8 Digested Del Rosario Vs Ferrer

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G.R. No.

187056 September 20, 2010


ASUNCION G. FERRER, substituted by her heirs, VICENTE, PILAR, ANGELITO, FELIXBERTO, JR., all surnamed

On August 27, 1968 the spouses Leopoldo and Guadalupe Gonzales executed a document entitled “Donation Mortis
Causa” in favor of their two children, Asuncion and Emiliano, and their granddaughter, Jarabini (daughter of their
predeceased son, Zoilo) covering the spouses’ 126-square meter lot and the house on it in Pandacan, Manila in
equal shares.

Although denominated as a donation mortis causa, which in law is the equivalent of a will, the deed had no attestation
clause and was witnessed by only two persons. The named donees, however, signified their acceptance of the donation
on the face of the document.

Guadalupe, the donor wife, died in September 1968. A few months later or on December 19, 1968, Leopoldo, the donor
husband, executed a deed of assignment of his rights and interests in subject property to their daughter Asuncion.
Leopoldo died in June 1972.

In 1998 Jarabini filed a “petition for the probate of the August 27, 1968 deed of donation mortis causa” before the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila in Sp. Proc. 98-90589. Asuncion opposed the petition, invoking his father Leopoldo’s
assignment of his rights and interests in the property to her.

Whether or not the spouses’ donation to Asuncion, Emiliano, and Jarabini was a donation mortis causa, as it was
denominated, or in fact a donation inter vivos.

That the document in question in this case was captioned “Donation Mortis Causa” is not controlling. This Court has held
that, if a donation by its terms is inter vivos, this character is not altered by the fact that the donor styles it mortis

A donation mortis causa has the following characteristics:

1. It conveys no title or ownership to the transferee before the death of the transferor; or, what amounts to the
same thing, that the transferor should retain the ownership (full or naked) and control of the property while
2. That before his death, the transfer should be revocable by the transferor at will, ad nutum; but revocability
may be provided for indirectly by means of a reserved power in the donor to dispose of the properties
conveyed; and
3. That the transfer should be void if the transferor should survive the transferee.

The Court thus said in Austria-Magat that the express “irrevocability” of the donation is the “distinctive standard that
identifies the document as a donation inter vivos.”

The donors in this case of course reserved the “right, ownership, possession, and administration of the property” and
made the donation operative upon their death. But this Court has consistently held that such reservation (reddendum)
in the context of an irrevocable donation simply means that the donors parted with their naked title, maintaining only
beneficial ownership of the donated property while they lived.

This Court has held that an acceptance clause indicates that the donation is inter vivos, since acceptance is a
requirement only for such kind of donations.

Finally, as Justice J. B. L. Reyes said in Puig v. Peñaflorida, in case of doubt, the conveyance should be deemed a
donation inter vivos rather than mortis causa, in order to avoid uncertainty as to the ownership of the property
subject of the deed.

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