05 Notebook Rubrics

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CORRECTION out of 12
Greetings from Seth M R Jaipuria Schools!

Great teachers help create great students. In fact, research shows that an inspiring and informed teacher is the
most important school-related factor influencing student achievement, so it is critical to pay close attention to
how we train and support both new and experienced educators. It is, therefore, important to provide teachers
with the necessary tools to become more effective in imparting knowledge. Our learning and development
initiatives and this handbook have been carefully designed with the specific purpose of adding value that enables
educators to create an impact.

As you're aware, the academic focus at Jaipuria Schools is defined by the core idea of self-learning. It strives to
cultivate the habit of learning thereby making curricular content a pathway and not the destination. It visualizes
learning as a matter of inquiry where the learner is able to question, seek answers, challenge opinions, draw
conclusions on a journey in their quest for knowledge. Whilst designing our learning and development
interventions, we have kept this philosophy greatly in mind, simply to initiate a learner to inquiry-driven
knowledge to enhance the learning experience at schools, be it of the student or the teacher.

Experienced educators bring a lot to the table. It has been seen that years of practice brings in glib and
patronizing attitude towards learning and development. However, when we seek open-minded students, for
teachers to be open-minded are even more critical. It is vital for veteran teachers to have ongoing and regular
opportunities to learn from each other. Learning is a life-long process!

Without using too much of jargons, we build on robust foundations of research, insights and practice, and have
attempted to deliver a unique learning experience. There will be games, video shows, lots of discussions in-
person and via video conferencing, and some questionnaire for the participants to respond from time to time. We
hope that these regular interventions will help the educators gain the knowledge and skills to the users to lead,
innovate, grow, and make an immediate impact.

In a world of increasing challenge and uncertainty, the need for clarity and insight intensifies. At Seth M.R.
Jaipuria Schools, our educators driving the curriculum are true thought leaders. They are experts, translating
their latest research into practical tools and frameworks that individuals can use to make better decisions and
achieve better outcomes. You can achieve a great deal through these thought leaders.

At Jaipuria, a child is ALWAYS at the centre of our being. We understand that many years that a student spends
with us would either 'shape or break' that individual; so there is great power and greater responsibility in the
hands of the School. We provide a unique opportunity for overall development of students, and therefore, if our
educators are empowered, they would be able to transform themselves from what they are to what they can be in
the coming years.

Best Wishes,

Kanak Gupta
Errors are integral part of learning process. It demands a lot of expertise and patience while checking
notebooks. Do not create error threatening environment; at the same time sensitize your learners gradually to
write accurately and fluently. In order to achieve an effective error correction method, it is very important for
teachers to have a clear understanding of the nature of errors.
When a student realizes just what his weakness is, his study for examination as well as his regular work
assumes his definiteness that keeps him floundering around. He knows exactly where he must apply his best
Student's notebook is authentic evidence of qualitative learning for the teacher, school and parent. Teachers
have to inspire and convince learners that teachers welcome their questions and worries. Positive comments
on their work are also accommodating to motivate learners to pursue more.

Notebook Correction

Points to be noted while correcting Notebooks


Format for starting a new Lesson



Follow ups

Diagram & Worksheets

Ó Seth M.R. Jaipuria Schools 3

• Should be properly and neatly written in the given format (Sr no./Date/Lesson or Topic/Remarks or
marks/Teacher's sign/Parent's sign).
• Should be regularly maintained.
• The signatures of Teacher and remarks to be filled immediately after corrections.
• Parent's sign to be ensured if it is sent home.
Format for starting a new lesson
• 2 lines with pencil to be drawn on the 1st & 3rd top lines.
• Date should be mentioned on the left hand inside the margin.
• Lesson/Topic to be written in the centre between the lines drawn with pencil.
• The note book/work book should be neatly covered.
• Name, class, subject etc. should be neatly and legibly written on top of the note book.
• Ensure neat work by taking a round while the students are writing so that you know how they are doing the
work and checking them immediately if their work is not up to the mark.
• Diagrams should be first neatly drawn, shown to the teacher and then coloured to avoid untidy work.
• Avoid use of felt pens for colouring as they leave an indent on the next page.
• See that the students are using well-sharpened pencils and are not very dark.
• Encourage students who do the work neatly and give remarks to those whose work is untidy.
• Insist on legible and neat handwriting with correct formation of letters.
• Make sure that Capital letters are being used in the correct places.
• Check carefully if any student is forming any letter incorrectly-speak to him/her and show them how to
write correctly and make them practice it till they have corrected themselves.
• You can give a page of writing every day for students with bad handwriting as remedial work.
Correcting of note books
• Very thorough and accurate checking is expected.
• Read each and every word carefully while correcting.
• The corrections should be so thorough that even commas and full stops should not be ignored.
• Avoid correcting in your classrooms as you cannot concentrate fully and are bound to overlook mistakes.
• Check for the help list given separately for checking terminologies.
• Correct only with PINK pen.
Follow up work
• After every lesson the students should do corrections.
• The teacher should also check that the student has made corrections marked while checking.
• The correction work to be checked and marked with 'Seen'.

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Diagrams/Map work
• Encourage drawing and diagrams/map work etc. as children learn better with graphics.
• Ensure that these are relevant and done creatively.
• They should be neatly done leaving proper place and not cluttered up.
Work sheets/Task sheets
• They should have proper headings and written very neatly.
• Paste or attach them to the relevant note books or make a separate file to keep them safely and neatly.


Positive feedback from teachers can have a powerful influence on students' minds and
promote their growth and development. Teachers need to provide rational, relevant, and
specific comments in students' notebooks to support their learning and progress.

For students who have been absent, teachers need to make sure that they can catch up on
any missed work. If a student has been absent for a few days or is struggling with their
coursework, the teacher may need to provide additional support and resources to help
them catch up. It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that the work is completed
and checked. This will help students to stay on track and avoid falling behind.


For younger students, using stickers or stars as rewards for good work can be a helpful
way to encourage them. Providing immediate corrections is also a useful strategy for
checking students' work and helping them improve. It is important to also focus on the
neatness and organization of students' work and notebooks.

If multiple students make the same mistake, it can be a cause for concern for the teacher.
In such cases, it may be helpful to hold a corrective class to thoroughly cover the topic and
address any common errors. This can help ensure that all students have a strong
understanding of the material and can avoid making the same mistake in the future.

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Detailed comments and follow-up can also help to foster sensitivity in the student.
Regular follow-up can demonstrate to the student that the teacher is still invested in their
learning and progress, and is willing to help them address any mistakes.

How do you take follow up of your remarks and repeat work?

What strategies do you use to support students who have been absent for an extended period of time?

1. Punctuality in Notebook correction-All notebooks and work books are mostly checked by mother
teachers on alternate days. Teachers from class III to V in a cycle of 6 days and class VI onwards after
completion of every chapter. The same is cross checked by the in-charges periodically.
2. Maintenance of notebooks-Emphasis is laid on neatness of work and maintenance of the notebooks
by all students on a regular basis.
3. Quality of notebook correction-Very thorough and accurate checking is done by majority of
teachers. They correct only with PINK pen. Most teachers ensure that the students have written
quality answers. They have tried to help students develop a habit of writing contextual and relevant
4. Limiting overuse of underlining for repetitive errors-When a student repeatedly makes the same
errors, the teacher takes a more proactive approach to correcting these mistakes. Instead of just
underlining the errors, the teacher gives personal instruction on how to avoid making the same
mistake in the future. Additionally, the teacher takes follow-up measures to ensure that the student
practices what was taught and does not repeat the same errors.
5. Enhancing Learning through Self and Peer Correction-Promoting self and peer correction by the
teacher fosters a supportive learning environment and allows for a deeper understanding of different
• Major error/correction–Ask to re-do the work after teacher’s checking- It is recommended for
teachers to ensure that students have re-written the errors made in the notebook like wrong spelling
and meaningless answer once again to reinforce correct learning and avoid mistakes in examination.
• Signature with dates while doing notebook correction–It is recommended that while doing
notebook correction signature must be accompanied by proper date. Teacher should make sure that the
students are maintaining index properly and every chapter should be signed separately by the teacher
after the last correction of the chapter with date.
• Write encouraging remarks/be particular about the specific comment–It is recommended that
teacher gives remarks on the notebook effectively which makes students understand their work.
Teacher makes their learners sensible. They must write rational, relevant and concrete remark on
student’s notebook.
• Completion of pending work–It is recommended that incomplete work must be rechecked after
completion. In case of students being absent for longer period, or student is weak/not interested to
write teacher must ensure completion of notebook and checking of the notebook.
• Quantity of work done in notebooks–It is recommended that teachers ensure that notebook work
entails regular book exercise, notes, project work and assignment etc corresponding to the class,
subject and topic being covered. Students with sufficient work get to practice more and perform better.

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How does note book correction help to build positive relationship with students?
How do you keep the record of students' notebook correction?

The flow of checking notebooks in every school starts with the teacher, coordinator and principal.
Teacher Coordinator Principal
Teachers should check at least within a week after finishing a particular chapter.

Subject : __________________ Class : __________________ Teacher : __________________

Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic

S.No. Name of the student Remarks
Date : Date : Date : Date : Date : Date : Date :


Next, the coordinator can pick a random sample of a few students and check at least ten notebooks a day as per
the given format.

Yes No

The principal is supposed to devote 60 minutes a week and take random notebooks to have a glance only so
that if there is any discrepancy found in the system he/she can catch that.
Note: These formats are samples, school can add more columns as per requirement.

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Class Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Subject English Maths Remarks Third Art and Remarks

EVS/SST Remarks Science Computer Language

What is the ideal duration for checking note books for a teacher?

Given below is the rubrics followed at Jaipuria Schools for notebook correction :

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

Most Index Some entries are

All Index entries entries are not complete
Many entries are Missed many
Index are complete complete Entries are to be
not complete. entries.
Entries are neat. Entries are fairly completed more
neat. carefully.

All required
All required sections are One required Two or three Many required
Completeness sections are complete. Other section is required sections sections are
complete. than few missing. are missing. missing.

The work
Mostly neat appears sloppy
All pages are Sloppy/ Untidy
pages, mostly Some pages are and unorganized.
Neatness neat, legible or unorganized
legible not neat. Handwriting is
handwriting. pages.
handwriting. sometimes

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Notebook turned
Notebook turned in Notebook turned in Notebook turned never turned
Punctuality in later than two
on time. one day late. in two days late. in for

Notebook is Notebook is
Notebook is Notebook is
organized, in good not organized
organized, messy, but
Notebook is condition, and and contains
attractively contains all
beautifully contains all missing
designed, and sections with
organized, and all sections with a few sections and
contains all many missing or
Overall work done in missing papers or papers are not
sections arranged out of order
Presentation systematic order. out of order in order.
in order. papers. Many of
All pages neatly papers. No pages are
All pages are the pages are not
dated and HW/CW Some of the pages dated and
mostly dated and dated and three
completed. are dated and two most of the
one HW/CW to four HW/CW
to three HW/CW HW/CW not
missing. missing
missing. done.

Reduce to 5: 20/5 = 4
Grade A
There will be five criteria on which notebook will be assessed. All criteria will be assessed and marked after
three or four observations.
For each criteria maximum 5 marks and minimum 1 mark is to be given and total is to be calculated out of 25.
That is to be reduced to 5 to determine the grade (for classes 1 to 5) or enter the marks (for classes 6 to 8) as per
the chart given below.

Mark range Grade

4.1 - 5 A+

3.1 - 4 A

2.1 - 3 B

1.1 - 2 C

<1.1 D

To reduce to 5 grade point divide the total by 5 in each case.

Note: The notebook marks should be entered in the assessment registers. The average marks of notebooks in
each class will be taken into consideration while looking into teacher performance.

Which rubric of notebook checking do you never miss and why?

How is investing time in improving students' handwriting valuable in the digital age?

Reference: Notebook Correction Tips-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADZfAclwTIs

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Aim is to

up the school

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