫽ x ⫺ 4

7. (1, ⫺3), y ⫽ ⫺4x ⫺ 1 8. (⫺4, 2), y ⫽ x ⫹ 3 9. (⫺4, 3), y ⫽ ᎏ x ⫺ 6

10. (4, 1), y ⫽ ⫺ ᎏ x ⫹ 7 11. (⫺5, ⫺1), 2y ⫽ 2x ⫺ 4 12. (3, ⫺1), 3y ⫽ x ⫹ 9

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Write the slope-intercept form of an equation of the line that passes through the
given point and is perpendicular to the graph of each equation.

13. (⫺3, ⫺2), y ⫽ x ⫹ 2 14. (4, ⫺1), y ⫽ 2x ⫺ 4 15. (⫺1, ⫺6), x ⫹ 3y ⫽ 6

1 1
16. (⫺4, 5), y ⫽ ⫺4x ⫺ 1 17. (⫺2, 3), y ⫽ ᎏ x ⫺ 4 18. (0, 0), y ⫽ ᎏ x ⫺ 1
4 2

3 5
19. (3, ⫺3), y ⫽ ᎏ x ⫹ 5 20. (⫺5, 1), y ⫽ ⫺ ᎏ x ⫺ 7 21. (0, ⫺2), y ⫽ ⫺7x ⫹ 3
4 3

22. (2, 3), 2x ⫹ 10y ⫽ 3 23. (⫺2, 2), 6x ⫹ 3y ⫽ ⫺9 24. (⫺4, ⫺3), 8x ⫺ 2y ⫽ 16

Chapter 4 52 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

5-1 Skills Practice

Graphing Systems of Equations
Use the graph at the right to determine whether y
each system has no solution, one solution, or yx4

infinitely many solutions.

x  y  4
1. y  x  1 2. x  y  4 2x  2y  2
y  x  1 yx4
O x
y  x  1
3. y  x  4 4. y  2x  3 yx1

2x  2y  2 2x  2y  2
y  2x  3

Graph each system of equations. Then determine whether the system has no
solution, one solution, or infinitely many solutions. If the system has one solution,
name it.
5. 2x  y  1 6. x  1 7. 3x  y  3
y  3 2x  y  4 3x  y  3
y y y

O x O x O x

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

8. y  x  2 9. x  3y  3 10. y  x  1
x  y  2 x  3y  3 xy3
y y y

O x O x O x

11. x  y  3 12. x  2y  4 13. y  2x  3

x  2y  3 y  x  2 3y  6x  6
y y y

O x

O x O x

Chapter 5 8 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

5-2 Skills Practice

Use substitution to solve each system of equations. If the system does not have
exactly one solution, state whether it has no solution or infinitely many solutions.

1. y  4x 2. y  2x
xy5 x  3y  14

3. y  3x 4. x  4y
2x  y  15 3x  2y  20

5. y  x  1 6. x  y  7
xy3 x  8y  2

7. y  4x  1 8. y  3x  8
y  2x  5 5x  2y  5

9. 2x  3y  21 10. y  5x  8
y3x 4x  3y  33

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11. x  2y  13 12. x  5y  4
3x  5y  6 3x  15y  1

13. 3x  y  4 14. x  4y  8
2x  3y  9 2x  5y  29

15. x  5y  10 16. 5x  2y  14
2x  10y  20 2x  y  5

17. 2x  5y  38 18. x  4y  27
x  3y  3 3x  y  23

19. 2x  2y  7 20. 2.5x  y  2

x  2y  1 3x  2y  0

Chapter 5 16 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

5-3 Skills Practice

Elimination Using Addition and Subtraction
Use elimination to solve each system of equations.

1. x  y  1 2. x  y  1
xy3 x  y  11

3. x  4y  11 4. x  3y  6
x  6y  11 x  3y  18

5. 3x  4y  19 6. x  4y  8
3x  6y  33 x  4y  8

7. 3a  4b  2 8. 3c  d  1
4a  4b  12 3c  d  5

9. 2x  3y  9 10. x  y  4
5x  3y  30 2x  y  4

11. 3m  n  26 12. 5x  y  6
2m  n  24 x  y  2

13. 6x  2y  32 14. 3x  2y  19

Lesson 5-3
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4x  2y  18 3x  5y  25

15. 7m  4n  2 16. 2x  5y  28

7m  2n  8 4x  5y  4

17. The sum of two numbers is 28 and their difference is 4. What are the numbers?

18. Find the two numbers whose sum is 29 and whose difference is 15.

19. The sum of two numbers is 24 and their difference is 2. What are the numbers?

20. Find the two numbers whose sum is 54 and whose difference is 4.

21. Two times a number added to another number is 25. Three times the first number minus
the other number is 20. Find the numbers.

Chapter 5 23 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

5-4 Skills Practice

Elimination Using Multiplication
Use elimination to solve each system of equations.

1. x  y  9 2. 3x  2y  9
5x  2y  32 x  y  13

3. 2x  5y  3 4. 2x  y  3
x  3y  7 4x  4y  8

5. 4x  2y  14 6. 2x  y  0
3x  y  8 5x  3y  2

7. 5x  3y  10 8. 2x  3y  14
3x  5y  6 3x  4y  4

9. 2x  3y  21 10. 3x  2y  26
5x  2y  25 4x  5y  4

11. 3x  6y  3 12. 5x  2y  3
2x  4y  30 3x  3y  9

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

13. Two times a number plus three times another number equals 13. The sum of the two
numbers is 7. What are the numbers?

14. Four times a number minus twice another number is 16. The sum of the two numbers
is 1. Find the numbers.

Determine the best method to solve each system of equations. Then solve the system.

15. 2x  3y  10 16. 8x  7y  18
5x  2y  8 3x  7y  26

17. y  2x 18. 3x  y  6
3x  2y  35 3x  y  3

19. 3x  4y  17 20. y  3x  1
4x  5y  2 3x  y  1

Chapter 5 30 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

5-5 Skills Practice

Applying Systems of Linear Equations
Determine the best method to solve each system of equations. Then solve
the system.

1. 5x  3y  16 2. 3x – 5y  7
3x – 5y  4 2x  5y  13

3. y  3x  24 4. 11x – 10y  17
5x  y  8 5x – 7y  50

5. 4x  y  24 6. 6x – y  145
5x  y  12 x  4 – 2y

7. VEGETABLE STAND A roadside vegetable stand sells pumpkins for $5 each and
squashes for $3 each. One day they sold 6 more squash than pumpkins, and their sales
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

totaled $98. Write and solve a system of equations to find how many pumpkins and
squash they sold?

8. INCOME Ramiro earns $20 per hour during the week and $30 per hour for overtime
on the weekends. One week Ramiro earned a total of $650. He worked 5 times as many
hours during the week as he did on the weekend. Write and solve a system of equations
to determine how many hours of overtime Ramiro worked on the weekend.

9. BASKETBALL Anya makes 14 baskets during her game. Some of these baskets were
Lesson 5-5

worth 2-points and others were worth 3-points. In total, she scored 30 points. Write and
solve a system of equations to find how 2-points baskets she made.

Chapter 5 37 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

6-1 Skills Practice

Solving Inequalities by Addition and Subtraction
Match each inequality with its corresponding graph.

1. x  11  16 c a.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

873949 Alg1 CH06 EP3

2. x  6  1 e b.
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

3. x  2  3 a c.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4. x  3  1 b d.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

5. x  1  7 d e.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Solve each inequality. Then check your solution, and graph it on a number line.

6. d  5  1 {d  d  6} 7. s  9  8 {s  s  1}

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

8. a  7  13 {a  a  6} 9. w  1  4 {w  w  5}

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

10. 4  k  3 {k  k  1} 11. 9  b  4 {b  b  5}

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

12. 2  x  4 {x  x  6} 13. 2y  y  2 {y  y  2}

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

Define a variable, write an inequality, and solve each problem. Then check your
solution. 14–18. Sample answer: Let n  the number.

14. A number decreased by 10 is greater than 5. n  10  5; {n  n  5}

15. A number increased by 1 is less than 9. n  1  9; {n  n  8}

16. Seven more than a number is less than or equal to 18. n  7  18; {n  n  25}

17. Twenty less than a number is at least 15. n  20  15; {n  n  35}

18. A number plus 2 is at most 1. n  2  1; {n  n  1}

Chapter 6 8 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

6-2 Skills Practice

Solving Inequalities by Multiplication and Division
Match each inequality with its corresponding statement.

1. 3n  9 d a. Three times a number is at most nine.

2.  n  9 f
873949 Alg1 CH06 EP3

b. One third of a number is no more than nine.


3. 3n  9 a c. Negative three times a number is more than nine.

4. 3n  9 c d. Three times a number is less than nine.

5.  n  9 b e. Negative three times a number is at least nine.

6. 3n  9 e f. One third of a number is greater than or equal to nine.

Solve each inequality. Then check your solution.

Lesson 6-2
7. 14g  56 8. 11w  77 9. 20b  120 10. 8r  16
{g  g  4} {w  w  7} {b  b  6} {r  r  2}
s a p
11. 15p  90 12.   9 13.   15 14.    9
4 9 7
{p  p  6} {s  s  36} {a  a  135} {p  p  63}
t k
15.    6 16. 5z  90 17. 13m  26 18.   17
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

12 5
{t  t  72} {z  z  18} {m  m  2} {k  k  85}
h d
19. y  36 20. 16c  224 21.    2 22. 12  
10 12
{y  y  36} {c  c  14} {h  h  20} {d  d  144}

Define a variable, write an inequality, and solve each problem. Then check your
solution. 23–27. Sample answer: Let n  the number.

23. Four times a number is greater than 48. 4n  48; {n  n  12}

24. One eighth of a number is less than or equal to 3. 
8 n  3; {n  n  24}

25. Negative twelve times a number is no more than 84. 12n  84; {n  n  7}
26. Negative one sixth of a number is less than 9.  
6 n  9; {n  n  54}

27. Eight times a number is at least 16. 8n  16; {n  n  2}

Chapter 6 15 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

6-3 Skills Practice

Solving Multi-Step Inequalities
Justify each indicated step.
3 2. 5(k  8)  7  23
1.  t  3  15
4 5k  40  7  23 a. ?
 t  3  3  15  3 a. ? 5k  33  23

873949 Alg1 CH06 EP3

3 5k  33  33  23  33 b. ?
 t  12
4 5k  10
5k 10
4 3 4
  t   (12)
3 4 3
b. ? 
5 5
c. ?
k  2
t  16
a. Distributive Property
a. Add 3 to each side. b. Subtract 33 from each side.
b. Multiply each side by 
3. c. Divide each side by 5.

Solve each inequality. Then check your solution.

3. 2b  4  6 4. 3x  15  21 5.   1  3
{b  b  5} {x  x  2} {d  d  8}
2 t 3
6.  a  4  2 7.   7  4 8.  j  10  5
5 5 4
{a  a  15} {t  t  55} {j  j  20}
9.   f  3  9 10. 2p  5  3p  10 11. 4k  15  2k  3

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

{f  f  18} {p  p  15} {k  k  2}
12. 2(3m  5)  28 13. 6(w  1)  2(w  5) 14. 2(q  3)  6  10

{m  m  3} {w  w  2} {q  q  5}
Define a variable, write an inequality, and solve each problem. Then check your
solution. 15–20. Sample answer: Let n  the number.
15. Four more than the quotient of a number and three is at least nine.   4  9;
{n  n  15}
16. The sum of a number and fourteen is less than or equal to three times the number.
n  14  3n; {n  n  7}
17. Negative three times a number increased by seven is less than negative eleven.
3n  7  11; {n  n  6}
18. Five times a number decreased by eight is at most ten more than twice the number.
5n  8  2n  10; {n  n  6}
19. Seven more than five sixths of a number is more than negative three.  n  7  3;
{n  n  12}
20. Four times the sum of a number and two increased by three is at least twenty-seven.
4(n  2)  3  27; {n  n  4}
Chapter 6 22 Glencoe Algebra 1
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

6-4 Skills Practice

Solving Compound Inequalities
Graph the solution set of each compound inequality.

1. b  3 or b  0 2. z  3 and z  2

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
873949 Alg1 CH06 EP3

3. k  1 and k  5 4. y  1 or y  1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

Write a compound inequality for each graph.

5. 6.
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

3  x  3 1x4
7. 8.
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

x  2 or x  1 x  1 or x  2

Solve each compound inequality. Then graph the solution set.

9. m  3  5 and m  3  7 10. y  5  4 or y  5  1
{m  2  m  4} {y  y  1 or y  6}

2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

11. 4  f  6 and f  6  5 12. w  3  0 or w  7  9

{f  2  f  1} {w  w  3 or w  2}

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

13. 6  b  4  2 14. p  2  2 or p  2  1
{b  2  b  6} {p  p  0 or p  3}

Lesson 6-4
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

Define a variable, write an inequality, and solve each problem. Then check your
solution. 15–17. Sample answer: Let n  the number.

15. A number plus one is greater than negative five and less than three.
5  n  1  3; {n  6  n  2}
16. A number decreased by two is at most four or at least nine.
n  2  4 or n  2  9; {n  n  6 or n  11}
17. The sum of a number and three is no more than eight or is more than twelve.
n  3  8 or n  3  12; {n  n  5 or n  9}

Chapter 6 29 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

6-5 Skills Practice

Solving Open Sentences Involving Absolute Value
Match each open sentence with the graph of its solution set.

1. x  4 c a.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. x  6  3 a

873949 Alg1 CH06 EP3

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3

3. 2x  4  8 d c.
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

4. x  2  3 b d.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3

Express each statement as an open sentence using absolute value.

5. Jordan’s highest and lowest test scores are 7 percentage points from 89%. |p  89| = 7
6. The normal human body temperature varies 1.5ºF from the average 98.6ºF.
 t  98.6   1.5
7. Last year, 224 students attended the Homecoming game. This year, the Student Council
expects student attendance to be within 36 of the previous years’ attendance.
 s  224   36

Solve each open sentence. Then graph the solution set.

8. d  5  1 {6, 4} 9. 2f  9 1 {4, 5}

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10. g  4  3 {1, 7} 11. w  3 1 {4, 2}

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

12. 3s  12 {4, 4} 13. c  6 2 {8, 4}

5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

For each graph, write an open sentence involving absolute value.

14. 15.
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

x 2 x1 4
16. 17.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

x5 4 x7 3

Chapter 6 36 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

6-6 Skills Practice

Solving Inequalities Involving Absolute Value
Match each open sentence with the graph of its solution set.

1. x  2 c a.

Lesson 6-6
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2. x  5  3 a
873949 Alg1 CH06 EP3

5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

3. x  2  3 d c.
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

4. x  1  4 b d.
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Express each statement using an inequality involving absolute value. Do not solve.
5. The weatherman predicted that the temperature would be within 3° of 52°F.
 t  52   3
6. Serena will make the B team if she scores within 8 points of the team average of 92.
 p  92   8
7. The dance committee expects attendance to number within 25 of last year’s 87 students.
 a  87   25

Solve each open sentence. Then graph the solution set.

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

8. s  1  5 {s  6  s  4} 9. c  3 1 {c  2  c  4}

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10. n  2  1 {n  n  3 or n  1} 11. t  6  4 {t  t  10 or t  2}

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

12. w  2  2 {w  w  0 or w  4} 13. k  5  4 {k  1  k  9}

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

For each graph, write an open sentence involving absolute value.

14. 15.
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3

x 1 x3 2
16. 17.
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

x4 1 x 4

Chapter 6 43 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

6-7 Skills Practice

Graphing Inequalities in Two Variables
Determine which ordered pairs are part of the solution set for each inequality.

1. y  3x, {(1, 5), (1, 0), (1, 0), (5, 1)} {(1, 5), (1, 0)}
873949 Alg1 CH06 EP2

2. y  x  3, {(2, 3), (2, 1), (1, 6), (3, 4)} {(1, 6)}

3. y  x  1, {(3, 1), (2, 4), (4, 2), (3, 3)} {(3, 1), (2, 4), (4, 2)}

Match each inequality with its graph.

4. y  2x  2 b a. y b. y

5. y  3x d
O x
6. 2y  x  4 a
O x

Lesson 6-7
7. x  y  1 c
c. y d. y

O x O x
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Graph each inequality.

8. y  1 9. y  x  5 10. y  3x
y y y

O x

O x O x

11. y  2x  4 12. y  x  3 13. y  x  1

y y y

O x
O x
O x

Chapter 6 51 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

6-8 Skills Practice

Graphing Systems of Inequalities
Solve each system of inequalities by graphing.

1. x  1 2. y  2 3. y  x  3
y  3 x  2 y  1
y y y
873949 Alg1 CH06 EP3

O x O x O x

4. x  2 5. x  y  1 6. y  x  4
yx2 xy3  xy2
y y y

O x O x
O x

7. y  x  1 8. y  x  2 9. y  2x  4

Lesson 6-8
y  x  1 y  2x  2 yx1
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

y y y

O x O x O x

Write a system of inequalities for each graph.

10. y 11. y 12. y

O x O x O x

y  x  2, y  x  3 y  x, y  x y  x  1, y  1

Chapter 6 59 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

7-1 Skills Practice

Multiplying Monomials
Determine whether each expression is a monomial. Write yes or no. Explain.

1. 11

2. a  b

3. 2

4. y

873950 Alg1 CH07

5. j 3k

6. 2a  3b


7. a2(a3)(a6) 8. x(x2)(x7)

9. (y2z)( yz2) 10. (ᐉ2k2)(ᐉ3k)

11. (e2f 4)(e2f 2) 12. (cd2)(c3d2)

13. (2x2)(3x5) 14. (5a7)(4a2)

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

15. (4xy3)(3x3y5) 16. (7a5b2)(a2b3)

17. (5m3)(3m8) 18. (2c4d)(4cd)

19. (102)3 20. (p3)12

21. (6p)2 22. (3y)3

23. (3pq2)2 24. (2b3c4)2

GEOMETRY Express the area of each figure as a monomial.

25. 26. 27.

x2 cd

x5 cd
9p 3

Chapter 7 8 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

7-2 Skills Practice

Dividing Monomials
Simplify. Assume that no denominator is equal to zero.
65 912
1. 4 2. 8
6 9

x4 r3s2
3. 2 4. 
3 4
x r s

m 9d7
5. 3 6. 6
873950 Alg1 CH07

m 3d

12n5 w4u3
7.  8. 
36n w u

a3b5 m7n2
9. 2
3 2

Lesson 7-2
ab m n

21w5u2 32x3y2z5
11.  12. 
4 5
7w u 8xyz

冢 4p
7s 冣
7 2
13. 2
14. 44
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

冢 35 冣
15. 82 16. 

冢 119 冣
17.  18. 

19. k0(k4)(k6) 20. k1(ᐉ6)(m3)

冢 16p
2p q 冣
q 5 2 0
21. 4
3 3

f5g 4 15x6y9
2 24. 

15w0u1 48x6y7z5
25.  26. 
35u 6xy z
5 6

Chapter 7 15 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

7-3 Skills Practice

State whether each expression is a polynomial. If the expression is a polynomial,
identify it as a monomial, a binomial, or a trinomial.

1. 5mn  n2 2. 4by  2b  by 3. 32

4.  5. 5x2  3x4 6. 2c2  8c  9  3

873950 Alg1 CH07

GEOMETRY Write a polynomial to represent the area of each shaded region.
7. 8.
y b


Find the degree of each polynomial.

9. 12 10. 3r4 11. b  6

12. 4a3  2a 13. 5abc  2b2  1 14. 8x5y4  2x8

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Arrange the terms of each polynomial so that the powers of x are in ascending

15. 3x  1  2x2 16. 5x  6  3x2

17. 9x2  2  x3  x 18. 3  3x3  x2  4x

19. 7r5x  21r4  r2x2  15x3 20. 3a2x4  14a2  10x3  ax2

Arrange the terms of each polynomial so that the powers of x are in descending

21. x2  3x3  27  x 22. 25  x3  x

23. x  3x2  4  5x3 24. x2  64  x  7x3

25. 2cx  32  c3x2  6x3 26. 13  x3y3  x2y2  x

Chapter 7 22 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

7-4 Skills Practice

Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
Find each sum or difference.

1. (2x  3y)  (4x  9y) 2. (6s  5t)  (4t  8s)

3. (5a  9b)  (2a  4b) 4. (11m  7n)  (2m  6n)

5. (m2  m)  (2m  m2) 6. (x2  3x)  (2x2  5x)

7. (d2  d  5)  (2d  5) 8. (2e2  5e)  (7e  3e2)

873950 Alg1 CH07

9. (5f  g  2)  (2f  3) 10. (6k2  2k  9)  (4k2  5k)

11. (x3  x  1)  (3x  1) 12. (b2  ab  2)  (2b2  2ab)

13. (7z2  4  z)  (5  3z2) 14. (5  4n  2m)  (6m  8)

15. (4t2  2)  (4  2t) 16. (3g 3  7g)  (4g  8g 3)

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

17. (2a2  8a  4)  (a2  3) 18. (3x2  7x  5)  (x2  4x)

19. (7z2  z  1)  (4z  3z2  3) 20. (2c2  7c  4)  (c2  1  9c)

21. (n2  3n  2)  (2n2  6n  2) 22. (a2  ab  3b2)  (b2  4a2  ab)

23. (ᐉ2  5ᐉ  6)  (2ᐉ2  5  ᐉ) 24. (2m2  5m  1)  (4m2  3m  3)

25. (x2  6x  2)  (5x2  7x  4) 26. (5b2  9b  5)  (b2  6  2b)

27. (2x2  6x  2)  (x2  4x)  (3x2  x  5)

Chapter 7 30 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

7-5 Skills Practice

Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial
Find each product.

1. a(4a  3) 2. c(11c  4)

3. x(2x  5) 4. 2y(y  4)

5. 3n(n2  2n) 6. 4h(3h  5)

873950 Alg1 CH07

7. 3x(5x2  x  4) 8. 7c(5  2c2  c3)

9. 4b(1  9b  2b2) 10. 6y(5  y  4y2)

11. 2m2(2m2  3m  5) 12. 3n2(2n2  3n  4)


13. w(3w  2)  5w 14. f(5f  3)  2f

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

15. p(2p  8)  5p 16. y2(4y  5)  6y2

17. 2x(3x2  4)  3x3 18. 4a(5a2  4)  9a

19. 4b(5b  3)  2(b2  7b  4) 20. 3m(3m  6)  3(m2  4m  1)

Solve each equation.

21. 3(a  2)  5  2a  4 22. 2(4x  2)  8  4(x  3)

Lesson 7-5

23. 5( y  1)  2  4( y  2)  6 24. 4(b  6)  2(b  5)  2

25. 6(m  2)  14  3(m  2)  10 26. 3(c  5)  2  2(c  6)  2

Chapter 7 37 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

7-6 Skills Practice

Multiplying Polynomials
Find each product.

1. (m  4)(m  1) 2. (x  2)(x  2)

3. (b  3)(b  4) 4. (t  4)(t  3)

5. (r  1)(r  2) 6. (z  5)(z  1)

873950 Alg1 CH07

7. (3c  1)(c  2) 8. (2x  6)(x  3)

9. (d  1)(5d  4) 10. (2ᐉ  5)(ᐉ  4)

11. (3n  7)(n  3) 12. (q  5)(5q  1)

13. (3b  3)(3b  2) 14. (2m  2)(3m  3)

15. (4c  1)(2c  1) 16. (5a  2)(2a  3)

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

17. (4h  2)(4h  1) 18. (x  y)(2x  y)

19. (e  4)(e2  3e  6) 20. (t  1)(t2  2t  4)

21. (k  4)(k2  3k  6) 22. (m  3)(m2  3m  5)

GEOMETRY Write an expression to represent the area of each figure.

23. 24.
2x  4
4x  1

2x  5

Chapter 7 44 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

7-7 Skills Practice

Special Products
Find each product.

1. (n  3)2 2. (x  4)(x  4)

3. ( y  7)2 4. (t  3)(t  3)

5. (b  1)(b  1) 6. (a  5)(a  5)

873950 Alg1 CH07

7. ( p  4)2 8. (z  3)(z  3)

9. (ᐉ  2)(ᐉ  2) 10. (r  1)(r  1)

11. (3g  2)(3g  2) 12. (2m  3)(2m  3)

13. (6  u)2 14. (r  s)2

15. (3q  1)(3q  1) 16. (c  e)2

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

17. (2k  2)2 18. (w  3h)2

19. (3p  4)(3p  4) 20. (t  2u)2

21. (x  4y)2 22. (3b  7)(3b  7)

23. (3y  3g)(3y  3g) 24. (s2  r2)2

25. (2k  m2)2 26. (3u2  n)2

27. GEOMETRY The length of a rectangle is the sum of two whole numbers. The width of
the rectangle is the difference of the same two whole numbers. Using these facts, write a
verbal expression for the area of the rectangle.

Chapter 7 52 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

8-1 Skills Practice

Monomials and Factoring
Find the factors of each number. Then classify each number as prime or

1. 10 2. 31

3. 16 4. 52

5. 38 6. 105

Find the prime factorization of each integer.

7. 16 8. 20

9. 24 10. 36

11. 112 12. 72

Factor each monomial completely.

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

13. 10a4 14. 27x3y2

15. 28pq2 16. 44m2ns3

Find the GCF of each set of monomials.

17. 12, 18 18. 20, 27

19. 30, 48 20. 24, 81

21. 20, 36, 64 22. 42, 60, 78

23. 16c, 21b2d 24. 18a, 48a4

25. 32xyz, 48xy4 26. 12m3n2, 44mn3

Chapter 8 8 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

8-2 Skills Practice

Factoring Using the Distributive Property
Factor each polynomial.

1. 7x  49 2. 8m  6

3. 5a2  15 4. 10q  25q2

5. 8ax  56a 6. 81r  48rs

7. t2h  3t 8. a2b2  a

9. x  x2y  x3y2 10. 3p2q2  6pq  p

Lesson 8-2
11. 4a2b2  16ab  12a 12. 10m3n3  2mn2  14mn

13. x2  3x  x  3 14. b2  2b  3b  6
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

15. 2s2  2s  3s  3 16. 2a2  4a  a  2

17. 6t2  4t  3t  2 18. 9x2  3xy  6x  2y

Solve each equation. Check your solutions.

19. x(x  8)  0 20. b(b  12)  0

21. (m  3)(m  5)  0 22. (a  9)(2a  1)  0

23. x2  5x  0 24. y2  3y  0

25. 3a2  6a 26. 2x2  3x

Chapter 8 15 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

8-3 Skills Practice

Factoring Trinomials: x2  bx  c
Factor each trinomial.

1. t2  8t  12 2. n2  7n  12

3. p2  9p  20 4. h2  9h  18

5. n2  3n  18 6. x2  2x  8

7. y2  5y  6 8. g2  3g  10

9. s2  4s  12 10. x2  x  12

11. w2  w  6 12. y2  6y  8

13. x2  8x  15 14. b2  9b  8

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

15. c2  15c  56 16. 4  3m  m2

Solve each equation. Check your solutions.

17. x2  6x  8  0 18. b2  7b  12  0

19. m2  5m  6  0 20. d 2  7d  10  0

21. y2  2y  24  0 22. p2  3p  18

23. h2  2h  35 24. a2  14a  45

25. n2  36  5n 26. w2  30  11w

Chapter 8 22 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

8-4 Skills Practice

Factoring Trinomials: ax2  bx  c
Factor each trinomial, if possible. If the trinomial cannot be factored using
integers, write prime.

1. 2x2  5x  2 2. 3n2  5n  2

3. 2s2  9s  5 4. 3g2  7g  2

5. 2t2  11t  15 6. 2x2  3x  6

7. 2y2  y  1 8. 4h2  8h  5

9. 4x2  3x  3 10. 4b2  15b  4

11. 9p2  6p  8 12. 6q2  13q  6

13. 3a2  30a  63 14. 10w2  19w  15

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Solve each equation. Check your solutions.

15. 2x2  7x  3  0 16. 3w2  14w  8  0

Lesson 8-4
17. 3n2  7n  2  0 18. 5d2  22d  8  0

19. 6h2  8h  2  0 20. 8p2  16p  10

21. 9y2  18y  12  6y 22. 4a2  16a  15

23. 10b2  15b  8b  12 24. 6d2  21d  10d  35

Chapter 8 29 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

8-5 Skills Practice

Factoring Differences of Squares
Factor each polynomial, if possible. If the polynomial cannot be factored, write

1. a2  4 2. n2  64

3. 1  49c2 4. 16  p2

5. k2  25 6. 36  100w2

7. t2  81u2 8. 4h2  25g2

9. 64m2  9y2 10. 4c2  5d2

11. 49r2  4t2 12. 8x2  72p2

13. 20q2  5r2 14. 32a2  50b2

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Solve each equation by factoring. Check your solutions.

15. 16x2  9  0 16. 25p2  16  0

17. 36q2  49  0 18. 81  4b2  0

19. 16d2  4 20. 18a2  8

9 49
21. s2    0 22. k2    0
Lesson 8-5

25 64

1 1
23.  h2  16  0 24.  y2  81
25 16

Chapter 8 37 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

8-6 Skills Practice

Perfect Squares and Factoring
Determine whether each trinomial is a perfect square trinomial. If so, factor it.

Lesson 8-6
1. c2  6c  9 2. r2  4r  4

3. g2  14g  49 4. 2w2  4w  9

5. 4d2  4d  1 6. 9n2  30n  25

Factor each polynomial, if possible. If the polynomial cannot be factored, write


7. 2x2  72 8. 6b2  11b  3

9. 36t2  24t  4 10. 4h2  56

11. 17a2  24ac 12. q2  14q  36

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

13. y2  24y  144 14. 6d2  96

15. 4k2  12k  9 16. 6x2  28x  10

Solve each equation. Check your solutions.

17. x2  18x  81  0 18. 4p2  4p  1  0

19. 9g2  12g  4  0 20. y2  16y  64  81

21. 4n2  17  19 22. x2  30x  150  75

23. (k  2)2  16 24. (m  4)2  7

Chapter 8 45 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

9-1 Skills Practice

Graphing Quadratic Functions
Use a table of values to graph each function.

1. y  x2  4 y 2. y  x2  3 y

O x
O x

3. y  x2  2x  6 y 4. y  x2  4x  1 y

O x

O x

Write the equation of the axis of symmetry, and find the coordinates of the vertex
of the graph of each function. Identify the vertex as a maximum or minimum.
Then graph the function.

5. y  2x2 6. y  x2  2x  5 7. y  x2  4x  1

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

y y y

O x
O x

O x

8. y  x2  2x  2 9. y  2x2  4x  2 10. y  2x2  4x  6

y y y

O x
O x

O x

Chapter 9 8 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

9-2 Skills Practice

Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing
Solve each equation by graphing.

1. x2  2x  3  0 2. c2  6c  8  0
f(x) f (c)

O c
O x

3. a2  2a  1 4. n2  7n  10
f (a) f (n)

Lesson 9-2
O n

O a

Solve each equation by graphing. If integral roots cannot be found, estimate the
roots by stating the consecutive integers between which the roots lie.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. p2  4p  2  0 6. x2  x  3  0
f (p) f (x)

O x

O p

7. d2  6d  3 8. h2  1  4h
f (d ) f (h)

O d

O h

Chapter 9 15 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

9-3 Skills Practice

Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square
Solve each equation by taking the square root of each side. Round to the nearest
tenth if necessary.

1. c2  12c  36  4 2. w2  10w  25  16

3. b2  16b  64  9 4. y2  2y  1  3

5. r2  4r  4  7 6. a2  8a  16  12

Find the value of c that makes each trinomial a perfect square.

7. g2  6g  c 8. y2  4y  c

9. a2  14a  c 10. n2  2n  c

11. s2  18s  c 12. p2  20p  c

Solve each equation by completing the square. Round to the nearest tenth if

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

13. x2  4x  12  0 14. v2  8v  15  0

15. q2  6q  7 16. r2  2r  15

17. m2  14m  30  6 18. b2  12b  21  10

19. z2  4z  1  0 20. y2  6y  4  0

21. r2  8r  10  0 22. p2  2p  5

23. 2a2  20a  2 24. 0.5g2  8g  7

Chapter 9 22 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

9-4 Skills Practice

Solving Quadratic Equations by Using the Quadratic Formula
Solve each equation by using the Quadratic Formula. Round to the nearest tenth
if necessary.

1. u2  49  0 2. n2  n  20  0

3. s2  5s  36  0 4. b2  11b  30  0

5. c2  7c  3 6. p2  4p  1

7. a2  9a  22  0 8. x2  6x  3  0

9. 2x2  5x  7  0 10. 2h2  3h  1

11. 2p2  5p  4  0 12. 2g2  7g  9

13. 3t2  2t  3  0 14. 3x2  7x  6  0

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

State the value of the discriminant for each equation. Then determine the number
of real roots of the equation.

15. q2  4q  3  0 16. m2  2m  1  0

17. a2  4a  10  0 18. w2  6w  7  0

19. z2  2z  7  0 20. y2  10y  25  0 Lesson 9-4

21. 2d 2  5d  8  0 22. 2s2  6s  12  0

23. 2u2  4u  10  0 24. 3h2  7h  3  0

Chapter 9 29 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

9-5 Skills Practice

Exponential Functions
Graph each function. State the y-intercept. Then use the graph to determine the
approximate value of the given expression. Use a calculator to confirm the value.
冢 13 冣 冢 13 冣
1. y  2x; 22.3 2. y   ; 
y y

O x O x

Graph each function. State the y-intercept.

3. y  3(2x) 4. y  3x  2
y y

O x O x

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Determine whether the data in each table display exponential behavior. Explain
why or why not.

5. x 3 2 1 0 6. x 0 5 10 15
y 9 12 15 18 y 20 10 5 2.5

7. x 4 8 12 16 8. x 50 30 10 10
y 20 40 80 160 y 90 70 50 30

Chapter 9 36 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

9-6 Skills Practice

Growth and Decay
POPULATION For Exercises 1 and 2, use the following information.
The population of New York City increased from 8,008,278 in 2000 to 8,168,388 in 2005. The
annual rate of population increase for the period was about 0.4%. Source:

1. Write an equation for the population t years after 2000.

2. Use the equation to predict the population of New York City in 2015.

SAVINGS For Exercises 3 and 4, use the following information.

The Fresh and Green Company has a savings plan for its employees. If an employee makes
an initial contribution of $1000, the company pays 8% interest compounded quarterly.

3. If an employee participating in the plan withdraws the balance of the account after
5 years, how much will be in the account?

4. If an employee participating in the plan withdraws the balance of the account after
35 years, how much will be in the account?

5. HOUSING Mr. and Mrs. Boyce bought a house for $96,000 in 1995. The real estate
broker indicated that houses in their area were appreciating at an average annual rate
of 4%. If the appreciation remained steady at this rate, what was the value of the Boyce’s
home in 2005?

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

MANUFACTURING For Exercises 6 and 7, use the following information.
Zeller Industries bought a piece of weaving equipment for $60,000. It is expected to
depreciate at an average rate of 10% per year.

6. Write an equation for the value of the piece of equipment after t years.

7. Find the value of the piece of equipment after 6 years.

8. FINANCES Kyle saved $500 from a summer job. He plans to spend 10% of his savings
each week on various forms of entertainment. At this rate, how much will Kyle have left
after 15 weeks?

9. TRANSPORTATION Tiffany’s mother bought a car for $9000 five years ago. She wants
to sell it to Tiffany based on a 15% annual rate of depreciation. At this rate, how much
will Tiffany pay for the car?

Chapter 9 44 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

10-1 Skills Pracice

Simplifying Radical Expressions

1. 28
 2. 40

3. 72
 4. 99

5. 2
 6. 5

7. 35
 8. 6

9. 23

81c2d4 12. 

75m5n2 14. 

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.












2 3
21.  22. 
4  5
 2  3

5 4
23.  24. 
7  7
 3  2

Chapter 10 8 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

10-2 Skills Practice

Operations with Radical Expressions

1. 77
 2. 313

3. 65
 4. 15

5. 12c  9c 6. 96a


7. 44
11 8. 28

9. 43
 10. 854

Lesson 10-2
11. 27
 12. 72

13. 180
 14. 224

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

15. 58
 16. 213

Find each product.

17. 2 )
  6  (10
18. 5 )

19. 6 )
  23  (26
20. 33 )

21. (4  3
 )(4  3
) 22. (2  6
) 2

23. (8  )(5

  2 )
  3 24. (6  )(43
  45 )

Chapter 10 15 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

10-3 Skills Practice

Radical Equations
Solve each equation. Check your solution.

1. f  7 2. x

3. 5p
  10 4. 4y

5. 22
 6. 35

7. g
63 8. 5a

2c  1  5 10.  4
3k  2

x421 12. 
4x  4  4  0


4 14.   3

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3 3

15. x  
x2 16. d   
12  d

6x  9  x 18.  p
6p  8

x5x1 20. 

r35r 22. 

23.  n2
5n  4 24. 
3z  6  z  2

Chapter 10 22 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

10-4 Skills Practice

The Pythagorean Theorem
Find the length of each missing side. If necessary, round to the nearest

1. c
2. a 3.
21 34
15 16
72 39

4. 5. 6. 240
33 4
29 a

If c is the measure of the hypotenuse of a right triangle, find each missing

measure. If necessary, round to the nearest hundredth.
7. a  21, b  28, c  ? 8. a  6, c  10, b  ?

9. a  15, b  36, c  ? 10. a  16, c  20, b  ?

11. a  5, b  12, c  ? 12. b  6, c  12, a  ?

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

13. a  11, b  4, c  ? 14. a  8, b  10, c  ?

15. a  19, b  39

, c  ? 16. a  12
, b  6, c  ?

17. c  130
, a  7, b  ? 18. a  6
, b  19
, c  ?

Determine whether the following side measures form right triangles. Justify your

19. 7, 24, 25 20. 15, 30, 34

21. 16, 28, 32 22. 18, 24, 30

23. 15, 36, 39 24. 5, 7, 74

Chapter 10 30 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

10-5 Skills Practice

The Distance Formula
Find the distance between each pair of points with the given coordinates. Express
answers in simplest radical form and as decimal approximations rounded to the
nearest hundredth if necessary.

1. (9, 7), (1, 1) 2. (5, 2), (8, 2)

3. (1, 3), (1, 4) 4. (7, 2), (5, 7)

5. (6, 3), (10, 3) 6. (3, 3), (2, 3)

7. (1, 4), (6, 0) 8. (2, 4), (5, 8)

9. (3, 4), (2, 8) 10. (5, 6), (7, 9)

11. (4, 2), (8, 6) 12. (5, 2), (3, 10)

13. (12, 1), (4, 11) 14. (3, 1), (11, 3)

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

15. (9, 3), (6, 6) 16. (0, 4), (8, 4)

Find the possible values of a if the points with the given coordinates are the
indicated distance apart.

17. (2, 5), (a, 7); d  13 18. (8, 2), (5, a); d  3

19. (4, a), (1, 6); d  5 20. (a, 3), (5, 1); d  5

21. (1, 1), (a, 1); d  4 22. (2, a), (2, 3); d  10

23. (a, 2), (3, 3); d  2

 24. (5, 3), (3, a); d  5

Chapter 10 38 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

10-6 Skills Practice

Similar Triangles
Determine whether each pair of triangles is similar. Justify your answer.

Lesson 10-6
1. E 2. U
B 50⬚ 60⬚ Y

60⬚ 60⬚
40⬚ V X Z

3. K 4. K
F J 40⬚ G 63⬚

45⬚ 40⬚ J 52⬚

E G H 65⬚ 52⬚
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

For each set of measures given, find the measures Q

of the missing sides if 䉭PQR ⬃ 䉭STU. T
r p
u s
5. r  4, s  6, t  3, u  2
P q R S t U
6. t  8, p  21, q  14, r  7

7. p  15, q  10, r  5, s  6

8. p  48, s  16, t  8, u  4

3 1
9. q  6, s  2, t   , u  
2 2
10. p  3, q  2, r  1, u  

11. p  14, q  7, u  2.5, t  5

21 9
12. r  6, s  3, t   , u  
8 4

Chapter 10 45 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

11-1 Skills Practice

Inverse Variation
Graph each variation if y varies inversely as x.

1. y  2 when x  5 2. y  6 when x  6
y y
8 16

4 8

8 4 O 4 8x 16 8 O 8 16 x
4 8

8 16

3. y  4 when x  12 4. y  15 when x  3

y y
16 20

8 10

16 8 O 8 16 x 20 10 O 10 20 x

8 10

16 20

Write an inverse variation equation that relates x and y. Assume that y varies
inversely as x. Then solve.

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. If y  4 when x  8, 6. If y  7 when x  3,
find y when x  2. find y when x  3.

7. If y  6 when x  2, 8. If y  24 when x  3,

find y when x  4. find x when y  6.

9. If y  15 when x  1, 10. If y  48 when x  4,

find x when y  3. find y when x  6.

11. If y  34 when x  4, 12. If y  72 when x  3,

find y when x  17. find y when x  36.

13. If y  4 when x  1.5, 14. If y  20 when x  5.2,

find x when y  5. find x when y  10.

15. If y  4 when x   , find x when y  2.

16. If y  12 when x   , find x when y  8.

Chapter 11 8 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

11-2 Skills Practice

Rational Expressions
State the excluded values for each rational expression.
2p 4n  1
1.  2. 
p7 n4

k2 3x  15
3.  4. 
k 4
2 x  25

y2  9 b2  2b  8
5.  6. 
y  3y  18
2 b  7b  10

Simplify each expression. State the excluded values of the variables.

21bc 12m2n
7. 2 8. 3

Lesson 11-2
28bc 24mn

16x3y2 8a2b3
9. 5 3 10. 3
36x y 40a b

n6 4x  4
11.  12. 
3n  18 4x  4
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

y2  64 y2  7y  18
13.  14. 
y8 y9

z1 x6
15.  16. 
z 1
2 x  2x  24

2d  10 3s  9
17.  18. 
d  2d  35
2 s  7s  12

t2  5t  6 a2  3a  4
19.  20. 
t  6t  8
2 a  2a  8

x2  10x  24 b2  6b  9
21.  22. 
2x  2x  24 b  9b  18

Chapter 11 15 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

11-3 Skills Practice

Multiplying Rational Expressions
Find each product.
14 c5 3m2 n2
c2   2c
2n 12

2a2b b 2x2y 3xy

2  4. 2 

b c a 3x y 4y

3(4m  6) 9n2 4(n  2) n2

5.    6.   
18n 2(4m  6) n(n  2) n2

( y  3)( y  3) 8 (x  2)(x  2) 2(8x  3)

7.    8.   
4 y3 x(8x  3) x2

(a  7)(a  7) a5 4(b  4) b3

9.    10.   
a(a  5) a7 (b  4)(b  3) b4

x2  4 x2 1  c2 4
11.    12.   
5 x2 12 1c

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

y2  36 y5 a2 a3
13.   14.  
y  25
2 y6 2a a6 a1

x4 x2 x2  x  20 x
15.    16.  
x 2 x  5x  4 2 x x5

y2  2y  1 3y  3 2n  12 n2  8n  12
17.    18.   
y1 y1 n2 n6

Find each product.

30 miles 5280 feet 1 hour 1 minute
1 hour 1 mile 60 minutes 60 seconds

200 dollars 100 cents 1 ton 1 pound

1 ton 1 dollar 2000 pounds 16 ounces

Chapter 11 22 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

11-4 Skills Practice

Dividing Rational Expressions
Find each quotient.
c3 d3 x3 x3
1. 3  3 2. 2  
d c y y

6e3 2e2 4m3 2m

3. 2  2 4. 2 

4f 12f np np

3b  3 x5
 (b  1) 6. 
 (x  5)

c2  4 b2  25
 (c  2) 8. 
 (b  5)

x1 2x  2 2n  6 n3



3a  6 a2 5y  15 2y  6

4a  8

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


13. 108 ft2  yd2 14. 0.2 m2  cm2

15. 26 m/s  km/h 16. 930 gal/h  qt/min

Lesson 11-4
Find each quotient.
x2  x  12 x3 a2  5a  6 a6
17.    18.   
6 x4 3 a1

m2  2m  1 m1 y2  10y  25 y5

19.    20.   
10m  10 20 3y  9 y3

b4 2b  8 6x  6 x2  3x  2
21.   22.   
b  8b  16
2 b8 x1 2x  2

Chapter 11 29 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

11-5 Skills Practice

Dividing Polynomials
Find each quotient.

1. (20x2  12x)  (4x) 2. (18n2  6n)  (3n)

3. (b2  12b  5)  (2b) 4. (8r2  5r  20)  (4r)

12p3q2  18p2q  6pq 15k2u  10ku  25u2

2 6. 
6p q 5ku

7. (x2  5x  6)  (x  6) 8. (a2  10a  16)  (a  2)

9. (n2  n  20)  (n  4) 10. ( y2  4y  21)  ( y  3)

11. (h2  6h  9)  (h  2) 12. (b2  5b  2)  (b  6)

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

13. ( y2  6y  1)  ( y  2) 14. (m2  2m  5)  (m  3)

2c2  5c  3 2r2  6r  20
15.  16. 
2c  1 2r  4

x3  3x2  6x  20 p3  4p2  p  6
17.  18. 
x5 p2
Lesson 11-5

n3  6n  2 y3  y2  40
19.  20. 
n1 y4

Chapter 11 37 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

11-6 Skills Practice

Rational Expressions with Like Denominators
Find each sum.
2y y 4r 5r
1.    2.   
5 5 9 9

3k 5k t t5
3.    4.   
14 14 9 9

x2 x5 g2 g8

5.    6.   
3 3 4 4

2q 3 2p 2
7.    8.   
q2 q2 p1 p1

u2 4u  7 2y  2 y1
9.    10.   
u1 u1 y4 y4

2b  1 5b  4 5d  3 2d  4
11.    12.   
b3 b3 d1 d1

Find each difference.

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

6x 3x 7n 3n
13.    14.   
5 5 10 10

8a 7a 3p p
15.    16.   
11 11 2 2

t3 t c8 c6

17.    18.   
7 7 4 4

y6 y2 4 2
19.    20.   
4 4 m7 m7

x 1 3r r
21.    22.   
x1 x1 r3 r3

3s 3s 5a 7
23.    24.   
s5 5s a4 4a

Chapter 11 44 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

11-7 Skills Practice

Rational Expressions with Unlike Denominators
Find the LCM for each pair of expressions.

1. 4x2y, 12xy2 2. n  2, n  3

3. 2r  1, r  4 4. t  4, 4t  16

5. x2  2x  3, (x  3)2 6. c2  2c  8, c  2

Lesson 11-7
Find each sum.
3 4 3 5
7.   2 8. 2  
y y 8a 2a

m3 m2 5 1
9.    10.   
2m m y2 y6

b 2 k k1
11.    12.   
b1 b4 k5 k5

3x  15 x x3 x2
13.   14.  
x  25
2 x5 x  4x  4
2 x2
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Find each difference.

5 2 5x 2x
15.   2 16. 2  
4r r 3y 9y

x 4 d1 3
17.    18.   
x2 x1 d2 d5

a 2 5 4
19.    20.   
2a  1 a3 s4 2 s  4s

6 b 2u u1
21.   22.   
b 1
2 b1 u  3u  4
2 2 u  8u  16

Chapter 11 51 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

11-8 Skills Practice

Mixed Expressions and Complex Fractions
Write each mixed expression as a rational expression.
4 6
1. 6   2. 7  
h p

b 2q
3. 4b   4. 8q  
c r

4 6
5. 2   6. 5  
d5 f2

12 6
7. b2   8. m  
b3 m7

a2 r9
9. 2a   10. 4r  
a 2r

Simplify each expression.

1 2 r
2 3

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2 3 
11. 3 12. 2 13. 
4 5 r2
4 5 s

a2 x2y s2
b3 c s3
14. a 15.  16. 
 xy3 s2
c2 3

w4 x2  1 b2  4
w b2  7b  10
w2  16
x1 19. 
w x2

k2  5k  6 12 9
  g   p  
k2  9 g8 p6
21.  22. 
g6 p3

Chapter 11 58 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

11-9 Skills Practice

Solving Rational Equations
Solve each equation. State any extraneous solutions.
5 2 3 5
1.    2.   
c c3 q q4

7 12 3 5
3.    4.   
m1 m2 s2 s8

y y1 b2 b4

5.    6.   
y2 y5 b b2

3m 1 10m 7g 1 5g
7.      8.     
2 4 8 9 3 6

2a  5 2a 1 s3 s5 1
9.       10.     
6 3 2 10 5 2

c2 c3 3b  4 b7

11.     7 12.     1
c c b b

Lesson 11-9
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

m4 m  11 1 f2 f1 1

13.      14.     
m m4 m f f5 f

r3 r u1 u
15.     0 16.     0
r1 r3 u2 u1

2 2 5 s
17.     1 18.     1
x1 x s4 2s  8

2 t2 2q q2
19.     1 20.     2
4t t4 q1 1q

b5 4 3 2a
21.   2   22.     2
b2 b2 2a a3

Chapter 11 65 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

12-1 Skills Practice

Sampling and Bias
Identify each sample, suggest a population from which it was selected, and state
whether it is unbiased (random) or biased. If unbiased, classify the sample as simple,
stratified, or systematic. If biased, classify as convenience or voluntary response.

1. LANDSCAPING A homeowner is concerned about the quality of the topsoil in the back
yard. The back yard is divided into 5 equal sections, and then a 1-inch plug of topsoil is
randomly removed from each of the 5 sections. The soil is taken to a nursery and
analyzed for mineral content.

2. HEALTH A hospital’s administration is interested in opening a gym on the premises for

all its employees. They ask each member of the night-shift emergency room staff if he or
she would use the gym, and if so, what hours the employee would prefer to use it.

3. POLITICS A senator wants to know her approval rating among the constituents in her
state. She sends questionnaires to the households of 1000 registered voters in her party.

4. MANUFACTURING A company that produces motherboards for computers randomly

selects 25 boxed motherboards out of a shipment of 1500, and then tests each selected
motherboard to see that it meets specifications.

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. GOVERNMENT The first 100 people entering a county park on Thursday are asked
their opinions on a proposed county ordinance that would allow dogs in county parks to
go unleashed in certain designated areas.

6. MUSIC To determine the music preferences of their customers, the owners of a music
store ask 10 customers who have expressed interest to participate in an in-store
interview in which they listen to new CDs from artists in all music categories.

7. LIBRARIES A community library asks every tenth patron who enters the library to
name the type or genre of book he or she is most likely to borrow. They conduct the
interviews from opening to closing on three days of the week. They will use the data for
new acquisitions.

8. COMPUTERS To determine the number of students who use computers at home, the
high school office chooses 10 students at random from each grade, and then interviews
the students.

Chapter 12 8 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

12-2 Skills Practice

Counting Outcomes
Draw a tree diagram to show the sample space for each event. Determine the
number of possible outcomes.

1. planting a garden with roses, zinnias, or cosmos, in yellow, red, orange, or purple

Lesson 12-2
2. selecting monogrammed or plain stationery, in white or buff, with lined or unlined
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Find the value of each expression.

3. 1! 4. 3! 5. 6! 6. 9!

7. Two dice are rolled. How many outcomes are possible?

8. If students can choose between 7 elective subjects, 6 class periods, and 5 teachers, how
many elective classes are possible?

9. How many different ways can a carpenter build a bookcase using one each of 4 types of
wood, 3 stains, 5 widths, and 6 heights?

Chapter 12 15 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

12-3 Skills Practice

Permutations and Combinations
Determine whether each situation involves a permutation or combination. Explain
your reasoning.

1. dinner guests seated around a table

2. a pattern of different widths of bars and spaces for a bar code

3. selecting two yellow marbles out of a sack of yellow and blue marbles

4. placing one can of each of 15 different types of soup along a store shelf

5. selecting four candles from a box of ten

6. the placement of the top ten finishers in a school’s spelling bee

7. choosing two colors of paint out of twenty to paint the walls and trim of a bedroom

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

8. choosing a set of twelve pencils from a selection of thirty-six

Evaluate each expression.

9. 5 P2 10. 6 P4 11. 7 P3

12. 9 P4 13. 7 P5 14. 5 P3

15. 6C2 16. 9C7 17. 8C4

18. 7C5 19. 12C2 20. 13C7

21. 11C2 22. 5 P4 23. 14C5

24. 11C6 25. (4 P2)(3 P2) 26. (8C6)(5 P1)

Chapter 12 22 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

12-4 Skills Practice

Probability of Compound Events
A bag contains 2 green, 9 brown, 7 yellow, and 4 blue marbles. Once a marble is
selected, it is not replaced. Find each probability.

1. P(brown, then yellow) 2. P(green, then blue)

3. P(yellow, then yellow) 4. P(blue, then blue)

5. P(green, then not blue) 6. P(brown, then not green)

A die is rolled and a spinner like the one at

the right is spun. Find each probability. A

7. P(4 and A) D B

8. P(an even number and C)

9. P(2 or 5 and B or D)

10. P(a number less than 5 and B, C, or D)

One card is drawn from a standard deck of 52 cards. Find each probability.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

11. P(jack or ten) 12. P(red or black)

13. P(queen or club) 14. P(red or ace)

15. P(diamond or black) 16. P(face card or spade)

Lesson 12-4
Tiles numbered 1 through 20 are placed in a box. Tiles numbered 11 through 30
are placed in a second box. The first tile is randomly drawn from the first box.
The second tile is randomly drawn from the second box. Find each probability.

17. P(both are greater than 15)

18. The first tile is odd and the second tile is less than 25.

19. The first tile is a multiple of 6 and the second tile is a multiple of 4.

20. The first tile is less than 15 and the second tile is even or greater than 25.

Chapter 12 29 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

12-5 Skills Practice

Probability Distributions
For Exercises 1–3, the spinner shown is spun three times.
1. Write the sample space with all possible outcomes.

2. Find the probability distribution X, where X represents the number of

times the spinner lands on green for X  0, X  1, X  2, and X  3.

3. Make a probability histogram. Spinner Probability

P(X) 0.2
0 1 2 3
X  Number of Times
Spinner Lands on Green

For Exercises 4–7, the spinner shown is spun two times.

4. Write the sample space with all possible outcomes. RED BLUE

5. Find the probability distribution X, where X represents the number of
times the spinner lands on yellow for X  0, X  1, and X  2.

6. Make a probability histogram. Spinner Probability

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

P(X) 0.3
0 1 2
X  Number of Times
Spinner Lands on Yellow

BUSINESS For Exercises 7–9, use the table X  Minutes 1 2 3 4 5

that shows the probability distribution of
the number of minutes a customer spends at Probability 0.09 0.13 0.28 0.32 0.18
the express checkout at a supermarket.
Lesson 12-5

7. Show that this is a valid probability distribution.

8. What is the probability that a customer spends less than 3 minutes at the checkout?

9. What is the probability that the customer spends at least 4 minutes at the checkout?

Chapter 12 37 Glencoe Algebra 1

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____

12-6 Skills Practice

Probability Simulations
For Exercises 1–3, use a standard deck of 52 cards. Select a card at random, record

Lesson 12-6
the suit of the card (heart, diamond, club, or spade), and then replace the card.
Repeat this procedure 26 times.

1. Based on your results, what is the experimental probability of selecting a heart?

2. Based on your results, what is the experimental probability of selecting a diamond or a

spade? .

3. Compare your results to the theoretical probabilities.

4. There are 3 siblings in the Bencievenga family. What could you use to simulate the
genders of the 3 siblings?

5. A random survey of 23 students revealed that 2 students walk to school, 12 ride the bus,
6 drive a car, and 3 ride with a parent or other adult. What could you use for a
simulation to determine the probability that a student selected at random uses any one
type of transportation?
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

BIOLOGY For Exercises 6–9, use the following information.

Stephen conducted a survey of the students in Eye Color Blue Brown Green Hazel
his classes to observe the distribution of eye
color. The table shows the results of his survey. Number 12 58 2 8

6. Find the experimental probability distribution for each eye color.

7. Based on the survey, what is the experimental probability that a student in Stephen’s
classes has blue or green eyes?

8. Based on the survey, what is the experimental probability that a student in Stephen’s
classes does not have green or hazel eyes?

9. If the distribution of eye color in Stephen’s grade is similar to the distribution in his
classes, about how many of the 360 students in his grade would be expected to have
brown eyes?

Chapter 12 45 Glencoe Algebra 1

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