Research Electric Car - Selection of Power Rating of An Electric Motor For Electric Vehicles

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The paper describes a process for selecting the appropriate power rating of an electric motor for an electric vehicle based on vehicle dynamics. It then selects and simulates a 3 kW brushless DC motor as a case study.

The process involves calculating the total force required to drive the vehicle based on rolling resistance, gradient resistance, and aerodynamic drag. This is then used to determine the required output power rating.

A 3 kW brushless DC motor is selected and designed as an example case study.


Research Article Volume 7 Issue No.4

Selection of Power Rating of an Electric Motor for Electric Vehicles

T.Porselv i1 , Srihariharan .M. K 2 , Ashok.J3 , A jit h Ku mar.S 4
Associate Professor1 , Student2, 3, 4
Depart ment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Sri Sairam Engineering Co llege, Anna University, Chennai, Ind ia

Due to the increase in the cost of fuels and pollution there has been a need for an alternative (electric vehicles) to conventional
Internal Co mbustion engine powered vehicles. As electric vehicles are environment friendly, they are considered as Green
Transportation. In an electric vehicle various components like motor, battery, controllers are used. While designing an electric vehicle
the first and foremost component to be selected is an electric motor, it is because t he Internal Combustion engines of conventional
vehicles are rep laced by an Electric Motor in an electric vehicle. Therefore, electric motor used in an electric vehicle must produce
appropriate power and other characteristics that are required for traction purpose. The important task is to select an approp riate rating
of motor based on the load to be carried. This paper describes the procedure for proper selection of rat ing of electric motor with an
example of Brushless DC motor for an electric car. In this paper, vehicle dynamics is considered for selecting the p roper electric
motor that would provide required power, torque for the traction purpose. Apart from this , proper selection of rating required also
contributes in using an electric motor o f appropriate size, because the size of the motor depends on the rating. Therefore, to achieve all
the traction characteristics in compact size, a proper selection of motor rat ing should be done based on the load.

Keywords: Electric motor, Electric car, Selection of Rating of motor, Electric Veh icle, Brushless DC motor.

I. INTRODUCTION sufficient power and torque to overcome the force due to load
and other opposing forces acting on the vehicle. In this paper,
Electric vehicle is one of the best future technologies for section II deals on calculating the power rating required to drive
reducing the use of fossil fuels and also to act as environmental an electric vehicle, section III explains about the different types
friendly by reducing the emission of harmful gases. The electric of motors used for traction purpose, section IV presents the
vehicle has many components like charg ing module, converters, simu lation result of Brushless DC motor for an electric car being
controllers, batteries, electric motor and the block diagram o f illustrated in this paper, section V presents the conclusion.
power flow in an electric vehicle is shown in Figure-1.

For deciding the power rating of a vehicle, the vehicle dynamics

like ro lling resistance, gradient resistance, aerodynamic drag,
etc. has to be considered. For illustration procedure for selecting
motor rating for an electric car of gross weight 450 kg is

The force required fo r driv ing a vehicle is calculated below [1]-

Figure.1. Bl ock diagram of power flow in an electric vehicle
Ftotal =Frolling +Fgradient +Faerodynamic drag (1)
Fro m the Figure-1, the power supply can be obtained externally
by using solar panels to generate electricity or fro m do mestic A C Where, Ftotal =Total force
supply. This power is then rectified using converter and is made Frolling = force due to Rolling Resistance
available to the battery through charging module. The battery Fgradient resistance= force due to Gradient Resistance
supplies electric power to the motor through a motor controller, Faerodynamic drag =force due to aerodynamic drag
which helps in controlling the input and output parameters of the Ftotal is the total tractive force that the output of motor must
motor. The output mechanical power fro m the motor is given to overcome, in order to move the vehicle.
the wheel through a drive shaft. In this way, electric power flows
through various components in an electric vehicle and gets A. ROLLING RES ISTANCE
converted into mechanical power. Therefore, it is clear that an Rolling resistance is the resistance offered to the vehicle due to
electric motor determines the output characteristics of vehicle as the contact of tires with road. The formula for calculat ing force
a whole in terms of power, torque, speed, etc. The electric motor due to rolling resistance is given by equation (2):
selected for driv ing a vehicle must have the ability to provide Frolling =Crr*M*g (2)

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, April 2017 6469
Where, Crr= coefficient of rolling resistance But electric motor with output power rating of 2.526 kW should
M = mass in kg not be selected. The losses due transmission of power to the
g = acceleration due to gravity= 9.81 m/s 2 wheel must be included. Therefore, the mechanical power output
(M tractive) required to drive the vehicle is given by equation (8):
For the application considered, Crr =0.01
M= 450 kg M tractive = Ptotal / η (8)
Frolling = 0.01*450* 9.81=44.145 N Where, η= efficiency of the transmission gear system.
Power required to overcome the rolling resistance of 44.145 N Let us consider the efficiency of the transmission system to be
is: 0.85. Therefore the mechanical power output required is:
Prolling = Frolling*V/3600= 156.96*100/3600= 1.226 kW (3)
Where, V=velocity in kmph. M tractive = Ptotal / η= 2.526/0.85=2.97= 3 kW (appro ximately).

B. GRADIENT RES ISTANCE For the illustration of selection of power rating fo r an electric car
Gradient resistance of the vehicle is the resistance offered to the of 450 kg, a motor with output power rating of 3 kW has to be
vehicle while climb ing a hill or flyover or while travelling in a selected. In this way, power rating required to drive an electric
downward slope. The angle between the ground and slope of the vehicle of part icular load is calculated.
path is represented as α, which is shown in Figure-2.

The power required for the traction is delivered by the electric

motor in an electric vehicle and it is of different types.
Therefore, selecting an appropriate motor is also equally
important. The various types of electric motors used in electric
vehicles are:

A DC motor is one in which the field winding is connected in
series to the armature winding [5]. Therefore it co mes under
self-excited DC motor. It has brushes and has mechanical
Figure.2. Angle between the ground and slope of a path commutation [5]. The advantage of DC series motor is that it
produces high starting torque. During this condition the motor
The formula for calculating the gradient resistance is given by draws less current and power. DC series motor is widely used in
traction because the torque produced is directly proportional to
equation (4):
the square of the current (T α I2 ) [5]. The disadvantage is that the
speed regulation is poor and the motor should be loaded before
Fgradient resistance=+ M*g*sin α (4) starting [5]. It has a periodic commutation. The lifetime is short.
In this illustration, let us consider the electric car runs on a flat The electric noise is high. The speed-torque characteristic is
road. Therefore, the angle α =0⁰ . moderately flat.

Fgradient = 450*9.81*sin 0⁰ = 0 N. (5) B. 3 PHAS E INDUCTION MOTOR

In this case, the power required to overcome gradient resistance Induction motor is based on the principle of electromagnetic
is also zero. induction in wh ich the conductors in the changing magnetic field
induces an emf across the conductor [5]. Due to the interaction
C. AERODYNAMIC DRAG of stator and rotor flu x, the motor rotates . Widely squirrel cage
Aerodynamic drag is the resistive force offered due to viscous induction motors are used. The advantages of induction motor
force acting on the vehicle. It is largely determined by the shape are simple in construction and are cheaper and maintenance less
of the vehicle. The formula for ca lculating the aerodynamic drag [5]. And they can be operated in dirty environments like dust,
is given by equation (6): presence of water and explosive areas due to the absence of
brushes which will produce sparks. They are self-starting motors
Faerodynamic drag = 0.5* CA *A f*ρ*(V+Vo )2 (6) [5]. The disadvantage is that the speed control is difficult [5].
The motor operates under lagging power factor hence some
power factor correcting devices are required [5]. They have
These are the three main forces which act on the vehicle when it
higher copper loss and hence efficiency is low.
travels at constant speed. While accelerating and decelerating the
effect of force due to inertia also acts. In this illustration, let us
consider the power required to overcome Aerodynamic drag and
Permanent magnet motor is a synchronous motor in wh ich the
other resistive forces to be around 1.3 kW.
rotor rotates at the same speed as the stator. It differs fro m
conventional motor in construction where the field winding of
Therefore, the total tract ive power required to move the vehicle
the rotor is replaced by permanent magnet. The permanent
is Ptotal = 1.226 kW+1.3 kW= 2.526 kW. (7) magnet synchronous motor is also called as PMAC (Permanent

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, April 2017 6470
Magnet AC motor), when the emf induced is of sinusoidal shape. TABLE.I. POWER AND LOSS ES OF MOTOR
They have high efficiency and higher torque density. The DES IGNED.
permanent magnet DC motor or Brushless DC motor is powered
by DC supply and it has electronic commutation instead of PARAMETER VALUES
mechanical co mmutation [6]. They are used in toy industries, Input Power 4.2 kW
computer drives, automobiles. The advantages are they are
Output Power 3 kW
smaller in size. They have no field windings hence the losses are
less and efficiency is high [6]. The only disadvantage is that it is Maximu m Output 4.8 kW
costlier than DC series and AC induction motors [6]. Any motor Power
fro m above mentioned types can be selected for traction purpose. Total Loss 1.21 kW
The best choice is Brushless DC motor, as it has better Fro m the Table I, it is inferred that the output power required for
characteristics required for traction when compared to DC series driving an electric car of 450 kg is achieved.
and AC Induction motor. The rated speed and no load speed of the 3 kW BLD C motor are
tabulated in Table II.
Fro m section II and section III, a 3 kW Brushless DC motor is
selected as the traction motor for an electric car of load 450 kg . PARAMETER VALUES
The excitation voltage is selected as 48V for the Brushless DC
(BLDC) motor. A 48 V, 3 kW BLDC motor of 24 slot, 8 pole is No load speed 4051 rp m
designed using ANSYS Maxwell software [7]-[8]. The Rated speed 2950 rp m
simu lation results of the output parameters are shown below.

The image of the 3 kW BLDC motor designed is shown in Fro m Table II, it is seen that high rpm is obtained at the output,
Figure-3. which is one of the important traction characteristic.

The torque parameters of the motor designed are given in Table




Rated Torque 9.710 N-m
Cogging Torque 544.719 mN-m
Starting Torque 66.914 N-m

Fro m Table III, it is clear that high starting torque like DC series
motor and a sufficient rated torque is achieved. The cogging
Figure.3. 3 kW BLDC motor designed using ANS YS torque of the motor is also very small, which is a much needed
Maxwell. characteristic of a motor.

The output power characteristic of the motor designed is shown The torque-speed characteristic is shown in Figure-5.
in Figure-4.

Figure.4. Output power versus speed curve. Figure.5. Output torque versus speed curve.

The power parameters of the motor designed are given in Table The size and weight of the motor is tabulated in Table IV.

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, April 2017 6471
TABLE .IV. S IZE AND WEIGHT OF THE B LDC MOTOR [5]. J.B.Gupta,“Theory and Performance of Electrical
DES IGNED. Machines”, S.K.Kataria and sons, 2014.

PARAMETER VALUES [6]. Justin Damele, “Brushless DC Motor Design and Build”,
June 2011.
Outer Diameter 210 mm
Length 100 mm [7]. A.K.Sawhney,“Electrical Machine Design”, Dhanpat Rai
Publications, 2015.
Total weight 22 kg
[8]. Tushar Waghmare, P.R.Choube, Anup Dakre,
Fro m Tab le IV, it is seen that the size of the motor is small fo r A.M.Suryawanshi, and Prabhakar Ho lambe, “Design of Internal
such a high rating of 3 kW and the weight of the motor is also Permanent Magnet Brushless Dc Motor Using Ansys”,
less. International Journal o f Research Publications in Engineering
The rated parameters of the motor designed are tabulated in and Technology [IJRPET], Volu me 2, Issue 4, April 2016.
Table V.


Parameter Dimension
Rated output power 5 kW
Rated voltage 72 V
Rated speed 2950 rp m
Rated Torque 9.710 N-m

These are the simulat ion outputs of the 3 kW Brushless DC

motor designed based on the rating calculation done.


Based on the calculations done in section II, a 3 kW BLDC

motor is selected and designed for driving a 450 kg electric car.
Apart from required output power rating, the simu lation output
result shows that the speed, torque parameters obtained also
meets the necessary characteristics that are required for driving
an electric car. Therefore, the procedure for the selection of
power rating of an electric motor described in section II and
proper selection of motor exp lained in section IV is verified.


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